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pdfESRD Application Access Form
Form Approved
OMB No. 0000‐0000
Previously known as Part B of the QualityNet Identity Management System (QIMS) Account Form
You must have a QIMS account in order to access (1) CROWNWeb and/or (2) ESRD Quality Incentive Program (QIP) applications.
Please print clearly or type when completing this form; if not legible your form will be returned to you. * Indicates Required Field
SECTION 1 ‐ To be completed with guidance from the Applicant’s Manager
*Purpose of Request:
Add new application role(s)
Add additional application role(s)
Change existing application role(s)
Remove application access
SECTION 2 ‐ To be completed by the Applicant
Prefix: *First Name:
*Phone #:
*Middle Name (NMN if none): *Last Name:
Current QIMS User ID:
SECTION 3 ‐ To be completed with guidance from the Applicant’s Manager
Section 3.1 ESRD CROWNWeb Access Request ‐‐ Complete ONLY ONE column for CROWNWeb access
Dialysis Facility
ESRD Network
CMS Medicare Provider Number ESRD Network #:
(CMS Certification Number):
CMS Employee
ESRD Network #:
Facility Viewer
Facility Editor
Facility Administrator
CMS Viewer
CMS Editor
CMS Administrator
Network Viewer
Network Patient Editor
Network Facility Editor
Network Administrator
Other Designated Users
Contract #(s) if applicable:
Third Party Submitter for Batch
System Administrator
Additional Facility Scope for Applicants requiring CROWNWeb Scope over more than ONE Dialysis Facility
CMS Medicare Provider # ESRD
or CMS Certification # Network
Facility Name
Facility Contact Name
Contact Phone
Contact E‐Mail
Section 3.2 ESRD Quality Incentive Program (QIP) Access Request ‐‐ Complete ONLY ONE column for QIP access
Dialysis Facility
ESRD Network
CMS Employee
Other Designated Users
CMS Medicare Provider Number
ESRD Network #:
Contract #(s) if applicable:
(CMS Certification Number):
ESRD Network #:
Roles Admin ‐ Facility Level
Roles Admin ‐
Roles Admin ‐ CMS Level
Roles Admin ‐ Admin Level
Facility Point of Contact (Only one
Network Level
CMS Approver
Roles Admin ‐ Analytical Level
POC per Facility)
Network User
CMS Viewer
Tier 1 Support
Facility Viewer
Administrator User
Analytical User
Dialysis Organization
Tier 3 Support
Roles Admin ‐ Dialysis Organization
M&E Contractor
*Dialysis Organization Name (required if applicable):
Check this box if the Applicant from SECTION 2 is employed by the Dialysis Organization named above
SECTION 4 ‐ To be completed by BOTH the Applicant’s End User Manager (EUM) and Security Official (SO)
Note: By signing and dating this section, you are authorizing the application access specified on this form.
*Signature of Applicant’s EUM:
*Printed Name of Applicant’s EUM:
*Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)
*EUM Phone #:
*EUM E‐Mail:
*Signature of Applicant’s SO:
*Printed Name of Applicant’s SO:
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*Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)
*SO Phone #:
FORM CMS‐ESRD‐0223 (01.14.2013)
*SO E‐Mail:
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ESRD Application Access Form
Every QualityNet system user agrees, based on his or her best knowledge, information, and belief, that the data they submit to CMS
is accurate, complete, and truthful.
The information on page 1 of this form is collected and maintained under the authority of Title 5 U.S. Code, Section 552a(e)(10) (The
Privacy Act of 1974). This information is used for assigning, controlling, tracking, and reporting authorized access to and use of CMS’s
computerized information and resources. The Privacy Act prohibits disclosure of information from records protected by the statute,
except in limited circumstances. This form is maintained locally by your component Security Official (SO). If an Administrator role is
selected and approved, this form is maintained by the QualityNet Help Desk ESRD Team.
Furnishing the information on this form is voluntary. However, if you do not provide this information, you may not be granted access
to CMS computer systems.
CMS uses computer systems that contain sensitive information to carry out its mission. Sensitive information is any information
which the loss, misuse, or unauthorized access to, or modification of could adversely affect the national interest, or the conduct of
Federal programs, or the privacy to which individuals are entitled under the Privacy Act. To ensure the security and privacy of
sensitive information in Federal computer systems, the Computer Security Act of 1987 requires Federal agencies to identify sensitive
computer systems, conduct computer security training, and develop computer security plans. CMS maintains a system of records for
use in assigning, controlling, tracking, and reporting authorized access to and use of CMS’s computerized information and resources.
CMS records all access to its computer systems and conducts routine reviews for unauthorized access to and/or illegal activity.
Anyone with access to CMS Computer Systems containing sensitive information must abide by the following:
● Do not disclose or lend your QIMS ACCOUNT USER ID and/or PASSWORD to someone else. They are for your use only and
serve as your “electronic signature”. This means that you may be held responsible for the consequences of unauthorized or
illegal transactions executed under your account.
● Do not browse or use CMS data files for unauthorized or illegal purposes.
● Do not use CMS data files for private gain or to misrepresent yourself or CMS.
● Do not make any disclosure of CMS data that is not specifically authorized.
● Do not duplicate CMS data files, create extract files of such records, remove or transmit data unless you have been
specifically authorized to do so.
● Do not change, delete, or otherwise alter CMS data files unless you have been specifically authorized to do so.
● Do not make copies of data files, with personal identifiable data, or data that would allow individual identities to be
deduced unless you have been specifically authorized to do so.
● Do not intentionally cause corruption or disruption of CMS data files.
A violation of these security requirements could result in termination of CMS systems access privileges. In addition, Federal, State,
and/or local laws may provide criminal penalties for any person illegally accessing or using a Government‐owned or operated
computer system for illegal activities.
If you become aware of any violation of the above security requirements or suspect that your QIMS account User
ID and/or Password may have been compromised, you must immediately report that information to the
designated Security Official (SO) assigned to your component and immediately contact the QualityNet Help Desk
at 1-866-288-8912 ( to report the actual or potential security incident.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB
control number. The valid OMB control number for this information is FORM CMS-ESRD-0223. The time required to complete this information collection
is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed,
complete the form, and review the information collection (this does not include obtaining signatures as required on page 1 Section 4). If you have any
comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: The Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services, Attention: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.
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ESRD Application Access Form
The following instructions are intended to assist Applicants with completing this form to add or change roles in CROWNWeb and/or
ESRD Quality Improvement Program (QIP) applications or to remove access to one or both applications.
This form was previously known as and replaces Part B of the QualityNet Identity Management System (QIMS) Account Form.
An Applicant must first have an active QIMS user account in order to request access to ESRD applications via this form.
If you need a QIMS user account, you must first complete Part A of the QualityNet Identity Management System (QIMS) Account
Form and be approved and provisioned by your End User Manager (EUM) and Security Official (SO).
Please print clearly or type when completing this form. It will be returned to you if your form is not complete and legible; this
may delay your request for application access.
All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required and must be filled out by the Applicant.
Please check only one Purpose of Request:
Add new application role(s): check if you are requesting application access to CROWNWeb and/or QIP for the first time
Add additional application role(s): check if you have access to one application but need to add either CROWNWeb or QIP
Change existing application role(s): check if you are changing your role and/or scope in existing applications you access
Remove application access: check if you are requesting removal of application access to CROWNWeb and/or QIP
Please complete all required fields; these fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
If you have no Middle Name enter NMN in that field.
Prefix (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., etc.); Suffix (Jr., Sr., II, III, M.D., Ph.D., Esq., etc.)
You should already have a Current QIMS User ID, but if your QIMS Account Form is in process leave this field blank.
Select the ESRD application(s) for which you are requesting a new role, changing a role, or from which you are removing user access.
You can use this form for CROWNWeb or QIP or both systems.
Section 3.1 ESRD CROWNWeb Access Request: check box to request a new role, change a role or remove user access to the
CROWNWeb application
Complete only one of the following columns:
o Dialysis Facility: select if you are an employee of a dialysis facility and complete the following:
CMS Medicare Provider Number (CMS Certification Number)
ESRD Network # (1‐18)
Select the facility role(s) you will be performing in CROWNWeb:
Facility Viewer
Facility Editor
Facility Administrator
Additional Facility Scope for Applicants requiring CROWNWeb scope over more than one Dialysis Facility:
complete if applicable by listing up to 5 Facilities; attach a separate sheet to list more than 5 Facilities
o ESRD Network: select if you are an employee of an ESRD Network and complete the following:
ESRD Network # (1‐18)
Select the Network role(s) you will be performing in CROWNWeb:
Network Viewer
Network Patient Editor
Network Facility Editor
Network Administrator
o CMS Employee: select if you are an employee of CMS and enter the following:
Office, Group, Division
Select the role(s) you will be performing in CROWNWeb:
CMS Viewer
CMS Editor
CMS Administrator
o Other Designated Users: select if you are a CMS designee to use CROWNWeb and enter the following:
Contract Number(s) and CMS Contracting Officer Representative (COR) if applicable
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Select the role(s) you will be performing in CROWNWeb:
Third Party Submitter for Batch
System Administrator
Other ‐ if checked please write in your role as designated by CMS
Section 3.2 ESRD Quality Incentive Program (QIP) Access Request: check box to request access to ESRD QIP
Complete only one of the following columns:
o Dialysis Facility: select if you are an employee of a dialysis facility and complete the following:
CMS Medicare Provider Number (CMS Certification Number)
ESRD Network # (1‐18)
Select the facility role(s) you will be performing in ESRD QIP:
Roles Administrator ‐ Facility Level
Facility Point of Contact (POC) ‐ One POC per facility (facility employee or corporate employee)
Facility Viewer
Dialysis Organization
Roles Administrator ‐ Dialysis Organization
o If Applicant is employed by a Dialysis Organization (a corporate owner of dialysis facilities):
Complete Dialysis Organization Name and select the checkbox in the next row
Choose Facility POC or Facility Viewer role (Facility Role Administrator must assign this role) and/or the
Dialysis Organization or Roles Administrator – Dialysis Organization role
o ESRD Network: select if you are an employee of an ESRD Network and complete the following:
ESRD Network # (1‐18)
Select the Network role(s) you will be performing in ESRD QIP:
Roles Administrator ‐ Network Level
Network User
o CMS Employee: select if you are an employee of CMS and enter the following:
Office, Group, Division
Select the role(s) you will be performing in ESRD QIP:
Roles Administrator ‐ CMS Level
CMS Approver
CMS Viewer
Administrator User
o Other Designated Users: select if you are a CMS designee to use ESRD QIP and enter the following:
Contract Number(s) and CMS Contracting Officer Representative (COR) if applicable
Select the role(s) you will be performing in QIP:
Roles Administrator ‐ Admin Level
Roles Administrator ‐ Analytical Level
Tier 1 Support
Analytical User
Tier 3 Support
M&E Contractor
After the Applicant has completed SECTIONS 1, 2, and 3 of the ESRD Application Access Form:
The Applicant’s End User Manager (EUM) will review, approve and sign the form. By signing the form, the EUM is authorizing the
ESRD application access requested by the Applicant in SECTION 1, the identification of the Applicant in SECTION 2, and the
application roles and scope requested in SECTION 3. After signing, the EUM forwards the form to their Security Official (SO).
The SO will verify that the form (1) is the original, (2) is complete, (3) has the required SO information completed, (4) is signed by
the EUM, and (5) is signed by themselves as the SO.
NOTE: EUMs are pre‐designated for the Facility, Help Desk, Network, and CMS activity that the Applicant is closest to.
If the EUM does not have an SO at their location, they will forward the form to their designated SO.
The SO will provision application roles after the Applicant’s QIMS User ID has been activated.
After the Applicant’s roles are provisioned, the SO will:
o store the original ESRD Application Access Form locally for a period no less than 7.5 years
o update the form whenever there is a change in access required of the original Applicant
o produce the original form at the request of CMS
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File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Microsoft Word - ESRD_Application_Access_Form_FINAL_14Jan2013.docx |
Author | if3397 |
File Modified | 2013-01-14 |
File Created | 2013-01-14 |