Table 3
FACES 2009 HS teacher interview additions/modifications
Item number |
Construct |
Action |
A-01A A-01B A-01C |
As of today's date, how many children in this class are at each of the following age levels? A. 3 years old (or younger) B. 4 years old C. 5 years old (or older) |
Add (fall and spring) |
A-05 |
How many days a week does this class meet? |
Add (fall and spring) |
A-06 |
How many hours a week does this class meet? |
Add (fall and spring) |
A3A A3B |
Teacher language A. Do you speak any language other than English, either in the classroom or outside of the classroom such as at home? B. What languages? (CATA) |
Add (fall; spring new respondent only)
Proficiency For each language above: How well do you
Add (fall; spring new respondent only)
A3E |
How many dual language learner children are there in your class? PROBE: Dual language learners are children learning two (or more) languages at the same time, as well as those learning a second language while continuing to develop their first (or home) language. These children are also often referred to as Limited English Proficient (LEP), bilingual, English language learners (ELL), English learners, and children who speak a language other than English (LOTE). |
Add (fall and spring) |
A3F |
Thinking about all [FILL A0-1] children in your [AM/PM/Full day] class what languages do children enrolled in the class currently speak? |
Add (fall and spring) |
A3G |
Approximately what percent of children speak [LANGUAGE(S) CODED IN A3F]? |
Add (fall and spring) |
A4A |
Who speaks (FILL LANGUAGE)? Is it you/the lead teacher, the assistant teacher, a classroom aide, or a volunteer? |
Add (fall and spring) |
A5 |
Drop |
A5A A5B A5C |
Languages to read A. What language do you use most often when you read to children in your class? (one answer)
B. Are there any other languages you use when you read to children in your class? (yes/no)
C. What other languages are when you read to children in this classroom? (code all that apply) |
Add (fall and spring) |
A5D A5E A5F |
Languages to speak to group D. What language do you use most often when you speak to a group of children to present information or give directions? (one answer) E. Are there any other languages you use when you speak to a group of children in your class? (yes/no) F. What other languages are used when you speak to a group of children in this classroom? (code all that apply) |
Add (fall and spring) |
A5G |
Languages for printed materials In what languages are printed materials like children’s books available in your class? (CATA) |
Add (fall and spring) |
A9 |
Have you received training in [this curriculum]? (Modifying follow-up items to capture if no training) |
Drop (Modifying follow-up items to capture if no training) |
A12 |
Do you receive any ongoing support in how to use this curriculum? PROBE: Did your program offer any help in using the curriculum? |
Drop (Modifying follow-up items to capture if no support) |
A17 |
Do you have a copy of [this curriculum]? |
Drop |
A21 A22 A23 |
What is the main child assessment tool that you use? What methods do you use for these assessments? How do you use the information from those assessments in planning for each child? |
Reduce to Spring only |
A24 A25 |
Use of NRS data |
Drop |
A26A |
Formal versus informal mentoring relationship Is this mentoring or coaching relationship a formal or informal one? |
Add (spring) |
A32A A32B A32C |
During this Head Start year, how many trainings or workshops have you attended that were A. less than one day? B. one day? C. more than one day? |
Add (spring) |
A35A |
How well does your program support teachers when they experience challenges in managing children’s behavior? |
Add (fall and spring) |
A35B |
During this year, for how many children did you seek advice/support on addressing a behavioral issue? |
Add (spring) |
A35C |
From whom is this advice or support available? |
Add (spring) |
A35D - A35G |
Does your program use any of the following to help teachers with children’s behavior? D. a social skills curriculum E. teachers receive consultation from a mental health professional F. training materials from the Center for the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) G. meetings with supervisor/mentor for direction/guidance |
Add (spring) |
A37a - A37.e |
Think …during the last month. About how many hours in that week did the children in (class) spend
Drop |
A38 |
Do the children in (class) have an outdoor playground they can use during the day? |
Drop |
A39 |
Are any drinks served during the day in your class for lunch or snack?
Drop |
A40 |
During the past 7 days, how many times did the children in your class drink 100% fruit juices such as orange juice, apple juice, or grape juice? Do not count punch, Sunny Delight, Kool-Aid, sports drinks, or other fruit-flavored drinks. |
Reduce to Spring only |
A41 |
During the past 7 days, how many times did the children in your class drink Soda pop (for example, Coke, Pepsi, or Mountain Dew), sports drinks (for example, Gatorade), or fruit drinks that are not 100% fruit juice (for example, Kool‑Aid, Sunny Delight, Hi‑C, Fruitopia, or Fruitworks)? |
Drop |
A44a |
How often do you meet with the parents to discuss the progress or status of a child without special needs? |
Add (spring) |
A45a - A45d |
Now, I’d like to ask you some questions about meeting with the parents of the children in your classroom. Which of the following do you do in meeting individually with parents of all children in your classroom, not just those with special needs? Do you . . . a. keep a schedule of regular parent-teacher conferences? b. schedule parent-teacher conferences to follow your own review of the child’s progress? c. schedule parent-teacher conferences at least twice a year? d. keep written notes on information from the parent-teacher conference? |
Drop |
A46a - A46e |
How do you communicate with families who speak a language other than you speak? Do you . . . a. communicate only in English?; b. use an informal interpreter?; c. use physical cues or hand gestures?; d. use translated materials? e. use any other ways? (SPECIFY) |
Add (spring) |
B1 |
On average, how many days does it usually take you to respond to a parent’s note or telephone call? |
Drop |
B4n B4o B4p B4q |
Now, please tell me the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements about your experiences with the policies and procedures in your program. Tell me whether you strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree, or strongly agree. Your Head Start Program n. promotes cooperation between Head Start staff and parents? o. ensures that parents do not feel isolated? p. encourages parents to supplement classroom learning at home? q. supports staff in their efforts to engage parents? |
Add (spring) |
D8A |
Have you completed an entire course on dual language learner children (DLL)? |
Add (fall and spring) |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | FACES 2009 HS teacher interview additions/modifications |
Author | lmalone |
Last Modified By | DHHS |
File Modified | 2009-05-18 |
File Created | 2009-05-18 |