Table 6
FACES 2009 HS center director interview additions/modifications
Item number |
Construct |
Action |
A12h |
Does your center serve any children or families who speak a language other than English at home? |
Add |
A12i |
Other than English, what languages are spoken by the children and families who are part of your center? |
Add |
A12j |
Do you have any teachers or assistant teachers who are bilingual? |
Add |
A12k |
Other than English, which of the languages spoken by the children and families in your center are also spoken by any teachers or assistant teachers in your center? |
Add |
B1a |
Does your center have any efforts in place to help family service workers get their CDA’s? |
Add |
B3f |
Does your center have any efforts in place to help family service workers get their Associate’s (AA) or Bachelor’s (BA) degrees? |
Add |
B5a |
How often do family service workers have the opportunity to reflect with their supervisors or peers on their direct work and relationships with families? Would you say it is…? |
Add |
C1o |
Does your Head Start program have any additional goals specifically for families with children who are Dual Language Learners (DLL)? |
Add |
C1p |
Please tell me what specific goals your program has for DLL families. |
Add |
C2h |
Ways parent volunteers have helped in the program in the past year By sharing aspects of their culture with the program staff or other families within the program setting? |
Add |
C3g-i |
Steps taken by Head Start center to encourage parents to participate g. Translate written materials? h. Design activities and classes around topics identified by parents as being of interest and/or use to them? i. Offer classes and activities at a variety of different times to accommodate different schedules? |
Add |
C3j |
Are you unable to provide interpreters or translate written materials in any of the languages spoken by children and families that are part of your center because you do not have staff members that speak those languages? |
Add |
C3k |
What does your center do to encourage parents to supplement classroom learning at home? |
Add |
C3L1-14 |
What do you see as the major barriers to engaging parents? In other words, for parents who aren’t engaged, what keeps them from participating? Would you say… (14 barriers are presented) |
Add |
C7 |
How successful has your center been in involving fathers or father figures in Head Start? |
Drop |
C8a |
Are any Policy Council members parents of dual language learners? |
Add |
C13a |
What procedures do you use to ensure that homeless children are enrolled in Head Start? |
Add |
C14 C15 |
Use of NRS results |
Drop |
C16a-c |
How does your Head Start center obtain information from parents about their experiences with Head Start, including suggestions for improvement? Do you… a. have formal mechanisms in place such as regularly schedule meetings or discussion sessions or a place for parents to leave comments? b. use informal means such as listening to parent comments during pick-up and drop-off times? c. have another approach (specify)? |
Add |
D1-D9e |
Waiting Lists and Program Expansion |
Drop |
E5a |
Do you have any program or center activities to improve children’s early mathematics skills, that is, to teach them more about things like counting, matching and sorting, identifying and building shapes, recognizing and building patterns, or measuring? |
Add |
E5b |
Do you have any program or center activities to improve children’s social-emotional development, that is, to teach them more about how to express their feelings, healthy ways to interact with others, waiting patiently, and following rules? |
Add |
E6a-d |
Specific literacy support efforts |
Drop |
E7t-v |
Specific activities teachers are encouraged to do in the classroom t. Engaging in activities that involve taking turns? u. Talking about their own and other children’s feelings? v. Engaging in activities that involve sharing? |
Add |
E8 |
Not including the NRS, over the course of the Head Start year, how often does your program assess each child’s development? |
Drop |
E9a |
What child assessment tools do you use? |
Add |
E11d1-4 |
Now I would like to ask you about strategies you might use to assess the English language abilities of children who are dual language learners. How often do you use any of the following strategies to assess their English language skills? 1. Teacher ratings based on observation 2. Testing with standardized tests or assessments 3. Parent reports 4. Something else? (SPECIFY) |
Add |
E11e |
Do you assess children’s abilities in their home language? |
Add |
E12-E15h |
Use of NRS results |
Drop |
F1 |
Are home visits of families to center-based children required of your center staff? |
Drop |
F1a |
In your center, do any of the teachers also serve as a family service worker? |
Add |
F4c |
What is the average caseload for a family service worker in your center? |
Add |
F5 F6 |
Activities conducted during home visits by teachers/assistant teachers (F5) and family service workers (F6) |
Drop |
G0 |
At your Head Start center, do you have a formal process in place for planning for children’s transition to kindergarten? |
Add |
G0a |
In a child’s final year in your center, when do you begin planning for the transition? |
Add |
G2i G2j |
Ways center coordinates with schools children will attend i. Participate in the development of IEPs for children with disabilities. j. Connect children who are dual language learners with ESL services. |
Add |
H3a-c |
Now, please tell me the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements about your experiences with the policies and procedures in your program. Your Head Start program… a. promotes cooperation between Head Start staff and parents? b. encourages parents to supplement classroom learning at home? c. supports staff in their efforts to engage parents? |
Add |
I9 |
How likely are you to continue working for Head Start through the rest of this Head Start year? |
Drop |
I15a |
Have you completed an entire course on dual language learner children? |
Add |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | FACES 2009 HS teacher interview additions/modifications |
Author | lmalone |
Last Modified By | DHHS |
File Modified | 2009-05-18 |
File Created | 2009-05-18 |