Rural Strategic Concept Testing, Pre focus group Homework Assignment
OMB Control # 0910-0674
Exp. 3-31-2016
RELAX… this is not homework like school homework! We just want to ask you a few questions before the focus group. Remember that all of your responses will be kept confidential. It should only take about 15 minutes to answer all of the questions. And, don’t forget to submit your responses at the end!
SECTION 1: Top of Mind
Take a second to think about chewing tobacco, snuff or dip. What are the first five things that come to mind? Try not to overthink it! There are no right or wrong answers.
OPEN-ENDED [5 open-ended boxes provided]
SECTION 2: What do you believe?
Programming Note: All items will be randomized into 4 groups of 10. Participants will not see category labels.
If I use smokeless tobacco, I may…
1=Very Unlikely
3=Neither Unlikely nor Likely
4= Likely
5= Very Likely
lose my teeth |
Health Effects |
get gum disease |
stain my teeth |
get bad breath |
develop cavities |
develop white patches in my mouth |
develop lesions in my mouth that could lead to cancer |
develop cancer in my mouth |
develop cancer in my esophagus |
be controlled by it |
Addiction |
be unable to stop using it when I want |
be able to prevent mouth lesions by brushing and flossing extra well |
become addicted to nicotine |
develop a habit of using it |
eventually need to use even more of it to get the same effect |
become addicted, like I would if I smoked cigarettes |
ingest cadmium |
Harmful Ingredients – Health Effects |
ingest lead |
ingest formaldehyde |
ingest cancer-producing chemicals |
show that I am independent |
Expression of Independence [Smokeless tobacco-specific] |
be making my own decisions |
have control over my life |
fit in with the people who live in my community |
fit in with the guys who play sports |
be able to conceal it |
be able to show others that I’m not afraid to take risks |
gain friends |
get respect from others my age |
gain respect from men I look up to |
look rugged |
look masculine |
face the same disapproval as smokers |
show others I am not a kid |
look authentic |
look gross |
SECTION 3: What have you seen? What have you heard?
How often have you seen anti-chew, snuff or dip commercials on TV?
1="Not at all"
2="Less than once a month"
3="1-3 times per month"
4="1-3 times per week"
5="Daily or almost daily"
6="More than once a day"
How often have you heard anti-chew, snuff or dip commercials on the radio?
1="Not at all"
2="Less than once a month"
3="1-3 times per month"
4="1-3 times per week"
5="Daily or almost daily"
6="More than once a day"
How often seen anti-chew, snuff or dip ads on billboards?
1="Not at all"
2="Less than once a month"
3="1-3 times per month"
4="1-3 times per week"
5="Daily or almost daily"
6="More than once a day"
How often seen anti-chew, snuff or dip ads in magazines and newspapers?
1="Not at all"
2="Less than once a month"
3="1-3 times per month"
4="1-3 times per week"
5="Daily or almost daily"
6="More than once a day"
How often seen anti-chew, snuff or dip ads on the Internet?
1="Not at all"
2="Less than once a month"
3="1-3 times per month"
4="1-3 times per week"
5="Daily or almost daily"
6="More than once a day"
Programming Note: If Questions 3, 4, 5, and 6 above all equal “Not at all” skip to END. Otherwise continue.
To what extent do you think anti-chew, snuff or dip ads overstate the dangers of chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip?
1="Not at All"
2="To a Little Extent"
3="To Some Extent"
4="To a Great Extent"
5="To a Very Great Extent"
Would you say anti-chew, snuff or dip ads have made you:
1="Much less likely to use chewing tobacco, snuff or dip"
2="Less likely to use chewing tobacco, snuff or dip"
3="Neither more nor less likely to use chewing tobacco snuff or dip"
4="More likely to use chewing tobacco, snuff or dip"
5="Much more likely to use chewing tobacco, snuff or dip"
[ASKED ONLY IF Q8= 1 or 2 ] You indicated anti-chew, snuff or dip ads have made you [MUCH LESS LIKELY/LESS LIKELY] to use chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip. Please tell us why you were less likely to use these products after viewing ads.
[ASKED ONLY IF Q8= 4 or 5] You indicated anti-chew, snuff or dip ads have made you [MUCH MORE LIKELY/ MORE LIKELY] to use chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip. Please tell us why you were more likely to use these products after viewing ads.
[ASKED ONLY IF Q8= 3] You indicated anti-chew, snuff or dip ads have made you neither more nor less likely to use chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip. Please tell us what type of ad would make you less likely to use these products.
Programming Note: SHOW SUBMIT SCREEN
Please click the “Submit” button below to send us your responses.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the homework assignment. See you at the focus group!
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: The public reporting burden for this information collection has been estimated to average 15 minutes per response (the time to complete questions 1-12). You can send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this information collection, including suggestions for reducing burden, to
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Sarah Evans |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-30 |