Form 7 Community Educator Pre Interview


3E - NDEP DHS Educator Pre Interview_071113_OMB30

Community Educator Pre-Interview

OMB: 0925-0694

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Diabetes HealthSense

Educator Pre Interview

Date of Interview:

Interviewee Name:

Interview Start Time:

Interview End Time:

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-xxxx*). Do not return the completed form to this address.

  1. Introduction

  1. Welcome & Thank You

Welcome and thank you for taking the time out of your day to do this interview.

  1. Introduction and Affiliation

My name is _________. I am an employee of Shattuck & Associates. We are an independent planning and evaluation consultancy. We are working with the National Diabetes Education Program and Hager Sharp, a communications firm to evaluate Diabetes HealthSense.

  1. Purpose of Interview

We are interviewing you today to learn more about your experiences and satisfaction with National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) resources such as Diabetes HealthSense. I will also be asking you questions about preventing or managing diabetes among people at risk of diabetes (PAR) and people with diabetes (PWD). There aren’t any right or wrong answers; we are interested in your experiences.

  1. Interview Process

This interview should run approximately 60 minutes, but you can take as much time as you need. If you do not understand a question please feel free to ask me and I can reword it. You do not have to answer any question that you do not want to, and we can stop this interview at any time.

  1. Privacy, Note Taking/Audio Recording, & Verbal Consent

Please be aware that everything you say during the interview is private. I am also interviewing other community educators who are working on this Diabetes HealthSense project. All interviews will be summarized in a report that does not identify you by name. I will be taking notes and recording the call while we talk so that I can accurately report the important information that you will be sharing. Again, this information will be kept private and will be deleted or destroyed once the final report is created. Is this OK with you? (Note: If this is not acceptable, please thank the participant and end the interview here.)

  1. Questions?

Do you have any questions before we get started with the interview?

  1. Experience with NDEP

  1. Where do you go for patient education and diabetes information?

  1. How familiar are you with NDEP as a source of patient education and diabetes information?

    1. How did you become aware of NDEP?

    2. How long have you been involved with NDEP?

    3. How would you describe NDEP? PROBE: To what extent do you think of NDEP as an aggregator of diabetes resources?

  1. To what extent do you use NDEP as a source of patient education and diabetes information?

    1. Describe your experience using NDEP.

    2. Which, if any, NDEP resources are you familiar with?

    3. How, if at all, have you used NDEP resources? (PROBE: for example, to answer your questions about diabetes, to assist you in your role as a health educator, as resources to help PAR/PWD prevent or manage their diabetes)

  1. How satisfied are you with NDEP?

    1. Overall, how helpful do you think NDEP is for health educators like you?

    2. To what extent has NDEP met your information needs?

    3. How helpful do you think NDEP is for PAR/PWD?

    4. What, if anything, would make you more satisfied with NDEP?

  1. Now I’d like you to think specifically about Diabetes HealthSense.

    1. Prior to this project how familiar were you with Diabetes HealthSense?

    2. Prior to this project, what was your experience with Diabetes HealthSense? How had you used it? What had you done with it?

    3. How satisfied are you with Diabetes HealthSense?

    4. How helpful do you think it is for health educators like you?

    5. How helpful do you think it is for PAR/PWD?

    6. How easy or hard is it for you to use Diabetes HealthSense personally? Please explain.

    7. How easy or hard do you think it would be for PAR/PWD to use Diabetes HealthSense? Please explain.

  1. Knowledge, skills, self-efficacy

  1. How much do you know about specific lifestyle changes that people can make to help prevent or manage diabetes?

    1. What topics do you know the most information about? What topics do you know the least information about? (NOTE: lifestyle changes emphasized on the site include: weight management, healthy eating, physical activity, smoking cessation, stress management, checking blood glucose, taking medication)

    2. What resources have you used in the past or do you currently use to learn more about diabetes or lifestyle changes to help prevent or manage diabetes?

    3. Describe any barriers for you in understanding diabetes in general and specific lifestyle changes that can help prevent or manage diabetes.

  1. How confident are you that you can use NDEP, including resources such as Diabetes HealthSense, with PAR/PWD? Can you tell me more about why you feel this way?

    1. How confident are you that you can use NDEP to find resources that would be most appropriate and useful for each PAR/PWD? (Probe: Not at all confident; very confident; or somewhere in between?)

    2. How confident are you that you can promote and disseminate NDEP resources such as Diabetes HealthSense to PAR/PWD? (Probe: Not at all confident; very confident; or somewhere in between?)

    3. How confident are you that you can teach PAR/PWD how they can best use NDEP resources such as Diabetes HealthSense? By teaching PAR/PWD how they can best use NDEP resources we mean doing more than just disseminating resources, for example, reading over the resource with PAR/PWD or teaching them how to use the resource as we will do in this project. (Probe: Not at all confident; very confident; or somewhere in between?)

    4. How, if at all, does NDEP affect your confidence in helping PAR/PWD make behavior changes that can prevent or manage diabetes?

    5. What, if anything, could NDEP do to help you feel more confident in promoting and using NDEP resources to assist PAR/PWD to prevent and manage diabetes?

    6. How confident are you that you can promote and disseminate NDEP resources such as Diabetes HealthSense to other educators? (Probe: Not at all confident; very confident; or somewhere in between?)

    7. How confident are you that you can teach other educators how they can best use NDEP resources such as Diabetes HealthSense? (Probe: Not at all confident; very confident; or somewhere in between?)

  1. Let’s talk now about your ability to use NDEP resources such as Diabetes HealthSense as a tool to help PAR/PWD prevent or manage diabetes.

  1. How would you describe your ability to use NDEP to find resources that would be most appropriate and useful for each PAR/PWD? (Probe: Not at all skilled; very skilled; or somewhere in between?)

  2. How would you describe your ability to promote and disseminate NDEP resources such as Diabetes HealthSense to PAR/PWD? (Probe: Not at all skilled; very skilled; or somewhere in between?)

  3. How would you describe your ability to teach PAR/PWD how they can best use NDEP resources such as Diabetes HealthSense? By teaching PAR/PWD how they can best use NDEP resources we mean doing more than just disseminating resources, for example, reading over the resource with PAR/PWD or teaching them how to use the resource as we will do in this project. (Probe: Not at all skilled; very skilled; or somewhere in between?)

  4. How, if at all, does NDEP affect your ability to help PAR/PWD make behavior changes that can prevent or manage diabetes?

  5. What, if anything, could NDEP do to help you strengthen your ability promote and use NDEP resources to assist PAR/PWD to prevent and manage diabetes?

  6. How would you describe your ability to promote and disseminate NDEP resources such as Diabetes HealthSense to other educators? (Probe: Not at all skilled; very skilled; or somewhere in between?)

  7. How would you describe your ability to teach other educators how they can best use NDEP resources such as Diabetes HealthSense? (Probe: Not at all skilled; very skilled; or somewhere in between?)

  1. Closing

That’s all the questions I have for you right now. Before we end the interview, is there anything else that you would like to add that was not included in the questions I just asked? Do you have any other comments about Diabetes HealthSense?

NDEP Diabetes HealthSense Educator Pre Interview 07/9/13 4

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorCarrie Carpenter
Last Modified Bycurriem
File Modified2014-01-07
File Created2014-01-07

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