2012 Spreadsheet


7 CFR 1944-I, "Self-Help Technical Assistance Grants"

2012 Spreadsheet

OMB: 0575-0043

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Combined burden

Sheet 1: Combined burden

170 1

140 2

4 8

Section of Regulation Title Form No (if any) Estimated No. of Respondents Reports Filed Annually Total Annual Responses (D) x (E) Estimated No. of Manhours Per Response Estimated Total Manhours (F) x (G) Wage Class Total Cost (H) x (I)
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)

Reporting Requirements - No Forms

1944.410(a)(1) Evidence of Capacity to Operate a MSH Program -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 20 120 1 140 0.25 35 $24 $840
1944.410(a)(2) Organizational Documents -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 20 120 1 140 0.16 22 $24 $538
1944.410(a)(3) Financial Statement -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 20 120 1 140 0.25 35 $24 $840
1944.410(a)(4) Narrative Statement of the Area to be Served -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 20 120 1 140 0.25 35 $24 $840
1944.410(a)(5) Very Low-Income Plan -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 20 120 1 140 0.5 70 $24 $1,680
1944.410(a)(7) Survey of Lots -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 20 120 1 140 1 140 $24 $3,360
1944.410(a)(8) List of Other Activities -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 20 120 1 140 0.25 35 $24 $840
1944.410(a)(9) Statement Identifying Need, Amount of Funds and Projected Time Period -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 7 103 1 110 8.5 935 $24 $22,440
1944.410(a)(d), Exhibit D Self-Help Technical Assistance Grant Predevelopment Agreement -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 5 10 1 15 0.5 8 $24 $180
1944.411( c) Statement of Compliance, OMB Circulars and Department Regulations -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 7 103 1 110 0.16 18 $24 $422
1944.411(g) Establishing Interest Bearing Accounts -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 7 103 4 440 0.25 110 $24 $2,640
1944.417(b) & Exhibit B Evaluation Report of Self-Help Grants -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 7 103 4 440 1 440 $24 $10,560
1944.419( c) Request for Evaluation Review -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Letter 2 8 1 10 0.16 2 $24 $38
1944.420( c) Revised Budget -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 5 30 1 35 1 35 $24 $840
1944.422(a) Audit Report, Non-Profit Organizations -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Written 5 100 1 105 15 1,575 $24 $37,800
1944.422(b) Audit Report, Local Governments and Indian Tribes -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 2 6 1 8 15 120 $24 $2,880
1944.427, Exhibit E Grantees' Self-Evaluation -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 7 103 1 110 1 110 $24 $2,640
1944-I, Exhibit F Application for Site Option Loan -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 1 1 1 1 1 1 $24 $24



Reporting Requirements - Recordkeeping

1944.411(f) Agreement to Establish a Certified Recordkeeping System -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 7 103 1 110 0.16 18 $24 $422
1944.411(h) Agreement Between Grantee and Families -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 7 103 1 110 0.16 18 $24 $422
1944.420, Exhibit C Amendment to the Self-Help Technical Assistance Grant Agreement -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 7 103 1 110 0.16 18 $24 $422
1944-I, Exhibit A Self-Help Technical Assistance Grant Agreement -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization Narrative Statement 7 103 1 110 0.08 9 $24 $211



Reporting Requirements - Forms Approved Under Other OMB Numbers

1944.410(a) Application for Federal Assistance -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization SF-424 (0348-0043) 20 120 1 140 1 140 $24 $3,360
1944.410(a)(6) Budget Information Non-Construction Programs -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization SF-424A (0348-0044) 20 120 1 140 3 420 $24 $10,080
1944.410(e) Equal Opportunity Agreement -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization RD 400-1 (0575-0018) 20 120 1 140 0.16 22 $24 $538
1944.411(d) Assurance Agreement -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization RD 400-4 (0575-0018) 20 120 1 140 0.25 35 $24 $840
1944.411(d) Assurances – Nonconstruction Programs -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization SF-424B (0348-0040) 20 120 1 140 0.25 35 $24 $840
1944.417(a)(2) Request for Advance or Reimbursement -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization SF-270 (0348-0004) 20 120 1 140 1 140 $24 $3,360
1944.426(a)(2) Federal Financial Report -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization SF-425 (0348-0038) 20 120 1 140 1.5 210 $24 $5,040
1944.410(b)(1)(ii) Request for Environmental Information -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization RD 1940-20 (0575-0094) 20 120 1 140 6 840 $24 $20,160
1944.410(b)(2)(iv) Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan -Local/State Governments (Native American Indian Tribes) -Nonprofit Organization HUD 935.2 (2529-0013) 20 120 1 140 3 420 $24 $10,080

Total Annual Responses


Total Recordkeeping Burden

62 $1,478

Total Burden This Docket


Sheet 2: Sheet2

Type Section of Regulation Title Form No (if any) Estimated No. of Respondents Reports Filed Annually Total Annual Responses (D) x (E) Estimated No. of Manhours Per Response Estimated Total Manhours (F) x (G) Wage Class Total Cost (H) x (I)

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
TA Grant Application

1 3551.55 (b) (1) Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 170 1 170 0.75 127.5 $15.00 $1,912.50
1 3551.55 (b) (2) Evidence of capacity to operate a MSH program Narrative statement 170 1 170 0.25 42.5 $15.00 $637.50
1 3551.55 (b) (3) Organizational Documents Narrative statement 170 1 170 0.16 27.2 $15.00 $408.00
1 3551.55 (b) (3) Financial statement Narrative statement 170 1 170 0.25 42.5 $15.00 $637.50
1 3551.55 (b) (10) Commercial credit report Narrative statement 170 1 170 0.16 27.2 $15.00 $408.00
1 3551.55 (b) (4) Evidence of need and demand Narrative statement 170 1 170 1 170 $15.00 $2,550.00
1 3551.55 (b) (5) Evidence of land availability Narrative statement 170 1 170 1 170 $15.00 $2,550.00
1 3551.55 (b) (7) Program budget SF-424A or equivalent 170 1 170 3 510 $15.00 $7,650.00
1 3551.55 (b) (8) Housing plans and cost estimates Narrative statement 170 1 170 1 170 $15.00 $2,550.00
1 3551.55 (b) (9) Monthly activities schedule Narrative statement 170 1 170 1 170 $15.00 $2,550.00
1 3551.55 (b) (11) Assurance Agreement RD 400-4 170 1 170 0.25 42.5 $15.00 $637.50
1 3551.55 (b) (11) (i) Equal Opportunity Agreement RD 400-1 170 1 170 0.25 42.5 $15.00 $637.50
1 3551.55 (b) (11) Assurances – Nonconstruction Programs SF-424B 170 1 170 0.25 42.5 $15.00 $637.50
1 3551.55 (b) (11) Drug-Free Workplace AD-1049 170 1 170 0.16 27.2 $15.00 $408.00
1 3551.55 (b) (11) Certification regarding debarment, suspension, ineligibility and voluntary exclusion AD-1047 170 1 170 0.16 27.2 $15.00 $408.00
1 3551.55 (b) (11) (iii) Conflict-of-interest Disclosure Narrative statement 170 1 170 0.16 27.2 $15.00 $408.00
1 3551.55 (b) (11) (iv) Disclosure of Lobbying Activities RD 1940-Q 170 1 170 0.16 27.2 $15.00 $408.00
1 3551.55 (b) (12) Evidence of multi-funded status/cost allocation plan Letter/Narrative statement 170 1 170 0.5 85 $15.00 $1,275.00
1 3551.55 (b) (13) Number of homes/ Factors for awards Narrative statement/ Scoring summary sheet 170 1 170 1 170 $15.00 $2,550.00
1 3551.9/3551.55 (d) (3) TA Grant Agreement Narrative Statement 170 1 170 0.08 13.6 $15.00 $204.00
TA Grant Closing

2 3551.55 (d) (1) Personnel Information Narrative statement 140 1 140 0.25 35 $15.00 $525.00
2 3551.55 (d) (2) Evidence of insurance and fidelity bonding Narrative statement 140 1 140 0.25 35 $15.00 $525.00
2 3551.55 (d) (2) Evidence of accounting and record keeping system (compliance with 7 CFR 3015 or 7 CFR 3016) Narrative statement 140 1 140 0.25 35 $15.00 $525.00
2 3551.55 (d) (3) Authorization from the Board of Directors Narrative statement 140 1 140 0.16 22.4 $15.00 $336.00
2 3551.55 (d) (4) Evidence of checking account Narrative statement 140 1 140 0.25 35 $15.00 $525.00
2 3551.55 (d) (5) Member’s agreement Narrative statement 140 1 140 0.16 22.4 $15.00 $336.00
2 3551.55 (d) (6) Evidence 1st group participating families qualified for mortgage financing Narrative statement 140 1 140 0.16 22.4 $15.00 $336.00
2 3551.55 (d) (7) Building specifications Narrative statement 140 1 140 1 140 $15.00 $2,100.00
2 3551.55 (d) (8) Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan HUD 935.2 140 1 140 1 140 $15.00 $2,100.00
2 3551.55 (d) (9) Agreement of compliance with all applicable Federal statutes and regulations Narrative statement 140 1 140 0.16 22.4 $15.00 $336.00
2 3551.55 (d) (10) Evidence addressed RHS environmental review findings Narrative statement 4 1 4 0.5 2 $15.00 $30.00
2 3551.55 (d) (11) Evidence addressed RHS Civil Rights Impact analysis findings Narrative statement 2 1 2 0.5 1 $15.00 $15.00
TA Grant Program Administration

3 3551.103 (a) and (b) Request for Obligation of Funds RD 1940-1 130 1 130 0.25 32.5 $15.00 $487.50
3 3551.103 (a) and (b) Grantee Request for ongoing payments/ Includes SHARES update SHARES/ SF-270 130 12 1560 1 1560 $15.00 $23,400.00
6 3551.103 (c) Grantee request for payment varying significantly from draw schedule Letter with SF-270 45 12 540 0.5 270 $15.00 $4,050.00
3 3551.151(a) Generate quarterly SHARES report SHARES report and narrative statement 130 4 520 0.5 260 $15.00 $3,900.00
4 3551.104 (c) (2) Grantee audit – Nonprofit organizations Narrative statement 90 1 90 15 1350 $15.00 $20,250.00
5 3551.104 (c) (1) Grantee audit – State, local and Indian tribal government Narrative statement 10 1 10 15 150 $15.00 $2,250.00
7 3551.152 (a) Grant Amendment requests Letter / Amendment to Self-Help Technical Assistance Grant 15 1 15 0.16 2.4 $15.00 $36.00
7 3551.152 (b) Work-out agreements for grantees designated High Risk Narrative statement 15 1 15 1 15 $15.00 $225.00
3 3551.106 (a) Grant Closeout – Grantee program documentation Final equipment inventory / Certification of records retention 130 1 130 0.5 65 $15.00 $975.00
3 3551.106 (a) 3551.106 (b) 3551.106 (c) Grant Closeout – Grantee financial documentation SF-269A / Certification of borrower account closeout / Final Audit 130 1 130 1.5 195 $15.00 $2,925.00
3 3551.106 (a) Grant Closeout – Final Grantee Evaluation Final SHARES entry 130 1 130 1 130 $15.00 $1,950.00
3 3551.106 Request for RHS Evaluation Review Letter 15 1 15 0.16 2.4 $15.00 $36.00

Total TA Grant Application Burden
3400 20 3400 11.54 1961.8
Total TA Grant Closing Burden
1406 12 1406 4.64 512.6
Total TA Grant Program Administration Burden
970 37 3285 36.57 4032.3
Total TA Burden
5776 69 8091 52.75 6506.7

Sheet 3: Sheet3

Type Section of Regulation Title Form No. (if any) Estimated No. of Respondents Reports Filed Annually Total Annual Responses (D) x (E) Estimated No. of Manhours Per Response Estimated Total Manhours (F) x (G) Wage Class Total Cost (H) x (I)

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
11 3551.251 (g) (1) Loan application SF-424 4 1 4 0.75 3 $15.00 $45.00
11 3551.251 (g) (2) (i) Resolution authorizing application for a site option loan Narrative statement 4 1 4 0.25 1 $15.00 $15.00
11 3551.251 (g) (2) (ii) Copy of proposed option or schedule of proposed options Narrative statement 4 1 4 0.25 1 $15.00 $15.00
12 3551.251 (i) Loan closing Loan agreement 1 1 1 0.25 0.25 $15.00 $3.75

Total Site Option Loan

13 4 13 1.5 5.25

Sheet 4: Sheet4

Type Section of Regulation Title Form No. (if any) Estimated No. of Respondents Reports Filed Annually Total Annual Responses (D) x (E) Estimated No. of Manhours Per Response Estimated Total Manhours (F) x (G) Wage Class Total Cost (H) x (I)

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
13 3551.201 (f) (2) (i) Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 70 1 70 0.75 52.5 $15.00 $787.50
13 3551.201 (f) (2) (ii) Evidence of demonstrated capacity to operate a MSH program Narrative statement 70 1 70 0.25 17.5 $15.00 $262.50
13 3551.201 (f) (2) (iii) Certificate of incorporation Narrative statement 70 1 70 0.16 11.2 $15.00 $168.00
13 3551.201 (f) (2) (iv) Tax-exempt certification Narrative statement 70 1 70 0.16 11.2 $15.00 $168.00
13 3551.201 (f) (2) (v) Articles of incorporation and Bylaws Narrative statement 70 1 70 0.16 11.2 $15.00 $168.00
13 3551.201 (f) (2) (vi) Certificate of good standing Narrative statement 70 1 70 0.16 11.2 $15.00 $168.00
13 3551.201 (f) (2) (vii) Organization identifying information Narrative statement 70 1 70 0.16 11.2 $15.00 $168.00
13 3551.201 (f) (2) (viii) Financial statement Narrative statement 70 1 70 0.25 17.5 $15.00 $262.50
13 3551.201 (f) (2) (ix) Credit report Narrative statement 70 1 70 0.16 11.2 $15.00 $168.00
13 3551.201 (f) (2) (x) Land availability Narrative statement 70 1 70 0.5 35 $15.00 $525.00
13 3551.201 (f) (2) (xi) Evidence of interest by families Narrative statement 70 1 70 0.5 35 $15.00 $525.00
13 3551.201 (f) (2) (xii) Monthly activity schedule Narrative statement 70 1 70 0.5 35 $15.00 $525.00
13 3551.201 (f) (2) (xii) Proposed budget Narrative statement 70 1 70 0.5 35 $15.00 $525.00
13 3551.201 (f) (2) (xiii) Conflict-of-interest disclosure Narrative statement 70 1 70 0.16 11.2 $15.00 $168.00
13 3551.201 (f) (2) (xiv) Disclosure of lobbying activities RD 1940-Q 70 1 70 0.16 11.2 $15.00 $168.00
13 3551.9 Grant Agreement Narrative Statement 70 1 70 0.08 5.6 $15.00 $84.00
15 3551.201 (h) (2) Predevelopment grantee closeout: Final accounting of funds Narrative statement 25 1 25 1 25 $15.00 $375.00

Total Predevelopment Grant Burden
1145 17 1145 5.61 347.7

Sheet 5: Sheet5

Estimated No. of Respondents Reports Filed Annually Total Annual Responses (D) x (E) Estimated No. of Manhours Per Response Estimated Total Manhours (F) x (G) Wage Class Total Cost (H) x (I)
Total TA Burden 5776 69 8091 52.75 6506.7
Total Predevelopment Grant Burden 1145 17 1145 5.61 347.7
Total Site Option Loan 13 4 13 1.5 5.25
TOTAL 6934 90 9249 59.86 6859.65
File Typeapplication/vnd.ms-excel
AuthorJoe Kost
Last Modified Byjeanne.jacobs
File Modified2012-06-11
File Created2000-11-30

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