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Cross-Site Evaluation of the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention Program

A13 CCS - Campus Staff Instruments

Campus Staff - Campus Case

OMB: 0930-0286

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OMB No. 0930-0286
Expiration Date: 05/31/10
Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
The OMB control number for this project is 0930-0286. Public reporting burden for this
collection of information is estimated to average 1.5 hours per client per year, including the time
for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data
needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding
this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions
for reducing this burden, to SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer, 1 Choke Cherry Road, Room
7-1044, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.

Garrett Lee Smith Memorial (GLS) Campus Case Studies

Focus Group Moderator’s Guide - FS
(Faculty/Staff Version)
Date: (Today’s Date) ……/……/…………
Site: (Name of Campus) ____________________


Instructions for moderator: When to Use: This focus group will be conducted with
representatives of the campus faculty and staff. The local program staff will be responsible for
recruiting respondents for this focus group. The questions in this focus group guide are
designed to obtain information about: faculty involvement and awareness of suicide prevention
efforts on campus, campus mental health services, and campus attitudes towards mental
health. Administered by: Staff from the Macro International cross-site evaluation team.
Completed by: campus faculty and staff.

GLS Campus Case Studies 

Faculty/Staff Focus Group Guide 1.23.2008 

Thank you very much for agreeing to participate in this discussion group. My name is [facilitator] and I 
will be leading the discussion today. [Notetaker] is also here to take notes. Before we get started, I want 
to take a few minutes to tell you what to expect from the discussion and to go over a few things with 
you. After that, we will have an opportunity to introduce ourselves. 
As  you  may  recall,  Macro  International  Inc.,  has  been  contracted  by  the  Substance  Abuse  and  Mental 
Health  Services  Administration  (SAMHSA)  to  conduct  the  cross‐site  evaluation  of  the  Campus  Suicide 
Prevention and Early Intervention Program. A special case study examines how campuses implement a 
public  health  approach  to  suicide  prevention.    The  “public‐health  approach”  is  a  multi‐departmental, 
comprehensive strategy that targets risk and protective factors campus‐wide and on an individual basis. 
We  are  interested  in  knowing  about  faculty  and  staff  perceptions  of  suicide  prevention  and  other 
mental health promotion efforts on campus, as well as faculty involvement in these various efforts. 
The  specific  purpose  of  this  focus  group  is  to  describe  how  faculty  and  staff  would  characterize  the 
mental  health  climate  on  campus;  their  awareness  and  involvement  in  suicide  prevention  and  mental 
health promotion efforts; as well as their opinions on how faculty should be involved.. We are interested 
in knowing your personal experiences, as well as your perceptions of other faculty and staff experiences.  
The discussion today is confidential. We will not attribute your name with any comments made or have 
any  identifiable  information  in  any  reports  we  produce.  We  will  keep  your  specific  responses  in 
confidence, and would ask that you respect one another’s privacy in the same way.  
We ask that you be frank and honest about issues of concern and importance to you. We do not expect 
you  to  tell  us  anything  that  you  would  be  uncomfortable  sharing  with  the  group,  nor  do  we  expect 
everyone to answer every question. We are interested in all perspectives and appreciate your input, as it 
will inform other components of this study as well as other communities about practice‐based evidence 
approaches used in systems of care. 

Informed Consent
At this time everyone should have had an opportunity to sign the informed consent. If not, please let us 
know  and  we  will  review  the  informed  consent  with  you  in  private  before  we  begin.  As  the  informed 
consent  indicates,  your  participation  is  completely  voluntary  and  you  may  leave  at  any  time.  Also,  we 
will be audio‐taping the discussion today. Be assured that the tapes will be reviewed to gather data only, 
and will be transcribed without the use of your names.  

[Direct participants to the restrooms (if needed). Explain when and how participants will be paid for their 

GLS Campus Case Studies 

Faculty/Staff Focus Group Guide 1.23.2008 

Ground Rules
In  order  to  make  our  discussion  more  comfortable  and  run  smoothly  for  everyone,  there  are  a  few 
ground rules that we will need to follow: [Posted on flip chart] 

Everyone’s input is important and I will work hard to make sure everyone has a chance to speak. 
Allow one person to speak at a time. 
Please avoid side conversations. 
I may need to cut a discussion short in the interest of time. 
Show respect to everyone at all times. It is ok to disagree with someone’s opinion. 
Please turn off all cell phones. 
All responses are confidential, and the names of others who are participating in the discussion is 
also confidential, so feel free to speak your mind. 
Everyone is on a first name basis, so please use only your first name. 

Do you have any questions before we begin? Let’s start with introductions. Please tell us your first 
1. In the past five years, how would you describe attitudes on campus towards issues surrounding 
student mental health and wellness?   
a. What changes have occurred? 
b. How are policy changes communicated to [insert faculty or staff] 
2. What are some of the things that your campus is doing to promote student mental health and 
a.   What prevention programs are you aware of? For example, alcohol and drug abuse 
prevention, sexual assault prevention, or suicide prevention?  What strategies are these 
programs using? 
b.   Which programs are most effective? What makes them effective? 
3. Have any of you participated in prevention trainings for suicide, mental health, depression, 
substance abuse, or violence? What trainings have you participated in? 
a. How was the training helpful? 
b. How have you used the skills you learned? 
c. How has the training change the way you interact with your students? 
4.  One thing that campuses often struggle with is finding a way to reach out to faculty with 
information and trainings about student mental health and wellness.  What are some of the ways 
your campus has successfully gotten faculty involved? 

GLS Campus Case Studies 

Faculty/Staff Focus Group Guide 1.23.2008 

a. Can you recommend strategies for raising faculty awareness about students at risk for 
suicide, substance abuse, or depression? 
b. Why do you think that it is difficult to engage faculty?  
5. How involved are most [insert faculty or staff} in helping students with issues related to student 
mental health and wellness? 
a. What would you do if you became aware of a student in distress? 
b. Do you think that, in general, it is the responsibility of [insert faculty or staff] to intervene 
with a distressed student? Why or why not? 
c. Is there a protocol that you should follow if you identify a distressed student? What is it? 
6. What are some of the offices on campus where you might refer a student if you suspected that they 
were stressed, depressed, or otherwise need additional mental health services? 
a. Which of these services do you think are most popular with students? 
b. Are there some services that are easier for students to access than others? Why? 
c. As far as you know, what are some of the reasons why students would not or could not 
access these services?  
7. Finally, to what degree are these issues openly discussed on campus?   
a. How is mental health discussed amongst colleagues or in staff meetings?  
b. Do you ever hear students talking about mental health and mental illness? How would you 
characterize those conversations? 
c. How would you characterize attitudes about mental health? 

GLS Campus Case Studies 

Faculty/Staff Focus Group Guide 1.23.2008 

OMB No. 0930-0286
Expiration Date: 05/31/10

Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond
to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control
number for this project is 0930-0286. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to
average 1 hour per client per year, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data
sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer, 1 Choke
Cherry Road, Room 7-1044, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.

Garrett Lee Smith Memorial (GLS) Campus Case Studies

Campus Case Study Interview – F
(Faculty Version)
Date: (Today’s Date) ……/……/…………
Site: (Name of Campus) ____________________


Instructions for interviewer: When to Use: This qualitative interview will be
conducted with an identified representative of the campus faculty. The local
program staff will be responsible for identifying respondents for this interview.
The questions in this interview are designed to obtain information about: student
risk and protective factors, campus mental health services, and campus attitudes
towards mental health. Administered by: Staff from the Macro International crosssite evaluation team. Completed by: campus faculty who are members of a
mental health/suicide prevention advisory group, coalition, or committee.

We are interested in interviewing you because of your participation on a campus committee
dealing with student mental health and/or wellness, as well as your perspective, as faculty, on
campus attitudes around mental health, student behavior and risk factors, as well as the offices
and efforts on campus which promote student wellness.
1. To begin, could you tell me about the responsibilities of this [committee or initiative]?
a. Can you give me some examples?
b. What is your role on the committee?
c. Who are other campus community members represented on the committee?
2. One of the things that I want to talk to you today about is student mental health and
general wellbeing. Do you think that there is a difference between the two? What is it?
a. How would the school officially define student mental health, as opposed to
general student wellbeing?
b. Are there any differences in general campus attitudes towards mental health as
opposed to overall wellbeing?
3. What are the departments, offices, and committees involved in student mental health and
a. To what degree do these groups collaborate?
b. Is there an overarching plan? What is it?
4. Are you aware of any policies and procedures that are in place for students, faculty, and
staff to share mental health concerns about others on campus? What are they?
a. Can you give me an example of a time that you have had report a concern about
a student? If not, have you heard of a faculty member doing so?
5. How are faculty expected to be involved with promoting student mental health and
a. If there is an expectation, how is this communicated to faculty?
6. Beyond your participation on the committee, have you attended any trainings or events
directed to raise the awareness and skills of faculty around issues of student mental
health? What trainings or events have you attended?
a. Where can faculty get information on the identification and referral of students
who may need additional mental health support?
7. We work with dozens of campuses, and many of them report that it is often difficult to
engage faculty in issues of student mental health and wellness. Do you find that to be
the case on your campus? Why or why not?
a. What strategies has your campus employed to get faculty involved?
b. How do they encourage attendance at trainings and other events?
8. What would you recommend that your campus do to further increase faculty involvement
and attendance at trainings or awareness events?
9. I want to shift a bit, and ask you some questions about the students on [insert campus
name]. Tell me about them]. What is unique about them?
a. What student-level risk factors are you aware of?
b. Are any groups more at risk for becoming victims of violence or harassment than
others? Which groups and why?
c. What about groups more likely of using violence? Which groups and why?
d. Are there any groups that are more at risk for drug and alcohol abuse? Which
groups and why?

e. Are there any groups that are more at risk for depression? Which groups and
10. I’m going to ask you about some of the different situations that students might
experience, and what you would recommend to them if you became aware.
a. If you had a student who had a drug or alcohol problem, what would your advice
to them be?
i. What places on campus would help them with this?
ii. How likely do you think they would be to seek services here? Why/Why
b. What if the student was a victim of violence or harassment? Would you advise
them to get help?
i. What places on campus would help them with this?
ii. How likely do you think they would be to seek services here? Why/Why
c. If you had a student who seemed really depressed? What would you do in that
i. What places on campus would help them with this?
ii. How likely do you think they would be to seek services here? Why/why
d. What if the student was suicidal? Where would you refer them?
i. What places on campus would help them with this?
ii. How likely do you think they would be to seek services here? Why/Why
e. What if they were really stressed about school or money? What would you tell
them to do?
i. What places on campus would help them with this?
ii. How likely do you think they would be to seek services here?
11. What have you observed to be student’s attitudes around help-seeking?
a. Are some helping services more acceptable to students than others? For
example academic support as opposed to counseling services? Why?
12. What are some of the things on campus that encourage help-seeking behaviors in
13. What is the process for students seeking mental health care? Is it easy or difficult?
14. How do you think mental health issues are generally perceived on campus? Do you think
that there is a stigma around depression and other mental health issues, or do you think
that generally people are accepting of them?
a. Is there a difference between faculty, staff, and students in terms of their
attitudes? What is that difference?
15. Are there any needs that you have observed in students that aren’t currently being met
through services on campus?
16. What are some of the barriers on campus to students receiving mental health services?
17. Those are the last of my questions. Before we end, do you have any questions, or
anything else that you would like to tell me?
Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. This information will be combined with
responses from other individuals on your campus, and a report of this case study will be
produced in 6 to 8 months. If you have any questions, or anything that you would like to add,
please don’t hesitate to contact me.

OMB No. 0930-0286
Expiration Date: 05/31/10
Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection
of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is 09300286. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per client per year, including
the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other
aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to SAMHSA Reports Clearance
Officer, 1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 7-1044, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.

Garrett Lee Smith Memorial (GLS) Campus Case Studies

Campus Case Study Interview – P
(Prevention Staff Version)
Date: (Today’s Date) ……/……/…………
Site: (Name of Campus) ____________________


Instructions for interviewer: When to Use: This qualitative interview will be
conducted with an identified representative of the campus staff. The local
program staff will be responsible for identifying respondents for this interview.
The questions in this interview are designed to obtain information about: student
risk and protective factors, campus mental health services, and campus attitudes
towards mental health. Administered by: Staff from the Macro International crosssite evaluation team. Completed by: campus staff members who work on various
prevention (substance abuse, violence, sexual assault) efforts.

1. One of the things that I want to talk to you today about is student mental health and
general wellbeing. Do you think that there is a difference between the two? What is it?
a. Is there any difference in general campus attitudes towards mental health as
opposed to overall wellbeing?
b. How do you think mental health issues are generally perceived on campus? Do
you think that there is a stigma around depression and other mental health
issues, or do you think that generally people are accepting of them?
2. What are the departments, offices, and committees involved in student mental health and
a. To what degree do these groups collaborate?
b. Is there an overarching plan?
3. Tell me about the students at [insert campus name]. What is unique about them?
a. What student-level risk factors are you aware of?
4. Are you aware of any students being more at risk for abusing drugs or alcohol than
5. What about violence? This could be anything from a fist-fight, to dating violence, to
sexual assault. What types of violence are you aware of on your campus?
a. Are some types of violence more typical than others?
6. Are any groups on campus more likely to be targeted with violence or harassment? For
example, racial or ethnic minorities, or LGBTQ students?
7. Are there any groups of students that are more likely to use violence?
8. Are there any other student risk behaviors that you are aware of?
9. Tell me about your work. I specifically want to talk about the different prevention
programs that happen on campus. Could you give me an overview of the different
programs on campus?
a. What about drinking and drug use?
b. dating violence or sexual assault?
c. Mental health promotion?
d. suicide?
10. What are the strategies used by these programs? And by that I mean, what student risk
factors (on both the individual and group level) that these programs are trying to target?
a. In what ways do the programs overlap or work together?
b. What are some of the key similarities and differences between prevention
programs on campus?
11. What protective factors are these programs trying to build?
12. Can you give me an example of some of the messages used by prevention programs
and/or awareness campaigns on campus?
13. What prevention efforts have been most effective? How do you know?
a. Which programs have been most popular with students? Why?
b. What messages have been most successful?
c. Do you feel these programs have reached the intended populations? Why or why
d. What are some lessons learned from your involvement with these programs?

14. What are some of the things on campus that have encouraged help-seeking behaviors in
15. What would you recommend to other prevention programs? What would you tell them to
16. Are there any needs that you have observed in students that aren’t currently being met
through services on campus?
17. What’s the most challenging thing about your work?
18. What makes your job easier?
19. What is most rewarding about the type of work you do?
20. Those are the last of my questions. Before we end, do you have any questions, or
anything else that you would like to tell me?

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. This information will be combined with
responses from other individuals on your campus, and a report of this case study will be
produced in 6 to 8 months. If you have any questions, or anything that you would like to add,
please don’t hesitate to contact me.

OMB No. 0930-0286
Expiration Date: 05/31/10

Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection
of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is 09300286. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per client per year, including
the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other
aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to SAMHSA Reports Clearance
Officer, 1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 7-1044, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.

Garrett Lee Smith Memorial (GLS) Campus Case Studies

Campus Case Study Interview – CP
(Campus Police Version)
Date: (Today’s Date) ……/……/…………
Site: (Name of Campus) ____________________


Instructions for interviewer: When to Use: This qualitative interview will be
conducted with an identified representative of the campus security or police staff.
The local program staff will be responsible for identifying respondents for this
interview. The questions in this interview are designed to obtain information
about: student risk and protective factors, campus mental health services, and
campus attitudes towards mental health. Administered by: Staff from the Macro
International cross-site evaluation team. Completed by: campus police or security
staff members.

We are interested in interviewing you because of your role on campus, particularly as it relates to
involvement with students and their mental health concerns, drinking and drug use, and violence
towards themselves and others.
1. So to begin, can you tell me what your role is in aiding or dealing with students who are
suicidal, experiencing substance abuse issues, or threatening violence?
2. Can you give me some examples of times that you have responded to a student, or a
group of students, around issues of alcohol or drug abuse?
Probe: Is there a specific policy or protocol related to that kind of a situation?
3. Can you give me an example of a time that you have responded to a student who is
threatening to attempt suicide?
Probe: is there a specific policy or protocol related to that situation?
4. What if the student has already made a suicide attempt? How do you respond?
5. What about a situation where a student was threatening violence towards others? Have
you ever responded in those circumstances?
Probe: what are the protocols governing that situation?
6. What types of the situations that we’ve discussed do you respond to most frequently?
7. Are there different protocols depending on whether it is a weekend or a weekday?
a. What about time of day?
8. If there was a student that a faculty, staff member, or another student was concerned
might be at risk for violence or suicide, how and when would that come to your attention?
9. Are students ever monitored by campus police or campus security?
10. What policies monitor the presence of firearms on campus? How do you monitor their
11. Who makes the decisions around protocols and policies that deal with crisis response
and student well-being?
12. How have the policies and protocols that govern your department’s response changed in
the last five years?
a. How did those come about?
b. Has your department been involved in that decision-making?
13. Does your department expect you to go to regular trainings regarding crisis response?
What about student well-being?
a. What about other staff-members?
b. What trainings have you attended in the last two years?
c. What additional trainings would you like to receive?
14. What makes it hard to do your job?
15. What makes it easier for you to do your job?
16. Those are the last of my questions. Before we end, do you have any questions, or
anything else that you would like to tell me?

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. This information will be combined with
responses from other individuals on your campus, and a report of this case study will be
produced in 6 to 8 months. If you have any questions, or anything that you would like to add,
please don’t hesitate to contact me.

OMB No. 0930-0286
Expiration Date: 05/31/10

Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection
of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is 09300286. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per client per year, including
the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other
aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to SAMHSA Reports Clearance
Officer, 1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 7-1044, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.

Garrett Lee Smith Memorial (GLS) Campus Case Studies

Campus Case Study Interview – CC
(Counseling Center Version)
Date: (Today’s Date) ……/……/…………
Site: (Name of Campus) ____________________


Instructions for interviewer: When to Use: This qualitative interview will be
conducted with an identified representative of the campus counseling staff. The
local program staff will be responsible for identifying respondents for this
interview. The questions in this interview are designed to obtain information
about: student risk and protective factors, campus mental health services, and
campus attitudes towards mental health. Administered by: Staff from the Macro
International cross-site evaluation team. Completed by: campus counseling staff

1. One of the things that I want to talk to you today about is student mental health and
general wellbeing. How are these generally defined on campus?
a. Is there any difference in general campus attitudes towards mental health as
opposed to overall wellbeing?
2. Have you observed an increase of students seeking mental health services? If yes,
a. Why do you think this is?
b. Are the financial and political resources available to support this increased
c. How has the counseling center budget changed in the last five years?
3. Tell me about the students at [insert campus name]. What is unique about them?
a. What student-level risk factors are you aware of?
4. What are some of the typical issues that might lead a student to seek services at the
counseling center?
a. Have any of these increased more than others in the last five years?
b. Have you observed any trends in students who seek services for substance
abuse issues?
c. Have you observed any trends in students who seek treatment for depression?
d. What about other mental health issues or diagnoses?
e. Any other trends that you have noticed?
5. We’re also really interested in the protective factors that naturally occur in the students on
your campus. To clarify, by protective factor I mean something students may do to
protect their safety. For example, having a designated driver when drinking so they get
home safely; or having someone they are accountable to when they are depressed or
experiencing substance use issues.
a. What factors have you observed to be protective against alcohol abuse? Drug
b. What have you noticed seems to be protective against depression?
c. What factors in students are protective against suicide?
d. What other protective factors have you observed?
6. Tell me about the different prevention and student wellness programs on campus.
a. What about drinking and drug use?
b. dating violence or sexual assault?
c. Mental health?
d. Suicide?
7. What are the strategies used by these programs? And by that I mean, what student risk
factors (on both the individual and group level) that these programs are trying to target?
a. In what ways do the programs overlap or work together?
b. What are some of the key similarities and differences between prevention
programs on campus?
8. What protective factors are these programs trying to build?
9. What prevention efforts have been most effective? How do you know?
a. Which programs have been most popular with students? Why?
b. Do you feel these programs have reached the intended populations? Why or why
10. I am now going to ask you some questions related to policies and procedures on campus
that may support student mental health and wellness efforts.

11. What policies and procedures are in place for students, faculty, and staff to share mental
health concerns about others on campus?
12. If a student, faculty, or staff member reports that a student is having problems (suicide,
violence, substance abuse), what happens to that information?
a. Are these students monitored in any way?
b. What behaviors are most concerning to the campus?
13. What are other school policies governing how you communicate about a student’s mental
health issue?
a. When are parents involved?
b. Who is involved with case review and/or treatment planning?
14. What are the guidelines around consultations with parents or guardians?
15. Is there a maximum number of sessions a student may receive?
16. What services are available for students without health insurance?
17. How are the decisions governing counseling center service acquisition made?
18. How are policy decisions around mental health services made?
a. What about student wellness?
19. What are policy change initiatives undertaken in the past five years?
a. What is the policy direction in the next five years?
20. Those are the last of my questions. Before we end, do you have any questions, or
anything else that you would like to tell me?

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. This information will be combined with
responses from other individuals on your campus, and a report of this case study will be
produced in 6 to 8 months. If you have any questions, or anything that you would like to add,
please don’t hesitate to contact me.

OMB No. 0930-0286
Expiration Date: 05/31/10

Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection
of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is 09300286. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per client per year, including
the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other
aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to SAMHSA Reports Clearance
Officer, 1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 7-1044, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.

Garrett Lee Smith Memorial (GLS) Campus Case Studies

Campus Case Study Interview – A
(Administrator Version)
Date: (Today’s Date) ……/……/…………
Site: (Name of Campus) ____________________


Instructions for interviewer: When to Use: This qualitative interview will be
conducted with an identified representative of the campus administration. The
local program staff will be responsible for identifying respondents for this
interview. The questions in this interview are designed to obtain information
about: student risk and protective factors, campus mental health services, and
campus attitudes towards mental health. Administered by: Staff from the Macro
International cross-site evaluation team. Completed by: members of the campus

1. One of the things that I want to talk to you today about is student mental health and
general wellbeing. Do you think that there is a difference between the two? What is it?
a. Is that how the school would officially define student mental health as opposed to
general student wellbeing?
b. Is there any difference in general campus attitudes towards mental health as
opposed to overall wellbeing?
2. What are the departments, offices, and committees involved in student mental health?
a. What about student wellness?
3. What prevention and wellness initiatives are there on campus?
a. What about drinking and drug use?
b. Dating violence or sexual assault?
c. Mental health?
d. Suicide?
4. To what degree do these prevention and wellness initiatives collaborate?
a. Is there an overarching plan?
5. What are the risk behaviors that you have observed in your student population?
a. Are any groups more at risk to be victims of violence or harassment than others?
b. What about groups more likely to be violent?
c. Are there any groups that are more at risk for drug and alcohol abuse?
d. Are there any groups that are more at risk for depression?

I am now going to ask you some questions related to policies and procedures on campus that
may support student mental health and wellness efforts.

6. What policies and procedures are in place for students, faculty, and staff to share mental
health concerns about others on campus?
7. Is technology used to communicate or monitor student mental health? Examples: webbased reporting system, facebook/myspace monitoring, text messaging in emergency
8. Is there a mandatory reporting policy when students who show signs of suicide or
express suicidal ideation?
a. What is the role of faculty/staff in cases where students show signs of suicide or
suicidal ideation?
9. If a student, faculty, or staff member reports that a student is having problems (suicide,
violence, substance abuse), what happens to that information?
a. Are these students monitored in any way?
b. What behaviors are most concerning to the campus?
10. What are other school policies governing how you communicate about a student’s mental
health issue?
a. When are parents involved?
b. Who is involved with case review and/or treatment planning?
11. Are there any circumstances that require a student to utilize counseling center services?
12. How would you characterize the political and financial resources supporting departments
dealing with student MH and related services?

a. How do departments that with student mental health issues and services get
funding or increase funding when necessary?
b. How has the budget for mental health services changed over the past five years?
13. What are the school emergency mental health protocols?
14. What is the crisis/response protocol for responding to someone who has
attempted/committed suicide or committed a violent act on campus?
a. Who is involved?
b. What if the event occurs “after hours”?
15. Are there procedures are in place to address a suspected substance use issue? What
are they?
a. Who is involved?
16. Are there procedures are in place to allow students to report harassment? What policies
address harassment?
a. Who is involved?
17. Are there any policies that limit student access to the roofs of buildings or otherwise
prohibit jumping?
a. What about physical barriers to hanging? Are there “breakaway” clothes racks
and shower rods in the residence halls?
18. What policies monitor the presence of firearms on campus? How do you monitor their
19. How are policy decisions around mental health services made?
a. What about student wellness?
20. What are policy change initiatives around student wellness undertaken in the past five
a. What is the policy direction in the next five years?
21. Those are the last of my questions. Before we end, do you have any questions, or
anything else that you would like to tell me?

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. This information will be combined with
responses from other individuals on your campus, and a report of this case study will be
produced in 6 to 8 months. If you have any questions, or anything that you would like to add,
please don’t hesitate to contact me.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDRAFT Faculty/Staff Focus Group Guide
File Modified2010-05-24
File Created2010-05-24

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