STUDY ID NUMBER: __________
DATE OF DATA ENTRY: __________
Stress and Cortisol Measurement Substudy
Visit 1 Stress Survey
Self-Esteem, Mastery, Optimism (Rosenberg, 1965)
I am going to read a number of statements that people sometimes use to describe themselves, or the way they think about themselves. After I read each statement to you, please select the number that best describes the extent to which you disagree or agree with each item. Please turn to Card 1 of the Stress Survey Response Cards.
Strongly Disagree |
Disagree |
Neutral |
Agree |
Strongly Agree |
Do Not Know/ Refused |
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Now I am going to ask you about the various kinds of support, or help from others, that is available to you. For this section, please think about the time since you became pregnant.
Number |
Do Not Know/Refused |
People sometimes look to others for companionship, assistance, or other types of support. Please tell me how often each of the following kinds of support has been available to you if you needed it. Remember to think about how you have felt since you became pregnant. Please turn to Card 2.
Rarely or None of the Time |
A Little of the Time |
Some of the Time |
Most of the Time |
All of the Time |
Do Not Know/ Refused |
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Social Problems Questionnaire (Corney, 1985)
In this section, I will ask you some questions about general issues related to your current housing, work, finances, social contacts, and domestic life. Please turn to Card 3 and select the most appropriate answer for each question.
1…….Adequate 2…….Slightly Inadequate 3…….Moderately Inadequate 4…….Severely Inadequate Do not know/Refused
Please turn to Card 4. |
1…….Satisfied 2…….Slightly Dissatisfied 3…….Moderately Dissatisfied 4…….Severely Dissatisfied Do not know/Refused |
1……..Yes (Skip to Q5) 2……..No (Continue to Q4) Do not know/Refused
1……Satisfied 2……Slightly Dissatisfied 3……Moderately Dissatisfied 4……Severely Dissatisfied Do not know/Refused |
1…….Satisfied 2…….Slightly Dissatisfied 3…….Moderately Dissatisfied 4…….Severely Dissatisfied Do not know/Refused
Please turn to Card 5.
1……None 2……Slight Problems 3……Many Problems 4……Severe Problems Do not know/Refused |
Please turn to Card 6.
1……Adequate 2……Slightly Inadequate 3……Moderately Inadequate 4……Severely Inadequate Do not know/Refused
Please turn to Card 7.
1……None 2……Slight Difficulties 3……Many Difficulties 4……Severe Difficulties Do not know/Refused |
Please turn to Card 8.
1……Satisfied 2……Slightly Dissatisfied 3……Moderately Dissatisfied 4……Severely Dissatisfied Do not know/Refused |
1……Satisfied 2……Slightly Dissatisfied 3……Moderately Dissatisfied 4……Severely Dissatisfied Do not know/Refused
Please turn to Card 9.
1……None 2……Slight Difficulties 3……Many Difficulties 4……Severe Difficulties Do not know/Refused
1……None 2……Slight Difficulties 3……Many Difficulties 4……Severe Difficulties Do not know/Refused
Please turn to Card 10.
1……Satisfied 2……Slightly Dissatisfied 3……Moderately Dissatisfied 4……Severely Dissatisfied Do not know/Refused
Please turn to Card 11.
1……None 2……Slight Difficulties 3……Many Difficulties 4……Severe Difficulties Do not know/Refused
Please turn to Card 12.
1……Satisfied 2……Slightly Dissatisfied 3……Moderately Dissatisfied 4……Severely Dissatisfied Do not know/Refused |
1…….Yes (Continue to Q17) 2…….No (Skip to Q22) Do not know/Refused |
Please turn to Card 13.
1…..None 2…..Slight Difficulties 3…..Many Difficulties 4…..Severe Difficulties Do not know/Refused |
Please turn to Card 14.
1……None 2……Slight Problems 3……Many Problems 4……Severe Problems Do not know/Refused |
1……None 2……Slight Problems 3……Many Problems 4……Severe Problems Do not know/Refused |
Please turn to Card 15.
1……Satisfied 2……Slightly Dissatisfied 3……Moderately Dissatisfied 4…....Severely Dissatisfied Do not know/Refused
Please turn to Card 16.
1…..No 2…..Sometimes 3…..Often 4…..Yes Do not know/Refused |
1……Yes (Continue to Q23) 2……No (Skip to Q26) Do not know/Refused |
Please turn to Card 17.
1……None 2……Slight Difficulties 3……Many Difficulties 4……Severe Difficulties Do not know/Refused
Please turn to Card 18.
1……Satisfied 2……Slightly Dissatisfied 3……Moderately Dissatisfied 4…....Severely Dissatisfied Do not know/Refused
Please turn to Card 19.
1……None 2……Slight Problems 3……Many Problems 4……Severe Problems Do not know/Refused
To some women, certain aspects of pregnancy are uncomfortable or upsetting, although other women may not be bothered by the same things. Please indicate your own feelings about each statement. Please turn to Card 23.
Not at All |
A Little |
Moderately |
Very Much |
Extremely |
Do Not Know/ Refused |
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CES-D Scale (Radloff, 1977)
I am going to read a list of the ways you might feel. For each description that I read to you, please tell me how often you have felt this way during the past 2 weeks—the past 14 days. Please turn to Card 24.
Rarely or None of the Time |
Some or a Little of the Time |
Occasionally or a Moderate Amount of the Time |
Most or All of the Time |
Do Not Know/ Refused |
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Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen, 1983)
Now I am going to ask about your feelings or thoughts regarding problems or difficulties that may have occurred during the past month. In each case, you will be asked to indicate how often you felt or thought a certain way. Please turn to Card 25.
During the past month… |
Never |
Almost Never |
Sometimes |
Fairly Often |
Very Often |
Do Not Know/ Refused |
1 |
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The following questions relate to your usual sleep habits during the past month only. Your answers should describe your average sleep habits for the days and nights of the past month.
When have you usually gone to bed? __________________________
Do not know/Refused
How long (in minutes) has it taken you to fall asleep each night? __________________________
Do not know/Refused
When have you usually gotten up in the morning? _________________________
Do not know/Refused
How many hours of actual sleep did you usually get? (This may be different than the number of hours you spent in bed) _______________________
Do not know/Refused
Please turn to Card 26. During the past month, how often have you had trouble sleeping because you…
Not During Past Month |
Less than Once a Week |
Once or Twice a Week |
Three or More Times a Week |
Do Not Know/ Refused |
5. Cannot get to sleep within 30 minutes. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
6. Wake up in the middle of the night or early morning. |
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Please turn to Card 27.
Very Good |
Fairly Good |
Fairly Bad |
Very Bad |
Do Not Know/ Refused |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Questions about Your Childhood
This set of questions asks you about certain things related to your childhood and your family’s resources when you were a child. By childhood, we mean age 16 and younger. Please turn to Card 28.
When you were growing up, did you get regular medical check-ups?
Do not know/Refused
Please turn to Card 29.
When you were growing up, was your family able to obtain medical services when needed?
1…….Yes, Always |
2…….Yes, Usually |
3…….Yes, Sometimes |
4…….Rarely or Never Do not know/Refused |
Please turn to Card 30.
How would you rate the quality of the medical services you received while growing up, taking into account the competency of the providers and the convenience of the facilities and services?
1…….Poor 2......Fair |
3…….Good |
4…….Excellent Do not know/Refused
Please turn to Card 31.
Did your family ever receive any form of public assistance, such as food stamps, AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children), Medicaid, or SSI (Supplemental Security Income) when you were a child?
Do not know/Refused
How many people lived in your household including yourself when you were growing up? ____________________
Do not know/Refused
When you were growing up, did your family…
Own a home?
1……. Yes (Continue to Q7)
2……..No (Skip to Q8)
Do not know/Refused
IF YES: Did your family own property in addition to your home, such as a vacation or summer home, rental property or commercial real estate?
Do not know/Refused
Own a car?
1…….Yes (Continue to Q9)
2…….No (Skip to Q10)
Do not know/Refused
IF YES: Did your family have more than 1 car?
Do not know/Refused
Take regular family vacations?
Do not know/Refused
Have a savings account, college fund, or investments?
Do not know/Refused
Have a television?
1……Yes (Continue to Q13)
2……No (Skip to Q14)
Do not know/Refused
IF YES: Did your family have more than 1 television?
Do not know/Refused
Have a stereo system?
Do not know/Refused
Have a telephone most or all of the time?
1…….Yes (Continue to Q16)
2…….No (Skip to Q17)
Do not know/Refused
IF YES: Did your family have more than one telephone line?
Do not know/Refused
Own a washer and dryer?
Do not know/Refused
Go out to eat in restaurants often?
Do not know/Refused
As a child, did you.....
Attend private schools?
Do not know/Refused
Take music, dance, or art lessons?
Do not know/Refused
Take classes or lessons in sports, like gymnastics or tennis, outside of school?
Do not know/Refused
As a child, did your family regularly buy new clothes for school or special occasions?
Do not know/Refused
Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (Bernstein, 1994)
Please turn to Card 32. Thinking again about your childhood, please answer the following questions. When I was growing up….
When I was growing up… |
Never True |
Rarely True |
Sometimes True |
Often True |
Very Often True |
Do Not Know/ Refused |
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Williams Discrimination Scale (Williams, 1997)
I am now going to ask you some questions about discrimination that you may or may not experience in your day-to-day life. By discrimination, we mean being treated unfairly because of your race, ethnicity, income level, social class, sex, gender, age, sexual orientation, physical appearance, or religion. In your day-to-day life, please indicate how often any of the following things have happened to you as well as the reason you believe they happened. Please turn to Card 33.
1 |
Ethnicity |
2 |
Gender |
3 |
Race |
4 |
Age |
5 |
Religion |
6 |
Physical Appearance |
7 |
Sexual Orientation |
8 |
Income Level/Social Class |
9 |
Other |
88 |
Do Not Know/Refused |
Never |
Less than Once a Year |
A Few Times a Year |
A Few Times a Month |
At Least Once a Week |
Almost Everyday |
Do Not Know/ Refused |
Reason Code |
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6 |
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Please turn to Card 34.
For unfair reasons, do you think that you have ever not been hired for a job?
1……No (Skip to Q12)
2……Yes (Continue to Q11)
Do not know/Refused
What do you think the main reason was for not hiring you?
Reason Code: __________
IF OTHER: Please specify: _____________________________________________________
Have you ever been unfairly stopped, searched, questioned, physically threatened, or abused by the police?
Do not know/Refused
What do you think was the main reason the police treated you that way?
Reason Code: __________
IF OTHER: Please specify: _____________________________________________________
Abuse Assessment Screen (McFarlane, 1992)
The last set of questions refers to events that may have taken place at any point in your life. Some of these are personal or even uncomfortable, but remember your answers are confidential. Please turn to Card 35.
Have you ever been emotionally or physically abused by your partner or someone important to you?
Do not know/Refused
Within the last year, have you been hit, slapped, kicked, or otherwise physically hurt by someone?
1…..Yes (Continue to Q3)
2…..No (Skip to Q5)
Do not know/Refused
IF YES: By whom? (select all that apply)
5…..Other (Specify) _______________
Do not know/Refused
How many times did they physically hurt you? _________
Do not know/Refused
Since you have been pregnant, have you been hit, slapped, kicked, or otherwise physically hurt by someone?
1……Yes (Continue to Q6)
2……No (Skip to Q10)
Do not know/Refused
IF YES: By whom? (select all that apply)
5…..Other (Specify) __________
Do not know/Refused
How many times did they physically hurt you? _________
Do not know/Refused
Can you point to the location on your body where they physically hurt you? ______________
Do not know/Refused
Please turn to Card 36.
Please indicate the most severe incident:
1……Threats of abuse, including use of a weapon
2……Slapping, pushing; no injuries and/or lasting pain
3……Punching, kicking, bruises, cuts and/or continuing pain
4……Beaten up, severe contusions, burns, broken bones
5……Head, internal, and/or permanent injury
6……Use of weapon, wound from weapon
Do not know/Refused
Please turn to Card 37.
Within the past year, has anyone forced you to do sexual activities?
1……Yes (Continue to Q11)
2……No (Skip to Q13)
Do not know/Refused
IF YES: By whom?
5…..Others (specify) __________
Do not know/Refused
How many times did they force you to do sexual activities? _________
Do not know/Refused
Are you afraid of your partner or anyone else?
1…..Yes (Continue to Q14)
2…..No (Skip to next section)
Do not know/Refused
Do you want us to reveal this information to:
The obstetricians looking after you?
Do not know/Refused
The medical social worker for further management?
Do not know/Refused
Thank you so much for completing the Visit 1 Stress Survey! Next I will ask you to provide a hair sample like we discussed earlier, but first I would like to ask you a few questions about your hair.
Do you use hair products on a regular basis?
Do not know/Refused
Do you use a hair dryer, curling iron, or straightener on a regular basis?
Do not know/Refused
Is your hair currently dyed, bleached, or highlighted?
Do not know/Refused
Do you currently have a perm or has your hair been professionally straightened?
Do not know/Refused
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average one hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-0593). Do not return the completed form to this address.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Kristina Nelson |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-30 |