DS-4213 Namibia Reporting Template


PEPFAR Program Expenditures

DS-4213 Namibia Reporting Template

OMB: 1405-0208

Document [xlsx]
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Partner Info
Program Information
Program Information - Comments
Expenditures - Site-Level
Expenditures - SI
Expenditures - HSS
Expenditures - PM
Expenditures - Comments
Data Quality Checks

Sheet 1: Instructions

Annual Expenditure Analysis- Data Input Instructions

NA Expenditure 2012.00

Please complete this Excel template and submit it according to the instructions below.

DS-4213 President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Program Expenditures

A manual has been provided to assist with this data request. Please review the template and manual now and contact your Activity Manager (AM)/Program Officer (PO)/Agreement/Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (A/COTR) with any questions.

Please read Agency Disclosure Notice and
Instructions prior to completing this form

To ensure uniqueness of file names, please use the following conventions when saving your completed templates:

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 24 hours per response, including time required for searching existing data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection. You do not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have comments on the accuracy of this burden estimate and/or recommendations for reducing it, please send them to: Office of the US Global AIDS Coordinator (S/GAC) U.S. Department of State, SA-29, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20522-2920

<OU>_<Agreement ID>_ EP_<Partner Name>_<Reporting Cycle>_<Seq>.xlsx


<OU> = Two letter international Country code (e.g., VN for Vietnam, TZ for Tanzania, etc.) or Operating Unit (OU) identifier

<Agreement_ID> = Mechanism Agreement number; the <Agreement ID> is available from the table on the Results web page in PROMIS

E = E for an Expenditure Analysis Template

P = P for template to be attributed to Prime Partner

OMB No. 1405-xxxx OMB approval expires xx/xx/xxxx Burden-24 hours

<Partner_Name> = Name of the organization associated with template results; enter Prime Partner name

<Reporting Cycle> = 'yyyy Expenditures' where yyyy is corresponding Fiscal Year (e.g., 2012 Expenditures)

<Seq> = should consist of two numeric digits as follows:

Personal Information
• This site is only accessible to authorized PROMIS users with an assigned user identifier and associated password. All transmissions to and from the PROMIS application are protected and secured via SSL encryption.
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o User name – this information is used to ensure a user is uniquely identified within PROMIS.
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o The browser used when accessing PROMIS.
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Use of Cookies
• The PROMIS website maintains both session-based and persistent “cookies” on your browser. PROMIS session-based cookies store text information temporarily in your computer’s random access memory (RAM) while you are using PROMIS. When you close your web browser, these cookies are removed. PROMIS persistent cookies store information for a longer period and are used to identify returning PROMIS users.

HIPAA Privacy Rule Notice
• The PROMIS web site does not collect or maintain individually identifiable Protected Health Information (PHI). While PEPFAR Partners may have access to such information from their health service provider Sub-Partners in-Country, PROMIS provides for entry of only aggregated results by pre-defined health Indicator.
• PROMIS maintains no individual identifiers that may be linked to a specific individual or patient.
• The PROMIS web site maintains only aggregate statistical data. In addition to population counts versus Indicator, PROMIS only maintains sub-counts for certain Indicators by gender (i.e., male or female) and/or age group (e.g., <1 year, 1-5 years, etc.). Hence the PROMIS database and application is not covered under the HIPAA Privacy Rule.
1st Digit = template number; 1 for 1st template, 2 for 2nd template (if more than one template of this type needed), and so on up to 9

2nd Digit = template update number; 1 for initial submission; 2 for the next update (if any), and so on up to 9
For example, Seq = ’34’ means the 4th submission of the 3rd template uploaded (3rd in the original sequence)

Note: if a given template fails to upload successfully, its name should be reused in a subsequent upload try after correction

.xlsx = must be saved as a .xlsx Excel file (not .xls)

Example expenditure analysis (E) template file name :

VN_9740_EP_Columbia University_2012 Expenditures_11.xlsx

Submit the completed template via the PROMIS web-based application and alert your AM/PO/A/COTR of each draft and final submission. Respective USG Agency staff (USAID, CDC, DOD, Peace Corps, State) will receive the data from the PROMIS application.

Complete the Partner Info page. Be sure to include your organization's contact information. Verify that your inputs include all required information in your submission. Implementing organizations, defined as having a direct financial agreement with a USG Agency, are responsible for collating and submitting all sub-partner data.

For each row on the Program Information- ... and Expenditures- ... information entry tabs, use the drop downs to select the geographical area (sub-national unit, national or above-national) pertaining to each entry row and associated values. Also fill in the program area fields for that row of data following the guidance provided (see manual). Each row can have entries for one or more of the listed program information columns. Enter results in the correct program information column for that row. Each row with results MUST specify the sub-national unit in the row in which the results appear. Your trainer will provide additional guidance on how to apply the categories listed on the form.

The Expenditure Analysis reporting period is 12 months (01 October to 30 September). This period is regardless of when your organization receives PEPFAR funding.

Please make note of your general comments regarding this mechanism on the Partner Info tab. Please make note of your calculations and comments for the appropriate Program Area heading in the Program Information - Comments and Expenditures - Comments tabs.

On each Comments tab, please explain the following using the comments fields:

o Explain methods for allocation that differ from the recommended methods in the Expenditure Analysis Manual
o Explain any expenditure values reported less than 10 USD

In general, more information is better.

Prior to submission, please confirm that each of the data quality issues identified on the Data Quality Checks tab are resolved.

All USG partners are entitled to report their achievements regardless of overlap with another partner. The information you provide will help the USG team report more accurate aggregate data.

For the detailed definitions of program and expenditure categories, please refer to the manual provided on the PROMIS website.

To help with navigation on the different information entry tabs, notice the Quick Links bar on the left-hand column. Click on any of the blue hyperlinks to quickly navigate to that entry sub-section. Additionally, on each information entry tab, there are hyperlinks to the respective comments field above each entry area. Click a hyperlink to quickly move to the proper tab and cell to enter comments for the Program information area; each link reads "Add Comment". Clicking the corresponding link next to each comment field will return you to the previous Program Information or Expenditure column.


Sheet 2: Partner Info

Partner Information

Annual Expenditure Analysis FY 2012

Partner Background (Complete the areas in light gray below)

Partner Organization Name & Agreement ID: <e.g., ABC Associates: Health Systems Renew (12035 <- 1234)>

Director/Chief of Party:




SI Focal Person (if applicable):




Financial Focal Person (if applicable):




Reporting Information

Submission Date:

Name of Person Submitting Form:

USG Approval (For internal purposes only)

USG Agency:

A/COTR Approval (Name/Date):

SI Officer Approval (Name/Date):

Comments (Provide general comments if needed)

Sheet 3: Program Information

Information by Program Area (to be completed by Partner)
Add Comments

FBCTS - Facility-based Care, Treatment, and Support

Clinic Visit: Estimate the average number of times over the year each patient-type received a clinic visit Lab Tests: Estimate the average number of times over the year each patient-type received a lab test, including CD4 tests, biochemical panels, hematology tests, and viral load assessments
Quick Worksheet Navigation

Sub-National Unit
Adult Pre-ART patients (15+ years) Pediatric Pre-ART patients (< 15 years) Adult ART patients (15+ years) Pediatric ART patients
(<15 years)
Adult Pre-ART patients (15+ years) Pediatric Pre-ART patients (< 15 years) Adult ART patients (15+ years) Pediatric ART patients
(<15 years)

















Sheet 4: Program Information - Comments

Program Information - Comments

Please use the space below to provide comments that will aid in interpreting the data.

Return to Results Worksheet
Program Information

Sheet 5: Expenditures - Site-Level

Site-level Expenditures by Program Area (to be completed by Partner)
Add Comments
Add Comments
Add Comments
Add Comments
Add Comments
Add Comments
Add Comments
Add Comments
Add Comments
Add Comments
Add Comments
Add Comments

Total Expenditures:

Site-Lvl Expenditures:
FBCTS - Facility-based Care, Treatment, and Support
CBCTS - Community-based Care, Treatment, and Support
PMTCT - Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission
VMMC - Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision
HTC - HIV Testing and Counseling
PEP - Post-exposure Prophylaxis
BS - Blood Safety
IC - Infection Control
OVC - Orphans and Vulnerable Children
SORP-GP - Sexual and Other Risk Prevention, General Population

SORP-MARPs - Most-at-Risk Populations

Area Totals







Selected Subtotals
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Selected Totals
0 0
0 0
0 0

0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0

0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0

Investment Expenditures (integer dollar amount) Recurrent Expenditures (integer dollar amount)
Investment Expenditures (integer dollar amount) Recurrent Expenditures (integer dollar amount)
Record the amount spent to support activities in each beneficiary service category (Note: The sum of each row must equal the total reported expenditures for CBCTS by Sub-National Unit)
Investment Expenditures (integer dollar amount) Recurrent Expenditures (integer dollar amount)
Estimate the percentage of total program effort spent on each activity (should total to 100 per row;
specify each as integer value from 0 to 100)
Record the amount spent for HIV test kits that were used to support women and infants Record the amount spent for ARVs that were used to support women and infants
Investment Expenditures (integer dollar amount) Recurrent Expenditures (integer dollar amount)
Investment Expenditures (integer dollar amount) Recurrent Expenditures (integer dollar amount)
Record the total expenditures spent for each testing modality (sum across modalities must equal total expenditures for HTC for province)
Investment Expenditures (integer dollar amount) Recurrent Expenditures (integer dollar amount)
Investment Expenditures (integer dollar amount) Recurrent Expenditures (integer dollar amount)
Investment Expenditures (integer dollar amount) Recurrent Expenditures (integer dollar amount)
Estimate the percentage of program effort spent on lab activities for each of the following (should total to 100%): Record amount spent on non-ARV drugs and reagents used to support services for ART, TB diagnosis and early infant HIV diagnosis (EID) Record amount spent on supplies used specifically to support services for ART, TB diagnosis and early infant HIV diagnosis (EID)
Investment Expenditures (integer dollar amount) Recurrent Expenditures (integer dollar amount)
Investment Expenditures (integer dollar amount) Recurrent Expenditures (integer dollar amount)
Estimate the amount spent to support activities in each service category:
(Note: The sum of each row must equal to the total reported expenditures for OVC by province)

Investment Expenditures (integer dollar amount) Recurrent Expenditures (integer dollar amount)
Estimate the amount spent to support SORP-GP activities in each service category (Note: The sum of of each row must equal to the total reported expenditures for SORP-GP by province)
Investment Expenditures (integer dollar amount) Recurrent Expenditures (integer dollar amount)
Quick Worksheet Navigation

Sub-National Unit
Training (in-service) Construction & renovation Vehicles Equipment and furniture Other investment expenditures* Personnel Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) Non-ARV drugs and reagents HIV Test Kits Condoms Other supplies Food Supplements Building rental and Utilities Travel / Transport Other site recurrent expenditures*
Training (in-service) Construction & renovation Vehicles Equipment and furniture Other investment expenditures* Personnel Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) Non-ARV drugs and reagents HIV Test Kits Condoms Other supplies Food Supplements Building rental and Utilities Travel / Transport Other site recurrent expenditures*
Medical Care (not facility-based) Economic Strengthening Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Care Nutrition and food security
Training (in-service) Construction & renovation Vehicles Equipment and furniture Other investment expenditures* Personnel Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) Non-ARV drugs and reagents HIV Test Kits Condoms Other supplies Food Supplements Building rental and Utilities Travel / Transport Other site recurrent expenditures*
HIV Testing for Pregnant Women HIV Testing for Exposed Infants Prevention and Care for Pregnant Women Prevention and Care for Exposed Infants Pregnant Women Infants Pregnant Women Infants
Training (in-service) Construction & renovation Vehicles Equipment and furniture Other investment expenditures* Personnel Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) Non-ARV drugs and reagents HIV Test Kits Condoms Other supplies Food Supplements Building rental and Utilities Travel / Transport Other site recurrent expenditures*
Training (in-service) Construction & renovation Vehicles Equipment and furniture Other investment expenditures* Personnel Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) Non-ARV drugs and reagents HIV Test Kits Condoms Other supplies Food Supplements Building rental and Utilities Travel / Transport Other site recurrent expenditures*
PITC: Provider-initiated testing and counseling VCT: Voluntary counseling and testing CBTC: Community-based testing and counseling
Training (in-service) Construction & renovation Vehicles Equipment and furniture Other investment expenditures* Personnel Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) Non-ARV drugs and reagents HIV Test Kits Condoms Other supplies Food Supplements Building rental and Utilities Travel / Transport Other site recurrent expenditures*
Training (in-service) Construction & renovation Vehicles Equipment and furniture Other investment expenditures* Personnel Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) Non-ARV drugs and reagents HIV Test Kits Condoms Other supplies Food Supplements Building rental and Utilities Travel / Transport Other site recurrent expenditures*
Training (in-service) Construction & renovation Vehicles Equipment and furniture Other investment expenditures* Personnel Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) Non-ARV drugs and reagents HIV Test Kits Condoms Other supplies Food Supplements Building rental and Utilities Travel / Transport Other site recurrent expenditures*
ART Lab Services TB Diagnostics EID QA/QI ART Lab Services TB Diagnostics EID QA/QI ART Lab Services TB Diagnostics EID QA/QI
Training (in-service) Construction & renovation Vehicles Equipment and furniture Other investment expenditures* Personnel Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) Non-ARV drugs and reagents HIV Test Kits Condoms Other supplies Food Supplements Building rental and Utilities Travel / Transport Other site recurrent expenditures*
Training (in-service) Construction & renovation Vehicles Equipment and furniture Other investment expenditures* Personnel Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) Non-ARV drugs and reagents HIV Test Kits Condoms Other supplies Food Supplements Building rental and Utilities Travel / Transport Other site recurrent expenditures*
Medical Care (not facility-based) Educational Support Economic Strengthening Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Care Nutrition and food security
Training (in-service) Construction & renovation Vehicles Equipment and furniture Other investment expenditures* Personnel Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) Non-ARV drugs and reagents HIV Test Kits Condoms Other supplies Food Supplements Building rental and Utilities Travel / Transport Other site recurrent expenditures*
Mass Media Individual and/or Small Group-level Interventions Prevention Interventions not classified as mass media, individual or small group
Training (in-service) Construction & renovation Vehicles Equipment and furniture Other investment expenditures* Personnel Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) Non-ARV drugs and reagents HIV Test Kits Condoms Other supplies Food Supplements Building rental and Utilities Travel / Transport Other site recurrent expenditures*

















Sheet 6: Expenditures - SI

SI and Surveillance Expenditures (to be completed by Partner)
Add Comments
Add Comment

Total Expenditures:

SI/Surv Expenditures:
SI - Strategic Information

Selected Subtotals
0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

Selected Totals


Above Site Level SI expenditures
(select Sub-National Unit, National or Above National as appropriate for Location)
Indicate percentage (0 to 100) of SI expenditures used to support services (each row should total to 100)
Above Site-Level Surveillance expenditures
(select Sub-National Unit, National or Above National as appropriate for Location)
Quick Worksheet Navigation

Sub-National Unit
Personnel Consultants (External) Transport/ Travel Other General/ Administrative FBCTS CBCTS PMTCT VMMC HTC PEP BS LAB IC OVC SORP-GP SORP-MARPs HSS
Personnel Consultants (External) Transport/ Travel Other General/ Administrative


Sheet 7: Expenditures - HSS

Health System Strengthening (HSS) Expenditures (to be completed by Partner)
Add Comments

Total Expenditures:

HSS Expenditures:
HSS - Health System Strengthening

Selected Subtotals
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Selected Totals
0 0

Above Site-Level health system strengthening expenditures
(select Sub-National Unit, National or Above National as appropriate for Location)

For each Sub-National Unit, record the total expenditures used to support services in each functional area:
(Note: The sum of this table must equal the total spent to support HSS)
Indicate the percentage (0 t o100) of total HSS expenditures used to support each of the following program areas (each row should total to 100)

Human Resources (HR) Governance Finance Systems Development Institutional and Organizational Development

Sub-National Unit
Personnel Consultants (External) Transport/ Travel Construction and Renovation Other General/ Administrative
Pre-service Training Training of Trainers Curriculum Development HR Management and Retention Technical-area Specific Guidelines, Tools and Policy General Policy and Other Governance Supply Chain Systems Health Information Systems Laboratory Strengthening Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organizations Government Institutions FBCTS CBCTS PMTCT VMMC HTC PEP BS Lab IC OVC SORP- GP SORP-MARPs SI

Sheet 8: Expenditures - PM

Program Management Expenditures (to be completed by Partner)
Add Comments

Total Expenditures:

PM Expenditures:
PM - Program Management

Selected Subtotals
0 0 0 0

Selected Totals

Above Site-Level Program Management expenditures
(select Sub-National Unit, National or Above National as appropriate for Location)
Indicate percentage (0 to 100) of program management expenditures used to support services (each row should total to 100)

Sub-National Unit
Personnel Consultants (External) Transport/ Travel Other General/ Administrative FBCTS CBCTS PMTCT VMMC HTC PEP BS LAB IC OVC SORP-GP SORP-MARPs SI HSS

Sheet 9: Expenditures - Comments

Expenditures - Comments

Please use the space below to provide comments that will aid in interpreting the data.

Return to Expenditures Worksheet

Return to Expenditures Worksheet

Return to Expenditures Worksheet

Return to Expenditures Worksheet

Return to Expenditures Worksheet

Return to Expenditures Worksheet

Return to Expenditures Worksheet

Return to Expenditures Worksheet

Return to Expenditures Worksheet

Return to Expenditures Worksheet

Return to Expenditures Worksheet

Return to Expenditures Worksheet

Return to Expenditures Worksheet

Return to Expenditures Worksheet

Return to Expenditures Worksheet

Return to Expenditures Worksheet

Sheet 10: Data Quality Checks

Site-level Expenditure Data Quality Checks
PM Expenditure Data Quality Checks
SI Expenditure Data Quality Checks
HSS Expenditure Data Quality Checks

If 'No!' appears anywhere in the table below,
please correct the corresponding Sub-National Unit row expenditure entries on the Expenditures - Site-Level tab

If 'No!' appears anywhere in the table below,
please correct the corresponding Sub-National Unit row percentage entries on the Expenditures - PM tab

If 'No!' appears anywhere in the table below,
please correct the corresponding Sub-National Unit row percentage entries on the Expenditures - SI tab

If 'No!' appears anywhere in the table below,
please correct the corresponding Sub-National Unit row percentage entries on the Expenditures - HSS tab

Expenditures - Site-Level Cell Row Sums : X:AL = AN:AS BA = BQ:BR BC = BO:BP BK:BN = 100 CJ:CX = CZ:DB EQ = FD:FG ET = FH:FK EZ:FC = 100 GC:GQ = GS:GX GZ:HN = HP:HT
Expenditures - PM Cell Row Sums : L:AE = 100
Expenditures - SI Cell Row Sums : L:AC = 100
Expenditures - HSS Cell Row Sums : H:L = N:Y Z:AR = 100

Location CBCTS expenditures equal disaggregated expenditures? PMTCT recurrent ARV expenditures equal disaggregated ARV expenditures for women & infants? PMTCT recurrent HIV Test Kit expenditures equal disaggregated HIV Test Kit expenditures for women & infants? Distribution of PMTCT activities equals 100? HTC expenditures equal disaggregated expenditures? LAB recurrent Non-ARV expenditures equal disaggregated Non-ARV expenditures? LAB recurrent Other Supplies expenditures equal disaggregated Other Supplies expenditures? Distribution of LAB activities equals 100? OVC expenditures equal disaggregated expenditures? SORP GP expenditures equal disaggregated expenditures?
Location Distribution of PM expenditures by Program Area equals 100?
Location Distribution of SI expenditures by Program Area equals 100?
Location Distribution of HSS expenditures equals total of HSS expenditures? Distribution of HSS expenditures by Program Area equals 100?
Data Quality Check Navigation Links
Sub-National Unit
Sub-National Unit
Sub-National Unit
Sub-National Unit
Expenditure - Site-Level

Expenditure - PM

Expenditure - SI

Expenditure - HSS

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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