Form Approved
OMB No. 0920-XXXX
Exp. Date: XX-XX-XXXX
Public reporting of this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-XXXX).
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has convened a team to develop information and training for small businesses on how to plan and implement the Work@Health Program, a Workplace Health/Wellness training program for employers. Toward that end, we have created a survey designed to gather information about small business needs as it relates to Workplace Health Programs training. For the purposes of this survey, Workplace Health is defined as a coordinated and comprehensive set of health promotion and protection strategies implemented at the workplace, that includes programs, policies, benefits, environmental supports, and links to the surrounding community designed to encourage the health and safety of all employees.
This survey should be completed by the person at your company who is most knowledgeable about workplace health and wellness. If you are not that person please forward this survey to the person who is most knowledgeable about workplace health and wellness. Some questions in this survey ask you to describe your company’s health insurance plan. If your business offers more than one health insurance option, please refer to the health insurance plan with the highest enrollment.
We appreciate you sharing your insights about this important work and thank you for your participation.
Informed Consent
Before you get started, we’d like to give you some more information to help you decide whether or not you would like to participate.
• This project is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many parts of the project are being managed by ASHLIN Management Group (ASHLIN). ASHLIN is a private business consulting firm concentrating in the area of health and human services based in Greenbelt, MD. They are helping CDC implement the Work@Health program.
• You were asked to participate because your company may benefit from a workplace health training program and your experiences and opinions will help shape the development of the Work@Health curricula and program implementation.
• Your participation in this survey is voluntary. In the course of this survey, you may refuse to answer specific questions. You may also choose to end the survey at any time.
• The survey is designed to take about 20 minutes.
• There are no right or wrong answers or ideas—we want to hear about YOUR experiences and opinions.
• All of the comments you provide will be maintained in a secure manner. We will not disclose your responses or anything about you unless we are compelled by law. Your responses will be combined with other information we receive and reported in the aggregate as feedback from the group. In our project reports, your name will not be linked to the comments you provide in this survey.
• CDC is authorized to collect information for this project under the Public Health Services Act.
• There are no personal risks or personal benefits to you for participating in this survey.
• We are interested in your comments so that we can improve the Work@Health program for future participants. Please feel free to contact [INSERT CONTACT]. [HIS/HER] number is [INSERT TEL #]. You can also call the Public Health Management Corporation at 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX.
SECTION 1: Employee Health and Workplace Health/Wellness
This section is designed to capture information about how your company views workplace health/wellness and what policies and procedures your company has in place to promote employee health/wellness.
Please rate the importance of each of the following employee health issues on a scale from (1) Not at all Important to (5) Extremely Important.
Employee Health Issues |
Level of Importance |
KEY: |
Not at all Important (1) |
Of Little Importance (2) |
Moderately Important (3) |
Important (4) |
Very Important (5) |
1 |
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When thinking about the potential impact of workplace Health/Wellness programs on your company, how important is it for you to receive information on each of the following items in order for you to understand the effect of employee health issues on your workforce?
Employee Health Issues |
Level of Importance |
KEY: |
Not at all Important (1) |
Of Little Importance (2) |
Moderately Important (3) |
Important (4) |
Very Important (5) |
1 |
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Does your organization currently have a Workplace Health/Wellness program in place for employees (not including health and wellness benefits offered through your health plan)? If no, please skip to Section 2 of this survey.
Yes, we currently have a Workplace Health/Wellness Program
No, we do not have a Workplace Health/Wellness Program but intend to implement one within the next 12 months (skip to Section 2)
No, we do not have a Workplace Health/Wellness Program (skip to Section 2)
How long has your Workplace Health/Wellness Program been offered?
Less than 1 year
1- 2 years
3-5 years
More than 5 years
SECTION 2: Health/Wellness Program Implementation
This section is designed to capture information about motivators, barriers and readiness to implement a Workplace Health/Wellness Program, as well as policies and practices that your company might participate in, or be interested in learning more about.
What are/would be important reasons for implementing a Workplace Health/Wellness program at your organization? Please rank the importance of the following items on a scale from (1) Not at all Important to (5) Very Important.
Motivators to Implement |
Level of Importance |
KEY: |
Not at all Important (1) |
Of Little Importance (2) |
Moderately Important (3) |
Important (4) |
Very Important (5) |
1 |
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What are/would be the greatest barriers to implementing a Workplace Health/Wellness program at your business? Please rank the barriers of the following items on a scale from (1) Not at All A Barrier to (5) Significant Barrier.
Barriers to Implement |
Degree of Barrier |
KEY: |
Not at all A Barrier (1) |
A Little Barrier (2) |
Moderate Barrier (3) |
A Barrier (4) |
Significant Barrier (5) |
1 |
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With respect to addressing employee health issues at your workplace, how ready is your organization to take action?
Not at all ready (not seriously thinking about making a change, unaware that employee health is/may be an issue)
Not quite ready (thinking about employee health issues, weighing the pros and cons of taking action, but not ready to take action)
Somewhat ready (committed to taking action but researching options/gathering information on what to do)
Almost ready (active preparation and planning after settling on what actions will be taken)
Completely ready (all preparations and planning is complete, moving into action)
Following are lists of workplace health/wellness related policies and practices which promote a healthy workplace environment. For each item, please indicate if your company is currently engaged and/or interested in learning more.
Health/Wellness Programs, |
Yes. Currently have this |
Yes. Currently have this but interested in learning more |
No. Do not currently have this but interested in learning more |
No. Do not currently have this and not interested |
Does your company have a written policy or guideline… |
Does your company provide… |
SECTION 3: Health/Wellness Program Training
This section is designed to capture information about your Workplace health/wellness training needs (interest, ability, availability, etc.).
Following is a list of topics that a Workplace Health/Wellness Training Program might cover. To help us understand your learning priorities, for each topic, please indicate on a scale of 1 to 5 how interested you would be in having this topic included as part of a Workplace health/wellness curriculum. A rating of 1 represents the lowest interest and 5 represents the greatest amount of interest.
Training Program Topics |
Level of Interest |
Not at all Interested (1) |
Of Little Interest (2) |
Moderately Interested (3) |
Interested (4) |
Very Interested (5) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
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Please indicate in the following table your level of knowledge and ability to research and design policies and strategies to guide a workplace health/wellness program. A rating of 1 represents no knowledge/ability and 5 represents expert knowledge/ability.
Workplace Health/Wellness Knowledge/Ability |
Level of Knowledge/Ability |
No knowledge (1) |
Novice – some familiarity (2) |
– partially understand and can demonstrate knowledge |
Advanced – fully understand and can effectively execute (4) |
– considered an Expert on this topic |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
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What is the preferred method for you to receive workplace health/wellness education and training?
In-person training
Online training
Combination of In-person and online (Blended) training
How many days overall would you be willing to devote to receiving workplace health/wellness education and training?
Less than a day
1 day
2 days
3 days
More than three days
How much time per training session would you be willing to devote to receiving workplace health/wellness education and training?
30-60 minutes
1-2 hours
2-3 hours
Half day (4 hours)
Full day (8 hours)
2-3 days
Duration is not a factor
What factors would affect your participation in workplace health/wellness education and training? Please rank the Participation
Factors of the following items on a scale from (1) Not at all Important to (5) Very Important.
Participation Factors |
Not at all Important (1) |
Of Little Importance (2) |
Moderately Important (3) |
Important (4) |
Very Important (5) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
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How likely is your company to participate in training on workplace health/wellness?
Very Likely
Neither Likely Nor Unlikely
Very Unlikely
Who from your company is most likely to attend training on workplace health/wellness?
Director, HR
Director, Benefits
Wellness Manager
Environmental Health and Safety Representative
Union/Labor Representative
Other (specify): ________________________
What is the best way to communicate with you about workplace health/wellness? Please indicate how desirable each of the following means of communication (i.e., how you prefer to receive information) would be to raising your level of knowledge about workplace health/wellness. A rating of 1 represents Very Undesirable means of contact and 5 represents Very Desirable.
Communication Channel/Method |
Very Undesirable (1) |
Undesirable (2) |
Neutral (3) |
Desirable (4) |
Very Desirable (5) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
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5 |
From which, if any, of the following organizations have you obtained workplace health/wellness information/resources (e.g., data, prevention strategies, educational materials)? (Check all that apply).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Chamber of Commerce
Health plan/Providers/Pharmacists
Local business coalition
Media: please specify _________________
National Business Coalition on Health
National Business Group on Health
National Safety Council
Non-profit Organization (e.g., The American Diabetes Association): please specify _________________
Professional Organization (e.g., American College of Sports Medicine): please specify _________________
State or Local Health Department
Vendors/Consultants: please specify _________________
Other (please specify): _______________
Do your employees have access to the Internet during work hours to access health and wellness related information?
Other (please explain): __________________
Please rate how useful each of the following resources would be to support your Workplace Health/Wellness Program:
Resources |
Level of Utility |
KEY: |
Not at all Useful (1) |
Of Little Use (2) |
Moderately Useful (3) |
Useful (4) |
Very Useful (5) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
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SECTION 4: Company Characteristics
This section is designed to capture some information about your company, its employees, and your health and insurance programs.
Please describe your position in your business:
Director, HR
Director, Benefits
Wellness Manager
Environmental Health and Safety Representative
Union/Labor Representative
Other (specify): ________________________
Which of the following organizations is your business a member of (check all that apply):
US Chamber of Commerce
US Small Business Administration
National Veteran Small Business Coalition
National Organization of Women Small Business Owners
National Black Chamber of Commerce
Latin Business Association
Other (specify): ______________________
How many years have you been in business?
Less than 5 years
5- 10 years
11-15 years
16 or more years
How many employees does your business have?
30 or fewer employees
31 to 50 employees
51 to 100 employees
101 to 500 employees
More than 500 employees
What are the demographic characteristics of your employees (please answer in percentages):
Percentage women? _____ Percentage men? _____
White? _____ Percentage Black/ African American? _____
Percentage Hispanic/Latino? _____ Percentage Asian?
Percentage American Indian/Alaska Native? _____
Percentage Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander? _____
Percentage Other? ______
Percentage Veterans? _____
Percentage employees over age 60? _____
What percentage of your employees are:
Percentage Full time? _____ Percentage Part time? _____ Percentage Temporary? _____
Percentage Salaried? _____ Percentage Hourly? _____
Percentage Union? _____
What industry best describes your primary business activity?
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
Wholesale Trade
Retail Trade
Transportation and Warehousing
Finance and Insurance
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
Management of Companies and Enterprises
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services
Educational Services
Health Care and Social Assistance
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
Accommodation and Food Services
Public Administration
Other Services (specify) _________________________
Which of the statements best describes your business’s health insurance benefit?
We do not offer health insurance to our employees
We offer a health insurance plan, but do not contribute a percentage of the premium
We offer a health insurance plan, and employees share the cost
We offer a health insurance plan and we pay for it completely
Optional: If you would like to receive more information about the CDC Work@Health Program, or if you would like to participate in the Program training, please visit the following link:
Thank you for your participation. We appreciate your response.
File Type | application/msword |
Author | gretchen.noll |
Last Modified By | CDC User |
File Modified | 2013-07-17 |
File Created | 2013-06-27 |