Animal Health Monitoring System
Centre Ave.,
B, MS 2E7 Fort
Collins, CO 80526 Form
Approved OMB
Number 0579-xxxx Approval
Cervid 2014 Study
Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service
Veterinary Services
Your participation in this survey will provide valuable information about management practices of the cervid industry. Participation is voluntary and confidential, the information you provide will not be reported on an individual level. The information will be summarized and reported on a regional and national basis only. We estimate that this survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. To ensure your privacy, please do not put your name or other identification on this form.
Today’s date: ____/____/______
Section 1—Inventory
1. On August 1, 2014, how many of the following farmed cervids were on your operation?
Number mature (1 year and over) |
Number immature (under 1 year) |
Total inventory |
Males |
Females |
Males |
Females |
Elk |
Red deer |
Elk/red deer hybrid |
Sika deer |
Mule deer |
White-tailed deer |
Black-tailed deer |
Fallow deer |
Reindeer |
Other (specify: ) |
Other (specify: ) |
Other (specify: ) |
Other (specify: ) |
Total |
[If inventory = 0, SKIP to section XX (end of questionnaire).]
For the remainder of this questionnaire, please consider all cervids to be classified as “deer” unless they are elk, red deer, or elk/red deer hybrids.
2. How many cervids permanently left the operation from August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014?
[Enter the number of cervids that permanently left the operation by method/purpose.]
Method/purpose |
Number of DEER |
Number of ELK or RED DEER |
Allowed hunting on-site |
Private sale for game farm/ hunting on another site |
Private sale for breeding stock |
Private sale for venison |
Directly to packer/slaughter |
Traded or gave away |
Sold at markets or auctions |
Sold to dealers |
Other (specify: ) |
Total |
Of the total that permanently left the operation,
how many went out of State? ______ Deer ______ Elk or red deer
3. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, how many of your cervids died due to natural causes or
were lost/stolen (by species and cause)? [Exclude hunter-killed or slaughtered animals.]
Cause of death/disappearance |
Number of DEER |
Number of ELK or RED DEER |
EHD (epizootic hemorrhagic disease) |
Respiratory illness/pneumonia |
Digestive illness |
Neurologic disorder |
Handling related |
Predation |
Trauma (not related to handling or predation) |
Lightning/weather related |
Lost/stolen |
Other (specify: ) |
Other (specify: ) |
Unknown |
Total |
Section 2—Operation Management
1. Which of the following describes your operation? [Please indicate Yes or No for each option.]
a. Game ranch/hunting 1 Yes 3 No
b. Breeding for sale of offspring 1 Yes 3 No
c. Meat production/slaughter 1 Yes 3 No
d. Antler/velvet production 1 Yes 3 No
e. Exhibition 1 Yes 3 No
f. Taxidermy 1 Yes 3 No
g. Pets/pleasure 1 Yes 3 No
h. Boarding 1 Yes 3 No
i. Rehabilitation 1 Yes 3 No
j. Other (specify: _______________________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
2. If you selected more than one operation description in question 1, which is the
primary operation type? [Enter one letter, a through j.] _____
3. Which of the following best describes the total dollar value of cervids and
cervid products sold from this operation from August 1, 2013, through
July 31, 2014? Please report gross sales, the total of all sales before subtracting
operating expenses, payment of taxes, or other expenses. [Check one only.]
1 $0
2 $1 to $9,999
3 $10,000 to $49,999
4 $50,000 to $99,999
5 $100,000 to $249,999
6 $250,000 to $499,999
7 $500,000 or more
4. Do you keep the following herd management and business records?
a. Sales 1 Yes 3 No
b. Purchases 1 Yes 3 No
c. Breeding 1 Yes 3 No
d. Health 1 Yes 3 No
e. Feed 1 Yes 3 No
f. Other (describe: ___________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
5. Approximately how many years have farmed cervids been raised at this location?
[Include previous owners if known.] _____ years
6. On how many acres are your cervids typically located:
a. In the fall/winter months (September–April)? ______ acres
b. In the spring/summer months (May–August)? ______ acres
c. During hunter harvest? NA ______ acres
7. Which of the following best describes your plans for your herd over the next year? [Select one only.]
1 Increase herd size by 10 percent or more
If checked, will you be adding new species? 1 Yes 3 No
If Yes, which species? ___________________________________
2 Maintain same herd size (within 10 percent)
3 Decrease herd size by 10 percent or more
4 Get out of the business
8. What percentage of your cervids today are individually identified? _____ %
9. What percentage of your cervids are typically individually identified
prior to movement from your premises? _____ %
[If NO cervids are individually identified, SKIP to Section 3.]
10. Are your cervids individually identified by the following methods?
a. Plastic ear tags 1 Yes 3 No
b. Metal ear tags 1 Yes 3 No
c. Electronic ear tags 1 Yes 3 No
d. Electronic implant/microchip 1 Yes 3 No
e. Tattoo/freeze brand 1 Yes 3 No
f. Other (specify: _______________________) 1 Yes 3 No
Section 3—Handling Facilities and Methods
1. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, did you handle your cervids as a
group for any reason (e.g., fawns/calves for vaccinations/ear tag placement)? 1 Yes 3 No
a. If Yes, how many times did you handle cervids as a group during that year? _____
2. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, did you handle any individual farmed
cervid for any reason (e.g., veterinary exam for possible illness, treatment, etc.)? 1 Yes 3 No
a. If Yes, how many times did you handle cervids individually during that year? _____
3. Do you have facilities for handling/processing farmed cervids? 1 Yes 3 No
[If question 3 = No, SKIP to question 6.]
4. Were these facilities designed specifically for handling farmed cervids? 1 Yes 3 No
5. Do your handling facilities for farmed cervids have the following features?
[Please indicate Yes or No for each option.]
a. Alley connecting multiple pens for sorting, handling, etc. 1 Yes 3 No
b. Tunnels (enclosed passageways) 1 Yes 3 No
c. Shading/subdued lighting 1 Yes 3 No
d. Drop chute 1 Yes 3 No
e. Tilt table (e.g., “Grandpapa” Deerhandler™ Chute) 1 Yes 3 No
f. Guillotine gates 1 Yes 3 No
g. Swing gates 1 Yes 3 No
h. Cable and pulley system to operate gates remotely 1 Yes 3 No
i. Feeders that can be operated remotely 1 Yes 3 No
From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, how many times did you
any farmed cervids for the following reasons?
[Count animals being handled in a group
at the same time as one
a. Treatment/physical examination _____ # times
b. Vaccination _____ # times
c. Testing/sampling _____ # times
d. Contraception _____ # times
e. Assisted reproduction _____ # times
f. Movement of animals _____ # times
g. Escape recovery _____ # times
h. Euthanasia _____ # times
i. Other (specify: __________________) _____ # times
7. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, how often did you bottle-feed preweaned cervids to
tame them for ease of handling? 1 Always 2 Sometimes 3 Never
8. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, how often did you sort animals (e.g., by gender or age) prior to actually handling them? 1 Always 2 Sometimes 3 Never
9. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, did you use the following means
for restraining/handling any farmed cervids?
a. Direct chemical restraint (e.g., syringe injection) 1 Yes 3 No
b. Remote chemical restraint (e.g., darting) 1 Yes 3 No
c. Gas anesthesia (e.g., mask) 1 Yes 3 No
d. Other (specify: ____________________) 1 Yes 3 No
[If questions 9a-c = No, SKIP to question 12.]
10. How often did you weigh animals before chemically restraining them?
1 Always 2 Sometimes 3 Never
11. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, did the following people
administer chemical restraint to cervids on the operation? [Please select “Yes” or “No” for each option.]
Producer/owner 1 Yes 3 No
Other operation employee 1 Yes 3 No
A private veterinarian 1 Yes 3 No
A Federal/State veterinarian 1 Yes 3 No
Other (specify: ________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
12. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, how many times were people who
handled farmed cervids on the operation trained? [Check one only.]
1 No handler training
2 Trained once
3 Trained/refreshed less than once per year for all handlers
4 Trained/refreshed 1 to 2 times per year for all handlers
5 Trained/refreshed more than 2 times per year for all handlers
6 Other (specify: __________________________)
[If question 12 = 1 (No training), SKIP to section 4.]
13. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, were the following methods used
on this operation for training handlers? [Please select “Yes” or “No” for each option.]
a. In-person instruction from a paid professional brought on site specifically for training 1 Yes 3 No
b. Video training 1 Yes 3 No
c. Discussion/lecture 1 Yes 3 No
d. On-the-job training 1 Yes 3 No
e. Other training (specify: ___________________) 1 Yes 3 No
Section 4—Biosecurity
1. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, were any cervids moved off and
returned to your operation (e.g., taken to pasture, bred elsewhere, etc.)? 1 Yes 3 No
[If question 1 = No, SKIP to question 3.]
2. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, were any cervids moved off the operation
and returned for the following reasons?
a. Breeding males sent to other herds for breeding purposes and returned 1 Yes 3 No
b. Breeding females sent to other herds for breeding purposes and returned 1 Yes 3 No
c. Moved off-site to pasture and returned 1 Yes 3 No
d. Other reason (specify: _______________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
3. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, were any new cervids brought
onto your operation? 1 Yes 3 No
[If question 3 = No, SKIP to question 7.]
4. How many cervids did you obtain from the following sources from August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014?
Source |
Number of DEER obtained |
Number of ELK or RED DEER obtained |
Private sale |
Trade |
Auction |
Dealer |
Other (specify: ) |
Total |
Of the total obtained, how many were obtained from out of State? ______ Deer ______ Elk or red deer
5. For the cervids added from August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, did you
require that the herd of origin be:
a. Tuberculosis (TB) Accredited? 1 Yes 3 No
b. Chronic wasting disease (CWD) Accredited? 1 Yes 3 No
c. Brucellosis Accredited? 1 Yes 3 No
For the next question, new additions include cervids that were permanently added to the herd and
animals that were brought in temporarily for breeding, boarding or other purposes.
6. Did you isolate new additions (no physical contact or
shared confinements) from your other cervids
before introduction into your herd? 1 Yes, always 2 Yes, sometimes 3 No
If Yes, how long were the cervids typically isolated (days)? _____ days
7. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, were any wild cervids, sheep,
or goats seen on or near your cervid premises? 1 Yes 3 No
If Yes, please check all that apply:
Wild animal |
Inside facility |
Near fence line |
White-tailed deer |
Mule deer |
Elk |
Other wild cervids (specify: ) |
Bighorn sheep |
Other wild sheep |
Wild goats |
8. How long has your operation been fenced to confine your cervids and
exclude wild cervids (years)? _____ years 4 Don’t know
9. Do you use the following types of fencing as perimeter fencing to confine your cervids
and exclude wild cervids, and, if Yes, what is the approximate height of each type?
[Please answer for each option.]
Approx. height (feet)
a. Woven wire 1 Yes 3 No _____
b. Wood 1 Yes 3 No _____
c. Chain link 1 Yes 3 No _____
d. High-tensile wire 1 Yes 3 No _____
e. Electric 1 Yes 3 No _____
f. Barbed wire 1 Yes 3 No _____
g. Other (specify: __________________) 1 Yes 3 No _____
10. Are your cervids enclosed in double fencing? 1 Yes 3 No
11. Did any cervids escape from your fences from August 1, 2013,
through July 31, 2014? 1 Yes 2 Don’t know 3 No
12. Are there any farmed cervids within 1 mile of your cervids? 1 Yes 2 Don’t know 3 No
If Yes, do they have fence-line contact with your cervids? 1 Yes 3 No
Section 5—Reproduction
1. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, were any cervids bred
while on this operation? 1 Yes 3 No
[If question 1 = No, SKIP to question 6.]
2. Did you use the following breeding practices for cervids bred on this
operation? [Please indicate Yes or No for each option.]
a. Single male placed with multiple females 1 Yes 3 No
b. Single male placed with single female 1 Yes 3 No
c. Multiple males placed with multiple females 1 Yes 3 No
d. Artificial insemination 1 Yes 3 No
e. Embryo transfer 1 Yes 3 No
3. Were males temporarily brought in from other herds for breeding purposes? 1 Yes 3 No
4. Were females temporarily brought in from other herds for breeding purposes? 1 Yes 3 No
5. Which of the following best describes the management of preweaned cervids
in your herd? [Check one only.]
1 Mother and calf/fawn remain with herd
2 Mother and calf/fawn separated from herd
3 Separate all calves/fawns from mothers and bottle feed
4 Separate selected calves/fawns from mothers and bottle feed
5 Other (specify: _____________________)
The next questions ask about female cervids that were continuously on your operation from
August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014. For these females, answer the following questions for each species.
Deer |
Elk or red deer |
6. |
How many females were present during this entire time period? [If none, enter zero, and skip to Section 6.] |
______ females |
______ females |
7. |
How many of the question 6 females were bred during the 2013 breeding season? [If zero, skip to Section 6.] |
______ females |
______ females |
8. |
How many of the question 7 females gave birth to a live fawn or calf? |
______ females |
______ females |
Section 6—Health Management
How Familiar? |
a. Bovine tuberculosis?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
1 Not |
2 Somewhat |
3 Very |
b. CWD? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
1 Not |
2 Somewhat |
3 Very |
c. EHD? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
1 Not |
2 Somewhat |
3 Very |
d. Malignant catarrhal fever?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
1 Not |
2 Somewhat |
3 Very |
e. Clostridial diseases?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
1 Not |
2 Somewhat |
3 Very |
f. Brucellosis?. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
1 Not |
2 Somewhat |
3 Very |
2. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, did you vaccinate any of your cervids? 1 Yes 3 No
If Yes, which diseases did you vaccinate against?
a. Clostridium perfringens Type A (diarrhea) 1 Yes 3 No
b. Clostridium perfringens Type C and D (overeating, enterotoxemia) 1 Yes 3 No
c. Tetanus 1 Yes 3 No
d. Epizootic hemorrhagic disease 1 Yes 3 No
e. Bluetongue 1 Yes 3 No
f. Fusobacterium necrophorum (lumpy jaw) 1 Yes 3 No
g. Pasteurella multocida (pneumonia) …… 1 Yes 3 No
h. Trueperella pyogenes (aka: Actinomyces, Corynebacterium, Arcanobacterium) 1 Yes 3 No
i. Other (list: ______________________________________)
3. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, did a veterinarian visit your operation
for any reason? 1 Yes 3 No
If Yes, for what reasons? [Please select “Yes” or “No” for each option.]
a. Medical treatment (illness or injury) 1 Yes 3 No
b. Consultation 1 Yes 3 No
c. Vaccinations 1 Yes 3 No
d. Health certificate issuance 1 Yes 3 No
e. Artificial insemination 1 Yes 3 No
f. CWD sampling 1 Yes 3 No
g. Tuberculosis testing 1 Yes 3 No
h. Brucellosis testing 1 Yes 3 No
i. Tranquilization/handling 1 Yes 3 No
j. Euthanasia 1 Yes 3 No
k. Other (specify: ______________________) 1 Yes 3 No
4. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, were the following conditions present
(suspected or confirmed) in your herd?
In the herd? |
If Yes, how many head were affected? |
If Yes, was it diagnosed by either a veterinarian or a lab? |
a. Pneumonia |
1 Yes 2 Don’t know 3 No |
______head |
1 Yes 3 No |
b. Necrobacillosis (lumpy jaw) |
1 Yes 2 Don’t know 3 No |
______head |
1 Yes 3 No |
c. Clostridial diseases (blackleg, malignant edema, tetanus, enterotoxemia) |
1 Yes 2 Don’t know 3 No |
______head |
1 Yes 3 No |
d. Abscesses |
1 Yes 2 Don’t know 3 No |
______head |
1 Yes 3 No |
e. Internal parasites |
1 Yes 2 Don’t know 3 No |
______head |
1 Yes 3 No |
f. External parasites |
1 Yes 2 Don’t know 3 No |
______head |
1 Yes 3 No |
g. Lameness/foot problems |
1 Yes 2 Don’t know 3 No |
______head |
1 Yes 3 No |
h. Infected pedicles/antlers |
1 Yes 2 Don’t know 3 No |
______head |
1 Yes 3 No |
i. Warts |
1 Yes 2 Don’t know 3 No |
______head |
1 Yes 3 No |
5. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, did you have any sudden,
unexplained, high death loss within your herd? 1 Yes 3 No
6. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, did you observe any dead
(including hunter-killed) cervids on your operation that had sloughing hooves,
oral ulcers/sores, or scars on the rumen? 1 Yes 3 No
7. In the last 5 years, has epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) been present in wildlife
within 10 miles of your herd? 1 Yes 2 Don’t know 3 No
8. Which of the following best describes your level of concern about the potential
transmission of EHD to your herd? [Select one only.]
1 Extremely concerned—it is one of the most potentially devastating diseases in cervids
2 Moderately concerned—equally concerned with most other diseases of cervids
3 Slightly concerned—much more concerned with other diseases of cervids
4 Not concerned
9. From August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014, did you use the following control measures
specifically to prevent EHD?
a. Applied insecticide to animal housing areas 1 Yes 3 No
b. Applied insecticide directly on animals 1 Yes 3 No
c. Controlled midge breeding sites (e.g., eliminated wet soil around water sources) 1 Yes 3 No
d. Used other midge control methods (specify: ________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
10. In the last 5 years, has EHD been present in your herd? 1 Yes 2 Don’t know 3 No
If Yes, what percentage of your herd showed symptoms?
a. Deer _____ %
b. Elk or red deer _____ %
If Yes, what percentage of your herd died?
a. Deer _____ %
b. Elk or red deer _____ %
[If question 10 = No, SKIP to question 13.]
11. From August 1, 2013 through July 31, 2014, did you have any cervids that were suspected to
have EHD, but were not confirmed through either a necropsy examination by a trained
professional or by virus isolation through a veterinary laboratory? 1 Yes 3 No
If Yes, what percentage of your herd showed symptoms?
a. Deer _____ %
b. Elk or red deer _____ %
If Yes, what percentage of your herd died?
a. Deer _____ %
b. Elk or red deer _____ %
12. From August 1, 2013 through July 31, 2014, did you have any cervids that were
confirmed to have EHD through either a necropsy examination by a
trained professional or by virus isolation through a veterinary laboratory? 1 Yes 3 No
If Yes, what percentage of your herd showed symptoms?
a. Deer _____ %
b. Elk or red deer _____ %
If Yes, what percentage died?
a. Deer _____ %
b. Elk or red deer _____ %
13. Of your cervids that died naturally from August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2014
(section 1, question xx), how many were tested for chronic wasting disease (CWD)?
# Died # Tested
a. 1 year of age and older _____ _____
b. Under 1 year of age _____ _____
14. Of your cervids that were slaughtered or hunter killed from August 1, 2013, through
July 31, 2014 (section 1, question 2a), what percentage were tested for CWD?
% tested
a. Slaughtered _____
b. Hunter killed _____
15. How many years have you been testing your cervids for CWD? ____ years
16. Do you participate in your State’s CWD certification program? 1 Yes 2 NA – no state program 3 No
If Yes, in what year did you begin participating? _____
Section 7—Disease Testing Practices
Tuberculosis (TB) testing practices
1. Which of the following best describes how familiar you are with the blood tests for tuberculosis testing in cervids? (TB Stat Pak and/or DPP [Dual Path Platform] test) [Select one only.]
1 Fairly knowledgeable
2 Recognize the names, not much else
3 Haven’t heard of them before
2. Which of the following best describes how familiar you are with the TB Accreditation Program
for farmed cervid herds? [Select one only.]
1 Fairly knowledgeable
2 Recognize the name, not much else
3 Haven’t heard of it before
3. Is your cervid herd a TB Accredited Herd? [Answer for each species.]
a. Deer 1 Yes 2 In process 3 No 4 No deer on operation
b. Elk or red deer 1 Yes 2 In process 3 No 4 No elk or red deer on operation
[If questions 3a and 3b both = Yes or species not on operation, SKIP to question 5.]
4. Did the following reasons influence your decision to not have a TB Accredited herd?
a. TB tests not reliable 1 Yes 3 No
b. Too expensive to test 1 Yes 3 No
c. Not enough time to test 1 Yes 3 No
d. Not recommended by veterinarian 1 Yes 3 No
e. TB is not a concern to my operation 1 Yes 3 No
f. Other (specify: ___________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
5. In the last 5 years, were any cervids on this operation tested for TB? [Answer for each species.]
a. Deer 1 Yes 3 No 4 No deer on operation
b. Elk/red deer 1 Yes 3 No 4 No elk or red deer on operation
[If questions 5a and 5b BOTH = No, SKIP to question 10.]
6. In the last 5 years, were the following types of TB tests used for any cervids on this operation?
a. Tuberculin skin test (TB skin test) 1 Yes 3 No
b. Blood tests (TB Stat Pack or DPP) 1 Yes 3 No
7. When was the most recent TB test for any of your cervids? [Select one only.]
1 Within the last year
2 1 to 2 years ago
3 3 to 5 years ago
8. When you last had any of your cervids tested for TB, did you test your:
[Select one only.]
1 Entire herd?
2 Young cervids only?
3 Adult cervids only?
4 Specific animals only? (specify: ______________________________)
9. When you last had any of your cervids tested for TB,
were they tested for the following purposes:
a. Herd accreditation? 1 Yes 3 No
b. Movement requirement? 1 Yes 3 No
c. Show or exhibition requirement? 1 Yes 3 No
d. State requirement? 1 Yes 3 No
e. Veterinarian (nonregulatory, private practitioner) recommendation? 1 Yes 3 No
f. Sale requirement? 1 Yes 3 No
g. Other? (specify: ___________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
Brucellosis testing practices
10. In the last 5 years, were any cervids on this operation tested for brucellosis? [Answer for each species.]
a. Deer 1 Yes 3 No 4 No deer on operation
b. Elk or red deer 1 Yes 3 No 4 No elk or red deer on operation
[If questions 10a and 10b BOTH = No, SKIP to question 13.]
11. When you last had any of your cervids tested for brucellosis, were they
tested for the following purposes:
a. Movement requirement? 1 Yes 3 No
b. Show or exhibition requirement? 1 Yes 3 No
c. Testing required for sale?................................................................................. 1 Yes 3 No
d. Herd certification for brucellosis-free herd status?........................................... 1 Yes 3 No
e. State requirement? 1 Yes 3 No
f. Veterinarian (nonregulatory, private practitioner) recommendation? 1 Yes 3 No
g. Other? (specify: ___________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
12. Is your cervid herd a brucellosis Accredited Herd? [Answer for each species.]
a. Deer 1 Yes 2 In process 3 No 4 No deer on operation
b. Elk or red deer 1 Yes 2 In process 3 No 4 No elk or red deer on operation
Facilities for testing
13. How concerned are you with the following issues/challenges related to testing
your cervids for diseases, such as TB or brucellosis?
Level of concern |
None |
Low |
Moderate |
High |
a. Testing too expensive |
Cervid injuries or |
Tests not reliable (e.g., |
d. Takes too long to test |
Lack of facilities to |
14. In the last 5 years, how many animals died and how many were injured as a direct result
of handling for TB or brucellosis disease testing on this operation?
Deer |
Elk or red deer |
a. Died (number head) |
Injured but survived |
Section 8—Outreach
1. Do you belong to any national or international cervid or wildlife associations? 1 Yes 3 No
If Yes, do you belong to:
a. North American Elk Breeders Association? 1 Yes 3 No
b. North American Deer Farmers Association? 1 Yes 3 No
c. Reindeer Owners and Breeders Association? 1 Yes 3 No
d. Exotic Wildlife Association? 1 Yes 3 No
e. Other? (specify: _________________________) 1 Yes 3 No
2. Please rate the following cervid health information sources as very important,
somewhat important, or not important:
Information source |
Very important |
Somewhat important |
Not important |
Producer meetings |
Other producers–individually |
Internet |
Magazines/newsletters |
University/extension |
Veterinarians |
Feed and drug salespeople |
Other (specify: ) |
Thank you for your time. Please write in today’s date and the time it took you to complete this survey. Return this Questionnaire in the enclosed envelope.
Date:________________ Time to Complete: _______________In minutes
Office Use Only (Disregard if the survey was completed by mail)
Response |
Respondent |
Mode |
Enum. |
Eval. |
Office Use for POID |
1-Comp |
9901 |
9902 |
1-Mail |
9903 |
098 |
100 |
Optional Use |
407 |
408 |
S/E Name |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Proposed questions for captive cervid survey at time of herd certification enrollment: |
Author | Randy Pritchard |
Last Modified By | cbsickles |
File Modified | 2013-12-04 |
File Created | 2013-11-19 |