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e-CFR Data is current as of August 23, 2012
TITLE 40--Protection of Environment
Definitions and interpretations.
Tolerances for related pesticide chemicals.
Zero tolerances.
Pesticide tolerances regarding milk, eggs, meat,
and/or poultry; statement of policy.
Petitions proposing tolerances or exemptions for
pesticide residues in or on raw agricultural
commodities or processed foods.
Withdrawal of petitions without prejudice.
Substantive amendments to petitions.
Establishment, modification, and revocation of
tolerance on initiative of Administrator.
Judicial review.
Temporary tolerances.
Procedure for modifying and revoking tolerances or 8/27/2012
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:
exemptions from tolerances.
Tests on the amount of residue remaining.
Tests for potentiation.
Tolerances for crop groups.
Crop group tables.
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Specific tolerances; general provisions.
Captan; tolerances for residues.
Diuron; tolerances for residues.
Acephate; tolerances for residues.
Maneb; tolerances for residues.
Malathion; tolerances for residues.
Ferbam; tolerances for residues.
Ziram; tolerances for residues.
-Ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate; tolerances for residues.
Methyl parathion; tolerances for residues.
Inorganic bromide residues resulting from fumigation
with methyl bromide; tolerances for residues.
Inorganic bromide residues in peanut hay and peanut
hulls; statement of policy.
Methyl bromide; tolerances for residues.
Piperonyl butoxide; tolerances for residues.
Pyrethrins; tolerances for residues.
o-Phenylphenol and its sodium salt; tolerances for
Hydrogen Cyanide; tolerances for residues.
Thiram; tolerances for residues.
Lindane; tolerances for residues.
2,4-D; tolerances for residues.
Cyhexatin; tolerances for residues. 8/27/2012
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:
Fluorine compounds; tolerances for residues.
Ethylene oxide; tolerances for residues.
Diazinon; tolerances for residues.
Azinphos-methyl; tolerances for residues.
1-Naphthaleneacetic acid; tolerances for residues.
tolerances for residues.
Carbaryl; tolerances for residues.
Dodine; tolerances for residues.
Ethion; tolerances for residues.
Maleic hydrazide; tolerances for residues.
Mancozeb; tolerances for residues.
Ethoxyquin; tolerances for residues.
Orthoarsenic acid; tolerance for residues.
Chlorpropham; tolerances for residues.
Endosulfan; tolerances for residues.
Disulfoton; tolerances for residues.
Linuron; tolerances for residues.
DCPA; tolerances for residues.
Coumaphos; tolerances for residues.
Diphenylamine; tolerances for residues.
Folpet; tolerances for residues.
Trichlorfon; tolerances for residues.
Dicloran; tolerances for residues.
-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid; tolerances for residues.
Dimethoate; tolerances for residues.
Paraquat; tolerances for residues.
Phorate; tolerances for residues.
Trifluralin; tolerances for residues.
Benfluralin; tolerances for residues.
Terbacil; tolerances for residues.
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Bromacil; tolerances for residues.
Propachlor; tolerances for residues.
-Ethyl cyclohexylethylthiocarbamate; tolerances for
Simazine; tolerances for residues.
Fenthion; tolerances for residues.
Naled; tolerances for residues.
Metiram; tolerances for residues.
Atrazine; tolerances for residues.
-Ethyl-phenyl ethylphosphonodithioate; tolerances for
Prometryn; tolerances for residues.
Phosphine; tolerances for residues.
Diquat; tolerances for residues.
Dicamba; tolerances for residues.
Fluometuron; tolerances for residues.
Dichlobenil; tolerances for residues.
Butylate; tolerances for residues.
Dichlorvos; tolerances for residues.
Triphenyltin hydroxide; tolerances for residues.
Phosphamidon; tolerances for residues.
Bensulide; tolerances for residues.
Thiabendazole; tolerances for residues.
Propazine; tolerances for residues.
Streptomycin; tolerances for residues.
Alachlor; tolerances for residues.
Tetrachlorvinphos; tolerances for residues.
Methomyl; tolerances for residues.
Carbofuran; tolerances for residues.
Chloroneb; tolerances for residues.
Ametryn; tolerances for residues.
Propargite; tolerances for residues.
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Phosmet; tolerances for residues.
Ethoprop; tolerances for residues.
Phosalone; tolerances for residues.
Aldicarb; tolerances for residues.
Tribuphos; tolerances for residues.
Propanil; tolerances for residues.
Chlorothalonil; tolerances for residues.
Formetanate hydrochloride; tolerances for residues.
Phenmedipham; tolerances for residues.
Zinc phosphide; tolerances for residues.
Amitraz; tolerances for residues.
2-(Thiocyanomethylthio)benzothiazole; tolerances for
Methanearsonic acid; tolerances for residues.
Pentachloronitrobenzene; tolerance for residues.
Picloram; tolerances for residues.
Endothall; tolerances for residues.
-1-Naphthyl phthalamic acid; tolerances for residues.
Methidathion; tolerances for residues.
Dicrotophos; tolerances for residues.
Ethephon; tolerances for residues.
Carboxin; tolerances for residues.
Oxamyl; tolerances for residues.
Oryzalin; tolerances for residues.
Cacodylic acid; tolerances for residues.
Triallate; tolerances for residues.
Methamidophos; tolerances for residues.
Pyrazon; tolerances for residues.
Propyzamide; tolerances for residues.
4-(2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxy) butyric acid; tolerance
for residues.
Interim tolerances.
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Bromoxynil; tolerances for residues.
Napropamide; tolerances for residues.
S-(2-(Ethylsulfinyl)ethyl) O,O-dimethyl
phosphorothioate; tolerances for residues.
4-(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy) butyric acid; tolerances for
Metribuzin; tolerances for residues.
Oxytetracycline; tolerances for residues.
MCPA; tolerances for residues.
2,4-Dinitro-6-octylphenyl crotonate and 2,6-dinitro-4octylphenyl crotonate; tolerances for residues.
Chlorpyrifos; tolerances for residues.
Ethofumesate; tolerances for residues.
Fenamiphos; tolerances for residues.
Nitrapyrin; tolerances for residues.
Terbufos; tolerances for residues.
Desmedipham; tolerances for residues.
Bentazon; tolerances for residues.
Norflurazon; tolerances for residues.
Asulam; tolerance for residues.
Pendimethalin; tolerances for residues.
Fenbutatin-oxide; tolerances for residues.
Glyphosate; tolerances for residues.
-Octyl bicycloheptenedicarboximide; tolerances for
Metolachlor; tolerances for residues.
Difenzoquat; tolerances for residues.
tolerances for residues.
Thiophanate-methyl; tolerances for residues.
2,6-Dimethyl-4-tridecylmorpholine; tolerances for
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Diflubenzuron; tolerances for residues.
Permethrin; tolerances for residues.
Vinclozolin; tolerances for residues.
Oxyfluorfen; tolerances for residues.
Sodium salt of acifluorfen; tolerances for residues.
Mepiquat (N,N-dimethylpiperidinium); tolerances for
Diclofop-methyl; tolerances for residues.
Tebuthiuron; tolerances for residues.
Hydramethylnon; tolerances for residues.
Hexazinone; tolerances for residues.
Iprodione; tolerances for residues.
Thiobencarb; tolerances for residues.
Thidiazuron; tolerances for residues.
Profenofos; tolerances for residues.
Chlorsulfuron; tolerances for residues.
Thiodicarb; tolerances for residues.
Metalaxyl; tolerances for residues.
Pirimiphos-methyl; tolerances for residues.
Triadimefon; tolerances for residues.
Fluazifop-P-butyl; tolerances for residues.
Sethoxydim; tolerances for residues.
Imazalil; tolerances for residues.
Cyromazine; tolerances for residues.
Aluminum tris (-ethylphosphonate); tolerances for
Ethalfluralin; tolerances for residues.
Triclopyr; tolerances for residues.
Cypermethrin and an isomer zeta-cypermethrin;
tolerances for residues.
Chlorpyrifos-methyl; tolerances for residues.
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Fluridone; tolerances for residues.
Fenarimol; tolerances for residues.
Tralomethrin; tolerances for residues.
Clomazone; tolerances for residues.
2-[4,5-Dihydro-4-methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)-5-oxo-1imidazol-2-yl]-3-quinoline carboxylic acid; tolerance
for residues.
Tau-Fluvalinate; tolerances for residues.
Metsulfuron methyl; tolerances for residues.
Chlorimuron ethyl; tolerances for residues.
Fenoxaprop-ethyl; tolerances for residues.
Clopyralid; tolerances for residues.
Lactofen; tolerances for residues.
Fomesafen; tolerances for residues.
Propiconazole; tolerances for residues.
Deltamethrin; tolerances for residues.
Cyfluthrin and the isomer beta-cyfluthrin; tolerances
for residues.
Methyl 2-(4-isopropyl-4-methyl-5-oxo-2-imidazolin2-yl)--toluate and methyl 6-(4-isopropyl-4-methyl-5oxo-2-imidazolin-2-yl)--toluate; tolerances for
Lambda-cyhalothrin and an isomer gammacyhalothrin; tolerances for residues.
Thifensulfuron methyl; tolerances for residues.
Tefluthrin; tolerances for residues.
Quizalofop ethyl; tolerances for residues.
Bifenthrin; tolerances for residues.
Myclobutanil; tolerances for residues.
Sulfur dioxide; tolerances for residues.
Bensulfuron methyl; tolerances for residues.
Clofentezine; tolerances for residues.
Imazethapyr; tolerances for residues.
Hexythiazox; tolerance for residues.
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Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:
Avermectin B1 and its delta-8,9-isomer; tolerances
for residues.
Beta-(4-Chlorophenoxy)-alpha-(1,1-dimethylethyl)1H-1,2,4-triazole-1-ethanol; tolerances for residues.
Tribenuron methyl; tolerances for residues.
Primisulfuron-methyl; tolerances for residues.
Nicosulfuron; tolerances for residues.
Procymidone; tolerances for residues.
Bitertanol; tolerances for residues.
Clethodim; tolerances for residues.
Triasulfuron; tolerances for residues.
Benoxacor; tolerances for residues.
Cadusafos; tolerances for residues.
Pyridate; tolerances for residues.
Quinclorac; tolerances for residues.
Dimethenamid; tolerances for residues.
Fenpropathrin; tolerances for residues.
Carbon disulfide; tolerances for residues.
Flumetsulam; tolerances for residues.
Dichlormid; tolerances for residues.
Acetochlor; tolerances for residues.
Furilazole; tolerances for residues.
Imidacloprid; tolerances for residues.
Glufosinate ammonium; tolerances for residues.
Tebuconazole; tolerances for residues.
Difenoconazole; tolerances for residues.
Triflumizole; tolerances for residues.
Flumiclorac pentyl; tolerances for residues.
Rimsulfuron; tolerances for residues.
Halosulfuron-methyl; tolerances for residues.
Fenbuconazole; tolerances for residues.
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Prosulfuron; tolerances for residues.
Tebufenozide; tolerances for residues.
Flutolanil; tolerances for residues.
Cyproconazole; tolerances for residues.
Chlorethoxyfos; tolerances for residues.
Pyrithiobac sodium; tolerances for residues.
Imazapic-ammonium; tolerances for residues.
Propylene oxide; tolerances for residues.
Triflusulfuron-methyl; tolerances for residues.
Dimethomorph; tolerances for residues.
Pyridaben; tolerance for residues.
Spinosad; tolerances for residues.
Thiazopyr; tolerances for residues.
Clofencet; tolerances for residues.
Sulfentrazone; tolerances for residues.
Propamocarb hydrochloride, tolerances for residues.
Imazapyr; tolerances for residues.
Hydroprene; tolerances for residues.
Aminoethoxyvinylglycine hydrochloride (aviglycine
HCl); tolerances for residues.
Cymoxanil, tolerance for residues.
Emamectin; tolerances for residues.
Cyclanilide; tolerances for residues.
Azoxystrobin; tolerances for residues.
Mefenpyr-diethyl; tolerance for residues.
Pyriproxyfen; tolerances for residues.
Buprofezin; tolerances for residues.
Chlorfenapyr; tolerances for residues.
Cloransulam-methyl; tolerances for residues.
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Carfentrazone-ethyl; tolerances for residues.
Fludioxonil; tolerances for residues.
Fipronil; tolerances for residues.
Pyrimethanil; tolerances for residues.
Bromide ion and residual bromine; tolerances for
Fumigants for grain-mill machinery; tolerances for
Fumigants for processed grains used in production of
fermented malt beverage; tolerances for residues.
Metaldehyde; tolerances for residues.
Resmethrin; tolerances for residues.
Synthetic isoparaffinic petroleum hydrocarbons;
tolerances for residues.
Flufenacet, N-(4-fluorophenyl)-N-(1-methylethyl)-2[[5-(trifluoromethyl)-1, 3, 4-thiadiazol-2-yl] oxy]
acetamide and its metabolites containing the 4-fluoroN-methylethyl benzenamine tolerances for residues.
2,2-Dimethyl-1,3-benzodioxol-4-ol methylcarbamate;
tolerances for residues.
Cyprodinil; tolerances for residues.
Esfenvalerate; tolerances for residues.
Fluroxypyr 1-methylheptyl ester; tolerances for
Triazamate; tolerances for residues.
Isoxaflutole; tolerances for residues.
d-Limonene; tolerances for residues.
Fenitrothion; tolerances for residues.
Propetamphos; tolerances for residues.
Diclosulam; tolerances for residues.
Methoxyfenozide; tolerances for residues.
Prallethrin ()-2-methyl-4-oxo-3-(2-propynyl)
cyclopent-2-enyl (1)--chrysanthemate; tolerances for
Mefenoxam; tolerances for residues.
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Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:
Prohexadione calcium; tolerances for residues.
Tralkoxydim; tolerances for residues.
Diflufenzopyr; tolerances for residues.
Arsanilic acid [(4-aminophenyl) arsonic acid];
tolerances for residues.
Fluthiacet-methyl; tolerances for residues.
Sulfosulfuron; tolerances for residues.
Fenhexamid; tolerances for residues.
Kresoxim-methyl; tolerances for residues.
Trifloxystrobin; tolerances for residues.
Pymetrozine; tolerances for residues.
Tetraconazole; tolerances for residues.
Clodinafop-propargyl; tolerances for residues.
Cloquintocet-mexyl; tolerances for residues.
Acibenzolar--methyl; tolerances for residues.
Flucarbazone-sodium; tolerances for residues.
Ethametsulfuron-methyl; tolerances for residues.
Indoxacarb; tolerances for residues.
Thiamethoxam; tolerances for residues.
Fenpyroximate; tolerances for residues.
Zoxamide; tolerances for residues.
Flumioxazin; tolerances for residues.
Forchlorfenuron; tolerances for residues.
Isoxadifen-ethyl; tolerances for residues.
Mesotrione; tolerances for residues.
Bifenazate; tolerance for residues.
Tepraloxydim; tolerances for residues.
Fluazinam; tolerances for residues.
Sulfuryl fluoride; tolerances for residues.
Cyhalofop-butyl; tolerances for residues.
Bispyribac-sodium; tolerances for residues.
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Acetamiprid; tolerances for residues.
Fenamidone; tolerances for residues.
Iodosulfuron-Methyl-Sodium; tolerances for residues.
Iprovalicarb; tolerances for residues.
Pyraclostrobin; tolerances for residues.
Triticonazole; tolerances for residues.
Tolylfluanid; tolerances for residues.
Pyraflufen-ethyl; tolerances for residues.
Clothianidin; tolerances for residues.
Famoxadone; tolerance for residues.
Quinoxyfen; tolerances for residues.
Boscalid; tolerances for residues.
2, 6-Diisopropylnaphthalene (2, 6-DIPN); tolerances
for residues.
Trifloxysulfuron; tolerances for residues.
Butafenacil; tolerances for residues.
Etoxazole; tolerances for residues.
Thiacloprid; tolerances for residues.
Flufenpyr-ethyl; tolerances for residues.
Fosthiazate; tolerances for residues.
Mesosulfuron-methyl; tolerances for residues.
Novaluron; tolerances for residues.
Acequinocyl; tolerances for residues.
Propoxycarbazone; tolerances for residues.
Cyazofamid; tolerances for residues.
Spiroxamine; tolerances for residues.
Dinotefuran; tolerances for residues.
Mepanipyrim; tolerances for residues.
Penoxsulam; tolerances for residues.
Spiromesifen; tolerances for residues.
Spirodiclofen; tolerances for residues.
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Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:
Fluoxastrobin; tolerances for residues.
Aminopyralid; tolerances for residues.
Pinoxaden; tolerances for residues.
Topramezone; tolerances for residues.
Flonicamid; tolerances for residues.
Kasugamycin; tolerances for residues.
Amicarbazone; tolerances for residues.
Fenpropimorph; tolerances for residues.
Metconazole; tolerances for residues.
Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl; tolerance for residues.
Epoxiconazole; tolerances for residues.
Etofenprox; tolerances for residues.
Dithianon; tolerances for residues.
Ethaboxam; tolerances for residues.
Flufenoxuron; tolerances for residues.
Metrafenone; tolerances for residues.
Orthosulfamuron; tolerances for residues.
Prothioconazole; tolerances for residues.
Fluopicolide; tolerances for residues.
Chlorantraniliprole; tolerances for residues.
Flutriafol; tolerances for residues.
Flusilazole; tolerances for residues.
Pyrasulfotole; tolerances for residues.
Fenazaquin; import tolerances for residues.
Florasulam; tolerances for residues.
Tembotrione; tolerances for residues.
Spinetoram; tolerances for residues.
1,3-dichloropropene; tolerances for residues.
Mandipropamid; tolerances for residues.
Pyroxsulam; tolerances for residues.
Flubendiamide; tolerances for residues.
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Pyridalyl; tolerances for residues.
Spirotetramat; tolerances for residues.
Gentamicin; tolerances for residues.
Uniconazole; tolerances for residues.
Cyprosulfamide; tolerances for residues.
Thiencarbazone-methyl; tolerances for residues.
Ipconazole; tolerances for residues.
d-Phenothrin; tolerances for residues.
Meptyldinocap; tolerances for residues.
Saflufenacil; tolerances for residues.
Isoxaben; tolerances for residues.
Imazosulfuron; tolerances for residues.
Ethiprole; tolerances for residues.
Indaziflam; tolerances for residues.
Isopyrazam; tolerances for residues.
Flazasulfuron; tolerances for residues.
Amisulbrom; tolerances for residues.
Metaflumizone; tolerances for residues.
Penthiopyrad; tolerances for residues.
Pyroxasulfone; tolerances for residues.
Pyriofenone; tolerances for residues.
Fluopyram; tolerances for residues.
Trinexapac-ethyl; tolerances for residues.
Ametoctradin; tolerances for residues.
Penflufen; tolerances for residues.
Sedaxane; tolerances for residues.
Fluxapyroxad; tolerances for residues.
Cyflufenamid, tolerance for residues.
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Exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance. 8/27/2012
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:
Pesticide chemicals; exemptions from the requirement
of a tolerance.
Inert ingredients used pre- and post-harvest;
exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance.
Inert ingredients used pre-harvest; exemptions from
the requirement of a tolerance.
Inert ingredients applied to animals; exemptions from
the requirement of a tolerance.
Tolerance exemptions for active and inert ingredients
for use in antimicrobial formulations (Food-contact
surface sanitizing solutions).
Tolerance exemptions for minimal risk active and
inert ingredients.
Polymers; exemptions from the requirement of a
Viable spores of the microorganismBerliner;
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
Ethylene; exemption from the requirement of a
Diatomaceous earth; exemption from the requirement
of a tolerance.
Sulfuric acid; exemption from the requirement of a
Sodium chlorate; exemption from the requirement of
a tolerance.
Copper; exemption from the requirement of a
Iodine-detergent complex; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Propanoic acid; exemptions from the requirement of a
Xylene; exemption from the requirement of a
Nuclear polyhedrosis virus of Heliothis zea;
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
Methoprene; exemption from the requirement of a
Pine oil; exemption from the requirement of a
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Polybutenes; exemption from the requirement of a
Ethylene glycol; exemption from the requirement of a
Nosema locustae; exemption from the requirement of
a tolerance.
Gossyplure; exemption from the requirement of a
Carbon dioxide; exemption from the requirement of a
Nitrogen; exemption from the requirements of a
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
Calcium hypochlorite; exemptions from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Boiled linseed oil; exemption from requirement of
Phytophthora palmivora; exemption from requirement
of tolerance.
Sodium diacetate; exemption from the requirement of
a tolerance.
Tomato pinworm insect pheromone; exemption from
the requirement of a tolerance.
(1,5-alpha)pyrimidin-5-one; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Methyl eugenol and malathion combination;
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
C12-C18 fatty acid potassium salts; exemption from
the requirement of a tolerance.
()-11-Hexadecenal; exemption from the requirement
of a tolerance.
Sodium chlorite; exemption from the requirement of a
Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Milk, Soybeans, Eggs, Fish,
Crustacea, and Wheat; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Poly--glucosamine (chitosan); exemption from the 8/27/2012
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:
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requirement of a tolerance.
Isomate-M; exemption from the requirement of a
F.D.&C. Blue No. 1; exemption from the requirement
of a tolerance.
f. sp.exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
Viable spores of the microorganismexemption from
the requirement of a tolerance.
Plant volatiles and pheromone; exemptions from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Dimethyl sulfoxide; exemption from the requirement
of a tolerance.
Monocarbamide dihydrogen sulfate; exemption from
the requirement of a tolerance.
3,7,11-Trimethyl-1,6,10-dodecatriene-1-ol and
3,7,11-trimethyl-2,6,10-dodecatriene-3-ol; exemption
from the requirement of a tolerance.
Sesame stalks; exemption from the requirement of a
Poly--acetyl--glucosamine; exemption from the
requirement of tolerance.
Lactic acid; exemption from the requirement of a
Aluminum isopropoxide and aluminum secondary
butoxide; exemption from the requirement of a
Menthol; exemption from the requirement of a
Chlorine gas; exemptions from the requirement of a
GBM-ROPE; exemption from the requirement of a
Gibberellins [Gibberellic Acids (GA3 and GA4 +
GA7), and Sodium or Potassium Gibberellate];
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
isolate GL-21; exemption from the requirement of a
Parasitic (parasitoid) and predatory insects;
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 8/27/2012
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KRL-AG2 (ATCC #20847) strain T-22;
exemption from requirement of a tolerance.
Isomate-C; exemption from the requirement of a
Delta endotoxin ofvarietyencapsulated into
killedexemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
Delta endotoxin ofvarietyencapsulated into
killedexemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
3-Carbamyl-2,4,5-trichlorobenzoic acid; exemption
from the requirement of a tolerance.
Bacillus subtilis GB03; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
A506,1629RS, and742RS; exemptions from the
requirement of a tolerance.
nuclear polyhedrosis virus; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Azadirachtin; exemption from the requirement of a
sp. strain K61; exemption from the requirement of a
Boric acid and its salts, borax (sodium borate
decahydrate), disodium octaborate tetrahydrate, boric
oxide (boric anhydride), sodium borate and sodium
metaborate; exemptions from the requirement of a
Inert ingredients of semiochemical dispensers;
exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance.
Arthropod pheromones; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Codlure, (E,E)-8,10-Dodecadien-1-ol; exemption
from the requirement of a tolerance.
Biochemical pesticide plant floral volatile attractant
compounds: cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl alcohol, 4methoxy cinnamaldehyde, 3-phenyl propanol, 4methoxy phenethyl alcohol, indole, and 1,2,4trimethoxybenzene; exemptions from the requirement
of a tolerance.
MBI 600; exemption from the requirement of a
tolerance. 8/27/2012
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-(-octyl)-2-pyrrolidone and-(-dodecyl)-2-pyrrolidone;
exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance.
isolate M10; exemption from the requirement of a
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
Sodium 5-nitroguaiacolate; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Sodium-nitrophenolate; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Sodium-nitrophenolate; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
1,4-Dimethylnaphthalene; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Methyl anthranilate; exemption from the requirement
of a tolerance.
isolate I-182; exemption from the requirement of a
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
Strain GHA; exemption from the requirement of a
Occlusion Bodies of the Granulosis Virus oftolerance
Inclusion bodies of the multi-nuclear polyhedrosis
virus ofexemption from the requirement of a
6-Benzyladenine; exemption from the requirement of
a tolerance.
Lepidopteran pheromones; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
CryIA(c) and CryIC derived delta-endotoxins
ofvar.encapsulated in killedand the expression
plasmid and cloning vector genetic constructs.
Cinnamaldehyde; exemption from the requirement of
a tolerance.
Cytokinins; exemption from the requirement of a
Auxins; exemption from the requirement of a
Pelargonic acid; exemption from the requirement of 8/27/2012
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:
Jojoba oil; exemption from the requirement of a
Clarified hydrophobic extract of neem oil; exemption
from the requirement of a tolerance.
Acrylate polymers and copolymers; exemption from
the requirement of a tolerance.
Killedexemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
Capsaicin; exemption from the requirement of a
Allyl isothiocyanate as a component of food grade oil
of mustard; exemption from the requirement of a
Sodium bicarbonate; exemption from the requirement
of a tolerance.
Potassium bicarbonate; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Formic acid; exemption from the requirement of a
Plant extract derived fromandexemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Kaolin; exemption from the requirement of a
strain BPO1; exemption from the requirement of a
L-glutamic acid; exemption from the requirement of a
Gamma aminobutyric acid; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Methyl salicylate; exemption from the requirement of
a tolerance.
Ferric phosphate; exemption from the requirement of
a tolerance.
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Titanium dioxide.
Peroxyacetic acid; exemption from the requirement of
a tolerance.
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Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:
Page 22 of 27
Hydrogen peroxide; exemption from the requirement
of a tolerance.
strain J1446; exemption from the requirement of a
Lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LPE); exemption
from the requirement of a tolerance.
strain PRA-25; temporary exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
strain T-39; exemption from the requirement of a
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
Harpin protein; exemption from the requirement of a
ATCC #74040; exemption from the
requirements of a tolerance.
AF36; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
N-acyl sarcosines and sodium N-acyl sarcosinates;
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
strain QST 713; exemption from the requirement of a
Phosphorous acid; exemption from the requirement of
a tolerance.
Strain 63-28; exemption from the requirement of a
strain CON/M/91-08; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Indian Meal Moth Granulosis Virus; exemption from
the requirement of a tolerance.
Foramsulfuron; exemption from the requirement of a
1-Methylcyclopropene; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
strain PF-A22 UL; exemption from the requirement
of a tolerance.
Sucrose octanoate esters; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Imazamox; exemption from the requirement of a
tolerance. 8/27/2012
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:
Page 23 of 27
GB34; exemption from the requirement of a
Decanoic acid; exemption from the requirement of a
strain QST2808; temporary exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Diallyl sulfides; exemption from the requirement of a
Ferrous sulfate; exemption from the requirement of a
Lime; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
Lime-sulfur; exemption from the requirement of a
Potassium sorbate; exemption from the requirement
of a tolerance.
Sodium carbonate; exemption from the requirement
of a tolerance.
Sodium hypochlorite; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Sulfur; exemption from the requirement of a
Sodium metasilicate; exemption from the requirement
of a tolerance.
Thymol; exemption from the requirement of a
Eucalyptus oil; exemption from the requirement of a
var.strain FZB24; exemption from the requirement of
a tolerance.
Ammonium bicarbonate; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Rhamnolipid biosurfactant; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Yeast Extract Hydrolysate fromexemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Exemption of citronellol from the requirement of a
C8, C10, and C12 fatty acid monoesters of glycerol
and propylene glycol; exemption from the 8/27/2012
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:
Page 24 of 27
requirement of a tolerance.
Geraniol; exemption from the requirement of a
WYEC 108; exemption from the requirement of a
Aspergillus flavus NRRL 21882; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
strain QST 2808; exemption from the requirement of
a tolerance.
strain 059; exemption from the requirement of a
strain 251; exemption from the requirement of a
Acetic acid; exemption from the requirement of a
extract; exemption from the requirement of a
QST 20799 and the volatiles produced on
rehydration; exemption from the requirement of a
andspecific Bacteriophages.
Sorbitol octanoate; exemption from the requirement
of a tolerance.
Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
strain C9-1; exemption from the requirement of a
Potassium silicate; exemption from the requirement
of a tolerance.
Isolate J: exemption from the requirement of a
Isophorone; exemption from the requirement of a
Eucalyptus oil; exemption from the requirement of a
strain E325; exemption from the requirement of a
Beauveria bassiana HF23; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance. 8/27/2012
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:
Tris (2-ethylhexyl) phosphate; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Pythium; exception from the requirement of a
Tobacco mild green mosaic tobamovirus (TMGMV);
temporary exemption from the requirement of a
Dibasic esters; exemption from the requirement of a
extract (saponins); exemption from the requirement of
a tolerance.
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus--weak strain;
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
Poly(hexamethylenebiguanide) hydrochloride
(PHMB); exemption from the requirement of a
S-Abscisic Acid, (S)-5-(1-hydroxy-2,6,6-trimethyl-4oxo-1-cyclohex-2-enyl)-3-methyl-penta-(2Z,4E)dienoic Acid; exemption from the requirement of a
Bacillus firmus I-1582; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
(Z)-7,8-epoxy-2-methyloctadecane (Disparlure);
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
Ammonium salts of higher fatty acids (C-Csaturated;
C-Cunsaturated); exemption from the requirement of
a tolerance.
Polyoxin D zinc salt; exemption from the requirement
of a tolerance.
Extract ofnear; exemption from the requirement of a
Tristyrylphenol ethoxylates; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Strain O; exemption from the requirement of a
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
Cold pressed neem oil; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Ulocladium oudemansii (U3 Strain); exemption from
the requirement of a tolerance.
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Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:
Trichoderma gamsii strain ICC 080; exemption from
the requirement of a tolerance.
Trichoderma asperellum strain ICC 012; exemption
from the requirement of a tolerance.
Laminarin; exemption from the requirement of a
Terpene Constituents α-terpinene, d-limonene and pcymene, of the Extract of Chenopodiumnearas
Synthetically Manufactured; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Homobrassinolide; exemption from the requirement
of a tolerance.
Trichoderma hamatum isolate 382; exemption from
the requirement of a tolerance.
Prohydrojasmon; temporary exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Potassium hypochlorite; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
O157:H7 specific bacteriophages; temporary
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
Sodium Ferric Ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA);
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
Metarhizium anisopliae strain F52; exemption from
the requirement of a tolerance.
Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CL145A; exemption
from the requirement of a tolerance.
Chromobacterium subtsugae strain PRAA4-1;
exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
Isaria fumosorosea (formerly Paecilomyces
fumosoroseus) Apopka strain 97; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Bacteriophage of Clavibacter michiganensis
subspecies michiganensis; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain D747; exemption
from the requirement of a tolerance.
Bacillus subtilis strain CX-9060; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Trichoderma virens strain G-41; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
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Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:
--Pn1; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
strains DSM 14940 and DSM 14941; exemption from
the requirement of a tolerance.
strain GHA 180; exemption from the requirement of a
Killed, nonviablestrain RL-110; exemption from the
requirement of a tolerance.
Natamycin; exemption from the requirement of a
Pasteuria spp. (Rotylenchulus reniformis nematode)-Pr3; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.
§ 180.1317
Pesticide chemicals; exemption from the requirements
of a tolerance.
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Threshold of regulation determinations.
Non-food determinations.
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Author | SDrewes |
File Modified | 2012-08-27 |
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