18 Cfr 141.1


Form 1, (NOPR in RM11-24)Annual Report of Major Electric Utilities, Licensees and Others, and Supplemental

18 CFR 141.1

OMB: 1902-0021

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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
§ 131.80 FERC Form No. 556, Certification of qualifying facility (QF)
status for a small power production
or cogeneration facility.
(a) Who must file. Any person seeking
to certify a facility as a qualifying facility pursuant to sections 3(17) or 3(18)
of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C.
796(3)(17), (3)(18), unless otherwise exempted or granted a waiver by Commission rule or order pursuant to
§ 292.203(d), must complete and file the
Form of Certification of Qualifying Facility (QF) Status for a Small Power
Production or Cogeneration Facility,
FERC Form No. 556. Every Form of
Certification of Qualifying Status must
be submitted on the FERC Form No.
556 then in effect and must be prepared
in accordance with the instructions incorporated in that form.
(b) Availability of FERC Form No. 556.
The currently effective FERC Form
No. 556 shall be made available for
download from the Commission’s Web
(c) How to file a FERC Form No. 556.
All applicants must file their FERC
Forms No. 556 electronically via the
Commission’s eFiling Web site.
[Order 732, 75 FR 15965, Mar. 30, 2010]

WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR

141.1 FERC Form No. 1, Annual report of
Major electric utilities, licensees and
141.2 FERC Form No. 1–F, Annual report for
Nonmajor public utilities and licensees.
141.14 Form No. 80, Licensed Hydropower
Development Recreation Report.
141.15 Annual Conveyance Report.
141.51 FERC Form No. 714, Annual Electric
Balancing Authority Area and Planning
Area Report.
141.61 [Reserved]
141.100 Original cost statement of utility
141.300 FERC Form No. 715, Annual Transmission Planning and Evaluation Report.
141.400 FERC Form No. 3–Q, Quarterly financial report of electric utilities, licensees, and natural gas companies.
141.500 Cash management programs.

§ 141.1
§ 141.1 FERC Form No. 1, Annual report of Major electric utilities, licensees and others.
(a) Prescription. The Form of Annual
Report for Major electric utilities, licensees and others, designated herein
as FERC Form No. 1, is prescribed for
the reporting year 1981 and each year
(b) Filing requirements—(1) Who must
file—(i) Generally. Each Major and each
Nonoperating (formerly designated as
Major) electric utility (as defined in
part 101 of Subchapter C of this chapter) and each licensee as defined in section 3 of the Federal Power Act (16
U.S.C. 796), including any agency, authority or other legal entity or instrumentality engaged in generation,
transmission, distribution, or sale of
electric energy, however produced,
throughout the United States and its
possessions, having sales or transmission service equal to Major as defined above, must prepare and file electronically with the Commission the
FERC Form 1 pursuant to the General
Instructions as provided in that form.
(ii) Exceptions. This report form is
not prescribed for any agency, authority or instrumentality of the United
States, nor is it prescribed for municipalities as defined in section 3 of the
Federal Power Act; (i.e., a city, county,
irrigation district, drainage district, or
other political subdivision or agency of
a State competent under the laws
thereof to carry on the business of developing, transmitting, utilizing, or
distributing power).
(2) When to file and what to file. (i)
The annual report for the year ending
December 31, 2004, must be filed on
April 25, 2005.
(ii) The annual report for each year
thereafter must be filed on April 18.
(iii) This report must be filed with
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as prescribed in § 385.2011 of
this chapter and as indicated in the
General Instructions set out in this
form, and must be properly completed
and verified. Filing on electronic media

AUTHORITY: 15 U.S.C. 79; 15 U.S.C. 717–717z;
16 U.S.C. 791a–828c, 2601–2645; 31 U.S.C. 9701;
42 U.S.C. 7101–7352.


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§ 141.2

18 CFR Ch. I (4–1–11 Edition)

pursuant to § 385.2011 of this chapter is
[Order 200, 47 FR 1280, Jan. 12, 1982, as
amended by Order 390, 49 FR 32515, Aug. 14,
1984; Order 574, 60 FR 1718, Jan. 5, 1995; Order
626, 67 FR 36096, May 23, 2002; 69 FR 9043, Feb.
26, 2004; Order No. 694, 72 FR 20723, Apr. 26,
2007; 73 FR 58736, Oct. 7, 2008]

§ 141.2 FERC Form No. 1–F, Annual report for Nonmajor public utilities
and licensees.
(a) Prescription. The form of Annual
Report for Nonmajor Public Utilities
and Licensees, designated herein as
FERC Form No. 1–F, is prescribed for
the year 1980 and each year thereafter.
(b) Filing Requirements—(1) Who Must
File—(i) Generally. Each Nonmajor and
each Nonoperating (formerly designated as Nonmajor) public utility
and licensee as defined by the Federal
Power Act, which is considered
Nonmajor as defined in Part 101 of this
chapter, shall prepare and file with the
Commission an original and conformed
copies of FERC Form No. 1–F pursuant
to the General Instructions set out in
that form.
(ii) Exceptions. FERC Form No. 1–F is
not prescribed for any municipality as
defined in Section 3 of the Federal
Power Act, i.e., a city, county, irrigation district, drainage district, or other
political subdivision or agency of a
State competent under the laws thereof to carry on the business of developing, transmitting, utilizing, or distributing power.
(2) When to file. (i) The annual report
for the year ending December 31, 2004,
must be filed on April 25, 2005.
(ii) The annual report for each year
thereafter must be filed on April 18.

WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR

[Order 101, 45 FR 60899, Sept. 15, 1980, as
amended by Order 390, 49 FR 32515, Aug. 14,
1984; 50 FR 5744, Feb. 12, 1985; 69 FR 9043, Feb.
26, 2004; Order No. 694, 72 FR 20723, Apr. 26,

§ 141.14 Form No. 80, Licensed Hydropower Development Recreation Report.
The form of the report, Licensed Hydropower Development Recreation Report, designated as FERC Form No. 80,
for use by licensees in reporting information with respect to existing and potential recreational use at developments within projects under major and

minor license, is approved and prescribed for use as provided in § 8.11 of
this chapter.
[46 FR 50059, Oct. 9, 1981]

§ 141.15

Annual Conveyance Report.

If a licensee of a hydropower project
is required by its license to file with
the Commission an annual report of
conveyances of easements or rights-ofway across, or leases of, project lands,
the report must be filed only if such a
conveyance or lease of project lands
has occurred in the previous year.
[Order 540, 57 FR 21738, May 22, 1992]

§ 141.51 FERC Form No. 714, Annual
Electric Balancing Authority Area
and Planning Area Report.
(a) Who must file. (1) Any electric
utility, as defined by section 3(4) of the
Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act,
16 U.S.C. 2602, operating a balancing
authority area, and any group of electric utilities, which by way of contractual arrangements operates as a single
balancing authority area, must complete and file the applicable schedules
in FERC Form No. 714 with the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission.
(2) Any electric utility, or group of
electric utilities that constitutes a
planning area and that has a peak load
greater than 200 megawatts (MW) based
on net energy for load for the reporting
year, must complete applicable schedules in FERC Form No. 714.
(b) When to file. FERC Form No. 714
must be filed on or before each June 1
for the preceding calendar year.
(c) What to file. FERC Form No. 714,
Annual Electric Balancing Authority
Area and Planning Area Report, must
be filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as prescribed in
§ 385.2011 of this chapter and as indicated in the General Instructions set
out in this form.
[58 FR 52436, Oct. 8, 1993 as amended by Order
No. 20723, 72 FR 20725, Apr. 26, 2007]
8, 1993, § 141.51 was revised. The section contains information collection and recordkeeping requirements and will not become
effective until approval has been given by
the Office of Management and Budget.


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