Department of Labor
Employment and Training Administration OMB 1205-0017
Domestic Agricultural In-Season Wage Report Exp. Date 8 31 2010
1. Area 2. Crop 3. Date 4. Time |
5. Active Acreage of 6. Percent Completed 7. Method of Contact Total Production |
8. Name of Employer 9. Address (No., St., City, State, ZIP Code) 10. No. of Foreign Workers
11. Interviewer 12. Local Office Address |
Part I. Number of Domestic Hired Workers in Crop Activity by Rate |
Crop Activity Rate(Amount Per Unit) Total Instate Interstate (Local and Interstate) (Including Contract Puerto Rican) |
B |
A |
C |
D |
E |
Part II. Productivity and Average Hourly Earnings of Piece Rate Workers |
Rate Amount For Unit |
Workers |
Total Units of Production |
Average Hurly Earnings |
Worker Interviews |
Unit |
Hours Worked |
Number |
Average Hourly Earnings |
Rate |
B |
A |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
Part III. Variable Affecting Rates, Crop Conditions, or Other Explanatory and Pertinent Information |
Position |
Name of Person Interviewed |
Position |
Date |
OMB Paperwork Reduction Act (1205-0017) These reporting instructions have been approved under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Obligations to reply are voluntary (20 CFR 653.500 and 20 CFR 655). Public reporting burden for this collection of information, which is to assist with program management and to meet Congressional and statutory requirements, is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data sources, gather and maintain the data needed, and complete and review the collection of information. This is public information and there is no expectation of confidentiality Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Labor, Room C-4312, 200 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20210. (Paperwork Reduction Project OMB 1205-0017.) Do NOT send the completed application to this address.
ETA-232-A, Rev Sept 1990
Prev. Versions Usable
I. Special Instruction. This form shall be completed during the actual prevailing
wage survey contacts for transfer to the ETA 232 form. It should be maintained
in a confidential manner since it identifies specific employers and contain
information which is confidential in nature.
II Preparation of the Wage Survey Interview Record. All items on the form are to
be completed with no change in the format. If the space provided on the form for
any item is not adequate, complete information should be provided on a separate
attached sheet, with the item(s) numbered to correspond to those on the form.
A. Heading of Record
1. Item 1, Area. Enter the wage reporting area number.
2. Item 2, Crop. Enter the crop involved in the survey, i.e., apples,
3. Item 3, Date. Enter the date of the contact with the employer.
4. Item 4, Time. Enter time of the contact.
5. Item 5, Active Acreage or Total Production. Enter the
approximate number of acres of estimated production, ect., (as appropriate as an indication of the size, or relative significance of the employers operation to the crop activity.
6. Item 6, Percent Completed. Enter the estimated percentage of the crop activity which has been completed.
7. Item 7, method of Contact. Indicate the method of contact, i.e., personal visit, telephone contact, etc.
8. Item 8, Name of Employer. Self-explanatory.
9. Item 9, Address. Self-explanatory.
10. Item 10, Number of Foreign Workers. Enter the number of contract foreign workers employed by the employer.
11. Item 11, Interviewer. Enter the name of the interviewer who actually obtained the information.
12. Item 12, Local Office Address. Self-explanatory.
B. Record Items
1. Part 1, Number of Domestic Hired Workers in Crop Activity by Rate.
Column A, Crop Activity. Enter the crop activity being surveyed.
Column B, Rate. Enter all wage rates, including schedules of rates being paid during the survey period. (If rates are different for youth, do not include these rates but explain in Part III.)
Column C, Total. Enter on the appropriate lines in Column C the total number of domestic hired workers reported by employers to whom each rate in Column B is applicable.
Column D, Instate and Column E, Interstate. Distribute in these columns the number of workers listed in Column C who meet the ETA Glossary definition of the type of farm workers specified in the heading of each Column. Those whose origin is not known should be entered in Column D. (D + E = C)
2. Part II, Productivity and Average Hourly Earnings of Piece Rate
Workers. (Columns A, B, C and D may, in some instances, be obtained
from payroll records or field tally sheets). (Do not include information
pertaining to youth under 16 years of age).
Column A, Rate. Same as Part I, column B., Unit - of production
b. Column B, Number of Workers. Enter the number of workers in
each category in Column A.
c. Column C, Number of Hours Worked. Enter the total number of
hours worked by the workers in each category in Column A.
d. Column D, Total Units of Production. Enter the total number of units (specified in Column A) produced by the workers in Column B during the total hours worked.
Column E, Average Hourly Earnings. Enter the results of Column D divided by Column C, multiplied by Column A (D divided by C times A = E).
Worker Interviews. Information in Columns F and G is to be obtained through personal interviews of workers.
(1) Column F, Number. Enter number of workers actually
interviewed who provide information for Column G.
Column G, Average Hourly Earnings. Enter the information provided by the workers actually interviewed.
C. Part III – Variables affection Rates, Crop Conditions, or Other
Explanatory and Pertinent Information.
Enter the factors responsible for variables such as differences in
yield and field conditions. Include in this section remarks needed to clarity any section of this Record.
Name of Person Interviewed. Enter the name of this person who
represents the employer. If employer is interviewed enter Not
Applicable (NA) in this block.
Position: Enter job title of person interviewed (e.g., Foreman), if
other than employer.
Date: Enter date of interview.
File Type | application/msword |
Author | borona |
Last Modified By | naradzay.bonnie |
File Modified | 2010-06-02 |
File Created | 2010-02-01 |