Decennial Address and Email Testing Plan


Generic Clearance for Questionnaire Pretesting Research

Decennial Address and Email Testing Plan

OMB: 0607-0725

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The Census Bureau plans to conduct additional research under the generic clearance for questionnaire pretesting research (OMB number 0607-0725). We plan to conduct a usability test of three different versions of screens that collect residential address information that could be used for 2020 Census research and testing. The object of the test is to identify issues that are problematic and frustrating to the user so that we can refine the versions. We will also conduct a cognitive test on survey questions designed to measure attitudes and behaviors associated with the 2020 Census. Finally, we will collect feedback on the content of email messages to be used to notify a sample of participants who have opted-in to participate in Census Bureau research of new survey. This usability and cognitive test is in preparation for an upcoming small-scale panel test of these questions for 2020 Census research purposes. That study will be submitted under a different generic clearance letter.

Testing will begin in June and go through July of 2013. Staff from the Center for Survey Measurement’s Human Factors and Usability Research Group will conduct one round of testing with a maximum of 14 interviews. Each participant will be exposed to all of the test materials described below.

The participants we recruit will be general population participants. All participants will have a minimum of one year Internet experience and use the Internet at least three times a week on something other than writing emails. Participants will be recruited from the Usability Lab database, which is composed of people from the metropolitan DC area who volunteered to participate after responding to a Craigslist posting or an ad in a local newspaper. Participants may also be recruited by word of mouth. Participants will come to the Usability Lab at the Census Bureau for the study and will be compensated $40.00 for their participation.

Prior to working on the address screens, participants will be asked to complete a demographic questionnaire, as well as a background questionnaire on their computer use and Internet experience. Next, participants will be asked to provide feedback on draft email text to be used for soliciting participation in the small-scale panel test. After that, participants will be asked to think-aloud while they complete two of the online address screen versions and will be prompted to think-aloud when they fall silent. Participants will see the address screen versions in a randomized order. After answering each address screen version, participants will answer one of two post-task questionnaires (also presented in a randomized order) to measure their satisfaction with the address screen. Participants will then complete the attitude and behavior questions using the think-aloud technique. Finally, participants will complete a third experimental version of the address screens in the Center for Applied Technology lab, which is located on the first floor of the Census Bureau. Participants’ eyes will be tracked when completing the address screen versions, when possible, using an eye-tracking monitor and TOBII software. A copy of the screen shots of the three address screen versions, the 2020 attitudes and behavior questions, the email text versions, the probes and debriefing questions are included in the attached protocol. The demographic questionnaire, the background questionnaire and the post-task questionnaires are attached separately.

We estimate that users will spend 1 hour on average taking the study, including time spent working on the background, demographic and satisfaction questionnaires, the online survey instrument the attitudes and behavior questions and the debriefing questions. Thus, the total estimated respondent burden for this study is 14 hours.

The contact person for questions regarding data collection and statistical aspects of the design of this research is listed below:

Elizabeth Nichols

Center for Survey Measurement

U.S. Census Bureau

Washington, D.C. 20233

(301) 763-1724

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleThe purpose of this letter is to inform you of our plans to conduct research under the generic clearance for questionnaire pre
AuthorBureau Of The Census
Last Modified Bydemai001
File Modified2013-06-12
File Created2013-06-12

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