Evaluation System Question 1: To what extent do regional B-WET programs support grantees in implementing Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs)? |
Row |
Constructs (alphabetical) |
Grantee Questionnaire Items |
1 |
1Unique ID or Award Number |
Please enter your NOAA B-WET award number. The award number will be used ONLY to 1) identify your B-WET region, not your organization, and 2) allow us to link information you provide with that of data that may be provided by your project’s teachers. |
2 |
Descriptives: funding NOAA |
Did you operate a NOAA
B-WET funded program this past grant year? |
3 |
Descriptives: funding NOAA amount |
What is the total amount of funding you received this past grant year from NOAA for your B-WET project? -None |
4 |
Descriptives: funding NOAA years |
Including this past grant
year, for how many years has your organization received funding
from NOAA B-WET for the currently-funded project? |
5 |
Descriptives: years in existence |
For how many years total
has this B-WET project been in existence, including years not
funded by NOAA B-WET? |
6 |
Descriptives: funding all sources amount |
What is the total amount of
funding for this project, from all sources, this past grant
year? -$1-20,000
7 |
Descriptives: organization region |
In which region were your
organization's MWEEs offered this past grant year? (check
one) |
8 |
Descriptives: organization type of MWEE |
Which of the following
B-WET-funded programs did your organization provide? [SKIP LOGIC:
9 |
Descriptives: organization type |
For what type of
organization do you work? (choose one) |
10 |
Descriptives: person completing questionnaire |
To what extent were you
involved in: (Not at all = 1 to To a great extent = 5) |
11 |
Descriptives: zip code |
In what 5-digit zip code is your organization located? |
12 |
Grantee needs |
Overall, what grade would
you give the support you received from your region's NOAA B-WET
staff over the past grant year? |
13 |
Grantee needs |
If offered, how likely is it that you will make use of each of the following to help you implement your B-WET-funded programs? -One-on-one time with
B-WET program staff (i.e., regional or national
coordinators) |
1 |
1Unique ID or Award Number |
(see Grantee Support tab) |
(Award number) |
2 |
Descriptive: MWEE PD? |
Which of the following
B-WET-funded programs did your organization provide? |
Did you recently complete a
professional development opportunity focused on watersheds or
water quality issues (also known as a Meaningful Watershed
Education Experience {MWEE} professional development)? |
X |
3 |
Descriptive: population |
Which of these categories
best describes your school’s community (during the school
year)? |
4 |
Descriptive: region |
(see Grantee Support tab) |
In which region did you
teach this past year? (check all that
apply) |
X |
5 |
Descriptive: student ESOL |
What percent of your
students speak English as a second language (aka English Language
Learners)? |
6 |
Descriptive: teacher ethnicity/race |
Do you identify yourself as
(check all that apply): |
7 |
Descriptive: teacher grade level |
What percent of the
participating teachers taught the following grade levels? (total
should equal 100%) |
In which grade levels do
you primarily teach? (select all that
apply) |
X |
8 |
Descriptive: teacher past MWEEs |
NA |
Did you conduct MWEEs with
your students before participating in the MWEE professional
development? |
9 |
Descriptive: teacher reason to participate |
NA |
What was your PRIMARY
reason for participating in the MWEE professional development?
(check one) |
X |
10 |
Descriptive: teacher setting |
In what setting do you
teach? |
X |
11 |
Descriptive: teacher subject |
Did the majority of participating teachers teach science? -Don’t
know |
What subject(s) do you
primarily teach? (select one) |
X |
12 |
Descriptive: teacher? |
Are you currently a PreK-12
teacher or educator? |
X |
13 |
Descriptive: teachers' students' ethnicity/race |
NA |
About what percent of your
students are (percent should equal 100 ): |
14 |
Descriptive: teachers' students' socioeconomic status |
Is the school where you
teacher a Title 1 school? |
15 |
Descriptive: zip code? |
(see Grantee Support tab) |
In what zip code is your school located? |
16 |
Descriptives: Number of teachers served teachers, K-12 schools, and school districts served |
For about how many
teachers, schools, and school districts did your organization
provide professional development or support (e.g., trained in
workshops, coached at schools or in the field) this past grant
year as a result of your B-WET grant? (Please provide one number,
NOT a range.) |
17 |
PD best practices: during workshop/institute PD |
As part of your B-WET
professional development workshops or institutes this past grant
year, did your organization typically include the following: |
Did you participate in an
education/training workshop, institute, or class as part of your
professional development? |
18 |
PD best practices: support from others (e.g., mentor teachers) |
What types of support did
your organization typically provide to teachers participating in
MWEE professional development this past grant year? |
What types of support did
you receive from your MWEE professional development provider? (a)
Please indicate yes or no for each statement. (b) Then indicate
which 3 practices were most valuable in helping you implement
MWEEs. |
19 |
PD best practices: support from PD provider |
Which characteristics
describe your organization's typical MWEE professional development
this past grant year? |
Which additional practices
did your MWEE professional development and/or the support you
received include? (a) Please indicate yes or no for each
statement. (b) Then indicate which 3 practices were most valuable
in helping you implement MWEEs. |
20 |
PD goals: Attitudes/ towards science teaching |
It is a goal of my
organization’s B-WET-funded MWEE professional development
that teachers will: |
21 |
PD goals: Behavior/ stewardship (as model for students) |
It is a goal of my
organization’s B-WET-funded MWEE professional development
that teachers will: |
22 |
PD goals: Instruction/ MWEE component use |
It is a goal of my
organization’s B-WET-funded MWEE professional development
that teachers will: |
23 |
PD goals: Knowledge/ environmental impacts of human behaviors (issues) |
It is a goal of my
organization’s B-WET-funded professional development that
teachers will be able to: |
24 |
PD goals: Knowledge/ stewardship behaviors |
It is a goal of my
organization’s B-WET-funded professional development that
teachers will be able to: |
25 |
PD goals: Knowledge/ watersheds |
It is a goal of my
organization’s B-WET-funded professional development that
teachers will be able to: |
26 |
PD instruction: alignment with standards |
To what extent was your
organization's MWEE professional development content aligned with:
(Not at all=1 to To a great extent=5) |
27 |
PD instruction: education methods |
What education methods were
used during your MWEE professional development? (select No or Yes
for each method) (Not sure, No, Yes) |
What education methods were
used during your MWEE professional development? (select No or Yes
for each method) |
28 |
PD instruction: hours |
About how many hours of
MWEE professional development and/or support did your organization
typically provide for any one teacher this past grant
year? |
About how many hours of
MWEE professional development and/or support did you receive over
the past 12 months? |
X |
29 |
PD instruction: hours outdoors |
About how many hours did
the typical teacher participate in outdoor activities as part of
your organization's MWEE professional development this past grant
year? |
About how many hours of
those MWEE professional development hours did you spend
outdoors? |
30 |
PD instruction: science inquiry methods |
Scientific-inquiry learning above: Which of the following steps
did you include: Engaged teachers in: |
If responded Yes to
“Scientific-inquiry-based learning” in “What
education methods were used during your students’ MWEEs?”,
then answer this question: |
31 |
PD instruction: stewardship behaviors |
Did teachers participate in
any of these activities to protect and/or restore ocean, coastal
and/or Great Lakes watersheds during their MWEE professional
development? |
During your MWEE
professional development, did you participate in any of these
activities that protect and/or restore ocean, coastal, and/or
Great Lakes watersheds? |
32 |
PD instruction: type |
Which of the following
types of B-WET-funded MWEE professional development did you
typically provide over the past grant year? |
Which type(s) of MWEE
professional development did you participate in or receive:
(please select yes or no for each type) On-line professional development support (e.g., courses, webinars, discussion forums) |
X |
33 |
PD instruction: use of NOAA resources |
Which NOAA resources were
incorporated into your organization's typical B-WET-funded MWEE
professional development? (No/Yes/Not sure) |
Which NOAA resources were
used as part of your MWEE professional
development? |
34 |
Teacher satisfaction |
What component(s) of the
MWEE professional development best prepared you to teach your
students about local watersheds?
On Teacher MWEE questionnaire: What are could be done by others to help you develop and implement improved MWEEs? |
35 |
Teacher satisfaction |
Overall, what grade would
you give your MWEE professional development experience? Scale from
F to A+ |
X |
1 |
1Unique ID or Award Number |
(see descriptives in Grantee Support tab) |
TEACHER UNIQUE ID (links teacher to PD): To allow us to compare your past, current, and future responses, please create a unique 8-digit ID number using the 2 digits of your birth month, the 2 digits of your birth day, and the last 4 digits of most often used phone number. If you were born on March 9 and your home phone is 410.719.1234, your ID number would be 03091234. |
X |
2 |
Descriptive: number of students, K-12 schools, and school districts served |
How many students, schools,
and school districts were served directly by your organization
this past grant year as a result of your B-WET grant? (Please
provide one number, NOT a range .) |
How many of your students
participated in a MWEE during the most recent school year? (Please
provide your best estimate, NOT a range) |
X |
3 |
Descriptive: student academic level |
4 |
Descriptive: student ESOL |
What percent of the
participating students speak English as a second language (aka
English Language Learners)? |
5 |
Descriptive: student ethnicity/race |
6 |
Descriptive: student gender |
7 |
Descriptive: student grade level |
What percent of the
students/youth directly served by your organization were in each
of the following grades levels? (total should equal 100%) |
8 |
Descriptive: student socioeconomic status |
What percent of the
participating students’ schools are Title 1? |
9 |
Descriptives: person/organization completing questionnaire |
Are you currently a PreK-12
teacher or educator? |
X |
10 |
Descriptives: person/organization completing questionnaire |
In what setting do you
teach? |
X |
11 |
Instruction: education methods |
Scientific-inquiry learning above: Which of the following steps
did you include: Engage students in: |
If responded Yes to
“Scientific-inquiry-based learning” in “What
education methods were used during your students’ MWEEs?”,
then answer this question: |
12 |
Instruction: education methods |
What education methods were
used by your organization’s staff with students during your
organization’s typical B-WET-funded MWEEs? (select No or Yes
for each method) |
What education methods were
used during your students’ MWEEs? (select No or Yes for each
method) |
13 |
Instruction: MWEE action - data collection |
Did students participate in
any of these activities to protect and/or restore ocean, coastal
and/or Great Lakes watersheds during your organization’s
B-WET-funded MWEEs? (please indicate no or yes for each
activity) |
During the outdoor learning
experience(s), my students: |
14 |
Instruction: MWEE action - stewardship behaviors |
Did students participate in
any of these activities to protect and/or restore ocean, coastal
and/or Great Lakes watersheds during your organization’s
B-WET-funded MWEEs? (please indicate no or yes for each
activity) |
Did students participate in
any of the following activities to protect and/or restore ocean,
coastal, and/or Great Lakes watersheds during their MWEE? (please
indicate no or yes for each activity) |
15 |
Instruction: MWEE alignment with standards |
To what extent were your
organization's MWEEs aligned with: (Not at all=1 to To a great
extent=5) |
To what extent was the
content of your students' MWEEs aligned with: : (Not at all=1 to
To a great extent=5) |
16 |
Instruction: MWEE hours outdoors |
On average during the past
grant year, a typical student spent ____ hours outdoors
being taught by your organization’s staff during a
B-WET-funded MWEE. |
On average during the last
school year, about how many hours did a typical student spend
during MWEE activities? (check one) |
X |
17 |
Instruction: MWEE hours total |
On average during the past
grant year, a typical student spent ____ hours being taught by
your organization’s staff during a B-WET-funded MWEE.
On average during the last
school year, about how many hours did a typical student spend
involved in MWEE activities? (check one) |
X |
18 |
Instruction: MWEE integration (classroom/outdoors) |
NA |
Overall, what I taught my
students about watersheds in the classroom was closely integrated
with students' outdoor learning experience(s). (7-point agreement
scale) |
19 |
Instruction: MWEE length |
On average, a typical
student participated in your organization's B-WET-funded MWEEs
over the course of: |
On average, did students
participate in a MWEE over the course of: |
X |
20 |
Instruction: MWEE location |
Where did the outdoor
component of your students' MWEEs occur? |
21 |
Instruction: MWEE preparation |
BEFORE students
participated in their outdoor learning experience: |
22 |
Instruction: MWEE reflection |
AFTER students participated
in the outdoor learning experience(s): |
23 |
Instruction: MWEE subjects |
Were your organization’s
typical B-WET-funded MWEEs focused only on science concepts, or on
concepts from multiple disciplines (e.g., science, math, social
studies, literature, art, music)? |
Were your typical MWEEs
focused only on science concepts, or on concepts from multiple
disciplines (e.g., science, math, social studies, literature, art,
music)? |
24 |
Instruction: MWEE type |
Which of the following did
your B-WET-funded programs provide for students during this past
grant year? |
25 |
Instruction: MWEE use of NOAA resources |
Which NOAA resources were
used as part of MWEEs for students, if any? |
Which NOAA resources were
used as part of your typical student MWEE? |
26 |
MWEE goals: academic achievement |
It is a goal of my
organization’s B-WET-funded MWEEs that students
will: |
27 |
MWEE goals: Attitudes/Career interest |
It is a goal of my
organization’s B-WET-funded MWEEs that students will: |
28 |
MWEE goals: Attitudes/towards watershed resources |
It is a goal of my
organization’s B-WET-funded MWEEs that students will: |
29 |
MWEE goals: Behavior/Stewardship change |
It is a goal of my
organization’s B-WET-funded MWEEs that students will: |
30 |
MWEE goals: Behavior/Stewardship self-efficacy |
It is a goal of my
organization’s B-WET-funded MWEEs that students will: |
31 |
MWEE goals: Knowledge/environmental impacts of human behaviors (issues) |
It is a goal of my
organization’s B-WET-funded MWEEs that students
will: |
Did your typical MWEE
include any of the following learning objectives? Students will be
able to: |
32 |
MWEE goals: Knowledge/Stewardship behaviors |
It is a goal of my
organization’s B-WET-funded MWEEs that students will be able
to: |
Did your typical MWEE
include any of the following learning objectives? Students will be
able to: |
33 |
MWEE goals: Knowledge/watersheds |
It is a goal of my
organization’s B-WET-funded MWEEs that students will be able
to: |
Did your typical MWEE
include any of the following learning objectives? Students will be
able to: |
34 |
MWEE goals: Skills/Science inquiry skills, such as critical thinking |
It is a goal of my
organization’s B-WET-funded MWEEs that students will: |
35 |
MWEE implemented? |
In the past 12 months, did
you implement a Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE)
with your students? |
X |
36 |
Student satisfaction |
1 |
1Unique ID or Award Number |
TEACHER UNIQUE ID: To allow us to compare your past, current, and future responses, please create a unique 8-digit ID number using the 2 digits of your birth month, the 2 digits of your birth day, and the last 4 digits of most often used phone number. If you were born on March 9 and your home phone is 410.719.1234, your ID number would be 03091234. |
2 |
Behavior: stewardship (as role model for students) |
professional development, how confident were you in your ability
to: |
X |
3 |
Instruction: MWEE confidence |
pre/post) |
X (teach my students… and incorporate MWEEs….)
4 |
Instruction: MWEE intention to teach |
In the FUTURE, I intend to
...: |
X (teach my students… and incorporate MWEEs….)
5 |
Knowledge: environmental impacts of human behaviors |
As a result of
participating in the MWEE professional development, I am better
able to: |
6 |
Knowledge: stewardship behaviors |
As a result of
participating in the MWEE professional development, I am better
able to: |
7 |
Knowledge: watersheds |
As a result of
participating in the MWEE professional development, I am better
able to: |
1 |
1Unique ID or Award Number |
(see MWEE Implementation tab for teacher descriptives) |
2 |
Academic achievement |
As a result of
participating in MWEEs, students: |
X |
3 |
Attitudes: career interest |
As a result of
participating in MWEEs, students: |
X |
4 |
Attitudes: towards watershed resources |
As a result of
participating in MWEEs, students: |
X |
5 |
Behavior: stewardship change |
As a result of
participating in MWEEs, students: |
X (first statement only) |
6 |
Behavior: stewardship self-efficacy |
As a result of
participating in MWEEs, students: |
X |
7 |
Knowledge: watersheds |
As a result of
participating in MWEEs, students: |
X |
8 |
Most important outcomes |
What is the most important benefit of MWEEs for your students? |
9 |
Skills: Science inquiry skills, such as critical thinking |
As a result of
participating in MWEEs, students: |
X |
1 |
Education policy impact |
To what extent do you (dis)agree with the following statement: NOAA B-WET has had, or will have, a positive impact on education policy in my area? (NA, Strongly disagree to Strongly agree 7-point scale) Please explain why you selected the response you did. |
2 |
EE impact |
To what extent do you (dis)agree with the following statement: NOAA B-WET has had, or will have, a positive impact on environmental education in my area's formal education system? (NA, Strongly disagree to Strongly agree 7-point scale) Please explain why you selected the response you did. |
3 |
Environment impact |
To what extent do you (dis)agree with the following statement: The health of our local watershed(s) has improved, or will improve, as a result of my organization's B-WET-funded professional development or MWEEs. (NA, Strongly disagree to Strongly agree 7-point scale) Please explain why you selected the response you did. |
4 |
Environmental policy impact |
To what extent do you (dis)agree with the following statement: NOAA B-WET has had, or will have, a positive impact on environmental policy in my area? (NA, Strongly disagree to Strongly agree 7-point scale) Please explain why you selected the response you did. |
5 |
NOAA visibility |
To what extent do you (dis)agree with the following statement: As a result of NOAA B-WET, the public is more familiar with NOAA, such as NOAA science, resources, and experts? (NA, Strongly disagree to Strongly agree 7-point scale) Please explain why you selected the response you did. |
6 |
NOAA visibility |
Did your B-WET professional
development provider indicate that it was funded (in part) with
funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA)? |
7 |
Organization impact |
To what extent do you (dis)agree with the following statement: The B-WET grant has improved, or will improve, the overall quality of environmental education provided by my organization? (NA, Strongly disagree to Strongly agree 7-point scale) Please explain why you selected the response you did. |
8 |
Evaluation |
Which of the following best
describes the situation with regard to evaluation(s) of your
organization's B-WET-funded programs? |
9 |
Evaluation |
If outcome or impact
evaluation: |
10 |
Evaluation |
If outcome or impact
evaluation: |
1: NOAA B-WET Evaluation System Metrics Matrix
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Anita Kraemer |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-30 |