OMB No.: 0584-0559
Expiration Date: 3/31/2014
April 2011 Site Visits
Interview of Other Organizations Involved in
Parent Training and Nutrition Education
My name is [X], from [Abt Associates/Mathematica Policy Research].
As you may know, Abt and Mathematica are working together to evaluate the Summer EBT for Children demonstrations for the Food and Nutrition Service of USDA. My colleagues and I are visiting each of the five sites and collecting information from a wide range of stakeholders involved in the demonstration in order to learn about the process of implementation, the challenges you encountered, and lessons learned. I want to start by thanking you for taking time to speak with us today. Your perspective and insights on these issues are very helpful.
For stakeholders not receiving grant funds: Your participation is voluntary, and your responses will be kept confidential to the extent provided by law. You may refuse to answer any question and may stop the interview at any time.
Our reports to FNS will describe the range of responses expressed by staff, and may list the names of agencies and partners who contributed information, but we will not quote you or anyone by name or title. However, because of the relatively small number of organizations participating in the study, there is a possibility that a response could be correctly attributed to you.
I expect our conversation will take approximately [XX] minutes.
[OPTIONAL IF INTERVIEWER CHOOSES TO RECORD:] I want to be sure I am keeping track of everything you are saying. May I record our discussion so that I can listen to it later when I write up my notes? No one outside of our research team will have access to the recording. [IF YES:] Thank you. It will be helpful if you speak up, speak clearly, and speak one at a time. [IF NO:] That’s no problem. I’ll take notes as you talk, but I may sometimes need to ask you to slow down or repeat so that I can get all the information.
First, do you have any questions for me about the project in general or what we will be discussing today?
A.1 What organization do you work for?
A.2 What services does [ORGANIZATION] provide?
A.3 What is your position? What are your day-to-day responsibilities?
A.4 How long have you worked for [ORGANIZATION]?
B. Local Context |
I’d like to start by asking you some questions about the food environment in your local area and the availability of food services during the summer months.
Barriers to accessing SNAP/WIC retailers – ASK of both SNAP/WIC sites
B.1 First, are there any barriers for some local residents to access [SNAP/WIC] retailers?
[If so, probe:]
Do any agencies offer services do they offer (such as help with transportation, ability to order groceries for delivery to neighborhood centers)?
Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
B.2 How many SFSP sites are you aware of in your area? Where are these sites typically for example, community centers, parks, playgrounds)?
Other existing summer feeding options
B.3 Are you aware of other summer feeding options (such as Seamless Summer Feeding Program, NSLP, kids' cafes, Child and Adult Care Food Programs) that were available in the summer of 2010 in the target communities?
[If so, probe:]
Please describe them.
What types and how many organizations administer these programs?
How many children were typically served by each?
B.4 Are food banks or other organizations that provide food services available in the community?
[If so, probe:]
Please describe them.
How many individuals are typically served by each?
C. Demonstration Planning and the Application Process |
C.1 Were you or anyone from your organization involved in the planning process for the [SEBTC PROGRAM NAME] grant?
[If so:]
How did you become involved?
What was your role?
For how long were you involved in the planning process?
What were the main issues of focus and/or concern during the planning process?
What challenges did you encounter during the planning process? How were they addressed?
[If not:]
How did you hear about the program?
When did you become involved?
I’d now like to ask you about your work on [PROGRAM].
Organizational structure for the work on the demonstration.
D.1 What are your and/or your organizations responsibilities as they relate to [SEBTC PROGRAM NAME]?
D.2 Have your responsibilities changed from what was proposed in the grant application?
[If so, probe:]
How have your responsibilities changed?
Why did they change?
Agreements between organizations.
D.3 Do you have agreements or contracts in place between your organization and [GRANTEE]?
[If so, probe:]
Do these agreements or contracts identify the goals, objectives, roles, and responsibilities as they pertain to the demonstration?
Have these agreements been formalized? [Can we get copies?]
Staffing structure.
D.4 How many staff members from your organization are involved in the demonstration activities?
D.5 What are their roles on the project?
What type of backgrounds and qualifications do each have?
D.6 Were any new staff members hired as a result of the demonstration?
D.7 Where any new skills required by staff to carry out demonstration services?
D.8 Did staff receive training to carry out their new responsibilities?
D.9 Has the staffing structure changed since the program began?
[If so, probe:]
How has it changed?
Why did it change?
D.10 Has there been staff turnover?
[If so, probe:]
In what positions and for what reasons?
What were the effects of this turnover?
Communication between grantees and key partners.
D.11 How often do you communicate with [GRANTEE] and for what reasons?
D.12 Have there been challenges to maintaining communication?
[If so, probe:]
In what ways and for what areas could communications be improved?
D.13 What forms of communication and collaboration have been most helpful? In what ways?
Successes and challenges of the collaborations
D.14 What are the most effective elements of the collaboration with [GRANTEE], and why? What has worked best in this partnership?
D.15 What aspects of this collaboration could be improved?
D.16 What have you learned about establishing and maintaining this collaboration?
Experiences of and local organizations with training
E.1 Have you received any information or training for the [SEBTC PROGRAM NAME]?
[If not, ask:]
What types of information or training would have been helpful?
[If so, ask the remainder of this section:]
E.2 What type of information or training did you receive (e.g., information materials distribution, one-on-one, group, computer)?
[If you received written information, probe:]
What was the focus of the materials (e.g., developing lists of eligible children, the use of benefits and EBT cards, outreach and education to eligible households)?
When did you receive them?
Was the level of information sufficient to understand the program and complete your role?
[If you received training, ask the remaining questions in this section:]
E.3 What was the focus of the training (e.g., developing lists of eligible children, the use of benefits and EBT cards, outreach and education to eligible households)?
E.4 Who conducted the training?
E.5 How long was the training?
E.6 Was there any follow-up training provided?
E.7 Was the level of training sufficient to understand the program and complete your role in the demonstration?
E.8 Was the type of training appropriate?
E.9 Would you suggest conducting more/less of certain types?
E.10 What changes would you suggest the state makes to the training in the future (i.e., content, timing, length, location)?
Training for parents
F.1 Beyond the information letter that will be sent to parents about participating in the [SEBTC PROGRAM NAME] program, have or will parents in the demonstration sites receive training or additional information packets?
F.2 Do materials or training differ for certain populations (e.g., [SNAP/WIC] recipients versus non-recipients)?
Content of materials and training
F.3 What is the focus of the materials or training?
Information about the [SEBTC PROGRAM NAME]
What the EBT card is and how to use it (including activation)
What types of foods are allowed, locations for accessing benefits
Who should receive the benefit (children)?
F.4 Do the materials or training provide broader information about eligibility for other programs (e.g., SNAP, WIC, summer food programs in the community)?
F.5 Do the materials or training address potential concerns about immigration status and benefit receipt?
F.6 Does the training include information on nutrition education (if so, we will talk in more detail about this later)?
Format of training
F.7 How are materials or training being provided (e.g., information packets, one-on-one, classes, computer, web-based)?
F.8 Who prepared and distributed materials?
[If using group training:]
F.9 Where are trainings conducted?
F.10 How large will the classes be?
F.11 Who is conducting training?
F.12 How long are the training classes?
F.13 How many training sessions are being held? And how often?
F.13 Are materials and training being distributed in multiple languages? Which languages are included?
F.14 Is follow-up training planned?
Additional support for families [Ask only if community-based organization provides training and support to parents]
F.15 Do you provide households with an 800 telephone number or a local number to ask questions about the demonstration? Who will answer those calls?
F.16 Is there a location where household members could go to get help (face-to-face)?
[If so, probe:]
Who will provide that help (e.g., local benefit office, CBO, school staff)?
How convenient are these locations for parents/guardians?
F.17 Will there be a website or webpage dedicated to [SEBTC PROGRAM NAME] information? How will access be controlled?
F.18 What other types of media will be used to train/inform participants (e.g., training videos, media campaigns, radio ads)?
Household reaction to the EBT benefits
F.19 Have you heard from parents about the Summer EBT for Children program?
[If yes]
In general, how have they responded?
About how many inquires/calls have you received?
What kinds of questions did parents ask?
What types of concerns were most often discussed?
Did parents tend to be more positive or negative about the program?
F.20 What has been the reaction of households to the $60 per child monthly benefit?
Do they believe the level is too high, too low, or appropriate?
Has this affected the consent rates for the demonstration in any way? If so, how?
G.1 Can you describe the nutrition education that you are doing for families in the demonstration area? Is your nutrition education program directly tied to the Summer EBT for Children?
G.2 What is the structure of the services (e.g. written materials versus training)?
[If training, then probe:]
Group or one-on-one?
How long are the classes?
How often are they offered?
G.3 What is the focus of the nutrition education?
[Probe: What are some examples of handouts or lessons covered?]
Stretching your shopping dollar
(for WIC sites only) List of SEBTC foods available, portion sizes allowed
Fruits and vegetables
Whole grains
Eating seasonal foods
Farmer’s markets (if able to use card there)
Using low-fat or fat-free milk
Healthy snacks for kids
Introducing new foods
G.4 Do you provide these services throughout the demonstration area? If not, which communities are targeted?
G.5 Who are the key developers of the nutrition education approach and materials?
G.6 Who are the staff members that will deliver the nutrition education?
How many staff members will provide education?
What percentage of their time will be allocated to educating participants?
G.7 Are there referrals to sources of more in-depth nutrition counseling in the community?
[If nutrition education is tied to the Summer EBT, ask the remaining questions in the section.]
G.8 What individuals are being targeted for nutrition education?
Are only households that receive the [SEBTC PROGRAM NAME] benefit participating or are households who do not receive the benefit also participating in nutrition education?
Are subgroups of individuals targeted for particular education components (for example children only, parents/guardians but not children, etc.)?
Why did you target these subgroups?
How often will parents/guardians and children receive education and through what modes?
G.9 Will households have to participate in nutrition education to receive an EBT card? Do you know why was this approach taken?
G.10 What activities are being used to promote the awareness and use of nutrition education among targeted households and children (for example, have you distributed information, provided support services, or made referrals)?
Why did you to select these promotion activities?
Do you perceive these activities as helpful in encouraging targeted households to understand or take advantage of the education services?
G.11 Does the nutrition education you are offering for Summer EBT for Chidlren differ from what you typically offer?
What aspects are similar, and what aspects are different in terms of the delivery of education and materials used?
Why are there differences between typical nutrition education and [SEBTC PROGRAM NAME] nutrition education?
How will staff be advised of the change?
Will staff be trained to use the adapted materials?
H. Successes, Challenges, and Solutions |
H.1 Thus far, what have been the greatest successes of the early phases of the demonstration?
H.2 What factors contributed significantly to this success?
H.3 What, if anything, could be done differently to improve the planning process or the initiation of the program?
H.4 Thus far, what have been the biggest challenges during the early phases of the demonstration?
H.5 Have these challenges been resolved? If so, how? If not, why?
H.6 What could [STATE] have done differently during the planning process or the initiation of the program?
I. Implementation and Operational Costs |
Matched, volunteer, and donated resources [Ask if organization is receiving grant funds].
I.1 Have any resources been used beyond the grant to support implementation of the grant?
[If so, probe:]
What was the source?
How much was used?
How were these resources used?
I.2 Are volunteers involved in providing services?
[If so, probe:]
Can you estimate how much volunteer time was spent?
What was the role of these volunteers?
I.3 Were any other resources donated for the demonstration (e.g. office space, materials)?
[If so, probe:]
What were they?
Who donated them
How much was used?
Matched, volunteer, and donated resources [Ask if organization is not receiving grant funds].
I.4 What resources have been used to support implementation of the grant?
How much was used?
How were these resources used?
I.5 Are volunteers involved in providing services?
[If so, probe:]
Can you estimate how much volunteer time was spent?
What was the role of these volunteers?
I.6 Were any other resources donated for the demonstration (e.g. office space, materials)?
[If so, probe:]
What were they?
Who donated them
How much was used?
Staff time spent on [SEBTC PROGRAM NAME].
I.7 What percentage of your time do you typically spend on the program?
Has this changed over time?
How did the percentage compare before the school year ended compared to after the school year ended?
How much of your time is charged to the grant?
How much is paid by other funding sources?
Do you work overtime hours on the project? If so, how much is paid versus unpaid?
Is there anything you think is important for the FNS to know about the [STATE]’s [SEBTC PROGRAM NAME] demonstration that we did not ask about?
Thank you for your time and helpful feedback. The information you have shared will be valuable to our team as we look across states and localities for themes and ideas that we can share with FNS.
Are there any questions you have for me before we finish?
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