State Library Agency Survey

State Library Agencies (StLA) Survey

FY 2012 SLAA Collection Instructions

State Library Agency Survey

OMB: 3137-0072

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State Library Administrative Agency Survey, FY 2012
Instructions for Completing Survey Items
A State Library Administrative Agency (SLAA) is the official agency of a State charged by law of
that State with the extension and development of public library services throughout the State,
which has adequate authority under law of the State to administer State plans in accordance with
the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). State Library Administrative
Agency is abbreviated throughout this survey as SLAA.

Table of Contents
General Instructions…………………………………………………………………………….2
Part A: State Library Administrative Agency Identification………………………………….2
Part B: Governance……………………………………………………………………………..3
Part C: Allied Operations, State Resource or Reference/Information Service
Center, and State Center for the Book………………………………………………………..3
Part D: Services to Libraries and Library Cooperatives……………………………………..5
Part E: Public Service Hours, Outlets, and User Groups……………………………………9
Part F: Collections……………………………………………………………………………….12
Part G: Library Service Transactions………………………………………………………….14
Part H: Library Development Transactions……………………………………………………15
Part I: Staff………………………………………………………………………………………..16
Part J: Revenue…………………………………………………………………………………..17
Part K: Expenditures……………………………………………………………………………..19
Part L: LSTA State Program Expenditures…………………………………………………….21
Part M: Electronic Services and Information (a).………………………………………………23
Part M: Electronic Services and Information (b).………………………………………………25



Respond to each item in this survey. Read the definitions and/or instructions for the
item before responding to it.


Before responding to any items in a question, read the note (if any) following the
question in the survey instructions.


All data in this survey, INCLUDING federal fiscal data, are to be reported on the
basis of State fiscal year 2012, as specified in items 022 and 023. EXCEPTION:
Data in Part B and Part I are requested as of October 1, 2012.


In responding to items, include data for all outlets of the SLAA, unless otherwise
directed. EXCLUDE data for a local public or academic library serving as a State
resource center or State reference/information service center under contract with
the SLAA.


For data items requiring numerical answers, please respond as follows:
(a) a value greater than 0 if appropriate. If exact data do not exist, and a good
estimate can be given, please do so;
(b) 0 (zero) if the answer is zero or none; or
(c) -1 if your SLAA has the item but does not collect data on the item, or if you don't
know the answer.


Part A: State Library Administrative Agency Identification


SLAA name. Enter the full official name of the SLAA.
Physical Location Address


Enter the address of the physical location of the SLAA. Include the street address,
city, State, Zip Code, and Zip+4.
Mailing Address


Enter the mailing address of the SLAA. Include the street address or post office
box, city, State, Zip code, and Zip+4.


Web address. Enter the Web address of the SLAA. The Web address is the

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the World Wide Web home page of the SLAA.
Chief Officer of SLAA

Enter the name, title, telephone number, fax number, and email address of the chief
officer of the SLAA.
Survey Respondent


Enter the name, title, telephone number, fax number, and email address of the
respondent to this survey.
Reporting Period


Fiscal year starting and ending dates. Enter the starting and ending dates for State
fiscal year 2012, which is the period for which data in this report are requested
(except Part B and Part I data). Enter the month and day in two digits each, and the
year in four digits. For example: June 30, 2012 would be entered as 06/30/2012.

Part B: Governance


Specify the SLAA's location in State government as of October 1, 2012.


(This item is reserved for future use.)


Branch of government. Specify the branch of government in which the SLAA is


Type of executive branch agency. If the SLAA is located in the Executive branch,
specify whether the SLAA is an independent agency or part of a larger agency. If
the SLAA is part of a larger agency that is not listed in item 029, enter the name of
the agency in item 030.


(These items are reserved for future use.)

Part C: Allied Operations, State Resource or Reference-Information
Service Center, and State Center for the Book


Enter Yes or No for each item to indicate whether the SLAA is combined with any of
the allied operations listed below. Do not report a Library for the Blind and
Physically Handicapped, a State Center for the Book, or a contract with another
library or other entity to provide a service on behalf of the SLAA.

Note: An allied operation is an office, bureau, division, center, or other
organizational unit or service within an SLAA with staff, mission, and resources to
provide service not ordinarily considered a State Library Administrative Agency
function. It is characterized by having:
(a) a specific mission, which may be a part of the SLAA’s overall mission statement;
(b) staff assigned for that mission; that staff usually includes professionals other
than librarians (such as historians, archivists, curators, etc.) appropriate to its
(c) a high-level manager or supervisor who reports to the SLAA chief officer or to a
deputy designated by the chief officer;
(d) financial resources clearly identified and managed for the operation.
Note: Do not report the following as allied operations: a Library for the Blind and
Physically Handicapped, a State Center for the Book, a law library, or a contract
with another library or other entity to provide a service on behalf of the SLAA.

State archives. This operation is responsible for preserving and servicing
noncurrent official records of State organizations and institutions that are of
continuing value (1) to the legal and administrative functioning of State government,
(2) for the verification and protection of the rights of individuals, and (3) for historical
and other research. It usually includes records of antecedent colonial and territorial
governments. Materials are stored, arranged, and described so that needed records
can be found readily.


Primary State legislative research organization. This operation conducts research
and gathers, digests, and analyzes information in a close and confidential
relationship with members of the State legislature and their staff.
Note: As an allied service, the organization is distinguished from specialized
reference service which a State Library Administrative Agency may provide to
government and other users by responding to reference questions from legislative
personnel, providing information service, furnishing bibliographic and net search
results, and instructing and guiding users in conducting their research. At the
federal level, the parallel might be the difference between parts of the Library of
Congress: (1) the Congressional Research Service, and (2) various reference
services and subject divisions of the Library.


State history museum/art gallery. This operation collects, preserves, and displays
cultural artifacts and/or works of art related to the State's political, social, economic,
and cultural history.


Other allied operation. If any other operations are allied with the SLAA, enter Yes
for this item.


Specify. If any other operations are allied with the SLAA, enter the name of the
operation in this item.


Enter Yes or No to indicate whether the SLAA contracts with a local public library or
academic library to serve as a State resource center or State reference/information
service center.


State resource center or State reference/information service center. This is an
operation outside the SLAA, administered by a local public library or academic
library, which provides library materials and information services to libraries and
individuals throughout the state. It is administratively separate from the SLAA but
receives grant or contract funds from the SLAA for providing services.


Enter Yes or No to indicate whether the SLAA is the host institution for, or provides
any funding to, a State Center for the Book.


State Center for the Book. The State Center for the Book is part of the Center for
the Book program sponsored by the Library of Congress which promotes books,
reading, and literacy, and is hosted or funded by the State.

Part D: Services to Libraries and Library Cooperatives


Indicate which of the specified services are provided directly or by contract by the
SLAA to different types of libraries or library cooperatives. Specify Directly,
Contract, or Not Provided for each service, for each type of library and library
Note: A Library Cooperative may serve single-type or multi-type libraries. Services
provided directly by the SLAA are those provided without any intermediary by the
SLAA to libraries or library cooperatives. Services provided by contract by the
SLAA are those provided by a third party or intermediary under legal contract to the
Type of Library
Academic Library. A library forming an integral part of a college, university, or other
academic institution for postsecondary education, organized and administered to
meet the needs of students, faculty, and affiliated staff of the institution.
Public Library. A library that serves all residents of a given community, district, or
region, and (typically) receives its financial support, in whole or part, from public
School Library Media Center. A library that is an integral part of the educational
program of an elementary or secondary school with materials and services that

meet the curricular, information, and recreational needs of students, teachers, and
Special Library. A library in a business firm, professional association, government
agency, or other organized group; a library that is maintained by a parent
organization to serve a specialized clientele; or an independent library that may
provide materials or services, or both, to the public, a segment of the public, or to
other libraries. Scope of collections and services are limited to the subject interests
of the host or parent institution. Includes libraries in State institutions.
Library Cooperative. A Library Cooperative is an organization that has its own
budget and staff and provides library and information services for the mutual benefit
of participating or member libraries. The organization’s participants or members are
primarily libraries, which are not under the organization’s administrative control. The
organization may also be termed a network, system, district, or consortium. A
Library Cooperative may serve single-type or multi-type libraries.
Services to Libraries and Library Cooperatives

Accreditation of libraries. The SLAA may endorse or approve officially libraries
which meet criteria specified by the State.


Administration of LSTA grants. Includes determining compliance with eligibility
criteria and performance standards, overseeing processes through which grant
recipients are determined, announcing grant recipients and disbursing funds,
monitoring and receiving reports from grant recipients, submitting plans and reports
to the Office of Library Services within the Institute of Museum and Library
Services, and other activities involved in the management of financial assistance
provided by the federal government to libraries under the Library Services and
Technology Act.


Administration of State aid. Includes determining compliance with eligibility criteria
and performance standards, overseeing processes through which grant recipients
are determined, announcing grant recipients and disbursing funds, monitoring and
receiving reports from grant recipients, and other activities involved in the
management of financial assistance provided by the State to libraries.


Certification of librarians. The SLAA may credential library staff with the rank or title
of librarian by attesting officially to their qualifications. These qualifications may
include a master's degree from a graduate program accredited by the American
Library Association, another level or type of educational attainment, confirmation of
participation in continuing education activities, and/or residency in the State for a
specified period.



Collection of library statistics. Every SLAA collects statistics on public libraries and
participates in the Federal-State Cooperative System (FSCS) for Public Library
Data (the name of FSCS was changed in December of 2007 to the Public Library
Statistics Cooperative (PLSC). Many SLAAs collect statistics on institutional and
other special libraries. Some SLAAs assist in the collection of academic library
statistics. A few SLAAs collect statistics on school library media centers. These
data collections usually involve the design and administration of survey instruments
as well as data entry and processing and report design and dissemination.


Consulting services. Individual or small-group contacts to help libraries to attain
goals and objectives and to deal with specific needs and problems. Consultants
provide guidance on problems of concern to local personnel, assistance in
identifying problems not clearly recognized, and identification of opportunities for
increased or improved performance to specific groups.


Continuing education programs. Includes staff development events for library
personnel at all levels as well as training events for trustees and other State and
local government officials who have authority over or responsibility for libraries.


Cooperative purchasing of library materials. Two or more independent libraries of
any type engaging in joint activities related to purchasing materials, together with
the maintenance of the necessary records of these additions. Also included are joint
activities related to the identification and verification of titles, fund accounting,
processing payments, and claims.


Interlibrary loan referral services. Activities involving bibliographic service centers or
utilities, regional systems (federations or cooperatives), consortia, and resource
centers, such as identifying libraries believed to own requested materials and/or
transmitting interlibrary loan requests in accordance with established protocols or
prevailing practices.


Library legislation preparation/review. Minimally, addresses the governance and
financing of the SLAA, public library service, and library service to blind and
physically handicapped persons and residents of State institutions. It usually
permits the types of public library structures, such as municipal, countywide,
regional, federated, cooperative, and contractual agreements. It may also provide
mandates for SLAA functions, other types of libraries (e.g., academic, school), and
multitype cooperation.


Library planning/evaluation/research. Activities involved in designing and assessing
library programs and services and studying issues facing libraries. Examples: The
Public Library Association (PLA) planning for results process for public libraries and
the outcome based evaluation process.



Literacy program support. Organized efforts to assist individuals with limited
language and mathematical skills in developing skills in reading, writing, and
computation that enable them to function in society without assistance from others.


OCLC Group Access Capability (GAC). Use of the Online Computer Library Center
(OCLC) system, originally the Ohio College Library Center, by a group of libraries
for resource sharing and interlibrary lending (ILL). Group Access Capability (GAC)
related activities may include coordinating group profiling, establishing group
policies, coordinating ILL protocols within the group, and referring requests outside
of a GAC group.


Preservation/conservation services. Specific measures undertaken for the repair,
maintenance, restoration, or protection of library materials, including but not limited
to binding and rebinding, materials conversion (to microform for example),
deacidification, and lamination.


Reference referral services. Provision of information about or from groups or
organizations. A reference referral transaction involves the provision of information
about a group or organization and its activities, services or agencies, and calendar.
Such a transaction typically requires the determination of the user's need and the
appropriate group or organization to meet the need. Such a transaction may require
directing the user to persons or organizations external to the library for an answer to
a question.


Retrospective conversion of bibliographic records. Retrospective conversion
involves changing bibliographic records from one format, usually cards, to machinereadable form in order to produce or make additions to an automated catalog.


State standards/guidelines. The SLAA may promulgate standards or guidelines that
define adequacy, equity, and/or excellence in library service. Standards or
guidelines may be quantitative, qualitative, or both. Maintaining standards or
following guidelines may be a requirement for receiving State aid and/or LSTA


Statewide coordinated digital program or service. Activities providing for the
digitization of documents, publications, or sets of records or realia to be made
available for public use (for example, digitization of a series of city reports, local
newspapers, or genealogical records).


Statewide public relations/library promotion campaigns. A concerted public relations
program usually organized around a particular theme or issue, with specific
objectives, and using a variety of techniques in concert (e.g., press releases,
events, publications, exhibits).


Statewide virtual reference service. Reference service supported by chat-based
Web technology that provides access for all or a significant portion of the residents

of the state through libraries or remotely, typically on a 24-hours-per-day/7-days-aweek basis.

Summer reading program support. A statewide reading promotion campaign
typically implemented between school years to encourage children and young
adults to maintain or improve their reading skills.


Union list development. A list of titles of works, usually periodicals, and their
locations in physically separate library collections.


Universal Service Program (review and approval of technology plans). The State
Library Administrative Agency reviews and approves technology plans for libraries
or library cooperatives applying for universal service discounts (also known as Erate discounts) under the Universal Service Program, established by the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) under the Telecommunications Act of 1996.


(These items are reserved for future use.)

Part E: Public Service Hours, Outlets, and User Groups

Enter in the spaces provided the total hours open in a typical week for all SLAA
outlets (main or central, bookmobiles, and other outlets), regardless of whom they
serve. Do no report an allied operations outlet as an SLAA outlet. Example: If the
SLAA has a main outlet with no bookmobile or other outlets and is open for public
service 40 hours in a typical week, report 40 hours. If the SLAA has a main outlet,
a bookmobile, and two other outlets open 40, 20, 35, and 35 hours, respectively, in
a typical week, report 130 hours (40+20+35+35=130 hours per typical week).
Note: Main or central outlet, bookmobiles, and other outlets (excluding
bookmobiles) are defined in the instructions to question 8. Report total hours open
in a typical week for all SLAA outlets, regardless of whom them serve, and
regardless of whether they are open on a walk-in or referral basis. Exclude data for
a local public or academic library serving as a State resource center or State
reference/information service center under contract with the SLAA. Do not report
data for non-SLAA outlets, even though the SLAA may provide funding or services
to such outlets.
A "typical week" is a time that is neither unusually busy nor unusually slow. Avoid
holidays, vacation periods, and days when unusual events are taking place in the
community or in the library. Choose a week in which the library is open its regular
hours. Include seven consecutive calendar days from Sunday through Saturday or
whenever the library is usually open.


Total hours/week (all SLAA outlets, regardless of whom they serve). Sum of hours
open during a typical week for all SLAA outlets (main or central, bookmobiles, and
other outlets), regardless of whom them serve. Do no report an allied operations

outlet as an SLAA outlet.

Enter in the spaces provided the total hours that the main or central SLAA outlet is
open in a typical week to serve the general public or state government employees,
by the specified categories. Only one outlet may be designated as the main or
central outlet.
Note: Main or central outlet is defined in the instructions to question 8. Report public
service hours for the main or central SLAA outlet, regardless of whether the outlet is
open on a walk-in or referral basis. Exclude data for a local public or academic
library serving as a State resource center or State reference/information service
center under contract with the SLAA. Exclude service hours if the outlet only serves
blind and physically handicapped individuals through the National Library Service
for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress. Also exclude
service hours if the outlet only serves residents of State correctional institutions or
residents of other State institutions, unless the outlet is administered and staffed by
the SLAA. Do not report data for a non-SLAA outlet, even though the SLAA may
provide funding or services to such an outlet.


Total hours/week (main or central outlet). Sum of hours open during a typical week
for the main or central outlet.


Monday–Friday after 5:00 p.m. (main or central outlet). Sum of hours open after
5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday during a typical week for the main or central


Saturday and Sunday (main or central outlet). Sum of hours open on Saturday and
Sunday during a typical week for the main or central outlet.


(These items are reserved for future use.)


Enter in the spaces provided the total number of SLAA outlets, by type of outlet,
regardless of whom they serve. Only one outlet may be designated as the main or
central outlet. Do not report an allied operations outlet as an SLAA outlet.
Note: An SLAA outlet has regular hours of service in which SLAA staff are present
to serve its users. The staff and all service costs are paid by the SLAA as part of its
regular operation. A loan of books or total collections (whether permanent or shortterm) to another agency, library, or school does not constitute an SLAA outlet
inasmuch as it is not administered and staffed by the SLAA.


Main or central outlet. A single unit library or the unit where the principal collections
are located and handled. Note: An SLAA administrative center which is separate
from the principal collections and is not open to users should not be included as an
outlet. Only one outlet may be designated as the main or central outlet. When two
or more outlets are considered main or central outlets, one outlet should be

designated as the central outlet and the others should be designated as “other
outlets (excluding bookmobiles)”.

Other outlets (excluding bookmobiles). Units that have all of the following: (1)
separate quarters; (2) a permanent basic collection of books and/or other materials;
(3) a permanent paid staff; and (4) a regular schedule of hours open to users.


Bookmobiles. Trucks or vans specially equipped to carry books and other library
materials. They serve as traveling branch libraries. Count vehicles in use, rather
than the number of stops each vehicle makes.


Total outlets. Sum of items 082-084.


Enter in the spaces provided the number of SLAA outlets that serve the following
user groups, in whole or in part, by type of outlet.
Note: Main or central outlet, bookmobiles, and other outlets (excluding
bookmobiles) are defined in the instructions to question 8.


Blind and physically handicapped individuals. Outlets serving this user group may
contain talking books on discs and tapes and books in Braille made available from
the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of
Congress. In addition, such outlets may contain large print books for the visually
handicapped and captioned films for the deaf. These outlets provide such library
materials and library services to blind or physically handicapped residents who
have been certified by competent authority as unable to read or to use conventional
printed materials as a result of physical limitations.


Residents of State correctional institutions. Outlets serving this user group provide
books, other library materials, and access to other information resources as well as
other library services to residents of prisons, reformatories, and other correctional
institutions operated or substantially supported by the State.


Residents of other State institutions. Outlets serving this user group provide books,
other library materials, and access to other information resources as well as other
library services to patients or residents of residential training schools, hospitals,
nursing homes, and other general or special institutions operated or substantially
supported by the State.


State government employees (executive, legislative, or judicial). Outlets serving this
user group provide books, other library materials, and access to other information
resources as well as other library services to employees of all branches of State



General public. Report all SLAA outlets that serve the general public, regardless of
whether they are open on a walk-in or referral basis. Outlets serving this user group
function as the State-level equivalent of a local public library, providing books, other
library materials, and electronic access to locally mounted and remote information
resources for all State residents.

Part F: Collections


Enter in the spaces provided the total number of volumes or physical units in the
specified formats in all SLAA outlets (main or central, bookmobiles, and other
outlets) that serve the general public and/or State government employees.
Note: Main or central outlet, bookmobiles, and other outlets (excluding
bookmobiles) are defined in the instructions to question 8. Report collections for all
SLAA outlets that serve the general public, regardless of whether they are open on
a walk-in or referral basis. Exclude data for a local public or academic library
serving as a State resource center or State reference/information service center
under contract with the SLAA. Exclude collections of braille and talking books
owned by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped,
Library of Congress. Also exclude collections that are specifically intended to only
serve residents of State correctional institutions or residents of other State
institutions, unless such outlets are administered and staffed by the SLAA.


Book and serial volumes (exclude microforms) (exclude collections of braille books
owned by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped,
Library of Congress). Books are non-periodical printed publications bound in hard
or soft covers, or in loose-leaf format, of at least 49 pages, exclusive of the cover
pages; or juvenile non-periodical publications of any length bound in hard or soft
covers. Serials are publications issued in successive parts, usually at regular
intervals, and as a rule, intended to be continued indefinitely. Serials include
periodicals (magazines), newspapers, annuals reports, yearbooks, etc.) memoirs,
proceedings, and transactions of societies. Except for the current volume, count
unbounded serials as volumes when the library has at least half of the issues in a
publisher's volume.


Audio materials (exclude collections of talking books owned by the National Library
Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress). These are
materials on which sounds (only) are stored (recorded) and that can be reproduced
(played back) mechanically or electronically, or both. Included are records,
audiocassettes, audio cartridges, audiodiscs, audioreels, talking books, and other
sound recordings.


(This item is reserved for future use.)



Video materials. These are materials on which pictures, sound, or both are
recorded. Electronic playback reproduces pictures, sounds, or both using a
television receiver or monitor.


Current serial subscriptions (titles, not individual issues) (include print subscriptions
only) (exclude microform, electronic, and digital subscriptions). These include
current subscriptions received, both purchased and gifts. This count does not
include the number of individual issues, but rather each serial title. Report the total
number of titles subscribed to, including duplicates. Do not report individual issues.
Report print subscriptions only. Exclude microform, electronic, and digital


Government documents (include only government documents not accessible
through the library catalog and not reported elsewhere). For government
documents not accessible through the library catalog and not reported on other
lines, report the number of volumes or physical units of such materials in all
formats. A government document is a publication in any format bearing a
government imprint. Includes publications of federal, State, local, and foreign
governments and intergovernmental organizations to which governments belong
and appoint representatives (e.g., United Nations, Organization of American


(These items are reserved for future use.)


Enter Yes or No for each item (106-109) to indicate whether the SLAA is
designated as a federal or State depository library for government documents, and
whether it is a regional or selective federal depository.
Note: A government document is a publication in any format bearing a government
imprint. Includes publications of federal, State, local, and foreign governments and
intergovernmental organizations to which governments belong and appoint
representatives (e.g., United Nations, Organization of American States).


State depository library. A library officially designated as a depository of
publications bearing the imprint of the State government.


Federal depository library. A library officially designated as a depository of
publications bearing the imprint of the federal government. These libraries receive
publications issued by the executive, judicial, and the legislative branches at no
charge in exchange for providing free public access. Enter Yes or No to items 108
and 109 to indicate if the SLAA is a regional or selective depository


Regional. Regional depositories receive one copy of all materials distributed by the
federal government.


Selective. Selective depositories receive only those materials they select.

Part G: Library Service Transactions


Enter in the spaces provided ANNUAL totals for the specified types of service
transactions for all SLAA outlets (main or central, bookmobiles, and other outlets)
that serve the general public and/or State government employees.
Note: Main or central outlet, bookmobiles, and other outlets (excluding
bookmobiles) are defined in the instructions to question 8. Report library service
transactions for all SLAA outlets that serve the general public, regardless of
whether they are open on a walk-in or referral basis. Exclude data for a local public
or academic library serving as a State resource center or State
reference/information service center under contract with the SLAA. Exclude service
transactions for outlets or outlet service points that only serve blind and physically
handicapped individuals through the National Library Service for the Blind and
Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress. Also exclude service transactions for
outlets that only serve residents of State correctional institutions or other State
institutions, unless such outlets are administered and staffed by the SLAA.


Circulation (Exclude items checked out to another library). These are transactions
that involve lending an item from the State Library collection or borrowed from
another library for use generally, although not always, outside the library. This
activity includes charging materials manually or electronically. Also report each
renewal as a circulation transaction. Exclude in-house use resulting from counting
items in the collection as they are reshelved after use and without any formal
tracking system. Exclude items checked out to another library.
Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery


Provided to other libraries. These are library materials, or copies of materials,
loaned from the SLAA collection to another library upon request. Do not include
loans or copies of materials from one SLAA outlet to another SLAA outlet.


Received from other libraries and document delivery services. These are library
materials, or copies of materials, borrowed by the SLAA from another library or
obtained by the SLAA from a commercial document delivery service. Do not include
loans or copies of materials from one SLAA outlet to another SLAA outlet.


Reference transactions. A reference transaction is an information contact which
involves the knowledge, use, recommendations, interpretation or instruction in the
use of one or more information sources by a member of the SLAA staff. The term
includes information and referral service. Information sources include printed and
non-printed materials, machine-readable databases (including computer-assisted
instruction), catalogs and other records of holdings, and, through communication or
referral, other libraries, and institutions and persons both inside and outside the
library. When a staff member utilizes information gained from previous use of

information sources to answer a question, report as a reference transaction even if
the source is not consulted again during the transaction. If necessary, multiply a
typical week by 52. Exclude directional transactions. (See definition of typical week
in question 6.)

Library visits. This is the total number of persons per year entering SLAA outlets,
including persons attending activities, meetings, and those persons requiring no
staff services. If necessary, multiply a typical week by 52. A "typical week" is
defined in the instructions to question 6.

Part H :Library Development Transactions


Enter in the spaces provided ANNUAL totals for the specified types of library
development transactions of the SLAA.
LSTA and State Grants


Grants awarded. Report the total annual number of LSTA and State grants awarded
by the SLAA during state fiscal year 2012.


(Item is reserved for future use.)
Continuing Education Programs


Number of events. Report the total number of continuing education events
(workshops, training sessions, etc.) which (1) the SLAA sponsored and itself
presented and (2) another agency presented with the help of SLAA funding and
planning support. Do not count events for which the SLAA is only a nominal
sponsor. Do not count events for an allied operation.
Where event is offered via video conferencing, consider presentation simulcast to
multiple locations as one event. If presentation is offered multiple times, each
offering should be counted as a separate event. Where delivery is via synchronous
Web presentation and the number of concurrent participants is limited and they
must sign up to participate, count each offering of the Web training as one event.
Where delivery is via the Web with asynchronous participation and no limitation of
participants, count Web event as one event.


Total attendance at events. Report the total annual attendance at continuing
education events reported in item 117. Attendance should include total number of
participants in events regardless of delivery method. If Web event is delivered
asynchronously, recommend counting only participants who complete the
continuing education offering.


Part I: Staff


Enter total number of SLAA staff in FTEs (full-time equivalents) (to two decimal
places), by type of service. Report all staff on the payroll as of October 1, 2012,
and unfilled but budgeted positions.
Note: Forty hours per week is the measure of full-time employment for this survey.
FTEs (full-time equivalents) of employees in any category may be computed by
taking the number of hours worked per week by all employees in that category and
dividing it by 40. Report staff based on the SLAA organization chart. A given
position (e.g., State Data Coordinator) may be part of administration in one agency,
library development in another, and library services in another agency. If an
employee provides more than one service, allocate the FTE among appropriate
Type of Position
(a) Librarians with ALA-MLS Librarians with master’s degrees from programs of
library and information studies accredited by the American Library Association.
(b) Librarians other than ALA-MLS Librarians employed by the SLAA. This includes
staff employed by the SLAA in the librarian occupational category who have
Master’s Degrees in Library Science from programs not accredited by ALA and
librarians who do not have MLS degrees.
(c) These are professionals and non-professionals, employed by the SLAA, who are
not in the librarian occupational category, regardless of degree or training, such as
archivists, accountants, business managers, public relations, and human resources
staff and other employees paid from the SLAA budget, including plant operations,
security, and maintenance staff.
(d) Total Staff. Sum of items a-c.
Type of Service


Administration. Usually includes the chief officer of the SLAA and his or her
immediate staff.
May include officers responsible for the SLAA's fiscal affairs; public relations; and
planning, evaluation, and research.


Library development. Usually includes staff responsible for the development of
public library services. May include staff responsible for administering State and
LSTA grant programs; providing consulting and continuing education services; and
promoting resource sharing and other forms of interlibrary cooperation. (See
instructions to question 5 for definitions of types of libraries.)


Library services. Staff responsible for providing library service from the SLAA.
Includes public, technical, and other library services.


Other services. Includes staff not reported in items 119-121, such as staff in allied


Total staff. Sum of items 119-122.


(These items are reserved for future use.)

Part J: Revenue


Enter Yes or No to indicate whether all public library funds from state sources are
administered by the SLAA.
Note: Answer this question based on state funds distributed to individual public
libraries and library cooperatives serving public libraries in state fiscal year 2012. If
no state funds are reported in Part K in items 179(b) or 180(b), the answer should
be No.


SLAA administration of all public library state funds


Enter Yes or No to indicate whether any funds from state sources are administered
by the SLAA for the following types of libraries.
Note: Answer this question based on state funds distributed to libraries and library
cooperatives in state fiscal year 2012. If no state funds are reported in Part K in
related items 179(b) to 183(b) or 185(b), the answer should be No.


Academic libraries (definition is provided in question 5).


School library media centers (definition is provided in question 5).


Special libraries (definition is provided in question 5).


Library cooperatives (definition is provided in question 5).


Enter in the spaces provided total funds received as revenue by the SLAA during
the reporting period specified in items 022-023. EXCLUDE carryover. Include
revenue for allied operations only if the revenue is part of the SLAA budget. Include
all funds distributed to libraries and library cooperatives if the funds are
administered by the SLAA.
Note: Exclude carryover when reporting revenue. Carryover means funds carried
forward from the previous year, sometimes called an “opening balance” or “fund

Federal Revenue

LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) State Programs
Note: Report the funds drawn down from the federal government from the LSTA
State Program during state fiscal year 2012. Do not report LSTA National
Leadership Grants--report these grants in item 155 (Other Federal revenue).


Other Federal revenue. If the SLAA received other federal revenue (e.g., National
Endowment for the Humanities grants, National Historical Publications and Records
Commission grants, LSCA Title II grants, LSTA National Leadership Grants, etc.),
report that revenue in this item. If your state acts as the fiscal agent for a multi-state
grant, report only the funds designated for your state.


Specify program(s) and title(s). If other federal revenue is reported in item 155,
specify its source in this item.


Total Federal revenue. Sum of items 154 and 155.


(These items are reserved for future use.)
State Revenue


SLAA operation. Report revenue received from the State to support operation and
services of the SLAA. Do not include revenue received for major capital
expenditures, contributions to endowments, or revenue passed through to another
agency, or funds unspent in the previous fiscal year.


State aid to libraries. Report revenue received from the State for distribution to
libraries, library cooperatives, and agencies. Include funds derived from State
sources (exclusive of Federal funds) and appropriated by a State legislature to a
State Library Administrative Agency for payment or transfer to an individual library;
a group of libraries; or an agency or library, other than the SLAA, that provides a
Statewide service to libraries or citizens. Exclude State funds used to administer the
State Library Administrative Agency or to deliver Statewide services to libraries or
citizens where the service is administered directly by the SLAA; State funds
allocated for school library operations when the State Library Administrative Agency
is under the State education agency; and federal funds.


Other State revenue. Report revenue received from the State for any other
purpose, such as interagency transfers.


Total State revenue. Sum of items 167-169.



Other revenue. Include (1) any other revenue from public sources; (2) revenue
received from private sources, such as foundations, corporations, Friends groups,
and individuals; and (3) SLAA-generated revenue, such as fines and fees for


Total revenue. Sum of items 157 +170 + 171.

Part K: Expenditures


Enter in the spaces provided total SLAA expenditures, by source of revenue and
type of expenditure. Include all LSTA expenditures. Include expenditures for allied
operations only if the expenditures are from the SLAA budget. Include all funds
distributed to libraries and library cooperatives if the funds are administered by the
Operating Expenditures for SLAA and Allied Operations (items 173-178)
Note: These are the current and recurrent costs necessary to the provision of
services by the SLAA. Include LSTA expenditures for statewide services (item 190)
conducted directly by the SLAA. Include LSTA expenditures for LSTA
administration (item 192). Exclude LSTA expenditures for grants (item 191). Do not
include funds distributed to libraries and library cooperatives; report them instead in
items 179 to 186.


Salaries and wages. Salaries and wages for all SLAA staff, including plant
operation, security and maintenance staff for the reporting year. Include salaries
and wages before deductions, but exclude employee benefits.


Employee benefits. Benefits outside of salaries and wages paid and accruing to
employees, including plant operation, security and maintenance staff, regardless of
whether the benefits or equivalent cash options are available to all employees.
Include amounts spent by the SLAA for direct, paid employee benefits, including
Social Security, retirement, medical insurance, life insurance, guaranteed disability
income protection, unemployment compensation, worker's compensation, tuition,
and housing benefits. Only that part of any employee benefits paid out of the SLAA
budget should be reported.


Total staff expenditures. Sum of items 173-174.


Collection expenditures. Includes all expenditures for materials purchased or leased
for use by SLAA users, including print materials, microforms, machine-readable
materials, audiovisual materials, etc.


Other operating expenditures. Includes all operating expenditures not reported in
items 173-176.


Total operating expenditures. Sum of items 175-177.
Financial Assistance to Libraries and Library Cooperatives (items 179-186)
Note: Include LSTA expenditures for grants (item 191). Exclude LSTA expenditures
for statewide services (190) conducted directly by the SLAA and LSTA
expenditures for LSTA administration (item 192). Include all funds distributed to
libraries and library cooperatives if the funds are administered by the SLAA.


Individual public libraries. Financial assistance to individual public libraries for
services to their population of legal service area. These are libraries that are
governed exclusively by a single board or political subdivision. Municipal libraries,
county libraries, consolidated multi-county libraries, and library districts are
considered individual libraries if there is only one administrative entity. Exclude
construction aid.


Library cooperatives serving public libraries only. Financial assistance to library
cooperatives serving public libraries only for services to their population of legal
service area. Exclude construction aid.


Other individual libraries. Financial assistance to other individual libraries for
services to their population or constituency. These are libraries other than public
libraries and school library media centers. Exclude grants to public libraries and to
school library media centers. Report financial assistance to school library media
centers in item 185. Exclude construction aid.


Library cooperatives serving more than one type of library. Financial assistance to
library cooperatives serving more than one type of library for services to their
population of legal service area. Exclude construction aid.


Single agency or library providing statewide service. Financial assistance to a
single entity (agency, library, library cooperative, etc.) for services offered to all
libraries in the state, or all state residents, or a significant portion of all libraries or
state residents. Exclude funds administered directly by the SLAA to provide such
services. Exclude construction aid.


Library construction. Do not report data for this item in items 179-183, 185, or 187.
Includes construction of new buildings and acquisition, expansion, remodeling, and
alteration of existing buildings, and the purchase, lease, and installation of
equipment of any such buildings, or any combination of such activities (including
architects' fees and the cost of acquisition of land). Equipment includes information
and building technologies, video and telecommunications equipment, machinery,
utilities, and built-in equipment and any necessary enclosures or structures to
house them. Exclude construction aid expended on the SLAA.


Other assistance. Expenditures for other assistance to libraries and library
cooperatives not reported in items 179-184, such as financial assistance to school

library media centers. Exclude construction aid.

Total financial assistance to libraries and library cooperatives. Sum of items 179185.
Other expenditures for SLAA and Allied Operations Only (items 187 and 188)


Capital outlay. Funds for the acquisition of or additions to fixed assets such as
building sites, new buildings and building additions, new equipment (including major
computer installations), initial book stock, furnishings for new or expanded
buildings, and new vehicles. Exclude replacement and repair of existing furnishings
and equipment, regular purchase of library materials, and investments for capital
appreciation. Exclude the amount reported for this item from all other items except
item 189. Include construction aid expended on the SLAA. Exclude construction aid
expended on other libraries and library cooperatives. Include expenditures for allied
operations only if the expenditures are from the SLAA budget.
Note: State accounting practices shall determine whether a specific item is a capital
expense or an operating expense, regardless of the examples in this definition.


Other expenditures. These are expenditures not reported in items 173-187. Exclude
construction aid. Include expenditures for allied operations only if the expenditures
are from the SLAA budget.


Total expenditures. Sum of items 178 and 186-188.

Part L: LSTA State Program Expenditures


Enter in the spaces provided total LSTA state program expenditures, by type of
expenditure. Report expenditures in one and only one category. These
expenditures should also be reported in Part K.


Statewide services (exclude sub-grants to single libraries or agencies providing
statewide services). Funds expended by the SLAA to provide services to libraries
and individuals throughout the State. Include expenditures for statewide services
conducted directly by the SLAA. Exclude sub-grants made to single libraries or
other outside agencies to provide or assist in providing such services.
Note: These expenditures should also be reported in Part K, under operating
expenditures (items 173-178); capital outlay (item 187); or other expenditures (item
188), as appropriate. DO NOT report them as financial assistance to libraries and
library cooperatives (items 179-186).


Grants (include sub-grants to single libraries or agencies providing statewide
services). Funds distributed by the SLAA to recipients who meet eligibility criteria

specified by LSTA and the State. Such funds are usually awarded for purposes
specified in successful grant proposals. Such grants may be awarded competitively
or on a formula basis. Include sub-grants made to single libraries or other outside
agencies to provide or assist in providing statewide services.
Note: These expenditures should also be reported in Part K, under financial
assistance to libraries and library cooperatives (items 179-186), as appropriate. DO
NOT report them as SLAA operating expenditures (items 173-178), capital outlay
(item 187), or other expenditures (item 188).

LSTA administration. Expenditures of LSTA funds for administrative costs in
connection with programs and services carried out under this Act.


Total LSTA expenditures. Sum of items 190-192.


Enter in the spaces provided total LSTA state program expenditures, by use of
expenditure. Report expenditures in one and only one category. These
expenditures should also be reported in Part K.
Note: LSTA administration expenditures in item 197 must equal LSTA
administration expenditures in item 192. And total LSTA expenditures in item 198
must equal total LSTA expenditures in item 193.


Library technology, connectivity and services. Report LSTA expenditures (including
expenditures for statewide services and grants) for digitization; database
licenses/commercial databases; GIS (geographic information systems); computer
equipment, software, labs; Internet and other networking capabilities; technical
training for library staff; interlibrary loan systems; community information centers;
retrospective conversion and automation; and videoconferencing equipment and


Services to persons having difficulty using libraries. Report LSTA expenditures
(including expenditures for statewide services and grants) for services to persons
with physical or learning disabilities; assistive technologies and devices; prison and
jail services; services to nursing homes and other institutions; talking books;
outreach services; bookmobiles; computer vans; and services for migrant workers
and non-English speakers.


Services for lifelong learning. Report LSTA expenditures (including expenditures
for statewide services and grants) for homework center/helper; after school
programs; literacy for children, adults, families; English for Speakers of Other
Languages (ESOL); babies and books; summer reading clubs; information and
computer literacy training; online and distance education; 24-7 online reference
services; staff development and training; and library development initiatives.


LSTA administration (must equal amount reported in 192). Report expenditures of

LSTA funds for administrative costs in connection with programs and services
carried out under this Act.
Note: LSTA administration expenditures in item 197 must equal LSTA
administration expenditures in item 192.

Total LSTA expenditures (must equal amount reported in 193). Sum of items 194197.
Note: Total LSTA expenditures in item 198 must equal total LSTA expenditures in
item 193.


(These items are reserved for future use.)

Part M: Electronic Services and Information (a)


Enter Yes or No for each item to indicate whether the SLAA funds or facilitates the
specified electronic networking functions at the State level.
Note: A State-level electronic information network involves the wide-area use of
telecommunications to link libraries via microcomputers or terminals to automated
library systems. The network may include online public access catalogs and other
library applications; locally mounted or online databases (bibliographic, full text, or
data); bibliographic utilities; and other information resources. Access to such
networks may be via modem (i.e., dial access) or dedicated lines (i.e., hard-wired).
Such a network may or may not be connected to the Internet.


Electronic network planning or monitoring. Includes drafting Statewide plans,
requests for proposals, and contracts and monitoring contracts for network


Electronic network operation. Includes acquiring, maintaining, or replacing
substantial technological equipment necessary to provide access to information in
electronic and other formats made possible by new information and communication
technologies. May include hosting or sharing a mainframe, minicomputer, or file
server, or facilitating reciprocal borrowing agreements and document delivery
systems necessary to fully exploit such a network. Such a network may or may not
be connected to the Internet.
Database Development
Note: Activities may include creation of new databases or conversion of existing
databases into electronic format. Includes bibliographic databases as well as full
text or data files.



Bibliographic databases. Includes machine-readable catalog records, other
electronic indexes, and other databases which contain only references to or
condensed surrogates for original materials.


Full text or data files. Full text files are files in which the information consists of the
content of one or more complete intellectual products initially expressed primarily
through the written word. Data files report the content of one or more complete
intellectual products expressed primarily with numbers.


Enter Yes or No for each item to indicate whether the SLAA funds or facilitates
digitization or digital programs or services in any of the following instances.
Note: Digitization or digital programs or services includes activities providing for the
digitization of documents, publications or sets of records or realia to be made
available for public use.


For the SLAA itself


Via grants or contracts to other state agencies


Via grants or contracts to other libraries or library cooperatives


Enter Yes or No for each item to indicate whether the SLAA funds or facilitates
library access to the Internet in the specified ways.
Note: The Internet is the global network of networks that, via a standardized
addressing system and a common primary command structure, enables individuals
and organizations to communicate via electronic mail, to access a host of online
databases and other electronic information resources, and to transfer files
Training or consulting to facilitate access (items 211a and 211b):


Library staff (state and local). Includes all activities that facilitate Internet awareness
and use by library staff (state and local) and "training the trainer" activities.


State library end-users. Includes all activities that facilitate Internet awareness and
use by actual or potential state library end-users.


Providing direct funding for Internet access. Includes any grants of State, federal,
and/or other SLAA funds to libraries or related organizations that facilitate (1)
establishing Internet accounts for library-related individuals or organizations; (2)
acquiring computer hardware, software, or peripherals necessary for Internet
access; and (3) training or consulting with actual and potential Internet users.


Providing equipment. Includes computer hardware, software, and peripherals
necessary for Internet access. Critical types of equipment, beyond basic hardware

and operating system software, include modems and telecommunications software.

Providing access to directories, databases, or online catalogs via the Internet.
Includes bibliographic files, locator files, and/or full text databases produced or
licensed by the State Library Administrative Agency and available via the Internet.
Note: This item focuses on content available via the Internet.


Managing a Web site, file server, bulletin boards, or electronic mailing lists.
Includes the development and maintenance of Internet menu systems, operation of
equipment that provides Internet access to multiple files, or posting of electronic
messages via the Internet. Note: This item focuses on the structure through which
content is available via the Internet.


(These items are reserved for future use.)


Enter in the spaces provided the number of workstations that are used for Internet
access by the general public in all SLAA outlets that serve the public, by the
specified categories. Include terminals used by both the SLAA staff and the public.
Exclude terminals that are for SLAA staff use only.
Note: Report data only for all SLAA outlets that serve the general public. Exclude
data for: (a) a local public or academic library serving as a State resource center or
State reference/ information service center under contract with the SLAA; (b) outlets
that only serve blind and physically handicapped individuals through the National
Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress; (c)
outlets that only serve residents of State correctional institutions or residents of
other State institutions; (d) outlets that only serve state government employees; and
(e) non-SLAA outlets, even though the SLAA may provide funding or services to
such outlets.


Number of library-owned public-access graphical workstations that connect to the
Internet for a dedicated purpose (e.g., to access an OPAC or specific database, or
to train the public) or multiple purposes. (For this count, the term "library-owned"
includes computers leased by the state library agency.)


Number of all other public access Internet workstations in the library. (Report nonlibrary computers placed in the library by other agencies or groups. Report nongraphical workstations.)

Part M: Electronic Services and Information (b)


(These items are reserved for future use.)


Enter in the spaces provided total SLAA expenditures for statewide database
licensing, by source of revenue. These expenditures should also be reported in Part


Statewide database licensing. Statewide contracted rights for access to and use of
database(s) by libraries that are parties to a licensing agreement.


Enter Yes or No for each item to indicate whether statewide database licenses, paid
for by the funds reported in question 25, include access by the following:


Public libraries (definition is provided in question 5).


Academic libraries (definition is provided in question 5).


School library media centers (definition is provided in question 5).


Special libraries (definition is provided in question 5).


Library cooperatives (definition is provided in question 5).


Other state agencies


Remote users. Authorized users having access to and use of licensed database(s)
from sites outside of a library building.


Enter Yes or No to indicate whether the SLAA facilitates or subsidizes electronic
access to the bibliographic records or holdings of other libraries in the state, by the
specified categories.


(These items are reserved for future use.)


Web-based union catalog (international, national, statewide, multistate, regional). A
Web-based union catalog makes the aggregated electronic holdings of libraries in a
nation, region, a library cooperative serving more than one type of library, or a state
available via the World Wide Web. Holdings and indexes for a Web-based union
catalog are mounted on a server that is connected to the Internet. Access to the
bibliographic information in a web-based union catalog is available to any user with
an Internet connection and a standard Web browser. National union catalogs
include The Library of Congress and OCLC. OCLC also provides the holdings of
libraries outside the United States. Note: Report access to a Web-based union
catalog via a Z39.50 gateway in this item, as it is a Web-based protocol.


(This item is reserved for future use.)


Other type of electronic access. If the SLAA facilitates or subsidizes a type of
electronic access to the holdings of other libraries in the state not covered in items
231 to 234, enter Yes for this item.


Specify. If Yes was indicated for item 236, enter the type of electronic access in this


Enter Yes or No to indicate whether the SLAA is an applicant for the Universal
Service Program (also known as the E-rate discount program).


Applicant for Universal Service Program. The Universal Service Program was
established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) under the
Telecommunications Act of 1996. To be considered an applicant, the SLAA must
have an FCC Form 470 and Form 471 on file with the FCC.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleIntroduction
AuthorBureau Of The Census
File Modified2012-12-27
File Created2012-12-27

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