ETA 9056 Nonmonetary Determination Quality Review
A. Facsimile of Form V-6-2
B. Purpose V-6-4
C. Due Date and Transmittal V-6-4
D. General Reporting Instructions V-6-4
E. Definitions V-6-5
F. Data Collection Elements V-6-5
G. Checking the Report V-6-6
A. Facsimile of Form
1. IDENTIFICATION # 00000 (5-digit sample sequence) (skeleton field) |
2. ISSUE CODE (2-digit code) (skeleton field) |
3. CASE MATERIAL FOUND? (Y/N) (If “N”, remaining elements are left blank) |
4. DATE ON DETERMINATION: (mmddyyyy) (skeleton field) |
7. CORRECT ISSUE CODE? (Y/N) (If “Y”, then item 8 is blank) |
8. IF ITEM 7 IS “N”, ENTER THE CORRECT CODE FROM BELOW. (If no issue existed, enter “00”; if a nonmonetary redetermination, enter “01”) |
10 Quit 20 Discharge (MC)
30 Able/Available 31 Reporting Requirements 40 Work Search 50 Disq/Ded. Income 60 Refusal of Work; Failure to Apply/Accept Referral 70 JS Registration 73 Profiling |
80 School Employee 81 Alien 82 Athlete 83 Unemployment Status 84 Seasonality 85 Removal of DQ 86 Fraud Administrative Penalty
90 Labor Dispute 99 Multi-Claimant (Other)
14. W/E DATE OF FIRST WEEK AFFECTED BY DETERMINATION: (mmddyyyy) (skeleton field) |
16. CORRECTED WEEK ENDING DATE (blank if item 15 is “Y”): (mmddyyyy) |
17. ISSUE DETECTION DATE: (mmddyyyy) |
19. CORRECTED ISSUE DETECTION DATE (blank if item 18 is “Y”): (mmddyyyy) |
20. CLAIMANT INFORMATION: Adequate=15, Inadequate=10, Not Obtained=0 |
21. EMPLOYER INFORMATION: Adequate=15, Inadequate=10, Not Obtained=0, NA(X)=15 |
22. INFO/FACTS FROM OTHERS: Adequate=15, Inadequate=10, Not Obtained=0, NA(X)=15 |
23. LAW/POLICY: Meets=45, Questionable=30, Does not meet (W)=0 |
24. WRITTEN DETERMINATION: Adequate=10, Inadequate=5, Wrong (W)=0 (If “W” then #23 cannot be “M”) |
1205-0359 O M B
Expiration Date:
02/28/2014 Estimated
Average Response Time:
60 Minutes
Burden Statement:
These reporting instructions have been approved under the Paperwork
reduction Act of 1995. Persons are not required to respond to this
collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control
number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information
includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data
sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing
and reviewing the collection of information. Submission is required
to obtain or retain benefits under SSA 303(a)(6). Respondents have
no expectation of confidentiality. Send comments regarding this
burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the
U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Workforce Security, Room S-4231,
200 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC, 20210.
B. Purpose
The ETA 9056 report provides quarterly information on the quality of nonmonetary determinations that state agencies issue to claimants and employers in the report period. Intrastate and Interstate single-claimant and multi-claimant separation and nonseparation nonmonetary determinations are included in the report. Nonmonetary determinations made by organizational units such as Benefits Accuracy Measurement (BAM) and Benefit Payment Control (BPC) are also included in the report. Notices of overpayments on uncontested earnings detected by any method (e.g., crossmatch) are excluded from the report.
C. Due Date and Transmittal
The report is due in the ETA National Office on the 20th of the second month following the quarter to which the data relates. This report will be transmitted electronically.
D. General Reporting Instructions
Each state will select a sample (see ETA Handbook 301, Benefits Timeliness and Quality (BTQ) Nonmonetary Determinations Quality Review (revised July, 2005), Appendix A) of nonmonetary determinations from the nonmonetary determinations time lapse universe for the preceding quarter. The sample universe is based on the time lapse data reported on the ETA 9052 for each month in the review quarter. Basic information or “skeleton” data that uniquely identifies each determination selected must be entered via the state’s Sun machine into the UIRR data base by the 15th of the first month following the end of the review quarter. Skeleton data will either be automatically loaded as part of the state’s sample selection program or will be manually entered into the database. Once all skeleton data is entered, the state will invoke a sample validation program to verify that the determinations selected meet the parameters of a valid sample. If the selected sample meets validation, each nonmonetary determination will then be evaluated according to the instructions provided in ETA Handbook 301. After the quality evaluation is complete, the official results will be entered into the database. The system will automatically compute the quality scores when all data has been entered.
Nonmonetary determinations from the following categories are included in the quality review:
Intrastate UI, Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE), Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemen (UCX), Combined Wage Claims (CWC)
Interstate UI, UCFE, UCX, CWC claims
Multi-claimant Labor Dispute Determinations
Multi-claimant "Other" Determinations, i.e., determinations which do not involve a labor dispute but affect a class of claimants from the same employer with a common issue
BPC/BAM generated determinations
Other inclusions are described in HB 401, ETA 207, Nonmonetary Determination Activities (See E. 1(a) and 3(a) – (l))
The following categories are excluded from the quality review:
Excludes overpayment notices on uncontested earnings detected by any method (e.g., crossmatch).
Excludes episodic claims programs such as Extended Benefits (EB), Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA), and Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA).
Excludes Nonmonetary Redeterminations.
Other exclusions are described in HB 401, ETA 207, Nonmonetary Determination Activities (see E.b)
E. Definitions
Definitions, unless otherwise specified in these instructions, are the same definitions used for the ETA 207, ETA 9050 and ETA 9052 reports found elsewhere in this Handbook and in ETA Handbook 301.
F. Data Collection Elements
1. Identification Number. This is a unique 5 digit number, beginning with 00001, assigned automatically by the state system to identify the nonmonetary determinations selected for review by state random selection software. This is a skeleton data item.
2. Issue Code. Enter the appropriate issue code. This is a skeleton data item.
Code |
Separation Issue |
10 |
Voluntary Quit |
20 |
Discharge |
Code |
Nonseparation Issue |
30 |
Able / Available |
31 |
Reporting Requirements |
40 |
Work Search |
50 |
Disqualifying or Deductible Income |
60 |
Refusal of Suitable Work / Failure to Apply / Accept Referral |
70 |
Job Service Registration |
73 |
Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services |
80 |
School Employee Between / Within Terms |
81 |
Alien Status |
82 |
Professional Athlete |
83 |
Unemployment Status |
84 |
Seasonality |
85 |
Removal of All or Part of a Disqualification |
86 |
Fraud Administrative Penalties |
90 |
Labor Dispute |
99 |
Other Multi-claimant |
For detailed instructions on data collection items 3 through 24, refer to ETA Handbook 301, Chapter V.
G. Checking the Report
The electronic reporting system will edit the data at three different stages: 1) If possible, each element or field in the report is validated before data entry can proceed to the next, 2) saving the report for each sampled case invokes the system's Review-Edit program which compares each element against any conditions it is required to meet including any arithmetic operations. The program will list any errors or warnings generated. If possible, the user is advised to resolve "errors" before saving the data because 3) prior to transmitting the data, the system will run the same Review-Edit program.
The transmission function will generate an exception report identifying the case and the items that failed the edit(s). All cases failing the review edit must be corrected by the report date to allow transmission to the National Office. All cases must pass the review edit, otherwise, case transmission will not occur.
Detailed instructions on edit checks can be found in Handbook 402, Unemployment Insurance Required Reports User’s Manual, Appendix C.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | 218 instructions |
Author | daustin |
Last Modified By | Naradzay.Bonnie |
File Modified | 2013-11-08 |
File Created | 2013-11-08 |