Burden Excel Chart

NSLP #0006 Approved Burden with HACCP only_3-5-12.xlsx

7 CFR Part 210, National School Lunch Program

Burden Excel Chart

OMB: 0584-0006

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#0006 Reporting with REV
#0006 Recordkeeping with R
#0006 Summary with REV

Sheet 1: #0006 Reporting with REV


CFR Citation Title Form number Estimated # Respondents Responses Per Respondent Total Annual Responses (Col. DxE) Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours (Col. FxG) Previously Approved Due to Program Change - DGA Rule Due to Program Change - Direct Certification Rule Due to Program Change - Snack Rule Due to Program Change - Revenue Rule Due to an Adjustment Total Difference
State Agency Level

210.5(a) Request for cash to make NSLP reimbursement payments to SFAs
56 bkowtha: Estimate is that each state agency draws down money for reimbursement about 3 times per month x 12 months = 36 36 2,016 bkowtha: This is a automated task, takes about 15 mts. 0.25 504.00 2,052.00

210.5(d) Information on the amount of Federal NSLP funds expanded and obligated to date. FNS-10 56 bjkowtha: This burden is already covered in FNS-10 specific ICR. 0 0 0.00 0.00 729.60

210.8(b)(4) Request for cash to pay additional NSLP funds to SFAs as the result of corrective action taken on SFAs claim (including justification and corrective action with reference to claim reimbursement).
56 bkowtha: this task is done 4 times a year, as they ensure corrected claims are reflected on FNS-10 4 224 2.25 504.00 513.00

210.14(e)(7) SAs shall report the paid student lunch prices reported by SFAs and submit to FNS. FNS-828 56 0 0 It takes about 10 hours to complete the form. Revenue burden is not included in renewal per latest discussion with Jon. This burden will be merged separately after renewal. 0.00 0.00 0.00

210.18(d)(1) 210.18(d)(2) & 210.18(o)(1) SAs will report to FNS about names of large SFAs exceeding any one of the CRE critical area review thresholds.
56 1 56 bkowtha: This task is related to SA s reporting to FNS ROs. 0.20 11.20 11.40

210.18(g) & 210.18(h) SA shall verify compliance with critical and general areas of review
56 0 0 bkowtha: This burden was already captured in DGA rule and hence it is removed from this renewal. 0 0.00 1,140.00 -1140.00

210.18(h)(6) SA shall confirm that each SFA has a food safety program based on HACCP principles
56 bkowtha: 25% of SFA reviews. 20858/56=372*25/100=93 93 5,208 1.00 5,208.00 3,477.00

210.18(j) SA provides written notification of review findings to SFA, including review findings, preliminary assessment of needed corrective actions, and deadlines for completion, and provides notification of adverse action and right to appeal.
56 sfoss: 20858 SFA's divided by 56 SA, then 1/3 per year. 124 6,944 2.00 13,888.00 114.00

210.18(n) & 210.18(o)(2) SA shall report to FNS the results of reviews by March 1 of each school year, on a form designated by FNS. FNS-640 56 1 56 1.00 56.00 57.00

210.18(q) Establish appeal procedures for SFAs
56 1 56 7.00 392.00 399.00

210.19(b) Estimated participation in NSLP commodity schools.
bkowtha: Acc to NDB, there are no more commodity schools. 56 0 0 0.00 0.00 6.00

210.19(b) Commodity schools' estimation of whether to receive part of their commodity assistance in cash for processing and handling of commodities.
56 0 0 0.00 0.00 4.00

210.19(f) SA provides CACFP SAs with a listing of all elementary schools participating in NSLP with at least 50% eligibility. snack 56 0 0 bkowtha: This burden was already captured in snack rule and hence it is removed from this renewal. 0.00 0.00 6.00


210.20(a)(8) SA report the number of food safety inspections conducted to FNS.
56 1 56 1.50 84.00 85.50

210.25 Grant Closeout Report FNS-777 56 2 112 3.2 358.40 364.80



56 263.0000 14,728 1.42624 21005.60 8,959.30 -1140.00 0.00 -12.40 0.00 0.00 12046.30
School Food Authority Level

210.8(b) Submit claim for reimbursement and supporting data
20,858 bkowtha: Each SFA needs to submit claims once a month x 12 months. 12 250,296 1.50 375444.00 375,444.00


210.8(b)(1) Submit revised claim for reimbursement and supporting statement justifying the adjustment.
bkowtha: 10% will submit revised claims 2,085 1 2,085 0.50 1042.50 1002.50

210.8(c)(2) Report the total number of children approved for free and reduced priced lunches as of the last day of operation in October.
20,858 1 20,858 0.08 1668.64 1668.64


210.9(a) and (b) Application to operate the NSLP and agreement between SA and SFA. *Application and agreement are part of the same transaction, so there is only one response for both. FNS-66 bkowtha: Approximately .05% applications are handled by SFAs. 20858*.05%= ~10. This number represents NSLP, SBP and SMP applications. 10 1 10 bkowtha: Due to addition of DUNS number on application we have increased the burden time by 5 minutes (1.25-1.30). 1.30 13.00 12.50

210.9(b)(20) SFAs provide SAs with a listing of elementary schools with at least 50% eligibility.
bkowtha: It appears that about 25% SFAs equal to this number 4969 4,969 1 4,969 0.50 2484.50 2484.50

210.9(b)(20) SFAs provide sponsors with a elementary school attendance area boundary information.
4,969 2 9,938 4.00 39752.00 39752.00

210.9(c)(7) SFAs must conduct reviews of each afterschool care program that participates in the NSLP. *Application and agreement are part of the same transaction, so there is only one response for both.
bkowtha: FNS estimates that about 241 SFAs conduct reviews of afterschool care programs. 241 2 482 1.44 694.08 694.08

210.10(h) SFAs modify existing menus with more than 30% vegetable protein products.
bkowtha: Number from prior ICR 10,000 1 10,000 0.02 160.00 160.00

210.13(a) Each SFA must develop a food safety program based on HACCP principles for each food preparation and service facility under its jurisdiction.
20,858 1 20,858 76.00 1585208.00 1585208.00

210.14(e)(7) Actual paid student lunch prices must be reported by the SFA to the SA annually for each NSLP school.
20,858 0 0 bkowtha: Revenue burden will not be captured with this renewal. 0.00 0.00 0.00

210.15(a)(7) Collect the number of food inspections obtained and report to state agency.
20,858 1 20,858 0.50 10429.00 10429.00

210.16(a) SFA provide procurement materials to SA for approval.
1,648 1 1,648 1.50 2472.00 2472.00

210.18(k)(2) SFA shall submit to SA documented corrective action, no later than 30 days from the deadline for completion, for violations of critical or general areas identified on administrative follow-up review.
6,983 0 0 0.00 0.00 12426.00 -12426.00

210.19(a)(2) SFAs meet the requirements to account for all revenues and expenditures of nonprofit food service.
20,858 4 83,432 0.33 27532.56 27532.56


20,858 20.3967 425,434 4.8113 2,046,900.28 2,059,285.78 -12426.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12385.50
School Level

210.9(b) Daily counts of paid, reduced priced and free lunches served.
101,747 10 1,017,470 0.50 508,735.00 508,735.00

210.19(a)(2) Cafeteria sales (for inclusion in net cash resources)
101,747 10 1,017,470 0.33 335,765.10 335,765.10


101,747 20.00000 2,034,940 0.4150 844500.10 844500.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


State Agency Level
56 263 14,728 1.42623574144487 21,005.60 8,959.30 -1140.00 0.00 -12.40 0.00 0.00 12046.30

School Food Authority Level
20,858 20.3966823281235 425,434 4.81132274336325 2,046,900.28 2,059,285.78 -12426.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12385.50

School Level
101,747 20 2,034,940 0.415 844,500.10 844,500.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Reporting Burden
122,661 20.1784 2,475,102 1.176681 2,912,405.98 2,912,745.18 -13566.00 0.00 -12.40 0.00 0.00 -339.20

Sheet 2: #0006 Recordkeeping with R


CFR Citation Title Form number Estimated # Record-keepers Records Per Recordkeeper Total Annual Records (Col. DxE) Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Record Estimated Total Hours (Col. FxG) Previously Approved Due to Program Change - DGA Rule Due to Program Change - Direct Certification Rule Due to Program Change - Snack Rule Due to Program Change - Revenue Rule Due to an Adjustment Total Difference
State Agency Level

210.14(e)(7) SAs shall consolidate and maintain the paid student lunch prices obtained from SFAs for each NSLP school.
55 State education agencies and 2 State Departments of Agriculture 56 bkowtha: 20858 SFAs/56 Sas =372 0.00 0.00 bkowtha: Revenue burden will not be captured with renewal. 0 - 0.00

210.18(h)(3) Records of reviews of Civil Rights compliance by SFAs.
56 Number copied from previous ICR renewal. 69 3,864.00 0.1 386.40 393.30

210.18(i) SA's criteria for selecting school food authorities for follow-up reviews.
56 1 56.00 1 56.00 57.00

210.18(k),(p) & 210.20(b)(6) Maintain documentation of corrective action for any degree of violation of general or critical areas identified in an administrative review or on any follow-up review
56 0.00 0.00 0 - 6,908.343

210.18(p) SA records which document the details of all reviews, and the degree of compliance with the critical and general areas of review.
56 One record containing all reviews of SFAs within the year. 0 0.00 0 0.00 57.00

210.19(a)(1)(i) Establishes guidelines and approves school Food authorities menu planning alternatives.
56 0 - 0 bkowtha: This burden was already captured in DGA rule and hence it is removed from this renewal. - 57.00

210.10(l) Modifies menu planning alternatives or develops menu planning alternatives.
56 0 - 0 - 100.00 (100.00)

210.19(a)(6) Contracts awarded by SFAs to FSMCs
56 Number comes from previous ICR renewal. 30 1,680.00 4 6,720.00 6,840.00

210.19(b) Records pertaining to annual food preference survey of SFAs.
56 1 56.00 3 168.00 171.00

210.19(c) & 210.18(p) Documentation of fiscal action taken to disallow improper claims submitted by SFAs, as determined through claims processing, CRE reviews, and USDA audits. Contracts awarded by SFAs to FSMCs
56 0 0.00 0 0.00 2,614.59

210.19(f) SA collects and maintains a listing of all elementary schools in NSLP with at least 50% eligibility.
56 1 56.00 2 112.00 114.00

210.20(b)(1)&(2) Accounting records and source documents to control the receipt, custody and disbursement of Federal NSLP funds, including documentation to support reimbursement payments submitted to FNS, approved alternatives and follow-up activity.
56 This number comes from the previous ICR renewal and this figure was used for recent ICRs (HACCP, DGA, Paid Equity) 4,133 231,448.00 0.25 57,862.00 58,895.25

210.20(b)(12) Maintain records of food safety inspections obtained by schools.
56 20858/56 372.00 20,832.00 0.25 5,208.00 5,214.50


56 4,607.0000 257992.00 0.2733 70,512.400 81,421.983 -100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -10,909.58
School Food Authority Level

210.8(a) & 210.15(b)(1) Documentation of participation data by school, each month's Claim for Reimbursement, and all data used in the claims review process.
20,858 SFA level numbers came from previous ICR renewal and HACCP, DGA, Paid Equity). Kept the same to be consistent with all ICRs impacting #0584-0006. 10 208,580 10 2,085,800.00 2,085,800.00

210.9(b)(18) & 210.15(b)(4) Currently approved and denied applications for free and reduced-priced meals.
20,858 1 20,858 2.66 55,482.28 55,482.28

210.9(b)(19) & 210.15(b)(4) Names of children approved for meals based on documentation certifying that the child is included in a household currently approved to receive benefits under SNAP.
20,858 0.000 0 0.00 bkowtha: This burden was already captured in Direct cert rule and hence it is removed from this renewal. 0.00 750

210.9(b)(19) & 210.15(b)(4) Names of children approved for meals based on documentation certifying that the child is included in a household currently approved to receive benefits under FDPIR, TANF, or is a homeless child, migrant child, Head Start child, or a runaway child.
20,858 0.000 0 0.000 bkowtha: This burden was already captured in Direct cert rule and hence it is removed from this renewal. 0.00 0

210.1(I) Adopt menu planning alternatives, modify menu planning alternatives or develop menu planning alternatives and submit them to the State agency for approval
20,858 0 0 0 bkowtha: This burden was already captured in DGA rule and hence it is removed from this renewal. 0.00 0.00 0.00

210.14(e)(1-5) SFAs must determine the average price of paid student lunches and adjust those prices accordingly.
20,858 0 0 Changed from .5 hour to 5 hours per Melissa Rothstein (Acting Director). Revenue burden will not be captured with renewal. 0 0.00 0.00

210.14(f) SFAs must maintain records documenting that the revenue generated from the sale of nonprogram foods complies with requirements.
20,858 0 0 Changed from .25 hour to 10 hours per Melissa Rothstein (Acting Director) 0 0.00 0.00

210.17(h) Records to account for State funds counted toward the State revenue matching requirements.
20,858 1 20,858 1 20,858.00 20,858.00

210.18(k)(2) Documentation of corrective action taken on program disclosed by review or audit.
6,983 0 0 0 0.00 12,426.00 29472.00


20,858 12.00000 250,296 8.6383 2,162,140.28 2,175,316.28 29,472.00 -750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -13,176.00
School Level

210.10(a), 210.15(b)(2)&(3) and 210.14(a)(1) Schools shall maintain production, menu, and nutritional analysis records to demonstrate that meals meet the Dietary Guidelines and other requirements.
58,231 School level numbers came from previous ICR renewal and HACCP, DGA, Paid Equity). Kept the same to be consistent with all ICRs impacting #0584-0006. 180 10,481,580 0.28 2,934,842.40 2,934,842.40

210.10(a)(i)(1) Certification of child's inability to eat lunch and recommendation for alternate foods.
101,747 1 101,747 0.50 50,873.50 50,873.50

210.13(b) School food safety inspections.
101,747 2 203,494 0.08 16,890.00 16,890.00

210.15(b)(1) Records of daily lunches served by category-free, reduced, paid.
101,747 180 18,314,460 0.161 2,948,628.06 2,948,628.06

210.15(b)(5) Schools maintain NSLP records from food safety program.
101,705 180 18,306,900 0.02 366,138.00 366,138.00

220.7 Schools maintain SBP records from food safety program.
81,517 180 14,673,060 0.02 293,461.20 293,461.20 0.00

101,747 610.1530 62,081,241 0.1065 6,610,833.162 6,610,833.162 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


State Agency Level
56 4607 257,992.00 0.273312350770566 70,512.400 81,421.983 -100.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -10,909.583

School Food Authority Level
20,858 12 250,296.00 8.63833333333333 2,162,140.280 2,175,316.280 29,472.000 -750.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -13,176.000

School Level
101,747 610.153036453163 62,081,241.00 0.106486807536596 6,610,833.162 6,610,833.162 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

122,661 510.2643 62,589,529.00 0.14129338 8,843,485.842 8,867,571.425 29,372.000 -750.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -24,085.583

Sheet 3: #0006 Summary with REV

ICR #0584-0006, 7 CFR Part 210, National School Lunch Program - Revenue ADDED

Estimated # Respondents Responses Per Respondent Total Annual Responses (Col. BxC) Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours (Col. DxE)
Total Reporting Burden 122,661 20.178 2,475,102.000 1.17668 2,912,405.980
Total Recordkeeping Burden 122,661 510 62,589,529.000 0.14129 8,843,485.842
TOTAL BURDEN FOR #0584-0006 122,661 530.44269 65,064,631.000 0.1806802 11,755,891.822
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