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pdf2012 Census of Juveniles on Probation
Form CJ-17
Burden Statement: Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 3 hours. These estimates include the
time for reviewing instructions, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
1600 Research Blvd., Rm. 2693
Rockville, MD 20850-3129
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Data supplied by:
Agency Name
Agency Address
Area Code
Area Code
E-Mail Address
Data supplied for juveniles in the following jurisdiction(s) (check the most appropriate box):
□ Entire state (specify state): ______________
□ Most of state (specify state: ________) EXCEPT the following jurisdictions (specify county(ies) and/or municipality(ies)):
Only certain jurisdictions within state (specify state): _________
□ County(ies) (specify): ____________________________________________________________________________
□ Municipality(ies) (specify): ________________________________________________________________________
□ Territory (specify):_________________________________________________________________________________
□ Other (specify): ___________________________________________________________________________________
General Information
If you have any questions, call the CJP Help Desk, Westat, at 1-888-680-6550, or email
Please complete and return the questionnaire by May 31, 2013 by mail to Westat at the address above in the envelope
provided or FAX the questionnaire toll-free to XXX-XXX-XXXX.
Who is covered by this survey?
INCLUDE: All juveniles on formal court-ordered probation, including those on court-ordered aftercare or reentry supervision.
o Juveniles are persons under the jurisdiction of a juvenile court.
o Formal court-ordered probation is the supervision of juveniles adjudicated for one or more delinquent or status offenses.
This includes school-based probation IF a court ordered it following adjudication. This also includes juveniles supervised via
contract by private agencies.
o Aftercare/reentry supervision is a continuation of formal court-ordered probation following release from residential
placement. It includes re-integrative services that prepare juveniles for reentry into the community by establishing the
necessary collaborative arrangements with the community to ensure the delivery of prescribed services and supervision. It
might include treatment and/or other re-integration planning, but it does not include parole and post-probation
o This includes juveniles who are legally your responsibility but supervised outside your jurisdiction, such as through an
interstate compact agreement.
Who is not covered by this survey?
o Persons under the jurisdiction of an adult court.
o Juveniles under informal probation supervision. Informal juvenile probation is the supervision of persons who have
reached an agreement with the probation authority to be supervised in the school or community. Those individuals have
not been ordered by a court to serve a period of community supervision following their adjudication. Also exclude schoolbased probation that was not ordered by a court following adjudication.
o Juveniles residing in a correctional facility, detention center, boot camp, residential treatment facility, or other
community-based facility, even if they are also on probation. Those juveniles are counted by another Office of Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention data collection.
o Juveniles on parole.
o Juveniles you are supervising on behalf of another jurisdiction through interstate compact.
General Instructions
Section 1 of this two-part form requests total population counts for juveniles on formal court-ordered probation
supervision on October 24, 2012. You may provide the requested information using this paper form or via the secure
website, which can be accessed using the log-in information you received. Also you may provide the information through a
“data dump” of a data file that you already created.
Section 2 of this form asks for individual-level data for all juveniles on formal court-ordered probation on October 24, 2012.
You may submit the two parts together or separately:
Section 1 may be submitted via mail, FAX, or internet.
Section 2 may be submitted via mail, FAX, internet, CD, DVD or transfer to secure FTP site (yours or ours).
Instructions for data submission are provided in Section 2.
4. Be sure to keep a copy of your completed form for your records.
5. The CJP Help Desk is available by toll-free telephone at 1-888-680-6550 or email at to answer any questions you may have and provide technical
assistance in uploading data should you require it.
1. Does this agency oversee and/or collect data for juveniles supervised under FORMAL COURT-ORDERED PROBATION
(including juveniles supervised via contract to a private agency)?
□ Yes
□ No
2. It is very important that you provide a separate count of juveniles on formal probation that excludes those on informal
probation. Are you able to do that?
□ Yes
3a. On October 24, 2012 how many juveniles were on FORMAL COURT-ORDERED juvenile probation, including any that
were supervised under contract by a private probation agency? It is very important that you provide a count of individuals; a
count of cases may be provided only if an individual count is not available.
Total count of juveniles on FORMAL COURT-ORDERED probation: _____________
3b. Does the total count of juveniles on FORMAL COURT-ORDERED juvenile probation you provided in question 3a represent
individuals or cases?
□ Individuals
□ Cases
4a. On October 24, 2012, what was the total juvenile population count, including those on formal probation and those on
informal probation? It is very important that you provide a count of individuals; a count of cases may be provided only if an
individual count is not available.
Total count of juveniles on FORMAL COURT-ORDERED probation and INFORMAL probation: _____________
4b. Does the total count of juveniles on FORMAL COURT-ORDERED probation and INFORMAL probation you provided in
question 4a represent individuals or cases?
□ Individuals
□ Cases
4c. Please estimate what percentage of the total juvenile population count on October 24, 2012 that you provided in Question
4a was on FORMAL COURT-ORDERED probation.
5. Have you provided the juvenile probation counts exactly as requested? Please refer back to the “Who is covered by this
survey?” and “Who is not covered by this survey?” sections.
□ Data are provided exactly as requested.
□ Data are NOT provided exactly as requested (please explain your variations below).
□ Some juveniles who should be included are not (e.g., those supervised by private agencies). Description:
□ Some juveniles who should be excluded are not (e.g., those being supervised in your jurisdiction through an
interstate compact). Description:
□ Data are provided for a different date or time period (specify): __________________________________________
□ Other. Description: ____________________________________________________________________
Section 2 Instructions
How to Submit the Individual-level Data
Section 2 collects individual-level data. In this section, you are asked to provide information for all juveniles on formal courtordered probation on October 24, 2012.
There are several ways you can provide this information: by entering it onto this paper form, by entering it into the web
instrument, by uploading data via an Excel template that we provide, or by providing a complete data file (“data dump”) from
which we will extract the required information and then destroy the file.
Online web-based form
• Access at <<[website]>>
• Easy-to-use interface
• All records encrypted for maximum security
• Dropdown menus for quick and accurate entry
• Complete survey in multiple sessions picking up where you left off
• Modify entries
• View, print and export your records to Excel
Formatted data file
•Download templates for Excel 2003, 2007, or 2010 from << >>
•Use formatted CSV, Excel or XML file using fields and formatting
instructions on the web site
•Submit via:
o Westat FTP site (or contact the Help Desk to request retrieval from
your agency’s FTP site)
o Email
o Hardcopy
o CD or DVD
Complete “data dump”
• Provide a data dump or extract of automated records. Westat will request file
documentation and provide technical support.
Paper lists
• Compile existing paper lists with requested information and mail or fax to
Paper census form
• Fill in this paper form by hand and mail or fax to Westat
The CJP Help Desk at 1-888-680-6550 or can answer any questions you may have
about how to provide these data in the manner most convenient for you.
If you choose to submit the requested information using this paper form, please be sure to provide all of the information
requested by completing a separate row on the table for each juvenile who was on FORMAL court-ordered probation including
court-ordered aftercare on October 24, 2012. The table has enough rows to enter data for 120 juveniles. If your agency has
data for more than 120 juveniles on FORMAL court-ordered probation, please photocopy page 8 to make more blank forms.
Be sure to continue to number each line in sequence (e.g., 121, 122, 123, 124……) to the last entry.
How to Complete the Individual-level Data Table
1. Unique Identifier
Please include a unique identifier (e.g., an agency ID number, or first name/last initial) that will allow YOU to re-identify an
individual 6 months from now, if a callback is needed. Do not use direct identifiers such as full last names, social security
numbers, or addresses.
2. Sex
Use M for male and F for female.
3. Date of Birth
Enter numeric month, day, and year (MM/DD/YYYY).
4. Race
Use the following codes and definitions:
1 - White (not of Hispanic origin) – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or
North Africa.
2 - Black or African American (not of Hispanic origin) – A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
3 - Hispanic or Latino – A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American or other Spanish culture
or origin, regardless of race.
4 - American Indian or Alaska Native – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and South
America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliations or community attachment.
5 - Asian – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian
subcontinent, including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine
Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
6 - Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam,
Samoa or other Pacific Islands.
7 - Two or more races, not of Hispanic origin – Refers to combinations of two or more of the following race categories:
White, Black or African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.
9 - Unknown
5. Most serious offense
Enter a code to indicate the most serious offense for which the juvenile was adjudicated that resulted in the current placement
on formal court-ordered probation. Please refer to the following Offense Codes and their definitions. The lower the numerical
code on the chart, the more serious the offense. Provide only one offense (most serious) for each juvenile. Attempted offenses
should be coded as if they were actual offenses, except for attempted murder, which should be coded as 04 (aggravated
assault). If you are unable to transfer your offense codes into these categories, you may use your own codes and provide us a
key or a crosswalk demonstrating how your codes correspond to the offense codes we provide.
6. State and County where most serious offense was committed
Enter the state and county in which the juvenile committed the most serious offense leading to the current placement on formal
court-ordered probation. If you cannot provide this exact information, please provide proxy (substitute) data if possible: county
of adjudication, city or jurisdiction (instead of county). If you cannot provide proxy data, enter 99.
7. State and County where juvenile resided on October 24, 2012
State name may be abbreviated. Please print the full county name. If you cannot provide this exact information, please provide
proxy (substitute) data if possible (see below). If you cannot provide proxy data, enter 99.
Residence (county/state) at time of offense
Residence (county/state) on processing date
Residence (county/state) where case was filed
County of supervision
City or jurisdiction (instead of county)
01 Murder, manslaughter, negligent homicide (killing
someone) For attempted murder/manslaughter – See Assault
02 Violent sexual assault including forcible rape (having or
trying to have sexual relations with someone against their will)
03 Kidnapping someone
04 Assault, aggravated (an actual, attempted, or threatened
physical attack on a person that involves the use of a weapon
or causes serious physical harm. Include attempted murder.)
05 Robbery (using force or threat to get something from
06 Arson (purposely setting fire to a house, building, car, or
other property)
07 Burglary, breaking and entering, household larceny
(breaking into a locked building to steal something)
08 Auto theft or attempted auto theft (stealing or trying to steal
a car or other motor vehicle)
09 Drugs or narcotics, trafficking (selling drugs)
10 Assault, simple. An actual, attempted, or threatened
physical attack on a person that causes less than serious
physical harm and without a weapon. Include non-physical
attacks causing the fear of an attack
11 Unauthorized use of auto, joyriding (taking a car or other
motor vehicle for a drive without the owner’s permission)
12 Theft, non-household larceny (stealing or trying to steal
money or things)
13 Other person offense, Specify*
14 Property damage, vandalism (purposely damaging or
destroying property that did not belong to the juvenile)
15 Other property offense, Specify*
16 Drugs or narcotics, possession (using drugs or having drugs
in the juvenile’s possession)
17 Testing positive for using drugs
18 Other drug-related offense, Specify*
30 Weapons-related offenses (carrying a weapon)
31 Prostitution (being paid for having sexual relations with someone)
32 Driving a car under the influence of alcohol or drugs
33 Statutory rape. Use this code when the offense is
consensual sex with an underage person. For sexual abuse by a
minor against another minor, use violent sexual assault (Code 02).
34 Other non-violent sex offense (not prostitution or statutory rape),
37 Being drunk in public
38 Obstruction of justice. Any act that intentionally impedes the
enforcement of a law or court order. Examples: Escape from
confinement, contempt of court, perjury, failing to report a
crime, nonviolently resisting arrest, and bribery.
39 Other public order offense, Specify*
50 Running away
51 Underage use, possession, or consumption of alcohol
52 Incorrigible, ungovernable
53 Curfew violation
54 Truancy. Violation of a compulsory school attendance law.
Code only if this is considered an offense in your state.
59 Other offense that is illegal for underage persons only,
60 Violating house arrest or electronic monitoring
61 Other probation or parole violation, Specify*
Unknown Offense
97 Unknown offense for both underage persons and adults
98 Unknown offense for underage persons only
99 Unknown offense
*If you choose a code with “Specify,” please briefly describe the offense in the box:
Complete one row and only one row for each juvenile on FORMAL court-ordered probation (including those supervised under contract by a private probation agency).
Please indicate whether you are providing individuals (strongly preferred) or cases below: □ Individuals □ Cases
Row# 1. Unique
2. Sex
3. Date of birth
4. Race
5. What is the
6. In which state and county did this person 7. On October 24, 2012, in which county
Refer to
on page 5.
most serious
offense that
resulted in current
placement on
formal courtordered
commit the most serious offense that
resulted in current placement on formal courtordered probation? If you cannot provide this
exact information, please provide proxy data if
Refer to the
Offense Codes on
preceding page or
use your own and
send us a key.
County of adjudication
City or jurisdiction (instead of county)
If you cannot provide proxy data, enter 99.
and state did this person reside?
If you cannot provide this exact information,
please provide proxy data if possible (CIRCLE
Residence (county/state) at time of offense
Residence (county/state) on processing date
Residence (county/state) where case was filed
County of supervision
City or jurisdiction (instead of county)
If you cannot provide proxy data, enter 99.
County (or city/jurisdiction)
County (or city/jurisdiction)
File Type | application/pdf |
Author | Angela D. Greene |
File Modified | 2012-10-15 |
File Created | 2012-09-26 |