Form PTO-1597 Section 7 Request

Post Registration (Trademark Processing)

Section 7 Request - printable

TEAS Section 7 Request

OMB: 0651-0055

Document [pdf]
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PTO Form 1597 (Rev 1/08)
OMB No. 0651-0055 (Exp. 10/31/2008)

Section 7 Request
TEAS - Version 4.1: 01/26/2008
For more information regarding any of the following questions or topics, either go to HELP or click on the underlined word. You may use the following Section 7
Request form only to request:
• Correction of an immaterial error in a registration that was the fault of the USPTO, or which occurred in good faith through the owner of the registration;
• Amendment “for good cause” of a registration.
A correction or amendment under Section 7 of the Trademark Act only effects information appearing on the certificate of registration. If the information being
corrected or amended is not on the certificate, it is not processed as a correction or amendment under this section, and this form should not be used.
WARNING: The correction of a USPTO error that would result in a material change to the registration is not permissible under Section 7. See TMEP Section
1609.10(a) [link to] for information on correcting a USTPO error that would materially change the
WARNING: Registered extension of protection issued under the Madrid Protocol may not be amended under Section 7 of the Trademark Act unless the request
has been recorded with the International Bureau. Moreover, only minor and obvious corrections to registered extensions of protection that are apparent from
Office records are permissible.
Please answer all of the questions below to create a Section 7 Request form showing only sections relevant to you. You must answer each question carefully,
since the displayed form will correspond directly to the information provided.
WARNING: This form has a session time limit of 60 minutes. A session begins once you create and enter the form via the Form Wizard. If you exceed
the 60 minute time limit, the form will not validate and you must begin the entire process again; however, you can extend the time limit. You are
encouraged to have all information required to complete the form available prior to starting your session.
link to the following:
Extend the time limit: The 60-minute period is not an “absolute” period; i.e., you do not have to complete the form, start to finish, within 60 minutes. If the
USPTO’s server does not detect any activity at all within 60 minutes, it will end your session at the 60-minute point. HOWEVER, at 54 minutes into your session,
you will receive a pop-up window warning you that your session will expire in six minutes (it will actually provide the precise “end” time within the window, such as
11:29:14 EST). To “renew” your session, you simply need to click on the “O.K.” button at the bottom of the pop-up window, and you will automatically get another
60 minute time period. If you do not click on the button within the remaining six minutes of the session, your session will completely end at the 60-minute mark,
and you will be returned directly to the initial form wizard to start the process again.

Registration Number

(required only if preparing a Section 7 Request for the first time; if you have already saved
a form, use the option below)

To access previously-saved data, use the "Browse/Choose File" button below to access the file from your local drive. NOTE: For detailed instructions on the
process for retrieving saved data, please click here. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN THE DISPLAY OF YOUR
NOTE: You may only use this form if the USPTO database shows the status to be “registered” or “registration has been renewed.”
1. Do you want to amend your mark?
NOTE: While minor changes in the mark are sometimes permitted, any material alteration will NOT be permitted and will result in a refusal being issued on that
ground. If submitting a new mark image, it must be in the JPG format (whereas other image attachments may be in either the JPG or PDF format).
If the answer is Yes, does the proposed amended mark contain stylized lettering and/or a design?
If the answer is yes, you must attach a properly-sized JPG image file of the proposed amended mark within the form.
2. Do you want to correct or change any additional statement(s) about the mark that appears on the registration certificate, e.g., a disclaimer, translation, or
claim of a prior registration? [Click link to view full range of possible statements available within this section.]
NOTE: The correction of a mistake in a registration due to an error by the USPTO or the owner of the registration may be permissible only if the correction
does not result in a change that would require republication; e.g., a correction to add a statement that published correctly, but was then inadvertently omitted
from the registration certificate, or correction of a typographical error in a statement printed on the registration.



3. Do you need to correct/change an existing classification number; correct/delete items in the goods and/or services; or correct/modify dates of use?



4. Do you need to correct information pertaining to the basis for registration of the mark?



5. Do you want to change any information about the owner of the registration?



6. What signature approach do you want to use for the required declaration that will appear at the end of the form? Choose ONE from

Sign electronically directly on this request form
E-mail Text Form to second party for electronic signature
Handwritten pen-and-ink signature
7. What signature approach do you want to use for the overall Section 7 Request? Choose ONE from below.
NOTE: Although a possible combination as selected on the form wizard, the following may NOT be used: declaration signed directly and request signed
through the e-mail text form approach.
Sign electronically directly on this Section 7 Request form
E-mail Text Form to second party for electronic signature


Privacy Policy Statement
The information collected on this form allows the USPTO to determine whether a mark may be registered on the Principal or Supplemental Register, and provides notice of an applicant’s claim of ownership of the
mark. Responses to the request for information are required to obtain the benefit of a registration on the Principal register. 15 U.S.C. § 1051 et. seq.. and 37 CFR Part 2. All information collected will be made
public. Gathering and providing the information will require an estimated 20 minutes (depending if the request is based on an intent to use the mark in commerce, use of the mark in commerce, or a foreign
application or registration). Please direct comments on the time needed to complete this form, and/or suggestions for reducing this burden to the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, U.S.
Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. Please note that the USPTO may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information using a form that does not display a valid OMB control

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Section 7 Request
TEAS - Version 4.1: 01/26/2008

A correction or amendment under Section 7 of the Trademark Act only effects information appearing on the certificate of registration. If the
information being corrected or amended is not on the certificate, it is not processed as a correction or amendment under this section.
A request to correct a registration may be submitted to correct immaterial errors on the certificate, whether caused by the owner or the USPTO. A
request to amend a registration may be submitted to request immaterial changes to the mark and/or other information on the registration certificate.
NOTE: The correction of a USPTO error that would result in a material change to the registration is not permissible under Section 7. See TMEP
Section 1609.10(a) [link to] for information on correcting a USTPO error that would
materially change the registration.
To satisfy legal requirements, the declaration at the end of the Section 7 request form must be signed by the owner of the registration or someone
who is properly authorized to sign on the owner’s behalf.
WARNING: Registered extension of protection issued under the Madrid Protocol may not be amended under Section 7 of the Trademark Act
unless the request has been recorded with the International Bureau. Moreover, only minor and obvious corrections to registered extensions of
protection that are apparent from Office records are permissible.
SENDER WITH AN ELECTRONIC ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT. Please contact within 24 hours of transmission (or
by the next business day) if you do not receive this acknowledgment.
Contact Points:
For general trademark information, please e-mail, or telephone 1-800-786-9199. If you need help in
resolving technical glitches, please e-mail Please include your telephone number in your e-mail, so we can talk to you directly, if
necessary. For status information on an application that has an assigned serial number, use
NOTE: Do NOT attempt to check status until at least 72 hours after submission of a filing, to allow sufficient time for our databases to be updated.
To file the Section 7 Request form electronically, please complete the following steps:
1. Fill out all relevant fields. Any field designated with a * symbol must be completed, as it signifies a mandatory field.
2. Validate the form, using the "button" at the end of the form.
3. If the desired signatory is not available to sign the application, to forward the form to the signatory, use either the Text Form option or the

Download Portable Data option. Both options are available from the Validation Page. However, to use the Text Form option, you must first
answer YES to Form Wizard Question #6. When you receive the form back, return to step 2.
4. At the point of final validation, it is critical to confirm that all information is displayed properly immediately before filing, regardless of
the appearance of the data at any point earlier in the process. If any previously-entered image files are now missing, you must re-attach
before final submission. Otherwise, the USPTO will not receive a complete form.
5. Click on the Pay/Submit button at the bottom of the Validation Screen. If a fee payment is required, this will allow you to choose from 3
different payment methods: credit card, automated deposit account, or electronic funds transfer. After accessing the proper screen for
payment, and making the appropriate entries, you will receive a confirmation screen if your transmission is successful. This screen will say
6. You will receive an e-mail acknowledgement of your submission.

Serial Number 78556761


Law Office Assigned LAW OFFICE 114
PROGRAMMING REQUIREMENT: Do not include any of the # symbols within this form, because the declaration must always appear/be
signed at the end of the form.
PROGRAMMING REQUIREMENT: For the MARK section immediately below (the result of an answer of YES and then NO within the
question “Do you want to modify your mark?”), the form must function in the same manner as TEAS Plus/BAS, i.e., to accept the
COMPLETE standard character set.
NOTE: While minor changes in the mark are sometimes permitted, any material alteration will NOT be permitted and will result in the
denial of the request on that ground.
If you have read and understood the above notice, you must check the box before you enter the proposed new mark.

Standard Characters

Use this section if you wish to modify a word(s), letter(s), and/or number(s) with no design element and without claim to any
particular font style, size or color.

Add/Modify the Standard Characters mark here: (Note: The entry can be in capital letters, lower case letters, or a combination

Specimen File
The owner of the registration must submit one (1) specimen showing use of the proposed mark, as amended, on or in connection with the
goods/services. A specimen is required even if the mark originally registered under Section 44(e), based on a foreign registration. The following
statement must be made of record by checking the box:
[ ] The attached specimen was in use in commerce as early as the filing date of this request. The declaration under 37 C.F.R. § 2.20 at the end of this
request supporting this use will be signed by the owner or a person properly authorized to sign on behalf of the owner.
[Programming requirement: If not checked, then ERROR: You must check the box to confirm that the attached specimen was in use in commerce as
early as the filing date of this request].
Click on the 'Browse' button to select JPG/PDF file that contains the specimen from your local drive.
WARNING: Submission of an overall request as a PDF file is NOT permissible; i.e., do not use this section, or any other section, of the form to attach
a multi-page document consisting of arguments, evidence, revised identifications of goods/services, additional statements, etc. Any portion of the ROA
form that exists for a specific purpose must be used for that purpose, rather than trying to "shoehorn" a complete ROA within one PDF file. For
complete requirements concerning PDF files, click here.
WARNING: The file size cannot exceed 3 megabytes per attachment.
0 file(s) attached

Describe what the specimen submitted consists of:

[Expand size of box]
PROGRAMMING REQUIREMENT: For the MARK section immediately below (the result of an answer of YES and YES within the question
“Do you want to modify your mark?”), the display is to be consistent with the MARK section within TEAS Plus/BAS [which is what is now
shown here].
NOTE: While minor changes in the mark are sometimes permitted, any material alteration will NOT be permitted and will result in the
denial of the request on that ground.

If you have read and understood the above notice, you must check the box before you enter the proposed new mark.
Click on the "Browse/Choose File" button to select a properly-sized JPG image file (the only accepted format) from your local drive. This image
should show the mark exactly as you would wish the mark to appear on your registration certificate, if the mark registers. If you are claiming color, you
must submit a color image; otherwise, the image must be clear black-and-white. After the file name appears in the window, click on the "Attach"
button to upload the file into the application. A "thumbnail" version of the image will then display directly within the form.
NOTE: The image files for, respectively, the mark and the specimen (if filing under Section 1(a), use in commerce, and showing actual use in commerce of the mark at the time of this
filing) should NOT be the same files (or, even if different files, should not display essentially the exact same thing). The mark image file should ONLY show the mark by itself, and not a
representation of how the mark is used on the overall packaging for the goods or within an advertisement for services, for example. On the other hand, an image file that shows the
complete package for the goods or a full advertisement for the services, with the mark clearly displayed thereon or within, would be an appropriate attachment for a specimen in the later
"basis" section of the form (which only appears where a Section 1(a) filing basis is being claimed).
NOTE: The attached image should ONLY show the mark by itself, and should NOT be a representation of how the mark is or may be used, e.g., on the overall packaging for the goods or
within an advertisement for services. Except in rare circumstances, the attached image should not be the same as the specimen image file (when filing under basis Section 1(a), use in

For any image that also includes a word(s), letter(s), and/or number(s), enter the LITERAL ELEMENT only of the mark here:
NOTE: Do NOT enter any word(s), letter(s), or number(s) that do not appear in the attached image; the image file must reflect the overall mark, consisting of the design and the word(s),
letter(s), and or number(s).

* If claiming color as a feature of the mark, list the colors below, including black and/or white if actual "colors" within the mark (e.g., enter red, white,
and blue). Do NOT include as part of the entry either the words "The color(s)" or a final period, because that introductory wording and the punctuation
will automatically be added after validation; otherwise, the overall entry will have improper repetitions. Also, begin the entry with a lower-case, NOT
an upper-case, letter. (Required for color marks only.)

[Expand size of box]
Check this box if you are NOT claiming color as a feature of the mark. NOTE: Check only if you believe your image is black-and-white, yet you
received after clicking the "CONTINUE" button a WARNING about color within the mark (perhaps because the image consists of too much
grayscale); otherwise, do not check this box, because the attached image was automatically accepted as black-and-white.
* Enter description of mark below, and if a color mark, also include the nature and location of the color; i.e., you should specifically state where each
color is located within the mark.
The mark consists of:

[Expand size of box]

NOTE: A description of the mark is required for ALL marks that are in a special form (i.e., for any mark not in standard characters). You must enter a description even if what the mark
represents is immediately clear, e.g., "The letter C." Also, for any color mark, the description of the mark must include the nature and location of the color; i.e., you must specifically state

where each color is located within the mark, e.g., "A bird with a red body, blue wings, and yellow beak."
NOTE: Do NOT include as part of the description either the words "The mark consists of" or a final period, because that introductory wording and the punctuation will automatically be
added after validation; otherwise, the overall description will have improper repetitions. Also, begin the entry with a lower-case, NOT an upper-case, letter.

Specimen File
The owner of the registration must submit one (1) specimen showing use of the proposed mark, as amended, on or in connection with the
goods/services. A specimen is required even if the mark originally registered under Section 44(e), based on a foreign registration. The following
statement must be made of record by checking the box:
[ ] The attached specimen was in use in commerce as early as the filing date of this request. The declaration under 37 C.F.R. § 2.20 at the end of this
request supporting this use will be signed by the owner or a person properly authorized to sign on behalf of the owner.
[Programming requirement: If not checked, then ERROR: You must check the box to confirm that the attached specimen was in use in commerce as
early as the filing date of this request].
Click on the 'Browse' button to select JPG/PDF file that contains the specimen from your local drive.
WARNING: Submission of an overall request as a PDF file is NOT permissible; i.e., do not use this section, or any other section, of the form to attach
a multi-page document consisting of arguments, evidence, revised identifications of goods/services, additional statements, etc. Any portion of the ROA
form that exists for a specific purpose must be used for that purpose, rather than trying to "shoehorn" a complete ROA within one PDF file. For
complete requirements concerning PDF files, click here.
WARNING: The file size cannot exceed 3 megabytes per attachment.
0 file(s) attached

Describe what the specimen submitted consists of:

[Expand size of box]

The correction of a mistake in a registration due to USPTO error or owner error is permissible only if the correction does not result in a change that
would require republication. For example, the following may be permitted: a correction to add a statement that appeared as part of the mark when
published but inadvertently omitted from the registration certificate, or a correction to a typographical error in a statement printed on the registration
certificate. An amendment to add any statement that did not appear when the mark published is permissible only if the amendment would not
materially alter the mark or significant information related to the mark. If republication would be required, the amendment is a material alteration.
To select a statement, enter any required information specific to your mark (or, if no information must be entered, check the box in front of the
existing statement to select it). If you make an entry, but then determine it was not correct and no additional statement should appear, you must return
to the original form wizard and answer NO to the question about an additional statement. Otherwise, if one additional statement exists, but a second

entry was made in error, simply remove the entry from the statement that you do not wish to use.
Note: Although a declaration will automatically appear at the end of this form, it must be signed only if the Additional Statement selected is
either Section 2(f) based on use, or Section 2(f), in part, based on use (or if required by another section of this form).
PROGRAMMING REQUIREMENT: the display must be changed to be consistent with the ADDITIONAL STATEMENT(S) section within
TEAS Plus/BAS [which is NOT the approach shown below].Also, note that the checkbox for the Supplemental Register is NOT to appear
DISCLAIMER: "No claim is made to the exclusive right to use

apart from the mark as shown."

STIPPLING AS A FEATURE OF THE MARK: "The stippling is a feature of the mark."
STIPPLING FOR SHADING: "The stippling is for shading purposes only."
PRIOR REGISTRATION(S): "Applicant claims ownership of U.S. Registration Number(s)

and others."

NOTE: Entry must not include any commas, and must be 7 numerals long (if necessary, add leading 0's to number, e.g., 0086417).

§2(f), based on Evidence: "The mark has become distinctive of the goods/services, as demonstrated by the attached evidence. "
0 file(s) attached

TRANSLATION: "The foreign wording in the mark translates into English as
TRANSLITERATION: "The non-Latin character(s) in the mark transliterates into

, and this means

in English."


appearing in the mark means or signifies

in the relevant trade or industry or as applied to the goods/services listed in the

appearing in the mark has no significance in the relevant trade or industry or as applied to the goods/services listed in the
application, no geographical significance, nor any meaning in a foreign language."
Section 2(f), based on Use: "The mark has become distinctive of the goods/services through the applicant's substantially exclusive and
continuous use in commerce for at least the five years immediately before the date of this statement."
Section 2(f), based on Prior Registration(s): "The mark has become distinctive of the goods/services as evidenced by the ownership on the
Principal Register for the same mark for related goods or services of U.S. Registration No(s).


Section 2(f), IN PART, based on Use: "
has become distinctive of the goods/services through the applicant's substantially
exclusive and continuous use in commerce for at least the five years immediately before the date of this statement."
Section 2(f), IN PART, based on Prior Registration(s): "

has become distinctive of the goods/services as evidenced by the

ownership on the Principal Register for the same mark for related goods or services of U.S. Registration No(s).
§2(f), IN PART, based on Evidence: "


has become distinctive of the goods/services, as demonstrated by the attached evidence. "

0 file(s) attached

"The name(s), portrait(s), and/or signature(s) shown in the mark identifies

, whose consent(s) to register is submitted."

0 file(s) attached

"The name(s), portrait(s), and/or signature(s) shown in the mark does not identify a particular living individual."
CONCURRENT USE: Enter the appropriate concurrent use information, e.g., specify the goods and the geographic area for which registration
is sought.

MISCELLANEOUS STATEMENT: Enter information here ONLY if required for the Section 7 Request and no other section of the form is
appropriate. If you wish to DELETE a statement that appears on the certificate, you may indicate that here through an instruction. E.g., "Please
delete the disclaimer currently of record."

0 file(s) attached

NOTE: Changes may be made to the listing of goods/services to restrict the identification, correct obvious typographical errors, or otherwise
change the registration in a way that would not require republication of the mark. However, no goods or services may be added to a
registration by amendment or correction. Any request to amend or correct the classification must coincide with the current version of the
Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks. See TMEP
Section 1609.10(a) [link to] for information on correcting a USTPO error that would
materially change the registration.
Class International Class:

Enter information for the 1st Class
(Enter class number 001- 045, A, B, A & B or 200)

Listing of Goods/Services [NOTE: Do not enter a Class or any other code in the field below. You must enter only the common commercial
name for the specific goods and/or services associated with the mark. Also, do not include any html or other programming code or language
that may create links in the listing of goods and/or recitation of services]. For more information about acceptable language for the goods
and/or services, see the USPTO's on-line Goods and/or Services Manual.

[Expand size of box]
NOTE: Amendment or correction may be made to the dates of use. However, the USPTO will not accept any amendment or
correction wherein the amended dates of use are later than the dates that would have been accepted when the underlying application
was examined prior to registration. See TMEP Section 1609.07 [link to].
Date of First Use of Mark Anywhere by the owner, or the owner's
related company, licensee, or predecessor in interest at least as early as
Date of First Use of Mark Commerce by the owner, or the owner's
related company, licensee, or predecessor in interest at least as early as


NOTE: If the mark published with the correct basis, but the information did not appear on the registration certificate, the omitted
basis(es) may be added under Section 7. In all other cases, only minor corrections are permissible; e.g., to correct the foreign
registration number or the country that issued the registration, if supported by the record.
Where the omission of a basis is due to USPTO error, as supported by the record, the omitted basis may be added, but not under
Section 7; instead, the registration must be restored to pendency and published with the correct information. See TMEP Section
1609.10(a) [link to]
Filing Basis Section 44(d), Priority based on foreign filing:
Foreign Application Number

Note: the USPTO database can only store 12 characters for this field. You should adjust your entry if
eliminating any unnecessary leadings 0’s or country abbreviations, for example.

Date of Foreign Filing
Country of Foreign

Select Country

Filing Basis Section 44(e), Based on Foreign Registration:
Foreign Registration Number
Foreign Registration Date
Renewal Date for Foreign
Expiration Date of Foreign

Note: the USPTO database can only store 12 characters for this field. You should adjust your entry if
possible, eliminating any unnecessary leading 0’s or country abbreviations, for example.

Country of Foreign Registration

Select Country

Check here to modify the current owner information. If not checked, the changes will be ignored.
The 1st Note: If this change relates to a change in the correspondence address or e-mail, please use the Change of Correspondence Address Form.
The Bowery Hotel, LLC

[If an individual, use the following format: Last Name, First Name Middle
Initial or Name, if applicable]
Note: If the owner has actually changed, it is not sufficient simply to "modify" the information. First, you must file an actual change of
name document/assignment and recordation form PTO-1594. Second, once the new owner information has been recorded, you should
delete the pre-populated information and enter all of the new owner information. The owner name should be followed by the assignment
information (e.g., XYZ Corporation (by assignment, reel ___ frame ____).
335 Bowery

Street Address

NOTE: You must limit your entry here, and for all remaining fields within this overall section, to no more than 40 characters (the storage limit for the
USPTO database). You may need to abbreviate some words, e.g., St. instead of Street. Failure to do so may result in an undeliverable address, due
to truncation at the 40 character limit.

Internal Address

New York

New York

If not listed above, please select "OTHER" and specify here:
Zip/Postal Code


Country or U.S.

United States


While the application may list an e-mail address for the applicant, applicant's attorney, and/or applicant's
domestic representative, only one e-mail address may be used for correspondence, in accordance with Office
policy. The applicant must keep this address current in the Office's records.
Check here to authorize the USPTO to communicate with the applicant or its representative via e-mail.
NOTE: By checking this box, the applicant acknowledges that it is solely responsible for receipt of USPTO documents sent via e-mail. The
applicant should periodically check the status of its application through the Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR)
database, to see if the assigned Post Registration examiner has sent any official communications via e-mail. If an action has been sent to
the provided e-mail address, the USPTO is not responsible for any e-mail not received due to the applicant's security or anti-spam
software, or any problems within the applicant's e-mail system.

Phone Number

Fax Number
Click on the one appropriate circle to indicate the owner's entity type and enter the corresponding information.
Entity Type PROGRAMMING REQUIREMENT: the information on the right side should only display once a
selection is made on the left side, as in TEAS Plus/BAS.
Country of Citizenship
Select Country


Note: You may correct an error or omission in the owner’s information. However, if the State/Country of Incorporation has actually
changed, you should file an assignment document form PTO-1594.

State or Country of Incorporation
Select State



Select Country

Note: You may correct the an error or omission in the original listing. However, if the State/Country of Incorporation has actually changed,
you should file an assignment document form PTO-1594.

State or Country Where Legally Organized
Select State

Limited Partnership
Joint Venture
Sole Proprietorship


Select Country

Note: You may correct the an error or omission in the original listing. However, if the State/Country of Incorporation has actually changed,
you should file an assignment document form PTO-1594.

Name and Citizenship of All General Partners,
Active Members, Individual, Trustees, or Executors (if applicable)

Note: If the name has actually changed, you may not do a "correction". You should file an actual change of name document.
Note: If this change relates to a change in the correspondence address or e-mail, please use the Change of Correspondence Address Form.


Specify Entity Type

Select Country

Note: You may correct the an error or omission in the original listing. However, if the State/Country of Incorporation has actually changed,
you should file an assignment document form PTO-1594.

Name and Citizenship of All General Partners,
Active Members, Individual, Trustees, or Executors (if applicable)

[Expand size of box]
The fee to amend or correct a registration due to a mistake by the owner of the registration is $100.00 per registration.
TOTAL FEE PAID = $ 100.00
I hereby elect not to submit any fee. I believe no fee is required because I am seeking to correct an immaterial, e.g., clerical
error, that was the fault of the USPTO, rather than the fault of the owner. I understand that the Office may, upon later review,
require a fee payment.



The declaration (if required) and request will not be "signed" in the sense of a traditional paper document. The signatory must enter any
alpha/numeric character(s) or combination thereof of his or her choosing, preceded and followed by the forward slash (/) symbol. The USPTO
does not determine or pre-approve what the entry should be, but simply presumes that this specific entry has been adopted to serve the function
of the signature. Most signatories simply enter their names between the two forward slashes, although acceptable "signatures" could include
/john doe/; /jd/; or /123-4567/.

Note: The declaration must be signed by the owner or someone who is properly authorized to sign on behalf of the owner.
The undersigned, being hereby warned that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both,
under 18 U.S.C. §1001, and that such willful false statements may jeopardize the validity of the application or document or any resulting
registration, declares that all statements made of his/her own knowledge are true; and all statements made on information and belief are
believed to be true.
Programming requirement: all fields below are mandatory, and should produce the appropriate error if not entered.


*Date Signed


*Signatory's Name
*Signatory's Position
NOTE: Enter the appropriate title. If an individual, enter "Owner." If an attorney, enter "Attorney of record."
Programming requirement: use same approach here as in the existing ROA form (although signature fields will not include a red asterisk, but
all are mandatory).
You must click one of the three buttons, below, to confirm that you are authorized pursuant to the rules governing representation of others before the
USPTO to sign this request. 37 C.F.R. Part 10.
Unrepresented Applicant: I hereby confirm that

No authorized attorney or Canadian attorney/agent represents me in this matter, and that I am either (1) the applicant or (2) a person(s) with
legal authority to bind the applicant; and
If an authorized U.S. attorney or Canadian attorney/agent previously represented me in this matter, either I have filed a signed revocation of
power of attorney with the USPTO or the USPTO has granted the request of my prior representative to withdraw.

ADVISORY: You may click this first button only if you are the applicant or legally authorized to bind the applicant, e.g., an officer of the applicant
corporation or association, or a general partner of the applicant partnership. See TMEP §§712.01 et seq.
Authorized U.S. Attorney: I hereby confirm that

I am an attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state, which includes the District of Columbia,
Puerto Rico, and other federal territories and possessions; and
I am currently the applicant's attorney or an associate thereof; and
To the best of my knowledge, if prior to my appointment another U.S. attorney or a Canadian attorney/agent not currently associated with
my company/firm previously represented the applicant in this matter: (1) the applicant has filed or is concurrently filing a signed revocation of
or substitute power of attorney with the USPTO; (2) the USPTO has granted the request of the prior representative to withdraw; (3) the
applicant has filed a power of attorney appointing me in this matter; or (4) the applicant's appointed U.S. attorney or Canadian attorney/agent
has filed a power of attorney appointing me as an associate attorney in this matter.

Authorized Canadian Attorney/Agent: I hereby confirm that

I am a Canadian attorney/agent who has been granted reciprocal recognition under 37 C.F.R. §10.14(c) by the USPTO's Office of Enrollment


and Discipline to represent Canadian applicants before the USPTO; and
I am currently the applicant's Canadian attorney/agent, or an associate thereof; and
To the best of my knowledge, if prior to my appointment another Canadian attorney/agent or a U.S. attorney not currently associated with
my company/firm previously represented the applicant in this matter: (1) the applicant has filed or is concurrently filing a signed revocation of
or substitute power of attorney with the USPTO; (2) the USPTO has granted the request of the prior representative to withdraw; (3) the
applicant has filed a power of attorney appointing me in this matter; or (4) the applicant's appointed Canadian attorney/agent or U.S. attorney
has filed a power of attorney appointing me as an associate attorney in this matter.

ADVISORY: Foreign attorneys (other than authorized Canadian attorneys/agents) cannot sign this request and are prohibited from representing an
applicant before the USPTO in trademark matters.

[ ] Check here if you are filing a Declaration of Use of Mark under Section 8 [link to]; a
Combined Declaration of Use of Mark under Sections 8 & 15 [link to]; or a Combined
Declaration of Use of Mark/Application for Renewal of Registration of Mark under Sections 8 & 9 [link to] in conjunction with this Section 7 Request.
NOTE: For consistency of examination, it is helpful to know whether both filings should be examined at the same time.

*Date Signed


*Signatory's Name
*Signatory's Position
NOTE: Enter the appropriate title. If an individual, enter "Owner." If an attorney, enter "Attorney of record."

Click on the desired action:
The "Validate Form" function allows you to run an automated check to ensure that all necessary fields have been completed; otherwise, you will
receive an "error" message. CRAIG: see if any information must be added back here. Note: To print the completed request, in whole or in part,
download and save the validated request, or electronically submit the request to the USPTO, click on the Validate Form button.

Privacy Policy Statement
The information collected on this form allows the USPTO to determine whether a mark may be registered on the Principal or Supplemental Register, and provides notice of an applicant’s
claim of ownership of the mark. Requests to the request for information are required to obtain the benefit of a registration on the Principal register. 15 U.S.C. § 1051 et. seq. and 37 CFR
Part 2. All information collected will be made public. Gathering and providing the information will require an estimated 20 minutes (depending if the request is based on an intent to use the
mark in commerce, use of the mark in commerce, or a foreign application or registration). Please direct comments on the time needed to complete this form, and/or suggestions for

reducing this burden to the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. Please note that the
USPTO may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information using a form that does not display a valid OMB control number.

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Sat Apr 14 08:25:28 EDT 2007

Additional Programming Requirements:
1. Use of the Section 7 form requires that the status be “registered.” Otherwise, ERROR: You may not use this form. Use
is correct only where the
current status is “registered.” Please see if a different TEAS form is appropriate for your purpose.
2. Use of the “regular” ROA form is NOT appropriate where the status is “registered.” We must have a blocking edit:
[modification of the EXISTING
error message for this purpose, because we do have a block already where the status is registered.] I.e., change from
You cannot use the TEAS Request to Office Action form to respond to an action mailed after a mark has registered. You must respond to an action
from the Post Registration
Unit via regular mail.

ERROR: You may not use this form because the mark is already registered. To respond to an action from the Post
Registration Unit, you must use regular
Mail. If attempting to amend or correct a registration certificate, you must use the specific TEAS “Section 7 Request” form.
3. Backend processing Note: This should be handled in the same manner as any other Post Registration filing is currently
4. The INPUT TABLE and TEXT FORM should match what we are currently using for the ROA form, with the proper change
of title to
“Section 7 Request”.
5. The new checkbox above the signature section (whereby the filer will indicate whether a Section 8 is being filed
concurrently) requires one new
new field on the INPUT TABLE, to appear below

CONCURRENT § 8, 8 &15, OR 8 & 9 FILED

YES or NO [depending on whether box checked].

If the box is checked, then the following statement should appear in the TEXT FORM, below the statement confirming the
signatory authority (i.e., one of
the three possible statements, depending upon which of 3 buttons above signature area selected):
The applicant is filing a Declaration of Use of Mark under Section 8; a Combined Declaration of Use of Mark under Sections
8 & 15; or a Combined
Declaration of Use of Mark/Application for Renewal of Registration of Mark under Sections 8 & 9 in conjunction with this
Section 7 Request.
If the box is NOT checked, then the following should appear:
The applicant is NOT filing a Declaration of Use of Mark under Section 8; a Combined Declaration of Use of Mark under
Sections 8 & 15; or a Combined
Declaration of Use of Mark/Application for Renewal of Registration of Mark under Sections 8 & 9 in conjunction with this
Section 7 Request.
6. Additional TICRS/TDR information:
Doc Type

20 character

Section 7 Request

40 character
Section 7 Request


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleSection 7 Request - printable.doc
File Modified2008-02-05
File Created2008-02-05

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