FISAP Form - Public Institutions

Fiscal Operations Report for 2012-2013 and Application to Participate for 2014-2015 (FISAP) and Reallocation Form


FISAP Form - Public Institutions

OMB: 1845-0030

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Your completed FISAP

must be transmitted via FISAP on the Web by October 1, 2014


Fiscal Operations Report for 2013-2014


Application to Participate for 2015-2016


in the Federal Perkins Loan,

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG),

and Federal Work-Study (FWS) Programs

U.S. Department of Education

Federal Student Aid




The Legal Reason You Must Complete the Application to Participate ii

Introduction to the Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate (FISAP) iii

PART I Identifying Information, Certification and Warning Instructions I-1

PART II Application to Participate Instructions II-1

PART III Federal Perkins Loan Program Report Instructions III-1

PART IV FSEOG Program Report Instructions IV-1

PART V FWS Program Report Instructions V-1

PART VI Program Summary Instructions VI-1


The Legal Reason You Must Complete the Application to Participate


A school to participate in the campus-based programs is required to file an application by the deadline date of October 1, 2014 as established in the “Notice of the 2013-2014 Award Year Deadline Dates for the Campus Based Programs” that was published in the Federal Register on March 7, 2013 (Vol. 78, No. 45 FR 14776).  It is important to note that if the U.S. Department of Education (Department) does not receive a completed application by the published deadline date, you cannot be assured that your school will be allocated funds for any of the campus-based programs. The regulatory and statutory citations are Federal Perkins Loan (34 CFR 673.3) (20 U.S.C. 1087bb), FWS (34 CFR 673.3) (42 U.S.C. 2752), and FSEOG (34 CFR 673.3) (20 U.S.C. 1070b-3).

The Legal Reason You Must Complete the Fiscal Operations Report

Federal regulations state that if you spent campus-based program funds in 2013-2014 or have a Federal Perkins Loan Fund, you must submit a Fiscal Operations Report. The regulatory and statutory citations are as follows: Federal Perkins Loan (34 CFR 674.19), FWS

(34 CFR 675.19), and FSEOG (34 CFR 676.19), (20 U.S.C. 1094).

Disclosure of Estimated Burden

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, persons are not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20.92 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is mandatory to obtain or retain benefit in accordance with the following regulatory and statutory citations: Federal Perkins Loan (34 CFR 674.19), Federal Work-Study (34 CFR 675.19), and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (34 CFR 676.19), (20 U.S. C. 1094).

Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to:

U.S. Department of Education

Washington, DC 20210-4537

or email and reference the OMB Control Number 1845-0030.

Note: Please do not return the completed Fiscal Operations and Application to Participate (FISAP) to this address.

If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your school’s submission of this form, contact the Campus-Based Call Center at 1-877-801-7168. Customer service representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. (ET). You may also send an e-mail to

Introduction to the Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate (FISAP)


What is the FISAP?

The FISAP contains two sections:

  • the Application to Participate in the three campus-based programs (Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant [FSEOG], and Federal Work-Study [FWS]) for the award year July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, and

  • the Fiscal Operations Report for program participation during the award year July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.

What do these programs provide?

All programs provide funds (in different ways) to students with financial need to help pay postsecondary education costs.

The Federal Perkins Loan Program provides low-interest loans, the FSEOG Program offers grants, and the FWS Program provides part-time employment for students. Each program has a CFDA number. (“CFDA” is the acronym for the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, which describes all federal programs.) For Perkins, the number is CFDA#84.038; for FSEOG, it is CFDA#84.007; and for FWS, it is CFDA#84.033.

What should new applicants do to participate in the campus-based programs?

If your school is a first-time participant or does not possess a current Program Participation Agreement (PPA) for the Title IV programs, apply for participation to the U.S. Department of Education’s School Eligibility Channel (SEC). Schools must use the online application

available at

Once your school answers questions for initial applicants and prints and faxes them to the School Participation Team (SPT) for your school’s home state, the SPT will provide your school with an OPEID number that gives your school access to complete the E-application.

Your school does not need to establish eligibility before filing the FISAP by the October 1, 2014 deadline. However, if your school wishes to participate in the campus-based programs in the 2015-2016 award year, your school must have an OPEID number to access the eCampus-Based system to apply for funds before the October 1, 2014 deadline.

Also, your school will not receive any Campus-Based funds until your school is certified by the Department as eligible to participate in Federal Student Aid programs.

Will I need to complete the entire FISAP?

Not necessarily. To decide what parts must be completed, you must know what your school did last year and what it plans to do next year. The FISAP contains data cells for two separate award years: an Application for funds for 2015-2016 and the Fiscal Operations Report for funds received in 2013-2014.

The FISAP is divided into three main areas: Identifying Information, Certification and Warning; the Application to Participate; and the Fiscal Operations Report. (See the table of contents for the six FISAP parts.)

Use the following table to determine what parts need to be completed.

For this situation Complete these parts

You are requesting FISAP, Part I:

funds for 2015-2016 Identifying Information, Certification and Warning


Application to Participate

Shape5 For this situation Complete these parts

You received funds FISAP, Part I:

for 2013-2014 Identifying Information, Certification and Warning

FISAP, Parts III, IV, V: Fiscal Operations Report (as applicable)

FISAP, Part VI: Program Summary

In addition, if your school is in the process of liquidating its Federal Perkins Loan Fund, or you made loans from the Fund even though your school did not receive a Federal Capital Contribution for the 2013-2014 award year, you must complete the Identifying Information, Certification and Warning section and the Part III Perkins Loan Program section of the Fiscal Operations Report.

I am reporting for more than one institution. Can I complete one FISAP to cover funding for all institutions?

Yes. Institutions with unique OPEID numbers* that are under the same administrative control or ownership have the following options:

OPTION A: Each institution may complete a separate application. (Any data you enter in a school’s application must not be duplicated in any other school’s application.)

OPTION B: These institutions may combine to complete one application. In this case, you must include in your FISAP the name, address, and OPEID of each eligible institution for which this FISAP contains information. You must also be able to provide all FISAP data separately for each institution if required to do so by an audit or program review.

On the first page of the Identifying Information screen, you will indicate if this FISAP includes data for additional institutions. If yes, you must enter all institutions for which this form is applicable.

*An institution’s unique OPEID number is the one associated with what is commonly called the “main campus.” The first digit is always zero “0” and the last two digits are always zero “0”.

Explanation: The last two digits identify additional campus locations. If an institution has more than 99 additional campus locations, the first digit of the OPEID is then incremented to 1. If an institution has more than 199 additional campus locations, the first digit of the OPEID is incremented to 2, etc.

Note: Campus-Based funds are awarded to the reporting institution (the institution filing the FISAP) and the reporting institution must ensure that funds are made reasonably available to all qualifying students at each eligible institution for which it has requested funds and each additional campus location listed in its Program Participation Agreement (PPA).

How do I submit my FISAP data?

You must go online to the Department’s FISAP on the Web site: At that site, you can also receive communications from the Department and submit corrections.

To submit your FISAP on the Web, you must have a User ID and password. If you don’t have these, go to the Web site mentioned above and click on the “Login” button. Then click on the registration link in the login box and enter the information requested. Once you have registered, you will receive your User ID by e-mail. When you have your ID, return to the site and click “Login.” Enter your User ID and the password you created when you registered. Click “Submit.” The Privacy Act screen will be displayed. Click “Continue” to access eCB.

Note: If you are a new destination point administrator (DPA) at your school, before you can register, you must go to https:// to enroll or call CPS/SAIG Technical Support 1-800-330-5947.

What does the Department of Education do with the FISAP information I submit?

The Department uses the information you provide in the Application to Participate and in the Fiscal Operations Report to determine the amount of funds you will receive for each campus-based program. You must provide accurate data. If you do not, you might not receive all the funds to which you are entitled, or you might be required to return funds you were not entitled to receive. You must retain accurate and verifiable records for program review and audit purposes.

The Department uses your Fiscal Operations Report data to manage the Perkins Loan Fund portfolio and to monitor expenditures in the campus-based programs.

When is the FISAP due?

The FISAP data must be submitted before midnight EDT on October 1, 2014.

How do I know the Department of Education has received my FISAP?

After submission, your school will receive a confirmation listing the date and time the Department received your FISAP.

What if I need to make corrections to my FISAP after the December 15th deadline for corrections?

Each year, in November, the Department publishes an Electronic Announcement on IFAP Subject: FISAP Edit Corrections and Perkins Cash on Hand Update Due December 15. Please review that announcement for information on how to accomplish data corrections on your FISAP.

When will I hear from the Department about my school’s award amounts?

The Department lets you know your tentative 2015-2016 award amount(s) by January 30, 2015 and your final award amount(s) by April 1, 2015.

What general instructions should I follow when I complete the FISAP?

Have these instructions handy as you complete your FISAP to make sure you have reported information correctly.

Use actual figures, except where estimates are requested.

When a dollar amount is requested, use whole dollars only. Do not report cents. The electronic FISAP system will not accept cents.

Round to the nearest dollar. For example, report $175 if the actual amount in your records is $175.49. Report $176 if the actual amount in your records is $175.50.

Do not enter negative amounts. The FISAP on the Web will accept only positive amounts. (Most calculations are performed for you.)

Complete only those items that pertain to your school.

How do cross-over payment periods affect FISAP reporting?

A cross-over payment period is a payment period that includes both June 30 and July 1; i.e., it crosses the change in award years. However, the funds are expended from either one award year or the other. FISAP reporting is based on the funds expended from a specific award year, not how your schools payment periods are structured.

Example: If a Federal Pell Grant award for the 2014 summer was paid to a student with funds from the 2014-2015 award year authorization for that program, report that amount in the FISAP to be filed next year (due by October 1, 2015) and not on this FISAP. So, in Part II, Section E, Field 23 on page A-4 of the FISAP you are to report the total amount expended against your Federal Pell Grant 2013-2014 award year authorization. This amount should agree with the final cumulative expenditures for the 2013-2014 award year as entered in G5.

How do I report funds transferred between programs and funds carried forward or carried back?

As published in the Federal Student Aid Handbook, Volume 6, Managing Campus-Based Programs, there are provisions for transferring Campus-Based funds between Campus-Based Programs and carrying funds forward or back between award years. These provisions do not allow for moving funds between programs, between schools or between years within G5. The transfer of Campus-Based funds is reported on the Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate (FISAP) only.

Also see the following Electronic Announcements available posted to the IFAP Web site:

March 29, 2012, Subject: Transfers of Campus-Based Program Funds and G5 Award Adjustments, and

June 28, 2012, Subject: Change to G5 Functionality for Campus-Based Program Awards.

What are the deadline dates for the 2015-2016 award year?

2015-2016 FISAP

on the Web available to schools

By August 1, 2014

Reallocation Form submission (return 2013-2014 funds/request 2014-2015 supplemental FWS funds) to ED

By August 18, 2014

FISAP submission (2013-2014 Report and 2015-2016 Application for funds) to ED

By October 1, 2014

Work Colleges Report of 2013-2014 Expenditures to ED

By October 1, 2014

FISAP Edit Corrections (2013-2014 Report and 2015-2016 Application for funds) due to ED

By December 15, 2014

Tentative 2015-2016 Awards posted on the Web

By January 30, 2015

Waiver Request for Underuse of 2015-2016 Funds to ED

By February 9, 2015

2015-2016 Work Colleges Application and Agreement to ED

By March 9, 2015

Final 2015-2016 Awards posted on the Web

By April 1, 2015

Waiver Request for 2015-2016 FWS Community Service Waiver Expenditure Requirements to ED

By April 27, 2015

Part I:

Identifying Information, Certification

and Warning


Who must complete Part I?

All schools must complete Part I and must submit the signed hard copy of the certification and signature pages (see page I-3).

Field-by-field instructions for Part I

Section A. Identifying Information


1(a ) Name and address of school

If your school currently participates in the campus-based programs, the FISAP on the Web automatically provides your school’s name and address as it is listed in our files. You will need to verify this data for accuracy and make any corrections necessary. You can update school changes by going to The School Eligibility Channel (SEC) will process these actions.

If your school is a new applicant, you will need to enter its name and address, which must be that of a school of postsecondary education. The address must be the school’s street address. Do not enter the P.O. Box, an administrative entity location, or the address of the corporation that controls the school. To apply for eligibility, go to the Web site given in the preceding paragraph.

If the school in this field is a new applicant for 2015-2016, but its students were included in the 2014-2015 application filed last year by a different institution, identify that institution’s name, address, and OPEID on the FISAP “Additional Information” screen located on the left side menu. Then enter a brief explanation of how the students came to be counted in different places.

1(b) Mailing address (if different from 1(a))

If your school currently participates in the campus-based programs, the FISAP on the Web automatically provides your school’s mailing address as it is listed in our files. You will need to verify this data for accuracy and make any corrections necessary.

If your school is a new applicant, you will need to enter its mailing address if different from the address in Field 1(a). You may enter a P.O. Box or an administrative entity location. However, if your school uses the services of a private firm in administering these programs and reports that fact in Field 7, do not report that firm here.

The following are the only permissible characters to use in this field: letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), periods (.), apostrophes ('), dashes (-), number signs (#), at (@), percent signs (%), ampersands (&), slashes (/), or blanks (spaces). Use street address

abbreviations such as APT (apartment) or AVE (Avenue) if the address extends beyond the space provided.

2 OPEID Number

The FISAP on the Web automatically provides the OPEID.

3 Type of school

If your school currently participates in the campus-based programs, the FISAP on the Web automatically provides the type of school as it is listed in our files. You will need to verify this data for accuracy and make any corrections necessary.

If your school is applying for campus-based funds for the first time, select the type of school that best describes your school.

Valid selections are:



Proprietary (with the following sub-types):




Trade and Technical


Note: Only proprietary schools enter the appropriate sub-type. If your school is “public” or “private non-profit,” do NOT try to select a proprietary sub-type.

4 Length/type of longest program

If your school currently participates in the campus-based programs, the FISAP on the Web automatically provides the length of your school’s longest program. You will need to verify this data for accuracy and make any corrections necessary.

If your school is a new applicant, select the number from the drop down box that best describes the length of your school’s longest program.

Note: If you are preparing this FISAP on behalf of two or more schools with different program types or lengths, for fields 3 and 4, enter information representing the highest percentage of enrolled students entered in Part II, Section D.

5 Additional Institutions

The eCB system will pre-populate the first line with the 8-digit OPEID of the institution filing this FISAP (the reporting institution).

To enter additional institutions for which data is being reported on this FISAP, use the Additional Institution button to enter the OPEID of an additional institution.

Note: The system will prepopulate the first and last two digits of the OPEID with zeros (see footnote to question on page iii “Can I complete one FISAP to cover funding for all institutions?”

If the OPEID is valid, the eCB system will prepopulate the institution name, address, city, state and zip. If the OPEID number is not valid, a data entry edit error message will be displayed.

You may repeat this process to include all additional institutions for which you are reporting.

If you need to delete an institution from the list, check the box located to the left of the OPEID and click the Delete Institution button.

You may only request funds and report data for additional institutions if the additional institutions are affiliated with the reporting institution through administrative control or ownership. If an additional institution is NOT affiliated with the reporting institution through administrative control or ownership, a separate FISAP must be filed and the data for that institution must not be duplicated in any other FISAP. If you need to delete an OPEID, check the box of the applicable OPEID and click the “Delete OPEID” button.

If the reporting institution entered in Field 1(a) is a new applicant for 2015-2016 but its students were included in a 2014-2015 application field last year by a different institution, identify that institution’s name, address and OPEID on the FISAP “Additional Information” screen from the left side menu. Also provide a brief explanation of how the students came to be counted in different places.

6 Financial Aid Administrator

If your school currently participates in the campus-based programs, the FISAP on the Web will provide the name, telephone number, and e-mail address of your school’s financial aid administrator. You must verify this data for accuracy and make any corrections necessary.

If your school is a new applicant, you will need to enter all the Financial Aid Administrator (FAA) information in Field 6.

Note: The Department uses the FAA e-mail addresses to communicate with schools about campus-based program issues. 

7 Name and address of private financial aid consultant firm, if any

If your school uses the services of a private firm in the administration of these programs, you must complete this field. Do not include private CPAs or billing and collection agencies.

Section B. Certification and Warning

8 Chief Executive Officer (includes President, Chancellor and Director)

All entries must be completed in this section. Your school’s CEO, President, Chancellor or Director must sign here to certify that the school is in compliance with the anti-lobbying requirements and that the FISAP data is “true and accurate.” The certifying official must be aware that the information in this FISAP is subject to audit and program review. Providing false or misleading information may result in criminal penalties.

You are required to send the hard copy of the combined certification and signature pages—containing Section A information and containing, in Section B, the original signature of one of the officials listed above—to the address below. Print out these pages by clicking the Self-Service tab, going to “Forms and Reports,” selecting “Signature Pages,” and then selecting “File” and “Print.”

Mail the signature pages to the following address:

FISAP Administrator

3130 Fairview Park Drive

Suite 800

Falls Church, VA 22042

Note: You submit signature pages only once a year—not every time you submit a FISAP. To see if your signature pages have been logged as submitted, go to and log in, then select “Self-Service,” then “Submission Log.”

The full text of the lobbying certification will print as part of the Certification and Warning page.

If your school received $100,000 or more for FSEOG and/or FWS and your school performs lobbying activities, you must submit Standard Form-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities signed by your institution’s President/CEO/Chancellor, along with your signature pages. You can access the “Lobbying Form” through the Self-Service link at

Part II:

Application to Participate


Who must complete Part II?

All schools must complete Part II to request campus-based funds for the 2015-2016 award year.

Section summaries are given below. Details follow in these instructions.

Section A: Current legislation and regulations contain formulas that use the information you provide in this section to determine the amount of funds your school will receive. Note: The amount you request in Section A will be the maximum you can receive.

Section B: Check “yes” here if your school wants to withdraw from the Federal Perkins Loan Program. You must follow the approved liquidation procedures outlined in guidance provided in the April 19, 2013 Electronic Announcement, Subject: Federal Perkins Loan Portfolio Liquidation and Assignment Procedures available on the IFAP Web site at or contact the Campus-Based Call Center at 877-801-7168 or

Section C: You can request a waiver of the penalty for an underuse of 2013-2014 award year funds if you provide a written explanation of the cause of the underuse and include steps your school has taken to ensure the cause has been remedied.

Section D: Provide enrollment information. See field by field instructions below.

Section E: Provide assessments and expenditures information. See field by field instructions below.

Section F: Provide aggregate information on eligible aid applicants enrolled in your school for award year 2013-2014 by income level. See field by field instructions below.

Field-by-field instructions for Part II

Section A. Request for Funds for the 2015-2016 Award Year

Enter in Field 1 your Federal Perkins Loan

Level of Expenditure (LOE) request. In fields 2 through 4, enter the amount of authorization your school wants to receive for each campus-based program. If you do not enter an amount in

a field, your school will not receive any funds

for that program. The amount you request should represent the maximum amount your school believes it needs. Do not request more federal funds for a program than you expect to use. Unexpended balances from the previous year indicate requests were over-estimated and should be reduced.

Note: If your Program Participation Agreement does not reflect eligibility for a Campus-Based program, you will not be able to request funds for that program.


1 Federal Perkins Loan Level of Expenditures (LOE)

Enter the amount your school wants to expend from its loan fund to make loans to students and to pay administrative and collection costs.

Schools planning to expend loan fund cash on hand in 2015-2016 must still complete Field 1 even though they will not be requesting any new Federal Capital Contribution. (Schools cannot request new Federal Capital Contribution for 2015-2016 because Congress has not authorized these funds.)

A school that will make no loans in 2015-2016 but anticipates charging allowable collection costs to its loan fund cash must request an LOE in Field 1.

2 Federal Perkins Loan Federal Capital Contribution (FCC)

You cannot enter any data in this field because Congress did not authorize any FCC for the 2015-2016 application year.

3 FSEOG federal funds

Enter the amount of federal dollars your school wants for awards to students and for

administrative costs. Ask only for what you think you can spend.

Valid amounts are
This field can be blank.

4 FWS federal funds

Enter the amount of federal dollars your school wants for awards to students, for expenditures for the Job Location and Development Program (JLD), and for administrative costs. Ask only for what you think you can spend.

Valid amounts are
This field can be blank.

Section B. Federal Perkins Loan Program Liquidation Request

5 My school wishes to discontinue participation in the Federal Perkins Loan Program

If your school no longer wishes to participate in the Federal Perkins Loan Program, you must notify the Department of your intention to liquidate your portfolio by clicking the “yes” radio button. To liquidate, you must return to the Department the federal share of cash on hand in the portfolio, and you must either assign all outstanding loans to the Department or purchase them. Please refer to guidance provided in the April 19, 2013 Electronic Announcement, Subject: Federal Perkins Loan Portfolio Liquidation and Perkins Loan Assignment available on the IFAP Web site at or contact the Campus-Based Call Center at 877-801-7168 or

Section C. Waiver Request for the Underuse of Funds

If your school has returned more than 10 percent of its Federal Perkins Loan, FSEOG, or FWS allocation for the 2013-2014 award year, your school’s 2015-2016 allocation for that program will automatically be reduced by the amount of the 2013-2014 funds returned.

You may, however, request a waiver of this underuse penalty by selecting “yes” in Field 6. Then, using the FISAP “Additional Information” screen, you must explain the circumstances that caused your school’s allocation to be underused. Select edit number 02090 from the drop down box on the Additional Information screen. You must include the name of each program for which you are requesting a waiver and show that the circumstances were beyond your school’s control and are not expected to recur.

All waiver requests must be submitted to the Department by midnight February 9, 2015. Waiver requests received after this deadline will not be accepted. A Department review panel will consider each waiver request. Schools should receive their waiver approval or denial decisions by March 13, 2015.

6 My school wishes to apply for a waiver of the penalty for the underuse of funds and will provide, on the Additional Information screen, a written explanation of the circumstances.

Indicate your school wishes to request a waiver of the penalty for the underuse of funds by clicking the “yes” radio button. If you click “yes,” you must read the notice and follow its instructions.

Waivers of the FWS/FSEOG institutional-share requirement for Title III/V Schools

In order to receive a waiver of the FWS/FSEOG institutional-share requirement for Title III/V schools, a school must first be designated as Title III/V eligible by the Department of Education Institutional Service/Strenghening Institutions Program (formerly referred to as the Institutional Development and Undergraduate Education Service (IDUES)). This eligibility, once designated, expires every five years.

If you are unsure of your Title III/V eligibility for the 2015-2016 award year, or if you need to apply for Title III/V eligibility, contact:

U.S. Department of Education, OPE

Higher Education Programs

Institutional Service

Strengthening Institutions Program

1990 K Street, NW, 6th Floor

Washington, DC 20006-8512

Program Officers:

Carnisia Proctor


Tel: (202) 502-7606

Robyn Wood


Tel: (202) 502-7437

Jeffrey Hartman


Tel: (202) 502-7607

or go to the web site at:

Schools that have been designated by the office listed above as Title III/V eligible and want a waiver of the institutional-share requirement under the FWS Program and/or the FSEOG Program for the 2015-2016 award year are considered to have applied for that waiver simply by submitting a complete FISAP by October 1, 2014.

The Department will send notices to those schools’ financial aid administrators, indicating waivers have been granted. A school receiving a waiver still has the option of providing an institutional share and determining the amount of that share.

If your 2015-2016 FISAP is on behalf of two or more institutions (see Q & A on page iii), but not all the institutions are Title III/V eligible, you must file separate FISAPs for eligible and non-eligible institutions. Otherwise, Title III/V-eligible institutions will not receive waivers of the institutional-share requirement.

Section D. Information on Enrollment

Traditional or non-traditional calendar

A traditional calendar means your school has

  • academic terms that are quarters, trimesters, or semesters and

  • only one admission period during each academic term.

If your school has a traditional calendar, select the “Traditional” radio button and report enrollment in Field 7 or 8.

A non-traditional calendar means your school admits a new group of students monthly, or more frequently, into a majority of its eligible programs—even if those students enroll on a quarter, trimester, or semester basis.

If your school has a non-traditional calendar, select the “Non-Traditional” radio button and report enrollment in fields 9 through 21, not in Field 7 or 8.

Classify a student as an undergraduate or graduate student according to the instructions in Part II, Section F below. If a student enrolled as an undergraduate during an earlier term in 2013-2014 but enrolled as a graduate student in a subsequent term in 2013-2014, report the student as a graduate student in Section D.

7 & 8 Information on enrollment for a school with a traditional calendar

Schools that operate on a traditional academic calendar, or that have a majority of their eligible programs operating on a traditional calendar, must enter an unduplicated number of all postsecondary students enrolled (full time and less than full time) for the twelve-month period ending June 30, 2014. “Unduplicated” means each student is counted/reported only ONCE, regardless of how many terms a student enrolls in.

Note: For further explanation concerning “full time and less than full time” enrollment, please review Enrollment Status in Volume 1, Chapter 1, of the Federal Student Aid Handbook available on the IFAP Web site at

A person is not enrolled if he or she did not begin attending class.

Field 7 or Field 8 must include all postsecondary students enrolled in at least one undergraduate or graduate/professional course that met one of the following criteria:

  • Creditable toward a degree or certificate

  • Listed as an undergraduate or graduate/professional course in the school’s catalog

  • Offered as an elective or required course as part of the undergraduate or graduate/professional curriculum

  • Required as a remedial course as part of the student’s degree or certificate program

  • Otherwise considered by the school to be an undergraduate or graduate/ professional course

  • High School students who are also enrolled in postsecondary classes are not “regular” students and are not reported as enrolled.

Do not include students who were exclusively auditing a class or classes.

Column (a). Report the number of students enrolled in undergraduate classes.

Column (b). Report the number of students enrolled in graduate/professional classes.

7 Total number of students, 2013-2014

When you report the number of students your school enrolled at any time during the twelve-month period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, count each student only ONCE.

Report the number of students in the appropriate boxes (“Undergraduate” or “Graduate/Professional”).

Valid entries are
This field cannot be blank.

8 Estimated number of students, 2014-2015

If your school has a traditional calendar and had no enrollment in 2013-2014 but will have enrollment in 2014-2015, report the estimated unduplicated numbers expected to enroll at any time during 2014-2015. Count each student only ONCE.

Report the number of students in the appropriate boxes (“Undergraduate” or “Graduate/Professional”).

Valid entries are
This field cannot be blank.

9-21 Information on enrollment for a school with a non-traditional calendar

Complete fields 9-20 if most of your school’s eligible programs operate on a non-traditional calendar.

As mentioned at the beginning of Section D, a non-traditional calendar means your school admits a new group of students monthly, or more frequently, into a majority of its eligible programs—even if those students attend classes on a quarter, trimester, or semester basis.

Include only postsecondary students who were enrolled in campus-based eligible educational or instructional programs during any month from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.

For Undergraduate Students:

In each field in column (a), enter the number of undergraduate students who were enrolled in the previous month and who were still enrolled on the first day of the month for which you are entering information. For example, if you are completing Field 14(a), include any undergraduate students enrolled in November (fields 13(a) and 13(b)) who were still enrolled on December 1. In column (b), enter the number of new starts. New starts are undergraduate students who begin at any time during the month and include undergraduate students who were enrolled in the previous year and are re-enrolling at the school after a break in enrollment.

Once an undergraduate student is reported in Field 9(a) or in fields 9(b) through 19(b), the undergraduate student must be reported in fields 10(a) through 20(a) for any succeeding months through

June 30, 2014 during which the undergraduate student was enrolled at the school.

Example: Suppose you had 100 continuing undergraduate students who were enrolled as of July 1, 2013 (Field 9(a)), and 50 new undergraduate students who enrolled during July (Field 9(b)). If all those undergraduate students were still enrolled as of August 1, 2013, you would show 150 continuing undergraduate students in Field 10(a). If you also had 75 new undergraduate students during the month of August—Field 10(b)—you would add those to the 150 continuing undergraduate students for a total of 225 continuing undergraduate students for September 1, 2013—Field 11(a). This example assumes all 225 undergraduate students continued to be enrolled as of September 1, 2013.

In each column, Field 21 is the sum of fields 9 through 20. The FISAP on the Web automatically calculates the sum of each column.

Note: Remember that the amounts in Field 21 column (a) and Field 21 column (b) will not be the total number of undergraduate students at your school, because you have undergraduate students duplicated in those totals. Rather, the totals represent the number of months all your undergraduate students were enrolled.

.Valid entries for these fields are

These fields cannot be blank.

For Graduate Students:

In each field in column (c), enter the number of graduate students who were enrolled in the previous month and who were still enrolled on the first day of the month for which you are entering information. For example, if you are completing Field 14(c), include any graduate students enrolled in November (fields 13(c) and 13(d)) who were still enrolled on December 1. In column (d), enter the number of new starts. New starts are graduate students who begin at any time during the month and include graduate students who were enrolled in the previous year and are re-enrolling at the school after a break in enrollment.

Once a graduate student is reported in Field 9(c) or in fields 9(d) through 19(d), the student must be reported in fields 10(c) through 20(c) for any succeeding months through June 30, 2014 during which the graduate student was enrolled at the school.

Example: Suppose you had 100 continuing graduate students who were enrolled as of July 1, 2013 (Field 9(c)), and 50 new graduate students who enrolled during July (Field 9(d)). If all those graduate students were still enrolled as of August 1, 2013, you would show 150 continuing graduate students in Field 10(c). If you also had 75 new graduate students during the month of August—Field 10(d)—you would add those to the 150 continuing graduate students for a total of 225 continuing graduate students for September 1, 2013—Field 11(c). This example assumes all 225 graduate students continued to be enrolled as of September 1, 2013.

In each column, Field 21 is the sum of fields 9 through 20. The FISAP on the Web automatically calculates the sum of each column.

Note: Remember that the amounts in Field 21 column (c) and Field 21 column (d) will not be the total number of graduate students at your school, because you have graduate students duplicated in those totals. Rather, the totals represent the number of months all your graduate students were enrolled.

Valid entries for these fields are

These fields cannot be blank.

Section E. Assessments and Expenditures

22 Total tuition and fees for the award year July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014

Note: The tuition and fees revenue you enter here must be only for those students reported in Section D. Do not include tuition and fees revenue collected from individuals not meeting Section D’s description of an enrolled student.

If a student enrolled as an undergraduate during an earlier term in 2013-2014 but enrolled as a graduate student in a subsequent term in 2013-2014, divide the tuition and fees revenue between columns (a) (undergraduate) and (b) (graduate) in proportion to the time spent in each type of class.

To complete Field 22, you will need to determine the amount of tuition and fees assessed (whether or not you collected tuition and/or fees), and subtract from it the amount refunded to students.

“Tuition and fees assessed” means

  • amounts you charged and collected;

  • amounts you charged but did not collect;

  • remissions or waivers of costs (for example, your school waives a book fee for all low-income students); and

  • the types of fees included in the cost of attendance, as allowed under Part F, Section 472(1) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended.

If you charged a total fee for tuition and room and board, do not count the cost of room and board. Allot a reasonable amount to “tuition.”

Note: Every student has a tuition and fee value associated with attendance at your school.

What to exclude: Exclude any fees you assess to all students but that all students are not required to pay (example: life and medical insurance for students).

What to do with terms/programs that cross award years: If an academic term extended beyond June 30, 2014, but the majority of the term took place in award year 2013-2014, include the tuition and fees assessment for that term in Field 22. If the majority of an academic term did not take place in 2013-2014, do not include that term’s tuition and fees in Field 22; instead, report that amount on next year’s FISAP.

If a student paid for a complete program of study and that program occurred in two award years, prorate if possible, the tuition and fees that apply to award year 2013-2014. If proration is not possible, you may include in Field 22 the total tuition and fees assessed, but you must report that total the same way for all students and for each succeeding year.

Thus, if you do not prorate, you must choose either the first or the second year of the program when reporting the total tuition and fees charged your students. You must then always use that year for all your students.

For example, suppose you have 1,000 new students who enrolled in 2013-2014, and they paid their tuition and fees up front. You decide you want to report that amount here, even though the students will continue in 2014-2015. Therefore, you cannot also report tuition and fees for those 1,000 students for the second year of study. For 2014-2015, you can report tuition and fees only for students who began enrollment in 2014-2015.

Valid amounts are
This field cannot be blank.

23 Total Federal Pell Grant expenditures for the 2013-2014 award year

The Department collects this information because it considers these expenditures a resource when determining the amount of FSEOG funds awarded your school.

Report the total amount expended against your Federal Pell Grant 2013-2014 award year authorization. This amount should agree with the final cumulative expenditures for the 2013-2014 award year as entered in G5.

Note: It is important that you only include in Field 23 the Federal Pell Grant expenditures made from your 2013-2014 award year authorization for that program. For example, if a Federal Pell Grant award for the 2014 summer was paid to a student with funds from the 2014-2015 award year authorization for that program, report that amount in the FISAP to be filed next year (due by October 1, 2015) and not on this FISAP.

Any Pell expenditure adjustments you make for the 2013-2014 award year in G5 after filing this FISAP must also be made in Field 23 when you submit your edit corrections, due by December 15, 2014 or the last business day prior to December 15 if it falls on a weekend..

Valid amounts are
This field
cannot be blank.

24 Total expended for state grants and scholarships made to undergraduates for the award year July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014

As is true for Pell Grant expenditures, the Department collects this information because it considers state grant and scholarship expenditures a resource when determining the amount of FSEOG funds awarded your school.

Report the amount of state grants and scholarships expended for the award year July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, even if your school received the funds after June 30, 2014.

Include the following need-based and non-need-based expenditures:

  • State grants

  • State scholarships

  • Tuition equalization (non-need-based grants exclusively for private colleges, paid by a state to a student to offset his or her higher tuition rates)

  • Competitive awards

  • Instructional grant awards (grants paid by a state to students taking courses in areas related to their work)

Include awards from the state where your school is located and awards from other states.

Do not include

  • Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships and

  • State awards, if your school has the final decision on which students get the funds.

Valid amounts are
This field cannot be blank.

Section F. Information on Eligible Aid Applicants Enrolled in Your School for Award Year 2013-2014

Report the number of eligible aid applicants enrolled at your school in award year 2013-2014 who applied for financial aid for that year. (Whether those applicants received aid is immaterial.) To obtain reports through EDExpress for only those students who actually enrolled at your school, see the “Note” on the next page.

Use the following definitions—and subsequent income cell placement information—when completing Section F.

Regular student: A student enrolled at an institution of higher education in 2013-2014 for the purpose of obtaining a degree, certificate, or other recognized educational credential.

Enrolled student: A student who meets all the criteria in the instructions for Section D, beginning on page II-3. A person is not enrolled if he or she did not begin attending a class.

Independent student: A student who

  • was born before January 1, 1989 (at least 24 years of age);

  • was at the beginning of the 2013-2014 academic year working on a master’s or doctorate program;

  • was married on the day he or she applied (even if separated but not divorced);

  • has children who receive more than half their support from the student;

  • has dependents (other than his or her children or spouse) who live with the student and receive more than half their support from the student at the time he or she applied and through June 30, 2014;

  • has both parents deceased or is (or was until age 18) a ward or dependent of the court;

  • is currently serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for purposes other than training;

  • is a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces;

  • is a student for whom a financial aid administrator made a documented determination of independence by reason of unusual circumstances.

A student who does not meet at least one of the criteria above is a dependent student.

Undergraduate student without a baccalaureate or first professional degree: A regular student who has never earned a baccalaureate degree or a first professional degree but is enrolled in an undergraduate course of study that usually does not exceed four academic years at an institution of higher education. This category includes students enrolled in a four- to five-year academic program designed to lead to a first degree. A student enrolled in a program of any other length is considered an undergraduate student only for the first four academic years of that program.

Undergraduate student with a baccalaureate or first professional degree: A regular student who has already received a baccalaureate degree (or its equivalent) or a first professional degree but is enrolled in an undergraduate course of study at an institution of higher education and meets the remaining criteria specified in the preceding paragraph.

Graduate/Professional student: A regular student who

  • is enrolled in a program or course of study above the baccalaureate level at an institution of higher education or is enrolled in a program leading to a first professional degree;

  • has completed the equivalent of at least three years of full-time study at an institution of higher education, either prior to entering the program or as part of the program; and

  • is not receiving Title IV aid as an

undergraduate student for the same period of enrollment.

Eligible aid applicant: A regular student who

  • was enrolled in an academic or training program that was eligible for the campus-based programs during award year 2013-2014,

  • met citizenship or residency requirements for award year 2013-2014, and

  • applied for financial aid for award year 2013-2014 using the 2013-2014 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and has an “official” 2013-2014 Expected Family Contribution (EFC) calculated by the Central Processing System (CPS).

Any student meeting the above criteria, regardless of the family’s ability to contribute to the cost of attendance, is to be included as an eligible aid applicant. You must include students for whom you had no funds to award and students who you determined did not need funds.

Note: If a student was an undergraduate during an earlier term in 2013-2014 but a graduate student in a subsequent term in 2013-2014, report the student as a graduate student in sections D and F. In Section E, Field 22, however, divide the tuition and fees revenue between columns (a) (undergraduate) and (b) (graduate) in proportion to the time the student spent in each type of class.

If during 2013-2014 a student was an undergraduate during an earlier term, later received a baccalaureate degree, and was subsequently enrolled in an undergraduate course of study, that student must be reflected in column (b) if he or she was dependent or in column (d) if he or she was independent.

Categorizing 2013-2014 Eligible Aid Applicants for Entry in Part II, Section F, fields 25-40

In fields 25 through 39, columns (a) through (e), report all eligible aid applicants according to each applicant’s correct category. Include applicants who were eligible but who did not receive aid.

In each column, Field 40 is the sum of fields 25 through 39. However, students reported in Field 25 must not be included in the entries for fields 26 through 39.

Note: You may use the 2013-2014 EDExpress software to access the FISAP Eligible Dependent and Eligible Independent student reports that list students by income range and enrollment status. These reports list all students who applied for aid, whether enrolled at your school or not. To obtain reports only for those students enrolled at your school, follow the steps below from the 2013-2014 EDExpress Help:

Set Up Packaging to Print FISAP Reports

  1. Establish a basic academic year profile. This is required before you can import ISIR data into Packaging:

  1. Select Tools, Setup, Packaging from the menu bar, then click Academic Year Profile.

  2. Type a code and title that are recognizable to you. You can use letters or numbers.

  3. Select the Default checkbox so the code will automatically appear as the academic year profile in the Import dialog box.

  4. Disregard the Pell Grant Formula, Program Proration Percent, and EFC Program Length to Import from ISIR Database fields.

  5. Enter at least one term title. This can be any type of description, such as "Fall," "First Payment," or "Year."

  6. Select Full-Time for the enrollment status. (see step 7, below).

  7. Enter percentage values in the Pell, Grant, Perkins, FWS, or Loan columns. The values are unimportant as long as the total for each column does not exceed 100%.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Click OK.

  1. Select File, Import from the menu bar, then click the Packaging tab.

  2. Select Packaging Data - ISIR Data as the import type.

  3. Select the academic year profile you created in step 1, above, if it is not already selected for you.

  4. Click OK. If you have a large ISIR database, you can use selection criteria, such as last name range, to limit the number of records you import at one time.

  5. After the ISIR import is complete, delete the Packaging records for students who did not attend your school so they do not affect the record counts on your reports. The most efficient way to do this is to print the "ListUnpackaged Records" report and compare the report against your enrollment roster. Delete any preexisting Packaging records for students who are not enrolled at your school by selecting File, Delete from the menu bar, then clicking the Packaging tab. Select Student as the record type. Click OK, then click Select Records. Scroll through the list of students, selecting the Selected checkbox for students you want to delete. Click OK.

  6. To print the Dependent and Independent FISAP reports after you have completed the steps above, select File, Print from the menu bar, then select the Packaging tab. In the Print dialog box, you can select the Print Details? checkbox, which prints a list containing each student ID for each income category.

If you have also been using these reports in the past to assist with Part VI of the FISAP, please be aware that the Part VI income grid was changed last year for 2012-2013 reporting (2014-2015 FISAP). Please see additional instructions at Part VI on page VI-2.

If you need assistance using the EDExpress software, please contact the CPS/SAIG Technical Support Center at 1-800-330-5947.

For schools using other financial aid software applications, please contact the appropriate vendor for information and assistance.

Field 25

Students with an “Automatic” Zero EFC

An applicant who meets certain tax filing and income criteria will qualify automatically for an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) figure of “0.” When those criteria are met, the CPS assigns a “0” EFC and does not perform a calculation except for Total Income (TI), Student’s Total Income (STI), and FAFSA Total Income (FTI). Only these intermediate values will appear in the Financial Aid Administrator (FAA) information section on the Student Aid Report (SAR) or on the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR).

Not every student with a zero EFC has received an “automatic” zero EFC. To determine which students have received an automatic zero EFC, check the SAR or ISIR containing the official EFC and the CPS-processed data. The automatic zero flag will be set to “Y” if the student met the automatic zero EFC criteria. The SAR/ISIR field will be blank if the student did not meet those criteria.

In Field 25, report only those students whose output documents show a “Y” for the automatic zero calculation.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Fields 26-39

In these fields, determining the proper income category, or cell, for an eligible aid applicant depends on the income used to calculate that applicant’s EFC for 2013-2014. That income was (or would have been, in the case of applicants who received no aid) the basis for any campus-based funds awarded to the applicant.

Use the FAFSA Total Income (FTI), one of the intermediate computed values on the SAR or ISIR, to determine the proper cell for each student. For dependent students, FTI is the sum of Total Income (TI) and Student’s Total Income (STI). For independent students, the FTI will equal the TI. Remember, extract this information only from the SARs/ISIRs of students who actually enrolled in your school.

You might need to correct or adjust a student’s income information and recalculate the EFC. If so, you must use that corrected or adjusted information when determining the proper income cell for a student. In such a case, to determine the income cell for a dependent student, you must use the student’s and parents’ base year incomes, as reported on the SAR/ISIR.

Do not report “automatic” zero students here; report them in Field 25.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Field 40

In each column, Field 40 is the sum of fields 25 through 39. (Field 40 is automatically calculated.)

Part III:

Federal Perkins Loan Program


General Reminder: NSLDS and the Federal Perkins Loan Program

All Federal Perkins Loans must be regularly reported to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). Information on reporting requirements, technical documents, and assistance can be found in the NSLDS Reference Materials section on the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site at

Who must complete Part III?

You must complete Part III if:

  • your school is continuing participation in the Federal Perkins Loan Program, or

  • your school is in the process of liquidating its Federal Perkins Loan Fund (hereafter known as the “Fund”), or

  • your school made loans from its Fund even though your school did not receive a Federal Capital Contribution for award year 2013-2014.

Your Perkins Loan Fund is not completely liquidated until you have

  • returned to the Department the federal share of cash on hand in the portfolio;

  • assigned all outstanding loans to the Department, or purchased them;

  • reported all these activities on a “final” Perkins Loan Report;

  • completed the required audit; and

What will I need to complete Part III?

You will need your Federal Perkins Loan Program Account Ledgers. However, because your ledgers are set up according to the Department’s accounting reference manual, The Blue Book, your accounting numbers will not match the field numbers in Section A. Therefore, do not simply transfer data from a ledger number that matches a field number—the data will not correspond.

The Blue Book is available on the IFAP Web site at

General instructions for Part III

Section A requests cumulative data. When reporting data for unduplicated students, count each student only ONCE, regardless of the number of transactions the student has in any field.

Note: Perkins Loan principal cancellation data is collected in Part III, Section A. Further definition and explanation is available in Volume 6, Chapter 5 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook available on the IFAP Web site at

Section B requests the annual fund activity.

Section C requests the cumulative repayment information.

Sections D and E collect cohort default rate (CDR) data.

Note:  The regulations at 34 CFR 674.5 state the method for calculating a school’s Perkins Loan Program CDR and the penalties that apply if the CDR meets or exceeds 50% for each of the three most recent award years.  Upon notification by the Department, a school is ineligible to participate in the Perkins Loan Program and its Perkins Loan portfolio must be liquidated and any outstanding loans must be assigned to the Department.  A school may appeal a notification of ineligibility within 30 days of its receipt.

The following information also must be reported in Part III, as applicable:

  • Amounts received under the Department of Defense Educational Loan Repayment

Program (10 U.S.C. 2172)

  • Amounts received from the consolidation of a Federal Perkins Loan

  • Amounts received under subtitle D of Title I of the National Community Service Act of 1990, Subpart D

If your school is liquidating its Fund, or if your school made loans from its Fund even though your school did not receive a Federal Capital Contribution for the 2013-2014 award year, you must complete the Identifying Information, Certification and Warning, and the Federal Perkins Loan Program sections of the Fiscal Operations Report.

FUND REPAYMENTS ARE DUE if there is an accumulation of excess liquid capital in

the Fund, or if your school is in the process of liquidating the Fund.

A school has excess liquid capital in its Loan Fund if projected funds available for the 2014-2015 award year (June 30, 2014 cash on hand plus projected collections, plus Institutional Capital Contributions, plus other income) significantly exceed projected 2014-2015 expenditures from the Loan Fund.

Note: In a year when Federal Capital Contributions are authorized, they would also be included in projected funds available.

The return of the Fund’s excess liquid capital requires schools to send payments of $100,000 or more to the National Finance Center (NFC) via Treasury’s Financial Communications System (TFCS), Deposit Message Retrieval System (DMRS) (commonly known as FEDWIRE). Procedures for using FEDWIRE are contained in The Blue Book. For amounts less than $100,000, a school may either use FEDWIRE or send a check to:

U.S. Department of Education Payment Center

P.O. Box 979053

St. Louis, MO 63197-9000

FISAP adjustment not required for prior year recoveries

If, in a prior year, your school took some or all of its Federal Perkins Loan administrative cost allowance entitlement from an FSEOG or FWS allocation, and your school recovered Federal Perkins Loan funds in 2013-2014 that were issued to students in a prior year, you are not required to adjust your FISAP to report the recovery of the Perkins funds. You must make an adjustment only if ED’s School Eligibility Channel requests it.

Field-by-field instructions for Part III

Section A. Fiscal Report (Cumulative) as of June 30, 2014


1.1 Cash on hand and in depository as of 6/30/2014

Column (c). Report the total cash you had on hand and in depository as of June 30, 2014. Include reimbursements the school made to the Fund of interest and principal the borrower did not pay because he or she received a repayment incentive discount.

Reduce the amount reported as cash on hand by the full amount of any loan payments you returned to borrowers because of the following circumstances:

  • You received payments from those borrowers on or after the date they became totally and permanently disabled but before their loans were assigned to the Department, and

  • The Department has discharged those loans during the award year because of the borrowers’ total and permanent disability.

You may never enter a negative amount in Field 1.1. If a school’s expenditures exceed the amount of cash on hand in the Fund, the school must deposit an additional Institutional Capital Contribution (ICC) into the Fund in the form of a short-term, no interest loan as of June 30, 2014. A school may also deposit into the Fund as additional ICC a short-term, no interest loan to increase the Fund balance available for making Perkins Loans. The additional ICC is reported in Field 29.1 For a school to reclaim the additional ICC that it deposited during the 2013-2014 award year, the ICC must be entered as a short-term, no interest loan made to the Fund in the accounting records of the school. When a school repays itself a short-term, no interest loan it made to the Fund, the repayment must be reported in Field 30.1.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

    1. Cash on hand and in depository as of 10/31/2014

Note: Completion of this field is not possible before October 31, 2014.

Column (a). When you are verifying Part III, Section A as part of the edit corrections you submit by December 15 (or the last business day prior to December 15 if it falls on a weekend), report the total cash you had on hand and in depository as of October 31, 2014. You may never report this entry as a negative amount.

Expenditures that exceed the amount of cash on hand in the Loan Fund must be charged as ICC and deposited into the Fund as of October 31, 2014. This increased ICC must be reported in Field 29.1 on the next FISAP that is due by October 1, 2015. If a school intends to reclaim this additional ICC, it must follow the instructions provided in Field 1.1 for a short-term, no interest loan made to the fund.

Valid amounts are


This field is blank if the system date is before 10/31/2014.

2 Funds receivable from federal government

Column (c). For the 2013-2014 reporting year, you will not have anything to enter, as Congress did not authorize any FCC for this year.

3 Funds receivable from school

Column (c). If you have an entry in Field 2, column (c), report in Field 3 the amount of the Institutional Capital Contribution required to maintain the minimum matching ratio in the Fund.

Do not report this figure as a negative amount. Do not report amounts your school temporarily lent to the Fund.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

4 Funds advanced to students

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers who received their loans on or before June 30, 2014.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (c). Report the CUMULATIVE net amount of the loans paid to borrowers through June 30, 2014. This amount would include any assessed late charges added to the principal.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Note: Any penalty or late charges assessed and added to the principal are thereby capitalized and CANNOT be subsequently waived, compromised, or negotiated. For Part III reporting purposes, once the

charges have been added to the principal, they cease to exist as separate charges.

5 Loan principal collected

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers who made payments on their loans through

June 30, 2014.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal amount collected from all sources through June 30, 2014. Reduce the amount reported here by the amount of principal you returned to borrowers because of the following circumstances:

  • You received payments from those borrowers on or after the date they became totally and permanently disabled but before their loans were assigned to the Department, and

  • The Department has discharged those loans during the award year because of the borrowers’ total and permanent disability.

Note: For the purposes of liquidation, a school purchasing a loan is like the borrower repaying the loan balance (principal plus interest). If the school does not re-lend that money before the year’s end, the school simultaneously reports the principal in Field Item 5 and the interest in Field Item 31. The school will reclaim its share of the reimbursed amount when the final capital distribution occurs.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

6 Loan principal assigned to and accepted by the United States

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers whose loans were assigned to the Department, and officially accepted, not later than June 30, 2014. For schools in liquidation status, report borrowers whose assigned loans were not in default as well as those whose loans were in default.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE amount of loan principal outstanding that was assigned to the Department, and officially accepted, not later than June 30, 2014. This amount must agree with Section C, Field 2, column (d). DO NOT enter in sections A and C any unpaid penalty/late charges or collection costs assessed to the borrower on any loans assigned to the Department.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

7 Loan principal canceled for teaching/military service (applies to loans made prior to 07/01/1972)

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers who—because of teaching or military service those borrowers performed—have had principal canceled on loans made prior to July 1, 1972.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled for such service.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

8 Loan principal canceled for certain subject matter teaching service (math, science, foreign languages, bilingual education)

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers who—because of certain subject matter teaching service those borrowers performed—have had principal canceled on loans made on or after July 23, 1992. Borrowers can have served as full-time teachers of mathematics, science, foreign languages, and bilingual education, or as full-time teachers in any other field of expertise where the state education agency

determines there is a shortage of qualified teachers.

Also report previously ineligible borrowers who—because of teaching service those borrowers performed on or after October 7, 1998—received cancellation on any outstanding balances on loans made prior to July 23, 1992.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

9 Loan principal canceled for all other authorized pre-K or K-12 teaching service

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers who—because of other authorized pre-K or K-12 teaching service those borrowers performed—have had principal canceled on loans made on or after July 1, 1972.

This category includes borrowers who provided full-time teaching service in (1) low-income schools (including teaching service that includes August 14, 2008, or begins on or after that date, in a low-income educational service agency), as designated by the Department of Education; (2) Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) schools; (3) Head Start; and (4) the field of special education (on or after July 23, 1992). Also included are borrowers who provided full-time teaching service for the handicapped before July 23, 1992.

In addition, report previously ineligible borrowers who—because of special education or handicapped teaching service those borrowers performed on or after October 7, 1998—received cancellation on

any outstanding balances on loans made prior to July 23, 1992.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled on these loans.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

10 Loan principal canceled for military service (applies to loans made 07/01/ 1972 and after)

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers who—because of military service those borrowers performed—have had principal canceled on loans made on July 1, 1972 and after.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled.

For military service that ended before August 14, 2008, Defense/Direct/Perkins Loan borrowers are entitled to cancellation of up to a maximum of 50 percent of their loans, for four complete years of active duty service in the U.S. Armed Forces in an area of hostilities or area of imminent danger that qualifies for special pay under Section 310 of Title 37 of the United States Code. For qualifying military service that includes August 14, 2008, or begins on or after that date, up to 100 percent of the loan may be canceled for five complete years of such service. To qualify for this cancellation benefit, a borrower must have served in the designated area for a complete year.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

11 Loan principal canceled for volunteer service

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers whose loans were canceled for volunteer service, defined as service under the Peace Corps Act or under the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973.

Also report previously ineligible NDSL and Defense borrowers who received cancellation for volunteer service performed on or after October 7, 1998.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled for this volunteer service.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

12 Loan principal canceled for law enforcement and corrections officer service

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers whose loans were canceled for law enforcement or corrections officer service. To qualify for this cancellation, the borrower’s employing agency must be eligible and the borrower’s position must be essential to the agency’s primary mission.

Also report previously ineligible borrowers who—because of law enforcement and corrections officer service those borrowers performed on or after October 7, 1998—received cancellation on any outstanding

balances on loans made prior to November 29, 1990.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled for such service.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

13 Loan principal canceled for child/ family/early intervention service

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers who—because of certain service those borrowers performed—received cancellation on loans made on or after July 23, 1992. Borrowers in this category must have served as (1) full-time employees of public or private nonprofit child or family service agencies or (2) full-time qualified professional providers of early intervention services in public or other nonprofit programs under public supervision.

Also report previously ineligible borrowers who—because of child, family, or early intervention service those borrowers performed on or after October 7, 1998—received cancellation for any outstanding balances on loans made prior to July 23, 1992.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

14 Loan principal canceled for nurse/medical technician service

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers who—because of service those borrowers performed as full-time nurses or medical technicians—received cancellations on loans made on or after July 23, 1992.

Also report previously ineligible borrowers who—because of nurse/medical technician service those borrowers performed on or after October 7, 1998—received cancellation on any outstanding balances on loans made prior to July 23, 1992.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

  1. Loan principal canceled for pre-K or child care program staff member service

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers who--because of service as a full-time staff member in the education part of a prekindergarten or childcare program, received this cancellation for service that includes August 14, 2008, or begins on or after that date.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled for such service.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

16 Loan principal canceled for service as an attorney in a public defender organization

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers who-- because of service as a full-time attorney employed in Federal Public Defender Organizations or Community Defender organizations -- received this cancellation for service that includes August 14, 2008, or begins on or after that date.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled for such service.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

17 Loan principal canceled for fire fighter service

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers who-- because of service as a full-time fire fighter with a local, State, or Federal fire department or fire district--received this cancellation for service that includes August 14, 2008, or begins on or after that date.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled for such service.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

  1. Loan principal canceled for Tribal

College or University faculty service

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers who-- because of service as a full-time faculty member at a Tribal College or University--received this cancellation for service that includes August 14, 2008, or begins on or after that date.

Note: The list of the Tribal Colleges and Universities is available at

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled for such service.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

  1. Loan principal canceled for librarian service

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers who-- because of service as a librarian with a master’s degree in library science who is employed in an elementary or secondary school that qualifies for Title I, Part A funding, or in a public library that serves a geographic area that includes one or more Title I, Part A-eligible schools--received this cancellation for service that includes August 14, 2008, or begins on or after that date.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled for such service.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

  1. Loan principal canceled for speech-language pathology service

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers who--because of service as a full-time speech-language pathologist with a master’s degree who are working exclusively with Title I, Part A-eligible schools--received this cancellation for service that includes August 14, 2008, or begins on or after that date.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled for such service.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

21 Loan principal canceled for loans discharged for death/disability

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers whose loans were canceled because of death or permanent and total disability.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled because of death or permanent and total disability.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Note: In the case of permanent and total disability, “cumulative” refers to all loan principal canceled through June 30, 2002. Effective July 1, 2002, loans must be assigned to the Department if borrowers are claiming total and permanent disability discharges. Therefore, you must—generally—report information for such assigned loans in Section A, Field 6 and in Section C, Field 2.2. However, there is one exception. Report here any amount you returned to borrowers because of the following circumstances:

  • You received payments from those borrowers on or after the date they became totally and permanently disabled but before their loans were assigned to the Department, and

  • The Department has discharged those loans during the award year because of the borrower’s total and permanent disability.

In addition, effective July 1, 2008, borrowers may receive total and permanent disability discharges based on a determination by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that the borrower is unemployable due to a service-connected disability. Loans discharged based on a VA disability determination are not assigned to the Department, and are reported in Field 22 below.

  1. Loan principal canceled for disability based on a VA determination

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers whose loans were canceled based on a determination by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that the borrower is unemployable due to a service-connected disability.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled based on VA disability determinations.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank

23 Loan principal canceled for bankruptcy

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers whose loans were canceled for legal discharge in bankruptcy.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled for bankruptcy. If the court has discharged only part of the debt in bankruptcy, report only that portion here.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

24 Loan principal canceled for loans discharged for surviving spouses of public service victims of 9-11 terrorist attacks

Effective September 30, 2006 (and NOT retroactive), loan principal will be canceled for a borrower who is the surviving spouse of an eligible public servant. An eligible public servant is a police officer, firefighter, member of the Armed Forces, or other safety or rescue personnel who died or became permanently and totally disabled as a result of injuries suffered in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center in New York, New York; at the Pentagon in Virginia; at the Shanksville, Pennsylvania site; or on board American Airlines flights 11 and 77 and United Airlines flights 93 and 175.

This cancellation applies to loans on which amounts were owed on September 11, 2001 and on which amounts are still owed on the day cancellation is requested.

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers whose loans were discharged because the borrowers are surviving spouses of eligible public servants.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled for borrowers whose loans were discharged because the borrowers are surviving spouses of eligible public servants.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

25 Loan principal canceled for loans discharged due to closed schools

Column (b). Report the CUMULATIAVE unduplicated number of borrowers whose loans were canceled because the borrowers were unable to complete programs in which they were enrolled due to the school or one of its additional institutions closing.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal canceled.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

26 Loan principal adjustments - other

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers whose loan principal has been adjusted for reasons not reported in fields 7 through 25—e.g., compromise; write-off (including write-offs of principal, late charges, and collection fees); incentive repayment discounts; or other costs not specified.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE amount of loan principal adjustments.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

27 Federal Capital Contributions

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE Federal Capital Contributions deposited into your Fund through June 30, 2014. Do not include any FCC transferred to either the FWS or FSEOG programs.

The amount reported in this field MUST ALWAYS equal or exceed the amount reported for this field on last year’s FISAP, unless last year’s entry was incorrect.

Make sure not to report Institutional Capital Contributions here; report those amounts in Field 29.1 or Field 29.2.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

28 Repayments of fund capital to federal government

Column (c). Report the CUMULATIVE amount (federal share) repaid to the federal government—as distribution of excess or

liquidated fund capital—through June 30, 2014.

DO NOT reduce Field 27 by this amount.

Do not include authorized administrative cost allowance withdrawals or your institutional share.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

29.1 Short-term loans to the Fund

Column (a). Report the amount of any short-term, no interest loans made to the Fund beginning with the 2007-2008 award year to resolve expenditures that exceed cash on hand or to increase the Fund balance available for making Perkins Loans. These funds should be considered as additional ICC and reported here.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

29.2 ICC deposited into the Fund

Column (a). Report the CUMULATIVE amount of any ICC deposited into the Fund. This amount includes ICC to match FWS funds transferred into the Fund or ICC to match FCC, in years when FCC is authorized.

Valid amount are


The field cannot be blank.

29.3 Institutional Capital Contributions

Column (d). is the sum of fields 29.1(a) plus 29.2(a). This amount is automatically calculated for you.

30.1 Repayment of short-term loans to the


Column (a). Beginning with the 2007-2008 award year, report the repayment of any short-term, no interest loans made to the Fund to resolve expenditures that exceeded cash on hand or to increase the Fund balance available for making Perkins Loans.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

30.2 Distribution of excess or liquidated fund


Column (a). Report the CUMULATIVE amount distributed to the institution as excess or liquidated fund capital.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

30.3 Repayments of fund capital to school

Column (c) is the sum of fields 30.1(a) plus 30.2(a). This amount is automatically calculated for you.

DO NOT reduce Field 29.1 or 29.2 by this amount.

Do not include

  • authorized administrative cost allowance withdrawals, and

  • Defense Loan teaching/military cancellation reimbursements.

31 Interest income on loans

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE interest earned on loans through June 30, 2014. Such interest includes:

  • interest collected,

  • interest not collected because the interest was canceled,

  • interest not collected because of an incentive repayment discount,

  • the total amount of loan interest assigned to and accepted by the Department, as reported on OMB Form 1845-0048, Federal Perkins Loan Assignment (your school must also have acceptance notices from the Department dated prior to July 1, 2014), and

  • interest not collected because the account was purchased, written off, compromised, or negotiated.

Reduce the amount reported as interest income by the interest amount you returned to borrowers because of the following circumstances:

  • You received payments from those borrowers on or after the date they became totally and permanently disabled but before their loans were assigned to the Department, and

  • The Department has discharged those loans during the award year because of the borrowers’ total and permanent disability.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

32 Other income

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE income deposited into your Fund from all sources other than interest income on loans.

You must include any other Fund asset earnings, including interest earned on Fund assets deposited in interest-bearing accounts. (Make sure to subtract bank charges before entering such earnings here.)

Also report deposits of certain late charges revenue. Enter any penalty or late charges added to principal that were included in Field 4.

If a borrower has overpaid the amount due, and this amount is in the Fund as of June 30, 2014, include here the amount of the overpayment.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

33 Reimbursements to the Fund of amounts canceled on loans made 07/01/1972 and after

Column (d). Report the CUMULATIVE reimbursements of canceled principal and interest the Department paid your school on all loans made on or after July 1, 1972.

The Department makes all payments by electronic fund transfer directly into the bank account your school designated. Such amounts must be deposited into your school’s Fund.

Note: In the event that Perkins Loan Cancellations are not funded in the current budget, please review the IFAP Web site at for a Campus-Based Electronic Announcement concerning Federal Perkins Loan Service Cancellation Reimbursement for the 2012-2013 Award Year.

Make sure the information you provide here is current by going to FISAP on the Web’s Self-Service screen, then to “Campus-Based Notifications for All Available Award Years.” Then select “Perkins Service Cancellation Awards.”

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

34.1 Administrative cost allowance

Column (a). Report the CUMULATIVE amount withdrawn from the Fund for an administrative cost allowance.

Note: To report an administrative cost allowance withdrawal for the 2013-2014 award year, you must have withdrawn that allowance by June 30, 2014.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

34.2 Collection costs

Column (a). Report the CUMULATIVE collection costs, allowed by regulation, that are not included in Field 34.1—e.g., address searches, credit bureau reporting, attorneys’ fees, court costs. DO NOT report any costs the borrower paid.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

34.3 Administrative cost allowance and

collection costs (control)

Column (c) is the sum of fields 34.1(a) plus 34.2(a). This amount is automatically calculated for you.


For loans made on or after July 1, 1993, no interest accrues during the qualifying period of deferment. Therefore, there is no interest to cancel once the borrower completes the qualifying service.

Note: Schools are partially reimbursed for the cost of loan principal and interest canceled that is reported in fields 35-48 but are not reimbursed for amounts reported in fields 49-54.

35 Cost of loan principal and interest canceled for teaching/military service (applies to loans made prior to 07/01/1972)

Column (c). For loans made prior to July 1, 1972, report the CUMULATIVE loan principal and interest canceled for all teaching/military service. The principal in this field is an offset for Field 7, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

36 Cost of loan principal and interest canceled for certain subject matter teaching service (math, science, foreign languages, bilingual education)

Column (c). For loans made on or after July 23, 1992, report the CUMULATIVE cost of loan principal and interest canceled for certain full-time subject matter teaching service (math, science, foreign languages, bilingual education, or other fields of expertise where the state educational agency determines there is a shortage of qualified teachers).

Also report—for borrowers who performed such subject matter teaching service on or after October 7, 1998—the cumulative cost of loan principal and interest canceled on any outstanding balances on loans made prior to July 23, 1992. The principal in this

field is an offset for Field 8, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

37 Cost of loan principal and interest canceled for all other authorized pre-K or K-12 teaching service (applies to loans made 07/01/1972 and after)

Column (c). For loans made July 1, 1972 and after, report the CUMULATIVE cost of loan principal and interest canceled for all other authorized pre-K or K-12 teaching service. This category includes cancellations for full-time teaching service in (1) low-income schools (including teaching service that includes August 14, 2008, or begins on or after that date, in a low-income educational service agency), as designated by the Department; (2) Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) schools; (3) Head Start, and (4) the field of special education (on or after July 23, 1992).

Also included are cancellations for full-time teaching service for the handicapped provided before July 23, 1992.

Also report—for previously ineligible borrowers who performed special education or handicapped teaching services on or after October 7, 1998—the cumulative cost of principal and interest canceled on any outstanding balances on loans made prior to July 23, 1992.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 9, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

38 Cost of loan principal and interest canceled for military service (applies to loans made 07/01/1972 and after)

Column (c). For loans made July 1, 1972 and after, report the CUMULATIVE loan principal and interest canceled for military service. For military service that ended before August 14, 2008, Defense/Direct/Perkins Loan borrowers are entitled to cancellation of, up to a maximum of 50 percent of their loans, for four complete years of active duty service in the U.S. Armed Forces in an area of hostilities or area of imminent danger that qualifies for special pay under Section 310 of Title 37 of the United States Code. For qualifying military service that includes August 14, 2008, or begins on or after that date, up to 100 percent of the loan may be canceled for five complete years of such service. To qualify for this cancellation benefit, a borrower must have served in the designated area for a complete year.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 10, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

39 Cost of loan principal and interest canceled for volunteer service in the Peace Corps or under the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973

Column (c). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal and interest canceled for this service. Also report the cumulative cost of loan principal and interest canceled for previously ineligible NDSL and Defense borrowers who performed such volunteer service on or after October 7, 1998.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 11, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

40 Cost of loan principal and interest canceled for law enforcement and corrections officer service

Column (c). For loans made on or after November 29, 1990, report the CUMULATIVE loan principal and interest canceled for law enforcement or corrections officer service.

Also report—for previously ineligible borrowers who performed law enforcement or corrections officer service on or after October 7, 1998—the cumulative cost of loan principal and interest canceled on any outstanding balances on loans made prior to November 29, 1990.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 12, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

41 Cost of loan principal and interest canceled for child/family/early intervention service

Column (c). For loans made on or after July 23, 1992, report the CUMULATIVE cost of loan principal and interest canceled for child, family, or early intervention service. (See the instructions for Field 13 on page III-6 for a description of this service.)

Also report—for previously ineligible borrowers who performed child, family, or early intervention service on or after October 7, 1998—the cumulative cost of loan principal and interest canceled on any outstanding balances on loans made prior to July 23, 1992.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 13, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

42 Cost of loan principal and interest canceled for nurse/medical technician service

Column (c). For loans made on or after July 23, 1992, report the CUMULATIVE cost of loan principal and interest canceled for nurse and medical technician service.

Also report—for previously ineligible borrowers who performed nurse and medical technician service on or after October 7, 1998—the cumulative cost of loan principal and interest canceled on any outstanding balances on loans made prior to July 23, 1992.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 14, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

  1. Cost of loan principal and interest canceled for pre-K or child care program staff member service

Column (c). For service that includes August 14, 2008, or begins on or after that date, report the CUMULATIVE loan principal and interest canceled for pre-K or child care program staff member service.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 15, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

44 Cost of loan principal and interest canceled for service as an attorney in a public defender organization

Column (c). For service that includes August 14, 2008, or begins on or after that date, report the CUMULATIVE loan principal and interest canceled for service as an attorney in a public defender organization.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 16, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

45 Cost of loan principal and interest canceled for fire fighter service

Column (c). For service that includes August 14, 2008, or begins on or after that date, report the CUMULATIVE loan principal and interest canceled for fire fighter service.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 17, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

  1. Cost of loan principal and interest canceled for Tribal College or University faculty service

Column (c). For service that includes August 14, 2008, or begins on or after that date, report the CUMULATIVE loan principal and interest canceled for Tribal College or University faculty service.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 18, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

  1. Cost of loan principal and interest canceled for librarian service

Column (c). For service that includes August 14, 2008, or begins on or after that date, report the CUMULATIVE loan principal and interest canceled for librarian service.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 19, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

  1. Cost of loan principal and interest canceled for speech-language pathology service

Column (c). For service that includes August 14, 2008, or begins on or after that date, report the CUMULATIVE loan principal and interest canceled for speech-language pathology service.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 20, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

49 Cost of loan principal and interest canceled because of death/disability

Column (c). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal and interest canceled because of death or permanent and total disability.

Note: In the case of permanent and total disability, “cumulative” refers to all loan principal canceled through June 30, 2002. Effective July 1, 2002, loans must be assigned to the Department if borrowers are claiming discharges because of total and permanent disability. Therefore, you must—generally—report information for such assigned loans in Field 6, report the principal and interest for those loans in Field 53, and report the interest on those loans in Field 31. However, there is one exception. Report here any principal and interest amounts you refunded to borrowers because of the following circumstances:

  • You received payments from those borrowers on or after the date they became totally and permanently disabled but before their loans were assigned to the Department, and

  • The Department has discharged those loans during the award year because of the borrowers’ total and permanent disability.

In addition, effective July 1, 2008, borrowers may receive total and permanent disability discharges based on a determination by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that the borrower is unemployable due to a service-connected disability. Loans discharged based on a VA disability determination are not assigned to the Department. Report in Field 50 loan principal and interest canceled based on a VA disability determination.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 21, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

For information about disability discharges, contact the Nelnet Total and Permanent Disability Servicer in Denver, CO at 1-888-303-7818 or send an e-mail to

50 Cost of loan principal and interest canceled based on a VA disability determination

Column (c). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal and interest canceled based on a VA disability determination.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 22, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

For Information about VA disability discharges, contact the Nelnet Total and Permanent Disability Servicer in Denver, CO at 1-888-303-7818 or send an e-mail to

51 Cost of loan principal and interest canceled because of bankruptcy

Column (c). Report the CUMULATIVE loan principal and interest canceled because of bankruptcy. If the court has discharged only a portion of the debt in bankruptcy, report only that portion here.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 23, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

52 Cost of loan principal and interest canceled for surviving spouses of public service victims of 9-11 terrorist attacks

Column (c). Report the CUMULATIVE amount of loan principal and interest canceled for borrowers whose loans were discharged because the borrowers are surviving spouses of eligible public servants who died or became permanently

disabled as a result of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. (See Field 24, page III-9, for more information.)

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 24, and interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

53 Cost of loan principal and interest assigned to and accepted by the United States

Column (c). Report the CUMULATIVE amount of loan principal and interest outstanding that was assigned to the U.S. Department of Education, and officially accepted, not later than June 30, 2014. Include the amount of loan principal and interest outstanding on loans assigned because of total and permanent disability.

For schools in liquidation status, report amounts for assigned loans that were not in default as well as amounts for loans that were in default.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 6, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

54 Cost of loan principal and interest canceled for loans discharged due to closed schools

Column (c). Report the CUMULATIVE cost of loan principal and interest canceled for borrowers whose loans were discharged because their schools closed.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 25, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

55 Other costs or losses

Column (c). Report all other CUMULATIVE costs or losses of principal and interest not covered in fields 34.3 through 54—e.g., compromise, write-off, etc.

The principal in this field is an offset for Field 26, and the interest is a partial offset for Field 31.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

56 Balancing Adjustments - Debits

In column (c), report CUMULATIVE adjustments to show activity not captured in fields 1.1 through 55.

Valid amounts are
This field
cannot be blank.

Note: Using the “Additional Information” screen, you must explain the reasons for any adjustments reflected in this field in enough detail for the Department to assess the entry’s validity.

57 Balancing Adjustments - Credits

In column (d), report CUMULATIVE adjustments to show activity not captured in fields 5 through 33.

Valid amounts are
This field
cannot be blank.

Note: Using the “Additional Information” screen, you must explain the reasons for any adjustments reflected in this field in enough detail for the Department to assess the entry’s validity.

58 Total debits and credits

Column (c) is the sum of all entries in fields 1.1c through 56c.

Column (d) is the sum of all entries in fields 5d through 33d and 57d.

Total debits must equal total credits.

The sum of columns (c) and (d) is automatically calculated.

Section B. Fund Activity (Annual) During the 2013-2014 Award Year (July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014)

Note: This section requests information only for the 2013-2014 award year—do not report cumulative amounts here.


1 Final adjusted Federal Capital Contribution (FCC) authorization

You cannot enter any data in this field because Congress did not authorize any FCC for the 2013-2014 reporting year.

2 FWS transferred into the Fund

Report the amount of FWS funds transferred into the Fund for the 2013-2014 reporting year. You must return to FWS any transferred amount you did not spend in the Federal Perkins Loan Program.

Valid amounts are


This filed cannot be blank.

Note: You must have a Perkins Loan Level of Expenditure (LOE) from the Department for the award year in order to transfer FWS funds to the Federal Perkins Loan Program.

3 FCC transferred to FSEOG and FWS

You cannot enter any data in fields 3(a) FSEOG and 3(b) FWS because Congress did not authorize any FCC for the 2013-2014 reporting year.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

4 Total federal funds available for the 2013-2014 award year

Field 4 equals Field 1 plus Field 2 minus Field 3(a) and Field 3(b). This field is automatically calculated.

5 The unexpended amount of final adjusted authorized FCC for award year 2013-2014 that was NOT requested from G5 by June 30, 2013. This amount will be reduced from your total award amount next spring.

You cannot enter any data in this field because Congress did not authorize any FCC for the 2013-2014 reporting year.

6 Institutional Capital Contribution (ICC) deposited into the Fund between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014

Your school is not required to report any ICC because Congress has not authorized any FCC. However, if you did deposit any ICC into the Fund in order to match the transfer of FWS funds between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014, report it here.

7 Loans advanced to students from the Fund during the 2013-2014 award year (minus 2013-2014 award year refunds)

Report the net amount of the loans paid to borrowers from the Fund. This figure is the total amount of loans paid to borrowers minus any refunds or adjustments to 2013-2014 loans (for example, the borrower made a pre-payment or dropped out of school and received a refund.)

DO NOT report refunds on prior-year notes here; report those in Section A.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

8 Administrative cost allowance claimed for the 2013-2014 award year

Use the Administrative Cost Allowance Worksheet – Part VI, Section B, steps 1 and 2 to calculate your Administrative Cost Allowance (ACA).

Report the amount withdrawn from the Fund for an administrative cost allowance. This withdrawn amount must be the same as the amount in Part VI, Section B, Field 23(a). The amount could include funds claimed for any or all of the three programs.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

9 Total principal and interest repaid by borrowers from all sources during the 2013-2014 award year

Column (a). Report the unduplicated number of borrowers who made payments on their loans in the 2013-2014 award year.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (b). Report the amount of principal and interest borrowers repaid during the 2013-2014 award year. Include any portion of the repayment that any collection firm(s) kept.

Include any penalty charges collected or late charges deposited into the Fund.

Be sure to include amounts received as student repayments from ALL sources.

Do not include:

  • collection firm charges over and above the principal and interest due as collection cost, or

  • interest received from any investments.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

10 Total principal repaid by borrowers from all sources during the 2013-2014 award year for loans in default for more than 2 years but not more than 5 years

Column (a). Report the unduplicated number of borrowers whose loans were in default for more than 2 years, but not more than 5 years, and who made payments toward outstanding principal on their defaulted loans in the 2013-2014 award year. Include borrowers whose defaulted loans were taken out of default status during the 2013-2014 award year (such as defaulted loans that were paid in full) as well as borrowers whose loans are currently in default.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (b): Report the amount of principal repaid by borrowers in the 2013-2014 award year on loans that were in default for more than 2 years but not more than 5 years. If rehabilitation removes a loan from default, report the amount collected up to the point the loan was rehabilitated. Do not report any payments a borrower made after rehabilitation.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

11 Total principal repaid by borrowers from all sources during the 2013-2014 award year for loans in default for more than 5 years

Column (a). Report the unduplicated number of borrowers whose loans were in default for more than 5 years and who made payments toward outstanding principal on their defaulted loans in the 2013-2014 award year. Include borrowers whose defaulted loans were taken out of default status during the 2013-2014 award year (such as defaulted loans that were paid in full) as well as borrowers whose loans are currently in default.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (b): Report the amount of principal repaid by borrowers in the 2013-2014 award year on loans that were in default for more than 5 years. If rehabilitation removes a loan from default, report the amount collected up to the point the loan was rehabilitated. Do not report any payments a borrower made after rehabilitation.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Section C. Cumulative Repayment

Information as of June 30, 2014

Section C is an analysis of the repayment status for all past and current National Defense/Direct Student Loan and Federal Perkins Loan borrowers as of June 30, 2014 at your school. Count the number of borrowers and not the number of loans made.

In fields 1.1 through 5.4, each borrower is counted only once. That is, when a borrower has more than one loan and falls into more than one category in Section C, the dollars should be reported in the appropriate fields. The borrower, however, should be reported only once in column (b), in the field for the loan where the borrower’s principal amount outstanding is the greatest.

In column (b), the sum of fields 1.1, 2, 3, 4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 equals Field 4, column (b) of Part III, Section A of the Fiscal Operations Report.

The following instructions are basic to each column:

Column (a). Report the amount paid into the Loan Fund to purchase loans.

Column (b). Report the unduplicated borrowers for each field as of June 30, 2014.

Column (c). Report the total amount lent to the borrowers reported in column (b).

Column (d). Report the principal amount outstanding on all loans as of June 30, 2014. This figure is the portion of the amount lent that was not repaid or canceled as of June 30, 2014.


1.1 Borrowers whose loans are fully retired

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of all past borrowers who, as of June 30, 2014, have completely repaid their loans or had them canceled. Include

  • any write-off accounts with balances of less than $25 (or less than $50 if the borrower has been billed for two years),

  • any loans discharged because the borrower was unable to complete a program in which he or she was enrolled due to the school’s closing, and

  • those borrowers whose loans your school purchased because they were deemed unenforceable by the Department and were rejected for assignment.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (c). Report the total dollar amount lent to those borrowers.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

1.2 Loans that have been purchased

Column (a). Of the loans included in 1.1 as fully retired, report in column (a) the outstanding principal balance, all interest due, and any collection fees due on all loans you submitted for assignment that were not accepted and for which your

school reimbursed the Fund. This entry will be used for liquidation purposes.

Before a school can have a fully liquidated Perkins Loan portfolio, all loans with a principal amount outstanding at the school must either be assigned to the Department or fully retired, including loans the school is purchasing.

The information reported here permits the Department to determine whether the school’s portfolio is fully liquidated.

The Perkins liquidation procedures can be found in guidance provided in the

t available on the IFAP Web site at or contact the Campus-Based Call Center at 877-801-7168 or

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

  1. Borrowers whose loans were assigned to and officially accepted by the U.S. Department of Education as of June 30, 2014

This field is automatically calculated and is derived from fields 2.1 and 2.2 below.

2.1 Assignments due to default or liquidation

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers whose loans were assigned to the Department because of default or liquidation and which the Department officially accepted by June 30, 2014.

For schools in liquidation status, report borrowers whose assigned loans were not in default as well as borrowers whose loans were in default.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (c). Report the total amount lent to those borrowers.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the total principal amount outstanding when the loans were assigned to and accepted by the Department. DO NOT include any unpaid penalty/late charges assessed the borrower on any loans assigned to the Department. Any payment your school might have received from such a borrower after the Department’s acceptance of the assigned loan is not to be reflected in this report.

Payment received after loans have been accepted for assignment should be mailed to:

Department of Education

ECSI Federal Perkins Loan Servicer

P.O. Box 105765

Atlanta, GA 30348-5028

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

    1. Assignments due to total and permanent disability discharge

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers whose loans were assigned to the Department because of total and permanent disability and which the Department officially accepted by June 30, 2014.

Note: Loans discharged based on a determination by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that a borrower is unemployable due to a service-connected disability are not assigned to the Department, and are not reported here. These loan discharges are reported in Section A, fields 22 and 50.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (c). Report the total amount lent to those borrowers.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the total principal amount outstanding when the loans were assigned to and accepted by the Department. DO NOT include any unpaid penalty/late charges assessed the borrower on any loans assigned to the Department. Any payment your school might have received from such a borrower after the Department’s acceptance of the assigned loan is not to be reflected in this report.

For questions concerning payments received at the school after the loan is assigned to the Department, please follow instructions in the procedures documents attached to the Electronic Announcement Dated June 12, 2013 Subject: TPD Discharge Information - Perkins Assignment Procedures Effective July 1, 2013 or contact the Nelnet Total and Permanent Disability Servicer in Denver, CO at 1-888-303-7818 or send an e-mail to

Note: When you assign a loan to the Department for total and permanent disability, the Department acknowledges acceptance of the assignment by sending you a copy of the Conditional Discharge Ineligibility or Eligibility letter for that borrower. If you have not received a copy of either letter, and you need to know whether the Department has accepted the assignment, you can contact the Nelnet Total and Permanent Disability Servicer in Denver, CO at 1-888-303-7818 or send an e-mail to

The sum of 2.1(b) and 2.2(b) must agree with Field 6(b) of Part III, Section A, Fiscal Operations Report.

The sum of 2.1(d) and 2.2(d) must agree with Field 6(d) of Part III, Section A, Fiscal Operations Report.

Field 2(b) equals the sum of fields 2.1(b) and 2.2(b). Field 2(c) equals the sum of fields 2.1(c) and 2.2(c). Field 2(d) equals the sum of fields 2.1(d) and 2.2(d).

3 Total borrowers not in repayment status

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers attending postsecondary schools at least half time. This number includes those students attending your school and those who have filed for student deferments from other schools. Report those whose grace periods have expired as well as those who have not used their first grace periods.

Also report borrowers who were in the first grace period. A first grace period is defined based on when the loans were made:

  • For loans made before October 1, 1980, a grace period is 9 consecutive months, starting from the date the borrower ceased to be at least a half-time student at a postsecondary school.

  • For loans made on or after October 1, 1980, but before July 1, 1987, a grace period is 6 consecutive months, starting from the date the borrower ceased to be at least a half-time student at a postsecondary school.

  • For loans made on or after July 1, 1987, a grace period is 9 consecutive months, starting from the date the borrower ceased to be at least a half-time student at a postsecondary school.

Review Section 674.32 of the regulations for terms relevant to less-than-half-time borrowers.

For borrowers in deferment and other grace periods, report those who obtained deferment in accordance with the governing regulations.

Note: For loans made on or after October 1, 1980, a second grace period of 6 consecutive months follows the completion of a deferment period for study, service, or disability.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the principal amount outstanding on these loans.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

4 Borrowers on schedule in repayment status

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers making loan repayments on schedule.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the total principal amount outstanding on these loans.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

5.1 In default less than 240 days (monthly installments) or less than 270 days (other installments)

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers whose loans are in default less than 240 days, if paying monthly, and less than 270 days if paying less frequently than monthly.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (c). Report the principal amount lent to those borrowers.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the principal amount outstanding on those loans.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

5.2 In default 240 days or more (monthly installments) or 270 days or more (other installments), up to 2 years

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers whose loans are in default

  • 240 days or more, up to 2 years, if those borrowers are paying monthly; and

  • 270 days or more, up to 2 years, if those borrowers are paying less frequently than monthly.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (c). Report the principal amount lent to those borrowers.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the principal amount outstanding on those loans.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

5.3 In default more than 2 years but not more than 5 years

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers whose loans are in default more than 2 years but not more than 5 years.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (c). Report the principal amount lent to those borrowers.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the principal amount outstanding on those loans.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

5.4 In default more than 5 years

Column (b). Report the unduplicated, CUMULATIVE number of borrowers whose loans are in default more than 5 years.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (c). Report the principal amount lent to those borrowers.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the principal amount outstanding on those loans.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Note: All assigned notes the Department has rejected and returned to you, or notes for which you received an acceptance letter from the Department dated after June 30, 2014, must be counted in the appropriate default category, according to the oldest payment in default. These notes may not be included in either Field 2 of this section, or in Section A, Field 6.

Cohort Default Rate (Sections D and E)

If your school had fewer than 30 borrowers who entered repayment in the 2012-2013 award year, complete Section E. If your school had 30 or more borrowers who entered repayment in the 2012-2013 award year, complete Section D.

For the purpose of calculating the cohort default rate

  • a borrower has entered repayment the day after the borrower’s initial grace period ended, or the day the borrower waived the initial grace period. This date does not change if a deferment or a cancellation is granted after the borrower has entered repayment.

  • a loan is in default if the borrower failed to make an installment payment when due or to comply with the other terms of the promissory note, and this situation has

existed for at least 240 days for loans with monthly payment installments or at least 270 days for loans with less frequent payment installments.

  • a loan is still considered to be in default even if the school, its owner, agency, contractor, employee, or any other entity or individual affiliated with the school makes a payment to prevent the borrower from defaulting.

  • a loan is not considered to be in default only if the borrower has

--made six voluntary consecutive payments;

--voluntarily made all payments currently due;

--repaid the loan in full;

--rehabilitated the loan or had it canceled;

--received a deferment or forbearance on the loan based on a condition that began before the loan became 240 days past due;

--received a discharge because of death, permanent and total disability, bankruptcy, or because of a closed school; or

--repaid the loan in full in accordance with Section 674.33(a) or Section 674.47(h).

  • a loan assigned to the Department of Education is still considered part of the cohort default rate calculation, unless the loan has been assigned because of a total and permanent disability cancellation.

Section D. Schools with 30 or More Borrowers Who Entered Repayment in the 2012-2013 Award Year

    1. Number of borrowers who entered repayment in 2012-2013

      Report the number of borrowers who entered repayment any time from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

1.2 Number of borrowers from Field 1.1 above with loans in default by June 30, 2014

Of the number of borrowers who entered repayment in 2012-2013, report the number with loans in default by June 30, 2014.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

1.3 Cohort Default Rate

The number of borrowers in Field 1.2 is divided by the number of borrowers in Field 1.1. That amount is then multiplied by 100 to calculate your cohort default rate. This field is automatically calculated.

Section E. Schools with Fewer than 30 Borrowers Who Entered Repayment in the 2012-2013 Award Year

2.1 Number of borrowers who entered repayment in:

2.1(a) 2010-2011 (07/01/2010-06/30/2011)

Report the number of borrowers who entered repayment any time from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

2.1(b) 2011-2012 (07/01/2011-06/30/2012)

Report the number of borrowers who entered repayment any time from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

2.1(c) 2012-2013 (07/01/2012-06/30/2013

Report the number of borrowers who entered repayment any time from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

2.2 Number of borrowers with loans in default by:

2.2(a) June 30, 2012 (those in 2.1(a) only)

Of the total number of borrowers in Field 2.1(a), report the number in default by June 30, 2012.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

2.2(b) June 30, 2013 (those in 2.1(b) only)

Of the total number of borrowers in Field 2.1(b), report the number in default by June 30, 2013.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

2.2(c) June 30, 2014 (those in 2.1(c))

Of the total number of borrowers in Field 2.1(c), report the number in default by June 30, 2014.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

    • Total number of borrowers who entered repayment during the three years above

      This field represents the total number of borrowers who entered repayment during the 2010-2011, 2011-2012, and 2012-2013 award years—the sum of fields 2.1(a) + 2.1(b) + 2.1(c). The field is automatically calculated.

    • Total number of borrowers with loans in default during the three years above

      This field represents the total number of borrowers with loans in default by June 30, 2012, June 30, 2013, and June 30, 2014—the sum of fields 2.2(a) + 2.2(b) + 2.2(c). The field is automatically calculated.

    • Cohort default rate

      The number of borrowers in Field 2.4 is divided by the total number of borrowers in Field 2.3. That amount is multiplied by 100 to calculate your cohort default rate. This field is automatically calculated.

Part IV:

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program (FSEOG)


Who must complete Part IV?

You must complete Part IV if your school received FSEOG federal funds for 2013-2014.

Field-by-field instructions for Part IV

Section A. Federal Funds Authorized for FSEOG

Use this section to report your authorization and any changes to that authorization.


1 Final adjusted FSEOG authorization

Figure the correct amount for this field as follows:

  • The amount of your original authorization (your first allocation letter for award year July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014) plus

  • Any supplemental authorization you received for the FSEOG Program minus

  • Any FSEOG funds from your 2013-2014 award year allocation that you returned to the federal government prior to September 30, 2014 through the annual reallocation process.

    Note: If funds returned through the allocation process plus any unexpended funds are greater than 10 percent of your combined 2013-2014 initial plus supplemental allocations, a penalty will be assessed against your school’s 2015-2016 FSEOG allocation unless your school has received an underuse waiver. See Note below explanation of Field 18 Unexpended FSEOG authorization.

Enter the result here.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Section B. Federal Funds Available for FSEOG Expenditures

Use this section to calculate the federal funds you had available for FSEOG expenditures.

Transferring Funds Between Programs/Carry Forward, Carry Back

To transfer any funds between programs or to carry forward or back funds between award years, your school must actually draw down the funds from G5. Simply reporting such transfers on the FISAP does not make the funds move from one program to another. Also, the funds drawn down from G5 must be spent against the program authorization from which the funds were taken, not against the program authorization for the award year in which the funds are/were used.

2 FWS funds transferred to and spent in FSEOG

Enter the amount of any FWS funds you transferred to, and spent in, the FSEOG Program. You must return to FWS any transferred amount you did not spend in FSEOG.

The maximum amount you may transfer from FWS to FSEOG is 25 percent of the sum of your 2013-2014 FWS original and supplemental allocations.

The amount in this field must be the same as the entry in Part V, Field 4(a).

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

3 Federal Perkins Federal Capital Contribution funds transferred to and spent in FSEOG

You cannot enter any data in this field because Congress did not authorize any FCC for the 2013-2014 reporting year.

4 FSEOG funds transferred to and spent in FWS

Enter the amount of any FSEOG funds you transferred to, and spent in, the FWS Program. You must return to FSEOG any transferred amount you did not spend in FWS.

The maximum amount you may transfer from FSEOG to FWS is 25 percent of the sum of your 2013-2014 FSEOG original and supplemental allocations. The amount in this field must be the same as the entry in Part V, Field 3.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.


You must award FSEOG funds to students before you may transfer funds to FWS.

For more information on transfer of Campus-Based funds, see Volume 6, Chapter 1 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook available on the IFAP Web site at

Any FSEOG funds transferred to FWS must be entered into G5 as an expenditure against FSEOG, not as an expenditure against FWS.

5 2013-2014 FSEOG funds carried back and spent in 2013-2014

Report any amount of your 2014-2015 FSEOG allocation that you carried back and spent in award year 2013-2014. The maximum amount you could have carried back and spent is 10 percent of the sum of your 2014-2015 original and supplemental FSEOG allocations.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

6 Additional 2014-2015 FSEOG funds carried back and spent for 2014 summer enrollment

If you report in Field 5 the maximum 10 percent carry back amount, report here any additional amount of your 2014-2015 FSEOG allocation that you carried back and spent for awards to students for payment periods that began on or after May 1, 2014 but that ended before

July 1, 2014.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

7 2012-2013 funds carried forward and spent in 2013-2014

Report any amount of your 2012-2013 FSEOG allocation that you carried forward and spent in award year 2013-2014. The maximum amount you could have carried forward and spent is 10 percent of the sum of your 2012-2013 original and supplemental FSEOG allocations.

If this entry is different from the one in Part IV, Field 8 of your 2012-2013 Fiscal Operations Report, you must submit a revised 2012-2013 Fiscal Operations Report.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Note: You need to spend all 2012-2013 funds carried forward before spending any funds from the 2013-2014 award year.

8 2013-2014 funds carried forward to be spent in 2014-2015

Report any amount of your 2013-2014 FSEOG allocation that you carried forward to spend in award year 2013-2014. The maximum amount you could have carried forward to be spent is 10 percent of the sum of your 2013-2014 original and supplemental FSEOG allocations.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Note: You need to spend all 2013-2014 funds carried forward before spending any funds from the 2014-2015 award year.

9 2013-2014 funds carried back and spent in 2012-2013

Report any amount of your 2013-2014 FSEOG allocation that you carried back and spent in award year 2012-2013. The maximum amount you could have carried back and spent is 10 percent of the sum of your 2013-2014 original and supplemental FSEOG allocations.

If the entry here is different from the one in Part IV, Field 5 of your 2012-2013 Fiscal Operations Report, you must submit a revised 2012-2013 Fiscal Operations Report.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

10 Additional 2013-2014 funds carried back and spent for 2013 summer enrollment

If you report in Field 9 the maximum 10 percent carry back amount, report here any additional amount of your 2013-2014 FSEOG allocation that you carried back and spent for awards to students for payment periods that began on or after May 1, 2013 but that ended prior to

July 1, 2013.

If the entry here is different from the one in Part IV, Field 6 of your 2012-2013 Fiscal Operations Report, you must submit a revised 2012-2013 Fiscal Operations Report.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

11 Total federal funds available for 2013-2014 FSEOG

Field 11 equals the sum of fields 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 minus the sum of fields 4, 8, 9 and 10. This field is automatically calculated.

Section C. Funds to FSEOG Recipients

DO NOT include in either Field 12 or 13 below any nonfederal funds in excess of the required 25 percent nonfederal share.

12 Total funds to FSEOG recipients

The amount reported must consist of the required 25 percent nonfederal plus 75 percent federal shares, unless your school has been granted a waiver of the institutional match requirement for 2013-2014. In that case, report whatever federal funds your school expended.

Field 12 equals Field 13 plus Field 14.

Valid amounts are:

This field cannot be blank.

13 Nonfederal share of funds to FSEOG recipients

For nonfederal funds to be reported in this field, the recipients of these monies must have also received some federal funds from the FSEOG Program in the 2013-2014 award year.

Field 13, which is automatically calculated, must be 25 percent of Field 12, unless your school has been granted a waiver of the institutional-match requirement for 2013-2014. In that case, you can report less than 25 percent. Schools must not enter any school expenditures that exceed the 25 percent requirement.

Your school must provide the nonfederal share from its own resources, which might include school grants and scholarships, tuition or fee waivers, state scholarships, or foundation or other charitable organization funds. You can use one of three methods to provide the nonfederal share; these are discussed in Volume 6, Chapter 1, “FSEOG Nonfederal Share,” of the Federal Student Aid Handbook available on the IFAP Web site at

Although Field 13 is automatically calculated, you must know how the total is derived so you can determine what to enter in fields 13(a) and 13(b). Therefore, perform the following steps:

  • Divide the total federal FSEOG funds expended for FSEOG recipients by 75.

  • Take that result and multiply it by 25. You will then have your school’s FSEOG nonfederal matching requirement.

Note: Do NOT simply take 25 percent of the total federal FSEOG funds expended or 25 percent of your FSEOG award—neither is an accurate calculation of your nonfederal matching requirement.

Once you have determined the FSEOG nonfederal matching requirement, you must break down that amount for fields 13(a) and 13(b).

13(a). Cash outlay contributed

If some or all of your nonfederal share consisted of a cash outlay by your school, enter the amount contributed.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

13(b). Other resources designated

If some or all of your nonfederal share consisted of one of the other types of school resources listed above, enter the amount designated.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Field 13 must equal Field 13(a) plus Field 13(b).

Section D. Federal Funds Spent for FSEOG Program

Use this section to report how you spent the federal funds available.

14 Federal share of funds to FSEOG recipients

Report the amount of FSEOG federal funds expended for students, plus any FWS federal funds transferred into FSEOG and spent for FSEOGs.

Field 14 must equal 75 percent of Field 12, unless your school has an approved waiver of the institutional match requirement for 2013-2014. In that case, report whatever federal funds your school expended.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

15 Administrative cost allowance claimed

Use the Administrative Cost Allowance Worksheet - Part VI, Section B, steps 1 and 2 to see how your Administrative Cost Allowance (ACA) is calculated.

In Part VI, Section B, Step 3, report how much administrative cost allowance you claimed in the FSEOG Program.

The amount in Field 15 must be the same as the amount in Part VI, Section B, Field 23(b). This amount could include funds claimed for any or all of the three programs.

Note: Remember that your ACA comes from your Campus-Based program allocations and therefore should be budgeted in advance as part of those allocations. The ACA is not a supplemental amount from the U.S. Department of Education.

For more information on calculating the ACA, see Volume 6, Chapter 1 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook available on the IFAP Web site at

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

16 Federal funds spent for FSEOG

Field 16 equals Field 14 plus Field 15.

This field is automatically calculated.

Section E. Use of FSEOG Authorization

Use this section to derive your unexpended (if any) and expended authorization amounts.

17 Expended FSEOG authorization

Field 17 equals the sum of fields 4, 8, 9, 10, and 16 minus the sum of fields 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7. This field is automatically calculated.

The amount in Field 17 must agree with your final FSEOG draw downs reported in G5. Also, this amount cannot exceed your authorization in Field 1.

18 Unexpended FSEOG authorization

Field 18 equals Field 1 minus Field 17. This field is automatically calculated.

The resulting amount will ultimately be deducted from your G5 grantee account.

ED will not accept a negative figure for this field.

An excess expenditure must be charged to institutional funds; however, the excess institutional share is not entered in this report.

Note: Unless your school has received an underuse waiver, a penalty will be assessed against your school’s 2015-2016 FSEOG allocation if the amount in Field 18 plus any other amounts you previously returned to ED are greater than 10 percent of your combined 2013-2014 initial plus supplemental allocations. The penalty consists of a reduction in your 2015-2016 FSEOG allocation by an amount equal to the total amount you did not spend in 2013-2014.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Information on prior year recoveries for FSEOG and FWS

Prior year recoveries are the federal shares of any monies students have returned to the school for an award year that has already undergone closeout in the Campus-Based system (that is, awards have already been reduced to FISAP expenditure levels). You are not required to report prior year recoveries or make an adjustment to your FISAP unless the Department’s School Eligibility Channel requests it.

Use existing G5 procedures to refund to the Department any funds recovered on prior year awards. Refunds must be applied to the award corresponding to the funding year in which recovered funds were awarded. For example, if you made an award in 2013-2014 and the money was recovered in 2014-2015, you must return the recovered funds to the 2013-2014 authorization.

The available balance for this award will increase as a result of the refund. However, the award authorization amount will be reduced by this refund amount when the award enters the closeout state in G5. Therefore, you should not draw down the available balance created by the refund.

Part V: Federal Work-Study Program (FWS)


Who must complete Part V?

You must complete Part V if your school received FWS funds for award year 2013-2014.

Field-by-field instructions for Part V

Section A. Federal Funds Authorized for


Use this section to report your authorization and any changes to that authorization.


1 Final adjusted FWS authorization

Figure the correct amount for this field as follows:

  • The amount of your original authorization (your first allocation letter for award year July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014) plus

  • Any supplemental authorization you received for the FWS Program minus

  • Any FWS funds from your 2013-2014 award year allocation that you returned to the federal government prior to September 30, 2014.

    Note: If funds returned through the allocation process plus any unexpended funds are greater than 10 percent of your combined 2013-2014 initial plus supplemental allocations, a penalty will be assessed against your school’s 2015-2016 FWS allocation unless your school has received an underuse waiver. See Note below explanation of Field 19 Unexpended FWS authorization.

Enter the result here.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Section B. Federal Funds Available for FWS Expenditures

Use this section to calculate the federal funds you had available for FWS expenditures.

Transferring Funds Between

Programs/Carry Forward, Carry Back

To transfer any funds between programs or to carry forward or back funds between award years, your school must actually draw down the funds from G5. Simply reporting such transfers on the FISAP does not make the funds move from one program to another. Also, the funds drawn down from G5 must be spent against the program authorization from which the funds were taken, not against the program authorization for the award year in which the funds are to be used.

2 Federal Perkins Federal Capital Contribution funds transferred to and spent in FWS

You cannot enter any data in this field because Congress did not authorize any FCC for the 2013-2014 reporting year.

  1. FSEOG funds transferred to and spent

in FWS

Enter the amount of any FSEOG funds you transferred to, and spent in, the FWS Program. You must return to FSEOG any transferred amount you did not spend in FWS.

The maximum amount you may transfer from FSEOG to FWS is 25 percent of the sum of your 2013-2014 FSEOG original and supplemental allocations.

The amount in this field must be the same as the entry in Part IV, Field 4.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

  1. FWS funds transferred to and spent in FSEOG and the Federal Perkins Loan Program

    You must award FWS funds to students before you may transfer funds to FSEOG or Perkins.

    For more information on transfer of campus-based funds, see Volume 6, Chapter 1 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook available on the IFAP Web site at

    4(a) FSEOG

Report the FWS amount that you transferred to and spent in FSEOG. The amount in Field 4(a) must be the same as the entry in Part IV, Field 2.

Valid amounts are
This field
cannot be blank

4(b) Federal Perkins Loan Program

Report the FWS amount that you transferred to and spend in the Federal Perkins Loan Program. The amount in Field 4(b) must be the same as the entry in Part III, Section B, Field 2.

Note: You must have a Perkins Loan Level of Expenditure (LOE) from the Department for the award year in order to transfer FWS funds to the Perkins Loan Program.

Valid amounts are
This field
cannot be blank

The sum of Field 4(a) plus Field 4(b) may not exceed 25% of your FWS original plus any supplemental allocations for 2013-2014.

Note: Any FWS funds transferred to FSEOG and the Federal Perkins Loan Program must be entered into G5 as expenditures against FWS, not as an expenditure against FSEOG or the Federal Perkins Loan Program.

5 2013-2014 FWS funds carried back and spent in 2012-2013

Report any amount of your 2014-2015 FWS allocation that you carried back and spent in award year 2013-2014. The maximum amount you could have carried back and spent is 10 percent of the sum of your 2014-2015 original and supplemental FWS allocations.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

6 Additional 2014-2015 FWS funds carried back and spent for 2014 summer employment

If you report in Field 5 the maximum 10 percent carry back amount, report here any additional amount of your 2014-2015 FWS allocation that you carried back and spent for payments to students for wages earned on or after May 1, 2014 but before July 1, 2014.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

7 2012-2013 funds carried forward and spent in 2013-2014

Report any amount of your 2012-2013 FWS allocation that you carried forward and spent in award year 2013-2014. The maximum amount you could have carried forward and spent is 10 percent of the sum of your 2012-2013 original and supple-mental FWS allocations.

If this entry is different from the one in Part V, Field 8 of your 2012-2013 Fiscal Operations Report, you must submit a revised 2012-2013 Fiscal Operations Report.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Note: You need to spend all 2012-2013 funds carried forward before spending any funds from the 2013-2014 award year.

8 2013-2014 funds carried forward to be spent in 2014-2015

Report any amount of your 2013-2014 FWS allocation that you carried forward to spend in award year 2014-2015. The maximum amount you could have carried forward to be spent is 10 percent of the sum of your 2013-2014 original and supplemental FWS allocations.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Note: You need to spend any 2013-2014 funds carried forward before spending any funds from the 2014-2015 award year.

9 2013-2014 funds carried back and spent in 2012-2013

Report any amount of your 2013-2014 FWS allocation that you carried back and spent in award year 2012-2013. The maximum amount you could have carried back and spent is 10 percent of the sum of

your 2013-2014 original and supplemental FWS allocations.

If the entry here is different from the one in Part V, Field 5 of your 2012-2013 Fiscal Operations Report, you must submit a revised 2012-2013 Fiscal Operations Report.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

10 Additional 2013-2014 funds carried back and spent for 2013 summer employment

If you report in Field 9 the maximum 10 percent carry back amount, report here any additional amount of your 2013-2014 FWS allocation that you carried back and spent for payments to students for wages earned on or after May 1, 2013 but before July 1, 2013.

If the entry here is different from the one in Part V, Field 6 of your 2012-2013 Fiscal Operations Report, you must submit a revised 2012-2013 Fiscal Operations Report.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

11 Total federal funds available for 2013-2014 FWS

Field 11 equals the sum of fields 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 minus the sum of fields 4(a), 4(b), 8, 9, and 10. This field is automatically calculated.

Section C. Total Compensation for FWS

Use this section to report the total FWS compensation earned in award year 2013-2014, both federal and institutional shares. This amount reflects gross compensation, including tax and other withholdings.

Total FWS compensation earned means all types of FWS work, whether or not that work qualifies as community service employment. For more on community service activities and reporting those earnings, see the instructions for Section G on page V-8.

12 Total earned compensation for FWS Program

In Field 12, the FWS total earned compensation (federal and nonfederal share) is reported for all students for the 2013-2014 award year. This amount is automatically calculated.

The amount here includes any compensation FWS students might have earned while employed as reading or mathematics tutors of children or while employed in family literacy activities, even if the federal share exceeds the normal 75 percent rate.

Any FWS earned compensation paid to FWS students employed in these tutoring and family literacy activities must be reported in Field 12(a) for on-campus employment and in Field 12(b) for off-campus employment at public or private nonprofit agencies. (Any amounts earned for these activities are reported, whether or not the activities qualify as community service work.)

Any FWS payments made to disaster-affected students who were unable to continue working under the FWS program as a result of a major disaster must be reported in Field 12(a) for on-campus employment and in Field 12(b) for off-campus employment at public or private nonprofit agencies.

12(a) On-campus earned compensation

Report the earned compensation for on-campus employment.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

12(b) Off-campus earned compensation for public non-profit agencies, excluding amounts reported in Field 12(c)

Report the earned compensation for off-campus employment at public or private nonprofit agencies,

excluding expenditures required to be reported in Field 12(c).

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

12(c) Off-campus earned compensation for agencies that were unable to pay regular nonfederal share and had a federal share up to 90 percent

Report the earned compensation for off-campus employment at public or private nonprofit agencies that were unable to pay the regular nonfederal share and that had a federal share not exceeding 90 percent.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

12(d) Off-campus earned compensation for private for-profit organizations

Report the earned compensation for off-campus employment in the private for-profit sector.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Field 12 equals fields 12(a) plus 12(b) plus 12(c) plus 12(d). This field is automatically calculated.

13 Total institutional share of earned compensation

Report the total institutional share of all earned compensation. The minimum required institutional share varies by type of employment and is the complement of each federal share percentage reflected in Field 14.

The institutional share consists of the amounts your school has contributed and

the amounts any off-campus employer has contributed.

If the institutional share of student compensation was paid in kind (examples include a tuition waiver and room and board), you must convert the in-kind compensation to cash value.

Field 13 must equal Field 12 minus Field 14.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Section D. Funds Spent from Federal Share of FWS

14 Total federal share of FWS earned compensation

In Field 14, the federal share of the FWS total earned compensation paid to all students for the 2013-2014 award year is reported. This amount is automatically calculated.

The amount here includes the federal share of any earned compensation paid to FWS students employed as reading or mathematics tutors of children, or employed in family literacy activities, even if the federal share exceeds the 75 percent rate.

14(a) Federal share paid at a rate up to 75 percent

Report the federal share of compensation earned at the maximum 75 percent rate: applies to on-campus employment or off-campus employment at public or private nonprofit agencies.

Also include the federal share of any payments disbursed to disaster-affected students for the period in which they were prevented from fulfilling their FWS work obligations.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

14(b) Federal share paid at a rate up to 100 percent for waivers of nonfederal share

Report the federal share of compensation earned at the maximum 100 percent rate: applies

to on-campus employment or off-campus employment at public or private nonprofit agencies. As mentioned, report here the federal share of compensation FWS students earned while employed as reading or mathematics tutors of children or while employed in family literacy activities.

If your school is designated as Title III/V eligible and had an approved waiver of the nonfederal share, report your federal share here.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

14(c) Federal share paid at a rate up to 90 percent for agencies that were unable to pay regular nonfederal share

Report the federal share of compensation earned at the maximum 90 percent rate: applies to off-campus employment at public or private nonprofit agencies unable to pay the regular nonfederal share.

The 90 percent federal share is limited to no more than 10 percent of the students paid under the FWS Program for the 2013-2014 award year.

For example, if you had 10 students who earned FWS compensation in 2013-2014, 10 percent of those students equals one student. Therefore, you could fund only one student at the 90 percent federal share. If you wanted to fund two or more students, you would have to fund them at the 75 percent federal share amount, not at the 90 percent federal share amount.

Note: This 10 percent limit does not include students whose FWS wages have been exempted from the full nonfederal share requirement (generally 25 percent) because those students were employed as reading

or mathematics tutors of children or

were employed in family literacy activities. See Volume 6 of the

Federal Student Aid Handbook available at the IFAP Web Site at for more information.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

14(d) Federal share paid at a rate up to 50 percent for off-campus, private for-profit organizations

Report the federal share of compensation earned at the maximum 50 percent rate: applies to off-campus employment in the private for-profit sector.

This amount may not exceed 25 percent of the sum of your 2013-2014 original plus supplemental authorizations.

For example, if the FWS award is $10,000, the amount you report here cannot exceed 25 percent of this amount, or $2,500. Because this field is a 50-percent category, you must report another $2,500 in Field 13 if you spend the entire amount permitted for employment in the private for-profit sector.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Field 14 equals fields 14(a) plus 14(b) plus 14(c) plus 14(d). This field is automatically calculated.

15 Administrative cost allowance claimed

Use the Administrative Cost Allowance Worksheet - Part VI, Section B, steps 1 and 2 to calculate your Administrative Cost Allowance (ACA).

In Part VI, Section B, Step 3, report how much administrative cost allowance you claimed in the FWS Program.

The amount reported in Field 15 must be the same as the amount in Part VI, Section B, Field 23(c). This amount could include funds claimed for any or all of the three programs.

Note: Remember that your ACA comes from your campus-based program allocations and therefore should be budgeted in advance as part of those allocations. The ACA is not a supplemental amount from the U.S. Department of Education.

For more information on calculating the ACA, see Volume 6, Chapter 1 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook available at the IFAP Web Site at

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

16 Federal share of Job Location and Development (JLD) Program expenditures

Report the federal share of the total amount spent for the Job Location and Development (JLD) Program. The total amount of FWS federal funds spent for the JLD Program must not exceed the lesser of $75,000 or 10 percent of the sum of your 2013-2014 original and supplemental FWS allocations.

For more information on the JLD Program see Volume 6 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook available on the IFAP Web site at

If you used FWS federal funds to operate the JLD Program, the amount reported in this field must not exceed 80 percent of the amount reported in Field 20.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

17 Total federal funds spent for FWS

Field 17 equals the sum of fields 14 through 16. This field is automatically calculated.

Section E. Use of FWS Authorization

This section shows how your expended and unexpended authorization amounts were derived.

18 Expended FWS authorization

Field 18 equals the sum of fields 4(a), 4(b), 8, 9, 10, and 17 minus the sum of fields 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7. This field is automatically calculated.

The amount in Field 18 must agree with your final FWS draw downs reported in G5. Also, this amount cannot exceed your authorization in Field 1.

19 Unexpended FWS authorization

Field 19 equals Field 1 minus Field 18. This field is automatically calculated. This amount will ultimately be deducted from your G5 grantee account.

Any calculation that results in a negative figure will not be accepted for transmission to ED.

An excess expenditure must be charged to the school share of earned compensation.

Note: Unless your school has received an underuse waiver, a penalty will be assessed against your school’s 2015-2016 FWS allocation if the amount in Field 19 plus any other amounts you previously returned to ED are more than 10 percent of your combined 2013-2014 initial plus supplemental allocations. The penalty consists of a reduction in your 2015-2016 FWS allocation by an amount equal to the total amount you did not spend in 2013-2014.

Information on prior year recoveries for FWS and FSEOG

Prior year recoveries are the federal shares of any monies students have returned to the school for an award year that has already undergone closeout in the Campus-Based system (that is, awards have already been reduced to FISAP expenditure levels). You are not required to report prior year recoveries or make an adjustment to your FISAP unless the Department’s School Eligibility Channel requests it.

Use existing G5 refund procedures to refund to the Department any funds recovered on prior year awards. Refunds must be applied to the award corresponding to the funding year in which the recovered funds were awarded. For example, if you made an award in 2013-2014 and the money was recovered in 2014-2015, you must return the recovered funds to the 2013-2014 authorization.

The available balance for this award will increase as a result of the refund. However, the award authorization amount will be reduced by this refund amount when the award enters the closeout state in G5. Therefore, you should not draw down the available balance created by the refund.

Section F. Information About the Job

Location and Development (JLD) Program

20 Total expenditures for the JLD Program

Report the total amount spent (federal and institutional share) to establish, maintain, or expand the Job Location and Development (JLD) Program.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

21 Institutional expenditures for the JLD Program

Report the total amount of institutional funds spent. If your expenditures were paid in kind (for example, staff salaries, related travel, or printing and mailing costs), convert those contributions to their cash values.

If you used federal funds to operate the JLD Program, the amount reported in this field must be at least 20 percent of the amount reported in Field 20.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

22 Number of students for whom jobs were located or developed

Report the number of students for whom you developed or located jobs through the JLD Program and who had earnings through JLD placement in award year 2013-2014.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

23 Total earnings of the students in Field 22 above

Report the total amount earned in 2013-2014 by the students reported in Field 22. If you do not know their actual wages, report a reasonable estimate.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Section G. Information About FWS Students Employed in Community Service Activities

Your school is required to use at least 7 percent of its FWS allocation to employ students in community service jobs, unless your school received a Community Service Waiver from the Department. The information you report in Section G will determine whether your school has met this requirement for the 2013-2014 award year.

If your school also received reallocated supplemental FWS federal funds, this section determines whether your school used those

funds only to pay students in community service jobs, as is required.

The minimum amount of FWS federal funds the school must expend on community service jobs for an award year is one of the following two amounts, whichever is greater:

(1) 7 percent of the sum of:

  • your original FWS allocation plus

  • your FWS supplemental allocation (if any), minus

  • any amount of FWS Federal funds you returned through the reallocation process


(2) 100 percent of your FWS supplemental allocation (if any).

For information on the kinds of activities that qualify as community service employment, see Volume 6 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook available on the IFAP Web site at The most basic requirement of community service employment is that the activities involved must be open and accessible to the community. “Open and accessible” means the service is publicized to the community and the general public uses the service.

A school in and of itself is not considered a community for the purpose of determining community service employment. For example, if a school has an on-campus program to tutor the children of faculty in reading, that program would not qualify. If, however, the tutoring

program is open to children in the community, it would qualify.

Note: As part of the 7 percent expenditure requirement for community service, at least one of the FWS students your school employs must

  • work as a reading tutor for children who are preschool age or are in elementary school or

  • perform family literacy activities in a family literacy project that provides services to families with preschool age children or elementary school children.

You will include in this section information on any funds spent to compensate students employed in jobs that satisfy these criteria. As noted above, these activities must be “open and accessible” to the community.

Regulations at 34 CFR 675.18(g) set forth the community service expenditure requirements under the Federal Work Study Program that a school must meet unless it is granted a waiver of the community service expenditure requirements. Dear Colleague Letter CB-07-08 explains the penalties associated with failure to meet the community service expenditure requirements.

A school may pay students for a reasonable amount of time spent for training directly related to FWS employment and for travel directly related to employment in community service activities.

Note: Because Section G collects information on all types of community service, you might duplicate some of the information you report here in sections H, I and J.

24 Number of students in community service employment

Report the number of students employed during the 2013-2014 award year in FWS jobs that met the definition of community service in the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, Part C, Section 441(c). For a discussion of community service, see Volume 6 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook available on IFAP at

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

25 Federal share of community service earned compensation

Enter the federal share of compensation earned in FWS community service jobs during the 2013-2014 award year.

This amount must not exceed 75 percent of the total earned compensation for community service (the sum of fields 25 and 26), unless the institutional-share

requirements have been waived, or unless an off-campus agency qualified for a 90 percent federal share.

For example, if the total earned compensation for community service is $10,000, then Field 25 should be $7,500 ($10,000 x .75). Field 26 should be $2,500 ($10,000 x .25). If the school has an approved waiver of the institutional share, Field 25 could be $10,000 and Field 26 could be $0.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

26 Nonfederal share of community service earned compensation

Report the nonfederal (school plus off-campus employer) share of compensation students earned while employed in community service jobs.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Section H. Information About FWS Students Employed as Reading Tutors of Children or Employed in Family Literacy Activities

For this section, report information about students employed in these types of activities whether or not those activities qualify as community service employment.

The information you report here could, however, also be part of the information you report in Section G, if the reading tutoring for children or the family literacy activities were open and accessible to the community. As mentioned in Section G, a service is considered open and accessible if it is publicized to the community and the general public uses the service.

27 Number of FWS students employed as

reading tutors of children or employed in

family literacy activities

Report the number of FWS students employed during the 2013-2014 award year as reading tutors of children or employed in family literacy activities.

The reading tutoring must be provided to preschool age children or children who are in elementary school. The family literacy activities must be in a family literacy project that provides services to families with preschool age children or children who are in elementary school.

The FWS student must perform the work for the school itself; for a federal, state, or local public agency; or for a private nonprofit organization.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

28 Federal share of earned compensation for FWS students employed as reading tutors of children or employed in family literacy activities

Enter the federal share of compensation earned by FWS students employed during the 2013-2014 award year as reading tutors of children or employed in family literacy activities.

The federal share can be as high as 100 percent; your school is not required to ask the Department for a waiver of the FWS institutional-share requirements. Your school has the option, however, of continuing to provide an institutional share and determining the amount of that share.

28(a) Amount of the federal share in Field 28 spent on community service employment

Report the amount of the federal share entered in Field 28 that was spent on community service employment. To qualify as community service employment, the reading tutoring for children or family literacy activities must have been open and accessible to the community. As mentioned earlier, service is considered open and accessible if it is publicized to the community and the general public uses that service.

This information will be used to determine whether your school, as part of meeting the 7 percent community service expenditure requirement, employed one or more students in at least one reading tutoring project as a reading tutor of children or in a family literacy project performing family literacy activities.

Further, this information will be used to determine whether your school met one of the requirements for receiving reallocated supplemental FWS funds, if you requested such funds. That requirement is that you must, as part of your community service activities, spend at least 5 percent of your original plus supplemental FWS allocations to pay students employed as reading tutors of children or employed in family literacy activities.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

29 Total earned compensation for FWS students employed as reading tutors of children or employed in family literacy activities

Report the total compensation FWS students earned during the 2013-2014 award year while employed as reading tutors of children or while employed in family literacy activities. Any nonfederal share of this compensation would come from your school and/or private nonprofit organizations.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Section I. Information About FWS Students Employed as Mathematics Tutors of Children

For this section, you report information about students employed in this activity whether or not that activity qualifies as community service employment.

The information you report here could, however, also be part of the information you report in Section G, if the mathematics tutoring for children was “open and accessible” to the community, as defined in Section G.

30 Number of FWS students employed as mathematics tutors of children

Report the number of FWS students employed during the 2013-2014 award year as mathematics tutors of children. The mathematics tutoring must be provided to students from the elementary through ninth-grade levels. The FWS student must perform the work for the school itself; for a federal, state, or local public agency; or for a private nonprofit organization.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

31 Federal share of earned compensation for FWS students employed as mathematics tutors of children

Enter the federal share of compensation FWS students earned during the 2012-2013 award year while employed as mathematics tutors of children.

The federal share can be as high as 100 percent; your school is not required to ask the Department for a waiver of the FWS institutional-share requirements. Your school has the option, however, of continuing to provide an institutional share and determining the amount of that share.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

32 Total earned compensation for FWS students employed as mathematics tutors of children

Report the total compensation FWS students earned during the 2012-2013 award year while employed as mathematics tutors of children.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Section J. Information About FWS Students in Civic Education and Participation Activities

For this section, you report information about students who work in projects that teach civics in schools, raise awareness of government functions or resources, or increase civic participation.

33 Number of students in civic education and participation activities

Report the number of FWS students engaged in civic education and participation activities during the 2013-2014 award year.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

34 Federal share spent for students in civic education and participation activities.

Enter the federal share of compensation disbursed to FWS students engaged in civic education and participation activities during the 2013-2014 award year.

The federal share can be as high as 100 percent; your school is not required to ask the Department for a waiver of the FWS institutional-share requirements. Your school has the option, however, of continuing to provide an institutional share and determining the amount of that share.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

35 Total spent for students in civic education and participation activities.

Report the total compensation FWS students received during the 2013-2014 award year while engaged in civic education and participation activities.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Section K. Information About FWS Disaster-Affected Students

Under certain limited circumstances, an eligible school is allowed to make FWS payments to a “disaster-affected student” who is unable to continue working under the FWS Program. An eligible school must be located in a county or parish that was designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for major disaster assistance as a result of a major disaster as defined under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5122(2)).

FEMA designated disaster jurisdictions can be found at the FEMA web site: under the “Disaster Designations.”

36 Number of disaster-affected students

receiving FWS funds.

Report the number of disaster-affected students that received funds during the 2013-2014 award year for a period in which they were prevented from fulfilling their FWS work obligations.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

37 Federal share of funds to disaster-affected students

Report the federal share of funds disbursed to the disaster-affected students reported in Field 36 for the period in which they were prevented from fulfilling their FWS work obligations during the 2013-2014 award year. Do not include the amount of federal funds paid to the students for periods when they were working.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

38 Total funds to disaster-affected students

Report the total amount disbursed to the disaster-affected students reported in Field 36 for the period in which they were prevented from fulfilling their FWS work obligations during the 2013-2014 award year. Do not include the amount of FWS funds paid to the students for periods which they were working.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Part VI:

Program Summary for Award Year

July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014

Section A. Distribution of Program Recipients and Expenditures by Type of Student

Who must complete Part VI, Section A?

If you participated in the Federal Perkins Loan, FSEOG, or FWS Program in the 2013-2014 award year, you must complete this section.

What do I need to complete this section?

You will need data from parts III, IV, and V of this FISAP and from your school’s records.

General instructions for Section A

Report the distribution of aid recipients and the amounts spent during the 2013-2014 award year—by taxable and untaxed income levels—for undergraduate dependent students (fields 1 through 11), undergraduate independent students (fields 12 through 22), and/or graduate/ professional students (Field 23). Definitions for types of students are found in Part II, Section F of these instructions (see page II-8).

Students reported in fields 1 through 23 will be all students, whether full time or part time.

Students entered in Field 25 are those students from fields 1 through 23 who are enrolled less than full time.

Note: For further explanation concerning “full time and less than full time” enrollment, please review Enrollment Status in Chapter 1, Volume 1 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook available on the IFAP Web site at

Students entered in Field 26 are those students from fields 1 through 23 with automatic zero EFCs.

The entries in column (g) are unduplicated counts, and for most schools, are not the sum of columns (a), (c), and (e). Column (g) represents a head count of enrolled students; each student is counted only once. If a student received funds from more than one program, you would nevertheless report that student only once in this column.

The table below illustrates this concept on a very basic level. Each student listed participates in a varying number of campus-based programs, indicated by the entries in each program column, but each student is counted only once and is therefore “unduplicated.”





Student A




Student B



Student C




Student D





In this example, a school has four students who receive campus-based program funds.

Placing students into the correct income categories for fields 1 through 22 is done in the same way as for “eligible aid applicants” in Part II, Section F.

To place a student with an automatic zero EFC into the appropriate income category, use the student’s income that would have been used to calculate an Expected Family Contribution for 2013-2014 if the student had not been designated as having an automatic zero EFC. Such students should be included in fields 1 through 23.

For Perkins and FWS recipients: A student who was a recipient in more than one academic category in 2013-2014 (e.g., undergraduate one term and graduate in another, dependent in one term and independent in another, or full time in one term, less than full time in another) should be reported in the category in which he or she was enrolled during the final term of the 2013-2014 academic year (or the final month of the training program, for schools with a non-traditional calendar).

For students who received only FSEOG funds: As FSEOG recipients can only be undergraduate students, report them in the appropriate undergraduate category (dependent or independent, by income) regardless of any subsequent work they might have done as graduate students.

For FSEOG recipients who also received Perkins/FWS: If FSEOG recipients also received Perkins and/or FWS funds, report such students, only once, in the unduplicated recipients column (g), according to the students’ status in the final term (or month) of the 2013-2014 academic year.

Note: You may use the 2013-2014 EDExpress software to assist you with basic information to help you complete the income grid in Part VI, Section A. of the FISAP.

Follow the steps below to Set up the Packaging module, import ISIRS, remove the students who did not attend your school and then query by income range.

Using the 2013-2014 EDEXpress Software Packaging Module to Assist with Part VI FISAP Data

  1. Establish a basic academic year profile. This is required before you can import ISIR data into Packaging:

  1. Select Tools, Setup, Packaging from the menu bar, then click Academic Year Profile.

  2. Type a code and title that are recognizable to you. You can use letters or numbers.

  3. Select the Default checkbox so the code will automatically appear as the academic year profile in the Import dialog box.

  4. Disregard the Pell Grant Formula, Program Proration Percent, and EFC Program Length to Import from ISIR Database fields.

  5. Enter at least one term title. This can be any type of description, such as "Fall," "First Payment," or "Year."

  6. Select Full-Time for the enrollment status. (see step 7, below).

  7. Enter percentage values in the Pell, Grant, Perkins, FWS, or Loan columns. The values are unimportant as long as the total for each column does not exceed 100%.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Click OK.

  1. Select File, Import from the menu bar, then click the Packaging tab.

  2. Select Packaging Data - ISIR Data as the import type.

  3. Select the academic year profile you created in step 1, above, if it is not already selected for you.

  4. Click OK. If you have a large ISIR database, you can use selection criteria, such as last name range, to limit the number of records you import at one time.

  5. After the ISIR import is complete, delete the Packaging records for students who did not attend your school so they do not affect the record counts on your reports. The most efficient way to do this is to print the "ListUnpackaged Records" report and compare the report against your enrollment roster. Delete any preexisting Packaging records for students who are not enrolled at your school by selecting File, Delete from the menu bar, then clicking the Packaging tab. Select Student as the record type. Click OK, then click Select Records. Scroll through the list of students, selecting the Selected checkbox for students you want to delete. Click OK.

  1. Create a query in the 2013-2014 EDExpress software to assist in completing the Income Grid in Part VI, Section A. of the FISAP:

    1. Go to Tools/Query/Packaging.

    2. Add a query with a title that is meaningful to the user.

    3. Build the query this way:
      Total income greater than or equal to (check “prompt at execution”)
      Total is less than or equal to (check “prompt at execution”)
      Dependency Status equals (check “prompt” at execution”)

    4. Save the Query

Notes about setting up the Query:

  • Checking “prompt at execution” merely means that at the time you run the query, you will supply the correct income range or dependency status for that query.

  • You will need to repeat this for each income range for each dependency status, so it is easier to add the range and dependency status at the time you run the query rather than set u0p separate queries for income ranges.

Notes about using the Query to complete Income Grid in Part VI, Section A:
Using the query will provide a list of students who meet the criteria of the query. The user will still need to:

  • Remove the students from the list who did not receive Campus-Based aid.

  • Further sort each income bracket group by program.

  • Determine Unduplicated Recipients.

If you need assistance to set up a query within EDEXpress, please contact EDExpress support at CPS/SAIG Technical Support at 800/330-5947 or by email at

Field-by-field instructions for Section A


1-22 Undergraduate dependent and independent students

Column (a). Report the number of undergraduate dependent and independent Federal Perkins Loan Program recipients for each income level in fields 1 through 22.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (b). Report the amounts of funds lent to the borrowers you reported in column (a), according to their income levels. For example, in column (a), Field 3, you might have reported 100 undergraduate dependent students with incomes in the $12,000 to $23,999 range. In column (b),

Field 3, enter the total amount of funds you lent those 100 students.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (c). Report the number of undergraduate dependent and independent

FSEOG recipients for each income level in fields 1 through 22.

To be an FSEOG recipient, the student must have received some federal funds from the FSEOG Program in the 2013-2014 award year.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). In fields 1 through 22, report the amounts of FSEOG funds provided to the recipients you reported in column (c), according to their income levels.

Under the “Individual FSEOG Recipient Basis” and “Fund-Specific Basis” methods of providing the required nonfederal share, you must report, for each FSEOG recipient, the appropriate 25 percent nonfederal and 75 percent federal shares, unless your school has been granted a waiver of the institutional match requirement for 2013-2014. In that case, report whatever federal funds your school expended.

Under the “Aggregate Basis” method, however, each FSEOG recipient will not have received the 25 percent nonfederal share. Therefore, you must only ensure that the sum of all funds awarded to FSEOG recipients in the 2013-2014 award year comprises 75 percent FSEOG federal funds and 25 percent nonfederal resources. For example, if you had awarded a total of $60,000 to FSEOG recipients in 2013-2014, $45,000 must have come from FSEOG federal funds, and $15,000 must have come from nonfederal resources. If there are 100 FSEOG recipients, the entire $15,000 nonfederal resource requirement could be met by awarding that amount to just four FSEOG recipients, if you chose. You would then break down and report the $15,000 according to the appropriate income levels of the four FSEOG recipients.

For more information on the methods of providing the nonfederal share, refer to “FSEOG Nonfederal Share” in Volume 6, Chapter 1 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook available on the IFAP Web site at

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (e). Report the number of undergraduate dependent and independent

FWS recipients for each income level in fields 1 through 22.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (f). Report the amounts of FWS funds earned by the recipients you reported in column (e), according to their income levels.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (g). Report the unduplicated number of recipients for columns (a), (c), and (e) for each field. See page VI-1 for a discussion of unduplicated recipients.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

23 Graduate/professional students

Column (a). Report the number of graduate/professional recipients in the Federal Perkins Loan Program.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (b). Report the amount lent to the recipients you reported in column (a), according to their income levels.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (e). Report the number of graduate/professional recipients in the FWS Program.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (f). Report the amount earned by the recipients you reported in column (e), according to their income levels.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (g). Report the unduplicated number of recipients in columns (a) and (e). See the discussion of unduplicated recipients on page VI-1.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

24 Total

The FISAP on the Web will automatically calculate Field 24 totals for columns (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g).

In column (b), the total amount of Federal Perkins Loan funds lent equals Part III, Section B, Field 24.

The total amount of Federal Perkins Loan funds spent comprises expenditures made from these sources:

  • Federal Perkins Loan Federal Capital Contribution, in years when FCC is available,

  • FWS funds transferred to the Perkins Loan Fund, and

  • Nonfederal share.

In column (d), the total FSEOG amount spent equals Part IV, Section C, Field 12.

The total amount of FSEOG funds spent comprises expenditures made from these sources:

  • FSEOG federal funds,

  • FWS and Federal Perkins Loan funds transferred to FSEOG, and

  • Nonfederal share.

In column (f), the total FWS funds to students equals Part V, Section C, Field 12.

The total amount of FWS funds spent comprises expenditures made from these sources:

  • FWS federal funds,

  • Federal Perkins Loan and FSEOG funds transferred to FWS, and

  • Nonfederal share.

Column (g). This column contains the total unduplicated number of recipients in columns (a), (c), and (e). See the discussion of unduplicated recipients on page VI-1.

25 Total less-than-full-time students

Column (a). Of the students listed in fields 1-23, report the number of Federal Perkins Loan Program undergraduate and

graduate/professional recipients who were less-than-full-time students. (See Note in General Instructions for Section A. page VI-1).

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (b). Report the funds lent to the borrowers you reported in column (a), according to their income levels.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (c). Of the students listed in fields 1-22, report the number of FSEOG recipients who were less-than-full-time students.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the funds awarded to the recipients you reported in column (c), according to their income levels.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (e). Of the students listed in fields 1-23, report the number of FWS under-graduate and graduate/professional recipients who were less-than-full-time students.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (f). Report the funds earned by the recipients you reported in column (e), according to their income levels.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (g). Report the unduplicated number of recipients in columns (a), (c), and (e). See the discussion of unduplicated recipients on page VI-1.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

26 Total “Automatic” Zero EFC students

Column (a). Of the students listed in fields 1-23, report the number of Federal Perkins Loan Program undergraduate and graduate/professional recipients who were automatic zero EFC students.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (b). Report the funds lent to the borrowers you reported in column (a), according to their income levels.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (c). Of the students listed in fields 1-22, report the number of FSEOG undergraduate recipients who were automatic zero EFC students.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (d). Report the funds awarded to the recipients you reported in column (c), according to their income levels.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (e). Of the students listed in fields 1-23, report the number of FWS undergraduate and graduate/professional recipients who were automatic zero EFC students.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (f). Report the funds earned by the recipients you reported in column (e), according to their income levels.

Valid amounts are


This field cannot be blank.

Column (g). Report the unduplicated number of recipients in columns (a), (c), and (e). See the discussion of unduplicated recipients on page VI-1.

Valid entries are


This field cannot be blank.

Section B. Calculating the Administrative Cost Allowance

This worksheet is automatically calculated for you, based on other FISAP fields you have completed.

You may charge the administrative cost allowance (ACA) against one or all of the campus-based programs from which you awarded funds to students during the 2013-2014 award year.

Note: Remember that your ACA comes from your campus-based program allocations and therefore should be budgeted in advance as part of those allocations. The ACA is not a supplemental amount from the U.S. Department of Education.

For more information on calculating the ACA, see Volume 6, Chapter 1 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook available on the IFAP Web site at

Step 3, Field 23 - Once the total administrative cost allowance is computed, you may charge this amount, at your school’s discretion, to available campus-based program funds, as described above. (For the Federal Perkins Loan Program, “available funds” represents cash on hand in the Loan Fund.)

Retain a copy of the worksheet for audit and program review purposes.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Title2014- 2015 FISAP Instr Redline 14.0
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-28

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