Form QID Childhhood Injury and Adult Occupational Injury Question

Childhood Injury and Adult Occupational Injury Survey

0235 - 2012 NIOSH CAIS questionnaire

Childhood Injury and Adult Occupational Injury Survey

OMB: 0535-0235

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Project 915 QID      

OMB No. 0535-0235 Approval Expires 1/31/2012







U.S. Department of Agriculture,

Rm 5030, South Building

1400 Independence Ave., S.W.

Washington, DC 20250-2000

Phone: 1-800-727-9540

Fax: 202-690-2090


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB number is 0535-0235. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

Under Title 7 of the U.S. Code and CIPSEA (Public Law 107-347), facts about your operation are kept confidential and used only for statistical purposes in combination with similar reports from other producers. Response is voluntary.

Please make corrections to name, address and Zip Code, if necessary.

Intro 1

Hello, my name is _________________________. I am working with the National Agricultural Statistics Service on behalf of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. We are interested in learning more about injuries that occur on farms. We are asking farmers/ranchers for information about their operations, as well as information on injuries to youth that occurred on the farm/ranch in the last 12 months. This will take about 10 minutes.

The information you provide will be held strictly CONFIDENTIAL. Your cooperation is VOLUNTARY, and you may refuse to answer any question. This information will be combined with other’s to help identify common patterns of injuries on farms and to develop injury prevention and health promotion programs nationwide. Would you help us by answering these questions?

- YES [Continue on Intro 2]

- NO

I assure you that everything you tell us will be kept CONFIDENTIAL. Your answers are very important to us even if you did not have a youth on your farm, or did not have an injury on your farm in the last 12 months. This project will be used to identify how often injuries occur on farms, and what the common patterns are for these injuries. The information will help identify programs for preventing these injuries in the future. Your cooperation will benefit all farm/ranch families. Would you please consider helping us?

YES - [Continue on Intro 2]

NO – I’m sorry to have bothered you. Thank you for your time.

Says not a farm - [Continue with Intro 1a]

Does not speak English

Intro 1a

Please answer the following question(s) for the total acres you (name on label) operate.

a. Did you grow any crops or cut hay in the last 12 months?

Yes – [Go to Intro 2]

No – [Continue]

b. Is any of the land in this operation cropland?

(Including idle cropland and cropland in

government programs such as CRP, etc.)

Yes – [Go to Intro 2]

No – [Continue]

c. In the last 12 months did you have any whole grains, oilseeds, or hay stored on this operation?

Yes – [Go to Intro 2]

No – [Continue]

d. Do you have facilities for storing whole grains or oilseeds?

Yes – [Go to Intro 2]

No – [Continue]

e. Do you own or raise any livestock or poultry?

Yes – [Go to Intro 2]

No – [Go to Conclusion]

Intro 2

1. May I please speak with the adult female of the household?

01 Yes

02 Not available


When would be a good time to call back?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

03 Spouse will give information

04 No adult female in household

05 Non-farm residence/business address (Go to Operation Summary)

2. Please verify name and mailing address of this operation. Make corrections (Including the correct operation name) on the label and continue.

[Check box if name and address are verified] .

3. How many people live in your household (INCLUDING yourself, and EXCLUDING temporary visitors)?. . . .

4. How many of the people living in your household are under the age of 20?

(If 0, Skip to Household Summary, question 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5. Where do the youth in your household most often go when they need medical attention?

Do they go to a doctor’s office, a clinic, an emergency room, an urgent care center, or to some other place?


Doctor's Office


Some other place




Don't Know


Emergency Room




Urgent Care Center

6. What kind of health practitioner do the youth in your household usually see, a doctor, a nurse, a nurse practitioner (CNP), a physician’s assistant (PA), or someone else?




Someone else




Don't know


Certified Nurse Practitioner




Physician's Assistant

7. The last time any youth (under 20 years of age) in your household received professional medical attention, who paid the majority of the cost? Was it….


Paid out of pocket


Billed, did not pay




Workers' Compensation


Public Clinic No Charge


Other (Specify:____________________________)


Employer paid health plan


Don't know


Individual health plan (self/family)




1. Respondent’s Gender?

01 Male

02 Female

2. What was your age on your last birthday?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. How many years of schooling have you completed?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. What is that highest education level you have achieved? (Check ONLY ONE)

01 Less than high school



02 High School Diploma


Professional-MD, JD,DDS, etc.

03 Associates, two-year Junior College degree


Other (Specify_________________)

04 Vocational/Technical School


Don't know

05 Bachelor's Degree



06 Master's Degree

5. Have/Has (you/the farm operator) ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that (you/they) had asthma?

01 Yes

77 Don’t Know [Go to Question 13]

03 No [Go to Question 13]

99 Refused [Go to Question 13]

6. How old (were you/was the farm operator) when asthma was diagnosed?


97 Age 10 or younger but don’t know exact age

99 Don’t Know /Refused

7. Do you/Does the farm operator still have asthma?

01 Yes

77 Don’t Know [Go to Question 13]

03 No [Go to Question 13]

99 Refused [Go to Question 13]

8. Have you/was (the farm operator) ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that (your/their) asthma was related to (your/their) work on the farm?

01 Yes

77 Don’t Know

03 No

99 Refused

9. Did (you/the farm operator) have one or more asthma attacks requiring the use of an inhaler or other medical treatment in the last 12 months?

01 Yes

77 Don’t Know[Go to Question 13]

03 No[Go to Question 13]

99 Refused[Go to Question 13]

10. Did any such asthma attack occur while doing farm work?

01 Yes

77 Don’t Know [Go to Question 13]

03 No

99 Refused [Go to Question 13]

11. Did (you/the farm operator) have a serious asthma attack that required an emergency room visit, hospitalization, or other professional medical attention in the last 12 months?

01 Yes

77 Don’t Know [Go to Question 13]

03 No [Go to Question 13]

99 Refused [Go to Question 13]

12. Did any such asthma attack occur while doing farm work?

01 Yes

77 Don’t Know

03 No

99 Refused

13. What is your marital status? (Please check √ ONLY ONE}

01 Married

05 Married, but apart

99 Refused

02 Widowed

06 Single

03 Divorced

07 Single, living with partner

04 Separated

77 Don’t know

Enumerator Note: If Married (01) or Single, living with partner (07) are marked, complete questions 14 through 17. Otherwise, go to Youth Summary, question 1.

14. Gender of spouse/partner?

01 Male

03 Female

15. What was your spouse’s/partner’s age on his/her last birthday?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

16. How many years of schooling have your spouse/partner completed?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

17. What is the highest level of education your spouse/partner has achieved? (Please check only one.)

01 Less than high school

07 Doctorate

02 High School Diploma

08 Professional –MD, JD, DDS, etc.

03 Associates, two-year Junior College degree

09 Other (Specify. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )

04 Vocational/Technical School

77 Don’t know

05 Bachelor’s Degree

99 Refused

06 Master’s Degree


Enumerator Note: Ask the following questions for each person under the age of 20 living within the household. It should match the number reported in Intro 2, question 4. Report information for up to 10 youth.

Now I would like to ask you some questions about each of the people living in your household

under the age of 20, starting with the oldest.

1. Gender?

01 Male

02 Female

2. What was his/her age on their last birthday?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. How many years of schooling has he/she completed?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. Did he/she work on the farm or ranch in the last 12 months?

01 Yes

03 No

5. Did he/she ride a horse, either for work or for recreation on the farm or ranch anytime in the last 12 months?

01 Yes

03 No

6. Did he/she drive an all-terrain vehicle, either for work or for recreation on the farm or ranch anytime in the last 12 months?

01 Yes

03 No

7. Did he/she operate a tractor on the farm or ranch anytime in the last 12 months?

01 Yes

03 No

8. Has he/she ever been diagnosed as having asthma by a health professional?

01 Yes

03 No [Go to question 13]

77 Don't know [Go to question 13]

99 Refuse [Go to question 13]

9. Did he/she have one or more asthma attacks requiring the use of an inhaler or other medical treatment in the last 12 months?

01 Yes

77 Don’t Know [Go to Question 13]

03 No [Go to Question 13]

99 Refused [Go to Question 13]

10. Did any such asthma attack occur while doing farm work?

01 Yes

77 Don’t Know

03 No

99 Refused

11. Did he/she have a serious asthma attack that required an emergency room visit, hospitalization,
or other professional medical attention in the last 12 months?

01 Yes

77 Don’t Know [Go to Question 13]

03 No [Go to Question 13]

99 Refused [Go to Question 13]

12. Did any such asthma attack occur while doing farm work?

01 Yes

03 No

77 Don’t Know

99 Refused

Enumerator Note: Ask the following questions if children under the age of 8 are living within the household.

13. Is there a completely enclosed, fenced off play area on your farm for children?

01 Yes

03 No

77 Don’t Know

99 Refused

14. Do you have access to licensed, off-farm child care?

01 Yes

03 No [Go to Operation Summary]

77 Don’t Know

99 Refused

15. How often do you utilize this service?

01 Never

04 More than 3 months per year

02 Less than 1 month per year

77 Don’t Know

03 1 – 3 months per year

99 Refused


Next, I have a few questions about your farm or ranch operation.

1. Is this a full-time or part-time operation?

01 Full-time

02 Part-time

2. When hiring farm workers, do you require them to have any type of formal training (e.g., tractor or machinery operator certification, pesticide application certification, commercial driver's license)?

01 Yes (Specify:__________________________)

03 No

05 Never hires workers [Go to question 4]?

3. Do you provide any safety training for workers on your farm, excluding unsupervised on-the-job training (e.g., training on the proper operation of tools, equipment, or machinery; pesticide safety training, training on proper lifting techniques, training on safe work practices)?

01 Yes (Specify:________________________)

03 No

Tractor overturns result in severe injuries on farms each year. In order to design programs to reduce the risk of tractor overturns, we need some basic information about your farm tractors

4. How many agricultural tractors, excluding lawn tractors, were owned or leased by this operation in the last 12 months? Do not include antique or similar collectable tractors not used for production purposes on the farm or ranch. ( If 0, go to question 8).

5. How many of these agricultural tractors were equipped with a Roll-Over Protective Structure (ROPS) or a ROPS cab?

6. Of the total number of tractors reported, how many were diesel?

7. What is the total number of hours that (you/the farm operator) personally operated ALL of the diesel tractors in the last 12 months?

01 Less than 100 hours

02 100 – 499 hours

03 500 – 1,000 hours

77 More than 1,000 hours

99 Refused

All-terrain vehicles, also known as ATV’s, are a common cause of injury on farms. In order to accurately assess the nature of these injuries, we need information about ATV’s used on your farm.

8. How many ATV’s were used on this farm (including recreation use) in the last 12 months? (If 0, go to question 13)

9. How many of these ATV’s were used for work purposes in the last 12 months?

Beginning with the newest ATV and working back to the oldest ATV:

10. What make is the ATV? Enter code from below

01 Argo

02 Arctic Cat

03 Bombardier

04 Honda

05 John Deere

06 Kawasaki

07 Polaris

08 Recreative Industries

09 Yamaha

10 Suzuki

11 Other

11. What was the size of the ATV?

01 200 cc and smaller

02 201 – 300 cc

03 301 – 400 cc

04 401 cc and larger

77 Don’t Know

99 Refused

12. On average, how often would you say this ATV was used in the last 12 months?

01 10 or more times a month

02 5 to 9 times a month

03 1 to 4 times a month

04 Less than once a month

77 Don’t Know

99 Refused

Enumerator Note: Repeat questions 10 through 12 for up to 5 ATV’s

13. During the last 12 months, approximately how many people under the age of 20 were hired to work on the farm or ranch, (excluding household members and contract labor)? If zero, go to question 15 .

Enumerator Note: use ‘7777’ for refusal or ‘9999’ for unknown

14. For each of these workers, please tell me their age and gender and whether or not they operated a tractor, an ATV,

or rode a horse on the farm or ranch as part of their job. Enumerator Note: Repeat question for up to 20 workers.




Operated a tractor

Operated an ATV

Rode a horse





















































































































































































We’ve already discussed household youth and youth hired to work on your farm. Next, we’d like to ask you about other visitors to your farm and whether or not they may have helped out with work on the farm.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

15. Approximately how many relatives under the age of 20 visited the farm during the last 12 months (excluding hired workers and youth already mentioned)?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Enumerator Note: use ‘7777’ for refusal or ‘9999’ for unknown

16. How many of these relatives performed unpaid work on your farm during the last 12 months?. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Enumerator Note: use ‘7777’ for refusal or ‘9999’ for unknown

17. Excluding hired workers, relatives, or household members, approximately how many other people under the age of 20 visited the farm during the last 12 months, for example, friends of your children?. . . . . . . . . . . .

Enumerator Note: use7777’ for refusal or ‘9999’ for unknown


Next, I’m going to ask you some questions about any injuries to anyone under the age of 20 that occurred on the farm or ranch during the last 12 months.

1. During the last 12 months, did anyone on the farm under the age of 20 experience any injuries which required at least 4 hours of restricted activity or required professional medical attention? These injuries would include those resulting from farm work, chores, or recreation on the farm or ranch, or in the home.

01 Yes

03 No [Go to conclusion if respondent has not been selected for Adult Injury questionnaire. If respondent has been selected to receive Adult Injury questions, Go to Adult Injury Summary, question 1]

2. How many youth injuries of this type occurred on the farm or ranch during the last 12 months?. . . . . . . .

Now we would like to ask you some questions about each of these injuries.

Enumerator Note: If respondent does not want to provide the first name of the injured person, please assign a unique identifier (such as “Child A”) which will also be used when completing the narrative.

3. Starting with the most recent child/adolescent injury, what is the first name of the injured person?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. What was the age of this person at the time of the injury?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5. What is the gender of this person?

01 Male

02 Female

6. What is the injured person’s relationship to the farm or ranch?

01 Self

05 Worker

02 Child/Step-Child

06 Boarder

03 Spouse

07 Other (Specify:_______________)

04 Other Relative

(e.g. friend, visiting school youth)

7. Is the injured person Hispanic, or Latino, such as Mexican, Cuban, or Puerto Rican, regardless of race?

01 Yes

03 No

8. What is the injured person’s race? (Please check √ ONE OR MORE)

01 American Indian or Alaska Native

Specify tribe:_____________

04 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

02 Asian

05 White

03 Black or African American

9. In what month did this injury occur?

01 January

07 July

02 February

08 August

03 March

09 September

04 April

10 October

05 May

11 November

06 June

12 December

Enumerator Note: If the injured person is over the age of 16 and resides in the household, ask to speak to that person. However, If this respondent has been selected for the Adult injury Questionnaire, do not ask to switch if the injured person is not part of this household, is not available, or is under 16, continue interviewing the respondent.

10. Did the injured person live on the farm or ranch?

01 Yes [Go to question 12]

03 No

11. Was the injured person visiting the farm or ranch at the time of the injury?

01 Yes

03 No

12. Did this injury occur while completing work or doing chores on the farm or ranch?

01 Yes

03 No [Go to question 16]

13. At the time of the injury, how many hours per week did the injured person typically work on the farm or ranch?

01 0 - 10

04 31 - 40

02 11 - 20

05 More than 40 hours

03 21 - 30

14. Was a supervisor in the immediate area at the time of the injury?

01 Yes

03 No

15. How much experience did the injured person have in performing the task being completed at the time of the injury?

01 None

05 1 week to 4 weeks

02 Less than 4 hours

06 1 month to 12 months

03 4 to 8 hours

07 More than 1 year

04 1 to 7 days

16. Where on the farm or ranch did the injury occur?

01 Crop Field or Hayfield, Orchard, Nursery

08 Public Roadway

02 Pasture

09 In the House

03 In the Farm Yard

10 Garage

04 Grain Storage/Silo

11 House Yard

05 Farm Outbuilding

12 Driveway/Sidewalk

06 Barn

13 Outdoors, General

07 Farm Roadway

14 Other (Specify:_________________)

17. Now I would like for you to describe in as much detail as possible how the injury occurred. Include where the injury occurred, what tasks were being completed, what equipment was being used or materials being handled, and any other factors you think might be important. Enumerator Note: PROBE FOR DETAILS

Enumerator Note: If injury resulted in a fatality, you may terminate the interview unless the respondent wishes to continue. Probe for details.




Barn, field, house

Specific Activity

Equipment & Tools



Materials Handled

Ag Chemicals.

Fertilizer, etc.

Other Factors






18. What part of the body was injured? (Please check all that apply)

01 Head/Skull

07 Arm

02 Face

08 Hand/Wrist/Fingers

03 Neck

09 Leg

04 Shoulder/Chest/Back

10 Foot/Ankle/Toes

05 Abdomen

11 Internal Injuries

06 Pelvic Region

12 Other (Specify: )

19. What type of injury occurred to the (specify body part)? (Please check all that apply)

01 Scrape/Abrasion

08 Traumatic Rupture

02 Bruise/Contusion

09 Crushed/Mangled

03 Sprain/Strain/Torn ligament

10 Loss of Body Part/Amputation

04 Broken Bone/Fracture

11 Nerve Injury

05 Dislocation

12 Burn/Blister/Scald

06 Cut/Laceration

13 Concussion, Traumatic Brain Injury

07 Puncture/Stab/Jab

14 Other (Specify: )

20. How long were the injured person’s normal activities restricted as a result of this injury?

01 No restriction

05 14 days to less than 1 month

02 Less than 1 day

07 1 month to less than 3 months

03 1 day to less than 7 days

09 3 months or more

04 7 days less than 14 days

21. Did the injury result in a permanent disability?

01 Yes

02 No

22. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the overall seriousness of this injury,
with 1 being minor and 5 being life-threatening?

01 Minor

04 Severe

77 Don't Know

02 Moderate

05 Life-threatening

99 Refused

03 Serious

06 Fatal (Enum. Note: (If respondent does not wish to continue, leave note and terminate interview.)

23. Did this injury require medical attention?

01 Yes

03 No [Go to question 27]

24. Where did the injured person receive medical treatment for this injury?

01 Doctor’s Office or Clinic

07 Urgent Care Center

02 Hospital Emergency Department

08 At the Scene

03 Non-Emergency Clinic at Hospital

09 Other (Specify:______________)

04 Public clinic

77 Don’t Know

05 Dentist

99 Refused

06 Chiropractor

25. Did this injury require admission to a hospital?

01 Yes

03 No [Go to question 27]

26. How long was the hospitalization?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number of Days

27. Was a tractor involved in the injury?

01 Yes

03 No [Go to question 34]

Enumerator Note: If narrative suggests a tractor was involved, please probe.

28. Was the injured person operating the tractor when the injury occurred?

01 Yes [Go to question 30]

03 No

29. Was the injured person riding on the tractor as a passenger, working near the tractor, or was the injured person a bystander?

01 Riding as a Passenger

77 Don’t know

02 Working Near the Tractor [Go to question 33]

99 Refused

03 Bystander [Go to question 33]

04 Other (Specify:______________)

30. Did the tractor have a seatbelt?

01 Yes

77 Don’t know

03 No [Go to question 32]

99 Refused

31. Was the injured person wearing a seat belt?

01 Yes

77 Don’t know

03 No

99 Refused

32. Did the tractor have a roll-over protective structure (ROPS)?

01 Yes

77 Don’t know

03 No

99 Refused

33. When the injury happened, which of the following best describes what the injured person was doing?

01 Tilling

07 Spreading Manure

02 Planting

08 Using the Tractor as a Stationary Power Unit

03 Harvesting

09 Repairing the Tractor

04 Adjusting/Hitching Load/Equipment

10 Mounting/ Dismounting the Tractor

05 Traveling to or from a Field

11 Using the Tractor for Recreation

06 Applying Chemicals

12 Other (Specify:_______________)

34. Was an all terrain vehicle, for example an ATV or 4-wheeler, involved in the injury?

01 Yes

03 No [Go to question 41]

Enumerator Note: If narrative suggests an ATV was involved, please probe.

35. Was the injured person wearing a helmet at the time of the injury?

01 Yes

03 No

36. Was the injured person operating the ATV at the time of the injury?

01 Yes

03 No

37. When the injury occurred, which of the following best describes what the injured person was doing at the time of the injury?

01 Making Adjustments or Repairs

02 Using the Vehicle for Recreation

03 Using the Vehicle for General Transportation not related to Farm Work

04 Using the Vehicle for Farm Work

05 Other (Specify:______________________)

38. Was it a 3-wheel, 4-wheel or more than 4-wheel ATV?

01 3-wheel

02 4-wheel

03 More than 4-wheel

39. What was the engine size of the ATV?

01 200 cc and smaller

04 401 cc and larger

02 201 – 300 cc

77 Don't Know

03 301 – 400 cc

99 Refused

40. Had the injured person completed a training class for operating an ATV?

01 Yes

03 No

41. Was a horse involved in the injury?

01 Yes

03 No [Go to question 51]

Enumerator Note: If narrative suggests a horse was involved, please probe.

42. Was the injured person riding the horse at the time of the injury?

01 Yes

03 No [Go to question 48]

43. When the injury occurred, would you say the horse was standing, walking, trotting, galloping, jumping, or something else?

01 Standing

04 Galloping

02 Walking

77 Jumping

03 Trotting

99 Other (Specify. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ).

44. Was the injured person thrown from the horse?

01 Yes

03 No

45. Was the injured person wearing a helmet when the injury occurred?

01 Yes

03 No

46. Was a saddle being used at the time of the injury?

01 Yes

03 No [Go to question 48]

47. Was the saddle adjusted to the size of the rider?

01 Yes [Go to question 50]

03 No [Go to question 50]

48. What was the injured person doing at the time of the injury?

01 Leading/Loading

06 Assisting another Rider

02 Shoeing

07 Feeding/Loading

03 Saddling

08 Using Horse for Farm/Ranch Work

04 Grooming

09 Other (Specify: __________________)

05 Cleaning Stalls

49. How did the injury occur, was the injured person bitten, kicked, stepped on, pinned, or something else?

01 Bitten

04 Pinned

02 Kicked

05 Other (Specify:_________________)

03 Stepped on

50. What type of horse was involved in the injury? Was it a pony, a draft horse, mule, or some other type of horse?

01 Pony

05 Other (Specify: __________________)

02 Draft Horse

77 Don’t know

03 Other Horse

99 Refused

04 Mule

51. Other than a horse, were any other livestock or animals involved in the accident?

01 Yes

03 No [Go to question 55]

Enumerator Note: If narrative suggests other animals were involved, please probe.

52. What type of livestock or other animals were involved in the injury?

01 Adult Cattle

08 Cat

02 Calf

09 Rabbit

03 Pig/Hog

10 Rodent

04 Poultry

11 Snake

05 Sheep

12 Insect/Spider

06 Goat

13 Other (Specify ________________________)

07 Dog

53. Did this injury occur in the barn, in a parlor, pasture, in a holding area, or somewhere else?

01 Barn

04 Holding Area

02 Parlor

05 Other (Specify ________________)

03 Pasture

54. What was the injured person doing at the time of the injury?

01 Feeding

10 Treating Animal for Injury/illness

02 Milking

11 Helping Animal with Birthing Process

03 Herding/Moving Livestock

12 Trimming Hooves/Shoeing

04 Cleaning Pen

13 Shearing

05 Breeding

14 Butchering

06 Castrating

15 De-Horning

07 Branding

16 Vaccinating

08 Riding

17 General Children’s Play

09 A Bystander

18 Other (Specify ________________________)

55. Did the injury involve a fall? (Excluding events already described that involved horses, ATV’s, and /or tractors.)

01 Yes

02 No [Go to question 59]

Enumerator Note: If narrative suggests a fall was involved, please probe.

56. What was the injured person doing when the fall occurred?

01 Sitting

06 Going Up or Down Stairs/Ladder

02 Standing

07 General Children’s Play

03 Walking

08 Mounting/Dismounting Equipment

04 Running

09 Other (Specify________________________________________)

05 Climbing Object other than Ladder (Specify_______________________________)

57. Onto what type of surface did the injured person fall?

01 Concrete

05 Building Floor

02 Gravel

06 Water-Filled Ditch

03 Dirt

07 Other (Specify: )

04 Wood Floor (e.g.. deck)

58. Where the injured person fell, what was the surface like at the time?

01 Dry, Hard Surface

04 Loose Surface (e.g., gravel, sand, loose hay)

02 Icy

05 Surface not a contributing factor

03 Wet

06 Other (Specify: )

59. Enumerator Note: Was more than 1 injury reported in question 2, Youth Injury Summary?

01 Yes [Repeat questions 3 through 59 and continue until information has been collected

for the four most recent injuries.

03 No

60. Was Respondent selected for Adult Injury Survey?

01 Yes [Go to Adult Injury Summary, Page 20.]

03 No [Go to Conclusion]


Next I would like to ask you some questions regarding individuals 20 years of age or older who may work on your farm. Including those workers you hired directly to work on your farm. Please do not include contract laborers such as farm labor contract workers, custom harvesting service workers, construction service workers, etc.

1. During the last 12 months, how many household members age 20 or older, including yourself, did work on the farm or ranch?

Enumerator Note: if respondent indicated that this is a non-farm residence/business, go to question 2.

2. During the last 12 months, approximately how many people age 20 or older were hired to work on the farm or ranch (excluding household members and contract labor)?

Enumerator Note: use ‘7777’ for refusal or ‘9999’ for unknown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. During the last 12 months, approximately how many people age 20 or older visited the farm and did farm work, excluding hired workers (for example, your relatives, or friends)?

Enumerator Note: use ‘7777’ for refusal or ‘9999’ for unknown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Next I’m going to ask you some questions about any work related injuries to anyone age 20 or older that occurred on the farm or ranch during the last 12 months. Include those workers you hired directly to work on your farm/ranch. Please do not include injuries incurred by these adults through recreation or non-work related activities or contract workers, custom harvesting service workers, construction service workers, etc.

4. During the last 12 months, did anyone on the farm age 20 or older experience any work-related injuries, which required at least 4 hours of restricted activity or required professional medical attention?

01 Yes

03 No [Go to Conclusion]

5. How many adult injuries of this type occurred on the farm or ranch during the last 12 months?. . . . . . . . .

Now we would like to ask you some questions about each of these injuries.

Enumerator Note: Please collect information for the 2 most recent injuries.

If respondent does not want to provide the name of the injured person, please assign a unique identifier (such as “Adult A’) which will also be used when completing the narrative.

6. Starting with the most recent adult injury, what is the first name of the injured person?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7. What was the age of the person at the time of the injury?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8. What is the gender of this person?

01 Male

02 Female

9. What is the injured person’s relationship to the farm?

01 Self

05 Worker

02 Child/Step-Child

06 Boarder

03 Spouse

10 Other (Specify: __________________________)

04 Other Relative

10. Is the injured person Hispanic or Latino, such as Mexican, Cuban, or Puerto Rican, regardless of race?

01 Yes

03 No

11. What is the injured person’s race? (Please check √ ONE OR MORE)

01 American Indian or Alaska Native Tribe


04 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific islander

02 Asian

05 White

03 Black or African American

12. In what month did this injury occur?

01 January

07 July

02 February

08 August

03 March

09 September

04 April

10 October

05 May

11 November

06 June

12 December

13. Where on the farm did the injury occur?

01 Crop Field, Orchard, Nursery

08 Public Roadway

02 Pasture

09 In the House

03 In the Farm Yard

10 Garage

04 Grain Storage/Silo

11 House Yard

05 Farm Outbuilding

12 Driveway/Sidewalk

06 Barn

13 Outdoors, General

07 Farm Roadway

14 Other (Specify: )

14. Now I would like you to describe in as much detail as possible how the injury occurred. Include where the injury occurred, what tasks were being completed, what equipment was being used or materials being handled, and any other factors you think might be important.

Enumerator Note: If injury resulted in a fatality, you may terminate the interview unless the respondent wishes

to continue. Probe for details.




Barn, field, house

Specific Activity

Equipment & Tools



Materials Handled

Ag Chemicals.

Fertilizer, etc.

Other Factors






15. What part of the body was injured? (Please check all that apply)

01 Head/Skull

07 Arm

02 Face

08 Hand/Wrist/Fingers

03 Neck

09 Leg

04 Shoulder/Chest/Back

10 Foot/Ankle/Toes

05 Abdomen

11 Internal injuries

06 Pelvic Region

12 Other (Specify:_______________________________)

16. What type of injury occurred to the ___________________________________________________________________________(specify body part)? (Please check all that apply)

01 Scrape/Abrasion

08 Traumatic Rupture

02 Bruise/Contusion

09 Crushed/Mangled

03 Sprain/Strain/Torn Ligament

10 Loss of Body Part/Amputation

04 Broken Bone/Fracture

11 Nerve Injury

05 Dislocation

12 Burn/Blister/Scald

06 Cut/laceration

13 Concussion, Traumatic Brain Injury

07 Puncture/Stab/Jab

12 Other (Specify:_______________________________)

17. How long were the injured person’s normal activities restricted as a result of this injury?

01 No restriction

05 14 days to less than 1 month

02 Less than 1 day

06 1 month to less than 3 months

03 1 day to less than 7 days

07 3 months or more

04 7 days to less than 14 days

18. Did this injury result in a permanent disability?

01 Yes

03 No

19. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the overall seriousness of this injury, with 1 being minor and 5 being life-threatening?

01 Minor

04 Severe

77 Don’t know

02 Moderate

05 Life-threatening

99 Refused

03 Serious

06 Fatal (Enum. Note: If respondent does not wish to continue, leave note and terminate interview.)

20. Did this injury require medical attention?

01 Yes

03 No [Go to question 24]

21. Where did the injured person initially receive treatment for this injury?

01 Doctor’s Office or Clinic

05 Dentist

09 Other (Specify:___________)

02 Hospital Emergency Department

06 Chiropractor

77 Don’t Know

03 Non-emergency Clinic at Hospital

07 Urgent Care Center

99 Refused

04 Public Clinic

08 At the Scene

22. Did this injury require admission to a hospital?

01 Yes

03 No [Go to question 24]

23. How long was the hospitalization?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Number of Days

24. Enumerator Note: Was more than 1 injury reported in question 2, Adult Injury Summary?

01 Yes [Repeat questions 3 through 24 and collect information for the second most recent injury.]

03 No [Go to Conclusion]


That is all the questions I have for you today. Thank you very much for your time. We hope this information will help us learn more about how to prevent injuries on farms and ranches.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleProject 915 QID
Last Modified ByHancDa
File Modified2012-06-05
File Created2012-05-03

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