Form 360 AmeriCorps NCCC Satisfaction Survey

American Customer Satisfaction Index "Customer Satisfaction Surveys"

2010 360 NCCC 2010 Final- Wave 2 with addtional questions

360 AmeriCorps NCCC Survey

OMB: 1090-0007

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2010 Customer Satisfaction Survey-NCCC PROJECT SPONSORS


  1. Hello, we are conducting research about the degree to which AmeriCorps NCCC (NCCC) project sponsors are satisfied with services provided by NCCC and the Corporation for National and Community Service (the Corporation). Hello, my name is ____________________ calling from ________ on behalf of AmeriCorps NCCC and the Corporation. May I please speak with __________?

    1 Yes (Continue to INTRO2)
    2 Person not available (Schedule a callback)
    3 No such person (See below)
    99 Refusal/Hung Up (“Thank you and have a nice day!”)

[If “no such person”] The purpose of this research is to help improve services to your organization and others like it. Would it be possible for me to speak with the NCCC Project Sponsor? [capture name, continue with interview from INTRO1a if possible]

(Programmer instructions: Read when the person named in INTRO1 comes to the phone)

INTRO1a. Hello, we are conducting research about the degree to which AmeriCorps NCCC (NCCC) project sponsors are satisfied with services provided by NCCC and the Corporation for National and Community Service (the Corporation). Hello, my name is ____________________ calling from ________ on behalf of AmeriCorps NCCC and the Corporation. The purpose of this research is to help improve services to your organization and others like it. This survey is being conducted both by phone and on the internet. Do you recall receiving an invitation to take the survey on-line?

  1. Yes [skip to INTRO1a1]

  2. No [skip to INTRO1a.B]

INTRO1a1 Would you like to take the survey with me right now over the phone? The survey should take about 8-10 minutes to complete.

  1. Will take online [thank and terminate]

  2. IF RESPONDED NO TO INTRO1A. Would like to take on-line [capture email address for invitation and thank]

  3. Phone (skip to INTRO2)

  4. Do not plan to participate [thank and terminate]

  1. When responding, please answer on behalf of the collective experiences of your organization, from your current project year to the present. If the survey asks about experiences that you are not that familiar with, please--feel free to ask a colleague for assistance. We want and need to hear from you. In doing so, it is important that the survey is completed in its entirety.

Responses to this data collection will be used only for purposes of this research.  The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific organization or individual.  We will not provide information that identifies individuals to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law. This interview is authorized by Office of Management and Budget Control No. __________. Is this a good time?

1 Yes (Continue)
2 No “Can we schedule a time that is more convenient for you?”



Please consider only your organization’s experience as a NCCC Project Sponsor, and not with any other programs with which your organization may be affiliated.

DEM1 When did you last receive a team of NCCC members?

  1. less than 4 months ago

  2. 5- 7 months ago

  3. 8-9 months ago

  4. 10-11 months ago

  5. More than 12 months ago

Becoming informed about how to apply to NCCC (Do not read)

We first want to ask about your experience in obtaining the procedures for receiving an AmeriCorps NCCC team.

Qapp1 Did your organization download the service project application guidelines and forms from the Corporation’s OFFICIAL NCCC Website, accessible at

    1. Yes

    2. No


Using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “Poor” and 10 is “Excellent,” please rate the

Qapp2 Clarity of the procedures for submitting a project application

Qapp3 Ease of locating the service project application guidelines and forms (on the website)

Qapp4 Ease of navigating through the website

Qapp5 General Open-End: In what areas could the AmeriCorps NCCC website improve so that the procedures for receiving a NCCC team are more readily accessible? (capture verbatim response)

(NEWQapp1= b) How did your organization obtain the service project application guidelines and forms? (capture verbatim response)


The next series of questions relates to the official process that organizations go through to apply to receive AmeriCorps NCCC teams.

Using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “Poor” and 10 is “Excellent,” please rate the application processes on the:


Qapp6 Ease of obtaining the service project application guidelines and forms

Qapp7. Clarity of the application instructions and application forms

Qapp8. Timeliness of information about the application process

Qapp9. NCCC’s assistance in helping you prepare your application or develop your project proposal

Qapp10. Amount of time it takes to complete the application


Now please think about the AmeriCorps NCCC processes for reviewing and approving sponsor applications. Using the same 1 to 10 scale, please rate:

Qpar1. How well the NCCC Project Staff kept your project informed of the status of applications

Qpar2. The fairness of the sponsor approval process

Qpar3. The timeliness of being notified of approval decisions

Qpar4. The reasonableness of sponsor requirements and provisions

Qpar5. The ease of the service project negotiation and revision process

Qpar6. General/Open-Ended: What could NCCC do to improve the NCCC Service Project Sponsor Application process?


The next set of questions relate to the AmeriCorps NCCC processes for orienting and providing technical support to recently approved sponsors.

Qtta1. How was your organization oriented to its role as a NCCC Project Sponsor?

(select all that apply)

  • Electronic Mail

  • Other internet and web-resources

  • Phone Consultations

  • Site Visits

  • Printed Materials

Thinking about the orientation and technical assistance provided to Project Sponsors overall, and using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “Poor” and 10 is “Excellent,” please rate:

Qtta2. The usefulness of the orientation, technical assistance and other materials NCCC provides

Qtta3. The relevance of the topics covered

Qtta4. General/Open-Ended: What can NCCC do to improve the orientation and technical assistance provided to Project Sponsors?


Now please think about AmeriCorps NCCC processes for developing projects, deploying teams and monitoring projects.

Using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “Poor” and 10 is “Excellent,” how would you rate the extent to which NCCC staff have been effective in helping you:

Qpm1 Prepare for an NCCC project

Qpm2 Implement the work plan

Qpm3 Address and adapt to changes in the project between time of award and NCCC Team arrival

Qpm4 Resolve project challenges

Qpm5 Address and resolve NCCC member performance issues

Qpm6 Once your project was approved to receive an NCCC team, were you visited by an NCCC staff member before the arrival of the team?

  • Yes

  • No (Skip to QPm8)

Qpm7 If yes, Using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “Poor” and 10 is “Excellent,” how would you rate the following:

The usefulness of the pre-site visit

Qpm8 Once the NCCC team arrived at your project, were you visited by an NCCC staff member?

  • Yes

  • No (Skip to Qpm10)

If yes, Using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “Poor” and 10 is “Excellent,” how would you rate the following:

Qpm9. The usefulness of the mid-site visit

Qpm10: Do you have any additional comments regarding either the pre-site visit or mid-site visit?

STAFF SUPPORT (Do not read)

Now, please think of your project’s interactions with staff with whom you work with during the planning and implementation phases of the project.

NCCC Team Leaders

Using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “Poor” and 10 is “Excellent,” how would you rate:

Qss1. The overall effectiveness of the Team Leader in managing the NCCC team

Qss2. The Team Leader’s knowledge of AmeriCorps NCCC requirements

Qss3. The courteousness of the Team Leader

Qss4. The Team Leader’s responsiveness to your inquiries and concerns

NCCC Staff (not including NCCC Team Leaders)

Using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “Poor” and 10 is “Excellent,” how would you rate:

Qss5. The ease of knowing which NCCC Staff to contact with questions or concerns

Qss6. The availability of NCCC Staff

Qss7. The NCCC Staff’s knowledge of AmeriCorps NCCC requirements

Qss8. The courteousness of NCCC Staff

Qss9. The timeliness of their response to inquiries and concerns

Qss10. Their sharing of information about effective practices

Qss11. With which of the following NCCC staff has your organization directly interacted? (select all that apply)

  • NCCC Unit Leader

  • NCCC Assistant Program Director

  • NCCC Service Learning Coordinator

  • NCCC Region Director

  • Don’t Know

  • Other (do not include NCCC Team Leader) Please specify:______________________________

If yes to NCCC Unit Leader, Using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “Poor” and 10 is “Excellent,” how would you rate:

Qss12 The responsiveness of the Unit Leader

Qss13 The courteousness of the Unit Leader

Qss14 The Unit Leader’s guidance in helping you to adapt to/solve project changes

Qss15 The effectiveness of Unit Leader in helping you resolve project challenges or address project changes

If yes to NCCC Assistant Program Director, Using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is “Poor” and 10 is “Excellent,” how would you rate:

Qss16 The responsiveness of the Assistant Program Director

Qss17 The courteousness of the Assistant Program Director

Qss18 The Assistant Program Director’s guidance in helping you prepare for an NCCC project

Qss19 The effectiveness of the Assistant Program Director in preparing you for an NCCC project

Qss20. Open-Ended: If you have additional comments regarding the quality of your interactions with any

NCCC staff, please note them.


Qout1. Overall, to what extent, if at all, were the projects completed by NCCC teams successful in meeting the project’s objectives?

  • A large extent (skip to Qout3)

  • A moderate extent (skip to Qout3)

  • A small extent

  • Not at all successful

  • (Don’t Know) Not Applicable (skip to Qout3)

Qou2. Why do you believe they fell short of their goals?

Qout3. To what extent, if at all, did the NCCC teams help your project leverage additional volunteers?

  • A large extent

  • A moderate extent

  • A small extent

  • Not at all successful

  • (Don’t Know) Not Applicable

Qout4. To what extent, if at all, did the NCCC teams increase the number of persons served (such as by expanding existing programs or services or offering new programs or services)?

  • A large extent

  • A moderate extent

  • A small extent

  • Not at all successful

  • (Don’t Know) Not Applicable

Qout5. To what extent, if at all, did the NCCC teams help your organization increase involvement with other organizations, for example by building or increasing involvement in collaborative efforts?

  • A large extent

  • A moderate extent

  • A small extent

  • Not at all successful

  • (Don’t Know) Not Applicable

Qout6 On average, to what extent, if at all, did the support provided by NCCC (including the Campus) and the Corporation enhance your project’s ability to provide services?

  • A large extent (skip to Qbmk1)

  • A moderate extent (skip to Qbmk1)

  • A small extent

  • Not at all successful

Qout7. What additional support could have been provided?


Qbmk1. Again, thinking of your experiences only as a NCCC Project Sponsor, and using a 10-point scale on which 1 means “Very Dissatisfied” and 10means “Very Satisfied,” how satisfied are you with NCCC (including the Campus) and the Corporation’s programs and services?

Qbmk2. Using a 10-point scale on which 1 now means “Falls Short of your Expectations” and 10 means “Exceeds your Expectations,” to what extent have NCCC (including the Campus) and the Corporation’s programs and services fallen short of or exceeded your expectations.

Qbmk3. Forget for a moment your experience as a Project Sponsor of NCCC. Now, imagine what an ideal institution allocating volunteer resources would be like. How well do you think the resources received as a Project Sponsor of NCCC compare with that ideal institution you just imagined? Please use a 10-point scale on which 1 means "Not at all Close to the Ideal "and 10 means "Very Close to the Ideal."

Strategic Plan and Performance (do not read)

SP1 To what extent has CNCS communicated its strategic goals effectively to your organization?

  • A large extent

  • A moderate extent

  • A small extent

  • Not effectively at all

  • Not applicable

SP2 Please select your level of agreement with the following statement: If I have a question, concern, or suggestion about CNCS’ strategic goal, I know how to raise the issue.

  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Neutral

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Not applicable

SP3 Please select your level of agreement with the following statement: If I have a question, concern, or suggestion about CNCS’ strategic goal, I know where to send it.

  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Neutral

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Not applicable

SP4 Please select your level of agreement with the following statement: When I have shared a comment about CNCS’ strategic goals, I feel it was taken into consideration.

  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Neutral

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Not applicable

SP5 Please select your level of agreement with the following statement: Measuring program impact and demonstrating performance is of high importance to CNCS.

  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Neutral

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Not applicable

SP6 Please select your level of agreement with the following statement: CNCS offers guidance, support, and assistance to my organization to help it demonstrate results and measure impacts.

  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Neutral

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Not applicable

SP7 To what extent are the performance measures drafted by CNCS helping to enhance your organization’s ability to measure its impacts?

  • A large extent

  • A moderate extent

  • A small extent

  • Not effectively at all

  • Not applicable

SP8 To what extent are the performance measures drafted by CNCS helping to enhance your organization’s ability to articulate its impacts?

  • A large extent

  • A moderate extent

  • A small extent

  • Not effectively at all

  • Not applicable

CLOSING (Do not read)

Qbmk4 If the opportunity/need arose, would you submit another NCCC Service Project Application?


  • No

Qbmk5 If no, please explain why you would not submit another NCCC Service Project Application.

CLOSING1Those are all the questions we have for you today. Do you have any other comments you’d like to make about how NCCC, (including the Campus) and the Corporation, can better support your organization?

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File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleDemographic Questions
Last Modified ByLGould
File Modified2010-09-16
File Created2010-09-16

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