In accordance
with 5 CFR 1320, the information collection is approved for three
Inventory as of this Action
Previously Approved
36 Months From Approved
The 10 CFR 21 regulation requires each
individual, corporation, partnership, commercial grade dedicating
entity, or other entity subject to the regulations in this Part to
adopt appropriate procedures to evaluate deviations and failures to
comply to determine whether a defect exists that could result in a
substantial safety hazard. Depending upon the outcome of the
evaluation, a report of the defect must be submitted to NRC.
Reports submitted under 10 CFR 21 are reviewed by the NRC staff to
determine whether the reported defects or failures to comply in
basic components at NRC licensed facilities or activities are
potentially generic safety problems. These reports have been the
basis for the issuance of numerous NRC Generic Communications that
have contributed to the improved safety of the nuclear industry.
The records required to be maintained in accordance with 10 CFR 21
are subject to inspection by the NRC to determine compliance with
the subject regulation.
The estimated burden increased
by 25,779 hours from 8,926 hours (5,350 hours for reporting and
3,576 hours for recordkeeping) to 34,705 hours (9,420 hours
reporting + 25,190 hours recordkeeping + 95 hours third-party
disclosure). This increase in the estimate is based on an increase
actual number of reports received during the past three years
(2010-2012) and a correction in the calculation of recordkeeping
hours. Reporting. The estimated reporting burden increased from
5,350 hours to 9,420 hours, an increase of 4,070 hours. Reporting
estimates are based on actual data from 2010-2012. The increase in
burden is due to an increase in the number of interim reports (from
2 to 28) and 30-day reports (from 35 to 48). These estimates are
based on actual data from the past three years. Recordkeeping. For
this submission, the NRC staff reviewed the recordkeeping
requirements in Part 21 and corrected and updated the number of
recordkeepers and burden estimates as follows: --On the
recordkeeping table, the requirement in 21.51(a)(1) for licensees,
vendors, and fuel facilities to retain evaluations for 5 years was
combined with the requirement in 21.51(a)(2) to retain
notifications for 5 years, because the staff determined that these
requirements related to the documentation for a single issue and
constituted a single record. --The number of respondents for
21.51(a)(3) was corrected. Section 21.51(a)(3) of 10 CFR requires
that suppliers of basic components retain a record of the
purchasers of basic components for 10 years after delivery. The NRC
staff estimates that there are 350 suppliers of basic components
who must retain records of purchasers. In the previous submission,
the estimated number of recordkeepers reflected the number of
suppliers who had a reportable condition, rather than all suppliers
of basic components who were keeping records of purchasers. The NRC
staff has corrected the number of recordkeepers from 48 to 350
recordkeepers, resulting in an increase of 21,753.5 hours for this
requirement. --On the recordkeeping table, requirements for
applicants and holders of design certifications to retain
notifications for 5 years and purchase records for 15 years were
combined. The requirements in 21.51(a)(4) for applicants for
standard design certification under subpart B of part 52 to retain
notifications for 5 years and purchase records for 15 years was
combined with the requirement in 21.51(a)(5) for applicants for or
holders of a standard design approval to retain notifications for 5
years and purchase records for 15 years. The number of
recordkeepers for these requirements decreased from 11 to 10 based
on the actual number of known applicants and holders of design
certifications. --The number of responses for the collection
increased from 122 responses (74 reporting responses + 48
recordkeepers) to 447 responses (96 reporting responses + 350
recordkeepers + 1 third party disclosure response). The increase is
primarily due to the correction in the number of recordkeepers for
the collection, from 48 to 350 to include all entities subject to
Part 21 who are selling basic components and keeping records of
their purchasers. In this submission, third-party disclosure
requirements have been broken out separately from reporting
requirements. In the last submission, the requirement under 10 CFR
21.21(b) was included as a reporting requirement. This requirement
specifies that a supplier of basic components must inform the
purchasers or affected licensees of their inability to perform the
evaluation to determine if a defect exists. The requirement is now
correctly categorized as a third-party disclosure requirement
(total of 95 hours).
Leslie Hill 3014152158
On behalf of this Federal agency, I certify that
the collection of information encompassed by this request complies
with 5 CFR 1320.9 and the related provisions of 5 CFR
The following is a summary of the topics, regarding
the proposed collection of information, that the certification
(i) Why the information is being collected;
(ii) Use of information;
(iii) Burden estimate;
(iv) Nature of response (voluntary, required for a
benefit, or mandatory);
(v) Nature and extent of confidentiality; and
(vi) Need to display currently valid OMB control
If you are unable to certify compliance with any of
these provisions, identify the item by leaving the box unchecked
and explain the reason in the Supporting Statement.