Transition and Postsecondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSID) TPSID Evaluation System
Public Burden Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated at 2 hours 30 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefit from the Higher Education Opportunities Act (HEOA) Amendments of 2008 (20 USC 1140f-1140i). Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20202-4536 or email and reference the OMB Control Number 1840-NEW. Note: Please do not return the completed TPSID Program Level Evaluation Tool to this address.
PD1. Does your college have a public statement related to diversity?
Yes Go to question PD2
No Skip to question PD3
PD2. IF YES, does it explicitly mention students with disabilities?
PD3. Is your TPSID affiliated with a particular school, college, or academic department within your IHE?
Yes - What is the name of the school, college, or academic department? _______________
PD4. On average, how many years will it take for a student to complete your TPSID program?
Less than one year
One year
Two Years
Three Years
Four years
Five years
More than five years
PD5_Qualifier. Does the cost of attendance for your program differ depending on whether or not students are IN-STATE or OUT-OF-STATE residents?
Yes Go to question PD5in
No Skip to question PD5
PD5_in. What is the average yearly tuition for an in-state TPSID student? $________
PD6_in. What is the average yearly total required fees for an in-state TPSID student? $________
PD5_out. What is the average yearly tuition for an out-of-state TPSID student? $________
PD6_out. What is the average yearly total required fees for an out-of-state TPSID student? $________
PD5. What is the average yearly tuition for a TPSID student? $____________
PD6. What is the average yearly total required fees for a TPSID student? $ ____________
PD7. Does your TPSID operate during the summer months?
Yes Go to question PD8
No Skip to question PD9
PD8. If YES, what services and supports does your program offer to TPSID students during the summer? Check all that apply.
Access to courses
Orientation for new students
Employment Supports for TPSID students with jobs
Employment Services for TPSID students seeking jobs
On campus residential services
Off campus residential services
Social activities organized by the TPSID
Support for TPSID students to participate in social activities not organized by the TPSID
Student mentors
PD9. Did your IHE serve and/or support students with ID prior to receiving the TPSID grant?
Yes Go to question PD10
PD10. If YES, how is your program using TPSID grant funds? Check all that apply
Increasing the number of students with ID served
Expanding access to courses for students with ID
Funding additional locations to serve and support SWID
Adding staff
Providing more academic supports for SWID
Providing more social supports for SWID
Providing more residential options or supports for SWID
STAFF – This information is reported for each TPSID staff person
Staff1. What type of employee best describes this staff member’s job?
Full professor
Associate, Assistant professor, or Adjunct professor
Dean or other Administrator
Research staff
Administrative staff
Graduate student
Undergraduate students
Staff2. What percentage of full time does this person work for the TPSID?
AA1. Are TPSID students required to take placement or ability to benefit tests during the admissions process?
AA2. What types of credentials are available to students who attend your TPSID? Check all that apply.
Associate degree specifically for TPSID students granted and approved by the Institution of Higher Education and not available to other students Go to question AA30
Bachelor’s degree specifically for TPSID students granted and approved by the Institution of Higher Education and not available to other students Go to question AA3
Associate degree granted by the Institution of Higher Education available to both TPSID and non-TPSID students Skip to question AA4
Bachelor’s College degree granted by the Institution of Higher Education available to both TPSID and non-TPSID students Skip to question AA4
Certificate specifically for TPSID students granted and approved by the Institution of Higher Education and not available to other students Go to question AA3
Certificate granted by the Institution of Higher Education available to both TPSID and non-TPSID students Skip to question AA4
Specialized certificate or other exit document specifically for TPSID students granted and approved by the TPSID program (Not the hosting IHE) and not available to other students Go to question AA3
Specialized certificate designed for TPSID students issued from the local education agency not available to other students Go to question AA3
Another credential not listed (Please specify :__________). Go to question AA3
AA3. What elements of a student’s course of study/program are required for the credential?
Check all that apply.
Completion of required courses
Independent Study
Campus Activities
Independent Living
Credit hours
Credit hour equivalents
Other element - Please provide a description: ________________________________________
AA4. What measures does your program use to track satisfactory academic progress for students in the TPSID program? Check all that apply.
Completion of components/stages of meaningful credential in expected completion time
Program completion rate (meeting benchmarks)
Credits earned
Grade point average
Course completion rate
Skill assessment
Student self-rating measure
Peer mentor evaluation
Portfolio assessment
IEP progress or goal achievement (for dually-enrolled students)
Other (please specify: __________)
EC1. Who provides the employment services or work-related direct supports for the students in your TPSID program? Check all that apply.
We do not provide employment services or direct supports for the students in our TPSID program
TPSID program staff
Career Services staff available to all students attending the IHE
Peer mentors or supports
LEA transition staff for dually-enrolled students
State Vocational Rehabilitation Staff
State Intellectual and Developmental Disability agency staff
Separate/Contracted employment service provider
Supervisors at the worksite
Coworkers at the worksite
Other (please specify: __________)
SA1. What strategies are used to identify opportunities and support participating in social activities on campus? Check all that apply.
We do not actively identify opportunities and support participation in social activities on campus
TPSID staff facilitate participation in social opportunities that are desired by TPSID students
Peer mentors plan attendance at and/or attend social events with TPSID students
Non-TPSID Students (undergraduate, graduate, practicum, etc.) plan attendance at and/or attend campus social events with TPSID students
TPSID staff and/or peer mentors organize social events for TPSID students and invite non-TPSID students
TPSID students organize social events and invite non-TPSID students
TPSID students independently seek out and participate in desired social activities
Other (please specify: __________)
SA2. How do you track participation in social activities by students? Check all that apply.
We do not track participation in social activities
Student self report
Peer mentor monitoring
As a follow-up to person-centered planning process
Check student organization membership lists
Scheduling system
Regular review of student’s program plan or course of study
Staff monitored
Use of activity planners
Other (Please specify: ____________________)
PA1. Does the TPSID use Person Centered Planning with participating students?
Yes Go to question PA2
No- Skip to question PA4
PA2. Please indicate the Person Centered Planning model or models you are using? Check all that apply.
We are not using a specific Person Centered Planning model
Planning for Inclusive Communities Together Using Reinforcement and Evaluation (PICTURE)
Choosing Options and Accommodations for Children (COACH)
Making Action Plans (MAPS)
Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH)
Essential lifestyle planning
Personal futures planning
Whole life planning
We use a combination of various models
Other (please specify: ________)
PA3. Who out of the following typically participates in the Person Centered Planning process?
Check all that apply.
The TPSID Student
Other TPSID student
Peer Mentors
Other college peers (non mentors)
Practicum students
Professors (non TPSID staff)
TPSID staff
Education coach
Academic advisors
Disability Services Office staff
Local Education Agency staff
Community agency representatives (e.g. Dept of Voc Rehab)
Representatives of advocacy groups
Employment specialists/job coach
IEP or transition teacher
Personal care provider
Other (please specify: ________)
PA4. What is the TPSID using for an academic advising process? Check one.
Existing academic advising office used by non-TPSID students
Separate advising system specially designed only for TPSID students and administered by TPSID staff
Other (please specify: __________)
PA5. Which of the following best describes students’ involvement in the course selection process? Check one.
Students in our TPSID program have a particular track of courses they are required to take and, therefore, do not have any involvement in the course selection process
Students in our TPSID program select some of the courses they take while others are required for the program
Students in our program select all of the courses they want to take
RA1. Does this IHE provide institutionally owned/affiliated/operated housing for students?
Yes Go to question RA2
No Skip to question RA3
RA2. Do TPSID students have the opportunity to access this housing?
RA3. Does the TPSID facilitate access to housing options not operated by/affiliated with the IHE?
PS1. Does your TPSID use peer mentors?
Yes Go to question PS2
No There are no additional questions to answer in this section
PS2. In which areas do peer mentors support TPSID students? Check all that apply.
Independent living
Other (please specify: __________)
PS3. How are peer mentors at your TPSID compensated? Check all that apply.
Course Credit
Paid for supports
Non-cash compensation (e.g. room and board)
No compensation (e.g. volunteer)
PS4. In which programs of study are peer mentors at your IHE enrolled? Check all that apply.
Peer mentors are not enrolled
Special Education
Rehabilitation counseling
Public health
Liberal arts
General education
Therapies (Physical, Occupational, Speech)
Social work
Biological, cognitive, or physical sciences
Computer Science
Foreign Language
Other (please specify: ________)
OFS1. What types of outreach does your TPSID conduct to potential students and their families?
Check all that apply.
We do not do outreach to potential students and families
Participation in Transition Fairs
Presentations to Local Schools-Public, Private, Charter
Presentations at parent advocacy and support groups
Participation in Adult services/CRP events
Attendance at IEP meetings
Open houses at TPSID
Tours of TPSID
Include information about TPSID in general IHE marketing materials e.g. brochures, website
TPSID marketing materials, e.g. brochures, catalog, newsletters
TPSID website
Other (please specify: ________)
OFS2. What kinds of orientation experiences are provided to family members of students attending the TPSID? Check one.
Attend typical orientation for families sponsored by IHE
Attend special orientation for families sponsored by TPSID
Other, specify: __________
OFS3. What information is offered to family members of students attending the TPSID? Check all that apply.
Transition Issues
Connections to agencies/service providers (i.e. Voc Rehab, Social Security, etc.)
Employer/workplace expectations
Person Centered Planning
Other transition issue (please specify:__________)
IHE-related issues
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Review the IHEs code of conduct
Financial aid
Disability laws that pertain to higher education and how they differ from IDEA (ADA, Rehabilitation Act)
Disability-related services available at the IHE
Non disability-related services available at the IHE
Social Activities at the IHE
Other (IHE-related issue (please specify:____________)
Student-specific Issues
Independent living
Career development/Employment
Other student-specific issue (Please specify:____________)
IIHE1. Do any TPSID staff participate in existing IHE professional development?
Yes Go to question IIHE2
No Skip to question IIHE3
IIHE2. What professional development topics offered by the IHE did staff participate in this academic year? Check all that apply.
Universal Design for Learning
Software/information technology training
Career services
Diversity training
Academic advising
Project management
Leadership training
Staff supervision training
Other (Please specify:____________)
IIHE3. Do any TPSID staff participate in professional development that was not provided by the IHE (E.g. provided by local agencies, staff from your TPSID, staff from another TPSID, staff from the Coordinating Center)?
Yes Go to question IIHE4
No Skip to question IIHE5
IIHE4. Which professional development topics offered by an entity other than the IHE did staff in this academic year? Check all that apply.
Program assessment
Student assessment
Education coaching
Job coaching
Peer mentoring
Employment and Career services
Financial aid
Diversity training
Project management
Other (Please specify:____________)
IIHE5. Have TPSID staff provided or facilitated training and/or professional development for IHE staff?
Yes Go to question IIHE6
No Skip to questions IIHE7
IIHE6. Which training topics did TPSID staff provide to IHE staff in this academic year? Check all that apply.
General overview of postsecondary education for students with ID
Universal Design for Learning
Person Centered Planning
Peer mentoring
Intro to TPSID concept
How to support students with intellectual disabilities
Disability etiquette/awareness
Diversity training
Collaborative opportunities
Other (Please specify:____________)
IIHE7. Do TPSID students follow the academic calendar used by the IHE?
IIHE8. Are TPSID students held to the IHE’s code of conduct?
Yes Go to question IIHE9
No Skip to question IIHE10
IIHE9. How is this code of conduct shared with TPSID students? Check all that apply.
Reviewed with student
Student is given a copy of the code of conduct
Code of conduct is available but is not reviewed with or given directly to students
Other (Please specify:____________)
IIHE10. What strategy or method is used to convey expectations for acceptable behavior to TPSID students?
IIHE11. Do TPSID students receive a transcript? Select one.
Yes, a regular transcript received by non-TPSID students
Yes, a transcript specifically for TPSID students
Yes, a regular transcript and a transcript specifically for TPSID students
No, they do not receive a transcript
IIHE12. Are TPSID students issued ID cards?
Yes Go to question IIHE13
No Skip to question IIHE15
IIHE13. Does this ID card function identically to the one issued to non-TPSID students?
Yes Skip to question IIHE15
No Go to question IIHE14
IIHE14. How does the student ID card issued to TPSID students function differently from the ID card issued to non-TPSID students?
IIHE15. Do TPSID students participate in orientation? Select one.
Yes, the regular orientation for non-TPSID students
Yes, an orientation specifically for TPSID students
Yes, the regular orientation and an orientation specifically for TPSID students
No, they do not participate in orientation
IIHE16. To the best of your knowledge, have TPSID students used any of the following IHE resources in the past year? Check all that apply.
Health center
Counseling services
Safety resources (e.g. campus escorts)
Career services
Financial aid office
Tutoring services
Computer lab
Student IT services
Sports and recreational facilities
Arts/cultural center
Student center
Dining hall
Campus transportation
Students did not use any of these resources this year
COLLABORATION WITH OTHER PARTNERS – Report this information for each partner
CP1. Select the partner the TPSID has an active partnership with:
Education Agencies (K-12, Local, and Regional)
State Education Agency
Vocational Rehabilitation
Community Rehabilitation Provider(s)
Chambers of Commerce/Business councils
Business Leadership Network (BLN)
State Department of Labor
State intellectual/Developmental Disability (IDD) services agency
Self-Advocacy Groups
One-Stop Career Centers (Workforce centers)
University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDDs)
Developmental disability councils (DD Councils)
Health and wellness organizations (e.g., Planned Parenthood, Wellness)
State department of health
Parent Training Information Centers
Parent/family advocacy or support groups
Private foundations
Public transportation agency
Other IHEs
Other (please specify:_________)
For each organization you partner with answer questions CP2 – CP4:
CP2. How frequently does the TPSID interact with this organization? Check one.
CP3: What functions does this partner serve? Check all that apply.
They do not serve any particular function
Team/Consortia member (State or regional)
Serves as a consultant
Participates in project advisory committee
Provides direct service to TPSID students
Provides transportation for TPSID students
Provides training to TPSID students
Provides training to TPSID staff
Participates in PCP
Provides career development/employment opportunities for TPSID students
Conducts recruitment/outreach
Provides instructional opportunities for TPSID students
Other (please specify:____________)
CP4. What resources does this partner contribute to the TPSID program? Check all that apply.
Staff time and expertise
Funds for student tuition
Funds for other expenses
Physical space
FS1. Other than the funding you received from the Office of Postsecondary Education, which of the following sources of funds are you using to support the development & implementation of your TPSID program (e.g. to pay TPSID staff & other expenses)? Check all that apply.
IHE resources
Local school districts (LEDs)
Other government-funded grants
Private foundation grants
Funding from state budget
State intellectual/developmental disability (IDD) services agency funds
State Vocational Rehabilitation agency funds
Veteran’s Affairs funds
Student/Family funds
Individual and/or corporate donors
Other funding sources (please specify: __________)
We don't use any of the sources listed above
EA1. What sources of data are you using for your program evaluation? Check all that apply.
Data collection mechanism |
Population |
TPSID students |
Non-TPSID students (incl. peer mentors) |
Family members |
IHE faculty/staff |
Advisory Committee |
Employers |
Other partners |
Do not use this mechanism |
Satisfaction surveys |
Other surveys |
Focus groups |
Interviews |
Observations |
Document record review |
Employment outcomes data |
Academic data |
Other, please specify ____________ |
For each data source you are using:
EA2. How frequently do you collect or compile these data? Check one.
Less than once a year
Once per year
2 times per year
3 times per year
4 times per year
More than 4 times per year
For each data source you are using:
EA3. How frequently do you analyze or review these data? Check one.
Less than once a year
Once per year
2 times per year
3 times per year
4 times per year
More than 4 times per year
EA4. Does your IHE and/or TPSID program collect follow-up data on students who exited the TPSID program (with or without a credential)? Select one.
Yes Go to question EA5
No There are no additional questions to answer in this section
Not yet There are no additional questions to answer in this section
Don't Know There are no additional questions to answer in this section
EA5. For how long after exiting the program does the IHE and/or TPSID program collect data on students? Select one.
1 year
2 years
3 years
4 years
5 or more years
EA6. Which follow-up data does the IHE and/or TPSID program collect? Check all that apply.
Type of job
Hours worked per week
Length of employment
Volunteer or community service activities
Living situation
High school graduation rate
Postsecondary graduation rate
Transfer to 2 or 4-year colleges and universities
Social or community involvement measures
Self-determination measures
Independent living measures
Quality of life measures
Other (please specify:__________)
We do not collect any of these measures
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Frank Smith |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-31 |