Form FEMA Form 089-22 FEMA Form 089-22 Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP) Investmen

FEMA Preparedness Grants: Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP)

FEMA Form 089-22, THSGP Investment Justification Template_Final.xlsx

Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP) Investment Justification Template

OMB: 1660-0113

Document [xlsx]
Download: xlsx | pdf


Investment 1
Investment 2
Investment 3
Privacy Act Statement

Sheet 1: Introduction

FY 2013 Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP)
Investment Justification Template Introduction

Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 300 hours per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and submitting the form. This collection of information is required to obtain or retain benefits. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB control number is displayed in the upper right corner of this form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to: Information Collections Management, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1800 South Bell Street, Arlington VA 20598-3005, Paperwork Reduction Project (1660-0113). NOTE: DO NOT SEND YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO THIS ADDRESS.

Security Warning:

When opening the IJ template, some users may see a note that says "Security Warning: some active content has been disabled." Click on the [Options …] button next to the message, select "Enable this content," then click on the [OK] button. If this is not done, the text boxes may not function properly.

As part of the FY 2013 application, Tribes are required to use this Excel-based THSGP Investment Justification (IJ) template to apply for THSGP funding.

Eligible applicants must submit the THSGP Investment Justification as part of the overall application submission through the ND Grants system, located at, no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST), June 24, 2013.

For FY 2013, THSGP applicants may include up to 3 Investments as part of their IJ submission. Applicants are also required to complete the THSGP Eligibility Certification form. The Eligibility Certification form, and three blank Investments appear as four separate “tabs” at the bottom of your Excel window. Select one tab at a time to complete your application. If only one or two Investment are used, the unused Investment tab(s) should remain blank. At a minimum, the Certification Form and one Investment should be completed.

When completing the IJ, it is recommended that tribes use the name of the tribe as listed in the Federal Register:

Self-Certification of Eligibility Criteria:
In FY 2013, applicants must self-certify as to whether they meet the eligibility requirements. Self-certification will be provided on the THSGP Eligibility Certification Form located in this Investment Justification. Any questions regarding an applicant’s proximity to a Critical Infrastructure and Key Structures (CI/KR) site, as described the eligibility criteria, may be directed to the State Administrative Agency (SAA).

If using Excel 2007, applicants are required to save the final version of the IJ in the Excel 97-2003 format before submitting. Excel 2007 or PDF formats cannot be accepted. Instructions on saving the IJ template in the Excel 97-2003 format are below in the “Helpful Hints” section.

Helpful Hints:

Moving Through the Investment Justification:

While entering information in the IJ template, applicants should try to minimize the use of the Tab and Enter keys to move between data entry fields. As the template consists of a combination of text boxes and cells, using these keys may cause the cursor to move to an undesired location.

Copying & Pasting in the Investment Justification:

Some applicants may find it helpful to begin drafting their IJ information in MS Word and then pasting this into the Excel-based template. However, please be aware that, when copying and pasting information from Word into the text boxes in the template, any formatting will not carry over. Also, right-clicking in the text boxes in Excel will not provide the usual pop-up menu where you can select Cut, Copy, Paste, or any of the usual such options. To copy from a text box, users must select the text, then use the [Edit] menu in Excel 2003 or the [Home] tab in Excel 2007 and select [Copy]. To paste data into a text box, click in the text box, then use the [Edit] menu in Excel 2003 or the [Home] tab in Excel 2007 and select [Paste].

Character Count:

The data entry fields included in the IJ allow for the maximum number of characters noted for that section, plus an additional number of characters to account for spaces. Once that limit has been reached, users will not be able to include any additional text.

Spell Check:

When using Spell Check in MS Excel, it will not review information entered into the data entry boxes. Therefore, it is suggested that applicants use MS Word to ensure that the entered information is spelled correctly. To use Spell Check in MS Word:

In MS Word 2003

a) Click on the [Tools] menu

b) Select [Spelling] and all spelling issues will be displayed

In MS Word 2007

a) Click on the [Review] tab near the top of the screen

b) Click on [Spelling & Grammar] and all spelling issues will be displayed

Saving in Excel 97-2003 Format:

As stated above, if using Excel 2007 to complete the IJ template, applicants are required to save the final version in the Excel 97-2003 format before submitting. To do that:

a) Click on the Office Button at the top left of the Excel window

b) Hover over [Save As] in the list

c) Click on [Excel 97-2003 Workbook]

d) In the “Save As” Window, chose a location and file name for the new file.

To begin entering information into the IJ, click on the "Eligibility" tab below.

Sheet 2: Eligibility

FY 2013 Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP) Eligibility Certification

Tribal or Consortium Point of Contact Information

Please provide all contact information in the spaces provided:

Name: Title:





Zip Code:



Tribal Eligibility Certification

Per the 9/11 Act, directly eligible Tribes must meet the requirements below in paragraphs (A)(i), (ii), and (iv). Tribes must also meet one of the requirements set forth in (A) (iii); either (I), (II), (III), or (IV). (B) may also be satisfied, if each Tribe meets the requirements of subparagraph (A). Please mark all that apply.

I certify that I am an eligible Tribe or consortium of Tribes. I have read and will abide by the requirements of the FY 2011 THSGP Guidance and Application Kit.

A) Any Indian Tribe
(i) that is located in the continental United States;
(ii) that operates a law enforcement or emergency response agency with the capacity to respond
to calls for law enforcement or emergency services; (By checking this box, you are also certifying
that the Tribal POC listed above can be reached, as necessary, to confirm that the Tribe meets
this eligibility criteria.)
(iii) [please mark all that apply; at least one requirement must be marked]
(I) that is located on or near (50 miles) an international border or a coastline bordering an
ocean (including the Gulf of Mexico) or international waters;

(II) that is located within 10 miles of a system or asset included on the
prioritized critical infrastructure list established under section 210E(a)(2)
[please refer to section 1001 of the Implementing Recommendations of the
9/11 Commission Act of 2007] or has such a system or asset within its territory;

(III) that is located within or contiguous to 1 of the 50 most populous
metropolitan statistical areas in the United States;

(IV) the jurisdiction of which includes not less than 1,000 square miles of Indian
country, as that term is defined in section 1151 of title 18, United States Code;

(iv) that certifies to the Secretary that a State has not provided funds under section 2003 [UASI]
or 2004 [SHSP] to the Indian Tribe or consortium of Indian Tribes for the purpose for which
direct funding is sought; (By checking this box, you are also certifying that the Tribal POC listed
above can be reached, as necessary, to confirm that the
Tribe meets this eligibility criteria.)

B) A consortium of Indian Tribes, if each Tribe satisfies the requirements of subparagraph (A)

Tribe Consortium Information

If box B is marked above, please list each tribe participating in the consortium:









Bonus: Funding History

Tribal applicants that have not received THSGP funding in the past will receive five bonus points to each Investment score at the time of application submission to FEMA (for a possible total bonus of 15 points). If the Tribe has received THSGP funding in the past, provide the fiscal year(s) funding was received.

THSGP Funding in the Past (yes/no)

Fiscal Year(s) THSGP Funding Received

Instructions for Finalizing the IJ

If using Excel 2007, applicants are required to save the final version of the IJ in the Excel 97-2003 format before submitting. Excel 2007 or PDF formats cannot be accepted. Instructions on saving the IJ template in the Excel 97-2003 format are below in the “Helpful Hints” Section of the Introduction tab.

Please provide a copy of this Investment Justification through the ND Grants system, located at, by 11:59 p.m. EDT, June 24, 2013.

End of Sheet

Sheet 3: Investment 1

FY 2013 Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP) Investment Justification

I. Background

I.A. Tribe:

I.B. Investment Name:

I.C. Provide a baseline understanding of the spectrum of terrorism and natural hazard risks and demographics that the Tribe faces and influenced the development of this Investment Justification (IJ). (2,500 character max)

II. Overview (25%)

II.A. Investment Phase

If ongoing, describe the Investment’s current state and what will be accomplished prior to the application of FY 2013 funds. (1,500 character max)

Please note, if this Investment is marked “New,” please move to the next question.

II.B. Investment Focus

II.C. Provide a description of this Investment, including the planning, organization, equipment, training, and/or exercises that will be involved. (1,500 character max)

III. Baseline (25%)

III.A. Identify the goals and objectives that will be supported by this Investment. (1,500 character max)

Please note, this should be linked to the all-hazards risks identified in the answer to question I.C. in the Background section.

III.B. Describe existing capability levels that address the identified goals/objectives and what will be in place to support the Investment prior to the use of FY 2013 funds. (1,500 character max)

III.C. Explain the capability gap(s) that this Investment is intended to address. (1,500 character max)

Please note, this should be linked to the terrorism and natural hazards risks identified in I.C.

IV. Project Management and Milestones (25%)

IV.A - IV.B. Provide the FY 2013 proposed THSGP funding amount for this Investment, as well as the amount of funding that will be dedicated to Management & Administration (M&A) expenditures. The percentage dedicated to M&A will automatically calculate.

Please note, M&A cannot exceed five percent (5%) of the total award amount.

Total Proposed
Funding Amount
Amount of Funding
Dedicated to M&A
Percent of Funding Dedicated to M&A


IV.C. Identify the National Preparedness Goal (NPG) Core Capabilities that are supported by this Investment. For each of the selected Core Capabilities, provide the proposed funding amount to be obligated from this Investment.

Please note, the Total Amount of Proposed Funding in the table below must equal the Proposed Funding Amount entered above. Percent of Proposed Funding will calculate automatically and should equal 100% once completed.

Proposed Funding by NPG Core Capability Amount of Proposed Funding ($) Percent of Proposed Funding (%)


Public Information and Warning

Operational Coordination

Forensics and Attribution

Intelligence and Information Sharing

Interdiction and Disruption

Screening, Search, and Detection

Access Control and Identity Verification


Physical Protective Measures

Risk Management for Protection Programs and Activities

Supply Chain Integrity and Security

Community Resilience

Long-Term Vulnerability Reduction

Risk and Disaster Resilience Assessment

Threats and Hazard Identification

Critical Tranportation

Environmental Repsonse/Health and Safety

Fatality Management Services

Infrastructure Systems

Mass Care Services

Mass Search and Rescue Operations

On-Scene Security and Protection

Operational Communications

Public and Private Services and Resources

Public Health and Medical Services

Situational Assessment

Economic Recovery

Health and Social Services


Natural and Cultural Resources

Total Proposed Funding $- 0.0%

Difference From Total Proposed Funding $-

IV.D. Provide the proposed funding amount to be obligated from this Investment towards the primary Planning, Organization, Equipment, Training, and Exercises (POETE) Solution Area.

Please note, the Total Amount of Proposed Funding should equal the Proposed Funding Amount entered above. The Percent of Proposed Funding will calculate automatically and should equal 100% once completed.

Proposed Funding By Solution Area Amount of Proposed Funding ($) Percent of Proposed Funding (%)






Total Proposed Funding $- 0.0%

Difference From Total Proposed Funding $-

IV.E. Provide a detailed budget narrative, in addition to SF-424A, explaining related costs and expenses as a part of the application. This budget narrative should be detailed and should serve to: (1) explain how the costs were estimated, and (2) justify the needs for the costs incurred to the measurable achievement outcomes as stated in the Investment Justification. (1,500 character max)

IV.F. Identify up to ten projects/activities, with start and end dates, which will be implemented over the 24-month period of performance (October 1, 2013 – September 30, 2015).

Project Name
(100 character max)

Funding Amount
Project Management Process
Dates (Month/Year)


IV.G. Does this Investment require new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures?

Please note that these costs are allowable only when it is a necessary component of a security system at critical infrastructure facilities.

V. Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA)

V.A If applicable, provide the proposed funding amount that is expected to be obligated towards Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA). Activities that support this requirement should be clearly defined and explained in the answer to question II.C.

Please note, at least 25 percent (25%) of the total amount awarded to recipient must be dedicated towards LETPA.

Total Proposed
Funding Amount
Amount of Funding
Dedicated to LETPA
Percent of Funding Dedicated to LETPA


VI. Accomplishments and Impact (25%)

VI.A. Describe the outcomes that will be achieved as a result of this Investment. The outcomes should demonstrate improvements towards building capabilities described in Section III, Baseline. (1,500 character max)

VI.B. Identify the Mission Areas from the National Preparedness Goal that are supported by this Investment. At least one mission area should be identified.






Instructions for Finalizing the IJ

If using Excel 2007, applicants are required to save the final version of the IJ in the Excel 97-2003 format before submitting. Excel 2007 or PDF formats cannot be accepted. Instructions on saving the IJ template in the Excel 97-2003 format are below in the “Helpful Hints” Section of the Introduction tab.

Please provide a copy of this Investment Justification through the ND Grants system, located at, by 11:59 p.m. EDT, June 24, 2013.

End of Sheet

Sheet 4: Investment 2

FY 2013 Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP) Investment Justification

I. Background

I.A. Tribe:

I.B. Investment Name:

I.C. Provide a baseline understanding of the spectrum of terrorism and natural hazard risks and demographics that the Tribe faces and influenced the development of this Investment Justification (IJ). (2,500 character max)

II. Overview (25%)

II.A. Investment Phase

If ongoing, describe the Investment’s current state and what will be accomplished prior to the application of FY 2013 funds. (1,500 character max)

Please note, if this Investment is marked “New,” please move to the next question.

II.B. Investment Focus

II.C. Provide a description of this Investment, including the planning, organization, equipment, training, and/or exercises that will be involved. (1,500 character max)

III. Baseline (25%)

III.A. Identify the goals and objectives that will be supported by this Investment. (1,500 character max)

Please note, this should be linked to the all-hazards risks identified in the answer to question I.C. in the Background section.

III.B. Describe existing capability levels that address the identified goals/objectives and what will be in place to support the Investment prior to the use of FY 2013 funds. (1,500 character max)

III.C. Explain the capability gap(s) that this Investment is intended to address. (1,500 character max)

Please note, this should be linked to the terrorism and natural hazards risks identified in I.C.

IV. Project Management and Milestones (25%)

IV.A - IV.B. Provide the FY 2013 proposed THSGP funding amount for this Investment, as well as the amount of funding that will be dedicated to Management & Administration (M&A) expenditures. The percentage dedicated to M&A will automatically calculate.

Please note, M&A cannot exceed five percent (5%) of the total award amount.

Total Proposed
Funding Amount
Amount of Funding
Dedicated to M&A
Percent of Funding Dedicated to M&A


IV.C. Identify the National Preparedness Goal (NPG) Core Capabilities that are supported by this Investment. For each of the selected Core Capabilities, provide the proposed funding amount to be obligated from this Investment.

Please note, the Total Amount of Proposed Funding in the table below must equal the Proposed Funding Amount entered above. Percent of Proposed Funding will calculate automatically and should equal 100% once completed.

Proposed Funding by NPG Core Capability Amount of Proposed Funding ($) Percent of Proposed Funding (%)


Public Information and Warning

Operational Coordination

Forensics and Attribution

Intelligence and Information Sharing

Interdiction and Disruption

Screening, Search, and Detection

Access Control and Identity Verification


Physical Protective Measures

Risk Management for Protection Programs and Activities

Supply Chain Integrity and Security

Community Resilience

Long-Term Vulnerability Reduction

Risk and Disaster Resilience Assessment

Threats and Hazard Identification

Critical Tranportation

Environmental Repsonse/Health and Safety

Fatality Management Services

Infrastructure Systems

Mass Care Services

Mass Search and Rescue Operations

On-Scene Security and Protection

Operational Communications

Public and Private Services and Resources

Public Health and Medical Services

Situational Assessment

Economic Recovery

Health and Social Services


Natural and Cultural Resources

Total Proposed Funding $- 0.0%

Difference From Total Proposed Funding $-

IV.D. Provide the proposed funding amount to be obligated from this Investment towards the primary Planning, Organization, Equipment, Training, and Exercises (POETE) Solution Area.

Please note, the Total Amount of Proposed Funding should equal the Proposed Funding Amount entered above. The Percent of Proposed Funding will calculate automatically and should equal 100% once completed.

Proposed Funding By Solution Area Amount of Proposed Funding ($) Percent of Proposed Funding (%)






Total Proposed Funding $- 0.0%

Difference From Total Proposed Funding $-

IV.E. Provide a detailed budget narrative, in addition to SF-424A, explaining related costs and expenses as a part of the application. This budget narrative should be detailed and should serve to: (1) explain how the costs were estimated, and (2) justify the needs for the costs incurred to the measurable achievement outcomes as stated in the Investment Justification. (1,500 character max)

IV.F. Identify up to ten projects/activities, with start and end dates, which will be implemented over the 24-month period of performance (October 1, 2013 – September 30, 2015).

Project Name
(100 character max)

Funding Amount
Project Management Process
Dates (Month/Year)


IV.G. Does this Investment require new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures?

Please note that these costs are allowable only when it is a necessary component of a security system at critical infrastructure facilities.

V. Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA)

V.A If applicable, provide the proposed funding amount that is expected to be obligated towards Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA). Activities that support this requirement should be clearly defined and explained in the answer to question II.C.

Please note, at least 25 percent (25%) of the total amount awarded to recipient must be dedicated towards LETPA.

Total Proposed
Funding Amount
Amount of Funding
Dedicated to LETPA
Percent of Funding Dedicated to LETPA


VI. Accomplishments and Impact (25%)

VI.A. Describe the outcomes that will be achieved as a result of this Investment. The outcomes should demonstrate improvements towards building capabilities described in Section III, Baseline. (1,500 character max)

VI.B. Identify the Mission Areas from the National Preparedness Goal that are supported by this Investment. At least one mission area should be identified.






Instructions for Finalizing the IJ

If using Excel 2007, applicants are required to save the final version of the IJ in the Excel 97-2003 format before submitting. Excel 2007 or PDF formats cannot be accepted. Instructions on saving the IJ template in the Excel 97-2003 format are below in the “Helpful Hints” Section of the Introduction tab.

Please provide a copy of this Investment Justification through the ND Grants system, located at, by 11:59 p.m. EDT, June 24, 2013.

End of Sheet

Sheet 5: Investment 3

FY 2013 Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP) Investment Justification

I. Background

I.A. Tribe:

I.B. Investment Name:

I.C. Provide a baseline understanding of the spectrum of terrorism and natural hazard risks and demographics that the Tribe faces and influenced the development of this Investment Justification (IJ). (2,500 character max)

II. Overview (25%)

II.A. Investment Phase

If ongoing, describe the Investment’s current state and what will be accomplished prior to the application of FY 2013 funds. (1,500 character max)

Please note, if this Investment is marked “New,” please move to the next question.

II.B. Investment Focus

II.C. Provide a description of this Investment, including the planning, organization, equipment, training, and/or exercises that will be involved. (1,500 character max)

III. Baseline (25%)

III.A. Identify the goals and objectives that will be supported by this Investment. (1,500 character max)

Please note, this should be linked to the all-hazards risks identified in the answer to question I.C. in the Background section.

III.B. Describe existing capability levels that address the identified goals/objectives and what will be in place to support the Investment prior to the use of FY 2013 funds. (1,500 character max)

III.C. Explain the capability gap(s) that this Investment is intended to address. (1,500 character max)

Please note, this should be linked to the terrorism and natural hazards risks identified in I.C.

IV. Project Management and Milestones (25%)

IV.A - IV.B. Provide the FY 2013 proposed THSGP funding amount for this Investment, as well as the amount of funding that will be dedicated to Management & Administration (M&A) expenditures. The percentage dedicated to M&A will automatically calculate.

Please note, M&A cannot exceed five percent (5%) of the total award amount.

Total Proposed
Funding Amount
Amount of Funding
Dedicated to M&A
Percent of Funding Dedicated to M&A


IV.C. Identify the National Preparedness Goal (NPG) Core Capabilities that are supported by this Investment. For each of the selected Core Capabilities, provide the proposed funding amount to be obligated from this Investment.

Please note, the Total Amount of Proposed Funding in the table below must equal the Proposed Funding Amount entered above. Percent of Proposed Funding will calculate automatically and should equal 100% once completed.

Proposed Funding by NPG Core Capability Amount of Proposed Funding ($) Percent of Proposed Funding (%)


Public Information and Warning

Operational Coordination

Forensics and Attribution

Intelligence and Information Sharing

Interdiction and Disruption

Screening, Search, and Detection

Access Control and Identity Verification


Physical Protective Measures

Risk Management for Protection Programs and Activities

Supply Chain Integrity and Security

Community Resilience

Long-Term Vulnerability Reduction

Risk and Disaster Resilience Assessment

Threats and Hazard Identification

Critical Tranportation

Environmental Repsonse/Health and Safety

Fatality Management Services

Infrastructure Systems

Mass Care Services

Mass Search and Rescue Operations

On-Scene Security and Protection

Operational Communications

Public and Private Services and Resources

Public Health and Medical Services

Situational Assessment

Economic Recovery

Health and Social Services


Natural and Cultural Resources

Total Proposed Funding $- 0.0%

Difference From Total Proposed Funding $-

IV.D. Provide the proposed funding amount to be obligated from this Investment towards the primary Planning, Organization, Equipment, Training, and Exercises (POETE) Solution Area.

Please note, the Total Amount of Proposed Funding should equal the Proposed Funding Amount entered above. The Percent of Proposed Funding will calculate automatically and should equal 100% once completed.

Proposed Funding By Solution Area Amount of Proposed Funding ($) Percent of Proposed Funding (%)






Total Proposed Funding $- 0.0%

Difference From Total Proposed Funding $-

IV.E. Provide a detailed budget narrative, in addition to SF-424A, explaining related costs and expenses as a part of the application. This budget narrative should be detailed and should serve to: (1) explain how the costs were estimated, and (2) justify the needs for the costs incurred to the measurable achievement outcomes as stated in the Investment Justification. (1,500 character max)

IV.F. Identify up to ten projects/activities, with start and end dates, which will be implemented over the 24-month period of performance (October 1, 2013 – September 30, 2015).

Project Name
(100 character max)

Funding Amount
Project Management Process
Dates (Month/Year)


IV.G. Does this Investment require new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures?

Please note that these costs are allowable only when it is a necessary component of a security system at critical infrastructure facilities.

V. Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA)

V.A If applicable, provide the proposed funding amount that is expected to be obligated towards Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA). Activities that support this requirement should be clearly defined and explained in the answer to question II.C.

Please note, at least 25 percent (25%) of the total amount awarded to recipient must be dedicated towards LETPA.

Total Proposed
Funding Amount
Amount of Funding
Dedicated to LETPA
Percent of Funding Dedicated to LETPA


VI. Accomplishments and Impact (25%)

VI.A. Describe the outcomes that will be achieved as a result of this Investment. The outcomes should demonstrate improvements towards building capabilities described in Section III, Baseline. (1,500 character max)

VI.B. Identify the Mission Areas from the National Preparedness Goal that are supported by this Investment. At least one mission area should be identified.






Instructions for Finalizing the IJ

If using Excel 2007, applicants are required to save the final version of the IJ in the Excel 97-2003 format before submitting. Excel 2007 or PDF formats cannot be accepted. Instructions on saving the IJ template in the Excel 97-2003 format are below in the “Helpful Hints” Section of the Introduction tab.

Please provide a copy of this Investment Justification through the ND Grants system, located at, by 11:59 p.m. EDT, June 24, 2013.

End of Sheet

Sheet 6: Privacy Act Statement


AUTHORITY: The Homeland Security Act of 2002, as amended by Title I of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, 6 U.S.C. §§ 605 and 606.

PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): This information is being collected for the primary purpose of facilitating correspondence between the grant applicant and the Department of Homeland Security and for determining eligibility and
administration of FEMA Preparedness Grant Programs, specifically, the Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program.

ROUTINE USE(S): The information on this form may be disclosed as generally permitted under 5 U.S.C. § 552a(b) of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. This includes using this information as necessary and authorized by the
routine uses published in DHS/FEMA – 004 Grants Management Information Files System of Records, 74 FR 39,705 (August 7, 2009), and upon written request, by agreement, or as required by law.

DISCLOSURE: The disclosure of information on this form is voluntary; however, failure to provide the information requested may delay or prevent the organization from receiving grant funding.
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File Modified0000-00-00
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