# 1121-0277
Date of Expiration: xx/xx/xx
OJJDP National Training and Technical Assistance Center
Website Feedback Form
Thank you for visiting the Office of Juvenile and Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC) website. Your feedback about the website is indispensable in our ongoing efforts to improve the support that OJJDP NTTAC provides to the field. Your participation is completely voluntary.
Please click the number that best represents the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website.
1 – I Strongly Disagree with this statement (SD).
2 – I Disagree with this statement (D).
3 – I Neither agree nor disagree with this statement (N).
4 – I Agree with this statement (A).
5 – I Strongly Agree with this statement (SA).
SD |
D |
N |
A |
SA |
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5 |
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10. How did you discover the OJJDP NTTAC website?
OJJDP NTTAC exhibit, publication, or conference presentation
Link from another website
Search engine such as Google
Colleague who is familiar with OJJDP NTTAC resources
My OJJDP program manager or other OJJDP staff person
Other (please specify):
11. How frequently do you visit the OJJDP NTTAC website?
This is my first time
Less than once a year
1 to 4 times a year
1 to 4 times a month
Once a week or more
12. What is the primary reason you came to the OJJDP NTTAC website today?
To find general information about the juvenile justice field
To request training and technical assistance
To learn about workshops and conferences
To learn about OJJDP initiatives and tools
To learn about funding opportunities
To gather resources and research
To find more information about topics in the NTTAC supported service area
To perform tasks in the consultant community
To perform tasks in the requester community
To perform tasks in the TA provider community
Other (please specify):
13. Which pages on the OJJDP NTTAC website did you visit today?
(Final response choices will be inserted upon approval of the form so that the most up-to-date website pages can be included.)
14. What aspects of the OJJDP NTTAC website do you find most helpful?
15. What challenges, if any, have you encountered while using the OJJDP NTTAC website?
16. What types of information would you like to see on the OJJDP NTTAC website that would make NTTAC more helpful to you?
17. Do you have any additional comments about the OJJDP NTTAC website?
Respondent Information
18. Which of the following best describes your current role? (Please choose only one.)
Other (please specify):
19. Which of the following best describes the field in which you work? (Please choose only one.)
Ancillary youth services (e.g., recreation, prevention, mentoring, after-school)
Child and family services (e.g., child welfare, adoption)
Community-based organization
Compliance monitors
Court services
DMC coordinator
Faith-based organization
Information technology
Juvenile justice specialist
Law enforcement
Legal services–defense
Legal services–prosecution
Mental health
Other advocacy (e.g., GAL, CASA)
Other residential services
Parole/community corrections
Private sector/business
Problem solving/specialized courts (e.g., drug courts)
SAG representative
Substance abuse
Truant youth/dropout
Youth mentoring
Other: ______________
20. How many years of experience do you have in the field of juvenile justice?
0 – 2 years
3 – 5 years
6 – 8 years
9 – 11 years
12 – 14 years
15 or more years
21. How would you describe the population with whom you primarily work? (Check all that apply.)
At-risk youth
Children of incarcerated parents
Dependent youth
Incarcerated youth
Homeless youth
Mentally ill youth
Pre-adjudicated youth (e.g., youth awaiting a judicial outcome)
Post-adjudicated youth (e.g., youth on parole, probation, or under community supervision)
Substance using or abusing youth
Teen parents
Youth younger than 10 years of age
Youth ages 11–15 years
Youth ages 16– the legal age of adulthood in your community
Youth in the child welfare system (e.g., foster youth, adopted youth, abused/neglected youth)
Youth volunteers
Other: ______________
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this interview. We value your input!
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | OJJDP NTTAC Website Feedback |
Author | ICF |
Last Modified By | 15067 |
File Modified | 2011-06-17 |
File Created | 2011-06-17 |