29 CFR 1917 Marine Terminals


Marine Terminal Operations (29 CFR Part 1917) and Longshoring (29 CFR Part 1918) Standards

29 CFR 1917 Marine Terminals

OMB: 1218-0196

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§ 1917.111

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(d) The employer is not required to
pay for:
(1) Everyday clothing, such as longsleeve shirts, long pants, street shoes,
and normal work boots; or
(2) Ordinary clothing, skin creams, or
other items, used solely for protection
from weather, such as winter coats,
jackets, gloves, parkas, rubber boots,
hats, raincoats, ordinary sunglasses,
and sunscreen.
(e) The employer must pay for replacement PPE, except when the employee has lost or intentionally damaged the PPE.
(f) Where an employee provides adequate protective equipment he or she
owns, the employer may allow the employee to use it and is not required to
reimburse the employee for that equipment. The employer shall not require
an employee to provide or pay for his
or her own PPE, unless the PPE is excepted by paragraphs (b) through (e) of
this section.
(g) This section shall become effective on February 13, 2008. Employers
must implement the PPE payment requirements no later than May 15, 2008.
NOTE TO § 1917.96: When the provisions of
another OSHA standard specify whether or
not the employer must pay for specific
equipment, the payment provisions of that
standard shall prevail.
[72 FR 64429, Nov. 15, 2007]

Subpart F—Terminal Facilities
§ 1917.111 Maintenance and load limits.
(a) The structural integrity of docks,
piers, wharves, terminals and working
surfaces shall be maintained.
(b) Maximum safe load limits, in
pounds per square foot (kilograms per
square meter), of floors elevated above
ground level, and pier structures over
the water shall be conspicuously posted
in all cargo areas.
(c) Maximum safe load limits shall
not be exceeded.
(d) All walking and working surfaces
in the terminal area shall be maintained in good repair.
§ 1917.112 Guarding of edges.
(a) Vehicle protection. (1) Vehicle
curbs, bull rails, or other effective barriers at least six inches (15.24 cm) in

height shall be provided at the waterside edges of aprons and bulkheads, except where vehicles are prohibited.
Curbs or bull rails installed after October 3, 1983, shall be at least 10 inches
(25.4 cm) in height.
(2) The provisions of paragraph (a)(1)
of this section also apply at the edge of
any fixed level above the common floor
area from which vehicles may fall, except at loading docks, platforms and
skids where cargo is moved by vehicles.
(b) Employee protection. (1) Guardrails
shall be provided at locations where
employees are exposed to floor or wall
openings or waterside edges, including
bridges or gangway-like structures
leading to pilings or vessel mooring or
berthing installations, which present a
hazard of falling more than 4 feet (1.22
m) or into the water, except as specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
(2) Guardrails are not required:
(i) At loading platforms and docks;
(ii) At waterside edges used for cargo
(iii) On the working sides of work
platforms, skids or similar workplaces;
(iv) On railroad rolling stock, highway vehicles, intermodal containers or
similar equipment.
(3) Where guardrails are impracticable due to machinery requirements
or work processes, an alternate means
of protecting employees from falling,
such as nets, shall be used.
(c) Criteria for guardrails. Guardrails
shall meet the following criteria:
(1) They shall be capable of withstanding a force of at least 200 pounds
(890 N) applied in any direction at midspan of the top rail (when used), or at
the uppermost point if there is no top
(2) If not of solid baluster, grillwork,
slatted or similar construction, guardrails shall consist of top rails and
midrails. Midrails, when used, shall be
positioned at approximately half the
height of the top rail.
(3) The top surface of guardrails installed before October 3, 1983, shall be
at least 36 inches (0.91 m) high. Those
installed after October 3, 1983, shall be
42 inches (1.07 m), plus or minus 2
inches (5.1 cm), high.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(4) Any non-rigid railing such as
chain or wire rope shall have a maximum sag limit at the mid-point between posts of not more than 6 inches
(15.24 cm).
(5) Top rails shall be free of puncture
and laceration hazards.
(6) Rail ends shall not overhang to
constitute a hazard, but this does not
prohibit scrollwork, boxed ends or
similar non-hazardous projections.
(d) Toeboards. Toeboards shall be provided when employees below could be
exposed to falling objects such as tools.
Toeboards shall be at least 31⁄2 inches
(8.9 cm) in height from top edge to
floor level, and be capable of withstanding a force of 50 pounds (222 N) applied in any direction. Drainage clearance under toeboards is permitted.
(e) Stair railings. Stair railings shall
be capable of withstanding a force of at
least 200 pounds (890 N) applied in any
direction, and shall not be more than
36 inches (0.91 m) nor less than 32
inches (0.81 m) in height from the upper
top rail surface to the tread surface in
line with the leading edge of the tread.
Railings and midrails shall be provided
at any stairway having four or more
risers, as follows:
(1) For stairways less than 44 inches
(1.12 m) wide, at least one railing; and
(2) For stairways more than 44 inches
(1.12 m) but less than 88 inches (2.24 m)
wide, a stair rail or handrail on each
side, and if 88 or more inches wide, an
additional intermediate handrail.
(f) Condition. Railings shall be maintained free of sharp edges and in good
[48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, as amended at 62
FR 40201, July 25, 1997; 65 FR 40941, June 30,

§ 1917.113

Clearance heights.

Clearance heights shall be prominently posted where the height is insufficient for vehicles and equipment.
§ 1917.114

Cargo doors.

(a) Mechanically operated. (1) Cargo
door counterweights shall be guarded.
(2) Lift trucks and cranes shall not be
used to move mechanically operated
doors except when necessary during repair on the doors, in which case ropes
or other guarding shall be provided to

§ 1917.115

prevent entry into the area where the
door may fall or slide.
(3) Vertically operated doors partially opened for work or ventilation
shall be secured to prevent accidental
(b) Tackle operated. (1) The door shall
be connected to its lifting tackle with
shackles or equally secure means.
(2) Lifting bridles and tackles shall
have a safety factor of five, based upon
maximum anticipated static loading
(3) Devices shall be provided to hold
overhead doors in the open position
and to secure them when closed.
(4) Lifting gear and hardware shall be
maintained in safe condition.
(5) Lifting ropes, when used, shall be
placed out of the work area and off the
(c) Horizontal sliding. (1) Horizontal
sliding door rollers shall be constructed to prevent the door from
jumping from overhead tracks.
(2) Sliding doors shall be secured to
prevent them from swinging.
§ 1917.115

Platforms and skids.

(a) Platforms and skids extending
from piers, transit sheds or lofts and
used for landing or hooking on drafts
shall be provided at the open sides with
guardrails meeting the requirements of
§ 1917.112(c) or alternate means, such as
nets, to protect employees against
(b) Any employee working below a
second-story platform or skid shall be
protected from falling objects by a net
stretched from the platform or skid to
the vessel.
(c) Platforms and skids shall be
strong enough to bear the loads handled and shall be maintained in safe
condition. Safe working loads, which
shall be posted or marked on or adjacent to platforms and skids, shall have
a minimum safety factor of five for any
part, based upon maximum anticipated
static loading conditions and the ultimate strength of the construction material.
(d) The employer shall provide and
maintain platform and skid attachments that will prevent accidental
movement of the skid or platform.


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§ 1917.116

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

§ 1917.116 Elevators and escalators.
(a) ‘‘Elevator’’ means a permanent
hoisting and lowering mechanism with
a car or platform moving vertically in
guides and serving two or more floors
of a structure. The term excludes such
devices as conveyors, tiering or piling
machines, material hoists, skip or furnace hoists, wharf ramps, lift bridges,
car lifts and dumpers.
(b) ‘‘Escalator’’ means a power-driven
continuous moving stairway principally intended for the use of persons.
(c) No elevator or escalator with a
defect which affects safety shall be
(d) Elevator safety devices shall not
be overridden or made inoperable.
(e) Elevators and escalators shall be
thoroughly inspected at intervals not
exceeding one year. Additional monthly inspections for satisfactory operation shall be conducted by designated
persons. Records of the results of the
latest annual elevator inspections shall
be posted in elevators. Records of annual escalator inspections shall be
posted in the vicinity of the escalator
or be available at the terminal.
(f) Elevator landing openings shall be
provided with doors, gates or equivalent protection which shall be in place
when the elevator is not at that landing, to prevent employees from falling
into the shaft.
(g) The elevator’s or escalator’s maximum load limits shall be posted and
not exceeded. Elevator load limits
shall be posted conspicuously both inside and outside of the car.
(h) Elevators shall be operated only
by designated persons except for automatic or door interlocking elevators
which provide full shaft door closing
and automatic car leveling.
[48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, as amended at 49
FR 28551, July 13, 1984; 61 FR 5509, Feb. 13,

§ 1917.117 Manlifts.
(a) Inspection. Manlifts shall be inspected monthly by a designated person. Safety switches shall be checked
weekly. Manlifts found to be unsafe
shall not be operated until repaired. Inspections shall include at least the following:
(1) Step fastenings;
(2) Rails;

(3) Rail supports and fastenings;
(4) Roller and slides;
(5) Belt and belt tension;
(6) Handholds and fastenings;
(7) Floor landings;
(8) Guardrails;
(9) Lubrication;
(10) Safety switches;
(11) Warning signs and lights;
(12) Illumination;
(13) Drive pulley;
(14) Bottom (boot) pulley and clearance;
(15) Pulley supports;
(16) Motor;
(17) Drive mechanism;
(18) Brake;
(19) Electrical switches;
(20) Vibration and misalignment;
(21) ‘‘Skip’’ on up or down run when
mounting the step (indicating worn
gears); and
(22) Emergency exit ladders.
(b) Inspection records. Inspection
records shall be kept for at least one
year. The record of the most recent inspection shall be posted in the vicinity
of the manlift or in the terminal.
(c) Emergency stop. An emergency
stop device shall be available within
easy reach from any position on the
(d) Instructions. Manlift use instructions shall be conspicuously posted.
(e) Top floor warning sign and light.
An illuminated sign and red light that
are visible to the user shall be provided
under the top floor opening of the
manlift to warn the user to get off at
that floor.
(f) Bottom floor warning sign. A sign
visible to descending passengers shall
be provided to warn them to get off at
the bottom floor.
(g) Upper limit stop. An automatic
stop device shall be provided to stop
the manlift when a loaded step passes
the top landing, except that manlifts
installed after October 3, 1983 shall
have two such devices.
(h) Handholds and steps. Each step
shall be provided with a corresponding
(i) Emergency ladder. A fixed emergency ladder accessible from any position on the lift and in accordance with
the requirements of § 1917.118(d) shall
be provided for the entire run of the


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(j) Landings. (1) Clear and unobstructed landing spaces shall be provided at each level. Manlifts constructed after October 3, 1983 and that
have a distance of 50 feet (15.24 m) or
more between floor landings shall have
an emergency landing every 25 feet
(7.62 m) or less of manlift travel.
(2) Open sides of emergency landings
shall be protected by guardrails.
(3) Floor landing entrances and exits
shall be guarded by mazes, self-closing
gates, or equivalent devices.
(4) Landings shall be of sufficient size
and strength to support 250 pounds
(1,112 N).
(k) Floor opening guards. The ascending sides of manlift floor openings shall
be provided with cones or bevel guards
to direct the user through the openings.
(l) Maintenance. Manlifts shall be
equipped, maintained, and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications, which shall be available at
the terminal.
(m) Bottom pulley. (1) The lower pulley shall be supported by the lowest
(2) Sides of the bottom pulley support
shall be guarded to prevent contact
with the pulley or the steps.
(n) Top clearance. A clearance of at
least 11 feet (3.35 m) shall be provided
between the top landing and the ceiling.
(o) Brakes. Manlifts shall be equipped
with brakes that are:
(1) Self-engaging;
(2) Electrically released; and
(3) Capable of stopping and holding
the manlift when the descending side is
loaded with the maximum rated load.
[48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, as amended at 65
FR 40941, June 30, 2000]

§ 1917.118 Fixed ladders.
(a) Scope and applicability. This section applies to all fixed ladders except:
(1) Ladders forming an integral part
of railway cars, highway carriers,
cargo containers or other transportation carrier equipment;
(2) Climbing devices such as step
bolts or structural members of tanks
and towers;
(3) Ladders built into or vertically
attached to tubular scaffold framing;

§ 1917.118

(4) Ladders used only for fire-fighting
or emergency purposes.
(b) Definitions. (1) Cage (basket guard)
means a barrier enclosing or nearly enclosing a ladder’s climbing space and
fastened to one or both of the ladder’s
side rails or to another structure.
(2) Fixed ladder means a ladder, including individual rung ladders, permanently attached to a structure, building or piece of equipment.
(3) Ladder safety device means a support system limiting an employee’s
drop or fall from the ladder, and which
may incorporate friction brakes, lifelines and lanyards, or sliding attachments.
(4) Well means a permanent complete
enclosure around a fixed ladder, which
is attached to the walls of the well.
(c) Defects. (1) Ladders with broken,
split or missing rungs, steps or rails,
broken welds or connections, corrosion
or wastage or other defect which may
affect safe use shall be removed from
(2) Ladder repairs shall provide
strength at least equivalent to that of
the original ladder.
(d) Ladder specifications. (1)(i) Ladders
installed before October 3, 1983, shall be
capable of withstanding without damage a minimum concentrated load, applied uniformly over a 31⁄2 inch (8.9 cm)
width at the rung center, of 200 pounds
(890 N).
(ii) Ladders installed after October 3,
1983 shall be capable of withstanding
250 pounds (1,112 N) applied as described
in paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section. If
used by more than one employee simultaneously, the ladder as a unit shall be
capable of simultaneous additional
loading in 250 pound (1,112 N) increments for each additional employee,
applied to a corresponding number of
rungs. The unit shall have a safety factor of four (4), based on ultimate
strength, in the designed service.
(2)(i) Ladders installed before October 3, 1983, shall have rungs evenly
spaced from nine to 161⁄2 inches (22.9 to
41.9 cm) apart, center to center.
(ii) Ladders installed after October 3,
1983 shall have rungs evenly spaced
from 12±2 inches (30.5±5.08 cm) apart,
center to center.


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§ 1917.118

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(3)(i) Ladders installed before October 3, 1983 shall have a width between
side rails of at least 10 inches (25.4 cm).
(ii) Ladders installed after October 3,
1983 shall have a width between side
rails of at least 12 inches (30.48 cm).
(4) The minimum distance between
the rung center line and the nearest
permanent object behind the rung shall
be 4 inches (10.16 cm), except that in
ladders installed after October 3, 1983,
the minimum distance shall be 7 inches
(17.78 cm) unless physical limitations
make a lesser distance, not less than
41⁄2 inches (11.43 cm), necessary.
(5) When a ladder passes through an
opening or past overhead obstructions,
a minimum 24 inch (.61 m) clearance
shall exist between the climbing side
and any obstruction. Where this distance is less than 30 inches (0.76 m), a
deflection device shall be installed for
guidance through the opening.
(6) The side rails of ladders shall extend at least 36 inches (0.91 m) above
the top landing surface, unless grab
bars or equivalent holds are provided.
(7) Ladders whose pitch exceeds 90° to
the horizontal (slanting backward on
the climbing side) shall not be used.
(e) Protection against falls. (1) Fixed
ladders more than 20 feet (6.1 m) in
height shall be provided with a cage,
well, or ladder safety device.
(2) When a well or cage is used, ladders with length of climb exceeding 30
feet (9.14 m) shall comply with the following provisions:
(i) The ladder shall consist of multiple sections not exceeding 30 feet (9.14
m) each;
(ii) Each section shall be horizontally
offset from adjacent sections, except as
specified in paragraph (e)(2)(iv) of this
section, and
(iii) A landing platform capable of
supporting a load of 100 pounds per
square foot (4.79 kPa) and fitted with
1917.112(c) shall be provided at least
every 30 feet (9.14 m), except as specified in paragraph (e)(2)(iv) of this section.
(iv) For ladders installed after October 3, 1983, offset sections and landing
platforms are not required if hinged
platforms capable of supporting 100
pounds per square foot (4.79 kPa), and
which are kept closed except when

opened for passage, are within the cage
or well at intervals not exceeding 30
feet (9.14 m).
(3) Ladders equipped with ladder safety devices shall have rest platforms;
(i) Capable of supporting a load of 100
pounds per square foot (4.79 kPa);
(ii) Located at intervals of 150 feet
(45.7 m) or less; and
(iii) Protected by guardrails complying with § 1917.112(c) of three sides.
(4) Where used, ladder safety devices
(i) Be installed and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, which shall be available for
(ii) Be repaired only with replacement parts having performance capability at least equal to that of the
original parts;
(iii) Have a connection length between carrier centerlines and safety
belts of 10±2 inches (25.4±5.08 cm); and
(iv) Be installed in a manner that
does not reduce the ladder’s structural
(5) Ladder cages or wells shall:
(i) Be of rigid construction that allows unobstructed use but prevents an
employee from falling through or dislodging the cage or well by falling
against it;
(ii) Have smooth inner surfaces;
(iii) Extend at least 36 inches (0.91m)
above landings; and
(iv) Extend to within 8 feet (2.44 m)
above the ground or base, except that a
maximum of 20 feet (6.1 m) is permitted
where the cage or well would extend
into traffic lanes.
(6) Ladders installed after (effective
date of standard) on radio, microwave
communications, electrical power and
similar towers, poles and structures,
including stacks and chimneys, shall
meet the requirements of this paragraph (e).
(f) Individual rung ladders. Ladders
consisting of individual rungs that are
attached to walls, conical manhole sections or river cells shall:
(1) Be capable of supporting a load of
350 pounds (1557 N) without deformation;
(2) Form a continuous ladder, uniformly spaced vertically from 12 inches
to 16 inches (30.5 to 40.6 cm) apart, with
a minimum width of 10 inches (25.4 cm)


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
and projecting at least 41⁄2 inches (11.43
cm) from the wall;
(3) Be so constructed that an employee’s foot cannot slide off the ends; and
(4) Be firmly attached and without
sharp edges.
[48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, as amended at 62
FR 40201, July 25, 1997; 65 FR 40941, June 30,

§ 1917.119 Portable ladders.
(a) Scope and applicability. This section applies to all portable ladders, including job-made ladders for temporary
use, unless otherwise specified.
(b) Standards for existing manufactured
portable ladders. (1) Rungs of manufactured portable ladders obtained before
October 3, 1983, shall be capable of supporting a 200-pound (890 N) load without deformation.
(2) Rungs shall be evenly spaced from
9 to 161⁄2 inches (22.9 to 41.9 cm), center
to center.
(3) Rungs shall be continuous members between rails. Each rung of a double-rung ladder (two side rails and a
center rail) shall extend the full width
of the ladder.
(4) Width between side rails at the
base of the ladder shall be at least 12
inches (30.48 cm) for ladders 10 feet (3.05
m) or less in overall length, and shall
increase at least 1⁄4 inch (0.64 cm) for
each additional 2 feet (0.61 m) of ladder
(c) Standards for manufactured portable ladders. Portable manufactured
ladders obtained after January 21, 1998
shall bear identification indicating
that they meet the appropriate ladder
construction requirements of the following standards:
ANSI A14.1–1990, Safety Requirements
for Portable Wood Ladders
ANSI A14.2–1990, Safety Requirements
for Portable Metal Ladders
ANSI A14.5–1992, Safety Requirements
for Portable Reinforced Plastic Ladders
(d) Standards for job-made portable ladders. Job-made ladders shall:
(1) Have a minimum and uniform distance between rungs of 12 inches (30.48
cm), center to center;
(2) Are capable of supporting a 250pound (1,112 N) load without deformation; and

§ 1917.119

(3) Have a minimum width between
side rails of 12 inches (30.48 cm) for ladders 10 feet (3.05 m) in height. Width
between rails shall increase at least 1⁄4
inch (0.64 cm) for each additional 2 feet
(0.61 m) of ladder length.
(e) Maintenance and inspection. (1)
The employer shall maintain portable
ladders in safe condition. Ladders with
the following defects shall not be used
and either shall be tagged as unusable
if kept on the premises or shall be removed from the worksite:
(i) Broken, split or missing rungs,
cleats or steps;
(ii) Broken or split side rails;
(iii) Missing or loose bolts, rivets or
(iv) Defective ropes; or
(v) Any other structural defect.
(2) Ladders shall be inspected for defects prior to each day’s use, and after
any occurrence, such as a fall, which
could damage the ladder.
(f) Ladder usage. (1) Ladders made by
fastening rungs or devices across a single rail are prohibited.
(2) Ladders shall not be used:
(i) As guys, braces or skids; or
(ii) As platforms, runways or scaffolds.
(3) Metal and wire-reinforced ladders
with wooden side rails shall not be used
when employees on the ladder might
come into contact with energized electrical conductors.
(4) Individual sections from different
multi-sectional ladders or two or more
single straight ladders shall not be tied
or fastened together to achieve additional length.
(5) Except for combination ladders,
self-supporting ladders shall not be
used as single straight ladders.
(6) Unless intended for cantilever operation, non-self-supporting ladders
shall not be used to climb above the
top support point.
(7) Ladders shall extend at least 36
inches (0.91 m) above the upper support
level if employees are to leave or
mount the ladder at that level, except
that where such extension is impractical other equivalent means such as
grab bars may be used to provide a
hand grip.
(8) Ladders shall be securely positioned on a level and firm base.


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§ 1917.120

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

(9) Ladders shall be fitted with slipresistant bases and secured at top or
bottom to prevent the ladder from slipping.
(10) The employer shall direct that
ladders shall be placed so that employees climbing are not exposed to injury
from projecting objects or doors that
open toward the ladder.
[48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, as amended at 62
FR 40201, July 25, 1997; 65 FR 40941, June 30,

§ 1917.120

Fixed stairways.

(a) Definition. ‘‘Fixed stairway’’
means interior and exterior stairs serving machinery, tanks and equipment,
and stairs to or from floors, platforms
or pits. The term does not apply to
stairs intended only for fire exit purposes, to articulated stairs (the angle
of which changes with the rise and fall
of the base support) or to stairs forming an intergral part of machinery.
(b) New installations. (1) Fixed stairs
installed after October 3, 1983 shall be
positioned within the range of 30 degrees to 50 degrees to the horizontal
with uniform riser height and tread
width throughout each run and be capable of a minimum loading of 100
pounds per square foot (445 N) and a
minimum concentrated load of 300
pounds (1,334 N) at the center of any
treadspan. Riser height shall be from 6
to 7.5 inches (15.24 to 19.05 cm), stair
width a minimum of 22 inches (55.88
cm) between vertical barriers, tread
depth a minimum of 12±2 inches
(30.48±5.08 cm), and tread nosing shall
be straight leading edges.
(2) Stair landings shall be at least 20
inches (50.8 cm) in depth. Where doors
or gates open on a stairway, a landing
platform shall be provided. Door swing
shall not reduce effective standing area
on the landing to less than 18 inches
(45.72 cm) in depth.
(3) Fixed stairs having four or more
risers shall have stair railings or handrails complying with § 1917.112(c)(1).
(4) Railing height from tread surface
at the riser face shall be 33±3 inches
(83.82 cm ±7.62 cm).
(5) Restricted areas. When physical
features require stairs steeper than
those provided for by paragraph (b)(1)
of this section, stairs at angles of 50° to

75° from the horizontal may be used if
(i) Are capable of a single concentrated load of 200 pounds (890 N) at
the tread centers;
(ii) Have open treads at least 4 inches
(10.16 cm) in depth and 18 inches (45.72
cm) in width with a uniformly spaced
vertical rise between treads of 6 to 9.5
inches (15.24 to 24.13 cm); and
(iii) Have handrails that meet the requirements of § 1917.112(c)(1) on both
sides and that are not less than 30
inches (76.2 cm) in height from the
tread surface at the riser face.
(6) Maintenance. Fixed stairways
shall be maintained in safe condition
and shall not be obstructed.
[48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, as amended at 65
FR 40942, June 30, 2000]

§ 1917.121

Spiral stairways.

(a) Definition. ‘‘Spiral stairway’’
means one with closed circular form,
uniform sector-shaped treads and a
supporting column.
(b) Requirements. Spiral stairways
shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Stairways shall conform to the
minimum dimensions of Figure F–1;


Normal use by employees.
Limited access .............

A (half-tread


11 inches (27.94
9 inches (22.86

6 inches (15.24
5 inches (12.7

(2) Stairway risers shall be uniform
and shall range from 61⁄2 to 101⁄2 inches
(16.5 to 26.67 cm) in height;

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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
(3) Minimum loading capability shall
be 100 pounds per square foot (4.79kN),
and minimum tread center concentrated loading shall be 300 pounds
(1334 N);
(4) Railings shall conform to the requirements of § 1917.112(c)(1). If balusters are used, there shall be a minimum of one per tread. Handrails shall
be a minimum of 11⁄4 inches (3.18 cm) in
outside diameter; and
(5) Vertical clearance shall be at
least 6 feet, 6 inches (1.98 m) above the
top step.
(c) Maintenance. Spiral stairways
shall be maintained in safe condition.
[48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, as amended at 62
FR 40201, July 25, 1997; 65 FR 40942, June 30,

§ 1917.122 Employee exits.
(a) Employee exits shall be clearly
(b) If an employee exit is not visible
from employees’ work stations, directional signs indicating routes to the
exit shall be posted.
(c) Exits shall be readily accessible
and sufficient in number to provide employees with a convenient means of escape in emergencies. A clear passage to
the exit shall be maintained.
(d) The minimum width of any employee exit shall be 28 inches (71.12 cm).
[48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, as amended at 65
FR 40942, June 30, 2000]

§ 1917.123 Illumination. 9
(a) Working and walking areas shall
be illuminated. Unless conditions described in the regulations of the United
States Coast Guard (33 CFR 126.15(1)
and (n), and 33 CFR 154.570) exist in the
case of specific operations, illumination in active work areas (for example,
cargo transfer points) shall be of an average minimum light intensity of 5
foot-candles. The illumination in other
work areas (for example, farm areas)
shall be of an average minimum light
intensity of 1 foot-candle except for security purposes when a minimum light
intensity of 1⁄2 foot-candle shall be
9 The United States Coast Guard, at 33 CFR
126.15(1) and (n), and 33 CFR 154.570 sets out
requirements for illumination at ‘‘designated waterfront facilities’’ and ‘‘large oil
transfer facilities.’’

§ 1917.124

maintained. Where occasional work
tasks require more light than that
which is consistently and permanently
provided, supplemental lighting shall
be used.
(b) The lighting intensity shall be
measured at the task/working surface,
in the plane in which the task/working
surface is present.
(c) Lights shall, so far as possible, be
placed so that they will not shine in
the eyes of employees.
[48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, as amended at 62
FR 40201, July 25, 1997]

§ 1917.124 Dockboards (car and bridge
(a) General. The employer shall provide safe means of passage between different surface levels and across openings.
(b) [Reserved]
(c) Dockboards (car and bridge plates).
(1) Dockboards shall be strong enough
to support the loads imposed on them.
(2) Portable dockboards shall be anchored in position or be equipped with
devices to prevent their movement.
(3) Hand holds or other effective
means shall be provided on portable
dockboards to permit safe handling.
(4) Positive means shall be used to
prevent railcars or highway vehicles
from being moved while dockboards or
bridge plates are in position.
(5) Be designed, constructed, and
maintained to prevent vehicles from
running off the edge. 10
(6) Dockboards shall be well maintained.
(d) Ramps. (1) Ramps shall be strong
enough to support the loads imposed on
them and be designed, constructed, and
maintained to prevent vehicles from
running off the edge. 11
(2) Ramps shall be equipped with a
guardrail meeting the requirement of
§ 1917.112(c)(1) if the slope is more than
10 When the gap to be bridged to greater
than 36 inches (.91 m), an acceptable means
of preventing vehicles from running off the
edge is a minimum side board height of two
and three-quarter inches.
11 When the gap to be bridged is greater
than 36 inches (.91 m), an acceptable means
of preventing vehicles from running off the
edge is a minumum side board height of two
and three-quarter inches.


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§ 1917.125

29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–11 Edition)

20 degrees to the horizontal or if employees could fall more than 4 feet (1.22
(3) Ramps shall have slip-resistant
(4) When necessary to prevent displacement by vehicle wheels, steel
plates or similar devices used to temporarily bridge or cover uneven surfaces or tracks, shall be anchored.
(5) Ramps shall be well maintained.
[48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, as amended at 62
FR 40201, July 25, 1997; 65 FR 40942, June 30,

§ 1917.125 Guarding temporary hazards.
Ditches, pits, excavations and surfaces in poor repair shall be guarded by
readily visible barricades, rails or
other equally effective means.
§ 1917.126 River banks.
(a) This section applies to temporary
installations or temporary operations
near a river bank.
(b) Where working surfaces at river
banks slope so steeply that an employee could slip or fall into the water,
the outer perimeter of the working surface shall be protected by posting or
other portable protection such as roping off. In these situations, employees
must wear a personal flotation device
§ 1917.95(b).
[48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, as amended at 62
FR 40201, July 25, 1997]

§ 1917.127 Sanitation.
(a) Washing and toilet facilities. (1) The
employer shall provide accessible
washing and toilet facilities sufficient
for the sanitary requirements of employees. The facilities shall have:
(i) Running water, including hot and
cold or tepid water at a minimum of
one accessible location (when cargo
handling is conducted at locations
without permanent facilities, potable
water may be provided in lieu of running water);
(ii) Soap;
(iii) Individual hand towels, clean individual sections of continuous toweling or warm air blowers; and
(iv) Fixed or portable toilets in separate
latchequipped doors. Separate toilet facili-

ties shall be provided for male and female employees except when toilet
rooms will be occupied by only one person at a time.
(2) Washing and toilet facilities shall
be regularly cleaned and maintained in
good order.
(b) Drinking water. (1) Potable drinking water shall be accessible to employees at all times.
(2) Potable drinking water containers
shall be clean, containing only water
and ice, and shall be fitted with covers.
(3) Common drinking cups are prohibited.
(c) Prohibited eating areas. Consumption of food or beverages in areas where
hazardous materials are being stored or
handled shall be prohibited.
(d) Garbage and overboard discharges.
Work shall not be conducted in the immediate vicinity of uncovered garbage
or in the way of overboard discharges
from the vessel’s sanitary lines unless
employees are protected from the garbage or discharge by a baffle or splash
8, 2011, § 1917.127 was amended by revising
paragraph (a)(1)(iii), effective July 8, 2011.
For the convenience of the user, the revised
text is set forth as follows:
§ 1917.127 Sanitation.
(a) * * *
(1) * * *
(iii) Individual hand towels, clean individual sections of continuous toweling, or air
blowers; and






§ 1917.128 Signs and marking.
(a) General. Signs required by this
part shall be clearly worded and legible, and shall contain a key word or
legend indicating the reason for the
(1) Key words are such words as Danger, Warning, Caution.
(2) Legends are more specific explanations such as High Voltage, Close
Clearance, Pedestrian Crossing.
(b) Specific. Every marine terminal
shall have conspicuously posted signs
as follows:
(1) Locations of first aid facilities;
(2) Locations of telephones;
(3) Telephone numbers of the closest
ambulance service, hospital or other


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor
source of medical attention, police, fire
department, and emergency squad (if
any); and
(4) Locations of firefighting and
emergency equipment and fire exits.

Subpart G—Related Terminal
Operations and Equipment
§ 1917.151

Machine guarding.

(a) Definition. ‘‘Guarded’’ means
shielded, fenced, or enclosed by covers,
casings, shields, troughs, spillways or
railings, or guarded by position or location. Examples of guarding methods
are guarding by location (positioning
hazards so they are inaccessible to employees) and point of operation guarding (using barrier guards, two-hand
tripping devices, electronic safety devices, or other such devices).
(b) General. (1) Danger zones on machines and equipment used by employees shall be guarded.
(2) Where chips and dust produced by
machine operation may result in a hazard to the operator, the machinery
shall be equipped with an effective exhaust system at the point of origin, or
other equally effective means shall be
provided to protect the operator.
(3) Fixed machinery shall be secured
to prevent shifting.
(4) A power cut-off device for machinery and equipment shall be provided at
the operator’s working position.
(5) Machines driven by belts and
shafting shall be fitted with a beltlocking or equivalent protective device
if the belt can be shifted.
(6) In operations where injury to the
operator might result if motors were to
restart after power failures, provisions
shall be made to prevent machines
from automatically restarting upon
restoration of power.
(7) The power supply to machines
shall be turned off, locked out, and
tagged out during repair, adjustment,
or servicing.
(8) Machines shall be maintained in a
safe working condition.
(9) Only designated employees shall
maintain or repair machinery and
(10) Machines with defects that affect
the safety of operation shall not be

§ 1917.151

(c) Hand-fed circular ripsaws and
hand-fed circular crosscut table saws. Unless fixed or manually adjustable enclosures or guarding provides equivalent protection, hand-fed circular
ripsaws and hand-fed circular crosscut
table saws shall be guarded as follows
to keep employees clear of any danger
(1) They shall be equipped with hoods
completely enclosing those portions of
the saw above the table and the material being cut;
(2) They shall have spreaders to prevent material from squeezing the saw.
Spreaders shall be in true alignment
with the saw. Spreaders may be removed only during grooving, dadoing,
or rabbeting operations, and shall be
replaced at the completion of such operations; and
(3) They shall have non-kickback fingers or dogs to oppose the tendency of
the saw to pick up material or throw
material toward the operator.
(d) Swing cutoff saws. (1) Swing cutoff
saws shall have hoods completely enclosing the upper half of the saw, the
arbor end and the point of operation at
all saw positions to protect the operator from material thrown up by the
saw. The hood shall automatically
cover the lower portion of the blade, so
that when the saw returns to the back
of the table the hood rises on top of the
fence, and when the saw is moved forward the hood drops on top, remaining
in contact with the table or the material.
(2) Swing cutoff saws shall have a device to return the saw automatically to
the back of the table without rebound.
The device shall not be dependent upon
rope, cord or springs.
(3) Devices shall be provided to prevent saws from swinging beyond the
front or back edges of the table.
(4) Inverted swing cutoff saws shall
have hoods covering the part of the saw
protruding above the table top or the
material being cut. Hoods shall automatically adjust to the thickness of,
and remain in contact with, material
being cut.
(e) Radial saws. Unless fixed or manually adjustable enclosures or guards
provide equivalent protection, radial
saws shall be guarded as follows:


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