Instructions for "PRIMARY MILL QUESTIONNAIRE" | |||||||||
These instructions are provided to help you complete the "PRIMARY MILL QUESTIONNAIRE." | |||||||||
The survey is designed to determine the: | |||||||||
· location, size, and composition of the primary wood using mills in your state in (year). | |||||||||
· volume of roundwood harvested by product, species, and geographic location in (year). | |||||||||
· volume and disposition of wood residues generated during primary processing in (year). | |||||||||
All reported volumes are confidential and will be used only for aggregated reporting. | |||||||||
No individual mill production data will be released. | |||||||||
With your permission, other survey information may be used to develop state | |||||||||
or regional “industry directories.” | |||||||||
Your participation will help improve the accuracy of this report for (state). | |||||||||
Raw Material (Logs/Roundwood) is defined as any log, bolt, or other round section | |||||||||
(including chips from roundwood) cut from trees for industrial or consumer use, | |||||||||
including saw logs, veneer logs, pulpwood, pilings, poles, posts, ties, mine timbers, and | |||||||||
various other round, split, or hewn products. | |||||||||
Page 1 -- Primary Mill Survey - (state), (year) | |||||||||
* Fill in the "Mill name", mailing address, phone and fax numbers, company website and | |||||||||
email if available. | |||||||||
* Record the contact information for the owner, manager, or person that can be contacted | |||||||||
if there are any questions concerning the information on the survey form. | |||||||||
* Record physical mill address, if different from above, the name of the County in which the | |||||||||
mill is located, and the Latitude and Longitude of the mill location, if known. | |||||||||
* Check the “Mill Type” for each type of log/roundwood that is processed at the mill. If none | |||||||||
are applicable, check the “ Miscellaneous/other mill (specify):” and specify the mill type. | |||||||||
* Indicate the "Mill Status", "Is this a portable mill?", "Number of employees-All:", and | |||||||||
"Year mill established:" | |||||||||
* If different than the "Mill name", enter the "Company name", mailing address, and phone | |||||||||
and fax numbers. | |||||||||
* Check box to "omit the above information from 'Regional/Statewide Industry" directories' | |||||||||
if you DO NOT want mill name and contact information included in industry directories. | |||||||||
* Check box if you wish to receive a copy of the report resulting from this study. | |||||||||
* Check if Raw Material (Logs/Roundwood) was received and if it was processed at the mill. | |||||||||
Pages 2 -- Section 2 - Raw Material (Logs/Roundwood) Received and | |||||||||
Processed at Mill, [YEAR] | |||||||||
* SECTION 2.1 - Check the type of Raw Material (Logs/Roundwood) processed at the mill. | |||||||||
If more than 1 type of Raw Material (Logs/Roundwood) can be checked in Section 2.1, | |||||||||
fill out separate Sections 2 and 4 for each, except for Raw Material (Logs/Roundwood) | |||||||||
that the mill exports out of the Country, only SECTION 2 needs to be completed. | |||||||||
* SECTION 2.2 - Enter the total amount of Raw Material (Logs/Roundwood) received and | |||||||||
processed at the mill for theRaw Material (Logs/Roundwood) selected in Section 2.1, | |||||||||
the Unit of Measure, the conversion factor if Unit of Measure is a weight scale, | |||||||||
the Average Length Processed (in feet), and the Average Top Diameter (in inches). | |||||||||
(Continued on next page.) | |||||||||
Pages 2 -- Section 2 - Raw Material (Logs/Roundwood) Received and | |||||||||
Processed at Mill, [YEAR] (Continued) | |||||||||
* SECTION 2.3 - Indicate if actual amounts or percents will be used. Enter the amount or | |||||||||
percent of each species group processed at the mill for the Raw Material | |||||||||
(Logs/Roundwood) checked in Section 2.1. Across the columns at the top of the table, | |||||||||
enter the State and county that the Raw Material (Logs/Roundwood) came from. | |||||||||
Then fill in the table entering the amount or percent of each species that came from | |||||||||
each county. | |||||||||
NOTE: For pulp mills, composite panel/engineered wood product mills, | |||||||||
industrial fuelwood, or mulch mills - | |||||||||
- When whole tree chip receipts are recorded, please write "W" after the amount | |||||||||
or percent that comes from whole-tree chips. | |||||||||
- When peeled, flail de-barked logs, or peeled or flail de-barked chipped logs | |||||||||
receipts are recorded, please write "P" after the amount or percent. | |||||||||
Pages 3 (This page only needs to be completed once per mill) | |||||||||
* SECTION 3.1 -- Check all the types of equipment in use at the mill. | |||||||||
* SECTION 3.2 --Check the types of products produced from logs or chipped logs. | |||||||||
* SECTION 3.3 -- Please enter amount of mill product produced from each type of | |||||||||
Raw Material (Logs/Roundwood) by softwoods and hardwoods. Example: the amount | |||||||||
of softwood lumber that was processed from saw logs. | |||||||||
* Check if you export finished product out of the Country. If 'YES', Enter the percent of the | |||||||||
finished product exported out of the County. | |||||||||
Pages 4 -- Section 4—MILL RESIDUE and MILL RESIDUE USE for (year) | |||||||||
NOTE: This page does not need to be completed for volumes of logs exported | |||||||||
out of the Country. | |||||||||
* SECTION 4.1 - Check the type of Raw Material (Logs/Roundwood) processed from | |||||||||
Page 2, section 2.1. | |||||||||
* SECTION 4.2 - Enter the amount of mill residues that were generated by processing the | |||||||||
type of Raw Material (Logs/Roundwood) from Page 2, Section 2.1 for each type | |||||||||
of mill residue and for Softwoods and Hardwoods. Indicate the "Unit of Measure." | |||||||||
* SECTION 4.3 - Indicate if whole logs or short log sections were chipped as mill residues | |||||||||
and included in amounts in Page 2, Section 2.2. | |||||||||
* SECTION 4.4 - Enter the percent for each type of "USE OF MILL RESIDUE" by the type of | |||||||||
mill residue, and Softwoods and Hardwoods. | |||||||||
Page 5 - Section 5 —Plant Byproducts Received and Boiler/Hog fuel Received. | |||||||||
Note: This page is only for mills that use mill residue to produce product selected | |||||||||
on Page 2, Section 2.1, OR | |||||||||
those mills that receive wood material for boiler/hog fuel) | |||||||||
* SECTION 5.1 Enter the amount of wood-using plant byproducts used in the production of | |||||||||
this mill primary product selec on Page 2, Section 2.1, by State of orign, plant byproduct | |||||||||
type, and Softwood and Hardwood. Check the "Unit o Measure". | |||||||||
DO NOT include wood material used for Boiler/hog fuel. | |||||||||
* SECTION 5.2 Enter the amounts of whole-tree chips, in-woods chips, or tops and limb wood | |||||||||
used for boiler/hog fuel, by State of origin, and Softwood and Hardwood. Check | |||||||||
the "Unit of Measure". |
State Agency or ? | Form Approved | |||||||||||||||||
Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture | OMB 0596-0010 | |||||||||||||||||
XXXXXXXX Research Station or University | Expires: 3/31/2013 | |||||||||||||||||
Phone Number: (XXX) XXX-XXXX; Fax: (XXX) XXX-XXXX | ||||||||||||||||||
Street Number and Name | ||||||||||||||||||
City, State and Zip Code | ||||||||||||||||||
PRIMARY MILL QUESTIONNAIRE - (state), (year) | ||||||||||||||||||
Section 1-Mill Information | ||||||||||||||||||
Mill Name | ||||||||||||||||||
Mill mailing address | City, ST Zip | |||||||||||||||||
Phone | Fax | |||||||||||||||||
Mill/Company Website | Company e-mail | |||||||||||||||||
Contact Name and Title | Contact Phone | |||||||||||||||||
Contact mailing address | City, ST Zip | |||||||||||||||||
Contact Fax | Contact e-mail | |||||||||||||||||
Mill physical location (if different from Mill mailing address) | ||||||||||||||||||
Mill physical address | City, ST Zip | |||||||||||||||||
County of mill | Latitude | Longitude | ||||||||||||||||
Mill type (please check) | 1-Sawmill | 2-Veneer mill | 3-Pulp or pulp/paper mill | |||||||||||||||
4-Composite panel/Engineered wood product mill | 5-Industrial fuelwood/Biomass/energy plant | |||||||||||||||||
6-House/cabin log mill | 7-Piling mill | 8-Pole mill | 9-Post mill | |||||||||||||||
11-Miscellaneous/other mill (specify): | ||||||||||||||||||
Mill status (check) | Active | Idle | Closed/Out of business | New | Dismantled | |||||||||||||
Is this a portable mill? | YES | NO | ||||||||||||||||
Number of employees-All: | Year mill established: | |||||||||||||||||
Company Name (if different from Mill Name): | ||||||||||||||||||
Company mailing address (if different from Mill): | ||||||||||||||||||
City, ST Zip | ||||||||||||||||||
Phone | Fax | |||||||||||||||||
Instructions: | This form is for reporting the quantities and types of logs received by this mill in year and the disposal of plant residues | |||||||||||||||||
resulting from the manufacturing or processing of wood products. COMPLETE SECTIONS 2, 3 AND 4 FOR | ||||||||||||||||||
If records are not available, please give your best estimates. This survey is voluntary. While you are not required to | ||||||||||||||||||
respond your cooperation is needed to make the results of the survey comprehensive, accurate, and timely. | ||||||||||||||||||
Check box to omit the above information from "Regional/Statewide Industry" Directories | ||||||||||||||||||
Check box if you wish to receive a copy of the report resulting from this study | ||||||||||||||||||
During calendar year [Survey_Year] | ||||||||||||||||||
Was Raw Material (logs/roundwood)* received at this mill? | YES | NO | ||||||||||||||||
Was Raw Material (logs/roundwood) processed at this mill? | YES | NO | ||||||||||||||||
* see Instructions for definition of Raw Material (logs/roundwood). | ||||||||||||||||||
Official Use Only: | ||||||||||||||||||
Interviewers Name and Title: | Phone: | Date of Interview: | ||||||||||||||||
Interview type | phone | personal contact | ||||||||||||||||
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 50 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, | ||||||||||||||||||
instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. | ||||||||||||||||||
Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: | ||||||||||||||||||
Department of Agriculture, Clearance Officer, OIRM, Room 404-W. Washington, DC 20250; and to the | ||||||||||||||||||
Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (OMB# 0596-0010), Washington, DC 20503. |
Section 2 - Raw Material (Logs/Roundwood) Received and Processed at Mill, [YEAR] | ||||||||||||||||
For Raw Material EXPORTED OUT OF THE COUNTRY, only SECTION 2 (2.1, 2.2, and 2.3) needs to be completed. | ||||||||||||||||
2.1. Please check the type of Raw Material (Logs/Roundwood) Received and Processed (check one) (check product exported ONLY if exported OUT OF THE COUNTRY.) | ![]() |
1 - Saw logs | 4 - Composite panel/engineered wood product | ![]() |
1e - Saw logs exported | 4e - Composite panel/engineered wood product exported | 7e - Pilings exported | ||||||||||||||
2 - Veneer/plywood logs | ![]() |
Specify: ________________ | ||||||||||||||
2e - Veneer/plywood logs exported | 5 - Bioenergy/fuelwood | 11e - Miscellaneous exported | ||||||||||||||
3 - Pulp mill logs/ | 5e - Bioenergy/fuelwood exported | 8e - Poles exported | Specify: ________________ | |||||||||||||
chipped roundwood | ![]() |
3e - Pulp mill logs/ | 6 - House/cabin logs | |||||||||||||||
chipped roundwood exported | 6e - House/cabin logs exported | 9e - Posts exported | ||||||||||||||
2.2. Please enter the TOTAL amount | Softwood | Hardwood | Units of Measure | 16 - MBF Lumber talley | ||||||||||||
of Raw Material (Logs/Roundwood) | Unit of | Unit of | If Unit of measure is a | If Unit of measure is a | Average | Average | 11 - MBF Doyle | 6 - BF Lumber Tally | ||||||||
received and processed at the mill for | Measure | Measure | weight, enter | weight, enter | Log | Log Top | 1 - BF Doyle | 21 - Standard cord | ||||||||
the mill typed checked in 2.1 above | (from list | (from list | Softwood Weight | Hardwood Weight | Length | Diameter | 13 - MBF Scribner Decimal C | 22 - Lake States cord (100 in.) | ||||||||
(Include wood from foreign countries) | at right) | at right) | conversion factor | conversion factor | (in feet) | (in inches) | 3 - BF Scribner Decimal C | 61 - Pieces | ||||||||
12 - MBF Scribner | 63 - Thousand pieces | |||||||||||||||
_____lbs. per MBF | _____lbs. per MBF | 2 - BF Scribner | 31 - Green tons | |||||||||||||
Amount: ________________ | or | or | 15 - MBF International ¼-inch rule | 43 - Thousand cubic feet | ||||||||||||
_____lbs. per cord | _____lbs. per cord | 5 - BF International ¼-inch rule | 99 - Other (specify):___________ | |||||||||||||
2.3. Enter the AMOUNT/PERCENT of the Species Group and the Origin of Raw Material (Logs/Roundwood) Received and Processed. | ||||||||||||||||
(For amounts/volumes that come into the mill as whole tree chips or peeled or flail de-barked logs or chips. Enter a "W" after the | ||||||||||||||||
amount/volume for whole tree chips. For peeled, or flail debarked roundwood or chips, enter a "P" after the amount/volume.) | ||||||||||||||||
Enter Amount ____ | Enter County name, State abbrev. and AMOUNT __ or PERCENT__ (check one) of species group received from each county/state or foreign country | Total All Counties | ||||||||||||||
Species Group Name | Code | or Percent_____ (check one) |
Cedars | 1 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
Cypress | 2 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
Loblolly-Shortleaf pine | 8 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
Longleaf-Slash pine | 10 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
White pine | 14 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
Ash | 19 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
Black cherry | 25 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
Black walnut | 38 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
Hickory | 28 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
Maple - Hard maple | 29 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
Maple - Soft maple | 30 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
Oak - Red oak | 131 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
Oak - White oak | 133 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
Sweetgum | 35 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
Sycamore | 36 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
Tupelo/black gum | 37 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
Yellow-poplar | 39 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
Other: from list below | 100% | |||||||||||||||
Other: from list below | 100% | |||||||||||||||
Other hardwoods not listed | 40 | 100% | ||||||||||||||
Total All Spp Volumes OR 100% | ||||||||||||||||
Other species | ||||||||||||||||
3 - Douglas - fir | 6 - Tamarack/larch | 11 - Ponderosa - Jeffrey pine | 15 - Other pines | 18 - Alder | 22 - Beech | 24 - Other birch | ||||||||||
4 - True firs/balsam fir | 7 - Jack pine | 12 - Red pine | 16 - Redwood | 20 - Aspen/balsam poplar | 23 - Yellow birch | 26 - Cottonwood | ||||||||||
5 - Hemlock | 9 - Lodgepole pine | 13 - Sugar pine | 17 - Spruce | 21 - Basswood | 124 - White (paper) birch | 27 - Elm |
3.1. Check type of equipment in use. | |||||||||||||||
Headsaw | Resaw | Other | |||||||||||||
111 - Band saw - Twin | 213 - Band saw - vertical | 308 - Dry kiln | |||||||||||||
112 - Band saw - Single | 214 - Band saw - gang | 309 - Treating equipment | |||||||||||||
113 - Band saw - Quad | 220 - Circular saw | 310 - Chip Canter | |||||||||||||
114 - Band saw - Other (specify) | 221 - Circular saw - horizontal | 311 - Container | |||||||||||||
Specify: ________________ | 222 - Circular saw - vertical | 312 - Post/Pole Peeler | |||||||||||||
121 - Circular saw - Carriage | 223 - Circular saw - gang | 313 - Shaving machine | |||||||||||||
122 - Circular saw - Scragg | 224 - Splitter | 314 - Hammer mill | |||||||||||||
123 - Circular saw - Over-under | 315 - Firewood Processor | ||||||||||||||
124 - Circular saw - Other (specify) | Other | 316 - Wood-fired boiler | |||||||||||||
Specify: ________________ | 301 - Slab chipper | 317 - Optimizer equipment | |||||||||||||
131 - Chipping saw - Chip-n-saw | 302 - Chipper | 318 - Machine stress-rating | |||||||||||||
132 - Chipping saw - Side chipping | 303 - Planer | 999 - Other - please specify | |||||||||||||
304 - Edger | Specify: _______________________ | ||||||||||||||
Resaw | 305 - Debarker | 999 - Other - please specify | |||||||||||||
211 - Band saw | 306 - Sliced veneer equipment | Specify: _______________________ | |||||||||||||
212 - Band saw - horizontal | 307 - Peeled veneer equipment | ||||||||||||||
Section 3.2 -- Products produced from logs received in year. | |||||||||||||||
Please check the types of products produced from logs, or chipped logs. | |||||||||||||||
Saw logs | Pulpwood | House logs | |||||||||||||
101 - Rough lumber | 301 - Wood pulp | 601 - Cabins/house logs | |||||||||||||
102 - Dimension or stud lumber | 302 - Paper | 602 - Sawn house logs | |||||||||||||
103 - Board and shop lumber | 305 - Corrugated medium | 603 - Turned house logs | |||||||||||||
104 - Molding or select lumber | 303 - Roofing material | 604 - Hand-peeled house logs | |||||||||||||
124 - Treated lumber | 306 - Insulation board | 605 - Finished log homes - sawn | |||||||||||||
105 - Siding and trim | 304 - Other pulp product - | 606 - Finished log homes - turned | |||||||||||||
106 - Lumber (unspecified) | Specify: ______________ | 607 - Finished log homes - Hand peeled | |||||||||||||
107 - Pallets | 608 - Vigas | ||||||||||||||
108 - Timbers/supports | Composite products | 609 - Latillas | |||||||||||||
109 - Ties (railroad ties) | 401 - Oriented Strand Board (OSB) | 610 - Trusses and other house log products | |||||||||||||
110 - Landscape timbers | 402 - Particle board | ||||||||||||||
111 - Furniture stock | 403 - Wafer board | Post, poles, and pilings | |||||||||||||
112 - Crane mats | 404 - Hardboard | 701 - Pilings | |||||||||||||
113 - Lath/stakes | 405 - Medium density fiber board (MDF) | 801 - Poles-utility | |||||||||||||
114 - Cants | 406 - Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) | 802 - Poles-other | |||||||||||||
115 - Flooring | 407 - Other engineered product - | 901 - Posts-fencing | |||||||||||||
116 - Blocking/dunnage | Specify: ______________ | 902 - Posts-other | |||||||||||||
117 - Handles/blanks | 903 - Round railings | ||||||||||||||
118 - Dowels/blanks | Charcoal | 904 - Grape stakes | |||||||||||||
119 - Barrels/staves | 520 - Charcoal/briquettes | 905 - Log furniture | |||||||||||||
120 - Containers/boxes | 307 - Other post, pole, piling product | ||||||||||||||
122 - Tight stave/cooperage | Bioenergy/Fuelwood | Specify: _______________________ | |||||||||||||
123 - Slack stave/cooperage | 500 - Industrial fuelwood (co-gen,steam,etc) | ||||||||||||||
121 - Other sawn products - | 501 - Industrial fuelwood - electricity/power | Other miscellaneous products | |||||||||||||
Specify: __________________ | 502 - Industrial fuelwood - heat/steam | 1101 - Mulch, soil additives, compost | |||||||||||||
510 - Pellets | 1102 - Chemical extractives | ||||||||||||||
Veneer logs | 511 - Pellets - Residential grade | 1103 - Split rail fencing | |||||||||||||
201 - Sheathing | 512 - Pellets - Torrefied | 1104 - Shingles/shakes | |||||||||||||
202 - Matches | 513 - Pellets/briquettes - Industrial grade | 1105 - Shavings/excelsior | |||||||||||||
203 - Plywood | 514 - Pellets - other(please specify) | 1106 - Novelty | |||||||||||||
204 - Sticks | 530 - Pressed/reconstituted logs (Presto) | 1107 - Foreign Export logs | |||||||||||||
205 - Boxes | 540 - Liquid fuels | 1108 - Other - | |||||||||||||
206 - Veneer/Face veneer | 541 - Liquid fuels - Ethanol | Specify: _______________________ | |||||||||||||
207 - Other veneer - | 542 - Liquid fuels - Other (aviation fuel,etc) | ||||||||||||||
Specify: __________________ | 550 - Other energy products - | ||||||||||||||
Specify: ______________ | |||||||||||||||
Section 3.3 -- Volume of product produced from Raw Material (Logs/Roundwood) Processed in (year). | |||||||||||||||
Please enter amount of mill product produced in (year) from each type of RAW MATERIAL (Logs/roundwood) by softwoods and hardwoods. | |||||||||||||||
Softwoods | Hardwoods | ||||||||||||||
Percent Dressed/ | Percent Dressed/ | ||||||||||||||
Unit of Measure | Planed | Unit of Measure | Planed | ||||||||||||
Amount | (codes below) | (If sawn product) | Amount | (codes below) | (If sawn product) | ||||||||||
Saw log products | |||||||||||||||
Veneer log products | |||||||||||||||
Pulp products | |||||||||||||||
Composite products | |||||||||||||||
Bioenergy/fuelwood | |||||||||||||||
House logs | |||||||||||||||
Posts, poles, and pilings | |||||||||||||||
Other - specify: ___________ |
Units of Measure | |||||||||||||||
16 - Lumber Tally (MBF) | 61 - Pieces | 99 - Other (specify) | |||||||||||||
71 - Square Feet | 98 - Thousand Tons of pulp | Specify: _________________ | |||||||||||||
![]() |
Do you export finished product out of the Country? | NO YES | - Percent of finished product exported out of the Country: | |||||||||||||
Section 4—MILL RESIDUE and MILL RESIDUE USE for (year) | |||||||||||
4.1. TYPE OF Raw Material (logs/roundwood) processed (check one). From page 2 section 2.1 | |||||||||||
1 - Saw logs | ![]() |
5 - Bioenergy/Fuelwood | ![]() |
6 - House/ cabin logs | |||||||
2 - Veneer/plywood logs | 7 - Pilings | 11 - Miscellaneous | |||||||||
3 - Pulpwood![]() |
8 - Poles | Specify: _____________ | |||||||||
4 - Composite panel![]() |
![]() |
9 - Posts | |||||||||
4.2. Please enter the amount of mill residue produced by this mill. | |||||||||||
Softwood | Hardwood | Unit of Measure (example: green tons, dry tons, thousand cubic feet, etc.) |
Type of Residue | |||||||||||
Bark | |||||||||||
Coarse (chips, slabs, edgings, trims, cores, etc) | |||||||||||
Fine - Shavings (Planer or Lathe) | |||||||||||
Fine - Sawdust | |||||||||||
Whole logs or short sections chipped or not processed as mills primary product | |||||||||||
4.3. If whole logs or short sections were chipped or not processed as mills primary product, did you include this volume on Page 2, Section 2.2? | _____ Yes _____No | ||||||||||
4.4. Disposal of mill residues | |||||||||||
Please enter the softwood percent and hardwood percent by residue type for each "USE OF MILL RESIDUE". | |||||||||||
BARK | COARSE (chips, slabs, edgings, trims, cores, etc) |
Shavings (Planer or Lathe) |
Sawdust | ||||||||||
Softwood | Hardwood | Softwood | Hardwood | Softwood | Hardwood | Softwood | Hardwood | Softwood | Hardwood | ||
USE OF MILL RESIDUE: | Code | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | % |
Manufacture of fiber/composite products | 1 | ||||||||||
Small dimension and other sawn products | 2 | ||||||||||
Charcoal or chemical wood | 3 | ||||||||||
Industrial fuel at this plant (on-site) | 4 | ||||||||||
Industrial fuel at other plants | 5 | ||||||||||
Bio-energy pellets | 6 | ||||||||||
Other Bio-energy products(biodiesel,etc) | 7 | ||||||||||
Residential fuelwood | 8 | ||||||||||
Mulch/Soil additive (includes biochar) | 9 | ||||||||||
Animal bedding | 10 | ||||||||||
Other misc. uses- please specify: _______________ | 88 | ||||||||||
NOT USED (land fill, burned, etc) | 99 | ||||||||||
TOTAL | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Section 5 - Plant Byproducts Received and Boiler/Hog fuel Received. | ||||||||||
Section 5.1 Please record the volume/amount of wood-using plant byproducts used in the production of this | ||||||||||
mills primary product. DO NOT include wood material used for Boiler/hog fuel.) | ||||||||||
Origin of byproduct | 4 Wood chips | 5 Sawdust | 6 Other byproducts * Specify: ___________ |
Check only one Unit of Measure |
State or foreign country |
State Code (For Office Use) | 1 Softwood | 2 Hardwood | 1 Softwood | 2 Hardwood | 1 Softwood | 2 Hardwood | ||
04 - Thousand cu. ft. | ||||||||||
06 - Dry tons | ||||||||||
05 - Green tons | ||||||||||
__ - Other (specify): | ||||||||||
________________ | ||||||||||
* Specify type of other byproduct | ||||||||||
Section 5.2 - Please record the volume/amount of in-woods chips, whole-tree chips, and/or tops and | ||||||||||
limbwood used for Boiler/hog fuel | ||||||||||
Origin of byproduct | 5 Boiler/hog fuel | |||||||||
Check only one Unit of Measure |
State or foreign country |
State Code (For Office Use) | 1 Softwood | 2 Hardwood | ||||||
04 - Thousand cu. ft. | ||||||||||
06 - Dry tons | ||||||||||
05 - Green tons | ||||||||||
__ - Other (specify): | ||||||||||
________________ | ||||||||||
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |