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pdfAppendix A: S-STEM Recipient Survey
Overview For Reviewers
The S-STEM Recipient Survey is designed to support a quasi-experimental study of the educational and employment outcomes for S-STEM
scholarship recipients (current or former recipients; currently enrolled in an institution of higher education or not) compared to a propensityscore-matched sample of respondents to two surveys that were part of the longitudinal Beginning Postsecondary Students study: the National
Postsecondary Student Aid Survey (2004; NPSAS04) and the Beginning Postsecondary Student survey, 2009 follow-up (BPS:04/09). The majority
of items come directly from one of these two extant surveys (see Appendix B for a mapping of items to sources).
Note, because of the complicated skip patterns that will be programmed, the reviewer version of the survey, by necessity requires there be
embedded among the questions notes documenting skip patterns, alternate questions wording, and information about what respondents will
receive a question. The online survey will automatically incorporate the skip patterns and present the appropriate question wording to the
respondent. Also note that boldface type is used for emphasis, while underlining indicates that a definition is available (see Glossary, below).
Surveys will employ a variety of response structures and will be programmed to use radio buttons, checkboxes, text boxes, and drop down
boxes. Examples of each are shown below.
Radio Buttons – Allow only one answer to a question. Click circle and click option. To change answer, click another button under the question.
Are you currently employed?
0 No
Checkboxes – Allow multiple answers to a question. Click a box to select a response. Click the selection to remove the choice.
What degree or certificate did you earn or expect to earn from this university?
☐2 Undergraduate certificate or diploma (occupational or technical program)
☐3 Associate's degree
☐4 Bachelor's degree - 4-year
☐5 Bachelor's degree - 5-year
☐6 I have taken classes at this university, but I have never been enrolled in a degree program there
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Text boxes – Allows respondent to write answer to question within a box.
What is your job title and what do you do in your job? [TEXT BOX]
Drop down box – Allows respondent to select one answer from a list of specified list of options. Respondents click on box, then scroll to select
In what month and year were you born?
Choose an item. [Drop box]
Choose an item.[Drop box]
The S-STEM Recipient Survey has five major sections.
Section A: Enrollment History
This section collects data on the respondent’s undergraduate enrollment history and degree completion(s) at both the S-STEM institution (“SSTEM_IHE”) where an S-STEM scholarship was first received for the purpose of pursuing an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree (“S-STEM_DEGREE”)
and at other institutions for other undergraduate or post-baccalaureate degrees. This section collects information about the S-STEM institution
and enrollment at up to three additional undergraduate institutions as well as a maximum of two post-baccalaureate degrees.
Section B: Enrollment Characteristics while at S-STEM institution (S-STEM_IHE)
Items in this section collect data on recipients’ major field of study while enrolled at the S-STEM_IHE (the S-STEM institution) for the
undergraduate degree they were pursuing when they first received an S-STEM scholarship); characteristics of any employment while enrolled at
this institution; amount of student loans for undergraduate education; the date of first receipt and duration of the S-STEM scholarship. For
recipients who are currently-enrolled at the S-STEM institution during the survey fielding period, additional items from the National Survey of
Student Engagement (NSSE) ask about time spent on such activities as coursework, studying, and commuting; the student’s engagement in
undergraduate coursework and with other students and faculty; and the degree to which the student’s faculty advisor is engaged in supporting
the student’s educational and career development. (Respondents not currently enrolled at the S-STEM institution for the degree they were
pursuing when they received an S-STEM scholarship do not receive these NSSE items.)
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Section C: First Year at S-STEM Institution (S-STEM_IHE)
Items in Section C collect information that will be used to match S-STEM scholarship recipients to a comparison group of participants in the
Beginning Postsecondary Students study (e.g., types of financial aid received; SAT or ACT college entrance exam scores). Other items will be
used to control for factors associated with the outcomes of interest but which occurred prior to or independently of the S-STEM scholarship
(e.g., age, marital status, number of dependent children in first year of enrollment, income, disability status).
Section D: Post-undergraduate employment
Only former recipients who are not currently enrolled in any institution of higher education receive these items. Items ask about the type of
employment, number of hours worked, and earnings. Whether or not employment is in occupation related to a STEM field is a primary
outcome of interest; occupations are linked to the Occupational Information Network Online (O*NET OnLine; see
and can be cross-classified to the codes in NSF’s Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System (SESTAT; see
Section E: Background Questions
Information on ethnicity, race, gender, parents’ education, and primary language at home is collected for additional control variables.
Variables pulled into the survey from a Sample File. For each respondent, the survey will read in data from the S-STEM Monitoring System, an
extant database in which S-STEM Principal Investigators enter information about their scholarship recipients. A set of linked variables are preloaded into the online survey. These include data from the S-STEM Monitoring System for:
The S-STEM awardee institution where the recipient first received an S-STEM scholarship
The degree (Associate’s or Bachelor’s) that the recipient was pursuing at their S-STEM awardee institution when
the recipient first received an S-STEM scholarship.
Other variables automatically updated as the survey proceeds:
This date is entered by the survey respondent (see Item A5) and is the date when the recipient first enrolled at
the institution where she received an S-STEM scholarship. Note that the date of first enrollment at this
institution may precede the date when the recipient first received an S-STEM scholarship.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
A common reference date for all respondents to ensure that events are reported using a common time period
across respondents who may complete the survey at different dates during the Survey Fielding period.
Some S-STEM awardee institutions use a distinct, local name to refer to their institution’s S-STEM project (e.g.,
ACCESS Engineering: Achieving Community College Excellence, Success, and Scholarship in Engineering, the SSTEM project at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD). Whenever possible, the survey will use the recipient’s
institution’s local S-STEM name because it is likely to be more familiar to these recipients than the more generic
“S-STEM Program.”
This date is entered by the survey respondent (see Item B16) and is the date when the recipient first received an
S-STEM scholarship from their original S-STEM program.
The undergraduate institution in which the recipient was most recently enrolled. Note that this might not
necessarily be their original S-STEM awardee institution. This information is collected from Items (A17, A17a,
A21, A29, A32, and A34) and used in Section D.
The undergraduate institution from which the recipient received first ever bachelor’s degree.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Glossary and Item-Specific Help
Certain terms, underlined in the text, may require some clarification. A respondent will be able to see a definition for any of these terms by
hovering his or her cursor over it. In addition, some items include the underlined text, “Help answering this item” that will enable the
respondent to read These terms and Item-Specific Clarifications are defined below:
National Science Foundation (NSF): The National Science Foundation (NSF) is a federal agency created to promote the progress of science by
supporting research and education in all fields of science and engineering.
Currently enrolled: As of [REFERENCE_DATE_02], you were enrolled at the institution and classes during an academic term were underway. If
classes were temporarily not in session] due to “Fall Break,” “Spring Break” an examination period or weather-related closure, you would still be
considered currently enrolled if you were taking courses during that academic term. Note: If you have been admitted to an institution but your
first academic term has not yet begun, you are not currently “enrolled.”
Undergraduate student: Enrolled in a certificate or diploma program from a vocational or trade school, an associate’s or bachelor’s degree
program, or any classes for credit at these levels.
A10, A25 Help:
If you had a double major at [S-STEM_IHE/OTHER_IHE] or you have changed your major or your field of study at [S-STEM_IHE/OTHER_IHE], do
not count each major field of study as a different undergraduate degree or certificate. For example:
Alex completed three semesters in a Bachelor’s of Arts degree program at Crosstown University as a Fine Arts major. Then Alex changed
his major to Biology; even though he changed his major, Alex was still taking classes for a Bachelor’s degree. Alex answered “No” to this
Robert was enrolled at Springtown College for an Associate’s degree in Psychology for one academic year, from August, 2011 to May,
2012. Then in January of 2013, Robert enrolled at this same college -- Springtown College -- for a different degree, a Bachelor’s degree
(where he also majored in Psychology). Robert answered Yes to this question because he had been enrolled for an Associate’s degree
at one time, and for a Bachelor’s degree at a different time.
Susan was enrolled at Springtown College for a Bachelor’s degree for one academic year, from August, 2011 to May, 2012. During that
year, she applied to a different college and was admitted. In January, 2013, Susan enrolled at a different college – Crosstown University
-- for a Bachelor’s degree. Susan answered No to this question.
A15 Help:
If you will be enrolled for a bachelor’s degree sometime after [REFERENCE_DATE_02], please answer no. If you were ever enrolled for a
bachelor’s degree between these two dates, please answer yes, even if you have not received a bachelor’s degree.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
B6 through B9 Definition/Help:
“When you were last enrolled:” Please think about the most recent semester or term that you were enrolled when answering this question.
C18. Help
Do not include financial aid, grants, or scholarships for attending college as income.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Welcome. On behalf of the National Science Foundation (NSF), we invite you to participate in a study of the effects of an
undergraduate scholarship program on current and former students’ college and work experiences. You are eligible for this
study because you received scholarship funding for one or more semesters from < S-STEM_IHE>. Between 2006 and 2010, was one of about 520 colleges to receive one of NSF’s Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (S-STEM) awards. With these awards, colleges provide scholarships to help selected students pay
for college. NSF has contracted with Abt Associates Inc. and our partner, AbtSRBI, to study of this program.
We need you to participate. Between 2006 and 2010, approximately 95 million students enrolled in college in the U.S., but
fewer than 25,000 students have received a scholarship from the S-STEM program. Even if you do not remember receiving one
of these scholarships, and even if you are not currently interested in science, engineering, or mathematics, you are still eligible
for this survey. The survey will take you approximately 15 to 25 minutes to complete. Your participation in this survey will
greatly assist the NSF in documenting the importance of providing scholarships that support educational degree attainment in
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.
Participation is voluntary. The National Science Foundation provided us with your name and the name of your college (< SSTEM_IHE>). Whether or not you choose to participate, we will not reveal your decision to NSF or anyone at < S-STEM_IHE>.
You may skip questions on the survey or stop answering survey questions at any time. Completing this survey poses no
physical or psychological risks to you. There is minimal risk that your privacy might be violated (see below). You may not
benefit directly from completing this survey, but your participation may benefit other college students and may help improve
NSF’s efforts support education and research.
Your privacy. Responses you provide on this survey are protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (as amended 5 U.S.C.A. 552a). We
will replace your name and email address with a Study ID number. In files we use to analyze survey data, we will separate the
answers you give to survey questions from information that could identify you. The link between your Study ID number, name
and email address will be stored in an encrypted file separate from your survey responses. Reports based on the survey will
never identify you individually, and information from the study will be reported only in summary form across responses
provided by all survey participants. When the study ends, we share with NSF survey data files with Study ID numbers and not
names, email addresses or other information that could be used to identify any individual study participant. Separate from
your individual responses to the survey, we will provide NSF any updated contact information we have found or requested
from you. None of this contact information will be linked to your survey responses.
Please scroll down.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Questions. If you have questions about the study, please feel free to contact the study director, Alina Martinez of Abt
Associates Inc. at or by email at . You may also contact the S-STEM program
officer at NSF, (). If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, you may contact
Teresa Doksum, the Abt Institutional Review Board Chairperson at (877) 520-6835 or by email at This
study’s IRB approval number is #xxxx, valid from mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy. To learn more about this study, please refer to
the Frequently Asked Questions page .
Consent. Please click on “Begin” if you agree to participate in this survey. You may skip questions on the survey or stop at any
This information collection meets the requirements of 44 U.S.C. § 3507, as amended by section 2 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a
collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is
(expires on mm/dd/yyyy). The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response. If you
have any comments concerning the accuracy of time estimates or suggestions for improving this form, please contact: < Contracting Officer’s
Representative>, , National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA ZZZZZ.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
The first set of questions focuses on your undergraduate education through [REFERENCE_DATE_02].
Have you ever been enrolled as an undergraduate student at [S-STEM_IHE]?
If A1=Yes, go to A2; else if A1=No, flag for follow-up and go to Exit Screen.
Are you currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at [S-STEM_IHE]?
Version if A2=Yes, currently enrolled at S-STEM IHE:
As an undergraduate student at [S-STEM_IHE], are you primarily enrolled to earn a degree or certificate, or are
you just taking classes?
Version if A2=No, not currently enrolled at S-STEM IHE:
As an undergraduate student at [S-STEM_IHE], were you primarily enrolled to earn a degree or certificate, or were you
just taking classes?
1=Enrolled in a degree or certificate program
2=Taking classes for credit but not enrolled in a degree or certificate program
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
In what month and year were you born?
In what month and year did you first attend [S-STEM_IHE]?
The month and year from Item A5 are used in subsequent items as REFERENCE_DATE_01.
If A3= 1, enrolled for a degree or certificate, display Item A6. If A3= 2, just taking classes, respondent is directed to A7 .
What degree or certificate did you earn or expect to earn from [S-STEM_IHE]?
(If you were working on multiple degrees/certificates, please tell us about only one of them now. You will have
an opportunity to tell us about other degrees and certificates later.)
(A 5-year bachelor's degree program is also awarded by a 4-year college or university, but generally requires
students to complete 5 years of full-time, college-level work to complete the degree requirements. Common
examples include architecture or engineering.)
2 = Undergraduate certificate or diploma (occupational or technical program)
3 = Associate's degree
4 = Bachelor's degree - 4-year
5 = Bachelor's degree - 5-year
6 = I have taken classes at S-STEM_IHE, but I have never been enrolled in a degree program there
If A6 = (4 or 5) set value for A15=1 (yes, have been enrolled for a bachelor’s degree) and go to A8. If A6= 6, change value of A3 to
2, just taking classes at S-STEM_IHE, and go to A7. If A6 = (2 or 3), go to A8.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If A3=2, just taking classes, display A7. If A3=1, enrolled for degree or certificate, skip A7 and go to A8.
What were your reasons for choosing to enroll at [S-STEM_IHE] for your undergraduate classes? (Please check
all that apply.)
Earn a degree or certificate
Earn course credits needed for a program at a different school
Take courses for recreation, self-improvement or personal interest
Gain job or occupational skills
Prepare for transfer to a 4-year school
Other reason not listed
Go to A9.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
if A3=1 (in a degree program) and A2=Yes, currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE
Between [REFERENCE_DATE_01] and [REFERENCE_DATE_02], in which months have you been enrolled for your
Alternate version if A3=1 (in a degree program) and A2=No, not currently enrolled at S-STEM IHE
Since [REFERENCE_DATE_01], in which months were you enrolled for your [S-STEM_DEGREE] at [S-STEM_IHE]?
Alternate version if A3=2 (just taking classes) and A2=Yes, currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE
Between [REFERENCE_DATE_01] and [REFERENCE_DATE_02], in which months have you taken undergraduate
classes at [S-STEM_IHE]?
Alternate version if A3=2(just taking classes) and A2=No, not currently enrolled at S-STEM IHE
Since [REFERENCE_DATE_01],in which months did you take undergraduate classes at [S-STEM_IHE]?
All versions of Item A8 include the instruction:
(If your enrollment covered only a portion of any month, please include that month. Exclude any months during
which you were not taking classes, such as summer break.)
(The respondent will see a table of months for each month and year between REFERENCE_DATE_01 and REFERENCE_DATE_02
with check boxes adjacent to each month. An example is shown below )
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
If A3=1, in a degree program, go to A9.
If A3=2, just taking classes, go to A10.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Did you complete your program of study and receive your [S-STEM DEGREE] from [S-STEM_IHE] before
If A9=1 go to A11.
If A9=0 go to A10.
Item A10 asks if any other undergraduate degree was pursued at the same institution, the S-STEM_IHE.
If (A6 =4- or 5-year bachelor’s degree and A9=Yes, degree received):
Since REFERENCE_DATE_01 and prior to earning your bachelor's degree in [Month] [Year] from [S-STEM_IHE],
did you earn or were you enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] for any other undergraduate degrees or certificates?
Alternate version if A6= Undergraduate certificate or diploma or Associate's degree:
Since REFERENCE_DATE_01, have you earned or been enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] for any other undergraduate
degrees or certificates?
Alternate version if A3=2, taking classes at S-STEM_IHE:
Since REFERENCE_DATE_01, have you earned or been enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] for any undergraduate degrees
or certificates?
Help answering this item
If A10=1 go to A20 and let iteration=1, let OTHER_IHE#1=S-STEM_IHE (i.e., collect information about the other degree pursued at
this same institution, S-STEM IHE);
If A10=0 and A9=YES, degree received, go to A14
If A10=0 and A9=NO, degree not received, go to A12
If A10=0 and respondent was not asked Item A9 (e.g., if A3=2, was just taking classes at S-STEM_IHE), and A2=No, not currently
enrolled, go to A12. If A10 =0 and A9 not asked and A2=currently enrolled, go to A14.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
In what month and year was your [S-STEM DEGREE] awarded by [S-STEM_IHE]?
If A2=1, currently enrolled skip A12 and go to A14
Do you plan to enroll at [S-STEM_IHE] at any time during the 2013-2014 school year (REFERENCE_DATE_02 to
June 30, 2014)?
If A12=NO, go to A13;
If A12=YES, go to A14.
What was your main reason for leaving [S-STEM_IHE] [if A3=1: for your [S-STEM DEGREE]?
1 = Classes not available or scheduling not convenient
2 = Academic problems
3 = Family responsibilities
4 = Personal reasons
5 = Finished taking desired classes
6 = Involuntary withdrawal or suspension
7 = Financial reasons
8 = Dissatisfaction with program, school, campus, or faculty
9 = Military commitment
10 = Another reason not listed
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If (S-STEM DEGREE = Bachelor’s and A9=YES, degree received) or if (A6 =4- or5-year bachelor’s degree and A9=Yes, degree
Between REFERENCE_DATE_01 and [Month] [Year] when you earned your bachelor's degree, did you enroll at
any other schools besides [S-STEM_IHE]?
Please include summer enrollment and any other undergraduate classes you may have taken for credit.
You've told us that you have attended the following schools between REFERENCE_DATE_01 and
Have you had undergraduate enrollment at any other schools since REFERENCE_DATE_01?
If A14 =1, let iteration=1 and
If S-STEM DEGREE =Associates and A6 not equal to 4- or 5-year bachelor’s degree, go to A15
If S-STEM DEGREE =Bachelors, or if A6=4- or 5-year bachelor’s degree, let A15=Yes (have been enrolled for a bachelor’s
degree) and go to A16.
If A14=0 then
If S-STEM DEGREE =Associates, and A6 not equal to 4- or 5-year bachelor’s degree, go to Section B, Item B1.
If S-STEM DEGREE=Associates and A6 = 4- or 5-year bachelor’s degree:
If A9=yes, degree received, go to A41; if A9=no, degree not received, go to Item B1
If S-STEM DEGREE =Bachelors, and A9=Yes, degree received, go to A41;
If S-STEM DEGREE=Bachelors and A9=No, degree not received, go to Item B1.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
IF S-STEM_DEGREE = Associates, or if A6 not equal to 4- or 5-year bachelor’s degree, present A15
Otherwise, go to A16.
Did you earn or were you enrolled for a bachelor’s degree at any time between REFERENCE_DATE_01 and
Help answering this item
Item A16 is an introduction to A17 and will appear on the same screen as Item A17
A16. You’ve just told us you attended the following schools between REFERENCE_DATE_01 and REFERENCE_DATE_02:
School#1: [S-STEM_IHE]
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
The survey will collect data on a maximum of two IHEs other than the S-STEM IHE where respondent was enrolled as
undergraduate between Reference_Date_01 and Reference_Date_02. Item A17 can appear up to two times.
If this is the first time respondent has been asked about enrollment at any IHEs other than the S-STEM IHE and S-STEM DEGREE
=Associates and A15=YES (respondent has been enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program)
What is the name of the school where you earned or have been enrolled for a bachelor’s degree since
If this is the first time respondent has been asked about enrollment at any IHEs other than the S-STEM IHE and and S-STEM
DEGREE =Associates and A15=NO (respondent has never been enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program)
What is the name of the school at which you were most recently enrolled as an undergraduate between
At what other school have you been enrolled as an undergraduate since REFERENCE_DATE_01?
(If you have earned a bachelor’s degree between REFERENCE_DATE_01 and REFERENCE_DATE_02, tell us only
about any school where you were an undergraduate student prior to earning that bachelor’s degree. If you have
earned more than one bachelor’s degree between REFERENCE_DATE_01 and REFERENCE_DATE_02, tell us only
about any school where you were enrolled prior to earning the first bachelor’s degree.)
If you have not been enrolled as an undergraduate at any other school since REFERENCE_DATE_01, select
To code your school:
1. Enter all or part of the school name, and its city and state, if known, then click "Search for School" to display a
list of matching schools. If your school is outside the US and its territories, select "Foreign Country"
from the state list and click "Search for School."
2. Click on the name of your school in the resulting list.
Hints: Do not use abbreviations or acronyms such as ASU for Arizona State University. Entering a school name
with the city and state will help to limit the number of schools displayed.
< dropdown>
< dropdown>
School Name:
If A17 = None and no Bachelor’s degree received (as reported so far in survey), go to A30; or if A17=None and Bachelor’s degree received
(at S-STEM_IHE, OTHER_IHE#1 or OTHER_IHE#2) go to A41; Otherwise, go to A18.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Items A18 – A29 are presented each time a respondent answers YES to item A17.
The name of the school entered in Item A17 will be automatically filled in for OTHER_IHE in this and subsequent items.
If this is NOT the first time respondent has been asked about enrollment at any IHEs other than the S-STEM IHE
Are you currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at [OTHER_IHE]?
(If you have already told us that you have earned a bachelor's degree between REFERENCE_DATE_01 and
REFERENCE_DATE_02, you should indicate "no" since we only need information about undergraduate
enrollment prior to earning that bachelor's degree).
If this is the first time respondent has been asked about enrollment at any IHEs other than the S-STEM IHE and SSTEM_DEGREE=Associates and A15=YES, have earned or been enrolled for a bachelors degree:
Are you currently enrolled at [OTHER_IHE] for your bachelor's degree?
Are you currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at [OTHER_IHE]?
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If this is the first time respondent has been asked about enrollment at any IHEs other than the S-STEM IHE and SSTEM_DEGREE=Associates and A15=YES, have earned or been enrolled for a bachelors degree, go to A20.
If A18 = YES (currently enrolled at OTHER_IHE)
As an undergraduate student at [OTHER_IHE], are you primarily enrolled to earn a degree or certificate, or are
you just taking classes?
As an undergraduate student at [OTHER_IHE], were you primarily enrolled to earn a degree or certificate, or
were you just taking classes?
1=Enrolled in a degree or certificate program
2=Taking classes for credit but not enrolled in a degree or certificate program
If A19=1 go to A20
if A19=2 go to A21
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If this is the first time respondent has been asked about enrollment at any IHEs other than the S-STEM IHE and SSTEM_DEGREE=Associates and A15=YES, have earned or been enrolled for a bachelors degree, AND A18 = YES (currently enrolled at
Do you expect to earn a 4-year or a 5-year bachelor's degree from [OTHER_IHE]?
(A 5-year bachelor's degree program is also awarded by a 4-year college or university, but generally requires
students to complete 5 years of full-time, college-level work to complete the degree requirements. Common
examples include architecture or engineering.)
4 = Bachelor's degree - 4-year
5 = Bachelor's degree - 5-year
If this is the first time respondent has been asked about enrollment at any IHEs other than the S-STEM IHE and SSTEM_DEGREE=Associates and A15=YES, have earned or been enrolled for a bachelors degree, AND A18 =NO (not currently enrolled at
Did you earn or expect to earn a 4-year or a 5-year bachelor's degree from [OTHER_IHE]?
(A 5-year bachelor's degree program is also awarded by a 4-year college or university, but generally requires
students to complete 5 years of full-time, college-level work to complete the degree requirements. Common
examples include architecture or engineering.)
4 = Bachelor's degree - 4-year
5 = Bachelor's degree - 5-year
What degree or certificate did you earn or expect to earn from [OTHER_IHE]?
(If you were working on multiple degrees/certificates, please tell us about only one of them now. You will have
an opportunity to tell us about other degrees and certificates later.)
(A 5-year bachelor's degree program is also awarded by a 4-year college or university, but generally requires
students to complete 5 years of full-time, college-level work to complete the degree requirements. Common
examples include architecture or engineering.)
2 = Undergraduate certificate or diploma (occupational or technical program)
3 = Associate's degree
4 = Bachelor's degree - 4-year
5 = Bachelor's degree - 5-year
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
The name of the degree selected in Item A20 will be automatically filled in for OTHER_DEGREE in this and subsequent items.
If A18 = YES and A19 =2 (Currently enrolled at OTHER_IHE for classes only)
Between REFERENCE_DATE_01 and REFERENCE_DATE_02 in which months have you taken undergraduate
classes at [OTHER_IHE]?
(If your enrollment covers only a portion of any month, please include that month.) (Exclude any months during
which you are not taking classes, such as summer break.)
If A18 = YES and A19 = 1 (Currently enrolled at OTHER_IHE in a degree program)
Between REFERENCE_DATE_01 and REFERENCE_DATE_02, in which months have you been enrolled for your
(If your enrollment covers only a portion of any month, please include that month.) (Exclude any months during
which you are not taking classes, such as summer break.)
If A18 = NO and A19 = 2 (Not currently enrolled at OTHER_IHE and was previously enrolled for classes only)
Since REFERENCE_DATE_01, in which months did you take undergraduate classes at [OTHER_IHE]?
(If your enrollment covered only a portion of any month, please include that month. Exclude any months during
which you were not taking classes, such as summer break.)
(If you plan to re-enroll there before REFERENCE_DATE_02, please indicate the months you plan to be enrolled.)
Otherwise (Not currently enrolled at OTHER_IHE and was enrolled in a degree program)
Since REFERENCE_DATE_01, in which months were you enrolled for your [OTHER_DEGREE] at [OTHER_IHE]?
(If your enrollment covered only a portion of any month, please include that month. Exclude any months during which
you were not taking classes, such as summer break.)
(If you plan to re-enroll there before REFERENCE_DATE_02, please indicate the months you plan to be enrolled.)
List each month beginning with REFERENCE_DATE_01_MM through and including REFERENCE_DATE_02 with checkbox.
Provide “Select All” and “Select None” options for user convenience.
If A19=1 (enrolled for degree or certification) go to A22. if A19 = 2 (just taking classes) go to A25.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If A18 =NO (not currently enrolled at OTHER_IHE)
Had you declared a major when you were last enrolled as an undergraduate at [OTHER_IHE] for your
0 = Was not in a degree program
1 = Yes, had declared a major
2 = Yes, had declared a double major
3 = No
If A18 = YES (currently enrolled at OTHER_IHE)
Have you declared a major at [OTHER_IHE]?
0 = Not in a degree program
1 = Yes, declared a major
2 = Yes, declared a double major
3 = No
If A22 = (0 or 3) go to A24; If A22 =(1 or 2) go to A23.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If A18 =NO (not currently enrolled at OTHER_IHE) and A22 =2 (declared a double major)
What was your primary major or field of study for your [OTHER_DEGREE] at [OTHER_IHE]?
If A18 =NO (not currently enrolled at OTHER_IHE) and A22 = 1 (declared a major)
What was your major or field of study for your [OTHER_DEGREE] at [OTHER_IHE]?
If A18 = YES (currently enrolled at OTHER_IHE) and A22=2 (declared a double major)
What is your primary major or field of study for your [OTHER_DEGREE] from [OTHER_IHE]?
If A18 = YES (currently enrolled at OTHER_IHE) and A22=1 (declared a major)
What is your major or field of study for your [OTHER_DEGREE] from [OTHER_IHE]?
***ALL get the following instructions***
Please enter your major in the box provided and then click the "Search for Major" button. A list of categories
that match your entry will be displayed.
Major or Field of study:
[Note to reviewers: As respondent begins typing a major in the box, the online survey will automatically suggest possible
matches from a list of majors (see list of majors for Items A23, A37, A38, A45, B3, B4 at end of Survey; the list is not
displayed onscreen). For example, if the respondent begins typing “Phy” the survey will suggest:
Physical Sciences
Physical Science Technologies/Technicians
Physiology, Pathology and Related Sciences]
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Did you complete your program of study and receive your [OTHER_DEGREE] from [OTHER_IHE] before
If A24=1 go to A26; if A24 = 0 go to A25.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Item A25 asks if any other undergraduate degree was pursued at the same institution entered in A17 (OTHER_IHE).
If this is the first time respondent has been asked about enrollment at any IHEs other than the S-STEM IHE and SSTEM_DEGREE=Associates and A24=YES, earned bachelor’s degree at OTHER_IHE:
Since REFERENCE_DATE_01 and prior to earning your bachelor's degree in [MONTH] [YEAR] from [OTHER_IHE],
did you earn or were you enrolled at [OTHER_IHE] for any other undergraduate degrees or certificates?
If this is NOT the first time respondent has been asked about enrollment at any IHEs other than the S-STEM IHE:
Since REFERENCE_DATE_01, have you earned or been enrolled at [OTHER_IHE] for any undergraduate degrees
or certificates about which you have not yet told us?
(If you have already told us about a bachelor’s degree earned at this school between REFERENCE_DATE_01 and
REFERENCE_DATE_02, indicate "yes" only if the other undergraduate degree was earned between
REFERENCE_DATE_01 and prior to earning that bachelor’s degree at this school.)
Or if A19=1 (is enrolled or was enrolled in a degree or certificate program at OTHER_IHE:
Since REFERENCE_DATE_01 , have you earned or been enrolled at [OTHER_IHE] for
any other undergraduate degrees or certificates?
Or if A19=2 (is/was just taking classes at OTHER_IHE, was not enrolled in a degree or certificate program)
Since REFERENCE_DATE_01, have you earned or been enrolled at [OTHER_IHE] for any undergraduate degrees
or certificates?
Help answering this item
IF A25=1 and this is the first time respondent has been asked about enrollment at any IHEs other than the S-STEM IHE, go to A20
for information about the second degree pursued at this same institution (entered in A17).
If A25=1 and this is NOT the first time respondent has been asked about enrollment at IHEs other than S-STEM_IHE, check if
bachelor’s degree received (at S-STEM_IHE, OTHER_IHE#1 or OTHER_IHE#2): if bachelor’s degree received go to A41, but if
bachelor’s degree not received at these IHEs, go to A30 (to ensure survey collects information about a bachelor’s degree earned
at an IHE respondent has not yet entered in Items A18-A29.
If A25=0 and A24=1, recived degree, go to A29; If A25=0 and A24=0, did not receive degree and A18=no, not currently enrolled go
to A27. Otherwise,if A25=0 and A24=0 and A18=yes, currently enrolled, go to A29.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
In what month and year was your [OTHER_DEGREE] awarded by [OTHER_IHE]?
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If A18=1, currently enrolled at OTHER_IHE, do not display A27 but skip to A29.
Do you plan to enroll at [OTHER_IHE] at any time during the 2013-2014 school year (REFERENCE_DATE_02 to
June 30, 2014)?
If A27=0, go to A28; if A27=1, go to A29.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Item A28 is not presented if respondent was just taking classes at OTHER_IHE. Item A28 is presented if respondent is not currently
enrolled at OTHER_IHE (A18 = NO) and does not plan to enroll in OTHER_IHE in the 2013-14 school year (A27=NO)
What was your main reason for leaving [OTHER_IHE] for your [OTHER_DEGREE]?
1 = Classes not available or scheduling not convenient
2 = Academic problems
3 = Family responsibilities
4 = Personal reasons
5 = Finished taking desired classes
6 = Involuntary withdrawal or suspension
7 = Financial reasons
8 = Dissatisfaction with program, school, campus, or faculty
9 = Military commitment
10 = Another reason not listed
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If this is the first time respondent has been asked about enrollment at any IHEs other than the S-STEM IHE and SSTEM_DEGREE=Associates and A24=YES, earned bachelor’s degree at OTHER_IHE:
Between REFERENCE_DATE_01 and [MONTH] [YEAR when you earned your bachelor's degree, did you enroll at
any other schools besides [OTHER_IHE]?
Please include summer enrollment and any other undergraduate classes you may have taken for credit.
If this is the first time respondent has been asked about enrollment at any IHEs other than the S-STEM IHE:
Have you had undergraduate enrollment at any other schools besides [OTHER_IHE] since
If this is NOT the first time respondent has been asked about enrollment at any IHEs other than the S-STEM IHE:
You've told us that you have attended the following schools since REFERENCE_DATE_01:
Have you had undergraduate enrollment at any other schools since REFERENCE_DATE_01?
(If you have already told us about a bachelor’s degree earned between REFERENCE_DATE_01 and
REFERENCE_DATE_02, indicate "yes" only if the other undergraduate enrollment was between
REFERENCE_DATE_01 and prior to earning that bachelor’s degree.)
You've told us that you have attended the following schools between REFERENCE_DATE_01 and
[LIST each IHE entered so far]
Have you had undergraduate enrollment at any other schools since REFERENCE_DATE_01?
If A29=1, and this is the first time Items A17-A29 were presented, reverse to A17 (repeat A17-A29 for up to 1 more IHE);
If A29 =1 and A17-A29 have been presented two times (the maximum number possible) and a bachelor’s degree was earned at SSTEM_IHE or OTHER_IHE[1] or OTHER_IHE[2] or OTHER_IHE[3], go to A41;
If A29 =1 and A17-A29 have been presented two times (the maximum number possible) and no bachelor’s degree was earned at
S-STEM_IHE or OTHER_IHE[1] or OTHER_IHE[2] or OTHER_IHE[3], go to A30;
If A29=0 and A15=0 go to SECTION B, item B1; If A29=0 and bachelor’s degree was earned at S-STEM_IHE or OTHER_IHE[1] or
OTHER_IHE[2] or OTHER_IHE[3], go to A41; otherwise, go to SECTION B, item B1.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If A17-A29 have been presented three times (the maximum number possible) and no bachelor’s degree was earned at S-STEM_IHE or
OTHER_IHE[1] or OTHER_IHE[2] or OTHER_IHE[3], Items A30-A40 ensure that survey captures whether or not respondent has ever earned
a bachelor’s degree (e.g., at an institution not yet reported), and if so, information about that degree .
A30. As of REFERENCE_DATE_02, have you ever earned a Bachelor’s degree?
If A30=NO go to A31; If A30=YES go to A32.
A31. As of REFERENCE_DATE_02, are you currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree program?
If A31=NO and A30=NO, go to Section B, item B1
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
IF A30=YES, have earned a bachelor’s degree:
What is the name of the school where you earned a Bachelor’s degree since REFERENCE_DATE_01?
if A30=NO, have not earned a bachelor’s degree AND A31=YES, currently enrolled for a bachelor’s degree:
What is the name of the school where you expect to earn a Bachelor’s degree since REFERENCE_DATE_01?
To code your school:
1. Enter all or part of the school name, and its city and state, if known, then click "Search for School" to display a
list of matching schools. If your school is outside the US and its territories, select "Foreign Country"
from the state list and click "Search for School."
2. Click on the name of your school in the resulting list.
Hints: Do not use abbreviations or acronyms such as ASU for Arizona State University. Entering a school name
with the city and state will help to limit the number of schools displayed.
< dropdown>
< dropdown>
School Name:
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
In A33 and subsequent items, the name of the institution entered in A32 will be automatically filled in for “BACHELORS_IHE.”
IF A30=YES, have earned a bachelor’s degree:
Did you earn a 4-year or a 5-year bachelor's degree from [BACHELORS_IHE]?
(A 5-year bachelor's degree program is also awarded by a 4-year college or university, but generally requires
students to complete 5 years of full-time, college-level work to complete the degree requirements. Common
examples include architecture or engineering.)
IF A30=NO , have not earned bachelor’s degree and A31=YES, currently enrolled for a bachelor’s degree:
Do you expect to a 4-year or a 5-year bachelor's degree from [BACHELORS_IHE]?
(A 5-year bachelor's degree program is also awarded by a 4-year college or university, but generally requires
students to complete 5 years of full-time, college-level work to complete the degree requirements. Common
examples include architecture or engineering.)
4=Bachelor’s degree, 4-year
5=Bachelor’s degree, 5-year
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
if A31=YES, currently enrolled for a bachelor’s degree:
Between REFERENCE_DATE_01 and REFERENCE_DATE_02, in which months have you been enrolled for your
Bachelor’s degree at [BACHELORS_IHE]? (If your enrollment covers only a portion of any month, please include
that month.) (Exclude any months during which you are not taking classes, such as summer break.)
If A30=YES, have earned a bachelor’s degree:
Since REFERENCE_DATE_01, in which months were you enrolled for your Bachelor’s degree at
[BACHELORS_IHE]? (If your enrollment covers only a portion of any month, please include that month.) (Exclude
any months during which you were not taking classes, such as summer break.)
(The respondent will see a table of months for each month and year between REFERENCE_DATE_01 and REFERENCE_DATE_02
with check boxes adjacent to each month. An example is shown below )
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
If A30=YES, have earned a bachelor’s degree, go to A35; if A31=YES, currently enrolled for a bachelor’s degree, go to A36.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If A30=YES, have earned a bachelor’s degree:
A35. Did you have a double major at [BACHELORS_IHE]?
if A31=YES, currently enrolled for a bachelor’s degree:
Have you declared a major at [BACHELORS_IHE]?
0=Not in a degree program
1=Yes, declared a major
2=Yes, declared a double major
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
if A35 = YES, double major
What was your primary major or field of study for your Bachelor’s degree at [BACHELORS_IHE]?
if A35 = NO, not a double major
What was your major or field of study for your Bachelor’s degree at [BACHELORS_IHE]?
if A36=2, declared a double major, currently enrolled for bachelor’s degree:
What is your primary major or field of study for your Bachelor’s degree at [BACHELORS_IHE]?
if A36=1, declared a major, currently enrolled for bachelor’s degree:
What was your major or field of study for your Bachelor’s degree at [BACHELORS_IHE]?
Otherwise, go to A39.
Please enter your major in the box provided and then click the "Search for Major" button. A list of
categories that match your entry will be displayed: M ajor or Field of study:
[Note to reviewers: As respondent begins typing a major in the box, the online survey will automatically suggest
possible matches from a list of majors (see list of majors for Items A23, A37, A38, A45, B3, B4 at end of Survey;
the list is not displayed onscreen). For example, if the respondent begins typing “Phy” the survey will suggest:
Physical Sciences
Physical Science Technologies/Technicians
Physiology, Pathology and Related Sciences]
if A35 = YES or A36=2, Go to A38.
If A30=YES, earned a bachelor’s degree go to A39;
If A30=NO and A31=YES, currently enrolled for a bachelor’s degree go to A40
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
if A35=YES, double major
What was your secondary undergraduate major or field of study for your Bachelor’s degree at
if A36=2, declared a double major, currently enrolled for a bachelor’s degree:
What is your secondary undergraduate major or field of study for your Bachelor’s degree at [BACHELORS_IHE]?
Please enter your major in the box provided and then click the "Search for Major" button. A list of categories
that match your entry will be displayed: M ajor or Field of study:
[See list of majors for Items A23, A37, A38, A45, B3, B4 at end of Survey; the list is not displayed onscreen]
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
if A30=YES, earned a bachelor’s degree
In what month and year was your Bachelor’s degree awarded by [BACHELORS_IHE]?
Go to A41
if A30=NO, have not earned a bachelor’s degree and A31=YES, currently enrolled for a bachelor’s degree
In what month and year do you expect to earn your Bachelor’s degree from [BACHELORS_IHE]?
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If respondent has earned a bachelor’s degree, the next set of items asks about any enrollment in a post-baccalaureate or
graduate degree program.
If no bachelor’s degree earned, go to Section B, Item B1.
If any bachelor’s degree earned:
Now we'd like to ask you some questions about any additional education or training you've had since earning your
bachelor's degree from [IHE_BACHELORS_EARNED] and prior to REFERENCE_DATE_02.
Since earning this bachelor's degree and prior to REFERENCE_DATE_02, have you enrolled in any degree or
certificate programs -- including any graduate and additional undergraduate degree or certificate programs?
(Indicate “yes” only if you began a program.)
If A41 = 1 go to A42; else if A41 =0, go to A47.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
if this is the first time respondent has been asked about any post-baccalaureate or graduate degree enrollment:
Are you currently enrolled in a degree or certificate program?
Are you currently enrolled for the additional degree or certificate program?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Post-Baccalaureate Education
If A42= YES, currently enrolled in a post-baccalaureate or graduate degree program:
What degree or certificate do you expect to earn?
(If you expect to receive multiple degrees/certificates, please tell us about only one of them now. You will have
an opportunity to tell us about other degrees and certificates later.)
What degree or certificate were you working on after earning your bachelor's degree from [BACHELOR_IHE]?
(If you were working on multiple degrees/certificates, please tell us about only one of them now. You will have
an opportunity to tell us about other degrees and certificates later.)
2 = Undergraduate certificate
3 = Associate's degree
4 = Another bachelor's degree
6 = Postbaccalaureate certificate
8 = Master's degree
9 = Post-master's certificate
10 = Professional degree (only includes the following degree programs: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine,
optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, ministry or divinity, or veterinary medicine)
11 = Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, DBA, etc.)
If A43 = (2, 3, or 4) go to Item A48.
If A43 = (6, 8, 9, 10, or 11) and A42=0 (not currently enrolled in graduate degree program), go to A44;
if A43 in (6, 8, 9, 10, 11) and A42=1, go to A45.
If A42= YES, currently enrolled in a post-baccalaureate or graduate degree program, go to A45; if A42=NO, go to A44.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
The degree selected in Item A43 will be automatically filled in for “GRAD_DEGREE” in this and subsequent items.
Have you been awarded your [GRAD_DEGREE]?
If A44 = YES, have been awarded GRAD_DEGREE
What was your major or field of study for your [GRAD_DEGREE]? Please enter your major field of study in the
box provided and then click the "Search for Major" button. A list of categories that match your entry will be
displayed. Major or Field of Study:
If A44 =NO, have not been awarded GRAD_DEGREE and A42=YES, currently enrolled for postbaccalaureate or graduate degree:
What is your major or field of study for your [GRAD_DEGREE]? Major or Field of Study:
[See list of majors for Items A23, A37, A38, A45, B3, B4 at end of Survey; the list is not displayed onscreen]
If this is the first time respondent has been asked about postbaccalaureate/graduate degree enrollment, go to A46;
If this is the second time respondent has been asked about postbaccalaureate/graduate degree enrollment, go to SECTION B,
Item B1.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
The name of the institution where the respondent earned his or her first ever bachelor’s degree will be automatically filled in for
Other than the enrollment you've already told us about, were you enrolled for any other degrees or certificates
since completing your bachelor's degree at [IHE_BACHELORS_EARNED] and prior to REFERENCE_DATE_02?
0 = No
1 = Yes, earned/enrolled in additional program
If A46=YES, and this is the first time respondent has been asked about postbaccalaureate/graduate degree enrollment REVERSE
to A42 and repeat items A42 TO A45 once more.
If A46=YES, and this is the second time respondent has been asked about postbaccalaureate/graduate degree enrollment, go to
Section B, Item B1.
If A46=NO, go to SECTION B, Item B1.
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Item A47 is only shown if A41=NO, have not enrolled in post-baccalaureate degree or certificate program.
Do you expect to enroll in a post-bachelor’s degree or certificate program in the 2013-2014 school year?
If A47=1, go to A48. If A47=0, go to SECTION B, Item B1.
A48. In which of the following primary fields is this degree or post-bachelor’s degree or certificate program?
1= Agriculture/operations/related sciences
3= Natural resources and conservation
10 = Communication technology and support
11 = Computer/information science/support
14 = Engineering
15 = Engineering technologies/related fields
26 = Biological and biomedical sciences
27 = Mathematics and statistics
40 = Physical sciences (e.g. Astronomy/Astrophysics, Chemistry, Earth/Atmospheric Sciences, Physics)
41 = Science technologies/technicians
42 = Psychology
45.1 = Geography
45.2 = Economics
45.9 = Other social sciences
51 = Health professions and related programs
97 = OTHER
99 = Undeclared
Section A: Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment History
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
SECTION B: Characteristics of Enrollment at
For the next set of questions, please answer about your undergraduate experiences at [S-STEM_IHE] [if A3=1, degree or
certification:] while working on your [S-STEM_DEGREE]. (Please refer to your last period of enrollment prior to
[REFERENCE_DATE_02] at [S-STEM_IHE] when answering these questions, even if you were, or will be, enrolled
there afterward.)
If A3=1, the respondent was enrolled in degree or certification program and A9=YES, the respondent received S-STEM DEGREE
from S-STEM_IHE, they are directed to question B1. If the respondent answered A3=1, they were enrolled in a
degree or certification program and A9=No, they did not receive their S-STEM DEGREE from S-STEM_IHE, they are
directed to B2. Otherwise, if A3=2, the respondent was just taking classes, they are directed to B2a.
Did you have a double major at [S-STEM_IHE]?
If A2=No, the respondent is not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
Had you declared a major when you were last enrolled as an undergraduate at [S-STEM_IHE] for your [SSTEM_DEGREE]?
Otherwise, if A2=Yes, the respondent is currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
Have you declared a major at [S-STEM_IHE]?
0 = Not in a degree program
1 = Yes, declared a major
2 = Yes, declared a double major
3 = No
If B2 =0 or 3, the respondent had not declared a major at S-STEM_IHE, they are directed to question B5; otherwise,
respondents are shown question B3.
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Item B2a is shown only to respondents who answered A3=2, the respondent was just taking classes at S-STEM IHE
If A2=No, the respondent is not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
What subject areas were you taking classes in when you were last enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE]? (Please check
all that apply.)
Otherwise, if A2=Yes, the respondent is currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
What subject areas have you been taking classes in at [S-STEM_IHE]? (Please check all that apply.)
Business and Marketing
Computer and Informational Sciences
Engineering and Engineering Technology
Arts and Humanities
Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Social Sciences
Career and Technical Education
Other subject area(s) not listed
Go to question B3. (Some respondents, especially at two-year IHEs, may have declared a major even if they
were just taking classes for credit, for example if preparing to transfer to a bachelor’s degree program after
completing courses, such as those in a STEM field, needed for entry to a bachelor’s degree program.)
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If A2=No, the respondent is not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE and B1=Yes or B2=2, they declared a double major:
What was your primary major or field of study for your [S-STEM_DEGREE] at [S-STEM_IHE]?
If A2=No, the respondent is not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE and (B1=No or B2=1, they had a single major or A3=2, taking
What was your major or field of study for your [S-STEM_DEGREE] at [S-STEM_IHE]?
If A2=Yes, the respondent is currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE and B2=2, they declared a double major:
What is your primary major or field of study for your [S-STEM_DEGREE] at [S-STEM_IHE]?
If A2=Yes, the respondent is currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE and (B1=No or B2=2, they declared a single major or A3=2, taking
What is your major or field of study for your [S-STEM_DEGREE] at [S-STEM_IHE]?
What will be your major or field of study for your [S-STEM_DEGREE] at [S-STEM_IHE]?
***All respondents see the following instructions***
Please enter your major in the box provided and then click the "Search for Major" button. A list of categories
that match your entry will be displayed. Major or Field of Study:
[See list of majors for Items A23, A37, A38, A45, B3, B4 at end of Survey; the list is not displayed onscreen]
If the respondent declared a double major (B1=Yes or B2=2), they are directed to B4; otherwise they are directed to
question B5.
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If A2=0, the respondent is not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
What was your secondary undergraduate major or field of study for your [S-STEM_DEGREE] at [S-STEM_IHE]?
If A2=Yes, the respondent is currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
What is your current secondary major or field of study for your [S-STEM_DEGREE] at [S-STEM_IHE]?
What is your secondary major or field of study?
***All respondents see the following instructions***
Please enter your major in the box provided and then click the "Search for Major" button. A list of categories
that match your entry will be displayed. Secondary Major or Field of Study:
[See list of majors for Items A23, A37, A38, A45, B3, B4 at end of Survey; the list is not displayed onscreen]
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If A2=0, the respondent is not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE, and they were enrolled in a degree program (A3=1):
How many jobs for pay did you have when you were last enrolled for your [S-STEM_DEGREE] at [S-STEM_IHE] -none, one, or more than one?
(Please refer to your last period of enrollment prior to [REFERENCE_DATE_02] at [S-STEM_IHE] when answering
these questions, even if you were, or will be, enrolled there afterward.)
If A2=0, the respondent is not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE, and they were not enrolled in a degree program (A3=2):
How many jobs for pay did you have when you were last enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] for your undergraduate
coursework -- none, one, or more than one?
(Please refer to your last period of enrollment prior to [REFERENCE_DATE_02] at [S-STEM_IHE] when answering
these questions, even if you were, or will be, enrolled there afterward)
How many jobs are you currently working for pay -- none, one, or more than one?
0 = None
1 = One
2 = More than one
For respondents who worked one or more than one jobs for pay, the following instruction will appear:
Since you had more than one job when you were last enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] for your [S-STEM_DEGREE], in the next
set of questions please refer to the job at which you worked the most hours.
If B5=1 or 2, the respondent worked one or more than one jobs for pay, they are directed to B6; otherwise,
respondents are directed to B10.
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
For respondents who were enrolled in a degree or certification program (A3=1) and who worked one or more than one jobs for
pay (B5=1 or 2), the following instruction will appear before B6:
For this question, please refer to the job at which you worked the most hours when you were last enrolled at [SSTEM_IHE] for your [S-STEM_DEGREE].
For respondents who were just taking classes (A3=2) and who worked one or more than one jobs for pay (B5=1 or 2), the
following instruction will appear before B6:
For this question, please refer to the job at which you worked the most hours when you were last enrolled at [SSTEM_IHE] for your undergraduate coursework.
If A3=1, the respondent was enrolled in a degree or certification program and A2=0, the respondent is not currently enrolled at SSTEM_IHE:
Would you say that job was related to your [S-STEM_DEGREE] major or field of study?
If A3=1, the respondent is enrolled in a degree or certification program and A2=1, the respondent is currently enrolled at SSTEM_IHE:
Would you say your job is related to your [S-STEM_DEGREE] major or field of study?
If A3=2, the respondent was just taking classes and A2=0, the respondent is not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
Would you say that job was related to your coursework at [S-STEM_IHE]?
Otherwise, if A3=2, the respondent is just taking classes and A2=1, the respondent is currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
Would you say that job is related to your coursework at [S-STEM_IHE]?
0 = No
1 = Yes
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
For respondents who worked one or more than one jobs for pay (B6=1 or 2), the following instruction will appear before B7:
For this item, please consider all your jobs when you were last enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] for your [S-STEM_DEGREE] or
If A2=0, the respondent is not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
Do any of the following describe the type of work you did when you were last enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] for your
[S-STEM_DEGREE] or coursework? (Check all that apply.)
Otherwise, if A2=1, the respondent is currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
Do any of the following describe the type of work you do? (Check all that apply.)
Research assistant
Teaching assistant
Laboratory assistant
Computer help desk/Computer user assistant
Tutor for math, science, engineering, or technical courses
Writing or language tutor
Studio/arts assistant
Administrative or library assistant
Food service employee
Retail sales assistant
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If A2=0, the respondent is not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE; A3=1, they were enrolled in a degree or certification program;
and B5=2, they worked more than one job for pay :
When you were last enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] for your [S-STEM_DEGREE], how many hours did you work per
week (on average) at all your jobs? Please exclude summer hours if you were not enrolled during the summer.
If A2=0, the respondent is not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE; A3=1, they were enrolled in a degree or certification program;
and B5=1, they worked one job for pay :
When you were last enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] for your [S-STEM_DEGREE], how many hours did you work per
week (on average)? Please exclude summer hours if you were not enrolled during the summer.
If A2=0, the respondent is not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE; A3=2, they were just taking classes; and B5=2, they worked more
than one job for pay:
When you were last enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] for your undergraduate coursework, how many hours did you
work per week (on average) at all your jobs? Please exclude summer hours if you were not enrolled during the
If A2=0, the respondent is not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE; A3=2, they were just taking classes, and B5=1, they worked one
job for pay:
When you were last enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] for your undergraduate coursework, how many hours did you
work per week (on average)? Please exclude summer hours if you were not enrolled during the summer.
If A2=1, the respondent is currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE and B5=2, they work more than one job for pay :
While enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE], how many hours do you work per week (on average) at all your jobs? Please
exclude summer hours if you were not enrolled during the summer. Please exclude summer hours if you were
not enrolled during the summer.
While enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE], how many hours do you work per week (on average)? Please exclude summer
hours if you were not enrolled during the summer.
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Help answering this item
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If A2=0, the respondent is not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE and A3=1, they were enrolled in a degree or certification
What was your main reason for working when you were last enrolled for your [S-STEM_DEGREE] at [SSTEM_IHE]?
If A2=0, the respondent is not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE and A3=2, they were not enrolled in a degree program:
What was your main reason for working when you were last enrolled as an undergraduate at [S-STEM_IHE]?
What is your main reason for working while you are enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE]?
0 = To pay living expenses such as housing, utilities, and transportation
1 = To pay educational expenses such as tuition, fees, books, and supplies
2 = To earn spending money
3 = To minimize the amount of debt you have
4 = To gain job experience
7 = Other
Help answering this item
Now we'd like to ask you about any financial aid you may have received to help pay for your undergraduate
education. Did you take out any type of education loans before REFERENCE_DATE_02 to help pay for your
undergraduate education? Please do not include any money borrowed from family or friends.
0 = No
1 = Yes
If B10=0, the respondent did not take out any loans, they are directed to B13; otherwise respondents continue to B11.
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Prior to REFERENCE_DATE_02, how much did you borrow in student loans for your entire undergraduate
education? (Please do not include any money borrowed from family or friends.)
Enter amount in whole dollars: $_ _ _,_ _ _.00
If you do not recall the amount, check here:
If respondents checked the box on B11 indicating that they did not recall the amount of student loans they borrowed,
B13 is displayed. Otherwise, respondents are directed to B12.
Please select which of the following best approximates how much you borrowed, prior to REFERENCE_DATE_02,
in student loans for your entire undergraduate education. (Please do not include any money borrowed from
family or friends.)
Less than $10,000
$10,000 to less than $30,000
$30,000 to less than $50,000
$50,000 to less than $70,000
$70,000 to less than $90,000
$90,000 to less than $110,000
$110,000 or more
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
The distinct, local name that refers to the respondent’s institutions’ S-STEM project (e.g., ACCESS Engineering) will be
automatically filled in below when possible. This name is likely to be more familiar to recipients than the more generic “S-STEM
Program”. If there is no local program name available, it will read “Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (S-STEM)”.
If A2=1, the respondent is currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
As an undergraduate enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE], have you ever received scholarship funding from the “[SSTEM_Program]” program?
Otherwise, if A2=0, the respondent is not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
While you were enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] did you receive scholarship funding from the “[SSTEM_Program]”program?
2= I’m not sure/don’t know
If B13 =1, the respondent recalls receiving funding from their local S-STEM project, they are directed to B14.
Otherwise, respondents are directed to question B25.
In what month and year did you first receive scholarship funding from [S-STEM_Program]? If you know the year
but not the month, please enter the year. If you know the month but not the year, please enter the month.
If you do not recall either the month or the year, check here:
If respondent checked the box in Item B14, indicating they do not recall the date, they are directed to B16; Otherwise they are
directed to question B15.
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
The start date of the S-STEM scholarship funding that the respondent entered in Item B15 will be automatically filled in for SSTEM_DATE in this and subsequent items.
If B13=1, the respondent reported receiving funding from their local S-STEM project, and they reported a start date for their
funding in B14:
In which months after [S-STEM_DATE] did you have scholarship funding from [S-STEM_Program]? (Please check
all that apply.)
[The response options will include each month between S-STEM_DATE and REFERENCE_DATE_02 ]
Don’t know
If B13=1, the respondent reported receiving funding from their local S-STEM project, and they did not report a start date for their
funding in B14:
In which months did you have (or have you had) scholarship funding from [S-STEM_Program]? (Please check all
that apply.)
[The response options will include each month between REFERENCE_DATE_01 and REFERENCE_DATE_02 ]
Don’t know
Otherwise, respondents are directed to question B21.
If B13 =1, the respondent reported receiving funding from their local S-STEM project, they are directed to B16; otherwise
respondents are directed to question B25.
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If A3=1, respondent was in a degree program at S-STEM_IHE, display B16a.
If A3=2, respondent was taking classes but not in a degree program at S-STEM_IHE, and B3=(missing, not in a degree program, or
undeclared) display B16b.
If A2=1, currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
During the months that you have been receiving [S-STEM_Program] scholarship funding at [S-STEM_IHE],
was your [if B1=1 or B2=2: primary] major or field of study: [FILL MAJOR ENTERED IN ITEM B3]?
If A2=2, not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
During the months that you were receiving [S-STEM_Program] scholarship funding at [S-STEM_IHE], was
your [if B1=1 or B2=2: primary] major or field of study: [FILL MAJOR ENTERED IN ITEM B3]?
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If A3=1, respondent was in a degree program at S-STEM_IHE, display B16a.
If A3=2, respondent was taking classes but not in a degree program at S-STEM_IHE, and B3=(missing, not in a degree program, or
undeclared) display B16b.
If A2=1, currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
During the months that you have been receiving [S-STEM_Program] scholarship funding at [S-STEM_IHE],
what subject areas have you been taking classes in at [S-STEM_IHE]? (Please check all that apply.)
If A2=2, not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
During the months that you were receiving [S-STEM_Program] scholarship funding at [S-STEM_IHE], what
subject areas were you taking classes in at [S-STEM_IHE]? (Please check all that apply.)
Business and Marketing
Computer and Informational Sciences
Engineering and Engineering Technology
Arts and Humanities
Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Social Sciences
Career and Technical Education
Other subject area(s) not listed
Go to B21.
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
During the months that you have been receiving [S-STEM_Program] scholarship funding at [S-STEM_IHE],
have you have a double major?
If not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
During the months that you were receiving [S-STEM_Program] scholarship funding at [S-STEM_IHE], did you
have a double major?
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If B16=no, the major displayed had changed while receiving S-STEM funding, and A2=yes, currently enrolled at S-STEM IHE:
What has your [ if B18=yes, had double major: primary ] major or field of study been during the months that you
have been receiving [S-STEM_Program] scholarship funding at [S-STEM_IHE]? Please enter your major in
the box provided and then click the "Search for Major" button. A list of categories that match your entry will
be displayed. Major or Field of Study:
If B16=no, the major displayed had changed while receiving S-STEM funding, and A2=no, not currently enrolled at S-STEM IHE:
What was your [if B18=yes, had double major: primary ] major or field of study during the months that you have
been receiving [S-STEM_Program] scholarship funding at [S-STEM_IHE]? Please enter your major in the box
provided and then click the "Search for Major" button. A list of categories that match your entry will be
displayed. Major or Field of Study:
[See list of majors for Items B18-B19 at end of Survey; the list is not displayed onscreen]
If B17=yes, had double major, display B19; otherwise go to B21.
If currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
During the months that you have been receiving [S-STEM_Program] scholarship funding at [S-STEM_IHE],
was your secondary major or field of study: [ FILL MAJOR ENTERED IN ITEM B4; if B4 missing, FILL WITH
‘Unknown; please select No to enter your secondary major’ ]?
If not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
During the months that you were receiving [S-STEM_Program] scholarship funding at [S-STEM_IHE], was your secondary
major or field of study: [ FILL MAJOR ENTERED IN ITEM B4 ]? if B4 missing, FILL WITH ‘Unknown; please select No to
enter your secondary major’
If B19=1, go to B21.
If B19=0, go to B20.
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Item B20 is displayed if (B17=yes , had double major and B19=no, that was not my secondary major) or if (B17=yes, had double
major and B4=missing, did not enter a secondary major).
If A2=no, not currently enrolled at S-STEM IHE:
What was (or, what is) your secondary major or field of study at [S-STEM_IHE] during the months that you
were receiving S-STEM scholarship funding at [S-STEM_IHE]? Please enter your major in the box provided
and then click the "Search for Major" button. A list of categories that match your entry will be displayed.
Secondary Major or Field of Study:
If A2=yes, currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
What was (or, what is) your secondary major or field of study at [S-STEM_IHE] during the months that you
were receiving S-STEM scholarship funding at [S-STEM_IHE]? Please enter your major in the box provided
and then click the "Search for Major" button. A list of categories that match your entry will be displayed.
Secondary Major or Field of Study:
[See list of majors for Items B18, B20 at end of Survey; the list is not displayed onscreen]
If A9=Yes, the respondent completed their S-STEM_DEGREE at S-STEM_IHE:.
Did scholarship funding from “[S-STEM_Program]”help you complete your [S-STEM_DEGREE] degree program at
[S-STEM_IHE]? (Select one response)
If A9=No, the respondent did not complete their S-STEM_DEGREE at S-STEM_IHE or if A3=2 just taking classes at S-STEM_IHE:
Did scholarship funding from “[S-STEM_Program]”help you pursue your educational goals at [S-STEM_IHE]?
(Select one response)
Not sure/don’t know
If B21=2, the respondent reported the funding from S-STEM_Program did not help them complete their S-STEM
degree program/pursue their educational goals, they are directed to question B23. If B21=3, respondents are directed to B24.
Otherwise, respondents are directed to question B22.
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If A9=Yes, the respondent completed their S-STEM_DEGREE at S-STEM_IHE
How did scholarship funding from “[S-STEM_Program]” help you complete your [S-STEM_DEGREE] degree
program at [S-STEM_IHE]? Check all that apply.
The scholarship helped pay for college tuition
The scholarship helped pay for other (non-tuition) expenses related to college (for example, books,
laboratory supplies, tutoring, etc.)
Because of the scholarship, I was able to reduce the number of hours I worked per week to earn money
Getting the scholarship gave me confidence that I could succeed in getting my degree
Because of the scholarship, I got support from faculty that I would not have received otherwise
Because of the scholarship, I got support from other students (that is, peers) that I would not have received
The scholarship encouraged me to spend more time on my coursework
The scholarship helped me finish my degree in other ways. Please describe: [ textbox, 300 characters]
I don’t know how it helped
If A9=No, the respondent did not complete their S-STEM_DEGREE at S-STEM_IHE or A3=2, just taking classes at S-STEM_IHE:
How did scholarship funding from “[S-STEM_Program]” help you pursue your educational goals at [SSTEM_IHE]? Check all that apply.
The scholarship helped pay for college tuition
The scholarship helped pay for other (non-tuition) expenses related to college (for example, books,
laboratory supplies, tutoring, etc.)
Because of the scholarship, I was able to reduce the number of hours I worked per week to earn money
Getting the scholarship gave me confidence that I could succeed
Because of the scholarship, I got support from faculty that I would not have received otherwise
Because of the scholarship, I got support from other students (that is, peers) that I would not have received
The scholarship encouraged me to spend more time on my coursework
The scholarship helped me in other ways. Please describe: [ textbox, 300 characters]
I don’t know how it helped
All respondents who reported enrollment(s) at any other IHE are next directed to question B24. Respondents who have not
reported enrollment at any other IHE are directed to B25.
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If A9=Yes, the respondent completed their S-STEM_DEGREE at S-STEM_IHE
Why didn’t the scholarship funding from the [S-STEM_Program] help you complete your degree?
If A9=No, the respondent did not complete their S-STEM_DEGREE at S-STEM_IHE or A3=2, just taking classes at S-STEM_IHE
Why didn’t the scholarship funding from the [S-STEM_Program] help you pursue your educational goals?
Enter your response here: [textbox, 1500 characters]
I don’t know why it didn’t help.
You've told us that you have attended the following schools as an undergraduate between
Did you receive S-STEM scholarship funding to help with the costs of attending any school other than [SSTEM_IHE?] Check Yes or No for each school.
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Note: Only respondents currently enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] for their [S-STEM_DEGREE] view questions B25 – B30. Also, these
respondents (currently enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] for their [S-STEM_DEGREE]) do not complete items in the Employment section
(Items D1-D5).
If A3=2, respondent is taking classes but not enrolled for a degree, respondent is directed to C1
If the respondent is currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE (A2=1) for S-STEM_DEGREE (A3=1, degree or certificate):
Which of the following have you done or do you plan to do before you graduate from your institution?
Practicum, internship, field experience, co-op
experience, or clinical assignment
Community service or volunteer work
Participate in a learning community or some other
formal program where groups of students take two or
more classes together
Work on a research project with a faculty member
outside of course or program requirements
Independent study or self-designed major
[display if S-STEM_DEGREE=Bachelor’s] Culminating
senior experience (capstone course, senior project or
thesis, comprehensive exam, etc.)
Plan to do
Do not plan
to do
Have not
If the respondent is not currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE for S-STEM_DEGREE, they are directed to question C1; otherwise
they continue onto question B26.
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
The following questions are only shown to respondents who had declared a major or a double major (B1=double major or B2= 1
or 2). If B16a=yes, major listed in Item B3 was respondent’s major when receiving S-STEM, or if B16a was not presented, fill
instructions with major field from B3. If B16a=no, fill instructions with primary major from Item B18.
If B19=yes, secondary major from Item B4 was respondent’s secondary major when receiving S-STEM, or if B19 was never
presented, fill instructions with secondary major from B4. If B19=no, fill instructions with secondary major from B20
The next few items ask whether or not any of the experiences you have done were related to your [ if B17=yes, had double
major: primary or secondary] academic major in [MAJOR FIELD] [if B17=yes, had double major: or [SECONDARY MAJOR
FIELD]. If any of these experiences were related to a different major, please answer “no.”
If B25a=done, and the respondent has done a practicum, internship, field experience, co-op experience or clinical assignment:
Were any of these experiences (practicum, internship, field experience, co-op experience, or clinical
assignment) related to your [if B1=1 or B2=2, respondent declared a double major: primary or secondary ]
academic major?
If B25b=done, and the respondent has done community service or volunteer work:
Was this community service or volunteer work related to your [if B2=2, respondent declared a double major:
primary or secondary ] academic major?
If B25c=done, and the respondent has participated in a leading community or some other formal program where groups of
students take multiple classes together:
Was this participation in a learning community, or in a formal program where groups of students take two or
more classes together, related to your [if B2=2, respondent declared a double major: primary or secondary ]
academic major?
If B25d=done, and the respondent has worked on a research project outside of course or program requirements:
Was any of your work on a research project with a faculty member outside of course or program
requirements related to your [if B2=2, respondent declared a double major: primary or secondary ] academic
If B25f=done, and the respondent has done a culminating senior experience and S-STEM_DEGREE=Bachelor’s:
Was this culminating senior experience (capstone course, senior project or thesis, comprehensive exam,
etc.) related to your current [if B2=2, respondent declared a double major: primary or secondary ] academic
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
About how many hours do you spend in a typical 7-day week doing each of the following?
Hours you spend doing the following…
a. Preparing for class (studying, reading,
writing, doing homework or lab work,
rehearsing, and other academic activities)
b. Participating in co-curricular activities
(organizations, campus publications,
student government, fraternity or
sorority, intercollegiate or intramural
sports, etc.)
c. Providing care for dependents living with
you (parents, children, spouse etc.)
than 30
Commuting to class (driving, walking, etc.)
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
In your experience at your institution during the current school year, about how often have you done each
of the following:
Come to class without completing readings or
Worked with other students on projects during
Worked with classmates outside of class to prepare
class assignments
Tutored or taught other students (paid or
Participated in a community-based project (e.g.,
service learning) as part of a regular course
Talked about career plans with a faculty member or
Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with
faculty members outside of class
Received prompt written or oral feedback from
faculty on your academic performance
Worked harder than you thought you could to
meet an instructor’s standards or expectations
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
During the current school year, to what extent did your academic advisor(s) do the following?
Responded when you contact them
Made themselves available when you needed them
Asked you to make an appointment
Listened closely to your concerns and questions
Provided you with accurate information about academic
f. Helped you understand your school’s academic rules and
g. Kept you informed of support options such as tutoring
h. Kept you informed of important deadlines
i. Provided accurate information about courses
j. Assisted you when you had academic difficulties
k. Assisted you with the credit transfer process
l. Showed you where to get information on different
educational options (study abroad, national and
international exchange programs, research opportunities,
m. Talked with you about career interests and plans for after
n. Showed interest in your plans for the future
o. Offered you support to accomplish your career goals
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
a bit
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
What is your current classification in college?
Section B: Characteristics of S-STEM enrollment
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Your First-Year at [S-STEM_IHE]
For this next section, we need to ask some questions about the first school year you were enrolled at [ S-STEM_IHE] [if
A3=1, in a degree program: for your [S-STEM_DEGREE]. You told us that you first enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] in
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Our first question is about your grade point average at [S-STEM_IHE].
if A2=1, currently enrolled at S-STEM_IHE:
Is your grade point average (GPA) measured on a 4.00 scale?
[if A2=no, not currently enrolled:
Was your grade point average (GPA) measured on a 4.00 scale?
1 = Yes
2 = No, it is measured on another grading scale
3 = No, the school does not award grades
If C1 = 1, the respondent’s GPA is measured on a 4.0 scale, they are directed to C2; if C1=3, the respondent’s school
does not award grades, they are directed to C4. Otherwise, respondents are directed to question C3.
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
What was your cumulative GPA at [S-STEM_IHE] through the end of the first school year that you were enrolled
at [S-STEM_IHE] [if A3=1, in a degree program: for your [S-STEM_DEGREE]?
GPA: _._ _ [Range: 0.00 to 4.00]
No GPA - have not yet completed a term
Don’t know/Don’t remember
If C2 is blank or out of range, or if C2= Don’t know/don’t remember, respondent goes to C3; otherwise, respondents are directed
to question C4.
Which of the following would you say best describes your grade point average at [S-STEM_IHE] through the end
of the first year that you were enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] [if A3=1, in a degree program : for your [S-STEM_DEGREE]?
1 = Mostly A's (3.75 and above)
2 = A's and B's (3.25-3.74)
3 = Mostly B's (2.75-3.24)
4 = B's and C's (2.25-2.74)
5 = Mostly C's (1.75-2.24)
6 = C's and D's (1.25-1.74)
7 = Mostly D's or below (below 1.24)
8 = Don’t know
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If the respondent is missing a response to question A4 (their date of birth), then they are shown question C4. Otherwise,
respondents who answered question A4 and gave their date of birth are directed to question C5.
On [REFERENCE_DATE_01], what was your age? Were you...
1 = Under 24
2 = 24-29
3 = 30 or over
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
At the end of your first school year of enrollment (REFERENCE_DATE_01_YYYY to
REFERENCE_DATE_01_YYYY+1) at S-STEM_IHE [if A3=1, in a degree program : for your S-STEM_DEGREE ], what was
your marital status?
1 = Single, never married
2 = Married
3 = Separated
4 = Divorced
5 = Widowed
While you were enrolled in the REFERENCE_DATE_01_YYYY to REFERENCE_DATE_01_[YYYY+1] school year, did
you [if C5=2, the respondent was married at the end of their first school year: or your spouse] have any children that
you supported financially?
If C6=Yes, the respondent had children that they or their spouse supported, they are directed to question C7. If
C4=1 or 2, the respondent was under 24 or 24-29 years old on REFERENCE_DATE_01, they are directed to C9.
Otherwise, respondents are directed to question C10.
How many?
[Valid input range is 0-10]
If C7 is bigger than 0, the respondent reported that they financially supported 1-10 children, they are directed to
C8. If C4=1 or 2, the respondent was under 24 or 24-29 years old on REFERENCE_DATE_01, they are directed to C9.
Otherwise, respondents are directed to question C10.
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
At the end of your first school year of enrollment REFERENCE_DATE_01_YYYY to
REFERENCE_DATE_01_[YYYY+1] at S-STEM_IHE [if A3=1, in a degree program : for your S-STEM_DEGREE], what
were the ages of your children?
At end of school year
Age of child 1
Age of child 2
Age of child 3
Age of child 4
Age of child 5
Age of child 6
Age of child 7
Age of child 8
Age of child 9
Age of child 10
If C4=1 or 2, the respondent was under 24 or 24-29 years old on REFERENCE_DATE_01, they are directed to C9.
Otherwise, respondents are directed to question C10.
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
What was your parents'/guardians' income in [REFERENCE_DATE_01_YYYY]?
1 = Under $30,000
2 = $30,000 to $59,999
3 = $60,000 to $89,999
4 = $90,000 and above
5 = Parents/guardians were deceased
[Note: In the NPSAS04 this question was administered to respondents under 30 with living parents/guardians.
Parent/guardian information is obtained from N4P1AD1 - update parent’s contact information which includes “parents
deceased” option). We have added an option for “parents/guardians were deceased.”]
If C5=2, the respondent was married at the end of their first school year, they are directed to question C10.
Otherwise, respondents are directed to question C11.
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
If C5=2, the respondent was married at the end of their first school year, they are shown question C10. Otherwise, respondents
are directed to question C111.
How much would you estimate your spouse earned from all sources prior to taxes and deductions in
1 = No income
2 = Less than $1,000
3 = $1,000-$2,499
4 = $2,500-$4,999
5 = $5,000-$9,999
6 = $10,000-$14,999
7 = $15,000-$19,999
8 = $20,000-$29,999
9 = $30,000-$49,999
10 = $50,000 and above
Did you receive financial aid - such as grants, loans, or scholarships during the first school year that you were
enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] [if A3=1, in a degree program : for your [S-STEM_DEGREE]?
1 = Yes
0 = No
If C11=1, the respondent received financial aid in their first school year, they are directed to C12. Otherwise, if they
did not receive financial aid, they are directed to question C15.
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Did you receive a federal Stafford student loan for the first school year that you were enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE]
[if A3=1, in a degree program: for your [S-STEM_DEGREE]?
1 = Yes
0 = No
Did you receive a Pell grant for the first school year that you were enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] [if A3=1, in a degree
program: for your [S-STEM_DEGREE]?
1 = Yes
0 = No
Did you receive any scholarships or grants from your school or from a state grant program during the first school
year that you were enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] [if A3=1, in a degree program : for your [S-STEM_DEGREE]? (Check all
that apply)
State grant or scholarship
College grant or scholarship
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Did you receive any financial aid during the first school year that you were enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] [if A3=1, in a
degree program: for your [S-STEM_DEGREE] that did not come from the financial aid office? Examples include
tuition paid by either your employer [if C4=1 or 2, the respondent was under 24 or 24-29 years old on
REFERENCE_DATE_01: or your parents' employer], private grants or scholarships, or veteran's benefits. Please
exclude any money that came from your family. (Check all that apply)
Tuition reimbursement from your employer
Grants or scholarships from a private organization
Veteran's or DoD (Department of Defense) benefits
[If C4=1 or 2, the respondent was under 24 or 24-29 years old on REFERENCE_DATE_01] Aid from your parent's
Did you receive any type of commercial or private loan (such as TERI, Excel, or Access loans) from a bank or
private organization for your enrollment during the first school year that you were enrolled at [S-STEM_IHE] [if
A3=1, in a degree program : for your [S-STEM_DEGREE]?
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
During the REFERENCE_DATE_01_YYYY to [REFERENCE_DATE_01_YYYY +1] school year did you participate in
either work study or an assistantship? (Check all that apply.)
Work Study
None of the above
What was your income from all sources (including income from work, investment income, alimony, etc.) prior to
taxes and deductions in calendar year REFERENCE__DATE_01_YYYY? [ if C5 = (2,3,4 or 5), married, separated,
divorced or widowed: (Please exclude spouse’s income)]
1 = No income
2 = Less than $1,000
3 = $1,000-$2,499
4 = $2,500-$4,999
5 = $5,000-$9,999
6 = $10,000-$14,999
7 = $15,000-$19,999
8 = $20,000-$29,999
9 = $30,000-$49,999
10 = $50,000 and above
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Help answering this item
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
While you were in high school, did you take any courses at a college or university for which you earned college
1 = Yes
0 = No
When you first enrolled in college, did you have any advanced placement (AP) credits that were accepted by [SSTEM_IHE]?
1 = Yes
0 = No
If C20= 1, the respondent had AP credits accepted by S-STEM_IHE, or if C19=1, the respondent took courses for college
credit in high school, they are directed to C21. Otherwise, respondents are directed to question C22.
Did you earn enough credits to enter college as a sophomore?
1 = Yes
0 = No
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Did you take the SAT or ACT college entrance exam?
0 = No
1 = Yes, SAT
2 = Yes, ACT
3 = Yes, both the SAT and ACT
If C22=0, the respondent did not take the SAT or the ACT, they are directed to C27a. Otherwise, respondents are
directed to question C23.
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
We would like to ask you about the most recent time you took the SAT or ACT college entrance exam before you
first enrolled at S-STEM_IHE [if A3=1, in a degree program : for your S-STEM_DEGREE degree program]. In what
month and year before REFERENCE_DATE_01 did you most recently take the SAT or the ACT?
[options include “Fall: sometime in Sept through Dec”; “Spring: sometime in Jan through May”; “Summer:
sometime in June through August:]
Check here if you did not take the SAT or ACT before REFERENCE_DATE_01.
If the respondent’s answer to C23 was later than or equal to REFERENCE_DATE_01, they are shown question C23a as a
validation check:
C23a. Did you take the SAT or ACT college entrance exam before you first enrolled at S-STEM_IHE [if A3=1, in a
degree program: for your S-STEM_DEGREE program]?
1 =Yes
0 = No
If C23a=No, the respondent did not take the SAT or ACT before they first enrolled at S-STEM_IHE, they are
directed to C27a. Otherwise, if C23a=1, they did take the SAT or ACT before they first enrolled at S-STEM_IHE,
then they are shown question C23b.
C23b. Please enter the month and year BEFORE Reference_Date_01 that you took the SAT or ACT.
Month: [options include “Fall: sometime in Sept through Dec”;
“Spring: sometime in Jan through May”; “Summer: sometime in June through August:]
If the respondent’s answer to C23b was later than or equal to REFERENCE_DATE_01, they are directed
to C27a.
If C22=1 or 3, the respondent took the SAT or the SAT and the ACT, they are directed to C24. If C22 = 2, the
respondent only took the ACT, they are directed to C26. Otherwise, if C22=0, the respondent did not take the SAT or
the ACT, they are directed to question C27a.
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
What was your SAT Mathematics score? If you do not remember the exact score, check “Do not recall.”
SAT Mathematics score: [Range: 200-800]
Do not recall
If C24=do not recall, go to C24a. Otherwise, go to C25.
C24a is shown only to those who check “do not recall” on C24.
C24a. To the best you can recall, what range did your SAT Mathematics score fall into?
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
What was your SAT Critical Reading score? If you do not remember the exact score, check “Do not recall.”
SAT Critical Reading score: [Range: 200-800] Do not recall
If C25=do not recall, go to C25a. Otherwise, if C22 = 2 or 3, the respondent took the ACT or the SAT and the ACT, they are directed
to C26. Otherwise, if the respondent did not select do not recall and they did not take the ACT, they are directed to C27a.
C25a. To the best you can recall, what range did your SAT Critical Reading score fall into?
If C22 = 2 or 3, the respondent took the ACT or the SAT and the ACT, they are directed to C26. Otherwise, if the respondent did
not take the ACT, they are directed to C27a.
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
What was your ACT composite score? If you do not remember the exact score, check “Do not recall.”
ACT composite score: [Range: 1-40] Do not recall
If C26=do not recall, go to C26a. Otherwise, go to C27a .
C26a. To the best you can recall, which of the following best describes your ACT composite score:
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
C27a. During the REFERENCE_DATE_01_YYYY to [REFERENCE_DATE_01_YYYY +1] school year did you have a longlasting condition such as blindness, deafness, or a severe vision or hearing impairment?
C27b. During the REFERENCE_DATE_01_YYYY to [REFERENCE_DATE_01_YYYY +1] school year did you have a longlasting condition that substantially limits one or more basic physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs,
reaching, lifting, or carrying?
Excluding any conditions already mentioned, during the REFERENCE_DATE_01_YYYY to
[REFERENCE_DATE_01_YYYY +1] school year did you have any other physical, mental, emotional, or learning
condition that had lasted six months or more?
[Internal routing item; nothing presented to survey respondent ]
If A18 (for S-STEM_IHE) ≠ 1 and A18 (iteration2) ≠1 and … A18 (last iteration) ≠1 and A42 (first iteration) ≠1 and A42
(second iteration) ≠1, the respondent is not currently enrolled at any IHE, they are directed to question D1. Otherwise, if
the respondent is currently enrolled in an IHE, they are directed to question E1.
Section C: First Year at S-STEM IHE
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Items D1-D5 are shown only to respondents who are not currently enrolled in a post- baccalaureate or graduate program or an
undergraduate degree or certificate program; who are not planning to enroll in an undergraduate degree or certificate program in
the 2013-2014 school year. Respondents who are currently enrolled but just taking undergraduate courses (but not enrolled in a
degree or certificate program) and respondents who are not currently enrolled in any institution of higher education will be
directed to Items D1-D5.
If A12 or A27=Yes, the respondent is planning to enroll in an undergraduate degree program for the 2013-2014 academic year, or
A42=yes, the respondent is currently enrolled in a post-baccalaureate or graduate program, respondents are directed to question
E1. If the respondent is currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program (A6=1, A18=1 or A42=1 for any iterations), they
are also directed to question E1. Only respondents not enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program and not
planning to re-enroll in the 2013-2014 academic year will continue onto question D1.
D. Employment
In the next section, we would like to ask some questions about your current employment.
If the respondent is currently enrolled in at an undergraduate institution but is just taking classes (not enrolled in a degree or
certificate program), and B6=1 or 2, working one or more jobs for pay, respondent skips to D2. Otherwise, respondents see Item
Are you currently employed?
0 = No
If D1 =1, the respondent is currently employed, they are directed to D2. Otherwise, respondents are directed to question E1.
Section D: Employment (for those not currently enrolled at any IHE)
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
What is your job title and what do you do in your job?
(Please enter your job title and duties in the textboxes below and click on the "Search for Occupation" button. If
you have more than one job, please refer to the job at which you work the most hours when answering the next
few questions.)
[For response options, see BPS0409 Methodology Report and variables MDOCC2 (general job code), MDOCC3 (specific) AND
MDOCC6 (detailed)]
If the respondent is currently enrolled in at an undergraduate institution but is just taking classes (not enrolled in a degree or
certificate program), they are directed to question D4. Otherwise, respondents are shown question D3.
Job title: [response from question D2]. On average, how many hours do you work per week in your job?
Enter Hours: _ _ _ per week [range check: valid if 0-168]
Section D: Employment (for those not currently enrolled at any IHE)
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
The IHE that the respondent was most-recently enrolled in will be automatically filled in for MOST_RECENT_IHE.
How much do you earn from your job?
Enter Amount in Whole Dollars: $_ , _ _ _ , _ _ _.00
This is the amount I earn in my job: (Select one)
1 = Per year
2 = Per month
3 = Per week
4 = Per hour
Job title: [response from question D2]. Is your current job the first job you had after you were last enrolled as
an undergraduate at [MOST_RECENT_IHE]?
Section D: Employment (for those not currently enrolled at any IHE)
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
E. Your Background
What is the highest level of education you ever expect to complete?
0 = No degree/certificate
1 = Bachelor's degree
2 = Associate's degree
3 = Undergraduate certificate or diploma (occupational or technical program)
6 = Master's degree
7 = Doctoral degree (such as the PhD, EdD, etc.)
8 = Post-baccalaureate certificate
10 = Post-master's certificate
12 = Professional degree (includes the following degree programs: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine,
optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, divinity/theology, or veterinary medicine)
Section E: Your Background
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
What is your gender?
1 = Male
2 = Female
What is your ethnicity? Mark one only.
1 = Hispanic or Latino
0 = Not Hispanic or Latino
What is your race? Check one or more.
American Indian or Alaska native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Other, specify [textbox]
Section E: Your Background
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
What is the highest level of education your father completed?
1 = Did not complete high school
2 = High school diploma or equivalent
3 = Vocational/technical training
4 = Less than 2 years of college
5 = Associate’s degree
6 = 2 or more years of college but no degree
7 = Bachelor’s degree
8 = Master’s degree or equivalent
9 = MD, LLB, JD or other advanced degree
10 = Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc) or equivalent
11 = Don’t know
What is the highest level of education your mother completed?
1 = Did not complete high school
2 = High school diploma or equivalent
3 = Vocational/technical training
4 = Less than 2 years of college
5 = Associate’s degree
6 = 2 or more years of college but no degree
7 = Bachelor’s degree
8 = Master’s degree or equivalent
9 = MD, LLB, JD or other advanced degree
10 = Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc) or equivalent
11 = Don’t know
Section E: Your Background
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
When you were growing up, was English the language you spoke most often at home?
Section E: Your Background
Survey of Undergraduate Recipients of Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Thank you! Your responses are very important to the National Science Foundation in understanding the impact of
scholarships and additional student support services funded by the S-STEM program. We appreciate the time you have
taken to complete the survey. Your responses will be used to improve the S-STEM program and to provide a better
understanding of financial support for talented STEM majors and graduates.
The survey is now complete. You may close your internet browser or click Exit.
++ End of Recipient Survey ++
Section E: Your Background
This list of major fields is not shown to respondents to the online survey. The list is used in Items A23, A37, A38, A45, B3, B4, B18
and B20 to auto-suggest possible majors as the respondent begins typing the name of their major in the online survey. For
example, a respondent who types “Com” would see suggested listed: Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs;
Communication Technologies/Technicians and Support Services; Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services.
1 = Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, and Related Sciences
3 = Natural Resources and Conservation
399=Natural resources, other
4 = Architecture and Related Services
5 = Area, Ethnic, Cultural and Gender Studies
9 = Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs
10 = Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services
11 = Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services
12 = Personal and Culinary Services (e.g., includes Cosmetology, Funeral Services)
13 = Education
14 = Engineering
15 = Engineering Technologies/Technicians
16 = Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
19 = Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences
22 = Legal Professions and Studies
23 = English Language and Literature/Letters
25 = Library Science
26 = Biological and Biomedical Sciences
27 = Mathematics and Statistics
28 = Military science/leadership/operational art
29 = Military technologies/applied sciences
30 = Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies
31 = Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies
38 = Philosophy and Religious Studies
39 = Theology and Religious Vocations
40 = Physical Sciences
41 = Science Technologies/Technicians
42 = Psychology
43 = Security, Law enforcement, Homeland security, Protective Services
4301 = Criminal Justice
44 = Public administration/social service
4506 = Economics
4507 = Geography
4509 = International Relations and Affairs
4510 = Political Science and Government
4511 = Sociology
4599 = Social sciences, Other
46 = Construction Trades
47 = Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians
48 = Precision Production
49 = Transportation and Materials Moving
50 = Visual and Performing Arts
51 = Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences
52 = Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services
54 = History
60 = Residency Programs
98 = Not in a degree program
99 = Undeclared
9999 = Other major not listed
FROM CIP 2000 and CIP 2010 CODES, see
List of Major Fields
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Microsoft Word - Appendix A Recipient Survey 5-22-13.docx |
Author | martineza1 |
File Modified | 2013-06-18 |
File Created | 2013-05-23 |