Person with Dementia |
Age of Person with Dementia |
Under 60 |
60+ |
Totals |
Gender |
Female |
0 |
Male |
0 |
Gender Missing |
0 |
Geographic Location |
Urban |
0 |
Rural |
0 |
Geographic Location Missing |
0 |
Relationship to Caregiver |
Spouse |
0 |
Unmarried Partner |
0 |
Parent |
0 |
Other relative |
0 |
Non-relative |
0 |
Relationship Missing |
0 |
Person with Dementia by Ethnicity |
Hispanic or Latino |
0 |
Not Hispanic or Latino |
0 |
Ethnicity Missing |
0 |
Person with Dementia by Race |
White (Alone) -- Non-Hispanic |
0 |
White (Alone) -- Hispanic |
0 |
American Indian or Alaska Native (Alone) |
0 |
Asian (Alone) |
0 |
Black or African-American (Alone) |
0 |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Alone) |
0 |
Persons Reporting Some Other Race |
0 |
Persons Reporting 2 or More Races |
0 |
Race Missing |
0 |
Veteran Status |
Veteran Status |
0 |
Non-Veteran |
0 |
Veteran Status Missing |
0 |
Gray boxes are not to be filled out. |
Caregiver |
Age of Primary Caregiver |
Under 60 |
60+ |
Totals |
Gender |
Female |
0 |
Male |
0 |
Gender Missing |
0 |
Geographic Location |
Urban |
0 |
Rural |
0 |
Geographic Location Missing |
0 |
Relationship to Person with Dementia |
Spouse |
0 |
Unmarried Partner |
0 |
Child |
0 |
Other Relative |
0 |
Other Non-Relative |
0 |
Relationship Missing |
0 |
Person with Dementia by Ethnicity |
Hispanic or Latino |
0 |
Not Hispanic or Latino |
0 |
Ethnicity Missing |
0 |
Primary Caregiver by Race |
White (Alone) -- Non-Hispanic |
0 |
White (Alone) -- Hispanic |
0 |
American Indian or Alaska Native (Alone) |
0 |
Asian (Alone) |
0 |
Black or African-American (Alone) |
0 |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Alone) |
0 |
Persons Reporting Some Other Race |
0 |
Persons Reporting 2 or More Races |
0 |
Race Missing |
0 |
Veteran Status |
Veteran |
0 |
Non-Veteran |
0 |
Veteran Status Missing |
0 |
Gray boxes are not to be filled out. |
Services & Expenditures |
Total Units of Direct Service Delivered |
Total ADSSP Expenditures |
Total Federal Funds Spent on Direct Services |
Total Federal Funds Spent on Administrative Services |
Percentage of Federal Funds Spent on Direct Service Expenses |
Percentage of Federal Funds Spent on Administrative Expenses |
Narrative |
It is a statutory requirement for the Alzheimer’s Disease Supportive Services Program that at least 50% of federal grant funds spent be spent on direct service costs and that no more than 10% of federal funds be spent on administrative costs. If your project has not met these requirements by the end of this reporting period (reflected in the numbers above), please describe -- in the box to the right -- why the project has not met these requirements and confirm that the project will meet these requirements by the end of the grant. |
Participantion* |
Program Entrants |
Program Completers |
*Only complete for Evidence-Based Projects |