Study Orientation

Salt Sources Study

Att 8_Study Orientation for Non Sub Study Participants

Study Orientation

OMB: 0920-0982

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Study Orientation for Non Sub Study Participants

Telephone 24-hour Dietary Recall and Urine and Duplicate Salt Collection

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to  CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road, NE, M/S D74, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA 0920-xxxx.

Participant Name:

Participant ID:


Over the next 11 days we need to talk to you over the telephone 4 times to ask you to report everything you ate and drank the previous day and all dietary supplements and non-prescription antacids you may have taken. Each telephone call will take about 20-30 minutes. The day before the telephone call we’ll need you to collect samples of all the salt you add to food in cooking at home and at the table- like salt from a salt shaker you may add to your food. Also, the day before each telephone you’ll need to collect all your urine. The urine samples must be returned to the clinic the day after they are collected (same day as the telephone interview). You’ll receive $10 for each completed duplicate salt collection and telephone interview, which is $40 total for completing all 4 days. For each completed urine collection you’ll receive $20 for a total of $80 for collecting urine for 4 days.”

Lets start by scheduling the dates and times for the salt and urine collections and telephone interviewers. Then I’ll tell you more about what you’ll need to do for each of these.”



Salt and urine collection date: / /

Telephone interview and urine collection drop off

Date: / /

Time: am/pm (circle one) [TELEPHONE INTERVIEW]

Telephone number:


Salt and urine collection date: / /

Telephone interview and urine collection drop off

Date: / /

Time: am/pm (circle one) [TELEPHONE INTERVIEW]

Telephone number:


Salt and urine collection date: / /

Telephone interview and urine collection drop off

Date: / /

Time: am/pm (circle one) [TELEPHONE INTERVIEW]

Telephone number:


Salt and urine collection date: / /

Telephone interview and urine collection drop off

Date: / /

Time: am/pm (circle one) [TELEPHONE INTERVIEW]

Telephone number:

Salt Collection Instructions

Great. First let’s talk about the salt collection you’ll need to do. On each of the four days we just scheduled for salt collection you’ll need to use of the salt collection kits we are providing you with [PULL OUT THE FOUR PREASSEMBLED SALT COLLECTION KITS FOR THE PARTICIPANT AND WRITE IN THE SCHEDULED SALT COLLECTION DATE ON THE ‘DATE’ LABEL FOR EACH]. On each of these days we want you to collect duplicate samples of all the salt you add to food at table. Also, all salt added in preparing foods at home that day needs to be collected.”

Here is what is in each kit and what you’ll need to do [OPEN ONE OF THE COLLECTION KITS]. A single plastic bag is provided for collecting duplicate samples of the salt you add to your food at the table. [SHOW PARTICIPANT THE ‘TABLE SALT’ PLASTIC BAG]. Each time you shake salt onto a food at the table, shake the same amount into the plastic bag. Do this throughout the day and wherever you add salt to food including at work and restaurants. On the bag is a spot for providing information about the type of salt in the salt shaker you use at home. Please be sure to fill in this information.”

There are several plastic bags in the collection kit to be used for collecting duplicate samples of all the salt added to food in home cooking on the day this collection is to be done. For each food prepared with salt added, put the same amount of salt added to the food in the plastic. On the plastic bag is a label where you need to provide some information such as a description of the food the salt was added to in preparation, the date, and the type of salt used. If someone else in your home is preparing a food that includes salt, make sure they do this collection or you do it with them.”

We have a couple tips for you. First, please make sure the plastic bag is completely sealed shut after you have collected the duplicate salt sample. Second, remember to take the table salt collection bag with you wherever you go so that you’re able to collect duplicate samples of salt added at the table at work, restaurants, and other places you may eat away from home.”

A postage paid preaddressed envelope is provided with each kit for returning the salt samples to us. Please send the samples to us within a day or two after the telephone interview that we conduct with you the day after you have collected the salt samples.”

Do you have any questions at this time? If you think of a question later feel free to call the number included in the instruction sheet that is included in each collection kit [POINT OUT THE INSTRUCTION SHEET]”. If you forget to collect the samples or you need to change the day scheduled for salt collection please call this number also.”

Telephone Interview Instructions

Now let’s talk about the telephone interviews we scheduled. [PULL OUT TELEPHONE INTERVIEW PACKET FOR THE PARTICIPANT AND RECORD THE SCHEDULED DATES AND TIMES ON THE FRONT OF THE PACKET]. During the interview you’ll be asked to report everything you ate and drank the previous day. To help you in reporting the amount of foods eaten you will need to have this Food Amount Booklet [SHOW PARTICIPANT THE BOOKLET]. Please have this booklet with you for the call. You’ll also be asked some questions about the duplicate salt samples you collected the previous day, so have those with you also for the call. Finally, you’ll be asked about any dietary supplements and non-prescription antacids you may have taken the day before the call. We’d like you to have the bottles and containers for any of these products with you during the call since the interviewer may ask you some questions about the product that is found on the label.”

Do you have any questions about the telephone interviewers at this time? If you think of a question later feel free to call the number included in the instruction sheet in the telephone interview packet [POINT OUT THE INSTRUCTION SHEET]”. Also, if you need to reschedule the telephone call please let us know as soon as possible. We need to have each telephone interview done the day after you have collected the salt samples. So, if you need to change the date of the telephone interview we’ll also need to change the day you’re scheduled to collect salt samples.”

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleName:
AuthorLisa Harnack
Last Modified ByCDC User
File Modified2013-05-17
File Created2013-05-17

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