Burden Table

09 19 13 Burden Table_Comm Elig - 0584-0026.xlsx

7 CFR Part 245, Determining Eligibility for Free & Reduced Price Meals

Burden Table

OMB: 0584-0026

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60 day Summ
Burden Summary

Sheet 1: RecordKeeping


A B C = (A*B) D E= (C*D) F

G =E-F
Program Rule CFR Citation Title Form Number Estimated # Record-keepers Records Per Recordkeeper Total Annual Records Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Record Estimated Total Hours Current OMB Approved Burden Hrs Due to Authorizing Statute Due to Program Change Due to an Adjustment Total Difference
State Agency Level
Direct Certification 245.6(b)(1)(iv) SA must maintain agreements with the SA conducting eligibility determinations for SNAP.
50 states + DC + Guam + add'l SAs in AR & OK = 54 total 54 1 54 0.10 5 5

Community eligibility 245.9(f)(4)(ii) State Agency to review and confirm LEAs eligibility to participate in provision
56 AMc: 9 =Est.# of Annual Records (500) divided by Est # of Recordkeepers (56). For CE, the number of respondents affected is calculated through analysis of existing records. See Notes tab, Comment 1). 9 AMc 500 estimate is based on current CE "take-rate". See Notes tab, Comment 1) 500 0.08 40 0
F/R Eligibility 245.11 (h) SAs maintain requested data on number of schools on Provisions 1, 2, or 3and extensions granted.
43 155 6,665 0.25 1,666 1,666

F/R Eligibility 245.11 (i) SAs maintain annual verification data collected from SFAs. 742 50 states + DC + Guam + Puerto Rico + Virgin Islands + add'l SAs in AR & OK = 56 56 1 56 0.20 11 11

CIP 245.12 (e) and (g) State agencies that fail to meet the direct certification benchmark must maintain a Continuous Improvement Plan.
18 1 18 0.50 9 9


State Agency Level Total
56 130.23 7,293 0.24 1,731 1,691 0 40 0 40
Local Education Agency (LEA) & School Food Authority (SFA) Level
F/R Eligibility 245.6 (e) SFAs must maintain documentation substantiating eligibility determinations for 3 years after the end of the fiscal year.
20,858 1 20,858 0.08 1,669 1,669

- -
F/R Eligibility 245.9 (g)&(h) SFAs must retain records of schools implementing Provision 1, 2 or 3 for 3 years after submission of the last Claim for Reimbursement.
1,092 1 1,092 2.4715 2,699 2,699

- -
Community eligibility 245.9(h)(3) LEA to maintain documentation related to methodology used to calculate the identified student percentage and determine eligibility
500 1 AMc: 500 estimate is based on current CE "take-rate". See Notes tab, Comment 1) 500 0.08 40 0

School Food Authority Level Total
20,858 1.08 22,450 0.20 4,408 4,368 0 40 0 40
School Level





School Level Total
- - - - - - - - - -

Total Recordkeeping Burden
20,914 1.42 29,743 0.21 6,139 6,059 0 80 0 80

Program Rule Estimated # Record-keepers Records Per Recordkeeper Total Annual Records Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Record Estimated Total Hours Current OMB Approved Burden Hrs Due to Authorizing Statute Due to Program Change Due to an Adjustment Total Difference

F/R Eligibility 20,914 1.37 28,671 0.21 6,045 6,045 0 0 0 0

Direct Certification 54.0 1.00 54.0 0.10 5.3 5.3 - 0.0 - -

CIP 18.0 1.00 18.0 0.50 9.0 9.0 - 0.0 - -

Community eligibility 556.0 1.80 1,000.0 0.08 80.0 - - 0.0 - 80.0

0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - - - - - -

0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - - - - - -

0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - - - - - -

0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - - - - - -

0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - - - - - -

0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - - - - - -

0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - - - - - -

0 - 0.00 - 0.00 - - - - - -

Total 20,914 1.42 29,743 0.21 6,139 6,059 0 0 0 80

Sheet 2: Reporting


A B C = (A*B) D E= (C*D) F

G =E-F
Program Rule CFR Citation Title Form Number Estimated # Respondents Responses per Respondents Total Annual Records Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours Current OMB Approved Burden Hrs Due to Authorizing Statute Due to Program Change Due to an Adjustment Total Difference
State Agency Level
F/R Eligibility 245.4 (c) Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands SAs conduct triennial survey to develop factor for withdrawal of funds from Letter of Credit.
2 0.33 0.66 70.00 46.20 46.20

0 0
F/R Eligibility 245.4 (d) Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands Sas submit survey results and the factor for fund withdrawal to FNS for approval.
2 0.33 0.66 5.00 3.30 3.30

0 0
F/R Eligibility 245.6(i) SAs and LEAs must obtain written consent from parent or guardian prior to use or disclosure for other uses not specified in the regulation.
50 states + DC + Guam + Puerto Rico + Virgin Islands + add'l SAs in AR & OK = 56 56 1 56 0.25 14.00 14.00

0 0
F/R Eligibility 245.6(j) SAs enter into written agreement with the agency receiving children's free and reduced price eligibility information.
50 states + DC + Guam + Puerto Rico + Virgin Islands + add'l SAs in AR & OK = 56 56 1 56 0.25 14.00 14.00

0 0
Community Eligibility 245.9(f)(6) State agency to notity LEAs of their community eligibility status as applicable
50 states + DC + Guam + Puerto Rico + Virgin Islands + add'l SAs in AR & OK = 56 56 85 AMc: Estimated number of LEAs that may participate in the CE provision (4,769) among the SAs. LEA data is drawn from the FNS-742. See Notes tab, Comment 2). 4769 0.050 238.93 0.00
Community Eligibility 245.9(f)(7) State agency to make publically available the names of LEAs and schools receiving notifications
56 1 56 0.017 0.94 0.00
F/R Eligibility 245.11(a)(1) and 245.3(a) SAs issue prototype free and reduced price policy statement and annually announce the family-size income standards to be used in determining eligibility for free or reduced price meals.
50 states + DC + Guam + Puerto Rico + Virgin Islands + add'l SAs in AR & OK = 56 56 1 56 0.10 5.60 5.60

0 0
F/R Eligibility 245.11(g) SAs notify FNS if TANF is comparable to or more restrictive than AFDC.
50 states + DC + Guam + Puerto Rico + Virgin Islands + add'l SAs in AR & OK = 56 56 1 56 0.10 5.60 5.60

0 0
F/R Eligibility 245.11(h)(4) SAs submit to FNS upon request, the number of schools on Provision 1, Provision 2 or Provision 3 and extensions.
43 1 43 1.50 64.50 64.50

0 0
F/R Eligibility 245.11(i) SAs must collect, analyze, and report to FNS annual verification data from SFAs. 742 50 states + DC + Guam + Puerto Rico + Virgin Islands + add'l SAs in AR & OK = 56 56 1 56 4.00 224.00 224.00

0 0
CIP 245.12(e) and (g) State agencies that fail to meet the direct certification benchmark must develop and submit a Continuous Improvement Plan within 60 days of notification.
18 1 18 3.00 54.00 54.00

0 0

State Agency Level Total
56 92.27 5167 0.13 671 431 0 240 0 240
Local Education Agency (LEA) & School Food Authority (SFA) Level
Community Eligibility 245.6 (c)(6)(i) SFAs notify households of approval of meal benefit applications.
AMc: This is a reduction of 500 LEAs from the previous 20,858. It is estimated that 500 will participate in CE thus not be required to meet these criteria. See Notes tab, Comment 1) . 20,358 AMc: =G17/E17 This calculation is based on the number of estimated hh applications that will be affected among the SFAs. HH application data is drawn from FNS-742. See Notes tab, Comment 3). 306 AMc:This represents a calculated reduction of hh applications associated with the reduction in LEAs that would be affected based on data drawn from FNS-742. See Notes tab, Comment 3). 6,231,886 0.020 124,637.72 125,148.00

Community Eligibility 245.6 (c)(6)(ii) SFAs must notify households in writing that children are eligible for free meals based on direct certification and that no application is required.
20,358 AMc:=G18/E18 This is based on based on the number of estimated hh applications that will be affected among the SFAs. HH application data is drawn from FNS-742. See Notes tab, Comment 4). 145 AMc: AMc:This represents a calculated reduction of hh applications associated with the reduction in LEAs that would be affected based on data drawn from FNS-742. See Notes tab, Comment 4). 2,942,097 0.020 58,841.94 62,574.00

Community Eligibility 245.6 (c)(7) SFAs provide written notice to each household of denied benefits.
20,358 AMc:=G19/E19 This is based on based on the number of estimated hh applications that will be affected among the SFAs. See Notes tab, Comment 5) 17 AMc: 345,256 households is a reduction of households by 9,330. 9,330 is 5 percent of the households cited in Comment 4) above (186,603). It is estimated that 5 percent of hh receive notices. 345,256 0.02 6,905.12 7,091.72

Community Eligibility 245.6(j) SFA must enter into written agreement with the agency receiving children's free and reduced price eligibility information.
20,358 1 AMc: This is a reduction of 500 LEAs from the previous 20,858. It is estimated that 500 will participate in CE thus not be required to meet these criteria. See Notes tab, Comment 1) . 20,358 0.166 3,379.43 3,462.43

Community Eligibility 245.6a (c) SFAs must determine sample size of households to verify eligibility.
20,358 1 AMc: This is a reduction of 500 LEAs from the previous 20,858. It is estimated that 500 will participate in CE thus not be required to meet these criteria. See Notes tab, Comment 1) . 20,358 0.33 6,718.14 6,883.14

Community Eligibility 245.6a (f) SFAs notify households of selection for verification.
20,358 AMc:=G22/E22 Since estimate of total annual records is available from analysis, this is result of dividing that number by estimated number of respondents. See Notes tab, Comment 6) 12 AMc:249,531 households is a reduction of households by 765 from previous estimate. 765 is equal to 3 percent of total applications from 70% of eligible LEAs (25,514) as described in Comment 3) . See Notes tab, Comment 6) for more information 249,531 0.25 62,382.65 62,574.00

F/R Eligibility 245.6a (h) SFAs must report verification information to SA. 742 20,858 1 20,858 0.75 15,643.50 15,643.50

0 0
F/R Eligibility 245.9 (f) SFAs with schools under Provisions 1, 2, or 3 must identify those schools in its free and reduced price policy statement and certify their eligibility for the first year of operation.
1,092 1 1,092 0.25 273.00 273.00

0 0
Community Eligibility 245.9(f)(4)(i) LEAs to submit to State agency documentation of acceptable identified student percentage of LEA/school electing the provision
500 1 AMc: 500 estimate is based on current CE "take-rate". See Notes tab, Comment 1). 500 0.0334 16.70 0.00
Community Eligibility 245.9(f)(5) LEA to submit to the State agency for publication a list of eligible and potentially eligible schools and their eligibility status; unless otherwise exempted by State agency
5,159 1 AMc: 5,159 is the number of LEA from the State agencies (18) that currently don’t perform state level direct certification match for LEAs. See Notes tab, Comment 7) for more information. 5159 0.0167 86.16 0.00
Community Eligibility 245.9(g)(1) and (g)(2) LEAs to amend free and reduced policy statement and certify that schools meet eligibility criteria
500 1 AMc: 500 estimate is based on current CE "take-rate". See Notes tab, Comment 1). 500 0.250 125.00 0.00
F/R Eligibility 245.9 (h) SFAs with schools under Provision 2 or Provision 3 submit to FNS upon request all data and documentation used in granting extensions.
1,092 1 1,092 0.25 273.00 273.00

0 0
F/R Eligibility 245.10 (a) SFAs submit to SA for approval a free and reduced price policy statement.
20,858 1 20,858 0.07535 1,571.65 1,571.65

0 0

School Food Authority Level Total
20,858 472.698 9,859,544 0.028 280,854 285,494 0 -4,640 0 228
School Level

School Level Total
- - - - - - - - - 0
Household Level
Community Eligibility 245.6 (a) Households complete application form for free or reduced price meal benefits.
8,236,529 1 AMc: 8,236,529 households is a reduction of 25,514 from the previous estimate. 25,514 is the number of hh applications expected to be affected (not required). See Notes tab, Comment 8). 8,236,529 0.07 576,557.03 578,343.01
Community Eligibility 245.6a (a)(7)(i) Households assemble written evidence for verification of eligibility and send to SFA.
189,235 1 AMc: 189,235 households is a reduction of 765 from previous estimate. 765 is 3 percent of households that are estimated to not have to submit application (25,514) as described on Notes tab, Comment 3). See Comment 4). 189,235 0.50 94,617.29 95,000.00 -382.71
Community Eligibility 245.6a (a)(7)(ii) Households cooperate with collateral contacts for verification of eligibility.
1,892 1 AMc: 1,892 households is a reduction of 8 from the previous estimate. 1,892 is 1 % of household applications subjject to verification as described on Notes tab, Comment 8). It is estimated that 1% of hh would be subject ot cooperate. 1,892 0.167 316.02 317.30

Household Level Total
8,236,529 1.02 8,427,656 0.08 671,490 673,660 0 -2,170 0 -2,170

Total Reporting Burden
8,257,443 2.22 18,292,368 0.05 953,015 959,586 0 (6,571) 0 (1,702)

Program Rule Estimated # Respondents Responses per Respondents Total Annual Records Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours Current OMB Approved Burden Hrs Due to Authorizing Statute Due to Program Change Due to an Adjustment Total Difference

F/R Eligibility 8,257,443 0.01 44,224 0.41 18,138 18,138 - - 0 0

CIP 18.0 1.00 18 3.00 54 54 - - 0 0

Community Eligibility 61,186.0 298.24 18,248,125 0.05 934,823 941,394 - (6,570.6) 0 (1,702)

0 - 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 - - 0 0

0 - - - - - -


Total 8,257,443 2.22 18,292,368 0.05 953,015 959,586 0 -6,571 0 #REF!

Sheet 3: 60 day Summ







This is the Current OMB Approved Burden Hrs column 'J'

Sheet 4: Burden Summary

ICR #0584-0026, 7 CFR Part 245, Free and Reduced Price Eligibility - Summary

Estimated # Respondents Responses Per Respondent Total Annual Responses (Col. BxC) Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours (Col. DxE)

State Agency Level 56 130.232 7,293 0.237 1,731
School Food Authority Level 20,858 1.076 22,450 0.196 4,408
School Level - - - - -
Recordkeeping Total 20,914 1.422 29,743 0.206 6,139

State Agency Level 56 92.274 5,167 0.130 671
School Food Authority Level 20,858 472.698 9,859,544 0.028 280,854
Household Level 8,236,529 1.023 8,427,656 0.080 671,490
Reporting Total 8,257,443 2.215 18,292,368 0.052 953,015
TOTAL BURDEN 8,278,357 2.213 18,322,111 0.05234956 959,154

Hours Responses

Current OMB Burden: 965,645 18,559,626

Requested Burden with Revision: 959,154 18,322,111

Difference (6,491) (237,515)

Sheet 5: Notes

Date User Initials Comments

Comments 1-10 are associated with burden hour changes in existing line items or new burden due to Community Eligibility proposed rule
7/26/13 AMc 1) 500 = Estimate of LEAs that will participate in CE provision is based on 3 indicators: 1) 500 is approximately 20% of the currently eligible (equal to or greater than 40% ISP) LEAs (2,563). Currently the “take rate”, those eligible that choose to participate, in the phase in States is nearly10 percent; with increase exposure the take rate could be expected to double. 2) 500 is 70% of the total LEAs with an ISP at or greater than 65% ISP (716). With a 65% ISP, the LEA or school would attain 100 percent reimbursement rate for meals served once multiplied by the 1.6 factor thus maximizing the fiscal benefits. 3) Provision 2 and 3 estimated 500 LEAs would participate when that proposed rule was submitted (circa 1990).
7/26/13 AMc 2) 4,769= Estimate of potential eligible LEAs to participate in CE provision includes those with identified students percentage equal to or greater than 30% but less than 40% (2,206) + LEAs with equal to or greater than 40% (2,563) based on results from 2011-12 FNS-742 Free Eligible Not Verified (FENV) student population data against total student population.
7/26/13 AMc 3) 6,231,886 Household applications is a reduction of 25,514 household applications from the previous estimated number. 25,514 is 70 percent of the total applications (free and reduced priced) from LEAs with 65% or greater ISP (36,449). This corresponds to the LEA reduction of 500 (from 20,858 to 20,358) that is 70% of total LEAs with 65% or greater ISP (716). Data is from SY 2011-12 FNS-742.
7/26/13 AMc 4) 2,942,097 households is a reduction of households by 186,603 from the previous estimated number. 186,603 households equal 70 percent of the total direct certified students from LEAs with 65% or greater ISP (266,576). This corresponds to the LEA reduction of 500 (from 20,858 to 20,358) that is 70% of total LEAs with 65% or greater ISP (716). Data is from SY 2011-12 FNS-742.
7/26/13 AMc 5) 345,256 households is a reduction of households by 9,330. 9,330 is 5 percent of the households cited in Comment 4) above (186,603). It is estimated that 5 percent of hh receive notices.
7/26/13 AMc 6) 249,531 households is a reduction of households by 765 from previous estimate. 765 is equal to 3 percent of total applications from 70% of eligible LEAs (25,514) as described in Comment 3) above. It is estimated 3 percent of applicable hh are selected for verification.
7/26/13 AMc 7) 5,159 is the number of LEA from the 16 States + PR and VI (18) that currently don’t perform state level direct certification match for LEAs. Thirty-six State agencies currently perform state level direct certificate matches per data from Viv Lees (FNS State System Support Branch). The number of LEAs from 2011/12 FNS-742 data + 44 LEAs in PR + 4 LEAs in VI (SAE data).
7/26/13 AMc 8) 8,236,529 households is a reduction of 25,514 from the previous estimate. 25,514 is the number of hh applications estimated to be in participating LEAs as described in Comment 3) above and thus not required to submit applications for benefits.
7/26/13 AMc 9) 189,235 households is a reduction of 765 from previous estimate. 765 is 3 percent of households that are estimated to not have to submit application (25,514) as described on Notes tab, Comment 3).
7/26/13 AMc 10) 1,892 households is a reduction of 8 from the previous estimate. 1,892 is 1 % of household applications subjject to verification as described on Notes tab, Comment 8). It is estimated that 1% of hh would be subject to verification that would be subject to cooperate with collateral contacts for verification of eligibility

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