DOI-NPS Flathead Wild and Scenic River Visitor Survey – Surveys completed

McKenzie River and Trail Visitor Surveys, Flathead Wild and Scenic River Visitor Survey

FINAL flathead survey (2)

DOI-NPS Flathead Wild and Scenic River Visitor Survey – Surveys completed

OMB: 0596-0229

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Flathead Wild and Scenic River Visitor Survey

Survey Number: ________ OMB #0956-XXXX

Flathead National Forest

Kalispell, MT 59901

(406) 758-5200

Flathead Wild & Scenic River

Visitor Survey 2012

Glacier National Park

West Glacier, MT 59936

(406) 888-7800

Flathead National Forest and Glacier National Park River Managers would like to find out about your visit to better understand what you value about this section of the Flathead Wild & Scenic River System. The information you provide will help us better manage the river for your enjoyment and to retain the Wild & Scenic River values and prepare a Comprehensive River Management Plan to guide the management of the river and the protection of its Outstanding Remarkable Values. Please note this survey is for ALL Flathead River corridoor/area users including floaters, campers, hikers, stock parties, and any other groups recreating in or adjacent to the river within approxitaly ¼ mile.

Privacy and Paperwork Reduction Act statements: 16 U.S.C. 1a-7 authorized collection of this information. This information will be used by the U.S. Forest Service to better serve the public. Response to this request is voluntary. No action may be taken against you for refusing to supply the information requested. When analysis of the questionnaires is completed, all name and address files will be destroyed. Thus, the permanent data will be anonymous. Please do not put your name or that of any member of your group on the questionnaire.

We appreciate your assistance in helping us manage the Flathead Wild and Scenic River.

Please contact the following people if you have questions about this survey

River Manager

Hungry Horse –Glacier View Ranger Districts

(406) 387-3800

River Manager

Spotted Bear Ranger District

(406) 758-5376

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Department of Agriculture, Clearance Officer, OCIO, AG Box 7630, Washington, DC 20250; and the Office of Management and Budget, paperwork Reduction project (OMB #596-XXXX), Washington, DC, 20503

What is the zip code for your primary residence? _________

  1. What is your age? 16-20 30-39 50-59

21-29 40-49 60-69 70+

This section asks about your activities during your recent visit to the Flathead River corridor/area (questions 3 to 8).

  1. When and where did you start and end your visit to the Flathead River?

    1. What segment/section/area of the Flathead River did you visit?:____________________________________

    2. Beginning date:_________(month/day/year) starting from (trailhead/put-in/creek?):_____________________________________________________________________

    3. Ending date:__________(month/day/year) leaving from (trailhead/put-in/creek):______________________

  1. About what percentage of this trip was devoted to recreation in the Flathead River corridor/area?

0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81-100%

  1. How many people were in your group, including yourself? _________________________________________

  1. What activities did you participate in during your visit to the Flathead River? (check all that apply)

Whitewater rafting

Floating the river




Scenic/Wildlife viewing


Horse riding/Stock packing




Day use/Picnicking

Staying at a Forest Service rental cabin

  1. What was the primary activity you participated in during your visit to the Flathead River? (check only one)

Whitewater rafting

Floating the river




Scenic/Wildlife viewing


Horse riding/Stock packing




Day use/Picnicking

Staying at a Forest Service rental cabin

  1. What forms of transportation did your group use to get to the Flathead River? (mark all that apply)

  • Hiking/Backpacking

  • Personal vehicle/car

  • Personal saddle/pack stock

  • Pack stock provided by an outfitter

  • Personal airplane/helicopter to Schafer Meadows

  • Airplane/helicopter to Schafer Meadows provided by an outfitter

  • Bus or any vehicle provided and driven by an outfitter

  • Car or vehicle provided by a commercial shuttle or taxi service

  • Other___________________________________

  1. Did you float on any section of the Flathead River during this trip?

  • No (Skip to Question 14)

  • Yes (continue to Question 10).

This section asks about float/whitewater trips on the Flathead River (questions 10-14), if you did not float on the river, please skip to question 14.

  1. Where did you start your float? ____________________________

Where did your float end? __________________________________________________________

  1. What kind of watercraft did your party use? Please indicate the number of each.

  • Multi-person raft/cataraft

  • Inflatable personal (one-person) raft (ex. Alpacka ©) or cataraft

  • Hard shell kayak

  • Hard sided canoe

  • Inflatable canoe, kayak, duckee

  • Inner tube/river tube

  • Other______________

  1. Did you have stock support (horses/mules) for any part of, or all of your entire trip? No Yes

If Yes, how many head of stock did you use? _______________

If Yes, for which portion of your trip and/or how did you have stock support?


  1. A. Did you have to wait to launch on the river? No Yes

If yes, about how long was your wait?

  • 5-10 minutes

  • 11-20 minutes

  • 21-40 minutes

  • More than 41 minutes

        1. What do you consider to be an acceptable wait time to launch on this section of the Flathead River?_____________minutes

This section asks questions for all Flathead River corridor/area users who camped overnight during their visit your recent visit to the Flathead River (questions 14 to 19), if you did not camp please skip to question 20.

  1. A. How many nights did your group camp by the Flathead River? __________

If you did not camp, please skip to question 20.

        1. If you camped, where did you camp? (please list all locations such as specific side-trails, drainages, or recreation sites/facilities). _________________________________________________________________________________

  1. A. Did you have trouble locating a campsite that met the needs of your group? No Yes

B. Outside of the wilderness, would you prefer more designated camping with facilities? No Yes

If yes, where? ______________________________________________________

  1. A. On a typical night about how many other groups did you see or hear while you were in your campsite?

0-2 3-5 6-10 11+

B. Did you consider this number of parties to be:

  • Too many

  • Too few

  • Just right

(17) A. On average, how many people were in these parties that you could see or hear in your campsite?

0-2 3-5 6-10 11-15 15+

B. Did you consider this number of people to be:

  • Too many

  • Too few

  • Just right

(18) Did Forest Service or Park Service length of stay regulations affect your visit? No Yes

If yes, please describe: _________________________________________________________________

(19) Did you encounter wildlife within your campsite? No Yes

If yes, please describe the encounter: _____________________________________________________

This section is for all Flathead River corridor/area users and asks questions about how you planned your visit to the Flathead River (questions 20 to 28).

(20) How many days/months in advance did your group plan this trip? _________days, or _________months

(21) What was the primary reason for visiting the Flathead River when you did? (Mark only one)

Better river flow conditions for floating

Trying to avoid the crowds Available vacation days Hunting season

Better chance of good weather Better chance of good fishing I am a local; as schedule allowed

Couldn’t get a permit on a preferred river Other____________________

(22) Did your group hire a commercial outfitter or guide to support your trip? No Yes

If so, what services did they provide you?

Overnight/multi day full service float Full day float Half day float Drop float

Livery service (shuttle and/or delivery of rental equipment) Fishing

Other __________________________________________________________

What was the name of the outfitter or guide service? _____________________________________

(23) What would you have done if you had not been able make this visit to the Flathead River, i.e. the recreation sites were not available, there were too many other users, etc.?

  • I would have visited another river. If so, please name it here_____________________________

  • I would have recreated elsewhere nearby in Glacier National Park or the Flathead National Forest.

  • I would have recreated somewhere else entirely.

If so, please describe ________________________________________________________________

  • I would have stayed home.

  • Other_____________________________________________________________________________

(24) A. In previous years, have you visited this portion/area of the river that you visited on this most recent trip?

No Yes

B. If yes, have you noticed changes in the area’s conditions, e.g. number of visitors, campsite availability, campsite conditions, etc.? No Yes

C. If yes, please describe when that was and what the difference is:_______________________________________


(25) A. Were you aware of the regulations associated with storage of food in a bear-resistant manner (i.e. requirements to hang food, use bear proof boxes/ panniers /coolers, etc)?

No Yes

B. Was it difficult to comply with the regulations? No Yes

C. If yes, please describe: _________________________________________________________________

(26) Where did you get your information about the regulations associated with storage of food in a bear-resistant manner?

  • Forest Service trailhead or river access site bulletin board

  • Forest Service website

  • Forest Service office

  • The Flathead River Float Guide

  • Glacier National Park website

  • Glacier National Park visitor center or backcountry permit office

  • Friends and/or family

  • Other hiking/guidebook_____________________

  • Other ___________________________________

  • I did not know the regulations for storage of food in a bear-resistant manner

(27) Where did you get information about other regulations, camp sites and/or land ownership boundaries?

  • Forest Service trailhead or river access site bulletin board

  • Forest Service website

  • Forest Service office

  • The Flathead River Float Guide

  • Glacier National Park website

  • Glacier National Park visitor center or backcountry permit office

  • Friends and/or family

  • Other hiking/guidebook_____________________

  • Other ___________________________________

  • I did not know the regulations and/or land ownership boundaries

(28) Please rate your overall experience on your recent trip to the Flathead River (circle the appropriate number):

Very good




Very bad






Please explain your rating here:_________________________________________________________________


This section is only for those who visited the North Fork or Lower Middle Fork (below Bear Creek) of the Flathead River (questions 29-30). If you did not visit either of these segments of the river please continue to question 32.

(29) Are you aware that the National Park Service (Glacier National Park) and the National Forest Service (Flathead National Forest) co-manage the Flathead River? Yes No

(30) If you camped during your visit to the North Fork or Lower Middle Fork of the Flathead River, did you camp within:

  • Glacier National Park

  • Flathead National Forest

  • Private Lands

  • Other _______________________________________________

(31) Did you recreate at any other locations in Glacier National Park during your visit to the Flathead River?

Yes No

If yes, please describe what you did and where it occurred, e.g. drive Going-to-the Sun Road, visit Polebridge Ranger Station, camp at Many Glacier, hike the Highline Trail, etc?: _____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

This section is for all users and asks you to rate the impacts that the following conditions had on this visit to the Flathead River corridor/area (items 32-34).

(32) On a scale from +3 (added a lot to) to -3 (detracted a lot from), rate how these items affected the quality of your river experience. If the item does not apply to your trip, rate the item as “0 or N/A”. For each type of encounter, please also indicate how many groups you saw.

Shape3 Added to Detracted from experience




0 or N/A




About how many groups on a typical day did you see?

Encounters with float groups

Encounters with stock/horse groups

Encounters with backpacker groups

Encounters with fishing groups/individuals

Encounters with any outfitted/commercial groups

Encounters with other groups at swimming holes, lunch/picnic spots, other day use sites, or special river locations

Contact with river rangers, wilderness rangers, or park rangers

Please feel free to comment on any specific experiences (good or bad) you had in regards to encounters with other parties. We are particularly interested in encounters that may have enhanced or detracted from the Wild and Scenic river experience.



(33) On a scale from +3 (added a lot to) to -3 (detracted a lot from), rate how these items affected the quality of your river experience. If you did not camp near one of these groups rate, the items as “0 or N/A”. For each type of encounter, please also indicate how many groups you saw or heard. If you did not overnight camp, please skip to question 34.

Shape4 Added to Detracted from experience




0 or N/A




About how many groups on a typical camping night did you see and/or hear?

Camping within sight or sound of float groups

Camping within sight or sound of stock/horse groups

Camping within sight or sound of backpacker groups

Camping within sight or sound of outfitted/commercial groups

Camping within sight or sound of fishing groups/individuals

Camping within sight or sound of vehicle supported groups not otherwise identified above, including at undeveloped and developed recreation sites

Please feel free to comment on any specific experiences you had in regards to the presence of others when camping, on the river, or at the take out/put in. We are particularly interested in the locations of situations that may have enhanced or detracted from the Wild and Scenic river experience.



(34) On a scale from +3 (added a lot to) to -3 (detracted a lot from), rate how these items affected the quality of your river experience. If the item does not apply to your trip, rate the item as “0 or N/A”.


Added to Detracted from




0 or N/A




Being in or near Glacier National Park

Being in Flathead National Forest

Being on a designated Wild and Scenic River

Being in a designated Wilderness Area (Bob Marshall or Great Bear Wilderness)

This section asks you to rate how the following characteristics of river area recreation influenced the quality of your visit.

(35) For each item you noticed on this visit to the Flathead River, please mark (1 to 7) how it affected your experience. If you did not notice an item, mark “NN” for Not Noticed.

How much of a problem was it?


Noticed Not at all Slight Moderate Big









Amount of improperly disposed of human waste or toilet paper

Amount of litter

Conditions of campsites that you used, i.e. impacts from previous use, including exposed tree roots, tree scars, barren ground, many side/social trails

Condition of the natural environment

Amount on invasive species and weeds

Weather conditions

Trail conditions

Area/rules and regulations not adequately enforced

Too many rules and regulations

Erosion at popular stopping points

Lack of adequate parking at river access sites

Length of wait time at river access put in/take out

Amount of development at river sites not in the wilderness

Amount of artificial light glow from cities/towns

Lack of solitude

Please feel free to comment on any specific experiences you had in regards to recreating in the Flathead River corridor/area. We are particularly interested in experiences that may have enhanced or detracted from the Wild and Scenic river experience.



This section lists possible management actions that might be taken along the Flathead River corridor/area.

(36) Please indicate your support or opposition for how recreational use should be managed on the Flathead River.

Strongly favor (+2)







Strongly oppose


Provide more information to visitors about appropriate behaviors

Require boaters to pack out human waste

Require land based river users (stock groups, backpackers, vehicle campers) to pack out human waste

Limit the number of boaters if necessary to protect fisheries

Decrease group size

Begin charging user fees to offset management costs.

Limit the number of boaters if most visitors feel crowded

Add more river rangers and park rangers for enforcement

Increase the number of outfitters and guides

Decrease the number of outfitters and guides

Implement a permit system to limit the number of river launches

Regulate the number of landings per day at Schafer Meadows to limit the number of river launches

Please share with us any comments you have about possible management actions that might be taken along the Flathead River to improve the quality of the Wild and Scenic River experience that you would support or oppose.



Please share with us any other comments that you have on the Flathead Wild & Scenic River management program.




The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD).

To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Please continue survey on next page 1

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