Subpart I 1910

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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for General Industry (29 CFR part 1910, subpart I)

Subpart I 1910

OMB: 1218-0205

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§ 1910.98

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(4) Scope. This section applies to all
radiations originating from radio stations, radar equipment, and other possible sources of electromagnetic radiation such as used for communication,
radio navigation, and industrial and
scientific purposes. This section does
not apply to the deliberate exposure of
patients by, or under the direction of,
practitioners of the healing arts.
(b) [Reserved]
[39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 61
FR 9236, Mar. 7, 1996]

§ 1910.98 Effective dates.
(a) The provisions of this subpart G
shall become effective on August 27,
1971, except as provided in the remaining paragraphs of this section.
(b) The following provisions shall become effective on February 15, 1972:
§ 1910.94 (a)(2)(iii), (a)(3), (a)(4), (b), (c)(2),
(c)(3), (c)(4), (c)(5), (c)(6)(i), (c)(6)(ii),
(d)(1)(ii), (d)(3), (d)(4), (d)(5), and (d)(7).

(c) Notwithstanding anything in
paragraph (a), (b), or (d) of this section,
any provision in any other section of
this subpart which contains in itself a
specific effective date or time limitation shall become effective on such
date or shall apply in accordance with
such limitation.
(d) Notwithstanding anything in
paragraph (a) of this section, if any
standard in 41 CFR part 50–204, other
than a national consensus standard incorporated by reference in § 50–
204.2(a)(1), is or becomes applicable at
any time to any employment and place
of employment, by virtue of the WalshHealey Public Contracts Act, or the
Service Contract Act of 1965, or the National Foundation on Arts and Humanities Act of 1965, any corresponding established Federal standard in this subpart G which is derived from 41 CFR
part 50–204 shall also become effective,
and shall be applicable to such employment and place of employment, on the
same date.

Subpart H—Hazardous Materials

FR 111), 3–2000 (65 FR 50017), 5–2002 (67 FR
65008), or 5–2007 (72 FR 31159), as applicable;
and 29 CFR part 11.
Sections 1910.103, 1910.106 through 1910.111,
and 1910.119, 1910.120, and 1910.122 through
1910.126 also issued under 29 CFR part 1911.
Section 1910.119 also issued under section
304, Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (Pub.
L. 101–549), reprinted at 29 U.S.C. 655 Note.
Section 1910.120 also issued under section
126, Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 as amended (29 U.S.C. 655
Note), and 5 U.S.C. 553.

§ 1910.101 Compressed gases (general
(a) Inspection of compressed gas cylinders. Each employer shall determine
that compressed gas cylinders under
his control are in a safe condition to
the extent that this can be determined
by visual inspection. Visual and other
inspections shall be conducted as prescribed in the Hazardous Materials
Regulations of the Department of
Transportation (49 CFR parts 171–179
and 14 CFR part 103). Where those regulations are not applicable, visual and
other inspections shall be conducted in
accordance with Compressed Gas Association Pamphlets C–6–1968 and C–8–
1962, which is incorporated by reference
as specified in § 1910.6.
(b) Compressed gases. The in-plant
handling, storage, and utilization of all
compressed gases in cylinders, portable
tanks, rail tankcars, or motor vehicle
cargo tanks shall be in accordance with
Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet
P–1–1965, which is incorporated by reference as specified in § 1910.6.
(c) Safety relief devices for compressed
gas containers. Compressed gas cylinders, portable tanks, and cargo tanks
shall have pressure relief devices installed and maintained in accordance
with Compressed Gas Association Pamphlets S–1.1–1963 and 1965 addenda and
S–1.2–1963, which is incorporated by reference as specified in § 1910.6.
[39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 61
FR 9236, Mar. 7, 1996]

§ 1910.102

AUTHORITY: Sections 4, 6, and 8 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29
U.S.C. 653, 655, 657); Secretary of Labor’s Orders Nos. 12–71 (36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41 FR 25059),
9–83 (48 FR 35736), 1–90 (55 FR 9033), 6–96 (62


(a) Cylinders. Employers must ensure
that the in-plant transfer, handling,
storage, and use of acetylene in cylinders comply with the provisions of
CGA Pamphlet G–1–2003 (‘‘Acetylene’’)


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(Compressed Gas Association, Inc., 11th
ed., 2003).
(b) Piped systems. (1) Employers must
comply with Chapter 9 (‘‘Acetylene Piping’’) of NFPA 51A–2006 (‘‘Standard for
Acetylene Charging Plants’’) (National
Fire Protection Association, 2006 ed.,
(2) When employers can demonstrate
that the facilities, equipment, structures, or installations used to generate
acetylene or to charge (fill) acetylene
cylinders were installed prior to February 16, 2006, these employers may
comply with the provisions of Chapter
7 (‘‘Acetylene Piping’’) of NFPA 51A–
2001 (‘‘Standard for Acetylene Charging
Plants’’) (National Fire Protection Association, 2001 ed., 2001).
(3) The provisions of § 1910.102(b)(2)
also apply when the facilities, equipment, structures, or installations used
to generate acetylene or to charge (fill)
acetylene cylinders were approved for
construction or installation prior to
February 16, 2006, but constructed and
installed on or after that date.
(4) For additional information on
acetylene piping systems, see CGA G–
1.2–2006, part 3 (‘‘Acetylene piping’’)
(Compressed Gas Association, Inc., 3rd
ed., 2006).
(c) Generators and filling cylinders. (1)
Employers must ensure that facilities,
equipment, structures, or installations
used to generate acetylene or to charge
(fill) acetylene cylinders comply with
the provisions of NFPA 51A–2006
(‘‘Standard for Acetylene Charging
Plants’’) (National Fire Protection Association, 2006 ed., 2006).
(2) When employers can demonstrate
that the facilities, equipment, structures, or installations used to generate
acetylene or to charge (fill) of acetylene cylinders were constructed or installed prior to February 16, 2006, these
employers may comply with the provisions of NFPA 51A–2001 (‘‘Standard for
Acetylene Charging Plants’’) (National
Fire Protection Association, 2001 ed.,
(3) The provisions of § 1910.102(c)(2)
also apply when the facilities, equipment, structures, or installations were
approved for construction or installation prior to February 16, 2006, but con-

§ 1910.103

structed and installed on or after that
[74 FR 40447, Aug. 11, 2009]

§ 1910.103 Hydrogen.
(a) General—(1) Definitions. As used in
this section (i) Gaseous hydrogen system is one in which the hydrogen is delivered, stored and discharged in the
gaseous form to consumer’s piping. The
system includes stationary or movable
containers, pressure regulators, safety
interconnecting piping and controls. The
system terminates at the point where
hydrogen at service pressure first enters the consumer’s distribution piping.
(ii) Approved—Means, unless otherwise indicated, listed or approved by a
nationally recognized testing laboratory. Refer to § 1910.7 for definition of
nationally recognized testing laboratory.
(iii) Listed—See ‘‘approved’’.
(iv) ASME—American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
(v) DOT Specifications—Regulations
of the Department of Transportation
published in 49 CFR Chapter I.
(vi) DOT regulations—See § 1910.103
(2) Scope—(i) Gaseous hydrogen systems. (a) Paragraph (b) of this section
applies to the installation of gaseous
hydrogen systems on consumer premises where the hydrogen supply to the
consumer premises originates outside
the consumer premises and is delivered
by mobile equipment.
(b) Paragraph (b) of this section does
not apply to gaseous hydrogen systems
having a total hydrogen content of less
than 400 cubic feet, nor to hydrogen
manufacturing plants or other establishments operated by the hydrogen
supplier or his agent for the purpose of
storing hydrogen and refilling portable
containers, trailers, mobile supply
trucks, or tank cars.
(ii) Liquefied hydrogen systems. (a)
Paragraph (c) of this section applies to
the installation of liquefied hydrogen
systems on consumer premises.
(b) Paragraph (c) of this section does
not apply to liquefied hydrogen portable containers of less than 150 liters
(39.63 gallons) capacity; nor to liquefied
hydrogen manufacturing plants or


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§ 1910.103

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

other establishments operated by the
hydrogen supplier or his agent for the
sole purpose of storing liquefied hydrogen and refilling portable containers,
trailers, mobile supply trucks, or tank
(b) Gaseous hydrogen systems—(1) Design—(i) Containers. (a) Hydrogen containers shall comply with one of the
(1) Designed, constructed, and tested
in accordance with appropriate requirements of ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, section VIII—Unfired
Pressure Vessels—1968, which is incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6.
(2) Designed, constructed, tested and
maintained in accordance with U.S.
Department of Transportation Specifications and Regulations.
(b) Permanently installed containers
shall be provided with substantial noncombustible supports on firm noncombustible foundations.
(c) Each portable container shall be
legibly marked with the name ‘‘Hydrogen’’ in accordance with the marking
§ 1910.253(b)(1)(ii). Each manifolded hydrogen supply unit shall be legibly
marked with the name ‘‘Hydrogen’’ or a
legend such as ‘‘This unit contains hydrogen.’’
(ii) Safety relief devices. (a) Hydrogen
containers shall be equipped with safety relief devices as required by the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
section VIII Unfired Pressure Vessels,
1968 or the DOT Specifications and
Regulations under which the container
is fabricated.
(b) Safety relief devices shall be arranged to discharge upward and unobstructed to the open air in such a manner as to prevent any impingement of
escaping gas upon the container, adjacent structure or personnel. This requirement does not apply to DOT Specification containers having an internal
volume of 2 cubic feet or less.
(c) Safety relief devices or vent piping shall be designed or located so that
moisture cannot collect and freeze in a
manner which would interfere with
proper operation of the device.
(iii) Piping, tubing, and fittings. (a)
Piping, tubing, and fittings shall be
suitable for hydrogen service and for

the pressures and temperatures involved. Cast iron pipe and fittings shall
not be used.
(b) Piping and tubing shall conform
to section 2—‘‘Industrial Gas and Air
Piping’’—Code for Pressure Piping,
ANSI B31.1–1967 with addenda B31.1–
1969, which is incorporated by reference
as specified in § 1910.6.
(c) Joints in piping and tubing may
be made by welding or brazing or by
use of flanged, threaded, socket, or
compression fittings. Gaskets and
thread sealants shall be suitable for
hydrogen service.
(iv) Equipment assembly. (a) Valves,
gauges, regulators, and other accessories shall be suitable for hydrogen
(b) Installation of hydrogen systems
shall be supervised by personnel familiar with proper practices with reference to their construction and use.
(c) Storage containers, piping, valves,
regulating equipment, and other accessories shall be readily accessible, and
shall be protected against physical
damage and against tampering.
(d) Cabinets or housings containing
hydrogen control or operating equipment shall be adequately ventilated.
(e) Each mobile hydrogen supply unit
used as part of a hydrogen system shall
be adequately secured to prevent movement.
(f) Mobile hydrogen supply units
shall be electrically bonded to the system before discharging hydrogen.
(v) Marking. The hydrogen storage location shall be permanently placarded
OPEN FLAMES,’’ or equivalent.
(vi) Testing. After installations, all
piping, tubing, and fittings shall be
tested and proved hydrogen gas tight
at maximum operating pressure.
(2) Location—(i) General. (a) The system shall be located so that it is readily accessible to delivery equipment
and to authorized personnel.
(b) Systems shall be located above
(c) Systems shall not be located beneath electric power lines.
(d) Systems shall not be located close
to flammable liquid piping or piping of
other flammable gases.


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(e) Systems near aboveground flammable liquid storage shall be located
on ground higher than the flammable
liquid storage except when dikes, diversion curbs, grading, or separating
solid walls are used to prevent accumulation of flammable liquids under the
(ii) Specific requirements. (a) The location of a system, as determined by the
maximum total contained volume of
hydrogen, shall be in the order of preference as indicated by Roman numerals in Table H–1.
Size of hydrogen system
Nature of location

Less than
3,000 CF

3,000 CF
to 15,000

Outdoors ....................
In a separate building

I ...............
II ..............

II ..............

In excess
of 15,000


§ 1910.103
TABLE H–1—Continued
Size of hydrogen system

Nature of location

Less than
3,000 CF

3,000 CF
to 15,000

In a special room ......

III .............

III .............

Inside buildings not in
a special room and
exposed to other

IV .............

Not permitted.

In excess
of 15,000
Not permitted.
Not permitted.

(b) The minimum distance in feet
from a hydrogen system of indicated
capacity located outdoors, in separate
buildings or in special rooms to any
specified outdoor exposure shall be in
accordance with Table H–2.
(c) The distances in Table H–2 Items
1 and 3 to 10 inclusive do not apply
where protective structures such as
adequate fire walls are located between
the system and the exposure.

Type of outdoor exposure

Size of hydrogen system
Less than
3,000 CF

Wood frame construction 1 ........................
Heavy timber, noncombustible or ordinary
construction 1.
Fire-resistive construction 1 ........................
2. Wall openings ......................................... Not above any part of a system ................
Above any part of a system ......................
3. Flammable liquids above ground. .......... 0 to 1,000 gallons ......................................
In excess of 1,000 gallons .........................
4. Flammable liquids below ground—0 to Tank ...........................................................
1,000 gallons.
Vent or fill opening of tank ........................
5. Flammable liquids below ground—in ex- Tank ...........................................................
cess of 1,000 gallons..
Vent or fill opening of tank ........................
6. Flammable gas storage, either high 0 to 15,000 CF capacity ............................
pressure or low pressure..
In excess of 15,000 CF capacity ...............
7. Oxygen storage ...................................... 12,000 CF or less 4 ....................................
More than 12,000 CF 5 ..............................
8. Fast burning solids such as ordinary lumber, excelsior or paper ..................................
9. Slow burning solids such as heavy timber or coal .........................................................
10. Open flames and other sources of ignition ...................................................................
11. Air compressor intakes or inlets to ventilating or air-conditioning equipment ..............
12. Concentration of people 3 ..............................................................................................
1. Building or structure ...............................

3,000 CF
to 15,000

In excess
of 15,000



2 25





1 Refer

to NFPA No. 220 Standard Types of Building Construction for definitions of various types of construction. (1969 Ed.)
not less than one-half the height of adjacent side wall of the structure.
congested areas such as offices, lunchrooms, locker rooms, time-clock areas.
4 Refer to NFPA No. 51, gas systems for welding and cutting (1969).
5 Refer to NFPA No. 566, bulk oxygen systems at consumer sites (1969).
2 But
3 In

(d) Hydrogen systems of less than
3,000 CF when located inside buildings
and exposed to other occupancies shall
be situated in the building so that the
system will be as follows:

(1) In an adequately ventilated area
as in paragraph (b)(3)(ii)(b) of this section.
(2) Twenty feet from stored flammable materials or oxidizing gases.


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§ 1910.103

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(3) Twenty-five feet from open
flames, ordinary electrical equipment
or other sources of ignition.
(4) Twenty-five feet from concentrations of people.
(5) Fifty feet from intakes of ventilation or air-conditioning equipment and
air compressors.
(6) Fifty feet from other flammable
gas storage.
(7) Protected against damage or injury due to falling objects or working
activity in the area.
(8) More than one system of 3,000 CF
or less may be installed in the same
room, provided the systems are separated by at least 50 feet. Each such system shall meet all of the requirements
of this paragraph.
(3) Design consideration at specific locations—(i) Outdoor locations. (a) Where
protective walls or roofs are provided,
they shall be constructed of noncombustible materials.
(b) Where the enclosing sides adjoin
each other, the area shall be properly
(c) Electrical equipment within 15
feet shall be in accordance with subpart S of this part.
(ii) Separate buildings. (a) Separate
buildings shall be built of at least noncombustible construction. Windows
and doors shall be located so as to be
readily accessible in case of emergency. Windows shall be of glass or
plastic in metal frames.
(b) Adequate ventilation to the outdoors shall be provided. Inlet openings
shall be located near the floor in exterior walls only. Outlet openings shall
be located at the high point of the
room in exterior walls or roof. Inlet
and outlet openings shall each have
minimum total area of one (1) square
foot per 1,000 cubic feet of room volume. Discharge from outlet openings
shall be directed or conducted to a safe
(c) Explosion venting shall be provided in exterior walls or roof only.
The venting area shall be equal to not
less than 1 square foot per 30 cubic feet
of room volume and may consist of any
one or any combination of the following: Walls of light, noncombustible
material, preferably single thickness,
single strength glass; lightly fastened
hatch covers; lightly fastened swinging

doors in exterior walls opening outward; lightly fastened walls or roof designed to relieve at a maximum pressure of 25 pounds per square foot.
(d) There shall be no sources of ignition from open flames, electrical equipment, or heating equipment.
(e) Electrical equipment shall be in
accordance with subpart S of this part
for Class I, Division 2 locations.
(f) Heating, if provided, shall be by
steam, hot water, or other indirect
(iii) Special rooms. (a) Floor, walls,
and ceiling shall have a fire-resistance
rating of at least 2 hours. Walls or partitions shall be continuous from floor
to ceiling and shall be securely anchored. At least one wall shall be an
exterior wall. Openings to other parts
of the building shall not be permitted.
Windows and doors shall be in exterior
walls and shall be located so as to be
readily accessible in case of emergency. Windows shall be of glass or
plastic in metal frames.
(b) Ventilation shall be as provided in
paragraph (b)(3)(ii)(b) of this section.
(c) Explosion venting shall be as provided in paragraph (b)(3)(ii)(c) of this
(d) There shall be no sources of ignition from open flames, electrical equipment, or heating equipment.
(e) Electric equipment shall be in accordance with the requirements of subpart S of this part for Class I, Division
2 locations.
(f) Heating, if provided, shall be by
steam, hot water, or indirect means.
(4) Operating instructions. For installations which require any operation of
equipment by the user, legible instructions shall be maintained at operating
(5) Maintenance. The equipment and
functioning of each charged gaseous
hydrogen system shall be maintained
in a safe operating condition in accordance with the requirements of this section. The area within 15 feet of any hydrogen container shall be kept free of
dry vegetation and combustible material.


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(c) Liquefied hydrogen systems—(1) Design—(i) Containers. (a) Hydrogen containers shall comply with the following: Storage containers shall be designed, constructed, and tested in accordance with appropriate requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, section VIII—Unfired
Pressure Vessels (1968) or applicable
provisions of API Standard 620, Recommended Rules for Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks, Second Edition
(June 1963) and appendix R (April 1965),
which is incorporated by reference as
specified in § 1910.6.
(b) Portable containers shall be designed, constructed and tested in accordance with DOT Specifications and
(ii) Supports. Permanently installed
containers shall be provided with substantial noncombustible supports securely anchored on firm noncombustible foundations. Steel supports in excess of 18 inches in height shall be protected with a protective coating having
a 2-hour fire-resistance rating.
(iii) Marking. Each container shall be
legibly marked to indicate ‘‘LIQUEFIED
(iv) Safety relief devices. (a)(1) Stationary liquefied hydrogen containers
shall be equipped with safety relief devices sized in accordance with CGA
Pamphlet S–1, part 3, Safety Relief Device Standards for Compressed Gas
Storage Containers, which is incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6.
(2) Portable liquefied hydrogen containers complying with the U.S. Department of Transportation Regulations shall be equipped with safety relief devices as required in the U.S. Department of Transportation Specifications and Regulations. Safety relief devices shall be sized in accordance with
the requirements of CGA Pamphlet S–
1, Safety Relief Device Standards, part
1, Compressed Gas Cylinders and part 2,
Cargo and Portable Tank Containers.
(b) Safety relief devices shall be arranged to discharge unobstructed to
the outdoors and in such a manner as
to prevent impingement of escaping
liquid or gas upon the container, adjacent structures or personnel. See para-

§ 1910.103

graph (c)(2)(i)(f) of this section for
venting of safety relief devices in special locations.
(c) Safety relief devices or vent piping shall be designed or located so that
moisture cannot collect and freeze in a
manner which would interfere with
proper operation of the device.
(d) Safety relief devices shall be provided in piping wherever liquefied hydrogen could be trapped between closures.
(v) Piping, tubing, and fittings. (a) Piping, tubing, and fittings and gasket and
thread sealants shall be suitable for
hydrogen service at the pressures and
temperatures involved. Consideration
shall be given to the thermal expansion
and contraction of piping systems
when exposed to temperature fluctuations of ambient to liquefied hydrogen
(b) Gaseous hydrogen piping and tubing (above ¥20 °F.) shall conform to
the applicable sections of Pressure Piping section 2—Industrial Gas and Air
Piping, ANSI B31.1–1967 with addenda
B31.1–1969. Design of liquefied hydrogen
or cold (¥20 °F. or below) gas piping
shall use Petroleum Refinery Piping
ANSI B31.3–1966 or Refrigeration Piping ANSI B31.5–1966 with addenda
B31.5a–1968 as a guide, which are incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6.
(c) Joints in piping and tubing shall
preferably be made by welding or brazing; flanged, threaded, socket, or suitable compression fittings may be used.
(d) Means shall be provided to minimize exposure of personnel to piping
operating at low temperatures and to
prevent air condensate from contacting
piping, structural members, and surfaces not suitable for cryogenic temperatures. Only those insulating materials which are rated nonburning in accordance with ASTM Procedures D1692–
68, which is incorporated by reference
as specified in § 1910.6, may be used.
Other protective means may be used to
protect personnel. The insulation shall
be designed to have a vapor-tight seal
in the outer covering to prevent the
condensation of air and subsequent oxygen enrichment within the insulation.
The insulation material and outside
shield shall also be of adequate design


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§ 1910.103

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

to prevent attrition of the insulation
due to normal operating conditions.
(e) Uninsulated piping and equipment
which operate at liquefied-hydrogen
temperature shall not be installed
above asphalt surfaces or other combustible materials in order to prevent
contact of liquid air with such materials. Drip pans may be installed under
uninsulated piping and equipment to
retain and vaporize condensed liquid
(vi) Equipment assembly. (a) Valves,
gauges, regulators, and other accessories shall be suitable for liquefied hydrogen service and for the pressures
and temperatures involved.
(b) Installation of liquefied hydrogen
systems shall be supervised by personnel familiar with proper practices
and with reference to their construction and use.
(c) Storage containers, piping, valves,
regulating equipment, and other accessories shall be readily accessible and
shall be protected against physical
damage and against tampering. A shutoff valve shall be located in liquid
product withdrawal lines as close to
the container as practical. On containers of over 2,000 gallons capacity,
this shutoff valve shall be of the remote control type with no connections,
flanges, or other appurtenances (other
than a welded manual shutoff valve) allowed in the piping between the shutoff
valve and its connection to the inner
(d) Cabinets or housings containing
hydrogen control equipment shall be
ventilated to prevent any accumulation of hydrogen gas.
(vii) Testing. (a) After installation,
all field-erected piping shall be tested
and proved hydrogen gas-tight at operating pressure and temperature.
(b) Containers if out of service in excess of 1 year shall be inspected and
tested as outlined in (a) of this subdivision. The safety relief devices shall be
checked to determine if they are operable and properly set.
(viii) Liquefied hydrogen vaporizers. (a)
The vaporizer shall be anchored and its
connecting piping shall be sufficiently
flexible to provide for the effect of expansion and contraction due to temperature changes.

(b) The vaporizer and its piping shall
be adequately protected on the hydrogen and heating media sections with
safety relief devices.
(c) Heat used in a liquefied hydrogen
vaporizer shall be indirectly supplied
utilizing media such as air, steam,
water, or water solutions.
(d) A low temperature shutoff switch
shall be provided in the vaporizer discharge piping to prevent flow of liquefied hydrogen in the event of the loss of
the heat source.
(ix) Electrical systems. (a) Electrical
wiring and equipment located within 3
feet of a point where connections are
regularly made and disconnected, shall
be in accordance with subpart S of this
part, for Class I, Group B, Division 1 locations.
(b) Except as provided in (a) of this
subdivision, electrical wiring, and
equipment located within 25 feet of a
point where connections are regularly
made and disconnected or within 25
feet of a liquid hydrogen storage container, shall be in accordance with subpart S of this part, for Class I, Group B,
Division 2 locations. When equipment
atmospheres is not commercially available, the equipment may be—
(1) Purged or ventilated in accordance with NFPA No. 496–1967, Standard
for Purged Enclosures for Electrical
Equipment in Hazardous Locations,
(2) Intrinsically safe, or
(3) Approved for Class I, Group C
atmospheres. This requirement does
not apply to electrical equipment
which is installed on mobile supply
trucks or tank cars from which the
storage container is filled.
(x) Bonding and grounding. The liquefied hydrogen container and associated
piping shall be electrically bonded and
(2) Location of liquefied hydrogen storage—(i) General requirements. (a) The
storage containers shall be located so
that they are readily accessible to mobile supply equipment at ground level
and to authorized personnel.
(b) The containers shall not be exposed by electric power lines, flammable liquid lines, flammable gas lines,
or lines carrying oxidizing materials.
(c) When locating liquified hydrogen
storage containers near above-ground


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
flammable liquid storage or liquid oxygen storage, it is advisable to locate
the liquefied hydrogen container on
ground higher than flammable liquid
storage or liquid oxygen storage.
(d) Where it is necessary to locate
the liquefied hydrogen container on
ground that is level with or lower than
adjacent flammable liquid storage or
liquid oxygen storage, suitable protective means shall be taken (such as by
diking, diversion curbs, grading), with
respect to the adjacent flammable liquid storage or liquid oxygen storage, to
prevent accumulation of liquids within
50 feet of the liquefied hydrogen container.
(e) Storage sites shall be fenced and
posted to prevent entrance by unauthorized personnel. Sites shall also be
placarded as follows: ‘‘Liquefied Hydro-

§ 1910.103

gen—Flammable Gas—No Smoking—
No Open Flames.’’
(f) If liquified hydrogen is located in
(as specified in Table H–3) a separate
building, in a special room, or inside
buildings when not in a special room
and exposed to other occupancies, containers shall have the safety relief devices vented unobstructed to the outdoors at a minimum elevation of 25 feet
above grade to a safe location as required in paragraph (c)(1)(iv)(b) of this
(ii) Specific requirements. (a) The location of liquefied hydrogen storage, as
determined by the maximum total
quantity of liquified hydrogen, shall be
in the order of preference as indicated
by Roman numerals in the following
Table H–3.

Size of hydrogen storage (capacity in gallons)
Nature of location

Outdoors .................................................................
In a separate building .............................................
In a special room ....................................................
Inside buildings not in a special room and exposed to other occupancies.

39.63 (150 liters)
to 50

51 to 300

301 to 600

I .........................
II ........................
III .......................
IV .......................

I .........................
II ........................
III .......................
Not permitted ....

I .........................
II ........................
Not permitted .... ................

In excess of 600
Not permitted.

NOTE: This table does not apply to the storage in dewars of the type generally used in laboratories for experimental purposes.


(b) The minimum distance in feet
from liquefied hydrogen systems of indicated storage capacity located outdoors, in a separate building, or in a
special room to any specified exposure
shall be in accordance with Table H–4.

Liquefied hydrogen storage
(capacity in gallons)
Type of exposure

Liquefied hydrogen storage
(capacity in gallons)
Type of exposure

(150 liters) to

1. Fire-resistive building and
fire walls 3 .........................
2. Noncombustible building 3
3. Other buildings 3 ..............
4. Wall openings, air-compressor intakes, inlets for
air-conditioning or ventilating equipment .............
5. Flammable liquids (above
ground and vent or fill
openings if below ground)
(see 513 and 514) ...........

3,501 to











6. Between stationary liquefied hydrogen containers
7. Flammable gas storage ..
8. Liquid oxygen storage
and other oxidizers (see
513 and 514) ...................
9. Combustible solids ..........
10. Open flames, smoking
and welding ......................
11. Concentrations of people ....................................

(150 liters) to

3,501 to














1 The

distance in Nos. 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 12 in Table H–4
may be reduced where protective structures, such as firewalls
equal to height of top of the container, to safeguard the liquefied hydrogen storage system, are located between the liquefied hydrogen storage installation and the exposure.
2 Where protective structures are provided, ventilation and
confinement of product should be considered. The 5-foot distance in Nos. 1 and 6 facilitates maintenance and enhances


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§ 1910.103

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

3 Refer to Standard Types of Building Construction, NFPA
No. 220–1969 for definitions of various types of construction.
In congested areas such as offices, lunchrooms, locker
rooms, time-clock areas.

(iii) Handling of liquefied hydrogen inside buildings other than separate buildings and special rooms. Portable liquefied hydrogen containers of 50 gallons
or less capacity as permitted in Table
H–3 and in compliance with subdivision
(i)(f) of this subparagraph when housed
inside buildings not located in a special
room and exposed to other occupancies
shall comply with the following minimum requirements:
(a) Be located 20 feet from flammable
liquids and readily combustible materials such as excelsior or paper.
(b) Be located 25 feet from ordinary
electrical equipment and other sources
of ignition including process or analytical equipment.
(c) Be located 25 feet from concentrations of people.
(d) Be located 50 feet from intakes of
ventilation and air-conditioning equipment or intakes of compressors.
(e) Be located 50 feet from storage of
other flammable-gases or storage of
oxidizing gases.
(f) Containers shall be protected
against damage or injury due to falling
objects or work activity in the area.
(g) Containers shall be firmly secured
and stored in an upright position.
(h) Welding or cutting operations,
and smoking shall be prohibited while
hydrogen is in the room.
(i) The area shall be adequately ventilated. Safety relief devices on the
containers shall be vented directly outdoors or to a suitable hood. See paragraphs (c)(1)(iv)(b) and (c)(2)(i)(f) of
this section.
(3) Design considerations at specific locations—(i) Outdoor locations. (a) Outdoor location shall mean outside of any
building or structure, and includes locations under a weather shelter or canopy provided such locations are not enclosed by more than two walls set at
right angles and are provided with
vent-space between the walls and vented roof or canopy.
(b) Roadways and yard surfaces located below liquefied hydrogen piping,
from which liquid air may drip, shall
be constructed of noncombustible materials.

(c) If protective walls are provided,
they shall be constructed of noncombustible materials and in accordance with the provisions of paragraph
(c)(3)(i)(a) of this section.
(d) Electrical wiring and equipment
shall comply with paragraph (c)(1)(ix)
(a) and (b) of this section.
(e) Adequate lighting shall be provided for nighttime transfer operation.
(ii) Separate buildings. (a) Separate
buildings shall be of light noncombustible construction on a substantial
frame. Walls and roofs shall be lightly
fastened and designed to relieve at a
maximum internal pressure of 25
pounds per square foot. Windows shall
be of shatterproof glass or plastic in
metal frames. Doors shall be located in
such a manner that they will be readily
accessible to personnel in an emergency.
(b) Adequate ventilation to the outdoors shall be provided. Inlet openings
shall be located near the floor level in
exterior walls only. Outlet openings
shall be located at the high point of the
room in exterior walls or roof. Both the
inlet and outlet vent openings shall
have a minimum total area of 1 square
foot per 1,000 cubic feet of room volume. Discharge from outlet openings
shall be directed or conducted to a safe
(c) There shall be no sources of ignition.
(d) Electrical wiring and equipment
shall comply with paragraphs (c)(1)(ix)
(a) and (b) of this section except that
the provisions of paragraph (c)(1)(ix)(b)
of this section shall apply to all electrical wiring and equipment in the separate building.
(e) Heating, if provided, shall be by
steam, hot water, or other indirect
(iii) Special rooms. (a) Floors, walls,
and ceilings shall have a fire resistance
rating of at least 2 hours. Walls or partitions shall be continuous from floor
to ceiling and shall be securely anchored. At least one wall shall be an
exterior wall. Openings to other parts
of the building shall not be permitted.
Windows and doors shall be in exterior
walls and doors shall be located in such
a manner that they will be accessible
in an emergency. Windows shall be of


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shatterproof glass or plastic in metal
(b) Ventilation shall be as provided in
paragraph (c)(3)(ii)(b) of this section.
(c) Explosion venting shall be provided in exterior walls or roof only.
The venting area shall be equal to not
less than 1 square foot per 30 cubic feet
of room volume and may consist of any
one or any combination of the following: Walls of light noncombustible
material; lightly fastened hatch covers;
lightly fastened swinging doors opening outward in exterior walls; lightly
fastened walls or roofs designed to relieve at a maximum pressure of 25
pounds per square foot.
(d) There shall be no sources of ignition.
(e) Electrical wiring and equipment
shall comply with paragraph (c)(1)(ix)
(a) and (b) of this section except that
the provision of paragraph (c)(1)(ix)(b)
of this section shall apply to all electrical wiring and equipment in the special room.
(f) Heating, if provided, shall be
steam, hot water, or by other indirect
(4) Operating instructions—(i) Written
instructions. For installation which require any operation of equipment by
the user, legible instructions shall be
maintained at operating locations.
(ii) Attendant. A qualified person
shall be in attendance at all times
while the mobile hydrogen supply unit
is being unloaded.
(iii) Security. Each mobile liquefied
hydrogen supply unit used as part of a
hydrogen system shall be adequately
secured to prevent movement.
(iv) Grounding. The mobile liquefied
hydrogen supply unit shall be grounded
for static electricity.
(5) Maintenance. The equipment and
functioning of each charged liquefied
hydrogen system shall be maintained
in a safe operating condition in accordance with the requirements of this section. Weeds or similar combustibles
shall not be permitted within 25 feet of
any liquefied hydrogen equipment.
[39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 43
FR 49746, Oct. 24, 1978; 53 FR 12121, Apr. 12,
1988; 55 FR 32015, Aug. 6, 1990; 58 FR 35309,
June 30, 1993; 61 FR 9236, 9237, Mar. 7, 1996; 69
FR 31881, June 8, 2004; 72 FR 71069, Dec. 14,

§ 1910.104

§ 1910.104


(a) Scope. This section applies to the
installation of bulk oxygen systems on
industrial and institutional consumer
premises. This section does not apply
to oxygen manufacturing plants or
other establishments operated by the
oxygen supplier or his agent for the
purpose of storing oxygen and refilling
portable containers, trailers, mobile
supply trucks, or tank cars, nor to systems having capacities less than those
stated in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
(b) Bulk oxygen systems—(1) Definition.
As used in this section: A bulk oxygen
system is an assembly of equipment,
such as oxygen storage containers,
pressure regulators, safety devices, vaporizers,
interconnecting piping, which has storage
capacity of more than 13,000 cubic feet
of oxygen, Normal Temperature and
Pressure (NTP), connected in service or
ready for service, or more than 25,000
cubic feet of oxygen (NTP) including
unconnected reserves on hand at the
site. The bulk oxygen system terminates at the point where oxygen at
service pressure first enters the supply
line. The oxygen containers may be
stationary or movable, and the oxygen
may be stored as gas or liquid.
(2) Location—(i) General. Bulk oxygen
storage systems shall be located above
ground out of doors, or shall be installed in a building of noncombustible
construction, adequately vented, and
used for that purpose exclusively. The
location selected shall be such that
containers and associated equipment
shall not be exposed by electric power
lines, flammable or combustible liquid
lines, or flammable gas lines.
(ii) Accessibility. The system shall be
located so that it is readily accessible
to mobile supply equipment at ground
level and to authorized personnel.
(iii) Leakage. Where oxygen is stored
as a liquid, noncombustible surfacing
shall be provided in an area in which
any leakage of liquid oxygen might fall
during operation of the system and filling of a storage container. For purposes of this paragraph, asphaltic or bituminous paving is considered to be


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§ 1910.104

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(iv) Elevation. When locating bulk oxygen systems near above-ground flammable or combustible liquid storage
which may be either indoors or outdoors, it is advisable to locate the system on ground higher than the flammable or combustible liquid storage.
(v) Dikes. Where it is necessary to locate a bulk oxygen system on ground
lower than adjacent flammable or combustible liquid storage suitable means
shall be taken (such as by diking, diversion curbs, or grading) with respect
to the adjacent flammable or combustible liquid storage to prevent accumulation of liquids under the bulk oxygen
(3) Distance between systems and exposures—(i) General. The minimum distance from any bulk oxygen storage
container to exposures, measured in
the most direct line except as indicated
in paragraphs (b)(3) (vi) and (viii) of
this section, shall be as indicated in
paragraphs (b)(3) (ii) to (xviii) of this
section inclusive.
(ii) Combustible structures. Fifty feet
from any combustible structures.
(iii) Fire resistive structures. Twentyfive feet from any structures with fireresistive exterior walls or sprinklered
buildings of other construction, but
not less than one-half the height of adjacent side wall of the structure.
(iv) Openings. At least 10 feet from
any opening in adjacent walls of fire
resistive structures. Spacing from such
structures shall be adequate to permit
maintenance, but shall not be less than
1 foot.
(v) Flammable liquid storage aboveground.
Distance (feet)

Capacity (gallons)

50 ..................................................
90 ..................................................

0 to 1000.
1001 or more.

(vi) Flammable liquid storage belowground.
Distance measured
horizontally from oxygen storage container
to flammable liquid
tank (feet)

Distance from oxygen
storage container to
filling and vent connections or openings
to flammable liquid
tank (feet)

15 ..............................
30 ..............................

50 ..............................
50 ..............................

Capacity gallons

0 to 1000.
1001 or

(vii) Combustible liquid storage aboveground.

Distance (feet)

Capacity (gallons)

25 ..................................................
50 ..................................................

0 to 1000.
1001 or more.

(viii) Combustible liquid storage belowground.
Distance measured horizontally from oxygen storage
container to combustible liquid tank (feet)

Distance from oxygen storage container to filling and
vent connections or openings
to combustible liquid tank

15 ...........................................


(ix) Flammable gas storage. (Such as
compressed flammable gases, liquefied
flammable gases and flammable gases
in low pressure gas holders):
Distance (feet)

Capacity (cu. ft. NTP)

50 ..................................................
90 ..................................................

Less than 5000.
5000 or more.

(x) Highly combustible materials. Fifty
feet from solid materials which burn
rapidly, such as excelsior or paper.
(xi) Slow-burning materials. Twentyfive feet from solid materials which
burn slowly, such as coal and heavy
(xii) Ventilation. Seventy-five feet in
one direction and 35 feet in approximately 90° direction from confining
walls (not including firewalls less than
20 feet high) to provide adequate ventilation in courtyards and similar confining areas.
(xiii) Congested areas. Twenty-five
feet from congested areas such as offices, lunchrooms, locker rooms, time
clock areas, and similar locations
where people may congregate.
(xiv)–(xvii) [Reserved]
(xviii) Exceptions. The distances in
paragraphs (b)(3) (ii), (iii), (v) to (xi) inclusive, of this section do not apply
where protective structures such as
firewalls of adequate height to safeguard the oxygen storage systems are
located between the bulk oxygen storage installation and the exposure. In
such cases, the bulk oxygen storage installation may be a minimum distance
of 1 foot from the firewall.
(4) Storage containers—(i) Foundations
and supports. Permanently installed
containers shall be provided with substantial noncombustible supports on
firm noncombustible foundations.


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(ii) Construction—liquid. Liquid oxygen storage containers shall be fabricated from materials meeting the impact test requirements of paragraph
UG–84 of ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, section VIII—Unfired
Pressure Vessels—1968, which is incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6. Containers operating at pressures above 15 pounds per square inch
gage (p.s.i.g.) shall be designed, constructed, and tested in accordance with
appropriate requirements of ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, section VII—Unfired Pressure Vessels—
1968. Insulation surrounding the liquid
oxygen container shall be noncombustible.
(iii) Construction—gaseous. High- pressure gaseous oxygen containers shall
comply with one of the following:
(a) Designed, constructed, and tested
in accordance with appropriate requirements of ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section VIII—Unfired
Pressure Vessels—1968.
(b) Designed, constructed, tested, and
maintained in accordance with DOT
Specifications and Regulations.
(5) Piping, tubing, and fittings—(i) Selection. Piping, tubing, and fittings
shall be suitable for oxygen service and
for the pressures and temperatures involved.
(ii) Specification. Piping and tubing
shall conform to section 2—Gas and Air
Piping Systems of Code for Pressure
Piping, ANSI, B31.1–1967 with addenda
B31.10a–1969, which is incorporated by
reference as specified in § 1910.6.
(iii) Fabrication. Piping or tubing for
operating temperatures below ¥20 °F.
shall be fabricated from materials
meeting the impact test requirements
of paragraph UG–84 of ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code, Section
VIII—Unfired Pressure Vessels—1968,
when tested at the minimum operating
temperature to which the piping may
be subjected in service.
(6) Safety relief devices—(i) General.
Bulk oxygen storage containers, regardless of design pressure shall be
equipped with safety relief devices as
required by the ASME code or the DOT
specifications and regulations.
(ii) DOT containers. Bulk oxygen storage containers designed and constructed in accordance with DOT speci-

§ 1910.104

fication shall be equipped with safety
relief devices as required thereby.
(iii) ASME containers. Bulk oxygen
storage containers designed and constructed in accordance with the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, section VIII—Unfired Pressure Vessel—
1968 shall be equipped with safety relief
devices meeting the provisions of the
Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet
‘‘Safety Relief Device Standards for
Compressed Gas Storage Containers,’’
S–1, part 3, which is incorporated by
reference as specified in § 1910.6.
(iv) Insulation. Insulation casings on
liquid oxygen containers shall be
equipped with suitable safety relief devices.
(v) Reliability. All safety relief devices shall be so designed or located
that moisture cannot collect and freeze
in a manner which would interfere with
proper operation of the device.
Mounts and couplings. The vaporizer
shall be anchored and its connecting
piping be sufficiently flexible to provide for the effect of expansion and
(ii) Relief devices. The vaporizer and
its piping shall be adequately protected
on the oxygen and heating medium sections with safety relief devices.
(iii) Heating. Heat used in an oxygen
vaporizer shall be indirectly supplied
only through media such as steam, air,
water, or water solutions which do not
react with oxygen.
(iv) Grounding. If electric heaters are
used to provide the primary source of
heat, the vaporizing system shall be
electrically grounded.
(8) Equipment assembly and installation—(i) Cleaning. Equipment making
up a bulk oxygen system shall be
cleaned in order to remove oil, grease
or other readily oxidizable materials
before placing the system in service.
(ii) Joints. Joints in piping and tubing
may be made by welding or by use of
flanged, threaded, slip, or compression
fittings. Gaskets or thread sealants
shall be suitable for oxygen service.
(iii) Accessories. Valves, gages, regulators, and other accessories shall be
suitable for oxygen service.
(iv) Installation. Installation of bulk
oxygen systems shall be supervised by


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§ 1910.105

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

personnel familiar with proper practices with reference to their construction and use.
(v) Testing. After installation all field
erected piping shall be tested and
proved gas tight at maximum operating pressure. Any medium used for
testing shall be oil free and nonflammable.
(vi) Security. Storage containers, piping, valves, regulating equipment, and
other accessories shall be protected
against physical damage and against
(vii) Venting. Any enclosure containing oxygen control or operating
equipment shall be adequately vented.
(viii) Placarding. The bulk oxygen
storage location shall be permanently
placarded to indicate: ‘‘OXYGEN—NO
equivalent warning.
(ix) Electrical wiring. Bulk oxygen installations are not hazardous locations
as defined and covered in subpart S of
this part. Therefore, general purpose or
weatherproof types of electrical wiring
and equipment are acceptable depending upon whether the installation is indoors or outdoors. Such equipment
shall be installed in accordance with
the applicable provisions of subpart S
of this part.
(9) Operating instructions. For installations which require any operation of
equipment by the user, legible instructions shall be maintained at operating
(10) Maintenance. The equipment and
functioning of each charged bulk oxygen system shall be maintained in a
safe operating condition in accordance
with the requirements of this section.
Wood and long dry grass shall be cut
back within 15 feet of any bulk oxygen
storage container.
[39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 43
FR 49746, Oct. 24, 1978; 61 FR 9237, Mar. 7,

§ 1910.105

Nitrous oxide.

The piped systems for the in-plant
transfer and distribution of nitrous
oxide shall be designed, installed,
maintained, and operated in accordance with Compressed Gas Association
Pamphlet G–8.1–1964, which is incor-

porated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6.
[39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 61
FR 9237, Mar. 7, 1996]

§ 1910.106 Flammable and combustible
(a) Definitions. As used in this section:
(1) Aerosol shall mean a material
which is dispensed from its container
as a mist, spray, or foam by a propellant under pressure.
(2) Atmospheric tank shall mean a
storage tank which has been designed
to operate at pressures from atmospheric through 0.5 p.s.i.g.
(3) Automotive service station shall
mean that portion of property where
flammable or combustible liquids used
as motor fuels are stored and dispensed
from fixed equipment into the fuel
tanks of motor vehicles and shall include any facilities available for the
sale and service of tires, batteries, and
accessories, and for minor automotive
maintenance work. Major automotive
repairs, painting, body and fender work
are excluded.
(4) Basement shall mean a story of a
building or structure having one-half
or more of its height below ground
level and to which access for fire fighting purposes is unduly restricted.
(5) Boiling point shall mean the boiling point of a liquid at a pressure of
14.7 pounds per square inch absolute
(p.s.i.a.) (760 mm.). Where an accurate
boiling point is unavailable for the material in question, or for mixtures
which do not have a constant boiling
point, for purposes of this section the
10 percent point of a distillation performed in accordance with the Standard Method of Test for Distillation of
Petroleum Products, ASTM D–86–62,
which is incorporated by reference as
specified in § 1910.6, may be used as the
boiling point of the liquid.
(6) Boilover shall mean the expulsion
of crude oil (or certain other liquids)
from a burning tank. The light fractions of the crude oil burnoff producing
a heat wave in the residue, which on
reaching a water strata may result in
the expulsion of a portion of the contents of the tank in the form of froth.
(7) Bulk plant shall mean that portion of a property where flammable or


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combustible liquids are received by
tank vessel, pipelines, tank car, or
tank vehicle, and are stored or blended
in bulk for the purpose of distributing
such liquids by tank vessel, pipeline,
tank car, tank vehicle, or container.
(8) Chemical plant shall mean a large
integrated plant or that portion of
such a plant other than a refinery or
distillery where flammable or combustible liquids are produced by chemical
reactions or used in chemical reactions.
(9) Closed container shall mean a
container as herein defined, so sealed
by means of a lid or other device that
neither liquid nor vapor will escape
from it at ordinary temperatures.
(10) Crude petroleum shall mean hydrocarbon mixtures that have a flash
point below 150 °F. and which have not
been processed in a refinery.
(11) Distillery shall mean a plant or
that portion of a plant where flammable or combustible liquids produced
by fermentation are concentrated, and
where the concentrated products may
also be mixed, stored, or packaged.
(12) Fire area shall mean an area of a
building separated from the remainder
of the building by construction having
a fire resistance of at least 1 hour and
having all communicating openings
properly protected by an assembly having a fire resistance rating of at least 1
(13) Flammable aerosol shall mean an
aerosol which is required to be labeled
‘‘Flammable’’ under the Federal Hazardous Substances Labeling Act (15
U.S.C. 1261). For the purposes of paragraph (d) of this section, such aerosols
are considered Class IA liquids.
(14) Flashpoint means the minimum
temperature at which a liquid gives off
vapor within a test vessel in sufficient
concentration to form an ignitable
mixture with air near the surface of
the liquid, and shall be determined as
(i) For a liquid which has a viscosity
of less than 45 SUS at 100 °F. (37.8 °C.),
does not contain suspended solids, and
does not have a tendency to form a surface film while under test, the procedure specified in the Standard Method
of Test for Flashpoint by Tag Closed
Tester (ASTM D–56–70), which is incor-

§ 1910.106

porated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6, shall be used.
(ii) For a liquid which has a viscosity
of 45 SUS or more at 100 °F. (37.8 °C.),
or contains suspended solids, or has a
tendency to form a surface film while
under test, the Standard Method of
Test for Flashpoint by Pensky-Martens
Closed Tester (ASTM D–93–71) shall be
used, except that the methods specified
in Note 1 to section 1.1 of ASTM D–93–
71 may be used for the respective materials specified in the Note. The preceding ASTM standards are incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6.
(iii) For a liquid that is a mixture of
flashpoint shall be determined by using
the procedure specified in paragraph
(a)(14) (i) or (ii) of this section on the
liquid in the form it is shipped. If the
flashpoint, as determined by this test,
is 100 °F. (37.8 °C.) or higher, an additional flashpoint determination shall
be run on a sample of the liquid evaporated to 90 percent of its original volume, and the lower value of the two
tests shall be considered the flashpoint
of the material.
(iv) Organic peroxides, which undergo
autoaccelerating thermal decomposition, are excluded from any of the
specified in this subparagraph.
(15) Hotel shall mean buildings or
groups of buildings under the same
management in which there are sleeping accommodations for hire, primarily
used by transients who are lodged with
or without meals including but not
limited to inns, clubs, motels, and
apartment hotels.
(16) Institutional occupancy shall
mean the occupancy or use of a building or structure or any portion thereof
by persons harbored or detained to receive medical, charitable or other care
or treatment, or by persons involuntarily detained.
(17) Liquid shall mean, for the purpose of this section, any material
which has a fluidity greater than that
of 300 penetration asphalt when tested
in accordance with ASTM Test for Penetration for Bituminous Materials, D–
5–65, which is incorporated by reference


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§ 1910.106

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

as specified in § 1910.6. When not otherwise identified, the term liquid shall
include both flammable and combustible liquids.
(18) Combustible liquid means any liquid having a flashpoint at or above 100
°F. (37.8 °C.) Combustible liquids shall
be divided into two classes as follows:
(i) Class II liquids shall include those
with flashpoints at or above 100 °F.
(37.8 °C.) and below 140 °F. (60 °C.), except any mixture having components
with flashpoints of 200 °F. (93.3 °C.) or
higher, the volume of which make up 99
percent or more of the total volume of
the mixture.
(ii) Class III liquids shall include
those with flashpoints at or above 140
°F. (60 °C.) Class III liquids are subdivided into two subclasses:
(a) Class IIIA liquids shall include
those with flashpoints at or above 140
°F. (60 °C.) and below 200 °F. (93.3 °C.),
except any mixture having components
with flashpoints of 200 °F. (93.3 °C.), or
higher, the total volume of which make
up 99 percent or more of the total volume of the mixture.
(b) Class IIIB liquids shall include
those with flashpoints at or above 200
°F. (93.3 °C.). This section does not
cover Class IIIB liquids. Where the
term ‘‘Class III liquids is used in this
section, it shall mean only Class IIIA
(iii) When a combustible liquid is
heated for use to within 30 °F. (16.7 °C.)
of its flashpoint, it shall be handled in
accordance with the requirements for
the next lower class of liquids.
(19) Flammable liquid means any liquid having a flashpoint below 100 °F.
(37.8 °C.), except any mixture having
components with flashpoints of 100 °F.
(37.8 °C.) or higher, the total of which
make up 99 percent or more of the total
volume of the mixture. Flammable liquids shall be known as Class I liquids.
Class I liquids are divided into three
classes as follows:
(i) Class IA shall include liquids having flashpoints below 73 °F. (22.8 °C.)
and having a boiling point below 100 °F.
(37.8 °C.).
(ii) Class IB shall include liquids having flashpoints below 73 °F. (22.8 °C.)
and having a boiling point at or above
100 °F. (37.8 °C.).

(iii) Class IC shall include liquids
having flashpoints at or above 73 °F.
(22.8 °C.) and below 100 °F. (37.8 °C.).
(20) Unstable (reactive) liquid shall
mean a liquid which in the pure state
or as commercially produced or transported will vigorously polymerize, decompose, condense, or will become selfreactive under conditions of shocks,
pressure, or temperature.
(21) Low-pressure tank shall mean a
storage tank which has been designed
to operate at pressures above 0.5 p.s.i.g.
but not more than 15 p.s.i.g.
(22) Marine service station shall
mean that portion of a property where
flammable or combustible liquids used
as fuels are stored and dispensed from
fixed equipment on shore, piers,
wharves, or floating docks into the fuel
tanks of self-propelled craft, and shall
include all facilities used in connection
(23) Mercantile occupancy shall mean
the occupancy or use of a building or
structure or any portion thereof for the
displaying, selling, or buying of goods,
wares, or merchandise.
(24) Office occupancy shall mean the
occupancy or use of a building or structure or any portion thereof for the
transaction of business, or the rendering or receiving of professional services.
(25) Portable tank shall mean a
closed container having a liquid capacity over 60 U.S. gallons and not intended for fixed installation.
(26) Pressure vessel shall mean a
storage tank or vessel which has been
designed to operate at pressures above
15 p.s.i.g.
(27) Protection for exposure shall
mean adequate fire protection for
structures on property adjacent to
tanks, where there are employees of
the establishment.
(28) Refinery shall mean a plant in
which flammable or combustible liquids are produced on a commercial
scale from crude petroleum, natural
gasoline, or other hydrocarbon sources.
(29) Safety can shall mean an approved container, of not more than 5
gallons capacity, having a spring-closing lid and spout cover and so designed
that it will safely relieve internal pressure when subjected to fire exposure.


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(30) Vapor pressure shall mean the
pressure, measured in pounds per
square inch (absolute) exerted by a
volatile liquid as determined by the
‘‘Standard Method of Test for Vapor
Pressure of Petroleum Products (Reid
Method),’’ American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM D323–68, which
is incorporated by reference as specified in § 1910.6.
(31) Ventilation as specified in this
section is for the prevention of fire and
explosion. It is considered adequate if
it is sufficient to prevent accumulation
of significant quantities of vapor-air
mixtures in concentration over onefourth of the lower flammable limit.
(32) Storage: Flammable or combustible liquids shall be stored in a tank
or in a container that complies with
paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
(33) Barrel shall mean a volume of 42
U.S. gallons.
(34) Container shall mean any can,
barrel, or drum.
(35) Approved unless otherwise indicated, approved, or listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory.
Refer to § 1910.7 for definition of nationally recognized testing laboratory.
§ 1910.106(a)(35).
(37) SUS means Saybolt Universal
Seconds as determined by the Standard
Method of Test for Saybolt Viscosity
(ASTM D–88–56), and may be determined by use of the SUS conversion tables specified in ASTM Method D2161–
66 following determination of viscosity
in accordance with the procedures
specified in the Standard Method of
Test for Viscosity of Transparent and
Opaque Liquids (ASTM D445–65).
(38) Viscous means a viscosity of 45
SUS or more.
(b) Tank storage—(1) Design and construction of tanks—(i) Materials. (a)
Tanks shall be built of steel except as
provided in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) (b)
through (e) of this section.
(b) Tanks may be built of materials
other than steel for installation underground or if required by the properties
of the liquid stored. Tanks located
above ground or inside buildings shall
be of noncombustible construction.
(c) Tanks built of materials other
than steel shall be designed to specifications embodying principles recog-

§ 1910.106

nized as good engineering design for
the material used.
(d) Unlined concrete tanks may be
used for storing flammable or combustible liquids having a gravity of 40° API
or heavier. Concrete tanks with special
lining may be used for other services
provided the design is in accordance
with sound engineering practice.
(e) [Reserved]
(f) Special engineering consideration
shall be required if the specific gravity
of the liquid to be stored exceeds that
of water or if the tanks are designed to
contain flammable or combustible liquids at a liquid temperature below 0 °F.
(ii) Fabrication. (a) [Reserved]
(b) Metal tanks shall be welded, riveted, and caulked, brazed, or bolted, or
constructed by use of a combination of
these methods. Filler metal used in
brazing shall be nonferrous metal or an
alloy having a melting point above 1000
°F. and below that of the metal joined.
(iii) Atmospheric tanks. (a) Atmospheric tanks shall be built in accordance with acceptable good standards of
design. Atmospheric tanks may be
built in accordance with the following
consensus standards that are incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6:
(1) Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc.,
Subjects No. 142, Standard for Steel
Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and
Combustible Liquids, 1968; No. 58,
Standard for Steel Underground Tanks
for Flammable and Combustible Liquids, Fifth Edition, December 1961; or
No. 80, Standard for Steel Inside Tanks
for Oil-Burner Fuel, September 1963.
(2) American Petroleum Institute
Standards No. 650, Welded Steel Tanks
for Oil Storage, Third Edition, 1966.
(3) American Petroleum Institute
Standards No. 12B, Specification for
Bolted Production Tanks, Eleventh
Edition, May 1958, and Supplement 1,
March 1962; No. 12D, Specification for
Large Welded Production Tanks, Seventh Edition, August 1957; or No. 12F,
Specification for Small Welded Production Tanks, Fifth Edition, March 1961.
Tanks built in accordance with these
standards shall be used only as production tanks for storage of crude petroleum in oil-producing areas.


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§ 1910.106

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(b) Tanks designed for underground
service not exceeding 2,500 gallons capacity may be used aboveground.
(c) Low-pressure tanks and pressure
vessels may be used as atmospheric
(d) Atmospheric tanks shall not be
used for the storage of a flammable or
combustible liquid at a temperature at
or above its boiling point.
(iv) Low pressure tanks. (a) The normal operating pressure of the tank
shall not exceed the design pressure of
the tank.
(b) Low-pressure tanks shall be built
in accordance with acceptable standards of design. Low-pressure tanks may
be built in accordance with the following consensus standards that are incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6:
(1) American Petroleum Institute
Standard No. 620. Recommended Rules
for the Design and Construction of
Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage
Tanks, Third Edition, 1966.
(2) The principles of the Code for
Unfired Pressure Vessels, Section VIII
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessels Code, 1968.
(c) Atmospheric tanks built according to Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc.,
requirements in subdivision (iii)(a) of
and shall be limited to 2.5 p.s.i.g. under
emergency venting conditions.
This paragraph may be used for operating pressures not exceeding 1 p.s.i.g.
(d) Pressure vessels may be used as
low-pressure tanks.
(v) Pressure vessels. (a) The normal operating pressure of the vessel shall not
exceed the design pressure of the vessel.
(b) Pressure vessels shall be built in
accordance with the Code for Unfired
Pressure Vessels, Section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(vi) Provisions for internal corrosion.
When tanks are not designed in accordance with the American Petroleum Institute, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, or the Underwriters’
Laboratories, Inc.’s, standards, or if
corrosion is anticipated beyond that
provided for in the design formulas
used, additional metal thickness or
suitable protective coatings or linings
shall be provided to compensate for the

corrosion loss expected during the design life of the tank.
(2) Installation of outside aboveground
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Spacing (shell-to-shell) between
aboveground tanks. (a) The distance between any two flammable or combustible liquid storage tanks shall not be
less than 3 feet.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph
(b)(2)(ii)(c) of this section, the distance
between any two adjacent tanks shall
not be less than one-sixth the sum of
their diameters. When the diameter of
one tank is less than one-half the diameter of the adjacent tank, the distance between the two tanks shall not
be less than one-half the diameter of
the smaller tank.
(c) Where crude petroleum in conjunction with production facilities are
located in noncongested areas and have
capacities not exceeding 126,000 gallons
(3,000 barrels), the distance between
such tanks shall not be less than 3 feet.
(d) Where unstable flammable or
combustible liquids are stored, the distance between such tanks shall not be
less than one-half the sum of their diameters.
(e) When tanks are compacted in
three or more rows or in an irregular
pattern, greater spacing or other
means shall be provided so that inside
tanks are accessible for firefighting
(f) The minimum separation between
a liquefied petroleum gas container
and a flammable or combustible liquid
storage tank shall be 20 feet, except in
the case of flammable or combustible
liquid tanks operating at pressures exceeding 2.5 p.s.i.g. or equipped with
emergency venting which will permit
pressures to exceed 2.5 p.s.i.g. in which
case the provisions of subdivisions (a)
and (b) of this subdivision shall apply.
Suitable means shall be taken to prevent the accumulation of flammable or
combustible liquids under adjacent liquefied petroleum gas containers such
as by diversion curbs or grading. When
flammable or combustible liquid storage tanks are within a diked area, the
liquefied petroleum gas containers
shall be outside the diked area and at
least 10 feet away from the centerline


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
of the wall of the diked area. The foregoing provisions shall not apply when
liquefied petroleum gas containers of
125 gallons or less capacity are installed adjacent to fuel oil supply
tanks of 550 gallons or less capacity.
(iii) [Reserved]
(iv) Normal venting for aboveground
tanks. (a) Atmospheric storage tanks
shall be adequately vented to prevent
the development of vacuum or pressure
sufficient to distort the roof of a cone
roof tank or exceeding the design pressure in the case of other atmospheric
tanks, as a result of filling or
emptying, and atmospheric temperature changes.
(b) Normal vents shall be sized either
in accordance with: (1) The American
Petroleum Institute Standard 2000
(1968), Venting Atmospheric and LowPressure Storage Tanks, which is incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6; or (2) other accepted standard;
or (3) shall be at least as large as the
whichever is larger but in no case less
than 11⁄4 inch nominal inside diameter.
(c) Low-pressure tanks and pressure
vessels shall be adequately vented to
prevent development of pressure or
vacuum, as a result of filling or
emptying and atmospheric temperature changes, from exceeding the design pressure of the tank or vessel.
Protection shall also be provided to
prevent overpressure from any pump
discharging into the tank or vessel
when the pump discharge pressure can
exceed the design pressure of the tank
or vessel.
(d) If any tank or pressure vessel has
more than one fill or withdrawal connection and simultaneous filling or
withdrawal can be made, the vent size
shall be based on the maximum anticipated simultaneous flow.
(e) Unless the vent is designed to
limit the internal pressure 2.5 p.s.i. or
less, the outlet of vents and vent drains
shall be arranged to discharge in such
a manner as to prevent localized overheating of any part of the tank in the
event vapors from such vents are ignited.
(f) Tanks and pressure vessels storing
Class IA liquids shall be equipped with
venting devices which shall be normally closed except when venting to

§ 1910.106

pressure or vacuum conditions. Tanks
and pressure vessels storing Class IB
and IC liquids shall be equipped with
venting devices which shall be normally closed except when venting
under pressure or vacuum conditions,
or with approved flame arresters.
Exemption: Tanks of 3,000 bbls. capacity or less containing crude petroleum
in crude-producing areas; and, outside
aboveground atmospheric tanks under
1,000 gallons capacity containing other
than Class IA flammable liquids may
have open vents. (See subdivision
(vi)(b) of this subparagraph.)
(g) Flame arresters or venting devices required in subdivision (f) of this
subdivision may be omitted for Class
IB and IC liquids where conditions are
such that their use may, in case of obstruction, result in tank damage.
(v) Emergency relief venting for fire exposure for aboveground tanks. (a) Every
aboveground storage tank shall have
some form of construction or device
that will relieve excessive internal
pressure caused by exposure fires.
(b) In a vertical tank the construction referred to in subdivision (a) of
this subdivision may take the form of a
floating roof, lifter roof, a weak roofto-shell seam, or other approved pressure relieving construction. The weak
roof-to-shell seam shall be constructed
to fail preferential to any other seam.
(c) Where entire dependence for emergency relief is placed upon pressure relieving devices, the total venting capacity of both normal and emergency
vents shall be enough to prevent rupture of the shell or bottom of the tank
if vertical, or of the shell or heads if
horizontal. If unstable liquids are
stored, the effects of heat or gas resulting from polymerization, decomposition, condensation, or self-reactivity
shall be taken into account. The total
capacity of both normal and emergency
venting devices shall be not less than
that derived from Table H–10 except as
provided in subdivision (e) or (f) of this
subdivision. Such device may be a selfclosing manhole cover, or one using
long bolts that permit the cover to lift
under internal pressure, or an additional or larger relief valve or valves.
The wetted area of the tank shall be
calculated on the basis of 55 percent of
the total exposed area of a sphere or


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§ 1910.106

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

spheroid, 75 percent of the total exposed area of a horizontal tank and the

first 30 feet above grade of the exposed
shell area of a vertical tank.

[14.7 psia and 60 °F.]
Square feet


Square feet




(d) For tanks and storage vessels designed for pressure over 1 p.s.i.g., the
total rate of venting shall be determined in accordance with Table H–10,
except that when the exposed wetted
area of the surface is greater than 2,800
square feet, the total rate of venting
shall be calculated by the following
CFH = 1,107A


CFH = Venting requirement, in cubic feet of
free air per hour.
A = Exposed wetted surface, in square feet.
NOTE: The foregoing formula is based on

(e) The total emergency relief venting capacity for any specific stable liquid may be determined by the following formula:
V = 1337 ÷ L√M
V = Cubic feet of free air per hour from Table
L = Latent heat of vaporization of specific
liquid in B.t.u. per pound.
M = Molecular weight of specific liquids.

(f) The required airflow rate of subdivision (c) or (e) of this subdivision
may be multiplied by the appropriate
factor listed in the following schedule
when protection is provided as indicated. Only one factor may be used for
any one tank.
0.5 for drainage in accordance with subdivision (vii)(b) of this subparagraph for tanks
over 200 square feet of wetted area.
0.3 for approved water spray.

Square feet




0.3 for approved insulation.
0.15 for approved water spray with approved insulation.

(g) The outlet of all vents and vent
drains on tanks equipped with emergency venting to permit pressures exceeding 2.5 p.s.i.g. shall be arranged to
discharge in such a way as to prevent
localized overheating of any part of the
tank, in the event vapors from such
vents are ignited.
(h) Each commercial tank venting
device shall have stamped on it the
opening pressure, the pressure at which
the valve reaches the full open position, and the flow capacity at the latter pressure, expressed in cubic feet per
hour of air at 60 °F. and at a pressure
of 14.7 p.s.i.a.
(i) The flow capacity of tank venting
devices 12 inches and smaller in nominal pipe size shall be determined by actual test of each type and size of vent.
These flow tests may be conducted by
the manufacturer if certified by a
qualified impartial observer, or may be
conducted by an outside agency. The
flow capacity of tank venting devices
larger than 12 inches nominal pipe size,
including manhole covers with long
bolts or equivalent, may be calculated
provided that the opening pressure is
actually measured, the rating pressure
and corresponding free orifice area are
stated, the word ‘‘calculated’’ appears
on the nameplate, and the computation
is based on a flow coefficient of 0.5 applied to the rated orifice area.


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(vi) Vent piping for aboveground tanks.
(a) Vent piping shall be constructed in
accordance with paragraph (c) of this
(b) Where vent pipe outlets for tanks
storing Class I liquids are adjacent to
buildings or public ways, they shall be
located so that the vapors are released
at a safe point outside of buildings and
not less than 12 feet above the adjacent
ground level. In order to aid their dispersion, vapors shall be discharged upward or horizontally away from closely
adjacent walls. Vent outlets shall be
located so that flammable vapors will
not be trapped by eaves or other obstructions and shall be at least five
feet from building openings.
(c) When tank vent piping is
manifolded, pipe sizes shall be such as
to discharge, within the pressure limitations of the system, the vapors they
may be required to handle when
manifolded tanks are subject to the
same fire exposure.
(vii) Drainage, dikes, and walls for
aboveground tanks—(a) Drainage and
diked areas. The area surrounding a
tank or a group of tanks shall be provided with drainage as in subdivision
(b) of this subdivision, or shall be diked
as provided in subdivision (c) of this
subdivision, to prevent accidental discharge of liquid from endangering adjoining property or reaching waterways.
(b) Drainage. Where protection of adjoining property or waterways is by
means of a natural or manmade drainage system, such systems shall comply
with the following:
(1) [Reserved]
(2) The drainage system shall terminate in vacant land or other area or in
an impounding basin having a capacity
not smaller than that of the largest
tank served. This termination area and
the route of the drainage system shall
be so located that, if the flammable or
combustible liquids in the drainage
system are ignited, the fire will not seriously expose tanks or adjoining property.
(c) Diked areas. Where protection of
adjoining property or waterways is accomplished by retaining the liquid
around the tank by means of a dike,
the volume of the diked area shall

§ 1910.106

comply with the following requirements:
(1) Except as provided in subdivision
(2) of this subdivision, the volumetric
capacity of the diked area shall not be
less than the greatest amount of liquid
that can be released from the largest
tank within the diked area, assuming a
full tank. The capacity of the diked
area enclosing more than one tank
shall be calculated by deducting the
volume of the tanks other than the
largest tank below the height of the
(2) For a tank or group of tanks with
fixed roofs containing crude petroleum
with boilover characteristics, the volumetric capacity of the diked area shall
be not less than the capacity of the
largest tank served by the enclosure,
assuming a full tank. The capacity of
the diked enclosure shall be calculated
by deducting the volume below the
height of the dike of all tanks within
the enclosure.
(3) Walls of the diked area shall be of
earth, steel, concrete or solid masonry
designed to be liquidtight and to withstand a full hydrostatic head. Earthen
walls 3 feet or more in height shall
have a flat section at the top not less
than 2 feet wide. The slope of an earthen wall shall be consistent with the
angle of repose of the material of which
the wall is constructed.
(4) The walls of the diked area shall
be restricted to an average height of 6
feet above interior grade.
(5) [Reserved]
(6) No loose combustible material,
empty or full drum or barrel, shall be
permitted within the diked area.
(viii) Tank openings other than vents
for aboveground tanks.
(a)–(c) [Reserved]
(d) Openings for gaging shall be provided with a vaportight cap or cover.
(e) For Class IB and Class IC liquids
other than crude oils, gasolines, and
asphalts, the fill pipe shall be so designed and installed as to minimize the
possibility of generating static electricity. A fill pipe entering the top of a
tank shall terminate within 6 inches of
the bottom of the tank and shall be installed to avoid excessive vibration.
(f) Filling and emptying connections
which are made and broken shall be located outside of buildings at a location


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29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

free from any source of ignition and
not less than 5 feet away from any
building opening. Such connection
shall be closed and liquidtight when
not in use. The connection shall be
properly identified.
(3) Installation of underground tanks—
(i) Location. Excavation for underground storage tanks shall be made
with due care to avoid undermining of
foundations of existing structures. Underground tanks or tanks under buildings shall be so located with respect to
existing building foundations and supports that the loads carried by the latter cannot be transmitted to the tank.
The distance from any part of a tank
storing Class I liquids to the nearest
wall of any basement or pit shall be
not less than 1 foot, and to any property line that may be built upon, not
less than 3 feet. The distance from any
part of a tank storing Class II or Class
III liquids to the nearest wall of any
basement, pit or property line shall be
not less than 1 foot.
(ii) Depth and cover. Underground
tanks shall be set on firm foundations
and surrounded with at least 6 inches
of noncorrosive, inert materials such
as clean sand, earth, or gravel well
tamped in place. The tank shall be
placed in the hole with care since dropping or rolling the tank into the hole
can break a weld, puncture or damage
the tank, or scrape off the protective
coating of coated tanks. Tanks shall be
covered with a minimum of 2 feet of
earth, or shall be covered with not less
than 1 foot of earth, on top of which
shall be placed a slab of reinforced concrete not less than 4 inches thick.
When underground tanks are, or are
likely to be, subject to traffic, they
shall be protected against damage from
vehicles passing over them by at least
3 feet of earth cover, or 18 inches of
well-tamped earth, plus 6 inches of reinforced concrete or 8 inches of asphaltic concrete. When asphaltic or reinforced concrete paving is used as part
of the protection, it shall extend at
least 1 foot horizontally beyond the
outline of the tank in all directions.
(iii) Corrosion protection. Corrosion
protection for the tank and its piping
shall be provided by one or more of the
following methods:

(a) Use of protective coatings or
(b) Cathodic protection; or,
(c) Corrosion resistant materials of
(iv) Vents. (a) Location and arrangement of vents for Class I liquids. Vent
pipes from tanks storing Class I liquids
shall be so located that the discharge
point is outside of buildings, higher
than the fill pipe opening, and not less
than 12 feet above the adjacent ground
level. Vent pipes shall discharge only
upward in order to disperse vapors.
Vent pipes 2 inches or less in nominal
inside diameter shall not be obstructed
by devices that will cause excessive
back pressure. Vent pipe outlets shall
be so located that flammable vapors
will not enter building openings, or be
trapped under eaves or other obstructions. If the vent pipe is less than 10
feet in length, or greater than 2 inches
in nominal inside diameter, the outlet
shall be provided with a vacuum and
pressure relief device or there shall be
an approved flame arrester located in
the vent line at the outlet or within
the approved distance from the outlet.
(b) Size of vents. Each tank shall be
vented through piping adequate in size
to prevent blow-back of vapor or liquid
at the fill opening while the tank is
being filled. Vent pipes shall be not less
than 11⁄4 inch nominal inside diameter.
Pipe length 1
Maximum flow GPM
50 feet
100 .......................................
200 .......................................
300 .......................................
400 .......................................
500 .......................................
600 .......................................
700 .......................................
800 .......................................
900 .......................................
1,000 ....................................
1 Vent


100 feet

200 feet




lines of 50 ft., 100 ft., and 200 ft. of pipe plus 7 ells.

(c) Location and arrangement of
vents for Class II or Class III liquids.
Vent pipes from tanks storing Class II
or Class III flammable liquids shall terminate outside of the building and
higher than the fill pipe opening. Vent
outlets shall be above normal snow
level. They may be fitted with return


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bends, coarse screens or other devices
to minimize ingress of foreign material.
(d) Vent piping shall be constructed
in accordance with paragraph (c) of
this section. Vent pipes shall be so laid
as to drain toward the tank without
sags or traps in which liquid can collect. They shall be located so that they
will not be subjected to physical damage. The tank end of the vent pipe shall
enter the tank through the top.
(e) When tank vent piping is
manifolded, pipe sizes shall be such as
to discharge, within the pressure limitations of the system, the vapors they
may be required to handle when
manifolded tanks are filled simultaneously.
(v) Tank openings other than vents. (a)
Connections for all tank openings shall
be vapor or liquid tight.
(b) Openings for manual gaging, if
independent of the fill pipe, shall be
provided with a liquid-tight cap or
cover. If inside a building, each such
opening shall be protected against liquid overflow and possible vapor release
by means of a spring loaded check
valve or other approved device.
(c) Fill and discharge lines shall
enter tanks only through the top. Fill
lines shall be sloped toward the tank.
(d) For Class IB and Class IC liquids
other than crude oils, gasolines, and
asphalts, the fill pipe shall be so designed and installed as to minimize the
possibility of generating static electricity by terminating within 6 inches
of the bottom of the tank.
(e) Filling and emptying connections
which are made and broken shall be located outside of buildings at a location
free from any source of ignition and
not less than 5 feet away from any
building opening. Such connection
shall be closed and liquidtight when
not in use. The connection shall be
properly identified.
(4) Installation of tanks inside of buildings—(i) Location. Tanks shall not be
permitted inside of buildings except as
provided in paragraphs (e), (g), (h), or
(i) of this section.
(ii) Vents. Vents for tanks inside of
buildings shall be as provided in subparagraphs (2) (iv), (v), (vi)(b), and
(3)(iv) of this paragraph, except that
emergency venting by the use of weak

§ 1910.106

roof seams on tanks shall not be permitted. Vents shall discharge vapors
outside the buildings.
(iii) Vent piping. Vent piping shall be
constructed in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.
(iv) Tank openings other than vents. (a)
Connections for all tank openings shall
be vapor or liquidtight. Vents are covered in subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph.
(b) Each connection to a tank inside
of buildings through which liquid can
normally flow shall be provided with
an internal or an external valve located as close as practical to the shell
of the tank. Such valves, when external, and their connections to the tank
shall be of steel except when the chemical characteristics of the liquid stored
are incompatible with steel. When materials other than steel are necessary,
they shall be suitable for the pressures,
structural stresses, and temperatures
involved, including fire exposures.
(c) Flammable or combustible liquid
tanks located inside of buildings, except in one-story buildings designed
and protected for flammable or combustible liquid storage, shall be provided with an automatic-closing heatactuated valve on each withdrawal connection below the liquid level, except
for connections used for emergency disposal, to prevent continued flow in the
event of fire in the vicinity of the tank.
This function may be incorporated in
the valve required in (b) of this subdivision, and if a separate valve, shall be
located adjacent to the valve required
in (b) of this subdivision.
(d) Openings for manual gaging, if
independent of the fill pipe (see (f) of
this subdivision), shall be provided
with a vaportight cap or cover. Each
such opening shall be protected against
liquid overflow and possible vapor release by means of a spring loaded check
valve or other approved device.
(e) For Class IB and Class IC liquids
other than crude oils, gasolines, and
asphalts, the fill pipe shall be so designed and installed as to minimize the
possibility of generating static electricity by terminating within 6 inches
of the bottom of the tank.
(f) The fill pipe inside of the tank
shall be installed to avoid excessive vibration of the pipe.


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§ 1910.106

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(g) The inlet of the fill pipe shall be
located outside of buildings at a location free from any source of ignition
and not less than 5 feet away from any
building opening. The inlet of the fill
pipe shall be closed and liquidtight
when not in use. The fill connection
shall be properly identified.
(h) Tanks inside buildings shall be
equipped with a device, or other means
shall be provided, to prevent overflow
into the building.
(5) Supports, foundations, and anchorage for all tank locations—(i) General.
Tank supports shall be installed on
firm foundations. Tank supports shall
be of concrete, masonry, or protected
steel. Single wood timber supports (not
cribbing) laid horizontally may be used
for outside aboveground tanks if not
more than 12 inches high at their lowest point.
(ii) Fire resistance. Steel supports or
exposed piling shall be protected by
materials having a fire resistance rating of not less than 2 hours, except that
steel saddles need not be protected if
less than 12 inches high at their lowest
point. Water spray protection or its
equivalent may be used in lieu of fireresistive materials to protect supports.
(iii) Spheres. The design of the supporting structure for tanks such as
spheres shall receive special engineering consideration.
(iv) Load distribution. Every tank
shall be so supported as to prevent the
excessive concentration of loads on the
supporting portion of the shell.
(v) Foundations. Tanks shall rest on
the ground or on foundations made of
concrete, masonry, piling, or steel.
Tank foundations shall be designed to
minimize the possibility of uneven settling of the tank and to minimize corrosion in any part of the tank resting
on the foundation.
(vi) Flood areas. Where a tank is located in an area that may be subjected
to flooding, the applicable precautions
outlined in this subdivision shall be observed.
(a) No aboveground vertical storage
tank containing a flammable or combustible liquid shall be located so that
the allowable liquid level within the
tank is below the established maximum flood stage, unless the tank is
provided with a guiding structure such

as described in (m), (n), and (o) of this
(b) Independent water supply facilities shall be provided at locations
where there is no ample and dependable
public water supply available for loading partially empty tanks with water.
(c) In addition to the preceding requirements, each tank so located that
more than 70 percent, but less than 100
percent, of its allowable liquid storage
capacity will be submerged at the established maximum flood stage, shall
be safeguarded by one of the following
methods: Tank shall be raised, or its
height shall be increased, until its top
extends above the maximum flood
stage a distance equivalent to 30 percent or more of its allowable liquid
storage capacity: Provided, however,
That the submerged part of the tank
shall not exceed two and one-half times
the diameter. Or, as an alternative to
the foregoing, adequate noncombustible structural guides, designed to permit the tank to float vertically without loss of product, shall be provided.
(d) Each horizontal tank so located
that more than 70 percent of its storage capacity will be submerged at the
established flood stage, shall be anchored, attached to a foundation of
concrete or of steel and concrete, of
sufficient weight to provide adequate
load for the tank when filled with flammable or combustible liquid and submerged by flood waters to the established flood stage, or adequately secured by other means.
(e) [Reserved]
(f) At locations where there is no
ample and dependable water supply, or
where filling of underground tanks
with liquids is impracticable because of
the character of their contents, their
use, or for other reasons, each tank
shall be safeguarded against movement
when empty and submerged by high
ground water or flood waters by anchoring, weighting with concrete or
other approved solid loading material,
or securing by other means. Each such
tank shall be so constructed and installed that it will safely resist external pressures due to high ground water
or flood waters.
(g) At locations where there is an
ample and dependable water supply


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available, underground tanks containing flammable or combustible liquids, so installed that more than 70
percent of their storage capacity will
be submerged at the maximum flood
stage, shall be so anchored, weighted,
or secured by other means, as to prevent movement of such tanks when
filled with flammable or combustible
liquids, and submerged by flood waters
to the established flood stage.
(h) Pipe connections below the allowable liquid level in a tank shall be provided with valves or cocks located as
closely as practicable to the tank shell.
Such valves and their connections to
tanks shall be of steel or other material suitable for use with the liquid
being stored. Cast iron shall not be permitted.
(i) At locations where an independent
water supply is required, it shall be entirely independent of public power and
water supply. Independent source of
water shall be available when flood waters reach a level not less than 10 feet
below the bottom of the lowest tank on
a property.
(j) The self-contained power and
pumping unit shall be so located or so
designed that pumping into tanks may
be carried on continuously throughout
the rise in flood waters from a level 10
feet below the lowest tank to the level
of the potential flood stage.
(k) Capacity of the pumping unit
shall be such that the rate of rise of
water in all tanks shall be equivalent
to the established potential average
rate of rise of flood waters at any
(l) Each independent pumping unit
shall be tested periodically to insure
that it is in satisfactory operating condition.
(m) Structural guides for holding
floating tanks above their foundations
shall be so designed that there will be
no resistance to the free rise of a tank,
and shall be constructed of noncombustible material.
(n) The strength of the structure
shall be adequate to resist lateral
movement of a tank subject to a horizontal force in any direction equivalent
to not less than 25 pounds per square
foot acting on the projected vertical
cross-sectional area of the tank.

§ 1910.106

(o) Where tanks are situated on exposed points or bends in a shoreline
where swift currents in flood waters
will be present, the structures shall be
designed to withstand a unit force of
not less than 50 pounds per square foot.
(p) The filling of a tank to be protected by water loading shall be started as soon as flood waters reach a dangerous flood stage. The rate of filling
shall be at least equal to the rate of
rise of the floodwaters (or the established average potential rate of rise).
(q) Sufficient fuel to operate the
water pumps shall be available at all
times to insure adequate power to fill
all tankage with water.
(r) All valves on connecting pipelines
shall be closed and locked in closed position when water loading has been
(s) Where structural guides are provided for the protection of floating
tanks, all rigid connections between
tanks and pipelines shall be disconnected and blanked off or blinded before the floodwaters reach the bottom
of the tank, unless control valves and
their connections to the tank are of a
type designed to prevent breakage between the valve and the tank shell.
(t) All valves attached to tanks other
than those used in connection with
water loading operations shall be
closed and locked.
(u) If a tank is equipped with a swing
line, the swing pipe shall be raised to
and secured at its highest position.
(v) Inspections. The Assistant Secretary or his designated representative
shall make periodic inspections of all
plants where the storage of flammable
or combustible liquids is such as to require compliance with the foregoing requirements, in order to assure the following:
(1) That all flammable or combustible liquid storage tanks are in compliance with these requirements and so
(2) That detailed printed instructions
of what to do in flood emergencies are
properly posted.
(3) That station operators and other
employees depended upon to carry out
such instructions are thoroughly informed as to the location and operation
of such valves and other equipment
necessary to effect these requirements.


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§ 1910.106

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(vii) Earthquake areas. In areas subject to earthquakes, the tank supports
and connections shall be designed to
resist damage as a result of such
(6) Sources of ignition. In locations
where flammable vapors may be
present, precautions shall be taken to
prevent ignition by eliminating or controlling sources of ignition. Sources of
ignition may include open flames,
lightning, smoking, cutting and welding, hot surfaces, frictional heat,
sparks (static, electrical, and mechanical), spontaneous ignition, chemical
and physical-chemical reactions, and
radiant heat.
(7) Testing—(i) General. All tanks,
whether shop built or field erected,
shall be strength tested before they are
placed in service in accordance with
the applicable paragraphs of the code
under which they were built. The
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) code stamp, American
Petroleum Institute (API) monogram,
or the label of the Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc., on a tank shall be evidence of compliance with this strength
test. Tanks not marked in accordance
with the above codes shall be strength
tested before they are placed in service
in accordance with good engineering
principles and reference shall be made
to the sections on testing in the codes
listed in subparagraphs (1) (iii)(a),
(iv)(b), or (v)(b) of this paragraph.
(ii) Strength. When the vertical
length of the fill and vent pipes is such
that when filled with liquid the static
head imposed upon the bottom of the
tank exceeds 10 pounds per square inch,
the tank and related piping shall be
tested hydrostatically to a pressure
equal to the static head thus imposed.
(iii) Tightness. In addition to the
strength test called for in subdivisions
(i) and (ii) of this subparagraph, all
tanks and connections shall be tested
for tightness. Except for underground
tanks, this tightness test shall be made
at operating pressure with air, inert
gas, or water prior to placing the tank
in service. In the case of field-erected
tanks the strength test may be considered to be the test for tank tightness.
Underground tanks and piping, before
being covered, enclosed, or placed in
use, shall be tested for tightness

hydrostatically, or with air pressure at
not less than 3 pounds per square inch
and not more than 5 pounds per square
(iv) Repairs. All leaks or deformations shall be corrected in an acceptable manner before the tank is placed
in service. Mechanical caulking is not
permitted for correcting leaks in welded tanks except pinhole leaks in the
(v) Derated operations. Tanks to be operated at pressures below their design
pressure may be tested by the applicable provisions of subdivision (i) or (ii)
of this subparagraph, based upon the
pressure developed under full emergency venting of the tank.
(c) Piping, valves, and fittings—(1) General—(i) Design. The design (including
selection of materials) fabrication, assembly, test, and inspection of piping
systems containing flammable or combustible liquids shall be suitable for
the expected working pressures and
structural stresses. Conformity with
the applicable provisions of Pressure
Piping, ANSI B31 series and the provisions of this paragraph, shall be considered prima facie evidence of compliance with the foregoing provisions.
(ii) Exceptions. This paragraph does
not apply to any of the following:
(a) Tubing or casing on any oil or gas
wells and any piping connected directly
(b) Motor vehicle, aircraft, boat, or
portable or stationary engines.
(c) Piping within the scope of any applicable boiler and pressures vessel
(iii) Definitions. As used in this paragraph, piping systems consist of pipe,
valves, fittings, the pressure containing parts of other components such
as expansion joints and strainers, and
devices which serve such purposes as
mixing, separating, snubbing, distributing, metering, or controlling flow.
(2) Materials for piping, valves, and fittings—(i) Required materials. Materials
for piping, valves, or fittings shall be
steel, nodular iron, or malleable iron,
except as provided in paragraph (c)(2)
(ii), (iii) and (iv) of this section.
(ii) Exceptions. Materials other than
steel, nodular iron, or malleable iron


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
may be used underground, or if required by the properties of the flammable or combustible liquid handled.
Material other than steel, nodular iron,
or malleable iron shall be designed to
specifications embodying principles
recognized as good engineering practices for the material used.
(iii) Linings. Piping, valves, and fittings may have combustible or noncombustible linings.
(iv) Low-melting materials. When lowmelting point materials such as aluminum and brass or materials that
soften on fire exposure such as plastics,
or non-ductile materials such as cast
iron, are necessary, special consideration shall be given to their behavior
on fire exposure. If such materials are
used in above ground piping systems or
inside buildings, they shall be suitably
protected against fire exposure or so
located that any spill resulting from
the failure of these materials could not
unduly expose persons, important
buildings or structures or can be readily controlled by remote valves.
(3) Pipe joints. Joints shall be made
liquid tight. Welded or screwed joints
or approved connectors shall be used.
Threaded joints and connections shall
be made up tight with a suitable lubricant or piping compound. Pipe joints
dependent upon the friction characteristics of combustible materials for mechanical continuity of piping shall not
be used inside buildings. They may be
used outside of buildings above or
below ground. If used above ground, the
piping shall either be secured to prevent disengagement at the fitting or
the piping system shall be so designed
that any spill resulting from such disengagement could not unduly expose
persons, important buildings or structures, and could be readily controlled
by remote valves.
(4) Supports. Piping systems shall be
substantially supported and protected
against physical damage and excessive
stresses arising from settlement, vibration, expansion, or contraction.
(5) Protection against corrosion. All
piping for flammable or combustible
liquids, both aboveground and underground, where subject to external corrosion, shall be painted or otherwise

§ 1910.106

(6) Valves. Piping systems shall contain a sufficient number of valves to
operate the system properly and to
protect the plant. Piping systems in
connection with pumps shall contain a
sufficient number of valves to control
properly the flow of liquid in normal
operation and in the event of physical
damage. Each connection to pipelines,
by which equipments such as tankcars
or tank vehicles discharge liquids by
means of pumps into storage tanks,
shall be provided with a check valve for
automatic protection against backflow
if the piping arrangement is such that
backflow from the system is possible.
(7) Testing. All piping before being
covered, enclosed, or placed in use
shall be hydrostatically tested to 150
percent of the maximum anticipated
pressure of the system, or pneumatically tested to 110 percent of the maximum anticipated pressure of the system, but not less than 5 pounds per
square inch gage at the highest point
of the system. This test shall be maintained for a sufficient time to complete
visual inspection of all joints and connections, but for at least 10 minutes.
(d) Container and portable tank storage—(1) Scope—(i) General. This paragraph shall apply only to the storage of
flammable or combustible liquids in
drums or other containers (including
flammable aerosols) not exceeding 60
gallons individual capacity and those
portable tanks not exceeding 660 gallons individual capacity.
(ii) Exceptions. This paragraph shall
not apply to the following:
(a) Storage of containers in bulk
plants, service stations, refineries,
chemical plants, and distilleries;
(b) Class I or Class II liquids in the
fuel tanks of a motor vehicle, aircraft,
boat, or portable or stationary engine;
(c) Flammable or combustible paints,
oils, varnishes, and similar mixtures
used for painting or maintenance when
not kept for a period in excess of 30
(d) Beverages when packaged in individual containers not exceeding 1 gallon in size.
(2) Design, construction, and capacity
of containers—(i) General. Only approved containers and portable tanks
shall be used. Metal containers and


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§ 1910.106

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

portable tanks meeting the requirements of and containing products authorized by chapter I, title 49 of the
Code of Federal Regulations (regulations issued by the Hazardous Materials Regulations Board, Department of
Transportation), shall be deemed to be
(ii) Emergency venting. Each portable
tank shall be provided with one or
more devices installed in the top with
sufficient emergency venting capacity
to limit internal pressure under fire exposure conditions to 10 p.s.i.g., or 30
percent of the bursting pressure of the
tank, whichever is greater. The total
venting capacity shall be not less than
that specified in paragraphs (b)(2)(v) (c)
or (e) of this section. At least one pressure-activated vent having a minimum
capacity of 6,000 cubic feet of free air
(14.7 p.s.i.a. and 60 °F.) shall be used. It
shall be set to open at not less than 5
p.s.i.g. If fusible vents are used, they
shall be actuated by elements that operate at a temperature not exceeding
300 °F.

(iii) Size. Flammable and combustible
liquid containers shall be in accordance with Table H–12, except that glass
or plastic containers of no more than 1gallon capacity may be used for a Class
IA or IB flammable liquid if:
(a)(1) Such liquid either would be
rendered unfit for its intended use by
contact with metal or would excessively corrode a metal container so as
to create a leakage hazard; and
(2) The user’s process either would require more than 1 pint of a Class IA liquid or more than 1 quart of a Class IB
liquid of a single assay lot to be used at
one time, or would require the maintenance of an analytical standard liquid
of a quality which is not met by the
specified standards of liquids available,
and the quantity of the analytical
standard liquid required to be used in
any one control process exceeds onesixteenth the capacity of the container
allowed under Table H–12 for the class
of liquid; or
(b) The containers are intended for
direct export outside the United

Flammable liquids

Combustible liquids

Container type
Class IA
Glass or approved plastic .......................................................
Metal (other than DOT drums) ................................................
Safety cans .............................................................................
Metal drums (DOT specifications) ..........................................
Approved portable tanks .........................................................

1 pt
1 gal
2 gal
60 gal
660 gal

Class IB
1 qt
5 gal
5 gal
60 gal
660 gal

Class IC

Class II

Class III







NOTE: Container exemptions: (a) Medicines, beverages, foodstuffs, cosmetics, and other common consumer items, when packaged according to commonly accepted practices, shall be exempt from the requirements of § 1910.106(d)(2) (i) and (ii).

(3) Design, construction, and capacity
of storage cabinets—(i) Maximum capacity. Not more than 60 gallons of Class I
or Class II liquids, nor more than 120
gallons of Class III liquids may be
stored in a storage cabinet.
(ii) Fire resistance. Storage cabinets
shall be designed and constructed to
limit the internal temperature to not
more than 325 °F. when subjected to a
10-minute fire test using the standard
time-temperature curve as set forth in
Standard Methods of Fire Tests of
Building Construction and Materials,
NFPA 251–1969, which is incorporated
by reference as specified in § 1910.6. All
joints and seams shall remain tight
and the door shall remain securely

closed during the fire test. Cabinets
shall be labeled in conspicuous lettering, ‘‘Flammable—Keep Fire Away.’’
(a) Metal cabinets constructed in the
following manner shall be deemed to be
in compliance. The bottom, top, door,
and sides of cabinet shall be at least
No. 18 gage sheet iron and double
walled with 11⁄2-inch air space. Joints
shall be riveted, welded or made tight
by some equally effective means. The
door shall be provided with a threepoint lock, and the door sill shall be
raised at least 2 inches above the bottom of the cabinet.
(b) Wooden cabinets constructed in
the following manner shall be deemed
in compliance. The bottom, sides, and


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top shall be constructed of an approved
grade of plywood at least 1 inch in
thickness, which shall not break down
or delaminate under fire conditions.
All joints shall be rabbetted and shall
be fastened in two directions with flathead woodscrews. When more than one
door is used, there shall be a rabbetted
overlap of not less than 1 inch. Hinges
shall be mounted in such a manner as
not to lose their holding capacity due
to loosening or burning out of the
screws when subjected to the fire test.
(4) Design and construction of inside
storage rooms—(i) Construction. Inside
storage rooms shall be constructed to
meet the required fire-resistive rating
for their use. Such construction shall
comply with the test specifications set
forth in Standard Methods of Fire
Tests of Building Construction and Materials, NFPA 251–1969. Where an automatic sprinkler system is provided, the
system shall be designed and installed
in an acceptable manner. Openings to
other rooms or buildings shall be provided with noncombustible liquid-tight
raised sills or ramps at least 4 inches in
height, or the floor in the storage area
shall be at least 4 inches below the surrounding floor. Openings shall be provided with approved self-closing fire
doors. The room shall be liquid-tight
where the walls join the floor. A permissible alternate to the sill or ramp is
an open-grated trench inside of the
room which drains to a safe location.
Where other portions of the building or
other properties are exposed, windows
shall be protected as set forth in the
Standard for Fire Doors and Windows,
NFPA No. 80–1968, which is incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6, for Class E or F openings. Wood
at least 1 inch nominal thickness may
be used for shelving, racks, dunnage,
scuffboards, floor overlay, and similar
(ii) Rating and capacity. Storage in inside storage rooms shall comply with
Table H–13.

§ 1910.106


Fire protection 1 provided

Fire resistance

Yes ...........
No ............
Yes ...........
No ............


hours ....
hours ....
hour ......
hour ......

Maximum size




Total allowable
sq. ft./


1 Fire protection system shall be sprinkler, water spray, carbon dioxide, or other system.

(iii) Wiring. Electrical wiring and
equipment located in inside storage
rooms used for Class I liquids shall be
approved under subpart S of this part
for Class I, Division 2 Hazardous Locations; for Class II and Class III liquids,
shall be approved for general use.
(iv) Ventilation. Every inside storage
room shall be provided with either a
gravity or a mechanical exhaust ventilation system. Such system shall be
designed to provide for a complete
change of air within the room at least
six times per hour. If a mechanical exhaust system is used, it shall be controlled by a switch located outside of
the door. The ventilating equipment
and any lighting fixtures shall be operated by the same switch. A pilot light
shall be installed adjacent to the
switch if Class I flammable liquids are
dispensed within the room. Where gravity ventilation is provided, the fresh
air intake, as well as the exhaust outlet from the room, shall be on the exterior of the building in which the room
is located.
(v) Storage in inside storage rooms. In
every inside storage room there shall
be maintained one clear aisle at least 3
feet wide. Containers over 30 gallons
capacity shall not be stacked one upon
the other. Dispensing shall be by approved pump or self-closing faucet
(5) Storage inside building—(i) Egress.
Flammable or combustible liquids, including stock for sale, shall not be
stored so as to limit use of exits, stairways, or areas normally used for the
safe egress of people.
(ii) Containers. The storage of flammable or combustible liquids in containers or portable tanks shall comply
with subdivisions (iii) through (v) of
this subparagraph.


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§ 1910.106

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(iii) Office occupancies. Storage shall
be prohibited except that which is required for maintenance and operation
of building and operation of equipment.
Such storage shall be kept in closed
metal containers stored in a storage
cabinet or in safety cans or in an inside
storage room not having a door that
opens into that portion of the building
used by the public.
(iv) Mercantile occupancies and other
retail stores.
(a)–(d) [Reserved]

(e) Leaking containers shall be removed to a storage room or taken to a
safe location outside the building and
undamaged container.
(v) General purpose public warehouses.
Storage shall be in accordance with
Table H–14 or H–15 and in buildings or
in portions of such buildings cut off by
standard firewalls. Material creating
no fire exposure hazard to the flammable or combustible liquids may be
stored in the same area.

Class liquid

Storage level

A ...................................................

Ground and upper floors ........................................................



B ...................................................

Basement ................................................................................
Ground and upper floors ........................................................

Not permitted

Not permitted

C ...................................................

Basement ................................................................................
Ground and upper floors ........................................................

Not permitted

Not permitted

II ...................................................

Basement ................................................................................
Ground and upper floors ........................................................

Not permitted

Not permitted

Basement ................................................................................


Not permitted

Ground and upper floors ........................................................



Basement ................................................................................


Not permitted

III ..................................................

storage maximum per pile

storage maximum per pile

NOTE 1: When 2 or more classes of materials are stored in a single pile, the maximum gallonage permitted in that pile shall be
the smallest of the 2 or more separate maximum gallonages.
NOTE 2: Aisles shall be provided so that no container is more than 12 ft. from an aisle. Main aisles shall be at least 3 ft. wide
and side aisles at least 4 ft. wide.
NOTE 3: Each pile shall be separated from each other by at least 4 ft.
(Numbers in parentheses indicate corresponding number of 55-gal. drums.)

Class liquid

Storage level

storage maximum per pile

storage maximum per pile

IA ..................................................

Ground and upper floors ........................................................
Basement ................................................................................
Ground and upper floors ........................................................
Basement ................................................................................
Ground and upper floors ........................................................
Basement ................................................................................
Ground and upper floors ........................................................
Basement ................................................................................
Ground and upper floors ........................................................
Basement ................................................................................

Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted

Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted

IB ..................................................
IC ..................................................
II ...................................................
III ..................................................

NOTE 1: When 1 or more classes of materials are stored in a single pile, the maximum gallonage permitted in that pile shall be
the smallest of the 2 or more separate maximum gallonages.
NOTE 2: Aisles shall be provided so that no portable tank is more than 12 ft. from an aisle. Main aisles shall be at least 8 ft.
wide and side aisles at least 4 ft. wide.
NOTE 3: Each pile shall be separated from each other by at least 4 ft.


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(vi) Flammable and combustible liquid
warehouses or storage buildings. (a) If
the storage building is located 50 feet
or less from a building or line of adjoining property that may be built
upon, the exposing wall shall be a
blank wall having a fire-resistance rating of at least 2 hours.
(b) The total quantity of liquids within a building shall not be restricted,
but the arrangement of storage shall
comply with Table H–14 or H–15.
(c) Containers in piles shall be separated by pallets or dunnage where necessary to provide stability and to prevent excessive stress on container
(d) Portable tanks stored over one
tier high shall be designed to nest se-

§ 1910.106

curely, without dunnage, and adequate
materials handing equipment shall be
available to handle tanks safely at the
upper tier level.
(e) No pile shall be closer than 3 feet
to the nearest beam, chord, girder, or
other obstruction, and shall be 3 feet
below sprinkler deflectors or discharge
orifices of water spray, or other overhead fire protection systems.
(f) Aisles of at least 3 feet wide shall
be provided where necessary for reasons of access to doors, windows or
standpipe connections.
(6) Storage outside buildings—(i) General. Storage outside buildings shall be
in accordance with Table H–16 or H–17,
and subdivisions (ii) and (iv) of this

2—Maximum per


IA ...........................................................................................................
IB ...........................................................................................................
IC ...........................................................................................................
II ............................................................................................................
III ...........................................................................................................


to property
line that can
be built



to street,
alley, public




NOTE 1: When 2 or more classes of materials are stored in a single pile, the maximum gallonage in that pile shall be the
smallest of the 2 or more separate gallonages.
NOTE 2: Within 200 ft. of each container, there shall be a 12-ft. wide access way to permit approach of fire control apparatus.
NOTE 3: The distances listed apply to properties that have protection for exposures as defined. If there are exposures, and
such protection for exposures does not exist, the distances in column 4 shall be doubled.
NOTE 4: When total quantity stored does not exceed 50 percent of maximum per pile, the distances in columns 4 and 5 may
be reduced 50 percent, but not less than 3 ft.

(ii) Maximum storage. A maximum of
1,100 gallons of flammable or combustible liquids may be located adjacent
to buildings located on the same premises and under the same management
provided the provisions of subdivisions
(a) and (b) of this subdivision are complied with.
(a) [Reserved]
(b) Where quantity stored exceeds
1,100 gallons, or provisions of subdivision (a) of this subdivision cannot be
met, a minimum distance of 10 feet between buildings and nearest container
of flammable or combustible liquid
shall be maintained.
(iii) Spill containment. The storage
area shall be graded in a manner to divert possible spills away from buildings
or other exposures or shall be sur-

rounded by a curb at least 6 inches
high. When curbs are used, provisions
shall be made for draining of accumulations of ground or rain water or spills
of flammable or combustible liquids.
Drains shall terminate at a safe location and shall be accessible to operation under fire conditions.
(iv) Security. The storage area shall
be protected against tampering or trespassers where necessary and shall be
kept free of weeds, debris and other
combustible material not necessary to
the storage.
(7) Fire control—(i) Extinguishers.
Suitable fire control devices, such as
small hose or portable fire extinguishers, shall be available at locations
where flammable or combustible liquids are stored.


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2—Maximum per


IA ...........................................................................................................
IB ...........................................................................................................
IC ...........................................................................................................
II ............................................................................................................
III ...........................................................................................................


to property
line that can
be built



to street,
alley, public




NOTE 1: When 2 or more classes of materials are stored in a single pile, the maximum gallonage in that pile shall be the
smallest of the 2 or more separate gallonages.
NOTE 2: Within 200 ft. of each portable tank, there shall be a 12-ft. wide access way to permit approach of fire control apparatus.
NOTE 3: The distances listed apply to properties that have protection for exposures as defined. If there are exposures, and
such protection for exposures does not exist, the distances in column 4 shall be doubled.
NOTE 4: When total quantity stored does not exceed 50 percent of maximum per pile, the distances in columns 4 and 5 may
be reduced 50 percent, but not less than 3 ft.

(a) At least one portable fire extinguisher having a rating of not less than
12–B units shall be located outside of,
but not more than 10 feet from, the
door opening into any room used for
(b) At least one portable fire extinguisher having a rating of not less than
12–B units must be located not less
than 10 feet, nor more than 25 feet,
from any Class I or Class II liquid storage area located outside of a storage
room but inside a building.
(ii) Sprinklers. When sprinklers are
provided, they shall be installed in accordance with § 1910.159.
(iii) Open flames and smoking. Open
flames and smoking shall not be permitted in flammable or combustible
liquid storage areas.
(iv) Water reactive materials. Materials
which will react with water shall not
be stored in the same room with flammable or combustible liquids.
(e) Industrial plants—(1) Scope—(i) Application. This paragraph shall apply to
those industrial plants where:
(a) The use of flammable or combustible liquids is incidental to the principal business, or
(b) Where flammable or combustible
liquids are handled or used only in unit
physical operations such as mixing,
drying, evaporating, filtering, distillation, and similar operations which do
not involve chemical reaction. This
paragraph shall not apply to chemical
plants, refineries or distilleries.
(ii) Exceptions. Where portions of such
plants involve chemical reactions such

as oxidation, reduction, halogenation,
hydrogenation, alkylation, polymerization, and other chemical processes,
those portions of the plant shall be in
accordance with paragraph (h) of this
(2) Incidental storage or use of flammable and combustible liquids—(i) Application. This subparagraph shall be applicable to those portions of an industrial plant where the use and handling
of flammable or combustible liquids is
only incidental to the principal business, such as automobile assembly,
construction of electronic equipment,
furniture manufacturing, or other
similar activities.
(ii) Containers. Flammable or combustible liquids shall be stored in tanks
or closed containers.
(a) Except as provided in subdivisions
(b) and (c) of this subdivision, all storage shall comply with paragraph (d) (3)
or (4) of this section.
(b) The quantity of liquid that may
be located outside of an inside storage
room or storage cabinet in a building
or in any one fire area of a building
shall not exceed:
(1) 25 gallons of Class IA liquids in
(2) 120 gallons of Class IB, IC, II, or
III liquids in containers
(3) 660 gallons of Class IB, IC, II, or
III liquids in a single portable tank.
(c) Where large quantities of flammable or combustible liquids are necessary, storage may be in tanks which


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shall comply with the applicable requirements of paragraph (b) of this section.
(iii) Separation and protection. Areas
in which flammable or combustible liquids are transferred from one tank or
container to another container shall be
separated from other operations in the
building by adequate distance or by
construction having adequate fire resistance. Drainage or other means shall
be provided to control spills. Adequate
natural or mechanical ventilation shall
be provided.
(iv) Handling liquids at point of final
use. (a) Flammable liquids shall be
kept in covered containers when not
actually in use.
(b) Where flammable or combustible
liquids are used or handled, except in
closed containers, means shall be provided to dispose promptly and safely of
leakage or spills.
(c) Class I liquids may be used only
where there are no open flames or
other sources of ignition within the
possible path of vapor travel.
(d) Flammable or combustible liquids
shall be drawn from or transferred into
vessels, containers, or portable tanks
within a building only through a closed
piping system, from safety cans, by
means of a device drawing through the
top, or from a container or portable
tanks by gravity through an approved
self-closing valve. Transferring by
means of air pressure on the container
or portable tanks shall be prohibited.
(3) Unit physical operations—(i) Application. This subparagraph shall be applicable in those portions of industrial
plants where flammable or combustible
liquids are handled or used in unit
physical operations such as mixing,
drying, evaporating, filtering, distillation, and similar operations which do
not involve chemical change. Examples
are plants compounding cosmetics,
pharmaceuticals, solvents, cleaning
fluids, insecticides, and similar types
of activities.
(ii) Location. Industrial plants shall
be located so that each building or unit
of equipment is accessible from at least
one side for firefighting and fire control purposes. Buildings shall be located with respect to lines of adjoining
property which may be built upon as
set forth in paragraph (h)(2) (i) and (ii)

§ 1910.106

of this section except that the blank
wall referred to in paragraph (h)(2)(ii)
of this section shall have a fire resistance rating of at least 2 hours.
(iii) Chemical processes. Areas where
unstable liquids are handled or small
scale unit chemical processes are carried on shall be separated from the remainder of the plant by a fire wall of 2hour minimum fire resistance rating.
(iv) Drainage. (a) Emergency drainage
systems shall be provided to direct
flammable or combustible liquid leakage and fire protection water to a safe
location. This may require curbs, scuppers, or special drainage systems to
control the spread of fire; see paragraph (b)(2)(vii)(b) of this section.
(b) Emergency drainage systems, if
connected to public sewers or discharged into public waterways, shall be
equipped with traps or separator.
(v) Ventilation. (a) Areas as defined in
subdivision (i) of this subparagraph
using Class I liquids shall be ventilated
at a rate of not less than 1 cubic foot
per minute per square foot of solid
floor area. This shall be accomplished
by natural or mechanical ventilation
with discharge or exhaust to a safe location outside of the building. Provision shall be made for introduction of
makeup air in such a manner as not to
short circuit the ventilation. Ventilation shall be arranged to include all
floor areas or pits where flammable vapors may collect.
(b) Equipment used in a building and
the ventilation of the building shall be
designed so as to limit flammable
vapor-air mixtures under normal operating conditions to the interior of
equipment, and to not more than 5 feet
from equipment which exposes Class I
liquids to the air. Examples of such
equipment are dispensing stations,
open centrifuges, plate and frame filters, open vacuum filters, and surfaces
of open equipment.
(vi) Storage and handling. The storage, transfer, and handling of liquid
shall comply with paragraph (h)(4) of
this section.
(4) Tank vehicle and tank car loading
and unloading. (i) Tank vehicle and
tank car loading or unloading facilities
shall be separated from aboveground


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tanks, warehouses, other plant buildings or nearest line of adjoining property which may be built upon by a distance of 25 feet for Class I liquids and
15 feet for Class II and Class III liquids
measured from the nearest position of
any fill stem. Buildings for pumps or
shelters for personnel may be a part of
the facility. Operations of the facility
shall comply with the appropriate portions of paragraph (f)(3) of this section.
(ii) [Reserved]
(5) Fire control—(i) Portable and special
equipment. Portable fire extinguishment and control equipment shall be
provided in such quantities and types
as are needed for the special hazards of
operation and storage.
(ii) Water supply. Water shall be
available in volume and at adequate
pressure to supply water hose streams,
foam-producing equipment, automatic
sprinklers, or water spray systems as
the need is indicated by the special
hazards of operation, dispensing and
(iii) Special extinguishers. Special extinguishing equipment such as that
utilizing foam, inert gas, or dry chemical shall be provided as the need is indicated by the special hazards of operation dispensing and storage.
(iv) Special hazards. Where the need is
indicated by special hazards of operation, flammable or combustible liquid
processing equipment, major piping,
and supporting steel shall be protected
by approved water spray systems, deluge systems, approved fire-resistant
coatings, insulation, or any combination of these.
(v) Maintenance. All plant fire protection facilities shall be adequately
maintained and periodically inspected
and tested to make sure they are always in satisfactory operating condition, and they will serve their purpose
in time of emergency.
(6) Sources of ignition—(i) General.
Adequate precautions shall be taken to
prevent the ignition of flammable vapors. Sources of ignition include but
are not limited to open flames; lightning; smoking; cutting and welding;
hot surfaces; frictional heat; static,
electrical, and mechanical sparks;
spontaneous ignition, including heatproducing chemical reactions; and radiant heat.

(ii) Grounding. Class I liquids shall
not be dispensed into containers unless
the nozzle and container are electrically interconnected. Where the metallic floorplate on which the container
stands while filling is electrically connected to the fill stem or where the fill
stem is bonded to the container during
filling operations by means of a bond
wire, the provisions of this section
shall be deemed to have been complied
(7) Electrical—(i) Equipment. (a) All
electrical wiring and equipment shall
be installed according to the requirements of subpart S of this part.
vapor-air mixtures may exist under
normal operations shall be classified
Class I, Division 1 according to the requirements of subpart S of this part.
For those pieces of equipment installed
(3)(v)(b) of this paragraph, the Division
1 area shall extend 5 feet in all directions from all points of vapor liberation. All areas within pits shall be classified Division 1 if any part of the pit is
within a Division 1 or 2 classified area,
unless the pit is provided with mechanical ventilation.
(c) Locations where flammable vaporair mixtures may exist under abnormal
conditions and for a distance beyond
Division 1 locations shall be classified
Division 2 according to the requirements of subpart S of this part. These
locations include an area within 20 feet
horizontally, 3 feet vertically beyond a
Division 1 area, and up to 3 feet above
floor or grade level within 25 feet, if indoors, or 10 feet if outdoors, from any
pump, bleeder, withdrawal fitting,
meter, or similar device handling Class
I liquids. Pits provided with adequate
mechanical ventilation within a Division 1 or 2 area shall be classified Division 2. If Class II or Class III liquids
only are handled, then ordinary electrical equipment is satisfactory though
care shall be used in locating electrical
apparatus to prevent hot metal from
falling into open equipment.
(d) Where the provisions of subdivisions (a), (b), and (c), of this subdivision
require the installation of electrical
equipment suitable for Class I, Division
1 or Division 2 locations, ordinary electrical equipment including switchgear


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
may be used if installed in a room or
enclosure which is maintained under
positive pressure with respect to the
hazardous area. Ventilation makeup
air shall be uncontaminated by flammable vapors.
(8) Repairs to equipment. Hot work,
such as welding or cutting operations,
use of spark-producing power tools, and
chipping operations shall be permitted
only under supervision of an individual
in responsible charge. The individual in
responsible charge shall make an inspection of the area to be sure that it
is safe for the work to be done and that
safe procedures will be followed for the
work specified.
(9) Housekeeping—(i) General. Maintenance and operating practices shall be
in accordance with established procedures which will tend to control leakage and prevent the accidental escape
of flammable or combustible liquids.
Spills shall be cleaned up promptly.
(ii) Access. Adequate aisles shall be
maintained for unobstructed movement of personnel and so that fire protection equipment can be brought to
bear on any part of flammable or combustible liquid storage, use, or any unit
physical operation.
(iii) Waste and residue. Combustible
waste material and residues in a building or unit operating area shall be kept
to a minimum, stored in covered metal
receptacles and disposed of daily.
(iv) Clear zone. Ground area around
buildings and unit operating areas
shall be kept free of weeds, trash, or
other unnecessary combustible materials.
(f) Bulk plants—(1) Storage—(i) Class I
liquids. Class I liquids shall be stored in
closed containers, or in storage tanks
above ground outside of buildings, or
underground in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.
(ii) Class II and III liquids. Class II
and Class III liquids shall be stored in
containers, or in tanks within buildings or above ground outside of buildings, or underground in accordance
with paragraph (b) of this section.
(iii) Piling containers. Containers of
flammable or combustible liquids when
piled one upon the other shall be separated by dunnage sufficient to provide
stability and to prevent excessive
stress on container walls. The height of

§ 1910.106

the pile shall be consistent with the
stability and strength of containers.
(2) Buildings—(i) Exits. Rooms in
which flammable or combustible liquids are stored or handled by pumps
shall have exit facilities arranged to
prevent occupants from being trapped
in the event of fire.
(ii) Heating. Rooms in which Class I
liquids are stored or handled shall be
heated only by means not constituting
a source of ignition, such as steam or
hot water. Rooms containing heating
appliances involving sources of ignition shall be located and arranged to
prevent entry of flammable vapors.
(iii) Ventilation. (a) Ventilation shall
be provided for all rooms, buildings, or
enclosures in which Class I liquids are
pumped or dispensed. Design of ventilation systems shall take into account
the relatively high specific gravity of
the vapors. Ventilation may be provided by adequate openings in outside
walls at floor level unobstructed except
by louvers or coarse screens. Where
natural ventilation is inadequate, mechanical ventilation shall be provided.
(b) Class I liquids shall not be stored
or handled within a building having a
basement or pit into which flammable
vapors may travel, unless such area is
provided with ventilation designed to
prevent the accumulation of flammable
vapors therein.
(c) Containers of Class I liquids shall
not be drawn from or filled within
buildings unless provision is made to
prevent the accumulation of flammable
vapors in hazardous concentrations.
Where mechanical ventilation is required, it shall be kept in operation
while flammable liquids are being handled.
(3) Loading and unloading facilities—(i)
Separation. Tank vehicle and tank car
loading or unloading facilities shall be
separated from aboveground tanks,
warehouses, other plant buildings or
nearest line of adjoining property that
may be built upon by a distance of 25
feet for Class I liquids and 15 feet for
Class II and Class III liquids measured
from the nearest position of any fill
spout. Buildings for pumps or shelters
for personnel may be a part of the facility.
(ii) Class restriction. Equipment such
as piping, pumps, and meters used for


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the transfer of Class I liquids between
storage tanks and the fill stem of the
loading rack shall not be used for the
transfer of Class II or Class III liquids.
(iii) Valves. Valves used for the final
control for filling tank vehicles shall
be of the self-closing type and manually held open except where automatic
means are provided for shutting off the
flow when the vehicle is full or after
filling of a preset amount.
(iv) Static protection. (a) Bonding facilities for protection against static
sparks during the loading of tank vehicles through open domes shall be provided:
(1) Where Class I liquids are loaded,
(2) Where Class II or Class III liquids
are loaded into vehicles which may
contain vapors from previous cargoes
of Class I liquids.
(b) Protection as required in (a) of
this subdivision (iv) shall consist of a
metallic bond wire permanently electrically connected to the fill stem or to
some part of the rack structure in electrical contact with the fill stem. The
free end of such wire shall be provided
with a clamp or equivalent device for
convenient attachment to some metallic part in electrical contact with the
cargo tank of the tank vehicle.
(c) Such bonding connection shall be
made fast to the vehicle or tank before
dome covers are raised and shall remain in place until filling is completed
and all dome covers have been closed
and secured.
(d) Bonding as specified in (a), (b),
and (c) of this subdivision is not required:
(1) Where vehicles are loaded exclusively with products not having a static accumulating tendency, such as asphalt, most crude oils, residual oils,
and water soluble liquids;
(2) Where no Class I liquids are handled at the loading facility and the
tank vehicles loaded are used exclusively for Class II and Class III liquids;
(3) Where vehicles are loaded or unloaded through closed bottom or top
(e) Filling through open domes into
the tanks of tank vehicles or tank cars,
that contain vapor-air mixtures within
the flammable range or where the liq-

uid being filled can form such a mixture, shall be by means of a downspout
which extends near the bottom of the
tank. This precaution is not required
when loading liquids which are nonaccumulators of static charges.
(v) Stray currents. Tank car loading
facilities where Class I liquids are loaded through open domes shall be protected against stray currents by bonding the pipe to at least one rail and to
the rack structure if of metal. Multiple
lines entering the rack area shall be
electrically bonded together. In addition, in areas where excessive stray
currents are known to exist, all pipe
entering the rack area shall be provided with insulating sections to electrically isolate the rack piping from
the pipelines. No bonding between the
tank car and the rack or piping is required during either loading or unloading of Class II or III liquids.
(vi) Container filling facilities. Class I
liquids shall not be dispensed into containers unless the nozzle and container
are electrically interconnected. Where
the metallic floorplate on which the
container stands while filling is electrically connected to the fill stem or
where the fill stem is bonded to the
container during filling operations by
means of a bond wire, the provisions of
this section shall be deemed to have
been complied with.
(4) Wharves—(i) Definition, application.
The term wharf shall mean any wharf,
pier, bulkhead, or other structure over
or contiguous to navigable water used
in conjunction with a bulk plant, the
primary function of which is the transfer of flammable or combustible liquid
cargo in bulk between the bulk plant
and any tank vessel, ship, barge, lighter boat, or other mobile floating craft;
and this subparagraph shall apply to
all such installations except Marine
Service Stations as covered in paragraph (g) of this section.
(ii)–(iii) [Reserved]
(iv) Design and construction. Substructure and deck shall be substantially designed for the use intended.
Deck may employ any material which
will afford the desired combination of
flexibility, resistance to shock, durability, strength, and fire resistance.
Heavy timber construction is acceptable.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(v) [Reserved]
(vi) Pumps. Loading pumps capable of
building up pressures in excess of the
safe working pressure of cargo hose or
loading arms shall be provided with bypasses, relief valves, or other arrangement to protect the loading facilities
against excessive pressure. Relief devices shall be tested at not more than
yearly intervals to determine that they
function satisfactorily at the pressure
at which they are set.
(vii) Hoses and couplings. All pressure
hoses and couplings shall be inspected
at intervals appropriate to the service.
The hose and couplings shall be tested
with the hose extended and using the
‘‘inservice maximum operating pressures.’’ Any hose showing material deteriorations, signs of leakage, or weakness in its carcass or at the couplings
shall be withdrawn from service and repaired or discarded.
(viii) Piping and fittings. Piping,
valves, and fittings shall be in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section,
with the following exceptions and additions:
(a) Flexibility of piping shall be assured by appropriate layout and arrangement of piping supports so that
motion of the wharf structure resulting
from wave action, currents, tides, or
the mooring of vessels will not subject
the pipe to repeated strain beyond the
elastic limit.
(b) Pipe joints depending upon the
friction characteristics of combustible
materials or grooving of pipe ends for
mechanical continuity of piping shall
not be used.
(c) Swivel joints may be used in piping to which hoses are connected, and
for articulated swivel-joint transfer
systems, provided that the design is
such that the mechanical strength of
the joint will not be impaired if the
packing material should fail, as by exposure to fire.
(d) Piping systems shall contain a
sufficient number of valves to operate
the system properly and to control the
flow of liquid in normal operation and
in the event of physical damage.
(e) In addition to the requirements of
subdivision (d) of this subdivision, each
line conveying flammable liquids leading to a wharf shall be provided with a
readily accessible block valve located

§ 1910.106

on shore near the approach to the
wharf and outside of any diked area.
Where more than one line is involved,
the valves shall be grouped in one location.
(f) Means of easy access shall be provided for cargo line valves located
below the wharf deck.
(g) Pipelines on flammable or combustible liquids wharves shall be adequately bonded and grounded. If excessive stray currents are encountered, insulating joints shall be installed. Bonding and grounding connections on all
pipelines shall be located on wharfside
of hose-riser insulating flanges, if used,
and shall be accessible for inspection.
(h) Hose or articulated swivel-joint
pipe connections used for cargo transfer shall be capable of accommodating
the combined effects of change in draft
and maximum tidal range, and mooring
lines shall be kept adjusted to prevent
the surge of the vessel from placing
stress on the cargo transfer system.
(i) Hose shall be supported so as to
avoid kinking and damage from chafing.
(ix) Fire protection. Suitable portable
fire extinguishers with a rating of not
less than 12–BC shall be located within
75 feet of those portions of the facility
where fires are likely to occur, such as
hose connections, pumps, and separator
(a) Where piped water is available,
ready-connected fire hose in size appropriate for the water supply shall be
provided so that manifolds where connections are made and broken can be
reached by at least one hose stream.
(b) Material shall not be placed on
wharves in such a manner as to obstruct access to firefighting equipment,
or important pipeline control valves.
(c) Where the wharf is accessible to
vehicle traffic, an unobstructed roadway to the shore end of the wharf shall
be maintained for access of firefighting
(x) Operations control. Loading or discharging shall not commence until the
wharf superintendent and officer in
charge of the tank vessel agree that
the tank vessel is properly moored and
all connections are properly made. Mechanical work shall not be performed
on the wharf during cargo transfer, except under special authorization based


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on a review of the area involved, methods to be employed, and precautions
(5) Electrical equipment—(i) Application. This subparagraph shall apply to
areas where Class I liquids are stored
or handled. For areas where Class II or
Class III liquids only are stored or handled, the electrical equipment may be
installed in accordance with the provisions of subpart S of this part, for ordinary locations.
(ii) Conformance. All electrical equipment and wiring shall be of a type
specified by and shall be installed in
accordance with subpart S of this part.
(iii) Classification. So far as it applies
Table H–18 shall be used to delineate
and classify hazardous areas for the
purpose of installation of electrical
circumstances. In Table H–18 a classified
area shall not extend beyond an
unpierced wall, roof, or other solid partition. The area classifications listed
shall be based on the premise that the
installation meets the applicable requirements of this section in all respects.
(6) Sources of ignition. Class I liquids
shall not be handled, drawn, or dispensed where flammable vapors may
reach a source of ignition. Smoking
shall be prohibited except in designated localities. ‘‘No Smoking’’ signs
shall be conspicuously posted where
hazard from flammable liquid vapors is
normally present.
(7) Drainage and waste disposal. Provision shall be made to prevent flammable or combustible liquids which
may be spilled at loading or unloading
points from entering public sewers and
drainage systems, or natural waterways. Connection to such sewers,
drains, or waterways by which flammable or combustible liquids might
enter shall be provided with separator
boxes or other approved means whereby such entry is precluded. Crankcase
drainings and flammable or combustible liquids shall not be dumped into
sewers, but shall be stored in tanks or
tight drums outside of any building
until removed from the premises.
(8) Fire control. Suitable fire-control
devices, such as small hose or portable
fire extinguishers, shall be available to
locations where fires are likely to

occur. Additional fire-control equipment may be required where a tank of
more than 50,000 gallons individual capacity contains Class I liquids and
where an unusual exposure hazard exists from surrounding property. Such
additional fire-control equipment shall
be sufficient to extinguish a fire in the
largest tank. The design and amount of
such equipment shall be in accordance
with approved engineering standards.
(g) Service stations—(1) Storage and
handling—(i) General provisions. (a) Liquids shall be stored in approved closed
containers not exceeding 60 gallons capacity, in tanks located underground,
in tanks in special enclosures as described in paragraph (g)(i) of this section, or in aboveground tanks as provided for in paragraphs (g)(4)(ii), (b), (c)
and (d) of this section.
(b) Aboveground tanks, located in an
adjoining bulk plant, may be connected
by piping to service station underground tanks if, in addition to valves
at aboveground tanks, a valve is also
installed within control of service station personnel.
(c) Apparatus dispensing Class I liquids into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles of the public shall not be located
at a bulk plant unless separated by a
fence or similar barrier from the area
in which bulk operations are conducted.
(d) [Reserved]
(e) The provisions of paragraph
(g)(1)(i)(a) of this section shall not prohibit the dispensing of flammable liquids in the open from a tank vehicle to
a motor vehicle. Such dispensing shall
be permitted provided:
(1) The tank vehicle complies with
the requirements covered in the Standard on Tank Vehicles for Flammable
Liquids, NFPA 385–1966.
(2) The dispensing is done on premises not open to the public.
(3) [Reserved]
(4) The dispensing hose does not exceed 50 feet in length.
(5) The dispensing nozzle is a listed
automatic-closing type without a
latchopen device.
(f) Class I liquids shall not be stored
or handled within a building having a
basement or pit into which flammable
vapors may travel, unless such area is
provided with ventilation designed to


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
prevent the accumulation of flammable
vapors therein.

§ 1910.106

(g) [Reserved]

Class I
Group D

Tank vehicle and tank car: 1
Loading through open dome ...........................

Loading through bottom connections with atmospheric venting.

Extent of classified area


Loading through closed dome with atmospheric venting.


Loading through closed dome with vapor recovery.
Bottom loading with vapor recovery or any
bottom unloading.


Drum and container filling:
Outdoors, or indoors with adequate ventilation



Outdoors, or indoors with adequate ventilation


Shell, ends, or roof and dike area ..................


Vent .................................................................


Floating roof ....................................................


Without mechanical ventilation ........................


With mechanical ventilation .............................


Containing valves, fittings or piping, and not
within a Division 1 or 2 classified area.
Pumps, bleeders, withdrawal fittings, meters and
similar devices:
Indoors .............................................................



Outdoors ..........................................................


Storage and repair garage for tank vehicles ..


Drainage ditches, separators, impounding basins.


Garages for other than tank vehicles ..............

(2 )

Outdoor drum storage .....................................

(2 )

Within 3 feet of edge of dome, extending in all directions.
Area between 3 feet and 5 feet from edge of dome, extending
in all directions.
Within 3 feet of point of venting to atmosphere extending in all
Area between 3 feet and 5 feet from point of venting to atmosphere, extending in all directions. Also up to 18 inches
above grade within a horizontal radius of 10 feet from point
of loading connection.
Within 3 feet of open end of vent, extending in all directions.
Area between 3 feet and 5 feet from open end of vent, extending in all directions. Also within 3 feet of edge of dome,
extending in all directions.
Within 3 feet of point of connection of both fill and vapor lines,
extending in all directions.
Within 3 feet of point of connections extending in all directions. Also up to 18 inches above grade with in a horizontal
radius of 10 feet from point of connection.
Within 3 feet of vent and fill opening, extending in all directions.
Area between 3 feet and 5 feet from vent or fill opening, extending in all directions. Also up to 18 inches above floor or
grade level within a horizontal radius of 10 feet from vent or
fill opening.
Within 3 feet of vent and fill opening, extending in all directions.
Area between 3 feet and 5 feet from vent or fill opening, extending in all directions. Also up to 18 inches above floor or
grade level within a horizontal radius of 10 feet from vent or
fill opening.
Within 10 feet from shell, ends, or roof of tank, Area inside
dikes to level of top of dike.
Within 5 feet of open end of vent, extending in all directions.
Area between 5 feet and 10 feet from open end of vent, extending in all directions.
Area above the roof and within the shell.

Entire area
Entire area
Entire pit.

within pit if any part is within a Division 1 or 2
within pit if any part is within a Division 1 or 2

Within 5 feet of any edge of such devices, extending in all directions. Also up to 3 feet above floor or grade level within
25 feet horizontally from any edge of such devices.
Within 3 feet of any edge of such devices, extending in all directions. Also up to 18 inches above grade level within 10
feet horizontally from any edge of such devices.
All pits or spaces below floor level.
Area up to 18 inches above floor or grade level for entire storage or repair garage.
Area up to 18 inches above ditch, separator or basin. Also up
to 18 inches above grade within 15 feet horizontally from
any edge.
If there is any opening to these rooms within the extent of an
outdoor classified area, the entire room shall be classified
the same as the area classification at the point of the opening.


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§ 1910.106

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

Class I
Group D

Indoor warehousing where there is no flammable liquid transfer.

(2 )

Office and rest rooms ......................................

(2 )

Extent of classified area
If there is any opening to these rooms within the extent of an
indoor classified are, the room shall be classified the same
as if the wall, curb or partition did not exist.

1 When

classifying the extent of the area, consideration shall be given to the fact that tank cars or tank vehicles may be spotted at varying points. Therefore, the extremities of the loading or unloading positions shall be used.
2 Ordinary.

(ii) Special enclosures. (a) When installation of tanks in accordance with
paragraph (b)(3) of this section is impractical because of property or building limitations, tanks for flammable or
combustible liquids may be installed in
buildings if properly enclosed.
(b) The enclosure shall be substantially liquid and vaportight without
backfill. Sides, top, and bottom of the
enclosure shall be of reinforced concrete at least 6 inches thick, with openings for inspection through the top
only. Tank connections shall be so
piped or closed that neither vapors nor
liquid can escape into the enclosed
space. Means shall be provided whereby
portable equipment may be employed
to discharge to the outside any liquid
or vapors which might accumulate
should leakage occur.
(iii) Inside buildings. (a) Except where
stored in tanks as provided in subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph, no Class
I liquids shall be stored within any
service station building except in
closed containers of aggregate capacity
not exceeding 60 gallons. One container
not exceeding 60 gallons capacity
equipped with an approved pump is permitted.
(b) Class I liquids may be transferred
from one container to another in lubrication or service rooms of a service
station building provided the electrical
installation complies with Table H–19
and provided that any heating equipment complies with subparagraph (6) of
this paragraph.
(c) Class II and Class III liquids may
be stored and dispensed inside service
station buildings from tanks of not
more than 120 gallons capacity each.
(iv) [Reserved]
(v) Dispensing into portable containers.
No delivery of any Class I liquids shall
be made into portable containers un-

less the container is constructed of
metal, has a tight closure with screwed
or spring cover, and is fitted with a
spout or so designed that the contents
can be poured without spilling.
(2) [Reserved]
(3) Dispensing systems—(i) Location.
Dispensing devices at automotive service stations shall be so located that all
parts of the vehicle being served will be
on the premises of the service station.
(ii) Inside location. Approved dispensing units may be located inside of
buildings. The dispensing area shall be
separated from other areas in an approved manner. The dispensing unit
and its piping shall be mounted either
on a concrete island or protected
against collision damage by suitable
means and shall be located in a position where it cannot be struck by a vehicle descending a ramp or other slope
out of control. The dispensing area
shall be provided with an approved mechanical or gravity ventilation system.
When dispensing units are located
below grade, only approved mechanical
ventilation shall be used and the entire
dispensing area shall be protected by
an approved automatic sprinkler system. Ventilating systems shall be electrically interlocked with gasoline dispensing units so that the dispensing
units cannot be operated unless the
ventilating fan motors are energized.
(iii) Emergency power cutoff. A clearly
switch(es) or a circuit breaker(s) shall
be provided at a location remote from
dispensing devices, including remote
pumping systems, to shut off the power
to all dispensing devices in the event of
an emergency.
(iv) Dispensing units. (a) Class I liquids shall be transferred from tanks by
means of fixed pumps so designed and
equipped as to allow control of the flow


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
and to prevent leakage or accidental
(b)(1) Only listed devices may be used
for dispensing Class I liquids. No such
device may be used if it shows evidence
of having been dismantled.
(2) Every dispensing device for Class I
liquids installed after December 31,
1978, shall contain evidence of listing
so placed that any attempt to dismantle the device will result in damage to such evidence, visible without
disassembly or dismounting of the nozzle.
(c) Class I liquids shall not be dispensed by pressure from drums, barrels, and similar containers. Approved
pumps taking suction through the top
of the container or approved self-closing faucets shall be used.
(d) The dispensing units, except those
attached to containers, shall be mounted either on a concrete island or protected against collision damage by
suitable means.
(v) Remote pumping systems. (a) This
subdivision shall apply to systems for
dispensing Class I liquids where such
liquids are transferred from storage to
individual or multiple dispensing units
by pumps located elsewhere than at the
dispensing units.
(b) Pumps shall be designed or
equipped so that no part of the system
will be subjected to pressures above its
allowable working pressure. Pumps installed above grade, outside of buildings, shall be located not less than 10
feet from lines of adjoining property
which may be built upon, and not less
than 5 feet from any building opening.
When an outside pump location is impractical, pumps may be installed inside of buildings, as provided for dispensers in subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph, or in pits as provided in
subdivision (c) of this subdivision.
Pumps shall be substantially anchored
and protected against physical damage
by vehicles.
(c) Pits for subsurface pumps or piping manifolds of submersible pumps
shall withstand the external forces to
which they may be subjected without
damage to the pump, tank, or piping.
The pit shall be no larger than necessary for inspection and maintenance
and shall be provided with a fitted

§ 1910.106

(d) A control shall be provided that
will permit the pump to operate only
when a dispensing nozzle is removed
from its bracket on the dispensing unit
and the switch on this dispensing unit
is manually actuated. This control
shall also stop the pump when all nozzles have been returned to their brackets.
(e) An approved impact valve, incorporating a fusible link, designed to
close automatically in the event of severe impact or fire exposure shall be
properly installed in the dispensing
supply line at the base of each individual dispensing device.
(f) Testing. After the completion of
the installation, including any paving,
that section of the pressure piping system between the pump discharge and
the connection for the dispensing facility shall be tested for at least 30 minutes at the maximum operating pressure of the system. Such tests shall be
repeated at 5-year intervals thereafter.
(vi) Delivery nozzles. (a) A listed manual or automatic-closing type hose nozzle valve shall be provided on dispensers used for the dispensing of Class
I liquids.
(b) Manual-closing type valves shall
be held open manually during dispensing. Automatic-closing type valves
may be used in conjunction with an approved latch-open device.
(4) Marine service stations—(i) Dispensing. (a) The dispensing area shall
be located away from other structures
so as to provide room for safe ingress
and egress of craft to be fueled. Dispensing units shall in all cases be at
least 20 feet from any activity involving fixed sources of ignition.
(b) Dispensing shall be by approved
dispensing units with or without integral pumps and may be located on open
piers, wharves, or floating docks or on
shore or on piers of the solid fill type.
(c) Dispensing nozzles shall be automatic-closing without a hold-open
(ii) Tanks and pumps. (a) Tanks, and
pumps not integral with the dispensing
unit, shall be on shore or on a pier of
the solid fill type, except as provided in
paragraphs (g)(4)(ii) (b) and (c) of this
(b) Where shore location would require excessively long supply lines to


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§ 1910.106

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

dispensers, tanks may be installed on a
pier provided that applicable portions
of paragraph (b) of this section relative
to spacing, diking, and piping are complied with and the quantity so stored
does not exceed 1,100 gallons aggregate
(c) Shore tanks supplying marine
service stations may be located above
ground, where rock ledges or high
water table make underground tanks
(d) Where tanks are at an elevation
which would produce gravity head on
the dispensing unit, the tank outlet
shall be equipped with a pressure con-

trol valve positioned adjacent to and
outside the tank block valve specified
in paragraph (b)(2)(ix)(b) of this section, so adjusted that liquid cannot
flow by gravity from the tank in case
of piping or hose failure.
(iii) Piping. (a) Piping between shore
tanks and dispensing units shall be as
described in paragraph (c) of this section, except that, where dispensing is
from a floating structure, suitable
lengths of oil-resistant flexible hose
may be employed between the shore
piping and the piping on the floating
structure as made necessary by change
in water level or shoreline.

Class I
Group D

Underground tank:
Fill opening ......................................................

Extent of classified area


Vent—Discharging upward ..............................


Pits ...................................................................


Dispenser enclosure ........................................


Outdoor ............................................................


With mechanical ventilation .............................


With gravity ventilation ....................................


Remote pump—Outdoor .................................


Remote pump—Indoor ....................................


Lubrication or service room .............................


Dispenser for Class I liquids ...........................


Special enclosure inside building per § 1910.–
Sales, storage and rest rooms ........................

(1 )


Any pit, box or space below grade level, any part of which is
within the Division 1 or 2 classified area.
Up to 18 inches above grade level within a horizontal radius
of 10 feet from a loose fill connection and within a horizontal radius of 5 feet from a tight fill connection.
Within 3 feet of open end of vent, extending in all directions.
Area between 3 feet and 5 feet of open end of vent, extending
in all directions.
Any pit, box or space below grade level, any part of which is
within the Division 1 or 2 classified area.
The area 4 feet vertically above base within the enclosure and
18 inches horizontally in all directions.
Up to 18 inches above grade level within 20 feet horizontally
of any edge of enclosure.
Up to 18 inches above grade or floor level within 20 feet horizontally of any edge of enclosure.
Up to 18 inches above grade or floor level within 25 feet horizontally of any edge of enclosure.
Any pit, box or space below grade level if any part is within a
horizontal distance of 10 feet from any edge of pump.
Within 3 feet of any edge of pump, extending in all directions.
Also up to 18 inches above grade level within 10 feet horizontally from any edge of pump.
Entire area within any pit.
Within 5 feet of any edge of pump, extending in all directions.
Also up to 3 feet above floor or grade level within 25 feet
horizontally from any edge of pump.
Entire area within any pit.
Area up to 18 inches above floor or grade level within entire
lubrication room.
Within 3 feet of any fill or dispensing point, extending in all directions.
Entire enclosure.
If there is any opening to these rooms within the extent of a
Division 1 area, the entire room shall be classified as Division 1.

1 Ordinary.

(b) A readily accessible valve to shut
off the supply from shore shall be provided in each pipeline at or near the

approach to the pier and at the shore
end of each pipeline adjacent to the
point where flexible hose is attached.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(c) Piping shall be located so as to be
protected from physical damage.
(d) Piping handling Class I liquids
shall be grounded to control stray currents.
(5) Electrical equipment—(i) Application. This subparagraph shall apply to
areas where Class I liquids are stored
or handled. For areas where Class II or
Class III liquids are stored or handled
the electrical equipment may be installed in accordance with the provisions of subpart S of this part, for ordinary locations.
(ii) All electrical equipment and wiring shall be of a type specified by and
shall be installed in accordance with
subpart S of this part.
(iii) So far as it applies. Table H–19
shall be used to delineate and classify
hazardous areas for the purpose of installation of electrical equipment
under normal circumstances. A classified area shall not extend beyond an
unpierced wall, roof, or other solid partition.
(iv) The area classifications listed
shall be based on the assumption that
the installation meets the applicable
requirements of this section in all respects.
(6) Heating equipment—(i) Conformance. Heating equipment shall be installed as provided in paragraphs (g)(6)
(ii) through (v) of this section.
(ii) Application. Heating equipment
may be installed in the conventional
manner in an area except as provided
in paragraph (g)(6) (iii), (iv), or (v) of
this section.
(iii) Special room. Heating equipment
may be installed in a special room separated from an area classified by Table
H–19 by walls having a fire resistance
rating of at least 1 hour and without
any openings in the walls within 8 feet
of the floor into an area classified in
Table H–19. This room shall not be used
for combustible storage and all air for
combustion purposes shall come from
outside the building.
(iv) Work areas. Heating equipment
using gas or oil fuel may be installed in
the lubrication, sales, or service room
where there is no dispensing or transferring of Class I liquids provided the
bottom of the combustion chamber is
at least 18 inches above the floor and
the heating equipment is protected

§ 1910.106

from physical damage by vehicles.
Heating equipment using gas or oil fuel
listed for use in garages may be installed in the lubrication or service
room where Class I liquids are dispensed provided the equipment is installed at least 8 feet above the floor.
(v) Electric heat. Electrical heating
equipment shall conform to paragraph
(g)(5) of this section.
(7) Drainage and waste disposal. Provision shall be made in the area where
Class I liquids are dispensed to prevent
spilled liquids from flowing into the interior of service station buildings.
Such provision may be by grading
driveways, raising door sills, or other
equally effective means. Crankcase
drainings and flammable or combustible liquids shall not be dumped into
sewers but shall be stored in tanks or
drums outside of any building until removed from the premises.
(8) Sources of ignition. In addition to
the previous restrictions of this paragraph, the following shall apply: There
shall be no smoking or open flames in
the areas used for fueling, servicing
fuel systems for internal combustion
engines, receiving or dispensing of
flammable or combustible liquids. Conspicuous and legible signs prohibiting
smoking shall be posted within sight of
the customer being served. The motors
of all equipment being fueled shall be
shut off during the fueling operation.
(9) Fire control. Each service station
shall be provided with at least one fire
extinguisher having a minimum approved classification of 6 B, C, located
so that an extinguisher, will be within
75 feet of each pump, dispenser, underground fill pipe opening, and lubrication or service room.
(h) Processing plants—(1) Scope. This
paragraph shall apply to those plants
or buildings which contain chemical
operations such as oxidation, reduction,
alkylation, polymerization, and other
chemical processes but shall not apply
to chemical plants, refineries or distilleries.
(2) Location—(i) Classification. The location of each processing vessel shall
be based upon its flammable or combustible liquid capacity.
(ii) [Reserved]


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§ 1910.106

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(3) Processing building—(i) Construction. (a) Processing buildings shall be of
fire-resistance or noncombustible construction, except heavy timber construction with load-bearing walls may
be permitted for plants utilizing only
stable Class II or Class III liquids. Except as provided in paragraph (h)(2)(ii)
of this section or in the case of explosion resistant walls used in conjunction with explosion relieving facilities,
see paragraph (h)(3)(iv) of this section,
load-bearing walls are prohibited.
Buildings shall be without basements
or covered pits.
(b) Areas shall have adequate exit facilities arranged to prevent occupants
from being trapped in the event of fire.
Exits shall not be exposed by the drainage facilities described in paragraph
(h)(ii) of this section.
(ii) Drainage. (a) Emergency drainage
systems shall be provided to direct
flammable or combustible liquid leakage and fire protection water to a safe
location. This may require curbs, scuppers, or special drainage systems to
control the spread of fire, see paragraph (b)(2)(vii)(b) of this section.
(b) Emergency drainage systems, if
connected to public sewers or discharged into public waterways, shall be
equipped with traps or separators.
(iii) Ventilation. (a) Enclosed processing buildings shall be ventilated at a
rate of not less than 1 cubic foot per
minute per square foot of solid floor
area. This shall be accomplished by
natural or mechanical ventilation with
discharge or exhaust to a safe location
outside of the building. Provisions
shall be made for introduction of
makeup air in such a manner as not to
short circuit the ventilation. Ventilation shall be arranged to include all
floor areas or pits where flammable vapors may collect.
(b) Equipment used in a building and
the ventilation of the building shall be
designed so as to limit flammable
vapor-air mixtures under normal operating conditions to the interior of
equipment, and to not more than 5 feet
from equipment which exposes Class I
liquids to the air. Examples of such
equipment are dispensing stations,
open centrifuges, plate and frame filters, open vacuum filters, and surfaces
of open equipment.

(iv) Explosion relief. Areas where Class
IA or unstable liquids are processed
shall have explosion venting through
one or more of the following methods:
(a) Open air construction.
(b) Lightweight walls and roof.
(c) Lightweight wall panels and roof
(d) Windows of explosion venting
(4) Liquid handling—(i) Storage. (a)
The storage of flammable or combustible liquids in tanks shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions
of paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) If the storage of flammable or
combustible liquids in outside aboveground or underground tanks is not
practical because of temperature or
production considerations, tanks may
be permitted inside of buildings or
structures in accordance with the applicable provisions of paragraph (b) of
this section.
(c) Storage tanks inside of buildings
shall be permitted only in areas at or
above grade which have adequate
drainage and are separated from the
processing area by construction having
a fire resistance rating of at least 2
(d) The storage of flammable or combustible liquids in containers shall be
in accordance with the applicable provisions of paragraph (d) of this section.
(ii) Piping, valves, and fittings. (a) Piping, valves, and fittings shall be in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.
(b) Approved flexible connectors may
be used where vibration exists or where
frequent movement is necessary. Approved hose may be used at transfer
(c) Piping containing flammable or
combustible liquids shall be identified.
(iii) Transfer. (a) The transfer of large
quantities of flammable or combustible
liquids shall be through piping by
means of pumps or water displacement.
Except as required in process equipment, gravity flow shall not be used.
The use of compressed air as a transferring medium is prohibited.
(b) Positive displacement pumps
shall be provided with pressure relief
discharging back to the tank or to
pump suction.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(iv) Equipment. (a) Equipment shall
be designed and arranged to prevent
the unintentional escape of liquids and
vapors and to minimize the quantity
escaping in the event of accidental release.
(b) Where the vapor space of equipment is usually within the flammable
range, the probability of explosion
damage to the equipment can be limited by inerting, by providing an explosion suppression system, or by designing the equipment to contain the peak
explosion pressure which may be modified by explosion relief. Where the special hazards of operation, sources of ignition, or exposures indicate a need,
consideration shall be given to providing protection by one or more of the
above means.
(5) Tank vehicle and tank car loading
and unloading. Tank vehicle and tank
car loading or unloading facilities shall
be separated from aboveground tanks,
warehouses, other plant buildings, or
nearest line of adjoining property
which may be built upon by a distance
of 25 feet for Class I liquids and 15 feet
for Class II and Class III liquids measured from the nearest position of any
fill stem. Buildings for pumps or shelters for personnel may be a part of the
facility. Operations of the facility shall
comply with the appropriate portions
of paragraph (f)(3) of this section.
(6) Fire control—(i) Portable extinguishers. Approved portable fire extinguishers of appropriate size, type, and
number shall be provided.
(ii) Other controls. Where the special
hazards of operation or exposure indicate a need, the following fire control
provision shall be provided.
(a) A reliable water supply shall be
available in pressure and quantity adequate to meet the probable fire demands.
(b) Hydrants shall be provided in accordance with accepted good practice.
(c) Hose connected to a source of
water shall be installed so that all vessels, pumps, and other equipment containing flammable or combustible liquids can be reached with at least one
hose stream. Nozzles that are capable
of discharging a water spray shall be
(d) Processing plants shall be protected by an approved automatic sprin-

§ 1910.106

kler system or equivalent extinguishing system. If special extinguishing systems including but not
limited to those employing foam, carbon dioxide, or dry chemical are provided, approved equipment shall be
used and installed in an approved manner.
(iii) Alarm systems. An approved
means for prompt notification of fire
to those within the plant and any public fire department available shall be
provided. It may be advisable to connect the plant system with the public
system where public fire alarm system
is available.
(iv) Maintenance. All plant fire protection facilities shall be adequately
maintained and periodically inspected
and tested to make sure they are always in satisfactory operating condition and that they will serve their purpose in time of emergency.
(7) Sources of ignition—(i) General. (a)
Precautions shall be taken to prevent
the ignition of flammable vapors.
Sources of ignition include but are not
limited to open flames; lightning;
smoking; cutting and welding; hot surfaces; frictional heat; static, electrical,
and mechanical sparks; spontaneous ignition, including heat-producing chemical reactions; and radiant heat.
(b) Class I liquids shall not be dispensed into containers unless the nozzle and container are electrically interconnected.
floorplate on which the container
stands while filling is electrically connected to the fill stem or where the fill
stem is bonded to the container during
filling operations by means of a bond
wire, the provisions of this section
shall be deemed to have been complied
(ii) Maintenance and repair. (a) When
necessary to do maintenance work in a
flammable or combustible liquid processing area, the work shall be authorized by a responsible representative of
the employer.
(b) Hot work, such as welding or cutting operations, use of spark-producing
power tools, and chipping operations
shall be permitted only under supervision of an individual in responsible
charge who shall make an inspection of
the area to be sure that it is safe for


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29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

the work to be done and that safe procedures will be followed for the work
(iii) Electrical. (a) All electric wiring
and equipment shall be installed in accordance with subpart S of this part.
vapor-air mixtures may exist under
normal operations shall be classified
Class I, Division 1 according to the requirements of subpart S of this part.
For those pieces of equipment installed
(h)(3)(iii)(b) of this section, the Division 1 area shall extend 5 feet in all directions from all points of vapor liberation. All areas within pits shall be classified Division 1 if any part of the pit is
within a Division 1 or 2 classified area,
unless the pit is provided with mechanical ventilation.
(c) Locations where flammable vaporair mixtures may exist under abnormal
conditions and for a distance beyond
Division 1 locations shall be classified
Division 2 according to the requirements of subpart S of this part. These
locations include an area within 20 feet
horizontally, 3 feet vertically beyond a
Division 1 area, and up to 3 feet above
floor or grade level within 25 feet, if indoors, or 10 feet if outdoors, from any
pump, bleeder, withdrawal fitting,
meter, or similar device handling Class
I liquids. Pits provided with adequate
mechanical ventilation within a Division 1 or 2 area shall be classified Division 2. If Class II or Class III liquids
only are handled, then ordinary electrical equipment is satisfactory though
care shall be used in locating electrical
apparatus to prevent hot metal from
falling into open equipment.
(d) Where the provisions of paragraphs (h)(7)(iii) (a), (b), and (c) of this
section require the installation of explosion-proof equipment, ordinary electrical equipment including switchgear
may be used if installed in a room or
enclosure which is maintained under
positive pressure with respect to the
hazardous area. Ventilation makeup
air shall be uncontaminated by flammable vapors.
(8) Housekeeping—(i) General. Maintenance and operating practices shall be
in accordance with established procedures which will tend to control leakage and prevent the accidental escape

of flammable or combustible liquids.
Spills shall be cleaned up promptly.
(ii) Access. Adequate aisles shall be
maintained for unobstructed movement of personnel and so that fire protection equipment can be brought to
bear on any part of the processing
(iii) Waste and residues. Combustible
waste material and residues in a building or operating area shall be kept to a
minimum, stored in closed metal waste
cans, and disposed of daily.
(iv) Clear zone. Ground area around
buildings and operating areas shall be
kept free of tall grass, weeds, trash, or
other combustible materials.
(i) Refineries, chemical plants, and distilleries—(1) Storage tanks. Flammable
or combustible liquids shall be stored
in tanks, in containers, or in portable
tanks. Tanks shall be installed in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section. Tanks for the storage of flammable or combustible liquids in tank
farms and in locations other than process areas shall be located in accordance
with paragraph (b)(2) (i) and (ii) of this
(2) Wharves. Wharves handling flammable or combustible liquids shall be
in accordance with paragraph (f)(4) of
this section.
(3) Fired and unfired pressure vessels—
(i) Fired vessels. Fired pressure vessels
shall be constructed in accordance with
the Code for Fired Pressure Vessels,
Section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code—1968.
(ii) Unfired vessels shall be constructed in accordance with the Code
for Unfired Pressure Vessels, Section
VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code—1968.
(4) Location of process units. Process
units shall be located so that they are
accessible from at least one side for the
purpose of fire control.
(5) Fire control—(i) Portable equipment.
Portable fire extinguishment and control equipment shall be provided in
such quantities and types as are needed
for the special hazards of operation and
(ii) Water supply. Water shall be
available in volume and at adequate
pressure to supply water hose streams,
foam producing equipment, automatic
sprinklers, or water spray systems as


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the need is indicated by the special
hazards of operation and storage.
(iii) Special equipment. Special extinguishing equipment such as that utilizing foam, inert gas, or dry chemical
shall be provided as the need is indicated by the special hazards of operation and storage.
(j) Scope. This section applies to the
handling, storage, and use of flammable and combustible liquids with a
flashpoint below 200 °F. This section
does not apply to:
(1) Bulk transportation of flammable
and combustible liquids;
(2) Storage, handling, and use of fuel
oil tanks and containers connected
with oil burning equipment;
(3) Storage of flammable and combustible liquids on farms;
(4) Liquids without flashpoints that
may be flammable under some conditions, such as certain halogenated hydrocarbons and mixtures containing
halogenated hydrocarbons;
(5) Mists, sprays, or foams, except
flammable aerosols covered in paragraph (d) of this section; or
(6) Installations made in accordance
with requirements of the following
standards that are incorporated by reference as specified in § 1910.6:
(i) National Fire Protection Association Standard for Drycleaning Plants,
NFPA No. 32–1970;
(ii) National Fire Protection Association Standard for the Manufacture of
Organic Coatings, NFPA No. 35–1970;
(iii) National Fire Protection Association Standard for Solvent Extraction Plants, NFPA No. 36–1967; or
(iv) National Fire Protection Association Standard for the Installation
and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines, NFPA No. 37–
[39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 40
FR 3982, Jan. 27, 1975; 40 FR 23743, June 2,
1975; 43 FR 49746, Oct. 24, 1978; 43 FR 51759,
Nov. 7, 1978; 47 FR 39164, Sept. 7, 1982; 51 FR
34560, Sept. 29, 1986; 53 FR 12121, Apr. 12, 1988;
55 FR 32015, Aug. 6, 1990; 61 FR 9237, Mar. 7,
1996; 70 FR 53929, Sept. 13, 2005]

§ 1910.107 Spray finishing using flammable and combustible materials.
(a) Definitions applicable to this section—(1) Aerated solid powders. Aerated
powders shall mean any powdered material used as a coating material which

§ 1910.107

shall be fluidized within a container by
passing air uniformly from below. It is
common practice to fluidize such materials to form a fluidized powder bed and
then dip the part to be coated into the
bed in a manner similar to that used in
liquid dipping. Such beds are also used
as sources for powder spray operations.
(2) Spraying area. Any area in which
dangerous quantities of flammable vapors or mists, or combustible residues,
dusts, or deposits are present due to
the operation of spraying processes.
(3) Spray booth. A power-ventilated
structure provided to enclose or accommodate a spraying operation to confine
and limit the escape of spray, vapor,
and residue, and to safely conduct or
direct them to an exhaust system.
(4) Waterwash spray booth. A spray
booth equipped with a water washing
system designed to minimize dusts or
residues entering exhaust ducts and to
permit the recovery of overspray finishing material.
(5) Dry spray booth. A spray booth not
equipped with a water washing system
as described in subparagraph (4) of this
paragraph. A dry spray booth may be
equipped with (i) distribution or baffle
plates to promote an even flow of air
through the booth or cause the deposit
of overspray before it enters the exhaust duct; or (ii) overspray dry filters
to minimize dusts; or (iii) overspray
dry filters to minimize dusts or residues entering exhaust ducts; or (iv)
overspray dry filter rolls designed to
minimize dusts or residues entering exhaust ducts; or (v) where dry powders
are being sprayed, with powder collection systems so arranged in the exhaust to capture oversprayed material.
(6) Fluidized bed. A container holding
powder coating material which is aerated from below so as to form an airsupported expanded cloud of such material through which the preheated object to be coated is immersed and
(7) Electrostatic fluidized bed. A container holding powder coating material
which is aerated from below so as to
form an air-supported expanded cloud
of such material which is electrically
charged with a charge opposite to the
charge of the object to be coated; such
object is transported, through the container immediately above the charged


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§ 1910.107

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and aerated materials in order to be
(8) Approved. Shall mean approved
and listed by a nationally recognized
testing laboratory. Refer to § 1910.7 for
definition of nationally recognized
testing laboratory.
§ 1910.107(a)(8).
(b) Spray booths—(1) Construction.
Spray booths shall be substantially
constructed of steel, securely and rigidly supported, or of concrete or masonry except that aluminum or other
substantial noncombustible material
may be used for intermittent or low
volume spraying. Spray booths shall be
designed to sweep air currents toward
the exhaust outlet.
(2) Interiors. The interior surfaces of
spray booths shall be smooth and continuous without edges and otherwise
designed to prevent pocketing of residues and facilitate cleaning and washing without injury.
(3) Floors. The floor surface of a spray
booth and operator’s working area, if
combustible, shall be covered with noncombustible material of such character
as to facilitate the safe cleaning and
removal of residues.
(4) Distribution or baffle plates. Distribution or baffle plates, if installed
to promote an even flow of air through
the booth or cause the deposit of
overspray before it enters the exhaust
duct, shall be of noncombustible material and readily removable or accessible on both sides for cleaning. Such
plates shall not be located in exhaust
(5) Dry type overspray collectors—(exhaust air filters). In conventional dry
type spray booths, overspray dry filters
or filter rolls, if installed, shall conform to the following:
(i) The spraying operations except
electrostatic spraying operations shall
be so designed, installed and maintained that the average air velocity
over the open face of the booth (or
booth cross section during spraying operations) shall be not less than 100 linear feet per minute. Electrostatic
spraying operations may be conducted
with an air velocity over the open face
of the booth of not less than 60 linear
feet per minute, or more, depending on
the volume of the finishing material

being applied and its flammability and
gauges or audible alarm or pressure activated devices shall be installed to indicate or insure that the required air
velocity is maintained. Filter rolls
shall be inspected to insure proper replacement of filter media.
(ii) All discarded filter pads and filter
rolls shall be immediately removed to
a safe, well-detached location or placed
in a water-filled metal container and
disposed of at the close of the day’s operation unless maintained completely
in water.
(iii) The location of filters in a spray
booth shall be so as to not reduce the
effective booth enclosure of the articles being sprayed.
(iv) Space within the spray booth on
the downstream and upstream sides of
filters shall be protected with approved
automatic sprinklers.
(v) Filters or filter rolls shall not be
used when applying a spray material
known to be highly susceptible to spontaneous heating and ignition.
(vi) Clean filters or filter rolls shall
be noncombustible or of a type having
a combustibility not in excess of class
2 filters as listed by Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc. Filters and filter rolls
shall not be alternately used for different types of coating materials,
where the combination of materials
may be conducive to spontaneous ignition. See also paragraph (g)(6) of this
(6) Frontal area. Each spray booth
having a frontal area larger than 9
square feet shall have a metal deflector
or curtain not less than 21⁄2 inches deep
installed at the upper outer edge of the
booth over the opening.
(7) Conveyors. Where conveyors are
arranged to carry work into or out of
spray booths, the openings therefor
shall be as small as practical.
(8) Separation of operations. Each
spray booth shall be separated from
other operations by not less than 3
feet, or by a greater distance, or by
such partition or wall as to reduce the
danger from juxtaposition of hazardous
operations. See also paragraph (c)(1) of
this section.
(9) Cleaning. Spray booths shall be so
installed that all portions are readily
accessible for cleaning. A clear space of


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not less than 3 feet on all sides shall be
kept free from storage or combustible
(10) Illumination. When spraying areas
are illuminated through glass panels or
other transparent materials, only fixed
lighting units shall be used as a source
of illumination. Panels shall effectively isolate the spraying area from
the area in which the lighting unit is
located, and shall be of a noncombustible material of such a nature or so
protected that breakage will be unlikely. Panels shall be so arranged that
normal accumulations of residue on
the exposed surface of the panel will
not be raised to a dangerous temperature by radiation or conduction from
the source of illumination.
(c) Electrical and other sources of ignition—(1) Conformance. All electrical
equipment, open flames and other
sources of ignition shall conform to the
requirements of this paragraph, except
as follows:
(i) Electrostatic apparatus shall conform to the requirements of paragraphs
(h) and (i) of this section;
(ii) Drying, curing, and fusion apparatus shall conform to the requirements of paragraph (j) of this section;
(iii) Automobile undercoating spray
operations in garages shall conform to
the requirements of paragraph (k) of
this section;
(iv) Powder-coating equipment shall
conform to the requirements of paragraph (l)(1) of this section.
(2) Minimum separation. There shall be
no open flame or spark producing
equipment in any spraying area nor
within 20 feet thereof, unless separated
by a partition.
(3) Hot surfaces. Space-heating appliances, steampipes, or hot surfaces shall
not be located in a spraying area where
deposits of combustible residues may
readily accumulate.
(4) Wiring conformance. Electrical wiring and equipment shall conform to the
provisions of this paragraph and shall
otherwise be in accordance with subpart S of this part.
(5) Combustible residues, areas. Unless
specifically approved for locations containing both deposits of readily ignitable residue and explosive vapors, there
shall be no electrical equipment in any
spraying area, whereon deposits of

§ 1910.107

combustible residues may readily accumulate, except wiring in rigid conduit
or in boxes or fittings containing no
taps, splices, or terminal connections.
(6) Wiring type approved. Electrical
wiring and equipment not subject to
deposits of combustible residues but located in a spraying area as herein defined shall be of explosion-proof type
approved for Class I, group D locations
and shall otherwise conform to the provisions of subpart S of this part, for
Class I, Division 1, Hazardous Locations. Electrical wiring, motors, and
other equipment outside of but within
twenty (20) feet of any spraying area,
and not separated therefrom by partitions, shall not produce sparks under
normal operating conditions and shall
otherwise conform to the provisions of
subpart S of this part for Class I, Division 2 Hazardous Locations.
(7) Lamps. Electric lamps outside of,
but within twenty (20) feet of any
spraying area, and not separated therefrom by a partition, shall be totally enclosed to prevent the falling of hot particles and shall be protected from mechanical injury by suitable guards or
by location.
(8) Portable lamps. Portable electric
lamps shall not be used in any spraying
area during spraying operations. Portable electric lamps, if used during
cleaning or repairing operations, shall
be of the type approved for hazardous
Class I locations.
(9) Grounding. (i) All metal parts of
spray booths, exhaust ducts, and piping
systems conveying flammable or combustible liquids or aerated solids shall
be properly electrically grounded in an
effective and permanent manner.
(ii) [Reserved]
(d) Ventilation—(1) Conformance. Ventilating and exhaust systems shall be
in accordance with the Standard for
Blower and Exhaust Systems for Vapor
Removal, NFPA No. 91–1961, which is
incorporated by reference as specified
in § 1910.6, where applicable and shall
also conform to the provisions of this


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(2) General. All spraying areas shall
be provided with mechanical ventilation adequate to remove flammable vapors, mists, or powders to a safe location and to confine and control combustible residues so that life is not endangered. Mechanical ventilation shall
be kept in operation at all times while
spraying operations are being conducted and for a sufficient time thereafter to allow vapors from drying coated articles and drying finishing material residue to be exhausted.
(3) Independent exhaust. Each spray
booth shall have an independent exhaust duct system discharging to the
exterior of the building, except that
multiple cabinet spray booths in which
identical spray finishing material is
used with a combined frontal area of
not more than 18 square feet may have
a common exhaust. If more than one
fan serves one booth, all fans shall be
so interconnected that one fan cannot
operate without all fans being operated.
(4) Fan-rotating element. The fan-rotating element shall be nonferrous or
nonsparking or the casing shall consist
of or be lined with such material.
There shall be ample clearance between the fan-rotating element and the
fan casing to avoid a fire by friction,
necessary allowance being made for ordinary expansion and loading to prevent contact between moving parts and
the duct or fan housing. Fan blades
shall be mounted on a shaft sufficiently heavy to maintain perfect
alignment even when the blades of the
fan are heavily loaded, the shaft preferably to have bearings outside the
duct and booth. All bearings shall be of
the self-lubricating type, or lubricated
from the outside duct.
(5) Electric motors. Electric motors
driving exhaust fans shall not be placed
inside booths or ducts. See also paragraph (c) of this section.
(6) Belts. Belts shall not enter the
duct or booth unless the belt and pulley within the duct or booth are thoroughly enclosed.
(7) Exhaust ducts. Exhaust ducts shall
be constructed of steel and shall be
substantially supported. Exhaust ducts
without dampers are preferred; however, if dampers are installed, they
shall be maintained so that they will

be in a full open position at all times
the ventilating system is in operation.
(i) Exhaust ducts shall be protected
against mechanical damage and have a
clearance from unprotected combustible construction or other combustible
material of not less than 18 inches.
(ii) If combustible construction is
provided with the following protection
applied to all surfaces within 18 inches,
clearances may be reduced to the distances indicated:
(a) 28-gage sheet metal on 1⁄4-inch asbestos
mill board.
(b) 28-gage sheet metal on 1⁄8-inch asbestos
mill board spaced out 1 inch on noncombustible spacers.
(c) 22-gage sheet metal on 1-inch rockwool
batts reinforced with wire mesh or the
(d) Where ducts are protected with an approved automatic sprinkler system, properly
maintained, the clearance required in subdivision (i) of this subparagraph may be reduced to 6 inches.

12 inches.
9 inches.

3 inches.

(8) Discharge clearance. Unless the
spray booth exhaust duct terminal is
from a water-wash spray booth, the
terminal discharge point shall be not
less than 6 feet from any combustible
exterior wall or roof nor discharge in
the direction of any combustible construction or unprotected opening in
any noncombustible exterior wall within 25 feet.
(9) Air exhaust. Air exhaust from
spray operations shall not be directed
so that it will contaminate makeup air
being introduced into the spraying area
or other ventilating intakes, nor directed so as to create a nuisance. Air
exhausted from spray operations shall
not be recirculated.
(10) Access doors. When necessary to
facilitate cleaning, exhaust ducts shall
be provided with an ample number of
access doors.
(11) Room intakes. Air intake openings
to rooms containing spray finishing operations shall be adequate for the efficient operation of exhaust fans and
shall be so located as to minimize the
creation of dead air pockets.
(12) Drying spaces. Freshly sprayed
articles shall be dried only in spaces
provided with adequate ventilation to
prevent the formation of explosive vapors. In the event adequate and reliable
ventilation is not provided such drying
spaces shall be considered a spraying


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area. See also paragraph (j) of this section.
(e) Flammable and combustible liquids—
storage and handling—(1) Conformance.
The storage of flammable or combustible liquids in connection with spraying operations shall conform to the requirements of § 1910.106, where applicable.
(2) Quantity. The quantity of flammable or combustible liquids kept in
the vicinity of spraying operations
shall be the minimum required for operations and should ordinarily not exceed a supply for 1 day or one shift.
Bulk storage of portable containers of
flammable or combustible liquids shall
be in a separate, constructed building
detached from other important buildings or cut off in a standard manner.
(3) Containers. Original closed containers, approved portable tanks, approved safety cans or a properly arranged system of piping shall be used
for bringing flammable or combustible
liquids into spray finishing room. Open
or glass containers shall not be used.
(4) Transferring liquids. Except as provided in paragraph (e)(5) of this section
the withdrawal of flammable and combustible liquids from containers having
a capacity of greater than 60 gallons
shall be by approved pumps. The withdrawal of flammable or combustible
liquids from containers and the filling
of containers, including portable mixing tanks, shall be done only in a suitable mixing room or in a spraying area
when the ventilating system is in operation. Adequate precautions shall be
taken to protect against liquid spillage
and sources of ignition.
(5) Spraying containers. Containers
supplying spray nozzles shall be of
closed type or provided with metal covers kept closed. Containers not resting
on floors shall be on metal supports or
suspended by wire cables. Containers
supplying spray nozzles by gravity flow
shall not exceed 10 gallons capacity.
Original shipping containers shall not
be subject to air pressure for supplying
spray nozzles. Containers under air
pressure supplying spray nozzles shall
be of limited capacity, not exceeding
that necessary for 1 day’s operation;
shall be designed and approved for such
use; shall be provided with a visible
pressure gage; and shall be provided

§ 1910.107

with a relief valve set to operate in
conformance with the requirements of
the Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels,
Section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code—1968, which is incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6. Containers under air pressure
supplying spray nozzles, air-storage
tanks and coolers shall conform to the
standards of the Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels, Section VIII of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code—1968
for construction, tests, and maintenance.
(6) Pipes and hoses. (i) All containers
or piping to which is attached a hose or
flexible connection shall be provided
with a shutoff valve at the connection.
Such valves shall be kept shut when
spraying operations are not being conducted.
(ii) When a pump is used to deliver
products, automatic means shall be
provided to prevent pressure in excess
of the design working pressure of accessories, piping, and hose.
(iii) All pressure hose and couplings
shall be inspected at regular intervals
appropriate to this service. The hose
and couplings shall be tested with the
hose extended, and using the ‘‘inservice
maximum operating pressures.’’ Any
hose showing material deteriorations,
signs of leakage, or weakness in its
carcass or at the couplings, shall be
withdrawn from service and repaired or
(iv) Piping systems conveying flammable or combustible liquids shall be
of steel or other material having comparable properties of resistance to heat
and physical damage. Piping systems
shall be properly bonded and grounded.
(7) Spray liquid heaters. Electrically
powered spray liquid heaters shall be
approved and listed for the specific location in which used (see paragraph (c)
of this section). Heaters shall not be located in spray booths nor other locations subject to the accumulation of
deposits or combustible residue. If an
electric motor is used, see paragraph
(c) of this section.
(8) Pump relief. If flammable or combustible liquids are supplied to spray
pumps, the pump discharge line shall
be provided with an approved relief
valve discharging to a pump suction or


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a safe detached location, or a device
provided to stop the prime mover if the
discharge pressure exceeds the safe operating pressure of the system.
(9) Grounding. Whenever flammable
or combustible liquids are transferred
from one container to another, both
containers shall be effectively bonded
and grounded to prevent discharge
sparks of static electricity.
(f) Protection—(1) Conformance. In
sprinklered buildings, the automatic
sprinkler system in rooms containing
spray finishing operations shall conform to the requirements of § 1910.159.
In unsprinklered buildings where sprinklers are installed only to protect
spraying areas, the installation shall
conform to such standards insofar as
they are applicable. Sprinkler heads
shall be located so as to provide water
distribution throughout the entire
(2) Valve access. Automatic sprinklers
protecting each spray booth (together
with its connecting exhaust) shall be
under an accessibly located separate
outside stem and yoke (OS&Y) subcontrol valve.
(3) Cleaning of heads. Sprinklers protecting spraying areas shall be kept as
free from deposits as practical by
cleaning daily if necessary. (See also
paragraph (g) of this section.)
(4) Portable extinguishers. An adequate
supply of suitable portable fire extinguishers shall be installed near all
spraying areas.
(g) Operations and maintenance—(1)
Spraying. Spraying shall not be conducted outside of predetermined spraying areas.
(2) Cleaning. All spraying areas shall
be kept as free from the accumulation
of deposits of combustible residues as
practical, with cleaning conducted
daily if necessary. Scrapers, spuds, or
other such tools used for cleaning purposes shall be of nonsparking material.
(3) Residue disposal. Residue scrapings
and debris contaminated with residue
shall be immediately removed from the
premises and properly disposed of. Approved metal waste cans shall be provided wherever rags or waste are impregnated with finishing material and
all such rags or waste deposited therein
immediately after use. The contents of
waste cans shall be properly disposed of

at least once daily or at the end of each
(4) Clothing storage. Spray finishing
employees’ clothing shall not be left on
the premises overnight unless kept in
metal lockers.
(5) Cleaning solvents. The use of solvents for cleaning operations shall be
restricted to those having flashpoints
not less than 100 °F.; however, for
cleaning spray nozzles and auxiliary
equipment, solvents having flashpoints
not less than those normally used in
spray operations may be used. Such
cleaning shall be conducted inside
spray booths and ventilating equipment operated during cleaning.
(6) Hazardous materials combinations.
Spray booths shall not be alternately
used for different types of coating materials, where the combination of the
materials may be conducive to spontaneous ignition, unless all deposits of
the first used material are removed
from the booth and exhaust ducts prior
to spraying with the second used material.
(7) ‘‘No Smoking’’ signs. ‘‘No smoking’’
signs in large letters on contrasting
color background shall be conspicuously posted at all spraying areas and
paint storage rooms.
(h) Fixed electrostatic apparatus—(1)
Conformance. Where installation and
use of electrostatic spraying equipment is used, such installation and use
shall conform to all other paragraphs
of this section, and shall also conform
to the requirements of this paragraph.
(2) Type approval. Electrostatic apparatus and devices used in connection
with coating operations shall be of approved types.
(3) Location. Transformers, power
packs, control apparatus, and all other
electrical portions of the equipment,
with the exception of high-voltage
grids, electrodes, and electrostatic
atomizing heads and their connections,
shall be located outside of the spraying
area, or shall otherwise conform to the
requirements of paragraph (c) of this
(4) Support. Electrodes and electrostatic atomizing heads shall be adequately supported in permanent locations and shall be effectively insulated
from the ground. Electrodes and electrostatic atomizing heads which are


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permanently attached to their bases,
supports, or reciprocators, shall be
deemed to comply with this section.
Insulators shall be nonporous and noncombustible.
(5) Insulators, grounding. High-voltage
leads to electrodes shall be properly insulated and protected from mechanical
injury or exposure to destructive
heads shall be effectively and permanently supported on suitable insulators
and shall be effectively guarded
against accidental contact or grounding. An automatic means shall be provided for grounding the electrode system when it is electrically deenergized
for any reason. All insulators shall be
kept clean and dry.
(6) Safe distance. A safe distance shall
be maintained between goods being
painted and electrodes or electrostatic
atomizing heads or conductors of at
least twice the sparking distance. A
suitable sign indicating this safe distance shall be conspicuously posted
near the assembly.
(7) Conveyors required. Goods being
painted using this process are to be
supported on conveyors. The conveyors
shall be so arranged as to maintain
safe distances between the goods and
the electrodes or electrostatic atomizing heads at all times. Any irregularly shaped or other goods subject to
possible swinging or movement shall be
rigidly supported to prevent such
swinging or movement which would reduce the clearance to less than that
specified in paragraph (h)(6) of this section.
(8) Prohibition. This process is not acceptable where goods being coated are
manipulated by hand. When finishing
materials are applied by electrostatic
equipment which is manipulated by
hand, see paragraph (i) of this section
for applicable requirements.
(9) Fail-safe controls. Electrostatic apparatus shall be equipped with automatic controls which will operate without time delay to disconnect the power
supply to the high voltage transformer
and to signal the operator under any of
the following conditions:
(i) Stoppage of ventilating fans or
failure of ventilating equipment from
any cause.

§ 1910.107

(ii) Stoppage of the conveyor carrying goods through the high voltage
(iii) Occurrence of a ground or of an
imminent ground at any point on the
high voltage system.
(iv) Reduction of clearance below
that specified in paragraph (h)(6) of
this section.
(10) Guarding. Adequate booths, fencing, railings, or guards shall be so
placed about the equipment that they,
either by their location or character or
both, assure that a safe isolation of the
process is maintained from plant storage or personnel. Such railings, fencing, and guards shall be of conducting
material, adequately grounded.
(11) Ventilation. Where electrostatic
atomization is used the spraying area
shall be so ventilated as to insure safe
conditions from a fire and health
(12) Fire protection. All areas used for
spraying, including the interior of the
booth, shall be protected by automatic
sprinklers where this protection is
available. Where this protection is not
available, other approved automatic
extinguishing equipment shall be provided.
(i) Electrostatic hand spraying equipment—(1) Application. This paragraph
shall apply to any equipment using
electrostatically charged elements for
the atomization and/or, precipitation
of materials for coatings on articles, or
for other similar purposes in which the
atomizing device is hand held and manipulated during the spraying operation.
(2) Conformance. Electrostatic hand
spraying equipment shall conform with
the other provisions of this section.
(3) Equipment approval and specifications. Electrostatic hand spray apparatus and devices used in connection
with coating operations shall be of approved types. The high voltage circuits
shall be designed so as to not produce
a spark of sufficient intensity to ignite
any vapor-air mixtures nor result in
appreciable shock hazard upon coming
in contact with a grounded object
under all normal operating conditions.
The electrostatically charged exposed
elements of the handgun shall be capable of being energized only by a switch


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§ 1910.107

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

which also controls the coating material supply.
(4) Electrical support equipment. Transformers, powerpacks, control apparatus, and all other electrical portions
of the equipment, with the exception of
the handgun itself and its connections
to the power supply shall be located
outside of the spraying area or shall
otherwise conform to the requirements
of paragraph (c) of this section.
(5) Spray gun ground. The handle of
the spraying gun shall be electrically
connected to ground by a metallic connection and to be so constructed that
the operator in normal operating position is in intimate electrical contact
with the grounded handle.
(6) Grounding—general. All electrically conductive objects in the
spraying area shall be adequately
grounded. This requirement shall apply
to paint containers, wash cans, and any
other objects or devices in the area.
The equipment shall carry a prominent
permanently installed warning regarding the necessity for this grounding
(7) Maintenance of grounds. Objects
being painted or coated shall be maintained in metallic contact with the
conveyor or other grounded support.
Hooks shall be regularly cleaned to insure this contact and areas of contact
shall be sharp points or knife edges
where possible. Points of support of the
object shall be concealed from random
spray where feasible and where the objects being sprayed are supported from
a conveyor, the point of attachment to
the conveyor shall be so located as to
not collect spray material during normal operation.
(8) Interlocks. The electrical equipment shall be so interlocked with the
ventilation of the spraying area that
the equipment cannot be operated unless the ventilation fans are in operation.
(9) Ventilation. The spraying operation shall take place within a spray
area which is adequately ventilated to
remove solvent vapors released from
the operation.
(j) Drying, curing, or fusion apparatus—(1) Conformance. Drying, curing,
or fusion apparatus in connection with
spray application of flammable and
combustible finishes shall conform to

the Standard for Ovens and Furnaces,
NFPA 86A–1969, which is incorporated
by reference as specified in § 1910.6,
where applicable and shall also conform with the following requirements
of this paragraph.
(2) Alternate use prohibited. Spray
booths, rooms, or other enclosures used
for spraying operations shall not alternately be used for the purpose of drying by any arrangement which will
cause a material increase in the surface temperature of the spray booth,
room, or enclosure.
(3) Adjacent system interlocked. Except
as specifically provided in paragraph
(j)(4) of this section, drying, curing, or
fusion units utilizing a heating system
having open flames or which may
produce sparks shall not be installed in
a spraying area, but may be installed
adjacent thereto when equipped with
an interlocked ventilating system arranged to:
(i) Thoroughly ventilate the drying
space before the heating system can be
(ii) Maintain a safe atmosphere at
any source of ignition;
(iii) Automatically shut down the
heating system in the event of failure
of the ventilating system.
(4) Alternate use permitted. Automobile refinishing spray booths or enclosures, otherwise installed and maintained in full conformity with this section, may alternately be used for drying with portable electrical infrared
drying apparatus when conforming
with the following:
(i) Interior (especially floors) of
spray enclosures shall be kept free of
overspray deposits.
(ii) During spray operations, the drying apparatus and electrical connections and wiring thereto shall not be
located within spray enclosure nor in
any other location where spray residues may be deposited thereon.
(iii) The spraying apparatus, the drying apparatus, and the ventilating system of the spray enclosure shall be
equipped with suitable interlocks so arranged that:
(a) The spraying apparatus cannot be
operated while the drying apparatus is
inside the spray enclosure.
(b) The spray enclosure will be
purged of spray vapors for a period of


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
not less than 3 minutes before the drying apparatus can be energized.
(c) The ventilating system will maintain a safe atmosphere within the enclosure during the drying process and
the drying apparatus will automatically shut off in the event of failure of
the ventilating system.
(iv) All electrical wiring and equipment of the drying apparatus shall conform with the applicable sections of
subpart S of this part. Only equipment
of a type approved for Class I, Division
2 hazardous locations shall be located
within 18 inches of floor level. All metallic parts of the drying apparatus
shall be properly electrically bonded
and grounded.
(v) The drying apparatus shall contain a prominently located, permanently attached warning sign indicating that ventilation should be maintained during the drying period and
that spraying should not be conducted
in the vicinity that spray will deposit
on apparatus.
(k) Automobile undercoating in garages.
Automobile undercoating spray operations in garages, conducted in areas
having adequate natural or mechanical
ventilation, are exempt from the requirements pertaining to spray finishing operations, when using undercoating materials not more hazardous
than kerosene (as listed by Underwriters’ Laboratories in respect to fire
hazard rating 30–40) or undercoating
materials using only solvents listed as
having a flash point in excess of 100 °F.
Undercoating spray operations not conforming to these provisions are subject
to all requirements of this section pertaining to spray finishing operations.
(l) Powder coating—(1) Electrical and
other sources of ignition. Electrical
equipment and other sources of ignition shall conform to the requirements
of paragraphs (c)(1) (i)–(iv), (8) and (9)(i)
of this section and subpart S of this
(2) Ventilation. (i) In addition to the
provisions of paragraph (d) of this section, where applicable, exhaust ventilation shall be sufficient to maintain the
atmosphere below the lowest explosive
limits for the materials being applied.
All nondeposited air-suspended powders
shall be safely removed via exhaust
ducts to the powder recovery cyclone

§ 1910.107

or receptacle. Each installation shall
be designed and operated to meet the
foregoing performance specification.
(ii) Powders shall not be released to
the outside atmosphere.
(3) Drying, curing, or fusion equipment.
The provisions of the Standard for
ovens and furnaces, NFPA No. 86A–1969
shall apply where applicable.
(4) Operation and maintenance. (i) All
areas shall be kept free of the accumulation of powder coating dusts, particularly such horizontal surfaces as
ledges, beams, pipes, hoods, booths, and
(ii) Surfaces shall be cleaned in such
manner as to avoid scattering dust to
other places or creating dust clouds.
(iii) ‘‘No Smoking’’ signs in large letters on contrasting color background
shall be conspicuously posted at all
powder coating areas and powder storage rooms.
(5) Fixed electrostatic spraying equipment. The provisions of paragraph (h) of
this section and other subparagraphs of
this paragraph shall apply to fixed
electrostatic equipment, except that
electrical equipment not covered therein shall conform to paragraph (l)(1) of
this section.
(6) Electrostatic hand spraying equipment. The provisions of paragraph (i) of
this section and other subparagraphs of
this paragraph, shall apply to electrostatic handguns when used in powder
coating, except that electrical equipment not covered therein shall conform
to paragraph (l)(1) of this section.
(7) Electrostatic fluidized beds. (i) Electrostatic fluidized beds and associated
equipment shall be of approved types.
The maximum surface temperature of
this equipment in the coating area
shall not exceed 150 °F. The high voltage circuits shall be so designed as to
not produce a spark of sufficient intensity to ignite any powder-air mixtures
nor result in appreciable shock hazard
upon coming in contact with a grounded object under normal operating conditions.
(ii) Transformers, powerpacks, control apparatus, and all other electrical
portions of the equipment, with the exception of the charging electrodes and
their connections to the power supply
shall be located outside of the powder


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29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

coating area or shall otherwise conform to the requirements of paragraph
(l)(1) of this section.
(iii) All electrically conductive objects within the charging influence of
the electrodes shall be adequately
grounded. The powder coating equipment shall carry a prominent, permanently installed warning regarding the
necessity for grounding these objects.
(iv) Objects being coated shall be
maintained in contact with the conveyor or other support in order to insure proper grounding. Hangers shall
be regularly cleaned to insure effective
contact and areas of contact shall be
sharp points or knife edges where possible.
(v) The electrical equipment shall be
so interlocked with the ventilation system that the equipment cannot be operated unless the ventilation fans are
in operation.
(m) Organic peroxides and dual component coatings—(1) Conformance. All
spraying operations involving the use
of organic peroxides and other dual
component coatings shall be conducted
in approved sprinklered spray booths
meeting the requirements of this section.
(2) Smoking. Smoking shall be prohibited and ‘‘No Smoking’’ signs shall be
prominently displayed and only nonsparking tools shall be used in any area
where organic peroxides are stored,
mixed or applied.
(n) Scope. This section applies to
flammable and combustible finishing
materials when applied as a spray by
compressed air, ‘‘airless’’ or ‘‘hydraulic
methods, or by any other means in continuous or intermittent processes. The
section also covers the application of
combustible powders by powder spray
guns, electrostatic powder spray guns,
fluidized beds, or electrostatic fluidized
beds. The section does not apply to
outdoor spray application of buildings,
tanks, or other similar structures, nor
to small portable spraying apparatus
not used repeatedly in the same location.

NOTE 1: Classification of explosives is described by the U.S. Department of Transportation as follows (see 49 CFR chapter I):

[39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 45
FR 60704, Sept. 12, 1980; 49 FR 5322, Feb. 10,
1984; 53 FR 12121, Apr. 12, 1988; 61 FR 9237,
Mar. 7, 1996; 72 FR 71069, Dec. 14, 2007]

(i) Class A explosives. Possessing, detonating, or otherwise maximum hazard; such as dynamite, nitroglycerin,
picric acid, lead azide, fulminate of

§ 1910.108


§ 1910.109 Explosives



(a) Definitions applicable to this section—(1)
agent—any material or mixture, consisting of a fuel and oxidizer, intended
for blasting, not otherwise classified as
an explosive and in which none of the
ingredients are classified as an explosive, provided that the finished product, as mixed and packaged for use or
shipment, cannot be detonated by
means of a No. 8 test blasting cap when
(2) Explosive-actuated power devices.
Explosive-actuated power device—any
tool or special mechanized device
which is actuated by explosives, but
power devices. Examples of explosiveactuated power devices are jet tappers
and jet perforators.
(3) Explosive. Explosive—any chemical compound, mixture, or device, the
primary or common purpose of which is
to function by explosion, i.e., with substantially instantaneous release of gas
and heat, unless such compound, mixture, or device is otherwise specifically
classified by the U.S. Department of
Transportation; see 49 CFR chapter I.
The term ‘‘explosives’’ shall include all
material which is classified as Class A,
Class B, and Class C explosives by the
U.S. Department of Transportation,
and includes, but is not limited to dynamite, black powder, pellet powders,
initiating explosives, blasting caps,
electric blasting caps, safety fuse, fuse
lighters, fuse igniters, squibs, cordeau
detonant fuse, instantaneous fuse, igniter cord, igniters, small arms ammunition, small arms ammunition primers, smokeless propellant, cartridges
for propellant-actuated power devices,
and cartridges for industrial guns.
Commercial explosives are those explosives which are intended to be used in
commercial or industrial operations.


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mercury, black powder, blasting caps,
and detonating primers.
(ii) Class B explosives. Possessing
flammable hazard, such as propellant
explosives (including some smokeless
propellants), photographic flash powders, and some special fireworks.
(iii) Class C explosives. Includes certain types of manufactured articles
which contain Class A or Class B explosives, or both, as components but in restricted quantities.
(iv) Forbidden or not acceptable explosives. Explosives which are forbidden or
not acceptable for transportation by
common carriers by rail freight, rail
express, highway, or water in accordance with the regulations of the U.S.
Department of Transportation, 49 CFR
chapter I.
(4) Highway. Highway—any public
street, public alley, or public road.
(5) [Reserved]
(6) Magazine. Magazine—any building
or structure, other than an explosives
manufacturing building, used for the
storage of explosives.
(7) Motor vehicle. Motor vehicle—any
self-propelled vehicle, truck, tractor,
semitrailer, or truck-full trailers used
for the transportation of freight over
public highways.
(8) Propellant-actuated power devices.
Propellant-actuated power devices—
any tool or special mechanized device
or gas generator system which is actuated by a smokeless propellant or
which releases and directs work
through a smokeless propellant charge.
(9) [Reserved]
(10) Pyrotechnics. Pyrotechnics—any
combustible or explosive compositions
or manufactured articles designed and
prepared for the purpose of producing
audible or visible effects which are
commonly referred to as fireworks.
(11) [Reserved]
Semiconductive hose—a hose with an
electrical resistance high enough to
limit flow of stray electric currents to
safe levels, yet not so high as to prevent drainage of static electric charges
to ground; hose of not more than 2
megohms resistance over its entire
length and of not less than 5,000 ohms
per foot meets the requirement.
(13) Small arms ammunition. Small
arms ammunition—any shotgun, rifle,

§ 1910.109

pistol, or revolver cartridge, and cartridges for propellant-actuated power
devices and industrial guns. Militarytype ammunition containing explosivebursting charges, incendiary, tracer,
spotting, or pyrotechnic projectiles is
excluded from this definition.
(14) Small arms ammunition primers.
Small arms ammunition primers—
small percussion-sensitive explosive
charges, encased in a cup, used to ignite propellant powder.
(15) Smokeless propellants. Smokeless
propellants—solid propellants, commonly called smokeless powders in the
trade, used in small arms ammunition,
cannon, rockets, propellant-actuated
power devices, etc.
(16) Special industrial explosives devices. Special industrial explosives devices—explosive-actuated power devices and propellant-actuated power
(17) Special industrial explosives materials. Special industrial explosives materials—shaped materials and sheet
forms and various other extrusions,
pellets, and packages of high explosives, which include dynamite, trinitrotoluene (TNT), pentaerythritol
tetranitrate (PETN), hexahydro-1,3,5trinitro-s-triazine (RDX), and other
similar compounds used for high-energy-rate forming, expanding, and
shaping in metal fabrication, and for
dismemberment and quick reduction of
scrap metal.
(18) Water gels or slurry explosives.
These comprise a wide variety of materials used for blasting. They all contain
substantial proportions of water and
high proportions of ammonium nitrate,
some of which is in solution in the
water. Two broad classes of water gels
are (i) those which are sensitized by a
material classed as an explosive, such
as TNT or smokeless powder, (ii) those
which contain no ingredient classified
as an explosive; these are sensitized
with metals such as aluminum or with
other fuels. Water gels may be
premixed at an explosives plant or
mixed at the site immediately before
delivery into the borehole.
(19) DOT specifications. Regulations of
the Department of Transportation published in 49 CFR chapter I.


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(b) Miscellaneous provisions—(1) General hazard. No person shall store, handle, or transport explosives or blasting
agents when such storage, handling,
and transportation of explosives or
blasting agents constitutes an undue
hazard to life.
(2) [Reserved]
(c) Storage of explosives—(1) General
provisions. (i) All Class A, Class B, Class
C explosives, and special industrial explosives, and any newly developed and
unclassified explosives, shall be kept in
magazines which meet the requirements of this paragraph.
(ii) Blasting caps, electric blasting
caps, detonating primers, and primed
cartridges shall not be stored in the
same magazine with other explosives.
(iii) Ground around magazines shall
slope away for drainage. The land surrounding magazines shall be kept clear
of brush, dried grass, leaves, and other
materials for a distance of at least 25
(iv) Magazines as required by this
paragraph shall be of two classes;
namely, Class I magazines, and Class II
(v) Class I magazines shall be required where the quantity of explosives
stored is more than 50 pounds. Class II
magazines may be used where the
quantity of explosives stored is 50
pounds or less.
(vi) Class I magazines shall be located away from other magazines in
conformity with Table H–21.

[As revised and approved by the Institute of Makers of
Explosives, June 5, 1964]
Pounds over

[As revised and approved by the Institute of Makers of
Explosives, June 5, 1964]
Pounds over

Distances in feet
when storage is
barricaded: Separation of magazines

Pounds not over




Pounds not over

Distances in feet
when storage is
barricaded: Separation of magazines



1 ‘‘Natural barricade’’ means natural features of the ground,
such as hills, or timber of sufficient density that the surrounding exposures which require protection cannot be seen
from the magazine when the trees are bare of leaves.
2 ‘‘Artificial barricade’’ means an artificial mound or revetted
wall of earth of a minimum thickness of three feet.


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3 ‘‘Barricaded’’ means that a building containing explosives
is effectually screened from a magazine, building, railway, or
highway, either by a natural barricade, or by an artificial barricade of such height that a straight line from the top of any
sidewall of the building containing explosives to the eave line
of any magazine, or building, or to a point 12 feet above the
center of a railway or highway, will pass through such intervening natural or artificial barricade.
4 When two or more storage magazines are located on the
same property, each magazine must comply with the minimum distances specified from inhabited buildings, railways,
and highways, and in addition, they should be separated from
each other by not less than the distances shown for ‘‘Separation of Magazines,’’ except that the quantity of explosives contained in cap magazines shall govern in regard to the spacing
of said cap magazines from magazines containing other explosives. If any two or more magazines are separated from
each other by less than the specified ‘‘Separation of Magazines’’ distances, then such two or more magazines, as a
group, must be considered as one magazine, and the total
quantity of explosives stored in such group must be treated as
if stored in a single magazine located on the site of any magazine of the group, and must comply with the minimum of distances specified from other magazines, inhabited buildings,
railways, and highways.
5 This table applies only to the permanent storage of commercial explosives. It is not applicable to transportation of explosives, or any handling or temporary storage necessary or
incident thereto. It is not intended to apply to bombs, projectiles, or other heavily encased explosives.

(vii) Except as provided in subdivision (viii) of this subparagraph, class II
magazines shall be located in conformity with Table H–21, but may be
permitted in warehouses and in wholesale and retail establishments when located on a floor which has an entrance
at outside grade level and the magazine
is located not more than 10 feet from
such an entrance. Two class II magazines may be located in the same building when one is used only for blasting
caps in quantities not in excess of 5,000
caps and a distance of 10 feet is maintained between magazines.
(viii) When used for temporary storage at a site for blasting operations,
class II magazines shall be located
away from other magazines. A distance
of at least one hundred and fifty (150)
feet shall be maintained between class
II magazines and the work in progress
when the quantity of explosives kept
therein is in excess of 25 pounds, and at
least 50 feet when the quantity of explosives is 25 pounds, or less.
(ix) This paragraph (c) does not apply
(a) Stocks of small arms ammunition, propellant-actuated power cartridges, small arms ammunition primers in quantities of less than 750,000, or
of smokeless propellants in quantities
less than 750 pounds;
(b) Explosive-actuated power devices
when in quantities less than 50 pounds
net weight of explosives;
(c) Fuse lighters and fuse igniters;

§ 1910.109

(d) Safety fuses other than cordeau
detonant fuses.
(2) Construction of magazines—general.
(i) Magazines shall be constructed in
conformity with the provisions of this
(ii) Magazines for the storage of explosives, other than black powder,
Class B and Class C explosives shall be
bullet resistant, weather resistant, fire
resistant, and ventilated sufficiently to
protect the explosive in the specific locality. Magazines used only for storage
of black powder, Class B and Class C
explosives shall be weather resistant,
fire-resistant, and have ventilation.
Magazines for storage of blasting and
electric blasting caps shall be weather
resistant, fire-resistant, and ventilated.
(iii) Property upon which Class I
magazines are located and property
where Class II magazines are located
outside of buildings shall be posted
with signs reading ‘‘Explosives—Keep
(iv) Magazines requiring heat shall be
heated by either hot-water radiant
heating with the magazine building; or
air directed into the magazine building
over either hot water or low pressure
steam (15 p.s.i.g.) coils located outside
the magazine building.
(v) The magazine heating systems
shall meet the following requirements:
(a) The radiant heating coils within
the building shall be installed in such a
manner that the explosives or explosives containers cannot contact the
coils and air is free to circulate between the coils and the explosives or
explosives containers.
(b) The heating ducts shall be installed in such a manner that the hotair discharge from the duct is not directed against the explosives or explosives containers.
(c) The heating device used in connection with a magazine shall have
controls which prevent the ambient
building temperature from exceeding
130 °F.
(d) The electric fan or pump used in
the heating system for a magazine
shall be mounted outside and separate
from the wall of the magazine and shall
be grounded.
(e) The electric fan motor and the
controls for electrical heating devices


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used in heating water or steam shall
have overloads and disconnects, which
comply with subpart S of this part. All
electrical switch gear shall be located
a minimum distance of 25 feet from the
(f) The heating source for water or
steam shall be separated from the magazine by a distance of not less than 25
feet when electrical and 50 feet when
fuel fired. The area between the heating unit and the magazine shall be
cleared of all combustible materials.
(g) The storage of explosives and explosives containers in the magazine
shall allow uniform air circulation so
product temperature uniformity can be
(vi) When lights are necessary inside
the magazine, electric safety flashlight, or electric safety lanterns shall
be used.
(3) Construction of Class I magazines.
(i) Class I magazines shall be of masonry construction or of wood or of
metal construction, or a combination
of these types. Thickness of masonry
units shall not be less than 8 inches.
Hollow masonry units used in construction required to be bullet resistant shall have all hollow spaces filled
with weak cement or well-tamped sand.
Wood constructed walls, required to be
bullet resistant, shall have at least a 6inch space between interior and exterior sheathing and the space between
sheathing shall be filled with welltamped sand. Metal wall construction,
when required to be bullet resistant,
shall be lined with brick at least 4
inches in thickness or shall have at
least a 6-inch sandfill between interior
and exterior walls.
(ii) Floors and roofs of masonry magazines may be of wood construction.
Wood floors shall be tongue and
grooved lumber having a nominal
thickness of 1 inch.
(iii) Roofs required to be bullet resistant shall be protected by a sand
tray located at the line of eaves and
covering the entire area except that
necessary for ventilation. Sand in the
sand tray shall be maintained at a
depth of not less than 4 inches.
(iv) All wood at the exterior of magazines, including eaves, shall be protected by being covered with black or
galvanized steel or aluminum metal of

thickness of not less than No. 26 gage.
All nails exposed to the interior of
magazines shall be well countersunk.
(v) Foundations for magazines shall
be of substantial construction and arranged to provide good cross ventilation.
(vi) Magazines shall be ventilated
sufficiently to prevent dampness and
heating of stored explosives. Ventilating openings shall be screened to
prevent the entrance of sparks.
(vii) Openings to magazines shall be
restricted to that necessary for the
placement and removal of stocks of explosives. Doors for openings in magazines for Class A explosives shall be
bullet resistant. Doors for magazines
not required to be bullet resistant shall
be designed to prevent unauthorized
entrance to the magazine.
(viii) [Reserved]
(ix) Provisions shall be made to prevent the piling of stocks of explosives
directly against masonry walls, bricklined or sand-filled metal walls and single-thickness metal walls; such protection, however, shall not interfere with
proper ventilation at the interior of
side and end walls.
(4) Construction of Class II magazines.
(i) Class II magazines shall be of wood
or metal construction, or a combination thereof.
(ii) Wood magazines of this class
shall have sides, bottom, and cover
constructed of 2-inch hardwood boards
well braced at corners and protected by
being entirely covered with sheet
metal of not less than No. 20 gage. All
nails exposed to the interior of the
magazine shall be well countersunk.
All metal magazines of this class shall
have sides, bottom, and cover constructed of sheet metal, and shall be
lined with three-eighths-inch plywood
or equivalent. Edges of metal covers
shall overlap sides at least 1 inch.
(iii) Covers for both wood- and metalconstructed magazines of this class
shall be provided with substantial
strap hinges and shall be provided with
substantial means for locking.
(iv) Magazines of this class shall be
painted red and shall bear lettering in
white, on all sides and top, at least 3
inches high, ‘‘Explosives—Keep Fire
Away.’’ Class II magazines when located in warehouses, and in wholesale


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and retail establishments shall be provided with substantial wheels or casters to facilitate easy removal in the
case of fire. Where necessary due to climatic conditions, Class II magazines
shall be ventilated.
(5) Storage within magazines. (i) Packages of explosives shall be laid flat
with top side up. Black powder when
stored in magazines with other explosives shall be stored separately. Black
powder stored in kegs shall be stored
on ends, bungs down, or on side, seams
down. Corresponding grades and brands
shall be stored together in such a manner that brands and grade marks show.
All stocks shall be stored so as to be
easily counted and checked. Packages
of explosives shall be piled in a stable
manner. When any kind of explosive is
removed from a magazine for use, the
oldest explosive of that particular kind
shall always be taken first.
(ii) Packages of explosives shall not
be unpacked or repacked in a magazine
nor within 50 feet of a magazine or in
close proximity to other explosives.
Tools used for opening packages of explosives shall be constructed of nonsparking materials, except that metal
slitters may be used for opening fiberboard boxes. A wood wedge and a fiber,
rubber, or wood mallet shall be used for
opening or closing wood packages of
explosives. Opened packages of explosives shall be securely closed before
being returned to a magazine.
(iii) Magazines shall not be used for
the storage of any metal tools nor any
commodity except explosives, but this
restriction shall not apply to the storage of blasting agents and blasting supplies.
(iv) Magazine floors shall be regularly swept, kept clean, dry, free of
grit, paper, empty used packages, and
rubbish. Brooms and other cleaning
utensils shall not have any spark-producing metal parts. Sweepings from
floors of magazines shall be properly
disposed of. Magazine floors stained
with nitroglycerin shall be cleaned according to instructions by the manufacturer.
(v) When any explosive has deteriorated to an extent that it is in an unstable or dangerous condition, or if nitroglycerin leaks from any explosives,
then the person in possession of such

§ 1910.109

explosive shall immediately proceed to
destroy such explosive in accordance
with the instructions of the manufacturer. Only experienced persons shall
be allowed to do the work of destroying
(vi) When magazines need inside repairs, all explosives shall be removed
therefrom and the floors cleaned. In
making outside repairs, if there is a
possibility of causing sparks or fire the
explosives shall be removed from the
magazine. Explosives removed from a
magazine under repair shall either be
placed in another magazine or placed a
safe distance from the magazine where
they shall be properly guarded and protected until repairs have been completed, when they shall be returned to
the magazine.
(vii) Smoking, matches, open flames,
spark-producing devices, and firearms
(except firearms carried by guards)
shall not be permitted inside of or
within 50 feet of magazines. The land
surrounding a magazine shall be kept
clear of all combustible materials for a
distance of at least 25 feet. Combustible materials shall not be stored
within 50 feet of magazines.
(viii) Magazines shall be in the
charge of a competent person at all
times and who shall be held responsible
for the enforcement of all safety precautions.
(ix) Explosives recovered from blasting misfires shall be placed in a separate magazine until competent personnel has determined from the manufacturer the method of disposal. Caps
recovered from blasting misfires shall
not be reused. Such explosives and caps
shall then be disposed of in the manner
recommended by the manufacturer.
(d) Transportation of explosives—(1)
General provisions. (i) No employee
shall be allowed to smoke, carry
matches or any other flame-producing
device, or carry any firearms or loaded
cartridges while in or near a motor vehicle transporting explosives; or drive,
load, or unload such vehicle in a careless or reckless manner.
(ii) [Reserved]
(iii) Explosives shall not be transferred from one vehicle to another
within the confines of any jurisdiction
(city, county, State, or other area)
without informing the fire and police


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departments thereof. In the event of
breakdown or collision the local fire
and police departments shall be
promptly notified to help safeguard
such emergencies. Explosives shall be
transferred from the disabled vehicle
to another only, when proper and
qualified supervision is provided.
(iv) Blasting caps or electric blasting
caps shall not be transported over the
highways on the same vehicles with
other explosives, unless packaged, segregated, and transported in accordance
with the Department of Transportation’s Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR parts 177–180).
(2) Transportation vehicles. (i) Vehicles
used for transporting explosives shall
be strong enough to carry the load
without difficulty and be in good mechanical condition. If vehicles do not
have a closed body, the body shall be
covered with a flameproof and moistureproof tarpaulin or other effective
sparks. All vehicles used for the transportation of explosives shall have tight
floors and any exposed spark-producing
metal on the inside of the body shall be
covered with wood or other nonsparking materials to prevent contact
with packages of explosives. Packages
of explosives shall not be loaded above
the sides of an open-body vehicle.
(ii) Every vehicle used for transporting explosives and oxidizing materials listed in paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(a) of
this section shall be marked as follows:
(a) Exterior markings or placards required on applicable vehicles shall be
as follows for the various classes of

Type of marking or

Explosives, Class A, any quantity
or a combination of Class A
and Class B explosives.
Explosives, Class B, and quantity

Explosives A (Red letters
on white background).

etc.), 1,000 pounds or more
gross weight.

Explosives B (Red letters
on white background).
Oxidizers (Yellow letters
on black background).

(b) [Reserved]
(c) Such markings or placards shall
be displayed at the front, rear, and on
each side of the motor vehicle or trailer, or other cargo carrying body while
it contains explosives or other dan-

gerous articles of such type and in such
quantity as specified in paragraph
(d)(1)(ii)(a) of this subdivision. The
front marking or placard may be displayed on the front of either the truck,
truck body, truck tractor or the trailer.
(d) Any motor vehicle, trailer, or
other cargo-carrying body containing
more than one kind of explosive as well
as an oxidizing material requiring a
placard under the provisions of paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(a), the aggregate gross
weight of which totals 1,000 pounds or
more, shall be marked or placarded
‘‘Dangerous’’ as well as ‘‘Explosive A’’ or
‘‘Explosive B’’ as appropriate. If explosives Class A and explosives Class B are
loaded on the same vehicle, the ‘‘Explosives B’’ marking need not be displayed.
(e) In any combination of two or
more vehicles containing explosives or
other dangerous articles each vehicle
shall be marked or placarded as to its
contents and in accordance with paragraphs (d)(2)(ii) (a) and (c) of this subdivision.
(iii) Each motor vehicle used for
equipped with a minimum of two extinguishers, each having a rating of at
least 10–BC.
(a) Only extinguishers listed or approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory shall be deemed suitable
for use on explosives-carrying vehicles.
Refer to § 1910.155(c)(3)(iv)(A) for definition of listed, and § 1910.7 for nationally
recognized testing laboratory.
(b) Extinguishers shall be filled and
ready for immediate use and located
near the driver’s seat. Extinguishers
shall be examined periodically by a
competent person.
(iv) A motor vehicle used for transporting explosives shall be given the
following inspection to determine that
it is in proper condition for safe transportation of explosives:
(a) Fire extinguishers shall be filled
and in working order.
(b) All electrical wiring shall be completely protected and securely fastened
to prevent short-circuiting.
(c) Chassis, motor, pan, and underside
of body shall be reasonably clean and
free of excess oil and grease.


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(d) Fuel tank and feedline shall be secure and have no leaks.
(e) Brakes, lights, horn, windshield
wipers, and steering apparatus shall
function properly.
(f) Tires shall be checked for proper
inflation and defects.
(g) The vehicle shall be in proper condition in every other respect and acceptable for handling explosives.
(3) Operation of transportation vehicles.
(i) Vehicles transporting explosives
shall only be driven by and be in the
charge of a driver who is familiar with
the traffic regulations, State laws, and
the provisions of this section.
(ii) Except under emergency conditions, no vehicle transporting explosives shall be parked before reaching
its destination, even though attended,
on any public street adjacent to or in
proximity to any place where people
(iii) Every motor vehicle transporting any quantity of Class A or
Class B explosives shall, at all times,
be attended by a driver or other attendant of the motor carrier. This attendant shall have been made aware of
the class of the explosive material in
the vehicle and of its inherent dangers,
and shall have been instructed in the
measures and procedures to be followed
in order to protect the public from
those dangers. He shall have been made
familiar with the vehicle he is assigned, and shall be trained, supplied
with the necessary means, and authorized to move the vehicle when required.
(a) For the purpose of this subdivision, a motor vehicle shall be deemed
‘‘attended’’ only when the driver or
other attendant is physically on or in
the vehicle, or has the vehicle within
his field of vision and can reach it
quickly and without any kind of interference ‘‘attended’’ also means that the
driver or attendant is awake, alert, and
not engaged in other duties or activities which may divert his attention
from the vehicle, except for necessary
communication with public officers, or
representatives of the carrier shipper,
or consignee, or except for necessary
absence from the vehicle to obtain food
or to provide for his physical comfort.
(b) However, an explosive-laden vehicle may be left unattended if parked
within a securely fenced or walled area

§ 1910.109

with all gates or entrances locked
where parking of such vehicle is otherwise permissible, or at a magazine site
established solely for the purpose of
storing explosives.
(iv) No spark-producing metal, sparkproducing metal tools, oils, matches,
firearms, electric storage batteries,
flammable substances, acids, oxidizing
materials, or corrosive compounds
shall be carried in the body of any
motor truck and/or vehicle transporting explosives, unless the loading
of such dangerous articles and the explosives comply with U.S. Department
of Transportation regulations.
(v) Vehicles transporting explosives
shall avoid congested areas and heavy
traffic. Where routes through congested areas have been designated by
local authorities such routes shall be
(vi) Delivery shall only be made to
authorized persons and into authorized
magazines or authorized temporary
storage or handling areas.
(e) Use of explosives and blasting
agents—(1) General provisions. (i) While
explosives are being handled or used,
smoking shall not be permitted and no
one near the explosives shall possess
matches, open light or other fire or
flame. No person shall be allowed to
handle explosives while under the influence of intoxicating liquors, narcotics, or other dangerous drugs.
(ii) Original containers or Class II
magazines shall be used for taking detonators and other explosives from storage magazines to the blasting area.
(iii) When blasting is done in congested areas or in close proximity to a
structure, or any other installation
that may be damaged, the blast shall
be covered before firing with a mat
constructed so that it is capable of preventing fragments from being thrown.
(iv) Persons authorized to prepare explosive charges or conduct blasting operations shall use every reasonable precaution, including but not limited to
warning signals, flags, barricades, or
woven wire mats to insure the safety of
the general public and workmen.
(v) Blasting operations shall be conducted during daylight hours.
(vi) Whenever blasting is being conducted in the vicinity of gas, electric,
water, fire alarm, telephone, telegraph,


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and steam utilities, the blaster shall
notify the appropriate representatives
of such utilities at least 24 hours in advance of blasting, specifying the location and intended time of such blasting. Verbal notice shall be confirmed
with written notice.
(vii) Due precautions shall be taken
to prevent accidental discharge of electric blasting caps from current induced
by radar, radio transmitters, lightning,
adjacent powerlines, dust storms, or
other sources of extraneous electricity.
These precautions shall include:
(a) The suspension of all blasting operations and removal of persons from
the blasting area during the approach
and progress of an electric storm.
(b) The posting of signs warning
against the use of mobile radio transmitters on all roads within 350 feet of
the blasting operations.
(2) Storage at use sites. (i) Empty containers and paper and fiber packing
materials which have previously contained explosive materials shall be disposed of in a safe manner, or reused in
accordance with the Department of
Transportation’s Hazardous Materials
Regulations (49 CFR parts 177–180).
(ii) Containers of explosives shall not
be opened in any magazine or within 50
feet of any magazine. In opening kegs
or wooden cases, no sparking metal
tools shall be used; wooden wedges and
either wood, fiber or rubber mallets
shall be used. Nonsparking metallic
slitters may be used for opening fiberboard cases.
(iii) Explosives or blasting equipment
that are obviously deteriorated or damaged shall not be used.
(iv) No explosives shall be abandoned.
(3) Loading of explosives in blast holes.
(i) All drill holes shall be sufficiently
large to admit freely the insertion of
the cartridges of explosives.
(ii) Tamping shall be done only with
wood rods without exposed metal parts,
but nonsparking metal connectors may
be used for jointed poles. Violent tamping shall be avoided. Primed cartridges
shall not be tamped.
(iii) When loading blasting agents
pneumatically over electric blasting
caps, semiconductive delivery hose
shall be used and the equipment shall
be bonded and grounded.

(iv) No holes shall be loaded except
those to be fired in the next round of
blasting. After loading, all remaining
explosives shall be immediately returned to an authorized magazine.
(v) Drilling shall not be started until
all remaining butts of old holes are examined with a wooden stick for
unexploded charges, and if any are
found, they shall be refired before work
(vi) No person shall be allowed to
deepen drill holes which have contained explosives.
(vii) After loading for a blast is completed, all excess blasting caps or electric blasting caps and other explosives
shall immediately be returned to their
separate storage magazines.
(4) Initiation of explosive charges.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) When fuse is used, the blasting
cap shall be securely attached to the
safety fuse with a standard-ring type
cap crimper. All primers shall be assembled at least 50 feet from any magazine.
(iii) Primers shall be made up only as
required for each round of blasting.
(iv) No blasting cap shall be inserted
in the explosives without first making
a hole in the cartridge for the cap with
a wooden punch of proper size or standard cap crimper.
(v) Explosives shall not be extracted
from a hole that has once been charged
or has misfired unless it is impossible
to detonate the unexploded charge by
insertion of a fresh additional primer.
(vi) If there are any misfires while
using cap and fuse, all persons shall be
required to remain away from the
charge for at least 1 hour. If electric
blasting caps are used and a misfire occurs, this waiting period may be reduced to 30 minutes. Misfires shall be
handled under the direction of the person in charge of the blasting and all
wires shall be carefully traced and
search made for unexploded charges.
(vii) Blasters, when testing circuits
to charged holes, shall use only blasting galvanometers designed for this
(viii) Only the employee making
leading wire connections in electrical
firing shall be allowed to fire the shot.
Leading wires shall remain shorted and


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not be connected to the blasting machine or other source of current until
the charge is to be fired.
(5) Warning required. Before a blast is
fired, the employer shall require that a
loud warning signal be given by the
person in charge, who has made certain
that all surplus explosives are in a safe
place, all persons and vehicles are at a
safe distance or under sufficient cover,
and that an adequate warning has been
(f) Explosives at piers, railway stations,
and cars or vessels not otherwise specified
in this standard—(1) Railway cars. Except in an emergency and with permission of the local authority, no person
shall have or keep explosives in a railway car unless said car and contents
and methods of loading are in accordance with the U.S. Department of
Transportation Regulations for the
Transportation of Explosives, 49 CFR
chapter I.
(2) Packing and marking. No person
shall deliver any explosive to any carrier unless such explosive conforms in
all respects, including marking and
packing, to the U.S. Department of
Transportation Regulations for the
Transportation of Explosives.
(3) Marking cars. Every railway car
reached its designation, or is stopped
in transit so as no longer to be in interstate commerce, shall have attached to
both sides and ends of the car, cards
with the words ‘‘Explosives—Handle
Carefully—Keep Fire Away’’ in red letters at least 11⁄2 inches high on a white
(4) Storage. Any explosives at a railway facility, truck terminal, pier,
wharf harbor facility, or airport terminal whether for delivery to a consignee, or forwarded to some other destination shall be kept in a safe place,
isolated as far as practicable and in
such manner that they can be easily
and quickly removed.
(5) Hours of transfer. Explosives shall
not be delivered to or received from
any railway station, truck terminal,
pier, wharf, harbor facility, or airport
terminal between the hours of sunset
and sunrise.
(g) Blasting agents—(1) General. Unless
otherwise set forth in this paragraph,
blasting agents, excluding water gels,

§ 1910.109

shall be transported, stored, and used
in the same manner as explosives.
Water gels are covered in paragraph (h)
of this section.
(2) Fixed location mixing. (i) [Reserved]
(ii) Buildings used for the mixing of
blasting agents shall conform to the requirements of this section.
(a) Buildings shall be of noncombustible construction or sheet metal on
wood studs.
(b) Floors in a mixing plant shall be
of concrete or of other nonabsorbent
(c) All fuel oil storage facilities shall
be separated from the mixing plant and
located in such a manner that in case
of tank rupture, the oil will drain away
from the mixing plant building.
(d) The building shall be well ventilated.
(e) Heating units which do not depend
on combustion processes, when properly designed and located, may be used
in the building. All direct sources of
heat shall be provided exclusively from
units located outside the mixing building.
(f) All internal-combustion engines
used for electric power generation shall
be located outside the mixing plant
building, or shall be properly ventilated and isolated by a firewall. The exhaust systems on all such engines shall
be located so any spark emission cannot be a hazard to any materials in or
adjacent to the plant.
(iii) Equipment used for mixing
blasting agents shall conform to the requirements of this subdivision.
(a) The design of the mixer shall minimize the possibility of frictional heating, compaction, and especially confinement. All bearings and drive assemblies shall be mounted outside the
mixer and protected against the accumulation of dust. All surfaces shall be
accessible for cleaning.
(b) Mixing and packaging equipment
shall be constructed of materials compatible with the fuel-ammonium nitrate composition.
(c) Suitable means shall be provided
to prevent the flow of fuel oil to the
mixer in case of fire. In gravity flow
systems an automatic spring-loaded
shutoff valve with fusible link shall be


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29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(iv) The provisions of this subdivision
shall be considered when determining
blasting agent compositions.
(a) The sensitivity of the blasting
agent shall be determined by means of
a No. 8 test blasting cap at regular intervals and after every change in formulation.
(b) Oxidizers of small particle size,
such as crushed ammonium nitrate
prills or fines, may be more sensitive
than coarser products and shall, therefore, be handled with greater care.
(c) No hydrocarbon liquid fuel with
flashpoint lower than that of No. 2 diesel fuel oil 125 °F. minimum shall be
(d) Crude oil and crankcase oil shall
not be used.
(e) Metal powders such as aluminum
shall be kept dry and shall be stored in
containers or bins which are moistureresistant or weathertight. Solid fuels
shall be used in such manner as to minimize dust explosion hazards.
(f) Peroxides and chlorates shall not
be used.
(v) All electrical switches, controls,
motors, and lights located in the mixing room shall conform to the requirements in subpart S of this part for
Class II, Division 2 locations; otherwise
they shall be located outside the mixing room. The frame of the mixer and
all other equipment that may be used
shall be electrically bonded and be provided with a continuous path to the
(vi) Safety precautions at mixing
plants shall include the requirements
of this subdivision.
(a) Floors shall be constructed so as
to eliminate floor drains and piping
into which molten materials could flow
and be confined in case of fire.
(b) The floors and equipment of the
mixing and packaging room shall be
cleaned regularly and thoroughly to
prevent accumulation of oxidizers or
fuels and other sensitizers.
(c) The entire mixing and packaging
plant shall be cleaned regularly and
thoroughly to prevent excessive accumulation of dust.
(d) Smoking, matches, open flames,
spark-producing devices, and firearms
(except firearms carried by guards)
shall not be permitted inside of or
within 50 feet of any building or facil-

ity used for the mixing of blasting
(e) The land surrounding the mixing
plant shall be kept clear of brush, dried
grass, leaves, and other materials for a
distance of at least 25 feet.
(f) Empty ammonium nitrate bags
shall be disposed of daily in a safe manner.
(g) No welding shall be permitted or
open flames used in or around the mixing or storage area of the plant unless
the equipment or area has been completely washed down and all oxidizer
material removed.
(h) Before welding or repairs to hollow shafts, all oxidizer material shall
be removed from the outside and inside
of the shaft and the shaft vented with
a minimum one-half inch diameter
(i) Explosives shall not be permitted
inside of or within 50 feet of any building or facility used for the mixing of
blasting agents.
(3) Bulk delivery and mixing vehicles.
(i) The provisions of this paragraph
shall apply to off-highway private operations as well as to all public highway
(ii) A bulk vehicle body for delivering
and mixing blasting agents shall conform with the requirements of this
paragraph (ii).
(a) The body shall be constructed of
noncombustible materials.
(b) Vehicles used to transport bulk
premixed blasting agents on public
highways shall have closed bodies.
(c) All moving parts of the mixing
system shall be designed as to prevent
a heat buildup. Shafts or axles which
contact the product shall have outboard bearings with 1-inch minimum
clearance between the bearings and the
outside of the product container. Particular attention shall be given to the
clearances on all moving parts.
(d) A bulk delivery vehicle shall be
strong enough to carry the load without difficulty and be in good mechanical condition.
(iii) Operation of bulk delivery vehicles shall conform to the requirements
of this subdivision. These include the
placarding requirements as specified by
Department of Transportation.


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(a) The operator shall be trained in
the safe operation of the vehicle together with its mixing, conveying, and
related equipment. The employer shall
assure that the operator is familiar
with the commodities being delivered
and the general procedure for handling
emergency situations.
(b) The hauling of either blasting
caps or other explosives but not both,
shall be permitted on bulk trucks provided that a special wood or nonferrous-lined container is installed for
the explosives. Such blasting caps or
other explosives shall be in DOT-specified shipping containers: see 49 CFR
chapter I.
(c) No person shall smoke, carry
matches or any flame-producing device, or carry any firearms while in or
about bulk vehicles effecting the mixing transfer or down-the-hole loading
of blasting agents at or near the blasting site.
(d) Caution shall be exercised in the
movement of the vehicle in the blasting area to avoid driving the vehicle
over or dragging hoses over firing lines,
cap wires, or explosive materials. The
employer shall assure that the driver,
in moving the vehicle, has assistance of
a second person to guide his movements.
(e) No intransit mixing of materials
shall be performed.
(iv) Pneumatic loading from bulk delivery vehicles into blastholes primed
with electric blasting caps or other
static-sensitive systems shall conform
to the requirements of this subdivision.
(a) A positive grounding device shall
be used to prevent the accumulation of
static electricity.
(b) A discharge hose shall be used
that has a resistance range that will
prevent conducting stray currents, but
that is conductive enough to bleed off
static buildup.
(c) A qualified person shall evaluate
all systems to determine if they will
adequately dissipate static under potential field conditions.
(v) Repairs to bulk delivery vehicles
shall conform to the requirements of
this section.
(a) No welding or open flames shall
be used on or around any part of the
delivery equipment unless it has been

§ 1910.109

completely washed down and all oxidizer material removed.
(b) Before welding or making repairs
to hollow shafts, the shaft shall be
thoroughly cleaned inside and out and
vented with a minimum one-half-inch
diameter opening.
(4) Bulk storage bins. (i) The bin, including supports, shall be constructed
of compatible materials, waterproof,
and adequately supported and braced
to withstand the combination of all
loads including impact forces arising
from product movement within the bin
and accidental vehicle contact with the
support legs.
(ii) The bin discharge gate shall be
designed to provide a closure tight
enough to prevent leakage of the
stored product. Provision shall also be
made so that the gate can be locked.
(iii) Bin loading manways or access
hatches shall be hinged or otherwise
attached to the bin and be designed to
permit locking.
(iv) Any electrically driven conveyors for loading or unloading bins
shall conform to the requirements of
subpart S of this part. They shall be
designed to minimize damage from corrosion.
(v) Bins containing blasting agent
shall be located, with respect to inhabited buildings, passenger railroads, and
public highways, in accordance with
Table-21 and separation from other
blasting agent storage and explosives
storage shall be in conformity with
Table H–22.
(vi) Bins containing ammonium nitrate shall be separated from blasting
agent storage and explosives storage in
conformity with Table H–22.
Donor weight



Minimum separation
distance of receptor
when barricaded 2 (ft.)

not over

Ammonium nitrate 3


agent 4


of artificial
barricades 5



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Donor weight



not over


Minimum separation
distance of receptor
when barricaded 2 (ft.)
Ammonium nitrate 3

agent 4

of artificial
barricades 5

1 These distances apply to the separation of stores only.
Table H–21 shall be used in determining separation distances
from inhabited buildings, passenger railways, and public highways.
2 When the ammonium nitrate and/or blasting agent is not
barricaded, the distances shown in the table shall be multiplied by six. These distances allow for the possibility of high
velocity metal fragments from mixers, hoppers, truck bodies,
sheet metal structures, metal container, and the like which
may enclose the ‘‘donor’’. Where storage is in bullet-resistant
magazines recommended for explosives or where the storage
is protected by a bullet-resistant wall, distances, and barricade
thicknesses in excess of those prescribed in Table H–21 are
not required.
3 The distances in the table apply to ammonium nitrate that
passes the insensitivity test prescribed in the definition of ammonium nitrate fertilizer promulgated by the National Plant
Food Institute*; and ammonium nitrate failing to pass said test
shall be stored at separation distances determined by competent persons. (*Definition and Test Procedures for Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer, National Plant Food Institute, November 1964.)
4 These distances apply to nitro-carbo-nitrates and blasting
agents which pass the insensitivity test prescribed in the U.S.
Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations.
5 Earth, or sand dikes, or enclosures filled with the prescribed minimum thickness of earth or sand are acceptable
artificial barricades. Natural barricades, such as hills or timber
of sufficient density that the surrounding exposures which require protection cannot be seen from the ‘‘donor’’ when the
trees are bare of leaves, are also acceptable.
6 When the ammonium nitrate must be counted in determining the distances to be maintained from inhabited buildings, passenger railways and public highways, it may be
counted at one-half its actual weight because its blast effect is
NOTE 7: Guide to use of table of recommended separation
distances of ammonium nitrate and blasting agents from explosives or blasting agents.

(a) Sketch location of all potential donor and acceptor materials together with the maximum mass of material to be allowed in that vicinity. (Potential donors are high explosives,
blasting agents, and combination of masses of detonating materials. Potential acceptors are high explosives, blasting
agents, and ammonium nitrate.)
(b) Consider separately each donor mass in combination
with each acceptor mass. If the masses are closer than table
allowance (distances measured between nearest edges), the
combination of masses becomes a new potential donor of
weight equal to the total mass. When individual masses are
considered as donors, distances to potential acceptors shall
be measured between edges. When combined masses within
propagating distance of each other are considered as a
donor, the appropriate distance to the edge of potential acceptors shall be computed as a weighted distance from the
combined masses.
Calculation of weighted distance from combined masses:
Let M2, M3 . . . Mn be donor masses to be combined.
M1 is a potential acceptor mass.
D12 is distance from M1 to M2 (edge to edge).
D13 is distance from M1 to M3 (edge to edge), etc.
To find weighted distance [D1(2,3 . . . n)] from combined
masses to M1, add the products of the individual masses and
distances and divide the total by the sum of the masses thus:
D1(2, 3 . . . n)=M2×D12+M3×D12 . . . +Mn×D12M2+M3 . . .
Propagation is possible if either an individual donor mass is
less than the tabulated distance from an acceptor or a combined mass is less than the weighted distance from an acceptor.
(c) In determining the distances separating highways, railroads, and inhabited buildings from potential explosions (as
prescribed in Table H–21), the sum of all masses which may
propagate (i.e., lie at distances less than prescribed in the
Table) from either individual or combined donor masses are
included. However, when the ammonium nitrate must be included, only 50 percent of its weight shall be used because of
its reduced blast effects. In applying Table H–21 to distances
from highways, railroads, and inhabited buildings, distances
are measured from the nearest edge of potentially explodable
material as prescribed in Table H–21, Note 5.
(d) When all or part of a potential acceptor comprises Explosives Class A as defined in DOT regulations, storage in
bullet-resistant magazines is required. Safe distances to
stores in bullet-resistant magazines may be obtained from the
intermagazine distances prescribed in Table H–21.
(e) Barricades must not have line-of-sight openings between potential donors and acceptors which permit blast or
missiles to move directly between masses.
(f) Good housekeeping practices shall be maintained
around any bin containing ammonium nitrate or blasting
agent. This includes keeping weeds and other combustible
materials cleared within 25 feet of such bin. Accumulation of
spilled product on the ground shall be prevented.

(5) Storage of blasting agents and supplies. (i) Blasting agents and oxidizers
used for mixing of blasting agents shall
be stored in the manner set forth in
this subdivision.
(a) Blasting agents or ammonium nitrate, when stored in conjunction with
explosives, shall be stored in the manner set forth in paragraph (c) of this
section for explosives. The mass of
blasting agents and one-half the mass
of ammonium nitrate shall be included
when computing the total quantity of
explosives for determining distance requirements.
(b) Blasting agents, when stored entirely separate from explosives, may be
stored in the manner set forth in paragraph (c) of this section or in one-story
warehouses (without basements) which
shall be:


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(1) Noncombustible or fire resistive;
(2) Constructed so as to eliminate
open floor drains and piping into which
molten materials could flow and be
confined in case of fire;
(3) Weather resistant;
(4) Well ventilated; and
(5) Equipped with a strong door kept
securely locked except when open for
(c) Semitrailer or full-trailer vans
used for highway or onsite transportation of the blasting agents are satisfactory for temporarily storing these
materials, provided they are located in
accordance with Table H–22 with respect to one another. Trailers shall be
provided with substantial means for
locking, and the trailer doors shall be
kept locked, except during the time of
placement and removal of stocks of
blasting agents.
(ii) Warehouses used for the storage
of blasting agents separate from explosives shall be located as set forth in
this subdivision.
(a) Warehouses used for the storage
of blasting agents shall be located in
Table H–22 with respect to one another.
(b) If both blasting agents and ammonium nitrate are handled or stored
within the distance limitations prescribed through paragraph (g)(2) of this
section, one-half the mass of the ammonium nitrate shall be added to the
mass of the blasting agent when computing the total quantity of explosives
for determining the proper distance for
compliance with Table H–21.
(iii) Smoking, matches, open flames,
spark producing devices, and firearms
are prohibited inside of or within 50
feet of any warehouse used for the storage of blasting agents. Combustible
materials shall not be stored within 50
feet of warehouses used for the storage
of blasting agents.
(iv) The interior of warehouses used
for the storage of blasting agents shall
be kept clean and free from debris and
empty containers. Spilled materials
shall be cleaned up promptly and safely
removed. Combustible materials, flammable liquids, corrosive acids, chlorates, or nitrates shall not be stored in
any warehouse used for blasting agents
unless separated therefrom by a fire resistive separation of not less than 1
hour resistance. The provisions of this

§ 1910.109

subdivision shall not prohibit the storage of blasting agents together with
nonexplosive blasting supplies.
(v) Piles of ammonium nitrate and
warehouses containing ammonium nitrate shall be adequately separated
from readily combustible fuels.
(vi) Caked oxidizers, either in bags or
in bulk, shall not be loosened by blasting.
(vii) Every warehouse used for the
storage of blasting agents shall be
under the supervision of a competent
(6) Transportation of packaged blasting
agents. (i) When blasting agents are
transported in the same vehicle with
explosives, all of the requirements of
paragraph (d) of this section shall be
complied with.
(ii) Vehicles transporting blasting
agents shall only be driven by and be in
charge of a driver in possession of a
valid motor vehicle operator’s license.
Such a person shall also be familiar
with the State’s vehicle and traffic
(iii) No matches, firearms, acids, or
other corrosive liquids shall be carried
in the bed or body of any vehicle containing blasting agents.
(iv) No person shall be permitted to
ride upon, drive, load, or unload a vehicle containing blasting agents while
smoking or under the influence of intoxicants, narcotics, or other dangerous drugs.
(v) [Reserved]
(vi) Vehicles transporting blasting
agents shall be in safe operating condition at all times.
(7) Use of blasting agents. Persons
using blasting agents shall comply
with all of the applicable provisions of
paragraph (e) of this section.
(h) Water gel (Slurry) explosives and
blasting agents—(1) General provisions.
Unless otherwise set forth in this paragraph, water gels shall be transported,
stored and used in the same manner as
explosives or blasting agents in accordance with the classification of the
(2) Types and classifications. (i) Water
gels containing a substance in itself
classified as an explosive shall be classified as an explosive and manufactured, transported, stored, and used as


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§ 1910.109

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specified for ‘‘explosives’’ in this section, except as noted in subdivision (iv)
of this subparagraph.
(ii) Water gels containing no substance in itself classified as an explosive and which are cap-sensitive as defined in paragraph (a) of this section
under Blasting Agent shall be classified
as an explosive and manufactured,
transported, stored and used as specified for ‘‘explosives’’ in this section.
(iii) Water gels containing no substance in itself classified as an explosive and which are not cap-sensitive as
defined in paragraph (a) of this section
under Blasting Agent shall be classified
as blasting agents and manufactured,
transported, stored, and used as specified for ‘‘blasting agents’’ in this section.
(iv) When tests on specific formulations of water gels result in Department of Transportation classification
as a Class B explosive, bullet-resistant
magazines are not required, see paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section.
(3) Fixed location mixing.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Buildings used for the mixing of
water gels shall conform to the requirements of this subdivision.
(a) Buildings shall be of noncombustible construction or sheet metal on
wood studs.
(b) Floors in a mixing plant shall be
of concrete or of other nonabsorbent
(c) Where fuel oil is used all fuel oil
storage facilities shall be separated
from the mixing plant and located in
such a manner that in case of tank rupture, the oil will drain away from the
mixing plant building.
(d) The building shall be well ventilated.
(e) Heating units that do not depend
on combustion processes, when properly designed and located, may be used
in the building. All direct sources of
heat shall be provided exclusively from
units located outside of the mixing
(f) All internal-combustion engines
used for electric power generation shall
be located outside the mixing plant
building, or shall be properly ventilated and isolated by a firewall. The exhaust systems on all such engines shall
be located so any spark emission can-

not be a hazard to any materials in or
adjacent to the plant.
(iii) Ingredients of water gels shall
conform to the requirements of this
(a) Ingredients in themselves classified as Class A or Class B explosives
shall be stored in conformity with
paragraph (c) of this section.
(b) Nitrate-water solutions may be
stored in tank cars, tank trucks, or
fixed tanks without quantity or distance limitations. Spills or leaks which
may contaminate combustible materials shall be cleaned up immediately.
(c) Metal powders such as aluminum
shall be kept dry and shall be stored in
containers or bins which are moistureresistant or weathertight. Solid fuels
shall be used in such manner as to minimize dust explosion hazards.
(d) Ingredients shall not be stored
with incompatible materials.
(e) Peroxides and chlorates shall not
be used.
(iv) Mixing equipment shall comply
with the requirements of this subdivision.
(a) The design of the processing
equipment, including mixing and conveying equipment, shall be compatible
with the relative sensitivity of the materials being handled. Equipment shall
be designed to minimize the possibility
of frictional heating, compaction, overloading, and confinement.
(b) Both equipment and handling procedures shall be designed to prevent
the introduction of foreign objects or
(c) Mixers, pumps, valves, and related
equipment shall be designed to permit
regular and periodic flushing, cleaning,
dismantling, and inspection.
(d) All electrical equipment including
wiring, switches, controls, motors, and
lights, shall conform to the requirements of subpart S of this part.
(e) All electric motors and generators
shall be provided with suitable overload protection devices. Electrical generators, motors, proportioning devices,
and all other electrical enclosures shall
be electrically bonded. The grounding
conductor to all such electrical equipment shall be effectively bonded to the
service-entrance ground connection


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and to all equipment ground connections in a manner so as to provide a
continuous path to ground.
(v) Mixing facilities shall comply
with the fire prevention requirements
of this subdivision.
(a) The mixing, loading, and ingredient transfer areas where residues or
spilled materials may accumulate shall
be cleaned periodically. A cleaning and
collection system for dangerous residues shall be provided. ,
(b) A daily visual inspection shall be
made of mixing, conveying, and electrical equipment to establish that such
equipment is in good operating condition. A program of systematic maintenance shall be conducted on regular
(c) Heaters which are not dependent
on the combustion process within the
heating unit may be used within the
confines of processing buildings, or
compartments, if provided with temperature and safety controls and located away from combustible materials
and the finished product.
(4) Bulk delivery and mixing vehicles.
(i) The design of vehicles shall comply
with the requirements of this subdivision.
(a) Vehicles used over public highways for the bulk transportation of
water gels or of ingredients classified
as dangerous commodities, shall meet
the requirements of the Department of
Transportation and shall meet the requirements of paragraphs (d) and (g)(6)
of this section.
(b) When electric power is supplied by
a self-contained motor generator located on the vehicle the generator
shall be at a point separate from where
the water gel is discharged.
(c) The design of processing equipment and general requirements shall
conform to subparagraphs (3) (iii) and
(iv) of this paragraph.
(d) A positive action parking brake,
which will set the wheel brakes on at
least one axle shall be provided on vehicles when equipped with air brakes
and shall be used during bulk delivery
operations. Wheel chocks shall supplement parking brakes whenever conditions may require.
(ii) Operation of bulk delivery and
mixing vehicles shall comply with the
requirements of this subdivision.

§ 1910.109

(a) The placarding requirements contained in DOT regulations apply to vehicles carrying water gel explosives or
blasting agents.
(b) The operator shall be trained in
the safe operation of the vehicle together with its mixing, conveying, and
related equipment. He shall be familiar
with the commodities being delivered
and the general procedure for handling
emergency situations.
(c) The hauling of either blasting
caps or other explosives, but not both,
shall be permitted on bulk trucks provided that a special wood or nonferrous-lined container is installed for
the explosives. Such blasting caps or
other explosives shall be in DOT-specified shipping containers; see 49 CFR
chapter I.
(d) No person shall be allowed to
smoke, carry matches or any flameproducing device, or carry any firearms
while in or about bulk vehicles effecting the mixing, transfer, or down-thehole loading of water gels at or near
the blasting site.
(e) Caution shall be exercised in the
movement of the vehicle in the blasting area to avoid driving the vehicle
over or dragging hoses over firing lines,
cap wires, or explosive materials. The
employer shall furnish the driver the
assistance of a second person to guide
the driver’s movements.
(f) No intransit mixing of materials
shall be performed.
(g) The location chosen for water gel
or ingredient transfer from a support
vehicle into the borehole loading vehicle shall be away from the blasthole
site when the boreholes are loaded or
in the process of being loaded.
(i) Storage of ammonium nitrate—(1)
Scope and definitions. (i)(a) Except as
provided in paragraph (i)(1)(i)(d) of this
paragraph applies to the storage of ammonium nitrate in the form of crystals,
flakes, grains, or prills including fertilizer grade, dynamite grade, nitrous
oxide grade, technical grade, and other
mixtures containing 60 percent or more
ammonium nitrate by weight but does
not apply to blasting agents.
(b) This paragraph does not apply to
the transportation of ammonium nitrate.
(c) This paragraph does not apply to
storage under the jurisdiction of and in


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§ 1910.109

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

compliance with the regulations of the
U.S. Coast Guard (see 46 CFR parts 146–
(d) The storage of ammonium nitrate
and ammonium nitrate mixtures that
are more sensitive than allowed by the
‘‘Definition of Test Procedures for Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer’’ is prohibited.
(ii)(a) [Reserved]
(b) The standards for ammonium nitrate (nitrous oxide grade) are those
found in the ‘‘Specifications, Properties, and Recommendations for Packaging, Transportation, Storage, and
Use of Ammonium Nitrate’’, available
from the Compressed Gas Association,
Inc., which is incorporated by reference
as specified in § 1910.6.
(2) General provisions. (i) This paragraph applies to all persons storing,
having, or keeping ammonium nitrate,
and to the owner or lessee of any building, premises, or structure in which
ammonium nitrate is stored in quantities of 1,000 pounds or more.
(ii) Approval of large quantity storage shall be subject to due consideration of the fire and explosion hazards,
including exposure to toxic vapors
from burning or decomposing ammonium nitrate.
(iii)(a) Storage buildings shall not
have basements unless the basements
are open on at least one side. Storage
buildings shall not be over one story in
(b) Storage buildings shall have adequate ventilation or be of a construction that will be self-ventilating in the
event of fire.
(c) The wall on the exposed side of a
storage building within 50 feet of a
combustible building, forest, piles of
combustible materials and similar exposure hazards shall be of fire-resistive
construction. In lieu of the fire-resistive wall, other suitable means of exposure protection such as a free standing
wall may be used. The roof coverings
shall be Class C or better, as defined in
the Manual on Roof Coverings, NFPA
203M–1970, which is incorporated by reference as specified in § 1910.6.
(d) All flooring in storage and handling areas, shall be of noncombustible
material or protected against impregnation by ammonium nitrate and shall
be without open drains, traps, tunnels,

pits, or pockets into which any molten
ammonium nitrate could flow and be
confined in the event of fire.
(e) The continued use of an existing
storage building or structure not in
strict conformity with this paragraph
may be approved in cases where such
continued use will not constitute a
hazard to life.
(f) Buildings and structures shall be
dry and free from water seepage
through the roof, walls, and floors.
(3) Storage of ammonium nitrate in
bags, drums, or other containers. (i)(a)
Bags and containers used for ammonium nitrate must comply with specifications and standards required for use
in interstate commerce (see 49 CFR
chapter I).
(b) Containers used on the premises
in the actual manufacturing or processing need not comply with provisions
of paragraph (i)(3)(i)(a) of this paragraph.
(ii)(a) Containers of ammonium nitrate shall not be accepted for storage
when the temperature of the ammonium nitrate exceeds 130 °F.
(b) Bags of ammonium nitrate shall
not be stored within 30 inches of the
storage building walls and partitions.
(c) The height of piles shall not exceed 20 feet. The width of piles shall
not exceed 20 feet and the length 50 feet
except that where the building is of
noncombustible construction or is protected by automatic sprinklers the
length of piles shall not be limited. In
no case shall the ammonium nitrate be
stacked closer than 36 inches below the
roof or supporting and spreader beams
(d) Aisles shall be provided to separate piles by a clear space of not less
than 3 feet in width. At least one service or main aisle in the storage area
shall be not less than 4 feet in width.
(4) Storage of bulk ammonium nitrate.
(i)(a) Warehouses shall have adequate
ventilation or be capable of adequate
ventilation in case of fire.
(b) Unless constructed of noncombustible material or unless adequate facilities for fighting a roof fire are
available, bulk storage structures shall
not exceed a height of 40 feet.
(ii)(a) Bins shall be clean and free of
materials which may contaminate ammonium nitrate.


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(b) Due to the corrosive and reactive
properties of ammonium nitrate, and
to avoid contamination, galvanized
iron, copper, lead, and zinc shall not be
used in a bin construction unless suitably protected. Aluminum bins and
wooden bins protected against impregnation by ammonium nitrate are permissible. The partitions dividing the
ammonium nitrate storage from other
products which would contaminate the
ammonium nitrate shall be of tight
(c) The ammonium nitrate storage
bins or piles shall be clearly identified
by signs reading ‘‘Ammonium Nitrate’’
with letters at least 2 inches high.
(iii)(a) Piles or bins shall be so sized
and arranged that all material in the
pile is moved out periodically in order
to minimize possible caking of the
stored ammonium nitrate.
(b) Height or depth of piles shall be
limited by the pressure-setting tendency of the product. However, in no
case shall the ammonium nitrate be
piled higher at any point than 36 inches
below the roof or supporting and
spreader beams overhead.
(c) Ammonium nitrate shall not be
accepted for storage when the temperature of the product exceeds 130 °F.
(d) Dynamite, other explosives, and
blasting agents shall not be used to
break up or loosen caked ammonium
(5) Contaminants. (i)(a) Ammonium
nitrate shall be in a separate building
or shall be separated by approved type
firewalls of not less than 1 hour fire-resistance rating from storage of organic
chemicals, acids, or other corrosive
materials, materials that may require
blasting during processing or handling,
compressed flammable gases, flammable and combustible materials or
other contaminating substances, including but not limited to animal fats,
baled cotton, baled rags, baled scrap
paper, bleaching powder, burlap or cotton bags, caustic soda, coal, coke, charcoal, cork, camphor, excelsior, fibers of
any kind, fish oils, fish meal, foam rubber, hay, lubricating oil, linseed oil, or
other oxidizable or drying oils, naphthalene, oakum, oiled clothing, oiled
paper, oiled textiles, paint, straw, sawdust, wood shavings, or vegetable oils.
Walls referred to in this subdivision

§ 1910.109

need extend only to the underside of
the roof.
(b) In lieu of separation walls, ammonium nitrate may be separated from
the materials referred to in paragraph
(a) of this section by a space of at least
30 feet.
(c) Flammable liquids such as gasoline, kerosene, solvents, and light fuel
oils shall not be stored on the premises
except when such storage conforms to
§ 1910.106, and when walls and sills or
curbs are provided in accordance with
paragraphs (i)(5)(i) (a) or (b) of this section.
(d) LP-Gas shall not be stored on the
premises except when such storage conforms to § 1910.110.
(ii)(a) Sulfur and finely divided metals shall not be stored in the same
building with ammonium nitrate except when such storage conforms to
paragraphs (a) through (h) of this section.
(b) Explosives and blasting agents
shall not be stored in the same building
with ammonium nitrate except on the
premises of makers, distributors, and
user-compounders of explosives or
blasting agents.
(c) Where explosives or blasting
agents are stored in separate buildings,
other than on the premises of makers,
distributors, and user-compounders of
explosives or blasting agents, they
shall be separated from the ammonium
nitrate by the distances and/or barricades specified in Table H–22 of this
subpart, but by not less than 50 feet.
(d) Storage and/or operations on the
premises of makers, distributors, and
user-compounders of explosives or
blasting agents shall be in conformity
with paragraphs (a) through (h) of this
(6) General precautions. (i) Electrical
installations shall conform to the requirements of subpart S of this part,
for ordinary locations. They shall be
designed to minimize damage from corrosion.
(ii) In areas where lightning storms
are prevalent, lightning protection
shall be provided. (See the Lightning
Protection Code, NFPA 78–1968, which
is incorporated by reference as specified in § 1910.6.)


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§ 1910.110

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(iii) Provisions shall be made to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the ammonium nitrate storage
(7) Fire protection. (i) Not more than
2,500 tons (2270 tonnes) of bagged ammonium nitrate shall be stored in a
building or structure not equipped with
an automatic sprinkler system. Sprinkler systems shall be of the approved
type and installed in accordance with
§ 1910.159.
(ii)(a) Suitable fire control devices
such as small hose or portable fire extinguishers shall be provided throughout the warehouse and in the loading
and unloading areas. Suitable fire control devices shall comply with the requirements of §§ 1910.157 and 1910.158.
(b) Water supplies and fire hydrants
shall be available in accordance with
recognized good practices.
(j) Small arms ammunition, small arms
primers, and small arms propellants—(1)
Scope. This paragraph does not apply to
in-process storage and intraplant
transportation during manufacture of
small arms ammunition, small arms
primers, and smokeless propellants.
(2) Small arms ammunition. (i) No
quantity limitations are imposed on
the storage of small arms ammunition
in warehouses, retail stores, and other
general occupancy facilities, except
those imposed by limitations of storage
(ii) Small arms ammunition shall be
separated from flammable liquids,
flammable solids as classified in 49
CFR part 172, and from oxidizing materials, by a fire-resistive wall of 1-hour
rating or by a distance of 25 feet.
(iii) Small arms ammunition shall
not be stored together with Class A or
Class B explosives unless the storage
facility is adequate for this latter storage.
(3) Smokeless propellants. (i) All
smokeless propellants shall be stored
in shipping containers specified in 49
CFR 173.93 for smokeless propellants.
(ii) [Reserved]
(iii) Commercial stocks of smokeless
propellants over 20 pounds and not
more than 100 pounds shall be stored in
portable wooden boxes having walls of
at least 1 inch nominal thickness.
(iv) Commercial stocks in quantities
not to exceed 750 pounds shall be stored

in nonportable storage cabinets having
wooden walls of at least 1 inch nominal
thickness. Not more than 400 pounds
shall be permitted in any one cabinet.
(v) Quantities in excess of 750 pounds
shall be stored in magazines in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.
(4) Small arms ammunition primers. (i)
Small arms ammunition primers shall
not be stored except in the original
shipping container in accordance with
the requirements of 49 CFR 173.107 for
small arms ammunition primers.
(ii) [Reserved]
(iii) Small arms ammunition primers
shall be separated from flammable liquids, flammable solids as classified in
49 CFR part 172, and oxidizing materials by a fire-resistive wall of 1-hour
rating or by a distance of 25 feet.
(iv) Not more than 750,000 small arms
ammunition primers shall be stored in
any one building, except as provided in
paragraph (j)(4)(v) of this paragraph.
Not more than 100,000 shall be stored in
any one pile. Piles shall be at least 15
feet apart.
(v) Quantities of small arms ammunition primers in excess of 750,000 shall
be stored in magazines in accordance
with paragraph (c) of this section.
(k) Scope. (1) This section applies to
the manufacture, keeping, having,
storage, sale, transportation, and use
of explosives, blasting agents, and pyrotechnics. The section does not apply
to the sale and use (public display) of
pyrotechnics, commonly known as fireworks, nor the use of explosives in the
form prescribed by the official U.S.
(2) The manufacture of explosives as
defined in paragraph (a)(3) of this section shall also meet the requirements
contained in § 1910.119.
(3) The manufacture of pyrotechnics
as defined in paragraph (a)(10) of this
section shall also meet the requirements contained in § 1910.119.
[39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 43
FR 49747, Oct. 24, 1978; 45 FR 60704, Sept. 12,
1980; 53 FR 12122, Apr. 12, 1988; 57 FR 6403,
Feb. 24, 1992; 58 FR 35309, June 30, 1993; 61 FR
9237, Mar. 7, 1996; 63 FR 33466, June 18, 1998]

§ 1910.110 Storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gases.
(a) Definitions applicable to this section. As used in this section:


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(1) API-ASME container—A container constructed in accordance with
(b)(3)(iii) of this section.
(2) ASME container—A container
constructed in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this
(3) Container assembly—An assembly
consisting essentially of the container
and fittings for all container openings,
including shutoff valves, excess flow
valves, liquid-level gaging devices,
safety relief devices, and protective
(4) Containers—All vessels, such as
tanks, cylinders, or drums, used for
transportation or storing liquefied petroleum gases.
(5) DOT—Department of Transportation.
(6) DOT container—A container constructed in accordance with the applicable requirements of 49 CFR chapter 1.
(7) ‘‘Liquified petroleum gases’’—
‘‘LPG’’ and ‘‘LP-Gas’’—Any material
which is composed predominantly of
any of the following hydrocarbons, or
mixtures of them; propane, propylene,
butanes (normal butane or iso-butane),
and butylenes.
(8) Movable fuel storage tenders or
farm carts—Containers not in excess of
1,200 gallons water capacity, equipped
with wheels to be towed from one location of usage to another. They are basically nonhighway vehicles, but may occasionally be moved over public roads
or highways. They are used as a fuel
supply for farm tractors, construction
machinery and similar equipment.
(9) P.S.I.G.—pounds per square inch
(10) P.S.I.A.—pounds per square inch
(11) Systems—an assembly of equipment consisting essentially of the container or containers, major devices
such as vaporizers, safety relief valves,
excess flow valves, regulators, and piping connecting such parts.
(12) Vaporizer-burner—an integral vaporizer-burner unit, dependent upon
the heat generated by the burner as the
source of heat to vaporize the liquid
used for dehydrators or dryers.
specified for the prevention of fire during normal operation, ventilation shall

§ 1910.110

be considered adequate when the concentration of the gas in a gas-air mixture does not exceed 25 percent of the
lower flammable limit.
(14) Approved—unless otherwise indicated, listing or approval by a nationally recognized testing laboratory.
Refer to § 1910.7 for definition of nationally recognized testing laboratory.
§ 1910.110(14).
(16) DOT Specifications—regulations
of the Department of Transportation
published in 49 CFR chapter I.
(17)–(18) [Reserved]
(19) DOT cylinders—cylinders meeting the requirements of 49 CFR chapter
(b) Basic rules—(1) Odorizing gases. (i)
All liquefied petroleum gases shall be
effectively odorized by an approved
agent of such character as to indicate
positively, by distinct odor, the presence of gas down to concentration in
air of not over one-fifth the lower limit
of flammability. Odorization, however,
is not required if harmful in the use of
further processing of the liquefied petroleum gas, or if odorization will serve
no useful purpose as a warning agent in
such use or further processing.
(ii) The odorization requirement of
paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section shall
be considered to be met by the use of
1.0 pounds of ethyl mercaptan, 1.0
pounds of thiophane or 1.4 pounds of
amyl mercaptan per 10,000 gallons of
LP-Gas. However, this listing of
odorants and quantities shall not exclude the use of other odorants that
meet the odorization requirements of
paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section.
(2) Approval of equipment and systems.
(i) Each system utilizing DOT containers in accordance with 49 CFR part
178 shall have its container valves, connectors, manifold valve assemblies, and
regulators approved.
(ii) Each system for domestic or commercial use utilizing containers of 2,000
gallons or less water capacity, other
than those constructed in accordance
with 49 CFR part 178, shall consist of a
container assembly and one or more
regulators, and may include other
parts. The system as a unit or the container assembly as a unit, and the regulator or regulators, shall be individually listed.


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§ 1910.110

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(iii) In systems utilizing containers
of over 2,000 gallons water capacity,
each regulator, container valve, excess
flow valve, gaging device, and relief
valve installed on or at the container,
shall have its correctness as to design,
construction, and performance determined by listing by a nationally recognized testing laboratory. Refer to
§ 1910.7 for definition of nationally recognized testing laboratory.
(3) Requirements for construction and
original test of containers. (i) Containers
used with systems embodied in paragraphs (d), (e), (g), and (h) of this section, except as provided in paragraphs
(e)(3)(iii) and (g)(2)(i) of this section,
shall be designed, constructed, and
tested in accordance with the Rules for
Construction of Unfired Pressure Vessels, section VIII, Division 1, American
(ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, 1968 edition, which is incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6.
(ii) Containers constructed according
to the 1949 and earlier editions of the
ASME Code do not have to comply
with paragraphs U–2 through U–10 and
U–19 thereof. Containers constructed
according to paragraph U–70 in the 1949
and earlier editions are not authorized.
constructed, and tested prior to July 1,
1961, according to the Code for Unfired
Pressure Vessels for Petroleum Liquids
and Gases, 1951 edition with 1954 Addenda, of the American Petroleum Institute and the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, which is incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6, shall be considered in conformance. Containers constructed according
to API-ASME Code do not have to comply with section I or with appendix to
section I. Paragraphs W–601 to W–606
inclusive in the 1943 and earlier editions do not apply.
(iv) The provisions of paragraph
(b)(3)(i) of this section shall not be construed as prohibiting the continued use
or reinstallation of containers constructed and maintained in accordance
with the standard for the Storage and
Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases
NFPA No. 58 in effect at the time of

(v) Containers used with systems embodied in paragraph (b), (d)(3)(iii), and
(f) of this section, shall be constructed,
tested, and stamped in accordance with
DOT specifications effective at the
date of their manufacture.
(4) Welding of containers. (i) Welding
to the shell, head, or any other part of
the container subject to internal pressure, shall be done in compliance with
the code under which the tank was fabricated. Other welding is permitted
only on saddle plates, lugs, or brackets
attached to the container by the tank
(ii) Where repair or modification involving welding of DOT containers is
required, the container shall be returned to a qualified manufacturer
making containers of the same type,
and the repair or modification made in
compliance with DOT regulations.
(5) Markings on containers. (i) Each
container covered in paragraph (b)(3)(i)
of this section, except as provided in
paragraph (b)(3)(iv) of this section shall
be marked as specified in the following:
(a) With a marking identifying compliance with, and other markings required by, the rules of the reference
under which the container is constructed; or with the stamp and other
markings required by the National
Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
(b) With notation as to whether the
container is designed for underground
or aboveground installation or both. If
intended for both and different style
hoods are provided, the marking shall
indicate the proper hood for each type
of installation.
(c) With the name and address of the
supplier of the container, or with the
trade name of the container.
(d) With the water capacity of the
container in pounds or gallons, U.S.
(e) With the pressure in p.s.i.g., for
which the container is designed.
(f) With the wording ‘‘This container
shall not contain a product having a
vapor pressure in excess of ll p.s.i.g.
at 100 °F.,’’ see subparagraph (14)(viii)
of this paragraph.
(g) With the tare weight in pounds or
other identified unit of weight for containers with a water capacity of 300
pounds or less.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(h) With marking indicating the
maximum level to which the container
may be filled with liquid at temperatures between 20 °F. and 130 °F., except
on containers provided with fixed maximum level indicators or which are
filled by weighing. Markings shall be
increments of not more than 20 °F.
This marking may be located on the
liquid level gaging device.
(i) With the outside surface area in
square feet.
(ii) Markings specified shall be on a
metal nameplate attached to the container and located in such a manner as
to remain visible after the container is
(iii) When LP-Gas and one or more
other gases are stored or used in the
same area, the containers shall be
marked to identify their content.
Marking shall conform to the marking
§ 1910.253(b)(1)(ii).
(6) Location of containers and regulating equipment. (i) Containers, and
first stage regulating equipment if
used, shall be located outside of buildings, except under one or more of the
(a) In buildings used exclusively for
container charging, vaporization pressure reduction, gas mixing, gas manufacturing, or distribution.
(b) When portable use is necessary
and in accordance with paragraph (c)(5)
of this section.
(c) LP-Gas fueled stationary or portable engines in accordance with paragraph (e) (11) or (12) of this section.
(d) LP-Gas fueled industrial trucks
used in accordance with paragraph
(e)(13) of this section.
(e) LP-Gas fueled vehicles garaged in
accordance with paragraph (e)(14) of
this section.
(f) Containers awaiting use or resale
when stored in accordance with paragraph (f) of this section.
(ii) Each individual container shall
be located with respect to the nearest
important building or group of buildings in accordance with Table H–23.

§ 1910.110
Minimum distances

Water capacity per


Less than 125 gals. 1 ..
125 to 250 gals ...........
251 to 500 gals ...........
501 to 2,000 gals ........
2,001 to 30,000 gals ...
30,001 to 70,000 gals
70,001 to 90,000 gals


feet ....
feet ....
feet ....
feet 2 ..
feet ....
feet ....
feet ....

None .......
10 feet ....
10 feet ....
25 feet 2 ..
50 feet ....
75 feet. 3.
100 feet. 3.

3 feet.
3 feet.
5 feet.

1 If the aggregate water capacity of a multi-container installation at a consumer site is 501 gallons or greater, the minimum distance shall comply with the appropriate portion of
this table, applying the aggregate capacity rather than the capacity per container. If more than one installation is made,
each installation shall be separated from another installation
by at least 25 feet. Do not apply the MINIMUM DISTANCES
2 The above distance requirements may be reduced to not
less than 10 feet for a single container of 1,200 gallons water
capacity or less, providing such a container is at least 25 feet
from any other LP-Gas container of more than 125 gallons
water capacity.
3 1⁄4 of sum of diameters of adjacent containers.

(iii) Containers installed for use shall
not be stacked one above the other.
(iv) [Reserved]
(v) In the case of buildings devoted
exclusively to gas manufacturing and
distributing operations, the distances
required by Table H–23 may be reduced
provided that in no case shall containers of water capacity exceeding 500
gallons be located closer than 10 feet to
such gas manufacturing and distributing buildings.
(vi) Readily ignitible material such
as weeds and long dry grass shall be removed within 10 feet of any container.
(vii) The minimum separation between liquefied petroleum gas containers and flammable liquid tanks
shall be 20 feet, and the minimum separation between a container and the
centerline of the dike shall be 10 feet.
The foregoing provision shall not apply
when LP-Gas containers of 125 gallons
or less capacity are installed adjacent
to Class III flammable liquid tanks of
275 gallons or less capacity.
(viii) Suitable means shall be taken
to prevent the accumulation of flammable liquids under adjacent liquified
petroleum gas containers, such as by
diking, diversion curbs, or grading.
(ix) When dikes are used with flammable liquid tanks, no liquefied petroleum gas containers shall be located
within the diked area.


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§ 1910.110

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(7) Container valves and container accessories. (i) Valves, fittings, and accessories connected directly to the container
valves, shall have a rated working pressure of at least 250 p.s.i.g. and shall be
of material and design suitable for LPGas service. Cast iron shall not be used
for container valves, fittings, and accessories. This does not prohibit the
use of container valves made of malleable or nodular iron.
(ii) Connections to containers, except
safety relief connections, liquid level
gaging devices, and plugged openings,
shall have shutoff valves located as
close to the container as practicable.
(iii) Excess flow valves, where required shall close automatically at the
rated flows of vapor or liquid as specified by the manufacturer. The connections or line including valves, fittings,
etc., being protected by an excess flow
valve shall have a greater capacity
than the rated flow of the excess flow
(iv) Liquid level gaging devices which
are so constructed that outward flow of
container contents shall not exceed
that passed by a No. 54 drill size opening, need not be equipped with excess
flow valves.
(v) Openings from container or
through fittings attached directly on
container to which pressure gage connection is made, need not be equipped
with shutoff or excess flow valves if
such openings are restricted to not
larger than No. 54 drill size opening.
(vi) Except as provided in paragraph
(c)(5)(i)(b) of this section, excess flow
and back pressure check valves where
required by this section shall be located inside of the container or at a
point outside where the line enters the
container; in the latter case, installation shall be made in such manner that
any undue strain beyond the excess
flow or back pressure check valve will
not cause breakage between the container and such valve.
(vii) Excess flow valves shall be designed with a bypass, not to exceed a
No. 60 drill size opening to allow
equalization of pressures.
(viii) Containers of more than 30 gallons water capacity and less than 2,000
gallons water capacity, filled on a volumetric basis, and manufactured after

December 1, 1963, shall be equipped for
filling into the vapor space.
(8) Piping—including pipe, tubing, and
fittings. (i) Pipe, except as provided in
paragraphs (e)(6)(i) and (g)(10)(iii), of
this section shall be wrought iron or
steel (black or galvanized), brass, copper, or aluminum alloy. Aluminum
alloy pipe shall be at least Schedule 40
in accordance with the specifications
for Aluminum Alloy Pipe, American
National Standards Institute (ANSI)
H38.7–1969 (ASTM, B241–69), which is incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6, except that the use of alloy 5456
is prohibited and shall be suitably
marked at each end of each length indicating compliance with American
National Standard Institute Specifications. Aluminum Alloy pipe shall be
protected against external corrosion
when it is in contact with dissimilar
metals other than galvanized steel, or
its location is subject to repeated wetting by such liquids as water (except
rain water), detergents, sewage, or
leaking from other piping, or it passes
through flooring, plaster, masonry, or
insulation. Galvanized sheet steel or
pipe, galvanized inside and out, may be
considered suitable protection. The
maximum nominal pipe size for aluminum pipe shall be three-fourths inch
and shall not be used for pressures exceeding 20 p.s.i.g. Aluminum alloy pipe
shall not be installed within 6 inches of
the ground.
(a) Vapor piping with operating pressures not exceeding 125 p.s.i.g. shall be
suitable for a working pressure of at
least 125 p.s.i.g. Pipe shall be at least
Schedule 40 (ASTM A–53–69, Grade B
Electric Resistance Welded and Electric Flash Welded Pipe, which is incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6, or equal).
(b) Vapor piping with operating pressures over 125 p.s.i.g. and all liquid piping shall be suitable for a working
pressure of at least 250 p.s.i.g. Pipe
shall be at least Schedule 80 if joints
are threaded or threaded and back
welded. At least Schedule 40 (ASTM A–
53–69 Grade B Electric Resistance Welded and Electric Flash Welded Pipe or
equal) shall be used if joints are welded, or welded and flanged.
(ii) Tubing shall be seamless and of
copper, brass, steel, or aluminum alloy.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
Copper tubing shall be of type K or L
or equivalent as covered in the Specification for Seamless Copper Water
Tube, ANSI H23.1–1970 (ASTM B88–69),
which is incorporated by reference as
specified in § 1910.6. Aluminum alloy
tubing shall be of Type A or B or equivalent as covered in Specification ASTM
B210–68 (which is incorporated by reference as specified in § 1910.6) and shall
be suitably marked every 18 inches indicating compliance with ASTM Specifications. The minimum nominal wall
thickness of copper tubing and aluminum alloy tubing shall be as specified in Table H–24 and Table H–25.
Aluminum alloy tubing shall be protected against external corrosion when
it is in contact with dissimilar metals
other than galvanized steel, or its location is subject to repeated wetting by
liquids such as water (except rainwater), detergents, sewage, or leakage
from other piping, or it passes through
flooring, plaster, masonry, or insulation. Galvanized sheet steel or pipe,
galvanized inside and out, may be considered suitable protection. The maximum outside diameter for aluminum
alloy tubing shall be three-fourths inch
and shall not be used for pressures exceeding 20 p.s.i.g. Aluminum alloy tubing shall not be installed within 6
inches of the ground.
Standard size

Nominal outside diameter




Nominal wall thickness
Type K

Type L



1 Based on data in Specification for Seamless Copper
Water Tube, ANSI H23.1–1970 (ASTM B–88–69).
NOTE: The standard size by which tube is designated is 1⁄8
inch smaller than its nominal outside diameter.

Outside diameter

Nominal wall thickness (inches)
Type A

Type B


§ 1910.110

ALLOY TUBING 1—Continued
Outside diameter

Nominal wall thickness (inches)
Type A



Type B


1 Based on data in Standard Specification for AluminumAlloy Drawn Seamless Coiled Tubes for Special Purpose Applications, ASTM B210–68.

(iii) In systems where the gas in liquid form without pressure reduction
enters the building, only heavy walled
seamless brass or copper tubing with
an internal diameter not greater than
three thirty-seconds inch, and a wall
thickness of not less than three sixtyfourths inch shall be used. This requirement shall not apply to research
and experimental laboratories, buildings, or separate fire divisions of buildings used exclusively for housing internal combustion engines, and to commercial gas plants or bulk stations
where containers are charged, nor to
industrial vaporizer buildings, nor to
buildings, structures, or equipment
under construction or undergoing
major renovation.
(iv) Pipe joints may be screwed,
flanged, welded, soldered, or brazed
with a material having a melting point
exceeding 1,000 °F. Joints on seamless
copper, brass, steel, or aluminum alloy
gas tubing shall be made by means of
approved gas tubing fittings, or soldered or brazed with a material having
a melting point exceeding 1,000 °F.
(v) For operating pressures of 125
p.s.i.g. or less, fittings shall be designed for a pressure of at least 125
p.s.i.g. For operating pressures above
125 p.s.i.g., fittings shall be designed
for a minimum of 250 p.s.i.g.
(vi) The use of threaded cast iron
pipe fittings such as ells, tees, crosses,
couplings, and unions is prohibited.
Aluminum alloy fittings shall be used
with aluminum alloy pipe and tubing.
Insulated fittings shall be used where
aluminum alloy pipe or tubing connects with a dissimilar metal.
(vii) Strainers, regulators, meters,
compressors, pumps, etc., are not to be
considered as pipe fittings. This does
not prohibit the use of malleable, nodular, or higher strength gray iron for
such equipment.


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§ 1910.110

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(viii) All materials such as valve
seats, packing, gaskets, diaphragms,
etc., shall be of such quality as to be
resistant to the action of liquefied petroleum gas under the service conditions to which they are subjected.
(ix) All piping, tubing, or hose shall
be tested after assembly and proved
free from leaks at not less than normal
operating pressures. After installation,
piping and tubing of all domestic and
commercial systems shall be tested
and proved free of leaks using a manometer or equivalent device that will
indicate a drop in pressure. Test shall
not be made with a flame.
(x) Provision shall be made to compensate for expansion, contraction, jarring, and vibration, and for settling.
This may be accomplished by flexible
(xi) Piping outside buildings may be
buried, above ground, or both, but shall
be well supported and protected
against physical damage. Where soil
conditions warrant, all piping shall be
protected against corrosion. Where
condensation may occur, the piping
shall be pitched back to the container,
or suitable means shall be provided for
revaporization of the condensate.
(9) Hose specifications. (i) Hose shall
be fabricated of materials that are resistant to the action of LP-Gas in the
liquid and vapor phases. If wire braid is
used for reinforcing the hose, it shall
be of corrosion-resistant material such
as stainless steel.
(ii) Hose subject to container pressure shall be marked ‘‘LP-Gas’’ or
‘‘LPG’’ at not greater than 10-foot intervals.
(iii) Hose subject to container pressure shall be designed for a bursting
pressure of not less than 1,250 p.s.i.g.
(iv) Hose subject to container pressure shall have its correctness as to design construction and performance determined
§ 1910.110(a)(15)).
(v) Hose connections subject to container pressure shall be capable of
withstanding, without leakage, a test
pressure of not less than 500 p.s.i.g.
(vi) Hose and hose connections on the
low-pressure side of the regulator or reducing valve shall be designed for a
bursting pressure of not less than 125
p.s.i.g. or five times the set pressure of

the relief devices protecting that portion of the system, whichever is higher.
(vii) Hose may be used on the lowpressure side of regulators to connect
to other than domestic and commercial
gas appliances under the following conditions:
(a) The appliances connected with
hose shall be portable and need a flexible connection.
(b) For use inside buildings the hose
shall be of minimum practical length,
but shall not exceed 6 feet except as
provided in paragraph (c)(5)(i)(g) of this
section and shall not extend from one
room to another, nor pass through any
walls, partitions, ceilings, or floors.
Such hose shall not be concealed from
view or used in a concealed location.
For use outside of buildings, the hose
may exceed this length but shall be
kept as short as practical.
(c) The hose shall be approved and
shall not be used where it is likely to
be subjected to temperatures above 125
°F. The hose shall be securely connected to the appliance and the use of
rubber slip ends shall not be permitted.
(d) The shutoff valve for an appliance
connected by hose shall be in the metal
pipe or tubing and not at the appliance
end of the hose. When shutoff valves
are installed close to each other, precautions shall be taken to prevent operation of the wrong valve.
(e) Hose used for connecting to wall
outlets shall be protected from physical damage.
(10) Safety devices. (i) Every container
except those constructed in accordance
with DOT specifications and every vaporizer (except motor fuel vaporizers
and except vaporizers described in
paragraph (b)(11)(ii)(c) of this section
and paragraph (d)(4)(v)(a) of this section) whether heated by artificial
means or not, shall be provided with
one or more safety relief valves of
spring-loaded or equivalent type. These
valves shall be arranged to afford free
vent to the outer air with discharge
not less than 5 feet horizontally away
from any opening into the building
which is below such discharge. The rate
of discharge shall be in accordance
with the requirements of paragraph
(b)(10)(ii) or (b)(10)(iii) of this section in
the case of vaporizers.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(ii) Minimum required rate of discharge in cubic feet per minute of air
at 120 percent of the maximum permitted start to discharge pressure for
safety relief valves to be used on containers other than those constructed in
accordance with DOT specification
shall be as follows:
Flow rate
CFM air

Surface area (sq. ft.)
20 or less .............................................................
25 .........................................................................
30 .........................................................................
35 .........................................................................
40 .........................................................................
45 .........................................................................
50 .........................................................................
55 .........................................................................
60 .........................................................................
65 .........................................................................
70 .........................................................................
75 .........................................................................
80 .........................................................................
85 .........................................................................
90 .........................................................................
95 .........................................................................
100 .......................................................................
105 .......................................................................
110 .......................................................................
115 .......................................................................
120 .......................................................................
125 .......................................................................
130 .......................................................................
135 .......................................................................
140 .......................................................................
145 .......................................................................
150 .......................................................................
155 .......................................................................
160 .......................................................................
165 .......................................................................
170 .......................................................................
175 .......................................................................
180 .......................................................................
185 .......................................................................
190 .......................................................................
195 .......................................................................
200 .......................................................................
210 .......................................................................
220 .......................................................................
230 .......................................................................
240 .......................................................................
250 .......................................................................
260 .......................................................................
270 .......................................................................
280 .......................................................................
290 .......................................................................
300 .......................................................................
310 .......................................................................
320 .......................................................................
330 .......................................................................
340 .......................................................................
350 .......................................................................
360 .......................................................................
370 .......................................................................
380 .......................................................................
390 .......................................................................
400 .......................................................................
450 .......................................................................
500 .......................................................................
550 .......................................................................
600 .......................................................................
650 .......................................................................


§ 1910.110
Flow rate
CFM air

Surface area (sq. ft.)
700 .......................................................................
750 .......................................................................
800 .......................................................................
850 .......................................................................
900 .......................................................................
950 .......................................................................
1,000 ....................................................................
1,050 ....................................................................
1,100 ....................................................................
1,150 ....................................................................
1,200 ....................................................................
1,250 ....................................................................
1,300 ....................................................................
1,350 ....................................................................
1,400 ....................................................................
1,450 ....................................................................
1,500 ....................................................................
1,550 ....................................................................
1,600 ....................................................................
1,650 ....................................................................
1,700 ....................................................................
1,750 ....................................................................
1,800 ....................................................................
1,850 ....................................................................
1,900 ....................................................................
1,950 ....................................................................
2,000 ....................................................................


Surface area=total outside surface area of
container in square feet.
When the surface area is not stamped on
the nameplate or when the marking is not
legible, the area can be calculated by using
one of the following formulas:
(1) Cylindrical container with hemispherical heads:
(2) Cylindrical container with other than
hemispherical heads:
Area=(Overall length+0.3 outside diameter)
×outside diameter×3.1416.
NOTE: This formula is not exact, but will
give results within the limits of practical accuracy for the sole purpose of sizing relief
(3) Spherical container:
Area=Outside diameter squared×3.1416.
Flow Rate-CFM Air=Required flow capacity
in cubic feet per minute of air at standard
conditions, 60 F. and atmospheric pressure
(14.7 p.s.i.a.).
The rate of discharge may be interpolated
for intermediate values of surface area. For
containers with total outside surface area
greater than 2,000 square feet, the required
flow rate can be calculated using the formula, Flow Rate-CFM Air=53.632 A0.82.
A=total outside surface area of the container in square feet.
Valves not marked ‘‘Air’’ have flow rate
marking in cubic feet per minute of liquefied
petroleum gas. These can be converted to
ratings in cubic feet per minute of air by
multiplying the liquefied petroleum gas ratings by factors listed below. Air flow ratings


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§ 1910.110

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

can be converted to ratings in cubic feet per
minute of liquefied petroleum gas by dividing the air ratings by the factors listed

Container type ......
Air conversion factor ......................











(iii) Minimum Required Rate of Discharge for Safety Relief Valves for Liquefied
(Steam Heated, Water Heated, and Direct Fired).
The minimum required rate of discharge for safety relief valves shall be
determined as follows:
(a) Obtain the total surface area by
adding the surface area of vaporizer
shell in square feet directly in contact
with LP-Gas and the heat exchanged
surface area in square feet directly in
contact with LP-Gas.
(b) Obtain the minimum required
rate of discharge in cubic feet of air per
minute, at 60 °F. and 14.7 p.s.i.a. from
paragraph (b)(10)(ii) of this section, for
this total surface area.
(iv) Container and vaporizer safety
relief valves shall be set to start-to-discharge, with relation to the design
pressure of the container, in accordance with Table H–26.
(v) Safety relief devices used with
systems employing containers other
than those constructed according to
DOT specifications shall be so constructed as to discharge at not less
than the rates shown in paragraph
(b)(10)(ii) of this section, before the
pressure is in excess of 120 percent of
the maximum (not including the 10 percent referred to in paragraph (b)(10)(iv)
of this section) permitted start to discharge pressure setting of the device.

ASME Code; Par. U–68, U–69—
1949 and earlier editions ...........
ASME Code; Par. U–200, U–
201—1949 edition ......................
ASME Code—1950, 1952, 1956,
1959, 1962, 1965 and 1968 (Division I) editions .........................
API—ASME Code—all editions ....
DOT—As prescribed in 49 CFR
Chapter I.



1 25


1 100


1 100
1 100

1 Manufacturers of safety relief valves are allowed a plus
tolerance not exceeding 10 percent of the set pressure
marked on the valve.

(vi) In certain locations sufficiently
sustained high temperatures prevail
which require the use of a lower vapor
pressure product to be stored or the use
of a higher designed pressure vessel in
order to prevent the safety valves
opening as the result of these temperatures. As an alternative the tanks may
be protected by cooling devices such as
by spraying, by shading, or other effective means.
(vii) Safety relief valves shall be arranged so that the possibility of tampering will be minimized. If pressure
setting or adjustment is external, the
relief valves shall be provided with approved means for sealing adjustment.
(viii) Shutoff valves shall not be installed between the safety relief devices and the container, or the equipment or piping to which the safety relief device is connected except that a
shutoff valve may be used where the
arrangement of this valve is such that
full required capacity flow through the
safety relief device is always afforded.
(ix) Safety relief valves shall have direct communication with the vapor
space of the container at all times.
(x) Each container safety relief valve
used with systems covered by paragraphs (d), (e), (g), and (h) of this section, except as provided in paragraph
(e)(3)(iii) of this section shall be plainly
and permanently marked with the following: ‘‘Container Type’’ of the pressure vessel on which the valve is designed to be installed; the pressure in
p.s.i.g. at which the valve is set to discharge; the actual rate of discharge of
the valve in cubic feet per minute of
air at 60 °F. and 14.7 p.s.i.a.; and the
manufacturer’s name and catalog number, for example: T200–250–4050 AIR—indicating that the valve is suitable for
use on a Type 200 container, that it is
set to start to discharge at 250 p.s.i.g.;
and that its rate of discharge is 4,050
cubic feet per minute of air as determined in subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph.
(xi) Safety relief valve assemblies, including their connections, shall be of
sufficient size so as to provide the rate
of flow required for the container on
which they are installed.
(xii) A hydrostatic relief valve shall
be installed between each pair of shutoff valves on liquefied petroleum gas


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liquid piping so as to relieve into a safe
atmosphere. The start-to-discharge
pressure setting of such relief valves
shall not be in excess of 500 p.s.i.g. The
minimum setting on relief valves installed in piping connected to other
than DOT containers shall not be lower
than 140 percent of the container relief
valve setting and in piping connected
to DOT containers not lower than 400
p.s.i.g. The start-to-discharge pressure
setting of such a relief valve, if installed on the discharge side of a pump,
shall be greater than the maximum
pressure permitted by the recirculation
device in the system.
(xiii) The discharge from any safety
relief device shall not terminate in or
beneath any building, except relief devices covered by paragraphs (b)(6)(i) (a)
through (e) of this section, or paragraphs (c) (4)(i) or (5) of this section.
(xiv) Container safety relief devices
and regulator relief vents shall be located not less than five (5) feet in any
direction from air openings into sealed
combustion system appliances or mechanical ventilation air intakes.
(11) Vaporizer and housing. (i) Indirect
fired vaporizers utilizing steam, water,
or other heating medium shall be constructed and installed as follows:
(a) Vaporizers shall be constructed in
accordance with the requirements of
paragraph (b)(3) (i)–(iii) of this section
and shall be permanently marked as
(1) With the code marking signifying
the specifications to which the vaporizer is constructed.
(2) With the allowable working pressure and temperature for which the vaporizer is designed.
(3) With the sum of the outside surface area and the inside heat exchange
surface area expressed in square feet.
(4) With the name or symbol of the
(b) Vaporizers having an inside diameter of 6 inches or less exempted by
the ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel
Code, Section VIII of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code—1968 shall
have a design pressure not less than 250
p.s.i.g. and need not be permanently
(c) Heating or cooling coils shall not
be installed inside a storage container.

§ 1910.110

(d) Vaporizers may be installed in
buildings, rooms, sheds, or lean-tos
used exclusively for gas manufacturing
or distribution, or in other structures
of light, noncombustible construction
or equivalent, well ventilated near the
floor line and roof.
When vaporizing and/or mixing equipment is located in a structure or building not used exclusively for gas manufacturing or distribution, either attached to or within such a building,
such structure or room shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a wall designed to withstand a
static pressure of at least 100 pounds
per square foot. This wall shall have no
openings or pipe or conduit passing
through it. Such structure or room
shall be provided with adequate ventilation and shall have a roof or at
least one exterior wall of lightweight
(e) Vaporizers shall have, at or near
the discharge, a safety relief valve providing an effective rate of discharge in
accordance with paragraph (b)(10)(iii)
of this section, except as provided in
paragraph (d)(4)(v)(a), of this section.
(f) The heating medium lines into
and leaving the vaporizer shall be provided with suitable means for preventing the flow of gas into the heat
systems in the event of tube rupture in
the vaporizer. Vaporizers shall be provided with suitable automatic means
to prevent liquid passing through the
vaporizers to the gas discharge piping.
(g) The device that supplies the necessary heat for producing steam, hot
water, or other heating medium may
be installed in a building, compartment, room, or lean-to which shall be
ventilated near the floorline and roof
to the outside. The device location
shall be separated from all compartments or rooms containing liquefied
petroleum gas vaporizers, pumps, and
central gas mixing devices by a wall
designed to withstand a static pressure
of at least 100 pounds per square foot.
This wall shall have no openings or
pipes or conduit passing through it.
This requirement does not apply to the
domestic water heaters which may supply heat for a vaporizer in a domestic


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§ 1910.110

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(h) Gas-fired heating systems supplying heat exclusively for vaporization purposes shall be equipped with
automatic safety devices to shut off
the flow of gas to main burners, if the
pilot light should fail.
(i) Vaporizers may be an integral part
of a fuel storage container directly
connected to the liquid section or gas
section or both.
(j) Vaporizers shall not be equipped
with fusible plugs.
(k) Vaporizer houses shall not have
unprotected drains to sewers or sump
(ii) Atmospheric vaporizers employing heat from the ground or surrounding air shall be installed as follows:
(a) Buried underground, or
(b) Located inside the building close
to a point at which pipe enters the
building provided the capacity of the
unit does not exceed 1 quart.
(c) Vaporizers of less than 1 quart capacity heated by the ground or surrounding air, need not be equipped with
safety relief valves provided that adequate tests demonstrate that the assembly is safe without safety relief
(iii) Direct gas-fired vaporizers shall
be constructed, marked, and installed
as follows:
(a)(1) In accordance with the requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code—1968 that are applicable to
the maximum working conditions for
which the vaporizer is designed.
(2) With the name of the manufacturer; rated BTU input to the burner;
the area of the heat exchange surface
in square feet; the outside surface of
the vaporizer in square feet; and the
maximum vaporizing capacity in gallons per hour.
(b)(1) Vaporizers may be connected to
the liquid section or the gas section of
the storage container, or both; but in
any case there shall be at the container
a manually operated valve in each connection to permit completely shutting
off when desired, of all flow of gas or
liquid from container to vaporizer.
(2) Vaporizers with capacity not exceeding 35 gallons per hour shall be located at least 5 feet from container
shutoff valves. Vaporizers having ca-

pacity of more than 35 gallons but not
exceeding 100 gallons per hour shall be
located at least 10 feet from the container shutoff valves. Vaporizers having a capacity greater than 100 gallons
per hour shall be located at least 15
feet from container shutoff valves.
(c) Vaporizers may be installed in
buildings, rooms, housings, sheds, or
lean-tos used exclusively for vaporizing
or mixing of liquefied petroleum gas.
Vaporizing housing structures shall be
of noncombustible construction, well
ventilated near the floorline and the
highest point of the roof. When vaporizer and/or mixing equipment is located
in a structure or room attached to or
within a building, such structure or
room shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a wall designed to withstand a static pressure of
at least 100 pounds per square foot.
This wall shall have no openings or
pipes or conduit passing through it.
Such structure or room shall be provided with adequate ventilation, and
shall have a roof or at least one exterior wall of lightweight construction.
(d) Vaporizers shall have at or near
the discharge, a safety relief valve providing an effective rate of discharge in
accordance with paragraph (b)(10)(iii)
of this section. The relief valve shall be
so located as not to be subjected to
temperatures in excess of 140 °F.
(e) Vaporizers shall be provided with
suitable automatic means to prevent
liquid passing from the vaporizer to the
gas discharge piping of the vaporizer.
(f) Vaporizers shall be provided with
means for manually turning off the gas
to the main burner and pilot.
(g) Vaporizers shall be equipped with
automatic safety devices to shut off
the flow of gas to main burners if the
pilot light should fail. When the flow
through the pilot exceeds 2,000 B.t.u.
per hour, the pilot also shall be
equipped with an automatic safety device to shut off the flow of gas to the
pilot should the pilot flame be extinguished.
(h) Pressure regulating and pressure
reducing equipment if located within 10
feet of a direct fire vaporizer shall be
separated from the open flame by a
substantially airtight noncombustible
partition or partitions.


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(i) Except as provided in (c) of this
subdivision, the following minimum
distances shall be maintained between
direct fired vaporizers and the nearest
important building or group of buildings:
Ten feet for vaporizers having a capacity of
15 gallons per hour or less vaporizing capacity.
Twenty-five feet for vaporizers having a vaporizing capacity of 16 to 100 gallons per
Fifty feet for vaporizers having a vaporizing
capacity exceeding 100 gallons per hour.

(j) Direct fired vaporizers shall not
raise the product pressure above the
design pressure of the vaporizer equipment nor shall they raise the product
pressure within the storage container
above the pressure shown in the second
column of Table H–31.
(k) Vaporizers shall not be provided
with fusible plugs.
(l) Vaporizers shall not have unprotected drains to sewers or sump pits.
(iv) Direct gas-fired tank heaters
shall be constructed and installed as
(a) Direct gas-fired tank heaters, and
tanks to which they are applied, shall
only be installed above ground.
(b) Tank heaters shall be permanently marked with the name of the
manufacturer, the rated B.t.u. input to
the burner, and the maximum vaporizing capacity in gallons per hour.
(c) Tank heaters may be an integral
part of a fuel storage container directly connected to the container liquid section, or vapor section, or both.
(d) Tank heaters shall be provided
with a means for manually turning off
the gas to the main burner and pilot.
(e) Tank heaters shall be equipped
with an automatic safety device to
shut off the flow of gas to main burners, if the pilot light should fail. When
flow through pilot exceeds 2,000 B.t.u.
per hour, the pilot also shall be
equipped with an automatic safety device to shut off the flow of gas to the
pilot should the pilot flame be extinguished.
(f) Pressure regulating and pressure
reducing equipment if located within 10
feet of a direct fired tank heater shall
be separated from the open flame by a
substantially airtight noncombustible

§ 1910.110

(g) The following minimum distances
shall be maintained between a storage
tank heated by a direct fired tank
heater and the nearest important
building or group of buildings:
Ten feet for storage containers of less than
500 gallons water capacity.
Twenty-five feet for storage containers of 500
to 1,200 gallons water capacity.
Fifty feet for storage containers of over 1,200
gallons water capacity.

(h) No direct fired tank heater shall
raise the product pressure within the
storage container over 75 percent of the
pressure set out in the second column
of Table H–31.
(v) The vaporizer section of vaporizer-burners used for dehydrators or
dryers shall be located outside of buildings; they shall be constructed and installed as follows:
(a) Vaporizer-burners shall have a
minimum design pressure of 250 p.s.i.g.
with a factor of safety of five.
(b) Manually operated positive shutoff valves shall be located at the containers to shut off all flow to the vaporizer-burners.
(c) Minimum distances between storage containers and vaporizer-burners
shall be as follows:
Water capacity per container (gallons)


Less than 501 ......................................................
501 to 2,000 ........................................................
Over 2,000 ...........................................................

(d) The vaporizer section of vaporizer-burners shall be protected by a hydrostatic relief valve. The relief valve
shall be located so as not to be subjected to temperatures in excess of 140
°F. The start-to-discharge pressure setting shall be such as to protect the
components involved, but not less than
250 p.s.i.g. The discharge shall be directed upward and away from component parts of the equipment and away
from operating personnel.
(e) Vaporizer-burners shall be provided with means for manually turning
off the gas to the main burner and
equipped with automatic safety devices
to shut off the flow of gas to the main
burner and pilot in the event the pilot
is extinguished.


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§ 1910.110

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(g) Pressure regulating and control
equipment shall be located or protected so that the temperatures surrounding this equipment shall not exceed 140 °F. except that equipment
components may be used at higher
temperatures if designed to withstand
such temperatures.
(h) Pressure regulating and control
equipment when located downstream of
the vaporizer shall be designed to withstand the maximum discharge temperature of the vapor.
(i) The vaporizer section of vaporizerburners shall not be provided with fusible plugs.
(j) Vaporizer coils or jackets shall be
made of ferrous metal or high temperature alloys.
(k) Equipment utilizing vaporizerburners shall be equipped with automatic shutoff devices upstream and
downstream of the vaporizer section
connected so as to operate in the event
of excessive temperature, flame failure,
and, if applicable, insufficient airflow.
(12) Filling densities. (i) The ‘‘filling
density’’ is defined as the percent ratio
of the weight of the gas in a container
to the weight of water the container
will hold at 60 °F. All containers shall
be filled according to the filling densities shown in Table H–27.
Above ground containers
Specific gravity
at 60 °F. (15.6

0 .496–0


0 to 1,200
U.S. gals.
(1,000 imp.
gal., 4,550
liters) total
water cap.

Over 1,200
U.S. gals.
(1,000 imp.
gal., 4,550
liters) total
water cap.


ground containers, all



(ii) Except as provided in paragraph
(b)(12)(iii) of this section, any container including mobile cargo tanks
and portable tank containers regardless of size or construction, shipped

under DOT jurisdiction or constructed
in accordance with 49 CFR chapter I
Specifications shall be charged according to 49 CFR chapter I requirements.
(iii) Portable containers not subject
to DOT jurisdiction (such as, but not
limited to, motor fuel containers on industrial and lift trucks, and farm tractors covered in paragraph (e) of this
section, or containers recharged at the
installation) may be filled either by
weight, or by volume using a fixed
length dip tube gaging device.
(13) LP-Gas in buildings. (i) Vapor
shall be piped into buildings at pressures in excess of 20 p.s.i.g. only if the
buildings or separate areas thereof, (a)
are constructed in accordance with this
section; (b) are used excusively to
house equipment for vaporization, pressure reduction, gas mixing, gas manufacturing, or distribution, or to house
internal combustion engines, industrial
processes, research and experimental
laboratories, or equipment and processes using such gas and having similar
hazard; (c) buildings, structures, or
equipment under construction or undergoing major renovation.
(ii) Liquid may be permitted in buildings as follows:
(a) Buildings, or separate areas of
buildings, used exclusively to house
equipment for vaporization, pressure
reduction, gas mixing, gas manufacturing, or distribution, or to house internal combustion engines, industrial
processes, research and experimental
laboratories, or equipment and processes using such gas and having similar
hazard; and when such buildings, or
separate areas thereof are constructed
in accordance with this section.
(b) Buildings, structures, or equipment under construction or undergoing
major renovation provided the temporary piping meets the following conditions:
(1) Liquid piping inside the building
shall conform to the requirements of
paragraph (b)(8) of this section, and
shall not exceed three-fourths iron pipe
size. Copper tubing with an outside diameter of three-fourths inch or less
may be used provided it conforms to
Type K of Specifications for Seamless
Water Tube, ANSI H23.1–1970 (ASTM


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
B88–69) (see Table H–24). All such piping shall be protected against construction hazards. Liquid piping inside
buildings shall be kept to a minimum.
Such piping shall be securely fastened
to walls or other surfaces so as to provide adequate protection from breakage and so located as to subject the liquid line to lowest ambient temperatures.
(2) A shutoff valve shall be installed
in each intermediate branch line where
it takes off the main line and shall be
readily accessible. A shutoff valve shall
also be placed at the appliance end of
the intermediate branch line. Such
shutoff valve shall be upstream of any
flexible connector used with the appliance.
(3) Suitable excess flow valves shall
be installed in the container outlet line
supplying liquid LP-Gas to the building. A suitable excess flow valve shall
be installed immediately downstream
of each shutoff valve. Suitable excess
flow valves shall be installed where
piping size is reduced and shall be sized
for the reduced size piping.
(4) Hydrostatic relief valves shall be
installed in accordance with paragraph
(b)(10)(xii) of this section.
(5) The use of hose to carry liquid between the container and the building
or at any point in the liquid line, except at the appliance connector, shall
be prohibited.
(6) Where flexible connectors are necessary for appliance installation, such
connectors shall be as short as practicable and shall comply with paragraph (b)(8)(ii) or (9) of this section.
(7) Release of fuel when any section
of piping or appliances is disconnected
shall be minimized by either of the following methods:
(i) Using an approved automatic
quick-closing coupling (a type closing
in both directions when coupled in the
fuel line), or
(ii) Closing the valve nearest to the
appliance and allowing the appliance
to operate until the fuel in the line is
(iii) Portable containers shall not be
taken into buildings except as provided
in paragraph (b)(6)(i) of this section.
(14) Transfer of liquids. The employer
shall assure that (i) at least one attendant shall remain close to the

§ 1910.110

transfer connection from the time the
connections are first made until they
are finally disconnected, during the
transfer of the product.
(ii) Containers shall be filled or used
only upon authorization of the owner.
(iii) Containers manufactured in accordance with specifications of 49 CFR
part 178 and authorized by 49 CFR
chapter 1 as a ‘‘single trip’’ or ‘‘nonrefillable container’’ shall not be refilled or reused in LP-Gas service.
(iv) Gas or liquid shall not be vented
to the atmosphere to assist in transferring contents of one container to another, except as provided in paragraph
(e)(5)(iv) of this section and except that
this shall not preclude the use of listed
pump utilizing LP-Gas in the vapor
phase as a source of energy and venting
such gas to the atmosphere at a rate
not to exceed that from a No. 31 drill
size opening and provided that such
venting and liquid transfer shall be located not less than 50 feet from the
nearest important building.
(v) Filling of fuel containers for industrial trucks or motor vehicles from
industrial bulk storage containers
shall be performed not less than 10 feet
from the nearest important masonrywalled building or not less than 25 feet
from the nearest important building or
other construction and, in any event,
not less than 25 feet from any building
(vi) Filling of portable containers,
containers mounted on skids, fuel containers on farm tractors, or similar applications, from storage containers
used in domestic or commercial service, shall be performed not less than 50
feet from the nearest important building.
(vii) The filling connection and the
vent from the liquid level gages in containers, filled at point of installation,
shall not be less than 10 feet in any direction from air openings into sealed
combustion system appliances or mechanical ventilation air intakes.
(viii) Fuel supply containers shall be
gaged and charged only in the open air
or in buildings especially provided for
that purpose.
(ix) The maximum vapor pressure of
the product at 100 °F. which may be
transferred into a container shall be in
accordance with paragraphs (d)(2) and


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§ 1910.110

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(e)(3) of this section. (For DOT containers use DOT requirements.)
(x) Marketers and users shall exercise
precaution to assure that only those
gases for which the system is designed,
examined, and listed, are employed in
its operation, particularly with regard
to pressures.
(xi) Pumps or compressors shall be
designed for use with LP-Gas. When
compressors are used they shall normally take suction from the vapor
space of the container being filled and
discharge to the vapor space of the container being emptied.
equipped with a positive displacement
pump, shall include a recirculating device which shall limit the differential
pressure on the pump under normal operating conditions to the maximum
differential pressure rating of the
pump. The discharge of the pumping
system shall be protected so that pressure does not exceed 350 p.s.i.g. If a recirculation system discharges into the
supply tank and contains a manual
shutoff valve, an adequate secondary
safety recirculation system shall be incorporated which shall have no means
of rendering it inoperative. Manual
shutoff valves in recirculation systems
shall be kept open except during an
emergency or when repairs are being
made to the system.
(xiii) When necessary, unloading piping or hoses shall be provided with
suitable bleeder valves for relieving
pressure before disconnection.
(xiv) Agricultural air moving equipment, including crop dryers, shall be
shut down when supply containers are
being filled unless the air intakes and
sources of ignition on the equipment
are located 50 feet or more from the
(xv) Agricultural equipment employing open flames or equipment with integral containers, such as flame cultivators, weed burners, and, in addition, tractors, shall be shut down during refueling.
(15) Tank car or transport truck loading
or unloading points and operations. (i)
The track of tank car siding shall be
relatively level.
(ii) A ‘‘Tank Car Connected’’ sign, as
covered by DOT rules, shall be in-

stalled at the active end or ends of the
siding while the tank car is connected.
(iii) While cars are on sidetrack for
loading or unloading, the wheels at
both ends shall be blocked on the rails.
(iv) The employer shall insure that
an employee is in attendance at all
times while the tank car, cars, or
trucks are being loaded or unloaded.
(v) A backflow check valve, excessflow valve, or a shutoff valve with
means of remote closing, to protect
against uncontrolled discharge of LPGas from storage tank piping shall be
installed close to the point where the
liquid piping and hose or swing joint
pipe is connected.
(vi) Where practical, the distance of
the unloading or loading point shall
conform to the distances in subparagraph (6)(ii) of this paragraph.
performing installation, removal, operation, and maintenance work shall be
properly trained in such function.
(17) Electrical equipment and other
sources of ignition. (i) Electrical equipment and wiring shall be of a type
specified by and shall be installed in
accordance with subpart S of this part,
for ordinary locations except that fixed
electrical equipment in classified areas
shall comply with subparagraph (18) of
this paragraph.
(ii) Open flames or other sources of
ignition shall not be permitted in vaporizer rooms (except those housing direct-fired
container charging rooms or other
similar locations. Direct-fired vaporizers shall not be permitted in pumphouses or container charging rooms.
(iii) Liquefied petroleum gas storage
containers do not require lightning
(iv) Since liquefied petroleum gas is
contained in a closed system of piping
and equipment, the system need not be
electrically conductive or electrically
bonded for protection against static
(v) Open flames (except as provided
for in paragraph (b)(11) of this section),
cutting or welding, portable electric
tools, and extension lights capable of
igniting LP-Gas, shall not be permitted
within classified areas specified in
Table H–28 unless the LP-Gas facilities
have been freed of all liquid and vapor,


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor

§ 1910.110

or special precautions observed under
carefully controlled conditions.

A ..... Storage containers other than
DOT cylinders.
B ..... Tank vehicle and tank car
loading and unloading 3.

C ..... Gage vent openings other than
those on DOT cylinders.

Equipment shall be
suitable for Class 1,
Group D 2

Extent of classified area 1


Within 15 feet in all directions from connections, except connections otherwise covered in Table H–28.
Within 5 feet in all directions from connections regularly made
or disconnected for product transfer.
Beyond 5 feet but within 15 feet in all directions from a point
where connections are regularly made or disconnected and
within the cylindrical volume between the horizontal equator
of the sphere and grade. (See Figure H–1).
Within 5 feet in all directions from point of discharge ...............
Beyond 5 feet but within 15 feet in all directions from point of

D ..... Relief valve discharge other Within direct path of discharge ..................................................
than those on DOT cylinders.
Within 5 feet in all directions from point of discharge ...............
Beyond 5 feet but within 15 feet in all directions from point of
discharge except within the direct path of discharge.
E ..... Pumps, compressors, gas-air .
mixers and vaporizers other
than direct fired.
Indoors without ventilation ....... Entire room and any adjacent room not separated by a gastight partition.
Within 15 feet of the exterior side of any exterior wall or roof
that is not vaportight or within 15 feet of any exterior opening.
Indoors with adequate ventila- Entire room and any adjacent room not separated by a gastight partition.
tion 4.
Outdoors in open air at or Within 15 feet in all directions from this equipment and within
the cylindrical volume between the horizontal equator of the
sphere and grade. See Figure H–1.
F ..... Service Station Dispensing Entire space within dispenser enclosure, and 18 inches horiUnits.
zontally from enclosure exterior up to an elevation 4 ft.
above dispenser base. Entire pit or open space beneath
Up to 18 inches abovegrade within 20 ft. horizontally from any
edge of enclosure.
NOTE: For pits within this area, see part F of this table..
G ..... Pits or trenches containing or .
located beneath LP-Gas
valves, pumps, compressors,
regulators, and similar equipment.
Without mechanical ventilation
Entire pit or trench .....................................................................
Entire room and any adjacent room not separated by a gastight partition.
Within 15 feet in all directions from pit or trench when located
With adequate mechanical Entire pit or trench .....................................................................
Entire room and any adjacent room not separated by a gastight partition.
Within 15 feet in all directions from pit or trench when located
H ..... Special buildings or rooms for Entire room .................................................................................
storage of portable containers.
Pipelines and connections con- Within 5 ft. in all directions from point of discharge ..................
taining operational bleeds, Beyond 5 ft. from point of discharge, same as part E of this
drips, vents or drains.
J ......
Container filling:.
Indoors without ventilation ....... Entire room .................................................................................
Indoors with adequate ventila- Within 5 feet in all directions from connections regularly made
or disconnected for product transfer.
tion 4.
Beyond 5 feet and entire room ..................................................
Outdoors in open air ................ Within 5 feet in all directions from connections regularly made
or disconnected for product transfer.

Division 2.
Division 1.
Division 2.

Division 1.

Division 2.
Division 1.
Division 1.
Division 2.

Division 1.
Division 2.

Division 2.
Division 2.

Division 1.

Division 2.

Division 1.
Division 1.
Division 2.
Division 2.
Division 2.
Division 2.
Division 2.

Division 1.

Division 1.
Division 1.
Division 2.
Division 1.


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§ 1910.110

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)
TABLE H–28—Continued


Equipment shall be
suitable for Class 1,
Group D 2

Extent of classified area 1


Beyond 5 feet but within 15 feet in all directions from a point
where connections are regularly made or disconnected and
within the cylindrical volume between the horizontal equator
of the sphere and grade. (See Figure H–1).

Division 2.

1 The

classified area shall not extend beyond an unpierced wall, roof, or solid vaportight partition.
subpart S of this part.
classifying extent of hazardous area, consideration shall be given to possible variations in the spotting of tank cars and
tank vehicles at the unloading points and the effect these variations of actual spotting point may have on the point of connection.
4 Ventilation, either natural or mechanical, is considered adequate when the concentration of the gas in a gas-air mixture does
not exceed 25 percent of the lower flammable limit under normal operating conditions.
2 See

3 When


(18) Fixed electrical equipment in classified areas. Fixed electrical equipment
and wiring installed within classified
areas specified in Table H–28 shall comply with Table H–28 and shall be installed in accordance with subpart S of
this part. This provision does not apply
to fixed electrical equipment at residential or commercial installations of
LP-Gas systems or to systems covered
by paragraph (e) or (g) of this section.
(19) Liquid-level gaging device. (i) Each
container manufactured after December 31, 1965, and filled on a volumetric
basis shall be equipped with a fixed liquid-level gage to indicate the maximum permitted filling level as provided in paragraph (b)(19)(v) of this section. Each container manufactured
after December 31, 1969, shall have permanently attached to the container adjacent to the fixed level gage a marking showing the percentage full that
will be shown by that gage. When a
variable liquid-level gage is also provided, the fixed liquid-level gage will
also serve as a means for checking the
variable gage. These gages shall be

used in charging containers as required
in paragraph (b)(12) of this section.
(ii) All variable gaging devices shall
be arranged so that the maximum liquid level for butane, for a 50–50 mixture
of butane and propane, and for propane,
to which the container may be charged
is readily determinable. The markings
indicating the various liquid levels
from empty to full shall be on the system nameplate or gaging device or part
may be on the system nameplate and
part on the gaging device. Dials of
magnetic or rotary gages shall show
whether they are for cylindrical or
spherical containers and whether for
aboveground or underground service.
The dials of gages intended for use only
on aboveground containers of over 1,200
gallons water capacity shall be so
(iii) Gaging devices that require
bleeding of the product to the atmosphere, such as the rotary tube, fixed
tube, and slip tube, shall be designed so
that the bleed valve maximum opening
is not larger than a No. 54 drill size, unless provided with excess flow valve.
(iv) Gaging devices shall have a design working pressure of at least 250
(v) Length of tube or position of fixed
liquid-level gage shall be designed to
indicate the maximum level to which
the container may be filled for the
product contained. This level shall be
based on the volume of the product at
40 °F. at its maximum permitted filling
density for aboveground containers and
at 50 °F. for underground containers.
The employer shall calculate the filling point for which the fixed liquid
level gage shall be designed according
to the method in this subdivision.

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(a) It is impossible to set out in a
table the length of a fixed dip tube for
various capacity tanks because of the
varying tank diameters and lengths
and because the tank may be installed
either in a vertical or horizontal position. Knowing the maximum permitted
filling volume in gallons, however, the
length of the fixed tube can be determined by the use of a strapping table
obtained from the container manufacturer. The length of the fixed tube
should be such that when its lower end
touches the surface of the liquid in the
container, the contents of the container will be the maximum permitted
volume as determined by the following
density**)÷(Specific gravity of LPGas*×volume correction factor ×
100)]=Maximum volume of LP-Gas
*Measured at 60 °F.
**From subparagraph (12) of this paragraph
‘‘Filling Densities.’’
For aboveground containers the liquid
temperature is assumed to be 40 °F. and for
underground containers the liquid temperature is assumed to be 50 °F. To correct the
liquid volumes at these temperatures to 60
°F. the following factors shall be used.

(b) Formula for determining maximum volume of liquefied petroleum
gas for which a fixed length of dip tube
shall be set:
Specific gravity





(c) The maximum volume of LP-Gas
which can be placed in a container
when determining the length of the dip
tube expressed as a percentage of total
water content of the container is calculated by the following formula.
(d) The maximum weight of LP-Gas
which may be placed in a container for
determining the length of a fixed dip tube
is determined by multiplying the max-

§ 1910.110

imum volume of liquefied petroleum
gas obtained by the formula in paragraph (b)(19)(b) of this section by the
pounds of liquefied petroleum gas in a
gallon at 40 °F. for abovegound and at
50 °F. for underground containers. For
example, typical pounds per gallon are
specified below:
Example: Assume a 100-gallon total water
capacity tank for aboveground storage of
propane having a specific gravity of 0.510 of
60 °F.
[(100 (gals.)×42 (filling density from subparagraph (12) of this paragraph))÷(0.510×1.031
(4200÷52.6)=79.8 gallons propane, the maximum amount permitted to be placed in a
100-gallon total water capacity aboveground container equipped with a fixed dip
[(Maximum volume of LP-Gas (from formula
in subdivision (b) of this subdivision)×100)÷Total water content of container
in gallons]=Maximum percent of LP-Gas
pounds per

pounds per



Propane .........................................
N Butane .......................................

(vi) Fixed liquid-level gages used on
containers other than DOT containers
shall be stamped on the exterior of the
gage with the letters ‘‘DT’’ followed by
the vertical distance (expressed in
inches and carried out to one decimal
place) from the top of container to the
end of the dip tube or to the centerline
of the gage when it is located at the
maximum permitted filling level. For
portable containers that may be filled
in the horizontal and/or vertical position the letters ‘‘DT’’ shall be followed
by ‘‘V’’ with the vertical distance from
the top of the container to the end of
the dip tube for vertical filling and
with ‘‘H’’ followed by the proper distance for horizontal filling. For DOT
containers the stamping shall be placed
both on the exterior of the gage and on
the container. On above-ground or
cargo containers where the gages are
positioned at specific levels, the marking may be specified in percent of total
tank contents and the marking shall be
stamped on the container.
(vii) Gage glasses of the columnar
type shall be restricted to charging


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plants where the fuel is withdrawn in
the liquid phase only. They shall be
equipped with valves having metallic
handwheels, with excess flow valves,
and with extra-heavy glass adequately
protected with a metal housing applied
by the gage manufacturer. They shall
be shielded against the direct rays of
the sun. Gage glasses of the columnar
type are prohibited on tank trucks, and
on motor fuel tanks, and on containers
used in domestic, commercial, and industrial installations.
(viii) Gaging devices of the float, or
equivalent type which do not require
flow for their operation and having
connections extending to a point outside the container do not have to be
equipped with excess flow valves provided the piping and fittings are adequately designed to withstand the container pressure and are properly protected against physical damage and
(20) Requirements for appliances. (i)
Except as provided in paragraph
(b)(20)(ii) of this section, new commercial and industrial gas consuming appliances shall be approved.
(ii) Any appliance that was originally
manufactured for operation with a gaseous fuel other than LP-Gas and is in
good condition may be used with LPGas only after it is properly converted,
adapted, and tested for performance
with LP-Gas before the appliance is
placed in use.
(iii) Unattended heaters used inside
buildings for the purpose of animal or
poultry production or care shall be
equipped with an approved automatic
device designed to shut off the flow of
gas to the main burners, and pilot if
used, in the event of flame extinguishment.
(iv) All commercial, industrial, and
agricultural appliances or equipment
shall be installed in accordance with
the requirements of this section and in
accordance with the following NFPA
consensus standards, which are incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6:
(a) Domestic and commercial appliances—NFPA 54–1969, Standard for the
Installation of Gas Appliances and Gas
(b) Industrial appliances—NFPA 54A–
1969, Standard for the Installation of

Gas Piping and Gas Equipment on Industrial Premises and Certain Other
(c) Standard for the Installation and
Use of Stationary Combustion Engines
and Gas Turbines—NFPA 37–1970.
(d) Standard for the Installation of
Equipment for the Removal of Smoke
and Grease-Laden Vapors from Commercial Cooking Equipment, NFPA 96–
(c) Cylinder systems—(1) Application.
This paragraph applies specifically to
systems utilizing containers constructed in accordance with DOT Specifications. All requirements of paragraph (b) of this section apply to this
paragraph unless otherwise noted in
paragraph (b) of this section.
(2) Marking of containers. Containers
shall be marked in accordance with
DOT regulations. Additional markings
not in conflict with DOT regulations
may be used.
(3) Description of a system. A system
shall include the container base or
bracket, containers, container valves,
connectors, manifold valve assembly,
regulators, and relief valves.
(4) Containers and regulating equipment installed outside of buildings or
structures. (i) Containers shall not be
buried below ground. However, this
shall not prohibit the installation in a
compartment or recess below grade
level such as a niche in a slope or terrace wall which is used for no other
purpose, providing that the container
and regulating equipment are not in
contact with the ground and the compartment or recess is drained and ventilated horizontally to the outside air
from its lowest level, with the outlet at
least 3 feet away from any building
opening which is below the level of
such outlet.
Except as provided in paragraph
(b)(10)(xiii) of this section, the discharge from safety relief devices shall
be located not less than 3 feet horizontally away from any building opening which is below the level of such discharge and shall not terminate beneath
any building unless such space is well
ventilated to the outside and is not enclosed on more than two sides.
(ii) Containers shall be set upon firm
foundation or otherwise firmly secured;
the possible effect on the outlet piping


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of settling shall be guarded against by
a flexible connection or special fitting.
(5) Containers and equipment used inside of buildings or structures. (i) When
operational requirements make portable use of containers necessary and
their location outside of buildings or
structure is impracticable, containers
and equipment are permitted to be
used inside of buildings or structures in
accordance with (a) through (l) of this
subdivision, and, in addition, such
other provisions of this subparagraph
as are applicable to the particular use
or occupancy.
(a) Containers in use shall mean connected for use.
(b) Systems utilizing containers having a water capacity greater than 21⁄2
pounds (nominal 1 pound LP-Gas capacity) shall be equipped with excess
flow valves. Such excess flow valves
shall be either integral with the container valves or in the connections to
the container valve outlets. In either
case, an excess flow valve shall be installed in such a manner that any
undue strain beyond the excess flow
valve will not cause breakage between
the container and the excess flow
valve. The installation of excess flow
valves shall take into account the type
of valve protection provided.
(c) Regulators, if used, shall be either
directly connected to the container
valves or to manifolds connected to the
container values. The regulator shall
be suitable for use with LP-Gas. Manifolds and fittings connecting containers to pressure regulator inlets
shall be designed for at least 250 p.s.i.g.
service pressure.
(d) Valves on containers having a
water capacity greater than 50 pounds
(nominal 20 pounds LP-Gas capacity)
shall be protected while in use.
(e) Containers shall be marked in accordance with paragraph (b)(5)(iii) of
this section and paragraph (c)(2) of this
(f) Pipe or tubing shall conform to
paragraph (b)(8) of this section except
that aluminum pipe or tubing shall not
be used.
(g)(1) Hose shall be designed for a
working pressure of at least 250 p.s.i.g.
Hose and hose connections shall have
their correctness as to design, construction and performance determined

§ 1910.110

by listing by a nationally recognized
testing laboratory. The hose length
may exceed the length specified in
paragraph (b)(9)(vii)(b) of this section,
but shall be as short as practicable.
Refer to § 1910.7 for definition of nationally recognized testing laboratory.
(2) Hose shall be long enough to permit compliance with spacing provisions of this subparagraph without
kinking or straining or causing hose to
be so close to a burner as to be damaged by heat.
(h) Portable heaters, including salamanders, shall be equipped with an approved automatic device to shut off the
flow of gas to the main burner, and
pilot if used, in the event of flame extinguishment. Such heaters having inputs above 50,000 B.t.u. manufactured
on or after May 17, 1967, and such heaters having inputs above 100,000 B.t.u.
manufactured before May 17, 1967, shall
be equipped with either.
(1) A pilot which must be lighted and
proved before the main burner can be
turned on; or
(2) An electric ignition system.
The provisions of this paragraph (h) do
not apply to tar kettle burners, torches, melting pots, nor do they apply to
portable heaters under 7,500 B.t.u.h.
input when used with containers having a maximum water capacity of 21⁄2
pounds. Container valves, connectors,
regulators, manifolds, piping, and tubing shall not be used as structural supports for heaters.
(i) Containers, regulating equipment,
manifolds, pipe, tubing, and hose shall
be located so as to minimize exposure
to abnormally high temperatures (such
as may result from exposure to convection or radiation from heating equipment or installation in confined
spaces), physical damage, or tampering
by unauthorized persons.
(j) Heat producing equipment shall be
located and used so as to minimize the
possibility of ignition of combustibles.
(k) Containers having a water capacity greater than 21⁄2 pounds (nominal 1
pound LP-Gas capacity) connected for
use, shall stand on a firm and substantially level surface and, when necessary, shall be secured in an upright
(l) Containers, including the valve
protective devices, shall be installed so


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as to minimize the probability of impingement of discharge of safety relief
devices upon containers.
(ii) Containers having a maximum
water capacity of 21⁄2 pounds (nominal 1
pound LP-Gas capacity) are permitted
to be used inside of buildings as part of
approved self-contained hand torch assemblies or similar appliances.
(iii) Containers having a maximum
water capacity of 12 pounds (nominal 5
pounds LP-Gas capacity) are permitted
to be used temporarily inside of buildings for public exhibition or demonstration purposes, including use for
classroom demonstrations.
(iv) [Reserved]
(v) Containers are permitted to be
used in buildings or structures under
construction or undergoing major renovation when such buildings or structures are not occupied by the public, as
(a) The maximum water capacity of
individual containers shall be 245
pounds (nominal 100 pounds LP-Gas capacity).
(b) For temporary heating such as
curing concrete, drying plaster and
similar applications, heaters (other
than integral heater-container units)
shall be located at least 6 feet from any
LP-Gas container. This shall not prohibit the use of heaters specifically designed for attachment to the container
or to a supporting standard, provided
they are designed and installed so as to
prevent direct or radiant heat application from the heater onto the container. Blower and radiant type heaters
shall not be directed toward any LPGas container within 20 feet.
(c) If two or more heater-container
units, of either the integral or nonintegral type, are located in an
unpartitioned area on the same floor,
the container or containers of each
unit shall be separated from the container or containers of any other unit
by at least 20 feet.
(d) When heaters are connected to
containers for use in an unpartitioned
area on the same floor, the total water
capacity of containers manifolded together for connection to a heater or
heaters shall not be greater than 735
pounds (nominal 300 pounds LP-Gas capacity). Such manifolds shall be separated by at least 20 feet.

(e) On floors on which heaters are not
connected for use, containers are permitted to be manifolded together for
connection to a heater or heaters on
another floor, Provided:
(1) The total water capacity of containers connected to any one manifold
is not greater than 2,450 pounds (nominal 1,000 pounds LP-Gas capacity) and;
(2) Where more than one manifold
having a total water capacity greater
than 735 pounds (nominal 300 pounds
LP-Gas capacity) are located in the
same unpartitioned area, they shall be
separated by at least 50 feet.
(f) Storage of containers awaiting use
shall be in accordance with paragraph
(f) of this section.
(vi) Containers are permitted to be
used in industrial occupancies for processing, research, or experimental purposes as follows:
(a) The maximum water capacity of
individual containers shall be 245
pounds (nominal 100 pounds LP-Gas capacity).
(b) Containers connected to a manifold shall have a total water capacity
not greater than 735 pounds (nominal
300 pounds LP-Gas capacity) and not
more than one such manifold may be
located in the same room unless separated at least 20 feet from a similar
(c) The amount of LP-Gas in containers for research and experimental
use shall be limited to the smallest
practical quantity.
(vii)(a) Containers are permitted to
be used in industrial occupancies with
essentially noncombustible contents
where portable equipment for space
heating is essential and where a permanent heating installation is not practical, as follows:
(b) Containers and heaters shall comply with and be used in accordance
with paragraph (c)(5)(v) of this section.
(viii) Containers are permitted to be
used in buildings for temporary emergency heating purposes, if necessary to
prevent damage to the buildings or
contents, when the permanent heating
system is temporarily out of service, as
(a) Containers and heaters shall comply with and be used in accordance
with paragraph (c)(5)(v) of this section.


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(b) The temporary heating equipment
shall not be left unattended.
(ix) Containers are permitted to be
used temporarily in buildings for training purposes related in installation and
use of LP-Gas systems, as follows:
(a) The maximum water capacity of
individual containers shall be 245
pounds (nominal 100 pounds LP-Gas capacity), but the maximum quantity of
LP-Gas that may be placed in each
container shall be 20 pounds.
(b) If more than one such container is
located in the same room, the containers shall be separated by at least 20
(6) Container valves and accessories. (i)
Valves in the assembly of multiple container systems shall be arranged so
that replacement of containers can be
made without shutting off the flow of
gas in the system.
NOTE: This provision is not to be construed
as requiring an automatic changeover device.

(ii) Regulators and low-pressure relief devices shall be rigidly attached to
the cylinder valves, cylinders, supporting standards, the building walls or
otherwise rigidly secured and shall be
so installed or protected that the elements (sleet, snow, or ice) will not affect their operation.
(iii) Valves and connections to the
containers shall be protected while in
transit, in storage, and while being
moved into final utilization, as follows:
(a) By setting into the recess of the
container to prevent the possibility of
their being struck if the container is
dropped upon a flat surface, or
(b) By ventilated cap or collar, fastened to the container capable of withstanding a blow from any direction
equivalent to that of a 30-pound weight
dropped 4 feet. Construction must be
such that a blow will not be transmitted to the valve or other connection.
(iv) When containers are not connected to the system, the outlet valves
shall be kept tightly closed or plugged,
even though containers are considered
(v) Containers having a water capacity in excess of 50 pounds (approximately 21 pounds LP-Gas capacity), recharged at the installation, shall be
provided with excess flow or backflow

§ 1910.110

check valves to prevent the discharge
of container contents in case of failure
of the filling or equalizing connection.
(7) Safety devices. (i) Containers shall
be provided with safety devices as required by DOT regulations.
(ii) A final stage regulator of an LPGas system (excluding any appliance
regulator) shall be equipped on the lowpressure side with a relief valve which
is set to start to discharge within the
limits specified in Table H–30.
Relief valve start-to-discharge pressure setting
(percent of regulator
delivery pressure)

Regulator delivery pressure

1 p.s.i.g. or less .............................
Above 1 p.s.i.g. but not over 3
p.s.i.g .........................................
Above 3 p.s.i.g ..............................






(iii) When a regulator or pressure relief valve is used inside a building for
other than purposes specified in paragraphs (b)(6)(i) (a)–(g) of this section,
the relief valve and the space above the
regulator and relief valve diaphragms
shall be vented to the outside air with
the discharge outlet located not less
than 3 feet horizontally away from any
building opening which is below such
discharge. These provisions do not
apply to individual appliance regulators when protection is otherwise
provided nor to paragraph (c)(5) of this
section and paragraph (b)(10)(xiii) of
this section. In buildings devoted exclusively to gas distribution purposes,
the space above the diaphragm need
not be vented to the outside.
(8) Reinstallation of containers. Containers shall not be reinstalled unless
they are requalified in accordance with
DOT regulations.
(9) Permissible product. A product
shall not be placed in a container
marked with a service pressure less
than four-fifths of the maximum vapor
pressure of product at 130 °F.
(d) Systems utilizing containers other
than DOT containers—(1) Application.
This paragraph applies specifically to
systems utilizing storage containers
other than those constructed in accordance with DOT specifications. Paragraph (b) of this section applies to this


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paragraph unless otherwise noted in
paragraph (b) of this section.
(2) Design pressure and classification of
storage containers. Storage containers
shall be designed and classified in accordance with Table H–31.
Minimum design pressure of container, lb. per sq. in. gage


For gases
with vapor
press. Not
to exceed
lb. per sq.
in. gage at
100 °F.
(37.8 °C.)

1949 and
earlier editions of
Code (Par.
U–68, U–

1949 edition of ASME
Code (Par. U–200,
U–201); 1950, 1952,
1956, 1959, 1962,
1965, and 1968 (Division 1) editions of
ASME Code; All editions of API-ASME
Code 3

1 80

1 80

1 80

1 100

2 200




1 New storage containers of the 80 type have not been authorized since Dec. 31, 1947.
2 Container type may be increased by increments of 25.
The minimum design pressure of containers shall be 100% of
the container type designation when constructed under 1949
or earlier editions of the ASME Code (Par. U–68 and U–69).
The minimum design pressure of containers shall be 125% of
the container type designation when constructed under: (1)
the 1949 ASME Code (Par. U–200 and U–201), (2) 1950,
1952, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1965, and 1968 (Division 1) editions
of the ASME Code, and (3) all editions of the API-ASME
3 Construction of containers under the API-ASME Code is
not authorized after July 1, 1961.

(3) Container valves and accessories,
filler pipes, and discharge pipes. (i) The
filling pipe inlet terminal shall not be
located inside a building. For containers with a water capacity of 125
gallons or more, such terminals shall
be located not less than 10 feet from
any building (see paragraph (b)(6)(ii) of
this section), and preferably not less
than 5 feet from any driveway, and
shall be located in a protective housing
built for the purpose.
(ii) The filling connection shall be
fitted with one of the following:
(a) Combination back-pressure check
valve and excess flow valve.
(b) One double or two single backpressure check valves.
(c) A positive shutoff valve, in conjunction with either:
(1) An internal back-pressure valve,
(2) An internal excess flow valve.
(iii) All openings in a container shall
be equipped with approved automatic
excess flow valves except in the following: Filling connections as provided

in paragraph (d)(3)(ii) of this section;
safety relief connections, liquid-level
gaging devices as provided in paragraphs (b)(7)(iv), (19)(iii), and (19)(viii)
of this section; pressure gage connections as provided in paragraph (b)(7)(v)
of this section, as provided in paragraphs (d) (iv), (vi), and (vii) of this
(iv) An excess flow valve is not required in the withdrawal service line
providing the following are complied
(a) Such systems’ total water capacity does not exceed 2,000 U.S. gallons.
(b) The discharge from the service
outlet is controlled by a suitable
manually operated shutoff valve which
(1) Threaded directly into the service
outlet of the container; or
(2) Is an integral part of a substantial
fitting threaded into or on the service
outlet of the container; or
(3) Threaded directly into a substantial fitting threaded into or on the
service outlet of the container.
(c) The shutoff valve is equipped with
an attached handwheel or the equivalent.
(d) The controlling orifice between
the contents of the container and the
outlet of the shutoff valve does not exceed five-sixteenths inch in diameter
for vapor withdrawal systems and oneeighth inch in diameter for liquid withdrawal systems.
(e) An approved pressure-reducing
regulator is directly attached to the
outlet of the shutoff valve and is rigidly supported, or that an approved
pressure-reducing regulator is attached
to the outlet of the shutoff valve by
means of a suitable flexible connection,
provided the regulator is adequately
supported and properly protected on or
at the tank.
(v) All inlet and outlet connections
except safety relief valves, liquid level
gaging devices and pressure gages on
containers of 2,000 gallons water capacity, or more, and on any container used
to supply fuel directly to an internal
combustion engine, shall be labeled to
designate whether they communicate
with vapor or liquid space. Labels may
be on valves.
(vi) In lieu of an excess flow valve
openings may be fitted with a quick-


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
closing internal valve which, except
during operating periods shall remain
closed. The internal mechanism for
such valves may be provided with a
secondary control which shall be
equipped with a fusible plug (not over
220 °F. melting point) which will cause
the internal valve to close automatically in case of fire.
(vii) Not more than two plugged
openings shall be permitted on a container of 2,000 gallons or less water capacity.
(viii) Containers of 125 gallons water
capacity or more manufactured after
July 1, 1961, shall be provided with an
approved device for liquid evacuation,
the size of which shall be three-fourths
inch National Pipe Thread minimum. A
plugged opening will not satisfy this
(4) Safety devices. (i) All safety devices shall comply with the following:
(a) All container safety relief devices
shall be located on the containers and
shall have direct communication with
the vapor of space of the container.
(b) In industrial and gas manufacturing plants, discharge pipe from safety relief valves on pipe lines within a
building shall discharge vertically upward and shall be piped to a point outside a building.
(c) Safety relief device discharge terminals shall be so located as to provide
protection against physical damage
and such discharge pipes shall be fitted
with loose raincaps. Return bends and
restrictive pipefittings shall not be
(d) If desired, discharge lines from
two or more safety relief devices located on the same unit, or similar lines
from two or more different units, may
be run into a common discharge header, provided that the cross-sectional
area of such header be at least equal to
the sum of the cross-sectional area of
the individual discharge lines, and that
the setting of safety relief valves are
the same.
(e) Each storage container of over
2,000 gallons water capacity shall be
provided with a suitable pressure gage.
(f) A final stage regulator of an LPGas system (excluding any appliance
regulator) shall be equipped on the lowpressure side with a relief valve which

§ 1910.110

is set to start to discharge within the
limits specified in Table H–30.
(g) When a regulator or pressure relief valve is installed inside a building,
the relief valve and the space above the
regulator and relief valve diaphragms
shall be vented to the outside air with
the discharge outlet located not less
than 3 feet horizontally away from any
opening into the building which is
below such discharge. (These provisions
do not apply to individual appliance
regulators when protection is otherwise provided. In buildings devoted exclusively to gas distribution purposes,
the space above the diaphragm need
not be vented to the outside.)
(ii) Safety devices for aboveground
containers shall be provided as follows:
(a) Containers of 1,200 gallons water
capacity or less which may contain liquid fuel when installed above ground
shall have the rate of discharge required by paragraph (b)(10)(ii) of this
section provided by a spring-loaded relief valve or valves. In addition to the
required spring-loaded relief valve(s),
suitable fuse plug(s) may be used provided the total discharge area of the
fuse plug(s) for each container does not
exceed 0.25 square inch.
(b) The fusible metal of the fuse plugs
shall have a yield temperature of 208
°F. minimum and 220 °F. maximum. Relief valves and fuse plugs shall have direct communication with the vapor
space of the container.
(c) On a container having a water capacity greater than 125 gallons, but not
over 2,000 gallons, the discharge from
the safety relief valves shall be vented
away from the container vertically upwards and unobstructed to the open air
in such a manner as to prevent any impingement of escaping gas upon the
container; loose-fitting rain caps shall
be used. Suitable provision shall be
made for draining condensate which
may accumulate in the relief valve or
its discharge pipe.
(d) On containers of 125 gallons water
capacity or less, the discharge from
safety relief devices shall be located
not less than 5 feet horizontally away
from any opening into the building
below the level of such discharge.
(e) On a container having a water capacity greater than 2,000 gallons, the
discharge from the safety relief valves


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§ 1910.110

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

shall be vented away from the container vertically upwards to a point at
least 7 feet above the container, and
unobstructed to the open air in such a
manner as to prevent any impingement
of escaping gas upon the container;
loose-fitting rain caps shall be used.
Suitable provision shall be made so
that any liquid or condensate that may
accumulate inside of the safety relief
valve or its discharge pipe will not
render the valve inoperative. If a drain
is used, a means shall be provided to
protect the container, adjacent containers, piping, or equipment against
impingement of flame resulting from
ignition of product escaping from the
(iii) On all containers which are installed underground and which contain
no liquid fuel until buried and covered,
the rate of discharge of the spring-loaded relief valve installed thereon may be
reduced to a minimum of 30 percent of
the rate of discharge specified in paragraph (b)(10)(ii) of this section. Containers so protected shall not be uncovered after installation until the liquid
fuel has been removed therefrom. Containers which may contain liquid fuel
before being installed under ground and
before being completely covered with
earth are to be considered aboveground
containers when determining the rate
of discharge requirement of the relief
(iv) On underground containers of
more than 2,000 gallons water capacity,
the discharge from safety relief devices
shall be piped vertically and directly
upward to a point at least 7 feet above
the ground.
Where there is a probability of the
manhole or housing becoming flooded,
the discharge from regulator vent lines
shall be above the highest probable
water level. All manholes or housings
shall be provided with ventilated
louvers or their equivalent, the area of
such openings equaling or exceeding
the combined discharge areas of the
safety relief valves and other vent lines
which discharge their content into the
manhole housing.
(v) Safety devices for vaporizers shall
be provided as follows:
(a) Vaporizers of less than 1 quart
total capacity, heated by the ground or
the surrounding air, need not be

equipped with safety relief valves provided that adequate tests certified by
any of the authorities referred to in
paragraph (b)(2) of this section, demonstrate that the assembly is safe
without safety relief valves.
(b) No vaporizer shall be equipped
with fusible plugs.
(c) In industrial and gas manufacturing plants, safety relief valves on
vaporizers within a building shall be
piped to a point outside the building
and be discharged upward.
(5) Reinstallation of containers. Containers may be reinstalled if they do
not show any evidence of harmful external corrosion or other damage.
Where containers are reinstalled underground, the corrosion resistant
coating shall be put in good condition
(see paragraph (c)(7)(vi) of this section). Where containers are reinstalled
above ground, the safety devices and
gaging devices shall comply with paragraph (c)(4) of this section and paragraph (b)(19) of this section respectively for aboveground containers.
(6) Capacity of containers. A storage
container shall not exceed 90,000 gallons water capacity.
(7) Installation of storage containers. (i)
Containers installed above ground, except as provided in paragraph (c)(7)(vii)
of this section, shall be provided with
substantial masonry or noncombustible structural supports on firm masonry foundation.
(ii) Aboveground containers shall be
supported as follows:
(a) Horizontal containers shall be
mounted on saddles in such a manner
as to permit expansion and contraction. Structural metal supports may be
employed when they are protected
against fire in an approved manner.
Suitable means of preventing corrosion
shall be provided on that portion of the
container in contact with the foundations or saddles.
(b) Containers of 2,000 gallons water
capacity or less may be installed with
nonfireproofed ferrous metal supports
if mounted on concrete pads or footings, and if the distance from the outside bottom of the container shell to
the concrete pad, footing, or the
ground does not exceed 24 inches.


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(iii) Any container may be installed
with nonfireproofed ferrous metal supports if mounted on concrete pads or
footings, and if the distance from the
outside bottom of the container to the
ground does not exceed 5 feet, provided
the container is in an isolated location.
(iv) Containers may be partially buried providing the following requirements are met:
(a) The portion of the container
below the surface and for a vertical distance not less than 3 inches above the
surface of the ground is protected to
resist corrosion, and the container is
protected against settling and corrosion as required for fully buried containers.
(b) Spacing requirements shall be as
specified for underground tanks in
paragraph (b)(6)(ii) of this section.
(c) Relief valve capacity shall be as
required for aboveground containers.
(d) Container is located so as not to
be subject to vehicular damage, or is
adequately protected against such
(e) Filling densities shall be as required for above-ground containers.
(v) Containers buried underground
shall be placed so that the top of the
container is not less than 6 inches
below grade. Where an underground
container might be subject to abrasive
action or physical damage due to vehicular traffic or other causes, then it
shall be:
(a) Placed not less than 2 feet below
grade, or
(b) Otherwise protected against such
physical damage.
It will not be necessary to cover the
portion of the container to which manhole and other connections are affixed;
however, where necessary, protection
shall be provided against vehicular
damage. When necessary to prevent
floating, containers shall be securely
anchored or weighted.
(vi)(a) Containers shall be given a
protective coating before being placed
under ground. This coating shall be
equivalent to hot-dip galvanizing or to
two coatings of red lead followed by a
heavy coating of coal tar or asphalt. In
lowering the container into place, care
shall be exercised to prevent damage to
the coating. Any damage to the coating shall be repaired before backfilling.

§ 1910.110

(b) Containers shall be set on a firm
foundation (firm earth may be used)
and surrounded with earth or sand
firmly tamped in place.
(vii) Containers with foundations attached (portable or semiportable containers with suitable steel ‘‘runners’’ or
‘‘skids’’ and popularly known in the industry as ‘‘skid tanks’’) shall be designed, installed, and used in accordance with these rules subject to the following provisions:
(a) If they are to be used at a given
general location for a temporary period
not to exceed 6 months they need not
have fire-resisting foundations or saddles but shall have adequate ferrous
metal supports.
(b) They shall not be located with the
outside bottom of the container shell
more than 5 feet above the surface of
the ground unless fire-resisting supports are provided.
(c) The bottom of the skids shall not
be less than 2 inches or more than 12
inches below the outside bottom of the
container shell.
(d) Flanges, nozzles, valves, fittings,
and the like, having communication
with the interior of the container, shall
be protected against physical damage.
(e) When not permanently located on
fire-resisting foundations, piping connections shall be sufficiently flexible
to minimize the possibility of breakage
or leakage of connections if the container settles, moves, or is otherwise
(f) Skids, or lugs for attachment of
skids, shall be secured to the container
in accordance with the code or rules
under which the container is designed
and built (with a minimum factor of
safety of four) to withstand loading in
any direction equal to four times the
weight of the container and attachments when filled to the maximum permissible loaded weight.
(viii) Field welding where necessary
shall be made only on saddle plates or
brackets which were applied by the
manufacturer of the tank.
(ix) For aboveground containers, secure anchorage or adequate pier height
shall be provided against possible container flotation wherever sufficiently
high floodwater might occur.
(x) When permanently installed containers are interconnected, provision


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§ 1910.110

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

shall be made to compensate for expansion, contraction, vibration, and settling
interconnecting piping. Where flexible connections are used, they shall be of an
approved type and shall be designed for
a bursting pressure of not less than five
times the vapor pressure of the product
at 100 °F. The use of nonmetallic hose
is prohibited for permanently interconnecting such containers.
(xi) Container assemblies listed for
ground or under ground shall conform
to the requirements for aboveground
installations with respect to safety relief capacity and filling density. For
installation above ground all other requirements for aboveground installations shall apply. For installation
under ground all other requirements
for underground installations shall
(8) Protection of container accessories.
(i) Valves, regulating, gaging, and
other container accessory equipment
shall be protected against tampering
and physical damage. Such accessories
shall also be so protected during the
transit of containers intended for installation underground.
(ii) On underground or combination
aboveground-underground containers,
the service valve handwheel, the terminal for connecting the hose, and the
opening through which there can be a
flow from safety relief valves shall be
at least 4 inches above the container
and this opening shall be located in the
dome or housing. Underground systems
shall be so installed that all the above
openings, including the regulator vent,
are located above the normal maximum water table.
(iii) All connections to underground
containers shall be located within a
substantial dome, housing, or manhole
and with access thereto protected by a
substantial cover.
(9) Drips for condensed gas. Where vaporized gas on the low-pressure side of
the system may condense to a liquid at
normal operating temperatures and
pressures, suitable means shall be provided for revaporization of the condensate.
(10) Damage from vehicles. When damage to LP-Gas systems from vehicular

traffic is a possibility, precautions
against such damage shall be taken.
(11) Drains. No drains or blowoff lines
shall be directed into or in proximity
to sewer systems used for other purposes.
(12) General provisions applicable to
systems in industrial plants (of 2,000 gallons water capacity and more) and to bulk
filling plants. (i) When standard watch
service is provided, it shall be extended
to the LP-Gas installation and personnel properly trained.
(ii) If loading and unloading are normally done during other than daylight
hours, adequate lights shall be provided to illuminate storage containers,
control valves, and other equipment.
(iii) Suitable roadways or means of
access for extinguishing equipment
such as wheeled extinguishers or fire
department apparatus shall be provided.
(iv) To minimize trespassing or tampering, the area which includes container appurtenances, pumping equipment, loading and unloading facilities,
and cylinder-filling facilities shall be
enclosed with at least a 6-foot-high industrial type fence unless otherwise
adequately protected. There shall be at
least two means of emergency access.
(13) Container-charging plants. (i) The
container-charging room shall be located not less than:
(a) Ten feet from bulk storage containers.
(b) [Reserved]
(ii) Tank truck filling station outlets
shall be located not less than:
(a) [Reserved]
(b) Ten feet from pumps and compressors if housed in one or more separate
(iii) The pumps or compressors may
be located in the container-charging
room or building, in a separate building, or outside of buildings. When
housed in a separate building, such
building (a small noncombustible
weather cover is not to be construed as
a building) shall be located not less
(a) Ten feet from bulk storage tanks.
(b) [Reserved]
(c) Twenty-five feet from sources of
(iv) When a part of the containercharging building is to be used for a


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
boiler room or where open flames or
similar sources of ignition exist or are
employed, the space to be so occupied
shall be separated from container
charging room by a partition wall or
walls of fire-resistant construction
continuous from floor to roof or ceiling. Such separation walls shall be
without openings and shall be joined to
the floor, other walls, and ceiling or
roof in a manner to effect a permanent
gas-tight joint.
(v) Electrical equipment and installations shall conform with paragraphs (b)
(17) and (18) of this section.
(14) Fire protection. (i) Each bulk
plant shall be provided with at least
one approved portable fire extinguisher
having a minimum rating of 12–B, C.
(ii) In industrial installations involving containers of 150,000 gallons aggregate water capacity or more, provision
shall be made for an adequate supply of
water at the container site for fire protection in the container area, unless
other adequate means for fire control
are provided. Water hydrants shall be
readily accessible and so spaced as to
provide water protection for all containers. Sufficient lengths of firehose
shall be provided at each hydrant location on a hose cart, or other means
provided to facilitate easy movement
of the hose in the container area. It is
desirable to equip the outlet of each
hose line with a combination fog nozzle. A shelter shall be provided to protect the hose and its conveyor from the
(15) [Reserved]
(16) Lighting. Electrical equipment
and installations shall conform to
paragraphs (b) (17) and (18) of this section.
(17) Vaporizers for internal combustion
engines. The provisions of paragraph
(e)(8) of this section shall apply.
(18) Gas regulating and mixing equipment for internal combustion engines. The
provisions of paragraph (e)(9) of this
section shall apply.
(e) Liquefied petroleum gas as a motor
fuel—(1) Application. (i) This paragraph
applies to internal combustion engines,
fuel containers, and pertinent equipment for the use of liquefied petroleum
gases as a motor fuel on easily movable, readily portable units including
self-propelled vehicles.

§ 1910.110

(ii) Fuel containers and pertinent
equipment for internal combustion engines using liquefied petroleum gas
where installation is of the stationary
type are covered by paragraph (d) of
this section. This paragraph does not
apply to containers for transportation
of liquefied petroleum gases nor to marine fuel use. All requirements of paragraph (b) of this section apply to this
paragraph, unless otherwise noted in
paragraph (b) of this section.
(2) General. (i) Fuel may be used from
the cargo tank of a truck while in transit, but not from cargo tanks on trailers or semitrailers. The use of fuel
from the cargo tanks to operate stationary engines is permitted providing
wheels are securely blocked.
(ii) Passenger-carrying vehicles shall
not be fueled while passengers are on
(iii) Industrial trucks (including lift
trucks) equipped with permanently
mounted fuel containers shall be
charged outdoors. Charging equipment
shall comply with the provisions of
paragraph (h) of this section.
(iv) LP-Gas fueled industrial trucks
shall comply with the Standard for
Type Designations, Areas of Use, Maintenance and Operation of Powered Industrial Trucks, NFPA 505–1969, which
is incorporated by reference as specified in § 1910.6.
(v) Engines on vehicles shall be shut
down while fueling if the fueling operation involves venting to the atmosphere.
(3) Design pressure and classification of
fuel containers. (i) Except as covered in
paragraphs (e)(3) (ii) and (iii) of this
section, containers shall be in accordance with Table H–32.
(ii) Fuel containers for use in industrial trucks (including lift trucks)
shall be either DOT containers authorized for LP-Gas service having a minimum service pressure of 240 p.s.i.g. or
minimum Container Type 250. Under
1950 and later ASME codes, this means
a 312.5–p.s.i.g. design pressure container.


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§ 1910.110

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)
Minimum design pressure of container, lb. per sq. in. gage


For gases
with vapor
press. Not
to exceed
lb. per sq.
in. gage at
100 °F.
(37.8 °C.)

1 200


1949 and
earlier editions of
Code (Par.
U–68, U–

1949 edition of ASME
Code (Par. U–200,
U–201); 1950, 1952,
1956, 1959, 1962,
1965, and 1968 (Division 1) editions of
ASME Code; All editions of API-ASME
Code 2



1 Container

type may be increased by increments of 25.
The minimum design pressure of containers shall be 100% of
the container type designation when constructed under 1949
or earlier editions of the ASME Code (Par. U–68 and U–69).
The minimum design pressure of containers shall be 125% of
the container type designation when constructed under: (1)
the 1949 ASME Code (Par. U–200 and U–201), (2) 1950,
1952, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1965, and 1968 (Division 1) editions
of the ASME Code, and (3) all editions of the API-ASME
2 Construction of containers under the API-ASME Code is
not authorized after July 1, 1961.

(iii) Containers manufactured and
maintained under DOT specifications
and regulations may be used as fuel
containers. When so used they shall
conform to all requirements of this
(iv) All container inlets and outlets
except safety relief valves and gaging
devices shall be labeled to designate
whether they communicate with vapor
or liquid space. Labels may be on
(4) Installation of fuel containers. (i)
Containers shall be located in a place
and in a manner to minimize the possibility of damage to the container. Containers located in the rear of trucks
and buses, when protected by substantial bumpers, will be considered in conformance with this requirement. Fuel
containers on passenger-carrying vehicles shall be installed as far from the
engine as is practicable, and the passenger space and any space containing
radio equipment shall be sealed from
the container space to prevent direct
seepage of gas to these spaces. The container compartment shall be vented to
the outside. In case the fuel container
is mounted near the engine or the exhaust system, the container shall be
shielded against direct heat radiation.
(ii) Containers shall be installed with
as much clearance as practicable but
never less than the minimum road
clearance of the vehicle under maximum spring deflection. This minimum
clearance shall be to the bottom of the
container or to the lowest fitting on

the container or housing, whichever is
(iii) Permanent and removable fuel
containers shall be securely mounted
to prevent jarring loose, slipping, or rotating, and the fastenings shall be designed and constructed to withstand
static loading in any direction equal to
twice the weight of the tank and attachments when filled with fuel using a
safety factor of not less than four
based on the ultimate strength of the
material to be used. Field welding,
when necessary, shall be made only on
saddle plates, lugs or brackets, originally attached to the container by the
tank manufacturer.
(iv) Fuel containers on buses shall be
permanently installed.
(v) Containers from which vapor only
is to be withdrawn shall be installed
and equipped with suitable connections
to minimize the accidental withdrawal
of liquid.
(5) Valves and accessories. (i) Container valves and accessories shall have
a rated working pressure of at least 250
p.s.i.g., and shall be of a type suitable
for liquefied petroleum gas service.
(ii) The filling connection shall be
fitted with an approved double backpressure check valve, or a positive
shutoff in conjunction with an internal
back-pressure check valve. On a removable container the filler valve may be a
hand operated shutoff valve with an internal excess flow valve. Main shutoff
valves on the container on liquid and
vapor lines must be readily accessible.
(iii) With the exceptions of paragraph
(e)(5)(iv)(c) of this section, filling connections equipped with approved automatic back-pressure check valves, and
safety relief valves, all connections to
containers having openings for the flow
of gas in excess of a No. 54 drill size
shall be equipped with approved automatic excess flow valves to prevent discharge of content in case connections
are broken.
(iv) Liquid-level gaging devices:
(a) Variable liquid-level gages which
require the venting of fuel to the atmosphere shall not be used on fuel containers of industrial trucks (including
lift trucks).
(b) On portable containers that may
be filled in the vertical and/or horizontal position, the fixed liquid-level


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gage must indicate maximum permitted filling level for both vertical
and horizontal filling with the container oriented to place the safety relief valve in communication with the
vapor space.
(c) In the case of containers used
solely in farm tractor service, and
charged at a point at least 50 feet from
any important building, the fixed liquid-level gaging device may be so constructed that the outward flow of container content exceeds that passed by a
No. 54 drill size opening, but in no case
shall the flow exceed that passed by a
No. 31 drill-size opening. An excess flow
valve is not required. Fittings equipped
with such restricted drill size opening
and container on which they are used
shall be marked to indicate the size of
the opening.
(d) All valves and connections on
containers shall be adequately protected to prevent damage due to accidental contact with stationary objects
or from loose objects thrown up from
the road, and all valves shall be safeguarded against damage due to collision, overturning or other accident.
For farm tractors where parts of the
vehicle provide such protection to
valves and fittings, the foregoing requirements shall be considered fulfilled. However, on removable type containers the protection for the fittings
shall be permanently attached to the
(e) When removable fuel containers
are used, means shall be provided in
the fuel system to minimize the escape
of fuel when the containers are exchanged. This may be accomplished by
either of the following methods:
(1) Using an approved automatic
quick-closing coupling (a type closing
in both directions when uncoupled) in
the fuel line, or
(2) Closing the valve at the fuel container and allowing the engine to run
until the fuel in the line is consumed.
(6) Piping—including pipe, tubing, and
fittings. (i) Pipe from fuel container to
first-stage regulator shall be not less
than schedule 80 wrought iron or steel
(black or galvanized), brass or copper;
or seamless copper, brass, or steel tubing. Steel tubing shall have a minimum wall thickness of 0.049 inch.
Steel pipe or tubing shall be ade-

§ 1910.110

quately protected against exterior corrosion. Copper tubing shall be types K
or L or equivalent having a minimum
wall thickness of 0.032 inch. Approved
flexible connections may be used between container and regulator or between regulator and gas-air mixer
within the limits of approval. The use
of aluminum pipe or tubing is prohibited. In the case of removable containers an approved flexible connection
shall be used between the container
and the fuel line.
(ii) All piping shall be installed,
braced, and supported so as to reduce
to a minimum the possibility of vibration strains or wear.
(7) Safety devices. (i) Spring-loaded internal type safety relief valves shall be
used on all motor fuel containers.
(ii) The discharge outlet from safety
relief valves shall be located on the
outside of enclosed spaces and as far as
practicable from possible sources of ignition, and vented upward within 45 degrees of the vertical in such a manner
as to prevent impingement of escaping
gas upon containers, or parts of vehicles, or on vehicles in adjacent lines of
traffic. A rain cap or other protector
shall be used to keep water and dirt
from collecting in the valve.
(iii) When a discharge line from the
container safety relief valve is used,
the line shall be metallic, other than
aluminum, and shall be sized, located,
and maintained so as not to restrict
the required flow of gas from the safety
relief valve. Such discharge line shall
be able to withstand the pressure resulting from the discharge of vapor
when the safety relief valve is in the
full open position. When flexibility is
necessary, flexible metal hose or tubing shall be used.
(iv) Portable containers equipped for
volumetric filling may be filled in either the vertical or horizontal position
only when oriented to place the safety
relief valve in communication with the
vapor space.
(v) Paragraph (b)(10)(xii) of this section for hydrostatic relief valves shall
(8) Vaporizers. (i) Vaporizers and any
part thereof and other devices that
may be subjected to container pressure
shall have a design pressure of at least
250 p.s.i.g.


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§ 1910.110

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(ii) Each vaporizer shall have a valve
or suitable plug which will permit substantially complete draining of the vaporizer. It shall be located at or near
the lowest portion of the section occupied by the water or other heating medium.
(iii) Vaporizers shall be securely fastened so as to minimize the possibility
of becoming loosened.
(iv) Each vaporizer shall be permanently marked at a visible point as follows:
(a) With the design pressure of the
fuel-containing portion in p.s.i.g.
(b) With the water capacity of the
fuel-containing portion of the vaporizer in pounds.
(v) Devices to supply heat directly to
a fuel container shall be equipped with
an automatic device to cut off the supply of heat before the pressure inside
the fuel container reaches 80 percent of
the start to discharge pressure setting
of the safety relief device on the fuel
(vi) Engine exhaust gases may be
used as a direct source of heat supply
for the vaporization of fuel if the materials of construction of those parts of
the vaporizer in contact with exhaust
gases are resistant to the corrosive action of exhaust gases and the vaporizer
system is designed to prevent excessive
(vii) Vaporizers shall not be equipped
with fusible plugs.
(9) Gas regulating and mixing equipment. (i) Approved automatic pressure
reducing equipment shall be installed
in a secure manner between the fuel
supply container and gas-air mixer for
the purpose of reducing the pressure of
the fuel delivered to the gas-air mixer.
(ii) An approved automatic shutoff
valve shall be provided in the fuel system at some point ahead of the inlet of
the gas-air mixer, designed to prevent
flow of fuel to the mixer when the ignition is off and the engine is not running. In the case of industrial trucks
and engines operating in buildings
other than those used exclusively to
house engines, the automatic shutoff
valve shall be designed to operate if the
engine should stop. Atmospheric type
regulators (zero governors) shall be
considered adequate as an automatic
shutoff valve only in cases of outdoor

operation such as farm tractors, construction equipment, irrigation pump
engines, and other outdoor stationary
engine installations.
(iii) The source of the air for combustion shall be completely isolated from
the passenger compartment, ventilating system, or air-conditioning
(10) [Reserved]
(11) Stationary engines in buildings.
Stationary engines and gas turbines installed in buildings, including portable
engines used instead of or to supplement stationary engines, shall comply
with the Standard for the Institution
and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines, NFPA 37–1970,
and the appropriate provisions of paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section.
(12) Portable engines in buildings. (i)
Portable engines may be used in buildings only for emergency use, except as
provided by subparagraph (11) of this
(ii) Exhaust gases shall be discharged
to outside the building or to an area
where they will not constitute a hazard.
(iii) Provision shall be made to supply sufficient air for combustion and
(iv) An approved automatic shutoff
valve shall be provided in the fuel system ahead of the engine, designed to
prevent flow of fuel to the engine when
the ignition is off or if the engine
should stop.
(v) The capacity of LP-Gas containers used with such engines shall
comply with the applicable occupancy
provision of paragraph (c)(5) of this section.
(13) Industrial trucks inside buildings.
(i) LP-Gas-fueled industrial trucks are
permitted to be used in buildings and
(ii) No more than two LP-Gas containers shall be used on an industrial
truck for motor fuel purposes.
(iii)–(iv) [Reserved]
(v) Industrial trucks shall not be
parked and left unattended in areas of
possible excessive heat or sources of ignition.
(14) Garaging LP-Gas-fueled vehicles.
(i) LP-Gas-fueled vehicles may be


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PsN: PC150

Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
stored or serviced inside garages provided there are no leaks in the fuel system and the fuel tanks are not filled
beyond the maximum filling capacity
specified in paragraph (b)(12)(i) of this
(ii) LP-Gas-fueled vehicles being repaired in garages shall have the container shutoff valve closed except when
fuel is required for engine operation.
(iii) Such vehicles shall not be
parked near sources of heat, open
flames, or similar sources of ignition
or near open pits unless such pits are
adequately ventilated.
(f) Storage of containers awaiting use or
resale—(1) Application. This paragraph
shall apply to the storage of portable
containers not in excess of 1,000 pounds
water capacity, filled or partially
filled, at user location but not connected for use, or in storage for resale
by dealers or resellers. This paragraph
shall not apply to containers stored at
charging plants or at plants devoted
primarily to the storage and distribution of LP-Gas or other petroleum
(2) General. (i) Containers in storage
shall be located so as to minimize exposure to excessive temperature rise,
physical damage, or tampering by unauthorized persons.
(ii) Containers when stored inside
shall not be located near exits, stairways, or in areas normally used or intended for the safe exit of people.
(iii) Container valves shall be protected while in storage as follows:
(a) By setting into recess of container to prevent the possibility of
their being struck if the container is
dropped upon a flat surface, or
(b) By ventilated cap or collar, fastened to container capable of withstanding blow from any direction
equivalent to that of a 30-pound weight
dropped 4 feet. Construction must be
such that a blow will not be transmitted to a valve or other connection.
(iv) The outlet valves of containers in
storage shall be closed.
(v) Empty containers which have
been in LP-Gas service when stored inside, shall be considered as full containers for the purpose of determining
the maximum quantity of LP-Gas permitted by this paragraph.
(3) [Reserved]

§ 1910.110

(4) Storage within buildings not frequented by the public (such as industrial
buildings). (i) The quantity of LP-Gas
stored shall not exceed 300 pounds (approximately 2,550 cubic feet in vapor
form) except as provided in subparagraph (5) of this paragraph.
(ii) Containers carried as a part of
service equipment on highway mobile
vehicles are not to be considered in the
total storage capacity in subdivision (i)
of this subparagraph provided such vehicles are stored in private garages,
and are limited to one container per
vehicle with an LP-Gas capacity of not
more than 100 pounds. All container
valves shall be closed.
(5) Storage within special buildings or
rooms. (i) The quantity of LP-Gas
stored in special buildings or rooms
shall not exceed 10,000 pounds.
(ii) The walls, floors, and ceilings of
container storage rooms that are within or adjacent to other parts of the
building shall be constructed of material having at least a 2-hour fire resistance rating.
(iii) A portion of the exterior walls or
roof having an area not less than 10
percent of that of the combined area of
the enclosing walls and roof shall be of
explosion relieving construction.
(iv) Each opening from such storage
rooms to other parts of the building
shall be protected by a 11⁄2 hour (B) fire
door listed by a nationally recognized
testing laboratory. Refer to § 1910.7 for
definition of nationally recognized
testing laboratory.
(v) Such rooms shall have no open
flames for heating or lighting.
(vi) Such rooms shall be adequately
ventilated both top and bottom to the
outside only. The openings from such
vents shall be at least 5 feet away from
any other opening into any building.
(vii) The floors of such rooms shall
not be below ground level. Any space
below the floor shall be of solid fill or
properly ventilated to the open air.
(viii) Such storage rooms shall not be
located adjoining the line of property
occupied by schools, churches, hospitals, athletic fields or other points of
public gathering.
(ix) Fixed electrical equipment shall
be installed in accordance with paragraph (b)(18) of this section.


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§ 1910.110

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(6) Storage outside of buildings. (i)
Storage outside of buildings, for containers awaiting use or resale, shall be
located in accordance with Table H–33
with respect to:
(a) The nearest important building or
group of buildings;
(b) [Reserved]
(c) Busy thoroughfares;

Minimum design pressure of container, lb. per sq. in. gage



For gases
with vapor
press. Not
to exceed
lb. per sq.
in. gage at
100 °F.
(37.8 °C.)

1 200

Quantity of LP-Gas Stored

1949 edition of ASME
Code (Par. U–200,
U–201); 1950, 1952,
1956, 1959, 1962,
1965, and 1968 (Division 1) editions of
ASME Code; All editions of API-ASME
Code 2




1 Container


500 pounds or less ..............................................
501 to 2,500 pounds ...........................................
2,501 to 6,000 pounds ........................................
6,001 to 10,000 pounds ......................................
Over 10,000 pounds ............................................

1949 and
earlier editions of
Code (Par.
U–68, U–


10 feet
20 feet
25 feet

1 Container or containers shall be at least 10 feet from any
building on adjoining property, any sidewalk, or any of the exposures described in § 1910.110(f)(6)(i) (c) or (d) of this

(ii) Containers shall be in a suitable
against tampering.
(7) Fire protection. Storage locations
other than supply depots separated and
located apart from dealer, reseller, or
user establishments shall be provided
with at least one approved portable fire
extinguisher having a minimum rating
of 8–B, C.
(g) [Reserved]
(h) Liquefied petroleum gas service stations—(1) Application. This paragraph
applies to storage containers, and dispensing devices, and pertinent equipment in service stations where LP-Gas
is stored and is dispensed into fuel
tanks of motor vehicles. See paragraph
(e) of this section for requirements covering use of LP-Gas as a motor fuel. All
requirements of paragraph (b) of this
section apply to this paragraph unless
otherwise noted.
(2) Design pressure and classification of
storage containers. Storage containers
shall be designed and classified in accordance with Table H–34.

type may be increased by increments of 25.
The minimum design pressure of containers shall be 100 percent of the container type designation when constructed
under 1949 or earlier editions of the ASME Code (Par. U–68
and U–69). The minimum design pressure of containers shall
be 125 percent of the container type designation when constructed under: (1) The 1949 ASME Code (Paragraphs U–200
and U–201), (2) 1950, 1952, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1965, and
1968 (Division 1) editions of the ASME Code, and (3) all editions of the API-ASME Code.
2 Construction of containers under the API-ASME Code is
not authorized after July 1, 1961.

(3) Container valves and accessories. (i)
A filling connection on the container
shall be fitted with one of the following:
(a) A combination back-pressure
check and excess flow valve.
(b) One double or two single backpressure valves.
(c) A positive shutoff valve, in conjunction with either,
(1) An internal back-pressure valve,
(2) On internal excess flow valve.
In lieu of an excess flow valve, filling
connections may be fitted with a
quick-closing internal valve, which
shall remain closed except during operating periods. The mechanism for such
valves may be provided with a secondary control which will cause it to
close automatically in case of fire.
When a fusible plug is used its melting
point shall not exceed 220 °F.
(ii) A filling pipe inlet terminal not
on the container shall be fitted with a
positive shutoff valve in conjunction
with either;
(a) A black pressure check valve, or
(b) An excess flow check valve.
(iii) All openings in the container except those listed below shall be
equipped with approved excess flow
check valves:
(a) Filling connections as provided in
subdivision (i) of this subparagraph.
(b) Safety relief connections as provided in paragraph (b)(7)(ii) of this section.


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PsN: PC150

Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(c) Liquid-level gaging devices as provided in paragraphs (b)(7)(iv) and
(19)(iv) of this section.
(d) Pressure gage connections as provided in paragraph (b)(7)(v) of this section.
(iv) All container inlets and outlets
except those listed below shall be labeled to designate whether they connect with vapor or liquid (labels may
be on valves):
(a) Safety relief valves.
(b) Liquid-level gaging devices.
(c) Pressure gages.
(v) Each storage container shall be
provided with a suitable pressure gage.
(4) Safety-relief valves. (i) All safetyrelief devices shall be installed as follows:
(a) On the container and directly connected with the vapor space.
(b) Safety-relief valves and discharge
piping shall be protected against physical damage. The outlet shall be provided with loose-fitting rain caps.
There shall be no return bends or restrictions in the discharge piping.
(c) The discharge from two or more
safety relief valves having the same
pressure settings may be run into a
common discharge header. The crosssectional area of such header shall be
at least equal to the sum of the crosssectional areas of the individual discharges.
(d) Discharge from any safety relief
device shall not terminate in any
building nor beneath any building.
(ii) Aboveground containers shall be
provided with safety relief valves as
(a) The rate of discharge, which may
be provided by one or more valves,
shall be not less than that specified in
paragraph (b)(10)(ii) of this section.
(b) The discharge from safety relief
valves shall be vented to the open air
unobstructed and vertically upwards in
such a manner as to prevent any impingement of escaping gas upon the
container; loose-fitting rain caps shall
be used. On a container having a water
capacity greater than 2,000 gallons, the
discharge from the safety relief valves
shall be vented away from the container vertically upwards to a point at
least 7 feet above the container. Suitable provisions shall be made so that
any liquid or condensate that may ac-

§ 1910.110

cumulate inside of the relief valve or
its discharge pipe will not render the
valve inoperative. If a drain is used, a
means shall be provided to protect the
container, adjacent containers, piping,
or equipment against impingement of
flame resulting from ignition of the
product escaping from the drain.
(iii) Underground containers shall be
provided with safety relief valves as
(a) The discharge from safety-relief
valves shall be piped vertically upward
to a point at least 10 feet above the
ground. The discharge lines or pipes
shall be adequately supported and protected against physical damage.
(b) [Reserved]
(c) If no liquid is put into a container
until after it is buried and covered, the
rate of discharge of the relief valves
may be reduced to not less than 30 percent of the rate shown in paragraph
(b)(10)(ii) of this section. If liquid fuel
is present during installation of containers, the rate of discharge shall be
the same as for aboveground containers. Such containers shall not be
uncovered until emptied of liquid fuel.
(5) Capacity of liquid containers. Individual liquid storage containers shall
not exceed 30,000 gallons water capacity.
(6) Installation of storage containers.
(i)(a) Each storage container used exclusively in service station operation
shall comply with the following table
which specifies minimum distances to
a building and groups of buildings.
Minimum distances
Water capacity per container (gallons)

and underground


Up to 2,000 ....................................
Over 2,000 .....................................



NOTE: The above distances may be reduced to not less
than 10 feet for service station buildings of other than wood
frame construction.

(b) Readily ignitible material including weeds and long dry grass, shall be
removed within 10 feet of containers.
(c) The minimum separation between
LP-Gas containers and flammable liquid tanks shall be 20 feet and the minimum separation between a container
and the centerline of the dike shall be
10 feet.


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PsN: PC150

§ 1910.110

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(d) LP-Gas containers located near
flammable liquid containers shall be
protected against the flow or accumulation of flammable liquids by diking,
diversion curbs, or grading.
(e) LP-Gas containers shall not be located within diked areas for flammable
liquid containers.
(f) Field welding is permitted only on
saddle plates or brackets which were
applied by the container manufacturer.
(g) When permanently installed containers are interconnected, provision
shall be made to compensate for expansion, contraction, vibration, and settling of containers and interconnecting
piping. Where flexible connections are
used, they shall be of an approved type
and shall be designed for a bursting
pressure of not less than five times the
vapor pressure of the product at 100 °F.
The use of nonmetallic hose is prohibited for interconnecting such containers.
(h) Where high water table or flood
conditions may be encountered protection against container flotation shall
be provided.
(ii) Aboveground containers shall be
installed in accordance with this subdivision.
(a) Containers may be installed horizontally or vertically.
(b) Containers shall be protected by
crash rails or guards to prevent physical damage unless they are so protected by virtue of their location. Vehicles shall not be serviced within 10 feet
of containers.
(c) Container foundations shall be of
substantial masonry or other noncombustible material. Containers shall
be mounted on saddles which shall permit expansion and contraction, and
shall provide against the excessive concentration of stresses. Corrosion protection shall be provided for tankmounting areas. Structural metal container supports shall be protected
against fire. This protection is not required on prefabricated storage and
pump assemblies, mounted on a common base, with container bottom not
more than 24 inches above ground and
whose water capacity is 2,000 gallons or
less if the piping connected to the storage and pump assembly is sufficiently
flexible to minimize the possibility of

breakage or leakage in the event of
failure of the container supports.
(iii) Underground containers shall be
installed in accordance with this subdivision.
(a) Containers shall be given a protective coating before being placed
under ground. This coating shall be
equivalent to hot-dip galvanizing or to
two coatings of red lead followed by a
heavy coating of coal tar or asphalt. In
lowering the container into place, care
shall be exercised to minimize abrasion
or other damage to the coating. Damage to the coating shall be repaired before back-filling.
(b) Containers shall be set on a firm
foundation (firm earth may be used)
and surrounded with earth or sand
firmly tamped in place. Backfill should
be free of rocks or other abrasive materials.
(c) A minimum of 2 feet of earth
cover shall be provided. Where ground
conditions make compliance with this
requirement impractical, equivalent
protection against physical damage
shall be provided. The portion of the
container to which manhole and other
connections are attached need not be
covered. If the location is subjected to
vehicular traffic, containers shall be
protected by a concrete slab or other
cover adequate to prevent the weight
of a loaded vehicle imposing concentrated direct loads on the container
(7) Protection of container fittings.
Valves, regulators, gages, and other
container fittings shall be protected
against tampering and physical damage.
(8) Transport truck unloading point. (i)
During unloading, the transport truck
shall not be parked on public thoroughfares and shall be at least 5 feet from
storage containers, and shall be positioned so that shutoff valves are readily accessible.
(ii) The filling pipe inlet terminal
shall not be located within a building
nor within 10 feet of any building or
driveway. It shall be protected against
physical damage.
(9) Piping, valves, and fittings. (i) Piping may be underground, above ground,
or a combination of both. It shall be
well supported and protected against
physical damage and corrosion.


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PsN: PC150

Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(ii) Piping laid beneath driveways
shall be installed to prevent physical
damage by vehicles.
(iii) Piping shall be wrought iron or
steel (black or galvanized), brass or
copper pipe; or seamless copper, brass,
or steel tubing and shall be suitable for
a minimum pressure of 250 p.s.i.g. Pipe
joints may be screwed, flanged, brazed,
or welded. The use of aluminum alloy
piping or tubing is prohibited.
(iv) All shutoff valves (liquid or gas)
shall be suitable for liquefied petroleum gas service and designed for not
less than the maximum pressure to
which they may be subjected. Valves
which may be subjected to container
pressure shall have a rated working
pressure of at least 250 p.s.i.g.
(v) All materials used for valve seats,
packing, gaskets, diaphragms, etc.,
shall be resistant to the action of LPGas.
(vi) Fittings shall be steel, malleable
iron, or brass having a minimum working pressure of 250 p.s.i.g. Cast iron
pipe fittings, such as ells, tees, and
unions shall not be used.
(vii) All piping shall be tested after
assembly and proved free from leaks at
not less than normal operating pressures.
(viii) Provision shall be made for expansion, contraction, jarring, and vibration, and for settling. This may be
accomplished by flexible connections.
(10) Pumps and accessories. All pumps
and accessory equipment shall be suitable for LP-Gas service, and designed
for not less than the maximum pressure to which they may be subjected.
Accessories shall have a minimum
rated working pressure of 250 p.s.i.g.
Positive displacement pumps shall be
equipped with suitable pressure actuated bypass valves permitting flow
from pump discharge to storage container or pump suction.
(11) Dispensing devices. (i) Meters,
vapor separators, valves, and fittings
in the dispenser shall be suitable for
LP-Gas service and shall be designed
for a minimum working pressure of 250
(ii) Provisions shall be made for venting LP-Gas contained in a dispensing
device to a safe location.
(iii) Pumps used to transfer LP-Gas
shall be equipped to allow control of

§ 1910.110

the flow and to prevent leakage or accidental discharge. Means shall be provided outside the dispensing device to
readily shut off the power in the event
of fire or accident.
(iv) A manual shutoff valve and an
excess flow check valve shall be installed downstream of the pump and
ahead of the dispenser inlet.
(v)(a) Dispensing hose shall be resistant to the action of LP-Gas in the liquid phase and designed for a minimum
bursting pressure of 1,250 p.s.i.g.
(b) An excess flow check valve or
automatic shutoff valve shall be installed at the terminus of the liquid
line at the point of attachment of the
dispensing hose.
(vi)(a) LP-Gas dispensing devices
shall be located not less than 10 feet
from aboveground storage containers
greater than 2,000 gallons water capacity. The dispensing devices shall not be
less than 20 feet from any building (not
including canopies), basement, cellar,
pit, or line of adjoining property which
may be built upon and not less than 10
feet from sidewalks, streets, or thoroughfares. No drains or blowoff lines
shall be directed into or in proximity
to the sewer systems used for other
(b) LP-Gas dispensing devices shall
be installed on a concrete foundation
or as part of a complete storage and
dispensing assembly mounted on a
common base, and shall be adequately
protected from physical damage.
(c) LP-Gas dispensing devices shall
not be installed within a building except that they may be located under a
weather shelter or canopy provided
this area is not enclosed on more than
two sides. If the enclosing sides are adjacent to each other, the area shall be
properly ventilated.
(vii) The dispensing of LP-Gas into
the fuel container of a vehicle shall be
performed by a competent attendant
who shall remain at the LP-Gas dispenser during the entire transfer operation.
(12) Additional rules. There shall be no
smoking on the driveway of service
stations in the dispensing areas or
transport truck unloading areas. Conspicuous signs prohibiting smoking
shall be posted within sight of the customer being served. Letters on such


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PsN: PC150

§ 1910.111

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

signs shall be not less than 4 inches
high. The motors of all vehicles being
fueled shall be shut off during the fueling operations.
(13) Electrical. Electrical equipment
and installations shall conform to
paragraphs (b) (17) and (18) of this section.
(14) Fire protection. Each service station shall be provided with at least one
approved portable fire extinguisher
having at least an 8–B, C, rating.
(i) Scope—(1) Application. (i) Paragraph (b) of this section applies to installations made in accordance with
the requirements of paragraphs (c), (d),
(e), (g), and (h) of this section, except
as noted in each of those paragraphs.
(ii) Paragraphs (c) through (h) of this
section apply as provided in each of
those paragraphs.
(2) Inapplicability. This section does
not apply to:
(i) Marine and pipeline terminals,
natural gas processing plants, refineries, or tank farms other than those
at industrial sites.
(ii) LP-Gas refrigerated storage systems;
(iii) LP-Gas when used with oxygen.
The requirements of § 1910.253 shall
apply to such use;
(iv) LP-Gas when used in utility gas
plants. The National Fire Protection
Association Standard for the Storage
and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum
Gases at Utility Gas Plants, NFPA No.
59–1968, shall apply to such use;
(v) Low-pressure (not in excess of
one-half pound per square inch or 14
inches water column) LP-Gas piping
systems, and the installation and operation of residential and commercial appliances including their inlet connections, supplied through such systems.
For such systems, the National Fire
Protection Association Standard for
the Installation of Gas Appliances and
Gas Piping, NFPA 54–1969 shall apply.
(3) Retroactivity. Unless otherwise
stated, it is not intended that the provisions of this section be retroactive.
(i) Existing plants, appliances, equipment, buildings, structures, and installations for the storage, handling or use
of LP-Gas, which were in compliance
with the current provisions of the National Fire Protection Association
Standard for the Storage and Handling

of Liquefied Petroleum Gases NFPA
No. 58, at the time of manufacture or
installation may be continued in use, if
such continued use does not constitute
a recognized hazard that is causing or
is likely to cause death or serious
physical harm to employees.
(ii) Stocks of equipment and appliances on hand in such locations as
manufacturers’ storage, distribution
warehouses, and dealers’ storage and
showrooms, which were in compliance
with the current provisions of the National Fire Protection Association
Standard for the Storage and Handling
of Liquefied Petroleum Gases, NFPA
No. 58, at the time of manufacture,
may be placed in service, if such use
does not constitute a recognized hazard
that is causing or is likely to cause
death or serious physical harm to employees.
[39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 43
FR 49747, Oct. 24, 1978; 49 FR 5322, Feb. 10,
1984; 53 FR 12122, Apr. 12, 1988; 55 FR 25094,
June 20, 1990; 55 FR 32015, Aug. 6, 1990; 58 FR
35309, June 30, 1993; 61 FR 9237, 9238, Mar. 7,
1996; 63 FR 33466, June 18, 1998; 72 FR 71069,
Dec. 14, 2007]

§ 1910.111 Storage and handling of anhydrous ammonia.
(a) General—(1) Scope. (i) This standard is intended to apply to the design,
construction, location, installation,
and operation of anhydrous ammonia
systems including refrigerated ammonia storage systems.
(ii) This standard does not apply to:
(a) Ammonia manufacturing plants.
(b) Refrigeration plants where ammonia is used solely as a refrigerant.
(2) Definitions. As used in this section.
(i) Appurtenances. All devices such as
pumps, compressors, safety relief devices, liquid-level gaging devices,
valves and pressure gages.
(ii) Cylinder. A container of 1,000
pounds of water capacity or less constructed in accordance with Department of Transportation specifications.
(iii) Code. The Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section VIII, Unfired
Pressure Vessels of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)—
(iv) Container. Includes all vessels,
tanks, cylinders, or spheres used for


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
transportation, storage, or application
of anhydrous ammonia.
(v) DOT. U.S. Department of Transportation.
(vi) Design pressure is identical to the
term Maximum Allowable Working Pressure used in the Code.
(vii) Farm vehicle (implement of husbandry). A vehicle for use on a farm on
which is mounted a container of not
over 1,200 gallons water capacity.
(viii) Filling density. the percent ratio
of the weight of the gas in a container
to the weight of water at 60 °F. that
the container will hold.
(ix) Gas. Anhydrous ammonia in either the gaseous or liquefied state.
(x) Gas masks. Gas masks must be approved by the National Institute for
(NIOSH) under 42 CFR part 84 for use
with anhydrous ammonia.
(xi) Capacity. Total volume of the
container in standard U.S. gallons.
(xii) DOT specifications—Regulations
of the Department of Transportation
published in 49 CFR Chapter I.
(b) Basic rules. This paragraph applies
to all paragraphs of this section unless
otherwise noted.
(1) Approval of equipment and systems.
Each appurtenance shall be approved in
accordance with paragraph (b)(1) (i),
(ii), (iii), or (iv) of this section.
(i) It was installed before February 8,
1973, and was approved, tested, and installed in accordance with either the
provisions of the American National
Standard for the Storage and Handling
of Anhydrous Ammonia, K61.1, or the
Fertilizer Institute Standards for the
Storage and Handling of Agricultural
Anhydrous Ammonia, M–1, (both of
which are incorporated by reference as
specified in § 1910.6) in effect at the
time of installation; or
(ii) It is accepted, or certified, or listed, or labeled, or otherwise determined
to be safe by a nationally recognized
testing laboratory; or
(iii) It is a type which no nationally
recognized testing laboratory does, or
will undertake to, accept, certify, list,
label, or determine to be safe; and such
equipment is inspected or tested by
any Federal, State, municipal, or other
local authority responsible for enforcing occupational safety provisions of a
Federal, State, municipal or other

§ 1910.111

local law, code, or regulation pertaining to the storage, handling, transport, and use of anhydrous ammonia,
and found to be in compliance with either the provisions of the American
National Standard for the Storage and
Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia,
K61.1, or the Fertilizer Institute Standards for the Storage and Handling of
Agricultural Anhydrous Ammonia, M–
1, in effect at the time of installation;
(iv) It is a custom-designed and custom-built unit, which no nationally
recognized testing laboratory, or Federal, State, municipal or local authority responsible for the enforcement of a
Federal, State, municipal, or local law,
code or regulation pertaining to the
storage, transportation and use of anhydrous ammonia is willing to undertake to accept, certify, list, label or determine to be safe, and the employer
has on file a document attesting to its
safe condition following the conduct of
appropriate tests. The document shall
be signed by a registered professional
engineer or other person having special
training or experience sufficient to permit him to form an opinion as to safety
of the unit involved. The document
shall set forth the test bases, test data
and results, and also the qualifications
of the certifying person.
(v) For the purposes of this paragraph (b)(1), the word listed means that
equipment is of a kind mentioned in a
list which is published by a nationally
recognized laboratory which makes
periodic inspection of the production of
such equipment, and states such equipment meets nationally recognized
standards or has been tested and found
safe for use in a specified manner. Labeled means there is attached to it a
label, symbol, or other identifying
mark of a nationally recognized testing
laboratory which, makes periodic inspections of the production of such
equipment, and whose labeling indicates compliance with nationally recognized standards or tests to determine
safe use in a specified manner. Certified
means it has been tested and found by
a nationally recognized testing laboratory to meet nationally recognized
standards or to be safe for use in a
specified manner, or is of a kind whose
production is periodically inspected by


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§ 1910.111

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

a nationally recognized testing laboratory, and it bears a label, tag, or other
record of certification.
(vi) For the purposes of this paragraph (b)(1), refer to § 1910.7 for definition of nationally recognized testing
(2) Requirements for construction, original test and requalification of nonrefrigerated containers. (i) Containers used
with systems covered in paragraphs (c),
(f), (g), and (h) of this section shall be
constructed and tested in accordance
with the Code except that construction
under Table UW12 at a basic joint efficiency of under 80 percent is not authorized.
(ii) Containers built according to the
Code do not have to comply with Paragraphs UG125 to UG128 inclusive, and
Paragraphs UG132 and UG133 of the
(iii) Containers exceeding 36 inches in
diameter or 250 gallons water capacity
shall be constructed to comply with
one or more of the following:
(a) Containers shall be stress relieved
after fabrication in accordance with
the Code, or
(b) Cold-form heads when used, shall
be stress relieved, or
(c) Hot-formed heads shall be used.
(iv) Welding to the shell, head, or any
other part of the container subject to
internal pressure shall be done in compliance with the Code. Other welding is
permitted only on saddle plates, lugs,
or brackets attached to the container
by the container manufacturer.
(v) Containers used with systems covered in paragraph (e) of this section
shall be constructed and tested in accordance with the DOT specifications.
(vi) The provisions of subdivision (i)
of this subparagraph shall not be construed as prohibiting the continued use
or reinstallation of containers constructed and maintained in accordance
with the 1949, 1950, 1952, 1956, 1959, and
1962 editions of the Code or any revisions thereof in effect at the time of
(3) Marking nonrefrigerated containers.
(i) System nameplates, when required,
shall be permanently attached to the
system so as to be readily accessible
for inspection and shall include markings as prescribed in subdivision (ii) of
this subparagraph.

(ii) Each container or system covered
in paragraphs (c), (f), (g), and (h) of this
section shall be marked as specified in
the following:
(a) With a notation ‘‘Anhydrous Ammonia.’’
(b) With a marking identifying compliance with the rules of the Code
under which the container is constructed.
Under ground: Container and system nameplate.
Above ground: Container.

(c) With a notation whether the system is designed for underground or
aboveground installation or both.
(d) With the name and address of the
supplier of the system or the trade
name of the system and with the date
of fabrication.
Under ground and above ground: System

(e) With the water capacity of the
container in pounds at 60 °F. or gallons, U.S. Standard.
Under ground: Container and system nameplate.
Above ground: Container.

(f) With the design pressure in pounds
per square inch.
Under ground: Container and system nameplate.
Above ground: Container.

(g) With the wall thickness of the
shell and heads.
Under ground: Container and system nameplate.
Above ground: Container.

(h) With marking indicating the
maximum level to which the container
may be filled with liquid anhydrous
ammonia at temperatures between 20
°F. and 130 °F. except on containers
provided with fixed level indicators,
such as fixed length dip tubes, or containers that are filled with weight.
Markings shall be in increments of not
more than 20 °F.
Above ground and under ground: System
nameplate or on liquid-level gaging device.

(i) With the total outside surface area
of the container in square feet.
Under ground: System nameplate.
Above ground: No requirement.


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(j) Marking specified on the container shall be on the container itself
or on a nameplate permanently attached to it.
(4) Marking refrigerated containers.
Each refrigerated container shall be
marked with nameplate on the outer
covering in an accessible place as specified in the following:
(i) With the notation, ‘‘Anhydrous
(ii) With the name and address of the
builder and the date of fabrication.
(iii) With the water capacity of the
container in gallons, U.S. Standard.
(iv) With the design pressure.
(v) With the minimum temperature
in degrees Fahrenheit for which the
container was designed.
(vi) The maximum allowable water
level to which the container may be
filled for test purposes.
(vii) With the density of the product
in pounds per cubic foot for which the
container was designed.
(viii) With the maximum level to
which the container may be filled with
liquid anhydrous ammonia.
(5) Location of containers. (i) Consideration shall be given to the physiological effects of ammonia as well as to
adjacent fire hazards in selecting the
location for a storage container. Containers shall be located outside of
buildings or in buildings or sections
thereof especially provided for this
(ii) Permanent storage containers
shall be located at least 50 feet from a
dug well or other sources of potable
water supply, unless the container is a
part of a water-treatment installation.
(iii)–(iv) [Reserved]
(v) Storage areas shall be kept free of
readily ignitible materials such as
waste, weeds, and long dry grass.
(6) Container appurtenances. (i) All appurtenances shall be designed for not
less than the maximum working pressure of that portion of the system on
which they are installed. All appurtenances shall be fabricated from materials proved suitable for anhydrous
ammonia service.
(ii) All connections to containers except safety relief devices, gaging devices, or those fitted with No. 54 drillsize orifice shall have shutoff valves lo-

§ 1910.111

cated as close to the container as practicable.
(iii) Excess flow valves where required by these standards shall close
automatically at the rated flows of
vapor or liquid as specified by the manufacturer. The connections and line including valves and fittings being protected by an excess flow valve shall
have a greater capacity than the rated
flow of the excess flow valve so that
the valve will close in case of failure of
the line or fittings.
(iv) Liquid-level gaging devices that
require bleeding of the product to the
atmosphere and which are so constructed that outward flow will not exceed that passed by a No. 54 drill-size
opening need not be equipped with excess flow valves.
(v) Openings from the container or
through fittings attached directly on
the container to which pressure gage
connections are made need not be
equipped with excess flow valves if
such openings are not larger than No.
54 drill size.
(vi) Excess flow and back pressure
check valves where required by the
standards in this section shall be located inside of the container or at a
point outside as close as practicable to
where the line enters the container. In
the latter case installation shall be
made in such manner that any undue
strain beyond the excess flow or back
pressure check valve will not cause
breakage between the container and
the valve.
(vii) Excess flow valves shall be designed with a bypass, not to exceed a
No. 60 drill-size opening to allow
equalization of pressures.
(viii) All excess flow valves shall be
plainly and permanently marked with
the name or trademark of the manufacturer, the catalog number, and the
rated capacity.
(7) Piping, tubing, and fittings. (i) All
piping, tubing, and fittings shall be
made of material suitable for anhydrous ammonia service.
(ii) All piping, tubing, and fittings
shall be designed for a pressure not less
than the maximum pressure to which
they may be subjected in service.
(iii) All refrigerated piping shall conform to the Refrigeration Piping Code,


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§ 1910.111

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

American National Standards Institute, B31.5–1966 with addenda B31.1a–
1968, which is incorporated by reference
as specified in § 1910.6, as it applies to
(iv) Piping used on non-refrigerated
systems shall be at least American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) A–53–69 Grade B Electric Resistance Welded and Electric Flash
Welded Pipe, which is incorporated by
reference as specified in § 1910.6, or
equal. Such pipe shall be at least
schedule 40 when joints are welded, or
welded and flanged. Such pipe shall be
at least schedule 80 when joints are
threaded. Threaded connections shall
not be back-welded. Brass, copper, or
galvanized steel pipe shall not be used.
(v) Tubing made of brass, copper, or
other material subject to attack by
ammonia shall not be used.
(vi) Cast iron fittings shall not be
used but this shall not prohibit the use
of fittings made specifically for ammonia service of malleable, nodular, or
high strength gray iron meeting American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) A47–68, ASTM 395–68, or ASTM
A126–66 Class B or C all of which are incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6.
(vii) Joint compounds shall be resistant to ammonia.
(8) Hose specifications. (i) Hose used in
ammonia service shall conform to the
joint Agricultural Ammonia Institute—Rubber Manufacturers Association Specifications for Anhydrous Ammonia Hose.
(ii) Hose subject to container pressure shall be designed for a minimum
working pressure of 350 p.s.i.g. and a
minimum burst pressure of 1,750 p.s.i.g.
Hose assemblies, when made up, shall
be capable of withstanding a test pressure of 500 p.s.i.g.
(iii) Hose and hose connections located on the low-pressure side of flow
control of pressure-reducing valves
shall be designed for a bursting pressure of not less than 5 times the pressure setting of the safety relief devices
protecting that portion of the system
but not less than 125 p.s.i.g. All connections shall be so designed and constructed that there will be no leakage
when connected.

(iv) Where hose is to be used for
transferring liquid from one container
to another, ‘‘wet’’ hose is recommended.
Such hose shall be equipped with approved shutoff valves at the discharge
end. Provision shall be made to prevent
excessive pressure in the hose.
(v) On all hose one-half inch outside
diameter and larger, used for the transfer of anhydrous ammonia liquid or
vapor, there shall be etched, cast, or
impressed at 5-foot intervals the following information.
‘‘Anhydrous Ammonia’’ xxx p.s.i.g. (maximum working pressure), manufacturer’s
name or trademark, year of manufacture.

In lieu of this requirement the same information may be contained on a
nameplate permanently attached to
the hose.
[Minimum required rate of discharge in cubic feet per minute
of air at 120 percent of the maximum permitted start to discharge pressure of safety relief valves]
Flow rate
CFM air

Surface area (sq. ft.)
20 .........................................................................
25 .........................................................................
30 .........................................................................
35 .........................................................................
40 .........................................................................
45 .........................................................................
50 .........................................................................
55 .........................................................................
60 .........................................................................
65 .........................................................................
70 .........................................................................
75 .........................................................................
80 .........................................................................
85 .........................................................................
90 .........................................................................
95 .........................................................................
100 .......................................................................
105 .......................................................................
110 .......................................................................
115 .......................................................................
120 .......................................................................
125 .......................................................................
130 .......................................................................
135 .......................................................................
140 .......................................................................
145 .......................................................................
150 .......................................................................
155 .......................................................................
160 .......................................................................
165 .......................................................................
170 .......................................................................
175 .......................................................................
180 .......................................................................
185 .......................................................................
190 .......................................................................
195 .......................................................................
200 .......................................................................
210 .......................................................................
220 .......................................................................
230 .......................................................................


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
TABLE H–36—Continued
[Minimum required rate of discharge in cubic feet per minute
of air at 120 percent of the maximum permitted start to discharge pressure of safety relief valves]
Flow rate
CFM air

Surface area (sq. ft.)
240 .......................................................................
250 .......................................................................
260 .......................................................................
270 .......................................................................
280 .......................................................................
290 .......................................................................
300 .......................................................................
310 .......................................................................
320 .......................................................................
330 .......................................................................
340 .......................................................................
350 .......................................................................
360 .......................................................................
370 .......................................................................
380 .......................................................................
390 .......................................................................
400 .......................................................................
450 .......................................................................
500 .......................................................................
550 .......................................................................
600 .......................................................................
650 .......................................................................
700 .......................................................................
750 .......................................................................
800 .......................................................................
850 .......................................................................
900 .......................................................................
950 .......................................................................
1,000 ....................................................................
1,050 ....................................................................
1,100 ....................................................................
1,150 ....................................................................
1,200 ....................................................................
1,250 ....................................................................
1,300 ....................................................................
1,350 ....................................................................
1,400 ....................................................................
1,450 ....................................................................
1,500 ....................................................................
1,550 ....................................................................
1,600 ....................................................................
1,650 ....................................................................
1,700 ....................................................................
1,750 ....................................................................
1,800 ....................................................................
1,850 ....................................................................
1,900 ....................................................................
1,950 ....................................................................
2,000 ....................................................................
2,050 ....................................................................
2,100 ....................................................................
2,150 ....................................................................
2,200 ....................................................................
2,250 ....................................................................
2,300 ....................................................................
2,350 ....................................................................
2,400 ....................................................................
2,450 ....................................................................
2,500 ....................................................................


Surface Area=total outside surface area of
container in square feet. When the surface
area is not stamped on the nameplate or
when the marking is not legible the area can
be calculated by using one of the following

§ 1910.111

(1) Cylindrical container with hemispherical heads:
Area=overall length in feet times outside diameter in feet times 3.1416.
(2) Cylindrical container with other than
hemispherical heads:
Area=(overall length in feet plus 0.3 outside
diameter in feet) times outside diameter in
feet times 3.1416.
(3) Spherical container:
Area=outside diameter in feet squared times
Flow Rate—CFM Air=cubic feet per minute
of air required at standard conditions, 60 °F.
and atmospheric pressure (14.7 p.s.i.a.).
The rate of discharge may be interpolated
for intermediate values of surface area. For
containers with total outside surface area
greater than 2,500 square feet, the required
flow rate can be calculated using the formula: Flow Rate CFM Air=22.11 A0 82, where
A=outside surface area of the container in
square feet.

(9) Safety relief devices. (i) Every container used in systems covered by paragraphs (c), (f), (g), and (h) of this section shall be provided with one or more
safety relief valves of the spring-loaded
or equivalent type. The discharge from
safety-relief valves shall be vented
away from the container upward and
unobstructed to the atmosphere. All
relief-valve discharge openings shall
have suitable rain caps that will allow
free discharge of the vapor and prevent
entrance of water. Provision shall be
made for draining condensate which
may accumulate. The rate of the discharge shall be in accordance with the
provisions of Table H–36.
(ii) Container safety-relief valves
shall be set to start-to-discharge as follows, with relation to the design pressure of the container:

ASME-U–68, U–69 ........................
ASME-U–200, U–201 ....................
ASME 1959, 1956, 1952, or 1962
API-ASME .....................................
U.S. Coast Guard ..........................



As required by DOT Regulations.
(iii) Safety relief devices used in systems covered by paragraphs (c), (f), (g),
and (h) of this section shall be constructed to discharge at not less than
the rates required in paragraph (b)(9)(i)
of this section before the pressure is in
excess of 120 percent (not including the


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§ 1910.111

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

10 percent tolerance referred to in
paragraph (b)(9)(ii) of this section) of
the maximum permitted start-to-discharge pressure setting of the device.
(iv) Safety-relief valves shall be so
arranged that the possibility of tampering will be minimized. If the pressure setting adjustment is external,
the relief valves shall be provided with
means for sealing the adjustment.
(v) Shutoff valves shall not be installed between the safety-relief valves
and the container; except, that a shutoff valve may be used where the arrangement of this valve is such as always to afford full required capacity
flow through the relief valves.
(vi) Safety-relief valves shall have direct communication with the vapor
space of the container.
(vii) Each container safety-relief
valve used with systems covered by
paragraphs (c), (f), (g), and (h) of this
section shall be plainly and permanently marked with the symbol ‘‘NH3’’
or ‘‘AA’’; with the pressure in poundsper-square-inch gage at which the
valve is set to start-to-discharge; with
the actual rate of discharge of the
valve at its full open position in cubic
feet per minute of air at 60 °F. and atmospheric pressure; and with the manufacturer’s name and catalog number.
Example: ‘‘NH3 250–4050 Air’’ indicates
that the valve is suitable for use on an
anhydrous ammonia container, is set
to start-to-discharge at a pressure of
250 p.s.i.g., and that its rate of discharge at full open position (subdivisions (ii) and (iii) of this subparagraph)
is 4,050 cubic feet per minute of air.
(viii) The flow capacity of the relief
valve shall not be restricted by any
connection to it on either the upstream
or downstream side.
(ix) A hydrostatic relief valve shall
be installed between each pair of valves
in the liquid ammonia piping or hose
where liquid may be trapped so as to
relieve into the atmosphere at a safe
(10) General.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Stationary storage installations
must have at least two suitable gas
masks in readily-accessible locations.
Full-face masks with ammonia canisters that have been approved by
NIOSH under 42 CFR part 84 are suit-

able for emergency action involving
most anhydrous ammonia leaks, particularly leaks that occur outdoors.
For respiratory protection in concentrated ammonia atmospheres, a
self-contained breathing apparatus is
(iii) Stationary storage installations
shall have an easily accessible shower
or a 50-gallon drum of water.
(iv) Each vehicle transporting ammonia in bulk except farm applicator vehicles shall carry a container of at
least 5 gallons of water and shall be
equipped with a full face mask.
(11) Charging of containers. (i) The filling densities for containers that are
not refrigerated shall not exceed the
Type of container

Percent by

Percent by

Aboveground-Uninsulated .............
Aboveground-Uninsulated .............
Aboveground-Insulated .................
Underground-Uninsulated .............
DOT—In accord with DOT regulations..



(ii) Aboveground uninsulated containers may be charged 87.5 percent by
volume provided the temperature of
the anhydrous ammonia being charged
is determined to be not lower than 30
°F. or provided the charging of the container is stopped at the first indication
of frost or ice formation on its outside
surface and is not resumed until such
frost or ice has disappeared.
(12) Transfer of liquids. (i) Anhydrous
ammonia shall always be at a temperature suitable for the material of construction and the design of the receiving container.
(ii) The employer shall require the
continuous presence of an attendant in
the vicinity of the operation during
such time as ammonia is being transferred.
(iii) Containers shall be charged or
used only upon authorization of the
(iv) Containers shall be gaged and
charged only in the open atmosphere or
in buildings or areas thereof provided
for that purpose.
(v) Pumps used for transferring ammonia shall be those manufactured for
that purpose.
(a) Pumps shall be designed for at
least 250 p.s.i.g. working pressure.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(b) Positive displacement pumps
shall have, installed off the discharged
port, a constant differential relief
valve discharging into the suction port
of the pump through a line of sufficient
size to carry the full capacity of the
pump at relief valve setting, which setting and installation shall be according
to the pump manufacturer’s recommendations.
(c) On the discharge side of the pump,
before the relief valve line, there shall
be installed a pressure gage graduated
from 0 to 400 p.s.i.
(d) Plant piping shall contain shutoff
valves located as close as practical to
pump connections.
(vi) Compressors used for transferring or refrigerating ammonia shall be
recommended for ammonia service by
the manufacturer.
(a) Compressors shall be designed for
at least 250 p.s.i.g. working pressure.
(b) Plant piping shall contain shutoff
valves located as close as practical to
compressor connections.
(c) A relief valve large enough to discharge the full capacity of the compressor shall be connected to the discharge before any shutoff valve.
(d) Compressors shall have pressure
gages at suction and discharge graduated to at least one and one-half
times the maximum pressure that can
be developed.
(e) Adequate means, such as drainable liquid trap, shall be provided on
the compressor suction to minimize
the entry of liquid into the compressor.
(vii) Loading and unloading systems
shall be protected by suitable devices
to prevent emptying of the storage
container or the container being loaded
or unloaded in the event of severance
of the hose. Backflow check valves or
properly sized excess flow valves shall
be installed where necessary to provide
such protection. In the event that such
valves are not practical, remotely operated shutoff valves may be installed.
(13) Tank car unloading points and operations. (i) Provisions for unloading
tank cars shall conform to the applicable recommendations contained in the
DOT regulations.
(ii) The employer shall insure that
unloading operations are performed by
reliable persons properly instructed
and given the authority to monitor

§ 1910.111

careful compliance with all applicable
(iii) Caution signs shall be so placed
on the track or car as to give necessary
warning to persons approaching the car
from open end or ends of siding and
shall be left up until after the car is
unloaded and disconnected from discharge connections. Signs shall be of
metal or other suitable material, at
least 12 by 15 inches in size and bear
the words ‘‘STOP—Tank Car Connected’’ or ‘‘STOP—Men at Work’’ the
word, ‘‘STOP,’’ being in letters at least
4 inches high and the other words in
letters at least 2 inches high.
(iv) The track of a tank car siding
shall be substantially level.
(v) Brakes shall be set and wheels
blocked on all cars being unloaded.
(14) Liquid-level gaging device. (i) Each
container except those filled by weight
shall be equipped with an approved liquid-level gaging device. A thermometer
well shall be provided in all containers
not utilizing a fixed liquid-level gaging
(ii) All gaging devices shall be arranged so that the maximum liquid
level to which the container is filled is
readily determined.
(iii) Gaging devices that require
bleeding of the product to the atmosphere such as the rotary tube, fixed
tube, and slip tube devices shall be designed so that the maximum opening of
the bleed valve is not larger than No.
54 drill size unless provided with an excess flow valve. (This requirement does
not apply to farm vehicles used for the
application of ammonia as covered in
paragraph (h) of this section.)
(iv) Gaging devices shall have a design pressure equal to or greater than
the design pressure of the container on
which they are installed.
(v) Fixed tube liquid-level gages shall
be designed and installed to indicate
that level at which the container is
filled to 85 percent of its water capacity in gallons.
(vi) Gage glasses of the columnar
type shall be restricted to stationary
storage installations. They shall be
equipped with shutoff valves having
metallic handwheels, with excess-flow
valves, and with extra heavy glass adequately protected with a metal housing
applied by the gage manufacturer.


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§ 1910.111

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

They shall be shielded against the direct rays of the sun.
(15) [Reserved]
(16) Electrical equipment and wiring. (i)
Electrical equipment and wiring for
use in ammonia installations shall be
general purpose or weather resistant as
(ii) Electrical systems shall be installed and maintained in accordance
with subpart S of this part.
(c) Systems utilizing stationary, nonrefrigerated storage containers. This
paragraph applies to stationary, nonrefrigerated storage installations utilizing containers other than those covered in paragraph (e) of this section.
Paragraph (b) of this section applies to
this paragraph unless otherwise noted.
(1) Design pressure and construction of
containers. The minimum design pressure for nonrefrigerated containers
shall be 250 p.s.i.g.
(2) Container valves and accessories,
filling and discharge connections. (i)
Each filling connection shall be provided with combination back-pressure
check valve and excess-flow valve; one
double or two single back-pressure
check valves; or a positive shutoff
valve in conjunction with either an internal back-pressure check valve or an
internal excess flow valve.
(ii) All liquid and vapor connections
to containers except filling pipes, safety relief connections, and liquid-level
gaging and pressure gage connections
provided with orifices not larger than
No. 54 drill size as required in paragraphs (b)(6) (iv) and (v) of this section
shall be equipped with excess-flow
(iii) Each storage container shall be
provided with a pressure gage graduated from 0 to 400 p.s.i. Gages shall be
designated for use in ammonia service.
(iv) All containers shall be equipped
with vapor return valves.
(3) Safety-relief devices. (i) Every container shall be provided with one or
more safety-relief valves of the springloaded or equivalent type in accordance with paragraph (b)(9) of this section.
(ii) The rate of discharge of springloaded safety relief valves installed on
underground containers may be reduced to a minimum of 30 percent of
the rate of discharge specified in Table

H–36. Containers so protected shall not
be uncovered after installation until
the liquid ammonia has been removed.
Containers which may contain liquid
ammonia before being installed underground and before being completely
covered with earth are to be considered
aboveground containers when determining the rate of discharge requirements of the safety-relief valves.
(iii) On underground installations
where there is a probability of the
manhole or housing becoming flooded,
the discharge from vent lines shall be
located above the high water level. All
manholes or housings shall be provided
with ventilated louvers or their equivalent, the area of such openings equalling or exceeding combined discharge
areas of safety-relief valves and vent
lines which discharge their content
into the manhole housing.
(iv) Vent pipes, when used, shall not
be restricted or of smaller diameter
than the relief-valve outlet connection.
(v) If desired, vent pipes from two or
more safety-relief devices located on
the same unit, or similar lines from
two or more different units may be run
into a common discharge header, provided the capacity of such header is at
least equal to the sum of the capacities
of the individual discharge lines.
(4) Reinstallation of containers. (i) Containers once installed under ground
shall not later be reinstalled above
ground or under ground, unless they
pressure retests at the pressure specified for the original hydrostatic test as
required by the code under which constructed and show no evidence of serious corrosion.
(ii) Where containers are reinstalled
above ground, safety devices or gaging
devices shall comply with paragraph
(b)(9) of this section and this paragraph
respectively for aboveground containers.
(5) Installation of storage containers. (i)
Containers installed above ground, except as provided in paragraph (c)(5)(v)
of this section shall be provided with
substantial concrete or masonry supports, or structural steel supports on
firm concrete or masonry foundations.
All foundations shall extend below the
frost line.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(ii) Horizontal aboveground containers shall be so mounted on foundations as to permit expansion and contraction. Every container shall be supported to prevent the concentration of
excessive loads on the supporting portion of the shell. That portion of the
container in contact with foundations
or saddles shall be protected against
ground shall be so placed that the top
of the container is below the frost line
and in no case less than 2 feet below
the surface of the ground. Should
ground conditions make compliance
with these requirements impracticable,
installation shall be made otherwise to
prevent physical damage. It will not be
necessary to cover the portion of the
container to which manhole and other
connections are affixed. When necessary to prevent floating, containers
shall be securely anchored or weighted.
(iv) Underground containers shall be
set on a firm foundation (firm earth
may be used) and surrounded with
earth or sand well tamped in place. The
container, prior to being placed under
ground, shall be given a corrosion resisting protective coating. The container thus coated shall be so lowered
into place as to prevent abrasion or
other damage to the coating.
(v) Containers with foundations attached (portable or semiportable tank
containers with suitable steel ‘‘runners’’
or ‘‘skids’’ and commonly known in the
industry as ‘‘skid tanks’’) shall be designed and constructed in accordance
with paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(vi) Secure anchorage or adequate
pier height shall be provided against
container flotation wherever sufficiently high flood water might occur.
(vii) The distance between underground containers of over 2,000 gallons
capacity shall be at least 5 feet.
(6) Protection of appurtenances. (i)
Valves, regulating, gaging, and other
against tampering and physical damage. Such appurtenances shall also be
protected during transit of containers.
(ii) All connections to underground
containers shall be located within a
dome, housing, or manhole and with
access thereto by means of a substantial cover.

§ 1910.111

(7) Damage from vehicles. Precaution
shall be taken against damage to ammonia systems from vehicles.
(d) Refrigerated storage systems. This
paragraph applies to systems utilizing
containers with the storage of anhydrous ammonia under refrigerated conditions. All applicable rules of paragraph (b) of this section apply to this
paragraph unless otherwise noted.
(1) Design of containers. (i) The design
temperature shall be the minimum
temperature to which the container
will be refrigerated.
(ii) Containers with a design pressure
exceeding 15 p.s.i.g. shall be constructed in accordance with paragraph
(b)(2) of this section, and the materials
shall be selected from those listed in
API Standard 620, Recommended Rules
for Design and Construction of Large,
Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks,
Fourth Edition, 1970, Tables 2.02, R2.2,
R2.2(A), R2.2.1, or R2.3 which are incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6.
(iii) Containers with a design pressure of 15 p.s.i.g. and less shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable requirements of API Standard 620
including its appendix R.
(iv) When austenitic steels or nonferrous materials are used, the Code
shall be used as a guide in the selection
of materials for use at the design temperature.
(v) The filling density for refrigerated storage containers shall be such
that the container will not be liquid
full at a liquid temperature corresponding to the vapor pressure at the
start-to-discharge pressure setting of
the safety-relief valve.
(2) Installation of refrigerated storage
containers. (i) Containers shall be supported on suitable noncombustible
foundations designed to accommodate
the type of container being used.
(ii) Adequate protection against flotation or other water damage shall be
provided wherever high flood water
might occur.
(iii) Containers for product storage at
less than 32 °F. shall be supported in
such a way, or heat shall be supplied,
to prevent the effects of freezing and
consequent frost heaving.
(3) Shutoff valves. When operating
conditions make it advisable, a check


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29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

valve shall be installed on the fill connection and a remotely operated shutoff valve on other connections located
below the maximum liquid level.
(4) Safety relief devices. (i) Safety relief valves shall be set to start-to-discharge at a pressure not in excess of
the design pressure of the container
and shall have a total relieving capacity sufficient to prevent a maximum
pressure in the container of more than
120 percent of the design pressure. Relief valves for refrigerated storage containers shall be self-contained springloaded, weight-loaded, or self-contained pilot-operated type.
(ii) The total relieving capacity shall
be the larger of:
(a) Possible refrigeration system
upset such as (1) cooling water failure,
(2) power failure, (3) instrument air or
instrument failure, (4) mechanical failure of any equipment, (5) excessive
pumping rates.
(b) Fire exposure determined in accordance with Compressed Gas Association (CGA) S–1, part 3, Safety Relief
Device Standards for Compressed Gas
Storage Containers, 1959, which is incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6, except that ‘‘A’’ shall be the
total exposed surface area in square
feet up to 25 foot above grade or to the
equator of the storage container if it is
a sphere, whichever is greater. If the
relieving capacity required for fire exposure is greater than that required by
(a) of this subdivision, the additional
capacity may be provided by weak roof
to shell seams in containers operating
at essentially atmospheric pressure
and having an inherently weak roof-toshell seam. The weak roof-to-shell
seam is not to be considered as providing any of the capacity required in
(a) of this subdivision.
(iii) If vent lines are installed to conduct the vapors from the relief valve,
the back pressure under full relieving
conditions shall not exceed 50 percent
of the start-to-discharge pressure for
pressure balanced valves or 10 percent
of the start-to-discharge pressure for
conventional valves. The vent lines
shall be installed to prevent accumulation of liquid in the lines.
(iv) The valve or valve installation
shall provide weather protection.

(v) Atmospheric storage shall be provided with vacuum breakers. Ammonia
gas, nitrogen, methane, or other inert
gases can be used to provide a pad.
(5) Protection of container appurtenances. Appurtenances shall be protected against tampering and physical
(6) Reinstallation of refrigerated storage
containers. Containers of such size as to
require field fabrication shall, when
moved and reinstalled, be reconstructed and reinspected in complete
accordance with the requirements
under which they were constructed.
The containers shall be subjected to a
pressure retest and if rerating is necessary, rerating shall be in accordance
with applicable requirements.
(7) Damage from vehicles. Precaution
shall be taken against damage from vehicles.
(8) Refrigeration load and equipment.
(i) The total refrigeration load shall be
computed as the sum of the following:
(a) Load imposed by heat flow into
the container caused by the temperature differential between design ambient temperature and storage temperature.
(b) Load imposed by heat flow into
the container caused by maximum sun
(c) Maximum load imposed by filling
the container with ammonia warmer
than the design storage temperature.
(ii) More than one storage container
may be handled by the same refrigeration system.
(9) Compressors. (i) A minimum of two
compressors shall be provided either of
which shall be of sufficient size to handle the loads listed in paragraphs
(d)(8)(i) (a) and (b) of this section.
Where more than two compressors are
provided minimum standby equipment
equal to the largest normally operating
equipment shall be installed. Filling
compressors may be used as standby
equipment for holding compressors.
(ii) Compressors shall be sized to operate with a suction pressure at least
10 percent below the minimum setting
of the safety valve(s) on the storage
container and shall withstand a suction pressure at least equal to 120 percent of the design pressure of the container.


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(10) Compressor drives. (i) Each compressor shall have its individual driving unit.
(ii) An emergency source of power of
sufficient capacity to handle the loads
listed in paragraphs (d)(8)(i) (a) and (b)
of this section shall be provided unless
facilities are available to safely dispose
of vented vapors while the refrigeration system is not operating.
(11) Automatic control equipment. (i)
The refrigeration system shall be arranged with suitable controls to govern
the compressor operation in accordance with the load as evidenced by the
pressure in the container(s).
(ii) An emergency alarm system shall
be installed to function in the event
the pressure in the container(s) rises to
the maximum allowable operating
(iii) An emergency alarm and shutoff
shall be located in the condenser system to respond to excess discharge
pressure caused by failure of the cooling medium.
(iv) All automatic controls shall be
installed in a manner to preclude operation of alternate compressors unless
the controls will function with the alternate compressors.
(12) Separators for compressors. (i) An
entrainment separator of suitable size
and design pressure shall be installed
in the compressor suction line of lubricated compression. The separator shall
be equipped with a drain and gaging device.
(ii) [Reserved]
(13) Condensers. The condenser system may be cooled by air or water or
both. The condenser shall be designed
for at least 250 p.s.i.g. Provision shall
be made for purging noncondensibles
either manually or automatically.
(14) Receiver and liquid drain. A receiver shall be provided with a liquidlevel control to discharge the liquid
ammonia to storage. The receiver shall
be designed for at least 250 p.s.i.g. and
be equipped with the necessary connections, safety valves, and gaging device.
(15) Insulation. Refrigerated containers and pipelines which are insulated shall be covered with a material
of suitable quality and thickness for
the temperatures encountered. Insulation shall be suitably supported and
protected against the weather. Weath-

§ 1910.111

erproofing shall be of a type which will
not support flame propagation.
(e) Systems utilizing portable DOT containers—(1)
shall comply with DOT specifications
and shall be maintained, filled, packaged, marked, labeled, and shipped to
comply with 49 CFR chapter I and the
marking requirements set forth in
§ 1910.253(b)(1)(ii).
(2) Storage. Cylinders shall be stored
in an area free from ignitable debris
and in such manner as to prevent external corrosion. Storage may be indoors or outdoors.
(3) Heat protection. Cylinders filled in
accordance with DOT regulations will
become liquid full at 145 °F. Cylinders
shall be protected from heat sources
such as radiant flame and steampipes.
Heat shall not be applied directly to
cylinders to raise the pressure.
(4) Protection. Cylinders shall be
stored in such manner as to protect
them from moving vehicles or external
(5) Valve cap. Any cylinder which is
designed to have a valve protection cap
shall have the cap securely in place
when the cylinder is not in service.
(f) Tank motor vehicles for the transportation of ammonia. (1) This paragraph
applies to containers and pertinent
equipment mounted on tank motor vehicles including semitrailers and full
trailers used for the transportation of
ammonia. This paragraph does not
apply to farm vehicles. For requirements covering farm vehicles, refer to
paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section.
Paragraph (b) of this section applies to
this paragraph unless otherwise noted.
Containers and pertinent equipment
for tank motor vehicles for the transportation of anhydrous ammonia, in
addition to complying with the requirements of this section, shall also
comply with the requirements of DOT.
(2) Design pressure and construction of
containers. (i) The minimum design
pressure for containers shall be that
specified in the regulations of the DOT.
(ii) The shell or head thickness of
any container shall not be less than
three-sixteenth inch.
(iii) All container openings, except
safety relief valves, liquid-level gaging


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29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

devices, and pressure gages, shall be labeled to designate whether they communicate with liquid or vapor space.
(3) Container appurtenances. (i) All appurtenances shall be protected against
physical damage.
(ii) All connections to containers, except filling connections, safety relief
devices, and liquid-level and pressure
gage connections, shall be provided
with suitable automatic excess flow
valves, or in lieu thereof, may be fitted
with quick-closing internal valves,
which shall remain closed except during delivery operations. The control
mechanism for such valves may be provided with a secondary control remote
from the delivery connections and such
control mechanism shall be provided
with a fusible section (melting point
208 °F. to 220 °F.) which will permit the
internal valve to close automatically
in case of fire.
(iii) Filling connections shall be provided with automatic back-pressure
check valves, excess-flow valves, or
quick-closing internal valves, to prevent back-flow in case the filling connection is broken. Where the filling
and discharge connect to a common
opening in the container shell and that
opening is fitted with a quick-closing
internal valve as specified in paragraph
(f)(3)(ii) of this section, the automatic
valve shall not be required.
(iv) All containers shall be equipped
for spray loading (filling in the vapor
space) or with an approved vapor return valve of adequate capacity.
(4) Piping and fittings. (i) All piping,
tubing, and fittings shall be securely
mounted and protected against damage. Means shall be provided to protect
hoses while the vehicle is in motion.
(ii) Fittings shall comply with paragraph (b)(6) of this section. Pipe shall
be Schedule 80.
(5) Safety relief devices. (i) The discharge from safety relief valves shall
be vented away from the container upward and unobstructed to the open air
in such a manner as to prevent any impingement of escaping gas upon the
container; loose-fitting rain caps shall
be used. Size of discharge lines from
safety valves shall not be smaller than
the nominal size of the safety-relief
valve outlet connection. Suitable provision shall be made for draining con-

densate which may accumulate in the
discharge pipe.
(ii) Any portion of liquid ammonia
piping which at any time may be closed
at both ends shall be provided with a
hydrostatic relief valve.
(6) Transfer of liquids. (i) The content
of tank motor vehicle containers shall
be determined by weight, by a suitable
liquid-level gaging device, or other approved methods. If the content of a
container is to be determined by liquid-level measurement, the container
shall have a thermometer well so that
the internal liquid temperature can be
easily determined. This volume when
converted to weight shall not exceed
the filling density specified by the
(ii) Any pump, except a constant
speed centrifugal pump, shall be
equipped with a suitable pressure actuated bypass valve permitting flow from
discharge to suction when the discharge pressure rises above a predetermined point. Pump discharge shall also
be equipped with a spring-loaded safety
relief valve set at a pressure not more
than 135 percent of the setting of the
bypass valve or more than 400 p.s.i.g.,
whichever is larger.
(iii) Compressors shall be equipped
with manually operated shutoff valves
on both suction and discharge connections. Pressure gages of bourdon-tube
type shall be installed on the suction
and discharge of the compressor before
the shutoff valves. The compressor
shall not be operated if either pressure
gage is removed or is inoperative. A
spring-loaded, safety-relief valve capable of discharging to atmosphere the
full flow of gas from the compressor at
a pressure not exceeding 300 p.s.i.g.
shall be connected between the compressor discharge and the discharge
shutoff valve.
(iv) Valve functions shall be clearly
and legibly identified by metal tags or
nameplates permanently affixed to
each valve.
(7)–(8) [Reserved]
(9) Chock blocks. At least two chock
blocks shall be provided. These blocks
shall be placed to prevent rolling of the
vehicle whenever it is parked during
loading and unloading operations.
(10) Portable tank containers (skid
tanks). Where portable tank containers


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are used for farm storage they shall
comply with paragraph (c)(1) of this
section. When portable tank containers
are used in lieu of cargo tanks and are
permanently mounted on tank motor
vehicles for the transportation of ammonia, they shall comply with the requirements of this paragraph.
(g) Systems mounted on farm vehicles
other than for the application of ammonia—(1) Application. This paragraph applies to containers of 1,200 gallons capacity or less and pertinent equipment
mounted on farm vehicles (implements
of husbandry) and used other than for
the application of ammonia to the soil.
Paragraph (b) of this section applies to
this paragraph unless otherwise noted.
(2) Design pressure and classification of
containers. (i) The minimum design
pressure for containers shall be 250
(ii) The shell or head thickness of
any container shall be not less than
three-sixteenths of an inch.
(3) Mounting containers. (i) A suitable
‘‘stop’’ or ‘‘stops’’ shall be mounted on
the vehicle or on the container in such
a way that the container shall not be
dislodged from its mounting due to the
vehicle coming to a sudden stop. Back
slippage shall also be prevented by
proper methods.
(ii) A suitable ‘‘hold down’’ device
shall be provided which will anchor the
container to the vehicle at one or more
places on each side of the container.
(iii) When containers are mounted on
four-wheel trailers, care shall be taken
to insure that the weight is distributed
evenly over both axles.
(iv) When the cradle and the tank are
not welded together suitable material
shall be used between them to eliminate metal-to-metal friction.
(4) Container appurtenances. (i) All
containers shall be equipped with a
fixed liquid-level gage.
(ii) All containers with a capacity exceeding 250 gallons shall be equipped
with a pressure gage having a dial
graduated from 0–400 p.s.i.
(iii) The filling connection shall be
fitted with combination back-pressure
check valve and excess-flow valve; one
double or two single back-pressure
check valves; or a positive shutoff
valve in conjunction with either an in-

§ 1910.111

ternal back-pressure check valve or an
internal excess flow valve.
(iv) All containers with a capacity
exceeding 250 gallons shall be equipped
for spray loading or with an approved
vapor return valve.
(v) All vapor and liquid connections
except safety-relief valves and those
specifically exempted by paragraph
(b)(6)(v) of this section shall be
equipped with approved excess-flow
valves or may be fitted with quickclosing internal valves which, except
during operating periods, shall remain
(vi) Fittings shall be adequately protected from damage by a metal box or
cylinder with open top securely fastened to the container or by rigid
guards, well braced, welded to the container on both sides of the fittings or
by a metal dome. If a metal dome is
used, the relief valve shall be properly
vented through the dome.
(vii) If a liquid withdrawal line is installed in the bottom of a container,
the connections thereto, including
hose, shall not be lower than the lowest horizontal edge of the vehicle axle.
(viii) Provision shall be made to secure both ends of the hose while in
(5) Marking the container. There shall
appear on each side and on the rear end
of the container in letters at least 4
inches high, the words, ‘‘Caution—Ammonia’’ or the container shall be
marked in accordance with DOT regulations.
(6) Farm vehicles. (i) Farm vehicles
shall conform with State regulations.
(ii) All trailers shall be securely attached to the vehicle drawing them by
means of drawbars supplemented by
suitable safety chains.
(iii) A trailer shall be constructed so
that it will follow substantially in the
path of the towing vehicle and will not
whip or swerve dangerously from side
to side.
(iv) All vehicles shall carry a can
containing 5 gallons or more of water.
(h) Systems mounted on farm vehicles
for the application of ammonia. (1) This
paragraph applies to systems utilizing
containers of 250 gallons capacity or
less which are mounted on farm vehicles (implement of husbandry) and used
for the application of ammonia to the


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29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

soil. Paragraph (b) of this section applies to this paragraph unless otherwise noted. Where larger containers are
used, they shall comply with paragraph
(g) of this section.
(2) Design pressure and classification of
containers. (i) The minimum design
pressure for containers shall be 250
(ii) The shell or head thickness of
any container shall not be less than
three-sixteenths inch.
(3) Mounting of containers. All containers and flow-control devices shall
be securely mounted.
(4) Container valves and accessories. (i)
Each container shall have a fixed liquid-level gage.
(ii) The filling connection shall be
fitted with a combination back-pressure check valve and an excess-flow
valve; one double or two single backpressure check valves: or a positive
shutoff valve in conjunction with an
internal back-pressure check valve or
an internal excess-flow valve.
(iii) The applicator tank may be
filled by venting to open air provided
the bleeder valve orifice does not exceed seven-sixteenths inch in diameter.
(iv) Regulation equipment may be
connected directly to the tank coupling or flange, in which case a flexible
connection shall be used between such
regulating equipment and the remainder of the liquid withdrawal system.
Regulating equipment not so installed
shall be flexibly connected to the container shutoff valve.
(v) No excess flow valve is required in
the liquid withdrawal line provided the
controlling orifice between the contents of the container and the outlet of
the shutoff valve does not exceed
seven-sixteenths inch in diameter.
[39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 43
FR 49748, Oct. 24, 1978; 49 FR 5322, Feb. 10,
1984; 53 FR 12122, Apr. 12, 1988; 61 FR 9238,
Mar. 7, 1996; 63 FR 1269, Jan. 8, 1998; 63 FR
33466, June 18, 1998; 72 FR 71069, Dec. 14, 2007]

§§ 1910.112–1910.113


§ 1910.119 Process safety management
of highly hazardous chemicals.
Purpose. This section contains requirements for preventing or minimizing the consequences of catastrophic releases of toxic, reactive,

flammable, or explosive chemicals.
These releases may result in toxic, fire
or explosion hazards.
(a) Application. (1) This section applies to the following:
(i) A process which involves a chemical at or above the specified threshold
quantities listed in appendix A to this
(ii) A process which involves a flammable liquid or gas (as defined in
1910.1200(c) of this part) on site in one
location, in a quantity of 10,000 pounds
(4535.9 kg) or more except for:
(A) Hydrocarbon fuels used solely for
workplace consumption as a fuel (e.g.,
propane used for comfort heating, gasoline for vehicle refueling), if such fuels
are not a part of a process containing
another highly hazardous chemical
covered by this standard;
(B) Flammable liquids stored in atmospheric tanks or transferred which
are kept below their normal boiling
point without benefit of chilling or refrigeration.
(2) This section does not apply to:
(i) Retail facilities;
(ii) Oil or gas well drilling or servicing operations; or,
(iii) Normally unoccupied remote facilities.
(b) Definitions. Atmospheric tank
means a storage tank which has been
designed to operate at pressures from
atmospheric through 0.5 p.s.i.g. (pounds
per square inch gauge, 3.45 Kpa).
Boiling point means the boiling point
of a liquid at a pressure of 14.7 pounds
per square inch absolute (p.s.i.a.) (760
mm.). For the purposes of this section,
where an accurate boiling point is unavailable for the material in question,
or for mixtures which do not have a
constant boiling point, the 10 percent
point of a distillation performed in accordance with the Standard Method of
Test for Distillation of Petroleum
Products, ASTM D–86–62, which is incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6, may be used as the boiling
point of the liquid.
Catastrophic release means a major
uncontrolled emission, fire, or explosion, involving one or more highly hazardous chemicals, that presents serious
danger to employees in the workplace.


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Facility means the buildings, containers or equipment which contain a
Highly hazardous chemical means a
substance possessing toxic, reactive,
flammable, or explosive properties and
specified by paragraph (a)(1) of this
Hot work means work involving electric or gas welding, cutting, brazing, or
similar flame or spark-producing operations.
Normally unoccupied remote facility
means a facility which is operated,
maintained or serviced by employees
who visit the facility only periodically
to check its operation and to perform
necessary operating or maintenance
tasks. No employees are permanently
stationed at the facility.
Facilities meeting this definition are
not contiguous with, and must be geographically remote from all other
buildings, processes or persons.
Process means any activity involving
a highly hazardous chemical including
any use, storage, manufacturing, handling, or the on-site movement of such
chemicals, or combination of these activities. For purposes of this definition,
any group of vessels which are interconnected and separate vessels which
are located such that a highly hazardous chemical could be involved in a
potential release shall be considered a
single process.
Replacement in kind means a replacement which satisfies the design specification.
Trade secret means any confidential
formula, pattern, process, device, information or compilation of information
that is used in an employer’s business,
and that gives the employer an opportunity to obtain an advantage over
competitors who do not know or use it.
Appendix D contained in § 1910.1200 sets
out the criteria to be used in evaluating trade secrets.
(c) Employee participation. (1) Employers shall develop a written plan of action regarding the implementation of
the employee participation required by
this paragraph.
(2) Employers shall consult with employees and their representatives on
the conduct and development of process hazards analyses and on the development of the other elements of proc-

§ 1910.119

ess safety management in this standard.
(3) Employers shall provide to employees and their representatives access to process hazard analyses and to
all other information required to be developed under this standard.
(d) Process safety information. In accordance with the schedule set forth in
paragraph (e)(1) of this section, the employer shall complete a compilation of
written process safety information before conducting any process hazard
analysis required by the standard. The
compilation of written process safety
information is to enable the employer
and the employees involved in operating the process to identify and understand the hazards posed by those processes
chemicals. This process safety information shall include information pertaining to the hazards of the highly
hazardous chemicals used or produced
by the process, information pertaining
to the technology of the process, and
information pertaining to the equipment in the process.
(1) Information pertaining to the hazards of the highly hazardous chemicals in
the process. This information shall consist of at least the following:
(i) Toxicity information;
(ii) Permissible exposure limits;
(iii) Physical data;
(iv) Reactivity data:
(v) Corrosivity data;
(vi) Thermal and chemical stability
data; and
(vii) Hazardous effects of inadvertent
mixing of different materials that
could foreseeably occur.
NOTE: Material Safety Data Sheets meeting the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1200(g)
may be used to comply with this requirement to the extent they contain the information required by this subparagraph.

(2) Information pertaining to the technology of the process. (i) Information
concerning the technology of the process shall include at least the following:
(A) A block flow diagram or simplified process flow diagram (see appendix B to this section);
(B) Process chemistry;
(C) Maximum intended inventory;
(D) Safe upper and lower limits for
such items as temperatures, pressures,
flows or compositions; and,


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(E) An evaluation of the consequences of deviations, including
those affecting the safety and health of
(ii) Where the original technical information no longer exists, such information may be developed in conjunction with the process hazard analysis
in sufficient detail to support the analysis.
(3) Information pertaining to the equipment in the process. (i) Information pertaining to the equipment in the process
shall include:
(A) Materials of construction;
(B) Piping and instrument diagrams
(C) Electrical classification;
(D) Relief system design and design
(E) Ventilation system design;
(F) Design codes and standards employed;
(G) Material and energy balances for
processes built after May 26, 1992; and,
(H) Safety systems (e.g. interlocks,
detection or suppression systems).
(ii) The employer shall document
that equipment complies with recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices.
(iii) For existing equipment designed
and constructed in accordance with
codes, standards, or practices that are
no longer in general use, the employer
shall determine and document that the
equipment is designed, maintained, inspected, tested, and operating in a safe
(e) Process hazard analysis. (1) The
employer shall perform an initial process hazard analysis (hazard evaluation)
on processes covered by this standard.
The process hazard analysis shall be
appropriate to the complexity of the
process and shall identify, evaluate,
and control the hazards involved in the
process. Employers shall determine and
document the priority order for conducting process hazard analyses based
on a rationale which includes such considerations as extent of the process
hazards, number of potentially affected
employees, age of the process, and operating history of the process. The
process hazard analysis shall be conducted as soon as possible, but not
later than the following schedule:

(i) No less than 25 percent of the initial process hazards analyses shall be
completed by May 26, 1994;
(ii) No less than 50 percent of the initial process hazards analyses shall be
completed by May 26, 1995;
(iii) No less than 75 percent of the
initial process hazards analyses shall
be completed by May 26, 1996;
(iv) All initial process hazards analyses shall be completed by May 26, 1997.
(v) Process hazards analyses completed after May 26, 1987 which meet
the requirements of this paragraph are
acceptable as initial process hazards
analyses. These process hazard analyses shall be updated and revalidated,
based on their completion date, in accordance with paragraph (e)(6) of this
(2) The employer shall use one or
more of the following methodologies
that are appropriate to determine and
evaluate the hazards of the process
being analyzed.
(i) What-If;
(ii) Checklist;
(iii) What-If/Checklist;
(iv) Hazard and Operability Study
(v) Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
(vi) Fault Tree Analysis; or
(vii) An appropriate equivalent methodology.
(3) The process hazard analysis shall
(i) The hazards of the process;
(ii) The identification of any previous
incident which had a likely potential
for catastrophic consequences in the
(iii) Engineering and administrative
controls applicable to the hazards and
their interrelationships such as appropriate application of detection methodologies to provide early warning of
releases. (Acceptable detection methods might include process monitoring
and control instrumentation with
alarms, and detection hardware such as
hydrocarbon sensors.);
(iv) Consequences of failure of engineering and administrative controls;
(v) Facility siting;
(vi) Human factors; and
(vii) A qualitative evaluation of a
range of the possible safety and health


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effects of failure of controls on employees in the workplace.
(4) The process hazard analysis shall
be performed by a team with expertise
in engineering and process operations,
and the team shall include at least one
employee who has experience and
knowledge specific to the process being
evaluated. Also, one member of the
team must be knowledgeable in the
specific process hazard analysis methodology being used.
(5) The employer shall establish a
system to promptly address the team’s
findings and recommendations; assure
that the recommendations are resolved
in a timely manner and that the resolution is documented; document what
actions are to be taken; complete actions as soon as possible; develop a
written schedule of when these actions
are to be completed; communicate the
actions to operating, maintenance and
other employees whose work assignments are in the process and who may
be affected by the recommendations or
(6) At least every five (5) years after
the completion of the initial process
hazard analysis, the process hazard
analysis shall be updated and revalidated by a team meeting the requirements in paragraph (e)(4) of this section, to assure that the process hazard
analysis is consistent with the current
(7) Employers shall retain process
hazards analyses and updates or revalidations for each process covered by
this section, as well as the documented
resolution of recommendations described in paragraph (e)(5) of this section for the life of the process.
(f) Operating procedures (1) The employer shall develop and implement
written operating procedures that provide clear instructions for safely conducting activities involved in each covered process consistent with the process safety information and shall address at least the following elements.
(i) Steps for each operating phase:
(A) Initial startup;
(B) Normal operations;
(C) Temporary operations;
(D) Emergency shutdown including
the conditions under which emergency
shutdown is required, and the assignment of shutdown responsibility to

§ 1910.119

qualified operators to ensure that
emergency shutdown is executed in a
safe and timely manner.
(E) Emergency Operations;
(F) Normal shutdown; and,
(G) Startup following a turnaround,
or after an emergency shutdown.
(ii) Operating limits:
(A) Consequences of deviation; and
(B) Steps required to correct or avoid
(iii) Safety and health considerations:
(A) Properties of, and hazards presented by, the chemicals used in the
(B) Precautions necessary to prevent
exposure, including engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment;
(C) Control measures to be taken if
physical contact or airborne exposure
(D) Quality control for raw materials
and control of hazardous chemical inventory levels; and,
(E) Any special or unique hazards.
(iv) Safety systems and their functions.
(2) Operating procedures shall be
readily accessible to employees who
work in or maintain a process.
(3) The operating procedures shall be
reviewed as often as necessary to assure that they reflect current operating practice, including changes that
result from changes in process chemicals, technology, and equipment, and
changes to facilities. The employer
shall certify annually that these operating procedures are current and accurate.
(4) The employer shall develop and
implement safe work practices to provide for the control of hazards during
operations such as lockout/tagout; confined space entry; opening process
equipment or piping; and control over
entrance into a facility by maintenance, contractor, laboratory, or other
support personnel. These safe work
practices shall apply to employees and
contractor employees.
(g) Training—(1) Initial training. (i)
Each employee presently involved in
operating a process, and each employee
before being involved in operating a
newly assigned process, shall be
trained in an overview of the process
and in the operating procedures as


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specified in paragraph (f) of this section. The training shall include emphasis on the specific safety and health
hazards, emergency operations including shutdown, and safe work practices
applicable to the employee’s job tasks.
(ii) In lieu of initial training for
those employees already involved in
operating a process on May 26, 1992, an
employer may certify in writing that
the employee has the required knowledge, skills, and abilities to safely
carry out the duties and responsibilities as specified in the operating procedures.
(2) Refresher training. Refresher training shall be provided at least every
three years, and more often if necessary, to each employee involved in
operating a process to assure that the
employee understands and adheres to
the current operating procedures of the
process. The employer, in consultation
with the employees involved in operating the process, shall determine the
appropriate frequency of refresher
(3) Training documentation. The employer shall ascertain that each employee involved in operating a process
has received and understood the training required by this paragraph. The
employer shall prepare a record which
contains the identity of the employee,
the date of training, and the means
used to verify that the employee understood the training.
(h) Contractors—(1) Application. This
paragraph applies to contractors performing maintenance or repair, turnaround, major renovation, or specialty
work on or adjacent to a covered process. It does not apply to contractors
providing incidental services which do
not influence process safety, such as
janitorial work, food and drink services, laundry, delivery or other supply
(2) Employer responsibilities. (i) The
employer, when selecting a contractor,
shall obtain and evaluate information
regarding the contract employer’s safety performance and programs.
(ii) The employer shall inform contract employers of the known potential
fire, explosion, or toxic release hazards
related to the contractor’s work and
the process.

(iii) The employer shall explain to
contract employers the applicable provisions of the emergency action plan
required by paragraph (n) of this section.
(iv) The employer shall develop and
implement safe work practices consistent with paragraph (f)(4) of this section, to control the entrance, presence
and exit of contract employers and
contract employees in covered process
(v) The employer shall periodically
evaluate the performance of contract
employers in fulfilling their obligations as specified in paragraph (h)(3) of
this section.
(vi) The employer shall maintain a
contract employee injury and illness
log related to the contractor’s work in
process areas.
(3) Contract employer responsibilities.
(i) The contract employer shall assure
that each contract employee is trained
in the work practices necessary to safely perform his/her job.
(ii) The contract employer shall assure that each contract employee is instructed in the known potential fire,
explosion, or toxic release hazards related to his/her job and the process,
and the applicable provisions of the
emergency action plan.
(iii) The contract employer shall document that each contract employee
has received and understood the training required by this paragraph. The
contract employer shall prepare a
record which contains the identity of
the contract employee, the date of
training, and the means used to verify
that the employee understood the
(iv) The contract employer shall assure that each contract employee follows the safety rules of the facility including the safe work practices required by paragraph (f)(4) of this section.
(v) The contract employer shall advise the employer of any unique hazards presented by the contract employer’s work, or of any hazards found by
the contract employer’s work.
(i) Pre-startup safety review. (1) The
employer shall perform a pre-startup
safety review for new facilities and for
modified facilities when the modification is significant enough to require a


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change in the process safety information.
(2) The pre-startup safety review
shall confirm that prior to the introduction of highly hazardous chemicals
to a process:
(i) Construction and equipment is in
accordance with design specifications;
(ii) Safety, operating, maintenance,
and emergency procedures are in place
and are adequate;
(iii) For new facilities, a process hazard analysis has been performed and
recommendations have been resolved
or implemented before startup; and
modified facilities meet the requirements contained in management of
change, paragraph (l).
(iv) Training of each employee involved in operating a process has been
(j) Mechanical integrity—(1) Application. Paragraphs (j)(2) through (j)(6) of
this section apply to the following
process equipment:
(i) Pressure vessels and storage
(ii) Piping systems (including piping
components such as valves);
(iii) Relief and vent systems and devices;
(iv) Emergency shutdown systems;
(v) Controls (including monitoring
devices and sensors, alarms, and interlocks) and,
(vi) Pumps.
(2) Written procedures. The employer
shall establish and implement written
procedures to maintain the on-going
integrity of process equipment.
(3) Training for process maintenance
activities. The employer shall train each
employee involved in maintaining the
on-going integrity of process equipment in an overview of that process
and its hazards and in the procedures
applicable to the employee’s job tasks
to assure that the employee can perform the job tasks in a safe manner.
(4) Inspection and testing. (i) Inspections and tests shall be performed on
process equipment.
(ii) Inspection and testing procedures
shall follow recognized and generally
accepted good engineering practices.
(iii) The frequency of inspections and
tests of process equipment shall be consistent with applicable manufacturers’
recommendations and good engineering

§ 1910.119

practices, and more frequently if determined to be necessary by prior operating experience.
(iv) The employer shall document
each inspection and test that has been
performed on process equipment. The
documentation shall identify the date
of the inspection or test, the name of
the person who performed the inspection or test, the serial number or other
identifier of the equipment on which
the inspection or test was performed, a
description of the inspection or test
performed, and the results of the inspection or test.
(5) Equipment deficiencies. The employer shall correct deficiencies in
equipment that are outside acceptable
limits (defined by the process safety information in paragraph (d) of this section) before further use or in a safe and
timely manner when necessary means
are taken to assure safe operation.
(6) Quality assurance. (i) In the construction of new plants and equipment,
the employer shall assure that equipment as it is fabricated is suitable for
the process application for which they
will be used.
(ii) Appropriate checks and inspections shall be performed to assure that
equipment is installed properly and
consistent with design specifications
and the manufacturer’s instructions.
(iii) The employer shall assure that
maintenance materials, spare parts and
equipment are suitable for the process
application for which they will be used.
(k) Hot work permit. (1) The employer
shall issue a hot work permit for hot
work operations conducted on or near a
covered process.
(2) The permit shall document that
the fire prevention and protection requirements in 29 CFR 1910.252(a) have
been implemented prior to beginning
the hot work operations; it shall indicate the date(s) authorized for hot
work; and identify the object on which
hot work is to be performed. The permit shall be kept on file until completion of the hot work operations.
(l) Management of change. (1) The employer shall establish and implement
written procedures to manage changes
(except for ‘‘replacements in kind’’) to
process chemicals, technology, equipment, and procedures; and, changes to
facilities that affect a covered process.


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(2) The procedures shall assure that
the following considerations are addressed prior to any change:
(i) The technical basis for the proposed change;
(ii) Impact of change on safety and
(iii) Modifications to operating procedures;
(iv) Necessary time period for the
change; and,
(v) Authorization requirements for
the proposed change.
(3) Employees involved in operating a
process and maintenance and contract
employees whose job tasks will be affected by a change in the process shall
be informed of, and trained in, the
change prior to start-up of the process
or affected part of the process.
(4) If a change covered by this paragraph results in a change in the process
safety information required by paragraph (d) of this section, such information shall be updated accordingly.
(5) If a change covered by this paragraph results in a change in the operating procedures or practices required
by paragraph (f) of this section, such
procedures or practices shall be updated accordingly.
(m) Incident investigation. (1) The employer shall investigate each incident
which resulted in, or could reasonably
have resulted in a catastrophic release
of highly hazardous chemical in the
(2) An incident investigation shall be
initiated as promptly as possible, but
not later than 48 hours following the
(3) An incident investigation team
shall be established and consist of at
least one person knowledgeable in the
process involved, including a contract
employee if the incident involved work
of the contractor, and other persons
with appropriate knowledge and experience to thoroughly investigate and
analyze the incident.
(4) A report shall be prepared at the
conclusion of the investigation which
includes at a minimum:
(i) Date of incident;
(ii) Date investigation began;
(iii) A description of the incident;
(iv) The factors that contributed to
the incident; and,

(v) Any recommendations resulting
from the investigation.
(5) The employer shall establish a
system to promptly address and resolve
the incident report findings and recommendations. Resolutions and corrective actions shall be documented.
(6) The report shall be reviewed with
all affected personnel whose job tasks
are relevant to the incident findings including contract employees where applicable.
(7) Incident investigation reports
shall be retained for five years.
(n) Emergency planning and response.
The employer shall establish and implement an emergency action plan for
the entire plant in accordance with the
provisions of 29 CFR 1910.38. In addition, the emergency action plan shall
include procedures for handling small
releases. Employers covered under this
standard may also be subject to the
hazardous waste and emergency response provisions contained in 29 CFR
1910.120 (a), (p) and (q).
(o) Compliance Audits. (1) Employers
shall certify that they have evaluated
compliance with the provisions of this
section at least every three years to
verify that the procedures and practices developed under the standard are
adequate and are being followed.
(2) The compliance audit shall be
conducted by at least one person
knowledgeable in the process.
(3) A report of the findings of the
audit shall be developed.
(4) The employer shall promptly determine and document an appropriate
response to each of the findings of the
compliance audit, and document that
deficiencies have been corrected.
(5) Employers shall retain the two (2)
most recent compliance audit reports.
(p) Trade secrets. (1) Employers shall
make all information necessary to
comply with the section available to
those persons responsible for compiling
the process safety information (required by paragraph (d) of this section),
those assisting in the development of
the process hazard analysis (required
by paragraph (e) of this section), those


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responsible for developing the operating procedures (required by paragraph (f) of this section), and those involved in incident investigations (required by paragraph (m) of this section), emergency planning and response
(paragraph (n) of this section) and compliance audits (paragraph (o) of this
section) without regard to possible
trade secret status of such information.
(2) Nothing in this paragraph shall
preclude the employer from requiring
the persons to whom the information is
made available under paragraph (p)(1)
of this section to enter into confidentiality agreements not to disclose the
information as set forth in 29 CFR
(3) Subject to the rules and procedures set forth in 29 CFR 1910.1200(i)(1)
through 1910.1200(i)(12), employees and
their designated representatives shall
have access to trade secret information
contained within the process hazard
analysis and other documents required
to be developed by this standard.
This appendix contains a listing of toxic
and reactive highly hazardous chemicals
which present a potential for a catastrophic
event at or above the threshold quantity.
Acetaldehyde .......................................
Acrolein (2-Propenal) ..........................
Acrylyl Chloride ...................................
Allyl Chloride .......................................
Allylamine ............................................
Alkylaluminums ....................................
Ammonia, Anhydrous ..........................
Ammonia solutions (>44% ammonia
by weight) ........................................
Ammonium Perchlorate .......................
Ammonium Permanganate ..................
Arsine (also called Arsenic Hydride) ...
Bis(Chloromethyl) Ether ......................
Boron Trichloride .................................
Boron Trifluoride ..................................
Bromine ...............................................
Bromine Chloride .................................
Bromine Pentafluoride .........................
Bromine Trifluoride ..............................
3–Bromopropyne (also called Propargyl Bromide) ...............................
Butyl Hydroperoxide (Tertiary) ............
Butyl Perbenzoate (Tertiary) ...............
Carbonyl Chloride (see Phosgene) .....
Carbonyl Fluoride ................................
>12.6% nitrogen ...............................
Chlorine ...............................................
Chlorine Dioxide ..................................











§ 1910.119


Chlorine Pentrafluoride ........................
Chlorine Trifluoride ..............................
Chlorodiethylaluminum (also called
Diethylaluminum Chloride) ...............
1-Chloro-2,4-Dinitrobenzene ...............
Chloromethyl Methyl Ether ..................
Chloropicrin .........................................
Chloropicrin and Methyl Bromide mixture ...................................................
Chloropicrin and Methyl Chloride mixture ...................................................
Cumene Hydroperoxide ......................
Cyanogen ............................................
Cyanogen Chloride ..............................
Cyanuric Fluoride ................................
>70%) ...............................................
Diazomethane .....................................
Dibenzoyl Peroxide .............................
Diborane ..............................................
Dibutyl Peroxide (Tertiary) ..................
Dichloro Acetylene ..............................
Dichlorosilane ......................................
Diethylzinc ...........................................
Diisopropyl Peroxydicarbonate ............
Dilaluroyl Peroxide ..............................
Dimethyldichlorosilane .........................
Dimethylhydrazine, 1,1- .......................
Dimethylamine, Anhydrous .................
2,4-Dinitroaniline ..................................
Ethyl Methyl Ketone Peroxide (also
Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide; concentration >60%) ..............................
Ethyl Nitrite ..........................................
Ethylamine ...........................................
Ethylene Fluorohydrin .........................
Ethylene Oxide ....................................
Ethyleneimine ......................................
Fluorine ................................................
Formaldehyde (Formalin) ....................
Furan ...................................................
Hexafluoroacetone ..............................
Hydrochloric Acid, Anhydrous .............
Hydrofluoric Acid, Anhydrous ..............
Hydrogen Bromide ..............................
Hydrogen Chloride ..............................
Hydrogen Cyanide, Anhydrous ...........
Hydrogen Fluoride ...............................
Hydrogen Peroxide (52% by weight or
greater) ............................................
Hydrogen Selenide ..............................
Hydrogen Sulfide .................................
Hydroxylamine .....................................
Iron, Pentacarbonyl .............................
Isopropylamine ....................................
Ketene .................................................
Methacrylaldehyde ..............................
Methacryloyl Chloride ..........................
Methacryloyloxyethyl Isocyanate .........
Methyl Acrylonitrile ..............................
Methylamine, Anhydrous .....................
Methyl Bromide ...................................
Methyl Chloride ...................................
Methyl Chloroformate ..........................
Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide (concentration >60%) ..............................
Methyl Fluoroacetate ...........................
Methyl Fluorosulfate ............................
Methyl Hydrazine .................................
Methyl Iodide .......................................
Methyl Isocyanate ...............................
Methyl Mercaptan ................................
Methyl Vinyl Ketone ............................
Methyltrichlorosilane ............................


















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Nickel Carbonly (Nickel Tetracarbonyl)
Nitric Acid (94.5% by weight or greater) .....................................................
Nitric Oxide ..........................................
Nitroaniline (para Nitroaniline ..............
Nitromethane .......................................
Nitrogen Dioxide ..................................
Nitrogen Oxides (NO; NO2; N204;
N203) ...............................................
Nitrogen Tetroxide (also called Nitrogen Peroxide) ..................................
Nitrogen Trifluoride ..............................
Nitrogen Trioxide .................................
Oleum (65% to 80% by weight; also
called Fuming Sulfuric Acid) ............
Osmium Tetroxide ...............................
Oxygen Difluoride (Fluorine Monoxide)
Ozone ..................................................
Pentaborane ........................................
Peracetic Acid (concentration >60%
Acetic Acid; also called Peroxyacetic Acid) ......................................
Perchloric Acid (concentration >60%
by weight) ........................................
Perchloromethyl Mercaptan ................
Perchloryl Fluoride ..............................
>60% Acetic Acid; also called Peracetic Acid) ......................................
Phosgene (also called Carbonyl Chloride) ..................................................
Phosphine (Hydrogen Phosphide) ......





















Phosphorus Oxychloride (also called
Phosphoryl Chloride) .......................
Phosphorus Trichloride .......................
Phosphoryl Chloride (also called
Phosphorus Oxychloride) ................
Propargyl Bromide ...............................
Propyl Nitrate .......................................
Sarin ....................................................
Selenium Hexafluoride ........................
Stibine (Antimony Hydride) .................
Sulfur Dioxide (liquid) ..........................
Sulfur Pentafluoride .............................
Sulfur Tetrafluoride ..............................
Sulfur Trioxide (also called Sulfuric
Anhydride) ........................................
Sulfuric Anhydride (also called Sulfur
Trioxide) ...........................................
Tellurium Hexafluoride ........................
Tetrafluoroethylene ..............................
Tetrafluorohydrazine ............................
Tetramethyl Lead ................................
Thionyl Chloride ..................................
Trichloro (chloromethyl) Silane ...........
Trichloro (dichlorophenyl) Silane .........
Trichlorosilane .....................................
Trifluorochloroethylene ........................
Trimethyoxysilane ................................










*Chemical Abstract Service Number.
**Threshold Quantity in Pounds (Amount necessary to be
covered by this standard).


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§ 1910.119

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

This appendix serves as a nonmandatory
guideline to assist employers and employees
in complying with the requirements of this
section, as well as provides other helpful recommendations and information. Examples
presented in this appendix are not the only
means of achieving the performance goals in
the standard. This appendix neither adds nor
detracts from the requirements of the standard.
1. Introduction to Process Safety Management. The major objective of process safety
management of highly hazardous chemicals
is to prevent unwanted releases of hazardous
chemicals especially into locations which
could expose employees and others to serious
hazards. An effective process safety manage-

ment program requires a systematic approach to evaluating the whole process.
Using this approach the process design, process technology, operational and maintenance
activities and procedures, nonroutine activities and procedures, emergency preparedness
plans and procedures, training programs, and
other elements which impact the process are
all considered in the evaluation. The various
lines of defense that have been incorporated
into the design and operation of the process
to prevent or mitigate the release of hazardous chemicals need to be evaluated and
strengthened to assure their effectiveness at
each level. Process safety management is the
proactive identification, evaluation and
mitigation or prevention of chemical releases that could occur as a result of failures
in process, procedures or equipment.
The process safety management standard
targets highly hazardous chemicals that

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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
have the potential to cause a catastrophic
incident. This standard as a whole is to aid
employers in their efforts to prevent or mitigate episodic chemical releases that could
lead to a catastrophe in the workplace and
possibly to the surrounding community. To
control these types of hazards, employers
need to develop the necessary expertise, experiences, judgement and proactive initiative within their workforce to properly implement and maintain an effective process
safety management program as envisioned in
the OSHA standard. This OSHA standard is
required by the Clean Air Act Amendments
as is the Environmental Protection Agency’s
Risk Management Plan. Employers, who
merge the two sets of requirements into
their process safety management program,
will better assure full compliance with each
as well as enhancing their relationship with
the local community.
While OSHA believes process safety management will have a positive effect on the
safety of employees in workplaces and also
offers other potential benefits to employers
(increased productivity), smaller businesses
which may have limited resources available
to them at this time, might consider alternative avenues of decreasing the risks associated with highly hazardous chemicals at
their workplaces. One method which might
be considered is the reduction in the inventory of the highly hazardous chemical. This
reduction in inventory will result in a reduction of the risk or potential for a catastrophic incident. Also, employers including
small employers may be able to establish
more efficient inventory control by reducing
the quantities of highly hazardous chemicals
on site below the established threshold quantities. This reduction can be accomplished
by ordering smaller shipments and maintaining the minimum inventory necessary for efficient and safe operation. When reduced inventory is not feasible, then the employer
might consider dispersing inventory to several locations on site. Dispersing storage
into locations where a release in one location will not cause a release in another location is a practical method to also reduce the
risk or portential for catastrophic incidents.
2. Employee Involvement in Process Safety
Management. Section 304 of the Clean Air Act
Amendments states that employers are to
consult with their employees and their representatives regarding the employers efforts
in the development and implementation of
the process safety management program elements and hazard assessments. Section 304
also requires employers to train and educate
their employees and to inform affected employees of the findings from incident investigations required by the process safety management program. Many employers, under
their safety and health programs, have already established means and methods to
keep employees and their representatives in-

§ 1910.119

formed about relevant safety and health
issues and employers may be able to adapt
these practices and procedures to meet their
obligations under this standard. Employers
who have not implemented an occupational
safety and health program may wish to form
a safety and health committee of employees
and management representatives to help the
employer meet the obligations specified by
this standard. These committees can become
a significant ally in helping the employer to
implement and maintain an effective process
safety managment program for all employees.
3. Process Safety Information. Complete and
accurate written information concerning
process chemicals, process technology, and
process equipment is essential to an effective
process safety management program and to a
process hazards analysis. The compiled information will be a necessary resource to a variety of users including the team that will
perform the process hazards analysis as required under paragraph (e); those developing
the training programs and the operating procedures; contractors whose employees will be
working with the process; those conducting
the pre-startup reviews; local emergency
preparedness planners; and insurance and enforcement officials.
The information to be compiled about the
chemicals, including process intermediates,
needs to be comprehensive enough for an accurate assessment of the fire and explosion
characteristics, reactivity hazards, the safety and health hazards to workers, and the
corrosion and erosion effects on the process
equipment and monitoring tools. Current
material safety data sheet (MSDS) information can be used to help meet this requirement which must be supplemented with
process chemistry information including
runaway reaction and over pressure hazards
if applicable.
Process technology information will be a
part of the process safety information package and it is expected that it will include
diagrams of the type shown in appendix B of
this section as well as employer established
criteria for maximum inventory levels for
process chemicals; limits beyond which
would be considered upset conditions; and a
qualitative estimate of the consequences or
results of deviation that could occur if operating beyond the established process limits.
Employers are encouraged to use diagrams
which will help users understand the process.
A block flow diagram is used to show the
interconnecting process flow lines and show flow
rates, stream composition, temperatures,
and pressures when necessary for clarity.
The block flow diagram is a simplified diagram.
Process flow diagrams are more complex
and will show all main flow streams including valves to enhance the understanding of


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29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

the process, as well as pressures and temperatures on all feed and product lines within all major vessels, in and out of headers
and heat exchangers, and points of pressure
and temperature control. Also, materials of
construction information, pump capacities
and pressure heads, compressor horsepower
and vessel design pressures and temperatures
are shown when necessary for clarity. In addition, major components of control loops
are usually shown along with key utilities
on process flow diagrams.
Piping and instrument diagrams (P&IDs)
may be the more appropriate type of diagrams to show some of the above details and
to display the information for the piping designer and engineering staff. The P&IDs are
to be used to describe the relationships between equipment and instrumentation as
well as other relevant information that will
enhance clarity. Computer software programs which do P&IDs or other diagrams
useful to the information package, may be
used to help meet this requirement.
The information pertaining to process
equipment design must be documented. In
other words, what were the codes and standards relied on to establish good engineering
practice. These codes and standards are published by such organizations as the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers, American
Petroleum Institute, American National
Standards Institute, National Fire Protection Association, American Society for Testing and Materials, National Board of Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, American
Society of Exchange Manufacturers Association, and model building code groups.
In addition, various engineering societies
issue technical reports which impact process
design. For example, the American Institute
of Chemical Engineers has published technical reports on topics such as two phase
flow for venting devices. This type of technically recognized report would constitute
good engineering practice.
For existing equipment designed and constructed many years ago in accordance with
the codes and standards available at that
time and no longer in general use today, the
employer must document which codes and
standards were used and that the design and
construction along with the testing, inspection and operation are still suitable for the
intended use. Where the process technology
requires a design which departs from the applicable codes and standards, the employer
must document that the design and construction is suitable for the intended purpose.
4. Process Hazard Analysis. A process hazard
analysis (PHA), sometimes called a process
hazard evaluation, is one of the most important elements of the process safety management program. A PHA is an organized and
systematic effort to identify and analyze the

significance of potential hazards associated
with the processing or handling of highly
hazardous chemicals. A PHA provides information which will assist employers and employees in making decisions for improving
safety and reducing the consequences of unwanted or unplanned releases of hazardous
chemicals. A PHA is directed toward analyzing potential causes and consequences of
fires, explosions, releases of toxic or flammable chemicals and major spills of hazardous chemicals. The PHA focuses on equipment, instrumentation, utilities, human actions (routine and nonroutine), and external
factors that might impact the process. These
considerations assist in determining the hazards and potential failure points or failure
modes in a process.
The selection of a PHA methodology or
technique will be influenced by many factors
including the amount of existing knowledge
about the process. Is it a process that has
been operated for a long period of time with
little or no innovation and extensive experience has been generated with its use? Or, is
it a new process or one which has been
changed frequently by the inclusion of innovative features? Also, the size and complexity of the process will influence the decision as to the appropriate PHA methodology
to use. All PHA methodologies are subject to
certain limitations. For example, the checklist methodology works well when the process is very stable and no changes are made,
but it is not as effective when the process
has undergone extensive change. The checklist may miss the most recent changes and
consequently the changes would not be evaluated. Another limitation to be considered
concerns the assumptions made by the team
or analyst. The PHA is dependent on good
judgement and the assumptions made during
the study need to be documented and understood by the team and reviewer and kept for
a future PHA.
The team conducting the PHA need to understand the methodology that is going to be
used. A PHA team can vary in size from two
people to a number of people with varied
operational and technical backgrounds.
Some team members may only be a part of
the team for a limited time. The team leader
needs to be fully knowledgeable in the proper
implementation of the PHA methodology
that is to be used and should be impartial in
the evaluation. The other full or part time
team members need to provide the team with
expertise in areas such as process technology, process design, operating procedures
and practices, including how the work is actually performed, alarms, emergency procedures, instrumentation, maintenance procedures, both routine and nonroutine tasks, including how the tasks are authorized, procurement of parts and supplies, safety and
health, and any other relevant subject as the


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
need dictates. At least one team member
must be familiar with the process.
The ideal team will have an intimate
knowledge of the standards, codes, specifications and regulations applicable to the process being studied. The selected team members need to be compatible and the team
leader needs to be able to manage the team,
and the PHA study. The team needs to be
able to work together while benefiting from
the expertise of others on the team or outside the team, to resolve issues, and to forge
a consensus on the findings of the study and
The application of a PHA to a process may
involve the use of different methodologies
for various parts of the process. For example,
a process involving a series of unit operation
of varying sizes, complexities, and ages may
use different methodologies and team members for each operation. Then the conclusions can be integrated into one final study
and evaluation. A more specific example is
the use of a checklist PHA for a standard
boiler or heat exchanger and the use of a
Hazard and Operability PHA for the overall
process. Also, for batch type processes like
custom batch operations, a generic PHA of a
representative batch may be used where
there are only small changes of monomer or
other ingredient ratios and the chemistry is
documented for the full range and ratio of
batch ingredients. Another process that
might consider using a generic type of PHA
is a gas plant. Often these plants are simply
moved from site to site and therefore, a generic PHA may be used for these movable
plants. Also, when an employer has several
similar size gas plants and no sour gas is
being processed at the site, then a generic
PHA is feasible as long as the variations of
the individual sites are accounted for in the
PHA. Finally, when an employer has a large
continuous process which has several control
rooms for different portions of the process
such as for a distillation tower and a blending operation, the employer may wish to do
each segment separately and then integrate
the final results.
Additionally, small businesses which are
covered by this rule, will often have processes that have less storage volume, less capacity, and less complicated than processes
at a large facility. Therefore, OSHA would
anticipate that the less complex methodologies would be used to meet the process hazard analysis criteria in the standard. These
process hazard analyses can be done in less
time and with a few people being involved. A
less complex process generally means that
less data, P&IDs, and process information is
needed to perform a process hazard analysis.
Many small businesses have processes that
are not unique, such as cold storage lockers
or water treatment facilities. Where employer associations have a number of members with such facilities, a generic PHA,

§ 1910.119

evolved from a checklist or what-if questions, could be developed and used by each
employer effectively to reflect his/her particular process; this would simplify compliance for them.
When the employer has a number of processes which require a PHA, the employer
must set up a priority system of which PHAs
to conduct first. A preliminary or gross hazard analysis may be useful in prioritizing the
processes that the employer has determined
are subject to coverage by the process safety
management standard. Consideration should
first be given to those processes with the potential of adversely affecting the largest
number of employees. This prioritizing
should consider the potential severity of a
chemical release, the number of potentially
affected employees, the operating history of
the process such as the frequency of chemical releases, the age of the process and any
other relevant factors. These factors would
suggest a ranking order and would suggest
either using a weighing factor system or a
systematic ranking method. The use of a
preliminary hazard analysis would assist an
employer in determining which process
should be of the highest priority and thereby
the employer would obtain the greatest improvement in safety at the facility.
Detailed guidance on the content and application of process hazard analysis methodologies is available from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers’ Center for
Chemical Process Safety (see appendix D).
5. Operating Procedures and Practices. Operating procedures describe tasks to be performed, data to be recorded, operating conditions to be maintained, samples to be collected, and safety and health precautions to
be taken. The procedures need to be technically accurate, understandable to employees, and revised periodically to ensure that
they reflect current operations. The process
safety information package is to be used as
a resource to better assure that the operating procedures and practices are consistent
with the known hazards of the chemicals in
the process and that the operating parameters are accurate. Operating procedures
should be reviewed by engineering staff and
operating personnel to ensure that they are
accurate and provide practical instructions
on how to actually carry out job duties safely.
Operating procedures will include specific
instructions or details on what steps are to
be taken or followed in carrying out the
stated procedures. These operating instructions for each procedure should include the
applicable safety precautions and should
contain appropriate information on safety
implications. For example, the operating
procedures addressing operating parameters
will contain operating instructions about
pressure limits, temperature ranges, flow
rates, what to do when an upset condition


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occurs, what alarms and instruments are
pertinent if an upset condition occurs, and
other subjects. Another example of using operating instructions to properly implement
operating procedures is in starting up or
shutting down the process. In these cases,
different parameters will be required from
those of normal operation. These operating
instructions need to clearly indicate the distinctions between startup and normal operations such as the appropriate allowances for
heating up a unit to reach the normal operating parameters. Also the operating instructions need to describe the proper method for increasing the temperature of the unit
until the normal operating temperature parameters are achieved.
Computerized process control systems add
complexity to operating instructions. These
operating instructions need to describe the
logic of the software as well as the relationship between the equipment and the control
system; otherwise, it may not be apparent to
the operator.
Operating procedures and instructions are
important for training operating personnel.
The operating procedures are often viewed as
the standard operating practices (SOPs) for
operations. Control room personnel and operating staff, in general, need to have a full understanding of operating procedures. If workers are not fluent in English then procedures
and instructions need to be prepared in a second language understood by the workers. In
addition, operating procedures need to be
changed when there is a change in the process as a result of the management of change
procedures. The consequences of operating
procedure changes need to be fully evaluated
and the information conveyed to the personnel. For example, mechanical changes to
the process made by the maintenance department (like changing a valve from steel to
brass or other subtle changes) need to be
evaluated to determine if operating procedures and practices also need to be changed.
All management of change actions must be
coordinated and integrated with current operating procedures and operating personnel
must be oriented to the changes in procedures before the change is made. When the
process is shut down in order to make a
change, then the operating procedures must
be updated before startup of the process.
Training in how to handle upset conditions
must be accomplished as well as what operating personnel are to do in emergencies
such as when a pump seal fails or a pipeline
ruptures. Communication between operating
personnel and workers performing work
within the process area, such as nonroutine
tasks, also must be maintained. The hazards
of the tasks are to be conveyed to operating
personnel in accordance with established
procedures and to those performing the actual tasks. When the work is completed, op-

erating personnel should be informed to provide closure on the job.
6. Employee Training. All employees, including maintenance and contractor employees,
involved with highly hazardous chemicals
need to fully understand the safety and
health hazards of the chemicals and processes they work with for the protection of
themselves, their fellow employees and the
citizens of nearby communities. Training
conducted in compliance with § 1910.1200, the
Hazard Communication standard, will help
employees to be more knowledgeable about
the chemicals they work with as well as familiarize them with reading and understanding MSDS. However, additional training in subjects such as operating procedures
and safety work practices, emergency evacuation and response, safety procedures, routine and nonroutine work authorization activities, and other areas pertinent to process
safety and health will need to be covered by
an employer’s training program.
In establishing their training programs,
employers must clearly define the employees
to be trained and what subjects are to be
covered in their training. Employers in setting up their training program will need to
clearly establish the goals and objectives
they wish to achieve with the training that
they provide to their employees. The learning goals or objectives should be written in
clear measurable terms before the training
begins. These goals and objectives need to be
tailored to each of the specific training modules or segments. Employers should describe
the important actions and conditions under
which the employee will demonstrate competence or knowledge as well as what is acceptable performance.
Hands-on-training where employees are
able to use their senses beyond listening,
will enhance learning. For example, operating personnel, who will work in a control
room or at control panels, would benefit by
being trained at a simulated control panel or
panels. Upset conditions of various types
could be displayed on the simulator, and
then the employee could go through the
proper operating procedures to bring the
simulator panel back to the normal operating parameters. A training environment
could be created to help the trainee feel the
full reality of the situation but, of course,
under controlled conditions. This realistic
type of training can be very effective in
teaching employees correct procedures while
allowing them to also see the consequences
of what might happen if they do not follow
established operating procedures. Other
training techniques using videos or on-thejob training can also be very effective for
teaching other job tasks, duties, or other important information. An effective training
program will allow the employee to fully
participate in the training process and to
practice their skill or knowledge.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
Employers need to periodically evaluate
their training programs to see if the necessary skills, knowledge, and routines are
being properly understood and implemented
by their trained employees. The means or
methods for evaluating the training should
be developed along with the training program goals and objectives. Training program
evaluation will help employers to determine
the amount of training their employees understood, and whether the desired results
were obtained. If, after the evaluation, it appears that the trained employees are not at
the level of knowledge and skill that was expected, the employer will need to revise the
training program, provide retraining, or provide more frequent refresher training sessions until the deficiency is resolved. Those
who conducted the training and those who
received the training should also be consulted as to how best to improve the training
process. If there is a language barrier, the
language known to the trainees should be
used to reinforce the training messages and
Careful consideration must be given to assure that employees including maintenance
and contract employees receive current and
updated training. For example, if changes
are made to a process, impacted employees
must be trained in the changes and understand the effects of the changes on their job
tasks (e.g., any new operating procedures
pertinent to their tasks). Additionally, as already discussed the evaluation of the employee’s absorption of training will certainly
influence the need for training.
7. Contractors. Employers who use contractors to perform work in and around processes
that involve highly hazardous chemicals,
will need to establish a screening process so
that they hire and use contractors who accomplish the desired job tasks without compromising the safety and health of employees at a facility. For contractors, whose safety performance on the job is not known to
the hiring employer, the employer will need
to obtain information on injury and illness
rates and experience and should obtain contractor references. Additionally, the employer must assure that the contractor has
the appropriate job skills, knowledge and
certifications (such as for pressure vessel
welders). Contractor work methods and experiences should be evaluated. For example,
does the contractor conducting demolition
work swing loads over operating processes or
does the contractor avoid such hazards?
Maintaining a site injury and illness log
for contractors is another method employers
must use to track and maintain current
knowledge of work activities involving contract employees working on or adjacent to
covered processes. Injury and illness logs of
both the employer’s employees and contract
employees allow an employer to have full
knowledge of process injury and illness expe-

§ 1910.119

rience. This log will also contain information which will be of use to those auditing
process safety management compliance and
those involved in incident investigations.
Contract employees must perform their
work safely. Considering that contractors
often perform very specialized and potentially hazardous tasks such as confined space
entry activities and nonroutine repair activities it is quite important that their activities be controlled while they are working on
or near a covered process. A permit system
or work authorization system for these activities would also be helpful to all affected
employers. The use of a work authorization
system keeps an employer informed of contract employee activities, and as a benefit
the employer will have better coordination
and more management control over the work
being performed in the process area. A well
run and well maintained process where employee safety is fully recognized will benefit
all of those who work in the facility whether
they be contract employees or employees of
the owner.
8. Pre-Startup Safety. For new processes,
the employer will find a PHA helpful in improving the design and construction of the
process from a reliability and quality point
of view. The safe operation of the new process will be enhanced by making use of the
PHA recommendations before final installations are completed. P&IDs are to be completed along with having the operating procedures in place and the operating staff
trained to run the process before startup.
The initial startup procedures and normal
operating procedures need to be fully evaluated as part of the pre-startup review to assure a safe transfer into the normal operating mode for meeting the process parameters.
For existing processes that have been shutdown for turnaround, or modification, etc.,
the employer must assure that any changes
other than ‘‘replacement in kind’’ made to
the process during shutdown go through the
management of change procedures. P&IDs
will need to be updated as necessary, as well
as operating procedures and instructions. If
the changes made to the process during shutdown are significant and impact the training
program, then operating personnel as well as
employees engaged in routine and nonroutine work in the process area may need some
refresher or additional training in light of
the changes. Any incident investigation recommendations, compliance audits or PHA
recommendations need to be reviewed as
well to see what impacts they may have on
the process before beginning the startup.
9. Mechanical Integrity. Employers will need
to review their maintenance programs and
schedules to see if there are areas where
‘‘breakdown’’ maintenance is used rather
than an on-going mechanical integrity program. Equipment used to process, store, or


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§ 1910.119

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

handle highly hazardous chemicals needs to
be designed, constructed, installed and maintained to minimize the risk of releases of
such chemicals. This requires that a mechanical integrity program be in place to assure
the continued integrity of process equipment. Elements of a mechanical integrity
program include the identification and categorization of equipment and instrumentation, inspections and tests, testing and inspection frequencies, development of maintenance procedures, training of maintenance
personnel, the establishment of criteria for
acceptable test results, documentation of
test and inspection results, and documentation of manufacturer recommendations as to
meantime to failure for equipment and instrumentation.
The first line of defense an employer has
available is to operate and maintain the
process as designed, and to keep the chemicals contained. This line of defense is backed
up by the next line of defense which is the
controlled release of chemicals through
venting to scrubbers or flares, or to surge or
overflow tanks which are designed to receive
such chemicals, etc. These lines of defense
are the primary lines of defense or means to
prevent unwanted releases. The secondary
lines of defense would include fixed fire protection systems like sprinklers, water spray,
or deluge systems, monitor guns, etc., dikes,
designed drainage systems, and other systems which would control or mitigate hazardous chemicals once an unwanted release
occurs. These primary and secondary lines of
defense are what the mechanical integrity
program needs to protect and strengthen
these primary and secondary lines of defenses where appropriate.
The first step of an effective mechanical
integrity program is to compile and categorize a list of process equipment and instrumentation for inclusion in the program.
This list would include pressure vessels, storage tanks, process piping, relief and vent
systems, fire protection system components,
emergency shutdown systems and alarms
and interlocks and pumps. For the categorization of instrumentation and the listed
equipment the employer would prioritize
which pieces of equipment require closer
scrutiny than others. Meantime to failure of
various instrumentation and equipment
parts would be known from the manufacturers data or the employer’s experience with
the parts, which would then influence the inspection and testing frequency and associated procedures. Also, applicable codes and
standards such as the National Board Inspection Code, or those from the American Society for Testing and Material, American Petroleum Institute, National Fire Protection
Association, American National Standards
Institute, American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, and other groups, provide information to help establish an effective testing

and inspection frequency, as well as appropriate methodologies.
The applicable codes and standards provide
criteria for external inspections for such
items as foundation and supports, anchor
bolts, concrete or steel supports, guy wires,
nozzles and sprinklers, pipe hangers, grounding connections, protective coatings and insulation, and external metal surfaces of piping and vessels, etc. These codes and standards also provide information on methodologies for internal inspection, and a frequency
formula based on the corrosion rate of the
materials of construction. Also, erosion both
internal and external needs to be considered
along with corrosion effects for piping and
valves. Where the corrosion rate is not
known, a maximum inspection frequency is
recommended, and methods of developing
the corrosion rate are available in the codes.
Internal inspections need to cover items
such as vessel shell, bottom and head; metallic linings; nonmetallic linings; thickness
measurements for vessels and piping; inspection for erosion, corrosion, cracking and
bulges; internal equipment like trays, baffles, sensors and screens for erosion, corrosion or cracking and other deficiencies.
Some of these inspections may be performed
by state of local government inspectors
under state and local statutes. However,
each employer needs to develop procedures
to ensure that tests and inspections are conducted properly and that consistency is
maintained even where different employees
may be involved. Appropriate training is to
be provided to maintenance personnel to ensure that they understand the preventive
maintenance program procedures, safe practices, and the proper use amd application of
special equipment or unique tools that may
be required. This training is part of the overall training program called for in the standard.
A quality assurance system is needed to
help ensure that the proper materials of construction are used, that fabrication and inspection procedures are proper, and that installation procedures recognize field installation concerns. The quality assurance program is an essential part of the mechanical
integrity program and will help to maintain
the primary and secondary lines of defense
that have been designed into the process to
prevent unwanted chemical releases or those
which control or mitigate a release. ‘‘As
built’’ drawings, together with certifications
of coded vessels and other equipment, and
materials of construction need to be verified
and retained in the quality assurance documentation. Equipment installation jobs need
to be properly inspected in the field for use
of proper materials and procedures and to assure that qualified craftsmen are used to do
the job. The use of appropriate gaskets,
packing, bolts, valves, lubricants and welding rods need to be verified in the field. Also


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
procedures for installation of safety devices
need to be verified, such as the torque on the
bolts on ruptured disc installations, uniform
torque on flange bolts, proper installation of
pump seals, etc. If the quality of parts is a
problem, it may be appropriate to conduct
audits of the equipment supplier’s facilities
to better assure proper purchases of required
equipment which is suitable for its intended
service. Any changes in equipment that may
become necessary will need to go through
the management of change procedures.
10. Nonroutine Work Authorizations. Nonroutine work which is conducted in process
areas needs to be controlled by the employer
in a consistent manner. The hazards identified involving the work that is to be accomplished must be communicated to those
doing the work, but also to those operating
personnel whose work could affect the safety
of the process. A work authorization notice
or permit must have a procedure that describes the steps the maintenance supervisor, contractor representative or other person needs to follow to obtain the necessary
clearance to get the job started. The work
authorization procedures need to reference
and coordinate, as applicable, lockout/tagout
procedures, line breaking procedures, confined space entry procedures and hot work
authorizations. This procedure also needs to
provide clear steps to follow once the job is
completed in order to provide closure for
those that need to know the job is now completed and equipment can be returned to normal.
11. Managing Change. To properly manage
changes to process chemicals, technology,
equipment and facilities, one must define
what is meant by change. In this process
safety management standard, change includes all modifications to equipment, procedures, raw materials and processing conditions other than ‘‘replacement in kind’’.
These changes need to be properly managed
by identifying and reviewing them prior to
implementation of the change. For example,
the operating procedures contain the operating parameters (pressure limits, temperature ranges, flow rates, etc.) and the importance of operating within these limits. While
the operator must have the flexibility to
maintain safe operation within the established parameters, any operation outside of
these parameters requires review and approval by a written management of change
Management of change covers such as
changes in process technology and changes
to equipment and instrumentation. Changes
in process technology can result from
changes in production rates, raw materials,
experimentation, equipment unavailability,
new equipment, new product development,
change in catalyst and changes in operating
conditions to improve yield or quality.
Equipment changes include among others

§ 1910.119

change in materials of construction, equipment specifications, piping pre-arrangements, experimental equipment, computer
program revisions and changes in alarms and
interlocks. Employers need to establish
means and methods to detect both technical
changes and mechanical changes.
Temporary changes have caused a number
of catastrophes over the years, and employers need to establish ways to detect temporary changes as well as those that are permanent. It is important that a time limit for
temporary changes be established and monitored since, without control, these changes
may tend to become permanent. Temporary
changes are subject to the management of
change provisions. In addition, the management of change procedures are used to insure
that the equipment and procedures are returned to their original or designed conditions at the end of the temporary change.
Proper documentation and review of these
changes is invaluable in assuring that the
safety and health considerations are being
incorporated into the operating procedures
and the process.
Employers may wish to develop a form or
clearance sheet to facilitate the processing
of changes through the management of
change procedures. A typical change form
may include a description and the purpose of
the change, the technical basis for the
change, safety and health considerations,
documentation of changes for the operating
procedures, maintenance procedures, inspection and testing, P&IDs, electrical classification, training and communications, prestartup inspection, duration if a temporary
change, approvals and authorization. Where
the impact of the change is minor and well
understood, a check list reviewed by an authorized person with proper communication
to others who are affected may be sufficient.
However, for a more complex or significant
design change, a hazard evaluation procedure
with approvals by operations, maintenance,
and safety departments may be appropriate.
Changes in documents such as P&IDs, raw
materials, operating procedures, mechanical
integrity programs, electrical classifications, etc., need to be noted so that these revisions can be made permanent when the
drawings and procedure manuals are updated. Copies of process changes need to be
kept in an accessible location to ensure that
design changes are available to operating
personnel as well as to PHA team members
when a PHA is being done or one is being updated.
12. Investigation of Incidents. Incident investigation is the process of identifying the underlying causes of incidents and implementing steps to prevent similar events from
occurring. The intent of an incident investigation is for employers to learn from past
experiences and thus avoid repeating past


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mistakes. The incidents for whicn OSHA expects employers to become aware and to investigate are the types of events which result in or could reasonably have resulted in
a catastrophic release. Some of the events
are sometimes referred to as ‘‘near misses,’’
meaning that a serious consequence did not
occur, but could have.
Employers need to develop in-house capability to investigate incidents that occur in
their facilities. A team needs to be assembled by the employer and trained in the techniques of investigation including how to conduct interviews of witnesses, needed documentation and report writing. A multi-disciplinary team is better able to gather the
facts of the event and to analyze them and
develop plausible scenarios as to what happened, and why. Team members should be selected on the basis of their training, knowledge and ability to contribute to a team effort to fully investigate the incident. Employees in the process area where the incident occurred should be consulted, interviewed or made a member of the team. Their
knowledge of the events form a significant
set of facts about the incident which occurred. The report, its findings and recommendations are to be shared with those
who can benefit from the information. The
cooperation of employees is essential to an
effective incident investigation. The focus of
the investigation should be to obtain facts,
and not to place blame. The team and the investigation process should clearly deal with
all involved individuals in a fair, open and
consistent manner.
13. Emergency Preparedness. Each employer
must address what actions employees are to
take when there is an unwanted release of
highly hazardous chemicals. Emergency preparedness or the employer’s tertiary (third)
lines of defense are those that will be relied
on along with the secondary lines of defense
when the primary lines of defense which are
used to prevent an unwanted release fail to
stop the release. Employers will need to decide if they want employees to handle and
stop small or minor incidental releases.
Whether they wish to mobilize the available
resources at the plant and have them
brought to bear on a more significant release. Or whether employers want their employees to evacuate the danger area and
promptly escape to a preplanned safe zone
area, and allow the local community emergency response organizations to handle the
release. Or whether the employer wants to
use some combination of these actions. Employers will need to select how many different emergency preparedness or tertiary
lines of defense they plan to have and then
develop the necessary plans and procedures,
and appropriately train employees in their
emergency duties and responsibilities and
then implement these lines of defense.

Employers at a minimum must have an
emergency action plan which will facilitate
the prompt evacuation of employees due to
an unwanted release of a highly hazardous
chemical. This means that the employer will
have a plan that will be activated by an
alarm system to alert employees when to
evacuate and, that employees who are physically impaired, will have the necessary support and assistance to get them to the safe
zone as well. The intent of these requirements is to alert and move employees to a
safe zone quickly. Delaying alarms or confusing alarms are to be avoided. The use of
process control centers or similar process
buildings in the process area as safe areas is
shown that a large life loss has occurred in
these structures because of where they have
been sited and because they are not necessarily designed to withstand over-pressures
from shockwaves resulting from explosions
in the process area.
Unwanted incidental releases of highly
hazardous chemicals in the process area
must be addressed by the employer as to
what actions employees are to take. If the
employer wants employees to evacuate the
area, then the emergency action plan will be
activated. For outdoor processes where wind
direction is important for selecting the safe
route to a refuge area, the employer should
place a wind direction indicator such as a
wind sock or pennant at the highest point
that can be seen throughout the process
area. Employees can move in the direction of
cross wind to upwind to gain safe access to
the refuge area by knowing the wind direction.
If the employer wants specific employees
in the release area to control or stop the
minor emergency or incidental release, these
actions must be planned for in advance and
procedures developed and implemented.
Preplanning for handling incidental releases
for minor emergencies in the process area
needs to be done, appropriate equipment for
the hazards must be provided, and training
conducted for those employees who will perform the emergency work before they respond to handle an actual release. The employer’s training program, including the
Hazard Communication standard training is
to address the training needs for employees
who are expected to handle incidental or
minor releases.
Preplanning for releases that are more serious than incidental releases is another important line of defense to be used by the employer. When a serious release of a highly
hazardous chemical occurs, the employer
through preplanning will have determined in
advance what actions employees are to take.
The evacuation of the immediate release
area and other areas as necessary would be
accomplished under the emergency action


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plan. If the employer wishes to use plant personnel such as a fire brigade, spill control
team, a hazardous materials team, or use
employees to render aid to those in the immediate release area and control or mitigate
the incident, these actions are covered by
§ 1910.120, the Hazardous Waste Operations
and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER)
standard. If outside assistance is necessary,
such as through mutual aid agreements between employers or local government emergency response organizations, these emergency responders are also covered by
HAZWOPER. The safety and health protections required for emergency responders are
the responsibility of their employers and of
the on-scene incident commander.
Responders may be working under very
hazardous conditions and therefore the objective is to have them competently led by
an on-scene incident commander and the
commander’s staff, properly equipped to do
their assigned work safely, and fully trained
to carry out their duties safely before they
respond to an emergency. Drills, training exercises, or simulations with the local community emergency response planners and responder organizations is one means to obtain
better preparedness. This close cooperation
and coordination between plant and local
community emergency preparedness managers will also aid the employer in complying with the Environmental Protection
Agency’s Risk Management Plan criteria.
One effective way for medium to large facilities to enhance coordination and communication during emergencies for on plant operations and with local community organizations is for employers to establish and equip
an emergency control center. The emergency
control center would be sited in a safe zone
area so that it could be occupied throughout
the duration of an emergency. The center
would serve as the major ccommunication
link between the on-scene incident commander and plant or corporate management
as well as with the local community officials. The communication equipment in the
emergency control center should include a
network to receive and transmit information
by telephone, radio or other means. It is important to have a backup communication
network in case of power failure or one communication means fails. The center should
also be equipped with the plant layout and
community maps, utility drawings including
fire water, emergency lighting, appropriate
reference materials such as a government
agency notification list, company personnel
phone list, SARA Title III reports and material safety data sheets, emergency plans and
procedures manual, a listing with the location of emergency response equipment, mutual aid information, and access to meteorological or weather condition data and any
dispersion modeling data.

§ 1910.119

14. Compliance Audits. Employers need to
select a trained individual or assemble a
trained team of people to audit the process
safety management system and program. A
small process or plant may need only one
knowledgeable person to conduct an audit.
The audit is to include an evaluation of the
design and effectiveness of the process safety
management system and a field inspection of
the safety and health conditions and practices to verify that the employer’s systems
are effectively implemented. The audit
should be conducted or lead by a person
knowledgeable in audit techniques and who
is impartial towards the facility or area
being audited. The essential elements of an
audit program include planning, staffing,
conduting the audit, evaluation and corrective action, follow-up and documentation.
Planning in advance is essential to the success of the auditing process. Each employer
needs to establish the format, staffing,
scheduling and verification methods prior to
conducting the audit. The format should be
designed to provide the lead auditor with a
procedure or checklist which details the requirements of each section of the standard.
The names of the audit team members
should be listed as part of the format as well.
The checklist, if properly designed, could
serve as the verification sheet which provides the auditor with the necessary information to expedite the review and assure
that no requirements of the standard are
omitted. This verification sheet format
could also identify those elements that will
require evaluation or a response to correct
deficiencies. This sheet could also be used for
developing the follow-up and documentation
The selection of effective audit team members is critical to the success of the program.
Team members should be chosen for their experience, knowledge, and training and should
be familiar with the processes and with auditing techniques, practices and procedures.
The size of the team will vary depending on
the size and complexity of the process under
consideration. For a large, complex, highly
instrumented plant, it may be desirable to
have team members with expertise in process engineering and design, process chemistry, instrumentation and computer controls, electrical hazards and classifications,
safety and health disciplines, maintenance,
emergency preparedness, warehousing or
shipping, and process safety auditing. The
team may use part-time members to provide
for the depth of expertise required as well as
for what is actually done or followed, compared to what is written.
An effective audit includes a review of the
relevant documentation and process safety
information, inspection of the physical facilities, and interviews with all levels of
plant personnel. Utilizing the audit procedure and checklist developed in the


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§ 1910.119

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

preplanning stage, the audit team can systematically analyze compliance with the
provisions of the standard and any other corporate policies that are relevant. For example, the audit team will review all aspects of
the training program as part of the overall
audit. The team will review the written
training program for adequacy of content,
frequency of training, effectiveness of training in terms of its goals and objectives as
well as to how it fits into meeting the standard’s requirements, documentation, etc.
Through interviews, the team can determine
the employee’s knowledge and awareness of
the safety procedures, duties, rules, emergency response assignments, etc. During the
inspection, the team can observe actual
practices such as safety and health policies,
procedures, and work authorization practices. This approach enables the team to
identify deficiencies and determine where
corrective actions or improvements are necessary.
An audit is a technique used to gather sufficient facts and information, including statistical information, to verify compliance
with standards. Auditors should select as
part of their preplanning a sample size sufficient to give a degree of confidence that the
audit reflects the level of compliance with
the standard. The audit team, through this
systematic analysis, should document areas
which require corrective action as well as
those areas where the process safety management system is effective and working in
an effective manner. This provides a record
of the audit procedures and findings, and
serves as a baseline of operation data for future audits. It will assist future auditors in
determining changes or trends from previous
Corrective action is one of the most important parts of the audit. It includes not only
addressing the identified deficiencies, but
also planning, followup, and documentation.
The corrective action process normally begins with a management review of the audit
findings. The purpose of this review is to determine what actions are appropriate, and to
establish priorities, timetables, resource allocations and requirements and responsibilities. In some cases, corrective action may
involve a simple change in procedure or
minor maintenance effort to remedy the concern. Management of change procedures need
to be used, as appropriate, even for what
may seem to be a minor change. Many of the
deficiencies can be acted on promptly, while
some may require engineering studies or indepth review of actual procedures and practices. There may be instances where no action is necessary and this is a valid response
to an audit finding. All actions taken, including an explanation where no action is
taken on a finding, needs to be documented
as to what was done and why.

It is important to assure that each deficiency identified is addressed, the corrective
action to be taken noted, and the audit person or team responsible be properly documented by the employer. To control the corrective action process, the employer should
consider the use of a tracking system. This
tracking system might include periodic status reports shared with affected levels of
management, specific reports such as completion of an engineering study, and a final
implementation report to provide closure for
audit findings that have been through management of change, if appropriate, and then
shared with affected employees and management. This type of tracking system provides
the employer with the status of the corrective action. It also provides the documentation required to verify that appropriate corrective actions were taken on deficiencies
identified in the audit.
1. Center for Chemical Process Safety,
American Institute of Chemical Engineers,
345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017,
(212) 705–7319.
2. ‘‘Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures,’’ American Institute of Chemical Engineers; 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY
3. ‘‘Guidelines for Technical Management
of Chemical Process Safety,’’ Center for
Chemical Process Safety of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers; 345 East 47th
Street, New York, NY 10017.
4. ‘‘Evaluating Process Safety in the Chemical Industry,’’ Chemical Manufacturers Association; 2501 M Street NW, Washington, DC
5. ‘‘Safe Warehousing of Chemicals,’’ Chemical Manufacturers Association; 2501 M
Street NW, Washington, DC 20037.
6. ‘‘Management of Process Hazards,’’ American Petroleum Institute (API Recommended
Practice 750); 1220 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.
7. ‘‘Improving Owner and Contractor Safety
Performance,’’ American Petroleum Institute
(API Recommended Practice 2220); API, 1220
L Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.
8. Chemical Manufacturers Association
(CMA’s Manager Guide), First Edition, September 1991; CMA, 2501 M Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20037.
9. ‘‘Improving Construction Safety Performance,’’ Report A–3, The Business Roundtable; The Business Roundtable, 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166. (Report includes
criteria to evaluate contractor safety performance and criteria to enhance contractor
safety performance).
10. ‘‘Recommended Guidelines for Contractor Safety and Health,’’ Texas Chemical
Council; Texas Chemical Council, 1402
Nueces Street, Austin, TX 78701–1534.


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11. ‘‘Loss Prevention in the Process Industries,’’ Volumes I and II; Frank P. Lees,
Butterworth; London 1983.
12. ‘‘Safety and Health Program Management Guidelines,’’ 1989; U.S. Department of
Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
13. ‘‘Safety and Health Guide for the Chemical Industry,’’ 1986, (OSHA 3091); U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and
Health Administration; 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210.
14. ‘‘Review of Emergency Systems,’’ June
1988; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), Office of Solid Waste and Emergency
Response, Washington, DC 20460.
15. ‘‘Technical Guidance for Hazards Analysis, Emergency Planning for Extremely
Hazardous Substances,’’ December 1987; U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) and U.S. Department of
Transportation (DOT), Washington, DC 20460.
16. ‘‘Accident Investigation * * * A New Approach,’’ 1983, National Safety Council; 444
North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611–
17. ‘‘Fire & Explosion Index Hazard Classification Guide,’’ 6th Edition, May 1987, Dow
Chemical Company; Midland, Michigan 48674.
18. ‘‘Chemical Exposure Index,’’ May 1988,
Dow Chemical Company; Midland, Michigan
[57 FR 6403, Feb. 24, 1992; 57 FR 7847, Mar. 4,
1992, as amended at 61 FR 9238, Mar. 7, 1996;
67 FR 67964, Nov. 7, 2002]

§ 1910.120 Hazardous waste operations
and emergency response.
(a) Scope, application, and definitions—
(1) Scope. This section covers the following operations, unless the employer
can demonstrate that the operation
does not involve employee exposure or
the reasonable possibility for employee
exposure to safety or health hazards:
(i) Clean-up operations required by a
governmental body, whether Federal,
state, local or other involving hazardous substances that are conducted
at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites
(including, but not limited to, the
EPA’s National Priority Site List
(NPL), state priority site lists, sites
recommended for the EPA NPL, and
initial investigations of government
identified sites which are conducted before the presence or absence of hazardous
(ii) Corrective actions involving
clean-up operations at sites covered by
the Resource Conservation and Recov-

§ 1910.120

ery Act of 1976 (RCRA) as amended (42
U.S.C. 6901 et seq.);
(iii) Voluntary clean-up operations at
sites recognized by Federal, state, local
or other governmental bodies as uncontrolled hazardous waste sites;
(iv) Operations involving hazardous
wastes that are conducted at treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) facilities regulated by 40 CFR parts 264
and 265 pursuant to RCRA; or by agencies under agreement with U.S.E.P.A.
to implement RCRA regulations; and
(v) Emergency response operations
for releases of, or substantial threats of
releases of, hazardous substances without regard to the location of the hazard.
(2) Application. (i) All requirements of
part 1910 and part 1926 of title 29 of the
Code of Federal Regulations apply pursuant to their terms to hazardous
waste and emergency response operations whether covered by this section
or not. If there is a conflict or overlap,
the provision more protective of employee safety and health shall apply
without regard to 29 CFR 1910.5(c)(1).
(ii) Hazardous substance clean-up operations within the scope of paragraphs
(a)(1)(i) through (a)(1)(iii) of this section must comply with all paragraphs
of this section except paragraphs (p)
and (q).
(iii) Operations within the scope of
paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section
must comply only with the requirements of paragraph (p) of this section.
Notes and Exceptions: (A) All provisions of
paragraph (p) of this section cover any treatment, storage or disposal (TSD) operation
regulated by 40 CFR parts 264 and 265 or by
state law authorized under RCRA, and required to have a permit or interim status
from EPA pursuant to 40 CFR 270.1 or from
a state agency pursuant to RCRA.
(B) Employers who are not required to
have a permit or interim status because they
are conditionally exempt small quantity
generators under 40 CFR 261.5 or are generators who qualify under 40 CFR 262.34 for exemptions from regulation under 40 CFR parts
264, 265 and 270 (‘‘excepted employers’’) are
not covered by paragraphs (p)(1) through
(p)(7) of this section. Excepted employers
who are required by the EPA or state agency
to have their employees engage in emergency response or who direct their employees to engage in emergency response are covered by paragraph (p)(8) of this section, and


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cannot be exempted by (p)(8)(i) of this section. Excepted employers who are not required to have employees engage in emergency response, who direct their employees
to evacuate in the case of such emergencies
and who meet the requirements of paragraph
(p)(8)(i) of this section are exempt from the
balance of paragraph (p)(8) of this section.
(C) If an area is used primarily for treatment, storage or disposal, any emergency response operations in that area shall comply
with paragraph (p)(8) of this section. In other
areas not used primarily for treatment, storage, or disposal, any emergency response operations shall comply with paragraph (q) of
this section. Compliance with the requirements of paragraph (q) of this section shall
be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of paragraph (p)(8) of this section.

(iv) Emergency response operations
for releases of, or substantial threats of
releases of, hazardous substances which
are not covered by paragraphs (a)(1)(i)
through (a)(1)(iv) of this section must
only comply with the requirements of
paragraph (q) of this section.
(3) Definitions—Buddy system means a
system of organizing employees into
work groups in such a manner that
each employee of the work group is
designated to be observed by at least
one other employee in the work group.
The purpose of the buddy system is to
provide rapid assistance to employees
in the event of an emergency.
Clean-up operation means an operation where hazardous substances are
removed, contained, incinerated, neutralized, stabilized, cleared-up, or in
any other manner processed or handled
with the ultimate goal of making the
site safer for people or the environment.
Decontamination means the removal
of hazardous substances from employees and their equipment to the extent
necessary to preclude the occurrence of
foreseeable adverse health affects.
Emergency response or responding to
emergencies means a response effort by
employees from outside the immediate
release area or by other designated responders (i.e., mutual-aid groups, local
fire departments, etc.) to an occurrence
which results, or is likely to result, in
an uncontrolled release of a hazardous
substance. Responses to incidental releases of hazardous substances where
the substance can be absorbed, neutralized, or otherwise controlled at the

time of release by employees in the immediate release area, or by maintenance personnel are not considered to
be emergency responses within the
scope of this standard. Responses to releases of hazardous substances where
there is no potential safety or health
hazard (i.e., fire, explosion, or chemical
exposure) are not considered to be
emergency responses.
Facility means (A) any building,
structure, installation, equipment, pipe
or pipeline (including any pipe into a
sewer or publicly owned treatment
works), well, pit, pond, lagoon, impoundment, ditch, storage container,
motor vehicle, rolling stock, or aircraft, or (B) any site or area where a
hazardous substance has been deposited, stored, disposed of, or placed, or
otherwise come to be located; but does
not include any consumer product in
consumer use or any water-borne vessel.
(HAZMAT) team means an organized
group of employees, designated by the
employer, who are expected to perform
work to handle and control actual or
potential leaks or spills of hazardous
substances requiring possible close approach to the substance. The team
members perform responses to releases
or potential releases of hazardous substances for the purpose of control or
HAZMAT team is not a fire brigade nor
is a typical fire brigade a HAZMAT
team. A HAZMAT team, however, may
be a separate component of a fire brigade or fire department.
Hazardous substance means any substance designated or listed under paragraphs (A) through (D) of this definition, exposure to which results or may
result in adverse affects on the health
or safety of employees:
(A) Any substance defined under section 101(14) of CERCLA;
(B) Any biological agent and other
disease-causing agent which after release into the environment and upon
exposure, ingestion, inhalation, or assimilation into any person, either directly from the environment or indirectly by ingestion through food
chains, will or may reasonably be anticipated to cause death, disease, behavioral abnormalities, cancer, genetic


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mutation, physiological malfunctions
(including malfunctions in reproduction) or physical deformations in such
persons or their offspring;
(C) Any substance listed by the U.S.
Department of Transportation as hazardous materials under 49 CFR 172.101
and appendices; and
(D) Hazardous waste as herein defined.
Hazardous waste means—
(A) A waste or combination of wastes
as defined in 40 CFR 261.3, or
(B) Those substances defined as hazardous wastes in 49 CFR 171.8.
Hazardous waste operation means any
operation conducted within the scope
of this standard.
Hazardous waste site or Site means
any facility or location within the
scope of this standard at which hazardous waste operations take place.
Health hazard means a chemical, mixture of chemicals or a pathogen for
which there is statistically significant
evidence based on at least one study
conducted in accordance with established scientific principles that acute
or chronic health effects may occur in
exposed employees. The term ‘‘health
hazard’’ includes chemicals which are
carcinogens, toxic or highly toxic
agents, reproductive toxins, irritants,
corrosives, sensitizers, heptaotoxins,
which act on the hematopoietic system, and agents which damage the
lungs, skin, eyes, or mucous membranes. It also includes stress due to
temperature extremes. Further definition of the terms used above can be
found in appendix A to 29 CFR 1910.1200.
IDLH orImmediately dangerous to life
or health means an atmospheric concentration of any toxic, corrosive or
asphyxiant substance that poses an immediate threat to life or would cause
irreversible or delayed adverse health
effects or would interfere with an individual’s ability to escape from a dangerous atmosphere.
Oxygen deficiency means that concentration of oxygen by volume below
respiratory protection must be provided.
It exists in atmospheres where the percentage of oxygen by volume is less
than 19.5 percent oxygen.

§ 1910.120

Permissible exposure limit means the
exposure, inhalation or dermal permissible exposure limit specified in 29 CFR
part 1910, subparts G and Z.
Published exposure level means the exposure limits published in ‘‘NIOSH Recommendations for Occupational Health
Standards’’ dated 1986, which is incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6 or if none is specified, the exposure limits published in the standards
specified by the American Conference
of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
in their publication ‘‘Threshold Limit
Values and Biological Exposure Indices
for 1987–88’’ dated 1987, which is incorporated by reference as specified in
§ 1910.6.
Post emergency response means that
portion of an emergency response performed after the immediate threat of a
release has been stabilized or eliminated and clean-up of the site has
begun. If post emergency response is
performed by an employer’s own employees who were part of the initial
emergency response, it is considered to
be part of the initial response and not
post emergency response. However, if a
group of an employer’s own employees,
separate from the group providing initial response, performs the clean-up operation, then the separate group of employees would be considered to be performing post-emergency response and
subject to paragraph (q)(11) of this section.
Qualified person means a person with
specific training, knowledge and experience in the area for which the person
has the responsibility and the authority to control.
Site safety and health supervisor (or official) means the individual located on
a hazardous waste site who is responsible to the employer and has the authority and knowledge necessary to
implement the site safety and health
plan and verify compliance with applicable safety and health requirements.
Small quantity qenerator means a generator of hazardous wastes who in any
calendar month generates no more
than 1,000 kilograms (2,205 pounds) of
hazardous waste in that month.
Uncontrolled hazardous waste site,
means an area identified as an uncontrolled hazardous waste site by a governmental body, whether Federal,


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state, local or other where an accumulation of hazardous substances creates
a threat to the health and safety of individuals or the environment or both.
Some sites are found on public lands
such as those created by former municipal, county or state landfills where illegal or poorly managed waste disposal
has taken place. Other sites are found
on private property, often belonging to
generators or former generators of hazardous substance wastes. Examples of
such sites include, but are not limited
to, surface impoundments, landfills,
dumps, and tank or drum farms. Normal operations at TSD sites are not
covered by this definition.
(b) Safety and health program.
NOTE TO (b): Safety and health programs
developed and implemented to meet other
Federal, state, or local regulations are considered acceptable in meeting this requirement if they cover or are modified to cover
the topics required in this paragraph. An additional or separate safety and health program is not required by this paragraph.

(1) General. (i) Employers shall develop and implement a written safety
and health program for their employees involved in hazardous waste operations. The program shall be designed
to identify, evaluate, and control safety and health hazards, and provide for
emergency response for hazardous
waste operations.
(ii) The written safety and health
program shall incorporate the following:
(A) An organizational structure;
(B) A comprehensive workplan;
(C) A site-specific safety and health
plan which need not repeat the employer’s standard operating procedures required in paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(F) of this
(D) The safety and health training
(E) The medical surveillance program;
(F) The employer’s standard operating procedures for safety and health;
(G) Any necessary interface between
general program and site specific activities.
(iii) Site excavation. Site excavations
created during initial site preparation
or during hazardous waste operations
shall be shored or sloped as appropriate

to prevent accidental collapse in accordance with subpart P of 29 CFR part
(iv) Contractors and sub-contractors.
An employer who retains contractor or
sub-contractor services for work in
hazardous waste operations shall inform those contractors, sub-contractors, or their representatives of the
site emergency response procedures
and any potential fire, explosion,
health, safety or other hazards of the
hazardous waste operation that have
been identified by the employer, including those identified in the employer’s information program.
(v) Program availability. The written
safety and health program shall be
made available to any contractor or
subcontractor or their representative
who will be involved with the hazardous waste operation; to employees;
to employee designated representatives; to OSHA personnel, and to personnel of other Federal, state, or local
agencies with regulatory authority
over the site.
(2) Organizational structure part of the
site program—(i) The organizationa1
structure part of the program shall establish the specific chain of command
and specify the overall responsibilities
of supervisors and employees. It shall
include, at a minimum, the following
(A) A general supervisor who has the
responsibility and authority to direct
all hazardous waste operations.
(B) A site safety and health supervisor who has the responsibility and
authority to develop and implement
the site safety and health plan and
verify compliance.
(C) All other personnel needed for
hazardous waste site operations and
emergency response and their general
functions and responsibilities.
(D) The lines of authority, responsibility, and communication.
(ii) The organizational structure
shall be reviewed and updated as necessary to reflect the current status of
waste site operations.
(3) Comprehensive workplan part of the
workplan part of the program shall address the tasks and objectives of the


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site operations and the logistics and resources required to reach those tasks
and objectives.
(i) The comprehensive workplan shall
address anticipated clean-up activities
as well as normal operating procedures
which need not repeat the employer’s
procedures available elsewhere.
(ii) The comprehensive workplan
shall define work tasks and objectives
and identify the methods for accomplishing those tasks and objectives.
(iii) The comprehensive workplan
shall establish personnel requirements
for implementing the plan.
(iv) The comprehensive workplan
shall provide for the implementation of
the training required in paragraph (e)
of this section.
(v) The comprehensive workplan
shall provide for the implementation of
the required informational programs
required in paragraph (i) of this section.
(vi) The comprehensive workplan
shall provide for the implementation of
the medical surveillance program described in paragraph (f) of this section.
(4) Site-specific safety and health plan
part of the program—(i) General. The site
safety and health plan, which must be
kept on site, shall address the safety
and health hazards of each phase of site
operation and include the requirements
and procedures for employee protection.
(ii) Elements. The site safety and
health plan, as a minimum, shall address the following:
(A) A safety and health risk or hazard analysis for each site task and operation found in the workplan.
(B) Employee training assignments
to assure compliance with paragraph
(e) of this section.
(C) Personal protective equipment to
be used by employees for each of the
site tasks and operations being conducted as required by the personal protective equipment program in paragraph (g)(5) of this section.
(D) Medical surveillance requirements in accordance with the program
in paragraph (f) of this section.
(E) Frequency and types of air monitoring, personnel monitoring, and environmental sampling techniques and instrumentation to be used, including
methods of maintenance and calibra-

§ 1910.120

tion of monitoring and sampling equipment to be used.
(F) Site control measures in accordance with the site control program required in paragraph (d) of this section.
(G) Decontamination procedures in
accordance with paragraph (k) of this
(H) An emergency response plan
meeting the requirements of paragraph
(l) of this section for safe and effective
responses to emergencies, including
the necessary PPE and other equipment.
(I) Confined space entry procedures.
(J) A spill containment program
meeting the requirements of paragraph
(j) of this section.
(iii) Pre-entry briefing. The site specific safety and health plan shall provide for pre-entry briefings to be held
prior to initiating any site activity,
and at such other times as necessary to
ensure that employees are apprised of
the site safety and health plan and
that this plan is being followed. The information and data obtained from site
characterization and analysis work required in paragraph (c) of this section
shall be used to prepare and update the
site safety and health plan.
(iv) Effectiveness of site safety and
health plan. Inspections shall be conducted by the site safety and health supervisor or, in the absence of that individual, another individual who is
knowledgeable in occupational safety
and health, acting on behalf of the employer as necessary to determine the
effectiveness of the site safety and
health plan. Any deficiencies in the effectiveness of the site safety and
health plan shall be corrected by the
(c) Site characterization and analysis—
(1) General. Hazardous waste sites shall
be evaluated in accordance with this
paragraph to identify specific site hazards and to determine the appropriate
safety and health control procedures
needed to protect employees from the
identified hazards.
(2) Preliminary evaluation. A preliminary evaluation of a site’s characteristics shall be performed prior to site
entry by a qualified person in order to
aid in the selection of appropriate employee protection methods prior to site
entry. Immediately after initial site


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entry, a more detailed evaluation of
the site’s specific characteristics shall
be performed by a qualified person in
order to further identify existing site
hazards and to further aid in the selection of the appropriate engineering
controls and personal protective equipment for the tasks to be performed.
(3) Hazard identification. All suspected
conditions that may pose inhalation or
skin absorption hazards that are immediately dangerous to life or health
(IDLH), or other conditions that may
cause death or serious harm, shall be
identified during the preliminary survey and evaluated during the detailed
survey. Examples of such hazards include, but are not limited to, confined
space entry, potentially explosive or
flammable situations, visible vapor
clouds, or areas where biological indicators such as dead animals or vegetation are located.
(4) Required information. The following information to the extent available shall be obtained by the employer
prior to allowing employees to enter a
(i) Location and approximate size of
the site.
(ii) Description of the response activity and/or the job task to be performed.
(iii) Duration of the planned employee activity.
(iv) Site topography and accessibility
by air and roads.
(v) Safety and health hazards expected at the site.
(vi) Pathways for hazardous substance dispersion.
(vii) Present status and capabilities
of emergency response teams that
would provide assistance to hazardous
waste clean-up site employees at the
time of an emergency.
(viii) Hazardous substances and
health hazards involved or expected at
the site, and their chemical and physical properties.
(5) Personal protective equipment. Personal protective equipment (PPE) shall
be provided and used during initial site
entry in accordance with the following
(i) Based upon the results of the preliminary site evaluation, an ensemble
of PPE shall be selected and used during initial site entry which will provide
protection to a level of exposure below

permissible exposure limits and published exposure levels for known or suspected
health hazards, and which will provide
protection against other known and
suspected hazards identified during the
preliminary site evaluation. If there is
no permissible exposure limit or published exposure level, the employer
may use other published studies and information as a guide to appropriate
personal protective equipment.
(ii) If positive-pressure self-contained
breathing apparatus is not used as part
of the entry ensemble, and if respiratory protection is warranted by the
potential hazards identified during the
preliminary site evaluation, an escape
self-contained breathing apparatus of
at least five minute’s duration shall be
carried by employees during initial site
(iii) If the preliminary site evaluation does not produce sufficient information to identify the hazards or suspected hazards of the site, an ensemble
providing protection equivalent to
Level B PPE shall be provided as minimum protection, and direct reading
instruments shall be used as appropriate for identifying IDLH conditions.
(See appendix B for a description of
Level B hazards and the recommendations for Level B protective equipment.)
(iv) Once the hazards of the site have
been identified, the appropriate PPE
shall be selected and used in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section.
(6) Monitoring. The following monitoring shall be conducted during initial
site entry when the site evaluation
produces information that shows the
potential for ionizing radiation or
IDLH conditions, or when the site information is not sufficient reasonably
to eliminate these possible conditions:
(i) Monitoring with direct reading instruments for hazardous levels of ionizing radiation.
(ii) Monitoring the air with appropriate direct reading test equipment
(i.e., combustible gas meters, detector
tubes) for IDLH and other conditions
that may cause death or serious harm
(combustible or explosive atmospheres,
oxygen deficiency, toxic substances).


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(iii) Visually observing for signs of
actual or potential IDLH or other dangerous conditions.
(iv) An ongoing air monitoring program in accordance with paragraph (h)
of this section shall be implemented
after site characterization has determined the site is safe for the start-up
of operations.
(7) Risk identification. Once the presence and concentrations of specific
hazardous substances and health hazards have been established, the risks
associated with these substances shall
be identified. Employees who will be
working on the site shall be informed
of any risks that have been identified.
In situations covered by the Hazard
Communication Standard, 29 CFR
1910.1200, training required by that
standard need not be duplicated.
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(7). Risks to consider include, but are not limited to:
(a) Exposures exceeding the permissible exposure limits and published exposure levels.
(b) IDLH concentrations.
(c) Potential skin absorption and irritation
(d) Potential eye irritation sources.
(e) Explosion sensitivity and flammability
(f) Oxygen deficiency.

(8) Employee notification. Any information concerning the chemical, physical, and toxicologic properties of each
substance known or expected to be
present on site that is available to the
employer and relevant to the duties an
employee is expected to perform shall
be made available to the affected employees prior to the commencement of
their work activities. The employer
may utilize information developed for
the hazard communication standard for
this purpose.
(d) Site control—(1) General. Appropriate site control procedures shall be
implemented to control employee exposure to hazardous substances before
clean-up work begins.
(2) Site control program. A site control
program for protecting employees
which is part of the employer’s site
safety and health program required in
paragraph (b) of this section shall be
developed during the planning stages of
a hazardous waste clean-up operation
and modified as necessary as new information becomes available.

§ 1910.120

(3) Elements of the site control program.
The site control program shall, as a
minimum, include: A site map; site
work zones; the use of a ‘‘buddy system’’; site communications including
alerting means for emergencies; the
standard operating procedures or safe
work practices; and, identification of
the nearest medical assistance. Where
these requirements are covered elsewhere they need not be repeated.
(e) Training—(1) General. (i) All employees working on site (such as but
not limited to equipment operators,
general laborers and others) exposed to
hazardous substances, health hazards,
or safety hazards and their supervisors
and management responsible for the
site shall receive training meeting the
requirements of this paragraph before
they are permitted to engage in hazardous waste operations that could expose them to hazardous substances,
safety, or health hazards, and they
shall receive review training as specified in this paragraph.
(ii) Employees shall not be permitted
to participate in or supervise field activities until they have been trained to
a level required by their job function
and responsibility.
(2) Elements to be covered. The training shall thoroughly cover the following:
(i) Names of personnel and alternates
responsible for site safety and health;
(ii) Safety, health and other hazards
present on the site;
(iii) Use of personal protective equipment;
(iv) Work practices by which the employee can minimize risks from hazards;
(v) Safe use of engineering controls
and equipment on the site;
(vi) Medical surveillance requirements, including recognition of symptoms and signs which might indicate
overexposure to hazards; and
(vii) The contents of paragraphs (G)
through (J) of the site safety and
health plan set forth in paragraph
(b)(4)(ii) of this section.
(3) Initial training. (i) General site
workers (such as equipment operators,
general laborers and supervisory personnel) engaged in hazardous substance
removal or other activities which expose or potentially expose workers to


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hazardous substances and health hazards shall receive a minimum of 40
hours of instruction off the site, and a
minimum of three days actual field experience under the direct supervision of
a trained, experienced supervisor.
(ii) Workers on site only occasionally
for a specific limited task (such as, but
not limited to, ground water monitoring, land surveying, or geo-physical
surveying) and who are unlikely to be
exposed over permissible exposure limits and published exposure limits shall
receive a minimum of 24 hours of instruction off the site, and the minimum of one day actual field experience under the direct supervision of a
trained, experienced supervisor.
(iii) Workers regularly on site who
work in areas which have been monitored and fully characterized indicating that exposures are under permissible exposure limits and published
exposure limits where respirators are
not necessary, and the characterization
indicates that there are no health hazards or the possibility of an emergency
developing, shall receive a minimum of
24 hours of instruction off the site and
the minimum of one day actual field
experience under the direct supervision
of a trained, experienced supervisor.
(iv) Workers with 24 hours of training
who are covered by paragraphs (e)(3)(ii)
and (e)(3)(iii) of this section, and who
become general site workers or who are
required to wear respirators, shall have
the additional 16 hours and two days of
training necessary to total the training
specified in paragraph (e)(3)(i).
(4) Management and supervisor training. On-site management and supervisors directly responsible for, or who
supervise employees engaged in, hazardous waste operations shall receive
40 hours initial training, and three
days of supervised field experience (the
training may be reduced to 24 hours
and one day if the only area of their responsibility is employees covered by
paragraphs (e)(3)(ii) and (e)(3)(iii)) and
at least eight additional hours of specialized training at the time of job assignment on such topics as, but not
limited to, the employer’s safety and
health program and the associated employee training program, personal protective equipment program, spill con-

tainment program, and health hazard
monitoring procedure and techniques.
(5) Qualifications for trainers. Trainers
shall be qualified to instruct employees
about the subject matter that is being
presented in training. Such trainers
shall have satisfactorily completed a
training program for teaching the subjects they are expected to teach, or
they shall have the academic credentials and instructional experience necessary for teaching the subjects. Instructors shall demonstrate competent
instructional skills and knowledge of
the applicable subject matter.
(6) Training certification. Employees
and supervisors that have received and
successfully completed the training
and field experience specified in paragraphs (e)(1) through (e)(4) of this section shall be certified by their instructor or the head instructor and trained
supervisor as having successfully completed the necessary training. A written certificate shall be given to each
person so certified. Any person who has
not been so certified or who does not
meet the requirements of paragraph
(e)(9) of this section shall be prohibited
from engaging in hazardous waste operations.
(7) Emergency response. Employees
who are engaged in responding to hazardous emergency situations at hazardous waste clean-up sites that may
expose them to hazardous substances
shall be trained in how to respond to
such expected emergencies.
(8) Refresher training. Employees specified in paragraph (e)(1) of this section,
and managers and supervisors specified
in paragraph (e)(4) of this section, shall
receive eight hours of refresher training annually on the items specified in
paragraph (e)(2) and/or (e)(4) of this
section, any critique of incidents that
have occurred in the past year that can
serve as training examples of related
work, and other relevant topics.
(9) Equivalent training. Employers
who can show by documentation or certification that an employee’s work experience and/or training has resulted in
training equivalent to that training required in paragraphs (e)(1) through
(e)(4) of this section shall not be required to provide the initial training
requirements of those paragraphs to
such employees and shall provide a


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copy of the certification or documentation to the employee upon request.
However, certified employees or employees with equivalent training new
to a site shall receive appropriate, site
specific training before site entry and
have appropriate supervised field experience at the new site. Equivalent
training includes any academic training or the training that existing employees might have already received
from actual hazardous waste site work
(f) Medical surveillance—(1) General.
Employers engaged in operations specified in paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through
(a)(1)(iv) of this section and not covered by (a)(2)(iii) exceptions and employers of employees specified in paragraph (q)(9) shall institute a medical
surveillance program in accordance
with this paragraph.
(2) Employees covered. The medical
surveillance program shall be instituted by the employer for the following
(i) All employees who are or may be
exposed to hazardous substances or
health hazards at or above the permissible exposure limits or, if there is no
permissible exposure limit, above the
published exposure levels for these substances, without regard to the use of
respirators, for 30 days or more a year;
(ii) All employees who wear a respirator for 30 days or more a year or as
required by § 1910.134;
(iii) All employees who are injured,
become ill or develop signs or symptoms due to possible overexposure involving hazardous substances or health
hazards from an emergency response or
hazardous waste operation; and
(iv) Members of HAZMAT teams.
(3) Frequency of medical examinations
and consultations. Medical examinations and consultations shall be made
available by the employer to each employee covered under paragraph (f)(2) of
this section on the following schedules:
(i) For employees covered under
(A) Prior to assignment;
(B) At least once every twelve
months for each employee covered unless the attending physician believes a
longer interval (not greater than biennially) is appropriate;

§ 1910.120

(C) At termination of employment or
reassignment to an area where the employee would not be covered if the employee has not had an examination
within the last six months;
(D) As soon as possible upon notification by an employee that the employee
has developed signs or symptoms indicating possible overexposure to hazardous substances or health hazards, or
that the employee has been injured or
exposed above the permissible exposure
limits or published exposure levels in
an emergency situation;
(E) At more frequent times, if the examining physician determines that an
increased frequency of examination is
medically necessary.
(ii) For employees covered under
paragraph (f)(2)(iii) and for all employees including those of employers covered by paragraph (a)(1)(v) who may
have been injured, received a health
impairment, developed signs or symptoms which may have resulted from exposure to hazardous substances resulting from an emergency incident, or exposed during an emergency incident to
hazardous substances at concentrations above the permissible exposure
limits or the published exposure levels
without the necessary personal protective equipment being used:
(A) As soon as possible following the
emergency incident or development of
signs or symptoms;
(B) At additional times, if the examining physician determines that followup examinations or consultations are
medically necessary.
(4) Content of medical examinations and
consultations. (i) Medical examinations
required by paragraph (f)(3) of this section shall include a medical and work
history (or updated history if one is in
the employee’s file) with special emphasis on symptoms related to the handling of hazardous substances and
health hazards, and to fitness for duty
including the ability to wear any required PPE under conditions (i.e., temperature extremes) that may be expected at the work site.
(ii) The content of medical examinations or consultations made available
to employees pursuant to paragraph (f)
shall be determined by the attending
physician. The guidelines in the Occupational Safety and Health Guidance


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Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activities (See appendix D, Reference #10)
should be consulted.
(5) Examination by a physician and
costs. All medical examinations and
procedures shall be performed by or
under the supervision of a licensed physician, preferably one knowledgeable in
occupational medicine, and shall be
provided without cost to the employee,
without loss of pay, and at a reasonable time and place.
(6) Information provided to the physician. The employer shall provide one
copy of this standard and its appendices to the attending physician, and in
addition the following for each employee:
(i) A description of the employee’s
duties as they relate to the employee’s
(ii) The employee’s exposure levels or
anticipated exposure levels.
(iii) A description of any personal
protective equipment used or to be
(iv) Information from previous medical examinations of the employee
which is not readily available to the
examining physician.
(v) Information required by § 1910.134.
(7) Physician’s written opinion. (i) The
employer shall obtain and furnish the
employee with a copy of a written
opinion from the attending physician
containing the following:
(A) The physician’s opinion as to
whether the employee has any detected
medical conditions which would place
the employee at increased risk of material impairment of the employee’s
health from work in hazardous waste
operations or emergency response, or
from respirator use.
(B) The physician’s recommended
limitations upon the employee’s assigned work.
(C) The results of the medical examination and tests if requested by the
(D) A statement that the employee
has been informed by the physician of
the results of the medical examination
and any medical conditions which require further examination or treatment.
(ii) The written opinion obtained by
the employer shall not reveal specific

findings or diagnoses unrelated to occupational exposures.
(8) Recordkeeping. (i) An accurate
record of the medical surveillance required by paragraph (f) of this section
shall be retained. This record shall be
retained for the period specified and
meet the criteria of 29 CFR 1910.1020.
(ii) The record required in paragraph
(f)(8)(i) of this section shall include at
least the following information:
(A) The name and social security
number of the employee;
(B) Physician’s written opinions, recommended limitations, and results of
examinations and tests;
(C) Any employee medical complaints related to exposure to hazardous substances;
(D) A copy of the information provided to the examining physician by
the employer, with the exception of the
standard and its appendices.
(g) Engineering controls, work practices, and personal protective equipment
for employee protection. Engineering
controls, work practices, personal protective equipment, or a combination of
these shall be implemented in accordance with this paragraph to protect
employees from exposure to hazardous
substances and safety and health hazards.
(1) Engineering controls, work practices
and PPE for substances regulated in subparts G and Z. (i) Engineering controls
and work practices shall be instituted
to reduce and maintain employee exposure to or below the permissible exposure limits for substances regulated by
29 CFR part 1910, to the extent required
by subpart Z, except to the extent that
such controls and practices are not feasible.
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (g)(1)(i): Engineering
controls which may be feasible include the
use of pressurized cabs or control booths on
equipment, and/or the use of remotely operated material handling equipment. Work
practices which may be feasible are removing all non-essential employees from potential exposure during opening of drums, wetting down dusty operations and locating employees upwind of possible hazards.

(ii) Whenever engineering controls
and work practices are not feasible or
not required, any reasonable combination of engineering controls, work


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practices and PPE shall be used to reduce and maintain employee exposures
to or below the permissible exposure
limits or dose limits for substances
regulated by 29 CFR part 1910, subpart
(iii) The employer shall not implement a schedule of employee rotation
as a means of compliance with permissible exposure limits or dose limits except when there is no other feasible
way of complying with the airborne or
dermal dose limits for ionizing radiation.
(iv) The provisions of 29 CFR, subpart
G, shall be followed.
(2) Engineering controls, work practices,
and PPE for substances not regulated in
subparts G and Z. An appropriate combination of engineering controls, work
practices and personal protective
equipment shall be used to reduce and
maintain employee exposure to or
below published exposure levels for
hazardous substances and health hazards not regulated by 29 CFR part 1910,
subparts G and Z. The employer may
use the published literature and MSDS
as a guide in making the employer’s
determination as to what level of protection the employer believes is appropriate for hazardous substances and
health hazards for which there is no
permissible exposure limit or published
exposure limit.
(3) Personal protective equipment selection. (i) Personal protective equipment
(PPE) shall be selected and used which
will protect employees from the hazards and potential hazards they are
likely to encounter as identified during
the site characterization and analysis.
(ii) Personal protective equipment
selection shall be based on an evaluation of the performance characteristics
of the PPE relative to the requirements and limitations of the site, the
task-specific conditions and duration,
and the hazards and potential hazards
identified at the site.
(iii) Positive pressure self-contained
breathing apparatus, or positive pressure air-line respirators equipped with
an escape air supply, shall be used
when chemical exposure levels present
will create a substantial possibility of
immediate death, immediate serious
illness or injury, or impair the ability
to escape.

§ 1910.120

(iv) Totally-encapsulating chemical
protective suits (protection equivalent
to Level A protection as recommended
in appendix B) shall be used in conditions where skin absorption of a hazardous substance may result in a substantial
death, immediate serious illness or injury, or impair the ability to escape.
(v) The level of protection provided
by PPE selection shall be increased
when additional information on site
conditions indicates that increased
protection is necessary to reduce employee exposures below permissible exposure limits and published exposure
levels for hazardous substances and
health hazards. (See appendix B for
guidance on selecting PPE ensembles.)
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (g)(3): The level of employee protection provided may be decreased
when additional information or site conditions show that decreased protection will not
result in hazardous exposures to employees.

(vi) Personal protective equipment
shall be selected and used to meet the
requirements of 29 CFR part 1910, subpart I, and additional requirements
specified in this section.
(4) Totally-encapsulating chemical protective suits. (i) Totally-encapsulating
suits shall protect employees from the
particular hazards which are identified
during site characterization and analysis.
(ii) Totally-encapsulating suits shall
be capable of maintaining positive air
pressure. (See appendix A for a test
method which may be used to evaluate
this requirement.)
(iii) Totally-encapsulating suits shall
be capable of preventing inward test
gas leakage of more than 0.5 percent.
(See appendix A for a test method
which may be used to evaluate this requirement.)
(5) Personal protective equipment (PPE)
program. A written personal protective
equipment program, which is part of
the employer’s safety and health program required in paragraph (b) of this
section or required in paragraph (p)(1)
of this section and which is also a part
of the site-specific safety and health
plan shall be established. The PPE program shall address the elements listed
below. When elements, such as donning
and doffing procedures, are provided by


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the manufacturer of a piece of equipment and are attached to the plan,
they need not be rewritten into the
plan as long as they adequately address
the procedure or element.
(i) PPE selection based upon site hazards,
(ii) PPE use and limitations of the
(iii) Work mission duration,
(iv) PPE maintenance and storage,
(v) PPE decontamination and disposal,
(vi) PPE training and proper fitting,
(vii) PPE donning and doffing procedures,
(viii) PPE inspection procedures
prior to, during, and after use,
(ix) Evaluation of the effectiveness of
the PPE program, and
(x) Limitations during temperature
extremes, heat stress, and other appropriate medical considerations.
(h) Monitoring—(1) General. (i) Monitoring shall be performed in accordance with this paragraph where there
may be a question of employee exposure to hazardous concentrations of
hazardous substances in order to assure
proper selection of engineering controls, work practices and personal protective equipment so that employees
are not exposed to levels which exceed
permissible exposure limits, or published exposure levels if there are no
permissible exposure limits, for hazardous substances.
(ii) Air monitoring shall be used to
identify and quantify airborne levels of
hazardous substances and safety and
health hazards in order to determine
the appropriate level of employee protection needed on site.
(2) Initial entry. Upon initial entry,
representative air monitoring shall be
conducted to identify any IDLH condition, exposure over permissible exposure limits or published exposure levels, exposure over a radioactive material’s dose limits or other dangerous
condition such as the presence of flammable atmospheres or oxygen-deficient
(3) Periodic monitoring. Periodic monitoring shall be conducted when the possibility of an IDLH condition or flammable atmosphere has developed or
when there is indication that exposures
may have risen over permissible expo-

sure limits or published exposure levels
since prior monitoring. Situations
where it shall be considered whether
the possibility that exposures have
risen are as follows:
(i) When work begins on a different
portion of the site.
(ii) When contaminants other than
those previously identified are being
(iii) When a different type of operation is initiated (e.g., drum opening as
opposed to exploratory well drilling).
(iv) When employees are handling
leaking drums or containers or working in areas with obvious liquid contamination (e.g., a spill or lagoon).
(4) Monitoring of high-risk employees.
After the actual clean-up phase of any
hazardous waste operation commences;
for example, when soil, surface water
or containers are moved or disturbed;
the employer shall monitor those employees likely to have the highest exposures to hazardous substances and
health hazards likely to be present
above permissible exposure limits or
published exposure levels by using personal sampling frequently enough to
characterize employee exposures. If the
employees likely to have the highest
exposure are over permissible exposure
limits or published exposure limits,
then monitoring shall continue to determine all employees likely to be
above those limits. The employer may
utilize a representative sampling approach by documenting that the employees and chemicals chosen for monitoring are based on the criteria stated
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (h): It is not required
to monitor employees engaged in site characterization operations covered by paragraph
(c) of this section.

(i) Informational programs. Employers
shall develop and implement a program, which is part of the employer’s
safety and health program required in
paragraph (b) of this section, to inform
subcontractors (or their representative)
actually engaged in hazardous waste
operations of the nature, level and degree of exposure likely as a result of
participation in such hazardous waste
operations. Employees, contractors and
subcontractors working outside of the


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operations part of a site are not covered by this standard.
(j) Handling drums and containers—(1)
General. (i) Hazardous substances and
contaminated soils, liquids, and other
residues shall be handled, transported,
labeled, and disposed of in accordance
with this paragraph.
(ii) Drums and containers used during the clean-up shall meet the appropriate DOT, OSHA, and EPA regulations for the wastes that they contain.
(iii) When practical, drums and containers shall be inspected and their integrity shall be assured prior to being
moved. Drums or containers that cannot be inspected before being moved
because of storage conditions (i.e., buried beneath the earth, stacked behind
other drums, stacked several tiers high
in a pile, etc.) shall be moved to an accessible location and inspected prior to
further handling.
(iv) Unlabelled drums and containers
shall be considered to contain hazardous substances and handled accordingly until the contents are positively
identified and labeled.
(v) Site operations shall be organized
to minimize the amount of drum or
container movement.
(vi) Prior to movement of drums or
containers, all employees exposed to
the transfer operation shall be warned
of the potential hazards associated
with the contents of the drums or containers.
(vii) U.S. Department of Transportation specified salvage drums or containers and suitable quantities of proper absorbent shall be kept available
and used in areas where spills, leaks, or
ruptures may occur.
(viii) Where major spills may occur, a
spill containment program, which is
part of the employer’s safety and
health program required in paragraph
(b) of this section, shall be implemented to contain and isolate the entire volume of the hazardous substance
being transferred.
(ix) Drums and containers that cannot be moved without rupture, leakage,
or spillage shall be emptied into a
sound container using a device classified for the material being transferred.
(x) A ground-penetrating system or
other type of detection system or device shall be used to estimate the loca-

§ 1910.120

tion and depth of buried drums or containers.
(xi) Soil or covering material shall be
removed with caution to prevent drum
or container rupture.
(xii) Fire extinguishing equipment
meeting the requirements of 29 CFR
part 1910, subpart L, shall be on hand
and ready for use to control incipient
(2) Opening drums and containers. The
following procedures shall be followed
in areas where drums or containers are
being opened:
(i) Where an airline respirator system
is used, connections to the source of air
supply shall be protected from contamination and the entire system shall
be protected from physical damage.
(ii) Employees not actually involved
in opening drums or containers shall be
kept a safe distance from the drums or
containers being opened.
(iii) If employees must work near or
adjacent to drums or containers being
opened, a suitable shield that does not
interfere with the work operation shall
be placed between the employee and
the drums or containers being opened
to protect the employee in case of accidental explosion.
(iv) Controls for drum or container
opening equipment, monitoring equipment, and fire suppression equipment
shall be located behind the explosionresistant barrier.
(v) When there is a reasonable possibility of flammable atmospheres being
present, material handling equipment
and hand tools shall be of the type to
prevent sources of ignition.
(vi) Drums and containers shall be
opened in such a manner that excess
interior pressure will be safely relieved. If pressure can not be relieved
from a remote location, appropriate
shielding shall be placed between the
employee and the drums or containers
to reduce the risk of employee injury.
(vii) Employees shall not stand upon
or work from drums or containers.
(3) Material handling equipment. Material handiing equipment used to transfer drums and containers shall be selected, positioned and operated to minimize sources of ignition related to the
equipment from igniting vapors released from ruptured drums or containers.


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§ 1910.120

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(4) Radioactive wastes. Drums and containers containing radioactive wastes
shall not be handled until such time as
their hazard to employees is properly
(5) Shock sensitive wastes. As a minimum, the following special precautions shall be taken when drums
and containers containing or suspected
of containing shock-sensitive wastes
are handled:
(i) All non-essential employees shall
be evacuated from the area of transfer.
(ii) Material handling equipment
shall be provided with explosive containment devices or protective shields
to protect equipment operators from
exploding containers.
(iii) An employee alarm system capable of being perceived above surrounding light and noise conditions
shall be used to signal the commencement and completion of explosive
waste handling activities.
(iv) Continuous communications (i.e.,
portable radios, hand signals, telephones, as appropriate) shall be maintained between the employee-in-charge
of the immediate handling area and
both the site safety and health supervisor and the command post until such
time as the handling operation is completed. Communication equipment or
methods that could cause shock sensitive materials to explode shall not be
(v) Drums and containers under pressure, as evidenced by bulging or swelling, shall not be moved until such time
as the cause for excess pressure is determined and appropriate containment
procedures have been implemented to
protect employees from explosive relief
of the drum.
(vi) Drums and containers containing
packaged laboratory wastes shall be
considered to contain shock-sensitive
or explosive materials until they have
been characterized.
CAUTION: Shipping of shock sensitive
wastes may be prohibited under U.S. Department of Transportation regulations. Employers and their shippers should refer to 49 CFR
173.21 and 173.50.

(6) Laboratory waste packs. In addition
to the requirements of paragraph (j)(5)
of this section, the following precautions shall be taken, as a minimum,

in handling laboratory waste packs
(lab packs):
(i) Lab packs shall be opened only
when necessary and then only by an individual knowledgeable in the inspection, classification, and segregation of
the containers within the pack according to the hazards of the wastes.
(ii) If crystalline material is noted on
any container, the contents shall be
handled as a shock-sensitive waste
until the contents are identified.
(7) Sampling of drum and container
contents. Sampling of containers and
drums shall be done in accordance with
a sampling procedure which is part of
the site safety and health plan developed for and available to employees
and others at the specific worksite.
(8) Shipping and transport. (i) Drums
and containers shall be identified and
classified prior to packaging for shipment.
(ii) Drum or container staging areas
shall be kept to the minimum number
necessary to identify and classify materials safely and prepare them for
(iii) Staging areas shall be provided
with adequate access and egress routes.
(iv) Bulking of hazardous wastes
shall be permitted only after a thorough characterization of the materials
has been completed.
(9) Tank and vault procedures. (i)
Tanks and vaults containing hazardous
substances shall be handled in a manner similar to that for drums and containers, taking into consideration the
size of the tank or vault.
(ii) Appropriate tank or vault entry
procedures as described in the employer’s safety and health plan shall be followed whenever employees must enter
a tank or vault.
(k) Decontamination—(1) General. Procedures for all phases of decontamination shall be developed and implemented in accordance with this paragraph.
(2) Decontamination procedures. (i) A
decontamination procedure shall be developed, communicated to employees
and implemented before any employees
or equipment may enter areas on site
where potential for exposure to hazardous substances exists.


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(ii) Standard operating procedures
shall be developed to minimize employee contact with hazardous substances or with equipment that has
contacted hazardous substances.
(iii) All employees leaving a contaminated area shall be appropriately decontaminated; all contaminated clothing and equipment leaving a contaminated area shall be appropriately disposed of or decontaminated.
shall be monitored by the site safety
and health supervisor to determine
their effectiveness. When such procedures are found to be ineffective, appropriate steps shall be taken to correct any deficiencies.
(3) Location. Decontamination shall
be performed in geographical areas
that will minimize the exposure of
uncontaminated employees or equipment to contaminated employees or
(4) Equipment and solvents. All equipment and solvents used for decontamination shall be decontaminated or
disposed of properly.
(5) Personal protective clothing and
equipment. (i) Protective clothing and
equipment shall be decontaminated,
cleaned, laundered, maintained or replaced as needed to maintain their effectiveness.
(ii) Employees whose non-impermeable clothing becomes wetted with
hazardous substances shall immediately remove that clothing and proceed to shower. The clothing shall be
disposed of or decontaminated before it
is removed from the work zone.
(6) Unauthorized employees. Unauthorized employees shall not remove protective clothing or equipment from
change rooms.
(7) Commercial laundries or cleaning establishments. Commercial laundries or
cleaning establishments that decontaminate protective clothing or equipment shall be informed of the potentially harmful effects of exposures to
hazardous substances.
(8) Showers and change rooms. Where
the decontamination procedure indicates a need for regular showers and
change rooms outside of a contaminated area, they shall be provided and
meet the requirements of 29 CFR
1910.141. If temperature conditions pre-

§ 1910.120

vent the effective use of water, then
other effective means for cleansing
shall be provided and used.
(l) Emergency response by employees at
uncontrolled hazardous waste sites—(1)
Emergency response plan. (i) An emergency response plan shall be developed
and implemented by all employers
within the scope of paragraphs (a)(1)
(i)–(ii) of this section to handle anticipated emergencies prior to the commencement of hazardous waste operations. The plan shall be in writing and
available for inspection and copying by
OSHA personnel and other governmental agencies with relevant responsibilities.
(ii) Employers who will evacuate
their employees from the danger area
when an emergency occurs, and who do
not permit any of their employees to
assist in handling the emergency, are
exempt from the requirements of this
paragraph if they provide an emergency action plan complying with 29
CFR 1910.38.
(2) Elements of an emergency response
plan. The employer shall develop an
emergency response plan for emergencies which shall address, as a minimum, the following:
(i) Pre-emergency planning.
(ii) Personnel roles, lines of authority, and communication.
(iii) Emergency recognition and prevention.
(iv) Safe distances and places of refuge.
(v) Site security and control.
(vi) Evacuation routes and procedures.
(vii) Decontamination procedures
which are not covered by the site safety and health plan.
(viii) Emergency medical treatment
and first aid.
(ix) Emergency alerting and response
(x) Critique of response and followup.
(xi) PPE and emergency equipment.
(3) Procedures for handling emergency
incidents. (i) In addition to the elements for the emergency response plan
required in paragraph (l)(2) of this section, the following elements shall be
included for emergency response plans:


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29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(A) Site topography, layout, and prevailing weather conditions.
(B) Procedures for reporting incidents to local, state, and federal governmental agencies.
(ii) The emergency response plan
shall be a separate section of the Site
Safety and Health Plan.
(iii) The emergency response plan
shall be compatible and integrated
with the disaster, fire and/or emergency response plans of local, state,
and federal agencies.
(iv) The emergency response plan
shall be rehearsed regularly as part of
the overall training program for site
(v) The site emergency response plan
shall be reviewed periodically and, as
necessary, be amended to keep it current with new or changing site conditions or information.
(vi) An employee alarm system shall
be installed in accordance with 29 CFR
1910.165 to notify employees of an emergency situation; to stop work activities
if necessary; to lower background noise
in order to speed communication; and
to begin emergency procedures.
(vii) Based upon the information
available at time of the emergency, the
employer shall evaluate the incident
and the site response capabilities and
proceed with the appropriate steps to
implement the site emergency response
(m) Illumination. Areas accessible to
employees shall be lighted to not less
than the minimum illumination intensities listed in the following Table H–
120.1 while any work is in progress:

10 ......

30 ......

General shops (e.g., mechanical and electrical
equipment rooms, active storerooms, barracks or
living quarters, locker or dressing rooms, dining
areas, and indoor toilets and workrooms.)
First aid stations, infirmaries, and offices.

(n) Sanitation at temporary workplaces—(1) Potable water. (i) An adequate supply of potable water shall be
provided on the site.
(ii) Portable containers used to dispense drinking water shall be capable
of being tightly closed, and equipped
with a tap. Water shall not be dipped
from containers.
(iii) Any container used to distribute
drinking water shall be clearly marked
as to the nature of its contents and not
used for any other purpose.
(iv) Where single service cups (to be
used but once) are supplied, both a sanitary container for the unused cups and
a receptacle for disposing of the used
cups shall be provided.
(2) Nonpotable water. (i) Outlets for
nonpotable water, such as water for
firefighting purposes, shall be identified to indicate clearly that the water
is unsafe and is not to be used for
drinking, washing, or cooking purposes.
(ii) There shall be no cross-connection, open or potential, between a system furnishing potable water and a
system furnishing nonpotable water.
(3) Toilet facilities. (i) Toilets shall be
provided for employees according to
the following Table H–120.2.


Area or operations

Number of employees
20 or fewer .............................
More than 20, fewer than 200

Area or operations

More than 200 ........................
5 ........
3 ........

5 ........
5 ........

General site areas.
Excavation and waste areas, accessways, active
storage areas, loading platforms, refueling, and
field maintenance areas.
Indoors: Warehouses, corridors, hallways, and
Tunnels, shafts, and general underground work
areas. (Exception: Minimum of 10 foot-candles is
required at tunnel and shaft heading during drilling
mucking, and scaling. Mine Safety and Health Administration approved cap lights shall be acceptable for use in the tunnel heading.)

Minimum number of facilities
One toilet seat and one urinal per 40 employees.
One toilet seat and one urinal per 50 employees.

(ii) Under temporary field conditions,
provisions shall be made to assure that
at least one toilet facility is available.
(iii) Hazardous waste sites not provided with a sanitary sewer shall be
provided with the following toilet facilities unless prohibited by local


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(A) Chemical toilets;
(B) Recirculating toilets;
(C) Combustion toilets; or
(D) Flush toilets.
(iv) The requirements of this paragraph for sanitation facilities shall not
apply to mobile crews having transportation readily available to nearby toilet facilities.
(v) Doors entering toilet facilities
shall be provided with entrance locks
controlled from inside the facility.
(4) Food handling. All food service facilities and operations for employees
shall meet the applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations of the jurisdictions in which they are located.
(5) Temporary sleeping quarters. When
temporary sleeping quarters are provided, they shall be heated, ventilated,
and lighted.
(6) Washing facilities. The employer
shall provide adequate washing facilities for employees engaged in operations where hazardous substances
may be harmful to employees. Such facilities shall be in near proximity to
the worksite; in areas where exposures
are below permissible exposure limits
and published exposure levels and
which are under the controls of the employer; and shall be so equipped as to
enable employees to remove hazardous
substances from themselves.
(7) Showers and change rooms. When
hazardous waste clean-up or removal
operations commence on a site and the
duration of the work will require six
months or greater time to complete,
the employer shall provide showers and
change rooms for all employees exposed to hazardous substances and
health hazards involved in hazardous
waste clean-up or removal operations.
(i) Showers shall be provided and
shall meet the requirements of 29 CFR
(ii) Change rooms shall be provided
and shall meet the requirements of 29
CFR 1910.141(e). Change rooms shall
consist of two separate change areas
separated by the shower area required
in paragraph (n)(7)(i) of this section.
One change area, with an exit leading
off the worksite, shall provide employees with a clean area where they can
remove, store, and put on street clothing. The second area, with an exit to
the worksite, shall provide employees

§ 1910.120

with an area where they can put on, remove and store work clothing and personal protective equipment.
(iii) Showers and change rooms shall
be located in areas where exposures are
below the permissible exposure limits
and published exposure levels. If this
cannot be accomplished, then a ventilation system shall be provided that
will supply air that is below the permissible exposure limits and published
exposure levels.
(iv) Employers shall assure that employees shower at the end of their work
shift and when leaving the hazardous
waste site.
(o) New technology programs. (1) The
employer shall develop and implement
procedures for the introduction of effective new technologies and equipment developed for the improved protection of employees working with hazardous waste clean-up operations, and
the same shall be implemented as part
of the site safety and health program
to assure that employee protection is
being maintained.
(2) New technologies, equipment or
control measures available to the industry, such as the use of foams,
absorbents, adsorbents, neutralizers, or
other means to suppress the level of air
contaminates while excavating the site
or for spill control, shall be evaluated
by employers or their representatives.
Such an evaluation shall be done to determine the effectiveness of the new
methods, materials, or equipment before implementing their use on a large
scale for enhancing employee protection. Information and data from manufacturers or suppliers may be used as
part of the employer’s evaluation effort. Such evaluations shall be made
available to OSHA upon request.
(p) Certain Operations Conducted
Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA). Employers
conducting operations at treatment,
storage and disposal (TSD) facilities
specified in paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this
section shall provide and implement
the programs specified in this paragraph. See the ‘‘Notes and Exceptions’’
to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section
for employers not covered.)’’.
(1) Safety and health program. The employer shall develop and implement a
written safety and health program for


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§ 1910.120

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

employees involved in hazardous waste
operations that shall be available for
inspection by employees, their representatives and OSHA personnel. The
program shall be designed to identify,
evaluate and control safety and health
hazards in their facilities for the purpose of employee protection, to provide
for emergency response meeting the requirements of paragraph (p)(8) of this
section and to address as appropriate
site analysis, engineering controls,
maximum exposure limits, hazardous
waste handling procedures and uses of
new technologies.
(2) Hazard communication program.
The employer shall implement a hazard communication program meeting
the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1200 as
part of the employer’s safety and program.
NOTE TO § 1910.120: The exemption for hazardous waste provided in § 1910.1200 is applicable to this section.

(3) Medical surveillance program. The
employer shall develop and implement
a medical surveillance program meeting the requirements of paragraph (f) of
this section.
(4) Decontamination program. The employer shall develop and implement a
decontamination procedure meeting
the requirements of paragraph (k) of
this section.
(5) New technology program. The employer shall develop and implement
procedures meeting the requirements
of paragraph (o) of this section for introducing new and innovative equipment into the workplace.
(6) Material handling program. Where
employees will be handling drums or
containers, the employer shall develop
and implement procedures meeting the
requirements of paragraphs (j)(1) (ii)
through (viii) and (xi) of this section,
as well as (j)(3) and (j)(8) of this section
prior to starting such work.
(7) Training program—(i) New employees. The employer shall develop and implement a training program, which is
part of the employer’s safety and
health program, for employees exposed
to health hazards or hazardous substances at TSD operations to enable
the employees to perform their assigned duties and functions in a safe
and healthful manner so as not endanger themselves or other employees. The

initial training shall be for 24 hours
and refresher training shall be for eight
hours annually. Employees who have
received the initial training required
by this paragraph shall be given a written certificate attesting that they have
successfully completed the necessary
(ii) Current employees. Employers who
can show by an employee’s previous
work experience and/or training that
the employee has had training equivalent to the initial training required by
this paragraph, shall be considered as
meeting the initial training requirements of this paragraph as to that employee. Equivalent training includes
the training that existing employees
might have already received from actual site work experience. Current employees shall receive eight hours of refresher training annually.
(iii) Trainers. Trainers who teach initial training shall have satisfactorily
completed a training course for teaching the subjects they are expected to
teach or they shall have the academic
credentials and instruction experience
necessary to demonstrate a good command of the subject matter of the
courses and competent instructional
(8) Emergency response program—(i)
Emergency response plan. An emergency
response plan shall be developed and
implemented by all employers. Such
plans need not duplicate any of the
subjects fully addressed in the employer’s contingency planning required by
permits, such as those issued by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, provided that the contingency plan
is made part of the emergency response
plan. The emergency response plan
shall be a written portion of the employer’s safety and health program required in paragraph (p)(1) of this section. Employers who will evacuate
their employees from the worksite location when an emergency occurs and
who do not permit any of their employees to assist in handling the emergency
are exempt from the requirements of
paragraph (p)(8) if they provide an
emergency action plan complying with
29 CFR 1910.38.
(ii) Elements of an emergency response
plan. The employer shall develop an


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emergency response plan for emergencies which shall address, as a minimum, the following areas to the extent that they are not addressed in any
specific program required in this paragraph:
(A) Pre-emergency planning and coordination with outside parties.
(B) Personnel roles, lines of authority, and communication.
(C) Emergency recognition and prevention.
(D) Safe distances and places of refuge.
(E) Site security and control.
(F) Evacuation routes and procedures.
(G) Decontamination procedures.
(H) Emergency medical treatment
and first aid.
(I) Emergency alerting and response
(J) Critique of response and followup.
(K) PPE and emergency equipment.
(iii) Training. (A) Training for emergency response employees shall be
completed before they are called upon
to perform in real emergencies. Such
training shall include the elements of
the emergency response plan, standard
operating procedures the employer has
established for the job, the personal
protective equipment to be worn and
procedures for handling emergency incidents.
Exception #1: An employer need not train
all employees to the degree specified if the
employer divides the work force in a manner
such that a sufficient number of employees
who have responsibility to control emergencies have the training specified, and all
other employees, who may first respond to
an emergency incident, have sufficient
awareness training to recognize that an
emergency response situation exists and that
they are instructed in that case to summon
the fully trained employees and not attempt
control activities for which they are not
Exception #2: An employer need not train
all employees to the degree specified if arrangements have been made in advance for
an outside fully-trained emergency response
team to respond in a reasonable period and
all employees, who may come to the incident
first, have sufficient awareness training to
recognize that an emergency response situation exists and they have been instructed to
call the designated outside fully-trained
emergency response team for assistance.

§ 1910.120

(B) Employee members of TSD facility emergency response organizations
shall be trained to a level of competence in the recognition of health
and safety hazards to protect themselves and other employees. This would
include training in the methods used to
minimize the risk from safety and
health hazards; in the safe use of control equipment; in the selection and
use of appropriate personal protective
equipment; in the safe operating procedures to be used at the incident scene;
in the techniques of coordination with
other employees to minimize risks; in
the appropriate response to over exposure from health hazards or injury to
themselves and other employees; and
in the recognition of subsequent symptoms which may result from over exposures.
(C) The employer shall certify that
each covered employee has attended
and successfully completed the training required in paragraph (p)(8)(iii) of
this section, or shall certify the employee’s competency at least yearly.
The method used to demonstrate competency for certification of training
shall be recorded and maintained by
the employer.
(iv) Procedures for handling emergency
incidents. (A) In addition to the elements for the emergency response plan
required in paragraph (p)(8)(ii) of this
section, the following elements shall be
included for emergency response plans
to the extent that they do not repeat
any information already contained in
the emergency response plan:
(1) Site topography, layout, and prevailing weather conditions.
(2) Procedures for reporting incidents
to local, state, and federal governmental agencies.
(B) The emergency response plan
shall be compatible and integrated
with the disaster, fire and/or emergency response plans of local, state,
and federal agencies.
(C) The emergency response plan
shall be rehearsed regularly as part of
the overall training program for site
(D) The site emergency response plan
shall be reviewed periodically and, as
necessary, be amended to keep it current with new or changing site conditions or information.


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§ 1910.120

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(E) An employee alarm system shall
be installed in accordance with 29 CFR
1910.165 to notify employees of an emergency situation; to stop work activities
if necessary; to lower background noise
in order to speed communication; and
to begin emergency procedures.
(F) Based upon the information available at time of the emergency, the employer shall evaluate the incident and
the site response capabilities and proceed with the appropriate steps to implement the site emergency response
(q) Emergency response to hazardous
substance releases. This paragraph covers employers whose employees are engaged in emergency response no matter
where it occurs except that it does not
cover employees engaged in operations
specified in paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through
(a)(1)(iv) of this section. Those emergency response organizations who have
developed and implemented programs
equivalent to this paragraph for handling releases of hazardous substances
pursuant to section 303 of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization
Act of 1986 (Emergency Planning and
Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986,
42 U.S.C. 11003) shall be deemed to have
met the requirements of this paragraph.
(1) Emergency response plan. An emergency response plan shall be developed
and implemented to handle anticipated
emergencies prior to the commencement of emergency response operations. The plan shall be in writing and
available for inspection and copying by
employees, their representatives and
OSHA personnel. Employers who will
evacuate their employees from the
danger area when an emergency occurs,
and who do not permit any of their employees to assist in handling the emergency, are exempt from the requirements of this paragraph if they provide
an emergency action plan in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.38.
(2) Elements of an emergency response
plan. The employer shall develop an
emergency response plan for emergencies which shall address, as a minimum, the following to the extent that
they are not addressed elsewhere:
(i) Pre-emergency planning and coordination with outside parties.

(ii) Personnel roles, lines of authority, training, and communication.
(iii) Emergency recognition and prevention.
(iv) Safe distances and places of refuge.
(v) Site security and control.
(vi) Evacuation routes and procedures.
(vii) Decontamination.
(viii) Emergency medical treatment
and first aid.
(ix) Emergency alerting and response
(x) Critique of response and followup.
(xi) PPE and emergency equipment.
(xii) Emergency response organizations may use the local emergency response plan or the state emergency response plan or both, as part of their
emergency response plan to avoid duplication. Those items of the emergency response plan that are being
properly addressed by the SARA Title
III plans may be substituted into their
emergency plan or otherwise kept together for the employer and employee’s
(3) Procedures for handling emergency
response. (i) The senior emergency response official responding to an emergency shall become the individual in
charge of a site-specific Incident Command System (ICS). All emergency responders and their communications
shall be coordinated and controlled
through the individual in charge of the
ICS assisted by the senior official
present for each employer.
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (q)(3)(i). The ‘‘senior
official’’ at an emergency response is the
most senior official on the site who has the
responsibility for controlling the operations
at the site. Initially it is the senior officer
on the first-due piece of responding emergency apparatus to arrive on the incident
scene. As more senior officers arrive (i.e.,
battalion chief, fire chief, state law enforcement official, site coordinator, etc.) the position is passed up the line of authority which
has been previously established.


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(ii) The individual in charge of the
ICS shall identify, to the extent possible, all hazardous substances or conditions present and shall address as appropriate site analysis, use of engineering controls, maximum exposure limits, hazardous substance handling procedures, and use of any new technologies.
(iii) Based on the hazardous substances and/or conditions present, the
individual in charge of the ICS shall
implement appropriate emergency operations, and assure that the personal
protective equipment worn is appropriate for the hazards to be encountered. However, personal protective
equipment shall meet, at a minimum,
the criteria contained in 29 CFR
1910.156(e) when worn while performing
fire fighting operations beyond the incipient stage for any incident.
(iv) Employees engaged in emergency
response and exposed to hazardous substances presenting an inhalation hazard or potential inhalation hazard shall
wear positive pressure self-contained
breathing apparatus while engaged in
emergency response, until such time
that the individual in charge of the ICS
determines through the use of air monitoring that a decreased level of respiratory protection will not result in
hazardous exposures to employees.
(v) The individual in charge of the
ICS shall limit the number of emergency response personnel at the emergency site, in those areas of potential
or actual exposure to incident or site
hazards, to those who are actively performing emergency operations. However, operations in hazardous areas
shall be performed using the buddy system in groups of two or more.
(vi) Back-up personnel shall stand by
with equipment ready to provide assistance or rescue. Advance first aid
support personnel, as a minimum, shall
also stand by with medical equipment
and transportation capability.
(vii) The individual in charge of the
ICS shall designate a safety official,
who is knowledgable in the operations
being implemented at the emergency
response site, with specific responsibility to identify and evaluate hazards
and to provide direction with respect
to the safety of operations for the
emergency at hand.

§ 1910.120

(viii) When activities are judged by
the safety official to be an IDLH condition and/or to involve an imminent
danger condition, the safety official
shall have the authority to alter, suspend, or terminate those activities.
The safety official shall immediately
inform the individual in charge of the
ICS of any actions needed to be taken
to correct these hazards at the emergency scene.
(ix) After emergency operations have
terminated, the individual in charge of
the ICS shall implement appropriate
decontamination procedures.
(x) When deemed necessary for meeting the tasks at hand, approved selfcontained compressed air breathing apparatus may be used with approved cylinders from other approved self-contained compressed air breathing apparatus provided that such cylinders are
of the same capacity and pressure rating. All compressed air cylinders used
with self-contained breathing apparatus shall meet U.S. Department of
Transportation and National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health criteria.
(4) Skilled support personnel. Personnel, not necessarily an employer’s
own employees, who are skilled in the
operation of certain equipment, such as
mechanized earth moving or digging
equipment or crane and hoisting equipment, and who are needed temporarily
to perform immediate emergency support work that cannot reasonably be
performed in a timely fashion by an
employer’s own employees, and who
will be or may be exposed to the hazards at an emergency response scene,
are not required to meet the training
required in this paragraph for the employer’s regular employees. However,
these personnel shall be given an initial briefing at the site prior to their
participation in any emergency response. The initial briefing shall include instruction in the wearing of appropriate personal protective equipment, what chemical hazards are involved, and what duties are to be performed. All other appropriate safety
and health precautions provided to the
employer’s own employees shall be
used to assure the safety and health of
these personnel.


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(5) Specialist employees. Employees
who, in the course of their regular job
duties, work with and are trained in
the hazards of specific hazardous substances, and who will be called upon to
provide technical advice or assistance
at a hazardous substance release incident to the individual in charge, shall
receive training or demonstrate competency in the area of their specialization annually.
(6) Training. Training shall be based
on the duties and function to be performed by each responder of an emergency response organization. The skill
and knowledge levels required for all
new responders, those hired after the
effective date of this standard, shall be
conveyed to them through training before they are permitted to take part in
actual emergency operations on an incident. Employees who participate, or
are expected to participate, in emergency response, shall be given training
in accordance with the following paragraphs:
(i) First responder awareness level.
First responders at the awareness level
are individuals who are likely to witness or discover a hazardous substance
release and who have been trained to
initiate an emergency response sequence by notifying the proper authorities of the release. They would take no
further action beyond notifying the authorities of the release. First responders at the awareness level shall have
sufficient training or have had sufficient experience to objectively demonstrate competency in the following
(A) An understanding of what hazardous substances are, and the risks associated with them in an incident.
(B) An understanding of the potential
outcomes associated with an emergency created when hazardous substances are present.
(C) The ability to recognize the presence of hazardous substances in an
(D) The ability to identify the hazardous substances, if possible.
(E) An understanding of the role of
the first responder awareness individual in the employer’s emergency response plan including site security and
control and the U.S. Department of

Transportation’s Emergency Response
(F) The ability to realize the need for
additional resources, and to make appropriate notifications to the communication center.
(ii) First responder operations level.
First responders at the operations level
are individuals who respond to releases
or potential releases of hazardous substances as part of the initial response
to the site for the purpose of protecting
nearby persons, property, or the environment from the effects of the release. They are trained to respond in a
defensive fashion without actually trying to stop the release. Their function
is to contain the release from a safe
distance, keep it from spreading, and
prevent exposures. First responders at
the operational level shall have received at least eight hours of training
or have had sufficient experience to objectively demonstrate competency in
the following areas in addition to those
listed for the awareness level and the
employer shall so certify:
(A) Knowledge of the basic hazard
and risk assessment techniques.
(B) Know how to select and use proper personal protective equipment provided to the first responder operational
(C) An understanding of basic hazardous materials terms.
(D) Know how to perform basic control, containment and/or confinement
operations within the capabilities of
the resources and personal protective
equipment available with their unit.
(E) Know how to implement basic decontamination procedures.
(F) An understanding of the relevant
standard operating procedures and termination procedures.
(iii) Hazardous materials technician.
Hazardous materials technicians are
individuals who respond to releases or
potential releases for the purpose of
stopping the release. They assume a
more aggressive role than a first responder at the operations level in that
they will approach the point of release
in order to plug, patch or otherwise
stop the release of a hazardous substance. Hazardous materials technicians shall have received at least 24


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hours of training equal to the first responder operations level and in addition have competency in the following
areas and the employer shall so certify:
(A) Know how to implement the employer’s emergency response plan.
(B) Know the classification, identification and verification of known and
unknown materials by using field survey instruments and equipment.
(C) Be able to function within an assigned role in the Incident Command
(D) Know how to select and use proper specialized chemical personal protective equipment provided to the hazardous materials technician.
(E) Understand hazard and risk assessment techniques.
(F) Be able to perform advance control, containment, and/or confinement
operations within the capabilities of
the resources and personal protective
equipment available with the unit.
(G) Understand and implement decontamination procedures.
(H) Understand termination procedures.
(I) Understand basic chemical and
toxicological terminology and behavior.
(iv) Hazardous materials specialist.
Hazardous materials specialists are individuals who respond with and provide
support to hazardous materials technicians. Their duties parallel those of the
hazardous materials technician, however, those duties require a more directed or specific knowledge of the various substances they may be called
upon to contain. The hazardous materials specialist would also act as the
site liaison with Federal, state, local
and other government authorities in
regards to site activities. Hazardous
materials specialists shall have received at least 24 hours of training
equal to the technician level and in addition have competency in the following areas and the employer shall so
(A) Know how to implement the local
emergency response plan.
(B) Understand classification, identification and verification of known and
unknown materials by using advanced
survey instruments and equipment.
(C) Know of the state emergency response plan.

§ 1910.120

(D) Be able to select and use proper
specialized chemical personal protective equipment provided to the hazardous materials specialist.
(E) Understand in-depth hazard and
risk techniques.
(F) Be able to perform specialized
control, containment, and/or confinement operations within the capabilities of the resources and personal protective equipment available.
(G) Be able to determine and implement decontamination procedures.
(H) Have the ability to develop a site
safety and control plan.
(I) Understand chemical, radiological
and toxicological terminology and behavior.
(v) On scene incident commander. Incident commanders, who will assume
control of the incident scene beyond
the first responder awareness level,
shall receive at least 24 hours of training equal to the first responder operations level and in addition have competency in the following areas and the
employer shall so certify:
(A) Know and be able to implement
the employer’s incident command system.
(B) Know how to implement the employer’s emergency response plan.
(C) Know and understand the hazards
and risks associated with employees
working in chemical protective clothing.
(D) Know how to implement the local
emergency response plan.
(E) Know of the state emergency response plan and of the Federal Regional Response Team.
(F) Know and understand the importance of decontamination procedures.
(7) Trainers. Trainers who teach any
of the above training subjects shall
have satisfactorily completed a training course for teaching the subjects
they are expected to teach, such as the
courses offered by the U.S. National
Fire Academy, or they shall have the
training and/or academic credentials
and instructional experience necessary
to demonstrate competent instructional skills and a good command of
the subject matter of the courses they
are to teach.
(8) Refresher training. (i) Those employees who are trained in accordance
with paragraph (q)(6) of this section


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29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

shall receive annual refresher training
of sufficient content and duration to
maintain their competencies, or shall
demonstrate competency in those areas
at least yearly.
(ii) A statement shall be made of the
training or competency, and if a statement of competency is made, the employer shall keep a record of the methodology used to demonstrate competency.
(9) Medical surveillance and consultation. (i) Members of an organized and
designated HAZMAT team and hazardous materials specialists shall receive a baseline physical examination
and be provided with medical surveillance as required in paragraph (f) of
this section.
(ii) Any emergency response employees who exhibits signs or symptoms
which may have resulted from exposure
to hazardous substances during the
course of an emergency incident, either
immediately or subsequently, shall be
provided with medical consultation as
required in paragraph (f)(3)(ii) of this
Chemical protective clothing and
equipment to be used by organized and
designated HAZMAT team members, or
to be used by hazardous materials specialists, shall meet the requirements of
paragraphs (g) (3) through (5) of this
(11) Post-emergency response operations. Upon completion of the emergency response, if it is determined that
it is necessary to remove hazardous
substances, health hazards, and materials contaminated with them (such as
contaminated soil or other elements of
the natural environment) from the site
of the incident, the employer conducting the clean-up shall comply with
one of the following:
(i) Meet all of the requirements of
paragraphs (b) through (o) of this section; or
(ii) Where the clean-up is done on
plant property using plant or workplace employees, such employees shall
have completed the training requirements of the following: 29 CFR 1910.38,
1910.134, 1910.1200, and other appropriate safety and health training made
necessary by the tasks they are expected to perform such as personal pro-

tective equipment and decontamination procedures. All equipment to be
used in the performance of the clean-up
work shall be in serviceable condition
and shall have been inspected prior to
NOTE: The following appendices serve as
non-mandatory guidelines to assist employees and employers in complying with the appropriate requirements of this section. However paragraph 1910.120(g) makes mandatory
in certain circumstances the use of Level A
and Level B PPE protection.
This appendix sets forth the non-mandatory examples of tests which may be used to
evaluate compliance with § 1910.120 (g)(4) (ii)
and (iii). Other tests and other challenge
agents may be used to evaluate compliance.
A. Totally-encapsulating chemical protective
suit pressure test
1.1 This practice measures the ability of a
gas tight totally-encapsulating chemical
protective suit material, seams, and closures
to maintain a fixed positive pressure. The results of this practice allow the gas tight integrity of a totally-encapsulating chemical
protective suit to be evaluated.
1.2 Resistance of the suit materials to
permeation, penetration, and degradation by
specific hazardous substances is not determined by this test method.
2.0—Definition of terms
2.1 Totally-encapsulated chemical protective
suit (TECP suit) means a full body garment
which is constructed of protective clothing
materials; covers the wearer’s torso, head,
arms, legs and respirator; may cover the
wearer’s hands and feet with tightly attached gloves and boots; completely encloses
the wearer and respirator by itself or in combination with the wearer’s gloves and boots.
2.2 Protective clothing material means any
material or combination of materials used in
an item of clothing for the purpose of isolating parts of the body from direct contact
with a potentially hazardous liquid or gaseous chemicals.
2.3 Gas tight means, for the purpose of this
test method, the limited flow of a gas under
pressure from the inside of a TECP suit to
atmosphere at a prescribed pressure and
time interval.
3.0—Summary of test method
3.1 The TECP suit is visually inspected and
modified for the test. The test apparatus is
attached to the suit to permit inflation to


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the pre-test suit expansion pressure for removal of suit wrinkles and creases. The pressure is lowered to the test pressure and monitored for three minutes. If the pressure drop
is excessive, the TECP suit fails the test and
is removed from service. The test is repeated
after leak location and repair.
4.0—Required Supplies
4.1 Source of compressed air.
4.2 Test apparatus for suit testing, including a pressure measurement device with a
sensitivity of at least 1⁄4 inch water gauge.
4.3 Vent valve closure plugs or sealing
4.4 Soapy water solution and soft brush.
4.5 Stop watch or appropriate timing device.
5.0—Safety Precautions
5.1 Care shall be taken to provide the correct pressure safety devices required for the
source of compressed air used.
6.0—Test Procedure
6.1 Prior to each test, the tester shall perform a visual inspection of the suit. Check
the suit for seam integrity by visually examining the seams and gently pulling on the
seams. Ensure that all air supply lines, fittings, visor, zippers, and valves are secure
and show no signs of deterioration.
6.1.1 Seal off the vent valves along with
any other normal inlet or exhaust points
(such as umbilical air line fittings or face
piece opening) with tape or other appropriate
means (caps, plugs, fixture, etc.). Care should
be exercised in the sealing process not to
damage any of the suit components.
6.1.2 Close all closure assemblies.
6.1.3 Prepare the suit for inflation by providing an improvised connection point on the
suit for connecting an airline. Attach the
pressure test apparatus to the suit to permit
suit inflation from a compressed air source
equipped with a pressure indicating regulator. The leak tightness of the pressure test
apparatus should be tested before and after
each test by closing off the end of the tubing
attached to the suit and assuring a pressure
of three inches water gauge for three minutes can be maintained. If a component is removed for the test, that component shall be
replaced and a second test conducted with
another component removed to permit a
complete test of the ensemble.
6.1.4 The pre-test expansion pressure (A)
and the suit test pressure (B) shall be supplied by the suit manufacturer, but in no
case shall they be less than: (A)=three inches
water gauge; and (B)=two inches water
gauge. The ending suit pressure (C) shall be
no less than 80 percent of the test pressure
(B); i.e., the pressure drop shall not exceed 20
percent of the test pressure (B).
6.1.5 Inflate the suit until the pressure inside is equal to pressure (A), the pre-test expansion suit pressure. Allow at least one
minute to fill out the wrinkles in the suit.
Release sufficient air to reduce the suit pres-

§ 1910.120

sure to pressure (B), the suit test pressure.
Begin timing. At the end of three minutes,
record the suit pressure as pressure (C), the
ending suit pressure. The difference between
the suit test pressure and the ending suit
test pressure (B-C) shall be defined as the
suit pressure drop.
6.1.6 If the suit pressure drop is more than
20 percent of the suit test pressure (B) during
the three-minute test period, the suit fails
the test and shall be removed from service.
7.0—Retest Procedure
7.1 If the suit fails the test check for leaks
by inflating the suit to pressure (A) and
brushing or wiping the entire suit (including
seams, closures, lens gaskets, glove-to-sleeve
joints, etc.) with a mild soap and water solution. Observe the suit for the formation of
soap bubbles, which is an indication of a
leak. Repair all identified leaks.
7.2 Retest the TECP suit as outlined in
Test procedure 6.0.
8.1 Each TECP suit tested by this practice
shall have the following information recorded:
8.1.1 Unique identification number, identifying brand name, date of purchase, material
of construction, and unique fit features, e.g.,
special breathing apparatus.
8.1.2 The actual values for test pressures
(A), (B), and (C) shall be recorded along with
the specific observation times. If the ending
pressure (C) is less than 80 percent of the test
pressure (B), the suit shall be identified as
failing the test. When possible, the specific
leak location shall be identified in the test
records. Retest pressure data shall be recorded as an additional test.
8.1.3 The source of the test apparatus used
shall be identified and the sensitivity of the
pressure gauge shall be recorded.
8.1.4 Records shall be kept for each pressure test even if repairs are being made at
the test location.
Visually inspect all parts of the suit to be
sure they are positioned correctly and secured tightly before putting the suit back
into service. Special care should be taken to
examine each exhaust valve to make sure it
is not blocked.
Care should also be exercised to assure
that the inside and outside of the suit is
completely dry before it is put into storage.
B. Totally-encapsulating chemical protective
suit qualitative leak test
1.1 This practice semi-qualitatively tests
gas tight totally-encapsulating chemical
protective suit integrity by detecting inward
leakage of ammonia vapor. Since no modifications are made to the suit to carry out


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29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

this test, the results from this practice provide a realistic test for the integrity of the
entire suit.
1.2 Resistance of the suit materials to permeation, penetration, and degradation is not
determined by this test method. ASTM test
methods are available to test suit materials
for these characteristics and the tests are
usually conducted by the manufacturers of
the suits.
2.0—Definition of terms
2.1 Totally-encapsulated chemical protective
suit (TECP suit) means a full body garment
which is constructed of protective clothing
materials; covers the wearer’s torso, head,
arms, legs and respirator; may cover the
wearer’s hands and feet with tightly attached gloves and boots; completely encloses
the wearer and respirator by itself or in combination with the wearer’s gloves, and boots.
2.2 Protective clothing material means any
material or combination of materials used in
an item of clothing for the purpose of isolating parts of the body from direct contact
with a potentially hazardous liquid or gaseous chemicals.
2.3 Gas tight means, for the purpose of this
test method, the limited flow of a gas under
pressure from the inside of a TECP suit to
atmosphere at a prescribed pressure and
time interval.
2.4 Intrusion Coefficient means a number expressing the level of protection provided by a
gas tight totally-encapsulating chemical
protective suit. The intrusion coefficient is
calculated by dividing the test room challenge agent concentration by the concentration of challenge agent found inside the suit.
The accuracy of the intrusion coefficient is
dependent on the challenge agent monitoring
methods. The larger the intrusion coefficient
the greater the protection provided by the
TECP suit.
3.0—Summary of recommended practice
3.1 The volume of concentrated aqueous
ammonia solution (ammonia hydroxide NH4
OH) required to generate the test atmosphere is determined using the directions outlined in 6.1. The suit is donned by a person
wearing the appropriate respiratory equipment (either a positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus or a positive
pressure supplied air respirator) and worn inside the enclosed test room. The concentrated aqueous ammonia solution is
taken by the suited individual into the test
room and poured into an open plastic pan. A
two-minute evaporation period is observed
before the test room concentration is measured, using a high range ammonia length of
stain detector tube. When the ammonia
vapor reaches a concentration of between
1000 and 1200 ppm, the suited individual
starts a standardized exercise protocol to
stress and flex the suit. After this protocol is
completed, the test room concentration is
measured again. The suited individual exits

the test room and his stand-by person measures the ammonia concentration inside the
suit using a low range ammonia length of
stain detector tube or other more sensitive
ammonia detector. A stand-by person is required to observe the test individual during
the test procedure; aid the person in donning
and doffing the TECP suit; and monitor the
suit interior. The intrusion coefficient of the
suit can be calculated by dividing the average test area concentration by the interior
suit concentration. A colorimetric ammonia
indicator strip of bromophenol blue or equivalent is placed on the inside of the suit face
piece lens so that the suited individual is
able to detect a color change and know if the
suit has a significant leak. If a color change
is observed the individual shall leave the test
room immediately.
4.0—Required supplies
4.1 A supply of concentrated aqueous ammonium hydroxide (58% by weight).
4.2 A supply of bromophenol/blue indicating paper or equivalent, sensitive to 5–10
ppm ammonia or greater over a two-minute
period of exposure. [pH 3.0 (yellow) to pH 4.6
4.3 A supply of high range (0.5–10 volume
percent) and low range (5–700 ppm) detector
tubes for ammonia and the corresponding
sampling pump. More sensitive ammonia detectors can be substituted for the low range
detector tubes to improve the sensitivity of
this practice.
4.4 A shallow plastic pan (PVC) at least
12″:14″:1″ and a half pint plastic container
(PVC) with tightly closing lid.
4.5 A graduated cylinder or other volumetric measuring device of at least 50 milliliters in volume with an accuracy of at least
±1 milliliters.
5.0—Safety precautions
5.1 Concentrated aqueous ammonium hydroxide, NH4 OH, is a corrosive volatile liquid requiring eye, skin, and respiratory protection. The person conducting the test shall
review the MSDS for aqueous ammonia.
5.2 Since the established permissible exposure limit for ammonia is 35 ppm as a 15
minute STEL, only persons wearing a positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus or a positive pressure supplied air respirator shall be in the chamber. Normally
only the person wearing the totally-encapsulating suit will be inside the chamber. A
stand-by person shall have a positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus, or a
positive pressure supplied air respirator
available to enter the test area should the
suited individual need assistance.
5.3 A method to monitor the suited individual must be used during this test. Visual
contact is the simplest but other methods
using communication devices are acceptable.
5.4 The test room shall be large enough to
allow the exercise protocol to be carried out
and then to be ventilated to allow for easy


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exhaust of the ammonia test atmosphere
after the test(s) are completed.
5.5 Individuals
screened for the use of respiratory protection
and checked for allergies to ammonia before
participating in this test procedure.
6.0—Test procedure
6.1.1 Measure the test area to the nearest
foot and calculate its volume in cubic feet.
Multiply the test area volume by 0.2 milliliters of concentrated aqueous ammonia solution per cubic foot of test area volume to
determine the approximate volume of concentrated aqueous ammonia required to generate 1000 ppm in the test area.
6.1.2 Measure this volume from the supply
of concentrated aqueous ammonia and place
it into a closed plastic container.
6.1.3 Place the container, several high
range ammonia detector tubes, and the pump
in the clean test pan and locate it near the
test area entry door so that the suited individual has easy access to these supplies.
6.2.1 In a non-contaminated atmosphere,
open a pre-sealed ammonia indicator strip
and fasten one end of the strip to the inside
of the suit face shield lens where it can be
seen by the wearer. Moisten the indicator
strip with distilled water. Care shall be
taken not to contaminate the detector part
of the indicator paper by touching it. A
small piece of masking tape or equivalent
should be used to attach the indicator strip
to the interior of the suit face shield.
6.2.2 If problems are encountered with
this method of attachment, the indicator
strip can be attached to the outside of the
respirator face piece lens being used during
the test.
6.3 Don the respiratory protective device
normally used with the suit, and then don
the TECP suit to be tested. Check to be sure
all openings which are intended to be sealed
(zippers, gloves, etc.) are completely sealed.
DO NOT, however, plug off any venting
6.4 Step into the enclosed test room such
as a closet, bathroom, or test booth,
equipped with an exhaust fan. No air should
be exhausted from the chamber during the
test because this will dilute the ammonia
challenge concentrations.
6.5 Open the container with the pre-measured volume of concentrated aqueous ammonia within the enclosed test room, and pour
the liquid into the empty plastic test pan.
Wait two minutes to allow for adequate volatilization of the concentrated aqueous ammonia. A small mixing fan can be used near
the evaporation pan to increase the evaporation rate of the ammonia solution.
6.6 After two minutes a determination of
the ammonia concentration within the
chamber should be made using the high
range colorimetric detector tube. A concentration of 1000 ppm ammonia or greater

§ 1910.120

shall be generated before the exercises are
6.7 To test the integrity of the suit the
following four minute exercise protocol
should be followed:
6.7.1 Raising the arms above the head
with at least 15 raising motions completed in
one minute.
6.7.2 Walking in place for one minute with
at least 15 raising motions of each leg in a
one-minute period.
6.7.3 Touching the toes with a least 10
complete motions of the arms from above
the head to touching of the toes in a oneminute period.
6.7.4 Knee bends with at least 10 complete
standing and squatting motions in a oneminute period.
6.8 If at any time during the test the colorimetric indicating paper should change
colors, the test should be stopped and section
6.10 and 6.12 initiated (See ¶ 4.2).
6.9 After completion of the test exercise,
the test area concentration should be measured again using the high range colorimetric
detector tube.
6.10 Exit the test area.
6.11 The opening created by the suit zipper or other appropriate suit penetration
should be used to determine the ammonia
concentration in the suit with the low range
length of stain detector tube or other ammonia monitor. The internal TECP suit air
should be sampled far enough from the enclosed test area to prevent a false ammonia
6.12 After completion of the measurement
of the suit interior ammonia concentration
the test is concluded and the suit is doffed
and the respirator removed.
6.13 The ventilating fan for the test room
should be turned on and allowed to run for
enough time to remove the ammonia gas.
The fan shall be vented to the outside of the
6.14 Any detectable ammonia in the suit
interior (five ppm ammonia (NH3) or more
for the length of stain detector tube) indicates that the suit has failed the test. When
other ammonia detectors are used a lower
level of detection is possible, and it should be
specified as the pass/fail criteria.
6.15 By following this test method, an intrusion coefficient of approximately 200 or
more can be measured with the suit in a
completely operational condition. If the intrusion coefficient is 200 or more, then the
suit is suitable for emergency response and
field use.
7.0—Retest procedures
7.1 If the suit fails this test, check for
leaks by following the pressure test in test A
7.2 Retest the TECP suit as outlined in
the test procedure 6.0.


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8.1 Each gas tight totally-encapsulating
chemical protective suit tested by this practice shall have the following information recorded.
8.1.1 Unique identification number, identifying brand name, date of purchase, material of construction, and unique suit features; e.g., special breathing apparatus.
8.1.2 General description of test room
used for test.
8.1.3 Brand name and purchase date of
ammonia detector strips and color change
8.1.4 Brand name, sampling range, and expiration date of the length of stain ammonia
detector tubes. The brand name and model of
the sampling pump should also be recorded.
If another type of ammonia detector is used,
it should be identified along with its minimum detection limit for ammonia.
8.1.5 Actual test results shall list the two
test area concentrations, their average, the
interior suit concentration, and the calculated intrusion coefficient. Retest data
shall be recorded as an additional test.
8.2 The evaluation of the data shall be
specified as ‘‘suit passed’’ or ‘‘suit failed,’’ and
the date of the test. Any detectable ammonia (five ppm or greater for the length of
stain detector tube) in the suit interior indicates the suit has failed this test. When
other ammonia detectors are used, a lower
level of detection is possible and it should be
specified as the pass fail criteria.
Visually inspect all parts of the suit to be
sure they are positioned correctly and secured tightly before putting the suit back
into service. Special care should be taken to
examine each exhaust valve to make sure it
is not blocked.
Care should also be exercised to assure
that the inside and outside of the suit is
completely dry before it is put into storage.
This appendix sets forth information about
personal protective equipment (PPE) protection levels which may be used to assist employers in complying with the PPE requirements of this section.
As required by the standard, PPE must be
selected which will protect employees from
the specific hazards which they are likely to
encounter during their work on-site.
Selection of the appropriate PPE is a complex process which should take into consideration a variety of factors. Key factors involved in this process are identification of
the hazards, or suspected hazards; their
routes of potential hazard to employees (inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion, and eye
or skin contact); and the performance of the

PPE materials (and seams) in providing a barrier to these hazards. The amount of protection provided by PPE is material-hazard specific. That is, protective equipment materials will protect well against some hazardous substances and poorly, or not at all,
against others. In many instances, protective equipment materials cannot be found
which will provide continuous protection
from the particular hazardous substance. In
these cases the breakthrough time of the
protective material should exceed the work
Other factors in this selection process to
be considered are matching the PPE to the
employee’s work requirements and task-specific conditions. The durability of PPE materials, such as tear strength and seam
strength, should be considered in relation to
the employee’s tasks. The effects of PPE in
relation to heat stress and task duration are
a factor in selecting and using PPE. In some
cases layers of PPE may be necessary to provide sufficient protection, or to protect expensive PPE inner garments, suits or equipment.
The more that is known about the hazards
at the site, the easier the job of PPE selection becomes. As more information about
the hazards and conditions at the site becomes available, the site supervisor can
make decisions to up-grade or down-grade
the level of PPE protection to match the
tasks at hand.
The following are guidelines which an employer can use to begin the selection of the
appropriate PPE. As noted above, the site information may suggest the use of combinations of PPE selected from the different protection levels (i.e., A, B, C, or D) as being
more suitable to the hazards of the work. It
should be cautioned that the listing below
does not fully address the performance of the
specific PPE material in relation to the specific hazards at the job site, and that PPE
selection, evaluation and re-selection is an
ongoing process until sufficient information
about the hazards and PPE performance is
Part A. Personal protective equipment is
divided into four categories based on the degree of protection afforded. (See part B of
this appendix for further explanation of Levels A, B, C, and D hazards.)
I. Level A—To be selected when the greatest level of skin, respiratory, and eye protection is required.
The following constitute Level A equipment; it may be used as appropriate;
1. Positive pressure, full face-piece selfcontained breathing apparatus (SCBA), or
positive pressure supplied air respirator with
escape SCBA, approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
2. Totally-encapsulating chemical-protective suit.


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3. Coveralls. 1
4. Long underwear. 1
5. Gloves, outer, chemical-resistant.
6. Gloves, inner, chemical-resistant.
7. Boots, chemical-resistant, steel toe and
8. Hard hat (under suit). 1
9. Disposable protective suit, gloves and
boots (depending on suit construction, may
be worn over totally-encapsulating suit).
II. Level B—The highest level of respiratory protection is necessary but a lesser
level of skin protection is needed.
The following constitute Level B equipment; it may be used as appropriate.
1. Positive pressure, full-facepiece self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), or positive pressure supplied air respirator with escape SCBA (NIOSH approved).
2. Hooded chemical-resistant clothing
(overalls and long-sleeved jacket; coveralls;
one or two-piece chemical-splash suit; disposable chemical-resistant overalls).
3. Coveralls. 1
4. Gloves, outer, chemical-resistant.
5. Gloves, inner, chemical-resistant.
6. Boots, outer, chemical-resistant steel
toe and shank.
7. Boot-covers, outer, chemical-resistant
(disposable). 1
8. Hard hat. 1
9. [Reserved]
10. Face shield. 1
III. Level C—The concentration(s) and
type(s) of airborne substance(s) is known and
the criteria for using air purifying respirators are met.
The following constitute Level C equipment; it may be used as appropriate.
1. Full-face or half-mask, air purifying respirators (NIOSH approved).
2. Hooded chemical-resistant clothing
(overalls; two-piece chemical-splash suit;
disposable chemical-resistant overalls).
3. Coveralls. 1
4. Gloves, outer, chemical-resistant.
5. Gloves, inner, chemical-resistant.
6. Boots (outer), chemical-resistant steel
toe and shank. 1
7. Boot-covers, outer, chemical-resistant
(disposable) 1.
8. Hard hat. 1
9. Escape mask. 1
10. Face shield. 1
IV. Level D—A work uniform affording
minimal protection, used for nuisance contamination only.
The following constitute Level D equipment; it may be used as appropriate:
1. Coveralls.
2. Gloves. 1
3. Boots/shoes, chemical-resistant steel toe
and shank.
4. Boots, outer, chemical-resistant (disposable). 1
1 Optional,

as applicable.

§ 1910.120

5. Safety glasses or chemical splash
6. Hard hat. 1
7. Escape mask. 1
8. Face shield. 1
Part B. The types of hazards for which levels A, B, C, and D protection are appropriate
are described below:
I. Level A—Level A protection should be
used when:
1. The hazardous substance has been identified and requires the highest level of protection for skin, eyes, and the respiratory
system based on either the measured (or potential for) high concentration of atmospheric vapors, gases, or particulates; or the
site operations and work functions involve a
high potential for splash, immersion, or exposure to unexpected vapors, gases, or particulates of materials that are harmful to
skin or capable of being absorbed through
the skin;
2. Substances with a high degree of hazard
to the skin are known or suspected to be
present, and skin contact is possible; or
3. Operations are being conducted in confined, poorly ventilated areas, and the absence of conditions requiring Level A have
not yet been determined.
II. Level B—Level B protection should be
used when:
1. The type and atmospheric concentration
of substances have been identified and require a high level of respiratory protection,
but less skin protection;
2. The atmosphere contains less than 19.5
percent oxygen; or
3. The presence of incompletely identified
vapors or gases is indicated by a direct-reading organic vapor detection instrument, but
vapors and gases are not suspected of containing high levels of chemicals harmful to
skin or capable of being absorbed through
the skin.
NOTE: This involves atmospheres with
IDLH concentrations of specific substances
that present severe inhalation hazards and
that do not represent a severe skin hazard;
or that do not meet the criteria for use of
air-purifying respirators.
III. Level C—Level C protection should be
used when:
1. The atmospheric contaminants, liquid
splashes, or other direct contact will not adversely affect or be absorbed through any exposed skin;
2. The types of air contaminants have been
identified, concentrations measured, and an
air-purifying respirator is available that can
remove the contaminants; and
3. All criteria for the use of air-purifying
respirators are met.
IV. Level D—Level D protection should be
used when:
1. The atmosphere contains no known hazard; and


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2. Work functions preclude splashes, immersion, or the potential for unexpected inhalation of or contact with hazardous levels
of any chemicals.
NOTE: As stated before, combinations of
personal protective equipment other than
those described for Levels A, B, C, and D protection may be more appropriate and may be
used to provide the proper level of protection.
As an aid in selecting suitable chemical
protective clothing, it should be noted that
the National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA) has developed standards on chemical
protective clothing. The standards that have
been adopted by include:
NFPA 1991—Standard on Vapor-Protective
Suits for Hazardous Chemical Emergencies
(EPA Level A Protective Clothing).
NFPA 1992—Standard on Liquid SplashProtective Suits for Hazardous Chemical
Emergencies (EPA Level B Protective Clothing).
NFPA 1993—Standard on Liquid SplashProtective Suits for Non-emergency, Nonflammable Hazardous Chemical Situations
(EPA Level B Protective Clothing).
These standards apply documentation and
performance requirements to the manufacture of chemical protective suits. Chemical
protective suits meeting these requirements
are labelled as compliant with the appropriate standard. It is recommended that
chemical protective suits that meet these
standards be used.
1. Occupational Safety and Health Program.
Each hazardous waste site clean-up effort
will require an occupational safety and
health program headed by the site coordinator or the employer’s representative. The
purpose of the program will be the protection of employees at the site and will be an
extension of the employer’s overall safety
and health program. The program will need
to be developed before work begins on the
site and implemented as work proceeds as
stated in paragraph (b). The program is to facilitate coordination and communication of
safety and health issues among personnel responsible for the various activities which
will take place at the site. It will provide the
overall means for planning and implementing the needed safety and health training and job orientation of employees who
will be working at the site. The program will
provide the means for identifying and controlling worksite hazards and the means for
monitoring program effectiveness. The program will need to cover the responsibilities
and authority of the site coordinator or the
employer’s manager on the site for the safety and health of employees at the site, and
the relationships with contractors or support
services as to what each employer’s safety

and health responsibilities are for their employees on the site. Each contractor on the
site needs to have its own safety and health
program so structured that it will smoothly
interface with the program of the site coordinator or principal contractor.
Also those employers involved with treating, storing or disposal of hazardous waste as
covered in paragraph (p) must have implemented a safety and health program for their
employees. This program is to include the
hazard communication program required in
paragraph (p)(1) and the training required in
paragraphs (p)(7) and (p)(8) as parts of the
employers comprehensive overall safety and
health program. This program is to be in
Each site or workplace safety and health
program will need to include the following:
(1) Policy statements of the line of authority
and accountability for implementing the
program, the objectives of the program and
the role of the site safety and health supervisor or manager and staff; (2) means or
methods for the development of procedures
for identifying and controlling workplace
hazards at the site; (3) means or methods for
the development and communication to employees of the various plans, work rules,
standard operating procedures and practices
that pertain to individual employees and supervisors; (4) means for the training of supervisors and employees to develop the needed
skills and knowledge to perform their work
in a safe and healthful manner; (5) means to
anticipate and prepare for emergency situations; and (6) means for obtaining information feedback to aid in evaluating the program and for improving the effectiveness of
the program. The management and employees should be trying continually to improve
the effectiveness of the program thereby enhancing the protection being afforded those
working on the site.
Accidents on the site or workplace should
be investigated to provide information on
how such occurrences can be avoided in the
future. When injuries or illnesses occur on
the site or workplace, they will need to be
investigated to determine what needs to be
done to prevent this incident from occurring
again. Such information will need to be used
as feedback on the effectiveness of the program and the information turned into positive steps to prevent any reoccurrence. Receipt of employee suggestions or complaints
relating to safety and health issues involved
with site or workplace activities is also a
feedback mechanism that can be used effectively to improve the program and may serve
in part as an evaluative tool(s).
For the development and implementation
of the program to be the most effective, professional safety and health personnel should
be used. Certified Safety Professionals,
Board Certified Industrial Hygienists or Registered Professional Safety Engineers are


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good examples of professional stature for
safety and health managers who will administer the employer’s program.
2. Training. The training programs for employees subject to the requirements of paragraph (e) of this standard should address: the
safety and health hazards employees should
expect to find on hazardous waste clean-up
sites; what control measures or techniques
are effective for those hazards; what monitoring procedures are effective in characterizing exposure levels; what makes an effective employer’s safety and health program;
what a site safety and health plan should include; hands on training with personal protective equipment and clothing they may be
expected to use; the contents of the OSHA
standard relevant to the employee’s duties
and function; and, employee’s responsibilities under OSHA and other regulations. Supervisors will need training in their responsibilities under the safety and health program and its subject areas such as the spill
containment program, the personal protective equipment program, the medical surveillance program, the emergency response
plan and other areas.
The training programs for employees subject to the requirements of paragraph (p) of
this standard should address: the employers
safety and health program elements impacting employees; the hazard communication
program; the medical surveillance program;
the hazards and the controls for such hazards
that employees need to know for their job
duties and functions. All require annual refresher training.
The training programs for employees covered by the requirements of paragraph (q) of
this standard should address those competencies required for the various levels of
response such as: the hazards associated with
hazardous substances; hazard identification
and awareness; notification of appropriate
persons; the need for and use of personal protective equipment including respirators; the
decontamination procedures to be used;
preplanning activities for hazardous substance incidents including the emergency
reponse plan; company standard operating
procedures for hazardous substance emergency responses; the use of the incident command system and other subjects. Hands-on
training should be stressed whenever possible. Critiques done after an incident which
include an evaluation of what worked and
what did not and how could the incident be
better handled the next time may be counted
as training time.
For hazardous materials specialists (usually members of hazardous materials teams),
the training should address the care, use and/
or testing of chemical protective clothing including totally encapsulating suits, the medical surveillance program, the standard operating procedures for the hazardous materials

§ 1910.120

team including the use of plugging and
patching equipment and other subject areas.
Officers and leaders who may be expected
to be in charge at an incident should be fully
knowledgeable of their company’s incident
command system. They should know where
and how to obtain additional assistance and
be familiar with the local district’s emergency response plan and the state emergency
response plan.
Specialist employees such as technical experts, medical experts or environmental experts that work with hazardous materials in
their regular jobs, who may be sent to the
incident scene by the shipper, manufacturer
or governmental agency to advise and assist
the person in charge of the incident should
have training on an annual basis. Their
training should include the care and use of
personal protective equipment including respirators; knowledge of the incident command system and how they are to relate to
it; and those areas needed to keep them current in their respective field as it relates to
safety and health involving specific hazardous substances.
Those skilled support personnel, such as
employees who work for public works departments or equipment operators who operate
bulldozers, sand trucks, backhoes, etc., who
may be called to the incident scene to provide emergency support assistance, should
have at least a safety and health briefing before entering the area of potential or actual
exposure. These skilled support personnel,
who have not been a part of the emergency
response plan and do not meet the training
requirements, should be made aware of the
hazards they face and should be provided all
necessary protective clothing and equipment
required for their tasks.
There are two National Fire Protection Association standards, NFPA 472—‘‘Standard
for Professional Competence of Responders
to Hazardous Material Incidents’’ and NFPA
471—‘‘Recommended Practice for Responding
to Hazardous Material Incidents’’, which are
excellent resource documents to aid fire departments and other emergency response organizations in developing their training program materials. NFPA 472 provides guidance
on the skills and knowledge needed for first
responder awareness level, first responder
operations level, hazmat technicians, and
hazmat specialist. It also offers guidance for
the officer corp who will be in charge of hazardous substance incidents.
3. Decontamination. Decontamination procedures should be tailored to the specific
hazards of the site, and may vary in complexity and number of steps, depending on
the level of hazard and the employee’s exposure to the hazard. Decontamination procedures and PPE decontamination methods
will vary depending upon the specific substance, since one procedure or method may
not work for all substances. Evaluation of


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decontamination methods and procedures
should be performed, as necessary, to assure
that employees are not exposed to hazards
by re-using PPE. References in appendix D
may be used for guidance in establishing an
effective decontamination program. In addition, the U.S. Coast Guard’s Manual, ‘‘Policy
Guidance for Response to Hazardous Chemical Releases,’’ U.S. Department of Transportation,
M16465.30) is a good reference for establishing
an effective decontamination program.
4. Emergency response plans. States, along
with designated districts within the states,
will be developing or have developed local
emergency response plans. These state and
district plans should be utilized in the emergency response plans called for in the standard. Each employer should assure that its
emergency response plan is compatible with
the local plan. The major reference being
used to aid in developing the state and local
district plans is the Hazardous Materials
Emergency Planning Guide, NRT–1. The current Emergency Response Guidebook from
the U.S. Department of Transportation,
CMA’s CHEMTREC and the Fire Service
Emergency Management Handbook may also
be used as resources.
Employers involved with treatment, storage, and disposal facilities for hazardous
waste, which have the required contingency
plan called for by their permit, would not
need to duplicate the same planning elements. Those items of the emergency response plan that are properly addressed in
the contingency plan may be substituted
into the emergency response plan required in
1910.120 or otherwise kept together for employer and employee use.
5. Personal protective equipment programs.
The purpose of personal protective clothing
and equipment (PPE) is to shield or isolate
individuals from the chemical, physical, and
biologic hazards that may be encountered at
a hazardous substance site.
As discussed in appendix B, no single combination of protective equipment and clothing is capable of protecting against all hazards. Thus PPE should be used in conjunction with other protective methods and its
effectiveness evaluated periodically.
The use of PPE can itself create significant
worker hazards, such as heat stress, physical
and psychological stress, and impaired vision, mobility, and communication. For any
given situation, equipment and clothing
should be selected that provide an adequate
level of protection. However, over-protection, as well as under-protection, can be hazardous and should be avoided where possible.
Two basic objectives of any PPE program
should be to protect the wearer from safety
and health hazards, and to prevent injury to
the wearer from incorrect use and/or malfunction of the PPE. To accomplish these
goals, a comprehensive PPE program should

include hazard identification, medical monitoring, environmental surveillance, selection, use, maintenance, and decontamination
of PPE and its associated training.
The written PPE program should include
policy statements, procedures, and guidelines. Copies should be made available to all
employees, and a reference copy should be
made available at the worksite. Technical
data on equipment, maintenance manuals,
relevant regulations, and other essential information should also be collected and maintained.
6. Incident command system (ICS). Paragraph
1910.120(q)(3)(ii) requires the implementation
of an ICS. The ICS is an organized approach
to effectively control and manage operations
at an emergency incident. The individual in
charge of the ICS is the senior official responding to the incident. The ICS is not
much different than the ‘‘command post’’ approach used for many years by the fire service. During large complex fires involving several companies and many pieces of apparatus, a command post would be established.
This enabled one individual to be in charge of
managing the incident, rather than having
several officers from different companies
making separate, and sometimes conflicting,
decisions. The individual in charge of the
command post would delegate responsibility
for performing various tasks to subordinate
officers. Additionally, all communications
were routed through the command post to
reduce the number of radio transmissions
and eliminate confusion. However, strategy,
tactics, and all decisions were made by one
The ICS is a very similar system, except it
is implemented for emergency response to
all incidents, both large and small, that involve hazardous substances.
For a small incident, the individual in
charge of the ICS may perform many tasks
of the ICS. There may not be any, or little,
delegation of tasks to subordinates. For example, in response to a small incident, the
individual in charge of the ICS, in addition
to normal command activities, may become
the safety officer and may designate only
one employee (with proper equipment) as a
back-up to provide assistance if needed.
OSHA does recommend, however, that at
least two employees be designated as backup personnel since the assistance needed
may include rescue.
To illustrate the operation of the ICS, the
following scenario might develop during a
small incident, such as an overturned tank
truck with a small leak of flammable liquid.
The first responding senior officer would
implement and take command of the ICS.
That person would size-up the incident and
determine if additional personnel and apparatus were necessary; would determine what


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actions to take to control the leak; and, determine the proper level of personal protective equipment. If additional assistance is
not needed, the individual in charge of the
ICS would implement actions to stop and
control the leak using the fewest number of
personnel that can effectively accomplish
the tasks. The individual in charge of the
ICS then would designate himself as the safety officer and two other employees as a
back-up in case rescue may become necessary. In this scenario, decontamination
procedures would not be necessary.
A large complex incident may require
many employees and difficult, time-consuming efforts to control. In these situations, the individual in charge of the ICS will
want to delegate different tasks to subordinates in order to maintain a span of control
that will keep the number of subordinates,
that are reporting, to a manageable level.
Delegation of task at large incidents may
be by location, where the incident scene is
divided into sectors, and subordinate officers
coordinate activities within the sector that
they have been assigned.
Delegation of tasks can also be by function. Some of the functions that the individual in charge of the ICS may want to delegate at a large incident are: medical services; evacuation; water supply; resources
(equipment, apparatus); media relations;
safety; and, site control (integrate activities
with police for crowd and traffic control).
Also for a large incident, the individual in
charge of the ICS will designate several employees as back-up personnel; and a number
of safety officers to monitor conditions and
recommend safety precautions.
Therefore, no matter what size or complexity an incident may be, by implementing
an ICS there will be one individual in charge
who makes the decisions and gives directions; and, all actions, and communications
are coordinated through one central point of
command. Such a system should reduce confusion, improve safety, organize and coordinate actions, and should facilitate effective
management of the incident.
7. Site Safety and Control Plans. The safety
and security of response personnel and others in the area of an emergeny response incident site should be of primary concern to the
incident commander. The use of a site safety
and control plan could greatly assist those in
charge of assuring the safety and health of
employees on the site.
A comprehensive site safety and control
plan should include the following: summary
analysis of hazards on the site and a risk
analysis of those hazards; site map or
sketch; site work zones (clean zone, transition or decontamination zone, work or hot
zone); use of the buddy system; site communications; command post or command center; standard operating procedures and safe
work practices; medical assistance and

§ 1910.120

triage area; hazard monitoring plan (air contaminate monitoring, etc.); decontamination
procedures and area; and other relevant
areas. This plan should be a part of the employer’s emergency response plan or an extension of it to the specific site.
8. Medical surveillance programs. Workers
handling hazardous substances may be exposed to toxic chemicals, safety hazards, biologic hazards, and radiation. Therefore, a
medical surveillance program is essential to
assess and monitor workers’ health and fitness for employment in hazardous waste operations and during the course of work; to
provide emergency and other treatment as
needed; and to keep accurate records for future reference.
The Occupational Safety and Health Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activities developed by the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH),
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the U.S. Coast Guard
(USCG), and the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA); October 1985 provides an excellent example of the types of medical testing that should be done as part of a medical
surveillance program.
9. New Technology and Spill Containment
Programs. Where hazardous substances may
be released by spilling from a container that
will expose employees to the hazards of the
materials, the employer will need to implement a program to contain and control the
spilled material. Diking and ditching, as well
as use of absorbents like diatomaceous
earth, are traditional techniques which have
proven to be effective over the years. However, in recent years new products have come
into the marketplace, the use of which complement and increase the effectiveness of
these traditional methods. These new products also provide emergency responders and
others with additional tools or agents to use
to reduce the hazards of spilled materials.
These agents can be rapidly applied over a
large area and can be uniformly applied or
otherwise can be used to build a small dam,
thus improving the workers’ ability to control spilled material. These application techniques enhance the intimate contact between the agent and the spilled material allowing for the quickest effect by the agent or
quickest control of the spilled material.
Agents are available to solidify liquid spilled
materials, to suppress vapor generation from
spilled materials, and to do both. Some special agents, which when applied as recommended by the manufacturer, will react
in a controlled manner with the spilled material to neutralize acids or caustics, or
greatly reduce the level of hazard of the
spilled material.
There are several modern methods and devices for use by emergency response personnel or others involved with spill control
efforts to safely apply spill control agents to


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control spilled material hazards. These include portable pressurized applicators similar to hand-held portable fire extinguishing
devices, and nozzle and hose systems similar
to portable fire fighting foam systems which
allow the operator to apply the agent without having to come into contact with the
spilled material. The operator is able to
apply the agent to the spilled material from
a remote position.
The solidification of liquids provides for
rapid containment and isolation of hazardous substance spills. By directing the
agent at run-off points or at the edges of the
spill, the reactant solid will automatically
create a barrier to slow or stop the spread of
the material. Clean-up of hazardous substances is greatly improved when solidifying
agents, acid or caustic neutralizers, or activated carbon adsorbents are used. Properly
applied, these agents can totally solidify liquid hazardous substances or neutralize or absorb them, which results in materials which
are less hazardous and easier to handle,
transport, and dispose of. The concept of
spill treatment, to create less hazardous substances, will improve the safety and level of
protection of employees working at spill
clean-up operations or emergency response
operations to spills of hazardous substances.
The use of vapor suppression agents for
volatile hazardous substances, such as flammable liquids and those substances which
present an inhalation hazard, is important
for protecting workers. The rapid and uniform distribution of the agent over the surface of the spilled material can provide quick
vapor knockdown. There are temporary and
long-term foam-type agents which are effective on vapors and dusts, and activated carbon adsorption agents which are effective for
vapor control and soaking-up of the liquid.
The proper use of hose lines or hand-held
portable pressurized applicators provides
good mobility and permits the worker to deliver the agent from a safe distance without
having to step into the untreated spilled material. Some of these systems can be recharged in the field to provide coverage of
larger spill areas than the design limits of a
single charged applicator unit. Some of the
more effective agents can solidify the liquid
flammable hazardous substances and at the
same time elevate the flashpoint above 140
°F so the resulting substance may be handled
as a nonhazardous waste material if it meets
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s
40 CFR part 261 requirements (See particularly § 261.21).
All workers performing hazardous substance spill control work are expected to
wear the proper protective clothing and
equipment for the materials present and to
follow the employer’s established standard
operating procedures for spill control. All involved workers need to be trained in the established operating procedures; in the use

and care of spill control equipment; and in
the associated hazards and control of such
hazards of spill containment work.
These new tools and agents are the things
that employers will want to evaluate as part
of their new technology program. The treatment of spills of hazardous substances or
wastes at an emergency incident as part of
the immediate spill containment and control
efforts is sometimes acceptable to EPA and a
permit exception is described in 40 CFR
264.1(g)(8) and 265.1(c)(11).
The following references may be consulted
for further information on the subject of this
1. OSHA Instruction DFO CPL 2.70—January 29, 1986, Special Emphasis Program: Hazardous Waste Sites.
2. OSHA Instruction DFO CPL 2–2.37A—
January 29, 1986, Technical Assistance and
Guidelines for Superfund and Other Hazardous
Waste Site Activities.
3. OSHA Instruction DTS CPL 2.74—January 29, 1986, Hazardous Waste Activity Form,
OSHA 175.
4. Hazardous Waste Inspections Reference
Manual, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration,
5. Memorandum of Understanding Among
the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration, the United States
Coast Guard, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Guidance for
Worker Protection During Hazardous Waste Site
Investigations and Clean-up and Hazardous
Substance Emergencies. December 18, 1980.
6. National Priorities List, 1st Edition, October 1984; U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Revised periodically.
7. The Decontamination of Response Personnel, Field Standard Operating Procedures
(F.S.O.P.) 7; U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Office of Emergency and Remedial
Response, Hazardous Response Support Division, December 1984.
8. Preparation of a Site Safety Plan, Field
Standard Operating Procedures (F.S.O.P.) 9;
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Emergency and Remedial Response,
Hazardous Response Support Division, April
9. Standard Operating Safety Guidelines; U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Emergency and Remedial Response, Hazardous Response Support Division, Environmental Response Team; November 1984.
10. Occupational Safety and Health Guidance
Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activities,
National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health (NIOSH), Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA), U.S.
Coast Guard (USCG), and Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA); October 1985.


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11. Protecting Health and Safety at Hazardous Waste Sites: An Overview, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA/625/9–85/
006; September 1985.
12. Hazardous Waste Sites and Hazardous
Substance Emergencies, NIOSH Worker Bulletin, U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, Public Health Service, Centers for
Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; December 1982.
13. Personal Protective Equipment for Hazardous Materials Incidents: A Selection Guide;
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; October 1984.
14. Fire Service Emergency Management
Handbook, International Association of Fire
Chiefs Foundation, 101 East Holly Avenue,
Unit 10B, Sterling, VA 22170, January 1985.
15. Emergency Response Guidebook, U.S Department of Transportation, Washington,
DC, 1987.
16. Report to the Congress on Hazardous Materials Training, Planning and Preparedness,
Federal Emergency Management Agency,
Washington, DC, July 1986.
17. Workbook for Fire Command, Alan V.
Brunacini and J. David Beageron, National
Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch
Park, Quincy, MA 02269, 1985.
18. Fire Command, Alan V. Brunacini, National
Batterymarch Park,, Quincy, MA 02269, 1985.
19. Incident Command System, Fire Protection Publications, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078, 1983.
20. Site Emergency Response Planning, Chemical Manufacturers Association, Washington,
DC 20037, 1986.
21. Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning
Guide, NRT–1, Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, DC, March 1987.
22. Community Teamwork: Working Together
to Promote Hazardous Materials Transportation
Safety. U.S. Department of Transportation,
Washington, DC, May 1983.
23. Disaster Planning Guide for Business and
Industry, Federal Emergency Management
Agency, Publication No. FEMA 141, August
(The Office of Management and Budget has
approved the information collection requirements in this section under control number
The following non-mandatory general criteria may be used for assistance in developing site-specific training curriculum used
to meet the training requirements of 29 CFR
1910.120(e); 29 CFR 1910.120(p)(7), (p)(8)(iii);
and 29 CFR 1910.120(q)(6), (q)(7), and (q)(8).
These are generic guidelines and they are
not presented as a complete training cur-

§ 1910.120

riculum for any specific employer. Site-specific training programs must be developed on
the basis of a needs assessment of the hazardous waste site, RCRA/TSDF, or emergency response operation in accordance with
29 CFR 1910.120.
It is noted that the legal requirements are
set forth in the regulatory text of § 1910.120.
The guidance set forth here presents a highly
effective program that in the areas covered
would meet or exceed the regulatory requirements. In addition, other approaches could
meet the regulatory requirements.
Suggested General Criteria
‘‘Competent’’ means possessing the skills,
knowledge, experience, and judgment to perform assigned tasks or activities satisfactorily as determined by the employer.
‘‘Demonstration’’ means the showing by actual use of equipment or procedures.
‘‘Hands-on training’’ means training in a
simulated work environment that permits
each student to have experience performing
tasks, making decisions, or using equipment
appropriate to the job assignment for which
the training is being conducted.
‘‘Initial training’’ means training required
prior to beginning work.
‘‘Lecture’’ means an interactive discourse
with a class lead by an instructor.
‘‘Proficient’’ means meeting a stated level
of achievement.
‘‘Site-specific’’ means individual training
directed to the operations of a specific job
‘‘Training hours’’ means the number of
hours devoted to lecture, learning activities,
small group work sessions, demonstration,
evaluations, or hands-on experience.
Suggested core criteria:
1. Training facility. The training facility
should have available sufficient resources,
equipment, and site locations to perform didactic and hands-on training when appropriate. Training facilities should have sufficient organization, support staff, and services to conduct training in each of the
courses offered.
2. Training Director. Each training program
should be under the direction of a training
director who is responsible for the program.
The Training Director should have a minimum of two years of employee education experience.
3. Instructors. Instructors should be deem
competent on the basis of previous documented experience in their area of instruction, successful completion of a ‘‘train-thetrainer’’ program specific to the topics they
will teach, and an evaluation of instructional competence by the Training Director.
Instructors should be required to maintain
professional competency by participating in


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§ 1910.120

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

continuing education or professional development programs or by completing successfully an annual refresher course and having
an annual review by the Training Director.
The annual review by the Training Director should include observation of an instructor’s delivery, a review of those observations
with the trainer, and an analysis of any instructor or class evaluations completed by
the students during the previous year.
4. Course materials. The Training Director
should approve all course materials to be
used by the training provider. Course materials should be reviewed and updated at least
annually. Materials and equipment should be
in good working order and maintained properly.
All written and audio-visual materials in
training curricula should be peer reviewed by
technically competent outside reviewers or
by a standing advisory committee.
Reviews should possess expertise in the following disciplines were applicable: occupational health, industrial hygiene and safety,
chemical/environmental engineering, employee education, or emergency response.
One or more of the peer reviewers should be
an employee experienced in the work activities to which the training is directed.
5. Students. The program for accepting students should include:
a. Assurance that the student is or will be
involved in work where chemical exposures
are likely and that the student possesses the
skills necessary to perform the work.
b. A policy on the necessary medical clearance.
6. Ratios. Student-instructor ratios should
not exceed 30 students per instructor. Handson activity requiring the use of personal protective equipment should have the following
student-instructor ratios. For Level C or
Level D personal protective equipment the
ratio should be 10 students per instructor.
For Level A or Level B personal protective
equipment the ratio should be 5 students per
7. Proficiency assessment. Proficiency should
be evaluated and documented by the use of a
written assessment and a skill demonstration selected and developed by the Training
Director and training staff. The assessment
and demonstration should evaluate the
knowledge and individual skills developed in
the course of training. The level of minimum
achievement necessary for proficiency shall
be specified in writing by the Training Director.
If a written test is used, there should be a
minimum of 50 questions. If a written test is
used in combination with a skills demonstration, a minimum of 25 questions should be
used. If a skills demonstration is used, the
tasks chosen and the means to rate successful completion should be fully documented
by the Training Director.

The content of the written test or of the
skill demonstration shall be relevant to the
objectives of the course. The written test
and skill demonstration should be updated as
necessary to reflect changes in the curriculum and any update should be approved
by the Training Director.
The proficiency assessment methods, regardless of the approach or combination of
approaches used, should be justified, documented and approved by the Training Director.
The proficiency of those taking the additional courses for supervisors should be evaluated and documented by using proficiency
assessment methods acceptable to the Training Director. These proficiency assessment
methods must reflect the additional responsibilities borne by supervisory personnel in
hazardous waste operations or emergency response.
8. Course certificate. Written documentation
should be provided to each student who satisfactorily completes the training course.
The documentation should include:
a. Student’s name.
b. Course title.
c. Course date.
d. Statement that the student has successfully completed the course.
e. Name and address of the training provider.
f. An individual identification number for
the certificate.
g. List of the levels of personal protective
equipment used by the student to complete
the course.
This documentation may include a certificate and an appropriate wallet-sized laminated card with a photograph of the student
and the above information. When such
course certificate cards are used, the individual identification number for the training
certificate should be shown on the card.
9. Recordkeeping. Training providers should
maintain records listing the dates courses
were presented, the names of the individual
course attenders, the names of those students successfully completing each course,
and the number of training certificates
issued to each successful student. These
records should be maintained for a minimum
of five years after the date an individual participated in a training program offered by
the training provider. These records should
be available and provided upon the student’s
request or as mandated by law.
10. Program quality control. The Training
Director should conduct or direct an annual
written audit of the training program. Program modifications to address deficiencies, if
any, should be documented, approved, and
implemented by the training provider. The
audit and the program modification documents should be maintained at the training


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
Suggested Program Quality Control Criteria
Factors listed here are suggested criteria
for determining the quality and appropriateness of employee health and safety training
for hazardous waste operations and emergency response.
A. Training Plan.
Adequacy and appropriateness of the training program’s curriculum development, instructor training, distribution of course materials, and direct student training should be
considered, including
1. The duration of training, course content,
and course schedules/agendas;
2. The different training requirements of
the various target populations, as specified
in the appropriate generic training curriculum;
3. The process for the development of curriculum, which includes appropriate technical input, outside review, evaluation, program pretesting.
4. The adequate and appropriate inclusion
of hands-on, demonstration, and instruction
5. Adequate monitoring of student safety,
progress, and performance during the training.
B. Program management, Training Director,
staff, and consultants.
Adequacy and appropriateness of staff performance and delivering an effective training
program should be considered, including
1. Demonstration of the training director’s
leadership in assuring quality of health and
safety training.
2. Demonstration of the competency of the
staff to meet the demands of delivering high
quality hazardous waste employee health
and safety training.
3. Organization charts establishing clear
lines of authority.
4. Clearly defined staff duties including the
relationship of the training staff to the overall program.
5. Evidence that the training organizational structure suits the needs of the training program.
6. Appropriateness and adequacy of the
training methods used by the instructors.
7. Sufficiency of the time committed by
the training director and staff to the training program.
8. Adequacy of the ratio of training staff to
9. Availability and commitment of the
training program of adequate human and
equipment resources in the areas of
a. Health effects,
b. Safety,
c. Personal protective equipment (PPE),
d. Operational procedures,
e. Employee protection practices/procedures.
10. Appropriateness of management controls.

§ 1910.120

11. Adequacy of the organization and appropriate resources assigned to assure appropriate training.
12. In the case of multiple-site training
programs, adequacy of satellite centers management.
C. Training facilities and resources.
Adequacy and appropriateness of the facilities and resources for supporting the training program should be considered, including,
1. Space and equipment to conduct the
2. Facilities for representative hands-on
3. In the case of multiple-site programs,
equipment and facilities at the satellite centers.
4. Adequacy and appropriateness of the
quality control and evaluations program to
account for instructor performance.
5. Adequacy and appropriateness of the
quality control and evaluation program to
ensure appropriate course evaluation, feedback, updating, and corrective action.
6. Adequacy and appropriateness of disciplines and expertise being used within the
quality control and evaluation program.
7. Adequacy and appropriateness of the
role of student evaluations to provide feedback for training program improvement.
D. Quality control and evaluation.
Adequacy and appropriateness of quality
control and evaluation plans for training
programs should be considered, including:
1. A balanced advisory committee and/or
competent outside reviewers to give overall
policy guidance;
2. Clear and adequate definition of the
composition and active programmatic role of
the advisory committee or outside reviewers.
3. Adequacy of the minutes or reports of
the advisory committee or outside reviewers’
meetings or written communication.
4. Adequacy and appropriateness of the
quality control and evaluations program to
account for instructor performance.
5. Adequacy and appropriateness of the
quality control and evaluation program to
ensure appropriate course evaluation, feedback, updating, and corrective action.
6. Adequacy and appropriateness of disciplines and expertise being used within the
quality control and evaluation program.
7. Adequacy and appropriateness of the
role of student evaluations to provide feedback for training program improvement.
E. Students
Adequacy and appropriateness of the program for accepting students should be considered, including
1. Assurance that the student already possess the necessary skills for their job, including necessary documentation.
2. Appropriateness of methods the program
uses to ensure that recruits are capable of
satisfactorily completing training.


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§ 1910.120

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

3. Review and compliance with any medical
clearance policy.
F. Institutional Environment and Administrative Support
The adequacy and appropriateness of the
institutional environment and administrative support system for the training program
should be considered, including
1. Adequacy of the institutional commitment to the employee training program.
2. Adequacy and appropriateness of the administrative structure and administrative
G. Summary of Evaluation Questions
Key questions for evaluating the quality
and appropriateness of an overall training
program should include the following:
1. Are the program objectives clearly stated?
2. Is the program accomplishing its objectives?
3. Are appropriate facilities and staff available?
4. Is there an appropriate mix of classroom,
demonstration, and hands-on training?
5. Is the program providing quality employee health and safety training that fully
meets the intent of regulatory requirements?
6. What are the program’s main strengths?
7. What are the program’s main weaknesses?
8. What is recommended to improve the
9. Are instructors instructing according to
their training outlines?
10. Is the evaluation tool current and appropriate for the program content?
11. Is the course material current and relevant to the target group?
Suggested Training Curriculum Guidelines
The following training curriculum guidelines are for those operations specifically
identified in 29 CFR 1910.120 as requiring
training. Issues such as qualifications of instructors, training certification, and similar
criteria appropriate to all categories of operations addressed in 1910.120 have been covered in the preceding section and are not readdressed in each of the generic guidelines.
Basic core requirements for training programs that are addressed include
1. General Hazardous Waste Operations
2. RCRA operations—Treatment, storage,
and disposal facilities.
3. Emergency Response.
A. General Hazardous Waste Operations and
Site-specific Training
1. Off-site training.Training course content
for hazardous waste operations, required by
29 CFR 1910.120(e), should include the following topics or procedures:
a. Regulatory knowledge.
(1) An review of 29 CFR 1910.120 and the
core elements of an occupational safety and
health program.

(2) The content of a medical surveillance
program as outlined in 29 CFR 1910.120(f).
(3) The content of an effective site safety
and health plan consistent with the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.120(b)(4)(ii).
(4) Emergency response plan and procedures as outlined in 29 CFR 1910.38 and 29
CFR 1910.120(l).
(5) Adequate illumination.
(6) Sanitation recommendation and equipment.
(7) Review and explanation of OSHA’s hazard-communication
1910.1200) and lock-out-tag-out standard (29
CFR 1910.147).
(8) Review of other applicable standards including but not limited to those in the construction standards (29 CFR part 1926).
(9) Rights and responsibilities of employers
and employees under applicable OSHA and
EPA laws.
b. Technical knowledge.
(1) Type of potential exposures to chemical, biological, and radiological hazards;
types of human responses to these hazards
and recognition of those responses; principles of toxicology and information about
acute and chronic hazards; health and safety
considerations of new technology.
(2) Fundamentals of chemical hazards including but not limited to vapor pressure,
boiling points, flash points, ph, other physical and chemical properties.
(3) Fire and explosion hazards of chemicals.
(4) General safety hazards such as but not
limited to electrical hazards, powered equipment hazards, motor vehicle hazards, walking-working surface hazards, excavation hazards, and hazards associated with working in
hot and cold temperature extremes.
(5) Review and knowledge of confined space
entry procedures in 29 CFR 1910.146.
(6) Work practices to minimize employee
risk from site hazards.
(7) Safe use of engineering controls, equipment, and any new relevant safety technology or safety procedures.
(8) Review and demonstration of competency with air sampling and monitoring
equipment that may be used in a site monitoring program.
(9) Container sampling procedures and
safeguarding; general drum and container
handling procedures including special requirement for laboratory waste packs,
shock-sensitive wastes, and radioactive
(10) The elements of a spill control program.
(11) Proper use and limitations of material
handling equipment.
(12) Procedures for safe and healthful preparation of containers for shipping and transport.


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(13) Methods of communication including
those used while wearing respiratory protection.
c. Technical skills.
(1) Selection, use maintenance, and limitations of personal protective equipment including the components and procedures for
carrying out a respirator program to comply
with 29 CFR 1910.134.
(2) Instruction in decontamination programs including personnel, equipment, and
hardware; hands-on training including level
A, B, and C ensembles and appropriate decontamination lines; field activities including the donning and doffing of protective
equipment to a level commensurate with the
employee’s anticipated job function and responsibility and to the degree required by
potential hazards.
(3) Sources for additional hazard information; exercises using relevant manuals and
hazard coding systems.
d. Additional suggested items.
(1) A laminated, dated card or certificate
with photo, denoting limitations and level of
protection for which the employee is trained
should be issued to those students successfully completing a course.
(2) Attendance should be required at all
training modules, with successful completion of exercises and a final written or oral
examination with at least 50 questions.
(3) A minimum of one-third of the program
should be devoted to hands-on exercises.
(4) A curriculum should be established for
the 8-hour refresher training required by 29
CFR 1910.120(e)(8), with delivery of such
courses directed toward those areas of previous training that need improvement or reemphasis.
(5) A curriculum should be established for
the required 8-hour training for supervisors.
Demonstrated competency in the skills and
knowledge provided in a 40-hour course
should be a prerequisite for supervisor training.
2. Refresher training.
The 8-hour annual refresher training required in 29 CFR 1910.120(e)(8) should be conducted by qualified training providers. Refresher training should include at a minimum the following topics and procedures:
(a) Review of and retraining on relevant
topics covered in the 40-hour program, as appropriate, using reports by the students on
their work experiences.
(b) Update on developments with respect to
material covered in the 40-hour course.
(c) Review of changes to pertinent provisions of EPA or OSHA standards or laws.
(d) Introduction of additional subject areas
as appropriate.
(e) Hands-on review of new or altered PPE
or decontamination equipment or procedures. Review of new developments in personal protective equipment.

§ 1910.120

(f) Review of newly developed air and contaminant monitoring equipment.
3. On-site training.
a. The employer should provide employees
engaged in hazardous waste site activities
with information and training prior to initial assignment into their work area, as follows:
(1) The requirements of the hazard communication program including the location and
availability of the written program, required
lists of hazardous chemicals, and material
safety data sheets.
(2) Activities and locations in their work
area where hazardous substance may be
(3) Methods and observations that may be
used to detect the present or release of a hazardous chemical in the work area (such as
monitoring conducted by the employer, continuous monitoring devices, visual appearances, or other evidence (sight, sound or
smell) of hazardous chemicals being released,
and applicable alarms from monitoring devices that record chemical releases.
(4) The physical and health hazards of substances known or potentially present in the
work area.
(5) The measures employees can take to
help protect themselves from work-site hazards, including specific procedures the employer has implemented.
(6) An explanation of the labeling system
and material safety data sheets and how employees can obtain and use appropriate hazard information.
(7) The elements of the confined space program including special PPE, permits, monitoring requirements, communication procedures, emergency response, and applicable
lock-out procedures.
b. The employer should provide hazardous
waste employees information and training
and should provide a review and access to
the site safety and plan as follows:
(1) Names of personnel and alternate responsible for site safety and health.
(2) Safety and health hazards present on
the site.
(3) Selection, use, maintenance, and limitations of personal protective equipment
specific to the site.
(4) Work practices by which the employee
can minimize risks from hazards.
(5) Safe use of engineering controls and
equipment available on site.
(6) Safe decontamination procedures established to minimize employee contact with
hazardous substances, including:
(A) Employee decontamination,
(B) Clothing decontamination, and
(C) Equipment decontamination.
(7) Elements of the site emergency response plan, including:
(A) Pre-emergency planning.
(B) Personnel roles and lines of authority
and communication.


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§ 1910.120

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(C) Emergency recognition and prevention.
(D) Safe distances and places of refuge.
(E) Site security and control.
(F) Evacuation routes and procedures.
(G) Decontamination procedures not covered by the site safety and health plan.
(H) Emergency medical treatment and first
(I) Emergency equipment and procedures
for handling emergency incidents.
c. The employer should provide hazardous
waste employees information and training
on personal protective equipment used at the
site, such as the following:
(1) PPE to be used based upon known or anticipated site hazards.
(2) PPE limitations of materials and construction; limitations during temperature
extremes, heat stress, and other appropriate
medical considerations; use and limitations
of respirator equipment as well as documentation procedures as outlined in 29 CFR
(3) PPE inspection procedures prior to,
during, and after use.
(4) PPE donning and doffing procedures.
(5) PPE decontamination and disposal procedures.
(6) PPE maintenance and storage.
(7) Task duration as related to PPE limitations.
d. The employer should instruct the employee about the site medical surveillance
program relative to the particular site, including
(1) Specific medical surveillance programs
that have been adapted for the site.
(2) Specific signs and symptoms related to
exposure to hazardous materials on the site.
(3) The frequency and extent of periodic
medical examinations that will be used on
the site.
(4) Maintenance and availability of
(5) Personnel to be contacted and procedures to be followed when signs and symptoms of exposures are recognized.
e. The employees will review and discuss
the site safety plan as part of the training
program. The location of the site safety plan
and all written programs should be discussed
with employees including a discussion of the
mechanisms for access, review, and references described.
B. RCRA Operations Training for Treatment,
Storage and Disposal Facilities.
1. As a minimum, the training course required in 29 CFR 1910.120 (p) should include
the following topics:
(a) Review of the applicable paragraphs of
29 CFR 1910.120 and the elements of the employer’s occupational safety and health plan.
(b) Review of relevant hazards such as, but
not limited to, chemical, biological, and radiological exposures; fire and explosion hazards; thermal extremes; and physical hazards.

(c) General safety hazards including those
associated with electrical hazards, powered
equipment hazards, lock-out-tag-out procedures, motor vehicle hazards and walkingworking surface hazards.
(d) Confined-space hazards and procedures.
(e) Work practices to minimize employee
risk from workplace hazards.
(f) Emergency response plan and procedures including first aid meeting the requirements of paragraph (p)(8).
(g) A review of procedures to minimize exposure to hazardous waste and various type
of waste streams, including the materials
handling program and spill containment program.
(h) A review of hazard communication programs meeting the requirements of 29 CFR
(i) A review of medical surveillance programs meeting the requirements of 29 CFR
1910.120(p)(3) including the recognition of
signs and symptoms of overexposure to hazardous substance including known synergistic interactions.
(j) A review of decontamination programs
and procedures meeting the requirements of
29 CFR 1910.120(p)(4).
(k) A review of an employer’s requirements
to implement a training program and its elements.
(l) A review of the criteria and programs
for proper selection and use of personal protective equipment, including respirators.
(m) A review of the applicable appendices
to 29 CFR 1910.120.
(n) Principles of toxicology and biological
monitoring as they pertain to occupational
(o) Rights and responsibilities of employees and employers under applicable OSHA
and EPA laws.
(p) Hands-on exercises and demonstrations
of competency with equipment to illustrate
the basic equipment principles that may be
used during the performance of work duties,
including the donning and doffing of PPE.
(q) Sources of reference, efficient use of
relevant manuals, and knowledge of hazard
coding systems to include information contained in hazardous waste manifests.
(r) At least 8 hours of hands-on training.
(s) Training in the job skills required for
an employee’s job function and responsibility before they are permitted to participate in or supervise field activities.
2. The individual employer should provide
hazardous waste employees with information
and training prior to an employee’s initial
assignment into a work area. The training
and information should cover the following
(a) The Emergency response plan and procedures including first aid.
(b) A review of the employer’s hazardous
waste handling procedures including the materials handling program and elements of the


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
spill containment program, location of spill
response kits or equipment, and the names of
those trained to respond to releases.
(c) The hazardous communication program
meeting the requirements of 29 CFR
(d) A review of the employer’s medical surveillance program including the recognition
of signs and symptoms of exposure to relevant hazardous substance including known
synergistic interactions.
(e) A review of the employer’s decontamination program and procedures.
(f) An review of the employer’s training
program and the parties responsible for that
(g) A review of the employer’s personal
protective equipment program including the
proper selection and use of PPE based upon
specific site hazards.
(h) All relevant site-specific procedures addressing potential safety and health hazards.
This may include, as appropriate, biological
and radiological exposures, fire and explosion hazards, thermal hazards, and physical
hazards such as electrical hazards, powered
equipment hazards, lock-out-tag-out hazards, motor vehicle hazards, and walkingworking surface hazards.
(i) Safe use engineering controls and equipment on site.
(j) Names of personnel and alternates responsible for safety and health.
C. Emergency response training.
Federal OSHA standards in 29 CFR
1910.120(q) are directed toward private sector
emergency responders. Therefore, the guidelines provided in this portion of the appendix
are directed toward that employee population. However, they also impact indirectly
through State OSHA or USEPA regulations
some public sector emergency responders.
Therefore, the guidelines provided in this
portion of the appendix may be applied to
both employee populations.
States with OSHA state plans must cover
their employees with regulations at least as
effective as the Federal OSHA standards.
Public employees in states without approved
state OSHA programs covering hazardous
waste operations and emergency response
are covered by the U.S. EPA under 40 CFR
311, a regulation virtually identical to
§ 1910.120.
Since this is a non-mandatory appendix
and therefore not an enforceable standard,
OSHA recommends that those employers,
employees or volunteers in public sector
emergency response organizations outside
Federal OSHA jurisdiction consider the following criteria in developing their own
training programs. A unified approach to
training at the community level between
emergency response organizations covered
by Federal OSHA and those not covered directly by Federal OSHA can help ensure an
effective community response to the release

§ 1910.120

or potential release of hazardous substances
in the community.
a. General considerations.
Emergency response organizations are required to consider the topics listed in
§ 1910.120(q)(6). Emergency response organizations may use some or all of the following
topics to supplement those mandatory topics
when developing their response training programs. Many of the topics would require an
interaction between the response provider
and the individuals responsible for the site
where the response would be expected.
(1) Hazard recognition, including:
(A) Nature of hazardous substances
(B) Practical applications of hazard recognition, including presentations on biology,
chemistry, and physics.
(2) Principles of toxicology, biological
monitoring, and risk assessment.
(3) Safe work practices and general site
(4) Engineering controls and hazardous
waste operations.
(5) Site safety plans and standard operating procedures.
(6) Decontamination procedures and practices.
(7) Emergency procedures, first aid, and
(8) Safe use of field equipment.
(9) Storage, handling, use and transportation of hazardous substances.
(10) Use, care, and limitations of personal
protective equipment.
(11) Safe sampling techniques.
(12) Rights and responsibilities of employees under OSHA and other related laws concerning right-to-know, safety and health,
compensations and liability.
(13) Medical monitoring requirements.
(14) Community relations.
b. Suggested criteria for specific courses.
(1) First responder awareness level.
(A) Review of and demonstration of competency in performing the applicable skills
of 29 CFR 1910.120(q).
(B) Hands-on experience with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) and familiarization
with OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.1201.
(C) Review of the principles and practices
for analyzing an incident to determine both
the hazardous substances present and the
basic hazard and response information for
each hazardous substance present.
(D) Review of procedures for implementing
actions consistent with the local emergency
response plan, the organization’s standard
operating procedures, and the current edition of DOT’s ERG including emergency notification procedures and follow-up communications.
(E) Review of the expected hazards including fire and explosions hazards, confined
space hazards, electrical hazards, powered


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§ 1910.120

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

equipment hazards, motor vehicle hazards,
and walking-working surface hazards.
(F) Awareness and knowledge of the competencies for the First Responder at the
Awareness Level covered in the National
Fire Protection Association’s Standard No.
472, Professional Competence of Responders to
Hazardous Materials Incidents.
(2) First responder operations level.
(A) Review of and demonstration of competency in performing the applicable skills
of 29 CFR 1910.120(q).
(B) Hands-on experience with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG), manufacturer material safety data sheets, CHEMTREC/
CANUTEC, shipper or manufacturer contacts, and other relevant sources of information addressing hazardous substance releases. Familiarization with OSHA standard
29 CFR 1910.1201.
(C) Review of the principles and practices
for analyzing an incident to determine the
hazardous substances present, the likely behavior of the hazardous substance and its
container, the types of hazardous substance
transportation containers and vehicles, the
types and selection of the appropriate defensive strategy for containing the release.
(D) Review of procedures for implementing
continuing response actions consistent with
the local emergency response plan, the organization’s standard operating procedures,
and the current edition of DOT’s ERG including extended emergency notification
procedures and follow-up communications.
(E) Review of the principles and practice
for proper selection and use of personal protective equipment.
(F) Review of the principles and practice of
personnel and equipment decontamination.
(G) Review of the expected hazards including fire and explosions hazards, confined
space hazards, electrical hazards, powered
equipment hazards, motor vehicle hazards,
and walking-working surface hazards.
(H) Awareness and knowledge of the competencies for the First Responder at the Operations Level covered in the National Fire
Protection Association’s Standard No. 472,
Professional Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials Incidents.
(3) Hazardous materials technician.
(A) Review of and demonstration of competency in performing the applicable skills
of 29 CFR 1910.120(q).
(B) Hands-on experience with written and
electronic information relative to response
decision making including but not limited to
the U.S. Department of Transportation’s
Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG), manufacturer material safety data sheets,
CHEMTREC/CANUTEC, shipper or manufacturer contacts, computer data bases and response models, and other relevant sources of
information addressing hazardous substance

releases. Familiarization with OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.1201.
(C) Review of the principles and practices
for analyzing an incident to determine the
hazardous substances present, their physical
and chemical properties, the likely behavior
of the hazardous substance and its container,
the types of hazardous substance transportation containers and vehicles involved in
the release, the appropriate strategy for approaching release sites and containing the
(D) Review of procedures for implementing
continuing response actions consistent with
the local emergency response plan, the organization’s standard operating procedures,
and the current edition of DOT’s ERG including extended emergency notification
procedures and follow-up communications.
(E) Review of the principles and practice
for proper selection and use of personal protective equipment.
(F) Review of the principles and practices
of establishing exposure zones, proper decontamination and medical surveillance stations and procedures.
(G) Review of the expected hazards including fire and explosions hazards, confined
space hazards, electrical hazards, powered
equipment hazards, motor vehicle hazards,
and walking-working surface hazards.
(H) Awareness and knowledge of the competencies for the Hazardous Materials Technician covered in the National Fire Protection Association’s Standard No. 472, Professional Competence of Responders to Hazardous
Materials Incidents.
(4) Hazardous materials specialist.
(A) Review of and demonstration of competency in performing the applicable skills
of 29 CFR 1910.120(q).
(B) Hands-on experience with retrieval and
use of written and electronic information
relative to response decision making including but not limited to the U.S. Department
of Transportation’s Emergency Response
Guidebook (ERG), manufacturer material
safety data sheets, CHEMTREC/CANUTEC,
shipper or manufacturer contacts, computer
data bases and response models, and other
relevant sources of information addressing
hazardous substance releases. Familiarization with OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.1201.
(C) Review of the principles and practices
for analyzing an incident to determine the
hazardous substances present, their physical
and chemical properties, and the likely behavior of the hazardous substance and its
container, vessel, or vehicle.
(D) Review of the principles and practices
for identification of the types of hazardous
substance transportation containers, vessels
and vehicles involved in the release; selecting and using the various types of equipment
available for plugging or patching transportation containers, vessels or vehicles; organizing and directing the use of multiple


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
teams of hazardous material technicians and
selecting the appropriate strategy for approaching release sites and containing or
stopping the release.
(E) Review of procedures for implementing
continuing response actions consistent with
the local emergency response plan, the organization’s standard operating procedures, including knowledge of the available public
and private response resources, establishment of an incident command post, direction
of hazardous material technician teams, and
extended emergency notification procedures
and follow-up communications.
(F) Review of the principles and practice
for proper selection and use of personal protective equipment.
(G) Review of the principles and practices
of establishing exposure zones and proper decontamination, monitoring and medical surveillance stations and procedures.
(H) Review of the expected hazards including fire and explosions hazards, confined
space hazards, electrical hazards, powered
equipment hazards, motor vehicle hazards,
and walking-working surface hazards.
(I) Awareness and knowledge of the competencies for the Off-site Specialist Employee covered in the National Fire Protection Association’s Standard No. 472, Professional Competence of Responders to Hazardous
Materials Incidents.
(5) Incident commander.
The incident commander is the individual
who, at any one time, is responsible for and
in control of the response effort. This individual is the person responsible for the direction and coordination of the response effort.
An incident commander’s position should be
occupied by the most senior, appropriately
trained individual present at the response
site. Yet, as necessary and appropriate by
the level of response provided, the position
may be occupied by many individuals during
a particular response as the need for greater
authority, responsibility, or training increases. It is possible for the first responder
at the awareness level to assume the duties
of incident commander until a more senior
and appropriately trained individual arrives
at the response site.
Therefore, any emergency responder expected to perform as an incident commander
should be trained to fulfill the obligations of
the position at the level of response they will
be providing including the following:
(A) Ability to analyze a hazardous substance incident to determine the magnitude
of the response problem.
(B) Ability to plan and implement an appropriate response plan within the capabilities of available personnel and equipment.
(C) Ability to implement a response to favorably change the outcome of the incident
in a manner consistent with the local emergency response plan and the organization’s
standard operating procedures.

§ 1910.122

(D) Ability to evaluate the progress of the
emergency response to ensure that the response objectives are being met safely, effectively, and efficiently.
(E) Ability to adjust the response plan to
the conditions of the response and to notify
higher levels of response when required by
the changes to the response plan.
[54 FR 9317, Mar. 6, 1989, as amended at 55 FR
14073, Apr. 13, 1990; 56 FR 15832, Apr. 18, 1991;
59 FR 43270, Aug. 22, 1994; 61 FR 9238, Mar. 7,
1996; 67 FR 67964, Nov. 7, 2002; 71 FR 16672,
Apr. 3, 2006]

§ 1910.121


SOURCE: 64 FR 13909, Mar. 23, 1999, unless
otherwise noted.

§ 1910.122 Table of contents.
This section lists the paragraph
§§ 1910.123
through 1910.126.
§ 1910.123 Dipping and coating operations:
Coverage and definitions.
(a) Does this rule apply to me?
(b) What operations are covered?
(c) What operations are not covered?
(d) How are terms used in §§ 1910.123
through 1910.126 defined?
§ 1910.124

General requirements for dipping and
coating operations.

(a) What construction requirements apply
to dip tanks?
(b) What ventilation requirements apply to
vapor areas?
(c) What requirements must I follow to recirculate exhaust air into the workplace?
(d) What must I do when I use an exhaust
(e) What requirements must I follow when
an employee enters a dip tank?
(f) What first-aid procedures must my employees know?
(g) What hygiene facilities must I provide?
(h) What treatment and first aid must I
(i) What must I do before an employee
cleans a dip tank?
(j) What must I do to inspect and maintain
my dipping or coating operation?
§ 1910.125 Additional requirements for dipping
and coating operations that use flammable or
combustible liquids.
(a) What type of construction material
must be used in making my dip tank?
(b) When must I provide overflow piping?
(c) When must I provide a bottom drain?
(d) When must my conveyer system shut
down automatically?


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§ 1910.123

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(e) What ignition and fuel sources must be
(f) What fire protection must I provide?
(g) To what temperature may I heat a liquid in a dip tank?
§ 1910.126 Additional requirements for special
dipping and coating operations.
(a) What additional requirements apply to
hardening or tempering tanks?
(b) What additional requirements apply to
flow coating?
(c) What additional requirements apply to
roll coating, roll spreading, or roll impregnating?
(d) What additional requirements apply to
vapor degreasing tanks?
(e) What additional requirements apply to
cyanide tanks?
(f) What additional requirements apply to
spray cleaning tanks and spray degreasing
(g) What additional requirements apply to
electrostatic paint detearing?

§ 1910.123 Dipping and coating operations: Coverage and definitions.
(a) Does this rule apply to me? (1)
This rule (§§ 1910.123 through 1910.126)
applies when you use a dip tank containing a liquid other than water. It
applies when you use the liquid in the
tank or its vapor to:
(i) Clean an object;
(ii) Coat an object;
(iii) Alter the surface of an object; or
(iv) Change the character of an object.
(2) This rule also applies to the draining or drying of an object you have
dipped or coated.
(b) What operations are covered? Examples of covered operations are paint
quenching, tanning, degreasing, stripping, cleaning, roll coating, flow coating, and curtain coating.
(c) What operations are not covered?
You are not covered by this rule if your
dip-tank operation only uses a molten
material (a molten metal, alloy, or
salt, for example).
(d) How are terms used in §§ 1910.123
through 1910.126 defined?
Adjacent area means any area within
20 feet (6.1 m) of a vapor area that is
not separated from the vapor area by
tight partitions.
Approved means that the equipment
so designated is listed or approved by a
nationally recognized testing laboratory, as defined by § 1910.7.

Autoignition temperature means the
minimum temperature required to
cause self-sustained combustion, independent of any other source of heat.
Combustible liquid means a liquid having a flash point of 100 °F (37.8 °C) or
Dip tank means a container holding a
liquid other than water and that is
used for dipping or coating. An object
may be immersed (or partially immersed) in a dip tank or it may be suspended in a vapor coming from the
Flammable liquid means a liquid having a flashpoint below 100 °F (37.8 °C).
Flashpoint means the minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off a
vapor in sufficient concentration to ignite if tested in accordance with the
§ 1910.1200(c).
Lower flammable limit (LFL) means
the lowest concentration of a material
that will propagate a flame. The LFL
is usually expressed as a percent by
volume of the material in air (or other
Vapor area means any space containing a dip tank, including its drain
boards, associated drying or conveying
equipment, and any surrounding area
where the vapor concentration exceeds
25% of the LFL of the liquid in the
You means the employer, as defined
by the Occupational Safety and Health
Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. 651 et seq.).
§ 1910.124 General requirements for
dipping and coating operations.
(a) What construction requirements
apply to dip tanks? Any container that
you use as a dip tank must be strong
enough to withstand any expected load.
(b) What ventilation requirements
apply to vapor areas? (1) The ventilation that you provide to a vapor area
must keep the airborne concentration
of any substance below 25% of its LFL.
(2) When a liquid in a dip tank creates an exposure hazard covered by a
standard listed in subpart Z of this
part, you must control worker exposure as required by that standard.
(3) You may use a tank cover or material that floats on the surface of the
liquid in a dip tank to replace or supplement ventilation. The method or


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
combination of methods you choose
must maintain the airborne concentration of the hazardous material and the
worker’s exposure within the limits
specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2)
of this section.
(4) When you use mechanical ventilation, it must conform to the following
standards that are incorporated by reference as specified in § 1910.6:
(i) ANSI Z9.2–1979, Fundamentals
Governing the Design and Operation of
Local Exhaust Systems;
(ii) NFPA 34–1995, Standard for Dip
Tanks Containing Flammable or Combustible Liquids;
(iii) ACGIH’s ‘‘Industrial Ventilation:
A Manual of Recommended Practice’’
(22nd ed., 1995); or
(iv) ANSI Z9.1–1971, Practices for
Ventilation and Operation of Open-Surface Tanks, and NFPA 34–1966, Standard for Dip Tanks Containing Flammable or Combustible Liquids.
(5) When you use mechanical ventilation, it must draw the flow of air into
a hood or exhaust duct.
(6) When you use mechanical ventilation, each dip tank must have an independent exhaust system unless the
combination of substances being removed will not cause a:
(i) Fire;
(ii) Explosion; or
(iii) Chemical reaction.
(c) What requirements must I follow
to recirculate exhaust air into the
workplace? (1) You may not recirculate
exhaust air when any substance in that
air poses a health hazard to employees
or exceeds 25% of its LFL.
(2) You must ensure that any exhaust
air recirculated from a dipping or coating operation using flammable or combustible liquids is:
(i) Free of any solid particulate that
poses a health or safety hazard for employees; and
(ii) Monitored by approved equipment.
(3) You must have a system that
sounds an alarm and automatically
shuts down the operation when the
vapor concentration for any substance
in the exhaust airstream exceeds 25%
of its LFL.
(d) What must I do when I use an exhaust hood? You must:

§ 1910.124

(1) Provide each room having exhaust
hoods with a volume of outside air that
is at least 90 percent of the volume of
the exhaust air; and
(2) Ensure that the outside air supply
does not damage exhaust hoods.
(e) What requirements must I follow
when an employee enters a dip tank?
When an employee enters a dip tank,
you must meet the entry requirements
of § 1910.146, OSHA’s standard for Permit-Required Confined Spaces, as applicable.
(f) What first-aid procedures must my
employees know? Your employees must
know the first-aid procedures that are
appropriate to the dipping or coating
hazards to which they are exposed.
(g) What hygiene facilities must I
provide? When your employees work
with liquids that may burn, irritate, or
otherwise harm their skin, you must
(1) Locker space or other storage
space to prevent contamination of the
employee’s street clothes;
(2) An emergency shower and eyewash station close to the dipping or
coating operation. In place of this
equipment, you may use a water hose
that is at least 4 feet (1.22 m) long and
at least 3⁄4 of an inch (18 mm) thick
with a quick-opening valve and carrying a pressure of 25 pounds per
square inch (1.62 k/cm2) or less; and
(3) At least one basin with a hotwater faucet for every 10 employees
who work with such liquids. (See paragraph (d) of § 1910.141.)
(h) What treatment and first aid
must I provide? When your employees
work with liquids that may burn, irritate, or otherwise harm their skin, you
must provide:
(1) A physician’s approval before an
employee with a sore, burn, or other
skin lesion that requires medical treatment works in a vapor area;
(2) Treatment by a properly designated person of any small skin abrasion, cut, rash, or open sore;
(3) Appropriate first-aid supplies that
are located near the dipping or coating
operation; and
(4) For employees who work with
chromic acid, periodic examinations of
their exposed body parts, especially
their nostrils.


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§ 1910.125

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(i) What must I do before an employee cleans a dip tank? Before permitting an employee to clean the interior of a dip tank, you must:
(1) Drain the contents of the tank
and open the cleanout doors; and
(2) Ventilate and clear any pockets
where hazardous vapors may have accumulated.
(j) What must I do to inspect and
maintain my dipping or coating operation? You must:
(1) Inspect the hoods and ductwork of
the ventilation system for corrosion or
(i) At least quarterly during operation; and
(ii) Prior to operation after a prolonged shutdown.
(2) Ensure that the airflow is adequate:
(i) At least quarterly during operation; and
(ii) Prior to operation after a prolonged shutdown.
(3) Periodically inspect all dipping
and coating equipment, including cov-

ers, drains, overflow piping, and electrical and fire-extinguishing systems,
and promptly correct any deficiencies;
(4) Provide mechanical ventilation or
respirators (selected and used as specified in § 1910.134, OSHA’s Respiratory
Protection standard) to protect employees in the vapor area from exposure to toxic substances released during welding, burning, or open-flame
work; and
(5) Have dip tanks thoroughly
cleaned of solvents and vapors before
permitting welding, burning, or openflame work on them.
§ 1910.125 Additional requirements for
dipping and coating operations that
use flammable or combustible liquids.
If you use flammable or combustible
liquids, you must comply with the requirements of this section as well as
the requirements of sections 1910.123,
1910.124, and 1910.126, as applicable.

You must comply with this section if:
•The flashpoint of the flammable or combustible liquid is 200 °F (93.3 °C) or above.

•The liquid is heated as part of the operation; or
•A heated object is placed in the liquid.

(a) What type of construction material must be used in making my dip
tank? Your dip tank must be made of
noncombustible material.
(b) When must I provide overflow piping? (1) You must provide properly
trapped overflow piping that discharges
to a safe location for any dip tank having:
(i) A capacity greater than 150 gallons (568 L); or
(ii) A liquid surface area greater than
10 feet 2 (0.95 m2).
(2) You must also ensure that:
(i) Any overflow piping is at least 3
inches (7.6 cm) in diameter and has sufficient capacity to prevent the dip tank
from overflowing;
(ii) Piping connections on drains and
overflow pipes allow ready access to
the interior of the pipe for inspection
and cleaning; and
(iii) The bottom of the overflow connection is at least 6 inches (15.2 cm)
below the top of the dip tank.

(c) When must I provide a bottom
drain? (1) You must provide a bottom
drain for dip tanks that contain more
than 500 gallons (1893 L) of liquid, unless:
(i) The dip tank is equipped with an
automatic closing cover meeting the
requirements of paragraph (f)(3) of this
section; or
(ii) The viscosity of the liquid at normal atmospheric temperature does not
allow the liquid to flow or be pumped
(2) You must ensure that the bottom
drain required by this section:
(i) Will empty the dip tank during a
(ii) Is properly trapped;
(iii) Has pipes that permit the dip
tank’s contents to be removed within
five minutes after a fire begins; and
(iv) Discharges to a safe location.
(3) Any bottom drain you provide
must be capable of manual and automatic operation, and manual operation


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must be from a safe and accessible location.
(4) You must ensure that automatic
pumps are used when gravity flow from
the bottom drain is impractical.
(d) When must my conveyor system
shut down automatically? If your conveyor system is used with a dip tank,
the system must shut down automatically:
(1) If there is a fire; or
(2) If the ventilation rate drops below
what is required by paragraph (b) of
§ 1910.124.
(e) What ignition and fuel sources
must be controlled? (1) In each vapor
area and any adjacent area, you must
ensure that:
(i) All electrical wiring and equipment conform to the applicable hazardous (classified)-area requirements of
subpart S of this part (except as specifically permitted in paragraph (g) of
§ 1910.126); and
(ii) There are no flames, spark-producing devices, or other surfaces that
are hot enough to ignite vapors.
(2) You must ensure that any portable container used to add liquid to the
tank is electrically bonded to the dip
tank and positively grounded to prevent static electrical sparks or arcs.
(3) You must ensure that a heating
system that is used in a drying operation and could cause ignition:
(i) Is installed in accordance with
NFPA 86A–1969, Standard for Ovens and
Furnaces (which is incorporated by reference in § 1910.6 of this part);
(ii) Has adequate mechanical ventilation that operates before and during
the drying operation; and
(iii) Shuts down automatically if any
ventilating fan fails to maintain adequate ventilation.
(4) You also must ensure that:
(i) All vapor areas are free of combustible debris and as free as practicable
of combustible stock;
(ii) Rags and other material contaminated with liquids from dipping or
coating operations are placed in approved waste cans immediately after
use; and
(iii) Waste can contents are properly
disposed of at the end of each shift.
(5) You must prohibit smoking in a
vapor area and must post a readily

§ 1910.126

visible ‘‘No Smoking’’ sign near each
dip tank.
(f) What fire protection must I provide? (1) You must provide the fire protection required by this paragraph (f)
(i) Any dip tank having a capacity of
at least 150 gallons (568 L) or a liquid
surface area of at least 4 feet 2 (0.38
m 1); and
(ii) Any hardening or tempering tank
having a capacity of at least 500 gallons (1893 L) or a liquid surface area of
at least 25 feet 2 (2.37 m 2).
(2) For every vapor area, you must
(i) Manual fire extinguishers that are
suitable for flammable and combustible liquid fires and that conform to
the requirements of § 1910.157; and
(ii) An automatic fire-extinguishing
system that conforms to the requirements of subpart L of this part.
(3) You may substitute a cover that
is closed by an approved automatic device for the automatic fire-extinguishing system if the cover:
(i) Can also be activated manually;
(ii) Is noncombustible or tin-clad,
with the enclosing metal applied with
locked joints; and
(iii) Is kept closed when the dip tank
is not in use.
(g) To what temperature may I heat
a liquid in a dip tank? You must maintain the temperature of the liquid in a
dip tank:
(1) Below the liquid’s boiling point;
(2) At least 100 °F (37.8 °C) below the
liquid’s autoignition temperature.
§ 1910.126 Additional requirements for
special dipping and coating operations.
In addition to the requirements in
§§ 1910.123 through 1910.125, you must
comply with any requirement in this
section that applies to your operation.
(a) What additional requirements
apply to hardening or tempering
(1) You must ensure that hardening
or tempering tanks:
(i) Are located as far as practicable
from furnaces;
(ii) Are on noncombustible flooring;


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§ 1910.126

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(iii) Have noncombustible hoods and
vents (or equivalent devices) for venting to the outside. For this purpose,
vent ducts must be treated as flues and
kept away from combustible materials,
particularly roofs.
(2) You must equip each tank with an
alarm that will sound if the temperature of the liquid comes within 50 °F (10
°C) of its flashpoint (the alarm set
(3) When practicable, you must also
provide each tank with a limit switch
to shut down the conveyor supplying
work to the tank.
(4) If the temperature of the liquid
can exceed the alarm set point, you
must equip the tank with a circulating
cooling system.
(5) If the tank has a bottom drain,
the bottom drain may be combined
with the oil-circulating system.
(6) You must not use air under pressure when you fill the dip tank or agitate the liquid in the dip tank.
(b) What additional requirements
apply to flow coating? (1) You must use
a direct low-pressure pumping system
or a 10-gallon (38 L) or smaller gravity
tank to supply the paint for flow coating. In case of fire, an approved heatactuated device must shut down the
pumping system.
(2) You must ensure that the piping
is substantial and rigidly supported.
(c) What additional requirements
apply to roll coating, roll spreading, or
roll impregnating? When these operations use a flammable or combustible
liquid that has a flashpoint below 140
°F (60 °C), you must prevent sparking
of static electricity by:
(1) Bonding and grounding all metallic parts (including rotating parts) and
installing static collectors; or
(2) Maintaining a conductive atmosphere (for example, one with a high relative humidity) in the vapor area.
(d) What additional requirements
apply to vapor degreasing tanks? (1)
You must ensure that the condenser or
vapor-level thermostat keeps the vapor
level at least 36 inches (91 cm) or onehalf the tank width, whichever is less,
below the top of the vapor degreasing
(2) When you use gas as a fuel to heat
the tank liquid, you must prevent solvent vapors from entering the air-fuel

mixture. To do this, you must make
the combustion chamber airtight (except for the flue opening).
(3) The flue must be made of corrosion-resistant material, and it must extend to the outside. You must install a
draft diverter if mechanical exhaust is
used on the flue.
(4) You must not allow the temperature of the heating element to cause a
solvent or mixture to decompose or to
generate an excessive amount of vapor.
(e) What additional requirements
apply to cyanide tanks? You must ensure that cyanide tanks have a dike or
other safeguard to prevent cyanide
from mixing with an acid if a dip tank
(f) What additional requirements
apply to spray cleaning tanks and
spray degreasing tanks? If you spray a
liquid in the air over an open-surface
cleaning or degreasing tank, you must
control the spraying to the extent feasible by:
(1) Enclosing the spraying operation;
(2) Using mechanical ventilation to
provide enough inward air velocity to
prevent the spray from leaving the
vapor area.
(g) What additional requirements
apply to electrostatic paint detearing?
(1) You must use only approved electrostatic equipment in paint-detearing operations. Electrodes in such equipment
must be substantial, rigidly supported,
permanently located, and effectively
insulated from ground by nonporous,
noncombustible, clean, dry insulators.
(2) You must use conveyors to support any goods being paint deteared.
(3) You must ensure that goods being
electrostatically deteared are not
manually handled.
(4) Between goods being electrostatically deteared and the electrodes
or conductors of the electrostatic
equipment, you must maintain a minimum distance of twice the sparking
distance. This minimum distance must
be displayed conspicuously on a sign
located near the equipment.
(5) You must ensure that the electrostatic equipment has automatic controls that immediately disconnect the
power supply to the high-voltage transformer and signal the operator if:


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(i) Ventilation or the conveyors fail
to operate;
(ii) A ground (or imminent ground)
occurs anywhere in the high-voltage
system; or
(iii) Goods being electrostatically
deteared come within twice the sparking distance of the electrodes or conductors of the equipment.
(6) You must use fences, rails, or
guards, made of conducting material
and adequately grounded, to separate
paint-detearing operations from storage areas and from personnel.
(7) To protect paint-detearing operations from fire, you must have in
(i) Automatic sprinklers; or
(ii) An automatic fire-extinguishing
system conforming to the requirements
of subpart L of this part.
(8) To collect paint deposits, you
(i) Provide drip plates and screens;
(ii) Clean these plates and screens in
a safe location.

Subpart I—Personal Protective
AUTHORITY: Sections 4, 6, and 8 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29
U.S.C. 653, 655, 657); Secretary of Labor’s Orders 12–71 (36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41 FR 25059), 9–
83 (48 FR 35736), 1–90 (55 FR 9033), 6–96 (62 FR
111), 3–2000 (65 FR 50017), 5–2002 (67 FR 65008),
or 5–2007 (72 FR 31160), as applicable.
Sections 1910.132, 1910.134, and 1910.138 of 29
CFR also issued under 29 CFR part 1911.
Sections 1910.133, 1910.135, and 1910.136 of 29
CFR also issued under 29 CFR part 1911 and
5 U.S.C. 553.
8, 2011, the authority citation was revised, effective July 8, 2011. For the convenience of
the user, the revised text is set forth as follows:
AUTHORITY: 29 U.S.C. 653, 655, 657; Secretary of Labor’s Order No. 12–71 (36 FR 8754),
8–76 (41 FR 25059), 9–83 (48 FR 35736), 1–90 (55
FR 9033), 6–96 (62 FR 111), 3–2000 (65 FR 50017),
5–2002 (67 FR 65008), 5–2007 (72 FR 31160), or 4–
2010 (75 FR 55355), as applicable; and 29 CFR
Sections 1910.132, 1910.134, and 1910.138 of 29
CFR also issued under 29 CFR 1911.
Sections 1910.133, 1910.135, and 1910.136 of 29
CFR also issued under 29 CFR 1911 and 5
U.S.C. 553.

§ 1910.132

§ 1910.132

General requirements.

(a) Application. Protective equipment,
including personal protective equipment for eyes, face, head, and extremities, protective clothing, respiratory
devices, and protective shields and barriers, shall be provided, used, and
maintained in a sanitary and reliable
condition wherever it is necessary by
reason of hazards of processes or environment, chemical hazards, radiological hazards, or mechanical irritants encountered in a manner capable
of causing injury or impairment in the
function of any part of the body
through absorption, inhalation or
physical contact.
(b) Employee-owned equipment. Where
employees provide their own protective
equipment, the employer shall be responsible to assure its adequacy, including proper maintenance, and sanitation of such equipment.
(c) Design. All personal protective
equipment shall be of safe design and
construction for the work to be performed.
(d) Hazard assessment and equipment
selection. (1) The employer shall assess
the workplace to determine if hazards
are present, or are likely to be present,
which necessitate the use of personal
protective equipment (PPE). If such
hazards are present, or likely to be
present, the employer shall:
(i) Select, and have each affected employee use, the types of PPE that will
protect the affected employee from the
hazards identified in the hazard assessment;
(ii) Communicate selection decisions
to each affected employee; and,
(iii) Select PPE that properly fits
each affected employee.
NOTE: Non-mandatory appendix B contains
an example of procedures that would comply
with the requirement for a hazard assessment.

(2) The employer shall verify that the
required workplace hazard assessment
has been performed through a written
certification that identifies the workplace evaluated; the person certifying
that the evaluation has been performed; the date(s) of the hazard assessment; and, which identifies the
document as a certification of hazard


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