State of Preschool Survey 2013-2015

State of Preschool Survey 2013-2015

Appendix B State of Preschool 2013 Survey

State of Preschool Survey 2013-2015

OMB: 1850-0895

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Appendix B

State of Preschool 2013 Questionnaire

2013 State Yearbook Survey Login

Welcome to the 2013 State of Preschool Yearbook Survey. Thank you very much for your continued help with NIEER's reports on state-funded preschool programs. We are gathering information for “The State of Preschool 2013: State Preschool Yearbook”, which will focus on the 2012-2013 program year.

If you have any questions while you are working on the web survey, please contact Megan Carolan at (848) 932-3137 (, Jen Fitzgerald (848) 932-3138, ( or Jim Squires (802) 425-2608 ( Questions about content can also be directed to Chris Chapman at (202) 502-7414 (

Please complete the survey and submit your responses no later than Monday August 19th. After you submit your responses, we will be in touch to confirm that we have correctly interpreted the data from your state.

We ask that you keep the definitions below in mind as you complete the survey:
State of Preschool: The Yearbook focuses on state-funded preschool initiatives meeting these criteria below.

  • The initiative is funded, controlled, and directed by the state.

  • The initiative serves children of prekindergarten age, usually 3 and/or 4. Although initiatives in some states serve broader age ranges, programs that serve only infants and toddlers are excluded.

  • Early childhood education is the primary focus of the initiative. This does not exclude programs that offer parent education, but does exclude programs whose main focus is on parent education. Programs that focus on parent work status or programs where child eligibility is tied to work status are also excluded.

  • The initiative offers a group learning experience to children at least two days per week.

  • State-funded preschool education initiatives must be distinct from the state's system for subsidized child care. However, preschool initiatives may be coordinated and integrated with the subsidy system for child care.

  • The initiative is not primarily designed to serve children with disabilities, but may include children with disabilities.

  • State supplements to the federal Head Start program are considered to constitute de facto state preschool programs if they substantially expand the number of children served, and the state assumes some administrative responsibility for the programs. State supplements to fund quality improvements, extended days, or other program enhancements and that expand enrollment minimally are not considered equivalent to a state preschool program.

3-year-old/4-year-old/5-year-old: For this survey, children considered to be 3 years old during the 2012-2013 school year are those eligible for entry into kindergarten two years later, during the 2014-2015 school year. Children considered to be 4 years old during the 2012-2013 school year are those eligible for entry into kindergarten one year later, during the 2013-2014 school year. Children considered to be 5 years old during the 2012-2013 school year are 5-year-olds who were already eligible for kindergarten at the beginning of the 2012-2013 program year.

We greatly appreciate your help and thank you for your participation.

OMB No. xxxx-xxx: Approval Expires dd/mm/yyyy

Please answer all questions using data from the 2012-2013 program year, unless otherwise indicated.


1 In 2011-2012, the name of your state prekindergarten initiative was Prior Year Name. Was the name the same in 2012-2013?

1. Yes

2. No

1a What was the name of your state prekindergarten initiative in 2012-2013?


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The Valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1850-xxxx. The time required to complete this voluntary information collection will vary considerably but is estimated to average 12 hours per response, including time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments or concerns about the contents of the questionnaire, the accuracy of the time estimate, or suggestions for improving this data collection, please write to: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, Attention: Chris Chapman, 1990 K Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20006-1103.

2 What state agency or agencies exercise(s) administrative authority over this state prekindergarten initiative? (Check all that apply, and specify the name of this agency in your state in the column to the right. If there are multiple agencies with administrative authority, please explain in the textbox below.)

 State Department of Education ___________________

 State Office of School Readiness or Early Childhood Education __________________

 State Head Start Collaboration Office ___________________

 State Human Services Agency ___________________

 Other (Please specify) ____________ ___________________

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:



3 We would like to get information about the geographic availability of this state prekindergarten initiative and the coverage across the state's school districts, counties, or towns. Please fill in information by school district if possible. If not possible, please fill in one of the other options.

Programs are offered in:
(Please fill in the two boxes below and select one geographic unit. For example, your answer could be "7 out of 10 School districts".)

Geographic unit


out of #

Drop down menu with:

Other, please specify



School Districts





If you have additional detail please enter it in this textbox below:


4 Are districts/counties/towns in your state required to offer this prekindergarten initiative?

1. Required for all

2. Required for some (Please describe)


3. Not required, but funds are available to any district/county/town choosing to offer the program

4. Not required, but funding is awarded on a competitive basis

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:



Responses to questions 5-9 and 10b require finalized, unduplicated enrollment counts for the 2012-2013 program year. Unduplicated enrollment figures include all children served on a specific date in time (preferably in fall 2012 unless fall data are not representative of enrollment counts that year). A duplicated enrollment count, which is not requested here, is the total number of individual children who enrolled during the course of the year, for any length of time. If you cannot provide an unduplicated count, please provide the number of funded enrollment slots and explain in your answer to Q6.

Please do not count children in the home-based option in any of the enrollment counts for questions 5-9 and 10b. Please also do not include children paying full tuition or funded solely through local dollars in the enrollment counts for questions 5-9, 10b.

5a How many children were enrolled in this state-funded prekindergarten initiative as of your fall 2012 cut-off date (e.g., October 1st)? Provide an unduplicated enrollment count if possible, and only include children enrolled in center-based pre-K programs. Please provide an enrollment number that is consistent with the 2011-2012 response of prior year data children.

Note: If the enrollment numbers are not yet available, please fill in the boxes with a ( -1) and go to question 5b.

Total number of children


How many of the children in the total were 3 years old?


How many of the children in the total were 4 years old?


How many of the children in the total were 5 years old in pre-K? (Children who were age eligible for kindergarten but enrolled in pre-K)


How many of the children in the total were under 3 years old?


If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


5b If final enrollment numbers are not yet available, please indicate the date by which you expect to have this information: _____________________________________________________

6 If the enrollment total in question 5a is not an unduplicated enrollment count, please describe what the number is (e.g., funded slots, duplicated count, etc.). If the enrollment reflects a time other than fall 2012, please indicate that date.



7 Of the total number of enrolled children in question 5a, how many were identified as English Language Learners?


8 Are children who received special education services (i.e., had IEPs or IFSPs) counted in the enrollment total in question 5a?

1. Yes

2. No, children who receive special education services may attend state pre-K classrooms, but are not counted in state pre-K enrollment

3. No, children in state pre-K classrooms do not receive special education services

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


8a How many children who received special education services (i.e., had IEPs or IFSPs) were enrolled in this state prekindergarten initiative as of your fall 2012 cut-off date (e.g., October 1st)? Provide an unduplicated enrollment count if possible, and only include children who received special education services while enrolled in center-based pre-K programs. Note: If the special education enrollment numbers are not yet available, please fill in the boxes with a (-1) and go to Q9.

Total number of children who received special education services


How many of the children in the total were 3 years old?


How many of the children in the total were 4 years old?


How many of the children in the total were 5 years old in pre-K? (Children who were age eligible for kindergarten but enrolled in pre-K)


How many of the children in the total were under 3 years old?


If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:



9 Please provide information about which agencies exercise administrative responsibility over the program. Answers should reflect agency with administrative responsibility, rather than the location of services, as has been requested in the past. Of the total enrollment mentioned in question 5a, how many children were enrolled in this state prekindergarten initiative as of fall 2012 under the administrative authority of the following agencies? (Note: The total enrollment as reported in question 5a should equal the total of children in all settings listed below. If the breakdown by auspice is unknown, please fill in the boxes with a -1).

Public Schools _____________ children

Nonpublic Schools _____________ children

If enrollment by auspice does not add up to total enrollment as reported in question 5a, please explain: _____________________________________________________

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


Operating Schedule

For questions 10 – 10b, please use the following definitions, which are revised from previous years:

Extended day: Eight or more hours per day

School day: At least 4 hours but fewer than 8 hours per day

Part day: Fewer than 4 hours per day

10 How many hours per day is this state prekindergarten initiative funded to operate using state funds? (Check all that apply)

 Extended day (specify number of hours:) ________________

 School day (specify number of hours:) ________________

 Part day (specify number of hours:) ________________

 Determined locally, hours vary by program, or another operating schedule is used (Please describe, including the most common operating schedule:)


If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


10a Is there a formal partnership at the state level to provide extended-day services through collaboration with other agencies and programs (for example, Head Start providers, child care centers, etc.)

1. Yes Specify: _______________________

2. No

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


10b Please provide more information about the operating schedule of the programs in which children attend pre-K. Of the total enrollment mentioned in question 5a, how many children were enrolled in this state prekindergarten initiative as of fall 2012 in programs that had the following operating schedules? (Note: The total enrollment as reported in question 5a should equal the total of children in all operating schedules listed below). Note: If enrollment by operating schedule is unknown, please fill in the boxes with -1.

Extended day


School day


Part day


Locally determined/other


If enrollment by operating schedule does not add up to total enrollment as reported in question 5a, please explain: _____________________________________________________

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


11 How many days per week is this state prekindergarten initiative funded to operate using state funds?

1. 4 days per week

2. 5 days per week

3. Determined locally, days vary by program, or another operating schedule is used (Please describe, including the most common operating schedule:)


If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


12 What is the state-funded annual operating schedule for this state prekindergarten initiative?

1. School year or academic year

2. Full calendar year

3. Other (Please describe:)


4. Determined locally or varies by program (Please describe, including the most common operating schedule:)


If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


Age Eligibility

13 In the table below, please enter the age eligibility requirements for prekindergarten (minimum and maximum age) and kindergarten as requested for 2012-2013 using the drop down menus provided

Any age exceptions or details can be reported in Q14 following.)



as of …month


Minimum pre-K age

(Range 0-6; locally determined)

(Range 0-11; locally determined)

(list all months; locally determined)

(range 1-31; locally determined)

Maximum pre-K age

(Range 0-6; locally determined)

(Range 0-11; locally determined)

(list all months; locally determined)

(range 1-31; locally determined)

Minimum K age

(Range 0-6; locally determined)

(Range 0-11; locally determined)

(list all months; locally determined)

(range 1-31; locally determined)

14 Does state policy allow any exceptions to the age requirement for prekindergarten or kindergarten eligibility (such as exemptions from minimum or maximum age requirements for children with special needs):

1. Yes, (Please describe exceptions stipulated in state policy) __________________

2. No

14a What is the state policy on enrolling children in this state prekindergarten initiative when they are age-eligible for kindergarten at the start of the school year? (Check all that apply.)

 Kindergarten-age eligible children with documented disabilities may enroll in pre-K

 Kindergarten-age eligible children may enroll in pre-K at the local program's discretion or at the request of parents

 Kindergarten-age eligible children may enroll and repeat 4-year-old prekindergarten

 Kindergarten-age eligible children may only enroll in pre-K if they have not yet attended 4-year-old prekindergarten before

 Children may not enroll in this state pre-K initiative if they are age eligible for kindergarten at the start of the year

 State policy does not regulate the enrollment of kindergarten-age eligible children in pre-K

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


Other Eligibility Policies

15 Aside from age, how is eligibility determined for individual children for this state prekindergarten initiative? You will be given the opportunity to provide more information about eligibility in subsequent questions.

1. All age-eligible children in districts offering the program, or in the entire state, may enroll

2. Eligibility is determined by individual child or family characteristics in addition to age

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


16 Is a state-specified income requirement used as an eligibility criterion for this state prekindergarten initiative? (If your answer is Yes, you will be given the opportunity to explain your answer on the following page.)

1. Yes

2. No

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


Other Eligibility Policies

17 What was the state-specified income requirement during the 2012-2013 program year?

1. 100% of the federal poverty level (FPL)

2. Eligible for free lunch, or 130% of FPL

3. Eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, or 185% of FPL

4. Other percentage of FPL (please specify:) ________________

5. Percentage of state median income (please specify:) ________________

6. Other (please describe:) ______________________

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


17b To whom, or to what percentage of children, does the income requirement apply?


Other Eligibility Policies

18 Can eligibility for this state prekindergarten initiative be determined by any of the following risk factors? (Check all that apply.)

 Disability or developmental delay of the child

 Low parental education level

 History of abuse, neglect, or family violence

 Homelessness or unstable housing

 Non-English speaking family

 Parental substance abuse

 Risk that child will not be ready for kindergarten

 Teen parent

 Low birth weight or other child health risk

 Child is or was in foster care

 Parent is on active military duty

 Locally determined risk factors (Please specify:) _________________________________________

 Other risk factors (Please specify:) ____________________________________________________

 No, there are no risk factors other than the state-specified income requirement.

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


18a How many of the specified risk factors must be present for eligibility?


If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


18b How do these risk factors relate to the income cutoff for the state pre-K program?

1. Children must have the above number of risk factors in addition to meeting the income cutoff

2. Meeting the income cutoff can count as one of the risk factors

3. Other (Please specify:) _____________________________________________________

4. Not applicable/no income cutoff

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


Other Eligibility Policies

19 Is there a sliding payment scale based on income?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Determined locally

19a To whom, or to what subgroup of children, does the sliding payment scale apply?


20 Is child eligibility for this state prekindergarten initiative ever reassessed after a child has been enrolled in the program?

1. Yes

2. No

20a How often is eligibility reassessed, what factors are considered in the reassessment process, and what happens to enrolled children who are deemed ineligible?


Program Standards

21 What is the maximum class size allowed for classes with predominantly...






If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


22 What is the staff-child ratio requirement for classes with predominantly...






If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


23 Which meals are required for all state pre-K participants. This includes meals offered due to requirements not set specifically by this state prekindergarten initiative as well as meals that must be offered even if some or all children pay for them, such as lunch in a public school setting. (Check all that apply)

 Breakfast

 Lunch

 Snack

 Requirements depend on length of program day (please specify:)


 No meals are required

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


24 Is this state prekindergarten initiative required to provide BOTH screening AND referral for...



Left to LEAs to decide









General physical health?

Height and weight or BMI




Blood pressure












Full physical exam (specify














Other (please specify:)





If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


25 What are the state policy requirements for teaching pre-K children who do not speak English as their primary language, and for supporting their families and teachers? (Check all that apply.)

 Bilingual classes are permitted in pre-K

 Monolingual non-English classes are permitted in pre-K

 Professional development or coaching is provided for teachers

 Programs are required to screen and assess all children

 A home language survey is sent home at the beginning of the school year

 Information must be presented to parents in their primary language

 A systematic, written plan must be in place on how to work with English Language Learners

 Translators or bilingual staff members are available if some children do not speak English

 Other (please specify): _____________________________________________________

 All pre-K classes must be conducted in English only

 State policy does not regulate services for English Language Learners

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


26 Which of the following types of comprehensive services are all programs required to offer, either directly or through active referral? (Check all that apply.)

 Education services or job training for parents

 Parenting support or training

 Parent involvement activities

 Health services for parents

 Health services for children

 Information about nutrition (beyond meals that are provided)

 Referral to social services

  • Transition to kindergarten activities

  • Parent conferences and/or home visits

 Other services (Please specify:) __________________________________________________

  • Some comprehensive services are required, but specific services are determined locally

 No comprehensive services are required

Early Learning Standards

27 Please provide information about the early learning standards document that applied to this state prekindergarten initiative in 2012-2013:

Title of the document


Web address where this document can be accessed


Year state pre-K program adopted this set of standards


Year this set of standards was last revised (please use "under revision" as your answer, if applicable)


28 Are early learning standards aligned with the Common Core standards for early grades?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Alignment is in progress

If you have additional detail about aligning early learning standards, please enter it in this textbox below:


29 Do the state early learning standards address each of the following subject areas? If so, please describe:



covering subject area

Physical well-being/motor development


Social/emotional development


Approaches toward learning*


Language development


Cognition and general knowledge


*According to Kagan, Moore, & Bredekamp (1995), approaches toward learning are the ways that children engage themselves in the learning process. Approaches toward learning are not skills, but are instead dispositions, habits, attitudes, inclinations, or styles, and may vary due to culture, gender, and temperament. Examples are independence, initiative, attentiveness, and curiosity.

If you have additional detail about your early learning standards, please enter it in this textbox below:



In this survey, a lead teacher is defined as the lead individual required to be present in each classroom during all daily instructional time.

Questions 30-31 request information regarding minimum education/degree requirement for entry-level teachers in this state prekindergarten initiative located in public and non-public settings. If degree requirements differ for newly hired teachers and/or teachers hired before a certain year, please explain in the space provided for additional detail.

30 What is the minimum education/degree requirement for entry level lead teachers?

Public school settings

Non-public school settings

No minimum degree is required



Teachers must have at least a high school diploma/GED



Teachers must have at least a CDA



Teachers must have at least an associate's degree



Teachers must have at least a bachelor's degree



Teachers must have at least a master's degree



Other or varies by other factors such as program schedule or number of classrooms (Please explain:)




Not applicable



If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


31 Are lead teachers required to have certification/licensure/endorsement or degree specialization for programs that are:




Located in a public school?




Not located in a public school?





31a Please provide more information about the required certification/licensure/endorsement or degree specialization required for lead teachers in this state prekindergarten initiative.

Required in…

Name of certification/licensure/endorsement

Grades Covered

Only Public Settings

Only Non- Public Settings

Public and Non-Public Settings































If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


32 How many hours of in-service professional development (including state re-certification requirements) are lead teachers in this state prekindergarten initiative required to attend? (Please fill in the three boxes below. For example, your answer could be "20 clock hours per year".)

# of

Clock/Credit hours per

Period of time

Credit or Clock Hours

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:



33 Please provide as much information as possible on the percentages and number of lead teachers during 2012-2013 at the following educational levels, for their highest credential/degree.


Percent of Lead Teachers

Number of lead teachers

High school diploma/GED















Other (please specify:)



 Data not available

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:



Question 34 requests information regarding minimum education/degree requirements for assistant teachers in this state prekindergarten initiative located in public and non-public settings. If degree requirements differ for newly hired assistant teachers and/or assistant teachers hired before a certain year, please explain in the space provided for additional detail.

34 What is the minimum education/degree requirement for assistant teachers?

Public school settings

Non-public school settings

No minimum degree is required



Assistant teachers must have at least a high school diploma/GED



Assistant teachers must have at least a CDA



Assistant teachers must have at least an associate's degree



Assistant teachers must have at least a bachelor's degree



Assistant teachers must have at least a master's degree



Other or varies by other factors such as program schedule or number of classrooms (Please explain:)




Not applicable



If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


35 Are assistant teachers required to have degree specialization or other specialized pre-service training for programs that are:




Located in a public school?




Not located in a public school?






35a Please specify what type of training and what ages/grade ranges are covered by the degree specialization or pre-service specialized training for assistant teachers.

Required in…

Name of certification/licensure/endorsement

Grades Covered

Only Public Settings

Only Non- Public Settings

Public and Non-Public Settings































If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:



Responses to question 36 require finalized spending data for Fiscal Year 2013, which corresponds to the 2012-2013 program year. The spending figures in this section should include all costs of implementing the state pre-K initiative, including non-programmatic costs such as facilities. Please provide actual spending if this differs from the total amount allocated.

36 What was the actual fiscal year 2013 spending for this state prekindergarten initiative? Please provide the total spending in the first line below - including all federal, state, and local contributions - and provide figures for each of the sources listed on the subsequent lines. (Note: If final spending data for fiscal year 2013 are not yet available, please fill in the boxes with a (-1) and go to question 36a)

Please provide spending figures that are consistent with last year's response.

Total fiscal year 2013 spending


Amount of total from state sources


Amount of total from federal sources


Amount of total from required local sources*


Amount of total from non-required local sources*


* If reporting local spending figures, please divide these amounts into local spending mandated by state law (required) and all other local spending (non-required). Required local sources include mandated local matches for grant programs and local contributions required in states using the state aid or school funding formula to pay for pre-K.

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


36a. If final spending data for fiscal year 2013 are not yet available, please indicate when you expect to have this information: _____________________________________________________


37a Please list any specific state sources used to support this state prekindergarten initiative. When available, also indicate how much money was contributed. (Examples of state sources include general revenue funds, lottery, gaming revenue, sin tax, etc.)


Amount (if known):



$ _________________________



$ _________________________



$ _________________________



$ _________________________

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


37b Please list any federal sources used to support this state prekindergarten initiative. When available, also indicate how much money was contributed. (Examples of federal sources include TANF, CCDF, IDEA, USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program, McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Federal Impact Act, Even Start, Title I, etc.) If no federal sources were used, please use N/A as your response.


Amount (if known):













If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:



38 Is funding for this state prekindergarten initiative determined by a school funding or state aid formula?

1. Yes

2. No

Please describe the funding or state aid formula as it applies to this state prekindergarten initiative:


39 What types of agencies are eligible to receive funding directly? (Check all that apply.)

 Public schools

 Head Start settings

 Private agencies (such as child care centers or non-profit organizations)

 Faith-based centers (with or without religious content)

 Family child care homes

 Other (Please specify:)


40 Are agencies that receive funds directly allowed to subcontract with: (check all that apply)

 Public schools

 Head Start settings

 Private agencies (such as child care centers or non-profit organizations)

 Faith-based centers (with or without religious content)

 Family child care homes

 Other (Please specify:)


 Agencies who receive funds directly are not allowed to subcontract

41 Is there a required local match for this program?

1. Yes (Please describe the requirement:)


2. No


42 What information does the state collect for monitoring purposes for programs in this state prekindergarten initiative? (Check all that apply.)

 Structured observations of classroom quality (e.g., ECERS, CLASS)

Specify observation instruments _____________________

Specify frequency of observations _____________________

 Documentation of children's learning and/or child outcomes

Specify assessments used _____________________

Specify frequency of documentation _____________________

 Documentation of program-level outcomes

Specify outcomes measured _____________________

Specify frequency of documentation _____________________

 Review of program facilities and safety procedures

 Results of program self-assessments

 Participation in a state quality rating system

 Review of program records

 Other (Please describe:)


 State policy does not require collection of information for monitoring purposes

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


43 How is this monitoring information collected by the state? (Check all that apply, and please describe the frequency of each activity checked. If some information is only collected for a sample of programs, please describe in the textbox below.)

 Site visits by staff of the oversight agency or consultants hired by the state

(Specify frequency):


 Submission of information by program or local entity (such as LEA)

(Specify frequency and briefly describe information required to be submitted):


 Other (Please describe and specify frequency):


If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


44 How is the monitoring information described in question 42 used for program improvement? (Check all that apply.)

 To identify needs that will guide teacher training or professional development

 To identify programs for corrective action or sanctions

 To make funding decisions about programs or grantees

 To make adjustments to curricula

 To provide program staff with technical assistance and/or mentoring

 To make changes to state policies regarding the preschool program

 To measure program on a Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS)

 To provide feedback to parents

 Other uses (Please specify:)


If you have additional detail please enter it in this textbox below:



45a Has there been a formal evaluation of this state prekindergarten initiative that measured the quality and effectiveness of the program?

1. Yes, measuring process quality (e.g., ECERS, CLASS)

2. Yes, measuring impact and child outcomes (e.g., child assessments in literacy and math)

3. Yes, measuring both process quality and program impact/child outcomes

4. No

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


45b. Year(s) of most recent evaluation (if ongoing or planned, please note): ____________________________________________________

45c Web address where this evaluation can be accessed: ____________________________________________

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


45d Was the evaluation of this state prekindergarten initiative mandated by the state (even if it was conducted by an outside organization)?

1. Yes

2. No

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below: _____________________________________________________


46 Does state policy require programs in this state prekindergarten initiative to assess children's learning and development during the preschool year(s)?

1. Yes

2. No

46a Please list any specific assessment tools for children's learning and development that are required for use in this state prekindergarten initiative. If the state provides a choice of required assessment tools, please explain.


47 How are these child-level assessments used? (Check all that apply.)

 To guide teacher training, professional development, or technical assistance

 To make decisions regarding a child’s enrollment in kindergarten

 To identify programs for corrective action or sanctions

 To make funding decisions about programs or grantees

 To make adjustments to curricula

 To track child and program level outcomes over time

 To include pre-K data in a state’s K-12 student data system

 To make changes to state policies regarding the preschool program

 To evaluate teacher performance

 To provide a measure of kindergarten readiness

 Other uses (Please specify:)


If you have additional detail please enter it in this textbox below:


48 Does state policy require kindergarten programs in your state to assess children's learning and development? (Check all that apply)

1. Yes, at kindergarten entry (beyond any screening for disabilities or developmental delay).

Specify requirements and assessment tools ______________________________________

2. Yes, to assess children’s learning and development during the kindergarten year.

Specify requirements and assessment tools ______________________________________

3. No

If you have additional detail, please enter it in this textbox below:


Important Changes

49 Please describe major changes (budget cuts or increases, changes in program requirements, etc.) in the 2012-2013 program year that have had a positive or negative impact on state-funded pre-K in your state.


50 Please describe major changes that will (or are anticipated to) have a positive or negative impact on state-funded pre-K in your state during the 2013-2014 program year.


Thank you very much for your help.

Please provide us with the names and contact information for those who contributed to the completion of this survey.

Name Phone number E-mail address

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File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-29

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