Choice Neighborhoods |
U.S. Department of Housing |
OMB Approval No. 2577-0269 |
and Urban Development |
(exp. 2/28/2011) |
Key Eligibility Data Form |
Office of Public and Indian Housing |
You must provide the following information for the Lead Applicant and, if applicable, the Co-Applicant |
Lead Applicant: |
Type of Eligible Applicant |
Public Housing Agency |
Local Government |
(check one) |
PHA Code: |
Nonprofit |
For profit developer applying jointly with a public entity |
Mailing Address: |
Executive Officer Name & Title: |
Telephone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Primary Contact Name & Title: |
Telephone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Co-Applicant (if any): |
Type of Eligible Applicant |
Public Housing Agency |
Local Government |
(check one) |
PHA Code: |
Nonprofit |
For profit developer applying jointly with a public entity |
Mailing Address: |
Executive Officer Name & Title: |
Telephone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Primary Contact Name & Title: |
Telephone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Housing Implementation Entity: |
Mailing Address: |
Executive Officer Name & Title: |
Telephone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
People Implementation Entity: |
Mailing Address: |
Executive Officer Name & Title: |
Telephone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Education Implementation Entity: |
Mailing Address: |
Executive Officer Name & Title: |
Telephone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Neighborhood Implementation Entity: |
Mailing Address: |
Executive Officer Name & Title: |
Telephone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
HUD Form 53233 (3/2011) |
CHOICE NEIGHBORHOODS- Key Eligibility Data Form |
Your application must focus on severely distressed public and/or HUD-assisted housing. See section I.C for defintions of "public housing," "assisted housing," and "severely distressed housing." |
Provide the following information for each target housing project. List each site separately. |
Project #1 |
Project Name: |
Type of Eligible Housing |
(check one) |
Public Housing (section 9) |
section 811 |
Project-based section 8 |
section 221(d)(3) |
section 202 |
section 236 |
If Public Housing |
PIC AMP Number: |
"old" Project Number: |
If Assisted Housing |
Contract Number: |
REMS Number: |
If FHA Insured, FHA #: |
Physical Street Address |
(include city, state and ZIP) |
Unit Information as of Application Date |
Total Number of Units in Project |
Number Occupied |
Number of Public and/or Assisted Units in Project |
Number Vacant |
Project #2 (if applicable) |
Project Name: |
Type of Eligible Housing |
(check one) |
Public Housing (section 9) |
section 811 |
Project-based section 8 |
section 221(d)(3) |
section 202 |
section 236 |
If Public Housing |
PIC AMP Number: |
"old" Project Number: |
If Assisted Housing |
Contract Number: |
REMS Number: |
If FHA Insured, FHA #: |
Physical Street Address |
(include city, state and ZIP) |
Unit Information as of Application Date |
Total Number of Units in Project |
Number Occupied |
Number of Public and/or Assisted Units in Project |
Number Vacant |
Project #3 (if aplicable) |
Project Name: |
Type of Eligible Housing |
(check one) |
Public Housing (section 9) |
section 811 |
Project-based section 8 |
section 221(d)(3) |
section 202 |
section 236 |
If Public Housing |
PIC AMP Number: |
"old" Project Number: |
If Assisted Housing |
Contract Number: |
REMS Number: |
If FHA Insured, FHA #: |
Physical Street Address |
(include city, state and ZIP) |
Unit Information as of Application Date |
Total Number of Units in Project |
Number Occupied |
Number of Public and/or Assisted Units in Project |
Number Vacant |
Project #4 (if applicable) |
Project Name: |
Type of Eligible Housing |
(check one) |
Public Housing (section 9) |
section 811 |
Project-based section 8 |
section 221(d)(3) |
section 202 |
section 236 |
If Public Housing |
PIC AMP Number: |
"old" Project Number: |
If Assisted Housing |
Contract Number: |
REMS Number: |
If FHA Insured, FHA #: |
Physical Street Address |
(include city, state and ZIP) |
Unit Information as of Application Date |
Total Number of Units in Project |
Number Occupied |
Number of Public and/or Assisted Units in Project |
Number Vacant |