REL MW 4 2 09 Ramp-Up Implementation Study OMB Supporting Statement A v.4

REL MW 4 2 09 Ramp-Up Implementation Study OMB Supporting Statement A v.4.docx

Implementation Study of the Ramp Up to Readiness Program

OMB: 1850-0907

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Supporting Justification for OMB Clearance of an Implementation Study of the Ramp-Up to Readiness Program Under the Regional Educational Laboratory Program

Section A

November 2013

(Revised January 2014)

Submitted to

Chris Boccanfuso, Ph.D.

Contracting Officer’s Representative

Institute of Education Sciences

U.S. Department of Education

Submitted by

Dean Gerdeman, Ph.D., Director

1120 East Diehl Road, Suite 200

Naperville, IL 60563-1486


This publication was prepared for the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) under contract ED-IES-12-C-0004 by Regional Educational Laboratory Midwest, administered by American Institutes for Research. The content of the publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of IES or the U.S. Department of Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government. The publication is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduce in whole or in part for educational purposes is granted.




Introduction 1

A. Justification 4

1. Circumstances Necessitating Collection of Information 4

2. How, by Whom, and for What Purpose Information Is to Be Used 9

3. Use of Automated, Electronic, Mechanical, or Other Technological Collection Techniques 13

4. Efforts to Avoid Duplication of Effort 13

5. Sensitivity to Burden on Small Entities 14

6. Consequences to Federal Program or Policy Activities if the Collection Is Not Conducted or Is Conducted Less Frequently Than Proposed 14

7. Special Circumstances 14

8. Federal Register Announcement and Consultation 14

9. Payment or Gift to Respondents 15

10. Data Confidentiality 16

11. Additional Justification for Sensitive Questions 17

12. Estimates of Hour Burden 17

13. Estimate of Total Annual Cost Burden to Respondents or Record-Keepers 20

14. Estimates of Annualized Cost to the Federal Government 21

15. Reasons for Program Changes or Adjustments 21

16. Plan for Tabulation and Publication and Schedule for Project 21

17. Approval Not to Display the Expiration Date for OMB Approval 25

18. Exception to the Certification Statement 25

References 26

Attachment A-1. Extant Data Request 27

Attachment A-2. Student Survey Questionnaire 31

Attachment A-3. Student College Readiness Survey 39

Attachment A-4. Consent Documents 40

Attachment A-5. March Interview Protocol 44

Attachment A-6. Extant Document Collection Request 53

Attachment A-7. Instructional Log for Ramp-Up Workshop 55

Attachment A-8. May Focus Group Protocol 60

Attachment A-9. Staff Survey 69

Attachment A-10. Educational Sciences Reform Act (ESRA) 87

Attachment A-11. Federal Register Notices 88

Attachment A-12. Confidentiality Form and Affidavits 89




The U.S. Department of Education (ED) requests clearance for data collection under the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) clearance agreement (OMB number [IES to complete]) for activities related to the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Program. ED, in consultation with American Institutes for Research (AIR), intends to study the implementation of the Ramp-Up to Readiness Program (“Ramp-Up”) in Minnesota public schools. Ramp-Up, developed by the College Readiness Consortium at the University of Minnesota, is a schoolwide guidance program that aims to increase students’ likelihood of college enrollment and completion by promoting multiple dimensions of college readiness (academic, admissions, financial, career, and personal/social). It is an intensive and comprehensive approach to college preparation (compared with many other college-access programs) in which all students within a school meet repeatedly with an advisor in groups over multiple years and receive detailed instruction and assistance related to dimensions of college readiness. OMB approval is being requested for a multimode data collection and analysis of a group of schools, students, and staff members in Minnesota public schools to discern whether data show that Ramp-Up schools implement the program with fidelity and whether data show a clear contrast between Ramp-Up’s core components and the college-related programs, activities, services, and resources in schools without Ramp-Up.

Education stakeholders in the Midwest (i.e., members of REL Midwest’s College and Career Success Research Alliance) believe Ramp-Up shows promise as a means to increase students’ college readiness because there is empirical (nonexperimental) support for each of the Ramp-Up dimensions. However, the program as a whole has not yet been evaluated. In contrast to the traditional approach to college counseling, Ramp-Up involves all teachers within a school presenting program content to all students in weekly group advisories and in periodic workshops. Although this model provides more detailed help to more students than the traditional approach to college counseling, the Ramp-Up model relies heavily on the participation of teachers. Given the time commitment involved in preparing for and leading the advisories and workshops, teachers may be reluctant to adhere to the program and schedule. A well-executed implementation study will document how well the teachers adhere to the professional development schedule and to the curriculum and structure of the advisories and workshops. The study also can document the ways in which the Ramp-Up approach differs from the approaches schools without Ramp-Up take to improve students’ college-readiness.

This study will assess the context for college-readiness programs and quality of implementation in schools adopting Ramp-Up. The implementation study aims to better understand (1) which schools selected to participate in Ramp-Up; (2) the extent of gaps in college-readiness for different types of students or schools among those schools that selected to participate in Ramp-Up; (3) the extent to which implementing schools faithfully adopt the program model; (4) the extent to which students are exposed to the core program components; (5) the degree to which the intervention model differs from the college-related programs, services, activities, and resources offered in other schools; (6) the experiences among staff in early-implementing Ramp-Up schools with the program curriculum, tools, and professional development; and, (7) the validity of two measures of personal college readiness to inform future studies that examine students’ personal (socioemotional) readiness for college. This information will be used to ascertain whether these schools can implement the program with fidelity, to lay the foundation for future research examining the effectiveness of college-readiness interventions, and to inform the decisions of educators considering the adoption of a whole-school college readiness program.

Specifically, this study is designed to address six research questions (RQs):

RQ1. What are the characteristics of the student populations, geographical settings, and historical performance for the schools implementing Ramp-Up to Readiness?

RQ2. Among students enrolled in schools implementing Ramp-Up, how do students’ academic achievement, college enrollment actions, and college enrollment differ for students eligible versus not eligible to receive free or reduced price lunch and for students enrolled in rural versus nonrural high schools?

RQ3. To what extent do (a) schools implement the core components of Ramp-Up (i.e., structural supports, curriculum and tools, and professional development) as intended by the program developer, and (b) students in Ramp-Up schools receive the program exposure that the College Readiness Consortium believes is necessary to produce impacts?

RQ4. How does Ramp-Up differ from college-related supports (i.e., programs, services, activities, and resources) in schools not implementing Ramp-Up?

RQ5. What do school staff members (e.g., teachers, counselors, administrators) who are involved in implementing the Ramp-Up program perceive as the strengths and weaknesses of its curriculum, tools, and professional development? According to school staff, which aspects of Ramp-Up were more difficult to implement and why?

RQ6. To what extent are measures of personal readiness on ACT’s Engage survey (i.e., the Commitment to College and Goal Striving scales) valid? That is, to what extent do the Engage scales indicate concurrent and predictive validity within a high school sample?

Findings from this study will inform practitioners and policymakers about what implementation of Ramp-Up entails, the factors that may facilitate or hinder successful implementation of a schoolwide guidance program, and the variety of supports that schools selected to participate in Ramp-Up provide to improve students’ college readiness. More importantly, the study findings will show whether high schools are able to implement Ramp-Up at a level that the program developers consider adequate. The College Readiness Consortium will use the results for program improvement, and data on the implementation of a schoolwide college-readiness intervention will allow educators to make more informed decisions on which college-readiness programs to adopt, the degree to which schools implement the programs, and the key components of these programs. This study also can provide information on the challenges of implementing schoolwide interventions more generally (even those unrelated to college readiness).

The College Readiness Consortium is rolling out Ramp-Up to 22 high schools during the 2013-14 academic year (early-implementing schools) and the remaining schools delaying implementation by one year (later-implementing schools).1 The determination of when schools were to implement Ramp-Up was made by the program developer through a randomization process. The proposed study takes advantage of the program rollout among these schools and will examine implementation for the early-implementing schools during 2013–14 and the ways in which Ramp-Up compares with the college-readiness programs, services, supports, and resources offered by the later-implementing schools during 2013–14. Within schools, the implementation study will focus on gaining an understanding of the experiences of school staff and students in Grades 10–12 (all schools in the planned rollout include at least Grades 10–12).

This implementation study will require the following data collections:2

  • Existing student-level and school-level data gathered through requests for extant data from participating schools, school districts, the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), the Minnesota Office of Higher Education (MOHE), and the State Longitudinal Educational Data System (SLEDS)

  • An assessment of students’ personal college readiness (i.e., ACT’s Engage® assessment for Grades 10–12)

  • A student survey to collect information about students’ experiences with school college-readiness supports, which will be administered in spring 2013–14.

  • Interviews with one staff member in each school who is most familiar with college readiness activities taking place within the school. These interviews will be conducted in March of 2014.

  • May focus groups with key school staff involved in delivering college-readiness supports (i.e., college-related programs, services, activities, and resources) in their schools

  • Extant school documents related to high schools’ college-readiness supports

  • Instructional logs on which teachers implementing Ramp-Up in 2013–14 record the activities conducted during advisory sessions and five workshops provided to students

  • A survey of school staff involved with implementing Ramp-Up in 2013–14

Clearance is being requested to collect data from early and later implementing Ramp-Up schools in spring and summer 2014. The study will not examine implementation during 2014–15, when the later implementing schools begin to implement Ramp-Up. ED believes that the data collections for which clearance is being requested represent the bare minimum necessary to assess the fidelity of program implementation.

A. Justification

State and federal policymakers have made college and career readiness one of the major goals of education reform (Council of Chief State School Officers, 2010; ED, 2010). Although many interventions have been developed to help students continue their education to the postsecondary level (e.g., Career Beginnings, Talent Search, Upward Bound), little rigorous evidence exists about the impact of such programs.3 One new intervention developed by the College Readiness Consortium at the University of Minnesota, Ramp-Up to Readiness, attempts to amalgamate strategies for improving college readiness recommended in previous research (findings from nonexperimental studies) into 28 half-hour lessons, five workshops, and professional development. Currently, 34 high schools in Minnesota are implementing Ramp-Up, and the developers intend to make the intervention available to a much larger set of Minnesota schools. No independently gathered high-quality evidence exists, however, on whether schools are able to implement this comprehensive intervention as intended. The project for which OMB clearance is requested will attempt to gather data on implementation through the least burdensome means.

The implementation study will examine 22 schools for 1 year. The program developer randomly selected 11 of the schools to implement the program beginning in 2013–14. The other 11 schools will continue their present college-readiness activities and supports and will implement Ramp-Up in 2014–15, after a one-year delay.

ED seeks to use the implementation study to inform program improvement by learning (1) the types of schools that selected to participate in Ramp-Up; (2) the extent of gaps in college-readiness for different types of students or schools among those schools that selected to participate in Ramp-Up; (3) the extent to which treatment schools faithfully adopt the program model; (4) the extent to which students are exposed to the core program components; (5) the degree to which the intervention model differs from the college-related programs, services, activities, and resources offered in the later-implementing schools; (6) the experiences among staff in early-implementing Ramp-Up schools with the program curriculum, tools, and professional development; and, (7) the validity of two measures of personal college readiness. This information will be used to ascertain whether these schools can implement the program with fidelity and to inform future studies that examine the effectiveness of college-readiness interventions.

1. Circumstances Necessitating Collection of Information

ED requests clearance for the collection of data under the OMB clearance agreement (OMB number [IES to complete]) for activities related to the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) program.

Almost all graduating high school seniors (97 percent) plan to enroll in college (Berkner & Chavez, 1997), but they encounter obstacles on the path to college completion. A variety of interventions have emerged to support students as they make themselves ready for college, enroll in college, finance their college education, and complete college. However, evidence on the effectiveness of these programs is scarce (Tierney et al., 2009).

Ramp-Up is an intervention that aims to increase students’ college readiness and college success. The intervention consists of a guidance curriculum differentiated by grade level, a set of tools to help students set postsecondary goals and track progress toward their achievement, and professional development to support the curriculum and tools. It is a standardized program that was developed by the College Readiness Consortium at the University of Minnesota over six years (2006–12) through extensive review of scholarly research, intensive engagement in Minnesota secondary schools, and formative program evaluation in partnership with University of Minnesota’s Center for Applied Research on Educational Improvement. Thirty-four Minnesota high schools began implementing the fully developed version of Ramp-Up during the 2012–13 school year. The 11 schools that will implement Ramp Up in 2013–14 will be part of a second wave of implementing schools, and the 11 schools that are delaying implementation until 2014–15 will comprise a third wave.

The logic model shown in Figure 1 illustrates the theoretical links between the key Ramp-Up program resources and activities (i.e., inputs), the five dimensions of college readiness (i.e., outputs), and high school and college outcomes (i.e., outcomes). According to the logic model that underlies the intervention, Ramp-Up is expected to increase students’ academic achievement, the likelihood that students enroll in advanced courses and complete key enrollment actions, and students’ personal readiness for college. The model indicates that improving those student outcomes in high school will produce better outcomes at the college level, such as an increased likelihood of going to college, decreased likelihood of remediation, and higher rates of college persistence.

Figure 1. Ramp-Up to Readiness Logic Model

Shape3 Shape2 Shape1




Shape4 Shape5

Longer-Term College Outcomes

  • Greater likelihood of college enrollment

  • Lesser likelihood of remediation

  • Greater likelihood of persisting in college


Through its contractor for REL Midwest, ED is responding to requests of education stakeholders who have come together around the desired goal of improving college and career readiness of students (formally, the Midwest College and Career Success Research Alliance). These stakeholders believe that Ramp-Up is a promising intervention because it incorporates research-based strategies within a single group of lessons and resources. No independently gathered high-quality evidence exists, however, on whether schools are able to implement this comprehensive intervention as intended, or the extent to which it differs from college-readiness supports offered in other schools. ED and its contractor are authorized to conduct studies of this nature, with the expectation that any information to be collected from groups of nine or more people be justified as necessary for the overall program goals.

Table 1 shows the timeline for all data collection activity. It includes three data collections that do not require OMB clearance, but which are included in the table to provide context for the study. Collecting administrative data from MDE, MOHE, and SLEDS (collections 2 and 11) does not require OMB clearance because providing data to researchers is part of staff’s regular practice at these organizations. In addition, the collection of extant documents from the program developers (collection 7) does not require OMB clearance because it is the collection of existing documents without any modifications from the program developers. These documents are provided by Ramp-Up schools to the program developers as part of the Ramp-Up intervention.

Table 1. Data Collection Timeline

Data Collection


Requesting OMB Clearance?


May/ June


Fall 2014


Extant administrative school and student data from schools and/or districts

  • Description of study schools and their student population (RQ1)

  • Description of student subgroups (RQ2)

  • Assessment of implementation fidelity (RQ3)

  • Understanding Engage measures of personal readiness (RQ6)





Extant school and student data from MDE and MOHE

  • Description of study schools and their student population (RQ1)

Description of student subgroups (RQ2)





Student personal readiness assessment (i.e., Engage)

  • Understanding measures of personal readiness (RQ6)




Student survey

  • Assessment of implementation fidelity (RQ3)

  • Comparison of college-readiness activities for early-implementing and later-implementing Ramp-Up schools (RQ4)1





  • Comparison of college-readiness activities for early-implementing and later-implementing Ramp-Up schools (RQ4)1

  • Program improvement (RQ5)




Extant documents from schools

  • Comparison of college-readiness activities for early-implementing and later-implementing Ramp-Up schools (RQ4)1





Extant documents from program developers

  • Assessment of implementation fidelity (RQ3)





Instructional logs from teachers in early-implementing Ramp-Up schools for the two final workshops

  • Assessment of implementation (RQ3)

  • Program improvement (RQ5)





May focus groups

  • Assessment of implementation fidelity (RQ3)

  • Comparison of college-readiness activities for early-implementing and later-implementing Ramp-Up schools (RQ4)1

  • Program improvement (RQ5)




Survey of staff in early-implementing Ramp-Up schools

  • Assessment of implementation fidelity (RQ3)

  • Program improvement (RQ5)




Administrative data from SLEDS

  • Understanding measures of personal readiness (RQ6)



Note. Abbreviations are MDE, Minnesota Department of Education; MOHE, Minnesota Office of Higher Education; SLEDS, State Longitudinal Educational Data Systems.

1Early-implementing schools begin implementing Ramp-Up in 2013–14; later-implementing schools will begin in 2014–15.

2. How, by Whom, and for What Purpose Information Is to Be Used

ED’s contractor for REL Midwest will analyze the data to be collected through this study using statistical models and procedures that are preapproved by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES). The contractor will then summarize the findings in a report that will undergo review for quality and relevance by the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance’s (NCEE’s) external review contractor. After the report has undergone IES review, findings will be presented to members of the Midwest College and Career Success Research Alliance (the primary audience) and published through IES for educators and education researchers (secondary audience).

The purposes of the data collection are described for each data instrument for which OMB approval is being sought:

  1. Extant administrative school and student data from schools and/or districts (data collection 1 in Table 1). Because staff at MDE and those working with SLEDS are expected to provide data to researchers as part of their regular practices, OMB clearance for MDE and SLEDS data requests is not being requested. Four types of administrative data, however, can be accessed only through schools or districts: (1) ACT or SAT test-taking activity,4 (2) student grade point averages (GPAs), (3) indicators of enrolling in advanced coursework, and (4) an indicator of college applications based on student transcript requests. These data are currently collected by schools for administrative purposes. Although these data exist, school staff may incur a burden in retrieving and formatting data to be sent to researchers. This OMB package requests clearance to request data from schools (see the data request form in Attachment A-1). Administrative data will be acquired through secure file transfer protocols. These and all other data collected for this evaluation will be safeguarded through protocols approved by the contractor’s federally approved institutional review board, including adherence to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act regulations. These data will be used to describe the schools in the study, including their student composition, and will help to contextualize the study’s findings.

  2. A student personal readiness assessment (data collection 3 in Table 1). This study will use the ACT Engage assessment for Grades 10–12, which measures academic behaviors associated with academic success. This assessment relates to students’ personal college readiness, one dimension of college readiness targeted by Ramp-Up. Engage assesses behaviors in the areas of motivation and skills, social engagement, and self-regulation. Thirty students in each grade (Grades 10–12, for a total of 90 students per school) will be randomly selected to take the assessment (the project budget does not allow the assessment to be administered to all students). For any grade with fewer than 30 students, all students within the grade will be asked to participate. The Grades 10–12 version of Engage has 108 items and takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. It has been psychometrically validated on samples of college students (ACT, 2013). No published studies have examined the relationships between Engage scales and college enrollment. (This shortcoming prompted RQ6.) This study will also examine the relationship between the Engage scales and student test scores and college enrollment actions. Study schools (early- and later-implementing schools) will administer Engage to students in the spring of the study year. Because the Engage assessment is proprietary to ACT, the specific questions cannot be provided in this OMB package.5 Data from this assessment will provide information to help inform the use of personal readiness measures in future impact evaluations. Two scales on the Engage assessment (Commitment to College and Goal Striving) will be examined to assess their relationship to the quality of program implementation, to other correlates of college-readiness (e.g., ACT/SAT scores), and to college enrollment.

  3. A student survey (data collection 4 in Table 1). In the spring of the study year, a student survey expected to take 10–15 minutes to complete will be administered to students in Grades 10–12 (the time estimate in this OMB package assumes 15 minutes). The survey will help to assess the difference in the college-readiness supports available in early-implementing (those implementing in 2013–14) and later-implementing schools (those implementing in 2014–15). The survey will be administered to the same students randomly selected to take the Engage assessment. ACT allows 30 additional questions to be added to its assessment (however, no skip patterns are allowed). ACT will provide results to REL Midwest electronically at the same time as the Engage results. In addition, because many college-enrollment activities take place during senior year, any Grade 12 students not randomly selected to take the personal readiness assessment will be asked to complete the survey electronically. Parents will be sent a letter informing them about the study and asking for them to return a form if they will not allow their child(ren) to participate in this data collection activity (i.e., passive consent). (See Attachment A-2 for the questionnaire and Attachment A-3 for the parental information letter and consent form.)

  4. March interviews (data collection 5 in Table 1). Interviews lasting approximately 60 minutes will be conducted with a staff member from each of 11 early-implementing Ramp-Up schools and the 11 later-implementing schools. These interviews will identify the range of college-readiness programs, services, activities, and resources (i.e., college-readiness supports) provided in high schools and determine baseline levels of the college-readiness supports before Ramp-Up is introduced in later-implementing schools. In early-implementing Ramp-Up schools, interviews will be conducted with the Ramp-Up coordinator. In the later-implementing schools, interviews will be performed with the staff member who is most familiar with college-readiness supports. ED’s contractor will work with each school to determine the staff member most knowledgeable about college readiness supports in their schools. Interviewees will be asked about formal or informal programs (e.g., Upward Bound), services (e.g., college counseling and financial aid assistance), activities (e.g., college tours, ACT or SAT preparation classes), and resources (e.g., college software) available to students through their schools and designed to support college readiness. (See Attachment A-4 for the semistructured interview protocol.)

  5. Extant document collection from early- and later-implementing schools (data collection 6 in Table 1). Documents will be collected in March and June of the study year to gain a better understanding of the contrast between the college-readiness supports offered in early- and later-implementing Ramp-Up schools. Schools will be asked to provide existing documentation on programs and activities related to college readiness (e.g., a calendar showing scheduled college-readiness activities such as a financial aid night or college fair). The specific documents to be collected will be decided after identifying the college-readiness supports in the March interviews. Documents will be requested from one person at each school. This OMB submission assumes it will take 30 minutes for each school contact to locate and e-mail the extant documents. (See Attachment A-5 for the letter to be sent to schools requesting documents.)

  6. Instructional logs (data collection 8 in Table 1). Logs from teachers in schools implementing Ramp-Up in 2013–14 will be collected twice during the study.6 To better understand the extent to which students in the early-implementing Ramp-Up schools receive the program as intended, Ramp-Up teachers will complete short instructional logs requiring 510 minutes that describe the content, time, and quality of workshops and advisories. Instructional logs will be collected from all teachers who deliver the five workshops to 10th, 11th, or 12th graders. For the purposes of this OMB package, it is assumed that 398 teachers will participate7 and that logs will require 10 minutes to complete. (See Attachment A-6 for the log.)

  7. May focus groups (data collection 9 in Table 1). Focus groups will be conducted with five or six staff members in all schools (the 11 early-implementing and 11 later-implementing schools) in May. For consistency, the May focus groups will include the same staff members who were interviewed in March. If a February participant is not available or has changed roles, someone in a role similar to that of the interviewee will be asked to participate. One purpose of the May focus groups will be to collect data to measure the contrast between the college-readiness supports provided in early-implementing schools (in 2013–14) and later-implementing schools (in 2014–15). For each college-readiness support identified in the March interview, focus group participants will be asked about the participation in, frequency, duration, and content of the support. A second purpose of the May focus groups is to gather information about the fidelity of implementation in early-implementing schools by asking about which core components of Ramp-Up were implemented and what enabled or prevented a high fidelity of implementation. The focus groups will take approximately 90 minutes per school (See Attachment A-7 for the May focus group protocol.)

  8. A staff survey (data collection 10 in Table 1). A survey that will take 30 minutes to complete will be conducted in early-implementing schools. The survey will occur in June of the study year with all teachers who teach 10th, 11th, or 12th grade (approximately 398 teachers) and with school staff who participate in focus groups who are not teachers (approximately 33 individuals). This survey will ask staff about their perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of the Ramp-Up program’s curriculum, tools, and professional development. It also will be used to gather information about whether school staff implemented the intervention as intended. Results will be used by the program developers for program improvement and also will inform stakeholders more generally about schools’ experiences in implementing a schoolwide college-readiness intervention. (See Attachment A-8 for the questionnaire.)

The findings produced through analysis of these data will help three specific education stakeholder groups:

  1. State education agencies seeking strategies and programs to endorse as a potential means to improve students’ college readiness and college enrollment.

  1. Local education agencies that are considering implementing a schoolwide college readiness program like Ramp-Up.

  2. The developer of this intervention (the College Readiness Consortium at the University of Minnesota) and developers of other college-readiness interventions that continually seek to improve their programs by using information from studies such as this. This study will reveal obstacles to implementation and provide information on the usefulness of a personal readiness assessment.

Without the data to be collected in this study, local education agencies and schools will be unable to assess factors that facilitate or impede implementation of this or similar whole-school approaches to improving college readiness.

After data are analyzed and summarized, ED’s contractor will sanitize the data files of any information that can be linked to individual students, teachers, schools, or districts. Data files will then be submitted to IES and made available to other researchers as restricted-use files.

3. Use of Automated, Electronic, Mechanical, or Other Technological Collection Techniques

The data collection plan reflects sensitivity to issues of efficiency, accuracy, and respondent burden. To address the study’s RQs, the contractor will collect data using electronic data collection tools when possible. The electronic tools include the following:

  • A secure electronic file transfer protocol site that allows MDE, SLEDS, schools, and districts to transfer administrative records to ED’s contractor in an efficient and secure way and audio recording devices for recording participants’ comments during interviews and focus groups (with permission) so that transcription can be performed more accurately and data can be analyzed with more efficiency (recordings to be destroyed after the report is published)

  • Online data collection tools that allow for the secure collection of instructional logs from Ramp-Up teachers (e.g., Vovici), which gives them the opportunity to complete the survey during noninstructional hours and eliminates the need for third-party data entry

  • E-mail systems maintained by schools/districts and the contractor that allow for transfer of electronic documents (docx, .xlsx, or .pdf files) rather than printed copies of documents

  • An online data collection tool (e.g., Vovici) that allows for the secure collection of survey data from Ramp-Up school staff, gives them the opportunity to complete the survey during noninstructional hours, and eliminates the need for data entry

  • An electronic data collection system used by ACT to administer the personal readiness assessment (in conjunction with the student survey and eliminates the need for data entry)

4. Efforts to Avoid Duplication of Effort

To the extent possible, this project will rely on extant administrative data or existing documents that are available on students, teachers, schools, or programs, rather than asking individuals to provide the data for study purposes. While other implementation studies have examined college-readiness programs, Ramp-Up is relatively unique in its approach to improving college-readiness. In contrast to a traditional approach to college preparation and planning, Ramp-Up involves all teachers within a middle or high school (just high school for this study) presenting program content to all students weekly in groups.8 No other implementation studies of Ramp-Up to Readiness have been conducted or planned. This effort will yield unique data necessary to study the implementation of the Ramp-Up program. No other systematic effort has been made or is currently underway to collect such information, and there is no alternative source of this information.

5. Sensitivity to Burden on Small Entities

It is likely that one or more of the schools that participate in this study will be small (possibly serving Grades 712 in one building, with 30 or fewer students per high school grade). The contractor has developed its data collection plan with this assumption and has intentionally capped the length of time necessary to complete instructional logs at no more than 10 minutes. Further, five of the eight data collections requiring OMB clearance (i.e., extant administrative school and student data, extant documents from schools, instructional logs from teachers, the online survey of school staff, and the student survey and personal readiness assessment) will be electronic to reduce the length of time it takes respondents to comply. The requested data represent the absolute minimum amount of information required to meet the study objectives.

6. Consequences to Federal Program or Policy Activities if the Collection Is Not Conducted or Is Conducted Less Frequently Than Proposed

The Education Science Reform Act of 2002 states that the central mission and primary function of the RELs includes supporting applied research and providing technical assistance to state and local education agencies within their region (ESRA, Part D, section 174[f]; see Attachment A-9 for the text). Failure to approve the data collections related to implementation of Ramp-Up will jeopardize this attempt to study this intervention and thereby prevent the REL Midwest contractor from fulfilling its mission.

This project also has the potential to inform researchers, practitioners, and policymakers more broadly. Ramp-Up’s program design and practices may be of particular interest for several reasons: (1) Ramp-Up aims to serve all students in a school rather than a select subgroup; (2) it is a data-driven approach to assess and track students’ college preparation; (3) it incorporates the WWC’s recommended practices for college preparation programs (see Tierney et al., 2009 for the recommended practices); and (4) its group advisory approach may be more cost effective than a similarly intense one-on-one counseling approach. Findings from this study are potentially helpful for informing practitioners about what implementation of Ramp-Up, or a whole-school reform more generally, entails and factors that may facilitate or hinder successful implementation. Without this study, practitioners and policymakers will have less information on which to base decisions about adopting whole-school college-readiness interventions.

7. Special Circumstances

This request for OMB clearance does not include any of the stipulated special circumstances and thereby fully complies with regulations.

8. Federal Register Announcement and Consultation

  1. Federal Register Announcement

A 60-day notice was published in the Federal Register, providing an opportunity for public comments. No comments were received. A 30-day notice will be published to further solicit comments. ED will respond to both public and OMB questions, if any, and summarize the responses under 8a. A place holder (Attachment A-10) for the notices is attached.

  1. Consultations Outside the Agency

ED and/or the REL Midwest contractor have consulted with the following groups on the availability of data, the soundness of the evaluation design for addressing evaluation questions, and the clarity of measures:

  • A technical working group (TWG) comprising experts in research methodology and REL Midwest’s core areas of emphasis, which was assembled by the REL Midwest contractor. The TWG met on October 23, 2012, to discuss the Ramp-Up to Readiness program, the evaluation methodology, and measures. The contractor was required to submit to ED the TWG comments and the contractors’ plan for addressing those comments.

  • Former educators or staff with content and technical expertise within the REL Midwest contractor (i.e., American Institutes for Research) about interview questions, focus group protocols, online surveys, and instructional logs. These former educators or staff with content expertise have reviewed the instruments, interview questions, and focus group protocols for clarity of wording, for loadedness of questions (i.e., whether questions are written to elicit only one type of response), and appropriateness of response options.

  • An external review contractor to examine the reasonableness of the logic model underlying the intervention (whether it is reasonable to expect that the intervention is capable of producing impacts), the analytic approach for determining fidelity of implementation, and the degree to which findings address the RQs and conclusions are supported by the data. The project plans were approved by an external review contractor, which is part of the REL program, in September2013.

9. Payment or Gift to Respondents

A $1,500 incentive will be given to each school that participates in the project but delays implementation until the 2014–15 school year. Schools in this group may feel discouraged by the results of the random assignment, and the promise of delayed implementation (after the study period has ended) may not be sufficient incentive to continue participation in this implementation study, which requires data collection prior to implementing the program (for the later-implementing schools). To prevent attrition among the later-implementing schools (which would jeopardize the validity of the study), the REL Midwest contractor will offer these schools a single payment of $1,500 at the end of the study year. This amount was determined by consulting NCEE’s “Proposed Incentives and Payments,” which suggests annual payments of $2,500 to control schools. Because the data burden on schools, teachers, and students in this study is substantially lower than in other types of studies such as randomized control trials of interventions, the amount was reduced in what was deemed a commensurate manner.

The REL Midwest contractor also will offer teachers and other school staff participating in the implementation study (i.e., administrators and counselors, who will be included in interviews and focus groups) in both early- and later-implementing schools a $25 gift card for each data collection activity that they perform. For some staff in early-implementing Ramp-Up schools, the total might amount to $100 in gift cards ($25 each for the March interview, the two instructional logs, the survey, and the May focus group). Other teachers will receive fewer gift cards because they are not involved in the interviews or focus groups. School staff members in the later-implementing group will not be asked to complete instructional logs or the online survey, and will receive a $25 gift card for participating in the interview and focus group. The monetary amount of the gift cards was determined by the average salary of Minnesota teachers. When the average salary is converted into an average hourly rate, the result is approximately $25 per hour. Staff members in the early-implementing Ramp-Up schools can anticipate no more than four hours for completing interviews, the online survey, and instructional logs. Other school staff members such as administrators and counselors participating in the interviews and focus groups can anticipate participation requiring no more than three hours of their time.

10. Data Confidentiality

ED’s contractor for REL Midwest will follow the policies and procedures required by ESRA of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183. This requires “All collection, maintenance, use, and wide dissemination of data by the Institute” to “conform with the requirements of section 552 of title 5, United States Code, the confidentiality standards of subsection (c) of this section, and sections 444 and 445 of the General Education Provision Act” (20 U.S.C. 1232g, 1232h). These citations refer to the Privacy Act, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment.

In addition, for student information, ESRA states:

The Director shall ensure that all individually identifiable information about students, their academic achievements, their families, and information with respect to individual schools, shall remain confidential in accordance with section 552a of title 5, United States Code, the confidentiality standards of subsection (c) of this section, and sections 444 and 445 of the General Education Provision Act.

Subsection (c) of section 183 requires the Director of IES to “develop and enforce standards designed to protect the confidentiality of persons in the collection, reporting, and publication of data.”

Subsection (d) of section 183 prohibits disclosure of individually identifiable information as well as making the publishing or communicating of individually identifiable information by employees or staff a felony. All documents, consent forms, instruments, notification letters, email reminders, and focus group consent documents will provide the following language to inform research participants of the penalties to researchers for disclosing individually identifiable information.

Per the policies and procedures required by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183, responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific school, district, or individual. Any willful disclosure of such information for nonstatistical purposes, except as required by law, is a class E felony.

The contractor for REL Midwest will protect the confidentiality of all information collected for the study and will use it for research purposes only. To protect confidential data, only the contractor’s data management staff, investigators, and research staff will have access to the data files on a “need-to-know” basis. Any identifiable variables, raw data, or derived variables will be stored in encrypted files on a secure data management site. Access to this site will be limited to staff assigned to the project. Any data obtained for this study will be used only for statistical and descriptive analyses. All identifiers will be destroyed as soon as they are no longer required. Study reports will not identify the name of any specific analysis unit (e.g., students, school staff members, or schools). In no case will information be reported when the total number for a quantity represents fewer than four cases. Moreover, any data that permit identity disclosure, when used in combination with other known data, will not be published or made available in restricted-use files.

All members of the study team have obtained their certification on the protection of human subjects in research, and REL Midwest staff members also have obtained federal security clearances. The REL study team will submit to the NCEE security officer a list of the names of all people who will have access to respondents and data. All staff members working on the project who have access to the data or to respondents will be required to sign a confidentiality pledge and affidavits of non-disclosure (see copies of the forms in Attachment A-10; we will obtain the appropriate signatures). The project team will track new staff and staff who have left the study and ensure that additional signatures will be obtained or clearances will be revoked.

Respondents to the interviews, focus groups, instructional logs, and surveys will be informed that project staff are committed to keeping data confidential, and that participation in the data collection activities is voluntary. The instructions for providing extant documents and instructions for online surveys will reiterate these points.

11. Additional Justification for Sensitive Questions

No questions of a highly sensitive nature appear in any instrument, including the protocols for interviews, focus groups, the instructional logs, and the surveys. In addition, participants will be informed that their responses are voluntary, and they may decline to answer any question.

12. Estimates of Hour Burden

The annualized number of responses is 6,086 (or a total 18,257 across all three years). Annualized burden associated with this data collection is 1,212 hours (or a total of 3,635 hours across the three years; see Table 2). This burden estimate includes the time required for completing consent forms; preparing extant school and student data; participating in interviews and focus groups; providing extant documents; and completing instructional logs, the staff survey, the student survey, and the student personal readiness assessment. For each data collection, the burden was estimated based on the contractor’s performance of similar collections and confirmed through pilot testing with former educators. To be conservative, the burden estimates assume response rates of 100 percent

The total cost to respondents collectively across the entire study is $36,132. Average annual cost across the three years is $12,044 (see Table 3).

Table 2. Time Burden Estimates for the REL Midwest Study of Ramp-Up Implementation.


Person Incurring Burden

Number of Respondents

Responses per Respondent

Hours per Response

Total Burden (Hours)

1. Staff Consent Forms

School staff





Twenty-two schools of 621 in the school universe have selected to participate in the study during 2013–14. Teachers and some non-instructional staff at each of the 22 schools in the evaluation will receive consent forms to participate in the project. Specifically, consent forms will be completed by 398 teachers from early-implementing schools1 (to fill out instructional logs), One interviewee from each of the 22 schools will receive a consent form related to participation in interviews. Six individuals from each of the 22 schools will complete separate consent forms (three noninstructional staff and three teachers per school; for a total of 132). For the purposes of calculating burden, the initial consent form burden requires an estimated 5 minutes of time per respondent.

2. Parent Information Letter With Consent Form






Parents or guardians for all students in each of Grades 10–12 in all schools will receive an information sheet describing the study and asking them to return the form if they do not want their child(ren) to participate in the student data collection activities (i.e., passive consent). It is estimated that it will take 5 minutes of time per respondent to review the information and return it. The burden calculation assumes 148 students per grade (for a total of 444 students per school).

3. Student Personal Readiness Assessment






Approximately 90 students in each school (for a total of 1,980 students) will be asked to complete a personal readiness assessment in the spring. The personal readiness assessment is expected to take no longer than 30 minutes to complete.

4. Student Survey






Approximately 30 Grade 10 students, 30 Grade 11 students, and all Grade 12 students (assume 148) in each school will take the student survey in the spring. It is estimated to take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.

5. Administrative Data Request

School administrator





One staff member at each school or district (an estimated 22 staff members) will be asked to extract existing student- and school-level administrative data from school records. Before beginning the data extraction, the study team will discuss by phone the data request with school staff. If necessary, the study team will contact school staff by phone after receiving the data for clarification. It is assumed that the data extraction will take one hour and that the phone conversations could last up to one hour. Data will be collected twice (in February and June of the school year).

6. March Interviews

School staff





In March of the study year, one staff member who is most familiar with the schools’ college readiness activities (the Ramp-Up coordinator in early implementing schools) will be interviewed (for a total of 22 staff members). The time burden per interview is estimated to be 1 hour.

7. Extant Document Collection Request

School administrator





During February and June of the study year, one staff member at each school (a total of 22 staff members) will be asked to provide existing documents related to the college readiness supports offered by their schools. It is estimated that each request will take 30 minutes to fulfill.

8. Instructional Logs






All teachers in the early-implementing Ramp-Up schools (398 teachers) will be asked to complete instructional logs for five workshops. Each instructional log is estimated to require 10 minutes to complete. Burden per respondent is 20 minutes.

9. May Focus Group

School staff





In May of the study year, a focus group will be conducted with six staff members in each school (including the person interviewed in February). Thus, there will be a total of 132 focus group members. Each focus groups will require 90 minutes. This burden calculation assumes 90 minutes per focus group.

10. Staff survey

School staff





All teachers and any other staff involved in the early-implementing Ramp-Up schools who participate in an interview or focus group will be asked to participate in a survey in the spring. For the burden estimate, it is estimated that three nonteaching staff members from each school will participate (33 staff) and 398 teachers, for a total of 431 staff members. The survey requires 30 minutes to complete per respondent.




(across responses)


1There is an estimated average of 36.18 teachers per school (based on the average within Minnesota public high schools from the Common Core of data).

2This the average number of 12th graders among schools that had expressed interest in Ramp-Up by January 2012.

3The total number of respondents in this table is the sum of the number of respondents for each data collection activity. Because some individuals will participate in more than one data collection activity, the total number of responses exceeds the total number of individuals who will respond.

Note. The hours per response was rounded to the second decimal place for display only. Therefore, the total burden may not equal the product of the displayed hours per response, number of respondents, and number of respondents.

13. Estimate of Total Annual Cost Burden to Respondents or Record-Keepers

There are no start-up costs for this collection.

Table 3. Estimates of Annualized Costs for Respondents


Type of Respondent

Total Burden Hours

Hourly Wage Rate1

Monetary Cost of Burden

Staff consent form

School staff




Parent information letter with consent form

Parent or guardian




Student personal readiness assessment





Student survey





Extant administrative student and school data collection

School administrator




March interviews

School staff member




Extant document collection

School administrator




Instructional logs





May focus groups

School staff




Staff survey

School staff







1The hourly wage rates for parents and school staff are based on mean wage rates in Minnesota reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2013). For parents, the overall mean wage rate in Minnesota is used ($22.42), and for school staff the mean wage for education, training, and library occupations is used ($24.37). Because students will take the survey and assessment during school hours, it is assumed that no costs will result from students participating in the data collection.

Note. The total burden hours and wage rates were rounded for display only. Therefore, the total monetary cost may not equal the product of the displayed burden hours and the wage rate.

14. Estimates of Annualized Cost to the Federal Government

The annualized cost to the federal government for all project activities is $287,515. The estimated total cost for the three-year project is $862,544.

15. Reasons for Program Changes or Adjustments

This is a new study.

16. Plan for Tabulation and Publication and Schedule for Project

All results for REL studies are made available to the public through peer-reviewed reports that are published by IES. The data sets from these studies will be turned over to the REL’s IES project officer. These data may become IES restricted-use data sets requiring a user’s license that is applied for through the same process as National Center for Education Statistics restricted-use data sets (see for procedures related to obtaining and using restricted-use data sets). The REL contractor also would be required to obtain a restricted-use license to conduct any work with the data beyond the original report.

The answer to RQ1 will provide a better understanding of the types of schools that participated in the study. Such information allows district and school administrators to compare the demographic, geographic, and achievement characteristics of their schools with the characteristics of study schools to determine the extent to which study findings may apply to them. Analysts will use frequencies to describe the demographic and geographic composition of the schools. Average school-level achievement and college readiness for earlier and later implementing schools also will be described.

Analysis for RQ2 will compare measures related to college readiness for students eligible for FRPL to those not eligible and for students from rural high schools to those from nonrural high schools. While this information will only reflect students in the early and later implementing schools (and is therefore not generalizable to the state), this information could help district or state leaders who may want to target college readiness interventions to particular types of students. Descriptive statistics will be presented comparing student subgroups on their academic achievement, college actions, and college enrollment.

To assess the fidelity of implementation (RQ3), Ed’s contractor will systematically examine the components that the College Readiness Consortium considers essential for Ramp-Up to work (i.e., structural supports, professional development, curriculum delivery, curriculum content, and postsecondary planning tools). Multiple indicators of each implementation component are embedded in the March interview protocol, the May focus group protocol, student and staff surveys, extant documents and data, and instructional logs. Rubrics will be created to indicate which indicators relate to each component and what constitutes full, partial, or insufficient alignment with the Ramp-Up program. For RQ3a, an implementation index will be calculated in two steps. First, for every school, a component score will be calculated for each component of implementation. To calculate a component score, a school-level score for each indicator will be created, and the school-level scores for each indicator will be averaged within a component. To illustrate variation in implementation across the five components, the report will present the range, average, and standard deviation of the component scores across schools. Second, the school-level component scores will be averaged to create the fidelity index. The program developers will work with the evaluators to establish a cut-point on the fidelity index that signifies “adequate” for improving the college readiness of students. This cut-point will be established prior to the collection of data. The report will indicate the distribution of the fidelity index across early-implementing schools.

Analysis for RQ3b will examine the extent to which students receive the program. Using information from the instructional logs and May focus groups, REL Midwest will determine for each school the participation rate, frequency, duration, and students’ overall exposure to the Ramp-Up advisories and workshops. These factors will be calculated by grade (for Grades 10 through 12) and by school. Measures for participation, frequency, and duration will be based on the average teacher response to questions on the instructional logs and on responses from the May focus groups. The calculation of gradewide student exposure to Ramp-Up will be the product of the participation, frequency, and duration factors. The sum of the exposure estimates for students in Grades 10–12 will represent the schoolwide exposure estimate. The findings presented in the report will summarize the gradewide and schoolwide participation rate, frequency, duration, and student exposure across implementing schools. The summary will include the average and standard deviation of each of these measures.

Information collected in the student survey, focus groups, and extant documents and data will be used to understand the strength of Ramp-Up (RQ4) by comparing college-readiness supports in the early and later implementing Ramp-Up schools. A main purpose of the March interviews is to gather information that will allow the study team to inventory the college-readiness supports offered in each school. The interviews ask school staff about the college-related programs, services, activities, and resources in their schools. Based on this information, researchers will create a list of college-readiness supports in each school. Then, the May focus group moderator will use this list to ask structured questions about the content of the support (i.e., to which Ramp-Up dimension it relates), which grade-level it targets (i.e., Grade 10 students), the participation in or availability of the support (e.g., who is eligible to participate in an activity), its frequency (i.e., the number of times the support is provided during the year), and its duration (i.e., how long it lasts). Based on the completed inventories, the following statistics will be calculated: the percentages of supports that include a primary focus on academic, admissions, career, financial, and personal and social readiness; and the total exposure of Grades 10, 11, and 12 students to college-readiness supports. Total exposure will be the sum of exposure for each support, where exposure for each support is the product of the participation rate, the frequency, and the duration. Additional information collected in the March interviews and May focus groups, extant documents and data, and the student surveys will be used to form component scores indicating the extent to which college-related practices or resources are similar to the practices or resources available in a school implementing Ramp-Up with adherence. The process for calculating component scores will be the same as in the analysis for RQ3.

To address RQ5, researchers will use Rasch modeling to form reliable measures of staff’s perceptions of the program’s curriculum, tools, and professional development based on survey responses. Quantitative results will be presented in tables that show the distribution of responses (no other statistical analyses are planned for this research question). In addition, researchers will systematically code staff descriptions of program strengths and weaknesses of Ramp-Up and the factors that challenge or facilitate successful implementation. Frequency tables will indicate the frequency with which survey respondents describe common themes, and quotations will illustrate key findings or variations across the sites.

RQ6 will assess the concurrent and predictive validity of two Engage scales, Commitment to College and Goal Striving. To test the concurrent validity of the Engage scales, the study team will estimate the relationships between the scales and other measures that predict students’ college readiness (i.e., Explore scores, Plan scores, ACT/SAT scores, completion of the FAFSA, submission of at least one college application). The correlations to be examined will differ by grade level. To test the predictive validity of the Engage scales, two nested models (students within schools) will be estimated to examine the relationship between college enrollment in the fall after senior year and the scores on Commitment to College and Goal Striving for students in Grade 12 during 2013–14. The first model will examine any college enrollment, and the second model will examine enrollment in a four-year college. Both dependent variables will be transformed into the odds of enrolling (or enrolling in a four-year college) using a logit link function. At Level 1, the models will include demographic characteristics (i.e., a dummy variable for each race or ethnicity category, gender, free or reduced-price lunch status, IEP status, and ELL status), measures of prior academic achievement (i.e., MCA scores, EXPLORE or PLAN score, and GPA), and the two personal-readiness scale scores (i.e., scores on Commitment to College and Goal Striving). At Level 2, the models will include the high school’s college enrollment rate from 2013–14. If there is high correlation between the Engage scores, separate models will be estimated for each scale score to see whether they individually relate to college enrollment. The concurrent validity of the Engage scales will be judged based on the correlations between the scales and predictors of college readiness. The predictive validity of the scales will be judged based on the statistical significance of the variables in models predicting college enrollment. A demonstration of concurrent and predictive validity would support the use of Commitment to College and Goal Striving as outcomes in a future impact study.

No responses or data will be reported for individual staff members, students, or schools. Reported data will contain no fewer than four cases per reported table cell to protect confidentiality and mask individually identifiable data.

The project schedule is presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Schedule of Activities


Expected Date

Draft Office of Management and Budget (OMB) package

September 2013

Documentation of institutional review board approval

October 2013

Submit 60 day FRN

November 2013

Submit 30 day FRN

January 2014

Final proposal approved by ED

October 2013

Expected OMB clearance data

March 2014

Collect extant administrative school and student data from schools and districts

March 2014; June 2014

Collect extant administrative school and student data from MDE and MOHE

March 2014; June 2014

Conduct interviews with Ramp-Up and later-implementing schools

March 2014

Collect extant documents from Ramp-Up and later-implementing schools

March 2014; June 2014

Collect extant documents from the program developers

February 2014; Spring 2014

Administer instructional logs to Ramp-Up teachers after the last two workshops

February 2014 Spring 2014

Conduct Spring focus groups in Ramp-Up and later-implementing schools

May 2014

Administer survey to Ramp-Up school staff

May 2014

Administer student personal readiness assessment in Ramp-Up and later-implementing schools

May 2014

Administer student survey

May 2014

Collect administrative data from SLEDS

June 2014 Fall 2014

Conduct data analysis

June 2014 March 2015

Submit first report draft

April 2015

Note. Abbreviations are MDE, Minnesota Department of Education; MOHE, Minnesota Office of Higher Education; SLEDS, State Longitudinal Educational Data Systems.

17. Approval Not to Display the Expiration Date for OMB Approval

Approval not to display the expiration date for OMB approval is not requested.

18. Exception to the Certification Statement

No exceptions to the certification statement are being sought.


ACT. (2013). ACT Engage: Research. Iowa City, IA: Author. Retrieved from

Berkner, L., & Chavez, L. (1997). Access to postsecondary education for the 1992 high school graduates (NCES 98-105). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved from

Bureau of Labor Statistics (2013). May 2012 state occupational employment and wage estimates: Minnesota. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved

Council of Chief State School Officers. (2010). ESEA reauthorization principles and recommendations. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from

Tierney, W. G., Bailey, T., Constantine, J., Finkelstein, N., & Hurd, N. F. (2009). Helping students navigate the path to college: What high schools can do (NCEE #2009-4066). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Education. (2010). A blueprint for reform: The reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from

Attachment A-1. Request for Administrative Data

March xx, 2014


Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Midwest at American Institutes for Research (AIR) is the evaluator of the Ramp-Up to Readiness program at [SCHOOL]. REL Midwest is one of 10 regional educational laboratories funded by the Institute of Education Sciences at the U.S. Department of Education and tasked with providing technical assistance and research support to topic-focused groups of education-related stakeholders with the ultimate aim of learning what works for improving student academic outcomes

In [MONTH/YEAR], our research team received approval from [SCHOOL/DISTRICT] to conduct this study. REL Midwest is beginning the data collection process. As a first step, we are sharing with you a list of student- and school-level data that we will need to collect for the study. The data that you share with our project team, in combination with data from the Minnesota Department of Education, will allow us to understand schools’ experience with implementing Ramp-Up.

A data request for this project is on the second page of this letter. It provides a general description of the data elements needed for this part of the project. You will see that the data request is organized according to these levels of data (i.e., student data and school data). We are requesting student-level data only for students enrolled in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade in fall 2013.

We appreciate your support for this study. If you need clarification on any of the data elements listed in this request, please contact me so that we can explain what is needed.

Best regards,

Jim Lindsay, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, REL Midwest

REL Midwest Study of Ramp-Up to Readiness: Administrative Data Request

Student-Level Variables

Grade Level of Student

in Fall 2013–14

Student-Level Variables




Student MARSS ID in fall 2013–14

Grade level in fall 2013–14

Student leave code (e.g., to indicate transfer, dropout)

Cumulative unweighted and weighted GPA in spring 2013

EXPLORE score and date of administration

PLAN score and date of administration

Indicator of whether student took the ACT or SAT in 2012–13

ACT composite scores with dates of administration

SAT critical reading and mathematics scores with dates of administration

Number of E-level courses enrolled in 2012–13 and fall 2013–14

Number of D-level courses enrolled in 2012–13 and fall 2013–14

Number of A-level courses enrolled in 2012–13 and fall 2013–14

Number of C-level courses enrolled in 2012–13 and fall 2013–14

Number of transcripts requested in fall 2013–14


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXX.XXXX, OMB expiration date is XXXX, XX, 2014. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 2 hours total, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected. Participation in this data collection task is voluntary.

Per the policies and procedures required by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183, responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific school, district, or individual. Any willful disclosure of such information for nonstatistical purposes, except as required by law, is a class E felony.

If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20208.

School-Level Variables

School ID

Number of 10th, 11th, and 12th graders (separately) in 2012–13

Percentages of 10th, 11th, and 12th graders (separately) who took an E-level course in 2012–13

Percentages of 10th, 11th, and 12th graders (separately) who took a D-level course in 2012–13

Percentages of 10th, 11th, and 12th graders (separately) who took an A-level course in 2012–13

Percentages of 10th, 11th, and 12th graders (separately) who took a C-level course in 2012–13

School average PLAN composite score in 2012–13

Percentages of 11th and 12th graders (separately) who took the ACT during 2012–13

Percentages of 11th and 12th graders (separately) who took the SAT during 2012–13

School average ACT composite score in 2012–13

School average SAT critical reading and mathematics scores in 2012–13

Percentage of 12th graders who submitted a college application in 2012–13

Attachment A-2. Student Survey Questionnaire

Purpose. We want to learn about your experiences at school with planning and preparing for life after high school. The questions on this survey ask about preparing for college and a career. The information you provide will help schools provide better information and assistance to students so that they can prepare for the future. This study is being conducted through the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Midwest.

Your answers will be kept confidential. The responses that you provide will be linked to you only through the identification number assigned to you by the Minnesota Department of Education. REL Midwest will be unable to link that number to your identity. We will not provide information that identifies you or your school to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law. Your answers will be combined with the answers of other students to describe what students think about the ways schools prepare them for life after high school.

Risks. There are no known risks related to participating in this survey.

Your answers are voluntary. You have the right to stop participating in this survey at any time without consequences. We hope you will answer all the questions, but if there is a question you do not wish to answer, simply skip it. Also, there are no right or wrong answers to these questions—we really just want to learn about your experiences at your school.

Procedure. This survey will take about 10 to 15 minutes.

Contact Information. If you have questions or concerns about this study, please contact Jim Lindsay at or 630-649-6591. If you have concerns or questions about your rights as a participant, contact the chair of AIR’s Institutional Review Board (which is responsible for the protection of study participants) using the following contact information:


Phone: 1-800-634-0797 (toll free)

Mail: IRB Chair

c/o AIR

1000 Thomas Jefferson Street NW

Washington, DC 20007

If you want to take the survey, please continue. If you prefer not to participate, please check the “do not” box below and inform your survey administrator. Thank you for your help!

 I want to continue with the survey I do not want to complete the survey


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXX.XXXX, OMB expiration date is XXXX, XX, 2014. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 15 minutes per respondent, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected. Participation in this data collection task is voluntary.

Per the policies and procedures required by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183, responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific school, district, or individual. Any willful disclosure of such information for nonstatistical purposes, except as required by law, is a class E felony.

If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20208.

Background Information

  1. What grade are you currently in?

  • 9th

  • 10th

  • 11th

  • 12th

Postsecondary Plans

The following set of questions asks about your plans after high school. When this survey says “college,” it means any kind of college, including two-year colleges, four-year colleges, universities, community colleges, and career or technical colleges (such as a culinary school or a cosmetology school)..

  1. At this time, what is your plan for next year? (Check all that apply)

  • Attend a four-year college or university

  • Attend a community college

  • Attend a career or technical college

  • Get a job

  • Enter the military

  • Take a year off

  • Other

  • I don’t know.

  1. So far this school year, how often have you talked to a counselor, teacher, or other adult at school about planning for college?

  • Never

  • One or two times

  • More than two times but less than once a week

  • Once a week

  • More than once a week

  1. This school year, have you developed a written plan for achieving your educational or career goals after high school?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I’m not sure.

  1. Is your plan stored electronically (for example, in the Minnesota Career Information System [MCIS] or Naviance)?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I’m not sure.

  • I have not developed a written postsecondary plan with a counselor, teacher, or other adult at my school.

  1. At the last registration time, did school staff help you in choosing classes that you need to reach your goals for after high school?*

  • Yes

  • No

  1. So far this school year, how many times have you discussed your progress towards attaining the goals on your plan with a counselor, teacher, or other adult in your school?

  • Never

  • Once

  • Twice

  • Three times

  • More than three times

  • I’m not sure.

  • I have not developed a written postsecondary plan with a counselor, teacher, or other adult at my school.

To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements?

  1. At my school, all students are expected to go to some type of college.*

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. I know the skills that I need to work on if I am going to graduate from high school ready for success in college.* 9

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  • I don’t plan to attend college.

Students’ Academic Readiness

The following set of questions asks about your academic preparation for college.

  1. This school year, has an adult at your school encouraged you to take an honors course or a course for college credit, such as an Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO), or College in the Schools course?*

  • Yes

  • No

  1. So far this school year, how often has an adult at your high school discussed with you your likelihood to succeed academically in college-level classes?**

  • Never

  • Once

  • Twice

  • Three to five times

  • More than five times

Students’ Admissions Readiness

The following set of questions asks about developing college plans.

To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statement?

  1. I know which type of college (for example a four-year college, a community college, a career or technical college) would help me reach my goals after high school.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  • I don’t plan to attend college.

  1. This school year, how often has an adult at your high school discussed with you the steps that you need to take to apply to the type of college that you want to attend?*

  • Never

  • One or two times

  • Three to five times

  • More than five times

  • I don’t plan to attend college.

  1. This school year, how often has an adult at your high school discussed with you your likelihood of being accepted at different types of colleges?**

  • Never

  • One or two times

  • Three to five times

  • More than five times

  • I don’t plan to attend college.

Students’ Career Readiness

The following set of questions asks about developing career plans.

To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements?

  1. I know the kinds of careers that would best fit my strengths and skills.*

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. I know the level of education required for the career I am most interested in.*

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. This school year, how helpful has your high school been to you in assessing your career interests and abilities? **

  • Not at all helpful

  • Somewhat helpful

  • Helpful

  • Very helpful

  1. How helpful has your high school been to you in developing a career plan? **

  • Not at all helpful

  • Somewhat helpful

  • Helpful

  • Very helpful

  • I do not have a career plan.

Students’ Financial Readiness

The following set of questions asks about paying for college.

  1. This school year, how often has an adult at your school talked to you about how to pay for tuition or other college expenses?**

  • Never

  • Once

  • Twice

  • Three to five times

  • More than five times

  1. Do you have a plan for paying for college?*

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don’t plan to attend college.

Students’ College Actions

The following set of questions asks about some college-related actions you may have taken or plan to take.

  1. Have you ever taken the ACT or SAT test?

  • Yes

  • No, but I plan to take the ACT or SAT.

  • No, I do not plan to take the ACT or SAT.

  1. Have you submitted the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) so far this school year?

  • Yes

  • No, but I plan to submit the FAFSA by the end of the summer.

  • No, I do not plan to submit the FAFSA.

  • I don’t know.

  1. So far this school year, how much have your teachers, counselors, or other school staff helped you fill out the FAFSA? **

  • Not at all

  • A little

  • Some

  • A lot

  1. How many college applications, if any, have you submitted so far this school year?

  • None

  • One

  • Two or three

  • Four or five

  • More than five

  1. So far this school year, how much have your teachers, counselors, or other school staff helped you with a college application essay or personal statement?**

  • Not at all

  • A little

  • Some

  • A lot

  • I do not plan to graduate from high school this school year.

  1. So far this school year, how much have your teachers, counselors, or other school staff helped you find scholarships to apply for? **

  • Not at all

  • A little

  • Some

  • A lot

  • I do not plan to graduate from high school this school year.


These last questions ask for some general information.

  1. This school year, who has helped you most to prepare for college? (Check only one).

  • Counselors

  • Teachers

  • Dean

  • Other adults in my school

  • Parents/guardians

  • Other family members

  • Other adults aside from my school or family

  • Friends

  • No one

  1. Do you have at least one parent or guardian who has completed a college degree? *

  • Yes

  • No

  • I’m not sure.

Thank you for participating in this survey!

Attachment A-3. Student College Readiness Survey

Purpose. We want to learn about your experiences at school with planning and preparing for life after high school. The questions on this survey ask about preparing for college and a career. The information you provide will help schools provide better information and assistance to students so that they can prepare for the future. This study is being conducted through the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Midwest.

Your answers will be kept confidential. The responses that you provide will be linked to you only through the identification number assigned to you by the Minnesota Department of Education. REL Midwest will be unable to link that number to your identity. We will not provide information that identifies you or your school to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law. Your answers will be combined with the answers of other students to describe what students think about the ways schools prepare them for life after high school.

Risks. There are no known risks related to participating in this survey.

Your answers are voluntary. You have the right to stop participating in this survey at any time without consequences. We hope you will answer all the questions, but if there is a question you do not wish to answer, simply skip it. Also, there are no right or wrong answers to these questions—we really just want to learn about your experiences at your school.

Procedure. This survey will take about 30 minutes.

Contact Information. If you have questions or concerns about this study, please contact Jim Lindsay at or 630-649-6591. If you have concerns or questions about your rights as a participant, contact the chair of AIR’s Institutional Review Board (which is responsible for the protection of study participants) using the following contact information:


Phone: 1-800-634-0797 (toll free)

Mail: IRB Chair

c/o AIR

1000 Thomas Jefferson Street NW

Washington, DC 20007

If you want to take the survey, please continue. If you prefer not to participate, please check the “do not” box below and inform your survey administrator. Thank you for your help!

 I want to continue with the survey I do not want to complete the survey


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXX.XXXX, OMB expiration date is XXXX, XX, 2014. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per respondent, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected. Participation in this data collection task is voluntary.

Per the policies and procedures required by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183, responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific school, district, or individual. Any willful disclosure of such information for nonstatistical purposes, except as required by law, is a class E felony.

If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20208.

Attachment A-4. Consent Documents

Parent Information Letter and Opt-Out Form

[high school letterhead]

February XX, 2014

Dear Parent or Guardian:

[Insert high school] is committed to helping our students graduate college and career ready. As part of our commitment, we are working with the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Midwest to study a schoolwide guidance program called Ramp-Up to Readiness (“Ramp-Up”). Scholars at the College Readiness Consortium at the University of Minnesota developed Ramp-Up based on existing research.

The purpose of this letter is to let you know that we plan to release some information about the students in [high school] to REL Midwest and that your son or daughter may be asked to complete a survey and college-readiness assessment. The information provided to REL Midwest will not include student names or any other personally identifiable information about you or your child. In other words, the data will be anonymous to the researchers.

Parents and students should understand the following:

  • This anonymous information will help the research team better understand the challenges that schools have in carrying out Ramp-Up and the experiences students have when participating in Ramp-Up activities.

  • The anonymous information will include students’ grades, test scores, course enrollments, college enrollment activities, and the student identification number used by the Minnesota Department of Education. The researchers will be able to use your son or daughter’s identification number to obtain other information from state databases, such as test scores, but they will be unable to link that number with your child’s identity.

  • As part of the study, your son or daughter may be asked to do the following:

  1. Take a survey this spring that asks about his or her experiences at school with planning and preparing for life after high school.

  2. Take an online college-readiness assessment (ACT’s Engage assessment) in the spring. This assessment will measure students’ motivation and skills, social engagement, or self-regulation.

No student has to answer questions on the survey or assessment that he or she does not want to answer.

  • All information about your child will be anonymous. The information collected will only be used for this research project, and the researchers will average the data for all students and all participating schools. They will report these averages in government reports and research articles, but readers will be unable link those findings with individual students, teachers, or schools.

  • Risks: This study presents minimal risk to your child. That is, students do not experience any risks beyond what they experience every day at school.

  • Benefits: Study participation helps build knowledge about how to better support students to be college or career ready.

Participation in the study is voluntary. Students do not have to participate if they do not want to, and they will experience no repercussions at school if they decide not to participate. Our school’s participation in this research study helps educators learn more about how schools can help students become college and career ready.

If you do not wish us to release anonymous information for your child or have your child complete the surveys and assessments, please fill in the form below and have your son or daughter return this letter to [return location] by [deadline].

If you have questions about this research project or about your child’s rights as a participant, please contact Jim Lindsay of REL Midwest at 630-649-6591.


[insert district signatory

By signing this form, you are indicating that you do not wish your child to participate in the study or for us to share your child’s information with the REL Midwest research team.

I do NOT want my child, __________________________________________,

Full Student Name

(Student ID # _____________________) to participate in the Ramp-Up evaluation being conducted by REL Midwest.

Your name: ______________________________________________________


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXX.XXXX, OMB expiration date is XXXX, XX, 2014. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 5 minutes per respondent, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected. Participation in the data collection activities is voluntary.

Per the policies and procedures required by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183, responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific school, district, or individual. Any willful disclosure of such information for nonstatistical purposes, except as required by law, is a class E felony.

If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20208.

Your signature: ___________________________________________________

Staff Consent Form


Our school has partnered with the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Midwest to study the implementation of a schoolwide guidance program called Ramp-Up to Readiness (“Ramp-Up”) developed by the College Readiness Consortium at the University of Minnesota. REL Midwest, operated by American Institutes for Research, is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) at the U.S. Department of Education. The evaluation will examine how school staff implement Ramp-Up and how the intervention compares with college-readiness supports in other high schools. The study has been submitted to IES for research approval. The data collection activities have also been approved by the U. S. Office of Management and Budget.

REL Midwest invites you to complete the following online survey.

Voluntary Participation

Participation in all data collection activities is voluntary. You also can withdraw from the study at any time. Individuals who decline to participate or later withdraw from the study will face no personal or professional repercussions.


There are few anticipated or known risks in participating in this study. Data collected and maintained by, or under the auspices of, IES under a pledge of confidentiality shall be treated in a manner that will ensure that individually identifiable data will be used only for statistical purposes and will be accessible only to authorized persons.


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXX.XXXX, OMB expiration date is XXXX, XX, 2014. The time required to complete this information collection (consent form) is estimated to average 5 minutes per respondent, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected. Participation in this data collection task is voluntary.

Per the policies and procedures required by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183, responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific school, district, or individual. Any willful disclosure of such information for nonstatistical purposes, except as required by law, is a class E felony.

If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20208.


Your participation in the evaluation will contribute to an understanding of a schoolwide college readiness program that seeks to improve the college readiness outcomes of all students. You will also receive a $25 gift card from for participating in the data collection activities.


Your responses will not be connected to your personally identifiable information. Responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with any specific individual. The researchers will not provide information that identifies you or your school to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law.

More Information

If you would like more information about this study, you may contact Jim Lindsay of REL Midwest at 630-649-6591.

Informed Consent

By signing this form, you are indicating that you have read and understood the information provided to you about your participation.


Attachment A-5. March Interview Protocol

Introduction and Welcome (5 min.)

Hello, my name is [fill in name]. Thank you for speaking with me today.

I am from the Midwest Regional Educational Laboratory. REL Midwest is conducting these interviews as part of our study of the Ramp-Up to Readiness intervention, a study in which your school is participating. Today, we want to better understand the programs, services, activities, and resources that [fill in name of high school] provides to students to prepare them for college. Although students may pursue a variety of pathways after high school, the questions for today focus on the types of supports that high schools offer to help students pursue college; by “college,” we mean a two-year college, four-year college or university, community college, or career technical college. This information will become part of a study report describing the college-readiness supports provided by high schools.

We’ve estimated that this interview group will take one hour. During this hour, we will discuss a number of topics related to preparing students for college. Please respond to the questions based on your experiences and programming at [fill in name of high school].


All data being collected will be kept confidential by REL Midwest and American Institutes for Research. You have the right to discontinue your participation in this data collection process at any time without consequences.


Let me just highlight one issue that is discussed in the consent form. It is impossible to write down everything that you say today, so I would like to record the interview so that I can go back and listen to the discussion to make sure I recorded your statements accurately. Anything that is discussed will remain confidential. The audiorecordings will be transcribed and then erased. We will not identify any interviewees or other individuals in the transcriptions.

Are there any questions before we begin?


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXX.XXXX, OMB expiration date is XXXX, XX, 2014. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 60 minutes per respondent, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected. Participation in this data collection task is voluntary.

Per the policies and procedures required by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183, responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific school, district, or individual. Any willful disclosure of such information for nonstatistical purposes, except as required by law, is a class E felony.

If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20208.

Notes to interviewer: The purposes of this interview are to (1) understand what college-readiness supports are available in the high school; and (2) understand the frequency, intensity, and accessibility of the identified college-readiness supports.

Probes are listed in italics and should only be asked if not mentioned by participants in the initial discussion of the question.


Background Information

Today, we’d like to hear about any programs, services, activities, and resources that [fill in name of high school] offers to help students prepare for college.

Questions About College-Access or College-Readiness Programs (5 minutes)

  1. What formal college-access or -readiness programs, if any, does [fill in name of high school] offer to students to help them prepare for college? By formal programs, I mean programs developed by local, regional, or national organizations that are often (but not always) targeted at a select group of students. These could include programs such as Upward Bound, College Possible, or AVID.

[Probe for each program identified:

    1. What kinds of students are eligible to participate (i.e., grade-level, level of academic achievement, demographic characteristics)?

    2. How many students who are eligible to participate actually do participate (i.e., all, most, half, some, hardly any)?]

  1. Are there any college-access or -readiness programs offered to everyone in the school?

Questions About College-Access Services, Activities, and Resources

The next set of questions will ask about any school services, activities, and resources offered outside of the programs that we just discussed to help prepare students for college.

Questions About Academic Readiness (15 minutes)

First, let’s talk about any services, activities, and resources that [fill in name of high school] offers to help students prepare to succeed in first-year, nonremedial, college classes.

  1. Do students have the opportunity to take college-level courses?


    1. Dual-credit, AP, IB, or College in the Schools classes?

    2. What kinds of students are eligible to participate (i.e., which grade levels, those with a specific level of academic achievement)?]

  1. Do students have the opportunity to take honors courses?


    1. In what subjects are honors courses offered?

    2. What kinds of students are eligible to participate (i.e., which grade levels, those with a specific level of academic achievement)?]

  1. How are students encouraged to take college-level or honors courses?

  2. Does [fill in name of high school] provide feedback to students about whether they are on track academically for college?

[Probe if yes:

  1. Who receives feedback (e.g., all seniors, freshmen who have failed a class)?

  2. In what format do students receive feedback (e.g., discussions with a teacher or counselor, written information sent home)?

  3. How often do students receive feedback (e.g., annually in a meeting with a counselor, after key milestones such as taking the PLAN)?]

  1. Does [fill in name of high school] offer workshops or classes for students to develop study or note-taking skills?

[Probe if yes:

  1. When do these workshops or classes take place (month, time of the day, multiple times over the school year)?

  2. Who is invited (e.g., juniors, seniors, parents)?

  3. How many of the invitees actually attend (i.e., all, most, half, some, hardly any)?]

[Probe if no: Do teachers discuss study or note-taking skills in their classes?]

  1. What percentage of students who graduate from [fill in name of high school] are prepared academically to succeed in nonremedial college classes (i.e., all, most, half, some, hardly any)?


  1. For students who are prepared, what do you attribute students’ preparedness to?

  2. Which students are not prepared?]

Questions About Admissions Readiness (15 minutes)

Next, let’s talk about the kinds of services, activities, or resources that [fill in name of high school] offers to help students identify and complete the admissions requirements for a college that matches their goals, interests, and abilities.

  1. How do students at [fill in name of high school] learn about the variety of colleges that exist, differences in their admissions requirements, and differences in their application processes?


  1. College fairs (e.g., at the school or school-organized field trips to fairs outside of the school)? Who participates (e.g., sophomores, juniors)? How many students participate (i.e., all, most, half, some, hardly any)?

  2. College representatives visiting the high school? Who participates (e.g., sophomores, juniors, high-achieving students)? How many students participate (i.e., all, most, half, some, hardly any)?

  3. Student visits to college campuses (clarify if those are sponsored by the school)? If visits are school sponsored, who participates (e.g., sophomores, juniors, high-achieving students, low-SES students)? How many students participate (i.e., all, most, half, some, hardly any)?]

  1. Do students at [fill in name of high school] complete an individualized postsecondary plan that specifies the coursework and activities necessary to meet admissions requirements at a college matching their goals, interests, and abilities?

[Probe if yes:

    1. When do students first create the plan (e.g., freshman year)?

    2. How often is it updated (e.g., annually)?

    3. Who is involved in creating the plan (e.g., counselor, teachers, parents)?

    4. How many students have such a plan (i.e., all, most, half, some, hardly any)?]

  1. What kinds of help, if any, does [fill in name of high school] provide students for finding a college that matches their goals, interests, and abilities?

[Probe: Individual meetings with a counselor, general information presented in a large group, workshops for selecting colleges to consider?]

  1. Do students receive any school help with completing steps in the application process, such as taking college admissions exams, writing college essays, or completing college applications?


  1. Do seniors receive assistance with college applications individually or in small groups? How many seniors take advantage of such assistance (i.e., all, most, half, some, hardly any)? Are students required to complete a certain number of college applications?

  2. Does someone (e.g., a counselor or teacher) review college applications? What is reviewed (e.g., college essays, checked for completion)? How many seniors take advantage of such assistance (i.e., all, most, half, some, hardly any)?

  3. Are students required to write a college essay (e.g., in their English class)?

  4. Does [fill in name of high school] offer classes or workshops to prepare students for college entrance exams such as the ACT? Who is eligible to attend? How many eligible students attend (i.e., all, most, half, some, hardly any)?]

  1. Does [fill in name of high school] take any steps to monitor students’ completion of key enrollment steps, such as taking college admissions exams or completing college applications?

[If yes, probe:

  1. Which enrollment steps are monitored?

  2. Does the school contact students if they have not completed key enrollment steps, such as completing a college application, by the end of senior year?]

  1. Do students at [fill in name of high school] use college software, such as Naviance or the Minnesota Career Information System (MCIS), to organize their college planning and application process?

[If yes, probe:

  1. When do students learn about this software (e.g., freshman year, junior year)?

  2. How many students actively (more than just having a login) use the software (i.e., all, most, half, some, hardly any)?]

  1. To what extent do students here at [fill in name of high school] who are planning to attend college take the necessary steps to enroll?

Questions About Career Readiness (5 minutes)

Now, let’s talk about the kinds of services, activities, or resources that [fill in name of high school] offers to help students understand what types of jobs might be a good match for their interests and abilities.

  1. Do students at [fill in name of high school] receive any information about careers, such as their educational and skill requirements and earnings payoffs?

[If yes, probe:

How do they receive this information (e.g., written materials provided, website recommendations provided, in workshops or an advisory)?]

  1. Does [fill in name of high school] offer any kinds of career exploration activities (e.g., job shadowing, help in finding internships, speakers who discuss careers, help writing a resume, career interest inventory, ACT’s World-of-Work map)?

[Probe for each key activity named, where key reflects the emphasis placed on it by focus group members:

  1. If unclear, clarify the format of the activity (e.g., one-on-one assistance, hands-on workshop, informational session, written information)?

  2. When does this activity occur (month, time of the day, multiple times over the school year)?

  3. Who is invited to participate (e.g., juniors, seniors, parents)?

  4. How many of the invitees participate (i.e., all, most, half, some, hardly any)?]

  1. To what extent do students here at [fill in name of high school] understand the requirements of different careers and which will match their personal goals and abilities?

Questions About Financial Readiness (10 minutes)

Now, let’s talk about the kinds of services, activities, or resources that [fill in name of high school] offers to help students prepare to pay for college.

  1. Does [fill in name of high school] offer a “financial aid night” or similar information session to students and families?

[If yes, probe:

    1. When is that offered (month, time of the day, multiple times over the school year)?

    2. Who is invited (e.g., juniors, seniors)?

    3. How many of the invited students and families attend (i.e., all, most, half, some, hardly any)?

    4. What are the main topics covered?]

  1. Do counselors or other school staff ever meet individually with students and/or their families to discuss different strategies for paying for college (e.g., savings, loans, scholarships, financial aid)?

[If yes, probe:

  1. Who meets with students (e.g., counselor, school staff, volunteer parent or local college student, peer counselor, representatives from an educational agency)?

  2. When do these meetings take place (month, time of the day, multiple times over the school year, in the summer after high school graduation)?

  3. How many seniors and/or their families meet individually with a counselor (or other knowledgeable individual) to talk about paying for college?

  4. Do counselors help seniors and/or their families to obtain a FAFSA PIN or complete the FAFSA form?]

  1. Does [fill in name of high school] offer any workshops or classes related to paying for college, such as workshops about completing the FAFSA application, searching for scholarships, or completing scholarship applications?

[Probe for each workshop:

  1. What topics are covered?

  2. When do these meetings take place (month, time of the day, multiple times over the school year, in the summer after high school graduation)?

  3. Who is invited (e.g., juniors, seniors, parents)?

  4. How many of the invited students and/or parents attend (i.e., all, most, half, some, hardly any)?

  1. Are there other resources that [fill in name of high school] offers students for figuring out how to pay for college (e.g., a list of recommended websites to search for scholarship information)?

  2. Does [fill in name of high school] take any steps to monitor students’ completion of the FAFSA or scholarship applications?

[Probe if yes: Does the school contact students if they have not completed the FAFSA or scholarship applications by the end of senior year?]

Questions About Personal/Social Readiness (5 minutes)

Next, let’s discuss the kinds of services, activities, or resources that [fill in name of high school] offers to help students set educational goals, make progress towards those goals, and create relationships with peers and adults to support achieving those goals.

  1. To what extent do students graduating from [fill in name of high school] have the personal and social skills necessary for succeeding in college? Such skills could include, for example, goal setting, monitoring progress towards goals, persisting in the face of obstacles, help-seeking behavior, or time management)?

  2. Are there any services, activities, or resources that [fill in name of high school] offers to help students develop personal and social skills to succeed at college?


    1. What are these services, activities, and resources?

    2. What skills do they address?

    3. For any key activities described:

      1. When do these activities take place (month, time of the day, multiple times over the school year, in the summer after high school graduation)?

      2. Who is invited (e.g., juniors, seniors, parents)?

      3. How many invited students participate (i.e., all, most, half, some, hardly any)?

Questions About College-Going Culture (10 minutes)

Now, let’s talk about the goals and expectations of school staff, parents, and students attending this school.

  1. To what extent do teachers, counselors, and administrators share a common goal to prepare all students for college?*10

  2. To what extent are teachers expected to provide assistance to students in planning for college?

  3. Do school staff communicate with parents/guardians about their children’s readiness for college?

[Probe if yes:

    1. What is the format of these communications (e.g., one-way versus two-way conversation)?

    2. How often does this communication occur?

    3. Which families are reached with this communication?]

  1. To what extent do students see themselves succeeding at college?

  2. To what extent do students understand what it takes (academically, financially, and personally) to succeed in college?

  3. To what extent do students take the appropriate actions to make their postsecondary plans a reality?

  4. Who at [name of high school] is responsible for delivering college-related programs, services, activities, and resources to students?

Questions About Barriers to Implementing a Schoolwide College Readiness Program (10 minutes)

Finally, let’s talk about implementing a schoolwide college readiness program.

  1. What educational initiatives, if any, has [name of high school] been involved in implementing this year?


    1. Is this initiative school-wide? What is the format of these communications (e.g., one-way versus two-way conversation)?

    2. [If this is an early implementing school] Are staff able to successfully implement more than one initiative at a time?

    3. [If this is a late implementing school] Do you foresee any barriers to implementing a schoolwide college-readiness initiative next year?]

Thank you again for taking the time to speak with me today!

Attachment A-6. Request for Extant Documents

Month XX, 20XX


REL Midwest at American Institutes for Research (AIR) is studying the Ramp-Up to Readiness program at [SCHOOL]. In [MONTH/YEAR], our research team received approval from your school to conduct this study. As part of our study, we are collecting existing, publicly available documents related to college-readiness programs and initiatives in your school. We are interested in the programs, services, activities, and resources that [SCHOOL] offers to help students prepare for college.

The types of documents that we would like to receive are the following:

  • Calendars of events related to college readiness (e.g., college fairs, visits from college representatives, financial aid night for families)

  • Agendas from professional development activities related to college readiness

  • Written descriptions of college readiness programs offered in your school (e.g., Upward Bound)

  • Written descriptions of activities or services related to college offered in your school

  • A description of how [SCHOOL] calculates a student’s cumulative GPA

  • Master schedule showing the availability of advanced courses (e.g., honors, advanced placement, dual-enrollment courses)

In the recently conducted focus groups, we heard about several college-readiness supports that we would like to request more information about. They are:


Please do not create any original documents to fulfill this request. Documents can be e-mailed to me at [e-mail address]. To meet our analysis and reporting deadlines, we will need to receive the complete collection of documents no later than [DATE].

We have found that an initial phone discussion about the requested documents can help prevent misunderstandings. That said, we would like to find a 30-minute window of time next week, [DATES], when we can discuss this document request. Please let me know of your availability (or the availability of someone else who is familiar with the data), and we will arrange a phone conference.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at the phone number below.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Jim Lindsay, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, REL Midwest


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXX.XXXX, OMB expiration date is XXXX, XX, 2014. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per respondent, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected. Participation in this data collection task is voluntary.

Per the policies and procedures required by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183, responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific school, district, or individual. Any willful disclosure of such information for nonstatistical purposes, except as required by law, is a class E felony. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20208.

Attachment A-7. Instructional Log for Ramp-Up Workshop

Purpose. We would like your feedback on the workshop you taught today and some information about the advisories that you have taught so far this year. Your opinions are useful for improving the quality of the Ramp-Up program.

Confidentiality. REL Midwest has established safeguards to insure that your responses will not be linked with your personally identifiable information. We will not provide information that identifies you to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law. Any willful disclosure of such information for nonstatistical purposes, without the informed consent of the respondent, is a class E felony.

Risks. There are no known risks related to participating in this survey.

Voluntary Participation. You have the right to discontinue your participation in this survey at any time without consequences. We hope you will answer all the questions, but if there is a question you do not wish to answer, simply skip it.

Procedure. Completion of each log entry will take no longer than 10 minutes. If you complete both logs, you will receive a $25 gift card for your participation.

Contact Information. If you have questions or concerns about this study, please contact Jim Lindsay at or 630-649-6591. If you have concerns or questions about your rights as a participant, contact the chair of AIR’s Institutional Review Board (which is responsible for the protection of study participants) using the following contact information:


Phone: 1-800-634-0797 (toll free)

Mail: IRB Chair

c/o AIR

1000 Thomas Jefferson Street NW

Washington, DC 20007


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXX.XXXX, OMB expiration date is XXXX, XX, 2014. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 10 minutes per respondent, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected. Participation in this data collection task is voluntary.

Per the policies and procedures required by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183, responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific school, district, or individual. Any willful disclosure of such information for nonstatistical purposes, except as required by law, is a class E felony.

If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20208.

Background Information

  1. What is your current position at this school? Check all that apply.

  • Teacher

  • Counselor

  • Dean

  • Principal

  • Assistant principal

  • Other school staff

  1. What is the name of your school? [text box]

Today’s Ramp-Up Workshop

The following questions ask about the Ramp-Up workshop that you taught today.

  1. Did you teach or assist in teaching a Ramp-Up workshop today?

  • Yes [continue to q4]

  • No [skip to q19]

  1. What topic(s) did you cover in today’s workshop? [text box]

  2. How many students actually attended the workshop? [drop down box]

  3. What percentage of your students attended the workshop? [drop down box]

  4. In what grades are the students who attended the workshop that you taught today? Check all that apply.

  • 9th grade

  • 10th grade

  • 11th grade

  • 12th grade

  1. How long did today’s workshop last?

  • Less than 30 minutes

  • 30–45 minutes

  • 46–60 minutes

  • More than 60 minutes

  1. Select the college-readiness pillars that were discussed during today’s workshop? Check all that apply.

  • Academic Readiness

  • Admissions Readiness

  • Career Readiness

  • Financial Readiness

  • Personal/Social Readiness

  1. Did you adapt the instructional materials to suit the needs of your workshop?

  • Yes [continue to q11]

  • No [skip to q12]

  1. Please describe how you adapted the instructional materials to suit the needs of your workshop. [text box]

  2. What percentage of students who attended today’s workshop was actively engaged in the workshop’s activities?

  • Less than 25%

  • 25–50%

  • 51–75%

  • More than 75%

  • I do not know.

  1. I had enough time to prepare lesson content prior to teaching today’s workshop.

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly Agree

  1. I had enough information about the college selection and enrollment process to teach today’s workshop.

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly Agree

  1. I had enough information about the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in college to teach today’s workshop.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. What worked well in today’s workshop? [text box]

  2. What could be improved about today’s workshop? [text box]

  3. If you have any additional comments about today’s workshop, please enter them here: [text box]

Weekly Ramp-Up Advisories

The following questions ask about the weekly Ramp-Up advisories taught so far this year.

  1. Have you taught at least one Ramp-Up advisory this school year?

  • Yes [continue to q20]

  • No [end survey]

  1. Are you assigned to teach a ninth-grade Ramp-Up advisory?

  • Yes [continue to q21]

  • No [skip to q22]

  1. Which lessons have you taught so far this year to ninth graders? Check all that apply. [insert names of each lesson taught to ninth graders]

  2. Are you assigned to teach a 10th-grade Ramp-Up advisory?

  • Yes [continue to q23]

  • No [skip to q24]

  1. Which lessons have you taught so far this year to 10th graders? Check all that apply. [insert names of each lesson taught to 10th graders]

  2. Are you assigned to teach an 11th-grade Ramp-Up advisory?

  • Yes [continue to q25]

  • No [skip to q26]

  1. Which lessons have you taught so far this year to 11th graders? Check all that apply. [insert names of each lesson taught to 11th graders]

  2. Are you assigned to teach a 12th-grade Ramp-Up advisory?

  • Yes [continue to q27]

  • No [skip to q28]

  1. Which lessons have you taught so far this year to 12th graders? Check all that apply. [insert names of each lesson taught to 12th graders]

  2. On average, what percentage of students scheduled to attend your weekly advisory has attended every session so far?

  • Less than 25%

  • 25–50%

  • 51–75%

  • More than 75%

  • I do not know.

  1. On average, how long have the weekly advisory sessions you’ve taught so far this year lasted?

  • Less than 20 minutes

  • 20–29 minutes

  • 30 minutes

  • I do not know.

  1. So far this year, how often have you adapted the instructional materials to suit the needs of your advisory?

  • Never

  • Rarely

  • Sometimes

  • Often

  • Always

  1. On average, what percentage of students in your advisory actively engages in the advisory’s activities?

  • Less than 25%

  • 25–50%

  • 51–75%

  • More than 75%

  • I do not know.

  1. If you have any additional comments about the Ramp-Up advisories, please enter them here: [text box]

Thank you for completing this log!

Attachment A-8. May Focus Group Protocol

Introduction and Welcome (5 min.)

Hello, my name is [fill in name]. Thank you for coming in today.

I am from the Midwest Regional Educational Laboratory and helping me today is [fill in name of assistant]. REL Midwest is conducting this focus group as part of our study of the Ramp-Up to Readiness intervention, a study in which your school is participating. Today, we want to better understand the programs, services, activities, and resources provided to students in [fill in name of high school] to prepare them for college. We also want to understand your experiences this year in implementing the Ramp-Up to Readiness program. This information will become part of a study report describing the effects of the Ramp-Up to Readiness program.

Please note that when we say “college,” we mean a two-year college, four-year college or university, community college, or career or technical college. To begin, I have to go over some logistics with you. We’ve estimated that this focus group will take 90 minutes. During these 90 minutes, I will ask questions about the Ramp-Up program and other college-readiness supports offered in your school. We hope that you will feel free to attempt to answer the questions as best you can based on the experiences you have had here at [fill in name of high school]. Some of these questions will ask you to estimate the percentage of students who participate in a particular activity. Please just do your best to provide an estimate. We will have a 10-minute break at [XXXX time, 50-minute mark].

My role and the role of [fill in name of assistant] will be to ask questions, moderate the discussion, and record major themes and feelings expressed by focus group participants.


As stated in the study consent form that you have previously signed, all data being collected will be kept confidential by REL Midwest and American Institutes for Research (the third-party evaluator). You have the right to discontinue your participation in this data collection process at any time without consequences.


Let me just highlight one issue that is discussed in the consent forms. It is impossible to write down everything that you say today, so we will be recording the focus group conversation so that we can go back and listen to the discussion to make sure that we did not miss anything. Anything that is discussed will remain confidential. The audiorecordings will be transcribed and then erased. We will not identify any focus group participants in the transcriptions.

Are there any questions before I begin?


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXX.XXXX, OMB expiration date is XXXX, XX, 2014. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 90 minutes per respondent, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected. Participation in this data collection task is voluntary.

Per the policies and procedures required by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183, responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific school, district, or individual. Any willful disclosure of such information for nonstatistical purposes, except as required by law, is a class E felony.

If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20208.


Before beginning with the questions and turning on the audiorecorder, let’s go around the room and introduce ourselves. Please say your name and your role here at [fill in name of high school].

Now, we are beginning with the questions. I’ll turn on the audiorecorder and start asking questions.

Notes to focus group moderator: The purposes of this focus group are to understand (1) the extent to which treatment schools faithfully adopt the program model, and what enables them or prevents them from doing so; and (2) the degree to which the intervention model differs from the services and activities underlying the business-as-usual comparison condition.

If participants are reluctant to estimate percentages when asked, probe for more than 25 percent or less than 25 percent, more than 50 percent or less than 50 percent, or more than 75 percent or less than 75 percent.


Background Information

The Ramp-Up to Readiness program is offered to high schools throughout Minnesota. The developers note that there is no single way to implement the program because of variations in local context, but there are elements of Ramp-Up that are to be implemented in all settings. Today, we’d like to gather a better understanding of how the program has been implemented at [fill in name of high school]. First, I’ll ask questions about whether and when you completed key implementation activities. This will be followed by questions on the Ramp-Up curriculum, tools, professional development, your school culture, the challenges and success of implementation, and to what extent you think Ramp-Up is changing the college readiness of students’ in your school.

Thank you for joining us today.

Fidelity of Implementation Questions for Early Implementing Ramp-Up Schools

Ramp-Up Annual Plan Activities

In the fall, your school filled out the Ramp-Up to Readiness Annual Plan indicating when your school was planning to complete key actions. I would like to discuss some of these actions. [Note to moderator: have a copy of the Annual Plan to refer to]

  1. Have there been any changes over the school year in who serves on the Ramp-Up leadership team or who serves as the Ramp-Up coordinator?

[Probe if yes: Why did a change occur?]

  1. How often did the Ramp-Up leadership team meet this school year to guide and monitor Ramp-Up implementation in your school?

[Probe if no: What challenges did you face in meeting quarterly?]

  1. Do all students at [name of high school] use a technology platform (e.g., Naviance or MCIS) as part of the Ramp-Up program?

[Probe if yes:

  1. Which platform?

  2. Did students use this platform prior to implementing Ramp-Up?

  3. To what extent is the technology platform integrated with Ramp-Up advisories or workshops?

Probe if no:

  1. What challenges have you faced in adopting a technology platform?]

  1. Have you conducted any internal evaluation of your school’s implementation of Ramp-Up or progress on improving college-readiness indicators (e.g., taking advanced courses, completing college enrollment activities)?

[Probe if yes:

  1. Have you discussed your findings with staff at the College Readiness Consortium?

  2. Did you make any changes to instructional practices based on your review of the data?

Probe if no:

  1. What challenges have you faced in conducting internal evaluations of the Ramp-Up program?]

Ramp-Up Curriculum

Now, I would like to talk about the Ramp-Up advisories and workshops.

  1. Thinking about the Ramp-Up weekly advisories…

  1. What percentage of students do you estimate received all 28 lessons?

[Probe if less than 100 percent: Which students did not receive all 28 lessons and why?]

  1. How long did the lessons last?

[Probe if less than 30 minutes: Why did the lessons last less than the planned 30 minutes?]

  1. How much time were advisors provided to prepare and learn about the lesson content prior to teaching it?

  2. Was the amount of time provided to advisors to prepare and learn the lesson content adequate?

[Probe if not: How much time would have been adequate?]

  1. Thinking about the Ramp-Up workshops…

  1. How many workshops were held over the course of the year?

[Probe: Did the number of workshops differ by grade-level (i.e., did Grade 10 students receive fewer than Grade 12 students)?

Probe if less than five: What challenges did you face in delivering all five workshops?

Probe if more than five: Most Ramp-Up schools schedule five workshops. Why did your school decide to have additional ones?]

  1. What were the topics of these workshops?

[Probe: Were they differentiated by grade?]

  1. When were the workshops offered?

  2. On average, how long did these workshops last?

  3. Who taught the workshops (i.e., the same staff teaching the Ramp-Up advisories or different staff)?

  4. What percentage of students do you estimate attended all the workshops?

[Probe if less than 100 percent: Which students did not attend and why?]

Ramp-Up Tools

Next, I would like to talk about the tools used in the Ramp-Up program, specifically the Readiness Rubric or Postsecondary Plan.

  1. Thinking specifically about the Postsecondary Plan…

[Note to moderator: Show an example of the Postsecondary Plan to remind participants what it is]

  1. What percentage of all students completed a Postsecondary Plan this school year?

[Probe if less than 100 percent: Which students did not complete a Postsecondary Plan and why?]

  1. What percentage of students discussed the Postsecondary Plan with a teacher/advisor or counselor as part of the course registration process?

[Probe if less than 100 percent: Which students did not review their Postsecondary Plan with a teacher/advisor or counselor? Why? Were there times other than course registration when the Postsecondary Plan was reviewed with students?]

  1. Can you provide an example of how you discussed the Postsecondary Plan with a student?

  2. How do school staff engage with parents using the Postsecondary Plan?

[Probe: How often do school staff talk with parents about their student’s Postsecondary Plan? What percentage of parents talks to school staff about their student’s Postsecondary Plan?]

  1. Is the student’s Postsecondary Plan stored electronically for your review and review by students or parents?

[Probe if not: Why?]

  1. Thinking specifically about the Readiness Rubric…

[Note to moderator: Show an example of the Readiness Rubric to remind participants what it is]

    1. What percentage of students completed the Readiness Rubric three times this year?

[Probe if less than 100 percent: What percentage of students completed the Readiness Rubric at least twice? What percentage of students completed it at least once? Which students did not complete the Readiness Rubric three times this year? Why not?]

    1. How often did school staff review the rubric with students this school year?

    2. Can you provide an example of how you discussed the Readiness Rubric with a student?

    3. How do school staff engage with parents using the Readiness Rubric?

[Probe: How often do school staff talk with parents about their student’s Readiness Rubric? What percentage of parents talks to school staff about their student’s Readiness Rubric?]

    1. Is the student’s Readiness Rubric stored electronically for your review and review by students or parents?

  1. Did school staff experience barriers in talking to parents about their child’s Readiness Rubric or Postsecondary Plan (e.g., language barriers)?

[Probe if yes: How did your school address those?]

Professional Development

  1. At the beginning of the school year, were four hours spent introducing staff to the Ramp-Up program?

  1. Can you describe the content covered that day?

  2. Which teachers had the opportunity to attend this four-hour training?

  3. How did staff respond to the introduction of the Ramp-Up to Readiness program?

[Probe if some staff were not receptive: What were the concerns of staff about Ramp-Up?]

  1. How often does the Ramp-Up leadership team or coordinator provide professional development related to Ramp-Up?

  1. How long do these professional development sessions last?

  2. Which teachers have the opportunity to attend professional development?

  3. How engaged are school staff during these meetings (e.g., the extent to which they participate in discussions)?

  4. How challenging has it been to provide regularly scheduled professional development on Ramp-Up to teachers?

  1. Have you had or are you planning a one-hour feedback session where school staff can provide feedback to the leadership team on program implementation?

Overall Experiences With Implementation

  1. How have the goals or beliefs of school staff changed during the school year, if at all, with the introduction of Ramp-Up?

  2. Has the introduction of Ramp-Up changed the way that school staff interact with parents?

  1. What aspects of Ramp-Up worked well as you implemented the program?

[Probe: Why did they work well?]

  1. What aspects of the program did not work well?

[Probe: Why did they not work well?]

Ramp-Up to Readiness: Contrast Between Implementing and Non-Implementing Schools

In February, we talked about the college-readiness programs, services, activities, and resources that [name of high school] provides to prepare students to enroll and succeed in college. I have a list of the supports that you named, and now I would like to ask some specific questions about each of these activities. If the school no longer offers a support that I read, please let me know.

[Instructions to moderator: complete the following matrix by asking questions 17 – 22 for each support listed. Probe as necessary to be able to complete the matrix]

Matrix of College-Readiness Supports

College-Readiness Support

Participation Rate



Corresponding Readiness Dimension









Program 1











Program 2











Program 3











Program 4











Program 5











Service 1











Service 2











Service 3











Service 4











Service 5

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 4

Activity 5

Resource 1

Resource 2

Resource 3

Resource 4

Resource 5

  1. Which grade does [name of support] target? [moderator to check each grade targeted]

  2. What percentage of Grade 10, Grade 11, and Grade 12 students participate in or receive [name of support]?

  3. How often has [name of support] been offered this school year?

  4. How long does [name of support] last?

  5. Which of the following does [name of support] primarily address: students’ academic preparation, the college admissions process, career planning, how to pay for college, or on goal setting or achievement?

  6. Are there any other college-readiness programs, services, activities, or resources that [name of high school] offers but that we haven’t talked about?

I want to wrap up with a few more general questions.

        1. Professional Development

  1. So far this school year, has the school provided staff any professional development related to preparing students for college?

  1. Can you describe what was provided?

  2. How long did each professional development session last?

  3. Who received this professional development?

[Probe: What percentage of teachers?]

  1. What did you find helpful or unhelpful about these materials or this professional development?

College Culture

Next, I would like to talk about the expectations and practices of school staff for preparing students for college.

  1. Thinking about the goals and beliefs of school staff…

  1. To what extent do school personnel here share a common goal to prepare all students for college?*11

  2. To what extent do school personnel believe that college counseling is the job of school counselors, not teachers?*

  1. Thinking about the practices in your school…

  1. How are students encouraged to take advanced coursework (e.g., honors, dual-credit, AP, IB, or College in the Schools classes)?

  2. To what extent is the curriculum at this school focused on helping students get ready for college?*

  3. Does your school collect data to assess students’ college readiness?

[Probe if yes: How do you use this information?

  1. Thinking about parents…

  1. To what extent do parents of students in this school expect their children to go to college?*

Barriers to Implementing a Schoolwide College Readiness Program

Finally, let’s talk about implementing a schoolwide college readiness program.

  1. What educational initiatives, if any, has [name of high school] been involved in implementing this year?


    1. Is this initiative school-wide? What is the format of these communications (e.g., one-way versus two-way conversation)?

    2. [If this is an early implementing school] Are staff able to successfully implement more than one initiative at a time?

    3. [If this is a late implementing school] Do you foresee any barriers to implementing a schoolwide college-readiness initiative next year?

Thank you again for participating in today’s focus group!

Attachment A-9. Staff Survey

Purpose. The Midwest Regional Educational Laboratory at American Institutes for Research (REL Midwest) is conducting this survey as part of its evaluation of Ramp-Up to Readiness. We want to learn about your experiences with Ramp-Up overall and also as they relate to the program’s curriculum, tools, and professional development. The information you provide will be used to improve Ramp-Up and other college-readiness programs.

Confidentiality. REL Midwest has multiple safeguards in place to keep collected data confidential. Moreover, once REL Midwest sends you a gift card for participating, your name will not be attached to the data that you provide.

Per the policies and procedures required by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183, responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific district or individual. We will not provide information that identifies you or your district to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law. Any willful disclosure of such information for nonstatistical purposes, without the informed consent of the respondent, is a class E felony.

Risks. There are no known risks related to participating in this survey.

Voluntary Participation. You have the right to discontinue your participation in this survey at any time without consequences. We hope you will answer all the questions, but if there is a question you do not wish to answer, simply skip it.

Procedure. This survey will take about 20 to 30 minutes, and you will receive a $25 gift card for your participation.

Contact Information. If you have questions or concerns about this study, please contact Jim Lindsay at or 630-649-6591. If you have concerns or questions about your rights as a participant, contact the chair of AIR’s Institutional Review Board (which is responsible for the protection of study participants) using the following contact information:


Phone: 1-800-634-0797 (toll free)

Mail: IRB Chair

c/o AIR

1000 Thomas Jefferson Street NW

Washington, DC 20007


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXX.XXXX, OMB expiration date is XXXX, XX, 2014. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per respondent, including the time to review instructions, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected. Participation in this data collection task is voluntary.

Per the policies and procedures required by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183, responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific school, district, or individual. Any willful disclosure of such information for nonstatistical purposes, except as required by law, is a class E felony.

If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20208.

Background Information

  1. What is your current position at this school? Check all that apply.

  • Teacher

  • Counselor

  • Dean

  • Principal

  • Assistant principal

  • Other school staff

  1. What is your role in delivering the Ramp-Up to Readiness program? Check all that apply.

  • I do not play any role in delivering the Ramp-Up to Readiness program [end survey and display “Thank you for participating in this survey”]

  • Ramp-Up coordinator

  • Member of the Ramp-Up leadership team

  • Ramp-Up advisor (a teacher who facilitates Ramp-Up advisories)

  • Other. Please indicate your role: [text box]

[If Q2=Ramp-Up advisor, ask Q3; else, skip to Q4]

  1. What is the grade-level of students in your Ramp-Up advisory?

  • Grade 9

  • Grade 10

  • Grade 11

  • Grade 12

  1. What is the name of your school? [text box]

Ramp-Up Goals, Components, and Roles

The following set of questions asks about your understanding of the goals of the Ramp-Up to Readiness program (“Ramp-Up”) and your role in it. Please indicate to what extent you disagree or agree with the following statements:

  1. I understand the goals of Ramp-Up.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. I understand Ramp-Up’s five pillars of readiness (academic, admissions, career, financial, and personal-social readiness).

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. I understand my role in delivering Ramp-Up.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. Do you know who the Ramp-Up Coordinator at your school is?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I’m not sure.

[If Q2=Ramp-Up advisor, ask Q9; else, skip to 10]

  1. My school and district gives me enough time to implement the Ramp-Up program.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

[If Q2=Ramp-Up coordinator or Member of the Ramp-Up leadership team, ask 10; else, skip to 11]

  1. My school and district gives me enough time to coordinate the Ramp-Up program.

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly Agree

Expectations and Beliefs

The following set of questions asks about your expectations and beliefs related to college preparation. In this survey, “college” refers to all postsecondary educational opportunities, including two-year colleges, four-year colleges or universities, community colleges, and career or technical colleges. Please indicate to what extent you disagree or agree with the following statements:

  1. I believe that our school should prepare all students to go on to college.*12

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. School personnel share a common goal to prepare all students for college.*

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. All teachers should be able to advise students on college options.*

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. College counseling is the job of school counselors, not teachers.*

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

College Knowledge

The following set of questions asks about your knowledge of college and career readiness. Please rate your own level of knowledge in the following areas:

  1. The range of postsecondary options available to students*

  • None

  • Limited

  • Basic

  • Moderate

  • Proficient

  • Advanced

  1. The level of academic skill (for example, reading, writing, mathematics) necessary for college work*

  • None

  • Limited

  • Basic

  • Moderate

  • Proficient

  • Advanced

  1. Tests that students need for admission to college*

  • None

  • Limited

  • Basic

  • Moderate

  • Proficient

  • Advanced

  1. The college application process*

  • None

  • Limited

  • Basic

  • Moderate

  • Proficient

  • Advanced

  1. Financing a college education*

  • None

  • Limited

  • Basic

  • Moderate

  • Proficient

  • Advanced

  1. The types of personal and social skills that students need to succeed in college

  • None

  • Limited

  • Basic

  • Moderate

  • Proficient

  • Advanced

Ramp-Up Curriculum

The following set of questions asks about your perceptions of the Ramp-Up curriculum taught in advisories and workshops.

  1. How familiar are you with the Ramp-Up curriculum?

  • Not at all familiar [skip to q33]

  • Slightly familiar [continue to q22]

  • Moderately familiar [continue to q22]

  • Very familiar [continue to q22]

Please indicate the extent to which you disagree or agree with the following statements:

  1. The Ramp-Up curriculum helps students develop postsecondary plans.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The Ramp-Up curriculum enables students to make informed decisions about preparing for college.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The Ramp-Up curriculum enables students to make informed decisions about preparing for a career.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The Ramp-Up curriculum helps students develop the belief that they can turn their postsecondary plans into reality.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The Ramp-Up curriculum helps students understand whether they are on or off track to reach college readiness by the end of high school.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The Ramp-Up curriculum provides students with clear information about what steps must be taken to enroll in college.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The Ramp-Up curriculum provides students with clear information about when key steps in the enrollment process must occur.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The Ramp-Up curriculum covers appropriate topics on preparing for college.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The Ramp-Up curriculum spends the appropriate amount of time on each topic.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The Ramp-Up curriculum consists of a coherent sequence of concepts and ideas.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The Ramp-Up curriculum is engaging to students.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. Have you taught at least one Ramp-Up advisory this school year?

  • Yes [continue to q34]

  • No [skip to q41]

  1. How many of the Ramp-Up lessons did you teach this school year in your advisory?

  • Fewer than five lessons [continue to q35]

  • 5–10 lessons [continue to q35]

  • 11–15 lessons [continue to q35]

  • 16–20 lessons [continue to q35]

  • 21–25 lessons [continue to q35]

  • All 28 lessons [skip to q36]

  • I don’t remember. [skip to q36]

  1. Why did you teach fewer than 28 lessons? [text box]

  2. Did you receive an Advisor Guide at the beginning of the school year that describes the lesson plan and activities for each weekly advisory?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. How often did you receive information from the Ramp-Up coordinator about a lesson prior to teaching it?

  • Never

  • Rarely

  • Sometimes

  • Often

  • Always

  • I am not sure who the Ramp-Up coordinator in my school is.

  1. Did you teach the Ramp-Up lessons as they were designed or did you modify them?

  • I taught them without any modifications.

  • I modified some of the lessons.

  • I modified most of the lessons.

  • I modified all of the lessons.

  1. How often did you provide the Ramp-Up instructional materials and resources to students at the time assigned for the advisory?

  • Never

  • Rarely

  • Sometimes

  • Often

  • Always

  1. Did you have enough time to prepare lesson content prior to teaching it?

  • Never

  • Rarely

  • Sometimes

  • Often

  • Always

Ramp-Up Tools

The Ramp-Up program includes two tools to assist students with their plans after high school. These are the Postsecondary Plan and the Readiness Rubric.

The following questions ask about the Postsecondary Plan.

  1. How familiar are you with the Postsecondary Plan?

  • Not at all familiar [skip to q46]

  • Slightly familiar [continue to q42]

  • Moderately familiar [continue to q42]

  • Very familiar [continue to q42]

Thinking about the Postsecondary Plan and how students, parents, and school staff use it, please indicate the extent to which you disagree or agree with the following statements.

  1. The Postsecondary Plan helps students to develop a plan for their life after high school.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. I use the Postsecondary Plan when helping students develop plans for their life after high school.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. How many students in your Ramp-Up advisory completed the Postsecondary Plan at least once this year?

  • None

  • A few students

  • Most students

  • All students

  • I do not teach a Ramp-Up advisory.

  1. For how many students in your Ramp-Up advisory have you discussed a student’s Postsecondary Plan with his or her parents?

  • None

  • A few students

  • Most students

  • All students

  • I do not teach a Ramp-Up advisory.

The following questions ask about the Readiness Rubric.

  1. How familiar are you with the Readiness Rubric?

  • Not at all familiar [skip to q51]

  • Slightly familiar [continue to q47]

  • Moderately familiar [continue to q47]

  • Very familiar [continue to q47]

Thinking about the Readiness Rubric and how students, parents, and school staff use it, please indicate the extent to which you disagree or agree with the following statements.

  1. The Readiness Rubric helps students to monitor their progress towards their postsecondary goals.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. I use the Readiness Rubric to monitor students’ progress toward their postsecondary goals.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. How many students in your Ramp-Up advisory completed the Readiness Rubric at least twice this year?

  • None

  • A few students

  • Most students

  • All students

  • I do not teach a Ramp-Up advisory.

  1. For how many students in your Ramp-Up advisory have you discussed a student’s Readiness Rubric with his or her parents?

  • None

  • A few students

  • Most students

  • All students

  • I do not teach a Ramp-Up advisory.

Ramp-Up Activity: Personal Readiness Evaluation for Postsecondary

[If Q2=Ramp-Up advisor and Q3=Grade 10 ask Q51 – Q55; else, skip to Q56]

The following questions ask about the Personal Readiness Evaluation for Postsecondary (PREP) survey.

  1. How familiar are you with the PREP survey?

  • Not at all familiar [skip to q56]

  • Slightly familiar [continue to q52]

  • Moderately familiar [continue to q52]

  • Very familiar [continue to q52]

Thinking about the PREP survey and how students, parents, and school staff use it, please indicate the extent to which you disagree or agree with the following statements.

  1. The PREP survey helps students to understand their personal readiness for college.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. I use the PREP to understand students’ personal readiness for college.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. How many students in your Ramp-Up advisory completed the PREP survey at least once this year?

  • None

  • A few students

  • Most students

  • All students

  • I do not teach a Ramp-Up advisory.

  1. For how many students in your Ramp-Up advisory have you discussed a student’s PREP survey results with his or her parents?

  • None

  • A few students

  • Most students

  • All students

  • I do not teach a Ramp-Up advisory.

Professional Development

The following set of questions asks about professional development related to Ramp-Up.

  1. Are you a Ramp-Up coordinator or member of the Ramp-Up leadership team?

  • Yes [continue to q57]

  • No [skip to q62]

  • Uncertain [skip to q62]

  1. Have you received any training by the University of Minnesota’s College Readiness Consortium?

  • Yes [continue to q58]

  • No [skip to q62]

  • Uncertain [skip to q62]

Please indicate the extent to which you disagree or agree with the following statements:

  1. The training I received provided useful information to me about how to gain staff support for implementing a schoolwide college-readiness program.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The training I received provided useful information to me about my role and responsibilities in delivering Ramp-Up.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. Staff at the College Readiness Consortium have responded effectively to questions I have asked about the Ramp-Up program.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  • I have not asked the College Readiness Consortium any questions about Ramp-Up.

  1. Were the travel costs of your training at the University of Minnesota paid by your school or district?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. Have you received any training about Ramp-Up at your school?

  • Yes [continue to q63]

  • No [skip to q72]

  • Uncertain [skip to q72]

  1. How many times this school year did you attend training on Ramp-Up?

  • Not at all

  • One time

  • A couple of times

  • Every month

  • More than once a month

  • Other [text box to specify]

Please indicate the extent to which you disagree or agree with the following statements:

  1. The training I received helped me to understand why my school has adopted a college-readiness program.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The training I received helped me understand the Ramp-Up curriculum.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The training I received helped me understand the Ramp-Up tools (specifically, the Postsecondary Plan and the Readiness Rubric).

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The training I received provided useful information to me about my role and responsibilities in delivering Ramp-Up.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. I have enough information about the college selection and enrollment process to teach the Ramp-Up curriculum.

  • Strongly disagree [continue to q69]

  • Disagree [continue to q69]

  • Agree [skip to q70]

  • Strongly agree [skip to q70]

  • I do not teach the Ramp-Up curriculum.

  1. What additional information would be useful? [text box]

  2. I have enough information about the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in college to teach the Ramp-Up curriculum.

  • Strongly disagree [continue to q71]

  • Disagree [continue to q71]

  • Agree [skip to q72]

  • Strongly agree [skip to q72]

  • I do not teach the Ramp-Up curriculum.

  1. What additional information would be useful? [text box]

Perceptions of Program Effectiveness

The following set of questions asks about your perceptions of Ramp-Up’s effects. Please indicate the extent to which you disagree or agree with the following statements.

  1. The Ramp-Up program increases students’ ability to set educational goals.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The Ramp-Up program increases students’ ability to make and monitor progress toward educational goals.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The Ramp-Up program increases students’ ability to create relationships to support their educational goals.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The Ramp-Up program increases students’ ability to meet admissions requirements at a range of colleges.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The Ramp-Up program increases students’ likelihood of succeeding academically at college.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The Ramp-Up program increases students’ ability to find a career that matches their goals and abilities.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The Ramp-Up program increases students’ understanding of ways to pay for college (for example, through savings, loans, financial aid).

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. The Ramp-Up program has increased my ability to help students prepare and plan for college.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  1. I have more productive conversations with students about how to prepare for life after high school because of Ramp-Up.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  • I have not had conversations with students about how to prepare for life after high school.

  1. I have more productive conversations with families about how to prepare their children for life after high school because of Ramp-Up.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  • I have not had conversations with families about how to prepare their children for life after high school.

  1. I have more productive conversations with colleagues about how to prepare students for life after high school because of Ramp-Up.

  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Agree

  • Strongly agree

  • I have not had conversations with colleagues about how to prepare students for life after high school.

  1. Which students, if any, can benefit from Ramp-Up? Check all that apply.

  • Students performing in the lower third of their class academically

  • Students performing in the middle third of their class academically

  • Students performing in the upper third of their class academically

  • Students who would be the first in their families to attend college

  • Students whose parents attended college

  • All types of students

  • No students

  • Uncertain

Final Thoughts

Finally, thinking about the Ramp-Up program overall…

  1. What are the strengths of Ramp-Up? [text box]

  2. What are the weaknesses of Ramp-Up? [text box]

  3. What factors, if any, have made implementing Ramp-Up challenging at your school? [text box]

  4. What factors, if any, have facilitated the implementation of Ramp-Up at your school? [text box]

Thank you for participating in this survey!

Attachment A-10. Educational Sciences Reform Act (ESRA)

This evaluation is authorized through provisions in the Education Sciences Reform Act (ESRA) of 2002. Specifically, ESRA Part D, Section 174 (4) describes the role of regional education laboratories and its mission and function. One aspect of that role is

(4) in the event such quality applied research does not exist as determined by the regional educational laboratory or the Department, carrying out applied research projects that are designed to serve the particular educational needs (in prekindergarten through grade 16) of the region in which the regional educational laboratory is located, that reflect findings from scientifically valid research, and that result in user-friendly, replicable school-based classroom applications geared toward promoting increased student achievement, including using applied research to assist in solving site-specific problems and assisting in development activities (including high-quality and on-going professional development and effective parental involvement strategies) (ESRA, Part D, Section 174, f.4).

Attachment A-11. Federal Register Notices

Attachment A-12. Confidentiality Form and Affidavits


Ramp-Up to Readiness Implementation Study

(American Institutes for Research under Contract No. ED-IES-12-C-0004)

Safeguards for Individuals Against Invasion of Privacy: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 United States Code 552a), the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-279), the Federal Statistical Confidentiality Order of 1997, the E-Government Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-347), and the Computer Security Act of 1987, American Institutes for Research (AIR) and all its subcontractors are required to comply with the applicable provisions of the legislation, regulations, and guidelines and to undertake all necessary safeguards for individuals against invasions of privacy.

To provide this assurance and these safeguards in performance of work on this project, all staff, consultants, and agents of AIR, and its subcontractors who have any access to study data, shall be bound by the following assurance.

Assurance of Confidentiality

  1. In accordance with all applicable legislation, regulations, and guidelines, AIR assures all respondents that their responses may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law [Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002), 20 U.S. Code, § 9573].

  2. The following safeguards will be implemented to assure that confidentiality is protected as allowable by law (20 U.S.C. § 9573) by all employees, consultants, agents, and representatives of AIR and all subcontractors and that physical security of the records is provided:

  1. All staff with access to data will take an oath of nondisclosure and sign an affidavit to that effect.

  2. At each site where these items are processed or maintained, all confidential records that will permit identification of individuals shall be kept in a safe, locked room when not in use or personally attended by project staff.

  3. When confidential records are not locked, admittance to the room or area in which they reside shall be restricted to staff sworn to confidentiality on this project.

  4. All electronic data shall be maintained in secure and protected data files, and personally identifying information shall be maintained on separate files from statistical data collected under this contract.

  5. All data files on network or multi-user systems shall be under strict control of a database manager with access restricted to project staff sworn to confidentiality, and then only on a need-to-know basis.

  6. All data files on single-user computers shall be password protected and all such machines will be locked and maintained in a locked room when not attended by project staff sworn to confidentiality.

  7. External electronically stored data files (e.g., tapes on diskettes) shall be maintained in a locked storage device in a locked room when not attended by project staff sworn to confidentiality.

  8. Any data released to the general public shall be appropriately masked such that linkages to individually identifying information are protected to avoid individual identification in disclosed data.

  9. Data or copies of data may not leave the authorized site for any reason.

  1. Staff, consultants, agents, or AIR and all its subcontractors will take all necessary steps to ensure that the letter and intent of all applicable legislation, regulations, and guidelines are enforced at all times through appropriate qualifications standards for all personnel working on this project and through adequate training and periodic follow-up procedures.

By my signature affixed below, I hereby swear and affirm that I have carefully read this statement and fully understand the statement as well as legislative and regulatory assurances that pertain to the confidential nature of all records to be handled in regard to this project, and will adhere to all safeguards that have been developed to provide such confidentiality. As an employee, consultant, agent, or representative of AIR or one of its subcontractors, consultants, agents, or representatives, I understand that I am prohibited by law from disclosing any such confidential information to anyone other than staff, consultant, agents, or representatives of AIR, its subcontractors, or agents, and Institutes of Education Science. I understand that any willful and knowing individual disclosure or allowance of disclosure in violation of the applicable legislation, regulations, and guidelines is punishable by law and would subject the violator to possible fine or imprisonment.

(Signature) (Date)


Ramp-Up to Readiness Implementation Study

(American Institutes for Research under Contract No. ED-IES-12-C-0004)

[insert name]

[insert position]

Date of Assignment to Ramp-Up to Readiness Implementation Study: January 2014

American Institutes for Research

1000 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW

Washington, DC 20007-3835

I, [insert name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that when given access to any Ramp-Up to Readiness Implementation Study databases or files containing individually identifiable information, I will not:

  1. use or reveal any individually identifiable information furnished, acquired, retrieved or assembled by me or others, under the provisions of Section 183 of the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (PL 107-279) and Title V, subtitle A of the E-Government Act of 2002 (PL 107-347) for any purpose other than statistical purposes specified in the NCES survey, project or contract;

  2. make any disclosure or publication whereby a sample unit or survey respondent could be identified or the data furnished by or related to any particular person under this section could be identified; or

  3. permit anyone other than the individuals authorized by the Commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics to examine the individual reports.


(The penalty for unlawful disclosure is a fine of not more than $250,000 [under 18 U.S.C. 3571] or imprisonment for not more than 5 years [under 18 U.S.C. 3559], or both. The word "swear" should be stricken out wherever it appears when a person elects to affirm the affidavit rather than to swear to it.)

State of _____________________________

County of _______________________________

Subscribed and sworn/affirmed before me, ______________________, a Notary Public in and for

________________County, State of ________________________, on this date, ______________________.


Notary Public

My commission expires: _____________________________.

1The College Readiness Consortium is a part of the University of Minnesota; as part of the public university’s outreach mission, it has provided Ramp-Up free of charge to middle and high schools in Minnesota. In early 2013, the College Readiness Consortium solicited applications from Minnesota schools to implement Ramp-Up free of charge, and 22 schools applied. This solicitation was not related to the proposed study. To better understand the contrast between Ramp-Up and the college readiness supports offered in high schools without Ramp-Up, the program developers chose to begin implementing Ramp-Up in 2013–14 in 11 randomly selected schools. The other 11 are delaying implementation of Ramp-Up until the following school year (2014–15).

2As detailed in section A1, not all of these data collections will require OMB clearance. However, to provide context for the request of OMB clearance, all data collections are described here.

3 In a What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) review of college access programs, Tierney, Bailey, Constantine, Finkelstein, and Hurd (2009) found that only 16 of more than 500 studies met the WWC standards for evidence.

4Staff from MDE have indicated that although ACT data are collected by the state, schools may have more accurate ACT information.

5ACT has provided some sample items. Sample items in the Commitment to College scale include: “A college education will help me achieve my goals” and “I am committed to attend and finish college regardless of obstacles.” Sample items in the Goal Striving scale are “Once I set a goal, I do my best to achieve it” and “I bounce back after facing disappointment or failure” (ACT, 2012, pp. 33–34).

6 Instructional logs will be collected for the final two workshops, which will take place after OMB approval is received.

7 There is an estimated average of 36.18 teachers per school (based on the average within Minnesota public high schools from the Common Core of data) and 11 implementing schools for an estimate of 398 teachers.

8 This study focuses on students in 10th through 12th grade.

9 An * indicates that this question is based on a question included on a survey from the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) at the University of Minnesota. ** indicates that this question is based on a question included on the Consortium on Chicago School Research 2009 12th-grade student survey ( Some questions have been reworded slightly to accommodate this study.

10 An * indicates that this question is based on a question included on a survey from the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) at the University of Minnesota.

11 An * indicates that this question is based on a question included on a survey from the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) at the University of Minnesota.

12 An * indicates that this question is based on a question included on a survey from the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) at the University of Minnesota.

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