NHA Sec 255

Natl Hsng Act-255.doc

Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Insurance Application for Reverse Mortgages and Related Documents

NHA Sec 255

OMB: 2502-0524

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SEC. 255. [12 U.S.C. 1715z–20] (a) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this section is to authorize the Secretary to carry out a program of mortgage insurance designed—

(1) to meet the special needs of elderly homeowners by reducing the effect of the economic hardship caused by the increasing costs of meeting health, housing, and subsistence needs at a time of reduced income, through the insurance of home equity conversion mortgages to permit the conversion of a portion of accumulated home equity into liquid assets; and

(2) to encourage and increase the involvement of mortgagees and participants in the mortgage markets in the making and servicing of home equity conversion mortgages for elderly homeowners.

(b) DEFINITIONS.—For purposes of this section:

(1) The terms “elderly homeowner” and “homeowner” mean any homeowner who is, or whose spouse is, at least 62 years of age or such higher age as the Secretary may prescribe.

(2) The terms “mortgagee”, “mortgagor”, and “State” have the meanings given such terms in section 201.

(3) The term “home equity conversion mortgage” means a first mortgage which provides for future payments to the homeowner based on accumulated equity and which a housing creditor (as defined in section 803(2) of the Garn-St Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982) is authorized to make (A) under any law of the United States (other than section 804 of such Act) or applicable agency regulations thereunder; (B) in accordance with section 804 of such Act, notwithstanding any State constitution, law, or regulation; or (C) under any State constitution, law, or regulation.

(4) MORTGAGE.—The term “mortgage” means a first mortgage or first lien on real estate, in fee simple, on all stock allocated to a dwelling in a residential cooperative housing corporation, or on a leasehold—

(A) under a lease for not less than 99 years that is renewable; or

(B) under a lease having a period of not less than 10 years to run beyond the maturity date of the mortgage.

(5) FIRST MORTGAGE.—The term “first mortgage” means such classes of first liens as are commonly given to secure advances on, or the unpaid purchase price of, real estate or all stock allocated to a dwelling unit in a residential cooperative housing corporation, under the laws of the State in which the real estate or dwelling unit is located, together with the credit instruments, if any, secured thereby.

(c) INSURANCE AUTHORITY.—The Secretary may, upon application by a mortgagee, insure any home equity conversion mortgage eligible for insurance under this section and, upon such terms and conditions as the Secretary may prescribe, make commitments for the insurance of such mortgages prior to the date of their execution or disbursement to the extent that the Secretary determines such mortgages—

(1) have promise for improving the financial situation or otherwise meeting the special needs of elderly homeowners;

(2) will include appropriate safeguards for mortgagors to offset the special risks of such mortgages; and

(3) have a potential for acceptance in the mortgage market.

(d) ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS.—To be eligible for insurance under this section, a mortgage shall—

(1) have been made to a mortgagee approved by the Secretary as responsible and able to service the mortgage properly;

(2) have been executed by a mortgagor who—

(A) qualifies as an elderly homeowner;

(B) has received adequate counseling by a third party (other than the lender) as provided in subsection (f);

(C) has received full disclosure, as prescribed by the Secretary, of all costs charged to the mortgagor, including costs of estate planning, financial advice, and other services that are related to the mortgage but are not required to obtain the mortgage, which disclosure shall clearly state which charges are required to obtain the mortgage and which are not required to obtain the mortgage; and

(D) meets any additional requirements prescribed by the Secretary;

(3) be secured by a dwelling that is designed principally for a 1- to 4-family residence in which the mortgagor occupies 1 of the units;

(4) provide that prepayment, in whole or in part, may be made without penalty at any time during the period of the mortgage;

(5) provide for a fixed or variable interest rate or future sharing between the mortgagor and the mortgagee of the appreciation in the value of the property, as agreed upon by the mortgagor and the mortgagee;

(6) contain provisions for satisfaction of the obligation satisfactory to the Secretary;

(7) provide that the homeowner shall not be liable for any difference between the net amount of the remaining indebtedness of the homeowner under the mortgage and the amount recovered by the mortgagee from—

(A) the net sales proceeds from the dwelling that are subject to the mortgage (based upon the amount of the accumulated equity selected by the mortgagor to be subject to the mortgage, as agreed upon by the mortgagor and mortgagee); or

(B) the insurance benefits paid pursuant to subsection (i)(1)(C);

(8) contain such terms and provisions with respect to insurance, repairs, alterations, payment of taxes, default reserve, delinquency charges, foreclosure proceedings, anticipation of maturity, additional and secondary liens, and other matters as the Secretary may prescribe;

(9) provide for future payments to the mortgagor based on accumulated equity (minus any applicable fees and charges), according to the method that the mortgagor shall select from among the methods under this paragraph, by payment of the amount—

(A) based upon a line of credit;

(B) on a monthly basis over a term specified by the mortgagor;

(C) on a monthly basis over a term specified by the mortgagor and based upon a line of credit;

(D) on a monthly basis over the tenure of the mortgagor;

(E) on a monthly basis over the tenure of the mortgagor and based upon a line of credit; or (F) on any other basis that the Secretary considers appropriate;

(10) provide that the mortgagor may convert the method of payment under paragraph (9) to any other method during the term of the mortgage, except that in the case of a fixed rate mortgage, the Secretary may, by regulation, limit such convertibility; and

(11) have been made with such restrictions as the Secretary determines to be appropriate to ensure that the mortgagor does not fund any unnecessary or excessive costs for obtaining the mortgage, including any costs of estate planning, financial advice, or other related services.

(e) DISCLOSURES BY MORTGAGEE.—The Secretary shall require each mortgagee of a mortgage insured under this section to make available to the homeowner—

(1) at the time of the loan application, a written list of the names and addresses of third-party information sources who are approved by the Secretary as responsible and able to provide the information required by subsection (f);

(2) at least 10 days prior to loan closing, a statement informing the homeowner that the liability of the homeowner under the mortgage is limited and explaining the homeowner’s rights, obligations, and remedies with respect to temporary absences from the home, late payments, and payment default by the lender, all conditions requiring satisfaction of the loan obligation, and any other information that the Secretary may require;

(3) on an annual basis (but not later than January 31 of each year), a statement summarizing the total principal amount paid to the homeowner under the loan secured by the mortgage, the total amount of deferred interest added to the principal, and the outstanding loan balance at the end of the preceding year; and

(4) prior to loan closing, a statement of the projected total cost of the mortgage to the homeowner based on the projected total future loan balance (such cost expressed as a single average annual interest rate for at least 2 different appreciation rates for the term of the mortgage) for not less than 2 projected loan terms, as the Secretary shall determine, which shall include—

(A) the cost for a short-term mortgage; and

(B) the cost of a loan term equaling the actuarial life expectance of the mortgagor.

(f) INFORMATION SERVICES FOR MORTGAGORS.—The Secretary shall provide or cause to be provided by entities other than the lender the information required in subsection (d)(2)(B). Such information shall be discussed with the mortgagor and shall include—

(1) options other than a home equity conversion mortgage that are available to the homeowner, including other housing, social service, health, and financial options;

(2) other home equity conversion options that are or may become available to the homeowner, such as sale-leaseback financing, deferred payment loans, and property tax deferral;

(3) the financial implications of entering into a home equity conversion mortgage;

(4) a disclosure that a home equity conversion mortgage may have tax consequences, affect eligibility for assistance under Federal and State programs, and have an impact on the estate and heirs of the homeowner; and

(5) any other information that the Secretary may require.

The Secretary shall consult with consumer groups, industry representatives, representatives of counseling organizations, and other interested parties to identify alternative approaches to providing consumer information required by this subsection that may be feasible and desirable for home equity conversion mortgages insured under this section and other types of reverse mortgages. The Secretary may, in lieu of providing the consumer education required by this subsection, adopt alternative approaches to consumer education that may be developed as a result of such consultations, but only if the alternative approaches provide all of the information specified in this subsection.

(g) LIMITATION ON INSURANCE AUTHORITY.—The aggregate number of mortgages insured under this section may not exceed 150,000. In no case may the benefits of insurance under this section exceed the maximum dollar amount established under section 203(b)(2) for 1-family residences in the area in which the dwelling subject to the mortgage under this section is located.


(1) enter into such contracts and agreements with Federal, State, and local agencies, public and private entities, and such other persons as the Secretary determines to be necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of this section; and

(2) make such investigations and studies of data, and publish and distribute such reports, as the Secretary determines to be appropriate.


(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and in order to further the purposes of the program authorized in this section, the Secretary shall take any action necessary—

(A) to provide any mortgagor under this section with funds to which the mortgagor is entitled under the insured mortgage or ancillary contracts but that the mortgagor has not received because of the default of the party responsible for payment;

(B) to obtain repayment of disbursements provided under subparagraph (A) from any source; and

(C) to provide any mortgagee under this section with funds not to exceed the limitations in subsection (g) to which the mortgagee is entitled under the terms of the insured mortgage or ancillary contracts authorized in this section.

(2) Actions under paragraph (1) may include—

(A) disbursing funds to the mortgagor or mortgagee from the General Insurance Fund;

(B) accepting an assignment of the insured mortgage notwithstanding that the mortgagor is not in default under its terms, and calculating the amount and making the payment of the insurance claim on such assigned mortgage;

(C) requiring a subordinate mortgage from the mortgagor at any time in order to secure repayments of any funds advanced or to be advanced to the mortgagor;

(D) requiring a subrogation to the Secretary of the rights of any parties to the transaction against any defaulting parties; and (E) imposing premium charges.

(j) SAFEGUARD TO PREVENT DISPLACEMENT OF HOMEOWNER.— The Secretary may not insure a home equity conversion mortgage under this section unless such mortgage provides that the homeowner’s obligation to satisfy the loan obligation is deferred until the homeowner’s death, the sale of the home, or the occurrence of other events specified in regulations of the Secretary. For purposes of this subsection, the term “homeowner” includes the spouse of a homeowner. Section 137(b) of the Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1647(b)) and any implementing regulations issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System shall not apply to a mortgage insured under this section.


(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may, upon application by a mortgagee, insure under this subsection any mortgage given to refinance an existing home equity conversion mortgage insured under this section.

(2) ANTI-CHURNING DISCLOSURE.—The Secretary shall, by regulation, require that the mortgagee of a mortgage insured under this subsection, provide to the mortgagor, within an appropriate time period and in a manner established in such regulations, a good faith estimate of: (A) the total cost of the refinancing; and (B) the increase in the mortgagor’s principal limit as measured by the estimated initial principal limit on the mortgage to be insured under this subsection less the current principal limit on the home equity conversion mortgage that is being refinanced and insured under this subsection.

(3) WAIVER OF COUNSELING REQUIREMENT.—The mortgagor under a mortgage insured under this subsection may waive the applicability, with respect to such mortgage, of the requirements under subsection (d)(2)(B) (relating to third party counseling), but only if—

(A) the mortgagor has received the disclosure required under paragraph (2);

(B) the increase in the principal limit described in paragraph (2) exceeds the amount of the total cost of refinancing (as described in such paragraph) by an amount to be determined by the Secretary; and

(C) the time between the closing of the original home equity conversion mortgage that is refinanced through the mortgage insured under this subsection and the application for a refinancing mortgage insured under this subsection does not exceed 5 years.

(4) CREDIT FOR PREMIUMS PAID.—Notwithstanding section 203(c)(2)(A), the Secretary may reduce the amount of the single premium payment otherwise collected under such section at the time of the insurance of a mortgage refinanced and insured under this subsection. The amount of the single premium for mortgages refinanced under this subsection shall be determined by the Secretary based on the actuarial study required under paragraph (5).

(5) ACTUARIAL STUDY.—Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of the American Homeownership and Economic Opportunity Act of 20001, the Secretary shall conduct an actuarial analysis to determine the adequacy of the insurance premiums collected under the program under this subsection with respect to—

(A) a reduction in the single premium payment collected at the time of the insurance of a mortgage refinanced and insured under this subsection;

(B) the establishment of a single national limit on the benefits of insurance under subsection (g) (relating to limitation on insurance authority); and

(C) the combined effect of reduced insurance premiums and a single national limitation on insurance authority.

(6) FEES.—The Secretary may establish a limit on the origination fee that may be charged to a mortgagor under a mortgage insured under this subsection, except that such limitation shall provide that the origination fee may be fully financed with the mortgage and shall include any fees paid to correspondent mortgagees approved by the Secretary.


(1) IN GENERAL.—In the case of any mortgage insured under this section under which the total amount (except as provided in paragraph (2)) of all future payments described in subsection (b)(3) will be used only for costs of a qualified longterm care insurance contract that covers the mortgagor or members of the household residing in the property that is subject to the mortgage, notwithstanding section 203(c)(2), the Secretary shall not charge or collect the single premium payment otherwise required under subparagraph (A) of such section to be paid at the time of insurance.

(2) AUTHORITY TO REFINANCE EXISTING MORTGAGE AND FINANCE CLOSING COSTS.—A mortgage described in paragraph (1) may provide financing of amounts that are used to satisfy outstanding mortgage obligations (in accordance with such limitations as the Secretary shall prescribe) and any amounts used for initial service charges, appraisal, inspection, and other fees (as approved by the Secretary) in connection with such mort- gage, and the amount of future payments described in subsection (b)(3) under the mortgage shall be reduced accordingly.

(3) DEFINITION.—For purposes of this subsection, the term “qualified long-term care insurance contract” has the meaning given such term in section 7702B of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 7702B)), except that such contract shall also meet the requirements of—

(A) sections 9 (relating to disclosure), 24 (relating to suitability), and 26 (relating to contingent nonforfeiture) of the long-term care insurance model regulation promulgated by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (as adopted as of September 2000); and

(B) section 8 (relating to contingent nonforfeiture) of the long-term care insurance model Act promulgated by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (as adopted as of September 2000).

(m) FUNDING FOR COUNSELING AND CONSUMER EDUCATION AND OUTREACH.—Of any amounts made available for any of fiscal years 2000 through 2003 for housing counseling under section 106 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, up to a total of $1,000,000 shall be available to the Secretary in each such fiscal year, in such amounts as the Secretary determines appropriate, for the following purposes in connection with home equity conversion mortgages insured under this section:

(1) COUNSELING.—For housing counseling authorized by section 106 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968.

(2) CONSUMER EDUCATION.—For transfer to the departmental salaries and expenses account for consumer education and outreach activities.

1 The date of enactment was December 27, 2000.

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Last Modified ByHUD
File Modified2004-04-30
File Created2004-04-30

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