Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015:
Survey on Audience Information Needs
OMB Control Number: 0990-0281
December 8, 2014
Welcome and Consent 1
Survey Questions 2
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0990-0281. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OS/OCIO/PRA, 200 Independence Ave., S.W., Suite 336-E, Washington D.C. 20201, Attention: PRA Reports Clearance Officer
We are conducting this survey on behalf of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
HHS, along with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), will release the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015 (DGA 2015) next year.
Your feedback will help us to develop DGA 2015 messages and materials that professionals like you find relevant and valuable, and thus are more likely to adopt in your work.
Who is working on this project?
This project is being coordinated by CommunicateHealth, a health communication consulting firm, on behalf of ODPHP, which is part of HHS.
What is the goal of this project?
We are working to make sure that materials developed for the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015 (DGA 2015) are relevant and useful for professionals like you. Your feedback will help to ensure DGA 2015 materials are most useful to you and your work.
How can I help?
We are interested in learning from your experiences. Your feedback on this survey will help us create materials that truly meet the needs of professionals and other future users.
Do I have to participate in this project?
No. It is your choice whether to participate or not. You can stop at any time, and you don’t have to answer any questions you don’t want to answer. If you don’t want to participate or decide to stop, that’s okay.
will you protect my privacy?
will keep your identity and all of your personal information
confidential — that means we will not share it with ODPHP or
anyone outside of our project staff. We will not collect or store any
of your personal information. Also, your responses will not be linked
with your name.
How long will this take?
This survey should take about 20 minutes. You can also save your answers after you begin and come back to it later to complete the survey.
For more information:
If you have questions about the project, contact the Senior Health Communication Specialist, Katrina Lanahan, MPH, at, (413) 582-0425.
I have read the above information and agree to participate. By clicking Yes, you consent that you are willing to answer the questions in this survey.
Screening Questions
Note: All questions, except for demographic questions, are required. Answer format is radio buttons unless otherwise specified.
Specific for Point of Care
Do you provide direct care or counseling to patients or clients?
[name: POCProfRole; logic: IF POCStaff = YES] Which of the following categories best describes your professional role?
Allied health care provider (for example, registered nurse, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or registered dietitian)
Health educator (for example, nutrition educator, nutrition counselor, or nutrition communicator)
Primary care physician (for example, family medicine, internal medicine, or preventive medicine physician)
None of the above
[name: POCSetting; logic: IF POCStaff = YES] Which of the following best describes the clinical or community setting in which you practice?
Ambulatory care clinic
Community health center
Private practice
Skilled nursing, assisted living, or intermediate care facility
University or academic medical center
Other: __________________
[name: POCTopics; logic: IF POCStaff = YES; answer format: checkboxes, limit 3] What nutrition-related topics do you discuss most with your patients/clients? Choose up to 3.
Fats and oils
Fruits and vegetables
Protein (e.g., meat, dairy, seafood)
Specific nutrient intake (e.g., calcium, iron, vitamin D)
Sugars (e.g., added sugars, non-caloric sweeteners)
[name: POCBehaviors; logic: IF POCStaff = YES; answer format: checkboxes, limit 3] What nutrition-related behaviors do you discuss most with your patients/clients? Choose up to 3.
Beverage intake (e.g., alcohol, sugar-sweetened beverages, 100% juice)
Food safety (e.g., food preparation, hand-washing)
Healthy eating patterns (e.g., Mediterranean-style diet, DASH diet)
Meal planning (e.g., carbohydrate counting, meal replacements)
Nutrient intake (e.g., supplement use)
Weight management (e.g., energy balance, physical activity)
Specific for Program Planners
[name: PlanStaff; logic: IF POCStaff = YES] As part of your job, do you plan, implement, and/or evaluate programs related to nutrition, health and wellness, or chronic disease prevention?
No [Terminate]
[name: PlanProfRole; logic: IF PlanStaff = YES] Which of the following categories best describes your primary professional role?
Administrative staff
Communications or public relations staff
Community organizer
Web designer or developer
Grants manager
Health educator
Policy maker
Program evaluator
Program manager
Program planner
Public health policy advisor/analyst
Regional health administrator
Other: __________________
[name: PlanSetting; logic: IF PlanStaff = YES] Which of the following best describes the setting in which you work?
Academic research institution
Corporation or company
Community-based organization
Faith-based organization
Local health department
Nationally based nonprofit organization
Childcare or early education center
State health department
State or local based nonprofit
[name: PlanTopics; logic: IF PlanStaff = YES; answer format: checkboxes] What nutrition-related topics do you deal most with in your work? Choose up to 3.
Alcohol consumption
Building healthy eating patterns
Cholesterol and fats
Chronic disease prevention
Food safety
Fruits and vegetables
Making healthy food choices
Nutrient intake (for example, calcium, potassium, and vitamin D)
Sodium intake
Weight management/energy or calorie balance
[name: PlanBehaviors; logic: IF PlanStaff = YES; answer format: checkboxes] What nutrition-related behaviors do you deal most with in your work? Choose up to 3.
Beverage intake (e.g., alcohol, sugar-sweetened beverages, 100% juice)
Food safety (e.g., food preparation, hand-washing)
Healthy eating patterns (e.g., Mediterranean-style diet, DASH diet)
Meal planning (e.g., carbohydrate counting, meal replacements)
Nutrient intake (e.g., supplement use)
Weight management (e.g., energy balance, physical activity)
Introductory Questions
[name: 2015Themes; answer format: matrix, 5-point scale] For each of the topics below, please rate how important each of them is to the work that you do.
Dietary behavior change (i.e., increasing healthy eating among consumers)
Dietary patterns
Food sustainability and safety (i.e., the extent to which existing food sources, such as seafood, will continue to be available and safe for consumption)
Food environments (e.g., neighborhood grocery stores, schools, restaurants, and worksites)
Relationship between diet and chronic disease or health outcomes
Potentially harmful food interactions (e.g., caffeine and alcohol)
Food safety and preparation
5 - Very important
3 - Neutral
1 - Not important
Use of DGA and Other Nutrition Recommendations
We’d like to hear about how you use the DGA and other nutrition recommendations in your work.
[name: DGAFamiliar; answer format: 5-point scale] How familiar are you with the DGA?
5 - Very familiar
3 – Somewhat familiar
1 - Not at all familiar
[name: DGAFreq; answer format: 5-point scale] How often do you reference or use the DGA?
Several times a year
Less than once a year
[name: DGARemember; answer format: open-ended] What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about the DGA?
Open ended response
[name: DGASections; answer format: checkboxes, limit 3] Which areas of the DGA have been most useful or interesting to you in your work? Choose up to 3.
Balancing calories to manage weight
Foods and food components to reduce (such as sodium, saturated fat, and added sugars)
Foods and nutrients to increase (such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, milk and milk products, and protein)
Building healthy eating patterns (such as focusing on nutrient-dense foods)
Helping Americans make healthy choices (such as ensuring access to nutritious foods or facilitating individual behavior change)
Other: __________________
Not applicable
[name: DGABarriers; answer format: checkboxes, limit 3] What have been some of the biggest challenges or barriers in implementing the DGA? Choose up to 3.
Number of messages overwhelm consumers
Messages for consumers don’t resonate with audiences I serve
Messages aren’t actionable
Guidelines are too complex
Guidelines are difficult to explain visually
Guidelines aren’t available in formats I can easily or effectively use
Guidelines aren’t packaged in an appealing, credible brand
Lack of partnerships across stakeholders
Other: __________________
[name: DGACommSupport; answer format: checkboxes, limit 3] What types of support have been most helpful for you in communicating or implementing the DGA? Choose up to 3.
Simple, actionable messages
Guidance on how to convey messages to various audiences
Supplemental materials, such as fact sheets
Easy-to-use formats
Appealing, memorable visuals, such as infographics or short videos
Clear, timely communications from government agencies
High-profile spokesperson
Appealing, credible brand
Partnerships (for example, with private industry, associations, government, media, or point of care professionals)
Other: __________________
[name: OtherRec; answer format: checkboxes] Do you use other national nutrition recommendations? Please select all that apply.
[name: OtherRecSources; logic: IF OtherRecs = Yes; answer format: checkboxes] What are the sources of those nutrition recommendations? Please select all that apply.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND)
American Cancer Society (ACS)
American Diabetes Association (ADA)
American Heart Association (AHA)
Institute of Medicine’s Food and Nutrition Board (IOM FNB)
National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
Older Americans Act (OAA)
Other: __________________
[name: OtherRecLike; logic: IF OtherRecs = Yes; answer format: checkboxes] What do you like about other nutrition recommendations? Please select all that apply.
Simple, actionable messages
Focus on prevention or treatment
Language used
Methods used to develop recommendations
Simplicity of messages
Source (e.g. government, professional organization)
Strength of evidence
Tailored to specific population
Other: __________________
[name: OtherRecNotLike; logic: IF OtherGuidelines = NOT None] What do you dislike about other nutrition recommendations? Please select all that apply.
Number of messages (too many or too few)
Complexity of messages
Difficult for intended audience to use
Focus on prevention or treatment
Language used
Methods used to develop recommendations
Source (e.g. government, professional organization)
Strength of evidence
Tailored to specific population
Other: __________________
I like everything about other nutrition recommendations
Communicating Nutrition Information to the Public
We’re interested in your experiences communicating nutrition information to the public.
[name: CommNutrition] Do you communicate nutrition information to the public as part of your work?
[name: CommEasier; logic: IF CommNutrition = YES; answer format: open-ended] In your experience, what nutrition topics are easiest to explain? In what way?
Open-ended response
[name: CommHarder; logic: IF CommNutrition = YES; answer format: open-ended] In your experience, what nutrition topics are more difficult to explain? In what way?
Open-ended response
[name: CommChannels; logic: IF CommNutrition = YES; answer format: checkboxes, limit 3] In your experience, what channels work best to reach consumers? Choose up to 3.
Community-based counseling or care
Mobile or tablet apps
Newspapers and other popular print media
One-on-one counseling or care
Point-of-purchase marketing
Print materials (including brochures, pamphlets, handouts)
School or workplace wellness programs
Social media
Wearable tracking devices (e.g., FitBit, Jawbone, etc.)
Other: __________________
[name: CommStrategies; logic: IF CommNutrition = YES; answer format: checkboxes, limit 3] In your experience, what strategies or approaches tend to be most effective in improving nutrition-related knowledge or changing dietary behaviors? Choose up to 3.
Technology-based interventions
Cultural role models
Diet plans
Goal setting
Group counseling sessions
Incentives, including voucher or coupon redemption
Individual counseling, including motivational interviewing
Large-scale media campaigns
Peer-to-peer education
Phone-based interventions
Reminders (such as via phone, email, or mail)
Tailored messaging
Teach back method
Web-based interventions
Grocery store tours
Nutrition labeling
Other: __________________
[name: CommMaterialsPublic; logic: IF CommNutrition = YES; answer format: checkboxes, limit 3] What materials or tools have been most helpful in communicating the DGA with consumers? Choose up to 3.
Nutrition Facts label
Eat Healthy, Be Active Community Workshop Series
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI)
Non-government sites, such as
Other: __________________
[name: CommInfluencer; logic: IF CommNutrition = YES; answer format: open-ended] Beyond professional organizations and social networks, which 2-3 individuals do you consider key influencers in relaying DGA or nutrition information?
Open-ended response
We’d like to hear what organizations, sources, sites, or channels help you stay informed.
[name: DissNGSearch; answer format: checkboxes, limit 3] Which sources do you rely on for information or commentary on nutrition recommendations? Choose up to 3.
Colleagues outside my organization/company
Colleagues within my organization/company
Food or beverage industry
Non-profit or non-governmental organizations
Peer-reviewed literature
Popular media (including news sites, books, magazines, cable news, blogs)
Private health care industry
Professional or trade organizations
Peers or family members
Other: __________________
[name: DissSMProfUse; answer format: checkboxes] Which of the following sites do you use for professional networking? Please choose all that apply.
Other: __________________
[name: DissProfOrgs; answer format: checkboxes] What professional organizations do you rely on for nutrition guidance? Please choose all that apply.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND)
American Public Health Association (APHA)
American Society for Nutrition (ASN)
Food and Beverage Association of America (FBAA)
Institute of Medicine (IOM)
Nutrition Industry Association (NIA)
School Nutrition Association (SNA)
Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB)
Society for Public Health Educators (SOPHE)
American School Food Service Association (ASFSA)
Other: __________________
Next, we have a few questions about what formats work best for you.
[name: FormatNG; answer format: checkboxes, limit 3] Which of the following formats would you prefer to use for referencing nutrition recommendations? Choose up to 3.
App for phone or tablet
At-a-glance graphic
At-a-glance summary
eZine (digital interactive magazine)
Full printout
Online PDF
Other: __________________
[name: FormatDevices; answer format: checkboxes, limit 3] On which of the following devices or platforms would you prefer to view nutrition recommendations? Choose up to 3.
Desktop computer
Laptop computer
Electronic health records (EHRs)
Tablet (including iPad, Kindle)
Smartphone (including iPhone, Android, BlackBerry)
Personal PDA
Other: _________________
[name: FormatMobile; answer format: 5-point scale] How likely are you to reference the DGA on a smartphone?
5 - Very likely
3 – Somewhat likely
1 - Not at all likely
[name: FormatTablet; answer format: 5-point scale] How likely are you to reference the DGA on a tablet?
5 - Very likely
3 - Somewhat likely
1 - Not at all likely
[name: FormatMaterialsProf; answer format: checkboxes] What materials or tools have been helpful in communicating or implementing the DGA among professionals? Please check all that apply.
Policy document
Executive summary
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI)
Nutrition Facts label
Non-governmental resources
Other: __________________
Note: This set of questions is not required.
Please tell us a little more about yourself.
[name: Gender] What is your gender?
Choose not to answer
[name: PracticeYears] How many years have you practiced in your field?
5 years or less
6 to 10 years
11 to 15 years
16 years or more
[name: Region] In what HHS region are you located?
Region 1 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont)
Region 2 (New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands)
Region 3 (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia)
Region 4 (Alabama, Florida Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee)
Region 5 (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin)
Region 6 (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas)
Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska)
Region 8 (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming)
Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau)
Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and
[name: Ethnicity] What is your ethnicity?
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
[name: Race] What is your race? Please select all that apply.
Black or African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Asian or Asian American
Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. Your input will help us create materials that enable you to communicate and implement the DGA 2015.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Jennifer Barone |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-30 |