Attachment E - Question by Question Source Table for the Staff Survey

Attachment E - Question by Question Source Table for the Staff Survey.docx

Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) Multi-Component Evaluation

Attachment E - Question by Question Source Table for the Staff Survey

OMB: 0970-0398

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This document lists each question on the PREP staff survey, along with its source(s).

Staff Survey Question #

Question Text



Which of the following best describes your role within [PREP PROGRAM]?

Developed for PREP


What is your age?

Developed for PREP


Are you male or female?



Are you Hispanic/Latino?
If so, are you Mexican/Mexican American/Chicano/a? Puerto Rican? Cuban?



Another Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin?



What is your race?



What is the highest level of education you have completed?

Developed for PREP


What is your profession or area of work?

TCU Survey of Organizational Functioning


How many years of experience do you have working in programs for youth ages 10 to 14 (either working directly with youth or in youth program administration)?

TCU Survey of Organizational Functioning


How much experience do you have working in programs for youth ages 15 to 19 (either working directly with youth or in youth program administration)?

TCU Survey of Organizational Functioning


How long have you worked for your current employer?

TCU Survey of Organizational Functioning


How long have you worked in teen pregnancy prevention programs?

TCU Survey of Organizational Functioning


How long have you worked in a job that requires collaborating with community partners?

TCU Survey of Organizational Functioning


When you FIRST started working with PREP PROGRAM, what kind of formal training did you receive in how to implement the program?

GOI - Using General Organizational Index for Evidence-Based Practices


What kind of ongoing training to support implementation of PREP PROGRAM do you receive?



I need more training on…

a. Increasing youth participation
b. Monitoring youth participant progress
c. Improving the quality of communication among youth participants and between youth participants and adults
d. Engaging youth participants in program topics and materials
e. Decreasing youth participants’ risk behaviors and improving their decision-making skills
f. Improving and managing youth participant behaviors

TCU Survey of Organizational Functioning


Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements (1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree):

a. I have the skills I need to implement all PREP PROGRAM topics
b. I am satisfied with the training I have received on PREP PROGRAM topics
c. I need more training on some PREP PROGRAM topics
d. I have the skills I need to conduct effective youth health risk prevention and youth development programs
e. I need more training to conduct effective youth health risk prevention and development programs

TCU Survey of Organizational Functioning


After you began implementing [PREP PROGRAM], did you change the sequence of program sessions or activities from the order that was initially planned?

Developed for PREP


After you began implementing [PREP PROGRAM], did you change the number, frequency, or duration of the sessions or activities from what was initially planned?

Developed for PREP


After you began implementing [PREP PROGRAM], did you drop some sessions or activities from those initially planned?

Developed for PREP


After you began implementing [PREP PROGRAM], did you add some sessions or activities to those initially planned?

Developed for PREP


After you began implementing [PREP PROGRAM], did you change the content of a session or activity from what was initially planned?

Developed for PREP


Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:

- There are internal agency or school policies in place that conflict with PREP PROGRAM
­ -Agency and school policies support PREP PROGRAM implementation
­ Policies and regulations at my agency or the schools we work in prevent staff from fully implementing PREP PROGRAM

-My agency or the schools we work in have policies that limit program staff access to resources needed to implement PREP PROGRAM

­ -There are internal agency or school policies in place that conflict with PREP PROGRAM

EBP-SI Sustainability Index;

State Health Authority Yardstick


Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about your organization: (1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree)

­ -The workload and pressures here decrease my motivation to implement new programs like PREP PROGRAM
­ -Training activities take too much time away from delivery of program services
­ -Training helps facilitate PREP PROGRAM implementation
­- It is too difficult to adapt information learned in trainings so they will work in PREP PROGRAM
­- The resources that are available help facilitate PREP PROGRAM implementation
­ -The background and training of program staff limits the kind of improvements to PREP PROGRAM implementation that are possible
­ -There are too few rewards for trying to improve PREP PROGRAM

TCU-PTN Survey of Program Training Needs


A program champion is an organization leader or other person with influence who advocates for a program within the larger organization and in the community. Does PREP PROGRAM have a program champion? If so, please describe this person’s role and relationship to PREP PROGRAM

State Health Authority Yardstick


The next questions are about the PREP PROGRAM leader that has overall responsibility for implementing PREP PROGRAM. Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements (1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree):

The PREP PROGRAM leader (or coordinating team) ...

­ - Has adequate dedicated time for PREP PROGRAM implementation, and that time is protected from distractions, conflicting priorities, and crises
­- Has the necessary authority to run PREP PROGRAM
­ - Has good relationships with community programs
­ - Is highly knowledgeable about PREP PROGRAM
­- Is viewed as an effective leader (influence, authority, persistence, knows how to get things done) for PREP PROGRAM,
­ - Accepts responsibility for the success of this program
­ - Is someone who speaks out about PREP PROGRAM and is sought out for advice about the program
­ - Works will with the intervention team and partners

State Health Authority Yardstick; Organizational Readiness to Change Assessment


Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements (1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree):

a. My program managers provide effective management for continuous improvement of implementation of PREP PROGRAM
b. My program managers clearly define areas of responsibility and authority for supervisors and frontline staff involved in PREP PROGRAM
c. My program managers promote team building to solve problems with implementing PREP PROGRAM
d. My program managers do not promote effective communication among program staff, partners, the state and other stakeholders working on PREP PROGRAM

Organizational Readiness to Change Assessment


Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements (1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree):

­ -Management here trusts my professional judgment
­- I do not feel appreciated for the job that I do
­- Ideas and suggestions related to -implementing PREP PROGRAM get adequate and fair consideration from program management
­- Director, facilitators, and support staff collaborate to make sure PREP PROGRAM runs effectively
– Staff working on PREP PROGRAM work well together as a team

TCU Survey of Organizational Functioning


Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements (1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree):

a. My agency has communication protocols or pathways that make it clear who to communicate with about challenges or issues related to PREP PROGRAM.
b. I have regularly scheduled check-in meetings with my supervisor about PREP PROGRAM
c. My supervisor and I rarely discuss PREP PROGRAM
d. I am never sure whom I should talk to about issues related to PREP PROGRAM

Developed for PREP


Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements (1=not true, 2=slightly true, 3=somewhat true, 4=mostly true, 5=true):

a. PREP PROGRAM is a top priority of this agency/school.
b. People do not put a lot of effort into making PREP PROGRAM a success.
c. At this agency/school, PREP PROGRAM takes a back seat to other projects.
d. People at this agency/school think that implementation of PREP PROGRAM is important.
e. One of this agency/school's main goals is to implement PREP PROGRAM effectively.
f. People here really do not care about the success of PREP PROGRAM.
g. In this agency/school, there is a big push for people to make the most of PREP PROGRAM.

NIRN - Stage-Based Measures of Implementation Components


Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements (1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree):

In my agency/school, for the implementation of PREP PROGRAM...

a. We have adequate resources to ensure that PREP PROGRAM can be implemented in the way it was designed to be implemented
b. We have the necessary budget or financial resources we need to implement PREP PROGRAM
c. We have the necessary staffing to implement PREP PROGRAM
d. We have the necessary staff training we need to implement PREP PROGRAM
e. We have the necessary time to support continuous improvement of PREP PROGRAM implementation
f. We need additional guidance or coaching to support improvement of PREP PROGRAM implementation

Organizational Readiness to Change Assessment


Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements (1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree):

­ -My office and equipment are adequate to support PREP PROGRAM implementation
­ -Most programmatic record keeping for PREP PROGRAM is computerized
­ -Facilities where PREP PROGRAM sessions and activities are conducted are adequate for delivering the program
­ -Computer equipment at this agency/school is mostly old and outdated

TCU Survey of Organizational Functioning


Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements (1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree):

a. I feel like PREP PROGRAM can make a difference for youth
b. The general attitude at my agency is to adopt new youth risk prevention programs and practices for working with youth when possible, as we are in PREP PROGRAM
c. PREP PROGRAM does not fit well with the values and priorities of our community
d. I adopt new ideas like those in PREP PROGRAM quickly
e. I do not feel effective and confident in implementing PREP PROGRAM
f. PREP PROGRAM addresses many of the risks youth in our community face
g. I give high value to the work you do with youth here
h. PREP PROGRAM fits well with the values and philosophy of our organization

TCU Survey of Organizational Functioning


Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. In my community …

a. There are other programs that address topics that are the same as or similar to our PROGRAM
b. There is broad support for programs that help prepare youth for adulthood
c. Many groups and/or individuals do not support teaching comprehensive approaches to pregnancy and STD prevention
d. We have a number of programs that address different types of youth risk behavior, such as alcohol, tobacco, or drug use, delinquency, bullying or harassment, etc.
e. We lack programs designed to prepare youth for adulthood.
f. There is broad support for programs that address reducing teen sexual risk behaviors.

Developed for PREP

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File Created2021-01-29

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