Travel To/From Testing Site

Quantitative Testing of Integrated Mortgage Loan Disclosure Forms


Travel To/From Testing Site

OMB: 3170-0033

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Appendix A to Supporting Statement of
Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
Quantitative Testing of Integrated Mortgage Loan Disclosure Forms

Consumer Participant Recruitment Telephone Script
1. Hello, my name is [first and last name]. May I speak to [name]?
If someone other than Respondent asks why you are calling, say: I’m calling regarding an important
study about mortgage loans and disclosures.
(Check one answer)
 No one by that name at this number → Go to question 2
 Respondent not home or busy → Go to question 2
 Speaking to Respondent : Respondent comes to the phone → Go to question 3
2. Confirm you have dialed correctly. If no one there by that name, ask if respondent was ever at
this number (do they have his/her new number)? If not home or busy, leave a message.
If no new number is given, finalize as not located.
3. Hello, my name is [your name] and I’m calling from [marketing company’s name] for the
Kleimann Communication Group. They are working with GfK Research and its Knowledge Panel.
We are calling you because you are a member of the Knowledge Panel and want you to
participate in a study to improve mortgage loan disclosures for the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau (CFPB) in Washington, DC.
We have chosen you to participate in a study being held during the week of (Insert date). In this
study, we will ask you to answer a series of questions and give your opinions about disclosures you
receive when you purchase or refinance a house.
I want to tell you some required information about this effort. We anticipate talking to us will take
about 10 minutes of your time.
An agency, like the CFPB, may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information, and a person, like
you, is not required to respond to a collection of information unless the collection of information
displays a valid control number assigned by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The OMB
control number for this collection is 3170-XXXX. The collection expires on XX/XX/XXXX.
Also, a federal law called the Privacy Act tells the federal government how to treat the personally
identifiable information contained in your answers to these questions. To understand how and
when your personally identifiable information is handled, you can read GfK Research’s Privacy

Appendix A to Supporting Statement of
Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
Quantitative Testing of Integrated Mortgage Loan Disclosure Forms
Statement on its website CFPB will
not obtain or access any personally identifiable information on this project about survey
participants. CFPB will only obtain and access anonymous results and aggregated analyses of those
results. CFPB will treat the information received consistent with its confidentiality regulations at 12
C.F.R. Part 1070 and pursuant to its Privacy Act Statement on its website at under CFPB.022 Market and Consumer Research Records.
4. For this study, we will want you to come to our offices and participate in a session for about 60
minutes of your time. We will pay you $75 at the end of the 60 minute session for your
participation. Do you have a few minutes to answer some pre-qualifying questions? (if “No,”
what would be a convenient time to call back?)
If needed: The exact location of the interview is _________________________________________
(Check One Answer)
 Yes
 No → Call back time __________
 Refuse → Terminate. Thank you for talking with us.
5. Are you a mortgage loan broker, lender, loan originator, or settlement agent?
 Yes → Terminate. I am sorry, but this study is focused on people who are less familiar with the
real estate industry. Thank you for talking with us.
 No
6. Are you a realtor, appraiser, or title insurer, or do you work in an office that deals with the real
estate transactions?
 Yes → Terminate. I am sorry, but this study is focused on people who are less familiar with the
real estate industry. Thank you for talking with us.
 No

7. Would you be involved in the decision in your household about choosing and closing on a
mortgage loan to buy a house or refinance?
 Yes, I am involved in the decision-making.

Appendix A to Supporting Statement of
Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
Quantitative Testing of Integrated Mortgage Loan Disclosure Forms
 No → Terminate. I am sorry, but the focus of our study requires us to get information from a
person who is involved in making financial decisions. Thank you talking with us.
8. Have you ever bought a house and financed it with a mortgage loan?
 Yes, bought → Skip to Q10
 Yes, refinanced → Skip to Q10
 No → Continue to Q9
9. Do you intend to buy a house and finance it with a mortgage loan within the next

5 years → Skip to Q13
10 years →Skip to Q13
15 years → Skip to Q13
Never →Terminate. I am sorry, but the focus of this study is on people who will be taking out
mortgages. Thank you for talking with us.

10. Have you bought a house and financed it or refinanced a mortgage in the past 5 years?
 Yes, bought → Skip to Q12
 Yes, refinanced → Skip to Q12
 No → continue to Q11
11. Do you intend to buy a house and finance it with a mortgage loan again or refinance again within
the next

5 years → Skip to Q13
10 years → Skip to Q13
15 years → Skip to Q13
Never → Terminate. I am sorry, but the focus of this study is on people who will be taking out
mortgages. Thank you for talking with us.

12. Have you experienced a delinquency, default, or foreclosure within the past 5 years?
 Yes
 No
13. What is your marital status?
 Now married

Appendix A to Supporting Statement of
Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
Quantitative Testing of Integrated Mortgage Loan Disclosure Forms

Never married

14. What is your current household income? Household income refers to the total amount of money
everyone in your household together brings in each year before taxes. Would you say it is:

Less than $35k
Over $125,000

15. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has posted mortgage disclosure forms and a proposed
rule about the forms on its website. Have you seen these forms, commented on them, or
previously participated in a study about mortgage disclosure forms conducted by Kleimann
Communication Group?
 Yes → Terminate. I am sorry, but you do not fit the background we need for participation in this
particular study. Thank you for talking with us.
 No
16. Which of the following statements comes closest to describing the amount of financial risk that
you (and your {husband/wife/partner}) are willing to take when you save or make investments?
If more than one response is given use the first category that applies.

Take substantial financial risks expecting to earn substantial returns
Take above average financial risks expecting to earn above average returns
Take average financial risks expecting to earn average returns
Not willing to take any financial risks

17. In planning or budgeting your (family's) saving and spending, which of the following time periods
is most important to you (and your family living here):

Next few months
Next year
Next few years
Next 5-10 years
Longer than 10 years

Appendix A to Supporting Statement of
Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
Quantitative Testing of Integrated Mortgage Loan Disclosure Forms
18. At this time, do you have a good idea of what your (family's) income for next year will be?


19. Do you usually have a good idea of what your (family's) next year's income will be?


20. Five years from now, do you think interest rates will be higher, lower, or about the same as

About the same

I will now give you the interview times that we have available. The interviews will take no longer than 60
minutes. (Calendar to be updated before each call.) [Revise this calendar as necessary.]
Day and Date

 No, can’t make those times → thank Respondent for time, end of interview
 Refuse → thank Respondent for time, end of interview
I will send you a letter confirming the time and date of your session, and giving you the exact location of
the session. The letter will include a number for you to call if you have any questions. In order to send
you the letter, I need to have your current address.
If marketing group does not have address listed, ask Respondent to give a current address and list
If marketing group has address listed, ask Respondent if it is still correct:
(Check One Answer)

Appendix A to Supporting Statement of
Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
Quantitative Testing of Integrated Mortgage Loan Disclosure Forms
 Yes, address is correct → continue
 No, address is not correct → make corrections below, then continue.
And to make sure I send it to the right person, can I check the spelling of your name? (Verify name is
correct as listed, make any changes below.)
(Check One Answer)
 Yes, name is correct → continue
 No, name is not correct → make corrections below, then continue
Respondent’s correct name: ___________________________________
We will need to call you the day before the session to remind you about the appointment. Is it OK to call
you at this number?
(Check one answer)
 Yes, ok to call this number → continue
 No, call different number → record number below
Number to call to remind Respondent: ____________________________
Thank you for your help. I’m glad you can come to the session.
Please watch for a reminder letter from (marketing company’s name).

Appendix A to Supporting Statement of
Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
Quantitative Testing of Integrated Mortgage Loan Disclosure Forms

Acknowledgement Letter to Participants
Dear [participant]:
Thank you for agreeing to participate in the mortgage loan disclosure research being conducted
by Kleimann Communication Group for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
Below are the date, time, and location that we have reserved for you. We are also attaching
directions for you.
[Date, time, and location here]
If you cannot keep this appointment, please call us at [local number here]. For this study to be
successful, we need a certain number of confirmed participants, so if your plans change, it is
vitally important that you contact us to let us know you can no longer participate.
If you wear glasses or a hearing aid, please make sure you bring those as the study requires
looking at a document and answering questions about the document.
We look forward to meeting you and hearing your valuable insights for this important research.

Appendix A to Supporting Statement of
Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
Quantitative Testing of Integrated Mortgage Loan Disclosure Forms

Participant Reminder Telephone Script
1. Hello, my name is [first and last name]. May I speak to [name from confirmed participant
Speaking to Respondent : Respondent comes to the phone → skip to question 3A
If someone other than Respondent asks why you are calling, say: I’m calling regarding an
important study of mortgage loan disclosures that [name from confirmed participant list] is
participating in. Is [confirmed participant] in?
2. If no, ask, may I leave a message for him or her? Go to question 3B
3. A. My name is [first and last name] and I’m calling from [marketing company’s name] for
the Kleimann Communication Group to confirm your participation on [date and time] for
the mortgage loan disclosure study. Will you still be able to make it?
B. If leaving a message say, will you please give [name of confirmed participant] this
message and have them call me at [telephone number] to confirm that they will be able to
make it on ____ at _____.
Also, if you [or name of confirmed participant] wear(s) glasses or a hearing aid, please make
sure you [or he or she] bring[s] those as the study requires looking at a document and
answering questions about the document.
Thank Respondent or person taking message.

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorSusan D. Kleimann
File Modified2013-03-26
File Created2013-03-26

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