S-STEM OMB Part B Supporting Statement 5-22-13

S-STEM OMB Part B Supporting Statement 5-22-13.pdf

Program Evaluation of the Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) Program

OMB: 3145-0228

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SECTION B: Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods
The National Science Foundation (NSF) requests that the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) approve, under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, a three-year clearance for original
data collection to be used in the evaluation of the Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) Program. The new data collections includes an SSTEM Recipient Survey (Appendix A); an S-STEM Principal Investigator Survey (Appendix C);
and Site Visit Interview and Focus Group Protocols (Appendix D).
The S-STEM program, which operates within NSF’s Division of Undergraduate Education,
awards grants to a geographically diverse set of two- and four-year institutions of higher
education (IHEs) that then provide scholarships for academically talented students, in science
and engineering disciplines, who have demonstrated financial need. Individuals may be granted
S-STEM scholarships for up to five years and receive up to $10,000 per year depending on
financial need. The institutions also provide resources and support services (e.g. academic
support, career counseling, recruitment, research opportunities) to students to support them in
becoming and/or remaining engaged in science and engineering through successful pursuit of
associate, baccalaureate, or graduate-level degrees. Institutions are not required to provide any
specific type of resources or support services (e.g., faculty advisors, peer tutoring, career
counseling) beyond student scholarships, so part of the evaluation will be to gather data on the
services provided (see the proposed Principal Investigator Survey, Appendix C, Module D for
specific survey items addressing the non-financial support offered to S-STEM scholarship
recipients at S-STEM grantee institutions).
S-STEM awards to institutions may last up to five years. The maximum S-STEM request is
normally not to exceed $600,000 in total direct costs; annual budgets are limited to $225,000
direct costs. As part of the direct costs, institutions may request funds up to 5 percent of the total
scholarship amount for expenses related to program administration, and up to 10 percent of the
total scholarship amount for student support services.
The goals of S-STEM are to: 1) improve educational opportunities for students; 2) increase
retention and degree attainment; 3) improve student support programs at institutions of higher
education; and 4) increase the number of well-educated and skilled employees in technical areas
of national need.8 Successful outcomes of the program include graduation with a STEM major,
transfer of STEM students from two-year to four-year colleges, pursuit of STEM graduate degree
studies, and employment in the STEM workforce. Funding for S-STEM comes from H-1B
VISAs, funding which was reauthorized in FY 2005 through Public Law 108-447. NSF receives
40 percent of the H-1B funding, and the agency uses 75 percent of its portion of these funds for
the S-STEM program (NSF, 2011). In 2006, S-STEM expanded to include technology and
science fields beyond the original computer science, engineering, and mathematics fields
included in its precursor program—the Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


National Science Foundation. NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Program Solicitation (NSF 12-529). Retrieved 5/21/13 from


Scholarship (CSEMS) Program, targeting instead the development of the broader STEM
The evaluation of S-STEM will explore the practices (academic and student support services),
and characteristics of the implementation of S-STEM projects; the educational and career
outcomes of the S-STEM scholarship recipients; the student or programmatic outcomes
associated with the receipt of an S-STEM award; the relationship between specific project
features or practices and student outcomes; and any promising practices or lessons learned about
implementation of S-STEM projects. The evaluation will draw on extant data as well as require
new data collection efforts. This package seeks OMB approval for the new data collection
efforts, which include a survey of S-STEM principal investigators, a survey of S-STEM
scholarship recipients, and site visit interview and focus group protocols. Although approval is
sought only for the new data that will be collected for the study, our description of the evaluation
below includes both the extant and original data sources that will serve the evaluation.
Given the nature of the S-STEM program and the type of information being sought, a mixedmethods evaluation design will be employed. The mixed methods approach to the evaluation
integrates both quantitative and qualitative data analyses and methods. Specifically, the
evaluation will consist of the following descriptive, relational, benchmarking, and quasiexperimental study components:
 A descriptive implementation study that describes the ways in which S-STEM projects
(i.e., grantee institutions) recruit and retain students in STEM fields, allocate scholarship
funds, and provide educational and support programming for scholarship recipients;
 A relational study of associations between project characteristics and practices and
recipient outcomes;
 A benchmarking comparison of recipients’ educational and academic support experiences
to national trends; and
 A comparative, quasi-experimental study using Propensity Score Matching (PSM) at the
individual level to compare the educational and career outcomes of S-STEM scholarship
recipients to a matched sample of respondents from a national survey of postsecondary
The data sources to be used in the evaluation include both new data collections and extant
sources (see Section A.1 for more information about the circumstances requiring these data
New Data Collections
 Survey data from S-STEM Principal Investigators to understand how the S-STEM
projects operate and how the S-STEM awards are implemented;
 Survey data from S-STEM scholarship recipients to: (a) compare their educational and
career outcomes to a matched comparison group of respondents to Beginning
Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS) surveys, an extant data source; and
(b) benchmark (contextualize) their undergraduate experiences and academic engagement
to a reference group of respondents to the National Survey of Student Engagement

The NSSE is administered once annually at participating institutions of higher education (IHE) that award a four- or fiveyear Bachelor’s degree to a random sample of currently-enrolled students within each institution.



Site visits to a purposive sample of S-STEM projects at up to six institutions of higher
education per year to gather in-depth information through interviews and focus groups,
about project implementation in particular contexts.10
Extant Sources
 Extant program data from projects’ annual reports to NSF and the S-STEM Monitoring
System to examine the components and practices employed by S-STEM projects;
 Extant institutional data maintained by the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data
System (IPEDS; U.S. Department of Education), to which institutions of higher education
report annual data on a wide range of institutional characteristics including types of
degrees granted; public versus private control; non-profit or for-profit status;
demographic characteristics of student body (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender); undergraduate
and graduate student enrollment; retention and degree completion rates; percentage of
students majoring in academic fields; tuition and cost-of-attendance; percentage of
students receiving financial aid; expenditures on instruction, research and development,
operations; etc.;
 Extant data from a matched comparison group of respondents to the Beginning
Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS) surveys, part of a longitudinal,
nationally-representative study conducted by the U.S. Department of Education to
examine rates of college enrollment, degree attainment, and how students pay for
 Extant data from a comparison group of respondents to the National Survey of Student
Engagement (NSSE), an annual survey of undergraduate students at participating fouryear institutions to examine students’ engagement in learning and co-curricular campus
activities, and students’ perception of the degree of faculty and staff support for their
educational and career goals. 12

While approval is sought only for the new data that will be collected for the study, both the
extant and original data sources that will serve the evaluation are described in Supporting
Statement A.
S-STEM recipients will be matched on student level characteristics (see Exhibit B.1 below) to
BPS survey respondents. Details of the approach to matching are contained in Appendix E.




In selecting sites, the study will be purposeful in ensuring a diversity of institutional types and contexts, with visits to twoyear schools, minority serving institutions, public research universities, and private liberal arts colleges..
This longitudinal study of first-time beginning postsecondary students included three waves of data collection beginning
with the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS04), with two follow-up waves: the Beginning Postsecondary
Student surveys in 2006 and 2009 (BPS:04/06 and BPS:04/09).
To determine the feasibility of the matching, NSF’s evaluation contractor has obtained access to the extant datasets (IPEDS,
BPS, NSSE), processed the data, and identified the samples.


Exhibit B.1: Individual characteristics to be included in matching
Financial aid
Received Federal Stafford Loan
Received Pell Grant
Received school grant/scholarship
Received State grant/scholarship
Received any other financial aid for education
Academic information
SAT I math score
SAT I verbal score
ACT composite score
Cumulative GPA ( or an estimate of GPA) through the end of the first school
Demographic characteristics
Race and Ethnicity
Other characteristics
Type of degree (Associates or Bachelor’s degree)
Major (Current field of degree)
Full-time enrollment status

NSF has contracted with Abt Associates to conduct an evaluation of S-STEM that will explore
the strategies, practices, and characteristics of implementation of exemplary S-STEM awardees;
investigate S-STEM-related outcomes among recipients; and investigate institutional-related
outcomes of S-STEM grantees. There were 513 S-STEM projects awarded from 2006 to 2010.
The evaluation will include the 494 S-STEM projects that provided scholarships to
undergraduate recipients, the PIs of these projects, and a sample of S-STEM scholarship
recipients who were (or are currently) supported by these projects. The study will answer the
following overarching questions:
1. How do individual awardees implement their S-STEM projects?
2. What are the educational and career outcomes of the S-STEM scholarship recipients?
How do outcomes of S-STEM recipients compare to an appropriate comparison group or
national trends?
3. Are there student or programmatic outcomes associated with receipt of an S-STEM
4. What is the relationship between specific project characteristics or practices and student
outcomes? Are there promising practices or lessons learned about implementation of SSTEM projects?
Exhibit B.2 below maps the research questions to the sources of data, and the proposed analyses.
(The analyses are described in Section B.3.) Following Exhibit B.2, we discuss the proposed
sampling methods.


Exhibit B.2: Map of Research Questions to Data Sources and Analyses
Research Questions

Data Sources

1. How do individual awardees implement their S-STEM projects?
a. What are promising practices in key areas (e.g. recruitment, academic support, retention) of and/or

lessons learned from highly effective and successful S-STEM projects?
What are the educational and career outcomes of the S-STEM scholarship recipients? How do
outcomes of S-STEM recipients compare to an appropriate comparison group or national trends?


a. What is the effect of the S-STEM program scholarships on recipients?


appropriate comparison or national trends?
c. To what extent do S-STEM scholarship recipients join the STEM workforce after graduation as compared
to an appropriate comparison or national trends?
d. To what extent do S-STEM scholarship recipients apply for and attend a STEM graduate program as
compared to an appropriate comparison group or national trends?
e. How effectively does the program meet the needs of academically talented financially needy STEM
students as compared to other need-based opportunities and/or mechanisms?
Are there student or programmatic outcomes associated with receipt of an S-STEM award?
a. What is the effect of the S-STEM program on student outcomes (e.g. recruitment, retention) in STEM at
institutions that have received an award compared to an appropriate comparison or national trends?
b. What is the added value of the S-STEM program on institutions that receive awards?
c. What is the added value of the S-STEM program on student support and educational opportunities for
recipients in institutions receiving S-STEM program funding?
d. What is the added value of the S-STEM program on STEM programs, STEM departments, and/or IHEs
that have received S-STEM funding?
What is the relationship between specific project features or practices and student outcomes? Are
there promising practices or lessons learned about implementation of S-STEM projects?
a. Are there any unintended positive and negative consequences/outcomes that can inform project and
program management and design?
b. To what extent can outcomes be attributed to components supported by the S-STEM program?
c. Are there other NSF-funded education-oriented projects at the institution?
d. What is the relationship among these NSF-funded education-oriented efforts at the institution?


NSSE data

BPS data

Site visit
Annual Reports/
Monitoring System







































b. To what extent do S-STEM scholarship recipients transfer to a four-year program as compared to an


Recipient survey

PI survey








B.1. Respondent Universe and Sampling Methods
From 2006 to 2010, the S-STEM program granted 513 S-STEM awards. Of these, 19 provide SSTEM scholarships only to graduate students and are excluded from the sampling frame. The
evaluation will examine the remaining 494 S-STEM awards that provide scholarships to
undergraduate recipients (see Exhibit B.3). Given that earlier studies of NSF STEM scholarships
and fellowship programs, conducted by the contractor, have achieved response rates of 80%,13
this study has set a target response rate of 80%. This target response rate corresponds to the
threshold below which OMB guidance requires a nonresponse bias analysis,14 thus we include a
plan for nonresponse bias analysis (see section B.4 and Appendix G), in the event that an 80%
response rate is not achieved.
PI Survey Sample
Of the 513 S-STEM awards made from 2006 through 2010, 19 are excluded because they give
scholarships to graduate students only. This leaves 494 eligible awards in the sampling frame;
among these, there are 483 unique PIs (11 had more than one S-STEM award). We propose to
survey the census of 483 unique PIs.
We propose a census of PIs because extant data are not available on characteristics or models of
the S-STEM projects, which vary with respect to recruitment and selection strategies, and
educational opportunities and support services available to scholarship recipients. The lack of
data makes it difficult to divide this population into homogenous subgroups to obtain reasonable
strata from which to sample, and a simple random sample could potentially leave out programs
that are unique in nature and not provide precise estimates of the population. Because we
propose to survey the census of PIs, we do not present a sampling plan. All 483 unique PIs will
be invited to participate in the PI survey.
S-STEM Scholarship Recipient Sample
The target population for the Recipient Survey includes S-STEM scholarship recipients enrolled
at S-STEM grantee institutions between 2006-2010. Because the S-STEM monitoring system
collects information about scholarship recipients from PIs, the monitoring system serves as the
source for identifying recipients to be included in the study. However, student-level information
is only available for 462 awards, and the 32 awards with no student-level information are
excluded from the sampling frame for the recipient survey (Exhibit B.3).
Because the comparison group will be matched to recipients within IHEs the number of unique
IHEs will serve as the initial unit for sampling. In analyses, we will compare recipients selected
from within an IHE to a matched comparison group of students who attended the same IHE and
were participants in the BPS:04/09 survey – for which we will use extant data. The differences
in outcomes between S-STEM recipients and BPS respondents will be calculated by averaging
across IHEs.


Abt Associates Inc., CAREER, GK-12, and NSF-International studies.
See Guideline 1.3.4 in the Office of Management and Budget Standards and Guidelines for Statistical Surveys,
September 2006.


Exhibit B.3: Study Samples for PI and S-STEM Recipients for Surveys
All S-STEM awards 2006 - 2010
N= 513

S-STEM awards in study
N= 494
(483 PIs, because there are 11 PIs with 2 awards)

EXCLUDED: Projects with
only graduate students

PI survey

S-STEM awards with data in monitoring system
N= 462
(86 at two-year IHEs, 376 at four-year IHEs)

EXCLUDED: Projects with
no student-level data

Unique IHEs
(Two-year IHEs: 75; Four-year IHEs: 302

Two-year IHEs
N= 75
(Recipients N =5,477)

Four-year IHEs
N= 302
(Recipients N = 14,391)

EXCLUDED: Recipients
pursuing Master’s
N=419, PhD N= 104,
unknown N=1 degree

Include All Two-Year

Sample Four-Year IHEs:

Excluded from Sampling

Sample S-STEM
Recipients at 2-year:
N = 3,074

Sample S-STEM
Recipients at 4-year:
N = 5,146

Recipient Survey


The 462 awards were made to a total of 377 unique IHEs (n=75 two-year IHEs and n=302 fouryear IHEs). The S-STEM projects in these two-year IHEs had a population of 5,477
undergraduate S-STEM recipients. The four-year IHEs had a population of 14,391 undergraduate
S-STEM recipients (these numbers include those who are currently or were formerly enrolled).
The sum yields a total of 19,868 eligible recipients in the sampling frame (see Exhibit B.3).
We will sample from two independent populations of scholarship recipients, classified by the
type of degree program in which they were enrolled during the first year they received S-STEM
support. We will select the census of two-year awardee IHEs (n=75). Within these 75 IHEs we
will select a sample of 3,074 S-STEM scholarship recipients. From four-year awardee IHEs we
will select a sample of 166 IHEs. Within these we will select a sample of 5,146 S-STEM
scholarship recipients. The total number of S-STEM recipients who will be invited to complete
the recipient survey is 8,220.
The analytic sample size estimates for the two- and four-year IHE recipient samples are based on
a desired minimum detectable effect size (MDE) of 0.075 for continuous outcomes (such as time
to degree), and corresponding minimum detectable differences (MDDs) of between 2.3 and 3.8
percentage points for dichotomous outcomes (such as “earned degree” versus “did not earn
degree”).15 Previous literature relevant to this study has shown that the typical effect size for
similar continuous outcomes ranges from 0.075 to 0.2 and from 5 to 20 percentage points for
dichotomous outcomes(e.g., Crisp et al., 2009; Eagan et al, 2010; Dowd & Coury, 2006; Ishitani,
2012; Melguizo & Dowd, 2006). Based on this literature, the proposed evaluation is designed to
detect MDEs of 0.075 which corresponds to MDDs of between 2.3 and 3.8 percentage points.
Sampling calculations are based on the following assumptions:

Significance level (alpha) = 0.05;
Power = 80 percent
The variance of effect size of the outcome across S-STEM awardee institutions is zero
(this assumption is consistent with a fixed effects model for the treatment variable).
The proportion of variation in outcomes explained by institutional-level covariates
(reported symbolically as B) is approximately 0.116 and that the proportion of variation
explained by individual-level covariates (R-squared) is 0.2.17
The number of units in the constructed comparison group will equal the number of units
in the “treatment” group, namely the S-STEM scholarship recipients.

To achieve the desired MDEs, the target sample sizes reported here have been increased to
account for the following:
 Outdated or inaccurate contact information resulting in an estimated non-location of 20
percent of scholarship recipients named in the S-STEM Monitoring System;

The MDE (used for continuous variables) is expressed as a percent of the standard deviation of the outcome, and the MDD
(used for dichotomous variables) is expressed as a percentage point difference in the mean value of the outcome.
Dowd & Coury, 2006; Melguizo & Dowd, 2006 show that selectivity of school explains 10 percent of persistence and
graduation rates.
Adelman, C. (1999). Answers in the tool box: Academic intensity, attendance patterns, and bachelor’s degree attainment.
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved September 20, 2012 from



An estimated non-response rate of 20 percent for those scholarship recipients who can be
accurately located;
An estimated loss of 20 percent of respondents during the propensity score matching
(PSM) of recipients to a comparison group of non-recipients (see Appendix E for details
of the PSM); and
An increase in the total number of IHEs in case no recipients from a selected S-STEM
awardee respond (non-response at the IHE level).

To create a balance across award cohort (i.e., cohort of awards made in 2006-07; in 2007-08;
etc.) and recipient characteristics of interest, within each IHE we will select a stratified
systematic sample of recipients from each of four strata, representing cross-classifications of
gender (male, female) and minority status (underrepresented minority, non-underrepresented).
Recipients will be selected systematically using Lahari’s circular method from each stratum.
Prior to sampling the recipients will be sorted by cohort and discipline. Systematic sampling
after sorting by cohort and discipline will increase the likelihood of having a wide distribution of
recipients across the grant projects, the cohorts, and various disciplines in the selected sample.
We will over-sample recipients from strata with small cell counts to ensure adequate
See Appendix E for details on the sample selection and power analyses.

Sampling IHEs for Site Visits
A purposive sample of six S-STEM awardee institutions per year for three years will be selected for
site visits. Site selection requires variation on the dimensions of theoretical interest (Seawright &
Gerring, 2008), thus sites will be selected to represent the variety of institutional contexts in which
S-STEM awards operate (e.g., institution type, size, location, STEM fields supported). The set of
sites selected will include community colleges, 4-year institutions, and universities, and will
represent the geographic diversity of S-STEM institutions.
B.2. Information Collection Procedures
Primary data collection activities include a web-based survey of S-STEM Principal Investigators;
a web-based survey of current and former scholarship recipients at 2006-2010 S-STEM awardee
IHEs; and interviews and focus groups conducted during site visits to selected S-STEM
institutions. We describe the data collection procedures for each activity below.
PI and Recipient Surveys

To locate survey respondents, researchers will construct a database of current contact
information using information available through the S-STEM Monitoring System. The
evaluation contractor, Abt Associates (Abt), will also use other location methods such as general
web searches and the fee-based electronic database Accurint. Abt will then contact S-STEM PIs
to request contact information for individuals in the sample for which this information is
missing. (See Appendix F for the invitations.)
S-STEM recipients and PIs will receive an email inviting them to participate in an online survey
(see Appendix F for email text). This email will explain the purpose of the study and a link to
the web-survey. Each survey link will be unique to the selected respondent. This survey link
will launch the respondent’s web browser and open the survey to an introductory “landing page”

that will describe the purpose of the survey, its expected length, and instructions for navigating
through the survey. Links to a “frequently-asked questions” page will be included along with
information about how the respondent’s privacy will be safeguarded. The landing page will
clearly display the OMB control number and expiration date, along with confirmation that the
study has received IRB approval and contact information for potential survey respondents to use
if they have questions about the study. Respondents who consent to participate in the survey will
be asked to click on a button to launch the survey.
During the one-month survey field period, up to three email reminders and three telephone
reminders will be used to encourage survey completion. (See Appendix F for text of reminders.)
If desired response rates have not been achieved at that time, the contractor may extend the
survey deadline by one to two weeks. Throughout the data collection cycle, a toll-free study
telephone number and e-mail address will be available to allow potential respondents to easily
obtain answers to questions or concerns about the study. In their survey invitation, S-STEM PIs
will also be informed of the timeline for fielding of the Recipient Survey so that they may
encourage scholarship recipients to participate in the survey.
Once approval is received from OMB, the web-based surveys will be programmed for online
data collection. The study team will test the programmed surveys to ensure functionality and
accuracy of data capture. (See Appendices A and C for copies of the survey instruments.) The
Recipient Survey proposed for this study has been developed using identical survey items from
the BPS:04/09 survey along with items taken directly from the earlier-administered NPSAS:04
survey (see Appendix B for sources of specific items) to permit:
 matching of S-STEM recipients to BPS respondents on a shared set of characteristics;
 comparison of outcomes using a shared set of measures (i.e., identical survey items and
response categories); and
 inclusion of covariates based on a common set of measures (identical or nearly-identical
survey items and response categories).
Site Visit Interviews and Focus Groups

During each site visit, S-STEM PIs, other STEM faculty, senior college/university
administrators, and currently-enrolled S-STEM scholarship recipients will be invited to
participate in interviews and focus groups. Prior to each site visit, each PI will receive an email
from NSF introducing the study, why the respective institution was selected for site visit, and
why site visits are an important component of evaluating federally-funded STEM higher
education programs. (See Appendix F for email text.) The research team will then send an
introductory email to begin communication with the PI and other relevant individuals to address
details of the site visit, including logistics and expectations (See Appendix F for email text).
Next, the research team will contact currently-enrolled S-STEM scholarship recipients, faculty in
STEM departments, and university administrators via email to invite these respondents to
participate in an interview (or focus group) and to explain the purposes of the site visit. (See
Appendix D for the site visit interview protocols and Appendix F for introductory letters and
In preparation for each site visit, a detailed background study will be conducted using available
sources (S-STEM institutional websites, annual project reports) to allow the team to identify

institution-specific probes during focus groups and interviews (e.g., use and helpfulness of SSTEM offerings by students).
Once on-site, a team of three to six site visitors will collect in-depth qualitative data will be
collected following structured interview protocols (Appendix D) keyed to each respondent type.
Interviews and focus groups will be audio-recorded so that notes can be captured and analyzed
using a qualitative software package (see Section B.3 for approach to analyses). Site visit reports
will be prepared for each site and shared with the S-STEM project. The project will have the
opportunity to review and comment on the site visit report before it is submitted to NSF.
Data Security and Privacy Protection

Abt Associates, the contractor that will conduct the proposed data collection activities, has
conducted numerous studies involving sensitive and non-sensitive information. All project staff
members employ both electronic and physical safeguards to protect data from unauthorized
access. Electronic project directories, files, and databases are accessible to project staff only and
are protected by discretionary access control lists (ACLs), group memberships, passwords, and
locking workstations. Access to the data processing area and database servers is limited to
authorized personnel. Building security staffs all sites 24 hours, 7 days per week. To protect
against data loss, Abt also uses automated, redundant backup procedures and file management
techniques to ensure that files are not inadvertently lost or damaged. All data, including the webbased survey data, will be maintained on a secure server with appropriate levels of password
protection. After the conclusion of each site visit, interview notes and audio recordings will be
stored in locked storage locations within the contractor’s offices. Respondent names will be
replaced with pseudonyms in NVivo and other analysis files created.

B.3. Estimation Procedures
The research team will conduct descriptive, comparative, and relational analyses of extant and
primary data collected from interviews and surveys to address the four primary research
questions as depicted in Exhibit B.2 above.
Descriptive Analyses
Descriptive statistical procedures will include the calculation of means and standard deviations
for continuous variables (e.g., mean amount of scholarship funding per student) and percentages
for categorical variables (e.g., the percentage of S-STEM IHEs that provide learning support
centers for math or science coursework). Where applicable, the number of missing responses
will also be reported. Where nationally-representative data or data representative of students at
particular institutions are available, these will be presented as a context in which to interpret
descriptive data on recipients or S-STEM awardee institutions. Site visit interview and focus
group data will be analyzed to identify patterns of similar and contrasting responses from
respondents. Evaluators will begin by developing an understanding of the S-STEM project in its
institutional context, including the characteristics of affiliated departments, academic support
services at the institution, particularly those related to STEM courses, and accessibility of project
activities and support services. Analyses will focus on identifying responses keyed to the
evaluation indicators, and on identifying patterns both within and across institutions, categories,
and emergent themes.

Relational Analyses
To explore relationships between S-STEM project characteristics (e.g., scholarship amount per
student, types of student support services offered) and recipient outcomes of interest, analyses
will include multivariate, ordinary-least-square regression models for continuous outcomes, and
logistic regression models for dichotomous outcomes (including covariates, where applicable for
institutional (e.g., public vs. privately controlled, Carnegie classification) and recipient
characteristics (age, race/ethnicity, gender). To make optimal use of data in exploring
relationships between recipient characteristics and outcomes, evaluators will use hierarchical
linear modeling to derive appropriate standard errors for multi-level data (i.e., data that reflect
both intra- and inter-individual change over time). Where corresponding nationallyrepresentative data about relationships between institutional characteristics and student outcomes
are available, reports will include such data as relevant benchmarks against which to compare the
strength of association for such characteristics and outcomes among S-STEM participant
institutions and recipients.
Quasi-experimental Comparative Analyses of Recipient Survey Data
We propose a quasi-experimental design (QED) using propensity score matching (PSM) to
create matched treatment and comparison groups. (The advantages and limitations of this
approach are described at the end of this section.) The comparison group will consist of
participants in the Beginning Postsecondary Students (BPS) study (BPS:04-09 and NPSAS04
survey data); the treatment group will consist of S-STEM recipients within each awardee IHE.
These two groups will be matched based on IHE attended and on individual-level characteristics
observed prior to receipt of S-STEM. Such characteristics include, for example: college
admission test scores (SAT or ACT), first year college GPA, financial aid received, and
demographic information such as marital status, income, number of dependent children, race,
gender, disability, and ethnicity. Differences in outcomes (and standard errors of those
differences) for S-STEM recipients and the matched comparison group will be estimated using
multi-level linear and logistic regression models that incorporate the propensity scores and
control for other covariates shown to be associated with these outcomes. Differences will be
tested for statistical significance (for details see Appendix E).
Analyses comparing S-STEM recipients’ outcomes to those of a nationally-representative
comparison group of BPS respondents will be conducted separately for two- and four- year
IHEs. The first step of the analysis is to create a matched comparison group of students using
the respondents of the BPS survey. Matching will be done within each IHE from which
Recipient Survey data are collected. The next section details the propensity score matching
process; this is followed by an explanation of procedures to estimate differences from this
matched sample.
Propensity Score Matching

A quasi-experimental statistical method termed propensity score matching (PSM) will be used to
match S-STEM recipients with BPS respondents.18 Propensity score matching allows S-STEM


Rosenbaum, P.R. and Rubin, D.B. (1984) Reducing bias in observational studies using subclassification on the
propensity score, Journal of the American Statistical Association 79: 516-524.


recipients to be matched to BPS respondents (control group) based on their similarity.19 With
this approach, the S-STEM recipients would be compared to BPS respondents who are as similar
as possible to them in terms of observable characteristics, allowing us to estimate what the SSTEM recipients’ outcomes would have been had they not received the S-STEM award, had
other characteristics been equivalent.20 PSM analysis will be performed using the following four
Step 1: We will identify a set of characteristics, measured prior to the treatment group’s receipt
of S-STEM scholarship funding (i.e., called pre-treatment characteristics) that will be
used in the propensity score model to match S-STEM recipients to BPS respondents.
These characteristics include variables that likely are associated both with the
likelihood of receiving an S-STEM scholarship (e.g., financial aid received for the first
year of enrollment; SAT or ACT college admissions test scores) and with the outcomes
of interest (e.g., persistence to degree attainment). S-STEM scholarship recipients
selected by the awardee institution must be US citizens or permanent residents who are
enrolled full time in a program leading to an associate or baccalaureate degree in a
STEM discipline;21 selected students must demonstrate financial need and academic
potential or ability. Therefore, pre-treatment characteristics such as SAT/ACT scores,
types of financial aid received, college credit for high school coursework, and first year
GPA (if prior to receipt of an S-STEM scholarship), will be used as matching variables.
These data will be obtained from survey data (the Recipient Survey and BPS extant
survey data).
Step 2: Using these pre-treatment characteristics, we will fit a logistic regression model that
predicts the probability of being awarded a STEM scholarship. We will then use the
coefficients from this model to estimate, for each individual-- including each BPS
respondent--a “propensity score,” which represents the probability of receiving an SSTEM scholarship. Next, within each IHE, we will identify and exclude from further
analyses those individuals for which no credible match from the other group can be
found (that is, any S-STEM recipient for whom there are no credible matches in the
BPS respondent group within that IHE will be excluded from analysis; and vice versa,
any BPS respondent for which there are no credible S-STEM recipient matches will be





Angrist, J.D. (1998) Estimating the labor market impact of voluntary military service using social security data
on military applicants, Econometrica, 66: 249-288. 1998; Heckman, J. Ichimura, H. Smith, J. and Todd, P.
(1998). Characterizing selection bias using experimental data, Econometrica, 66: 1017-1098.
The comparison groups will be constructed separately for recipients who were pursuing an Associates degree
and those who were pursuing a bachelor’s degree at the time they first received an S-STEM scholarship, and
propensity score models will be fit separately for the two types of scholarship recipients. All comparison
analyses will be conducted separately for the each.
Students enrolled for a graduate degree in a STEM discipline are also eligible for an S-STEM scholarship but
are not included in the proposed evaluation.
More technically, those individual who fall outside of the “area of common support,” the range of common
propensity scores across S-STEM recipients and BPS respondents within that IHE will be excluded from
analysis. Enforcing the criterion of common support is important to ensure the similarity of the matched
recipients to non-recipients (Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1983; Caliendo and Kopeinig, 2008).


Step 3: Within each IHE we will use the estimated propensity scores to create matched sets of
S-STEM recipients and BPS respondents. If the matching is not possible within an awardee
institution, we will match students from institutions with similar institutional characteristics
using data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).
There are a

variety of techniques available for using propensity scores to create such matched sets;
we will use stratification to place matched sets of treatment and comparison students
into five subgroups, or strata within each IHE (for more detail, see Appendix E). 24
Step 4: Finally, we will test whether there are any differences between the S-STEM recipients
and corresponding “matched” BPS respondents within each propensity score strata for
each IHE. Once the stratification is “balanced,” propensity scores of the treatment and
comparison group members within each stratum are statistically equivalent (see
Appendix E for additional details of this step in the PSM procedure). If we find that
statistical balance is not achieved across treatment and comparison groups in each
stratum for each IHE, we will modify the logistic model used in Step 2 by including
interactions and higher-order terms of the unbalanced characteristics and repeat Steps 2
through 4 until satisfactory balance is achieved.
Estimation of Differences

Following the propensity score matching, we will estimate the effect of the S-STEM program
separately for recipients in two- year and four-year institutions by comparing S-STEM
recipients’ outcomes to those of their comparison group using multivariate regression models for
each outcome of interest (see Exhibit B.4). For each outcome, the regression model will include
a dichotomous indicator or “dummy” variable to indicate whether each student included in the
model is an S-STEM recipient or not; the model will employ a number of matching
characteristics and other control variables that are hypothesized to affect the outcomes of interest
as covariates. The inclusion of the matching characteristics in this model will give us the chance
to get a “doubly-robust” estimate since they will have been used twice: both in the propensity
score model and in the estimation of effect sizes.25 The regression model produces separate
estimates of the effect of S-STEM scholarship receipt for each propensity score stratum; these
estimates for each propensity score stratum will be aggregated based on the relative proportion of
treatment and comparison group members in each stratum (see Appendix E for details). Estimated
coefficients from the regression model and the overall treatment effect estimates will be
presented along with corresponding standard errors and p-values. Hence, for dichotomous
outcomes, estimates will be presented in the form of percentage points, whereas for continuous



Examples of these characteristics are: geographic location of institution, sector of institution (public, private,
non-profit), level of institution (2 - year vs. 4 year), historically black college/university, degree of urbanization,
Carnegie classification, cost of attendance, selectivity of the institution enrollment size, and other enrollment
Hirano, Keisuke, Guido W. Imbens, and Geert Ridder. 2003. Efficient Estimation of Average Treatment Effects
Using the Estimated Propensity Score. Econometrica, 71(4): 1161-89; Morgan S.L. and Harding D. J. (2006).
Matching Estimators of Causal Effects: Prospects and Pitfalls in Theory and Practice. Sociological Methods &
Research, 35(1), 3–60; and Abadie, A., & Imbens, G. W. (2009). Matching on the Estimated Propensity Score.
NBER Working Paper.
Ho D.E., Imai K., King G., and Stuart E. A. (2007) Matching as nonparametric preprocessing for reducing
model dependence in parametric causal inference. Political Analysis.; 15: 199–236.; Morgan S.L. and Harding
D. J. (2006). Matching Estimators of Causal Effects: Prospects and Pitfalls in Theory and Practice. Sociological
Methods & Research, 35(1), 3–60.


outcomes, overall estimates in “effect size” units (e.g., Hedges’ g [Hedges & Olkin, 1985]) will
be presented.
Exhibit B.4: Key S-STEM scholarship recipient outcomes of interest
Primary S-STEM recipient outcomes
Degree earned (Bachelor’s, Associates)
Was the expected degree earned
Major field (primary and secondary if double major) Was the degree earned in STEM field
of degree
Time to degree
Time elapsed from date of enrollment to date
degree earned
Time enrolled to degree
Number of months of enrollment required until
degree earned
Date degree expected
If currently enrolled, date degree is expected
Transfer to Bachelor’s degree program
If S-STEM recipient was enrolled at two-year
institution at first receipt of scholarship, did
recipient ever enroll in a bachelor’s degree
Reason for leaving S-STEM institution
If degree not earned from S-STEM institution
reason for leaving former institution
Current employment status
For former recipients not enrolled in an IHE,
employed or not
Type of job
Occupation (STEM or not STEM related)
Hours worked
Average number of hours worked per week
Amount earned
Annual salary or hourly wage earned
Relationship of job to degree from S-STEM
Is current job related to major field of degree
earned (or pursued but not earned)
Number of jobs worked during enrollment at STotal number of jobs worked while enrolled at SSTEM institution
STEM institution
Amount of undergraduate loans
Total amount borrowed for undergraduate degree
(earned or not)

Advantages of Approach
The approach to estimating differences in outcomes for S-STEM recipients relative to those of a
matched comparison group of BPS study participants that is outlined above has several
advantages and some notable limitations. The advantages of this approach include:



The BPS (04/09) data are derived from a nationally representative sample of students
who were enrolled in post-secondary education for the first time in the 2003-04 academic
year. Additionally, it is representative at the student level for 3 institution types (public,
private for-profit and private non-profit). These data thus provide a national context
against which to compare educational and employment outcomes for S-STEM recipients;
in addition, the data could be used to produce representative estimates at the state level
(in 12 states).
The BPS data include substantial numbers of variables measuring the same outcomes of
interest for the proposed evaluation of S-STEM: enrollment history, including transfer of
credits from one institution of higher education to another and periods of non-enrollment;
persistence, progress and degree attainment in post-secondary education; major field of
degree (e.g., STEM or other); financial aid received for undergraduate education;
enrollment in post-baccalaureate education; and employment history.
The BPS data also contain abundant variables on which to match S-STEM recipients to
BPS respondents including, for example: major field of study, SAT/ACT scores, college
credit earned for high school coursework, receipt of Pell grant in the first year of


undergraduate education, income, marital status, and number of dependent children,
parents’ highest educational levels, race, ethnicity, and other demographic characteristics.
Similarly, the data include institutional characteristics of the colleges or universities
respondents attended, such as Carnegie classification, institutional level (two- or fouryear; types of degrees granted) and sector (private vs. public), selectivity, status as an
HBCU (Historically Black College/University) or Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI),
and cost of attendance.
The relationship of specific features of the S-STEM projects to outcomes of interest
could be investigated in exploratory analyses. If there are promising strategies identified
NSF might decide to pursue a rigorous examination of these by putting in place the
conditions for a demonstration project.

Since this proposed approach is a retrospective study, in which S-STEM recipients are asked to
report on both current and prior educational characteristics, findings will be available in a shorter
period of time than a prospective study in which current S-STEM recipients were followed over
time for several years. The proposed design also incurs a lower cost than some alternative
approaches, because it exploits extant data to construct a comparison group, rather than
collecting new, primary data from non-S-STEM participants.
There are also several limitations of the proposed approach, although the study is designed to
limit or mitigate several of these limitations.
Location and response rates Surveys will involve S-STEM participants from cohorts that span
2006-2010 of the S-STEM program. Reaching participants going back to the early cohorts may
be difficult. Thus, the sampling approach will over sample S-STEM recipients so that there will
be the required number of recipients for analysis even if response rates are lower than ideal.
Earlier studies have shown location rates of 75%26 and response rates of 80%.27 As a result, we
will boost our sample size of S-STEM recipients to account for these previously cited rates.
Further, the analysis plan involves a specific approach to address potential non-response bias.
Recall bias. Another potential limitation of surveying S-STEM recipients from cohorts that span
2006-2010 is the potential for recall bias – an inability of respondents to accurately remember
the events being examined. Recall bias has been extensively studied in the medical literature.
For example, Litwin and colleagues documented that patients could not accurately recall their
health status as little as three years after undergoing a surgical procedure (patients tended to
report pre-surgery quality of life as better than it actually was). 28 Thus, the study will explore
whether there are marked differences in the responses of individuals from earlier cohorts when
compared to later cohorts.



Abt Associates Inc., (2009) Needs assessment of the NIGMS Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in
Health Related Research: Final Report, April, 2009.
Abt Associates Inc., CAREER, GK-12, and NSF-International studies.
Litwin, M.S. and McGuigan, K.A. (1999). Accuracy of recall in health-related quality-of-life assessment among
men treated for prostate cancer, Journal of Clinical Oncology 17(9): 2882-8.


Propensity score matching. Propensity score matching deals with selection bias by explicitly
balancing the observable differences between program participants and non-participants and
constructing matched treatment and comparison groups that are then used to estimate the effects
of the program. Propensity score estimators are valid under the “conditional independence”
assumption, which states that the assignment status of a participant or a non-participant (to the
treatment or comparison condition) is “ignorable” conditional on his/her propensity score. 29 In
other words, propensity score matching relies on the statistical equivalence of matched treatment
and comparison groups conditional on their observable characteristics. The major threat to the
validity of propensity score estimators, therefore, comes from the existence of unobservable
characteristics that affect both outcomes of interest and an individual’s assignment status. For
example motivation, an unobservable characteristic, is often an important factor that effects an
individual’s participation in a program as well as his/her outcomes. Program participants may be
more motivated than non-participants and thus have better outcomes. In this case, using
propensity score matching may not fully remove the inherent difference between the treatment
and the comparison groups.
The best way to deal with the threat of unobservable characteristics is using as many “relevant”
observable characteristics as possible in the propensity score matching process, so that the effect
of these factors is reduced. This study will employ an extensive set of matching variables to
minimize the selection bias. Assuming that the S-STEM award decisions were also based on the
same information, this approach should account for some of the inherent differences between
recipients and BPS comparison and minimize the selection bias.
Beginning Postsecondary Student (BPS) longitudinal data. There are three relevant
limitations related to the use of the BPS data. First, the most recent administration of BPS for
which it is feasible to obtain data within the study’s timeline is out of phase with the study data
collection, which is planned for 2013. As a result, this comparison group limits the ability to
control for changes over time that coincide with (or overlap with) the onset of the S-STEM
program or receipt of an award that could affect outcomes of interest independent of the
program’s effect. That is, the sample of BPS students to be used as the comparison group is a
cohort of first time post-secondary students in 2003-04 who were surveyed longitudinally in
2004, 2006, and 2009. In contrast, the S-STEM recipient treatment group are students who were
enrolled as undergraduates in 2006 or later. Because they were attending college at different
historical times, systematic differences between the BPS respondents and S-STEM scholarship
recipients could be unobservable –and thus might bias estimates of the differences in outcomes
between the two groups.
Available institutional and student level data will be used for both S-STEM and BPS students to
control for factors that could explain observed differences, thus reducing the number of plausible
alternative explanations for observed effects to address these limitations. Furthermore, it is also
necessary to control for characteristics of recipients that could affect receipt of S-STEM support,
and independently could affect outcomes of interest to the evaluation. To control for these

Blundell, R. & Costa Dias, M. (2000) Evaluation methods for non-experimental data, Fiscal Studies 21(4)
(2000): 427-68; A. Abadiea and G. W. Imbens, (2009) Matching on the estimated propensity score. NBER
Working Paper.


characteristics before they could be altered by exposure to S-STEM support, baseline data (i.e.,
pre-grant year data) measured in the years prior to receipt of S-STEM support will be used in the
PSM process.
The second limitation of the BPS data is that the survey was not designed to directly measure
many of the outcomes that are pertinent to our study. However, the necessary outcomes can be
calculated using the data collected across the years. For example, the percent of students in twoyear colleges who subsequently enrolled in a 4 year college needs to be calculated using school
enrollment history collected over the years rather than using a direct question that asks whether
the recipient had ever transferred. The use of the BPS data as a comparison will be limited to the
subset of items surveyed and we have to calculate the outcomes from the data available using
reliable and consistent assumptions.
Finally, the BPS sample has the potential to include some S-STEM recipients. Since personal
identifying information for BPS respondents is difficult to obtain, these overlapping individuals
cannot be removed from the BPS sample leading to the possibility of some level of
contamination in the control group. However, as stated above, the potential overlap between
these two samples might be minimal due to different enrollment years, and hence these samples
can be treated as independent.
B.4. Methods for Maximizing the Response Rate and Addressing Issues of Nonresponse
The study team will draw upon the expertise of Abt Associates in collecting and analyzing
similar data for other large, federally-funded, institutionally-based programs. Achieving strong
response rates begins with a well-designed, user-friendly instrument, and continues with
providing a clear and convincing rationale for the survey and the importance of respondents’
participation. The web approach will allow us to easily identify non-respondents for follow-up
emails and phone contact to encourage participation, thus increasing our response rates. (See
Appendix F for copies of email and phone messages to non-respondents.)
Prior to data collection, respondents will be provided with an early notification, including an
electronic letter from NSF. (See Appendix F for email text.) At the designated opening date,
evaluators will send an opening e-mail message to respondents that will include their user name
and password, detailed instructions, the closing date, and project staff contact information.
Included will be detailed on-screen instructions and extensive help functionality for survey
items, including a Frequently Asked Questions section, glossary, and navigation instructions.
Throughout the data collection cycle, a toll-free number and e-mail address will be used to
ensure that potential respondents can easily and quickly obtain answers to questions or concerns.
As part of our analysis, Abt will explore potential non-response bias. Such bias could occur if
individuals who cannot be located or refuse to participate in our study would have given
systematically different responses on the survey (had they been located or responded) than the
individuals that were located and completed surveys. Such bias is not automatically connected to
poor find and/or response rates, as the reason for not being located or the decision to not
participate could be completely unrelated to the questions on the survey. Furthermore, high find
and response rates can make the effects of bias negligible even if bias exists. Nonetheless, the
evaluation team will make every effort to achieve high find and response rates.

Using recipient information, evaluators will compare characteristics (e.g. gender, race/ethnicity,
academic degree, and characteristics of recipients' institution, etc.) for those recipients who were
located and completed the survey and those who were not located/did not complete the survey. If
the two groups are not statistically significantly different based on these variables, it will be
assumed that the data are missing completely at random and that the respondents are
representative of the census of applicants and no adjustments will be made. If the two groups are
different on some characteristics, sampling weights will be created to account for nonaccessibility and non-response based on the aforementioned characteristics. (Appendix G
contains the details of our non-response bias analyses.)
B.5. Tests of Procedures or Methods
The study team is working from a vetted logic model (presented in Appendix H), which has been
informed by guidance from the study’s external evaluation group of subject matter experts as
well as S-STEM program staff. The approach to the evaluation is guided by investigation of the
data contained in the S-STEM monitoring database, and a review of information contained in PI
annual reports, final reports and local evaluation reports. Researchers pilot-tested the instruments
utilized in this study. Mean response times for the Recipient Survey, which is comprised of items
from the BPS:04/09 survey and the NPSAS:04 survey, are based on response times reported in the
corresponding BPS:04/09 Methodology Report (Wine, Janson & Wheeless, 2011) and the NPSAS04
Methodology Report (Cominole, Seigel, Dudley, Roe & Gilligan, 2004). The survey questions
were pilot tested with 4 S-STEM recipients and 9 PIs, and interviews were conducted with these
respondents to identify any questions that were confusing. Respondents were asked to comment on
the clarity and content of the survey questions, as well as the proposed duration of the data collection
to help with an accurate estimate of time burden. As a result of the pilot testing, some
clarifications and roll-over definitions will be added to the final programmed surveys. The
interview protocols were each pilot tested with 5 to 9 individuals from each respondent group.
Interviews and focus groups lasted from 30 to 60 minutes, with an average of 40 minutes.
B.6. Individuals Consulted
The NSF point of contact for this study is Connie Kubo Della-Piana, Division of
Undergraduate Education.
The contractors for collaboration and analysis of data in this study are Abt Associates, Inc., its
data collection subsidiary Abt-SRBI, and frequent collaborator Sage Fox Consulting Group.
Staff from these organizations have deep knowledge on statistical methods, experience in
evaluation of large scale programs, expertise in scientific research, and content knowledge of
STEM higher education programs.
Senior technical staff overseeing the study includes:

Alina Martinez, Principal Associate, Abt Associates, Inc. (Principal Investigator)
Kelly Daley, Abt SRBI
Carter Epstein, Scientist, Abt Associates, Inc.
Lorelle L. Espinosa, Senior Analyst, Abt Associates, Inc.
Luba Katz, Senior Scientist, Abt Associates, Inc.


Amanda Parsad, Senior Scientist, Abt Associates, Inc.
Alan Peterfreund, SageFox Consulting Group
Hiren Nisar, Senior Analyst, Abt Associates, Inc.

Members of the study’s external evaluation group of subject matter experts include:

Dr. Deborah Allen, Director, Center for Educational Effectiveness and Associate
Professor of Biological Sciences, University of Delaware
Dr. Eun-Woo Chang, Instructional Dean of Science, Engineering and Mathematics,
Montgomery College
Dr. Bert E. Holmes, Philip G. Carlson Distinguished Chair, University of North Carolina,
Dr. Patricia Mead, Professor of Engineering, Norfolk State
Dr. Lizanne DeStefano, Professor of Quantitative and Evaluative Research
Methodologies, Educational Psychology, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana


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Recipient Survey
Survey Items Mapped to Sources and Research Questions
PI Survey
Interview Protocols
Sampling Plan and Estimates of Differences
Recruitment and Reminder Materials
Non-response bias analysis
S-STEM Program Logic Model
60-day Federal Register Notice


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - S-STEM OMB Supporting Statement 5-22-13.docx
File Modified2013-06-18
File Created2013-06-18

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