CASE CONTROL Form Approved
Exp. Date
Patient ID:__________________________
State ID:__________________________
REFERENCE Date _____/_____/______
Attachment F: Community-associated Clostridium difficile Infection (CDI) Risk Factor Study Adult Case and Control Interview
Section 1: Identifiers- CASES and CONTROLS
3. Reference date: _____/_____/______
2 week before _____/_____/______
4 weeks before _____/_____/______
12 weeks before _____/_____/______
Study ID: __________________________________
4. Age (years)
5. Sex Male Female
Section 2: Illness Questions- *******CASES ONLY ****CONTROLS SKIP TO SECTION 3, Q. 10**********
Now I will ask you questions about your illness.
6. How many days did your diarrhea last?
Don’t know/Not sure……..….7
Refused 9
6A. On the worst day of your diarrhea, what was the approximate number of stools you had in a 24-hour period?
≥3-<5 stools 1
5-10 stools 2
>10 stools 3
Don’t know/Not sure 7
Refused 9
7. Did you have any of the following symptoms associated with your C. difficile illness?
[READ LIST] Yes No DK/NS Refused
Bloody stools 1 2 7 9
Fever 1 2 7 9
Nausea 1 2 7 9
Vomiting 1 2 7 9
Abdominal pain 1 2 7 9
Other 1 2
8. Were you hospitalized overnight for your C. difficile illness?
8A. If yes, where: (name of hospital will not be transmitted to CDC)
Yes 1
No 2
Don’t know/Not sure 7
Refused 9
9. At the time of your C. difficile diagnosis, were you told by a doctor or healthcare provider that you had any other stomach [enteric, gastrointestinal] infection?
Yes 1
No 2 (Go to Q.10)
Don’t know/Not sure 7 (Go to Q.10)
Refused 9 (Go to Q.10)
9A. If yes, what was the name of the infection?
[Read list if necessary] Yes No DK/NS Refused
Campylobacter 1 2 7 9
E. coli 1 2 7 9
Listeria 1 2 7 9
Salmonella 1 2 7 9
Shigella 1 2 7 9
Vibrio 1 2 7 9
Yersinia 1 2 7 9
Cryptosporidium 1 2 7 9
Giardia 1 2 7 9
Rotavirus 1 2 7 9
Norovirus 1 2 7 9
Other 1 2
Section 3: Healthcare contacts- Cases and Controls
Now I will ask you questions about your healthcare contacts between [12 weeks before Reference Date_____/_____/______] to [Reference Date_____/_____/______].
10. Did you receive care in any doctor’s office, dental office, hospital, or any other medical facility in the 12 weeks before [REFERENCE DATE_____/_____/_____]?
Yes 1
No 2 (Go to Q.11)
Don’t know/Not sure 7 (Go to Q.11)
Refused 9 (Go to Q.11)
10A. I will now ask you about the types of places you visited for your healthcare and when you made your visit. Did you visit any of the following places?
YES=1 |
NO=2 |
DN/NS=7 |
Refuse=9 |
If yes, How many weeks prior to (Reference Date_____/_____/______ ) did you visit this place? |
2 weeks |
4 weeks |
12 weeks |
Ambulatory / Outpatient procedure center |
Ambulatory / Outpatient Surgery center |
Dental office |
Doctor’s office |
ED |
Hemodialysis |
Hospital |
Outpatient lab |
Physical Therapy Center |
Urgent Care |
10B. during those visits in the 12 weeks before (Reference Date_____/_____/______) did you have any of the following procedures performed?
*****If Subject answered YES to dental visits only in 10A then only ask about last two items (oral surgery and dental cleaning)********
YES=1 |
NO=2 |
DN/NS=7 |
Refuse=9 |
If yes, How many weeks prior to (Reference Date_____/_____/______) did this procedure happen? |
2 weeks |
4 weeks |
12 weeks |
Upper Endoscopy (Did the doctors pass a tube through your mouth or nose into your stomach?) |
Colonoscopy or Sigmoidoscopy (Did the doctors pass a tube into your rectum to look into your colon/bowel?) |
X-ray that required GI Prep (Did you have an X-ray performed where you had to swallow something first?)
Chemotherapy |
Surgery in an operating room as an outpatient
Other Medical Procedure:
Oral Surgery |
Dental Cleaning |
11. Did you visit a person in or accompany anyone to a doctor’s office, dental office, hospital, nursing home, or any other medical facility in the 12 weeks before [Reference Date_____/_____/______]?
Yes 1
No 2 (Go to Q.12)
Don’t know/Not sure 7 (Go to Q.12)
Refused 9 (Go to Q.12)
11A. What type of facility did you visit or accompany someone to in the 12 weeks before [Reference Date____/_____/______]?
YES=1 |
NO=2 |
DN/NS=7 |
Refuse=9 |
If yes, How many weeks prior to (Reference Date_____/_____/______) did you visit this place? |
2 weeks |
4 weeks |
12 weeks |
Ambulatory / Outpatient procedure center |
Ambulatory / Outpatient Surgery center |
Dental office |
Doctor’s office |
ED |
Hemodialysis |
Hospital |
Long term care/ skilled nursing facility |
Outpatient lab |
Physical Therapy Center |
Urgent Care |
The next few questions are about you and persons who lived with you during the 12 weeks before [Reference Date_____/_____/______].
12. How many people lived in your household including yourself during that time? If answer is one (subject lives alone) skip to Q.19
12A. How many household members, not including yourself were in each of these age groups? [List number of people in each group]
Ages <1 1 to 3 4 to 10 11 to 17 18 to 34 35 to 59 60+
13. Did any household member excluding yourself wear diapers? (Including adults in diapers)
Yes 1
No 2
Don’t know/Not sure 7
Refused 9
14. Did you have household members excluding yourself that attended a group childcare setting, daycare, or adult daycare? We consider daycare to be any place inside or outside your home where a household member spends at least 4 hours per week under an adult’s care with at least two adults or children who did not live with you
Yes 1
No 2 (Skip to Q 15)
Don’t know/Not sure 7 (Skip to Q 15)
Refused 9 (Skip to Q 15)
14A. If yes, which household members attended daycare and what type of daycare setting was it? [Read description of setting types if necessary]
AGE Group |
Type of Daycare Setting |
Home |
Center |
Nanny |
Other (specify) |
Don’t know |
Refused |
< 1 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
7 |
9 |
1 to 3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
7 |
9 |
4 to 10 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
7 |
9 |
11 to 17 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
7 |
9 |
18 to 34 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
7 |
9 |
35 to 59 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
7 |
9 |
60 + |
1 |
2 |
3 |
7 |
9 |
Home – care is provided in someone’s home typically by one person
Center- care is provided typically in a commercial building with many providers and rooms
Nanny / care provider share- two or more families have a single nanny / care provider to take care of their household member either full-time or part-time
15. In the 12 weeks before [Reference Date_____/_____/______)], did any household member stay overnight in a hospital?
Yes 1
No 2
Don’t know/Not sure 7
Refused 9
16. In the 12 weeks before [Reference Date_____/_____/______)], did any household member stay overnight in a nursing home?
Yes 1
No 2
Don’t know/Not sure 7
Refused 9
17. In the 12 weeks before [Reference Date_____/_____/______)], did anyone else in your household have diarrhea?
Yes 1
No 2 (Go to Q.18)
Don’t know/Not sure 7 (Go to Q.18)
Refused 9 (Go to Q.18)
17A. If yes, did you assist this person with toileting (including diaper changes)?
Yes 1
No 2
Don’t know/Not sure 7
Refused 9
17B. Was this person diagnosed with C. difficile?
Yes 1
No 2
Don’t know/Not sure 7
Refused 9
18. Did any of your household members work or volunteer, in any capacity, at a hospital, other medical facility, or in any facility where patient care is provided in the 12 weeks before [Reference Date_____/_____/______)]?
Yes 1
No 2 (Go to Q.19)
Don’t know/Not sure 7 (Go to Q.19)
Refused 9 (Go to Q.19)
18A. If yes, what type of healthcare setting?
(READ LIST) Yes No DK/NS Refused
Hospital 1 2 7 9
Emergency department 1 2 7 9
Doctor’s office 1 2 7 9
Dentist 1 2 7 9
Long term care (skilled nursing facility) 1 2 7 9
Hemodialysis facility 1 2 7 9
Other facility 1 2
18B. Did their job involve direct physical contact with the patients? For example, touching the patient to help her get out of a chair
Yes 1
No 2 (Go to Q.19)
Don’t know/Not sure 7 (Go to Q.19)
Refused 9 (Go to Q.19)
18B1. If yes, what was their main job?
18B2. Job Code- (Fill in job code after interview is finished)
19. Did you work or volunteer, in any capacity, at a hospital, other medical facility, or in any facility where patient care is provided in the 12 weeks before [Reference Date_____/_____/______)]?
Yes 1
No 2 (Go to Q.20)
Don’t know/Not sure 7 (Go to Q.20)
Refused 9 (Go to Q.20)
19A. If yes, what type of healthcare setting?
(READ LIST) Yes No DK/NS Refused
Hospital 1 2 7 9
Emergency department 1 2 7 9
Doctor’s office 1 2 7 9
Dentist 1 2 7 9
Long term care (skilled nursing facility) 1 2 7 9
Hemodialysis facility 1 2 7 9
Other facility 1 2
19B. Did your job involve direct physical contact with the patients? For example, touching the patient to help her get out of a chair
Yes 1
No 2 (Go to Q.20)
Don’t know/Not sure 7 (Go to Q.20)
Refused 9 (Go to Q.20)
19B1. If yes, what was your main job?
19B2. Job Code- (Fill in job code after interview is finished)
20. Did you attend an adult daycare in the 12 weeks before [Reference Date_____/_____/______)]? We consider daycare to be any place inside or outside your home where a household member spends at least 4 hours per week under an adult’s care with at least two adults who do not live with you
Yes 1
No 2 (Skip to Q.21)
Don’t know/Not sure 7 (Skip to Q.21)
Refused 9 (Skip to Q.21)
20A. If yes, what type of care setting? [Read list if necessary]
Home – care is provided in someone’s home typically by one person 1
Center- care is provided typically in a commercial building with many providers and rooms 2
Nanny / care provider share- two or more families have a single nanny / care provider to take care of their household member either full-time or part-time 3
Other 4
Specify: __________________________________________________
Don’t know/Not sure 7
Refused 9
Section 5: Diet Exposures
I’d like to change direction now and ask you about the foods you generally eat in a given week and the kind of water you drink.
21. Did you receive food / formula through a feeding tube called a G-tube or J-tube in the 12 weeks before [Reference Date_____/_____/______)]?
Yes 1
No 2
Don’t know/Not sure 7
Refused 9
22. In a typical week how frequently do you consume the following foods?
Often |
Sometimes |
Rarely |
Never |
Refused |
>5/week |
2-5 /week |
<2/ week |
Never |
Eggs |
1 |
2 |
4 |
5 |
7 |
9 |
Dairy (milk, yogurt) |
1 |
2 |
4 |
5 |
7 |
9 |
Fresh raw Vegetables |
1 |
2 |
4 |
5 |
7 |
9 |
Plant based protein (tofu, tempeh, seitan) |
1 |
2 |
4 |
5 |
7 |
9 |
Red Meat (beef, lamb, pork, other game meat) |
1 |
2 |
4 |
5 |
7 |
9 |
Poultry (chicken, turkey) |
1 |
2 |
4 |
5 |
7 |
9 |
Seafood (fish, shellfish) |
1 |
2 |
4 |
5 |
7 |
9 |
23. Which one of the following is the source of tap water in your home (select only one):
water utility private well spring unknown other
Name of the water utility, if known ______________________________________
If other, specify type and location ______________________________________
23A. At home, what type of unboiled water do you most often use for drinking (chose only one)?
______ Tap water not treated in the home
______ Tap water treated in the home (for example, filtered, UV light, distilled, or whole house point-of-entry device)
______Commercially bottled water
_____Other ________________________
Section 6: Medical History
The next sets of questions are about medications you may have been taking in the 12 weeks before [Reference Date_____/_____/______]. Medicine bottles or records may help you remember about specific medications. Would you like to gather this information before we go on?
24. Did you take any antibiotics by mouth or in your vein in the 12 weeks before [Reference Date_____/_____/______]?
Yes 1
No 2 (Go to Q.28)
Don’t know/Not sure 7 (Go to Q.28)
Refused 9 (Go to Q.28)
24A. Why did you take these antibiotic(s)?
Note: Subjects may indicate more than one reason (For example, if more than one course of antibiotics was taken for different illnesses or if one antibiotic was taken for and ear infection and a pneumonia)
Yes |
No |
Acne |
1 |
2 |
Bronchitis/ pneumonia |
1 |
2 |
Dental cleaning |
1 |
2 |
Ear, sinus, upper respiratory infection |
1 |
2 |
Eye infection |
1 |
2 |
Oral surgery |
1 |
2 |
Skin or soft tissue infection (abscess or cellulitis) |
1 |
2 |
Surgery |
1 |
2 |
Urinary tract infection |
1 |
2 |
Urinary tract prophylaxis |
1 |
2 |
Refused |
9 |
9 |
7 |
7 |
Other |
1 |
2 |
Specify:____________________________________________ |
24B. Which antibiotic(s) did you take in the 12 weeks before [Reference Date_____/_____/______]? [DO NOT READ LIST]
If yes, How many weeks prior to (Reference Date_____/_____/______) did you take this antibiotic? |
2-weeks |
4-weeks |
12-weeks |
Amoxicillin |
1 |
Amoxicillin/Clavulanate |
1 |
Ampicillin |
1 |
Augmentin |
1 |
Azithromycin |
1 |
Bactrim |
1 |
Biaxin |
1 |
Ceclor |
1 |
Cefaclor |
1 |
Cefadroxil |
1 |
Cefdinir |
1 |
Ceftin |
1 |
Cefixime |
1 |
Cefuorixime |
1 |
Cefzil |
1 |
If yes, How many weeks prior to (Reference Date_____/_____/______) did you take this antibiotic? |
2-weeks |
4-weeks |
12-weeks |
Cephradine |
1 |
Ciprofloxacin or Cipro |
1 |
Clarithromyc |
1 |
Cleocin |
1 |
Clindamycin |
1 |
Dapsone |
1 |
Doxycycline |
1 |
Duricef |
1 |
Erythromycin |
1 |
Erythromycin/sulfa |
1 |
Flagyl |
1 |
Floxin |
1 |
Keflex |
1 |
Keftab |
1 |
Levofloxacin |
1 |
Levoquin |
1 |
Monurol |
1 |
Metronidazole |
1 |
Norfloxacin or Norflox |
1 |
Ofloxacin or Oflox |
1 |
Omnicef |
1 |
Penicillin or Pen VK |
1 |
Pediazole |
1 |
Septra |
1 |
Suprax |
1 |
Tetracycline |
1 |
Trimox |
1 |
Trimethoprim/Sulfa |
1 |
Vancomycin |
1 |
Zithromax or Z-Pak |
1 |
Clindamycin |
1 |
Other antibiotic 1 |
1 |
Specify: _______________________ |
1 |
Other antibiotic 2 |
1 |
Specify: ________________________ |
1 |
Don’t know/Not sure |
7 |
Refused |
9 |
25. Did you use any antibiotic eye drops in the 12 weeks before [Reference Date_____/_____/______]?
Yes 1
No 2 (Go to Q.26)
Don’t know/Not sure 7 (Go to Q.26)
Refused 9 (Go to Q.26)
25 A. If yes, what was the name of the drop (read list if necessary)?
Polytrim (Polymyxin sulfate / TMP)…….1
Ciloxan (Ciprofloxacin)…………………..2
Ocuflox (Ofloxacin)……………………….3
Vigamox, Moxeza (Moxifloxacin) ……..4
Specify :
26. In the 12 weeks before [Reference Date_____/_____/______], did you regularly take any acid-reducing medications to treat excessive stomach acid, heartburn, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)? We define regular use as use of the product at least 3 days per week. Such medications might include Tums, Prevacid, Maalox, Mylanta, Tagamet, Zantac, Prilosec, or Nexium.
Yes 1
No 2 (Go to Q.27)
Don’t know/Not sure 7 (Go to Q.27)
Refused 9 (Go to Q.27)
26A. If Yes, please specify which medicine you regularly took in the 12 weeks before [Reference Date_____/_____/______]
YES=1 |
NO=2 |
If yes, How many weeks prior to (Reference Date_____/_____/______ ) did you take this medication? |
2 weeks |
4 weeks |
12 weeks |
Aciphex/rabeprazole |
1 |
2 |
Alka-Seltzer |
1 |
2 |
Maalox |
1 |
2 |
Mylanta |
1 |
2 |
Nexium/esomeprazole |
1 |
2 |
Pepcid/famotidine |
1 |
2 |
Prevacid/lansoprazole |
1 |
2 |
Prilosec/omeprazole |
1 |
2 |
Protonix/pantoprazole |
1 |
2 |
Rolaids |
1 |
2 |
Tums |
1 |
2 |
Tagamet/cimetidine |
1 |
2 |
Zantac/ranitidine |
1 |
2 |
Other: |
1 |
2 |
Don’t Know/not sure |
7 |
7 |
Refuse |
9 |
9 |
If yes, in the
2 weeks before
I am now going to ask about medications that are given for many reasons including things like chronic pain, depression, anxiety, to stop smoking, and to help sleep. We are asking about these medications to determine if they could put people at risk for C. diff. Examples of these medications include: Prozac, Celexa, Remeron, Paxil, and Trazadone.
27. In the 12 weeks before [Reference Date_____/_____/______], did you regularly take any such medications? We define regular use as use of the product at least 3 days per week.
Yes 1
No 2 (Go to Q.28)
Don’t know/Not sure 7 (Go to Q.28)
Refused 9 (Go to Q.28)
27A. If Yes, please specify which medicine you regularly took in the 12 weeks before [Reference Date_____/_____/______]
If yes, How many weeks prior to (Reference Date_____/_____/______ ) did you take this medication? |
NO |
2 weeks |
4 weeks |
12 weeks |
Amitriptyline |
1 |
2 |
Anafranil (Clomipramine) |
1 |
2 |
Asendin (Amoxapine) |
1 |
2 |
Celexa, Cipramil (Citalopram)
1 |
2 |
Cymbalta (Duloxetine) |
1 |
2 |
Effexor (Venlafaxine) |
1 |
2 |
Eldepryl, Emsam, Zelapar (Selegiline) |
1 |
2 |
Escitalopram |
1 |
2 |
Limbitrol (Chlordiazepoxide/Amitriptyline) |
1 |
2 |
Ludiomil,(Maprotiline) |
1 |
2 |
Luvox (Fluvoxamine) |
1 |
2 |
Marplan, (Isocarboxazid) |
1 |
2 |
Nardil, Nardelzine (Phenelzine sulfate) |
1 |
2 |
Norpramin (Desipramine) |
1 |
2 |
Nortriptyline |
1 |
2 |
Parnate,(Tranylcypromine) |
1 |
2 |
Paxil (Paroxetine) |
1 |
2 |
Pristiq (Desvenlafaxine) |
1 |
2 |
Prozac, Sarafem, Fontex (Fluoxetine) |
1 |
2 |
Remeron, Avanza, Zispin (Mirtazapine) |
1 |
2 |
Savella, (Milnacipran) |
1 |
2 |
Serzone, (Nefazodone) |
1 |
2 |
Silenor, Prudoxin, Zonalon (Doxepin) |
1 |
2 |
Surmontil (Trimipramine) |
1 |
2 |
Symbyax (Olanzapine/fluoxetine) |
1 |
2 |
Tofranil, (Imipramine) |
1 |
2 |
Trazadone |
1 |
2 |
Triptafen (amitriptyline/perphenazine) |
1 |
2 |
Viibryd (Vilazodone) |
1 |
2 |
Vivactil, (Protriptyline) |
1 |
2 |
Wellbutrin, Zyban (Bupropion) |
1 |
2 |
Zoloft, Lustral (Sertraline) |
1 |
2 |
Other: Specify:
1 |
2 |
Don’t know/Not Sure |
7 |
7 |
Refuse |
9 |
9 |
If yes, in the
2 weeks before
Now I am going to ask you about medical conditions you may have had.
28. Prior to [Reference Date_____/_____/______], were you ever told by a medical provider that you had any of the following medical conditions?
[READ LIST – including information in parentheses]
Yes |
No |
Refused |
Diabetes |
Heart attack |
Congestive heart failure |
Stroke |
High blood pressure |
Peripheral vascular disease (intermittent claudication, gangrene, peripheral arterial bypass) arterial bypass) |
Chronic renal (kidney) failure |
Chronic lung disease (COPD, emphysema) |
Asthma |
Cystic fibrosis |
Chronic Hepatitis B infection |
Chronic Hepatitis C infection |
Organ transplant |
Bone marrow transplant |
Leukemia or lymphoma |
Sickle cell disease (not sickle cell trait) |
Solid tumor cancer (e.g. bone, liver, brain) |
Short gut disease (bowel/ intestinal insufficiency |
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative colitis) |
Lupus |
Rheumatoid arthritis |
Depression |
Other illness: |
29. There is some evidence that how much you weight may effect infection with C. difficile. What is your height and Weight?
Height: Ft in or ______cm
Weight: lbs or ________ Kg
Don’t Know/ Not Sure….7
Refused ………………..9
Section 8: Demographics
Now I would like to ask you a few final questions.
30. Do you consider yourself to be? [Read responses 1 & 2]
( ) 1 Hispanic or Latino
( ) 2 Not Hispanic or Latino
( ) 7 Don’t Know/Not Sure (DO NOT READ)
( ) 9 Refused (DO NOT READ)
( ) 10. Other racial category (DO NOT READ)
31.I am going to read a list of racial categories. Which one or more of the following do you consider yourself to be…? [Read responses 1-5 and allow respondent to select one or more]
( ) 1 White/Caucasian
( ) 2 Black or African-American
( ) 3 American Indian or Alaska Native
( ) 4 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
( ) 5 Asian
( ) 7 Don’t Know/Not Sure (DO NOT READ)
( ) 9 Refused (DO NOT READ)
( ) 10. Other racial category (DO NOT READ)
32. What is your occupation?
33. What was your main type of health care coverage during (12 weeks before Reference Date_____/_____/_____ ) I’m going to read all the choices.
Private insurance, such as an HMO, PPO or a managed care plan 1
Public insurance, such as Medicaid, Medicare or state assistance program 2
A combination of private and public insurance 3
No health insurance 4
DO NOT READ: Other [specify] _________________________ 8
Don’t know or not sure 7
Refused 9
Because education and income can affect access to healthcare, I’d like to ask you about a couple of questions on these subjects.
34 What is the highest grade or year of school you completed?
___1 Never attended school or kindergarten only |
___2 Elementary or middle school; 1st-8th grade |
___3 Some high school; 9th-11th grade |
___4 High school graduate; 12th grade or GED |
___5 College or technical school for 1-3 years |
___6 College for 4 years, with or without a degree |
___9 Refused |
35 In your home, what is the annual gross household income from all sources, including social security and pensions? Read each response in order until respondent agrees.
___0 Dependent college student |
___1 Less than $15,000 |
___5 Less than $70,000 |
___2 Less than $25,000 |
___6 $70,000 or more |
___3 Less than $35,000 |
___7 Don’t know or not sure |
___4 Less than $50,000 |
___9 Refused |
That was my last interview question. Thank you very much for your time and participation!
36. Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________
37. Interview Completed? Yes No
38. Date of interview: ____/____/______
39. Interviewer initials: ______________
Health Interview Appendix—Job Codes
OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - 1998 Standard Occupational Classification
29-0000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
29-1000 Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioners
29-1010 Chiropractors
29-1020 Dentists
29-1021 Dentists, General
29-1022 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
29-1023 Orthodontists
29-1024 Prosthodontists
29-1029 Dentists, All Other Specialists
29-1030 Dietitians and Nutritionists
29-1040 Optometrists
29-1050 Pharmacists
29-1060 Physicians and Surgeons
29-1061 Anesthesiologists
29-1062 Family and General Practitioners
29-1063 Internists, General
29-1064 Obstetricians and Gynecologists
29-1065 Pediatricians, General
29-1066 Psychiatrists
29-1067 Surgeons
29-1069 Physicians and Surgeons, All Other
29-1070 Physician Assistants
29-1080 Podiatrists
29-1110 Registered Nurses
29-1120 Therapists
29-1121 Audiologists
29-1122 Occupational Therapists
29-1123 Physical Therapists
29-1124 Radiation Therapists
29-1125 Recreational Therapists
29-1126 Respiratory Therapists
29-1127 Speech-Language Pathologists
29-1129 Therapists, All Other
29-1130 Veterinarians
29-1190 Miscellaneous Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioners
29-1199 Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioners, All Other
29-2000 Health Technologists and Technicians
29-2010 Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians
29-2011 Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists
29-2012 Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technicians
29-2020 Dental Hygienists
29-2030 Diagnostic Related Technologists and Technicians
29-2031 Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians
29-2032 Diagnostic Medical Sonographers
29-2033 Nuclear Medicine Technologists
29-2034 Radiologic Technologists and Technicians
29-2040 Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics
29-2050 Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioner Support Technicians
29-2051 Dietetic Technicians
29-2052 Pharmacy Technicians
29-2053 Psychiatric Technicians
29-2054 Respiratory Therapy Technicians
29-2055 Surgical Technologists
29-2056 Veterinary Technologists and Technicians
29-2060 Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses
29-2070 Medical Records and Health Information Technicians
29-2080 Opticians, Dispensing
29-2090 Miscellaneous Health Technologists and Technicians
29-2091 Orthotists and Prosthetists
29-2099 Health Technologists and Technicians, All Other
29-9000 Other Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
29-9010 Occupational Health and Safety Specialists and Technicians
29-9011 Occupational Health and Safety Specialists
29-9012 Occupational Health and Safety Technicians
29-9090 Miscellaneous Health Practitioners and Technical Workers
29-9091 Athletic Trainers
29-9099 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Workers, All Other
31-0000 Healthcare Support Occupations
31-1000 Nursing, Psychiatric, and Home Health Aides
31-1010 Nursing, Psychiatric, and Home Health Aides
31-1011 Home Health Aides
31-1012 Nursing Aides, Orderlies, and Attendants
31-1013 Psychiatric Aides
31-2000 Occupational and Physical Therapist Assistants and Aides
31-2010 Occupational Therapist Assistants and Aides
31-2011 Occupational Therapist Assistants
31-2012 Occupational Therapist Aides
31-2020 Physical Therapist Assistants and Aides
31-2021 Physical Therapist Assistants
31-2022 Physical Therapist Aides
31-9000 Other Healthcare Support Occupations
31-9010 Massage Therapists
31-9090 Miscellaneous Healthcare Support Occupations
31-9091 Dental Assistants
31-9092 Medical Assistants
31-9093 Medical Equipment Preparers
31-9094 Medical Transcriptionists
31-9095 Pharmacy Aides
31-9096 Veterinary Assistants and Laboratory Animal Caretakers
31-9099 Healthcare Support Workers, All Other
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-xxxx).
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | CDC User |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-28 |