Form 4 Participant Follow-Up Interview


3D - NDEP DHS Participant Follow-Up Interview Guide_110613_OMB30

Participant Follow-up Interview

OMB: 0925-0694

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Form Approved OMB # XXXX-XXXX

Exp. Date XX/XX/2017

Diabetes HealthSense

Participant Follow-Up Interview Guide

Date of Interview:

Interviewee Name:

Interview Start Time:

Interview End Time:

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-xxxx*). Do not return the completed form to this address.

I. Introduction (5 minutes)

A. Welcome & Thank You

Welcome and thank you for taking the time out of your day to do this interview.

B. Introduction and Affiliation

My name is _____. I am employee staff member of Shattuck & Associates. We are an independent planning and evaluation firm. Our work is typically focused in the fields of education and public health. We are working with the National Diabetes Education Program and Hager Sharp, a communications firm, to evaluate Diabetes HealthSense.

C. Purpose of Interview

We are interviewing you today to learn more about your experiences using Diabetes HealthSense after attending the Diabetes Health Sense program about one month ago. I will also be asking you questions about preventing or managing diabetes in your own life.

D. Interview Process

This interview should run approximately 60 minutes, but you can take as much time as you need. If you do not understand a question, please feel free to ask me and I can reword it. You do not have to answer any question that you don’t want to, and we can stop this interview at any time.

E. Privacy, Note Taking/Audio Recording, & Verbal Consent

Please be aware that everything you say during the interview is private. I am also interviewing other people who participated in the Diabetes Health Sense program. Your interview will be combined with the other interviews, and your name will not be used in any report. I will be taking notes and recording the call while we talk so that I can accurately report the important information that you will be sharing. Again, this information will be kept private and will be deleted or destroyed once the final report is created. Is this OK with you? (Note: If this is not acceptable, please thank the participant and end the interview here.)

F. Questions?

Do you have any questions before we get started with the interview?

II. Educational Program (5 minutes)

  1. I’d like to begin by asking you about the Diabetes HealthSense program you attended about 1 month ago. What did you think about the program?

  1. Why did you attend the program?

  2. What did you hope to get out of it? Did it meet your expectations or not?

  3. What did you like about the program?

  4. What did you dislike about the program?

III. Website & Resources (30 minutes)

  1. Let’s talk about the Diabetes HealthSense website itself.

  1. What was your first reaction to the site?

  2. If you had to describe the site in three words, what 3 words would you use?

  3. What did you like about the site?

  4. What did you dislike about the site?

  5. Do you have any suggestions about how the site can be improved?

  1. How easy was it for you to find the resources that you needed?

If difficult:

    1. What made it difficult to find the information/ resources you needed?

    2. How, if at all, were you finally able to find the information or resources?

    3. What, if anything, would have helped you to find the information/ resources that you need?

    4. How do you think attending the program changed your ability to use the Diabetes HealthSense website? (e.g. knowing what’s there, knowing how to find things)

If easy:

  1. What about the site made it easy for you to find the information/ resources that you were looking for?

  2. What, if anything, would have further improved the website to make finding information/ resources easier?

  3. How do you think attending the program changed your ability to use the Diabetes HealthSense website? (e.g. knowing what’s there, knowing how to find things)

  1. How are you using Diabetes HealthSense?

  1. How often would you say that you have visited the website and used its resources?

  2. What topic areas (e.g., eating healthy, being active, managing my weight) have you looked at?

  3. What types of resources (e.g., tracking tools, printable documents, online programs, in-person programs, videos, podcasts, presentations, and mobile applications) have you used?

  4. In what ways, if any, will you use Diabetes HealthSense in the future?

  1. Now I’d like to ask you about your satisfaction with the specific content on the site. How helpful were the resources on Diabetes HealthSense?

  1. Which topic areas (e.g., eating healthy, being active, managing my weight) have been most and least helpful to you? Why?

  2. Which types of resources (e.g., printable documents, online programs, and videos) have been most and least helpful to you? Why?

IV. Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Behaviors around Preventing (PAR) or Managing Diabetes (PWD) (15 Minutes)

  1. How much have you learned since you began using Diabetes HealthSense about diabetes and ways that you can help prevent or manage diabetes?

  1. What topics did you learn about? (NOTE: Lifestyle changes emphasized on the site include: weight management, healthy eating, physical activity, smoking cessation, stress management)

  2. What resources did you use to learn about this topic(s)?

  3. Were there any topics that you wanted to learn new information about that were not on the website?

  1. Since using Diabetes HealthSense, how has your motivation to prevent or manage diabetes changed?

  1. How would you describe your motivation to make changes before the Diabetes HealthSense program a month ago?

  2. How would you describe your motivation to make changes now?

  3. How, if at all, has Diabetes HealthSense influenced your motivation to make changes?

  1. Since using Diabetes HealthSense, how have your feelings related to living with diabetes or at risk of developing diabetes changed?

  1. How have your feelings about your diabetes or diabetes prevention regimen changed since using Diabetes HealthSense?

  2. How, if at all, has Diabetes HealthSense, influenced your feelings related to living with diabetes or at risk of developing diabetes?

  3. What resources did you use that influenced your feelings related to living with diabetes or being at risk of developing diabetes?

  1. Since using Diabetes HealthSense, how has your confidence in your ability to prevent or manage diabetes changed?

If decreased (less confident) or unchanged:

  1. Why do you think your confidence has decreased or not changed?

  2. Were there any areas that you wanted to become more confident in?

If increased (more confident):

    1. How, if at all, has using Diabetes HealthSense helped you to feel more confident that you can make changes?

    2. What resources did you use that helped you feel more confident?

  1. Since you began using Diabetes HealthSense, are you doing anything different to help you prevent/manage diabetes? (NOTE: Lifestyle changes emphasized on the site include: managing weight management, eating healthy, being more active, stopping smoking, managing stress)

  1. Were there any barriers for you in making these changes?

  2. How, if at all, has Diabetes HealthSense helped you to make these changes?

  3. What resources did you use that helped you make these changes?

  4. Were there any other areas that you wanted to change?

V. Closing (5 minutes)

That’s all the questions I have for you right now. Before we end the interview, is there anything else that you would like to add that was not included in the questions I just asked? Do you have any other comments about Diabetes HealthSense?

Thank you for your time!

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorMichele D. Sadler
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-28

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