HMS survey

Marine Recreational Fishing Expenditure Survey (MRFE)

Cover letters_HMS_license sample

HMS survey

OMB: 0648-0693

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Dear <insert name>,


We are writing to ask for your help with a study about the economic importance of marine recreational fishing in the United States. In a few days you will be receiving the 20xx Marine Recreational Fishing Expenditure Survey that is being conducted by NOAA Fisheries as part of a nationwide study. The questionnaire will ask about one of your recent fishing trips and the money you spent on marine recreational fishing in the past 12 months.

We are writing to you today because people often like to know ahead of time that they will be receiving a survey.

Your responses to the survey are voluntary and will be kept confidential.

I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Please call me at 301-427-8545 or send an email to




George Silva

Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Management Division

NOAA Fisheries Service

Silver Spring, MD 20910







Dear <insert name>,


We know recreational fishing is important to you. We would like your help in showing just how important recreational fishing is to coastal economies across the United States. NOAA Fisheries Service, the federal agency responsible for the conservation of our ocean resources, is conducting a survey about the economic importance of marine recreational fishing in the United States. Please consider taking some time to fill out and send back the enclosed survey.

Your name was randomly drawn from the list of anglers who purchased a 2011 Atlantic HMS Angling Permit from NOAA Fisheries. We are inviting anglers who purchased these permits to participate in this survey. The enclosed questionnaire asks about your recent fishing activities for highly migratory species and the money you spent on all types of recreational fishing in the past 12 months. This information enables us to understand the contribution of HMS recreational anglers to the economies of coastal states and the nation, and allows policy makers to make more informed decisions for the good of the resource and the sport.

We realize we are asking for sensitive information and as such, have an enormous responsibility to ensure that information is used appropriately and kept secure. Your responses are completely voluntary and confidential. The questionnaire has an identification number for mailing purposes only; we use it to check your survey off the list when it is returned.

The overall results of this research will be made available to fisheries management councils, state agencies, and all interested citizens. Results of a similar nationwide recreational angler expenditure survey in 2006 are available at http://www/st/


I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Please call me at 301-427-8545 or send an email to

Thank you for your assistance and we look forward to receiving your responses.




George Silva

Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Management Division

NOAA Fisheries Service

Silver Spring, MD 20910



Last week we mailed you a questionnaire asking about your fishing activities for highly migratory species and related expenses. If you have already completed and returned the survey to us, please accept our sincere thanks. If you have not had a chance to return it, please do so in the next few days. The survey was sent to a small sample of HMS recreational anglers, so it is important that your survey be included in the study to accurately reflect the fishing community. Even if you haven’t fished recently, your responses are important.


If by some chance you did not receive the questionnaire, or misplaced it, please call me at 301-427-8545

or send an email to, and we will get another copy in the mail to you.




George Silva

NOAA Fisheries Service

Silver Spring, MD 20910







Dear <insert name>,


About three weeks ago, we sent you a survey in the mail that asked about your recreational fishing activities and expenses related to highly migratory species. As of <date>, we have not yet received your completed survey. If you have already returned your survey, thank you very much for your cooperation. In the event that your survey has been misplaced, a replacement is enclosed.

This survey is a high priority for NOAA Fisheries and for the recreational fishing community who have asked for improved economic information on marine recreational fishing. The survey results will improve our understanding of the contributions of marine recreational fishing to the economies of coastal states and to the nation.


We are writing to you because your responses are very important to the validity of the overall research. In order for the results of this survey to be truly representative of all anglers, it is essential that each angler return his or her survey questionnaire. Please be assured that we value your privacy. Your answers are strictly voluntary and confidential.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions about this survey, please call me at

301-427-8545 or send an email to









George Silva

Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Management Division

NOAA Fisheries Service

Silver Spring, MD 20910


File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified BySabrina_Lovell
File Modified2014-01-14
File Created2014-01-14

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