Form 1 Senior Corps Progress Report Instructions

Project Progress Report - National Senior Service Corps (Senior Corps)

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Senior Corps Progress Report

OMB: 3045-0033

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Senior Corps Project Progress Report
eGrants Step-by-Step Instructions

Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
Foster Grandparent Program (FGP)
Senior Companion Program (SCP)


OMB Control Number 3045-0033
About the PPR
The Project Progress Report (PPR) is used to ensure grantees of the Senior Corps programs (RSVP, Foster
Grandparent and Senior Companion Programs) address and fulfill legislated program purposes; meet
agency program management and grant requirements; track and measure progress to benefit the local
project and its contributions to senior volunteers and the community; and to report progress toward
work plan objectives agreed upon in the granting of the award.

The PPR will be used to report progress toward accomplishing work plan goals and objectives, reporting
volunteer and service outputs, reporting actual outcomes related to self-nominated performance
measures meeting challenges encountered, describing significant activities, and requesting technical


Accessing the Progress Report

After logging into
eGrants, access the
Progress Report from
the eGrants home
screen by clicking on
“Progress Report.”

A list of all previous and current
CNCS grant awards will be listed.
Click on your current grant number
to see the Progress Reports
available for that award.


After you click on the grant number, a list will display of the Progress Reports available for that award. A
status of “Progress Report Initial Entry” indicates that the report has not been submitted to CNCS and is
available for you to enter information. Review the reporting date and due date to help select the
correct report. Click “Edit” to begin working on the report.

General Information Tab
The Progress Report uses tabs, similar to the Performance Measure Work Plan Module. The first
Progress Report tab is “General Info.” Review the information in the General Information section of this
screen to ensure you are working on the correct PPR.
If you are working on the correct PPR, click “Begin.” You may also click “Next” to move to the next
screen and start working on the PPR. If this is not the correct PPR, click “Cancel” to return to the
previous eGrants screen.


The header at the very top of each PPR screen contains your Grant Number, NOFA, Application ID, and
Legal Applicant Name.

Additional instructions can be found on the left side of each screen. The
instructions can be hidden by clicking the “X.”

The General Information section includes various
pieces of information about this PPR and the
“# of Months Funded” indicates the number of
months of the three-year project period that have
been completed by the end date of the reporting
period for the PPR.
“Status” indicates the status of the PPR you are
currently working on.
“Progress Report Initial Entry” means that the PPR
has not yet been submitted to CNCS.
“Progress Report Submitted” means that the PPR has been submitted to CNCS but has not yet been
reviewed by CNCS.
“Progress Report Reviewed” means that the PPR has been reviewed by CNCS and now includes feedback
from CNCS.
“Progress Report Returned for Rework” means that the PPR has been returned to you for changes that
are described in the PPR feedback.


At the bottom of the General Info tab, you will see a list of all PPRs that have previously been submitted
for this grant. You can click on any PPR in the list to go directly to a PDF of that PPR.

Demographics Tab
The next tab is the Demographics Tab. The Demographics Tab is available for FGP and SCP only.
On line 1, enter the total number of cumlative volunteer hours for this budget period.
On line 2, enter the total number of active volunteers serving this budget period.
On line 3, enter the dollar amount for the direct benefit ratio requirement volunteer expense (NonFederal).
On line 4, enter the dollar amount for the direct benefit ratio requirement volunteer expense (Federal).

Click “Next” to move to the next tab.


Narratives Tab
On the Narratives Tab, complete each narrative with information about your activities during the
reporting period. By clicking on each narrative heading, a text field will display allowing you to enter
narrative information. Once any text has been entered in that section, the orange arrow next to the
heading will change to a green check mark.

In the Challenges narrative, describe
any new challenges affecting your
project during the reporting period.


In the Partnership/Collaboration
Development narrative, describe efforts to
develop partnerships or collaborations with
volunteer stations. You should include
efforts to develop new stations as well as
efforts to garner support (data collection,
volunteer training, etc.) from existing

In the Non-Federal Share Development
narrative, describe efforts to meet the
non-federal share requirement for
your project. Include both cash and inkind resource development
that occurred during this reporting

In the Other Accomplishments
narrative, describe any significant
project accomplishments other than
your work plan progress already
reported in the PPR.


In the Stories narrative, share any
additional stories other than your work
plan progress already reported in the PPR.

Additional documents cannot be
attached or uploaded to eGrants. In
the List of Additional Documents Sent
to CNCS State Office section, list any
additional documents you have
emailed or mailed to your CNCS State
Office. Additional documents might
include press clips, recognition event
documents, or other documents to
supplement the PPR.

Click “Next” to move to the next screen.


Progress Report Tab
The Progress Report Tab is where you enter your progress on achieving the Performance Measure
targets planned in your application. You will use this screen to enter actual outputs, outcomes,
unduplicated volunteers, total volunteers, and volunteer stations for each work plan.

There are two main sections in the
Progress Report Tab: Progress
Summary and Performance Measure
The Progress Summary section
shows the target unduplicated
volunteer numbers that were
planned in the application. The
“Actual” column calculates
information based on the numbers
you enter in the Performance
Measure Progress section below.
The “Progress” column shows your
progress towards achieving the target.


The Performance
Measure Progress
section is where data is
entered. All work plans
will be listed in this
Click on the small arrow
next to a work plan
description to open that
work plan and report on
your progress. Or, click
on the work plan

When the work plan is open, a
column is displayed, allowing
you to enter actual numbers for
your outputs, outcomes,
unduplicated volunteers, total
volunteers, and volunteer
stations. Moving your mouse
over the output or outcome will
show the description of the
measure. You must enter whole
numbers, not percentages. The
numbers your report should
reflect your accomplishments
during this reporting period.
When entering unduplicated volunteers, keep in mind that each volunteer can only be reported in one
work plan.
For the total number of volunteers contributing, report every volunteer who served in the work plan.
If you would like to provide any additional information for a work plan, you should provide it in the
Grantee Note section. If targets have not been achieved or are not on track to be achieved, provide an
When all information has been entered for the work plan, check the “Done with Section” box. The PPR
cannot be submitted until all “Done with Section” boxes have been checked.


If you are reporting on RSVP measure OT1,
Other Community Priorities, the target
should be 1. To report the Actual for the
Output, enter “1” for “yes” if you met the
target you set for your project, or “0” for
“no” if you did not meet the target set for
your project. The numbers for Unduplicated
Volunteers, Total Volunteers, and Volunteer
Stations should be reported the same way
your reported for the other work plans.


After completing each work plan, click “Calculate Progress.” This will update
the Progress Summary section. When all work plans are complete, click
“Next” to move to the next screen

Veterans Tab
If you have data about veterans and military families, report it on the Veterans Tab. If you do not have
that information, simply enter zero in each field. Many projects have veterans information available for
some work plans, but not for others. CNCS asks that you report on veterans and military families data
when you have the information available.


There are two main sections in the Veterans Tab: Veterans Summary and Veterans Split.
The Veterans Summary section includes numbers in the “Actual” column that are populated based on
data entered in the Progress Report Tab.

The Veterans Split section is where
data is entered. All work plans will
be listed in this section.
Click on the small arrow next to a
work plan description to open that
work plan and report on your
progress. Or, click on the work plan


When the work plan is open, columns are displayed, allowing you to enter numbers for outputs,
outcomes, unduplicated volunteers, total volunteers, and volunteer stations. The “Actual” column is
populated from data you entered on the Progress Report Tab. Moving your mouse over the output or
outcome will show the description of the measure. You must enter whole numbers, not percentages.
The numbers your report should reflect your accomplishments during this reporting period.

Enter the number of Veterans for
each category (output, outcome,
unduplicated volunteers, total
volunteers). Each entry in this
field should be a portion of the
number in the Actual column.
For example, if you reported 100
for Output H8: Number of
homebound or older adults…”
You served 100 people in that
work plan. Ask yourself the
question, “How many of those
people were veterans?” Enter
data when you have it available. If you do not know, please enter 0.

Enter the number of Veterans’ Family
Members for each category (output,
outcome, unduplicated volunteers,
total volunteers). Each entry in this
field should be a portion of the
number in the Actual column. For
example, if you reported for Output


H8: Number of homebound or older adults…” You served 100 people in that work plan. Ask yourself the
question, “How many of those people were Veterans’ Family Members?” Enter data when you have it
available. If you do not know, please enter 0.

Enter the number of Active Duty
Military Service members for each
category (output, outcome,
unduplicated volunteers, total
volunteers). Each entry in this field
should be a portion of the number in
the Actual column. For example, if you
reported 100 for Output H8: Number of
homebound or older adults…” You
served 100 people in that work plan. Ask yourself the question, “How many of those people were Active
Duty Military Service Members?” Enter data when you have it available. If you do not know, please
enter 0.

Enter the number of Family Members
of Active Duty Military Members for
each category (output, outcome,
unduplicated volunteers, total
volunteers). Each entry in this field
should be a portion of the number in
the Actual column. For example, if you
reported 100 for Output H8: Number
of homebound or older adults…” You
served 100 people in that work plan. Ask yourself the question, “How many of those people were Family
Members of Active Duty Military Members?” Enter data when you have it available. If you do not know,
please enter 0.
The number of non Veterans and Military Family Served column (#non VMF served) will populate based
on numbers you enter in the previous four columns. If this column populates with negative numbers,
there is likely an error in the other data you just entered on this tab.


When all information has been entered
for the work plan, check the “Done with
Section” box. The PPR cannot be
submitted until all “Done with Section”
boxes have been checked.

After completing each work plan, click “Calculate Veterans.” This will update
the Veterans Summary section. When all work plans are complete, click
“Next” to move to the next screen.

Summary/Staff Review Tab
The Summary/Staff Review Tab provides a summary of your PPR. From this screen, you can print your
PPR Summary, review your project’s progress, enter notes to your Program Officer, and review
comments that your Program Officer provided to you.


There are two main sections
on the Summary/Staff
Review Tab: Summary
Charts and Performance
Measure Progress Summary.
The Summary Charts display
in pie charts the actual
numbers entered on the
Progress Report Tab.
Hovering over the various
sections of the pie charts
will show the actual
numbers entered for each
work plan.

The Performance Measure
Progress Summary shows
progress towards meeting
the National Performance
Measure requirements.
By clicking “Print Complete
Note History” you can print
all notes you entered in
the Progress Report Tab.
By clicking “Print PPR
Summary” you can print
the full work plan report.
Notes are not part of the
full work plan report.


At the bottom of the
Performance Measure
Progress Summary
section, each work plan
is listed. Use the Overall
Grantee Note box to
enter any additional
information you would
like to provide your
Program Officer.
When you are sure you
have entered all
information correctly,
click “Grantee – Submit
to CNCS” to submit the PPR.

Progress Report Returned for Rework
If your Program Officer returns the PPR to you for rework, the PPR can be reviewed to help you
understand where to make changes prior to resubmitting. Click on the Summary/Staff Review Tab.
Click “Print Complete Note History.” A printable PDF will open allowing you to review all notes entered
by your Program Officer. The notes should clearly indicate which work plan data or tabs need edited.
Go to the appropriate tab to make the necessary changes.


Individual notes from your
Program Officer for each work
plan can also be viewed on the
Progress Report Tab. After
clicking to open the work plan,
you will see the Program Officer
notes displayed to the right of
the work plan. You can also click
on “Note History” to see the
original note that you entered as
well as the note from your
Program Officer for that work
plan. After editing the data in the
work plan, you can respond to your Program Officer by entering a new Grantee Note for the work plan.
Your Program Officer can review the new Grantee Note and it becomes part of the Note History.

You may also want to enter a
new note to your Program
Officer in the Overall Grantee
Note section of the
Summary/Staff Review Tab.
When all edits have been
made, click “Grantee – Submit
to CNCS” to resubmit the PPR.


Progress Report Reviewed
Once your Program Officer has reviewed the PPR, view the PPR to see the Program Officer’s feedback.
Click on the Summary/Staff Review Tab. Click “Print Complete Note History.” A printable PDF will open
allowing you to review all notes entered by your Program Officer. The note history will also include all
Grantee Notes that you have entered.

A status will be displayed next to
each National Performance Measure
requirement. A status of “On Track”
means that you are on track to meet
the target by the end of the three
year project period. A status of
“Needs Work” means that your
Program Officer has reason to think
the target may not be met by the
end of the three year project period.
A status of “Complete” will only be
used for the final PPR of the three year Project period. A “Complete” status means that the target was
The first status is for the total unduplicaed volunteers. The second status is for the total output. The
third status is for progress on unduplicated volunteers in the three performance measure requirements.
For FGP and SCP this only refers to the percentage of volunteers in outcomes. For RSVP, this status is for
having at least 25% of the unduplicated volunteers in the Primary Focus Area, at least 10% in outcomes,
and no more than 30% in community priorities.


Your Program Officer will
also indicate an Overall
Status for the entire work
plan as well as statuses
for each individual work
If a status of “Needs
Work” is selected for any
other part of the PPR, the
overall status for the PPR
will be “Needs Work.”

Individual notes from your
Program Officer for each work
plan can also be viewed on the
Progress Report Tab. After
clicking to open the work plan,
you will see the Program Officer
status and notes displayed to the
right of the work plan. You can
also click on “Note History” to
see the full note history for that
work plan.

The full PPR, with statuses from your
Program Officer, can be printed from
the Summary/Staff Review Tab.


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorRhein, Zach
File Modified2013-06-12
File Created2013-06-05

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