Transition and Postsecondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSID) TPSID Evaluation System
Public Burden Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated at 1 hour and 30 minutes hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefit from the Higher Education Opportunities Act (HEOA) Amendments of 2008 (20 USC 1140f-1140i). Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20202-4536 or email and reference the OMB Control Number 1840-NEW. Note: Please do not return the completed TPSID Student Level Evaluation Tool to this address.
SC2. Student’s gender.
SC3. What is this student’s ethnicity? Choose one.
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
SC4. What is this person's race? Mark one or more races to indicate what this person considers himself/herself to be.
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
This student's race is unknown
SC5. What disabilities does this student have? Check all that apply
None of these disabilities
Developmental delay
Emotional disturbance
Hearing impairment
Intellectual disability
Multiple disabilities
Orthopedic impairment
Other health impairment
Specific learning disability
Speech or language impairment
Traumatic brain injury
Visual impairment, including blindness
SC5a. What documentation did you use to confirm this student has an intellectual disability?
This was not confirmed through documentation
Neuropsychological or psychological examination report
Physician’s documentation of disability
Individualized Education Plan
SSA Disability Determination
Other (please specify:________________)
SC6. What types of benefits is this student receiving? Check all that apply.
SSI (Supplemental Security Income)
SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance)
Unemployment Insurance
TANF (Temporary Aid to Needy Families)
Other (please specify:________________)
Don’t Know
SC7. What types of health insurance does this student have? Check all that apply.
Private health insurance
Student health insurance
Other (please specify:________________)
Don’t know
SC8. Which of the following best describes the curriculum and educational setting the student experienced in his/her high school prior to entry into the TPSID program? Check one.
Fully included in general education curriculum in general education classes
Partially included in general education curriculum with majority of classes in general education
Student spent half of their time in general education and half of their time in special education
Partially included in general education curriculum with majority of classes in special education
Not included in general education curriculum or classes/only in special education classes (e.g., life skills)
Don’t know
Other (please specify:________________)
SC9. What, if any, type of statewide assessment did this student take while in high school? Choose one.
Regular with or without accommodations
Don’t know
Other (please specify:________________)
SC10. Was this student ever employed for pay at or above minimum wage prior to entry into the TPSID program? Choose one.
Don’t know
Age. Student’s age on September 1, 2011 (year listed will correspond to year of annual record): ____
AS1. During this year did this student receive special education services via public school system under IDEA?
Yes Skip to question AS3
No Go to question AS2
AS2. What is the student’s high school graduation status? Choose one.
Received certificate of completion or attendance
Received standard diploma
Received modified or special diploma
Received GED/high school equivalency certificate
Dropped out
Other (please specify:________________)
AS3 What was the student’s enrollment status in the IHE as of September 2011? Check all that apply.
Not enrolled
Enrolled as a TPSID program student
Enrolled as a special student
Enrolled in a IHE recognized certificate program
Enrolled as a degree-seeking student
Enrolled as non-degree student
AS3_1. What is the residency status of this TPSID student for the purposes of tuition and fees?
In-state student
Out-of-state student
Other (please specify:________________)
AS3A. Did this individual exit the TPSID program between Sept 2011 and Sept 2012? (years listed will correspond to the year of the annual record)
Yes (answer questions EX1-EX8)
No Skip to question AS4
(Once AS3A is answered “yes” student exit form questions should be completed prior to answering the remaining academic status questions.)
Exit details
EX1. What was this individual’s date of exit: mm/dd/yyyy
EX2. What were the reasons for the individual’s exit? Check all that apply
Completed TPSID program and earned TPSID credential Skip to question EX3
Completed degree or certificate program available to TPSID and non-TPSID students Skip to question EX3
Transferred to another postsecondary education program Go to EX2_1 and Skip EX3 and EX4-EX4d if they did not complete the TPSID program or earn a degree
Student no longer wanted to attend TPSID program Please specify why: _______ Then skip to question EX3_1
Student was dismissed from TPSID program. Please specify why: _______ Then skip to question EX3_1
Unknown Skip to question EX3_1
Other reason, please specify: ________________ Then skip to question EX3_1
EX2_1. Which type of program did they transfer to?
A specialized postsecondary education program for students with ID
A general postsecondary education program for students with and without ID
EX2_2. Which type if institution did they transfer to?
A 2-year IHE
A 4-year IHE
A vocational or technical school
Academic Achievements
EX3. Which types of credential or credentials did this individual earn? Check all that apply
Associate Degree specifically for TPSID students granted and approved by the Institution of Higher Education and not available to other students
Bachelor’s Degree specifically for TPSID students granted and approved by the Institution of Higher Education and not available to other students
Associate degree granted by the Institution of Higher Education available to both TPSID and non-TPSID students
Bachelor’s degree granted by the Institution of Higher Education available to both TPSID and non-TPSID students
Certificate specifically for TPSID students granted and approved by the Institution of Higher Education and not available to other students
Certificate granted by the Institution of Higher Education available to both TPSID and non-TPSID students
Specialized certificate or other exit document specifically for TPSID students granted and approved by the TPSID program (Not the hosting IHE) and not available to other students
Specialized certificate designed for TPSID students issued from the local education agency not available to other students
Another credential not listed (Please specify :__________).
EX3_1. Has this individual expressed an interest in returning to postsecondary education in the future?
EX4. Is this individual currently, or within the next 6 months, participating in additional postsecondary education?
Yes they are currently attending Go to EX4a
Yes, they will attend within the next 6 months Skip to EX4c
EX4a. Which type of program is this individual attending?
A specialized postsecondary education program for students with ID
A general postsecondary education program for students with and without ID
EX4b. At what type of institution are they doing this?
A 2-year IHE
A 4-year IHE
A vocational or technical school
EX4c. Which type of program will this individual be attending?
A specialized postsecondary education program for students with ID
A general postsecondary education program for students with and without ID
EX4d. At what type of institution will they be doing this?
A 2-year IHE
A 4-year IHE
A vocational or technical school
Employment/Career development
EX5. Which of the following unpaid/volunteer experiences was this individual participating in after they exited the program? Check all that apply
This individual did not participate in unpaid/volunteer experiences at the time of exit from the program
Service learning opportunities
Unpaid internships (not for-credit)
Unpaid internships (for-credit)
Volunteering and/or Community service
Unpaid individual work training sites
Other unpaid/volunteer experience, (please specify:________)
EX6. In which type of residence did the student live after exiting the program? Choose one
With Family
Independent - on his/her own
Supervised apartment or supported living situation
Group home
Host Family/Foster Care
Other (please specify:________________)
EX7. What types of benefits was this student receiving after they exited the program? Check all that apply.
SSI (Supplemental Security Income)
SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance)
Unemployment Insurance
TANF (Temporary Aid to Needy Families)
Other (please specify:________________)
Don’t Know
EX8. What types of health insurance did this student have after they exited the program? Check all that apply.
Private health insurance
Student health insurance
Other, please specify:_____________________________________
Academic Status Continued
AS4. What year of the TPSID program is the student in? Choose one.
1st year
2nd year
3rd year
4th year
Beyond 4th year
AS5. Is this their final year in the TPSID program?
Don’t know
AS6. Is this student seeking the meaningful credential offered by TPSID?
Yes Go to question AS7
No Skip to question AS8
We do not offer a meaningful credential at this time Skip to question AS8
AS7. Is the student making satisfactory progress toward this credential?
AS8. Is this student seeking a degree or certificate offered by the IHE other than a credential offered by the TPSID?
Yes Go to question AS9
No Skip to question AS10
AS9. Is the student making satisfactory progress toward this degree or certificate?
AS10. How did this student register for courses this year? Check all that apply.
The student used a typical registration process used by non-TPSID students
The student used a typical registration process used by non-TPSID students with supports
The student used a special registration process specifically for TPSID students
AS11. What accommodations did this student receive through the IHE’s Disability Services Office (DSO) and/or the TPSID this year? Please check DSO, TPSID, or both for each accommodation received.
This student did not receive any accommodations this year
Laptop computer
Note takers
Outline or notes from professor (if available)
Tape recorded lecture
FM Listening Device
Priority seating
Advanced receipt of syllabus and course handouts
Course materials in alternative format
Textbooks on tape (RFBD or other)
Kurzweil Reader or ereader
Screen Reader/CCTV
Screen Enlarger
Other technology
TextHELP: Read and Write software
Spellchecker and grammar checker
No penalty for spelling/grammar errors in spontaneous writing, except where spelling and grammar are an integral part of the course requirements
Education coach or mentor
Extended time for tests
Academic support, counseling referral
Modified course load
Alternative test format or locations
Modified course assignments
Course substitute for "required" course
Priority registration
Early registration
Other (please specify:________________)
AS12. (TO BE ANSWERED AT THE END OF THE YEAR) Was this student able to access all of the courses they wanted to take this year?
No Go to question AS13
AS13. Please explain why the student was not able to access all of the courses they wanted to take:
Please provide the following information for each course the student completed this year:
CO1.What is the Course Title:
CO2. Which of the following best describes this course?
For-credit attended only by TPSID students
For-credit attended by TPSID and non-TPSID students
Non-credit attended only by TPSID students
Non-credit attended by TPSID and non-TPSID students
Continuing Education attended only by TPSID students
Continuing Education attended by TPSID and non-TPSID students
CO3. What subjects are covered in this course? Check all that apply.
Academic skills
Career preparation instruction
Life skills instruction
Technology training/computer literacy
Social skills training
Community participation instruction
Independent living instruction
Travel training instruction
Individual instruction or tutoring
Other (please specify:________________)
Please report the following information for each course a student is taking.
AC1. How is the student accessing this course? Choose one.
Enrolled for credit that can only be used towards the TPSID credential
Enrolled for standard IHE credit
Enrolled not for-credit
Unofficially attending the course/sitting in
AC2. Why is the student taking this course? Check all that apply.
It is related to his/her career goals
It is related to his/her personal interest
It is required for TPSID credential
It is required for their degree/certificate
Other reason, (please specify:________________)
F1. Which of the following funding sources are used to pay tuition for TPSID students?
Check all that apply.
Private pay (student and family)
State intellectual/developmental disability (IDD) services agency: state or local funds
Local Education Agency
Financial Aid (Pell grants, Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants)
Private student loans
Federal/State grant
Foundation/Private grant
State Vocational Rehabilitation agency funds
G.I. Bill funds
State IDD Services Agency: Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver funds
Tuition Waivers via VR or Social Security
National Service grants
Social Security funds e.g. PASS plan
Other funding source (please specify: __________)
None of these sources are used to fund the students tuition
F2. Which of the following funding sources are used to pay for non-tuition expenses for TPSID students? Check all that apply.
Private pay (student and family)
State intellectual/developmental disability (IDD) services agency: state or local funds
Local Education Agency
Financial Aid (Pell grants, Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants)
Private student loans
Federal/State grant
Foundation/Private grant
State Vocational Rehabilitation agency funds
G.I. Bill funds
State IDD Services Agency: Medicaid HCBS Waiver funds
Tuition Waivers via VR or Social Security
National Service grants
Social Security funds e.g. PASS plan
Other funding source (please specify: __________)
None of these sources are used to fund the student’s non-tuition expenses
CDE1. Which of the following unpaid/volunteer experiences did the student participate in this year? Check all that apply.
This student did not participate in unpaid/volunteer experiences this year
Service learning opportunities
Unpaid internships (not for-credit)
Unpaid internships (for-credit)
Volunteering and/or Community service
Unpaid individual work training sites
Other unpaid/volunteer experience, please specify:________)
Please report the following information for each paid job the student has. Items with an * following them are updated each time the status for this item changes for a particular job.
Name of the employer:______________
Student’s Job Title at this job: ___________________*
Job start date: mm/dd/yyyy
Job exit date: mm/dd/yyyy (entered only if student leaves this job)
JOB1. Please select the category that best describes this job:
Individual paid job
Federal work-study
Paid internships (for-credit)
Paid internships (non-credit)
Group paid work (Enclave or mobile work crew)
Individual work training sites paid by stipend (below minimum wage)
Group work training sites paid by stipend (below minimum wage)
Sheltered workshop
JOB2. Are there other employees in this workplace who have a disability?
Don’t know
JOB3. What is the student’s hourly rate of pay at this job?*
Below minimum wage
Minimum wage
Above minimum wage
JOB4. How many hours per week on average does the student work in this job?*
Under 5 hours per week
Between 5 and 10 hours per week
Between 11 and 20 hours per week
Between 21 and 30 hours per week
Between 31 and 40 hours per week
Over 40 hours per week
JOB5. What occupation does the individual’s job fall in? Choose one.
Management Occupations
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Community and Social Services Occupations
Legal Occupations
Education, Training, and Library Occupations
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Healthcare Support Occupations
Protective Service Occupations
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Personal Care and Service Occupations
Sales and Related Occupations
Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations
Construction and Extraction Occupations
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
Production Occupations
Transportation and Material Moving Occupations
Military Specific Occupations
JOB6. What benefits does the student receive at this job? Check all that apply.
Paid vacation
Paid sick time
Paid holidays
Health insurance
Dental insurance
Life insurance
Vision insurance
Compensatory time
JOB7. What employment supports does the student receive at this job? Check all that apply.
Personal Care Assistant Skip to question JOB9
Natural supports Skip to question JOB9
Off-site coaching/instruction Skip to question JOB9
Assistive technology Skip to question JOB9
Other support (please specify:______________) Skip to question JOB9
Job coaching Go to question JOB8
JOB8. For what percentage of the time is a job coach present?
0-25% of the time
26-50% of the time
51-75% of the time
76-100% of the time
JOB9. How does this student get to their place of employment? Check all that apply.
Rides a bicycle, scooter, moped, or skateboard
Drives self
Friend assists
Family member
Public transportation
LEA provided transport
Para transit
IHE transportation
Transportation Provided by IDD Agency
TPSID staff
Other (please specify:___________________)
We do not know how this student gets to work
Job12. (Answered for all jobs the student held at point of exit) Will this individual remain at this job after exit?
Yes Go to Job13
No Skip to Job15
Job13. Does the individual desire to keep working at this job?
Job14. On average, how many hours each week will they be working at this job after exit? ___________
Job15. What was the hourly rate of pay at this job when the student exited the TPSID?
SP1. To the best of your knowledge, what social activities does this student participate in? Check all that apply. For each activity you check, please offer a description of how the student participated.
Going out with friends (E.g. movies, bars, parties, restaurants, etc.)
Attend organized social event on campus (E.g. dances, movie screenings, residence hall events, performing arts, etc.)
Participate in performing arts groups (E.g. Musical, Theater, Poetry slam, etc.)
Attend open house of student clubs and organizations
Greek system (fraternity/sorority)
Attend sporting events
Participate in sports
Community service organizations
Student religious organizations
Student government
Student political organizations
Student diversity organizations
Best Buddies (Peer friendship organization)
Other social activity
This student did not participate in any social activities this year
LS1. Where does this student live? Choose one.
With Family Skip to question LS5
In a residence provided by or associated with the IHE or TPSID program Skip to question LS3
In another residence not provided by or associated with the IHE or TPSID program Go to question LS2, do not answer question LS3
LS2. In which type of residence not provided by or associated with the IHE or TPSID program does the student live? Choose one.
Independent - on his/her own
Supervised apartment or supported living situation
Group home
Host Family/Foster Care
Other (please specify:___________)
LS3. Which type of residence offered by or associated with IHE or TPSID program does the student live? Select one.
Residence hall or section of a residence hall primarily for TPSID students
Residence hall or section of a residence hall where the majority of residents are non-TPSID students
On-campus apartments primarily for TPSID students
On-campus apartments where the majority of residents are non-TPSID students
Off-campus apartments primarily for TPSID students
Off-campus apartments where the majority of residents are non-TPSID students
Fraternity/sorority houses primarily for TPSID students
Fraternity/sorority houses where the majority of residents are non-TPSID students
Other (please specify:____________)
LS4. Which of the following residential supports does the student receive? Check all that apply.
Roommate/suitemate who receives compensation
An uncompensated roommate/suitemate who provides supports
Residential Assistant or Advisor who provides supports
Continuous staff support
Intermittent or on-call staff support
Other support (please specify:__________)
LS5. How does this student get to class and campus activities? Check all that apply
Rides a bicycle, scooter, moped, or skateboard
Drives self
Friend assists
Family member
Public transportation
LEA provided transport
Para transit
IHE transportation
Transportation Provided by IDD Agency
TPSID staff
Other transportation (please specify:____________)
We do not know how this student gets to campus
This student does not go to campus
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Frank A. Smth |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-31 |